A new framework for assessing the contributions of professionals in the natural sciences

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A new framework for assessing the contributions of professionals in the natural sciences
A new framework for
                                                  assessing the contributions
                                                  of professionals in the
                                                  natural sciences
                                                  Lauren A. Esposito1, Marymegan Daly2, Matthew
                                                  K. Fujita3, Jacob A. Gorneau1,4, Giovanni
                                                  Rapacciuolo1, Luiz Rocha1, Lauren Scheinberg1,
                                                  Jessica Ware5, Corey K. Welch6, Alison N. Young1,
                                                  Rayna C. Bell1
                                                  Published: 27 January 2022
¹Institute for Biodiversity                       Keywords: scientific success; diversity; equity; inclusion;
Science and Sustainability,                       mentorship
California     Academy       of
Sciences, San Francisco, CA                       1 INTRODUCTION
94118    USA;     ²Department
of Evolution, Ecology &                                   The foundations of the natural sciences are
Organismal Biology, The Ohio                      intertwined with the histories of racism and colonialism,
State University, Columbus,                       including the explicit distortion of scientific discoveries
Ohio, USA; ³Amphibian and                         in the formulation and justification of racist theories of
Reptile Diversity Research                        humanity as well as the biases and harmful actions that
Center,     Department       of                   persist in our present-day workplaces (Haraway 1984; Graves
Biology, The University of                        Jr. 2004; Graves Jr. 2015; Das and Lowe 2018; Graves Jr. 2019;
Texas at Arlington, Arlington,                    Davies et al. 2021; Cronin et al. 2021). Many individuals,
TX 76019, USA; ⁴Department                        institutions, and professional societies in the natural
of Biology, San Francisco State                   sciences are committed to implementing anti-racist actions
University, San Francisco,                        and policies as the foundation of a future that is equitable
CA 94132, USA; ⁵Invertebrate                      and that truly reflects our values. Yet, the work of diversity,
Zoology, American Museum                          equity, and inclusion is undervalued and disproportionately
of Natural History, New                           falls to marginalized groups, further hindering their
York, NY 10026, USA; ⁶STEM                        academic “success” under current metric systems. This
Scholars Program, Iowa State                      inequity compounds the burden of the legacies of racism
University, Ames, IA 50010,                       with the urgent need to dismantle them.
USA                                                       Under current hiring, retention, promotion, and
Correspondence:                                   tenure practices (HRPT), “service” (including diversity,
Lauren Esposito                                   equity, and inclusion (DEI) research) is often considered a
Email: lesposito@calacademy.                      low value activity, and rather than being viewed as a positive
org                                               professional contribution can instead be discriminatory to
              © 2022 Esposito, Daly, Fujita, Gorneau, Rapacciuolo, Rocha, Scheinberg,
              Ware, Welch, Young, & Bell. This article is published under a Creative
              Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecom-
              mons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)                                                https://doi.org/10.18061/bssb.v1i1.8332
A new framework for assessing the contributions of professionals in the natural sciences

minoritized and historically excluded faculty         from current models in differentiating the
who typically engage in more service than             foci and constituencies for service activities
their peers (Olsen et al. 1995; Harley 2008;          and in explicitly connecting all professional
Alperin et al. 2019; Jimenez et al. 2019). In         activities under a framework of advancing
addition, many activities (i.e., social media         scientific knowledge. Embedded within each
science communication) that could be                  element of this framework is a call to reflect
viewed under the umbrella of “service” were           upon what individuals have personally done
unheard of 10–15 years ago (i.e., 2–3 tenure          to make science more diverse, equitable, and
cycles), and may have no mechanism for                inclusive—moving the work of DEI away
formal recognition or be dismissed entirely           from the shadows and off the shoulders of the
as non-professional or extra-curricular. Lieff        few and ascribing direct value to traditional
(2009), in focusing on similar challenges in          service work along with a culture of personal
academic medicine, suggested a professional           responsibility in the promotion of DEI.
development activity including written                         As ecologists and evolutionary
reflection on (personal and professional)             biologists, the authors of this proposed
values and goals. They argued this will lead to       framework are also acutely aware that we are
more meaningful and well-aligned activities           in the midst of a global biodiversity crisis,
for academics to be evaluated by, which in            and yet our current HRPT practices cannot
turn will improve recruitment and retention.          incentivize or recognize many of the actions
        Acknowledging        and     rewarding        needed within the scientific community to
professional activities that we value, that           avert this crisis. Although research in our
reduce barriers to participation in our               fields has the potential to inform how best
disciplines, and which promote a sense of             to protect biodiversity, the current metrics
belonging for scientists of all backgrounds           by which we assess scientific success as
is a first step towards redefining the                individuals, institutions, and as a broader
traditional concept and ascribed value of             scientific community neither reflect nor
“service”. It is also worth noting that ecology       incentivize behaviors that would avert or
and evolutionary biology are particularly             mitigate the biodiversity crisis (see Gorneau
egregious in lack of diversity relative to            et al. 2022 for further discussion in the context
other STEM fields (Cronin et al. 2021), and           of monography). Further, we recognize
so the need for this work remains critical.           that we are in a societal crisis of justice and
We propose that our disciplines adopt and             equity with impacts that reverberate within
promote an inclusive model of science                 our discipline and that are amplified by
with an expanded view of impact that                  differences in the way identity influences how
contributes broadly to a more equitable               professional activities are viewed (Corneille
and accessible science (as suggested by               et al. 2019; Jimenez et al. 2019; Evangelista
Davies et al. 2021; see also discussions on           et al. 2020; Miner et al. 2019; Miriti 2020;
drawbacks/limitations of existing academic            Orfinger 2020; Maas et al. 2021). How can our
ranking/metric systems in Gruber 2014;                scientific communities shift to measuring
Fire and Guestrin 2019). Our proposed                 and rewarding activities that we value rather
framework for assessment incorporates                 than valuing and rewarding only what we
diverse perspectives, includes meaningful             can easily measure? This flexible proposed
and equitable community partnerships, and             framework addresses these challenges with
promotes impactful mentorship. It differs             more explicit and granular consideration of

January 2022                                      2             https://doi.org/10.18061/bssb.v1i1.8332
A new framework for assessing the contributions of professionals in the natural sciences

professional activities and allows for changes        to) scientific knowledge, Using scientific
in focus across career stage and career               knowledge for positive societal impact,
trajectory, providing a more inclusive view           Engaging society in science, and Serving
of the impacts one can have over the course           science and society. The proportions of time
of their career. We believe that this approach        divided among the categories are expected
will be more effective for acknowledging and          to vary between positions (e.g., for university
rewarding efforts in line with our scientific         professors, museum curators and collections
and institutional values, rather than a narrow        staff, early career scientists, and those with
focus on only the traditional performance             more applied research programs) (Figure 1)
metrics (publications, grants, citation               and/or within roles and between performance
indices). This proposed framework can serve           periods (i.e., faculty within a department
as a template for assessing job candidates,           may serve as PIs for research or training
for annual performance evaluation of                  grants, faculty at primarily undergraduate
current staff, and for career advancement             institutions teach more courses, and faculty
(promotion and tenure). These practices can           with a focus on DEI may be more directly
be adopted by institutions and individuals            involved with public outreach and work
serving on hiring committees and providing            within professional societies) (Figure 2).
peer-review of tenure and promotion                   Categories of activities and the proportion
dossiers. We note, however, that this shift           of effort invested (i.e., work time spent)
in the valuation of activities for HRPT must          can be visualized as a pie chart of a given
be accompanied by training for supervisors            individual's contributions and impact for any
in how to review performance equitably and            given time period. The allocation of effort
account for disparities in the opportunities          can be agreed upon with a supervisor before
available to minoritized groups (i.e.,                the performance period or self-reported
invitations to collaborate and nominations            as part of the evaluation. Performance, or
for scholarly awards) as well as biases in the        “scientific success”, is then evaluated on the
peer review process for publications and              basis of that division of time/effort among
grants (Darling 2014; Grossman and DeVries            categories, with deliverables for each category
2019; Silbiger and Stubler 2019; Salerno et al.       commensurate to the percent effort. Key
2020), in citations (King et al. 2017), and in        performance metrics can be summed within
teaching evaluations (Lazos 2012; Mengel              categories for institutional annual reports
et al. 2019). This shift has already been             but would appear alongside short narratives
proposed in the humanities, in the social             to provide context for the impact of activities
sciences, and in medicine (Lieff 2009; Agate          and for the equity contributions that are
et al. 2020). In short, this is a framework for       difficult to directly measure. The result is a
a new science—one that removes historic               combination of qualitative and quantitative
barriers and gatekeeping and recognizes all           performance outcomes that highlight
of the work needed for science to be diverse,         activities that advance scientific knowledge
equitable, and inclusive.                             and improve the culture of science broadly,
        Our framework includes five broad,            creating greater access, tackling social
and equally important, categories of                  justice, and promoting DEI within our fields.
activities (discussed in greater detail below):       These more detailed and precise accounts of
Advancing scientific knowledge directly,              effort and success can be shared as part of
Supporting advancement of (and access                 promotion or tenure decisions, providing a

January 2022                                      3             https://doi.org/10.18061/bssb.v1i1.8332
A new framework for assessing the contributions of professionals in the natural sciences
                                                                                                                                                             January 2022
            Figure 1. Hypothetical examples of the distribution of effort in various academic positions and trainees across the five framework categories.
A new framework for assessing the contributions of professionals in the natural sciences
                                                                                                                                                                     January 2022

            Figure 2. A comparison of the distribution of effort for four hypothetical professors on different career tracks across the five framework categories.
A new framework for assessing the contributions of professionals in the natural sciences

more accurate picture to external reviewers              quantify but critical for the advancement of
than the familiar “40/40/20” percent split               science. This category can be further divided
between broadly defined categories of                    into four areas: community science, formal
research, teaching, and service for faculty.             education, infrastructure development and
                                                         support, and editorial and review service.
2 CATEGORY 1: ADVANCING                                  Many of these activities are also traditionally
SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE DIRECTLY.                           considered in the formal review and
                                                         advancement processes.
        This category is focused on activities                   Examples of community science
associated with doing research individually              include hosting/coordinating volunteers,
and/or collaboratively: primary research,                engaging communities through a community
research dissemination, and fundraising/                 science project (e.g., iNaturalist project or
grant-writing to support these activities.               a bioblitz). Examples of formal education
        This category encompasses the                    include formal mentorship (e.g., early career
majority of the traditional scholarly metrics            researchers in your lab), university courses
under which researchers are commonly                     taught, curriculum development, teaching
evaluated. Deliverables could include                    modules that include decolonization of
peer-reviewed publications, research and                 taxonomy/monography in systematics or
publications about DEI, non-peer reviewed                biodiversity courses, workshops organized/
publications for scientific audiences (e.g.,             led/taught, and grants submitted/awarded
perspective/opinion         editorials,  book            to support these activities. Examples of
reviews, scholarly books or book chapters),              infrastructure development and support
presentations to scientific audiences,                   include creating databases, generating
projects in earlier stages of completeness that          new natural history collections, providing
are moving forward (i.e., not yet published,             access to collections (facilitating loans,
critical for recognizing the timescale of                hosting visitors), improving collections
monographic work), and research grants.                  (digitization, data curation), providing
This could also include honors and awards                identifications,          hosting/developing/
received from academic institutions and                  curating platforms (e.g., AmphibiaWeb),
professional societies. Quantitative metrics             developing computational pipelines (e.g.,
could include traditional academic metrics               tracked on GitHub), and grants submitted/
like number of publications, grants received,            awarded for infrastructure. Examples of
citation indices, etc. Qualitative outcomes              editorial and review service include formal
could include publications co-authored with              editorial/review/panel service (manuscripts,
mentees, local researchers, or traditional-              books, or grants edited/reviewed/refereed)
knowledge holders, or the advancement of                 and informal review/translation for non-
work in a long-term project like a monograph.            mentee colleagues (manuscripts edited).
                                                         This category could also include honors and
3 CATEGORY 2: SUPPORTING                                 awards received from academic institutions
ADVANCEMENT OF (AND ACCESS                               and professional societies. Due to the
TO) SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE.                                diverse areas covered by this category, both
                                                         quantitative and qualitative descriptions of
       This category is focused on many                  activities will be necessary to summarize the
aspects of research that are difficult to directly       effort and level of expertise required as well

January 2022                                         6             https://doi.org/10.18061/bssb.v1i1.8332
A new framework for assessing the contributions of professionals in the natural sciences

as the breadth and depth of the impact (e.g.,
                                                    5 CATEGORY 4: ENGAGING
lecturing for an introductory biology course SOCIETY IN SCIENCE.
of 500 undergraduates versus teaching a                  This category includes outreach
hands-on advanced phylogenetics workshop activities that are both traditionally
for 30 early career researchers).                quantifiable, as well as those which are not,
                                                 but all of the activities in this category involve
4 CATEGORY 3: USING SCIENTIFIC                   direct (non-academic) public engagement.
KNOWLEDGE FOR POSITIVE                                   Examples of engaging society in
SOCIETAL IMPACT.                                 science include popular writing, speaking
                                                 engagements, social media engagement,
        This category focuses on the direct collections tours, formal pre-college
societal impacts of science, including education programs, informal education
resource management reports/assessments, programs, and development or scientific
collaboration         with       communities, review of exhibits. As with Category 2, both
governments, and organizations to develop/ quantitative and qualitative descriptions of
implement management recommendations. activities will be necessary to summarize the
        Examples      of    using     scientific effort and level of expertise required as well
knowledge for positive societal impact include as the breadth and depth of the impact (e.g.,
Federal, State, or Local Government policy authoring a 2500 word article for popular
work/management or reports/assessments, science magazine versus a 30-minute
partnerships with organizations to develop/ guest appearance on the Ologies podcast).
implement management recommendations, This category could also include honors
service to or in partnership with NGOs, and awards received from a public-facing
provision of expert testimony, and research organization.
that directly addresses social, cultural,
environmental or climate justice. This area 6 CATEGORY 5: SERVING SCIENCE
of contribution has been identified in the AND SOCIETY.
human and social sciences and deemed
“knowledge transfer activities,” which may               This category concerns all of the
involve consulting, patent development, activities that keep the wheels of the scientific
or other forms of partnership (Olmos- academy turning at an institutional level
Peñuela et al. 2014). This category could also (often referred to as institutional service)
include honors and awards received from a and also those that improve the culture of
governmental or policy-making institution. science. Although there may be significant
Quantitative assessments could include overlap between these two, an important
number of reports produced, species assessed distinction can be made between activities
for the IUCN RedList, or number of hours and responsibilities that primarily benefit
spent with legislators. However, qualitative a given institution with which a scientist
assessments would provide a narrative for is affiliated and those that develop and
the overall impact of the activities and allow benefit science more broadly. Service within
for a discussion of impact on marginalized science in a broader capacity is likely to be
communities.                                     overlooked in HRPT when compared to
                                                 institutional service, which may be more
                                                 regularly recognized and understood from

January 2022                                    7            https://doi.org/10.18061/bssb.v1i1.8332
A new framework for assessing the contributions of professionals in the natural sciences

the perspective of the institution in which           particularly in Categories 2–5. Furthermore,
an individual is employed.                            these categories can only be successful in
        Examples of serving science and               promoting a more inclusive framework
society include institutional committee               for evaluating scientists if individual
service (e.g., IACUC, graduate admissions),           contributions are made clear, for instance by
service to scientific organizations (e.g.,            using CRediT Contributor Roles Taxonomy to
advisory board member of a scientific non-            specify individual contributions to scientific
profit or institute), service to professional         scholarly output (Allen et al. 2014). Similarly,
societies (e.g., elected and volunteer                individuals can contribute or participate
positions),     fundraising/donor      events,        in activities in Categories 2–5, but if this is
supervisor responsibilities, natural history          done in a lackluster, noncommittal, or box-
collections maintenance, participation in             checking manner, it could prove counter
professional development, leadership of or            effective or, at best, effect no real change.
participation in initiatives/organizations            This is apparent when “slacktivist” platitudes
that target visibility, awareness, or social          are contrasted with deliverable-oriented
justice (e.g., #BlackinSTEM, 500 Women                activism. Mentoring (most specifically
Scientists, 500 Queer Scientists), service on         indicated in Category 2) is another activity
DEI or career panels, and speaking about              that can be done well or in a desultory way,
topics in DEI. Several of these aspects can be        and it remains difficult to differentiate the
easily quantified (e.g., number of committees         varied forms that this takes or account
or speaking engagements), but many of them            for harm that may result from culturally
require qualitative details to provide context        insensitive practices when evaluating effort
for their impact to our institutions and the          and impact (e.g., Daniels et al. 2019; Gelles et
academy.                                              al. 2019; Limeri et al. 2019; McGee 2020).
                                                              The persistence of racism and
7 CONCLUSION                                          colonialism in the practices and culture
                                                      of the natural sciences today necessitates
        Our proposed framework is an                  visible and intentional work toward a more
important step towards shifting the valuation         diverse, equitable, and inclusive scientific
of activities for HRPT, but we acknowledge            community. In the context of ecology,
that several challenges for those doing work          evolutionary biology, and biodiversity
not reflected by traditional scientific metrics       science, this is more necessary than ever
remain. Chief among these is bias in our              if we aim to recruit the talent and diverse
review and social structures that typically           perspectives needed to address the current
reward Category 1 activities, parity in pay           biodiversity crisis. The work to undo the
and opportunity based on differences in the           harmful legacy in our disciplines is often
share of proposed work in each category               the burden of those in historically excluded
of the framework (e.g., teaching-intensive            groups, who themselves experience those
versus research-intensive faculty positions),         very same DEI challenges. In addition, this
a generally low valuation of DEI (both directly       work has been largely unrecognized by
and by underestimating the time, labor, and           existing evaluation metrics, which often
trauma it may entail), and in differentiating         rely on solely quantitative measures of
levels of engagement or impact for some               academic impact. More broadly, there is
of the interpersonal or social interactions,          little to no value placed on professional

January 2022                                      8             https://doi.org/10.18061/bssb.v1i1.8332
A new framework for assessing the contributions of professionals in the natural sciences

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org/10.1371/journal.pone.0233803                              peerj.8247

                                                                The Bulletin of the Society of Systematic Biologists
                                                                publishes peer reviewed research in systematics,
                                                                taxonomy, and related disciplines for SSB members.
                                                                The Bulletin is an Open Access Gold publication.
                                                                All articles are published without article process-
                                                                ing or page charges. The Bulletin is made possible
                                                                by a partnership with the Publishing Services de-
Submitted: 21 May 2021                                          partment at The Ohio State University Libraries. In-
                                                                formation about SSB membership is available at
Editor: Felipe Zapata                                           https://www.systbio.org. Questions about the Bul-
Managing Editor: Dinah Ward                                     letin can be sent to Founding Editor Bryan Carstens.

January 2022                                             11               https://doi.org/10.18061/bssb.v1i1.8332
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