A Relational Tsetlin Machine with Applications to Natural Language Understanding

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A Relational Tsetlin Machine with Applications to Natural Language Understanding
ARXIV PREPRINT                                                                                                                                    1

                                         A Relational Tsetlin Machine with Applications to
                                                 Natural Language Understanding
                                                             Rupsa Saha, Ole-Christoffer Granmo, Vladimir I. Zadorozhny, Morten Goodwin

                                               Abstract—TMs are a pattern recognition approach that uses finite state machines for learning and propositional logic to represent
                                               patterns. In addition to being natively interpretable, they have provided competitive accuracy for various tasks. In this paper, we
                                               increase the computing power of TMs by proposing a first-order logic-based framework with Herbrand semantics. The resulting TM is
                                               relational and can take advantage of logical structures appearing in natural language, to learn rules that represent how actions and
                                               consequences are related in the real world. The outcome is a logic program of Horn clauses, bringing in a structured view of
                                               unstructured data. In closed-domain question-answering, the first-order representation produces 10× more compact KBs, along with
arXiv:2102.10952v1 [cs.CL] 22 Feb 2021

                                               an increase in answering accuracy from 94.83% to 99.48%. The approach is further robust towards erroneous, missing, and
                                               superfluous information, distilling the aspects of a text that are important for real-world understanding.

                                         1    I NTRODUCTION

                                         U     SING Artificial Intelligence (AI) to answer natural lan-
                                               guage questions has long been an active research area,
                                         considered as an essential aspect in machines ultimately
                                                                                                                             have successfully addressed several machine learning tasks,
                                                                                                                             including natural language understanding [5], [6], [7], [8],
                                                                                                                             [9], image analysis [10], classification [11], regression [12],
                                         achieving human-level world understanding. Large-scale                              and speech understanding [13]. The propositional clauses
                                         structured knowledge bases (KBs), such as Freebase [1],                             constructed by a TM have high discriminative power and
                                         have been a driving force behind successes in this field.                           constitute a global description of the task learnt [8], [14].
                                         The KBs encompass massive ever-growing amounts of in-                               Apart from maintaining accuracy comparable to state-of-
                                         formation, which enable easier handling of Open-Domain                              the-art machine learning techniques, the method also has
                                         Question-Answering (QA) [2] by organizing a large variety                           provided a smaller memory footprint and faster inference
                                         of answers in a structured format. The difficulty arises in                         than more traditional neural network-based models [11],
                                         successfully interpreting natural language by artificially in-                      [13], [15], [16]. Furthermore, [17] shows that TMs can be
                                         telligent agents, both to build the KBs from natural language                       fault-tolerant, able to mask stuck-at faults. However, al-
                                         text resources and to interpret the questions asked.                                though TMs can express any propositional formula by using
                                             Generalization beyond the information stored in a KB                            disjunctive normal form, first-order logic is required to ob-
                                         further complicates the QA problem. Human-level world                               tain the computing power equivalent to a universal Turing
                                         understanding requires abstracting from specific examples                           machine. In this paper, we take the first steps towards
                                         to build more general concepts and rules. When the infor-                           increasing the computing power of TMs by introducing a
                                         mation stored in the KB is error-free and consistent, gener-                        first order TM framework with Herbrand semantics, referred
                                         alization becomes a standard inductive reasoning problem.                           to as the Relational TM. Accordingly, we will in the following
                                         However, abstracting world-knowledge entails dealing with                           denote the original approach as Propositional TMs.
                                         uncertainty, vagueness, exceptions, errors, and conflicting                              Closed-Domain Question-Answering: As proof-of-
                                         information. This is particularly the case when relying on                          concept, we apply our proposed Relational TM to so-called
                                         AI approaches to extract and structure information, which                           Closed-Domain QA. Closed-Domain QA assumes a text
                                         is notoriously error-prone.                                                         (single or multiple sentences) followed by a question which
                                             This paper addresses the above QA challenges by                                 refers to some aspect of the preceding text. Accordingly, the
                                         proposing a Relational TM that builds non-recursive first-                          amount of information that must be navigated is less than
                                         order Horn clauses from specific examples, distilling general                       for open question-answering. Yet, answering closed-domain
                                         concepts and rules.                                                                 questions poses a significant natural language understand-
                                             Tsetlin Machines [3] are a pattern recognition approach                         ing challenge.
                                         to constructing human-understandable patterns from given                                 Consider the following example of information, taken
                                         data, founded on propositional logic. While the idea of                             from [18]: “The Black Death is thought to have originated
                                         Tsetlin automaton (TA) [4] have been around since 1960s,                            in the arid plains of Central Asia, where it then travelled
                                         using them in pattern recognition is relatively new. TMs                            along the Silk Road, reaching Crimea by 1343. From there,
                                                                                                                             it was most likely carried by Oriental rat fleas living on
                                                                                                                             the black rats that were regular passengers on merchant
                                         •   R. Saha, O. C. Granmo and M. Goodwin are with Centre for AI Research,           ships.”One can then have questions such as “Where did the
                                             Department of IKT, University of Agder, Norway.
                                                                                                                             black death originate?” or “How did the black death make it
                                         •   V. I. Zadorozhny is with School of Computing and Information, Univer-           to the Mediterranean and Europe?”. These questions can be
                                             sity of Pittsburgh, USA, and Centre for AI Research, University of Agder,       answered completely with just the information provided,
                                                                                                                             hence it is an example of closed-domain question answer-
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ing. However, mapping the question to the answer requires        real world in various domains. Automated reasoning tech-
not only natural language processing, but also a fair bit of     niques use this knowledge to solve problems in domains
language understanding.                                          that ordinarily require human logical reasoning. Therefore,
    Here is a much simpler example: “Bob went to the             the two key issues in knowledge engineering are how
garden. Sue went to the cafe. Bob walked to the office.”         to construct and maintain knowledge bases, and how to
This information forms the basis for questions like “Where       derive new knowledge from existing knowledge effectively
is Bob?” or “Where is Sue?”. Taking it a step further, given     and efficiently. Automated reasoning is concerned with the
the previous information and questions, one can envision         building of computing systems that automate this process.
a model that learns to answer similar questions based on         Although the overall goal is to automate different forms of
similar information, even though the model has never seen        reasoning, the term has largely been identified with valid
the specifics of the information before (i.e., the names and     deductive reasoning as conducted in logical systems. This is
the locations).                                                  done by combining known (yet possibly incomplete) infor-
    With QA being such an essential area of Natural Lan-         mation with background knowledge and making inferences
guage Understanding, there has been a lot of different           regarding unknown or uncertain information.
approaches proposed. Common methods to QA include the                Typically, such a system consists of subsystems like
following:                                                       knowledge acquisition system, the knowledge base itself,
   • Linguistic techniques, such as tokenization, POS tag-       inference engine, explanation subsystem and user interface.
     ging and parsing that transform questions into a precise    The knowledge model has to represent the relations be-
     query that merely extracts the respective response from     tween multiple components in a symbolic, machine under-
     a structured database;                                      standable form, and the inference engine has to manipulate
   • Statistical techniques such as Support Vector Machines,     those symbols to be capable of reasoning. The “way to
     Bayesian Classifiers, and maximum entropy models,           reason” can range from earlier versions that were simple
     trained on large amount of data, specially for open QA;     rule-based systems to more complex and recent approaches
   • Pattern matching using surface text patterns with tem-      based on machine learning, especially on Deep Learning.
     plates for response generation.                             Typically, rule-based systems suffered from lack of gener-
Many methods use a hybrid approach encompassing more             ality, and the need for human experts to create rules in
than one of these approaches for increased accuracy. Most        the first place. On the other hand most machine learning
QA systems suffer from a lack of generality, and are tuned       based approaches have the disadvantage of not being able
for performance in restricted use cases. Lack of available       to justify decisions taken by them in human understandable
explainabilty also hinders researchers’ quest to identify pain   form [21], [22].
points and possible major improvements [19], [20].                   While databases have long been a mechanism of choice
    Paper Contributions: Our main contributions in this          for storing information, they only had inbuilt capability
paper are as follows:                                            to identify relations between various components, and did
   • We introduce a Relational TM, as opposed to a proposi-
                                                                 not have the ability to support reasoning based on such
     tional one, founded on non-recursive Horn clauses and       relations. Efforts to combine formal logic programming
     capable of processing relations, variables and constants.   with relational databases led to the advent of deductive
   • We propose an accompanying relational framework
                                                                 databases. In fact, the field of QA is said to have arisen from
     for efficient representation and processing of the QA       the initial goal of performing deductive reasoning on a set of
     problem.                                                    given facts [23]. In deductive databases, the semantics of the
   • We provide empirical evidence uncovering that the
                                                                 information are represented in terms of mathematical logic.
     Relational TM produces at least one order of magnitude      Queries to deductive databases also follow the same logical
     more compact KBs than the Propositional TM. At the          formulation [24]. One such example is ConceptBase [25],
     same time, answering accuracy increases from 94.83%         which used the Prolog-inspired language O-Telos for logical
     to 99.48% because of more general rules.                    knowledge representation and querying using deductive
   • We provide a model-theoretical interpretation for the
                                                                 object-oriented database framework.
     proposed framework.                                             With the rise of the internet, there came a need for
                                                                 unification of information on the web. The Semantic Web
Overall, our Relational TM unifies knowledge representa-
                                                                 (SW) proposed by W3C is one of the approaches that
tion, learning, and reasoning in a single framework.
                                                                 bridges the gap between the Knowledge Representation and
    Paper Organization: The paper is organized as follows.
                                                                 the Web Technology communities. However, reasoning and
In Section 2, we present related work on Question Answer-
                                                                 consistency checking is still not very well developed, despite
ing. Section 3 focuses on the background of the Proposi-
                                                                 the underlying formalism that accompanies the semantic
tional TM and the details of the new Relational TM. In
                                                                 web. One way of introducing reasoning is via descriptive
Sections 4 and 5, we describe how we employ Relational
                                                                 logic. It involves concepts (unary predicates) and roles
TMs in QA and related experiments.
                                                                 (binary predicates) and the idea is that implicitly captured
                                                                 knowledge can be inferred from the given descriptions of
2   BACKGROUND AND R ELATED W ORK                                concepts and roles [26], [27].
The problem of QA is related to numerous aspects of Knowl-           One of the major learning exercises is carried out by
edge Engineering and Data Management.                            the NELL mechanism proposed by [28], which aims to
   Knowledge engineering deals with constructing and             learn many semantic categories from primarily unlabeled
maintaining knowledge bases to store knowledge of the            data. At present, NELL uses simple frame-based knowledge
ARXIV PREPRINT                                                                                                                              3

representation, augmented by the PRA reasoning system.             3.1.1 Classification
The reasoning system performs tractable, but limited types         A TM takes a vector X = (x1 , . . . , xf ) of propositional
of reasoning based on restricted Horn clauses. NELL’s capa-        variables as input, to be classified into one of two classes,
bilities is already limited in part by its lack of more powerful   y = 0 or y = 1. Together with their negated counter-
reasoning components; for example, it currently lacks meth-        parts, x̄k = ¬xk = 1 − xk , the features form a literal set
ods for representing and reasoning about time and space.           L = {x1 , . . . , xf , x̄1 , . . . , x̄f }. We refer to this “regular” TM
Hence, core AI problems of representation and tractable            as a Propositional TM, due to the input it works with and
reasoning are also core research problems for never-ending         the output it produces.
learning agents.                                                      A TM pattern is formulated as a conjunctive clause Cj ,
    While other approaches such as neural networks are             formed by ANDing a subset Lj ⊆ L of the literal set:
considered to provide attribute-based learning, Inductive                                            V              Q
Logic Programming (ILP) is an attempt to overcome their                              Cj (X) = lk ∈Lj lk = lk ∈Lj lk .                      (1)
limitations by moving the learning away from the attributes        E.g., the clause Cj (X) = x1 ∧ x2 = x1 x2 consists of the
themselves and more towards the level of first-order pred-         literals Lj = {x1 , x2 } and outputs 1 iff x1 = x2 = 1.
icate logic. ILP builds upon the theoretical framework of              The number of clauses employed is a user set parame-
logic programming and looks to construct a predicate logic         ter n. Half of the n clauses are assigned positive polarity
given background knowledge, positive examples and neg-             (Cj+ ). The other half is assigned negative polarity (Cj− ). The
ative examples. One of the main advantages of ILP over             clause outputs, in turn, are combined into a classification
attribute-based learning is ILP’s generality of representation     decision through summation:
for background knowledge. This enables the user to pro-                              Pn/2              Pn/2
vide, in a more natural way, domain-specific background                          v = j=1 Cj+ (X) − j=1 Cj− (X).                  (2)
knowledge to be used in learning. The use of background
                                                                   In effect, the positive clauses vote for y = 1 and the negative
knowledge enables the user both to develop a suitable
                                                                   for y = 0. Classification is performed based on a majority
problem representation and to introduce problem-specific
                                                                   vote, using the unit step function: ŷ = u(v) = 1 if v ≥
constraints into the learning process. Over the years, ILP
has evolved from depending on hand-crafted background
                                                                   0 else 0. The classifier ŷ = u (x1 x̄2 + x̄1 x2 − x1 x2 − x̄1 x̄2 ),
                                                                   for instance, captures the XOR-relation.
knowledge only, to employing different technologies in
order to learn the background knowledge as part of the
                                                                   3.1.2 Learning
process. In contrast to typical machine learning, which uses
feature vectors, ILP requires the knowledge to be in terms of      Alg. 1 encompasses the entire learning procedure. We ob-
facts and rules governing those facts. Predicates can either       serve that, learning is performed by a team of 2f TAs per
be supplied or deducted, and one of the advantages of this         clause, one TA per literal lk (Alg. 1, Step 2). Each TA has
method is that newer information can be added easily, while        two actions – Include or Exclude – and decides whether to
previously learnt information can be maintained as required        include its designated literal lk in its clause.
[29]. Probabilistic inductive logic programming is an exten-           TMs learn on-line, processing one training example
sion of ILP, where logic rules, as learnt from the data, are       (X, y) at a time (Step 7). The TAs first produce a new
further enhanced by learning probabilities associated with         configuration of clauses (Step 8), C1+ , . . . , Cn/2 , followed by
such rules [30], [31], [32].                                       calculating a voting sum v (Step 9).
    To sum up, none of the above approaches can be ef-                 Feedback are then handed out stochastically to each TA
ficiently and systematically applied to the QA problem,            team. The difference  between the clipped voting sum
especially in uncertain and noisy environments. In this            v c and a user-set voting target T decides the probability
paper we propose a novel approach to tackle this problem.          of each TA team receiving feedback (Steps 12-20). Note
Our approach is based on relational representation of QA,          that the voting sum is clipped to normalize the feedback
and using a novel Relational TM technique for answering            probability. The voting target for y = 1 is T and for y = 0
questions. We elaborate on the proposed method in the next         it is −T . Observe that for any input X , the probability of
two sections.                                                      reinforcing a clause gradually drops to zero as the voting
                                                                   sum approaches the user-set target. This ensures that clauses
                                                                   distribute themselves across the frequent patterns, rather
                                                                   than missing some and over-concentrating on others.
3     B UILDING A R ELATIONAL T SETLIN M ACHINE                        Clauses receive two types of feedback. Type I feedback
                                                                   produces frequent patterns, while Type II feedback increases
3.1   Tsetlin Machine Foundation                                   the discrimination power of the patterns.
A Tsetlin Automaton (TA) is a deterministic automaton that             Type I feedback is given stochastically to clauses with
learns the optimal action among the set of actions offered         positive polarity when y = 1 and to clauses with negative
by an environment. It performs the action associated with          polarity when y = 0. Each clause, in turn, reinforces its
its current state, which triggers a reward or penalty based        TAs based on: (1) its output Cj (X); (2) the action of the
on the ground truth. The state is updated accordingly, so          TA – Include or Exclude; and (3) the value of the literal lk
that the TA progressively shifts focus towards the optimal         assigned to the TA. Two rules govern Type I feedback:
action [4]. A TM consists of a collection of such TAs, which          • Include is rewarded and Exclude is penalized with prob-
together create complex propositional formulas using con-                ability s−1
                                                                                  s whenever Cj (X) = 1 and lk = 1. This re-
junctive clauses.                                                        inforcement is strong (triggered with high probability)
ARXIV PREPRINT                                                                                                                             4

Algorithm 1 Propositional TM                                                 advantage of logical structures appearing in natural lan-
     input Tsetlin Machine TM, Example pool S , Training                     guage and process them in a way that leads to a compact,
rounds e, Clauses n, Features f , Voting target T , Specificity s            logic-based representation, which can ultimately reduce
 1: procedure T RAIN(TM, S, e, n, f, T, s)                                   the gap between structured and unstructured data. While
 2:    for j ← 1, . . . , n/2 do                                             the Propositional TM operates on propositional input vari-
 3:        TA+ j ← RandomlyInitializeClauseTATeam(2f )                       ables X = (x1 . . . , xf ), building propositional conjunctive
 4:        TA− j ← RandomlyInitializeClauseTATeam(2f )                       clauses, the Relational TM processes relations, variables and
 5:    end for
 6:    for i ← 1, . . . , e do                                               constants, building Horn clauses. Based on Fig. 1 and Alg. 2,
 7:        (Xi , yi ) ← ObtainTrainingExample(S)                             we here describe how the Relational TM builds upon the
                          −                                            −
 8:        C1+ , . . . , Cn/2 ← ComposeClauses(TA+     1 , . . . , TAn/2 )
                                                                             original TM in three steps. First, we establish an approach
                   Pn/2 +            Pn/2 −
           vi ← j=1 Cj (Xi ) − j=1 Cj (Xi )                  . Vote sum      for dealing with relations and constants. This is done by
10:        vic ← clip (vi , −T, T )              . Clipped vote sum          mapping the relations to propositional inputs, allowing the
11:        for j ← 1, . . . , n/2 do             . Update TA teams           use of a standard TM. We then introduce Horn clauses with
12:            if yi = 1 then                                                variables, showing how this representation detaches the TM
13:                    ← T − vic                       . Voting error       from the constants, allowing for a more compact represen-
14:                   TypeIFeedback(Xi , TA+j , s) if rand() ≤ 2T
                                                                             tation compared to only using propositional clauses. We
15:                   TypeIIFeedback(Xi , TAj ) if rand() ≤ 2T               finally introduce a novel convolution scheme that effectively
16:            else
17:                    ← T + vic                       . Voting error       manages multiple possible mappings from constants to
                      TypeIIFeedback(Xi , TA+                               variables. While the mechanism of convolution remains the
18:                                          j ) if rand() ≤ 2T
19:                                         −
                      TypeIFeedback(Xi , TAj , s) if rand() ≤ 2T            same as in the original [10], what we wish to attain from
20:            end if                                                        using it in a Relational TM context is completely different,
21:        end for                                                           as explained in the following.
22:    end for
23: end procedure
                                                                             3.2.1   Model-theoretical Interpretation
                                                                             The concept of Relational TM can be grounded in the
Algorithm 2 Relational TM
                                                                             model-theoretical interpretation of a logic program without
    input Convolutional Tsetlin Machine TM, Example pool S ,                 functional symbols and with a finite Herbrand model [33],
Number of training rounds e
                                                                             [34]. The ability to represent learning in the form of Horn
 1: procedure T RAIN(TM, S, e)
 2:    for i ← 1, . . . , e do                                               clauses is extremely useful due to the fact that Horn clauses
 3:        (X̃ , Ỹ) ← ObtainTrainingExample(S)                              are both simple, as well as powerful enough to describe any
 4:        A0 ← ObtainConstants(Ỹ)                                          logical formula [34].
 5:        (X̃ 0 , Ỹ 0 ) ← VariablesReplaceConstants(X̃ , Ỹ, A0 )               Next, we define the Herbrand model of a logic program.
 6:        A00 ← ObtainConstants(X̃ 0 )                                      A Herbrand Base (HB) is the set of all possible ground atoms,
 7:        Q ← GenerateVariablePermutations(X̃ 0 , A00 )                     i.e., atomic formulas without variables, obtained using pred-
 8:        UpdateConvolutionalTM(TM, Q, Ỹ 0 )                               icate names and constants in a logic program P. A Herbrand
 9:    end for                                                               Interpretation is a subset I of the Herbrand Base (I ⊆ HB ). To
10: end procedure
                                                                             introduce the Least Herbrand Model we define the immediate
                                                                             consequence operator T P : P (HB) → P (HB), which for
                                                                             an Herbrand Interpretation I produces the interpretation that
     and makes the clause remember and refine the pattern
                                                                             immediately follows from I by the rules (Horn clauses) in
     it recognizes in X .1
                                                                             the program P :
   • Include is penalized and Exclude is rewarded with prob-
     ability 1s whenever Cj (X) = 0 or lk = 0. This rein-                         T P (I)      = {A0 ∈ HB | A0 ← A1 , ..., An
     forcement is weak (triggered with low probability) and
                                                                                            ∈ ground(P ) ∧ {A1 , ..., An } ⊆ I} ∪ I.
     coarsens infrequent patterns, making them frequent.
Above, the user-configurable parameter s controls pattern                       The least fixed point lfp(TP) of the immediate conse-
frequency, i.e., a higher s produces less frequent patterns.                 quence operator with respect to subset-inclusion is the Least
    Type II feedback is given stochastically to clauses with                 Herbrand Model (LHM) of the program P . LHM identifies the
positive polarity when y = 0 and to clauses with nega-                       semantics of the program P : it is the Herbrand Interpretation
tive polarity when y = 1. It penalizes Exclude whenever                      that contains those and only those atoms that follow from
Cj (X) = 1 and lk = 0. Thus, this feedback produces literals                 the program:
for discriminating between y = 0 and y = 1, by making the
clause evaluate to 0 when facing its competing class. Further                               ∀A ∈ HB : P |= A ⇔ A ∈ LHM.
details can be found in [3].
                                                                                As an example, consider the following program P :
3.2   Relational Tsetlin Machine                                                                       p(a). q(c).
In this section, we introduce the Relational TM, which a                                            q(X) ← p(X).
major contribution of this paper. It is designed to take
                                                                             Its Herbrand base is
  1. Note that the probability    s
                                       is replaced by 1 when boosting true
positives.                                                                                   HB = {p(a), p(c), q(a), q(c)},
ARXIV PREPRINT                                                                                                                                                             5

                                                                                                                 Compare for reinforcement
        5. Output OR of evaluations

        4. Evaluate clause on                                               i)                      ii)
        each permutation (assume closed
        world). Cf. Convolutional TM
                                                                   GrandParent(Z1,Z2) ← Parent(Z1, Z3), Parent(Z3, Z2)

        3. Replace remaining constants       i)   Parent(Z1, Z4)      Parent(Z1, Z3)          Parent(Z3, Z2)             Grandparent(Z1, Z2)
        with variables. Generate all
        replacement permutations.
                                            ii)   Parent(Z1, Z3)      Parent(Z1, Z4)          Parent(Z4, Z2)             Grandparent(Z1, Z2)
        Cf. Convolutional TM patches.

        2. Replace constants in             Parent(Z1, J ane)       Parent(Z1, Mary)         Parent(Mary, Z2)            Grandparent(Z1, Z2)
        consequent with variables

        1. Obtain input
                                          Parent(Bob, J ane)       Parent(Bob, Mary)       Parent(Mary, Peter)         Grandparent(Bob, Peter)
        (possibly with errors)

                                                     Subset of Interpretation (True Ground Atoms)                        Immediate Consequent     Truth Value of

Fig. 1. Relational TM processing steps

and its Least Herbrand Model is:                                                           map every atom in HB to a propositional input xk , obtain-
                                                                                           ing the propositional input vector X = (x1 , . . . , xo ) (cf. Sec-
               LHM = lfp(T P ) = {p(a), q(a), q(c)},                                       tion 3.1). That is, consider the w-arity relation ru ∈ R, which
which is the set of atoms that follow from the program P .                                 takes w symbols from A as input. This relation can thus
                                                                                           take q w unique input combinations. As an example, with
3.2.2    Learning Problem                                                                  the constants A = {a1 , a2 } and the binary relations R =
                                                                                           {r1 , r2 }, we get 8 propositional inputs: x1,1              1   ≡ r1 (a1 , a1 );
Let A = {a1 , a2 , . . . , aq } be a finite set of constants and
                                                                                             1     ≡    r (a
                                                                                                         1 1 2 , a   );  x 2,1
                                                                                                                           1   ≡   r  (a
                                                                                                                                    1 2 1,   a  ) ; x 2,2
                                                                                                                                                      1    ≡   r1 (a2 , a2 );
let R = {r1 , r2 , . . . , rp } be a finite set of relations of arity
                                                                                           x1,1   ≡  r  (a
                                                                                                       2 1 1, a   );  x 1,2
                                                                                                                             ≡ r (a
                                                                                                                                2 1 2, a ) ;  x 2,1
                                                                                                                                                       ≡  r2 2 , a1 ); and
wu ≥ 1, u ∈ {1, 2, . . . , p}, which forms the alphabet Σ. The                               2                          2                       2

Herbrand base
                                                                                             2    ≡   r  (a
                                                                                                       2 2 2 , a  ) .  Correspondingly,       we     perform    the same
                                                                                           mapping to get the propositional output vector Y .
HB            = {r1 (a1 , a2 , . . . , aw1 ), r1 (a2 , a1 , . . . , aw1 ),                      Finally, obtaining an input (X̃ , Ỹ), we set the proposi-
            . . . , rp (a1 , a2 , . . . , awp ), rp (a2 , a1 , . . . , awp ), . . .} (3)   tional input xk to true iff its corresponding atom is in X̃ ,
                                                                                           otherwise it is set to false. Similarly, we set the propositional
is then also finite, consisting of all the ground atoms that                               output variable ym to true iff its corresponding atom is in
can be expressed using A and R.                                                            Ỹ , otherwise it is set to false.
    We also have a logic program P , with program rules                                         Clearly, after this mapping, we get a Propositional TM
expressed as Horn clauses without recursion. Each Horn                                     pattern recognition problem that can be solved as described
clause has the form:                                                                       in Section 3.1 for a single propositional output ym . This is
                                                                                           illustrated as Step 1 in Fig. 1.
                          B0 ← B1 , B2 , · · · , Bd .                               (4)
Here, Bl , l ∈ {0, . . . , d}, is an atom ru (Z1 , Z2 , . . . , Zwu )                      3.2.4     Detaching the Relational TM from Constants
with variables Z1 , Z2 , . . . , Zwu , or its negation                                     The TM can potentially deal with thousands of proposi-
¬ru (Z1 , Z2 , . . . , Zwu ). The arity of ru is denoted by                                tional inputs. However, we now detach our Relational TM
wu .                                                                                       from the constants, introducing Horn clauses with variables.
    Now, let X be a subset of the LHM of P , X ⊆ lfp(T P ),                                Our intent is to provide a more compact representation of
and let Y be the subset of the LHM that follows from X                                     the program and to allow generalization beyond the data.
due to the Horn clauses in P . Further assume that atoms                                   Additionally, the detachment enables faster learning even
are randomly removed and added to X and Y to produce                                       with less data.
a possibly noisy observation (X̃ , Ỹ), i.e., X̃ and Ỹ are not                                Let Z = {Z1 , Z2 , . . . , Zz } be z variables representing
necessarily subsets of lfp(T P ). The learning problem is to                               the constants appearing in an observation (X̃ , Ỹ). Here,
predict the atoms in Y from the atoms in X̃ by learning from                               z is the largest number of unique constants involved in
a sequence of noisy observations (X̃ , Ỹ), thus uncovering the                            any particular observation (X̃ , Ỹ), each requiring its own
underlying program P .                                                                     variable.
                                                                                               Seeking Horn clauses with variables instead of constants,
3.2.3    Relational Tsetlin Machine with Constants                                         we now only need to consider atoms over variable configu-
We base our Relational TM on mapping the learning prob-                                    rations (instead of over constant configurations). Again, we
lem to a Propositional TM pattern recognition problem. We                                  map the atoms to propositional inputs to construct a propo-
consider Horn clauses without variables first. In brief, we                                sitional TM learning problem. That is, each propositional
ARXIV PREPRINT                                                                                                                       6

input xk represents a particular atom with a specific variable           child(Z1 , Z2 ) ← parent(Z2 , Z1 ).
configuration: xk ≡ ru (Zα1 , Zα2 , . . . , Zαwu ), with wu being   This is because the feature “parent(Z2 , Z1 )” predicts
the arity of ru . Accordingly, the number of constants in           “child(Z1 , Z2 )” perfectly. Other candidate features like
A no longer affects the number of propositional inputs xk           “parent(Z1 , Z1 )” or “parent(Z2 , Z3 )” are poor predictors of
needed to represent the problem. Instead, this is governed          “child(Z1 , Z2 )” and will be excluded by the TM. Here, Z3
by the number of variables in Z (and, again, the number of          is a free variable representing some other constant, different
relations in R). That is, the number of propositional inputs        from Z1 and Z2 .
is bounded by O(z w ), with w being the largest arity of the        Then the next training example comes along:
relations in R.                                                          Input : parent(Bob, M ary) = 1;
    To detach the Relational TM from the constants, we                   T arget output : child(Jane, Bob) = 0.
first replace the constants in Ỹ with variables, from left to      Again, we start with replacing the constants in the target
right. Accordingly, the corresponding constants in X̃ is also       output with variables:
replaced with the same variables (Step 2 in Fig. 1). Finally,            Input : parent(Bob, M ary) = 1;
the constants now remaining in X̃ is arbitrarily replaced                T arget output : child(Z1 , Z2 ) = 0
with additional variables (Step 3 in Fig. 1).                       which is then completed for the input:
                                                                         Input : parent(Z2 , M ary) = 1;
3.2.5 Relational Tsetlin Machine Convolution over Variable               T arget output : child(Z1 , Z2 ) = 0.
Assignment Permutations                                             The constant Mary was not in the target output, so we
Since there may be multiple ways of assigning variables             introduce a free variable Z3 for representing Mary:
to constants, the above approach may produce redundant                   Input : parent(Z2 , Z3 ) = 1;
rules. One may end up with equivalent rules whose only                   T arget output : child(Z1 , Z2 ) = 0.
difference is syntactic, i.e., the same rules are expressed         The currently learnt clause was:
using different variable symbols. This is illustrated in Step            child(Z1 , Z2 ) ← parent(Z2 , Z1 ).
3 of Fig. 1, where variables can be assigned to constants           The feature “parent(Z2 , Z1 )” is not present in the input
in two ways. To avoid redundant rules, the Relational TM            in the second training example, only “parent(Z2 , Z3 ). As-
produces all possible permutations of variable assignments.         suming a closed world, we thus have “parent(Z2 , Z1 )”=0.
To process the different permutations, we finally perform           Accordingly, the learnt clause correctly outputs 0.
a convolution over the permutations in Step 4, employing            For some inputs, there can be many different ways variables
a TM convolution operator [10]. The target value of the             can be assigned to constants (for the output, variables are
convolution is the truth value of the consequent (Step 5).          always assigned in a fixed order, from Z1 to Zz ). Returning
                                                                    to our grandparent example in Fig. 1, if we have:
3.2.6 Walk-through of Algorithm with Example Learning                    Input : parent(Bob, M ary); parent(M ary, P eter);
Problem                                                                             parent(Bob, Jane)
Fig. 1 contains an example of the process of detaching a Re-             T arget output : grandparent(Bob, P eter).
lational TM from constants. We use the parent-grandparent           replacing Bob with Z1 and Peter with Z2 , we get:
relationship as an example, employing the following Horn                 Input : parent(Z1 , M ary); parent(M ary, Z2 );
clause.                                                                             parent(Z1 , Jane)
                                                                         T arget output : grandparent(Z1 , Z2 ).
 grandparent(Z1 , Z2 ) ← parent(Z1 , Z3 ), parent(Z3 , Z2 ).        Above, both Mary and Jane are candidates for being Z3 .
We replace the constants in each training example with              One way to handle this ambiguity is to try both, and
variables, before learning the clauses. Thus the Relational         pursue those that make the clause evaluate correctly, which
TM never “sees” the constants, just the generic variables.          is exactly how the TM convolution operator works [10].
Assume the first training example is                                Note that above, there is an implicit existential quan-
   Input : parent(Bob, M ary) = 1;                                  tifier over Z3 . That is, ∀Z1 , Z2 (∃Z3 (parent(Z1 , Z3 ) ∧
   T arget output : child(M ary, Bob) = 1.                          parent(Z3 , Z2 ) → grandparent(Z1 , Z2 )).
Then Mary is replaced with Z1 and Bob with Z2 in the target              A practical view of how the TM learns in such a scenario
output:                                                             is shown in Fig. 2. Continuing in the same vein as the
   Input : parent(Bob, M ary) = 1;                                  previous examples, the Input Text in the figure is a set of
   T arget output : child(Z1 , Z2 ) = 1.                            statements, each followed by a question. The text is reduced
We perform the same exchange for the input, getting:                to a set of relations, which act as the features for the TM to
   Input : parent(Z2 , Z1 ) = 1;                                    learn from. The figure illustrates how the TM learns relevant
   T arget output : child(Z1 , Z2 ) = 1.                            information (while disregarding the irrelevant), in order
Here, “parent(Z2 , Z1 )” is treated as an input feature by the      to successfully answer a new question (Test Document).
Relational TM. That is, “parent(Z2 , Z1 )” is seen as a single      The input text is converted into a features vector which
propositional variable that is either 0 or 1, and the name          indicates the presence or absence of relations (R1 , R2 ) in
of the variable is simply the string “parent(Z2 , Z1 )”. The        the text, where R1 and R2 are respectively M oveT o (in the
constants may be changing from example to example, so               statements) and W hereIs (in the question) relations. For
next time it may be Mary and Ann. However, they all end up          further simplification and compactness of representation,
as Z1 or Z2 after being replaced by the variables. After some       instead of using person and location names, those specific
time, the Relational TM would then learn the following              details are replaced by (P1 , P2 ) and (L1 , L2 ), respectively. In
clause:                                                             each sample, the person name that occurs first is termed P1
ARXIV PREPRINT                                                                                                                        7

throughout, the second unique name is termed P2 , and so            “MoveTo” relations. Example-Parentage has “Parent” rela-
on, and similarly for the locations. As seen in the figure, the     tions as the information and “Grandparent” as the query.
TM reduces the feature-set representation of the input into
a set of logical conditions or clauses, all of which together                                     TABLE 1
describe scenarios in which the answer is L2 (or Location 2).                                Relation Extraction
    Remark 1. We now return to the implicit existential
                                                                                   Sentence                    Relation
and universal quantifiers of the Horn clauses, exempli-                            Mary went to the office.    MoveTo
fied in: ∀Z1 , Z2 (∃Z3 (parent(Z1 , Z3 ) ∧ parent(Z3 , Z2 ) →                      John moved to the hallway   MoveTo
grandparent(Z1 , Z2 )). A main goal of the procedure in                            Where is Mary?              Location
Fig. 1 is to correctly deal with the quantifiers “for all”                                  Example-Movement
                                                                               Sentence                        Relation
and “exists”. “For all” maps directly to the TM architecture
                                                                               Bob is a parent of Mary.        Parent
because the TM is operating with conjunctive clauses and                       Bob is a parent of Jane.        Parent
the goal is to make these evaluate to 1 (True) whenever the                    Mary is a parent of Peter       Parent
learning target is 1. “For all” quantifiers are taken care of in               Is Bob a grandparent of Peter?  Grandparent
Step 3 of the relational learning procedure.                                                 Example-Parentage
    Remark 2. “Exists” is more difficult because it means
that we are looking for a specific value for the variables
in the scope of the quantifier that makes the expression            4.2   Entity Extraction
evaluate to 1. This is handled in the Steps 4-6 in Fig. 1,          Once the relations have been identified, the next step is to
by evaluating all alternative values (all permutations with         identify the elements of the text (or the entities) that are
multiple variables involved). Some values make the expres-          participating in the respective relations. Doing so allows
sion evaluate to 0 (False) and some make the expression             us to further enrich the representation with the addition of
become 1. If none makes the expression 1, the output of the         restrictions (often real-world ones), which allow the Rela-
clause is 0. Otherwise, the output is 1. Remarkably, this is        tional TM to learn rules that best represent actions and their
exactly the behavior of the TM convolution operator defined         consequences in a concise, logical form. Since the datasets
in [10], so we have an existing learning procedure in place         we are using here consist only of simple sentences, each
to deal with the “Exists” quantifier. (If there exists a patch      relation is limited to having a maximum of two entities (the
in the image that makes the clause evaluate to 1, the clause        relations are unary or binary).
evaluates to 1).                                                        In this step, the more external world knowledge that
                                                                    can be combined with the extracted entities, the richer the
4     QA IN A R ELATIONAL TM F RAMEWORK                             resultant representation. In Table 2, Example-Movement, we
                                                                    could add the knowledge that “MoveTo” relation always
In this section, we describe the general pipeline to reduce         involves a “Person” and a “Location”. Or in Example-
natural language text into a machine-understandable rela-           Parentage, “Parent” is always between a “Person” and a
tional representation to facilitate question answering. Fig. 3      “Person”. This could, for example, prevent questions like
shows the pipeline diagrammatically, with a small example.          “Jean-Joseph Pasteur was the father of Louis Pasteur. Louis
Throughout this section, we make use of two toy examples            Pasteur is the father of microbiology. Who is the grandfather
in order to illustrate the steps. One of them is derived from       of microbiology?”
a standard question answering dataset [35]. The other is a          Note that, as per Fig. 3, it is only possible to start answering
simple handcrafted dataset, inspired by [36], that refers to        the query after both Relation Extraction and Entity Extrac-
parent-child relationships among a group of people. Both            tion have been performed, and not before. Knowledge of the
datasets consist of instances, where each instance is a set of      Relation also allows us to narrow down possible entities for
two or more statements, followed by a query. The expected           answering the query successfully.
output for each instance is the answer to the query based on
the statements.                                                                                   TABLE 2
                                                                                              Entity Extraction
4.1   Relation Extraction
                                                                             Sentence                    Relation Entities
As a first step, we need to extract the relation(s) present                  Mary went to the office.    MoveTo Mary, office
in the text. A relation here is a connection between two (or                 John moved to the hallway MoveTo John, hallway
more) elements of a text. As discussed before, relations occur               Where is Mary?              Location Mary, ?
in natural language, and reducing a text to its constituent                                   Example-Movement
relations makes it more structured while ignoring superflu-               Sentence                        Relation      Entities
                                                                          Bob is a parent of Mary.        Parent        Bob, Mary
ous linguistic elements, leading to easier understanding. We              Bob is a parent of Jane.        Parent        Bob, Jane
assume that our text consists of simple sentences, that is,               Mary is a parent of Peter       Parent        Mary, Peter
each sentence contains only one relation. The relation found              Is Bob a grandparent of Peter? Grandparent Bob, Peter
in the query is either equal to, or linguistically related to the                              Example-Parentage
relations found in the statements preceding the query.
    Table 1 shows examples of Relation Extraction on our
two datasets. In Example-Movement, each statement has               4.3   Entity Generalization
the relation “MoveTo”, while the query is related to “Lo-           One of the drawbacks of the relational representation is
cation”. The “Location” can be thought of as a result of the        that there is a huge increase in the number of possible
ARXIV PREPRINT                                                                                                                 8

Fig. 2. The Relational TM in operation

                                                                work is utilized for question answering using TM.

                                                                4.4   Computational Complexity in Relation TM
                                                                One of the primary differences between the relational frame-
                                                                work proposed in this paper versus the existing TM frame-
                                                                work lies in Relation Extraction and Entity Generalization.
                                                                The reason for these steps is that they allow us more
                                                                flexibility in terms of what the TM learns, while keeping
                                                                the general learning mechanism unchanged.
                                                                    Extracting relations allows the TM to focus only on the
                                                                major operations expressed via language, without getting
Fig. 3. General Pipeline
                                                                caught up in multiple superfluous expressions of the same
                                                                thing. It also enables to bridge the gap between structured
                                                                and unstructured data. Using relations helps the resultant
                                                                clauses be closer to real-world phenomena, since they model
relations as more and more examples are processed. One
                                                                actions and consequences, rather than the interactions be-
way to reduce the spread is to reduce individual enti-
                                                                tween words.
ties from their specific identities to a more generalised
                                                                    Entity Generalization allows the clauses to be succinct
identity. Let us consider two instances : “Mary went to
                                                                and precise, adding another layer of abstraction away from
the office. John moved to the hallway. Where is Mary?”
                                                                specific literals, much like Relation Extraction. It also gives
and “Sarah moved to the garage. James went to the
                                                                the added benefit of making the learning of the TM more
kitchen. Where is Sarah?”. Without generalization, we end
                                                                generalized. In fact, due to this process, the learning reflects
up with six different relations : MoveTo(Mary, Office),
                                                                ‘concepts’ gleaned from the training examples, rather than
MoveTo(John, Hallway), Location(Mary), MoveTo(Sarah,
                                                                the examples themselves.
Garage), MoveTo(James, Kitchen), Location(Sarah). How-
                                                                    To evaluate computational complexity, we employ the
ever, to answer either of the two queries, we only need the
                                                                three costs α, β , and γ , where in terms of computational
relations pertaining to the query itself. Taking advantage of
                                                                cost, α is cost to perform the conjunction of two bits, β is cost
that, we can generalize both instances to just 3 relations:
                                                                of computing the summation of two integers, and γ is cost
MoveTo(Person1 , Location1 ), MoveTo(Person2 , Location2 )
                                                                to update the state of a single automaton. In a Propositional
and Location(Person1 ).
                                                                TM, the worst case scenario would be the one in which all
    In order to prioritise, the entities present in the query   the clauses are updated. Therefore, a TM with m clauses and
relation are the first to be generalized. All occurrences of    an input vector of o features, needs to perform (2o + 1) × m
those entities in the relations preceding the query are also    number of TA updates for a single training sample. For a
replaced by suitable placeholders.                              total of d training samples, the total cost of updating is d ×
    The entities present in the other relations are then re-    γ × (2o + 1) × m.
placed by what can be considered as free variables (since           Once weight updates have been successfully performed,
they do not play a role in answering the query).                the next step is to calculate the clause outputs. Here the
    In the next section we explain how this relational frame-   worst case is represented by all the clauses including all the
ARXIV PREPRINT                                                                                                                          9

                                                                   TABLE 3
                                                         Entity Generalization : Part 1

                        Sentence                       Relation    Entities                    Reduced Relation
                        Mary went to the office.       MoveTo      Mary, office       Source   MoveTo(X, office)
                        John moved to the hallway      MoveTo      John, hallway      Source   MoveTo(John, hallway)
                        Where is Mary?                 Location    Mary, ?            Target   Location(X, ?)
                        Sentence                          Relation          Entities               Reduced Relation
                        Bob is a parent of Mary.          Parent            Bob, Mary     Source   Parent(X, Mary)
                        Bob is a parent of Jane.          Parent            Bob, Jane     Source   Parent(X, Jane)
                        Mary is a parent of Peter         Parent            Mary, Peter   Source   Parent(Mary, Y)
                        Is Bob a grandparent of Peter?    Grandparent       Bob, Peter    Target   Grandparent(X, Y)

                                                                   TABLE 4
                                                         Entity Generalization : Part 2

                            Sentence                       Relation   Entities                     Reduced Relation
                            Mary went to the office.       MoveTo     Mary, office        Source   MoveTo(X, A)
                            John moved to the hallway      MoveTo     John, hallway       Source   MoveTo(Y, B)
                            Where is Mary?                 Location   Mary, ?             Target   Location(X, ?)
                        Sentence                          Relation       Entities                  Reduced Relation
                        Bob is a parent of Mary.          Parent         Bob, Mary        Source   Parent(X, Z)
                        Bob is a parent of Jane.          Parent         Bob, Jane        Source   Parent(X, W)
                        Mary is a parent of Peter         Parent         Mary, Peter      Source   Parent(Z, Y)
                        Is Bob a grandparent of Peter?    Grandparent    Bob, Peter       Target   Grandparent(X, Y)

corresponding literals, giving us a cost of α × 2o × m (for a            context of the single sample. Thus, if each sample contains
single sample).                                                          r Relations, and a Relation R involves e different entities
    The last step involves calculating the difference in votes           (E1 , E2 , ..., Ee ), and maximum possible cardinality of sets
from the clause outputs, thus incurring a per-sample cost of             E1 , E2 , ..., Ee are |E1 | = |E2 | = ... = |En | = r, the number
β × (m − 1).                                                             of features become
                                                                             o = { |r|          |r|     |r|
                                                                                       1 × 1 × ... 1 } × r = r
    Taken together, the total cost function for a Propositional                                                             .
TM can be expressed as:                                                      In most scenarios, this number is much lower than the
    f (d) = d×[(γ×(2o+1)×m)+(α×2o×m)+(β×(m−1))]                          one obtained without the use of Entity Generalization.
    Expanding this calculation to the Relation TM scenario,                  A little further modification is required when using the
we need to account for the extra operations being per-                   convolutional approach. In calculating f (d), the measure
formed, as detailed earlier: Relation Extraction and Entity              of o remains the same as we just showed with/without
Generalization. The number of features per sample is re-                 Entity Generalization. However the second term in the
stricted by the number of possible relations, both in the                equation, which refers to the calculation of clause outputs
entirety of the training data, as well as only in the context of         (d × α × 2o × m), changes due to the difference in mech-
a single sample. For example, in the experiments involving               anism of calculating outputs for convolutional and non-
“MoveTo” relations, we have restricted our data to have 3                convolutional approaches. In the convolutional approach,
statements, followed by a question (elaborated further in the            with Entity Generalization, we need to consider free and
next section). Each statement gives rise to a single “MoveTo”            bound variables in the feature representation. Bound vari-
relation, which has 2 entities (a location and a person).                ables are the ones which are linked by appearance in the
    When using the textual constants (i.e., without Entity               source and target relations, while the other variables, which
Generalization), the maximum number of possible features                 are independent of that restriction, can be referred to as
thus becomes equal to the number of possible combination                 the free variables. Each possible permutation of the free
between the unique entities in the relations. Thus if each               variables in different positions are used by the convolutional
sample contains r Relations, and a Relation R involves                   approach to determine the best generic rule that describes
e different entities (E1 , E2 , ..., Ee ), and cardinality of sets       the scenario. In certain scenarios, it may be possible to have
E1 , E2 , ..., Ee be represented as |E1 |, |E2 |, ..., |Ee |, the num-   certain permutations among the bound variables as well,
ber of features in the above equation can be re-written as               without violating the restrictions added by the relations.
    o = { |E11 | × |E12 | × ... |E1e | } × r.
                                                                         One such scenario is detailed with an example in Section
    As discussed earlier in Section 4.3 as well as shown in the          5.2, where a bound “Person” entity can be permuted to
previous paragraph, this results in a large o, since it depends          allow any other “Person” entity, as long as the order of
on the number of unique textual elements in each of the en-              “MoveTo” relations are not violated. However, it is difficult
tity sets. Using Entity Generalization, the number of features           to get a generic measure for the same, which would work ir-
no longer depends on the cardinality of set En,1≤n≤e in the              respective of the nature of the relation (or their restrictions).
context of the whole dataset. Instead, it only depends on the            Therefore, for the purpose of this calculation, we only take
ARXIV PREPRINT                                                                                                                 10

into account the permutations afforded to us by the free               Possible Answers : [Office, Pantry, Garden, Foyer,
variable. Using the same notation as before, if each sample        Kitchen]
contains r Relations, and a Relation R involves e different            Once training is complete, we can use the inherent inter-
entities, the total number of variables is R × e. Of these, if     pretability of the TM to get an idea about how the model
v is the number of free variables, then they can be arranged       learns to discriminate the information given to it. The set
in v! different ways. Assuming v is constant for all samples,      of all clauses arrived at by the TM at the end of training
the worst case f (d) can thus be rewritten as                      represents a global view of the learning, i.e. what the model
    f (d) = d × [(γ × (2o + 1) × m) + (v! × α × 2o × m) +          has learnt in general. The global view can also be thought
(β × (m − 1))] .                                                   of as a description of the task itself, as understood by the
                                                                   machine. We also have access to a local snapshot, which
                                                                   is particular to each input instance. The local snapshot
5     E XPERIMENTAL STUDY                                          involves only those clauses that help in arriving at the
To further illustrate how the TM based logic modelling             answer for that particular instance.
works practically, we employ examples from a standard                  Table 5 shows the local snapshot obtained for the above
question answering dataset [35]. For the scope of this work,       example. As mentioned earlier, the TM model depends on
we limit ourselves to the first subtask as defined in the          two sets of clauses for each class, a positive set and a
dataset, viz. a question that can be answered by the pre-          negative set. The positive set represents information favour
ceding context, and the context contains a single supporting       of the class, while the negative set represents the opposite.
fact.                                                              The sum of the votes given by these two sets thus represent
    To start with, there is a set of statements, followed          the final class the model decides on. As seen in the example,
by a question, as discussed previously. For this particular        all the classes other than “Pantry” receive more negative
subtask, the answer to the question is obtained by a single        votes than positive, making it the winning class. The clauses
statement out of the set of statements provided (hence the         themselves allow us to peek into the learning mechanism.
term, single supporting fact).                                     For the class “Office”, a clause captures the information that
    Input:William moved to the office. Susan went to the garden.   (a) the question contains “William”, and (b) the relationship
William walked to the pantry. Where is William?                    MoveTo(William, Office) is available. This clause votes in
    Output: pantry                                                 support of the class, i.e. this is an evidence that the answer
We assume the following knowledge to help us construct             to the question “Where is William?” may be “Office”. How-
the task:                                                          ever, another clause encapsulates the previous two pieces of
  1) All statements only contain information pertaining to         information, as well as something more : (c) the relationship
      relation MoveTo                                              MoveTo(William, Pantry) is available. Not only does this
  2) All questions only relate to information pertaining to        clause vote against the class “Office”, it also ends up with a
      relation CurrentlyAt                                         larger share of votes than the clause voting positively.
  3) Relation MoveTo involves 2 entities, such that                    The accuracy obtained over 100 epochs for this experi-
      M oveT o(a, b) : a ∈ {P ersons}, b ∈ {Locations}             ment was 94.83%, with a F-score of 94.80.
  4) Relation CurrentlyAt involves 2 entities, such that
      CurrentlyAt(a, b) : a ∈ {P ersons}, b ∈ {Locations}          5.1.1   Allowing Negative Literals in Clauses
  5) MoveTo is a time-bound relation, it’s effect is super-
      seded by a similar action performed at a later time.         Above results were obtained by only allowing positive liter-
                                                                   als in the clauses. The descriptive power of the TM goes up
                                                                   if negative literals are also added. However, the drawback
5.1   Without Entity Generalization                                to that is, while the TM is empowered to make more precise
The size of the set of statements from which the model has to      rules (and by extension, decisions), the overall complexity
identify the correct answer influences the complexity of the       of the clauses increase, making them less readable. Also,
task. For the purpose of this experiment, the data is capped       previously, the order of the MoveTo action could be implied
to have a maximum of three statements per input, and over          by the order in which they appear in the clauses, since only
all has five possible locations. This means that the task for      one positive literal can be present per sentence, but in case
the TM model is reduced to classifying the input into one of       of negative literals, we need to include information about
five possible classes.                                             the sentence order. Using the above example again, if we do
    To prepare the data for the TM, the first step involves re-    allow negative literals the positive evidence for Class Office
ducing the input to relation-entity bindings. These bindings       looks like:
form the basis of our feature set, which is used to train the         Q(W illiam) AND N ot(Q(Susan)) AND
TM. Consider the following input example:                          M oveT o(S1, W illiam, Off ice) AND
    Input => MoveTo(William, Office), MoveTo(Susan, Gar-           N OT (M oveT o(S3, W illiam, Garden)) AND
den), MoveTo(William, Pantry), Q(William).                         N OT (M oveT o(S3, W illiam, F oyer)) AND
    Since the TM requires binary features, each input is           N OT (M oveT o(S3, W illiam, Kitchen)) AND
converted to a vector, where each element represents the           N OT (M oveT o(S3, Susan, Garden)) AND
presence (or absence) of the relationship instances.               N OT (M oveT o(S3, Susan, Off ice)) AND
    Secondly, the list of possible answers is obtained from        N OT (M oveT o(S3, Susan, P antry)) AND
the data, which is the list of class labels. Continuing our        N OT (M oveT o(S3, Susan, F oyer)) AND
example, possible answers to the question could be:                N OT (M oveT o(S3, Susan, Kitchen)).
ARXIV PREPRINT                                                                                                                              11

                                                                  TABLE 5
Local Snapshot of Clauses for example “William moved to the office. Susan went to the garden. William walked to the pantry. Where is William?”

                                                                                                                     Total Votes
              Class     Clause                                                                        +/-   Votes
                                                                                                                      for Class
                        Q(William) AND MoveTo(William, Office)                                        +       12
              Office                                                                                                     -35
                        Q(William) AND MoveTo(William, Office)˜ AND MoveTo(William, Pantry)           -       47
                        Q(William) AND MoveTo(William, Office)˜ AND MoveTo(William, Pantry)           +       64
             Pantry                                                                                                      +49
                        Q(William) AND MoveTo(William, Office)                                        -       15
                        MoveTo(Susan, Garden)                                                         +       12
             Garden                                                                                                      -36
                        Q(William) AND MoveTo(William, Office) AND MoveTo(William, Pantry)            -       48
                        -                                                                             +        0
              Foyer                                                                                                      -106
                        Q(William) AND MoveTo(William, Office) AND MoveTo(William, Pantry)
                                                                                                       -     106
                        AND MoveTo(Susan, Garden)
                        -                                                                             +       0
             Kitchen                                                                                                     -113
                        Q(William) AND MoveTo(William, Office) AND MoveTo(William, Pantry)
                                                                                                       -     113
                        AND MoveTo(Susan, Garden)

    At this point, we can see that the use of constants lead               → M oveT o(W illiam, off ice) + M oveT o(Susan, garden) +
to a large number of repetitive information in terms of the             M oveT o(W illiam, pantry)
rules learnt by the TM. Generalizing the constants as per                  → M oveT o(P1 , off ice) + M oveT o(P2 , garden) +
                                                                        M oveT o(P1 , pantry)
their entity type can prevent this.
                                                                           → M oveT o(P1 , L1 ) + M oveT o(P2 , L2 ) + M oveT o(P1 , L3 )
                                                                           → M oveT o(P1 , L1 ) + ∗ + M oveT o(P1 , Ln )
5.2   Entity Generalization                                                 =⇒ Location(P1 , Ln ).
Given a set of sentences and a following question, the first                From the above two subsections, we can see that with
step remains the same as in the previous subsection, i.e.               more and more generalization, the learning encapsulated
reducing the input to relation-entity bindings. In the second           in the TM model can approach what could possibly be a
step, we carry out a grouping by entity type, in order to               human-level understanding of the world.
generalize the information. Once the constants have been
replaced by general placeholders, we continue as previously,            5.3    Variable Permutation and Convolution
collecting a list of possible outputs (to be used as class              As described in Section 3.2.5, we can produce all possible
labels), and further, training a TM based model with binary             permutations of the available variables in each sample (after
feature vectors.                                                        Entity Generalization) as long as the relation constraints
    As before, the data is capped to have a maximum of three            are not violated. Doing this gives us more information per
statements per input. Continuing with the same example as               sample:
above,                                                                      Input:William moved to the office. Susan went to the garden.
    Input:William moved to the office. Susan went to the garden.        William walked to the pantry. Where is William?
William walked to the pantry. Where is William?                             Output: pantry
    Output: pantry                                                          1. Reducing to relation-entity bindings: Input
    1. Reducing to relation-entity bindings: Input                      => MoveTo(William, Office), MoveTo(Susan, Garden),
=> MoveTo(William, Office), MoveTo(Susan, Garden),                      MoveTo(William, Pantry), Q(William)
MoveTo(William, Pantry), Q(William)                                         2. Generalizing bindings: => MoveTo(Per1, Loc1),
    2. Generalizing bindings: => MoveTo(Per1, Loc1),                    MoveTo(Per2, Loc2), MoveTo(Per1, Loc3), Q(Per1)
MoveTo(Per2, Loc2), MoveTo(Per1, Loc3), Q(Per1)                             3. Permuted Variables: => MoveTo(Per2, Loc1),
    3. Possible Answers : [Loc1, Loc2, Loc3]                            MoveTo(Per1, Loc2), MoveTo(Per2, Loc3), Q(Per2)
The simplifying effect of generalization is seen right away:                4. Possible Answers : [Loc1, Loc2, Loc3]
even though there are 5 possible location in the whole                  This has two primary benefits. Firstly, in a scenario where
dataset, for any particular instance there are always max-              the given data does not encompass all possible structural
imum of three possibilities, since there are maximum three              differences in which a particular information maybe rep-
statements per instance.                                                resented, using the permutations allows the TM to view a
    As seen from the local snapshot (Table 6), the clauses              closer-to-complete representation from which to build it’s
formed are much more compact and easily understandable.                 learning (and hence, explanations). Moreover, since the TM
The generalization also releases the TM model from the                  can learn different structural permutations from a single
restriction of having had to seen definite constants before             sample, it ultimately requires fewer clauses to learn effec-
in order to make a decision. The model can process “Rory                tively. In our experiments, permutations using Relational
moved to the conservatory. Rory went to the cinema. Cecil               TM Convolution allowed for up to 1.5 times less clauses
walked to the school. Where is Rory?”, without needing                  than using a non-convolutional approach.
to have encountered constants “Rory”, “Cecil”, “school”,                    As detailed in Section 4.4, convolutional and non-
“cinema” and “conservatory”.                                            convolutional approaches have different computational
    Accuracy for this experiment over 100 epochs was                    complexity. Hence, the convolutional approach makes sense
99.48% , with a F-score of 92.53.                                       only when the reduction in complexity from fewer clauses
    A logic based understanding of the relation “Move”                  balance the increase due to processing the convolutional
could typically be expressed as :                                       window itself.
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