A presentation for discussion and approval of Transition Models to the Chandler Unified School District Governing Board Wednesday, September 2 ...

Page created by Roberta Elliott
A presentation for discussion and approval of Transition Models to the Chandler Unified School District Governing Board Wednesday, September 2 ...
A presentation for discussion and approval of Transition Models to the
          Chandler Unified School District Governing Board
                   Wednesday, September 2, 2020
A presentation for discussion and approval of Transition Models to the Chandler Unified School District Governing Board Wednesday, September 2 ...
Presentation Objectives
■ Communicate to the Governing Board and Community
  Transition Timeline

■ Provide an Overview of Student Enrollment

■ Review the Reopening Mitigation Benchmarks

■ Propose Options and Expectations for Reopening
A presentation for discussion and approval of Transition Models to the Chandler Unified School District Governing Board Wednesday, September 2 ...
Brief Summary of Transition
                 since May 2020
➢ May 6, 2020       Reviewed the (4) Quadrants of Covid-19 Prepared Status
➢ June 10, 2020     Presentation of Covid-19 Taskforce Reopening Plan.
➢ June 24, 2020     Resolution for C.U.S.D.’s Plan to Reopen and Calendar
➢ August 5, 2020    Executive Session held on Safety for Reopening and
                    Resolution on District Covid-19 Operations.
➢ August 26, 2020   Study Session with Maricopa County Health Department
                    focusing on Benchmark Data State, County, District, etc.
Elementary By the Numbers
K-6 Virtual/In-person Enrollment: (Enrolled at 31 Elementary Sites)              14,400
        Student Group that transitions to in-person when it is decided.

Chandler Online/Elementary Connect Enrollment:                                   5,463
        Parents may choose to transition students at End of Quarter intervals.
        (Q1, Q2 or Q3 or remain through Q4)

Total K-6 Elementary Students Enrolled (2020/2021)                               19,863
        Total K-6 Elementary Students Enrolled (2019-2020)                       21,779
        * (Preschool not included in enrollment counts.)
Elementary Students at Sites based upon
Governor’s Executive Order
■ K-6 Technology In-person Drop-In Use:                                950

■ K-6 Students In-person Childcare (Kids Express and Lil Explorers):   452*

■ K-6 Students In-person Qualified Special Education Services:         200

■ Preschool Students In-person Qualified Special Education Services:   132

*Peak Childcare Enrollment
Elementary K-6 Student Sections by Grade
Total Sections   Grade Level    18 Or Less        19-22              23+

     923         K-6            #       %    #            %    #           %

      104        Kinder        84      81%   18       17%      2     2%         98%

      110        First         84      76%   23       21%      3     3%         97%

     112.5       Second        73.5    65%   30       27%      9     8%         92%

      117        Third         56      48%   49       42%      12    10%        90%

     118.5       Fourth        73      62%   37       31%      8.5   7%         93%

      120        Fifth         77      64%   32       27%      11    9%         91%

      124        Sixth         62      50%   50       40%      12    10%        90%
                 K-6 Self-
      117        Contained     117    100%   0            0%   0           0%
Secondary by the Numbers
Virtual/In-person Enrollment: Student that will transition to in-person when it is decided
         Enrolled in 7-8                                                        6,279
         Enrolled in 9-12                                                       14,282

Chandler Online Academy Enrollment:
       Enrolled in 7-8                                                     1,319
       Enrolled in 9-12                                                    2,646
       (Parents may choose to transition students at End of Quarter intervals)

Total 7-12 Grade Students Enrolled (2020/2021)                                  24,526
      Levels of Community Spread and Mitigation Strategies
                          Community Spread Benchmarks
                     CUSD School Reopening Dashboards
Safety Benchmark Protocols

                        Safe Returning to In-Person instruction, ADE, August 6, 2020
Maricopa County Reopening Dashboard & Guidance, Sept. 1, 2020.
Maricopa County Reopening Dashboard & Guidance, Sept. 1, 2020.
Maricopa County Reopening Dashboard & Guidance, Sept. 1, 2020.
Maricopa County Reopening Dashboard & Guidance, Sept. 1, 2020.
Maricopa County Reopening Dashboard, Aug. 27, 2020. 4 p.m.
Maricopa County Reopening Dashboard, Aug. 27, 2020. 4 p.m.
Maricopa County Reopening Dashboard, Aug. 27, 2020. 4 p.m.
                          Option A and B - Two Hybrid Options
                            Option C – Return Fully In-Person
Option D– Return Fully with Staggered Start (Elementary Only)
C.U.S.D. Hybrid Optional Learning Group
■ In the Hybrid:
   – Students are divided into the two learning groups.
   – Sites will utilize an alpha grouping system focusing on a 50 – 50
       equal number of students in each group.
       ■ Different last names living in the same household will be placed in
         the same group, even across building levels.
    – Group adjustments may be made to accommodate special
      education and English Language Learners or to balance learning
      group sizes.
Elementary Hybrid Option A: 6 Day A/B Rotation
 Monday             Tuesday            Wednesday           Thursday            Friday              Monday
 Learning Group A   Learning Group B   Learning Group A    Learning Group B    Learning Group A    Learning Group B
 In-Person          In-Person          In-Person           In-Person           In-Person           In-Person

 Learning Group B Learning Group A     Learning Group B    Learning Group A    Learning Group B    Learning Group A
 Distance Learning Distance Learning   Distance Learning   Distance Learning   Distance Learning   Distance Learning

 • Continuous A/B/A/B Sequence until we return fully to in-person instruction.
 • 5 days of in-person instruction over two weeks.
 • Teacher prepares and instructs same lessons to A and B groups.
 • Teachers are not teaching both in-person and virtually at the same time as it is not
 • Targeted interventions increased with additional in-person day.
 • Maximizes days students are participating with in-person instruction.
 • Maximized Social Distancing/Maximized Face Covering/Minimized Cohorting.
Secondary Hybrid Option A: 6 Day A/B Rotation
Monday              Tuesday             Wednesday           Thursday            Friday              Monday

Learning Group A    Learning Group B    Learning Group A    Learning Group B    Learning Group A    Learning Group B
In-Person           In-Person           In-Person           In-Person           In-Person           In-Person

Periods 1 – 6 A     Periods 1 – 6 B     Periods 1 – 6 A     Periods 1 – 6 B     Periods 1 – 6 A     Periods 1 – 6 B

Learning Group B    Learning Group A    Learning Group B    Learning Group A    Learning Group B    Learning Group A
Distance Learning   Distance Learning   Distance Learning   Distance Learning   Distance Learning   Distance Learning

Periods 1 – 6 B     Periods 1 – 6 A     Periods 1 – 6 B     Periods 1 – 6 A     Periods 1 – 6 B     Periods 1 – 6 A
Secondary Option A: 6 Day A/B Rotation
• Continuous A/B/A/B Sequence until we return all students to full in-person
• Teacher prepares and instructs same lesson to A and B groups.
• Maximizes days students are participating in in-person instruction
   • Students will see their teacher in-person 3 times in week one and 2 times in
      week two (weeks alternate by group)
• Teachers will have a prep period each day.
• Targeted interventions increased with additional in-person day.
• Teachers are not teaching both in-person and virtually at the same time as it is not
• Teacher face to face instructional contact days are reduced from the virtual model
• Students are working independently on distance learning days.
• Junior high electives – students will only see their elective teachers 1 or 2 times per
Elementary Hybrid Option B: 5 Day A/B Virtual Rotation
  Monday               Tuesday                Wednesday           Thursday            Friday

  Learning Group A     Learning Group B        Virtual Learning   Learning Group A    Learning Group B
  In-Person            In-Person                  Day for all     In-Person           In-Person
  Learning Group B     Learning Group A                           Learning Group B    Learning Group A
  Distance Learning    Distance Learning                          Distance Learning   Distance Learning

 •   Allows for repetitive and consistent in-person and distance learning weekly schedule.
 •   4 days of in-person instruction.
 •   Teachers are not teaching both in-person and virtually at the same time as it is not feasible.
 •   Maximized Social Distancing/Maximized Face Covering/Minimized Cohorting.
 •   Virtual learning day teacher instructs all students in virtual setting using a combination of:
       ❑ Synchronous instruction including:
           •   Small Group Instruction
           •   Interventions for ELA and Math
           •   Integrated Science and Social Science Extensions
      ❑ Asynchronous instruction including:
           •   Assessments
           •   Assignments
           •   Enrichment and Intervention
Secondary Hybrid Option B: 5 Day A/B/Virtual Rotation

 Monday              Tuesday             Wednesday          Thursday            Friday

 Learning Group A    Learning Group B    Virtual Learning   Learning Group A    Learning Group B
 In-Person           In-Person              Day for all     In-Person           In-Person
 Periods 1 – 6 A     Periods 1 – 6 B                        Periods 1 – 6 A     Periods 1 – 6 B

 Learning Group B    Learning Group A                       Learning Group B    Learning Group A
 Distance Learning   Distance Learning                      Distance Learning   Distance Learning

 Periods 1 – 6 B     Periods 1 – 6 A                        Periods 1 – 6 B     Periods 1 – 6 A
Secondary: 5 Day A/B/Virtual Rotation
Virtual learning day: teacher instructs all students in virtual setting using a
combination of:
    ❑ Synchronous instruction including:
         • Small Group Instruction
         • Reteach Concepts
         • Interventions
    ❑ Asynchronous instruction including:
         • Assessments
         • Assignments
         • Enrichment and Intervention
Secondary: 5 Day A/B/Virtual Rotation
•   Allows for repetitive and consistent in-person and distance learning weekly
•   Students will have in-person instruction 2 times per week (live interaction 3 times
    per week including virtual day).
•   Teachers will have a prep period 4 days each week.
•   Teacher will prepare and instruct same lesson to A and B groups on in-person days.
•   Teachers are not teaching both in-person and virtually at the same time as it is not
•   Students are working independently on distance learning days.
•   Number of teacher face to face live instruction days are reduced from the current
•   Junior High Electives – students will only see their elective teachers 1 or 2 times per
Elementary Sample Distance Learning
Activities (Home Days)
                          Sample Distance Learning Activities and Time Allocation
 Pre-School           •    Self-paced learning activities (Asynchronous)
    Up to 1.5 hours   •    Work Completion from ”in-person” days
                      •    Enrichment and intervention opportunities

 K-1st                •    Self-paced learning activities (Asynchronous)
    Up to 3 hours     •    Work Completion from ”in-person” days
                      •    Enrichment and intervention opportunities

 2nd-3rd              •    Self-paced learning activities (Asynchronous)
   Up to 3.5 hours    •    Work Completion from ”in-person” days
                      •    Enrichment and intervention opportunities

 4th-6th              •    Self-paced learning activities (Asynchronous)
     Up to 4 hours    •    Work Completion from ”in-person” days
                      •    Enrichment and intervention opportunities
Secondary Sample Distance Learning
Activities (Home Days)
                             Sample Distance Learning Activities
 Secondary   •   Self-paced learning activities (Asynchronous)

             •   Work Completion from”(in-person” days)

             •   Enrichment and intervention opportunities

             •   Reading articles, annotation and reflections

             •   Independent project work

             •   Formative assessment/Benchmarking

             •   Objective or open-ended item practice
In Summary - School Distance Learning
Days in the Hybrid Model
■ Students will participate in distance learning two to three days a week. Students will
  engage with learning tasks given to them by their teachers in a variety of ways:
   – Assignments posted in Google Classroom.
   – Assignments given to students when they are on-site with their teachers on
      either their A or B rotations.
■ Students will be able to complete their distance learning tasks and assignments
  generated in their in-person classes, at their own pace on these days.
■ Teachers are not teaching both in-person and virtually at the same time as it is not
■   Mitigation through cohorting is minimized.
What to Expect During Elementary HYBRID
■ Depending the Hybrid Option A or B, (2-3) days in person, (2-3) days independent
  distance learning.
■ 50% of students assigned to classes each day allowing for maximum social distancing.
■ Reduced Cohorting Mitigation as students are not with cohort daily.
■ Desks/tables facing one direction where possible.
■ Hand Washing/sanitizing multiple times per day.
■ Formative and Benchmark Assessments.
■ Specials provided.
■ Social Emotional Learning Lessons/Accommodations and Special Education Support
  Services provided.
■ Students report to classroom upon arrival to campus.
What to Expect During Elementary HYBRID (Cont.)
 ■ Controlled student movement throughout the campus.
 ■ Limit sharing of supplies - shared resources disinfected after use.
 ■ Scheduled visitors only – no classroom visits or volunteers.
 ■ Transportation will run regular routes each day. Parent pick-up/drop-off drivers stay in
   their cars.
 ■ Limited number of students utilizing playground at one time/Social distanced where
 ■ All staff and students are required to wear face coverings.
 ■ “Grab and Go” lunches will be available. Students will be social distanced in the café
   facing one direction. Breakfast procedures will be the same differentiated for the smaller
   group that participates in Breakfast purchases.
 ■ Lunches staggered to provide time between to disinfect tables and seats.
What to Expect - Secondary HYBRID
•   Two (2-3) days in person, Two (2-3) days independent distance learning based on
    A/B rotation, One (1) day online instruction, A/B/Virtual Day rotation.
•   On-site learning support remains available for internet access.
•   The goal is to reduce the number of students assigned to classes each day to allow
    for social distancing were possible.
•   Each school will assign group A and group B using an alpha sort by first letter of last
    name. (Establish two equal size groupings to split the school).
•   Social Emotional Learning Lessons/Accommodations and Special Education
    Support Services provided.
•   Desks/tables facing one direction where possible.
•   Scheduled visitors only – no classroom visits or volunteers.
What to Expect - Secondary HYBRID (Cont.)
•   Although social distancing will be difficult, efforts to accommodate will be made
    where feasible.
•   All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings.
•   Hand washing/sanitizing multiple times each day.
•   Students report to classroom upon arrival to campus or social distance in available
    open spaces.
•   Parent drop-off and pick-up area, drivers stay in cars at all times.
•   Controlled student movement throughout the campus by assigning directional flow
    in halls, at lunch, and in high traffic areas.
What to Expect - Secondary HYBRID (Cont.)
•   Limit sharing of supplies - shared resources disinfected after use
•   Transportation will run regular routes each day
•   Lunches staggered to provide time to disinfect tables and seats
•   “Grab and Go” lunches will be available. The cafeteria will remain open all day and
    multiple spaces will be utilized for lunch to maintain social distance.
•   Students may remain in cafeteria, hallways, and other open spaces or may return to
    classrooms to consume lunches with principal approval
•   Hand washing/sanitizing will be done before and after meals and restroom breaks
Hybrid will require continuation of C.U.S.D.
Drop-in Learning Assistance
■ As a continuation of the Executive Order, schools will continue to
  provide a supervised area of the school for drop-in learning
■ Drop-in Learning Opportunities will be made available by sign-up and
  maintain limited capacity.
■ To maintain social distancing on our buses for students who are
  scheduled for in-person instruction, parents will need to continue to
  provide transportation to and from drop-in learning assistance
Return Fully In Person PreK-12
Option C: Elementary Return Fully w/Safety
Protocols in place
■ Return to In-Person.
■ 350 Classrooms of Preschool, Kindergarten, First and Second Grades have
  lower enrollments.
    – Moderate to Maximum Social Distancing/ Maximum Face Covering/
      Maximum Cohorting.
■ 117 Classrooms of K-6 , Specialized Self-Contained Classrooms
   – Maximum Social Distancing/ Maximum Cohorting / Maximum Face
■ 590 Classrooms of Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades
   – Moderate to Maximum Social Distancing/ Maximum Face Covering/
      Maximum Cohorting.
    – Ability to accommodate the larger electives classes through in-person virtual
      instruction on site.
Option C: Elementary Return Fully w/Safety Protocols
■   All students return to in-person instruction with safety protocols in place.
■   Students would receive direct instruction 5 days per week.
■   Access to all services/personnel/technology.
■   Required Benchmark Assessments and Progress monitoring may occur.
■   Teachers can address gaps in learning.
■   All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings.
■   Controlled student movement throughout the campus by assigning directional flow in halls, at lunch, and in
    high traffic areas.
■   Desks/tables facing one direction where possible.
■   Hand washing/sanitizing multiple times each day. (Bus/Classroom/Restroom/Breakfast/Lunch/Recess)
■   Limit sharing of supplies - shared resources disinfected after use.
■   Students report to classroom upon arrival to campus
■   Parent drop-off and pick-up area, drivers stay in cars at all times.
■   “Grab and Go” lunches will be available. Students will be social distanced in the café facing one direction.
    Breakfast procedures will be the same differentiated for the smaller group that participates in Breakfast
■   Before and After School Childcare Offered at Satellite Schools. (Bussing)
Option C: Secondary Return Fully w/Safety Protocols
 ■   All students return to in-person instruction with safety protocols in place.
 ■   Students would receive direct instruction 5 days per week.
 ■   Reduction of the technology divide of devices and connectivity.
 ■   Focus on instruction to address achievement gaps as well as grades for post secondary college and
     career aspirations of students.
 ■   Although social distancing will be difficult, efforts to accommodate will be made where feasible.
 ■   All students and staff will be required to wear face coverings.
 ■   Controlled student movement throughout the campus by assigning directional flow in halls, at lunch, and
     in high traffic areas.
 ■   Desks/tables facing one direction where possible.
 ■   Hand washing/sanitizing multiple times each day. (Bus/Classroom/Restroom/Breakfast/Lunch/Recess)
 ■   “Grab and Go” lunches will be available. The cafeteria will remain open all day and multiple spaces will
     be utilized for lunch to maintain social distance.
 ■   Students may remain in cafeteria, hallways, and other open spaces or may return to classrooms to
     consume lunches with principal approval.
 ■   Students report to classroom upon arrival to campus or social distance in available open spaces.
 ■   Parent drop-off and pick-up area, drivers stay in cars at all times.
Return Fully with Staggered Start (Elementary Only)
Option D: Elementary Staggered Return
GROUP 1 – Preschool to Second Grade
■   Start September 14, 2020
■   350 Classrooms of Preschool, Kindergarten, First and Second Grades are lower enrolled.

GROUP 2 – Self-Contained Students
■   Start September 14, 2020
■   117 Classrooms of Elementary Specialized Self-Contained Students.
     – Enrollments between 6 – 11 students per class.
■   WHY?
     – Virtual Learning is not best practice for teaching and learning for Primary Grades and Specialized
        Self-Contained Classrooms . Need constant supervision during instruction.
     – Achievement Gaps start at these grade levels and if not closed will make it more difficult and require
        extensive interventions in the future.
     – Student groups maintain Maximized Social Distancing/Maximized Face Coverings/ Maximized
        Cohorting 5 days a week as well as other safety measures established by Maricopa County
     – Maximize use of staff and space –discontinuation of on-site Drop-in Technology access model.
Option D: Elementary Staggered Return
GROUP 3 – Third to Sixth Grades
■   Start September 21, 2020
■   590 Classrooms of Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grades
     –   Moderate to Maximized Social Distancing/ Maximized Face Covering/ Maximized Cohorting
     –   Ability to accommodate larger class sizes (20 classes with 23-27 students into smaller groups).
     –   Ability to accommodate the larger elective classes through in-person virtual instruction on site.
■   All 3 Groups continue in-person October 13, 2020
     –   Parents who do not want in-person instruction have the opportunity to remain or move to Chandler
         Online Academy for the start of second quarter.
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