A digital journey - 2023 edition - The Guide to My First J o b - Orange

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A digital journey - 2023 edition - The Guide to My First J o b - Orange
2023 edition

A digital
               The Guide
               to My Firs

A digital journey - 2023 edition - The Guide to My First J o b - Orange
         Follow me!      Contributors | 4

      Destinations       Five new jobs | 6
      on the horizon

        Exploration      Choosing your first job | 10

                         Students: all things lead to… | 12
     Possible routes

        Logbook          Three recruiters analyze your CV | 13

      Souvenir photos    My job has changed! | 16

    A place in the sun   Compensation and benefits | 18

          Next stop      A new cocktail of skills | 20

        Compass          Six things a recruiter expects from you | 24

        Navigation       How to impress at your job interview | 26

         Postcard        The power of social media | 28

        TikTok to        Your checklist for creating a compelling
        LinkedIn         personal brand | 30

         Stopover        How to ace your virtual interview | 32

        Diary entry      24 hours with… | 34

                         The following people have contributed to this issue:
                         M. Spahrbier, N. Andor, C. Chevignard, Agence Bookmark, M. Gaudard,
                         L. Robaeys, C. Escoudé, R. Thorpe.
                         Orange Jobs is an Orange publication, 111 quai du Président Roosevelt,
                         92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux.
                         Publication Manager: V. Biecques. Photo credits: Orange.
                         Articles published by Orange Jobs cannot be reproduced without explicit
                         authorization from the editorial team.

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A digital journey - 2023 edition - The Guide to My First J o b - Orange
Follow me!


Alizée shares her day-to-day as a         Karine is a Data Consultant in Lyon,            Guillemette is a Functional Specialist                   Yasin is a Talent Acquisition Manager,
researcher in three fields: sociology,    France. She has a digital background            in business control. She explains how                    based in Cairo. He shares his LinkedIn
banking, and A.I. She is currently        and is making a name for                        her job has evolved with the cross-over                  know-how, as well as all of his interview
designing a chatbot that will act         herself in cybersecurity.                       of the business expertise side and the                   prep advice.
as a financial coach.                                                                     technical side.

Martin is a Cybersecurity Consultant.                                                                                                                Zeus?
                                          Mélissa is a Talent Development                 Yoan is an AI Apprentice Developer.                      Ruchi is an HR Leader for Orange
He gives us an insight into the current
                                          Partner in Brussels, Belgium. She               In his opinion, the environmental side                   Business Services in Gurgaon.
and future world of pentesting.
                                          shares her know-how on how to curate            of the job is essential to his work.                     She gives us her top interview tips.
                                          a great LinkedIn profile.

Priscila is an HR Consultant for Orange                                           Zeus?
Business Services based in Rio de                                                         Helena is the Manager of the Security                    David is a Back- and Front-end Deve-
Janeiro, Brazil. She spoke  to us about
                                          Gérôme is a Data Project Manager                Infrastructure Department. She spoke to                  loper. He shares his passion with the
how LinkedIn can have a positive          based in Lyon, France. He talks to us           us about the network virtualization that                 world through training schemes and
impact on candidates throughout the       about up-and-coming data roles.                 is currently underway.                                   conferences on YouTube.
recruitment process.

4                                                                                         Discover more experts in our special feature: ‘Logbook 24 hours with...’                         5

A digital journey - 2023 edition - The Guide to My First J o b - Orange
    on the horizon

Five new jobs
                                                                                                                                                               Oslo, the way of Scan-
                                                                                            Data Scientist                                                     dinavian life surroun-
                                                                                                                                                               ded by spectacular
                                                                                            #Cloud #International #Machine-                                    nature… and Orange
                                                                                            Learning                                                           Business Services, a
                                                                                                                                                               key player in the cloud
In tech, there are new jobs constantly emerging. From                                                                                                          sector.
cybersecurity to data and research roles, here are five new                                    Oslo
professions for you to discover!
                                                                                            After moving from southern India to fini-   In the past, everyone would typically
                                                                                            sh my studies in Norway, I landed a job     work with Jupyter Notebooks on their
                                                                                            as a Data Scientist for Orange Business     local machines, with no regard as to
                                            two PhD advisers in Nantes, as well as          Services, where I’ve been working for       which platform they were working from.

User Researcher                             other PhD students, with whom I can
                                            talk about our practices (and enjoy ape-
                                                                                            a year. I’m part of a small team in Oslo
                                                                                            that is currently creating an end-to-end
                                                                                                                                        This is now changing with cloud migra-
#Sociology #Banking #Chatbot
                                            ritifs with!).                                  pipeline for the whole machine learning
                                            I’m designing a chatbot, a financial            lifecycle on the cloud (AWS, Azure,             Meera, Data Scientist
     Lannion, Brittany
                                            coach for young adults, alongside               Google Cloud Platform). We’re working
                                            a programmer.                                   to automate the entire process. Once
I’ve traveled all over France to complete   I bring a human understanding to the            you’re done with the AWS Machine             “The Cloud provides prebuilt packages
my thesis. From east to west, from          table: how do you ensure that people            Learning Operations pipeline, you have       which make the process of orchestra-
Lorraine to Lannion in Brittany, I joined   accept a financial coach? How do you            to move on to Azure, then Google Cloud       ting a machine learning lifecycle even
my research team which focuses on           improve young people’s trust in a bank?         Platform. Everyone on my small team          easier.”
financial services.                                                                         is working towards this, communicating
I’ve been given free rein to create a           Alizée, PhD Student                         with the team in Germany to produce
financial education scheme for young                                                        the results we’re looking for.
The mix of sociology/psychology                                   Lannion, an innovative
(my university education), finance (my                            laboratory in Brittany,
personal interest), and my desire to add                          where you can enjoy
                                                                  the sea spray, great
a tech dimension all come together                                kitesurfing spots, and
to make my mission so special.                                    hiking along the GR34,
The predictive side of research is exci-                          a famous French
                                                                  coastal path.
ting when the research becomes
An exciting aspect of this thesis is that
it doesn’t remain theoretical as I have
been given all the means to design and
put forward a conversational agent. It’s
going well and moving along quickly
with the help of my two supervisors and

6                                                                                                                                                                                  7
A digital journey - 2023 edition - The Guide to My First J o b - Orange
Data Steward                                                                                          Chief Data Officer
#Data #Quality                                                                                        #DataGovernance #OpenData
                                                                                                                                                   Business & data combination
                                                                                                                                                   There’s been a real change. Before,
                                                                                                                                                   data handling was done by data ana-
A data steward is a newly emerged role.                                                                                                            lysts and data scientists. Nowadays,
They’re responsible for ensuring the                                                                  Data strategy: going beyond                  business teams (finance, marketing,
quality of the data. The data steward will                                                            the technical realm                          HR, sales, etc.) are being equipped
find solutions when it comes to problems                                                              I support the “chief data officers” in       and trained. A larger pool of people will
of data freshness, uniqueness, and rele-                                                              large organizations, in order to improve     be able to handle data thanks to the
vance. Should there be a problem, they’ll                                                             their skills in the following new data       cloud, which allows data to be used in
find the solution.                                                                                    professions: compliance, cybersecurity,      self-service mode. New skill combina-
                                                                                                      data lifecycle management, team buil-        tions are now emerging.
    Gérôme, Data Project Manager                                                                      ding training, governance, tools, and
                                                                                                      processes. I support them by assessing
                                                                                                      the situation and laying the groundwork
                                                                                                      for future projects.

                                                                                                          Karine, Business Data Strategist

IT Security Consultant
#CyberAttack #Mobile #Hacking                                                                          “Data has become crucial to business strategy, but even big businesses don’t always
                                                                                                       know where to start when it comes to such a complex subject.”

As a pentester, you have to stay up-to-
date with trends, new technologies, and              “The core skills needed in pentesting
evolving system attack methods.                      will stay the same. But, the market and
Currently, mobile apps are becoming an               the demand for pentesters continues
increasingly big deal and we are already             to grow and technology is constantly
seeing roles dedicated to this. Clients              changing.”
continue to need their vulnerabilities
tested, regardless of the industry and
social changes that affect the hacking                                       Copenhagen,
world.                                                                       colorful and cultural,
                                                                             is regarded as being
                                                                             the happiest city on
    Martin, IT Security Consultant                                           Earth… as well as
                                                                             one of Orange’s key
                                                                             cyberdefense hubs.

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A digital journey - 2023 edition - The Guide to My First J o b - Orange

Choosing your first job
Taking your first steps into the professional world can feel like a
daunting experience, regardless of your educational background.
By opening this one door you are met with a limitless amount
of choices and potential career paths.

The company                               The role

   Do the company’s values align with        Has the role been described in detail
my own?                                   and does it interest me?

     Would I like to stay where I am or
                                                                                     My experience                              Moving towards the field you see your-
                                               Will I be able to use my current                                                 self in and researching companies and
work abroad? (or have travel opportu-
                                          skill set?                                                                            roles, while asking yourself these ques-
                                                                                         Will my experience help me to tackle   tions, can help you on your quest to
   How do my experiences make me             Will I gain new skills?                 the challenges this role offers?           discover your future. It’s also important
a good fit within the company?                                                                                                  not to limit yourself. If you see a role that
                                             Will I acquire transferable skills          Does the company and role allow        really interests you but is slightly diffe-
                                          useful to my future career progression     me to grow and develop my current          rent from the path you’ve envisioned,
                                          and goals?                                 experiences in the field I’m interested    don’t be afraid to stray and explore
                                                                                     in?                                        different opportunities.
                                             What is it that makes me excited
                                          about the projects involved?                                                          Are you starting to have a clearer idea?
                                                                                                                                Find out what our recruiters have to say
                                              Does the role allow me to make                                                    to help you find your way and get to
                                          an impact?                                                                            where you want to go.
                                                                                                                                Follow our guide!
                                            Is there room for growth and upward

                                             Does the role align with my future
                                          career goals?

10                                                                                                                                                                        11
A digital journey - 2023 edition - The Guide to My First J o b - Orange
Possible routes                                                                     Logbook

Students:                                                                               Three recruiters analyze
all paths lead to…                                                                      your CV
There are many potential tracks              Graduate Program                           You should now have a greater understanding of how to choose
that you could take to reach                 These programs are exclusively for pro-
                                                                                        your first professional venture.
your goals. Find and follow the              mising young graduates to accelerate       To get there, however, you’ll need to put yourself in the recruiter’s
path that suits you, your pace,              their careers and expand their networks.   shoes to understand how they will read and analyze your CV.
and your aspirations.                                                                   We spoke to three recruiters working in the cloud, cybersecurity
                                             Orange Graduate Program
                                                                                        and programming to get their guidance.
                                             4 years to gain experience!
                                             Progress in an international environ-
                                      TDO    ment.
                                             Explore several opportunities before                                    Rémi, recruiter in the cloud sector
                   RANGE OF
                 POSSIBILITIES                                                                                               The first thing to keep in mind is that,
                                                                                                                             as recruiters, we tend to do a quick

                             PHD             PhDs                                                                            scan of each CV in around 20 seconds.
                                  S                                                                                          So, make sure all your important
                                             The perfect way for you to apply                                                information is clearly displayed on
                                             your expertise to your field of research                                        the first page of your CV!
                                             and add to your CV along the way.

                                             A PhD with Orange:
                                             · Join a recognized research team
                                                                                                                           Célia, recruiter in the programming sector
                                             · Work toward innovation
                                             · Be both a student and an employee
                                                                                                                                    For my first readthrough, beyond
                                                                                                                                    looking at technical terms,
                                                                                                                                    I focus on the CV’s format:
                                             Postdoc                                                                                is it clear? Can I easily find what
                                                                                                                                    I’m looking for? Is there enough
                                             Learn to run your own laboratory by
                                                                                                                                    information about your previous
                                             managing a team and obtaining funding.
                                                                                                                                    roles and experiences:
                                             A postdoc with Orange:                                                                 what exactly did you do and
                                             · Work on high-added-value applied                                                     what purpose was it for?
                                             · Publish and file patents

12                                                                                                                                                                        13
A digital journey - 2023 edition - The Guide to My First J o b - Orange
The cloud                                  Cybersecurity                                Programming
 with Rémi, recruiter specialized           with Delphine, recruiter specialized         with Célia, recruiter specialized
 in the cloud                               in cybersecurity                             in programming roles
                                            • I look to see if the candidate has
 First of all, my favorite profiles are                                                  • I’ll be on the lookout for keywords
                                            followed any sort of cybersecurity
 ‘cloud’ profiles, of course :)                                                          such as test, integration, front-end,
                                            curriculum or earned a certification.
                                                                                         back-end, full-stack…
 • I also look for backgrounds linked to
                                                                                                                                       "Personal projects are a great way
 the cloud, like IT infrastructure.         • And/or people that have done a cyber-      • …and programming languages (these
                                                                                                                                       for you to showcase your interest
                                            security internship.                         will depend on your area of expertise): if
 • Or people that have an understanding                                                                                                in the field."
                                                                                         you’ve worked on any of the technolo-
 of cloud technology.
                                            • I’ll keep an eye out for keywords inclu-   gies we ask for, specify them at the top
 • Certain keywords will stand out to me,   ding pentest, penetration testing, digital   of your CV!
 e.g. hyperscaler, AWS, virtualization,     forensics, etc.
                                                                                         • Avoid measuring your competency le-        • To work on your skills, look for online
 DevOps, etc.
                                                                                         vels: by exaggerating you run the risk of    training courses that provide a dee-
                                            • Without cybersecurity experience, it’s
 • Someone without experience using                                                      the manager grilling you on these skills.    per look into certain technologies and
                                            a bonus to have participated in Capture
 the cloud could demonstrate their                                                                                                    languages.
                                            the Flag challenges (Orange organizes        • If you have programming experience
 interest by having worked on a home
                                            its own).                                    through an internship or work place-         • Attend conferences to listen to experts
 automation project (which could be
                                                                                         ment, great!                                 explain specific subjects and to further
 a personal project).
                                            • Sharpen your understanding by                                                           develop your network.
                                                                                         • If you’re applying for a programmi-
                                            keeping up to date with the industry
                                                                                         ng job in the cloud, be sure to specify      • Communicating with experts is a great
                                            to be aware of new attacks, and read
                                                                                         which platforms you’ve worked on.            idea - there are so many professions in
                                            cybersecurity-focused magazines.
                                                                                                                                      the field and they’ll help you to make an
                                                                                         • If you’re applying for data/AI pro-
                                                                                                                                      informed choice.
                                                                                         gramming roles, I’ll be assessing your
                                                                                         ability to explain things to people - this
                                                                                         is to see how well you’ll work with the

                                                                                         • If you have no professional expe-
                                                                                         rience, provide details on any program-
                                                                                         ming projects you worked on during
                                                                                         your studies.

                                                                                         • I’m always interested in finding out
                                                                                         more about personal projects because
                                                                                         they demonstrate your interest in the

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A digital journey - 2023 edition - The Guide to My First J o b - Orange
Souvenir photos
                                                                                         won’t work 100% of the time). In my        users. We have to rethink infrastructure

My job has
                                                                                         view, everything is going to move over     in order to virtualize it. This is comple-
                                                                                         to the cloud at some point, and pro-       tely different from our way of working
                                                                                         bably sooner rather than later.            today, and for this reason, we need pro-

                                                                                                                                    grammers to automate certain tasks.
                                                                                             Meera, Data Scientist
                                                                                                                                        Helena, Head of Infrastructure Security

                                                                                         Better quality of life
Whether it’s technical developments                                                                                                 Self-teaching
                                                                                         In the past, scoping meetings held at
or differences in the way we work,
                                                                                         the start of a project were always face-   With remote working, and as I have sett-
everything has changed recently.                                                         to-face. This would mean waking up         led into my role, I have been given the
Here are seven snapshots showcasing                                                      at 5 a.m. to take a train from Nantes      time to work on my personal learning
these changes, both big and small.                                                       to Paris for a three-hour meeting,         and development projects when I’m not
                                                                                         then back again, all on the same day.      working on assignments. This is essen-
                                                                                         Inevitably, this meant a lot of fatigue.   tial to my continued growth, and is remi-
                                                                                         Nowadays, we’ve all taken the plunge       niscent of how I even got into the role I
Empowering teams through agile             We’ve designed an entire virtual Messa-
                                                                                         and have started having these meetings     have: through self-teaching!
ways of working                            ging system that sets a few questions
                                                                                         remotely. I now travel a lot less, which
                                           every day for our participants.                                                              Martin, IT Security Consultant
The agile methodology has transformed                                                    has had a very positive impact on my
                                           This way, we end up with information
the way we work. By heavily involving                                                    standard of living.
                                           through a sort of daily logbook focused
the client in the development team, we
                                           on their banking activity. Lastly, it’s           Guillemette, Functional Expert
can better understand their needs. Gi-                                                       in Management Control
                                           a piece of technology that has been
ving the team the freedom to organize
                                           adapted for young people. For them, it’s
and equip themselves as they wish will
                                           simple, efficient, and fits seamlessly into                                                                                            Zeus?

allow them to better meet client needs
                                           their everyday lives.                         The virtual world
because the “team knows best”. Lastly,
this organization encourages real team         Alizée, PhD Student                       Network virtualization has advanced
empowerment, and the results are clear                                                   considerably. Abstract machines allow
as day.                                                                                  us to automate everything via a generic
                                                                                         program. It’s completely changed the
      David, Programmer                    Cloud : the place to hang on
                                                                                         way that we work.
                                           In recent years, the cloud has taken
                                                                                             David, Programmer
                                           over, and the whole process has been
When constraints become
                                           made easier due to the cloud providing
sources of creativity
                                           prebuilt packages. Traceability and flexi-
                                                                                         Networks of tomorrow
For the past two years, we have had
                          Zeus?            bility are just two of the many benefits,
to find different ways of gathering data   which have helped to shape the evo-           We are currently working on infrastruc-
remotely, because we can’t physically      lution of practices in the data industry.     tures for the future. They operate with

meet the participants in our studies.      The cloud means we no longer have to          virtual equipment 100% of the time, with
This turned out to be very interesting.    rely only on machines (which, inevitably,     self-service code and pipelines for our

16                                                                                                                                                                           17
A digital journey - 2023 edition - The Guide to My First J o b - Orange
A place in the sun
                              Money, money, money
Compensation and              You’ll start off with your basic salary.

benefits: see what’s
                              Your hard work and achievements will
                              be recognized through performance and
                              loyalty bonuses.

on offer                      Participation in Orange’s shareholder

Your compensation is
not limited to your salary!
Bonuses, healthcare and       Healthcare
culture are all part of       and wellbeing
a wide range of benefits,     We take care of each and every
which will differ from        employee, ensuring they keep in good
company to company.           health by providing access to state-of-
So you can best compare       art healthcare systems.
different opportunities,
here’s what we offer          Orange places a strong emphasis on           Professional and
internationally.              work/life balance, offering flexibility in
                              ways of working.
                                                                           personal development
                                                                           We believe in the constant learning and
                              We place great importance on taking          development of all of our employees.
                              time off to enjoy the sun, beach, moun-      Invest in soft and hard skills growth
                              tains (or your ideal rest spot) through      through access to:
                              providing holidays and annual leave.         - A 24/7 learning platform
                                                                           - In-class training
                              Mental well-being services are available     - Support for employees personally
                              to all of our employees.                     involved with charitable organizations
                                                                           within and outside the Orange
                              We support our employees’ passions           Foundation
                              with dedicated support programs.             - Career counseling

18                                                                                                               19
Next stop

A new cocktail of skills
How about we take a little detour to take a look into the future?                                               � Artificial Intelligence
We’ll discover professions that don’t exist yet, as well as new                                                 � Investigation
skill combos.

Mister T                                                                                                                                                            � Move-to-cloud
                                                                                                                                                                    � MLOps engineer
In programming, we’ll start to
rely less and less on people who
are specialized in one specific
language or technology, and
more and more on curious and
versatile people. We call them
T-shapes: profiles with software
backgrounds (the –) who know
how to, selectively and quickly,
become a specialist in the field
                                                                                Pentesting + AI                                       Data + Infrastructure
(the l).                                                                        Many of the core skills in pentesting                 With the move to the cloud, I believe
                                                                                will stay the same and it’s impossible to             that new roles will pop up. They will
       David, Programmer
                                                                                predict how the job market will evolve.               define the line between the roles of data
                                                                                AI will likely improve to further support             scientists (who currently hold a lot of
                                                                                current pentesting steps and systems.                 responsibility) and data analysts. These
                                                        � Software background
                                                                                                                                      roles will probably integrate the cloud
                                                                                    Martin, IT Security Consultant
                                                                                                                                      infrastructure aspect, as well as data
                           Zeus?                        � Versatility                                                                 skills.
                                                        � Curiosity                                                                         Meera, Cloud Data Scientist


20                                                                                                                                                                             21
Sustainably designed
Regarding data use, the role that we are               Sobriety �
seeing emerging is linked to sustainable     Sustainable design �
This is a question of imagining “natively”
sober digital services, so to speak. As
                                                                               � Environment
such, we are seeing Chief Environen-
tal Commitment Officer (CECO) roles                                 Impact �
In my opinion, it’s a matter of breaking
out of the silos and integrating varied
                                                                                               CSR + Programming
profiles into the team to better respond                                                       For me, the main challenge is integrating
to digital sobriety data-related issues.                                                       the environmental aspect with IT pro-
                                                                                               gramming. On the Internet, for example,
     Karine, Business Data Strategy
                                                                                               many different methods allow us to end
                                                                                               up with the same result. However, some
                                                                                               are less energy-consuming at a code le-
                                                                                               vel. Therefore, the design must integrate
                                                                                               the concept of environmental impact to
Programming +                                                                                  choose the best solution. For example,
                                                                                               some languages involve storing data in
Management control                                                                             real-time, whereas others do not. In the
                                                                                               same way, with virtual machines, we
When it comes to management control,
                                                                                               can size our infrastructures according to
the role of digital tools is of increasing
                                                                                               real needs to design infrastructures that
importance. Management control roles
                                                                                               consume less energy.
are becoming more technical. Looking
to the long term, perhaps such roles                                                               Yoan, Apprentice AI Programmer
will find themselves halfway between                                                                                  Zeus?

business and technical expertise?

     Guillemette, Functional Expert
     in Management Control

                    More technology �
                            Finance �

22                                                                                                                                   23

Six things a recruiter                                                                               3. Relax                                      5. Talk about yourself

expects from you
                                                                                                     Before all else, an interview is a meeting.   Recruiters pay attention to the way you
                                                                                                     We’re not here to judge you. Quite the        carry yourself, your posture, attitude,
                                                                                                     opposite, we’re here to have a conver-        soft skills, etc. We use a personality
                                                                                                     sation. A majority of the time, the recrui-   test to help guide our questions and
                                                                                                     ter wants to help candidates relax so         the aspects we want to explore further.
We spoke to Ruchi, an HR Leader for Orange Business Services in
                                                                                                     that the interview goes well. Remember        A crucial step for the recruiter is to see
Gurgaon, and Yasin, a Talent Acquisition Manager based in Cairo.
                                                                                                     that the more fluid the discussion, the       how you would fit in with the team.
With their expert advice, we’ve summarized, in 6 points, what a                                      more material you’ll provide the recruiter    Equally, they’ll assess how you deal with
recruiter expects from you during a job interview.                                                   with and the more you can prove why           difficulties. It’s a good idea to think of a
                                                                                                     you’re right for the position.                situation where you were unsuccessful
                                                                                                                                                   to explain the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of your
1. Be prepared                                          2. Be yourself                               4. Ask yourself
We sometimes see candidates who                         The interview will start with you introdu-   Have you fully understood the job des-        6. Not only
have barely read the job description
and have to figure it out during the
                                                        cing yourself. This is the time when you
                                                        can set the outline of the conversation
                                                                                                     cription? The profession? The workforce
                                                                                                     ecosystem? Have you done research
                                                                                                                                                   your professional
actual interview, in front of the recruiter.            that will follow. The recruiter will then    into the company, and do you have             experiences
As a general rule, candidates arriving                  pick up on the information you share         questions?
                                                                                                                                                   Whether your interview is in person
prepared for their interview is the bare                including your training, experience
                                                                                                     “The first thing a candidate needs to         or virtual, the preparation is the most
minimum for the recruiter to be able to                 and education. Don’t forget to make
                                                                                                     make sure they do is 100% understand          important part. Preparing the key
effectively do their job.                               a clear link between the position and
                                                                                                     the job description and position they’re      points that you want to highlight during
                                                        your application. What do you bring to
“We always expect our candidates                                                                     applying for. You need to know what           the interview will allow you to set the
                                                        the table? Your attributes will become
to come to the interview completely                                                                  motivates you and ensure you take the         stage from the very beginning of the
                                                        apparent at this stage.
prepared. Make sure you do your                                                                      time to look through the job specifica-       conversation and gives you a ‘guide’
homework on the company; LinkedIn                       Following this, the recruiter will ask you   tion and envision yourself in the role.       for the topics you want to cover. Try
is always a great place to start! Another               questions to talk through your lived         Share your key skills that differentiate      and highlight the meaning behind your
tip that I think is great in the preparation            experiences. Be sure to prepare specific     you from others. Talk about your career       decisions, what pushed you to make a
stage is to create a ‘cheat sheet’:                     examples of situations you’ve tackled.       ambitions. Don’t be afraid to ask the         certain choice, and what your logic was
a small pitch describing yourself and                   What was your position, the description      interviewer questions! This will demons-      throughout. Above all, have specific
your achievements that you can refer                    of your mission or role, the aim, the        trate your research and shows that you        examples for each topic.
back to you as you prepare. Once this                   challenges, etc.?                            have taken the time to reflect – the right
first part of the interview is over, the rest                                                        questions will send a positive message.”
should flow naturally.”
                                                                                                         Ruchi, HR Leader
      Yasin, Talent Acquisition Manager


24                                                                                                                                                                                           25

How to impress at your
job interview
You’ve secured a job interview, now what? We chatted with Ruchi
and Yasin to get their expert advice on the topic.

Prepare, prepare,                            What do I do if I have                      Not just the ‘what’                           Our parting advice
prepare                                      less experience?                            but the ‘how’                                 Come to your interview as your authen-
                                                                                                                                       tic, original self. Show who you truly
Take the time to fully understand the or-    If you have less professional experience,   Recruiters love to see candidates being
                                                                                                                                       are as a person; your motivations, your
ganization you’re interviewing for, inside   think back on your studies and let your     able to describe not only their expe-
                                                                                                                                       enthusiasm and your determination.
and out. Use any connections you might       enthusiasm and desire to learn shine        riences but how they handled these
                                                                                                                                       Share examples to showcase your
have to learn more about the company.        through. You could talk about past          experiences and different situations.
                                                                                                                                       learning agility, curiosity, ambition and
                                             projects, or experiences you have had       How did you come to that conclusion,
Some of your preparation will depend                                                                                                   positivity. Agility and resilience are two
                                             with certain groups and clubs.              navigate that problem or create that
on the job role and company you’re                                                                                                     "must-haves" in today’s environment.
                                                                                         piece of work?
interviewing for. To get the basics down,
                                                                                                                                           Ruchi, HR Leader
think of the following questions:
                                             The big event
  Do you fully understand the job                                                        Questions                                     A cheat sheet can help make sure you
description?                                 First impressions are important. Turn up                                                  know exactly what to say to highlight
                                             to your interview dressed appropriately     Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if   your best achievements. Interviews are
   How will you make a positive impact
                                             and, though you may be nervous, try         you haven’t quite understood a question       nerve-wracking, no matter how pre-
in the role you’re interviewing for?
                                             and let your true personality stand out.    – make sure you 100% understand what          pared or qualified you may be – good
   What makes you a great addition           Have a clear pitch, and stick to your       is being asked of you.                        luck!
to the company overall?                      answers.
                                                                                         Asking the recruiters the right questions         Yasin, Talent Acquisition Manager
  How can you convey your growth             Come ready to demonstrate how your          at the end of the interview shows that
potential?                                   values align with the organization’s        you’ve taken the time to look through                                                       Zeus?

                                             and why you would be an asset. For          the job description, learned about the
Think about your achievements, and
                                             example, when it comes to a multina-        company, and self-reflected. This sends
how you can best explain them.
                                             tional organization like Orange, being      a positive message and demonstrates
Think about professional or academic
                                             open-minded and adaptable with a            that you have the right attitude.
situations you’ve been in and how you
                                             global mindset is essential.
handled them.

26                                                                                                                                                                              27

The power of social
Social media can be a powerful tool when it comes to both recrui-
ting as an employer and job hunting as a candidate. LinkedIn has
become a way for employers and candidates alike to harness their
social media prowess in professional ventures. We chatted with
Mélissa, Priscila, and Yasin to get their insights.

Your LinkedIn page                                                                          Tips from the experts
Your bio is important. This is where you      Build up your personal brand in a way         It’s important to remember that LinkedIn       Use LinkedIn to grow your network, do
introduce yourself and let the recruiter      that makes you stand out from the rest.       is not only a platform to promote yourself     your homework on the companies you
know what your aspirations, motivations,      Give your profile a personal touch, but       but also one where you can learn! Keep         want to apply to, and use this information
and inspirations are. To make the most        make sure you don’t cross the line into       up with what your dream company is sha-        in your job search. But beware! Remem-
out of your profile, be sure to regularly     your private life. Everything is online, so   ring and liking. There is an entire network    ber that everyone has a digital footprint,
update it. Make sure your profile picture     pay attention to what you share and make      and community at your fingertips – take        so be careful of how you use ALL of your
is recent and your experience is explained    sure your LinkedIn profile reflects your      advantage of it and reach out, people are      social media platforms, not just the pro-
and highlighted.                              very best self.                               often more than happy to impart their          fessional ones.
                                                                                            wisdom and experiences to us.
                                                                                                                                               Yasin, Talent Acquisition Manager
When it comes to utilizing your LinkedIn
                                                                                                Mélissa, Talent Development Partner
account, finding the right balance is key.                                                                                                                                          Zeus?

Feel free to post your views and opi-
                                                                                            Show who you are through your posts.
nions on hot topics that will catch your
                                                                                            This will let your personality shine through
followers’ eye, but be careful not to info-
                                                                                            – but always keep in mind that this is a
dump. Once a week should do the trick.
                                                                                            professional social media platform!
                                                                                                Priscila, HR Consultant

TikTok to LinkedIn                                                                     Build up your network                       Maintain an active profile
                                                                                                Your connections consist of eve-            If you’re not comfortable with wri-

Your checklist for
                                                                                            ryone you know, from both your profes-      ting, share interesting articles instead.
                                                                                            sional and personal circles.
                                                                                                                                            When you feel ready, start by writing

creating a compelling
                                                                                               Search by industry or company.           posts: short texts (one paragraph) with
                                                                                                                                        three hashtags at most.
                                                                                                Add every person you encounter (in
                                                                                            real life).                                     Illustrate your posts with (royalty-

personal brand                                                                                  Follow companies and people that
                                                                                            inspire you.
                                                                                                                                        free) photos or videos.

                                                                                                                                            Feel free to tag connections likely to
                                                                                                                                        be interested to garner a reaction.
                                                                                                Join groups that align with your
We’ve compiled our expert advice to help you make the jump from
                                                                                            interests.                                      When you feel very comfortable,
a personal and entertaining TikTok account to a professional and                                                                        you’ll be able to move on to writing up
attractive LinkedIn profile.                                                                                                            articles with a title, subheadings, pho-
                                                                                            LinkedIn routine
                                                                                                                                        tos, quotes, etc.
                                                                                                Every day: 5 minutes in the morning
The essentials                                  Have you included missions within           to see what’s going on and to like, com-
                                                                                                                                        Heart and reason
                                             NGOs or charities? Well done, that’s           ment and share.
    Your profile picture is ‘corporate’:
                                             what we like to see!                                                                       To write up impactful posts, try and find
you look your authentic self, not smiling                                                       Every day: make 4 new connec-
                                                                                                                                        a balance between:
too widely and you’re in a professional          Your training, whether that be aca-        tions… By the end of the year, you’ll
setting (i.e. you’re not at the beach with   demic or professional, along with the          have over 1,500 contacts, just like that!       Your professional growth strategy
a cocktail in hand!)                         name of the school/university/organi-
                                                                                               Each week: write a post to keep              Your values and beliefs
                                             zation, title, and skills gained, is clearly
   Your banner conveys precisely what                                                       your connections up to date.
                                             stated on your profile.                                                                        Hot topics and current affairs
you want people to remember about
                                                                                                Each week: put some time aside
you (e.g. if you work in cybersecurity,                                                                                                     Your take (originality)
                                                                                            to directly communicate with your new
you could have an image of a safe).          A vibrant network
                                                                                            connections.                                    Don’t be scared to start your posts
    Very important: your introduction            You’ve picked keywords that best                                                       with your point of view on the topic to
is where you can pitch yourself! Tell a      describe your skills and have asked your                                                   personally and directly speak to your
                                                                                            The rule of 3
story - your story - shortly and conci-      (ex-)colleagues to endorse them with a                                                     readers.
sely using bullet points. Feel free to use   simple click of a button.                          One in every 3 posts: content linked
                                                                                                                                           Stay on top of the news to keep
emojis to hook the reader in, but don’t                                                     to your work
                                                 You’ve asked a few ex-colleagues                                                       ahead of everyone else.
use hashtags (they’re not necessary
                                             to write up a referral for you (proof of           One in every 3 posts: content linked
here).                                                                                                                                      Finally, make it a habit to devote
                                             experience)…                                   to your organization or community
                                                                                                                                        some of your time to updating events
    Your professional experience is
                                                 … and you’ve written up recommen-              One in every 3 posts: content linked    as they happen with selfies, video links,
completely up to date. You’ve given
                                             dations for them as well.                      to something more personal                  and text.
details on your missions (ideally two
sentences) and provided context                                                             Professional-organization-personal: this
(the company, link to the website, PDF,                                                     gives a complete, authentic overview of
logo, etc.).                                                                                your personality.

30                                                                                                                                                                                  31

How to ace your virtual
Virtual interviews have become common practice. So, how can
you prepare for them? What are the pitfalls to avoid? How can you
make the most out of them?

Working out
the logistics
                                                Perfect your background
Stay one step ahead by anticipating                                                                                                     Don’t read your notes
any technical issues that may occur             What kind of image of yourself do you
                                                                                                                                        Your tone of voice will seem quicker
during your remote interview!                   want to present? Adapt your ‘decor’
                                                                                                                                        and more monotonous when speaking
                                                to this image. Tidy up, remove any
                                                                                                                                        virtually. Even if you would like to have
Testing out the technology
                                                personal items from view, make it look
                                                professional, and ensure the room is
                                                                                            D-Day!                                      a few notes to glance at in front of you,
                                                                                                                                        refrain from reading them! We would
Test out your equipment the night be-           either neutral or showcases your iden-
                                                                                            It’s the day of your interview, so here     suggest using keywords as notes rather
fore, at the very latest. In doing so, you’ll   tity. It’s up to you to decide how you
                                                                                            are our last pieces of advice for you       than full sentences.
avoid a large chunk of potential stress: if     want to present yourself. On the other
                                                                                            to ace your interview.
something isn’t working on one of your          hand, make sure you choose a well-lit,
devices, you’ll have the time to sort it        quiet environment, without any noise                                                    Use the setup to your
out. The main platforms used are Skype          interference (this can be an annoyance      Make a connection                           advantage
and Zoom. At Orange, we tend to use             for the interviewer).
                                                                                            As we’re sure you know, all non-verbal      If you have things you would like to
Teams and VisioTalent.
                                                                                            communication is of utmost importance       show online or on your computer, pull
                                                Expect the unexpected                       during an interview, and even more          them up and ask to share your screen.
Dress to impress                                                                            important when there’s a screen sepa-       This is a way in which you can change
                                                Just as you would test for technical
                                                                                            rating you. Take care to look your inter-   the pace of the interview and draw
Recruiters will form a general impression       issues, expecting the unexpected allows
                                                                                            viewer in the eye to make a connection,     upon something tangible. Documents,
of candidates in the first 5 seconds. Fol-      you to avoid a great deal of stress come
                                                                                            even through a screen.                      videos, websites, blogs, articles, pho-
lowing this, your interviewer will only be      the big day. Make sure to have your
                                                                                                                                        tos, etc. all work. Use the virtual aspect
looking to confirm this first impression.       interviewer’s telephone number and
                                                                                                                                        of the interview to your advantage by
Dress how you would for an in-person            email in case of any issues. Have your
                                                                                                                                        presenting real examples of what you
interview, paying close attention to your       updated CV open on your laptop and
                                                                                                                                        are speaking about.
top half (but still be sure to dress your       log on 5 minutes before the start of your
bottom half ;-).                                interview.

32                                                                                                                                                                               33
Diary entry

24 hours with…
Programming, data, cybersecurity:
spend a day with Meera, Antoine,
Loredana, or Mia.
                                    Meera is a cloud Data Scientist. She    Antoine is a Full-stack Developer. He
                                    shares her technical expertise in all   tells us about his daily battles against
                                    things data.                            fraud.


                                                                            Mia is a Pentester based in Oslo. Her
                                                                            dog, Zelda, wakes her up every mor-
                                                                            ning, ready to dive into penetration
                                                                            testing, social engineering, and other
                                                                            cybersecurity matters.

                                                                            Loredana is a Data Analyst on the Côte
                                                                            d’Azur. Between Pilates, lo-fi music,
                                                                            and data recovery automation, join us
                                                                            as we explore a day in her life.

34                                                                                                                     35
24 hours with Meera,                                                                           11:00
                                                                                               Time for lunch! Lunchtimes here in
                                                                                                                                             I’ve heard talk of cakes in the office, so

Data Scientist                                                                                 Norway tend to be quite early, which
                                                                                               definitely took me a while to get used to,
                                                                                               having moved over from southern India
                                                                                                                                             I obviously have to leave my desk to in-
                                                                                                                                             vestigate and see if the rumors are true.

                                                                                               a few years ago. We have lunch as a           16:00
Hello, I’m Meera. I’m a Data Scientist for OBS, based in Oslo.                                 team in the canteen and chat over food.
I work with many different industries on multiple cloud projects at                                                                          It’s the end of the workday! I head home
                                                                                                                                             on the subway, listening to music while
once, helping to find the most appropriate solutions to various issues.                        12:00
                                                                                                                                             taking in the views. Everything seems so
It’s a research-based role, so deciding whether data science                                   I’m back at my desk with a coffee in          much brighter and greener after the long
is even needed to solve a problem is usually the starting point                                hand. I prepare for my meeting, where         winter we had – even the people seem
of all my tasks. This involves a lot of reading, communicating,                                the team will discuss the pros and cons       happier.
and brainstorming.                                                                             of the algorithms we’ve been working
                                                                                               on, and ultimately pick the one that will     17:00
7:00                                          9:30                                             best solve our problem.
                                                                                                                                             Once I’m home, I take care of my
Before work, I like to try and get some       Once the stand up is over, I get started                                                       plants. They kept me sane during the
exercise in. I’m very lucky to live close     on organizing my tasks and my readings                                                         harsh winter, which I’m still no closer
to the woods, so my morning runs tend         so I can take notes from them. Since I           I dive into the next                          to acclimating to. I was used to almost
to be pretty scenic, running along one of     find that I’m most efficient before lunch,       task on my to-do list.                        constant summers back in southern
the many beautiful trails the Norwegian       I’ll tackle the hardest task first.              I work with MLOps on cloud, and I’ve          India!
forests have to offer.                                                                         encountered a problem with the hyper
                                              10:00                                            scalers. I’ll discuss the issue with either   18:00
8:30                                                                                           the Azure or the AWS team to try and
                                              I’m currently working on an “anomaly                                                           I start to think about what to have for
                                                                                               get some help.
I get to work just in time to enjoy a caffè   detection in the manufacturing indus-                                                          dinner and settle in for a restful evening,
mocha, the perfect way to kickstart my        try” project as part of the Data-Driven                                                        ready to do it all again tomorrow.
day in the office.                            Solution Taskforce. We’re focusing on
                                              building generic solutions that could be
9:00                                          targeted at a broad spectrum of cus-
                                              tomers using the cloud. We’ve divided a
It’s time for our daily stand up. We talk
                                              few algorithms between us to work on,
about any project updates we have and
                                              so I’m focusing on mine this morning.
the day’s tasks. Today, we have a little
extra time, so one of my colleagues de-
monstrates a Streamlit app they made.

36                                                                                                                                                                                    37
24 hours with Antoine,
                                                                                                                                                                  Sand Winch

Antoine is a Developer in Lannion, Brittany, and a former Scrum                       10:00                                         16:00
Master at Nokia where he managed a 5G dev team. Today, he                             I finish my development, the problem          Straight afterwards, I perform a few
works on the front- and back-end of a website enabling fraud                          seems to have been solved and I add a         tests on the lab and I update a story, as
analysts to identify fraud patterns. His work helps to detect and                     few unit tests, then I push my changes        discussed in the meeting.
prevent fraud. He is experienced and works in a small team, so he                     onto GitLab. I’ll now be able to test it
has free rein to put forward a vast amount of ideas and implement                     on the qualification platform which is        16:30
them.                                                                                 connected to real equipment.
                                                                                                                                    Then, I make myself a coffee that I drink
                                                                                                                                    at my desk while researching something
8:30                                        09:00                                     12:00
                                                                                                                                    I’m stuck on: someone on the internet
After dropping my 9-year-old son, Ro-       I go back to the development story that                                                 must have already found a solution, I’m
                                                                                      The weather’s nice today so I decide to
bin, off at school, I come to the office.   I began yesterday on the front-end to                                                   sure of it!
                                                                                      go for a run by the sea. I get a sandwich
I say hello to my colleagues who are        query the back-end part with Python
                                                                                      that I’ll eat afterwards.
already working and sit down. There         and jQuery scripts. Yesterday afternoon                                                 17:00
are 3 of us, all developers, in the open    I was stuck on a bug, and I had an idea
                                                                                      13:30                                         I go back to the development tests I did
space, which makes collaboration ea-        this morning while I was brushing my
                                                                                                                                    this morning, correct a problem for an
sier.                                       teeth.                                    Back on site, refreshed and ready to
                                                                                                                                    unusual case and add a test so that CI
                                                                                      continue my day. I prepare a short demo
                                                                                                                                    now covers this problem. Everything
08:45                                       09:45                                     for my meeting at 3 p.m. to illustrate
                                                                                                                                    seems to work as expected and I open
                                                                                      what I have to release tomorrow. I also
I check my emails to plan my day ac-        Coffee break with my colleagues. In the                                                 a merge request, putting it in for my
                                                                                      inform the application users: as they
cording to what needs prioritizing and      open space, we have very varied jobs,                                                   colleagues to proofread.
                                                                                      work 24/7 they will inevitably be affec-
I also answer some Teams messages.          and we don’t work on the same topics,
                                                                                      ted but we have tried to automate as
I then proofread a bit of code pushed       so we don’t usually talk about work.                                                    18:15
                                                                                      many things as possible to reduce the
onto GitLab yesterday by a trainee who
                                                                                      downtime.                                     The day’s over! I go and pick up my son,
is working on one of my projects. I sug-
                                                                                                                                    and we go home.
gest some improvements but I’m quite
happy, he’s done good work.
                                                                                      Time for a synchronization
                                                                                      meeting with the different
                                                                                      stakeholders on one of my
                                                                                      projects. This is an HCI that helps
                                                                                      Fraud analysts filter fraudulent traffic on
                                                                                      international voice by enabling them to
                                                                                      configure network elements.

38                                                                                                                                                                             39
24 hours with                                                                        09:15                                        13:45

Mia, Pentester
                                                                                     Our first meeting starts with a major        I go to a client with two members of my
                                                                                     player in the health sector who handles      team to present our report to them and
                                                                                     medical information and social security      answer their questions. For this mission,
                                                                                     numbers... basically, sensitive data.        the big concern was social engineering,
Hello, My name’s Mia.                                                                Their new website is live and they would     which is good, because it’s what I spe-
I’m a pentester at Orange                                                            like us to do some penetration testing.      cialize in.
Cyberdefense in Oslo. My
                                                                                     10:00                                        16:00
job is to test the security
of websites, applications,                                                           As soon as the meeting is over, I write a    Back at the office, I go back to testing
and information systems,                                                             quick report. I plan everything in detail,   an API*. I have to keep my documen-
particularly when it comes                                                           in particular the hacking tools I’ll be      tation up to date! It’s tedious but it will
                                                                                     using. I send my proposal to the client.     save me so much time when writing my
to securing your data.
                                                                                     It will take about two weeks to look at      report and for future missions.
                                                                                     how the website is built, find any poten-
                                                                                     tial vulnerabilities, and then test them.    18:00
                                                                                                                                  I go home and immediately take
                                                                                                                                  Zelda out for a good walk. One ques-
                                                                                     I suggest going to lunch, but it’s too       tion haunts me, and I can’t help but do
06:00                                                                                early.                                       some research online... pentesting is a
                                            08:50                                    I start writing a security report for a      passion!
I get woken up early by my dog, Zelda. I
                                                                                     client. I have just spent almost six mon-
take him out for a walk, but I don’t have   I identify a major security breach (on
                                                                                     ths working on their vulnerability ma-
breakfast because it’s soooooooo early.     passwords) and call my client’s IT
                                                                                     nagement. That gave us time to get to
                                            Manager to inform them and take
                                                                                     know each other well.
08:00                                       corrective action.
                                                                                     It will take me about two days to write
When I get to work, I chat with the team                                             it up, and then I’ll go and present it to
while drinking coffee.                                                               them.
                                            I start feeling hungry.
08:15                                                                                12:45
I plan my day.                                                                       Focused on my report, time flies by!
Then I start researching the technical                                               Now I’m really hungry... At last! We go
problems I had the day before during a                                               to lunch.
hacking test.
I ask for help from one of my collea-
gues who specializes in mobile phone

                                                                                     *   Application Programming Interface.

40                                                                                                                                                                         41
24 hours with Loredana,
Data Analyst
Hello, I’m Loredana. I’m currently a Data Analyst as part of the                            12:30                                        17:15
Orange Graduate Program in Mougins. My work revolves around                                 I feel very lucky to live on the French      I always like to dedicate part of my
all things data: understanding it, extracting it, analyzing it, visuali-                    Riviera, so my break consists of sitting     day to learning new technologies. I’m
zing it… the list goes on!                                                                  out on the terrace enjoying a leisurely      currently completing a Google Cloud
                                                                                            lunch with colleagues, soaking up the        Platform course on Coursera, which will
                                                                                            sun, taking in the view… You get the         bolster my skill set.
07:00                                       10:00                                           picture!

I wake up and do 30 minutes of Pilates      Time for the daily agile catch-up with
                                                                                            13:30                                        18:00
– I’ve noticed people are much sportier     the team. We discuss where we’re up
here than in Romania, something that        to, what we plan to do today, and tackle        Back to work. I get stuck on my Python
                                                                                                                                         I get ready to leave the office to face,
definitely keeps me motivated, or maybe     any issues.                                     script so call my colleague Nicolas to
                                                                                                                                         arguably, the most stressful part of my
it’s just peer pressure…                                                                    lend me a hand. By half 3, we’re all
                                                                                                                                         day: parking in a very narrow lot. Wish
                                            10:30                                           done so I can start thinking about crea-
                                                                                                                                         me luck!
9:00                                                                                        ting a dashboard to visualize the data.
                                            As soon as our catch-up is over, it’s time
At the office, I start sifting through my   to dive into my tasks. To really get in the                                                  18:30
emails while sipping a latte, then create   zone, I like to listen to lo-fi music. First,
a to-do list to map out my day.             I’m continuing work on a Python script          I’m part of the Orange Graduate Pro-         I’ve parked, crisis averted. Once
                                            to automate data retrieval.                     gram, so I have a call with management       at home, I’m going to get stuck into
                                                                                            regarding start-up opportunities, which      the Romanian Data Tribe’s monthly
                                            11:00                                           offers me a next step in my career path.     challenge, a community where other
                                                                                                                                         like-minded data analysts collaborate
                                            Once a week, I have a French class,
                                                                                            16:00                                        to create visualizations based on
                                            where we focus on conversation and
                                                                                                                                         Romanian themes.
                                            vocabulary enrichment. It’s my 2022             I start work on a SQL script that will
                                            New Years’ resolution to communicate            be used to extract the data I need for
                                            in French at work, so this is great for         my dashboard. Once this is done, I get
                                            keeping my confidence up.                       started on the visualizations. I love this
                                                                                                                                         To end the day on a relaxing note, me
                                                                                            part of my work; it gives me the chance
                                                                                                                                         and my boyfriend go for a walk along
                                                                                            to get creative.
                                                                                                                                         the beach, then have dinner together.

42                                                                                                                                                                                  43
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