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Science, Technology and Development                                                                          ISSN : 0950-0707

                                            JANGILI JYOTHI, 2Dr. HAREESH R
                                           MBA STUDENT, 2ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
                                             DEPARTMENT OF MBA
                               Sree Chaitanya College of Engineering, KARIMNAGAR
                                                                warnings, reprimands, discharge and dismissal well
       ABSTRACT                                                 in advance. All these action plans must be
                                                                communicated to the employees. Discipline shall be
       Discipline is the key to success. Theodore Roosevelt     progressive: Discipline system should be progressive
       has said “With self-discipline almost everything is      in nature. In a progressive discipline approach the
       possible”. Self discipline makes employee realize        severity of actions to modify behavior increases with
       what is required at work. Discipline can be positively   every step as the employee continues to show
       related to performance. It is the bridge between goals   improper behavior. The advantage of this approach is
       and accomplishments. Effective discipline should be      that employees can’t take it for granted.
       aimed at the behavior, and not at the employee
       personality. This is because the reason for discipline       I.        INTRODUCTION
       is to improve performance rather than punishing the
       employee. Training of supervisors is necessary:          The definition of motivation and Employee
       Supervisors and mangers need to be trained on when       discipline:
       and how discipline should be used. It is necessary to
       provide training on counseling skills as these skills             It is to give reason, incentive, enthusiasm, or
       are used while dealing with problem employees.           interest that causes a specific action or certain
       Moreover, discipline decisions taken by trained          behavior. Motivation is present in every life function.
       supervisors are considered fair by both employees        Simple acts such as eating are motivated by hunger.
       and managers. Centralization of discipline:              Education is motivated by desire for knowledge.
       Centralized means that the discipline decisions          Motivators can be anything from reward to coercion.
       should be uniform throughout the organization. The
       greater the uniformity, higher will be the                         There are two main kinds of motivation:
       effectiveness of discipline procedure.                   intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is internal.
                                                                It occurs when people are compelled to do something
       Impersonal discipline: Discipline should be handled      out of pleasure, importance, or desire. Extrinsic
       impersonally. Managers should try to minimize the ill    motivation occurs when external factors compel the
       feelings arising out of the decisions by judging the     person to do something. However, there are many
       offensive behavior and not by judging the person.        theories and labels that serve as sub tittles to the
       Managers should limit their emotional involvement        definition of motivation. For example: "I will give
       in the disciplinary sessions. Review discipline          you a candy bar if you clean your room." This is an
       decisions: The disciplinary decisions must be            example of reward motivation.
       reviewed before being implemented. This will ensure
       uniformity and fairness of the system and will                    The maintenance of harmonious industrial
       minimize the arbitrariness of the disciplinary system.   relations within an industry depends on the extent of
       Notification of conduct that may result in discipline:   promotion and maintenance of discipline in the
       Actions that lead to misconduct can be listed and        organizations. No organizations can grow and
       documented so the employees are aware of such            prosper without effective disciplinary system.
       actions. This will unable them to claim that they have   Discipline on account of employees means
       not been notified, in advance, regarding the same.       complying with the predefined rules and regulations
       Information regarding penalties: The employer            of the organization. It is a form of training that
       should define the penalties and other actions like       enforces organizational rules. Conduct problems arise

Volume X Issue VIII AUGUST 2021                                                                                   Page No : 403
Science, Technology and Development                                                                          ISSN : 0950-0707

       from the employees who fail to follow the code of        A common place that we see the need to apply
       conduct of the organization. These employees are         motivation is in the work place. In the work force, we
       most often affected by the disciplinary system of the    can see motivation play a key role in leadership
       organization. Such employees are often called            success. A person unable to grasp motivation and
       problem employees. The problem employees                 apply it, will not become or stay a leader. It is critical
       comprise a small number of employees, but they are       that anyone seeking to lead or motivate understand
       the ones who cause the most disciplinary situations.     "Howletts Hierarchy of Work Motivators."

                 If employers fail to deal with problem         Salary, benefits, working conditions, supervision,
       employees, negative effects on other employees and       policy, safety, security, affiliation, and relationships
       work groups may result. Some common disciplinary         are all externally motivated needs. These are the first
       issues caused by problem employees include               three levels of "Howletts Hierarchy" When these
       absenteeism, tardiness, productivity deficiencies,       needs are achieved; the person moves up to level four
       pilfering, alcoholism, insubordination, misuse of        and then five. However, if levels one through three
       equipments and other company resources, and              are not met, the person becomes dissatisfied with
       negligence. The goal of discipline is behavior           their job. When satisfaction is not found, the person
       modification, that is, to modify unacceptable            becomes less productive and eventually quits or is
       behavior and misconduct                                  fired. Achievement, advancement, recognition,
                                                                growth, responsibility, and job nature are internal
       Employee discipline                                      motivators. These are the last two levels of "Howletts
                                                                Hierarchy." They occur when the person motivates
                According to Richard D. Calhoon,                themselves (after external motivation needs are met.)
       “Discipline is the force that prompts individuals or     An employer or leader that meets the needs on the
       groups to observe rules, regulations, standards and      "Howletts Hierarchy" will see motivated employees
       procedures deemed necessary for an organization.”        and see productivity increase. Understanding the
                                                                definition of motivation, and then applying it, is one
                Therefore discipline means securing             of the most prevalent challenges facing employers
       consistent behaviour in accordance with the accepted     and supervisors. Companies often spend thousands of
       norms of behaviour. I am sure you will agree that        dollars each year hiring outside firms just to give
       discipline is essential in every aspect of life. It is   motivation seminars.
       equally essential in industrial undertakings.
                                                                SCOPE OF THE STUDY
                Simply stated, discipline means orderliness.    • The study is confined and relevant only to Hero
       It implies the absence of chaos, irregularity and           MotoCorp Ltd. (Formerly Hero Honda Motors
       confusion in the behaviour of workers.                      Ltd.)not applicable to any organization.
                                                                • The study covers motivational practices in Hero
                Let us examine another definition by               MotoCorp Ltd. (Formerly Hero Honda Motors
       Ordway Tead, “Discipline is the orderly conduct of          Ltd.)at various levels of employees.
       affairs by the members of an organization who            • The study assists the management in determining
       adhere to its necessary regulations because they            the decision regarding the performance of the
       desire to cooperate harmoniously in forwarding the          employee.
       end which the group has in view, and willingly              II.      OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY HERO
       recognize that, to do this, their wishes must be                     LIMITED:
       brought into a reasonable unison with the
       requirements of the group in action.”                             1.   To find out the present motivation level of the
                                                                              employees in Hero MotoCorp Ltd. (Formerly
                                                                              Hero Honda Motors Ltd.).
                                                                         2.   To find out the blockages for the motivation (i.e:

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Science, Technology and Development                                                                               ISSN : 0950-0707

                  3.   To suggest measures for improvement of the              Examples of this research. Any source of
                       motivation as a discipline Point;             information can be used in this study although most
                  4.   To study the hygienic and motivational contentstudies of this nature rely heavily on secondary data
                       factors.                                      sources and survey research.
                  5.   To study about the Company History,
                       Mission, Vision, and Objectives.              2. Primary Source: Discussions with plant staff,
                  6.   To understand HR Department.                  Interviews, Questionnaire administered.
                  7.   To know what company contributing
                                                                     3. Secondary Source: Journals Magazines and
                       for the Quality of work life.
                                                                     articles from prominent newspapers.
                  8.   To evaluate the effectiveness and
                       understand the perception of employees        Population and Sample: There are 140 Officers &
                       towards the employee discipline.              Supervisors and 100 Managerial staff .The
                  9.   To suggest measures for further               questionnaire is administered to 100 Officers and
                       improvement of employee discipline.           Supervisory staff and 100 Managerial staff.

                                                                      3.SAMPLE DESIGN
           III.        METHODOLOGY
                                                                                   a) Sampling unit: the study is directed
                The basic principle in the research has been                   towards the executive of managerial level.
           adopted in the overall methodology. The
           following methodology has been used for                                 b) Sample size: sample size of 100 is
           meeting the requirements,                                           taken in this study

                            •       Defining objectives               4)DATA ANALYSES
                            •       Developing              the
                       information sources                                     Simple analysis method is followed for
                                                                      analyzing the data pertaining to different dimensions
                            •       Collection o information
                                                                      of employees. Simple statistical data like percentage
                            •       Analysis of information
                                                                      are used in the interpretation of data pertaining to the
                            •        Suggestion
                                                                      study. The results are illustrated by means of bar
                       The     methodology     followed     for
                  collection, analysis under interpretation of
                  data in explained below.                            LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY:
       1. RESEARCH DESIGNS                                                     There are certain limitations of the concept
                                                                      of empowerment. It may be cost consuming in
                There are generally three categories of
                                                                      selecting personnel, training costs and labor costs
       research based on the type of information required,
                                                                      may be high, it may result in slower or inconsistent
       they are
                                                                      services and poor use of the technique of
                       1. Exploratory research                        empowerment.

                       2. Descriptive research                                  At the outset, Managers must also accept the
                                                                      fact that not all employees want to be empowered.
                       3. Casual research                             Many workers just work better in jobs that are clearly
                                                                      defined and closely supervised.           Once both
                 The research category used in this project in        employees and managers have received proper
       descriptive research, which is focused on the accurate         training, the next step is go give employee’s control
       description of the variable in the problem model.              of the resources needed to make the improvements in
       Consumer profile studies, market potential studies,            their job and work processes.
       product usage studies, Attitude surveys, sales
       analysis, media research and prove survey s are the,

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Science, Technology and Development                                                                               ISSN : 0950-0707

                 By giving employees information, resources           the intense guilt of having caused everyone pain
       and training and by following with measurements and            (again); as such, through highly painful physical
       reinforcement, Human Resources can create an                   punishment (or physical fitness training) equally
       empowered environment. But Empowerment should                  applied to all, equal effort, or discipline, is created,
       be continuous process like qualityimprovement and it           and thus results in a very deep friendship being
       is like a race without a finish line. Those companies          created through out the chain of command for their
       that take the first step by creating an environment            equal effort, or discipline, to achieve a mission.
       conductive to empowerment will be at the head of the
       pack                                                           On the other hand, continued violators, which are
                                                                      rare (given a non-elite mission), are "thrown out,
           IV.       METHODS OF DISCIPLINE                            good for nothing but to be trampled upon" by the
                                                                      "salty", or disciplined (Matthew 5:13). And yet, the
       Military discipline                                            much more common outcome is a very deep
                                                                      friendship being created through out the chain of
       Discipline refers to systematic instruction, or orders,        command as a result of their discipline, or equal
       given to a person to follow a particular code of               effort, and related hard work and accomplishment
       conduct, equally applied to all, to achieve a mission.         (eg. kung fu), to achieve a mission, especially among
       When a group of people are well-disciplined then               elite units, such as the U.S. Navy Seals.
       they all contribute equal effort to achieve a mission.
       When people contribute equally, a very deep                    School discipline
       friendship is created among them, like the very deep
       friendships which exist in the military.                       School discipline refers to regulation of children and
                                                                      the maintenance of order ("rules") in schools. These
       On the other hand, if the orders of a civilian officer         rules may, for example, define the expected standards
       are not carried out, then the punishment applied is            of clothing, timekeeping, social behavior, homework
       usually just a verbal reprimand, or much less                  assignments, tests, and work ethic. The term may also
       frequently, a fine or firing. Such verbal (or monetary)        refer to the punishment that is the consequences of
       punishments are of little consequence, even counter-           violating the behavior code, or to the administration
       productive, causing resentment toward civilian                 of such punishment, rather than to behaving within
       officers who make these types of reprimands because            the school rules.
       the violator always has the option of going elsewhere
       for employment, and thus does not learn (or earn) the          Church discipline
       friendship of discipline (here or elsewhere).
                                                                      Church discipline is a response of an ecclesiastical
       On the other hand, in the military, where employment           body to some perceived wrong, whether in action or
       isn't optional after signing on, failure to follow orders      in doctrine. Its most extreme form in modern
       always results in highly painful physical punishment           churches is excommunication. Church discipline can
       (or physical fitness training) which is applied not just       also refer to the rules governing some ecclesiastical
       to the violator alone, but to the entire unit of which         order, such as priests or monks, such as clerical
       that violator is a part (for their lack of teamwork).          celibacy.
       Therefore, most importantly, the violator begins to
       feel intense guilt for having been the unjust cause of         Employment discipline
       highly painful physical punishment applied to all
       equally. Why? Because the chain of command is only             In UK employment matters, a discipline hearing
       as strong as it's weakest link, or said more                   (otherwise known as a disciplinary hearing) is
       holistically, "the first shall be last and the last shall be   conducted by an employer when it is alleged that an
       first" (Matthew 19:30). Thereafter, the violator               employee has fallen below the required standard in
       begins to contribute equal effort to a mission to avoid        an aspect relating to their employment. A discipline

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Science, Technology and Development                                                                        ISSN : 0950-0707

       hearing can be instigated regarding an issue of
       misconduct or poor performance. The employee is
       allowed to respond to the allegations during the        Self-discipline
       discipline hearing.
                                                               Self-discipline refers to the training that one gives
       Education of The Will                                   oneself to accomplish a certain task or to adopt a
                                                               particular pattern of behavior, even if one would
       The following are summary notes, taken many years       rather be doing something else. For example, denying
       ago by L.B. Beattie from an old English version of      oneself an extravagant pleasure in order to
       Education of The Will:                                  accomplish a more demanding charitable deed is a
                                                               display of self-discipline. Thus, self-discipline is the
           •   Ideas must be colored with passion in order     assertion of willpower over more base desires, and is
               to influence Will.                              usually understood to be synonymous with self
           •   The enemies of Will are distaste of effort –    control. Self-discipline is to some extent a substitute
               lack of persistence – sensuality, apathy,       for motivation, when one uses reason to determine a
               idleness, and laziness.                         best course of action that opposes one's desires.
           •   Laziness abhors any definite direction.         Virtuous behavior is when one's motivations are
               Strong Wills have a definite chief aim. Will    aligned with one's reasoned aims: to do what one
               power comes from thinking one's own             knows is best and to do it gladly. Continent behavior,
               thoughts.                                       on the other hand, is when one does what one knows
           •   Deep happiness comes from well-regulated        is best, but must do it by opposing one's motivations.
               activity. The Will loves thoughts covered       Moving from continent to virtuous behavior requires
               with feeling – emotions – color – dynamics.     training and some self-discipline
           •   The art of thinking is to organize and
               classify.                                       Issues to Consider in Employee Disciplinary
           •   We must turn words into living images.          Actions
           •   Action, by itself, with no plan or direction,
               is as powerless as inaction.                    As a communication tool with employees, an
                                                               employee reprimand must be fair. Employers need to
           •   Lack of time may be traced to indefinite
               ideas about what is to be accomplished.         make certain that they are using the tool
                                                               appropriately and that certain conditions exist for its
           •   Work well done is renewing – energy
                                                               effective and successful use.
           •   Walking is conducive to creative work.
                                                                   •    Employee job descriptions must exist that
           •   To be able to bear pain is one of the highest
                                                                        spell out the required area of
               forms of Will. Painful exercise develops
                                                                        performance for which the employee is
               Will (self-discipline).
                                                                        receiving the reprimand. If the problem
           •   Lazy people miss the joys of rest after hard
                                                                        performance is occurring in a non-essential
                                                                        job function, this needs consideration – or a
           •   Laziness is perpetual letting go of self.
                                                                        rewritten job description.
           •   The lazy, hypnotized individual can be seen
                                                                   •    The employee reprimand must be
               walking around in a fog of habit.
                                                                        congruent with the disciplinary action
           •   We lack not in abundance of methods, we
                                                                        process described in the employee
               lack in choosing one and sticking with it.
                                                                        handbook.        Well-written      employee
           •   Pleasure may be a feeling of dominance                   handbooks suggest potential disciplinary
               over self; a superabundance of energy, a                 actions, but allow the employer latitude
               feeling of something perfect – when we                   depending upon the circumstances of the
               produce more power than we can consume.                  employee's actions or performance. No

Volume X Issue VIII AUGUST 2021                                                                                Page No : 407
Science, Technology and Development                                                                          ISSN : 0950-0707

              disciplinary actions should be promised or       An employee reprimand, used appropriately, as part
              deemed essential. A list of required             of a series of disciplinary actions, can help an
              disciplinary actions hobbles the employer's      employee improve his or her performance and rejoin
              ability to remove an employee who is not         the ranks of performing employees.
              performing. They may make lawyers happy
              but they cause unnecessary pain for the non-     Child discipline is the set of rules, rewards and
              performing employee, his or her coworkers,       punishments administered to teach self control,
              and the organization.                            increase desirable behaviors and decrease undesirable
          •   Company past practices, in similar               behaviors in children. In its most general sense,
              situations with other employees, must be         discipline refers to systematic instruction given to a
              consistent with the current employee             disciple. To discipline thus means to instruct a person
              reprimand. Inconsistency is potential            to follow a particular code of conduct. While the
              grounds for charges of discrimination, if        purpose of child discipline is to develop and entrench
              employees in a protected group are over-         desirable social habits in children, the ultimate goal is
              represented in disciplinary action cases. If     to foster sound judgement and morals so the child
              you discover this is so, relook at your hiring   will develop and maintain self discipline throughout
              practices, policies, and any other               the rest of his or her life.
              employment practice that may be a red flag
              for discriminatory treatment.                    Child discipline is a topic that draws from a wide
          •   The degree or type of disciplinary action        range of interested fields, such as parents, the
              taken fits the employee performance              professional practice of behavior analysis,
              issues. An attorney once asked me why a          developmental psychology, social work, and various
              client company provided increasing amounts       religious perspectives. Because the values, beliefs,
              of time off from work for employees who          education, customs and cultures of people vary so
              had attendance problems. The question did        widely, along with the age and temperament of the
              cause me to rethink the practice, but in         child, methods of child discipline vary widely.
              fairness to employers, options are limited
              when employee violation of rules and             In western society, there has been debate in recent
              policies is the issue.                           years over the use of corporal punishment for
                                                               children in general, and increased attention has been
              What’s important, beyond consistency in          given to the concept of "positive parenting" where
              similar situations, is to strive to make the     good behaviour is encouraged and rewarded.
              disciplinary action “fit the crime.” For
              example, a company car was removed from          V. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION
              an employee’s use for a period of time
              because the employee had charged the             1. Is the physical working conditions are taken care
              company’s EZPass tag for a personal trip,        by superiors?
              thus charging the company for her personal
                                                               A) Yes      B) No     C) Some time      D) Can’t say
              tolls. In a second example, an employee was
              removed from two company committees on                    PARTICULARS             RESPONDENTS
              which he enjoyed serving, because his
              tardinesss and absenteeism affected his                        YES                        40
              regular work day. In a third, an employee
              lost the upfront use of the company credit                      NO                        25
              card because his expenditures violated the
              company code of conduct.                                   SOME TIME                      25

                                                                         CAN’T SAY                      10

Volume X Issue VIII AUGUST 2021                                                                                 Page No : 408
Science, Technology and Development                                                                  ISSN : 0950-0707

                                                                25% agreed with the above proposal
           40% agreed with the above proposal
                                                                50% disagreed with the above proposal
           25% disagreed with the above proposal
                                                                25% may be may not
           25% may be may not
                                                                0% can’t say
           10% can’t say
                                                           A few Number of Employees is saying that they
           More Number of Employees is saying that the     accustomed to work under many supervisors for the
           physical working conditions are taken care by   same nature of work.
           superiors only.
                                                           3. Do you feel to do your duty out of your
       2. Are you accustomed to work under many            commitment to job because of the fear of survival?
       supervisors for the same nature of work?
                                                           A) Yes     B) No    C) Some times
       A) Yes     B) No    C) Some time   D) Can’t say
                                                                 PARTICULARS            RESPONDENTS

                                                                       YES                     30
                PARTICULARS           RESPONDENTS
                                                                        NO                     70
                    YES                     25
                                                                    SOME TIME                   0
                      NO                    50

                 SOME TIME                  25

                 CAN’T SAY                   0

Volume X Issue VIII AUGUST 2021                                                                         Page No : 409
Science, Technology and Development                                                                   ISSN : 0950-0707

       Analysis                                                in almost all aspects are concentrated in somewhat
                                                               ready group
            30% agreed with the above proposal
            70% disagreed with the above proposal
                                                                   1) P. Subba Rao, Personneland Human
       Interpretation:                                                Resources     Management,        Himalaya
                                                                      Publishing House, 2001.
            A few Number of Employees is saying that they
                                                                   2) BiswajetPatnayak,    Human      Resources
            feel to do your duty out of your commitment to
                                                                      management, Pentice-Hall Of India-2002.
            job because of the fear of survival
                                                                   3) ArunMonappa, Mirza. S. Saiyadain,
           VI.      CONCLUSIONS                                       Personnel Management, Tata Mc Graw-Hill
                                                                      Publishing Company Ltd, 1998.
       In the above perspective, the present chapter makes         4) Annual Reports and Magazines of ultra tech
       an attempt to draw some conclusions. It should be              cements.
       confessed here that the investigator is conscious of        5) William. B. Werther, Jr. Keith Davis,
       the limitations of the study and the conclusion drawn          Human Resources And Personnel,1999
       on the basis of the sample from a single unit cannot        6) Management, Tata Mc Graw –Hill
       be generalized about the entire manufacturing sector.          Publishing Company Ltd, 1998.
                                                                   7) C.R.Kothari, Research Methodology, Vikas
       The study examines the readiness for employee                  Publishing House,2000
       empowerment in six aspects, namely effective                8) K. Aswathappa, Human Resource &
       Communication, Value of people, Clarity , Concept              Personnel Management. The Mc Graw-Hill
       about power, Information and Learning.                         companies, 2004.

       A perusal of data pertaining to combination makes us
       to conclude that the Executives have agreed to the        Websites:www.indianemployee.org
       effective down ward communication flow, which is a
       prerequisite for empowerment.                           www.themanagementor.com

       With regard to value of people, the analysis leads to   www.google.com
       the conclusion that the Executives give a reasonable
       value to the Human Resources in the Organization.       www.hr.com
       However, in respect of concept about power, they are
       some what agreed to share the power.
       As far as information sharing with lower rungs is
       concerned, they are very positive.

        One significant conclusion with regards to learning
       opportunities, which is a basic for empowerment, is
       that the executives are favorable and feel that
       sufficient learning opportunities should be there for
       the rank & file.

       As far as clarity is concerned, the executives are
       somewhat agreed i.e., neutral. The aspect wise
       percentage analysis leads to the conclusion that the
       organization is somewhat ready for employee
       empowerment because the majority of the Executives

Volume X Issue VIII AUGUST 2021                                                                           Page No : 410
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