A Multi-view CNN-based Acoustic Classification System for Automatic Animal Species Identification
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A Multi-view CNN-based Acoustic Classification System for Automatic Animal Species Identification Weitao Xua , Xiang Zhangb , Lina Yaob , Wanli Xueb , Bo Weic a Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong b Schoolof Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales, Australia c Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Northumbria University, UK arXiv:2002.09821v1 [eess.AS] 23 Feb 2020 Abstract Automatic identification of animal species by their vocalization is an important and challenging task. Al- though many kinds of audio monitoring system have been proposed in the literature, they suffer from several disadvantages such as non-trivial feature selection, accuracy degradation because of environmental noise or intensive local computation. In this paper, we propose a deep learning based acoustic classification frame- work for Wireless Acoustic Sensor Network (WASN). The proposed framework is based on cloud architecture which relaxes the computational burden on the wireless sensor node. To improve the recognition accuracy, we design a multi-view Convolution Neural Network (CNN) to extract the short-, middle-, and long-term de- pendencies in parallel. The evaluation on two real datasets shows that the proposed architecture can achieve high accuracy and outperforms traditional classification systems significantly when the environmental noise dominate the audio signal (low SNR). Moreover, we implement and deploy the proposed system on a testbed and analyse the system performance in real-world environments. Both simulation and real-world evaluation demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed acoustic classification system in distinguishing species of animals. Keywords: Wireless acoustic sensor network, Animal identification, Deep learning, CNN 1. Introduction the inadvertent introduction of the Asian Longhorn Beetle has cost USA government millions of dollars Wireless Acoustic Sensor Network (WASN) to eradicate the Beetle population [5]. Therefore, a based animal monitoring is of great importance for wireless monitoring system is imperative to detect biologists to monitor real-time wildlife behavior for the distribution of these insects. long periods and under variable weather/climate There are a large volume of audio monitoring sys- conditions. The acquired animal voice can pro- tems in the literature [4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. vide valuable information for researchers, such as In the early stage, biologists have traditionally de- the density and diversity of different species of an- ployed audio recording systems over the natural en- imals [1, 2, 3]. For example, Hu et al. proposed a vironment where their research projects were de- WASN application to census the populations of na- veloped [6, 7]. However this procedure requires tive frogs and the invasive introduced species (Cane human presence in the area of interest at certain Toad) in Australia [4]. There are also several im- moments. In recent years, with the development portant commercial applications of acoustic animal of WSN, some researchers have proposed remotely detection. For instance, America imports billions accessible systems in order to minimize the impact of dollars of timber from Aisa every year. However, of the presence of human beings in the habitat of interest [4, 12, 13, 14]. Despite much effort in this area, previous stud- Email addresses: weitaoxu@cityu.edu.hk (Weitao Xu), xiang.zhang3@student.unsw.edu.au (Xiang Zhang), ies suffer from several disadvantages. First, tradi- lina.yao@unsw.edu.au (Lina Yao), w.xue@unsw.edu.au tional methods usually first extract a number of ap- (Wanli Xue), bo.wei@northumbria.ac.uk (Bo Wei) propriate features and then employ classic machine Preprint submitted to Elsevier February 25, 2020
learning methods such as Support Vector Machine Recently, deep learning has emerged as a pow- (SVM) or K-Nearest Neighbours (KNN) to detect erful tool to solve various recognition tasks such the species of the animals. Features, such as sta- as face recognition [18], human speech recogni- tistical features through statistical anlaysis (e.g., tion [19, 20] and natural language processing [21]. variance, mean, median), Fast Fourier Transmis- The application of deep learning in audio signal sion (FFT) spectrum, spectrograms, Wigner-Ville is not new; however, most previous studies focus distribution (WVD), Mel-frequecy cepstrum coef- on human speech analysis to obtain context infor- ficient (MFCC) and wavelets have been broadly mation [19, 20, 22]. Limited efforts have been de- used. However, extracting robust features to rec- voted to applying deep learning in WASN to clas- ognizing noisy field recordings is non-trivial. While sify different species of animals. To bridge this gap, these features may work well for one , it is not clear we aim to design and implement a acoustic classi- whether they generalize to other species. The spe- fication framework for WASN by employing deep cific features for one application do not necessarily learning techniques. Convolutional Neural Network generalize to others. Moreover, a significant num- (CNN), as a typical deep learning algorithm, has ber of calibrations are required for both manually been widely used in high-level representative fea- feature extraction and the classification algorithms. ture learning. In detail, CNN is enabled to capture This is because the performance of the traditional the local spatial coherence from the input data. In classifiers such as SVM and KNN [8, 10, 11] highly our case, the spatial information refers to the spec- depends on the quality of the extracted features. tral amplitude of the audio signal. However, one However, handcrafting features relies on a signifi- drawback of the standard CNN structure is that the cant amount of domain and engineering knowledge filter length of the convolution operation is fixed. to translate insights into algorithmic methods. Ad- As a result, the convolutional filter can only dis- ditionally, manual selection of good features is slow cover the spatial features with the fixed filter range. and costly in effort. Therefore, these approaches For example, CNN may explore the short-term fea- lack scalability for new applications. Deep learn- ture but fail to capture the middle- and long-term ing technologies can solve these problems by using features. In this paper, we propose a multi-view deep architectures to learn feature hierarchies. The CNN framework which contains three convolution features that are higher up in deep hierarchies are operation with three different filter length in par- formed by the composition of features on lower lev- allel in order to extract the short-, middle-, and els. These multi-level representations allow a deep long-term information at the same time. We con- architecture to learn the complex functions that duct extensive experiments to evaluate the system map the input (such as digital audio) to output on real datasets. More importantly, we implement (e.g. classes), without the need of dependence on the proposed framework on a testbed and conduct manual handcrafted features. a case study to analyse the system performance in Secondly, these approaches suffer from accuracy real environment. To the best of our knowledge, degradation in real-world applications because of this is the first work that designs and implements the impact of environmental noise. The voice a deep learning based acoustic classification system recorded from field usually contains much noise for WASN. which poses a big challenge to real deployment The main contributions of this paper are three- of such system. To address this problem, Wei et fold: al. [15] proposed an in-situ animal classification sys- • We design a deep learning-based acoustic clas- tem by applying sparse representation-based classi- sification framework for WASN, which adopts a fication (SRC). SRC uses `1 -optimization to make multi-view convolution neural network in order animal voice recognition robust to environmental to automatically learn the latent and high-level noise. However, it is known that `1 -optimization features from short-, middle- and long-term au- is computationally expensive [16, 17], which limits dio signals in parallel. the application of their system in resource-limited sensor nodes. Additionally, in order to make SRC • We conduct extensive evaluation on two real achieve high accuracy, a large amount of training dataset (Forg dataset and Cricket dataset) to data is required. This means a wireless sensor node demonstrate the classification accuracy and ro- can only store a limited number of training classes bustness of the proposed framework to environ- because of the limited storage. mental noise. Evaluation results show that the 2
proposed system can achieve high recognition realize in-network classification system because of accuracy and outperform traditional methods the limited computational ability of wireless sensor significantly especially in low SNR scenarios. node. Recently, several research works regarding in-network classification have been proposed. Sun • We implement the proposed system on a et al. [29] dynamically select the feature space in testbed and conduct a case study to evaluate order to accelerate the classification process. A hy- the performance in real world environments. brid sensor networks is designed by Hu et al. [4] The case study demonstrate that the proposed for in-network and energy-efficient classification in framework can achieve high accuracy in real order to monitor amphibian population. Wei et applications. al. [15] proposed a sparse representation classifica- tion method for acoustic classification on WSN. A The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec- dictionary reduction method was designed in or- tion 2 introduces related work. Then, we describe der to improve the classification efficiency. The system architecture in Section 3 and evaluate the sparse representation classification method was also system performance in Section 4. We implement used by face recognition on resource-constrained the system on a testbed and conduct user study to smart phones to improve the classification perfor- evaluate the system in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 mance [16, 17]. concludes the paper. Deep learning has achieved great success over the past several years for the excellent ability on 2. Related Work high-level feature learning and representative infor- mation discovering. Specifically, deep learning has Animal voice classification has been extensively been widely used in a number of areas, such as com- studied in the literature. At the highest level, most puter version [30], activity recognition [31, 32], sen- work extract sets of features from the data, and sory signal classification [33, 34, 35], and brain com- use these features as inputs for standard classifica- puter interface [36]. Wen et al. [30] propose a new tion algorithms such as SVM, KNN, decision tree, supervision signal, called center loss, for face recog- or Bayesian classifier. Previous studies have in- nition task. The proposed center loss function is volved a wide range of species which include farm demonstrated to enhance the discriminative power animals [23], bats [24], birds [8, 11, 25], pests [26], of the deeply learned features. Chen et al. [31] insects [27] and anurans [28]. The works of An- propose an interpretable parallel recurrent neural derson et al. [6] and Kogan et al. [7] were among network with convolutional attentions to improve the first attempts to recognize bird species auto- the activity recognition performance based on In- matically by their sounds. They applied dynamic ertial Measurement Unit signals. Zhang et al. [33] time warping and hidden Markov models for au- combine deep learning and reinforcement learning tomatic song recognition of Zebra Finche and In- to deal with multi-modal sensory data (e.g., RFID, digo Punting. In [2], the authors focus on classi- acceleration) and extract the latent information for fying two anuran species: Alytes obstetricans and better classification. Recently, deep learning in- Epidalea calamita using generic descriptors based volves in the brain signal mining in brain com- on an MPEG-7 standard. Their evaluation demon- puter interface (BCI). Zhang et al. [36] propose strate that MPEG-7 descriptors are suitable to be an attention-based Encoder-Decoder RNNs (Recur- used in the recognition of different patterns, allow- rent Neural Networks) structure in order to improve ing a high scalability. In [1], the authors propose to the robustness and adaptability of the brainwave classify animal sounds in the visual space, by treat- based identification system. ing the texture of animal sonograms as an acous- There are also several works that apply deep tic fingerprint. Their method can obviate the com- learning techniques in embedded devices. Lane et plex feature selection process. They also show that al. [37] propose low-power Deep Neural Network by searching for the most representative acoustic (DNN) model for mobile sensing. CPU and DSP in fingerprint, they can significantly outperform other one mobile device are exploited for activity recogni- techniques in terms of speed and accuracy. tion. Lane et al. [37] also design a DNN model for The WSN has been massively applied in sens- audio sensing in mobile phone by using dataset from ing the environment and transferring collected sam- 168 places for the training purpose. A framework ples to the server. However, it is challenging to DeepX is further proposed for software accelerating 3
Figure 1: System Overview. on mobile devices [38]. tion [42, 43, 44], however, they only use conven- In terms of animal voice classification, Zhang et tional deep learning approaches such as CNN and al. [39], Oikarinen et al. [40] study animal voice do not make any novel improvement. In this paper, classification using deep learning techniques. Our we propose a multi-view CNN model and evaluation method is different from these two works. Our stud- results show that the proposed model outperforms ies focus on voice classification in noisy environment the conventional CNN. while the voice data in [39] are collected from con- trolled room without environmental noise. Instead 3. System Design of classifying different animals, [40] analyses differ- ent call types of marmoset monkeys such as Trill, 3.1. System Overview Twitter, Phee and Chatter. Moreover, we imple- As shown in Figure 1, our proposed framework ment the proposed system on a testbed and evalu- consists of two parts: WASN and server. In the ate its performance in real world environment. In WASN, the wireless nodes will detect and record an- another work [41], Stavros Ntalampiras used trans- imal voices and then perform local processing which fer learning to improve the accuracy of bird clas- include silence removal, segmentation and FFT. We sification by exploiting music genres. Their result process signal in-situ before uploading because of show that the transfer learning scheme can improve the high sampling frequency of audio signal and en- classification accuracy by 11.2%. Although the goal ergy inefficiency of wireless communication [45, 15]. of this work and our study is to improve the recog- The spectrum signal obtained from FFT can save nition accuracy with deep learning technology, the half spaces since FFT is symmetric. On the server methodologies are different. Our approach analy- side, the spectrum signal will be fed into a deep ses the inherent features of audio signal and pro- neural network to obtain the species of the animal. pose a multi-view CNN model to improve the ac- The classification results can be used by biologists curacy. Instead of looking at the bird audio sig- to analyze the density, distribution and behavior of nals alone, Stavros Ntalampiras proposed to statis- animals. tically analyse audio signals using their similarities Wireless sensors are usually resource-poor rela- with music genres. Their method, however, is only tive to server, and not able to run computationally effective for a limited number of bird species be- expensive algorithms such as deep learning mod- cause they need to perform feature transformation els. Therefore, we assume all the wireless sensors again when a new bird species comes in. In compar- can connect to a server via wireless communication ison, our approach is applicable for a large number technologies, such as ZigBee, Wi-Fi, and LoRa [46]. of bird species. A number of studies also apply However, there may be network failure, server fail- deep learning technologies in bird voice classifica- ure, power failure, or other disruption makes offload 4
impossible. While such failures will hopefully be 0.01 Silence rare, they cannot be ignored in a cloud-based sys- 0 tem. In this case, the node can transmit the data -0.01 to the gateway or a nearby server which are usually 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 105 resource-rich and capable of running deep learning 0.01 Silence removed models. Alternatively, the classification can be per- 0 formed in the node to recognize only a few species, -0.01 pre-defined by the user. When offloading becomes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 104 possible again, the system can revert to recognizing its full range of species. Figure 2: Silence removal. In the following parts, we will describe the design details of each component. is chosen to balance the trade-off between classifica- tion accuracy and latency as discussed in Section 4. 3.2. Local Processing The overlap in sliding window is used to capture Silence Removal. The collected audio signal changes or transitions around the window limits. usually contains a large amount of silent signal Then we perform FFT on each segment to calcu- when this is no animal present. Therefore, we apply late spectrum energy (i.e. the magnitude of the a simple silence removal method on the raw signal FFT coefficients). As an example, Figure 3 shows to delete not-of-interest area. The procedure is ex- the sound in time and frequency domain of two dif- plained in Algorithm 1. We first calculate the root ferent frog species: Cultripes and Litoria Caerulea. mean square (RMS) of each window which contains It is conspicuous that they have different spectrum 1s samples and then compare it with a pre-defined distributions. The graphs are plotted by audio sig- threshold learned from the environment. The win- nal analysis software Audacity. dows of samples whose RMS above the threshold will be kept. The threshold is determined by ex- 3.3. Multi-view Convolutional Neural Networks haustive search. To be specific, we increase the threshold from 0 to 0.5 with an increment of 0.01, We propose a deep learning framework in order then choose the one that can achieve the best per- to automatically learn the latent and high-level fea- formance (0.03 in this paper). tures from the processed audio signals for better classification performance. Among deep learning algorithms, CNN is widely used to discover the Algorithm 1 Silence Removal latent spatial information in applications such as 1: Input: Audio Segment Si=1:N ∈ R > 1, where image recognition [47], ubiquitous [48], and object N is the total number of segments and ρ is the searching [49], due to their salient features such threshold as regularized structure, good spatial locality and 2: for i = 1 : N do translation invariance. CNN applies a convolution 3: if RMS (Si ) < ρ then operation to the input, passing the result to the 4: Remove (Si ) next layer. Specifically, CNN captures the distinc- 5: end if tive dependencies among the patterns associated to 6: end for different audio categories. However, one drawback of the standard CNN structure is that the filter Figure 2 shows an example of silence removal on length of the convolution operation is fixed. As an animal voice recording. We can see that it can a result, the convolutional filter can only discover effectively remove the silent periods and detect the the spatial features with the fixed filter range. For present of animals. example, CNN may explore the short-term feature Segmentation and FFT. After silence removal, but fail to capture the middle- and long-term fea- we obtain audio signals containing animal vocaliza- tures. tion only. The audio signal is segmented into con- To address the mentioned challenge, we propose secutive sliding windows with 50% overlap. Ham- a multi-view CNN framework which applies three ming window is used in this paper to avoid spectral different filter length to extract the short-, middle- leakage. Each window contains 214 samples which , and long-term features in parallel. As shown in 5
(a) Cultripes (b) Cultripes: time domain (c) Cultripes: spectrum (d) Litoria Caerulea (e) Litoria Caerulea: time do- (f) Litoria Caerulea: spectrum main Figure 3: Audio signal of two species of frog. Figure 4: Multi-view CNN workflow.The audio signal is feed into three views for short-term, middle-term, and long-term spatial dependencies learning. Convh k denotes the k-th convolutional operation in the h-th view. The learned features from the multi-view structure are processed by the max pooling layer for dimension reduction, which are followed by the fully-connected layer, softmax layer, and at last predict the animal species as output. Figure 4, the proposed framework regards the pro- from the multi-view pipe are stacked together and cessed audio signals as input and feed into three then through the max pooling operation for dimen- views at the same time. Each view contains three sion reduction. Afterward, a fully-connected layer, convolutional layers. Convhk denotes the k-th con- a softmax layer and the output layer work as a volutional operation in the h-th view. The convo- classifier to predict the audio label. The proposed lutional layer contains a set of filters to convolve multi-view CNN has several key differences from the audio data followed by the nonlinear transfor- the inception module [50] although the ideas are mation to extract the geographical features. The similar. First, [50] has a 1 × 1 convolutional filter filter length keeps invariant in the same view while in the module in order to prevent the information varies in different views. The extracted features corruption brought by inter-channel convolutions. 6
The proposed multi-view CNN does not has this tivation. For each sample, the corresponding label component. This is because in our case the input information is presented by one-hot label y ∈ RH data are naturally formed as a vector which repre- where H denotes the category number of acoustic sents the spectral information of the acoustic sig- signals. The error between the predicted results nals. Moreover, [50] adds an alternative parallel and the ground truth is evaluated by cross-entropy pooling path in the middle layer to acquire addi- H tional beneficial effect. However, we believe this X may cause information loss and only perform the loss = − yh log(ph ) h=1 pooling operation after the concentration of the re- sults of various views. where ph denotes the predicted probability of ob- Suppose the input audio data E has shape [M, L] servation of an object belonging to category h. The with depth as 1. The chosen three convolutional calculated error is optimized by the AdamOpti- filters with size in short-, middle-, and long-term mizer algorithm [51]. To minimize the possibility views are [M, 10], [M, 15], [M, 20], respectively. of overfitting, we adopt the dropout strategy and The stride sizes keep [1, 1] for all the convolutional set the drop rate to 80%. layers. The stride denotes the x-movements and y- movements distance of the filters. Since the audio signals are arranged as 1-dimension data, we set 4. Evaluation M = 1. Same shape zero padding is used, which keeps the sample shape constant during the the 4.1. Goals, Metrics, and Methodology convolution calculation. In the convolutional op- In this section, we evaluate the performance of eration, the feature maps from the input layer are the proposed system based on two real datasets. convolved with the learnable filters and fed to the The goals of the evaluation are twofold: 1) eval- activation function to generate the output feature uate the performance of the proposed system un- map. For a specific convolutional area (also called der different settings; 2) compare the proposed perceptive area) x which has the same shape as the system with previous animal vocalization system. filter, the convolutional operation can be described We use two datasets collected from real-world for as XX evaluation. The first dataset contains audio sig- x0 = tanh( fij ∗ xij ) nals recorded from fourteen different species of i j frogs. The sampling frequency for this dataset is where x0 denotes the filtered results while fij de- 24Khz. More details about this dataset can be notes the i-th row and the j-th column element in found in [15]. The second dataset 1 contains audio the trainable filter. We adopt the widely used tanh signals recorded from different species of crickets. activation function for nonlinearity. The depth of The data consists of twenty species of crickets, eight input sample transfers to D through the convolu- of which are Gryllidae and twelve of which are Tet- tional layer and the sample shape is changed to tigoniidae. The sampling frequency is also 24Khz. [M, L, D]. In particular, the corresponding depth More details about this dataset can be found in [1]. Dh = 2, 4, 8 for three convolutional layers. The fea- For completeness, Table. 1 lists all the species we tures learned from theP filters are concatenated and used in the experiments. In this paper, we use SVM 3 flattened to [1, M ∗ L ∗ h=1 Dh ]. The max pooling and KNN to benchmark ASN classification because has [1, 3] as both pooling length and strides. There- they have been widely used in WASN classification P3 fore, the features with shape [1, M ∗L∗ h=1 Dh /3] systems [8, 10, 11]. We evaluate the performance after the pooling operation, which are forwarded to of SVM and KNN by using frequency domain and the fully-connected layer. The operation between Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), re- the fully-connected layer and the output layer can spectively. The parameters in SVM and KNN are be represented by well tuned to give highest accuracy. In addition, we compare the accuracy of our system with a re- y = sof tmax(w̄E F C + b̄) cent work which is based on SRC [15] and con- ventional CNN. In total, we compare our method where F C denotes the fully-connected layer while the w̄ and b̄ denote the corresponding weights ma- trix and biases. The softmax function is used for ac- 1 http://alumni.cs.ucr.edu/ yhao/animalsoundfingerprint.html 7
Table 1: Species used in the experiments. Frog dataset Cricket dataset (1 belongs to Gryllidae, 2 belongs to Tettigoniidae) Cyclorana Cryptotis Cyclorana Cultripes Acheta1 Aglaothorax2 Limnodynastes Convexiusculus Litoria Caerulea Allonemobius1 Amblycorypha2 Litoria Inermis Litoria Nasuta Anaxipha1 Anaulacomera2 1 Litoria Pallida Litoria Rubella Anurogryllus Arethaea2 Litoria Tornieri Notaden Melanoscaphus Cyrtoxipha1 Atlanticus2 Ranidella Bilingua Ranidella Deserticola Eunemobius1 Belocephalus2 Uperoleia Lithomoda Bufo Marinus Gryllus1 Borinquenula2 Hapithus1 Bucrates2 Capnobotes2 Caribophyllum2 Ceraia2 Conocephalus2 100 100 100 80 80 95 Accuracy(%) Accuracy(%) Accuracy(%) 60 60 90 211 window size 40 40 212 window size 213 window size 85 20 214 window size 20 215 window size 0 0 80 -10 -5 0 5 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 SNR Number of iterations Drop out rate (a) Impact of window size. (b) Impact of iterations. (c) Impact of dropout rate. 100 100 Our method 100 CNN SRC SVM-spectrum 80 KNN-spectrum 80 90 Accuracy(%) Accuracy(%) Accuracy(%) 60 60 80 40 40 Our method CNN 70 SRC 20 20 SVM-MFCC SVM-spectrum KNN-MFCC KNN-spectrum 60 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 20 40 60 80 100 -10 -5 0 5 10 Learning rate 10-3 Training data proportion (%) SNR (d) Impact of learning rate. (e) Impact of training dataset. (f) Comparison with other methods. Figure 5: Evaluation results of frog dataset. with six classifiers: CNN, SRC, SVM-MFCC, SVM- noise to the original audio data. In this paper, we spectrum, KNN-MFCC and KNN-spectrum. For focus on the following four metrics: accuracy, preci- each classifier, we perform 10-fold cross-validation sion, recall and F1-score. We plot the results of the on the collected dataset. In the original dataset, the average values and stand deviation obtained from data only contain little environment noise. There- 10 folds cross-validation. fore, to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed framework, we add different scales of environmen- 4.2. Performance of Frog Dataset tal noise to create different SNRs. This is used to 4.2.1. Impact of parameters simulate the real environment because the recorded We first evaluate the impact of important pa- animal voices are usually deteriorated by environ- rameters in our system. On the node’s side, the mental noise in real WASN. In the evaluation, it is important parameters include window size of seg- done by adding different scales of random Gaussian ment. On the server’s side, the important parame- 8
Table 2: Performance of different methods on frog dataset (SNR=-6dB). Our method CNN SRC SVM-MFCC SVM-Spectrum KNN-MFCC KNN-Spectrum Accuracy 94.7% 82.7% 53.4% 24.4% 40.5% 20.1% 26.4% Precision 93.1% 81.6% 54.2% 25.9% 43.5% 19.9% 25.1% Recall 94.3% 82.4% 53.7% 24.7% 41.2% 21.5% 27.1% F1-score 92.9% 81.2 52.1% 25.1% 39.6% 20.7% 25.7% Figure 5(b) shows the accuracy along with dif- ferent training iterations. We can see that the pro- posed method converges to its highest accuracy in less than 200 iterations. The results show that the proposed framework can finish training quickly. Figure 5(c) plots the accuracy of various dropout rates. We can observe that the accuracy fluctu- ates first and then becomes stable after the dropout rate is greater than 0.8. Therefore, we set the de- fault dropout rate to be 0.8. Moreover, we can infer from Figure 5(c) that our model is not very sensi- tive to the dropout rate. This is because the Frog dataset matches well with the proposed multi-view CNN, as a result, the convergence suffers less from overfitting which can be demonstrated by the good Figure 6: Confusion matrix of frog dataset. convergence property as shown in Figure 5(b). Fig- ure 5(d) shows the accuracy under different learn- ing rates. We can see that it achieves the high- ters include the number of iterations in training, the est accuracy when the learning rate is 0.5 × 10−3 dropout rate and learning rate in CNN, the size of and 1 × 10−3 . Correspondingly, we choose 0.001 training dataset. Dropout is a technique where ran- to reduce the training time because the smaller domly selected neurons are ignored during training. the learning rate is, the slower the training pro- For example, the dropout rate of 80% means that cess is. From Figure 5(d), we can observe that the we randomly select 20% of the neurons and drop performance varies dramatically with the increas- them (force the values of them as 0). The dropout ing of learning rate. One possible reason for this strategy is widely used to enhance the generaliza- is that the gradient surface of our loss function is tion of a machine learning model and prevent over- not smooth and very sensitive to the learning rate. fitting. The learning rate is a hyper-parameter that The optimiser is easy to step over the local optima controls how much we are adjusting the weights of while the learning rate is larger than a threshold. the neuron network with respect to the loss gradi- Next, we evaluate the accuracy of the proposed ent. system under different sizes of training dataset. In To evaluate the impact of window size, we vary this experiment, we use different proportions of the the window size from 211 to 215 samples and calcu- whole dataset for training, and use the left dataset late the accuracy of our scheme. From the results in for testing. The proportion increases from 10% to Figure 5(a), we can see that there is a performance 90% with an increment of 10%. For example, the gain when we increase the window size and the im- proportion of 10% means we use 10% of the dataset provement reduces after 214 samples. Although we for training, and use the left dataset for testing. can achieve higher accuracy with more samples, the For comparison purpose, we also calculate the ac- resource consumption of FFT operation which runs curacy of CNN, SRC, SVM and KNN. From the on the wireless sensor node also increases. There- results in Figure 5(e), we can see that our method fore, we choose to use 214 window size to balance continuously achieves the highest accuracy, and the the trade-off between accuracy and resource con- accuracy becomes relatively stable after 60% of the sumption. dataset is used for training. We also notice that 9
100 100 100 80 80 95 Accuracy(%) Accuracy(%) Accuracy(%) 60 60 90 40 211 window size 40 12 2 window size 13 2 window size 85 20 214 window size 20 215 window size 0 0 80 -10 -5 0 5 10 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 SNR Number of iterations Drop out rate (a) Impact of window size. (b) Impact of iterations. (c) Impact of dropout rate. 100 100 Our method CNN SRC SVM-spectrum 80 90 KNN-spectrum Accuracy(%) Accuracy(%) 60 80 40 70 20 60 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 20 40 60 80 100 Learning rate 10-3 Training data proportion (%) (d) Impact of learning rate. (e) Impact of training dataset. Figure 7: Evaluation results of cricket dataset. the improvement of our method from 10% to 90% that different frog species are not distinguishable in is remarkable. More specifically, when the propor- MFCC feature space. The results also explains why tion of the training dataset increases from 10% to MFCC-based methods usually requires other care- 90%, the accuracy improvement of our method is fully selected features [28]. We find that when the 40.1% while the improvement of CNN, SRC, SVM animal voice is overwhelmed by environmental noise and KNN are 34.7%, 29.3%, 26.7% and 22.4%, re- (low SNR), the accuracy of our system is signifi- spectively. In this experiment, we do not test SVM- cantly higher than the other methods. For example, MFCC and KNN-MFCC because their accuracy is when SN R = −6dB, the accuracy of our method poor as will be shown later. is 12% higher than CNN, 41% higher than SRC, 70% higher than SVM-MFCC, 53.9% higher than 4.2.2. Comparison With Other Methods SVM-spectrum, 74.3% higher than KNN-MFCC, We now compare the performance of proposed and 68% higher than KNN-spectrum. The robust- scheme with previous approaches. As mentioned ness to noise makes the proposed system suitable above, we compare the accuracy of the proposed for real deployment in noisy environments. More- system with conventional CNN, SRC, SVM-MFCC, over, the results also indicate that our system needs SVM-spectrum, KNN-MFCC and KNN-spectrum. less sensors to cover a certain area because our sys- The MFCC of each window is calculated by trans- tem can classify low SNR signals which are usually forming the power spectrum of each window into collected from longer distance. the logarithmic mel-frequency spectrum. We cal- culate the accuracy of different methods under dif- To take a closer look at the result, we summarize ferent SNRs by adding different scales of environ- the results of different methods in Table 2 and plot mental noise. confusion matrix in Figure 6 when SNR is -6dB. We As we can see from Figure 5(f), SVM-MFCC and can see that each class can achieve high accuracy KNN-MFCC performs the worst which suggests and the overall average accuracy is 94.7%. 10
Table 3: Performance of different methods on cricket dataset (SNR=-6dB). Our method CNN SRC SVM-MFCC SVM-Spectrum KNN-MFCC KNN-Spectrum Accuracy 86.4% 76.6% 42.4% 22.1% 36.8% 19.4% 28.5% Precision 86.9% 76.2% 42.5% 23.6% 36.3% 18.2% 28.6% Recall 85.1% 75.3% 41.2% 22.7% 37.3% 19.9% 29.8% F1-score 86.1% 74.6% 41.7% 21.8% 38.1% 19.5% 29.5% 100 of twenty species of insects, eight of which are Gryllidae and twelve of which are Tettigoniidae. 80 Thus, we can treat the problem as either a two- class genus level problem, or twenty-class species Accuracy(%) 60 level problem. We first treat the classification as a Our method two-class level problem and calcualte the accuracy 40 CNN SRC of different methods under different SNRs. From SVM-MFCC 20 SVM-spectrum the results in Figure 8(a), we can see that our KNN-MFCC KNN-spectrum method, SRC, SVM-spectrum and KNN-spectrum 0 -10 -5 0 5 10 can achieve high accuracy. However, our method SNR still outperforms all the other classifiers. There- (a) Two-class classification. after, we treat the classification as a twenty-class species level problem and plot the accuracy of dif- 100 ferent methods in Figure 8(a). We can see that the proposed method significantly outperforms the 80 other methods when SNR is low. Table 3 summa- rizes the results of each method in detail. The Accuracy(%) 60 results above demonstrate the advantage of our method in classifying more species in noisy envi- 40 Our method ronment. CNN SRC 20 SVM-MFCC SVM-spectrum KNN-MFCC 5. Case Study on Testbed KNN-spectrum 0 -10 -5 0 5 10 To validate the feasibility of the proposed frame- SNR work in real environment, we implement the sys- (b) Twenty-class classification. tem on an outdoor ASN testbed which is located in Brisbane, Australia. As shown in Figure 9(a), the Figure 8: 2 class classification vs 20 class classification. testbed is composed of five nodes which are config- ured as Ad-hoc mode with a star network topology. 4.3. Performance of Cricket Dataset Its task is to evaluate the system’s capability of recognizing bird vocalization in real world environ- Similar to Frog dataset, we also evaluate the im- ment. pact of window size, the number of iterations, the dropout rate and learning rate in CNN, and the size Table 4: Power Consumption. of training dataset using Cricket dataset. The pro- cedures are the same as above and the results are Module Consumption (W) shown in Figure 8. We can see that it shows simi- CPU 2.05 lar patterns as Frog dataset which suggests that the CPU + microphone 2.1 proposed framework is robust to different species. CPU + Wifi (idle) 2.45 In terms of the dropout rate and learning rate, the CPU + Wifi (Rx) 2.67 optimal values for dropout rate and learning rate CPU + Wifi (Tx) 2.78 are 0.7 and 0.0005 which is slightly different from that of Frog dataset. The hardware platform used in the testbed is As mentioned in [1], the cricket dataset consists based on a Pandaboard ES with an 1.2Ghz OMAP 11
(a) Network topology (b) Bird species Figure 9: Testbed. 4460, 1GB Ram and 4GB SD-card. Additionally, Table 5: Computation time of local processing. Pandaboard includes an 802.11 interface for wire- less connection. Microphones are connected to the Silence Removal FFT Pandaboard via USB port to record bird voice with Time (ms) 20.38 ± 2.04 15.33 ± 0.63 24Khz sampling rate. All the nodes are connected via the local Wi-Fi network. The data collected from Node 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be first transferred to Second, we apply a Butterworth high pass filter Node 1. Then, all the data will be uploaded from with 200Hz cut-off frequency to filter out unwanted Node 1 to the local server. The acoustic date from noise. This is because most of the wind audio en- different nodes are classified separately in the sys- ergy lies in the frequency band below 200Hz, while tem. most of the vocalization energy of the birds is in In the testbed, each node is powered by a the frequency band higher than 200Hz. rechargeable battery (12V, 7.2Ah), and an optional After implementing the proposed framework on solar panel (5W, 12V). The power consumption of the testbed, we calculate the computation time on each module is given in Table 4. Compared to the node’s side and classification accuracy on the SolarStore testbed [52] which consumes 10W (low server’s side. On the node’s side, we find that the load) and 15W (high load) energy, our testbed is ap- node in our testbed can process all the captured proximately 3.5 to 5.4 times more energy efficient. acoustic data in real time. From Table 6, we can Without solar panel, a node in our ASN testbed see the silence removal and FFT take 20.38 ms and will run continuously for more than 31 hours, which 15.33 ms, respectively. is significantly longer than the previous platforms In this study, we choose two common bird species such as ENSBox [53]. We find that if a solar panel in the area of interest: Anseriformes and Galli- is exposed to direct sunlight for 8 hours per day, the formes (Figure 9(b)). Our goal is to classify the node can maintain a 50% duty cycle at 85% solar voice into three classes: Anseriformes, Galliformes charge efficiency. and others. The testbed runs for 30 days and the The nodes use Network Time Protocol (NTP) for data is labeled manually. Table 6 lists the re- time synchronization. We use one node as the NTP sults of different methods for classification in the server, and the other nodes as the NTP clients. The server. We find that the proposed system achieve NTP clients send request for time synchronization 90.3% classification accuracy which outperforms every 10 seconds. The accuracy of time synchro- other methods significantly. The results in turn nization is about 25 ms, which is good enough for suggest that the proposed framework is robust to our distributed real-time system because the length environmental noise and can achieve high classifica- of each testing signal segment is 400ms. tion accuracy in real-world WASN. We also notice During deployment, we found that the recorded that the results of the case study is slightly lower voice is deteriorated by wind. To solve this prob- than the simulation results in Section 4. This is lem, we take two measures. First, we install because the public dataset are collected in a con- foam and fur windscreen around each microphone. trolled manner and the signals are well trimmed and 12
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