A DEEP DIVE INTO THE LATEST HPC SOFTWARE - Robbie Searles | Solutions Architect, NVIDIA Corporation
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PROGRAMMING THE NVIDIA PLATFORM CPU, GPU and Network Accelerated Standard Languages Incremental Portable Optimization Platform Specialization std::transform(par, x, x+n, y, y, __global__ [=](float x, float y){ return y + a*x; void saxpy(int n, float a, } #pragma acc data copy(x,y) { float *x, float *y) { ); int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + ... threadIdx.x; if (i < n) y[i] += a*x[i]; std::transform(par, x, x+n, y, y, } do concurrent (i = 1:n) [=](float x, float y){ y(i) = y(i) + a*x(i) return y + a*x; int main(void) { enddo }); ... cudaMemcpy(d_x, x, ...); ... cudaMemcpy(d_y, y, ...); import legate.numpy as np … } saxpy(...); def saxpy(a, x, y): y[:] += a*x cudaMemcpy(y, d_y, ...); Core Math Communication Data Analytics AI Quantum Acceleration Libraries 2
NVIDIA HPC SDK Available at developer.nvidia.com/hpc-sdk, on NGC, via Spack, and in the Cloud DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS Programming Core Math Communication Compilers Profilers Debugger Models Libraries Libraries Libraries HPC-X Standard C++ & Fortran nvcc nvc libcu++ cuBLAS cuTENSOR Nsight cuda-gdb MPI UCX SHMEM OpenACC & OpenMP nvc++ Thrust cuSPARSE cuSOLVER SHARP HCOLL Systems Host NVSHMEM Compute Device CUDA nvfortran CUB cuFFT cuRAND NCCL Develop for the NVIDIA Platform: GPU, CPU and Interconnect Libraries | Accelerated C++ and Fortran | Directives | CUDA 7-8 Releases Per Year | Freely Available 3
NVIDIA PERFORMANCE LIBRARIES Math Library Directions Seamless Acceleration Scaling Up Composability Tensor Cores, Enhanced L2$ & SMEM Multi-GPU and Multi-Node Libraries Device Functions 4
IMPROVED PERFORMANCE ON KEY HPC KERNELS Sparse Matrix x Vector and Sparse Triangular Solver cusparseSpMV vs. cusparseCsrmvEx (merge-path) cusparseSpSV vs. cusparseXcsrsv2 1.4 32 1.3 16 Speed-up on A100 GPU Speedup on A100 GPU 1.2 8 1.1 4 1 2 0.9 0.8 1 579 SuiteSparse matrices sorted by speed-up 261 SuiteSparse matrices sorted by speed-up 5
cuSOLVER DISTRIBUTED MULTI-GPU LU SOLVER Scalability on Top 5 supercomputers cuSOLVERMp LU with pivoting 10000 Supports standard 2D block cyclic distribution 1000 between processes Perfromance [TFLOPS] > 2.2X speed-up A100 over V100 100 Early Access available DGX A100 SuperPOD https://developer.nvidia.com/cudamathlibraryea Summit Supercomputer V100 10 1 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 Number of GPUs Data shown is for double complex LU factorization for 27882 rows/cols per device 6
HPL-AI UPDATE Available on NGC as part of the HPC Benchmarks Container HPL-AI vs. HPL Performance on a DGX SuperPOD HPL-AI 20.10 HPL-AI 21.04 HPL 180 160 First HPC Benchmarks release 2020.10 on NGC provided: HPL, HPL-AI, HPCG benchmarks with 140 PetaFLOPS (HPL-AI) optimized performance on NVIDIA accelerated 120 HPC systems 2.6x 100 2021.04 release delivers a 2.6X speed-up for 80 HPL-AI on a DGX SuperPOD 60 https://ngc.nvidia.com/catalog/containers/nvidia:hpc-benchmarks 40 10.9x 20 0 0 128 256 384 512 640 768 896 1024 # of A100 80GB GPUs 7
PROGRAMMING THE NVIDIA PLATFORM CPU, GPU and Network Accelerated Standard Languages std::transform(par, x, x+n, y, y, [=](float x, float y){ return y + a*x; } ); do concurrent (i = 1:n) y(i) = y(i) + a*x(i) enddo import legate.numpy as np … def saxpy(a, x, y): y[:] += a*x 8
static inline void CalcHydroConstraintForElems(Domain &domain, Index_t length, PARALLEL C++ Index_t *regElemlist, Real_t dvovmax, Real_t& dthydro) { #if _OPENMP const Index_t threads = omp_get_max_threads(); Index_t hydro_elem_per_thread[threads]; Real_t dthydro_per_thread[threads]; #else Index_t threads = 1; Index_t hydro_elem_per_thread[1]; Real_t dthydro_per_thread[1]; Ø Composable, compact and elegant #endif #pragma omp parallel firstprivate(length, dvovmax) { Ø Easy to read and maintain Real_t dthydro_tmp = dthydro ; Index_t hydro_elem = -1 ; #if _OPENMP Index_t thread_num = omp_get_thread_num(); Ø ISO Standard #else Index_t thread_num = 0; #endif #pragma omp for Ø Portable – nvc++, g++, icpc, MSVC, … for (Index_t i = 0 ; i < length ; ++i) { Index_t indx = regElemlist[i] ; if (domain.vdov(indx) != Real_t(0.)) { Real_t dtdvov = dvovmax / (FABS(domain.vdov(indx))+Real_t(1.e-20)) ; if ( dthydro_tmp > dtdvov ) { dthydro_tmp = dtdvov ; static inline void CalcHydroConstraintForElems(Domain &domain, Index_t length, hydro_elem = indx ; Index_t *regElemlist, } Real_t dvovmax, } Real_t &dthydro) } { dthydro_per_thread[thread_num] = dthydro_tmp ; dthydro = std::transform_reduce( hydro_elem_per_thread[thread_num] = hydro_elem ; std::execution::par, counting_iterator(0), counting_iterator(length), } dthydro, [](Real_t a, Real_t b) { return a < b ? a : b; }, for (Index_t i = 1; i < threads; ++i) { [=, &domain](Index_t i) if(dthydro_per_thread[i] < dthydro_per_thread[0]) { { dthydro_per_thread[0] = dthydro_per_thread[i]; Index_t indx = regElemlist[i]; hydro_elem_per_thread[0] = hydro_elem_per_thread[i]; if (domain.vdov(indx) == Real_t(0.0)) { } return std::numeric_limits::max(); } } else { if (hydro_elem_per_thread[0] != -1) { return dvovmax / (std::abs(domain.vdov(indx)) + Real_t(1.e-20)); dthydro = dthydro_per_thread[0] ; } } }); Parallel C++17 return ; } } C++ with OpenMP 9
LULESH PERFORMANCE Relative Performance – Higher is Better 16 14 13.57 NVC++ 12 GCC 10 8 6 4 2.08 2 1.03 1.53 1 0 OpenMP on 64c OpenMP on 64c Standard C++ on Standard C++ on Standard C++ on EPYC 7742 EPYC 7742 64c EPYC 7742 64c EPYC 7742 A100 Same ISO C++ Code 10
C++ STANDARD PARALLELISM MAIA MAIA CPU Performance: Dual Socket EPYC 7742 MAIA A100 Performance 9 70 8 60 7 50 Relative Performance Relative Performance 6 5 40 4 30 3 20 2 10 1 0 0 gcc OpenMP gcc Standard C++ nvc++ Standard C++ nvc++ Standard C++ 2x Epyc 7742 nvc++ Standard C++ A100 Same Standard C++ Code Same Standard C++ Code 11
FORTRAN STANDARD PARALLELISM NWChem and GAMESS with DO CONCURRENT NWChem TCE CCSD(T) Kernel Speedup GAMESS Performance on V100 (NERSC Cori GPU) 25 3 20 2.5 2 Time (seconds) 15 1.5 10 1 5 0.5 0 Standard Fortran Standard Fortran OpenACC Fortran 0 2s 20c Xeon 6148 A100 A100 W8 W16 W32 W64 W80 Water Cluster Size OpenMP Target Offload Standard Fortran Same Standard Fortran Code GAMESS results from Melisa Alkan and Gordon Group, Iowa State 12
PROGRAMMING THE NVIDIA PLATFORM CPU, GPU and Network import numpy as np import pandas as pd size = num_rows_per_gpu * num_gpus import cudart key_l = np.arange(size) alloc1 = cudart.cudaMalloc(10) payload_l = np.random.randn(size) * 100.0 lhs = pd.DataFrame({"key": key_l, "payload": payload_l}) alloc2 = cudart.cudaMalloc(10) cudart.cudaMemset(alloc1, 5, 10) key_r = key_l // 3 * 3 cudart.cudaMemcpy(alloc2, alloc1, 10, payload_r = np.random.randn(size) * 100.0 cudart.cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice) rhs = pd.DataFrame({"key": key_r, "payload": payload_r}) out = lhs.merge(rhs, on="key") Accelerated Standards Platform Specialization Core Math Communication Data Analytics AI Quantum Acceleration Libraries 13
PYTHON STANDARD PARALLELISM Introducing Legate Legate Legate transparently accelerates and scales existing Numpy and Pandas workloads Program from the edge to the supercomputer in Python by changing 1 import line Pass data between Legate libraries without worrying about distribution or synchronization requirements Alpha release available at github.com/nv-legate # Import numpy as np import legate.numpy as np for _ in range(iter): un = u.copy() vn = v.copy() b = build_up_b(rho, dt, dx, dy, u, v) p = pressure_poisson_periodic(b, nit, p, dx, dy) … 14
LEGATE NUMPY Results from “CFD Python” https://github.com/barbagroup/CFDPython Distributed NumPy Performance import legate.numpy as np (weak scaling) cuPy Legate for _ in range(iter): un = u.copy() 150 vn = v.copy() b = build_up_b(rho, dt, dx, dy, u, v) p = pressure_poisson_periodic(b, nit, p, dx, dy) Time (seconds) u[1:-1, 1:-1] = ( 100 un[1:-1, 1:-1] - un[1:-1, 1:-1] * dt / dx * (un[1:-1, 1:-1] - un[1:-1, 0:-2]) - vn[1:-1, 1:-1] * dt / dy * (un[1:-1, 1:-1] - un[0:-2, 1:-1]) - dt / (2 * rho * dx) * (p[1:-1, 2:] - p[1:-1, 0:-2]) + nu * ( 50 dt / dx ** 2 * (un[1:-1, 2:] - 2 * un[1:-1, 1:-1] + un[1:-1, 0:-2]) + dt / dy ** 2 * (un[2:, 1:-1] - 2 * un[1:-1, 1:-1] + un[0:-2, 1:-1]) 0 ) 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 + F * dt ) Relative dataset size Number of GPUs Extracted from “CFD Python” course at https://github.com/barbagroup/CFDPython Barba, Lorena A., and Forsyth, Gilbert F. (2018). CFD Python: the 12 steps to Navier-Stokes equations. Journal of Open Source Education, 1(9), 21, https://doi.org/10.21105/jose.00021 15
ACCELERATED STANDARDS Parallel performance for wherever you code needs to run std::transform(std::execution::par, x, x+n, y, y, [=] (auto xi, auto yi) { return y + a*xi; }); do concurrent (i = 1:n) y(i) = y(i) + a*x(i) enddo CPU GPU nvc++ –stdpar=multicore nvc++ –stdpar=gpu nvfortran –stdpar=multicore nvfortran –stdpar=gpu 16
THE NVIDIA HPC SDK IS READY FOR ARM Auto Vectorization Estimated SPEC OMP® 2012, SPEC CPU® 2017 Floating Point Speed and Rate Geomean on 80 core Ampere Altra Vector Intrinsics 400.0 float32x2_t vadd_f32 (float32x2_t a, float32x2_t b); 350.0 float32x4_t vdupq_n_f32 (float32_t value); 300.0 float32x2_t vget_high_f32 (float32x4_t a); 250.0 Time (s) 200.0 Host Parallelism FP Models Standard 150.0 Parallelism § Precise 100.0 § Fast 50.0 § Relaxed 0.0 OMP 2012 FP Speed 2017 FP Rate 2017 GNU 11.1.0 NVHPC 21.5 NVHPC 21.7 SPEC OMP and SPEC CPU are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance 17 Evaluation Corporation (www.spec.org)
NSIGHT VISUAL STUDIO CODE EDITION Visual Studio Code extensions that provides: • CUDA code syntax highlighting • CUDA code completion • Build warning/errors Variables view • Debug CPU & GPU code • Remote connection support via SSH • Available on the VS Code Marketplace now! CPU & GPU Exec debugger registers commands CUDA Call Watch CPU Stack & GPU vars Session status CUDA focus 18 https://developer.nvidia.com/nsight-visual-studio-code-edition
NVIDIA HPC SDK Available at developer.nvidia.com/hpc-sdk, on NGC, via Spack, and in the Cloud DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS Programming Core Math Communication Compilers Profilers Debugger Models Libraries Libraries Libraries HPC-X Standard C++ & Fortran nvcc nvc libcu++ cuBLAS cuTENSOR Nsight cuda-gdb MPI UCX SHMEM OpenACC & OpenMP nvc++ Thrust cuSPARSE cuSOLVER SHARP HCOLL Systems Host NVSHMEM Compute Device CUDA nvfortran CUB cuFFT cuRAND NCCL Develop for the NVIDIA Platform: GPU, CPU and Interconnect Libraries | Accelerated C++ and Fortran | Directives | CUDA 7-8 Releases Per Year | Freely Available 19
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