A review of microsampling techniques and their social impact

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A review of microsampling techniques and their social impact
Biomedical Microdevices (2019) 21: 81

A review of microsampling techniques and their social impact
Benson U. W. Lei 1,2 & Tarl W. Prow 1,2

Published online: 15 August 2019
# The Author(s) 2019

Conventional skin and blood sampling techniques for disease diagnosis, though effective, are often highly invasive
and some even suffer from variations in analysis. With the improvements in molecular detection, the amount of
starting sample quantity needed has significantly reduced in some diagnostic procedures, and this has led to an
increased interest in microsampling techniques for disease biomarker detection. The miniaturization of sampling
platforms driven by microsampling has the potential to shift disease diagnosis and monitoring closer to the point
of care. The faster turnaround time for actionable results has improved patient care. The variations in sample
quantification and analysis remain a challenge in the microsampling field. The future of microsampling looks
promising. Emerging techniques are being clinically tested and monitored by regulatory bodies. This process is
leading to safer and more reliable diagnostic platforms. This review discusses the advantages and disadvantages of
current skin and blood microsampling techniques.

Keywords Microsampling . Skin biopsy . Blood sampling . Minimally invasive . Point-of-care device . Microneedle

1 Introduction                                                           requirements that may subsequently delay clinical deci-
                                                                         sion-making. The simplification of skin sample collec-
Microsampling is a procedure for capturing minute sam-                   tion via microsampling has the potential to improve the
ples (usually
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2 Blood sampling                                                       as the technique is considered an invasive procedure (Freeman
                                                                       et al. 2018).
2.1 Conventional blood sampling approach and its
limitations                                                            2.2 Blood microsampling

The use of whole blood sample for biomarker detection is one           With improvements in molecular analysis techniques, the de-
of the most commonly used procedures in disease diagnosis,             mand for sample size in disease diagnosis has significantly
with an estimated global market size of U$55bn in 2017                 reduced. In the case of blood, a microsample generally refers
(Global Blood Testing Market Size & Share | Industry               to a sample size of 1 mL in phlebot-
Report, 2018–2024 n.d.). The current standard for whole                omy (Nys et al. 2017). A smaller sample demand addresses
blood sampling necessitates a phlebotomist to collect a rela-          the limitations in conventional techniques by expanding the
tively large volume of blood (>0.1–1 mL) intravenously using           potential for a quicker, cost-effective and less invasive diag-
a hypodermic needle connected to an evacuation tube                    nostic procedure (Table 1). It is also well recognized that re-
(Freeman et al. 2018) (Fig. 1). Various types of evacuation            peated and large-volume sampling is undesirable for patients,
tubes can be used based on the risk of contamination and               especially for patients with chronic disease who require regu-
coagulation, such as an EDTA pre-filled tube that prevents             lar sampling or when maintaining blood volume is critical
clotting (Banfi et al. 2007). Venipuncture is often performed          (Chapman et al. 2014). Most microsampling approaches are
on the volar forearm of the patient in the sampling process,           less painful and stressful and often have fewer requirements
and a tourniquet can be used to restrict blood flow. Once the          on handling and storage. Therefore the benefits of blood
sample is collected in the evacuation tube, it can be delivered        microsampling has the potential to increase the patient’s ac-
to a central diagnostic laboratory for analysis under appropri-        cessibility to a blood test (Chapman et al. 2014).
ate storage and delivery conditions (Tsai et al. n.d.).
   Although the technique can provide accurate diagnosis, it           2.2.1 Dried blood spot
is often considered a costly and time-consuming procedure
due to the consumables, personnel and storage/logistical re-           An approach that bridges the gap between small blood sam-
quirements (Freeman et al. 2018). For example, in a central            pling and analysis is dried blood spot (DBS). DBS was first
testing laboratory setting, the turnaround time of blood testing       developed for large-scale screening of the metabolic disease,
ranges from hours to days depending on the sample/result               phenylketonuria, on neonates in 1963 (Guthrie and Susi
delivery between the clinic and the central laboratory                 1963). Since then, it has been used for detection of sickle cell
(Cohen et al. 2014; Jones et al. 2007). A central laboratory           disorders and human immunodeficiency virus infection
might require more than double the amount of time to process           (Parker and Cubitt 1999). The technique involves the use of
a sample as compared to a POC test for some basic blood tests,         a blood lancet and a sample collection card. After performing
such as cell count and glucose level analysis (Tsai et al. n.d.).      a finger-prick on the patient with the lancet, a few drops of
Another limitation of the conventional approach stems from             blood, usually  0.1–1 mL of blood for biomarker
                                                                       sample quantification and analysis due to technical errors
analysis. Picture retrieved from https://www.butlertech.org/event/     and biological fluctuations, such as hematocrit (Hall et al.
phlebotomy-program-starts/                                             2015) (HCT). When spotting a fixed volume of blood sample
A review of microsampling techniques and their social impact
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          (a)                                                       (b)

                                                                                        Specimen sufficient for analysis (minimum 70 μL spots)

                                                                                        Specimen with 40 μL spots

                                                                                        Specimen with 30 μL spots

                                                                                        Specimen insufficient for analysis (less than 30 μL spots)

                                                                                        10 mm

          (c) Whatman 903TM                      Lot: 6940712 W113

                 Whatman 903TM                   Lot: 6940712 W113

                QC identification             LLOQ                                   Low QC                 Mid QC                   High QC
                Nominal concentration (µg/mL) 0.50                                   1.50                   20.00                    75.00

                Mean (μg/mL)                                       0.47               1.64      21.13                                 75.15
                % CV (%)                                           5.3                5.1        2.3                                  4.2
                % Nominal (%)                                      93.0              109.2     105.6                                 100.2
                Mean (μg/mL)                                       0.48               1.52      20.89                                  71.82
                % CV (%)                                           2.8                3.1        1.2                                   1.0
                % Nominal (%)                                      95.4              101.5     104.4                                   95.8
Fig. 2 Dried blood spot (DBS) is the most common blood microsampling         top sample was 0.35 and the bottom was 0.5. d) Youhnovski et al.
approach. It involves using a collection card to collect a sample of blood   compared the precision and accuracy of DBS and PCDBS. PCDBS
via finger-prick. Due to its low sample demand, it is often performed on     showed higher precision (%CV) and accuracy (%nominal). Pictures
infants (panel a). b) The volume of blood needs to be standardized in DBS    retrieved/adopted from http://www.ewbbu.com/mobile-health.html,
for downstream analysis. Because of the strict requirement on sample         Govender et al. 2016, Wilhelm et al. 2014 and Youhnovski et al. 2011.
volume, a technician is usually required to perform the technique. c)        All figures are under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0. Full terms at
The hematocrit (HCT) level can lead to variations in analysis and can        http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0
sometimes be distinguished by the color of sample. The HCT level of the

on the sample collection card, the HCT affects the resultant                 this technique, the entire spot of collected sample is analyzed to
size of spot (Fig. 2b, c). A high HCT tends to give a smaller                minimize the impact of HCT on sample analysis. This method
spot, conversely a low HCT provides a bigger spot. The HCT                   retains almost all advantages of DBS while overcoming the
effect can introduce variation in analysis, such as the amount               impact of HCT. Youhnovski et al. reported using the PCDBS
of analytes in the sample (Hall et al. 2015; Fallah and                      technique with a 3-mm disk punched out from DBS card for
Peighambardoust 2012).                                                       fixed volume blood absorption. Liquid chromatography/
   On the other hand, a pre-cut dried blood spot (PCDBS) is a                electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry was then
variation of DBS that aims to address the HCT issue in DBS. In               performed to determine the naproxen concentration in the
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sample. The main objective of PCDBS was to tackle the HCT             In this study, the plasma extraction card was used to quan-
effect and drug distribution issue encountered in general DBS     tify the amount of Vitamin D in whole blood sample with LC-
(Youhnovski et al. 2011). As compared to the general DBS          MS/MS, and the result was compared with the conventional
approach, the PCDBS technique displayed lower variations          plasma separation approach of liquid-liquid extraction across
in precision (%CV ≤3.1%) and higher accuracy (%nominal            an HCT range of 21% to 70%. The result suggested that the
value: 95.4–104.4%) across the HCT range of 25% to 75%.           coefficients of variation were 4.4 for the plasma extraction
Although the PCDBS technique partially overcame the HCT           card and 1.8% for liquid-liquid extraction (Fig. 3b). The mea-
impact, the sampling process required a precise and accurate      sured values of Vitamin D concentration were also similar
volume of blood, making it unsuitable for self-sampling with-     (19.8 ng/mL vs 22.2 ng/mL). This showed that the results of
out extensive training (Fig. 2d).                                 the three-layer plasma collection card and centrifugation were
                                                                      Plasma sampling via the plasma extraction card method has
2.2.2 Plasma microsampling                                        the potential to change the way diagnostic services are per-
                                                                  formed in resource-poor areas as a result of the reduced need
Plasma microsampling involves collecting a small                  for specialized laboratory equipment. Although this technique
amount of plasma for quantitative analysis of biomole-            can also overcome the HCT effect on the whole blood sample,
cules. A patient is first finger-pricked and < 100 μL of          potential widespread adoption for applications could be re-
blood sample is collected into a capillary tube or a              stricted due to the limited biological information that the plas-
plastic device (Li et al. 2012). The sample is then cen-          ma sample may provide.
trifuged, so the plasma can be isolated and analyzed
directly with techniques such as liquid chromatography            2.2.3 Volumetric absorptive microsampling
- tandem mass spectrometry (Parker et al. 2015a) (LC-
MS/MS). Parker et al. has reported a dried plasma spot            Volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS) is a novel
(DPS) technique in which a small volume of harvested              approach that permits the collection of a fixed volume
plasma sample was spotted onto cellulose cards for sub-           of whole blood. The technique involves the use of a
sequent quantitative analysis of fosfomycin with LC-              sampler with a porous hydrophilic tip that enables the
MS/MS (Parker et al. 2015a). The results displayed a              collection of small, accurate and precise blood volumes
high accuracy (
A review of microsampling techniques and their social impact
Table 1   Selected publications of current blood and skin microsampling techniques

Sample       Technology         Target Application                  Analytical       Additional information                     Potential Sample amount            Reference
target                          model                               method                                                      for
                                system                                                                                          self-

Blood        Dried blood spot   Human Drug detection and            LC/ESI-MS/MS - Use of pre-cut filter paper                  No       ~100 μL of whole blood    Youhnovski et al. 2011
                                        quantification                              to overcome hematocrit (HCT)
                                                                                 - Less than ±3% of variations
                                                                                                                                                                                                Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81

                                                                                    in volume
                                                                                 - A precise volume of blood is
                                Human Drug detection and            LC-MS/MS     - Use of conventional filter paper             No       ~100 μL of whole blood    Koster et al. 2013
                                        quantification                              card
                                                                                 - Presence of HCT impact
                                Human Virus detection               PCR          - Use of conventional filter paper             No       >70 μL of whole blood     Govender et al. 2016
                                                                                 - Presence of HCT impact
             Plasma             Human Protein detection and         LC-MS/MS     - Use of three-layer sample separation         Yes      2.5 μL of plasma from     Kim et al. 2013
                microsampling           quantification                              card                                                    25 μL of whole blood
                                                                                 - Lab setting is not necessary
                                                                                 - Absence of HCT impact, but biological
                                                                                    information is limited
                                Human Drug detection and            LC-MS/MS     - Use of centrifugation in plasma separation   No       25 μL of plasma           Li et al. 2015a, b
                                        quantification                           - Lab setting is necessary
                                                                                 - Absence of HCT impact, but biological
                                                                                    information is limited
                                Human Drug detection and            LC-MS/MS     - Use of centrifugation in plasma separation   No       5–30 μL of plasma from    Parker et al. 2015a, b
                                        quantification                           - Lab setting is necessary                                2 mL of whole blood
                                                                                 - Absence of HCT impact, but biological
                                                                                    information is limited
             VAMS               Human Drug detection and            LC-MS/MS     - Fixed volume sampling                        Yes      10 μL of whole blood      Denniff and Spooner 2014
                                        quantification                           - HCT impact can potentially be ignored
                                                                                 - Less than ±5% of variations in volume
                                                                                 - Sample collection within 2–4 s
                                                                                 - Convenient sample storage
                                Human Drug detection and            LC-MS/MS     - Fixed volume sampling                        Yes      10 μL of whole blood      Mano et al. 2015
                                        quantification                           - Biased drug levels at low and high HCT
                                                                                 - Sample collection within 2–4 s
                                                                                 - Convenient sample storage
                                Rat     Drug detection and          LC–MS/MS     - Fixed volume sampling                        Yes      10 μL of whole blood      Kita et al. 2018
                                          quantification                         - Biased drug levels at low HCT level
                                                                                 - Sample collection within 2–4 s
                                                                                 - Convenient sample storage
             hemaPen            Human Fixed volume sampling of      N/A          - Fixed volume sampling                        Yes      N/A                       https://www.trajanscimed.
                                         whole blood                             - HCT impact can potentially be ignored                                              com/pages/hemapen
                                                                                 - Absence of clinical data
                                                                                 - Overall collection duration less than 20 s
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A review of microsampling techniques and their social impact
Table 1 (continued)

Sample       Technology       Target Application                   Analytical        Additional information                      Potential Sample amount           Reference
target                        model                                method                                                        for
                              system                                                                                             self-
                                                                                                                                                                                               81 Page 6 of 30


                                                                                    - Convenient sample storage
Skin/Blood   Microneedle      Mouse Biomolecule detection          ELISA            - Use of solid microneedle arrays            No       N/A                      Bhargav et al. 2012
                                      and quantification                            - For disposable use only
                                                                                    - Variations in sample capturing
                              Mouse Drug level monitoring          Electrochemistry - Use of hollow microneedle arrays           No       N/A                      Mohan et al. 2017
                                                                                    - For continuous monitoring
                                                                                    - Integrated diagnostic platform
                              Mouse Biomolecule level              Colorimetric     - Use of single hollow microneedle           Yes      30 μL of whole blood     Li et al. 2015a, b
                                      quantification                  assay         - For disposable use only
                                                                                    - Integrated diagnostic platform
                              Human Skin sampling                  qPCR             - Use of single hollow microneedle           Yes      3–12 μg of skin sample   Lin et al. 2013
                                                                                    - For disposable use only
                                                                                    - Low cost and simple design
                              Mouse Body fluid sampling            N/A              - Use of absorbent microneedle arrays        Yes      ~3 μL of body fluid      Samant and Prausnitz 2018
                                                                                    - For disposable use only
                                                                                    - Low cost and simple design
                                                                                    - Use of external pressure to improve
                              Human Virus detection                PCR              - Use of hollow microneedle arrays           Yes      3–12 μg of skin sample   Tom et al. 2016
                                                                                    - For disposable use only
                                                                                    - Low cost and simple design
                                                                                    - Spatial and repeated sampling
                              Human Parasite detection             PCR              - Use of single absorbent microneedle        Yes      1.5–3 μL of blood;       Kirstein et al. 2017
                                                                                    - For disposable use only                                unclear for skin.
                                                                                    - Low cost and simple design
                                                                                    - Capability to sample both skin and
Skin         Abrasion         Human Skin disease diagnosis         Bacterial        - Use of various culturing conditions        No       N/A                      Pachtman et al. 1954
                                                                      culture          to distinguish bacteria
                              Human Skin disease diagnosis         PCR              - Inconsistent genotypic results between     No       N/A                      Hernandez et al. 2006
                                                                                       physician- and self-collected sampled
             Tape stripping   Human Protein level quantification   BCA              - Great inter-individual variances in        No       11 μg of protein/cm2     Clausen et al. 2016
                                                                                       protein content
                              Human Melanoma diagnosis             Microarray       - Use of 17-gene classifier to distinguish   No       N/A                      Wachsman et al. 2011
                                                                                    - 100% sensitivity and 88% specificity
                                                                                       (melanomas vs naevi)
                              Human Melanoma diagnosis             qPCR             - Use of only 2 genes to distinguish         No       N/A                      Gerami et al. 2017
                                                                                    - 91% sensitivity and 69% specificity
                                                                                       (melanomas vs naevi)
                                                                                    - Short turnaround time
                              Swine   Skin grafting                Not applicable   - Use of modified hypodermal needle          No       10–100 mg/skin column    Tam et al. 2013
                                                                                                                                                                                                Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81
A review of microsampling techniques and their social impact
Table 1 (continued)

Sample         Technology         Target Application                 Analytical        Additional information                 Potential Sample amount          Reference
target                            model                              method                                                   for
                                  system                                                                                      self-

               Fractional skin                                                        - Potential for other applications,
                  harvesting                                                             such as tissue sampling for
                                                                                         histopathological analysis
Other bodily   Reverse            Human Glucose level                Electrochemistry - Inconsistent extraction rate          Yes      20–60 nmol/cm2*h        Diabetes Research in Children
                                                                                                                                                                                                Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81

  fluids         iontophoresis            monitoring                                  - Unsuitable for real-time monitoring                                      Network (DIRECNET) Study
                                                                                         due to reading delay                                                    Group 2003
                                                                                      - Low accuracy when the analyte
                                                                                         is low
                                  Human Glucose level                Electrochemistry - Lower variability as compared to      Yes      N/A                     Lipani et al. 2018
                                          monitoring                                     GlucoWatch
                                                                                      - Pixel density needs to align
                                                                                         with follicle density
               Nanopore           Human Glucose and asparagine       Electric signal  - Highly sensitive                      Yes      Glucose: 2 μL for sweat Galenkamp et al. 2018
                                          level monitoring                            - Application can be limited                       15 μL for saliva 10 nL
                                                                                                                                         for blood
               Oral rinse         Human HPV diagnosis                PCR              - Saliva sampling                       No       N/A                      Qureishi et al. 2018
                                                                                      - Use of 1 biomarker for HPV
               Passive drooling   Human Subclinical malaria          Immunoassay      - Saliva sampling                       No       2 mL                    Tao et al. 2019
                                          diagnosis                                   - High sensitivity and specificity
                                                                                      - Low cost
               Wearable sweat     Human Ethanol level                Electrochemistry - Continuous sweat sampling             Yes      100 nL/cm2              Hauke et al. 2018
                 biosensor                monitoring                                  - Low cost and simple design
                                                                                      - Suitable for low-resource areas
               AdenoPlus          Human Adenoviral                   Immunoassay      - Disease-specific tear sampling        No       N/A                     Sambursky et al. 2013
                                          conjunctivitis diagnosis                    - Shot turnaround time
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                   Control spot                 Whole blood

       Plasma collection                          Plasma

              Base card             screen

                                                                   Ratio                               Measured
                                                                               d6-25OHVD3                         Average concentration of          % CV of
   Donor 1 (2.57 μL of plasma   Analyte peak     IS peak area    (analyte/                           25OHVD3 (ng/
                        a                                                  (pg on Collection Disc)                    analyte (ng/mL)              replicates
      from finger-stick)         area (counts)      (counts)         IS)                                  mL)
   Plasma extraction card,       5.07 × 1003      2.63 × 1003      1.93             28.0                 20.8
     replicate 1
   Plasma extraction card,      5.00 × 1003      2.74 × 1003       1.82             28.0                 19.6
     replicate 2
   Plasma extraction card,      5.11 × 1003      2.89 × 1003       1.77             28.0                 19.1                   19.8                   4.4
     replicate 3
                                                                    Ratio                               Measured
      Donor 1 (100 μL serum      Analyte peak     IS peak area    (analyte/   d6-25OHVD3 (pg         25OHVD3 (ng/       Average concentration of   % CV of
        from venipuncture)      area (counts)       (counts)         IS)          in a tube)             mL)               analyte (ng/mL)         replicates
         LLE, replicate 1       2.83 × 1005        8.83 × 1004      3.20            700                22.2
         LLE, replicate 2       2.79 × 1005       8.88 × 1004       3.14            700                21.8
         LLE, replicate 3       3.52 × 1005       1.08 × 1005       3.26            700                22.6                      22.                   1.8

Fig. 3 Plasma microsampling involves sampling whole blood and                    extraction card and conventional liquid-liquid extraction. Reprinted
separating plasma out for analysis. a) The plasma collection card was            (adapted) with permission from Kim et al. 2013. Copyright 2018
designed to separate plasma from whole blood without centrifugation.             American Chemical Society
b) The coefficients of variation (%CV) were similar for both the plasma

however, it has also been reported that the analyte recovery                     volume inaccuracy and HCT effect in DBS (hemaPEN -
varies as the HCT level changes. For example, in two separate                    Trajan Scientific and Medical n.d.) (Fig. 4c). The device
pharmacokinetic studies, Parker et al. and Mano et al. both                      contains end-to-end capillaries with pre-punched DBS pa-
suggested that the drug recovery levels of analytes,                             per for blood collection and dispensing. The purpose of
fosfomycin and tacrolimus, were inversely correlated with                        the device is to provide an easy and convenient sampling
HCT levels (Parker et al. 2015b; Mano et al. 2015). Both                         experience. Upon performing a finger-prick, the device
studies examined the analyte recovery at three different HCT                     uses a capillary collection mechanism to dispense an ac-
levels across the range of 20 to 65%. The recoveries of                          curate volume of blood onto filter paper. The sample in-
analytes were shown to be higher at a lower HCT level (20–                       tegrity is ensured at every stage of the process via the
30%) for both analytes. However, the main reason that led to                     integrated compartments in the device.
this inverse relationship is still unclear. These studies sug-                      Following sampling, the device can be sent to a diagnostic
gested that challenges remain for analyzing drug concentra-                      laboratory for analysis. Since the hemaPEN is still under de-
tion with VAMS. Although the technique provides a conve-                         velopment, the next key step for a device like this is to dem-
nient way to sample an accurate volume of blood, the relation-                   onstrate the reliability with clinical data. While the feasibility
ship between HCT and analyte needs to be thoroughly inves-                       and reliability of both VAMS and hemaPEN still require fur-
tigated before it can be used as a routine sampling tool.                        ther validation, the importance of accurate sampling volume
   Similar to VAMS, the hemaPEN (Trajan Medical and                              and reducing the HCT impact are two of many issues both
Scientific) is a sampling platform that aims to tackle                           devises are aiming to address.
A review of microsampling techniques and their social impact
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Fig. 4 Blood microsampling with                (a)                                       (b)

                                                                                               Volume difference from
volumetric absorptive                                                                                                    8%
microsampling (VAMS) and                                                                                                 6%
hemaPEN are emerging                                                                                                     4%

                                                                                                     45% HCT
techniques for facilitating                                                                                              2%
convenient and accurate
sampling. a) VAMS sticks before
(left) and after (right) sampling. b)                                                                                   -6%
Blood sample recovered from                                                                                             -8%
VAMS tip displayed less than 5%                                                                                            15 25   35 45 55     65 75
volumetric variation when                                                                                                          Hematocrit
compared to pipetting across the               (c)
HCT range of 20 to 70%. c) The
application of hemaPEN
following finger-prick. Pictures
retrieved from Denniff and
Spooner 2014 and https://www.

2.2.4 Microneedle                                                 Earlier studies have already demonstrated that the MPA de-
                                                                  vice was able to penetrate the dermal tissue and capture spe-
Unlike other established techniques, microneedles are capable     cific circulating biomarkers when applied to the skin of live
of penetrating the skin and sampling at the same time without     mice (Crichton et al. 2010, 2011).
the use of a blood lancet. Early microneedle designs usually          In the study, the impact of protein immobilization
possessed a solid body and were primarily designed for cos-       conditions on biomarker capturing efficiency was inves-
metic or therapeutic purposes, such as drug delivery Kim et al.   tigated, and two groups of MPAs were designed for this
2012). Recent advances in rapid prototyping techniques, for       purpose: one group involved the use of 1-Ethyl-3-(3-
example 3D printing and laser cutting, has enabled                dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC) and N-
microsampling with microneedles for clinical research pur-        hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) in the immobilization proce-
poses (Lin et al. 2013; Samant and Prausnitz 2018).               dure of ovalbumin on MPAs, and the other group did
    The dimensions and geometries of microneedles can vary        not use EDC/NHS. The purpose of the EDC/NHS treat-
and can have an impact on needle penetration and pain.            ment was to improve probe surface density and orienta-
Reported microneedle penetration can range from 1 to 2 mm         tion. The resulting ovalbumin-immobilized MPA device
(Iriarte et al. 2017; Römgens et al. 2014). The range was         was applied on ovalbumin-vaccinated mice to detect α-
sometimes comparable to blood lancet penetration depths,          ovalbumin-IgG antibodies 21 days after vaccination.
which usually range between 0.85 mm on newborns to                Upon application, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent as-
2.2 mm on adults (Fruhstorfer et al. 1999; Kocher et al.          say was performed to determine the capturing efficiency
2009). The penetration depth allows the microneedle to by-        of the antibody. The result showed that the EDC/NHS
pass the stratum corneum and sample the biomarkers/               treatment improved the capturing efficiency of ovalbu-
biological fluids directly.                                       min by 18-fold in vivo and 140-fold in vitro (Fig. 5d).
    There are three major types of microneedle; solid             However, most solid microneedle designs, including
microneedle, hollow microneedle and absorbent microneedle.        MPAs, suffered from variations in capturing efficiency
Most solid microneedle designs were primarily created for         and were not an ideal technology for sample quantifica-
drug delivery (Jenkins et al. 2012; Crichton et al. 2010), how-   tion purposes (Ventrelli et al. 2015).
ever, they can also create micropores on the skin and extract         Hollow microneedles have a channel/hollow structure for
fluid/biomarkers through the resulting pores. Bhargav et al.      blood extraction (Kim et al. 2012). One benefit of the hollow
reported a silicon chip containing an array of cone-like pro-     microneedle is the potential for real-time or automated biomark-
jections called microprojection arrays (MPAs) for selective       er monitoring in a minimally invasive manner when paired with
biomarker capturing (Bhargav et al. 2012) (Fig. 5a-c).            a wearable device. There are some wearable devices that have
A review of microsampling techniques and their social impact
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                                                                                          MFI (AF647-OVA)
Fig. 5 Microprojection arrays, a
                                      (a)                                           (d)
solid microneedle-based device,                                                                             2000
was used to capture biomarkers in                                                                                            **
the skin of live mice as reported                                                                           1500
by Bhargav et al. a-c) The surface
of microprojection arrays imaged                                                                            1000                          **
with SEM. d) Surface
modifications with EDC/NHS                                                                                  500
improved the capturing
efficiency. The fluorescence                                                                                  0
intensities of EDC/NHS-treated        (b)                         (c)


                                                                                                                            H Au

                                                                                                                            H Au
MPAs showed an 18-fold

                                                                                                                       ED P )

                                                                                                                          /N -

                                                                                                                          /N -
                                                                                                                         C EG

                                                                                                                         C EG
increase. Pictures retrieved from
Bhargav et al. 2012

                                                                                                                       ED P

integrated diagnostic functionality for improved patient experi-             Most hollow microneedle designs suffered from some com-
ence (Norman et al. 2014; Li et al. 2015b). In a recent study from        mon technical issues, such as channel blockage and needle
Li et al., a single stainless-steel hollow microneedle with an            deformation (Kim et al. 2012; Reed et al. 1998). Given these
outer diameter of 120 μm was combined with a paper-based                  technical challenges, the majority of the current designs have
sensor for glucose and cholesterol concentration measurement              only been performed on animals instead of humans. Another
(Li et al. 2015b) (Fig. 6a and b).                                        major limitation is that these designs often require the use of
    Once the device was fixed to the skin of a live rabbit, the           some advanced fabrication technologies and therefore are not
device could be activated by applying pressure at the back of             scalable in most cases (Kim et al. 2018; Lutton et al. 2015).
the microneedle. About 30 ± 5 μL of blood sample could be                    In contrast, Lin et al. reported an alternative type of hollow
collected by the hollow microneedle on a rabbit model in                  microneedle, the skin microbiopsy, that was fabricated with
3 min. The separation membrane, an asymmetric polysulfone                 relatively low-tech equipment, such as a laser cutter, for skin
layer, then transferred the sample through absorption to the reac-        sampling (Lin et al. 2013). In the study, the skin microbiopsy
tion zones, which contained colorimetric assays. Color change of          was fabricated with three layers of medical-grade steel sheet
the reaction zones indicated the concentration of sample, and the         (Fig. 7a, b). The skin microbiopsy penetrated the skin approx-
color change was quantified by image analysis (Fig. 6b). Upon             imately 500 μm deep, and the channel in the middle of the
comparing different sample concentrations, the result of intensity        microneedle was able to sample tiny pieces of skin tissue like
analysis showed linear correlation coefficients (R2) of 0.99 for          a claw (Lin et al. 2013) (Fig. 7c). The puncture site created by
glucose and 0.98 for cholesterol, suggesting a reliable detection         the skin microbiopsy only spanned 0.2 ± 0.1 mm wide (Tom
of sample concentration (Fig. 6c). Another advantage of the de-           et al. 2016). The minimally invasive nature of the device also
vice was the use of low-cost materials, such as PDMS, which               enabled spatial-temporal sampling and facilitated molecular
made the device ideal for disposable use. However, the technique          profiling of skin diseases (Tom et al. 2016; Tan et al. 2015).
is still at an early stage and it has only been tested on the skin of a      In a separate study in 2016, Tom et al. demonstrated the
rabbit model.                                                             detection of spatial presence of human papillomavirus (HPV)
    Instead of one single microneedle, a growing number of stud-          with a skin microbiopsy by sampling cutaneous warts (Tom
ies has reported using hollow microneedle arrays for real-time            et al. 2016). After applying the skin microbiopsy with a
monitoring of biomarkers in blood. In most cases, a patch filled          spring-loaded applicator, 1–2 ng of DNA was extracted from
with microneedles was applied to the skin, and blood samples              the patient. The DNA gel electrophoresis result suggested that
were continuously extracted through microfluidic channels to the          the skin microbiopsy provided a more accurate spatial detection
back of the patch for analysis. Mohan et al. reported a hollow            of HPV DNA when compared to the conventional swab sam-
microneedle array coated with alcohol oxidase in the                      pling approach, which displayed an HPV positive result for a
microcavities (channels) for alcohol concentration detection              sample collected from healthy skin 1 cm away from the lesion
(Mohan et al. 2017) (Fig. 6d). Upon enzymatic reaction with               (Fig. 7d). Although the skin microbiopsy does not have the
alcohol, platinum and silver wires within the microcavities of            ability to draw blood like other hollow microneedles, the device
needles enabled electrochemical signal measurement. The device            has been tested on humans and has the potential to facilitate
demonstrated the ability to monitor an alcohol level of 0–80 mM           molecular detection of skin diseases in dermatological research.
for 100 min with a relative standard deviation of
Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81                                                                                                Page 11 of 30 81

Fig. 6 Hollow microneedles were
combined with sensors for real-
                                        (a)                                        (c)
time biomarker monitoring. a)
                                                                                               Gl Ch Gl Ch Gl Ch Gl Ch Gl Ch
The dimension of hollow                                                                      1.5
microneedle reported in Li et al.
b) The absorption of blood led to
color change in the reaction                                                                 1.0

zones. The color change was used
to determine the concentrations of                                                           0.5
glucose and cholesterol. c) The
calibration curves for glucose and
cholesterol measured by using the                                                            0.00          100     200    300
one-touch hollow microneedle
device. Both measurements                                                                                 Glucose (mg/dL)
showed linear correlation
coefficients (0.99 and 0.98). d)        (b)
Schematic representation of the
hollow microneedle array from                                                                0.4
Mohan et al. e) Real-time alcohol

detection of 30 mM alcohol in
artificial interstitial fluid                                                                0.2
(20.1 mg/mL BSA) for 100 min.
The artificial interstitial fluid was
located in a reservoir under a                                                               0.0
piece of excised mouse skin and                                                                 0       100       200     300
was sampled by the microneedle                                                                        Cholesterol (mg/dL)
array after penetrating the skin.
Pictures retrieved from Li et al.                                                  (e)
2015a, b and Mohan et al. 2017                                                           35

                                                                                                       current, %
                                                                                     i, nA


                                                                                                                      0          t, s    100

                                                                                                 0                                          35
                                                                                                                          t, s

mixture (Kirstein et al. 2017). Instead of simply pulling out      reported in animal studies for dermal interstitial fluid sam-
skin tissue with the microneedle, the absorbent microbiopsy        pling. Samant et al. reported an absorbent microneedle-based
consisted of an absorbent layer, a layer of filter paper, in the   device for interstitial fluid sampling on pig and mouse skin
middle to sample blood (Fig. 7e, f). In the study, the device      called microneedle patch(Samant and Prausnitz 2018). The
was used to facilitate the diagnosis of Leishmaniasis, a para-     design of the microneedle patch was similar to the absorbent
sitic skin condition. After applying on the lesion sites of pa-    microbiopsy described above, with two layers of stainless-
tients, the absorbent microbiopsy collected about 1.5–3 μL of      steel cover sandwiching an absorbent paper (Fig. 8a, b).
blood. Patients with histories of Leishmaniasis were sampled       However, the microneedle patch contained an array of
by both the absorbent microbiopsy and conventional finger-         microneedles, instead of just one single needle. After applying
prick approach for comparison. Quantitative real-time kineto-      the patch on the skin, the patch stayed on the skin and a
plast DNA PCR data suggested that the absorbent                    transverse pressure of 10 lbf was applied around the applica-
microbiopsy was able to collect both blood and skin samples        tion site to increase the fluid extraction rate. At the end of the
at the same time and showed a 3-fold increase (101 vs 32           20-min experiment, approximately 3 μL of interstitial fluid
patients) in accuracy in diagnosing Leishmaniasis, including       was sampled by the patch (Fig. 8c).
asymptomatic patients (Fig. 7g).                                      Absorbent microneedle-based devices such as the ab-
    In addition to the absorbent microbiopsy reported by           sorbent microbiopsy and the microneedle patch are pri-
Kirstein et al., absorbent microneedles have also been             marily designed for single use. Although the absorbent
81 Page 12 of 30                                                                                  Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81

Fig. 7 Microneedle-based
microbiopsies were used in skin
                                      (a)                        (b)                                (c)
and blood microsampling. a) A
side-by-side comparison between
conventional punch biopsy and
the skin microbiopsy. b) The
spring-loaded applicator used in
microbiopsy application. c) After
application, the microneedle
captured pieces of skin tissue in       3 mm      Microbiopsy
the channel. d) Spatial detection    conventional
of HPV by sampling cutaneous
warts. Skin microbiopsy provided
                                     punch biopsy
                                                       2 mm
a more accurate spatial detection
as demonstrated by DNA gel
electrophoresis. e) Designs of
skin (top) and absorbent                                          Microbiopsy sampling
microbiopsies (bottom). The main
difference between the two                                      W +1 +2 +3        +4 +5 C
designs was the middle absorbent                  +5cm
layer. f) The absorbent                        +3cm
microbiopsy was used to sample                +2cm
patients with Leishmaniasis in              +1cm
rural areas. g) The PCR data                Wart
suggested the absorbent                                                Swab sampling
microbiopsy was able to detect
Leishmaniasis more accurately                                   W +1 +2 +3        +4 +5 C
than the finger-prick method.
Pictures retrieved from Lin et al.
2013, Tom et al. 2016 and
Kirstein et al. 2017. All figures
are under a Creative Commons         (e)           (f)                     (g)               FP+ Np. (%) FP+ Np.(%)
Attribution 2.0. Full terms at                                                   1st Study
http://creativecommons.org/                                                        MB+        22 (12.1)   79(43.6)
                                                                                   MB-         10 (5.5)   70 (38.7)

                                                                                 2nd Study
                                                                                   MB+         2 (2.8)    18 (26.0)
                                                                                   MB-         6 (8.6)    43 (62.3)

microneedle does not offer the continuous monitoring            3 Skin sampling
function like the hollow microneedle, the fabrication pro-
cess is usually much simpler, and thus the cost of the          3.1 Conventional and invasive skin sampling
device is much lower comparatively. For the case of the         techniques
absorbent microbiopsy, the fabrication process only in-
volved the use of laser cutting and low-cost materials,         Another main area of microsampling is skin sampling. In skin
such as filter paper and stainless-steel sheet (Lin et al.      sampling, there are a larger variety of functional techniques
2013; Kirstein et al. 2017). Furthermore, the absorbent         due to the easier access of samples. Different techniques have
microneedle has the potential to facilitate clinical research   their own unique features, and they are often tailored for spe-
by reducing the use of reagents and the use of animals          cific disease conditions. Similar to blood, most conventional
when compared to other conventional sampling ap-                approaches are invasive and expose patients to potential risk
proaches. Nevertheless, the sampling variation is a huge        of complications.
obstacle as there are a variety of factors that might affect        The skin biopsy is one of the most essential techniques in
the needle penetration and sample absorption amount, in-        dermatology for diagnosis of skin conditions through histo-
cluding skin thickness and microneedle dimension.               pathological assessment. In Australia alone, the cost Medicare
Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81                                                                                                           Page 13 of 30 81

Fig. 8 The microneedle patch                      (a)
reported by Samant et al. utilized
absorbent microneedles to sample                                                                              Stainless steel cover
interstitial fluid from animal
models. a Schematic of the
microneedle patch. b The bottom                                                                                 Absorbent paper
view of the device, showing the
absorbent paper was sandwiched                                                                                    Adhesive
by stainless steel covers. c                                                                                  Stainless steel cover
Extraction of interstitial fluid
from rat skin in vivo. Reproduced
from Samant and Prausnitz 2018
with permission from the Royal
Society of Chemistry                              (b)                                 5
                                                                                                  Fluid eluted through rat skin over time
                                                                                                    upon application of pressure (n=3)

                                                        Amount of fluid eluted (μl)




                                                                                          0          5             10                15             20
                                                                                                                Time (min)

spent on 750,000 skin biopsies in 2016 was approximately                                      the removal of the entire suspicious spot, irrespective of the
A$150 M, assuming that the minimum cost of skin biopsy                                        size, which prevents any follow-up treatments or diagnosis.
and laboratory evaluation combined was A$200 per procedure                                        Another conventional technique of skin sampling is suction
(Skin cancer - Cancer Council Australia n.d.; Biopsy by a                                     blistering which involves using a chamber with a vacuum
Dermatologist for moles and skin cancer n.d.). The procedure                                  pump to extract body fluid for diagnosis of skin conditions.
involves the removal of suspicious skin lesions followed by                                   The extracted sample can be used to identify and quantify
examination under the microscope. There are three major                                       biomarkers. The fluid obtained with this technique is largely
types of skin biopsies; punch biopsy, shave biopsy and exci-                                  derived from interstitial fluid, which is the place where many
sional biopsy (Alguire and Mathes 1998) (Fig. 9a). All three                                  important biomarkers are expected to be found. Suction blis-
types of biopsies are highly invasive and can cause discomfort                                tering is much less invasive than a skin biopsy and can be used
to patients.                                                                                  to detect drugs and several skin conditions such as epidermal
   For instance, in punch biopsy, a doctor uses a sharp and                                   necrolysis (Paquet et al. 1998), and scleroderma (Juhlin et al.
circular tool for cutting into the top layer of fat beneath the                               1986). However, the technique requires time (>2 h) for the
skin (epidermis, dermis and superficial fat) and removing the                                 blistering process and may alter the biomarker structure dur-
suspicious site for examination. Due to the invasive nature of                                ing the procedure.
the technique, a suture is often needed to close the wound. The
procedure needs to be performed by trained personnel, such as                                 3.2 Skin microsampling
dermatologists. A skin punch biopsy procedure typically takes
about 15 min in total. The sample may need to be sent off to a                                3.2.1 Abrasion techniques
laboratory for analysis depending on the subsequent tests
involved.                                                                                     Skin microsampling has advanced tremendously in recent
   Although a skin punch biopsy combined with histopatho-                                     years due to the lower sample demand. Some of these “new”
logical study is the gold standard for diagnosis of skin lesions,                             minimally invasive techniques are in fact modifications from
the procedure requires local anesthesia and sutures, and gen-                                 their predecessors, such as the abrasion technique. As one of
erally does not permit molecular analysis due to the use of                                   the earliest minimally invasive skin sampling techniques, the
formalin (Gerami et al. 2017). The procedure also requires                                    abrasion technique was first reported by Pachtman et al. in
81 Page 14 of 30                                                                                                 Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81

       Shave biopsy

(b) Punch biopsy

                                          Skin                                               Lesion


(c) Excision biopsy


Fig. 9 Skin biopsy is the current standard for skin conditions diagnosis.   removing the suspicious location for analysis by a trained medical
The three main types of skin biopsies are shave (a), punch (b), and         professional. Pictures adopted from https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-
excision (c) biopsy. All three types of skin biopsies are conducted bu a    procedures/skin-biopsy/about/pac-20384634 & https://myhealth.alberta.
trained medical professional and the biopsy is sent for dermatopathology    ca/Health/pages/conditions.aspx?hwid=hw234496
diagnosis in most cases. b The procedure for punch biopsy involves
Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81                                                                                           Page 15 of 30 81

1954. The team utilized a wood scraper with a diameter of               address a larger population. One representative example is
23 mm to scrape the skin for sample collection from patients            the non-invasive skin biopsy tape from DermTech
with Seborrheic dermatitis, an inflammatory disease, for col-           (Wachsman et al. 2011) (Fig. 10b). The technology is based
ony counts (Pachtman et al.1954). The suspicious location of            on tape-stripping and is designed for the diagnosis of deadly
infection was abraded for >20 times before the sample was               melanoma. Conventional approaches for melanoma diagnosis
subsequently transferred for culturing and colony counting.             include the use of 4–6 mm diameter punch biopsy or a deep
The study utilized alkaline and aerobic/anaerobic environment           shave biopsy, and the technique is highly invasive. In contrast,
to control the culturing conditions in order to identify different      DermTech’s adhesive tape biopsy permits minimally invasive
types of bacteria. Although the study was unable to find a              sampling of cells from the surface of a patient’s skin. After
connection between the presence of Seborrheic dermatitis                sampling, the tape can be stored and sent to DermTech’s lab-
and number/type of bacteria on the culture plate, the sampling          oratory for analysis. RNA extracted from the sample can be
methodology was adopted by the main stream specifically in              analyzed for the 17 genes that form the genetic signature for
clinical research settings Pachtman et al. 1954).                       melanoma. The approximate turnaround time from sampling
   After Pachtman’s study, there had been a number of                   to result delivery to the doctor/clinic is three days (Ferris et al.
modified abrasion techniques for different purposes re-                 2015).
ported, including pathological studies and environmental                   Out of the 17-gene classifiers that separate melanoma and
toxin studies (Coman et al. 2014; Weldon and Du Preez                   non-melanoma, LINC0518 (Long Intergenic Non-Protein
2006). However, most of these studies suffered from var-                Coding RNA 518) and PRAME (preferentially expressed antigen
iations in analysis. For instance, Hernandez et al. demon-              in melanoma) were one of the best performing gene pairs in
strated that samples collected via the abrasion technique               identifying melanoma (Gerami et al. 2017). Gerami et al. report-
by patient and physician showed inconsistent genotypic                  ed using the pair of target genes combined with DermTech’s
results (Hernandez et al. 2006). In the study, patients ei-             adhesive tape biopsy to distinguish melanoma from non-
ther self-sampled or were sampled by a physician for the                melanoma samples. The study was designed with 157 training
detection of genital HPV via the abrasion technique, and                sets and 398 validation sets of adhesive tape biopsy. After non-
the results were compared between the two groups. In the                invasive sampling with the adhesive tape biopsy, the lesions were
study, the collected samples were tested with PCR to de-                sampled with conventional biopsy for comparison with the val-
tect the presence of HPV DNA. The PCR results from the                  idation sets of adhesive tape biopsy. Out of the 398 validation
two groups showed
81 Page 16 of 30                                                                                                   Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81

Fig. 10 Tape stripping is a non-invasive technique for skin sampling. a    technician at a clinic, and the tape was sent to a laboratory for analysis.
The typical procedure of conventional tape stripping. 1) The penetration   c Performance of LINC00518 and/or PRAME preferentially expressed
formulation was applied on the surface of the skin. 2) The formulation     antigen in melanoma detection in the validation sets suggested a 91%
was spread across the sampling area. 3 & 4) The tape was applied and       sensitivity and 69% specificity. Both numbers were higher than using a
subsequently removed for downstream analysis. b The tape stripping         dermoscopy alone. Pictures retrieved from Lademann et al. 2009 and
biopsy kit from DermTech. The technique was performed by a                 Gerami et al. 2017

91% and a specificity of 69% (Fig. 10c). Both sensitivity and              negative pressure, and the sample is transferred to a collection
specificity were higher than dermoscopy (Ferris et al. 2015).              basket for subsequent skin grafting. The purpose of the device
   Although DermTech’s adhesive tape biopsy needs to be                    was to harvest and transfer hundreds of microscopic skin tissue
performed by medical professionals, the training requirement               columns directly into a skin wound.
is much lower than conventional biopsies due to its ease-of-                   In a later study, the device was tested on human skin for
use and non-invasive nature, making melanoma diagnostics                   sample collection (Tam et al. 2017) (donor). The collected
more accessible to the public. In addition, the technique al-              skin columns (Fig. 11a) were grafted on the dorsal skin of a
lows for repeated diagnosis and simpler disease progression                mouse (recipient). The healing responses of both donor site
monitoring. These advantages are ideal for melanoma man-                   and recipient site were observed over time. After grafting, the
agement as melanoma in some instances can be curable if                    donor site healed by tissue remodeling without scarring as the
detected and treated early without going through any removal               wound sites were much smaller than the conventional split-
procedure(Gerami et al. 2017).                                             thickness skin graft technique. However, the FSH technique
                                                                           led to inferior cosmetic outcome on the recipient as the skin
3.2.3 Fractional skin harvesting                                           wound healed resembling a ‘fishing net’ (Fig. 11b panel i &
                                                                           ii). The sample size of FSH was also compared with the con-
There are also skin microsampling techniques that are designed             ventional approach (Fig. 11c). Depending on the choice of
for medical purposes other than diagnosis. A recent study from             needle, FSH was able to sample about 10–100 mg of skin
Tam et al. reported a needle-based technique called fractional             sample with similar penetration as split-thickness skin graft
skin harvesting (FSH) for skin grafting (Franco et al. 2014).              while preserving the sample structure and viability. Both sur-
FSH consists of two main parts: a standard hypodermal needle               face areas and masses of FSH samples were at least 8-fold
for harvesting and a fluidic device for sample collection. The             smaller than split-thickness skin graft samples. This demon-
harvesting needle is produced by honing a standard needle to               strated the lower level of invasiveness of FSH. The FSH tech-
fabricate two cutting edges. Once the needle is inserted into the          nique also has other potential applications, such as tissue sam-
skin, a column of microscopic skin tissue can be extracted. A              pling for histopathological analysis or tissue removal for drug
fluidic device attached to the other end of the needle is then             delivery through the fractional channels (Franco et al. 2014;
utilized to remove the sample from the harvesting needle with              Tam et al. 2013).
Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81                                                                                                    Page 17 of 30 81

Fig. 11 Fractional skin harvesting (FSH) was designed for skin grafting.       thickness wound on the dorsal skin of a mouse; arrow highlights the
a Full-thickness skin columns harvested with a 19-gauge coring needle          epidermal head of one skin column. ii) The recipient site formed a
from the donor. (Cohen et al. 2014) Epidermis; (Graber et al. 2017)            ‘fishing net’ in the middle (arrow) after recovery. c The FSH resulted in
dermis including adnexal structures; (Global Point Of Care Diagnostics         samples with smaller surface area and mass than conventional split-
Market will reach USD 40.50 Billion by 2022: Zion Market Research              thickness skin graft. Rσ = surface area ratio; Rm = mass ratio. Pictures
n.d.) subcutaneous fat. Each mark on the ruler in the photograph spans         retrieved/adopted from Tam et al. 2017. All figures are under a Creative
1 mm. b The recipient site i) before and ii) after the 8-week recovery time.   Commons Attribution 2.0. Full terms at http://creativecommons.org/
i) Human skin columns were applied in random orientation to a full-            licenses/by/2.0

4 Sampling of other bodily fluids and other                                    patch is transmitted wirelessly to a separate watch-like device
technologies                                                                   that delivers the glucose level reading (Ackerman et al. 1999).
                                                                                  Several major problems exist with the device, including time
4.1 Reverse iontophoresis                                                      delay and disruption by sweating (Diabetes Research in Children
                                                                               Network (DIRECNET) study group, T. D. R. in C. N. (DirecNet)
Reverse iontophoresis utilizes an electric current to remove mol-              S, 2003). In a report from Diabetes Research in Children
ecules and interstitial fluid through the skin for analysis                    Network (DirecNet) Study Group, the functionality and reliabil-
(Fig. 12a). The technique involves applying a low-level electrical             ity of GlucoWatch were examined (Diabetes Research in
current, which increases the permeability of the skin. As a result,            Children Network (DIRECNET) study group, T. D. R. in C. N.
molecules are transported across the stratum corneum by electro-               (DirecNet) S 2003). On one hand, 60% of the sensor glucose
phoresis and electro-osmosis. The transport of molecules is usu-               values were within 20% of the serum glucose, suggesting an
ally measured in units of chemical flux. The technique was first               acceptable level of accuracy (data not shown). On the other hand,
described by Glikfeld et al. for extracting glucose, theophylline              the measurement was less accurate at low glucose level. As
and clonidine (Glikfeld et al. 1989). It was later combined with a             shown in Fig. 12c, for a glucose level lower than 70 mg/dL, only
glucose sensor in a real-time monitoring device called                         32% of the readings met the International Organization for
GlucoWatch Biographer (Ackerman et al. 1999) (Cygnus, Inc.,                    Standardization (ISO) criteria (Diabetes Research in Children
Fig. 12b).                                                                     Network (DIRECNET) study group, T. D. R. in C. N.
   GlucoWatch is a wearable and non-invasive glucose mon-                      (DirecNet) S 2003) (±20%). This indicated that the device might
itoring device that tracks the glucose level in adults. The de-                only be sufficient for identifying the trends of glucose level in
vice requires the user to apply a plastic patch on the skin for                hyperglycemia patients unless a highly sensitive analytical meth-
periodic sample collection through reverse iontophoresis.                      od is used, which is usually difficult to achieve on a wearable
Upon sample extraction, the electrochemical signal from the                    device.
81 Page 18 of 30                                                                                       Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81

Fig. 12 Reverse iontophoresis        (a) Reverse iontophoresis
was utilized in glucose                                          Constant current source
monitoring. a In reverse
iontophoresis, an electrical
current is applied on skin to
electro-osmotically drive
                                                          Cathode      Electrolyte      Anode
interstitial fluid, which usually
contains targeting analytes,
through the epidermis to the skin
surface for analysis or sample
collection. b The GlucoWatch                                                Na+
was one of the reversion
iontophoresis-based diagnostic
platforms for glucose level
monitoring. The device was
separated into two pieces, a watch
                                                               Net convective solvent flow
(panel i) and an electrode
assembly (panel ii). c
GlucoWatch model GW2B                (b) GlucoWatch
accuracy test across a range of
glucose concentrations. The
medium relative absolute
difference (RAD) value at the
                                                                                                              Working electrode
lowest glucose concentration
(≤70 mg/dL) was the highest                                                                                   Counter/Iontophoresis
among all testing concentrations.                                                                             electrode
Only 32% of the data collected
met the ISO criteria (±20%).
Pictures retrieved/adopted from                                                                                Reference electrode
Potts et al. 2002 and the Diabetes
Research in Children Network
(DirecNet) Study Group               (b) GlucoWatch accuracy test
                                                               Number of paired   RAD    ISO criteria
                                                                 data points    (median)   met (%)
                                        Serum glucose
                                         level (mg/dL)
                                              ≤70                     334             38%           32%
                                            71-120                    926             18%           55%
                                            121-180                   963             14%           66%
                                            181-240                   776             14%           66%
                                             >240                     673             13%           67%
                                       Hypoglycemia test              482             20%           52%
                                       Hyperglycemia test             417             15%           66%

   Another major disadvantage of GlucoWatch is the calibra-          volumes of the pixels, sensors could operate on an individual
tion procedure. A drop of finger-prick blood was required for        hair follicle. The dilution factor of the extracted glucose was
regular calibration due to the variations caused by large sam-       constant. Therefore, the inter- and intra-skin variabilities were
pling area (>3cm2 and sample dilution (Sieg et al. 2004).            reduced without the use of blood.
Lipani et al. reported an alternative reverse iontophoresis-            Figure 13b illustrated a 2 × 2 array strapped to the vol-
based glucose monitoring platform without the need for reg-          unteer’s forearm. An in vivo experiment was performed on
ular blood calibration (Lipani et al. 2018). The device              two healthy volunteers for comparing the glucose level
consisted of hydrogel, electrochemical glucose sensor and            tracking ability of the array with a commercial glucose
miniaturized electrodes (Fig. 13a). The platform exploited           meter. The experiment monitored the glucose level over
the fact that most of the electroosmotic flow during the reverse     the course of 6-h, which included lunch and snack periods.
iontophoresis process follows low-resistance pathways asso-          The interstitial fluid glucose profile collected with the ar-
ciated with hair follicles. Using the graphene-based pixel ar-       ray closely followed that of the blood glucose data obtain-
rays in the design, the interstitial fluid was extracted along the   ed with the glucose meter (Fig. 13c). There was also an
hair follicle pathway into a separate, small-volume pixel. The       expected 15-min lagging time. This suggested the ap-
subsequent reaction with glucose oxidase was detected in the         proach was able to effectively track the glucose level
pixel by electrochemical sensors. By fixing the area and             through interstitial fluid without any calibration.
Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81                                                                      Page 19 of 30 81

Fig. 13 The use of follicular        (a) Folicular pathway sampling
pathway in bodily fluid sampling
provided a calibration-free                    Graphene sensors
glucose monitoring platform. a
Schematic illustration of the
glucose preferential pathway (hair
follicles). b A screen-printed                                                                  Hydrogel
array fixed onto a volunteer’s                                                                  Stratum corneum
forearm. The array was connected
to a potentiostat. c The platform                                                               Epidermis
enabled good tracking of the
blood glucose as compared to
                                                  Hair                                          Dermis
commercial platform. Pictures
retrieved from Lipani et al. 2018
                                                                     Blood vessel         l     (hypodermis)

                                                     Hair follicle     Intercellular   Transcellular
                                                     pathway           pathway         pathway

                                     (b) 2x2 folicular sampling array

                                     (c) Glucose profile
                                                                     Extracted, pixel A             Blood    18
                                                     32              Extracted, pixel B

                                                                                                                  Blood glucose (mM)
                                      Current (nA)

                                                     24                                                      12

                                                     20                                       Snack
                                                     16                                                      6
                                                                                                In vivo      4
                                                          0     50       100    150           200     250
                                                                           Time (min)
81 Page 20 of 30                                                                                               Biomed Microdevices (2019) 21: 81

   The technique provides a more user-friendly experience when               In a recent study, Galenkamp et al. reported using
compared to GlucoWatch. One main future challenge for the                nanopores to detect glucose and asparagine on a real-time
platform is to ensure each pixel only interrogates one follicle.         basis (Galenkamp et al. 2018) (Fig. 14a). The study utilized
When there is more than one follicle per pixel, it may lead to           specific metabolite-binding proteins, glucose-binding protein
the variability issue observed in GlucoWatch (Sieg et al. 2004).         and a substrate-binding domain that recognizes asparagine,
This can potentially be achieved by adjusting the array density.         within the nanopore cavity for binding glucose and aspara-
However, it is crucial to keep in mind that the follicle density         gine, respectively. The glucose data was compared with the
varies depending on individuals (Sinclair et al. 2005). The array        commercial glucose meter data, and the asparagine data was
density may need to be adjusted accordingly.                             compared with the HPLC data.
                                                                             The measurement of glucose concentration with nanopores
                                                                         was similar to the commercial glucose meter, with less than
4.2 Nanopores                                                            5% of difference across most biological samples (sweat, urine
                                                                         and blood samples; Fig. 14b). For the case of asparagine, the
Most electronic POC biosensors rely on the oxidation of a                measurement with nanopores was not as close to its
target biomarker to generate an electric signal (Bayley                  benchmarking technique HPLC. However, it was crucial to
2015). However, oxidase enzymes may not be readily avail-                note that the nanopore approach was more sensitive than
able for some analytes. Nanopore is an emerging technology               HPLC and was able to detect an asparagine concentration of
that can address the problem. These pores are nanometer-sized            1.36 ± 0.22μM in saliva sample.
water conduits spanning biological or artificial membranes                   The nanopore technique is highly sensitive due to its
(Bayley 2015). The technology also involves the use of                   single-molecule nature of the sensor. Another recent study
analyte-binding protein. The binding of analyte causes a                 utilized the sensitivity of nanopore and combined the tech-
change in conformation and a current passing through the                 nique with artificial intelligence for detecting the electrical
nanopores. When an electronic sensor is attached to the                  signature of virions and facilitate influenza detection(Arima
nanopore membrane, biological signals are converted into                 et al. 2018). One of the biggest weaknesses of this technique is
electrical signals for the direct quantification of analytes.            the need for identifying the appropriate binding proteins for

         (a) Nanopore glucose sensor
                             Ionic current
                                                                               Current (pA)
                 Nanopore                                                           –80
                                                       Glucose binding protein
                                                      Open + Glucose Closed                                                     IB


                    A                                                                                                           IO
                                                               – Glucose                               20 s
                   Lipid bilayer
         (b) Methods comparison
                                 Glucose                                           Asparagine

                                       Sampled                     Commercial      Nanopore     Sampled               LC assay
                                       volume                      assay                        volume
           Sweat          105±9 μM     2 μL                        105±7 μM        94.6±5.0 μM  5 μL                  90.9±4.1 μM
           Urine          368±7.5 μM   200 nL                      381±6 μM        35.4±2.8 μM  4 μL                  89.7±3.6 μM
           Saliva         5.71±0.48 μM 15 μL                       10.4±7.9 μM     1.36±0.22 μM 30 μL                 ND
           Blood sample 1 5.09±0.88 mM 10 nL                       5.3 mM          10.2±0.20 μM 5-15 μL               6.7±0.2 μM
           Blood sample 2 4.91 mM      10 nL                       4.9 mM
           Blood sample 3 4.21 mM      10 nL                       4.4 mM
Fig. 14 Nanopore biosensor for detecting analytes in bodily fluids. a    glucose meter in general. The asparagine measurement was less similar to
Schematic illustration of the nanopore technique. The binding of         the benchmarking technique HPLC but demonstrated a higher sensitivity
analyte (glucose in this case) caused conformational change. The         in saliva sample. Pictures retrieved from Galenkamp et al. 2018. All
passing of proteins through the nanopore led to a change in current. b   figures are under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. Full terms at
The glucose quantification with nanopore was similar to the commercial   http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
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