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A Survey of Complex-Valued Neural Networks Joshua Bassey, Xiangfang Li, Lijun Qian Center of Excellence in Research and Education for Big Military Data Intelligence (CREDIT) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Prairie View A&M University, Texas A&M University System Prairie View, TX 77446, USA Email: jbassey@student.pvamu.edu, xili@pvamu.edu, liqian@pvamu.edu Abstract—Artificial neural networks (ANNs) based machine valued model, as this offers a more constrained system than a learning models and especially deep learning models have been real-valued model [3]. arXiv:2101.12249v1 [stat.ML] 28 Jan 2021 widely applied in computer vision, signal processing, wireless communications, and many other domains, where complex num- Complex-valued neural networks (CVNN) are ANNs that bers occur either naturally or by design. However, most of the process information using complex-valued parameters and current implementations of ANNs and machine learning frame- variables [4]. The main reason for their advocacy lies in works are using real numbers rather than complex numbers. the difference between the representation of the arithmetic of There are growing interests in building ANNs using complex complex numbers, especially the multiplication operation. In numbers, and exploring the potential advantages of the so called complex-valued neural networks (CVNNs) over their real-valued other words, multiplication function which results in a phase counterparts. In this paper, we discuss the recent development rotation and amplitude modulation yields an advantageous of CVNNs by performing a survey of the works on CVNNs in reduction of the degree of freedom [5]. The advantage of the literature. Specifically, detailed review of various CVNNs in ANNs is their self-organization and high degree of freedom in terms of activation function, learning and optimization, input learning. By knowing a priori about the amplitude and phase and output representations, and their applications in tasks such as signal processing and computer vision are provided, followed portion in data, a potentially dangerous portion of the freedom by a discussion on some pertinent challenges and future research can be minimized by using CVNNs. directions. Recently, CVNNs have received increased interests in signal Index Terms—complex-valued neural networks; complex num- processing and machine learning research communities. In ber; machine learning; deep learning this paper, we discuss the recent development of CVNNs by performing a survey of the works on CVNNs in the literature. I. I NTRODUCTION The contributions of this paper include Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are data-driven comput- 1) A systematic review and categorization of the state- ing systems inspired by the dynamics and functionality of the of-the-art CVNNs has been carried out based on their human brain. With the advances in machine learning especially activation functions, learning and optimization methods, in deep learning, ANNs based deep learning models have gain input and output representations, and their applications tremendous usages in many domains and have been tightly in various tasks such as signal processing and computer fused into our daily lives. Applications such as automatic vision. speech recognition make it possible to have conversations 2) Detailed description of the different schools of thoughts, with computers, enable computers to generate speech and similarities and differences in approaches, and advan- musical notes with realistic sounds, and separate a mixture of tages and limitations of various CVNNs are provided. speech into single audio-streams for each speaker [1]. Other 3) Further discussions on some pertinent challenges and examples include object identification and tracking, personal- future research directions are given. ized recommendations, and automating important tasks more To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work solely efficiently [2]. dedicated to a comprehensive review of complex-valued neural In many of the practical applications, complex numbers are networks. often used such as in telecommunications, robotics, bioinfor- The rest of this paper is structured as follows. A background matics, image processing, sonar, radar, and speech recognition. on CVNNs, as well as their use cases are presented in This suggests that ANNs using complex numbers to represent Section II. Section III discusses CVNNs according to the type inputs, outputs, and parameters such as weights, have potential of activation functions used. Section IV reviews CVNNs based in these domains. For example, it has been shown that the on their learning and optimization approaches. The CVNNs phase spectra is able to encode fine-scale temporal depen- characterized by their input and output representations are dencies [1]. Furthermore, the real and imaginary parts of a reviewed in Section V. Various applications of CVNNs are complex number have some statistical correlation. By knowing presented in Section VI and challenges and potential research in advance the importance of phase and magnitude to our directions are discussed in Section VII. Section VIII contains learning objective, it makes more sense to adopt a complex- the concluding remarks.
TABLE I dient is equivalent to obtaining the gradients of the real and S YMBOLS AND N OTATIONS imaginary components in part. C multivalued neural network (MVN) learning rate C complex domain B. Why Complex-Valued Neural Networks R real domain Artificial neural networks (ANNs) based machine learning d desired output e individual error of network output models and especially deep learning models have gained wide elog logarithmic error spread usage in recent years. However, most of the current E error of network output implementations of ANNs and machine learning frameworks f activation function i imaginary unity are using real numbers rather than complex numbers. There Im imaginary component are growing interests in building ANNs using complex num- j values of k-valued logic bers, and exploring the potential advantages of the so called J regularization cost function k output indices complex-valued neural networks (CVNNs) over their real- l indices of preceeding network layer valued counterparts. The first question is: why CVNNs are n indices for input samples needed? N total number of input samples o actual output (prediction) Although in many analyses involving complex numbers, p dimension of real values the individual components of the complex number have been Re real component treated independently as real numbers, it would be erroneous to m indices for output layer of MVN t regularization threshold parameter apply the same concept to CVNNs by assuming that a CVNN T target for MVN is equivalent to a two-dimensional real-valued neural network. u real part of activation function In fact, it has been shown that this is not the case [11], because v imaginary part of activation function x real part of weighted sum the operation of complex multiplication limits the degree y imaginary part of weighed sum of freedom of the CVNNs at the synaptic weighting. This Y output of MVN suggests that the phase-rotational dynamics strongly underpins δ partial differential ∆ total differential the process of learning. ∇ gradientoperator From a biological perspective, the complex-valued repre- l(e) mean square loss function sentation has been used in a neural network [12]. The output l(elog ) logarithmic loss function ∗ global error for MVN of a neuron was expressed as a function of its firing rate neuron error for MVN specified by its amplitude, and the comparative timing of ω error threshold for MVN its activity is represented by its phase. Exploiting complex- β̂ regularized weights λ regularization parameter valued neurons resulted in more versatile representations. X all inputs With this formulation, input neurons with similar phases add w individual weight constructively and are termed synchronous, and asynchronous W all network weights z weighted sum neurons with dissimilar phases interfere with each other be- |·| modulo operation cause they add destructively. This is akin to the behavior k·k euclidean distance of the gating operation applied in deep feedforward neural ∠ angle networks [13], as well as in recurrent neural networks [14]. In the gating mechanism, the controlling gates are typically the The symbols and notations used in this review are summa- sigmoid-based activation, and synchronization describes the rized in Table I. propagation of inputs with simultaneously high values held by their controlling gates. This property of incorporating phase II. BACKGROUND information may be one of the reasons for the effectiveness of using complex-valued representations in recurrent neural A. Historical Notes networks. The ADALINE machine [6], a one-neuron, one-layer ma- The importance of phase is backed from the biological chine is one of the earliest implementations of a trainable perspective and also from a signal processing point of view. neural network influenced by the Rosenblatt perceptron [7]. Several studies have shown that the intelligibility of speech ADALINE used least mean square (LMS) and stochastic is affected largely by the information contained in the phase gradient descent for deriving optimal weights. portion of the audio signal [1], [15]. Similar results have also The LMS was first extended to the complex domain in [8], been shown for images. For example, it was shown in [16] where gradient descent was derived with respect to the real that by exploiting the information encoded in the phase of an and imaginary part. Gradient descent was further generalized image, one can sufficiently recover most of the information in [9] using Wirtinger Calculus such that the gradient was encoded in its magnitude. This is because the phase describes performed with respect to complex variables instead of the objects in an image in terms of edges, shapes and their real components. Wirtinger Calculus provides a framework orientations. for obtaining the gradient with respect to complex-valued From a computational perspective, holographic reduced functions [10]. The complex-valued representation of the gra- representations (HRRs) were combined to enhance the storage
of data as key-value pairs in [17]. The idea is to mitigate TABLE II two major limitations of recurrent neural networks: (1) the C OMPLEX -VALUED ACTIVATION F UNCTIONS dependence of the number of memory cells on the recurrent Activation Function Corresponding Publications weight matrices’ size, and (2) lack of memory indexing Split-type A [11], [25]–[50] during writing and reading, causing the inability to learn Split-type B [5], [11], [26], [46], [51]–[60] to represent common data structures such as arrays. The Fully Complex (ETF) [51], [61]–[66] Non Parametric [67] complex conjugate was used for key retrieval instead of the Energy Functions [68]–[71] inverse of the weight matrix in [17]. The authors showed Complex ReLU [34], [72]–[80] that the use of complex numbers by Holographic Reduced Nonlinear Phase [81]–[107] Linear Activation [108] Representation for data retrieval from associative memories Split Kernel Activation [67] is more numerically stable and efficient. They further showed Complex Kernel Activation [67] that even conventional networks such as residual networks [18] Absolute Value Activation [109] and Highway networks [13] display similar framework to Hybrid Activation [110] Mobius Activation [110] that of associative memories. In other words, each residual network uses the identity connection to insert or “aggregate” the computed residual into memory. Furthermore, orthogonal weight matrices have been shown rotation of a signal is equivalent to shifting its phase to mitigate the well-known problem of exploding and van- in the frequency domain. This means that during phase ishing gradient problems associated with recurrent neural change, the real and imaginary components of a complex networks in the real-valued case. Unitary weight matrices are number are statistically correlated. This assumption is a generalization of orthogonal weight matrices to the complex voided when real-valued models are used especially on plane. Unitary matrices are the core of Unitary RNNs [19], the frequency domain signal. and uncover spectral representations by applying the discrete 2) If the relevance of the magnitude and phase to the Fourier transform. Hence, they offer richer representations learning objective is known a priori, then it is more than orthogonal matrices. This idea behind unitary RNNs was reasonable to use a complex-valued model because it exploited in [20], where a general framework was derived for imposes more constrains on the complex-valued model learning unitary matrices and applied on a real-world speech than a real-valued model would. problem as well as other toy tasks. III. ACTIVATION F UNCTIONS OF CVNN S As for the theoretical point of view, a complex number can be represented either in vector or matrix form. Consequently, Activation functions introduce non-linearity to the affine the multiplication of two complex numbers can be represented transformations in neural networks. This gives the model as a matrix-vector multiplication. However, the use of the more expressiveness. Given an input x ∈ CM , and weights matrix representation increases the number of dimensions and W ∈ CN ×M , where M and N represent the dimensionality parameters of the model. It is also common knowledge in of the input and output respectively, the output y ∈ CN of any machine learning that the more complicated a model in terms neuron is: of parameters, the greater the tendency of the model to overfit. Hence, using real-valued operations to approximate these f (z) = Wx, (1) complex parameters could result in a model with undesirable generalization characteristics. On the contrary, in the complex where f is a nonlinear activation-function operation performed domain, the matrix representation mimics a rotation matrix. element-wise. Neural networks have been shown to be neural This means that half of the entries of the matrix is fixed once approximators using the sigmoid squashing activation func- the other half is known. This constraint reduces the degrees tions that are monotonic as well as bounded [21]–[24]. of freedom and enhances the generalization capacity of the The majority of the activation functions that have been model. proposed for CVNNs in the literature are summarized in Table Based on the above discussions, it is clear that there are II. Activation functions are generally thought of as being two main reasons for the use of complex numbers for neural holomorphic or non-holomorphic. In other words, the major networks concern is whether the activation function is differentiable 1) In many application domains such as wireless commu- everywhere, differentiable around certain points, or not dif- nication or audio processing, where complex numbers ferentiable at all. Complex functions that are holomorphic occur naturally or by design, there is a correlation at every point are known as “entire functions”. However, in between the real and imaginary parts of the complex the complex domain, one cannot have a bounded complex signal. For instance, Fourier transform involves a linear activation function that is complex-differentiable at the same transformation, with a direct correspondence between time. This stems from Liouville’s theorem which states that the multiplication of a signal by a scalar in the time- all bounded entire functions are a constant. Hence, it is domain, and multiplying the magnitude of the signal in not possible to have a CVNN that uses squashing activation the frequency domain. In the time domain, the circular functions and is entire.
Fig. 2. Split-type hyperbolic tangent activation function have been proposed and used in so called “fully complex” networks. The hyperbolic tangent is an example of a fully complex activation function and has been used in [63]. Figure Fig. 1. Geometric Interpretation for discrete-valued MVN activation function 2 shows its surface plots. It can be observed that singularities in the output can be caused by values on the imaginary axis. In order to avoid explosion of values, inputs have to be properly One of the first works on complex activation function was scaled. done by Naum Aizenberg [111], [112]. According to these Some researchers suggest that it is not necessary to impose works, A multi-valued neuron (MVN) is a neural element with the strict constraint of requiring that the activation function n inputs and one output lying on the unit circle, and with be holomorphic. Those of this school of thought advocate complex-valued weights. The mapping is described as: for activations which are differentiable with respect to their imaginary and real parts. These activations are called split f (x1 , ..., xn ) = f (w0 + w1 x1 + ... + wn xn ) (2) activation functions and can either be real-imaginary (Type where x1 , ..., xn are the dependent variables of the function, A) or amplitude-phase (Type B) [114]. A Type A split-real and w0 , w1 , .., wn are the weights. All variables are complex, activation was used in [25] where the real and imaginary and all outputs of the function are the kth roots of unity j = parts of the signal were input into a Sigmoid function. A exp(i2πj/k), j ∈ [0, k − 1], and i is imaginary unity. f is an Type B split amplitude-phase nonlinear activation function that activation function on the weighted sum defined as: squashes the magnitude and preserves phase was proposed in [51] and [5]. f (z) = exp(i2πj/k), While Type B activations preserve the phase and squashes if 2πj/k ≤ arg(z) < 2π(j + 1)/k (3) the magnitude, activation functions that instead preserve the magnitude and squash the phase have been proposed. These where w0 + w1 x1 + ... + wn xn is the weighted sum, arg(z) type of activation functions termed “phasor networks” when is the argument of z, and j = 0, 1, ..., k − 1 represents originally introduced [115], where output values extend from values of the k-valued logic. A geometric interpretation of the the origin to the unit circle [105], [116]–[119]. The multi- MVN activation function is shown in Figure 1. The activation threshold logic activation functions used by multi-valued neu- function represented by equation (3) divides the complex plain ral networks [120] are also based on a similar idea. into k equal sectors, and implements a mapping of the entire Although most of the early approaches favor the split complex plane onto the unit circle. method based on non-holomorphic functions, gradient- The same concept can be extended to continuous-valued preserving backpropagation can still be performed on fully inputs. By making k → ∞, the angles of the sectors in Figure complex activations. Consequently, elementary transcendental 1 will tend towards zero. This continuous-valued MVN is functions (ETF) have been proposed [66], [121], [122] to train obtained by transforming equation (3) to: the neural network when there are no singularities found in the domain of interest. This is because singularities in ETFs f (z) = exp(i(arg(z))) = eiArg(z) = z/|z| (4) are isolated. where z is the weighted sum, |z| is the modulo of z. Equation Radial basis functions have also been proposed for complex (3) maps the complex plane to a discrete subset of points on networks [123]–[126], and spline-based activation functions the unit circle whereas equation (4) maps the complex plane were proposed in works such as [127] and [128]. In a more re- to the entire unit circle. cent work [67], non-parametric functions were proposed. The There is no general consensus on the most appropriate non-parametric kernels can be used in the complex domain activation function for CVNNs in the literature. The main directly or separately on the imaginary and real components. requirement is to have a nonlinear function that is not sus- Given its widespread adoption and success in deep real- ceptible to exploding or vanishing gradients during training. valued networks, the ReLU activation [129]: Since the work of Aizenberg, other activation functions have been proposed. For example, Holomorphic functions [113] ReLU (x) := max(x, 0) , (5)
has been proposed because it mitigates the problem of van- where (·) is the conjugate function. If d = r exp(iφ) and ishing gradients encountered with Sigmoid activation. For o = r̂ exp(iφ̂) are the polar representations of the desired and example, ReLU was applied in [19] after a trainable bias actual outputs respectively, the log error function is a monoton- parameter was added to the magnitude of the complex number. ically decreasing function. With this representation, the errors In their approach, the phase is preserved while the magnitude in magnitude and phase can have explicit representation in the is non-linearly transformed. The authors in [130] applied logarithmic loss function given as: ReLU separately on both real and imaginary parts of the 2 1 r̂k 2 complex number. The phase is nonlinearly mapped when the L(elog ) = log + φ̂k − φk (11) input lies in quadrant other than the upper right quadrant of 2 rk the Argand diagram. However, neither of these activations are such that elog → 0 when r̂k → rk and φ̂k → φk . The error holomorphic. functions in equations (7) and (10) are suitable for complex- The activation functions discussed in this section along with valued regression. For classification, one may map the output some others are listed in Table II. For example, a cardioid of the network to the real domain using a transform that is activation in [85] is defined as: not necessarily holomorphic. 1 Table III details the most popular learning methods imple- (1 + cos(∠z))z, f (z) = (6) mented in the literature. In general, there are two approaches 2 for training CVNNs. The first approach follows the same and this was applied in [85] for magnitude resonance imaging method used in training the real-valued neural networks where (MRI) fingerprinting. The cardioid activation function is a the error is backpropagated from the output layer to the input phase sensitive complex extension of the ReLU. layer using gradient descent. In the second approach, the error There are other activation functions besides those described is backpropagated but without gradient descent. in this section. There are activation functions which are suitable for both real and complex hidden neurons. There TABLE III is still no agreed consensus on which scenarios warrant the L EARNING M ETHODS FOR C OMPLEX -VALUED N EURAL N ETWORKS use of holomorphic functions such as ETFs, or the use of nonholomorphic functions that are more closely related to the Error Propagation Method Corresponding Publications nonlinear activation functions widely used in current state-of- Split-Real Backpropagation [5], [6], [11], [25], [30], [36], [37], [39], [43], [45]–[47], [55], [57], the-art real-valued deep architectures. In general, there are no [64], [72], [79], [132]–[136] group of activation functions that are deemed the best for both Fully Complex Backpropagation [8], [33]–[35], [51], [61], [63], real or complex neural networks. (CR) [65], [66], [121], [137], [138] MLMVN [82], [86], [89]–[93], [95], [97]– [99], [101], [103], [104], [107], IV. O PTIMIZATION AND LEARNING IN CVNN S [111], [112], [139]–[142] Learning in neural networks refers to the process of tuning Orthogonal Least Square [124], [125] Quarternion-based Backpropaga- [54] the weights of the network to optimize learning objectives such tion as minimizing a loss function. The optimal set of weights are Hebbian Learning [56] those that allow the neural network generalize best to out- Complex Barzilai-Borwein Train- [137] of-sample data. Given the desired and predicted output of a ing Method complex neural network, or ground truth and prediction in the context of supervised learning, d ∈ CN and o ∈ CN , A. Gradient-based Approach respectively, the error is Different approaches to the backpropagation algorithm in e := d − o. (7) the complex domain were independently proposed by various researchers in the early 1990’s. For example, a derivation for The complex mean square loss is a non-negative scalar single hidden layer complex networks was given in [132]. In N X −1 this work, the authors showed that a complex neural network L(e) = |ek |2 (8) with one hidden layer and Sigmoid activation was able to k=0 solve the XOR problem. Similarly using Sigmoid activation, N X −1 the authors in [143] derived the complex backpropagation = ek ēk . (9) algorithm. Derivations were also given for Cartesian split k=0 activation function in [25] and for non-holomorphic activation It is also a real-valued mapping that tends to zero as the functions in [51]. modulus of the complex error reduces. In reference to gradient based methods, the Wirtinger Cal- The log error between the target and the prediction is given culus [10] was used to derive the complex gradient, Jacobian, by [131] and Hessian in [9] and [144]. Wirtinger developed a framework N −1 that simplifies the process obtaining the derivative of complex- (elog ) := X (log (ok ) − log(dk )) (log (ok ) − log(dk )) (10) valued functions with respect to both holomorphic and non- k=0 holomorphic functions. By doing this, the derivatives to the
complex-valued functions can be computed completely in the where δj = −∂E/∂uj − i∂E/∂v j , δjR = −∂E/∂uj and complex domain instead of being computed with respect to the δjI = −∂E/∂v j . By combining equations (16) and (18), the real and imaginary components independently. The Wirtinger gradient of the error function with respect to Wjl is given by approach has not always been favored, but it is beginning to ∂E ∂E gain more interest with newer approaches like [58], [145]. ∇wjl E = +i ∂WjlR ∂WjlI The process of learning with complex domain backpropa- gation is similar to the learning process in the real domain. = −X̄jl ((ujx + iujy )δjR + (vxj + ivyj )δjI ) (19) The error calculated after the forward pass is backpropagated Hence, given a positive constant learning rate α, the complex to each neuron in the network, and the weights are adjusted weight Wjl must be changed by a value ∆WjI proportional in the backward pass. If the activation function of a neuron to the negative gradient: is f (z) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y), where z = x + iy, u and ∆Wjl = αX̄jl (ujx + iujy )δjR + (vxj + ivyj )δjI v are the real and imaginary parts of f , and x and y are (20) the real and imaginary parts of z. The partial derivatives For an output neuron, δjR and δjI in equation (19) are given ux = ∂u/∂x, uy = ∂u/∂y, vx = ∂v/∂x, vy = ∂v/∂y are by initially assumed to exist for all z ∈ C, so that the Cauchy- δE Riemann equations are satisfied. Given an input pattern, the δjR = j = jR = djR − uj δu error is given by δE δjI = j = jI = djI − v j (21) 1X δv E= ek ēk , ek = dk − ok (12) 2 And in compact form, it will be k where dk and ok are the desired and actual outputs of the δj = j = dj − oj (22) kth neuron, respectively. The over-bar denotes the complex The chain rule is used to compute δjR and δjI for the hidden conjugate operation. Given a neuron j in the network, the neuron. Note that k is an index for a neuron receiving input output oj is given by from neuron j. The net input zk to neuron k is X (ul + iv l )(WklR + iWklI ) X oj = f (zj ) = uj + iv j , zj = xj + iyj = Wjl Xjl (13) zk = xk + iyk = (23) i=1 l where the Wjl ’s are the complex weights of neuron j and Xjl where l is the index for the neurons that feed into neuron k. its complex input. A complex bias (1,0) may be added. The Computing δjR using the chain rule yields following partial derivatives are defined: δE X δE δuk δxk δuk δyk δjR = − j = − + ∂xj ∂yj δu δuk δxk δuj δyk δuj k = XjlR , = XjlI , X δE δv k δxk δv k δyk ∂WjlR ∂WjlR − + ∂xj ∂yj δv k δxk δuj δyk δuj = −XjlI , = XjlR (14) k ∂WjlI ∂WjlI X = δkR (ukx WkjR + uky WkjI ) where R and I represent the real and imaginary parts. The k chain rule is used to find the gradient of the error function E X + δkI (vxk WkjR + vyk WkjI ) (24) with respect to Wjl . The gradient of the error function with k respect to the WjlR and WjlI are given by Similarly, δjI is computed as: ∂E ∂uj ∂xj ∂uj ∂yj ∂E δE X δE δuk δxk δuk δyk = + δjI = − j = − + ∂WjlR ∂uj ∂xj ∂WjlR ∂yj ∂WjlR δv δuk δxk δv j δyk δv j j k ∂v j ∂yj ∂E ∂v ∂xj X δE δv k δxk δv k δyk + + (15) ∂v j ∂xj ∂WjlR ∂yj ∂WjlR − + δv k δxk δv j δyk δv j = −δJR (ujx XjlR + ujy XjlI ) X k −δJI (vxj XjlI + vyj XjlI ) (16) = δkR (ukx (−WkjI ) + uky WkjR ) k X j j + δkI (vxk WkjR + vyk WkjI ) (25) ∂E ∂E ∂u ∂xj ∂u ∂yj k = + ∂WjlI ∂uj ∂xj ∂WjlI ∂yj ∂WjlI The expression for δj is obtained by combining equations (24) j ∂v j ∂yj ∂E ∂v ∂xj and (25): + + (17) ∂v j ∂xj ∂WjlI ∂yj ∂WjlI δj = δjR + iδjI = −δJR (ux (−XjlI ) + ujy (XjlR ) j X W̄kj (ukx + iuky )δkR + (vxk + ivyk )δkl (26) = −δJI (vxj (−XjlI ) + vyj XjlR ) (18) k
learning for the hidden and input layers. However, the output layer learning error back propagation is not normalized. The final correction rule for the kth neuron of the mth (output) layer is Ckm w̃ikm = wikm + km Ỹ¯i,m−1 , 1 = 1, . . . , n (Nm−1 + 1) Ckm w̃0km = w0km + km (29) (Nm−1 + 1) For the second till the (m − 1)th layer (kth neuron of the jth Fig. 3. Example of MLMVN with one hidden-layer and a single output layer (j = 2, · · · , m − 1), the correction rule is Ckj w̃ikj = wikj + kj Ỹ¯i,j−1 , 1 = 1, . . . , n (Nj−1 + 1) where δj is computed for neuron j starting in the output layer Ckj using equation (22), then using equation (26) for the neurons w̃0kj = w0kj + kj (30) in the hidden layers. After computing δj for neuron j, equation (Nj−1 + 1)|zkj | (20) is used to update its weights. and for the input layer: B. Non-Gradient-based Approach Ck1 w̃ik1 = wik1 + k1 x̄i , 1 = 1, . . . , n Different from the gradient based approach, the learning (n + 1) process of a neural network based on the multi-valued neuron Ck1 w̃0k1 = w0k1 + kj (31) (MVN) is derivative-free and it is based on the error-correction (n + 1)|zkj | learning rule [103]. For a single neuron, weight correction in Given a pre-specified learning precision ω, the condition for the MVN is determined by the neuron’s error, and learning termination of the learning process is is reduced to a simple movement along the unit circle. The N N corresponding activation function of equations (3) and (4) are 1 XX ∗ 1 X (kms )2 (W ) = Es ≤ ω. (32) not differentiable, which implies that there are no gradients. N s=1 N s=1 k Considering an example MLMVN with one hidden-layer and a single output as shown in Figure 3. If T is the target, One of the advantages of the non-gradient based approach Y12 is the output, and the following definitions are assumed: is its ease of implementation. In addition, since there are ∗ • = T − Y12 : global error of network no derivatives involved, the problems associated with typical 12 12 12 • w0 , w1 , · · · , wn : initial weighting vector of neuron Y12 gradient descent based methods will not apply here, such as • Yi1 : initial output of neuron Y12 problem with being stuck in a local minima. Furthermore, • Z12 : weighed sum of neuron Y12 before weight correction because of the structure and representation of the network, • 12 : error of neuron Y12 it is possible to design a hybrid network architecture where some nodes have discrete activation functions, whereas some The weight correction for the second to the mth (output) others use continuous activation functions. This may have a layer, and then for the input layer are given by great potential in future applications [139]. Ckj w̃ikj = wikj + kj Ỹ¯i,j−1 , i = 1, . . . , n C. Training and hyperparameters optimization (Nj−1 + 1) Ckj The adaptation of real-valued activation, weight initializa- w̃0kj = w0kj + kj (27) tion and batch normalization was analyzed in [130]. More (Nj−1 + 1) recently, building on the work of [9], optimization via second- Ck1 order methods were introduced by the use of the complex w̃ik1 = wik1 + k1 x̄i , i = 1, . . . , n Hessian in the complex gradient [144], and linear approaches (n + 1) have been proposed to model second-order complex statis- Ck1 w̃0k1 = w0k1 + kj (28) tics [146]. The training of complex-valued neural networks (n + 1) using complex learning rate was proposed in [137]. The Ckj is the learning rate for the kth neuron of the jth layer. problem of vanishing gradient in recurrent neural networks However, in applying this learning rule two situations may was solved by using unitary weight matrices in [19] and [20], arise: (1) the absolute value of the weighted sum being thereby improving time and space efficiency by exploiting corrected may jump erratically, or (2) the output of the the properties of orthogonal matrices. However, regarding hidden neuron varies around some constant value. In either regularization, besides the proposed use of noise in [147], of these scenarios, a large number of weight updates can not much work has been done in the literature. This is an be wasted. The workaround is to instead apply a modified interesting open research problem and it is further discussed learning rule [92] which adds a normalization constant to the in Section VII.
V. I NPUT AND O UTPUT REPRESENTATIONS IN CVNN S signals, CVNNs find most of their applications in the area Input representations can be complex either naturally or of signal (including radio frequency signal, audio and image) by design. In the former case, a set of complex numbers processing. represent the data domain. An example is Fourier transform A. Applications in Radio Frequency Signal Processing in on images. In the latter case, inputs have magnitude and Wireless Communications phase which are statistically correlated. An example is in radio The majority of the work on complex-valued neural net- frequency or wind data [148]. For the outputs, complex values works has been focused on signal processing research and are more suitable for regression tasks. However, real-values applications. Complex-valued neural network research in sig- are more appropriate if the goal is to perform inference over nal processing applications include channel equalization [133], a probability distribution of complex parameters. Weights can [149], satellite communication equalization [150], adaptive be complex or real irrespective of input/output representations. beamforming [151], coherent-lightwave networks [4], [152] In [1], the impact and tradeoff on choices that may be made and source separation [128]. In interferometric synthetic aper- on representations was studied using a toy experiment. In the ture radar, complex networks were used for adaptive noise experiment, a toy model was trained to learn a function that is reduction [153]. In electrical power systems, complex val- able to add sinusiods. Four input representations were used: ued networks were proposed to enhance power transformer 1) amplitude-phase where a real-valued vector is formed modeling [154], and analysis of load flow [134]. In [150] from concatenating the phase offset and amplitude pa- for example, the authors considered the issue of requiring rameters; long sequences for training, which results in a lot of wasted 2) complex representation where the phase offset is used channel capacity in cases where nonlinearities associated with as the phase of the complex phasor; the channel are slowly time varying. To solve this problem, 3) real-imaginary representation where the real and imag- they investigated the use of CVNN for adaptive channel inary components of the complex vector in 2) are used equalization. The approach was tested on the task of equalizing as real vectors; a digital satellite radio channel amidst intersymbol interference 4) augmented complex representation which is a concate- and minor nonlinearities, and their approach showed competi- nation of the complex vector and its conjugate. tive results. They also pointed out that their approach does not Two representations were considered for the target: require prior knowledge about the nonlinear characteristics of 1) the straightforward representation which use the raw real the channel. and complex target values; 2) analytic representation which uses the Hilbert transform TABLE IV A PPLICATIONS OF C OMPLEX -VALUED N EURAL N ETWORKS for the imaginary part. The activation functions used were (1) identity, (2) hyperbolic Applications Corresponding Publications tangent, (3) split real-imaginary activation, and (4) split am- Radio Frequency Signal [6], [8], [11], [32], [33], [35], [36], [52], Processing in Wireless [53], [55], [56], [65]–[67], [72], [89], plitude phase. Communications [91], [109], [123]–[128], [133], [149]– Different models with the combinations of input and output [152], [154], [155] representations as well as various activation functions were Image Processing and [19], [31], [34], [37], [39], [40], [54], Computer Vision [62], [69], [73], [75]–[77], [82], [85], tested in the experiments, and the model with the real- [92], [98], [99], [101]–[103], [119], imaginary sigmoid activation performed the best. However, [130], [141], [142], [156]–[159] it is interesting that this best model diverged and performed Audio Signal Processing [26], [48], [49], [58], [79], [130], [136] and Analysis poorly when it was trained on real inputs. There is a closed Radar / Sonar Signal Pro- [74], [110], [139], [153], [160], [161] form for the real-imaginary input representation when the out- cessing put target representation are either straightforward or analytic. Cryptography [162] However, there is no closed form solution for the amplitude- Time Series Prediction [103], [139] Associative Memory [105], [116] phase representation. Wind Prediction [30], [43], [148] In general, certain input and output representations when Robotics [38] combined yield a closed form solution, and there are some Traffic Signal Control [46], [60] (robotics) scenarios in which even when there is no closed form solution, Spam Detection [59] the complexity of the solution can be reduced by transforming Precision Agriculture (soil [82] either the input, output or internal representation. In summary, moisture prediction) the question as to which input and output representation is the best would typically depend on the application and it is affected by the level of constraint imposed on the system. B. Applications in Image Processing and Computer Vision Complex valued neural networks have also been applied in VI. A PPLICATIONS OF CVNN S image processing and computer vision. There have been some Various applications of CVNNs are summarized in Table IV. works on applying CVNN for optical flow [156], [157], and Because of the complex nature of many natural and man-made CVNNs have been combined with holographic movies [135],
[158], [159]. CVNNs were used for reconstruction of gray- building blocks necessary for building deep complex networks. scale images [106], and image deblurring [99], [141], [142], The building blocks include a complex batch normalization, classification of microarray gene expression [107]. Clifford weight initialization. Apart from image recognition, the au- networks were applied for character recognition [163] and thors tested their complex deep network on MusicNet dataset complex-valued neural networks were also applied for auto- for the music transcription task, and on the TIMIT dataset for matic gender recognition in [37]. A complex valued VGG the Speech Spectrum prediction tasks. It is interesting to note network was implemented by [75] for image classification. that the datasets used contain real values, and the imaginary In this work, building on [130], the building blocks of the components are learned using operations in one real-valued VGG network including batch normalization, ReLU activation residual block. function, and the 2-D convolution operation were transformed to the complex domain. When testing their model on classifi- D. Other Applications cation of the popular CIFAR10 benchmark image dataset, the In wind prediction, the axes of the Cartesian coordinates of complex-valued VGG model performed slightly better than the a complex number plane was used to represent the cardinal real-valued VGG in both training and testing accuracy. More- points (north, south, east, west), and the prediction of wind over, the complex-valued network requires less parameters. strength was expressed using the distance from the origin Another noteworthy computer vision application that show- in [138]. However, although the circularity property of com- cases the potential of complex-valued neural networks can plex numbers were exploited in this work, this method does not be found in [19], where the authors investigated the benefits reduce the degree of freedom, instead it has the same degree of of using unitary weight matrices to mitigate the vanishing freedom as a real-valued network because of the typically high gradient problem. Among other applications, their method was anisotropy of wind. In other words, in this representation, the tested on the MNIST hand-writing benchmark dataset in two absolute value of phase does not yield any meaning. Rather, it modes. In the first mode, the pixels were read in order (left to is the difference from a specified reference that is meaningful. right and bottom up), and in the second mode the pixels were A recent application in radar can be found in [160], [161]. read in arbitrarily. The real-valued LSTM performed slightly In this work, a complex-valued convolutional neural network better than the unitary-RNN for the first mode, but in the (CV-CNN) was used to exploit the inherent nature of the time- second mode the unitary-RNN outperformed the real-valued frequency data of human echoes to classify human activities. LSTM in spite of having below a quarter of the parameters The human echo is a combination of the phase modulation than the real-valued LSTM. Moreover, it took the real-valued information caused by motion, and the amplitude data obtained LSTM between 5 and 10 times as many epochs to reach from different parts of the body. Short Time Fourier Transform convergence comparing to the unitary RNN. was used to transform the human radar echo signals and used Non-gradient based learning has also been used extensively to train the CV-CNN. The authors also demonstrated that in image processing and computer vision applications. For ex- their method performed better than other machine learning ample, the complex neural network with multi-valued neurons approaches at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), while achieving (MLMVN) was used as an intelligent image filter in [87]. The accuracies as high as 99.81%. CV-CNNs were also used in [50] task was to apply the filter to simultaneously filter all pixels in to enhance radar images. Interestingly, this is an application an n x n region, and the results from overlapping regions of of CNN to a regression problem, where the inputs are radar paths were then averaged. The integer input intensities were echoes and the outputs are expected images. mapped to complex inputs before being fed into the MLMVN, The first use of a complex-valued generative adversarial and the integer output from the MLMVN were transformed network (GAN) was proposed in [164] to mitigate the issue to integer intensities. This approach proved successful and of lack of labeled data in polarimetric synthetic aperture radar efficient, as very good nonlinear filters were obtained by (PolSAR) images. This approach which retains the amplitude training the network with as little as 400 images. Furthermore, and phase information of the PolSAR images performed from their simulations it was observed that the filtering results better than state-of-the-art real-valued approaches, especially got better as more images were added to the training set. in scenarios involving fewer annotated data. A complex-valued tree parity machine network (CVTPM) C. Applications in Audio Signal Processing and Analysis was used for neural cryptography in [162]. In neural cryp- In audio processing, complex networks were proposed to tography, by applying the principle of neural network syn- improve the MP3 codec in [58], and in audio source local- chronization, two neural networks exchange public keys. The ization [136]. CVNNs were shown to denoise noise-corrupted benefit of using a complex network over a real network is that waveforms better than real-valued neural networks in [11]. two group keys can be exchanged in one process of neural Complex associative memories were proposed for temporal synchronization. Furthermore, compared to a real network series obtained from symbolic music representation [48], [49]. with the same architecture, the CVTPM was shown to be more A notable work in this regard is [130] where deep complex secure. networks were used for speech spectrum prediction and music There have been other numerous applications of CVNNs. transcription. In this work, the authors compared the various For instance, a discriminative complex-valued convolutional complex-valued ReLU-based activations and formulated the neural network was applied to electroencephalography (ECG)
signals in [33] to automatically deduce features from the weight initialization scheme could make use of the phase data and predict stages of sleep. By leveraging the Fisher parameter in addition to the magnitude. criterion which takes into account both the minimum error, the There has been some strides made in applications involv- maximum between-class distance, and the minimum within- ing complex valued recurrent networks. For example, the class distance, the authors assert that their model named fast introduction of unitary matrices which are the generalized discriminative complex-valued convolutional neural network complex version of real-valued Hermitian matrices, mitigates (FDCCNN) is capable of learning inherent features that are the problem of vanishing and exploding gradients. However, discrimitative enough, even when the dataset is imbalanced. in applications involving long sequences, gradient backprop- agation requires all hidden states values to be stored. This VII. C HALLENGES AND P OTENTIAL R ESEARCH can become impractical given the limited availability of GPU Complex valued neural networks have been shown to memory for optimization. Considering that the inverse of the have potential in domains where representation of the data unitary matrix is its conjugate transpose, it may be possible encountered is naturally complex, or complex by design. to derive some invertible nonlinear function with which the Since the 1980s, research of both real valued neural net- states can be computed during the backward pass. This will works (RVNN) and complex valued neural networks (CVNN) eliminate the need to store the hidden state values. have advanced rapidly. However, during the development of By introducing complex parameters, the number of oper- deep learning, research on CVNNs has not been very active ations required increases thus increasing the computational compared to RVNNs. So far research on CVNNs has mainly complexity. Compared to real-valued parameters which use targeted at shallow architectures, and specific signal processing single real-valued multiplication, complex-valued parameters applications such as channel equalization. One reason for will require up to four real multiplications and two real this is the difficulty associated with training. This is due additions. This means that merely doubling the number of real- to the limitation that the complex-valued activation is not valued parameters in each layer does not give the equivalent ef- complex-differentiable and bounded at the same time. Several fect that is observed in a complex-valued neural network [167]. studies [130] have suggested that the constraint of requiring Furthermore, the capacity of a network in terms of its ability to that a complex-valued activation be simultaneously bounded approximate structurally complex functions can be quantified and complex differentiable need not be met, and propose by the number of (real-valued) parameters in the network. activations that are differentiable independently with respect Consequently, by representing a complex number a + ib using to the real and imaginary components. This remains an open real numbers (a, b), the number of real parameters for each area of research. layer is doubled. This implies that by using a complex-valued Another reason for the slow development of research in network, a network may gain more expressiveness but run complex-valued neural networks is that almost all deep learn- the risk of overfitting due to the increase in parameters as the ing libraries are optimized for real-valued operations and network goes deeper. Hence, regularization during the training networks. There are hardly any public libraries developed and of CVNNs is important but remains an open problem. optimized specifically for training CVNNs. In the experiments Ridge (L2 ) and LASSO (L1 ) regularizations are the two performed in [165] and validated in [166], a baseline, wide forms of regression that are aimed at mitigating the effects of and deep network was built for real, complex and split valued multicollinearity. Regularization enforces an upper threshold neural networks. Computations were represented by computa- on the values of the coefficients and produces a solution with tional sub-graphs of operations between the real and imaginary coefficients of smaller variance. With the L2 regularization, the parts. This enabled the use of TensorFlow, a standard neural update to the weights is penalized. This forces the magnitude network libraries instead of the generalized derivatives in Clif- of the weights to be small and hence reduce overfitting. ford algebra. However, this approach to modeling CVNN is Depending on the application, L1 norm can be applied that still fundamentally based on a library meant for optimized real- will force some weights to be zero (sparse representation). valued arithmetic computations. This issue concerns practical However, the issue with the above formulation is that it implementation, and there is a need for deep learning libraries cannot be directly applied over the field of complex numbers. targeted and optimized for complex-valued computations. This is because the application of the above formulation of Regarding weight initialization, a formulation for complex the L2 norm to a complex number is simply its magnitude, weight initialization was presented in [130]. By formulating which is not a complex number and the phase information is this in terms of the variance of the magnitude of the weights lost. As far as we know, there has not been any successful which follows the Rayleigh distribution with two degrees of attempt to either provide a satisfactory transformation of this freedom, the authors represented the variance of the weights in problem into the complex domain, or derive a method that terms of the Rayleigh distribution’s parameter. 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