A review of transfusion- and trauma-induced hypocalcemia: Is it time to change the lethal triad to the lethal diamond?

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A review of transfusion- and trauma-induced hypocalcemia: Is it time to change the lethal triad to the lethal diamond?

       A review of transfusion- and trauma-induced hypocalcemia:
        Is it time to change the lethal triad to the lethal diamond?

                    Ricky Michael Ditzel, Jr, Justin Lee Anderson, BHSc, William Joseph Eisenhart, MA,
                              Cody Jack Rankin, Devin Robert DeFeo, BA, Sangki Oak, BS,
                                      and Jeffrey Siegler, MD, Raleigh, North Carolina

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J Trauma Acute Care Surg
Volume 88, Number 3                                                                                                                                 Ditzel et al.

Traumatic Coagulopathy and the                                                            trauma and support recently published guidelines in trauma manage-
Effects of Transfusion                                                                    ment that accounts for this gap in trauma-induced coagulopathy. We
                                                                                          believe that early identification and correction of hypocalcemia in
       The principles of managing patients suffering from hem-                            this patient population could be a missing link to the management
orrhagic shock have evolved over time. It is well supported that                          and prevention of trauma-induced coagulopathy and effectively
patients who continue to suffer from shock or hypoperfusion are                           change the descriptor from the lethal triad to the lethal diamond.
at greater risk of morbidity and mortality attributable to blood
failure precipitated by hypothermia, coagulopathy, and acido-
sis.1 These three conditions—hypothermia, coagulopathy, and                                              PATIENTS AND METHODS
acidosis—collectively known as the lethal triad, serve as the
                                                                                                 In this review, initial studies were identified by searching
foundational physiologic insults that describe the mechanisms
                                                                                          Ovid for English language articles using the following key
of action of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy and drive
                                                                                          words: hypocalcemia in trauma, prehospital blood transfusion,
the current hemorrhagic shock resuscitation efforts.2,3 Hypo-
                                                                                          and hypocalcemia and transfusion. Additional studies were then
thermia, defined as a core temperature under 35°C, exerts dele-
                                                                                          identified from the reference lists of the most relevant studies
terious effects on hemostasis by inhibiting thromboxane A2,
                                                                                          and were reviewed by two members (R.M.D. and J.L.A.) of the
causing a reduction in local vasoconstriction and platelet aggre-
                                                                                          research team for relevance.
gation at the site of injury in addition to altering the rate at which
                                                                                                 Twenty-three records were ultimately identified through
enzymatic process occurs throughout the clotting cascade.
                                                                                          this method; five articles were excluded because of lacking in-
Moreover, hypothermia is associated with a leftward shift of
                                                                                          formation related to hypocalcemia, one was later excluded be-
the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve and a reduction in
                                                                                          cause of not adding any additional conclusions that had not
myocardial contractility, both leading to reduced tissue oxygen-
                                                                                          been previously covered, and one additional article was excluded
ation and an increased state of oxygen debt. These mechanisms
                                                                                          due to a new protocol.22 Information on the studies used in this
described previously directly correlate with coagulopathy and
                                                                                          review can be found in Table 1.
acidosis as irreversible shock progresses throughout the lethal
triad. Coagulopathy, traditionally regarded as an international
normalized ratio (INR) of 1.5 or greater in an acute setting,                                                         RESULTS
may additionally be exacerbated by hemodilution of platelets
and clotting factors through crystalloid infusions.4,5 Lastly, acidosis                   Trauma-Related Hypocalcemia
or serum pH of less than 7.36 is associated with a reduction in                                  Webster et al.19 noted that 55% of trauma patients in a ma-
coagulation factor activity and increases in fibrin degradation                           jor trauma center in the United Kingdom were hypocalcemic
rate and coagulation times, further exacerbating the traumatic                            (iCa,
J Trauma Acute Care Surg
Ditzel et al.                                                                                                                          Volume 88, Number 3

TABLE 1. Information of Studies Included in Review
Author                                     Publication Year               Publication Type                  Primary Outcome                    No. Patients
Armand et al.                                   2003                     Review                            N/A                                     N/A
Hästbacka and Pettilä8                          2003                     Retrospective                     30-d Mortality                          941
Cherry et al.9                                  2006                     Retrospective                     In-hospital mortality                   396
Holcomb et al.10                                2007                     Special Commentary                N/A                                     N/A
Lier et al.11                                   2008                     Review                            N/A                                     N/A
Ho and Leonard14                                2011                     Retrospective                     In-hospital mortality                   352
Magnotti et al.15                               2011                     Observational                     In-hospital mortality                   591
Kornblith et al.16                              2014                     Prospective (blood)               Multiple lab values                     34
Li and Xu17                                     2015                     Retrospective                     Mean citrate load                       267
Bjerkvig et al.1                                2016                     Review                            N/A                                     N/A
Giancarelli et al.18                            2016                     Retrospective                     iCa lab value                           156
Webster et al.19                                2016                     Retrospective                     iCa lab value                           55
Kyle et al.20                                   2017                     Retrospective                     iCa lab value                           297
MacKay et al.21                                 2017                     Observational                     In-hospital mortality                   41
Shackelford et al.22                            2017                     Retrospective                     24-h/30-d Mortality                     502
    Lab, laboratory; N/A, not available.

receiving blood products en route. Hypocalcemia (iCa,
J Trauma Acute Care Surg
Volume 88, Number 3                                                                                                                                                             Ditzel et al.

TABLE 2. MEDEVAC Study Population Posttreatment Characteristics and Outcomes
Unadjusted Posttreatment Between-Groups Difference                                                      Transfused Prehospital             Not Transfused Prehospital                  p*
KIA* (%)                                                                                                          2 (3.8)                             58 (20.3)                      0.003*
Died (KIA + DOW) within 24 h of MEDEVAC take-off from POI* (%)                                                    2 (3.8)                             64 (22.4)                      0.001*
Died (KIA + DOW) within 30 d*                                                                                     5 (9.4)                             77 (26.9)                      0.005*
TXA* (%)                                                                                                         48 (90.6)                           144 (50.3)                     0.09) upon ED arrival (%)                                 n = 52, 39 (75)                     n = 233, 137 (63)                  0.11
Massive transfusion (>10 units/24 h)* (%)                                                                         40 (75)                             119 (42)
J Trauma Acute Care Surg
Ditzel et al.                                                                                                            Volume 88, Number 3

Figure 2. Demonstration of the interaction of calcium with the other aspects of the lethal diamond.18,25–27

      Knowing that low ionized calcium levels on admission to           other in the lethal triad. Coagulopathy occurs as calcium levels
an ED are associated with higher mortality, Kyle et al.20 assessed      drop because the extrinsic, intrinsic, and central clotting cascade
whether early intravenous administration of calcium in the              pathways rely on proper levels of ionized calcium in the blood.18
prehospital environment given concurrently with blood products          Furthermore, these same receptors necessary for clotting that re-
had any impact on ionized calcium levels upon admission to the          quire ionized calcium can also be blocked by hydrogen ions be-
military treatment facility. Hypocalcemia in the treatment group,       cause it is a competitive receptor antagonist.25 Lower levels of
which received 10 mL of calcium chloride intravenously, was             ionized calcium in the blood are also associated with lower pH,
28.3% (17 of 60 patients) compared with 70% (166 of 237 patients)       increasing acidosis. Hypothermia decreases liver metabolism,
of those in the nontreatment group who received blood prod-             which is important to metabolize citrate, as it is introduced to the
ucts without calcium. Only 26.6% (63 of 237 patients) of                patient through transfusion.26 Lastly, proper ionized calcium levels
those in the nontreatment group had ionized calcium levels              are necessary for the cardiac myocytes to properly function. Be-
within normal limits compared with 41.7% (25 of 60 patients)            cause they rely on a calcium-induced calcium release, low levels of
of those in the treatment group. Of note, patient mortality infor-      ionized calcium reduce the heart's ability to properly contract. This
mation was not included in this study.                                  problem also adds to the other three factors of the current lethal
                                                                        triad.27 This information is depicted below in Figure 2.
Current US Military Protocols                                                   By including hypocalcemia in the lethal diamond, it is the
       The Joint Trauma System released an updated Clinical             hope of these authors that this will emphasize the need for early
Practice Guideline (CPG) for DCR during the review pro-                 management of ionized calcium levels in trauma patients, to pre-
cess for this article that states a gram of calcium should be           vent or minimize the presence and severity of hypocalcemia. Al-
administered to patients “in hemorrhagic shock during or                though MacKay et al.21 did notice increased mortality associated
immediately after transfusion of the first unit of blood product        with hypercalcemia, because of either natural or iatrogenic
and with ongoing resuscitation after every 4 units of blood prod-       causes, the conclusions ascertained previously stress the impor-
ucts.”24 This CPG then recommends that ionized calcium should           tance of hypocalcemia management, while being cognizant of
be monitored and treated if it drops below 1.20 mmol/L.24               overtreating to the point of hypercalcemia. These authors pro-
                                                                        pose the Joint Trauma System DCR CPG to become the current
The Lethal Diamond                                                      standard for treating patients suffering from hemorrhagic shock,
       Early, systematic management of these factors may lead to        with the addition of ensuring that ionized calcium levels do not
better outcomes for trauma patients. It is the belief of these au-      exceed 1.25 mmol/L, as a result of the data from the MacKay
thors that the lethal triad may be leaving out one other crucial        et al. study.21,24 However, currently there is a knowledge gap
factor that interacts with these other three conditions to the det-     on whether early administration of calcium products to serious
riment of the trauma patient: hypocalcemia. We propose a new            trauma patients expecting to receive a transfusion has any impact
leg to the lethal triad, making a “lethal diamond,” in which the        on patient mortality. The inverse relationship between ionized
four arms are coagulopathy, hypothermia, acidosis, and hypocal-         calcium level on admission to an ED and patient mortality does
cemia. Hypocalcemia works as a functional piece in this diamond         not necessarily guarantee that early administration of calcium will
by interacting with the other three conditions as they do each          correct this problem. While low ionized calcium levels have been

438                                                                                   © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

                                     Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
J Trauma Acute Care Surg
Volume 88, Number 3                                                                                                                                      Ditzel et al.

associated with increased mortality, it is not clear whether the low                4. Eddy VA, Morris JA Jr., Cullinane DC. Hypothermia, coagulopathy, and ac-
ionized calcium is a cause of this outcome or just a predictor of it.                  idosis. Surg Clin North Am. 2000;80(3):845–854.
                                                                                    5. Niles SE, McLaughlin DF, Perkins JG, Wade CE, Li Y, Spinella PC,
       As seen in Table 1, to these authors' knowledge, there are                      Holcomb JB. Increased mortality associated with the early coagulopathy of
currently zero prospective randomized, controlled trials focused                       trauma in combat casualties. J Trauma. 2008;64(6):1459–1465.
on patient-centered outcomes concerning early calcium admin-                        6. Martini WZ, Holcomb JB. Acidosis and coagulopathy: the differential effects on
istration to bleeding trauma patients requiring transfusion.                           fibrinogen synthesis and breakdown in pigs. Ann Surg. 2007;246(5):831–835.
Therefore, targeted research is needed to determine if the early                    7. Armand R, Hess JR. Treating coagulopathy in trauma patients. Transfus Med
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                                                                                    9. Cherry RA, Bradburn E, Carney DE, Shaffer ML, Gabbay RA, Cooney RN.
                           CONCLUSIONS                                                 Do early ionized calcium levels really matter in trauma patients? J Trauma.
       Thus far, the following has been established: over half of                  10. Holcomb JB, Jenkins D, Rhee P, et al. Damage control resuscitation: directly
trauma patients are hypocalcemic before receiving any blood                            addressing the early coagulopathy of trauma. J Trauma. 2007;62(2):307–310.
products on arrival to an ED;15,19 transfusions further increase                   11. Lier H, Krep H, Schroeder S, Stuber F. Preconditions of hemostasis in
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lating to worsening ionized calcium levels;14,15,18–21 lower ion-
                                                                                   12. Hoffman M, Monroe DM. Coagulation 2006: a modern view of hemostasis.
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products concurrently with blood product administration has                            Blood Rev. 2003;17(suppl 1):S1–S5.
been associated with a higher ionized calcium level on admis-                      14. Ho KM, Leonard AD. Concentration-dependent effect of hypocalcaemia on
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ized trial is needed to determine whether this is correlation or
                                                                                   15. Magnotti LJ, Bradburn EH, Webb DL, Berry SD, Fischer PE, Zarzaur BL,
causation. It is the hope of these researchers that this review will                   Schroeppel TJ, Fabian TC, Croce MA. Admission ionized calcium levels
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                                                                                   17. Li K, Xu Y. Citrate metabolism in blood transfusions and its relationship due
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                                                                                   20. Kyle T, Greaves I, Beynon A, Whittaker V, Brewer M, Smith J. Ionised cal-
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