A cross sectional study to assess nasal carriage of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in healthcare professionals in a tertiary care ...

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                                                                                                     RESEARCH ARTICLE
A cross sectional study to assess nasal carriage of methicillin resistant
Staphylococcus aureus in healthcare professionals in a tertiary care hospital
Fibhaa Syed, Nasim Akhtar, Mohammad Ali Arif, Adil Ramzan Ramzan, Rauf Niazi, Syed ubaid Hasnain, Muhammad Danish Hanif,
Sana Asghar, Aamna Naheed

          Objective: To determine the nasal carriage of staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus
          aureus among healthcare workers in a tertiary care setting.
          Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted at the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad,
          Pakistan, from April to July 2018, and comprised healthcare workers at the institution. Nasal swabs were collected
          and cultured on Mannitol salt agar. Mannitol fermenting colonies which were gram-positive cocci, catalase-positive
          and coagulase-positive were identified as staphylococcus aureus. Antibiotic susceptibility test was performed by
          modified Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. Methicillin resistance was detected using cefoxitin disc diffusion
          method. Data was analysed using SPSS 23.
          Results: Of the 210 nasal swabs, 52(24.76%) had a staphylococcus aureus growth, and of them, 15(7.1%) were
          methicillin-resistant. No association could be established with either any single category of healthcare worker or an
          inter-department variation (p>0.05). Likewise, there was no association with age, gender, duration of service,
          smoking, co-morbidities, use of antibiotics in the preceding six months, treating a patient with methicillin-resistant
          staphylococcus aureus in the preceding six months and hospitalisation in the preceding year (p>0.05).
          Conclusion: The frequency of nasal carriage of methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus amongst healthcare
          workers was regardless of the nature of their professional engagement.
          Keywords: Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, Nasal carriage, Healthcare professionals. (JPMA 71: 205; 2021)
          DOI: https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.062

Introduction                                                              a higher treatment cost but also higher mortality.5
Staphylococcus (S.) aureus and coagulase-negative                         The anterior nares are the main reservoir of MRSA,
staphylococci are both commensal and opportunistic                        although other body sites are also colonised, such as skin,
pathogens that colonise humans.1 Although                                 hands, axillae and intestinal tract.1,6 Three types of MRSA
asymptomatic carriage of these microorganisms is                          carriers have been described: non-carriers, persistent
common but they also contribute significantly to hospital                 carriers and intermittent carriers. Persistent carriers are
associated infections (HAIs).2 Methicillin-sensitive                      chronically colonised by the same strain. Intermittent
staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) and methicillin-resistant                    carriers are colonised with varying strains for short
staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) have been responsible for                    periods of time. A form of short-term carriage is transient
endemic and epidemic nosocomial infections. MRSA is                       carriage which is identified during or after a work shift and
undoubtedly the most common antimicrobial resistant                       in most cases lost before the next shift.7 Nasal carriage of
pathogen worldwide and poses a threat in the hospital                     S. aureus has been associated with an increased risk of
and the community.3                                                       infection for the colonised individual, but the risk to
S. aureus can cause a multitude of infections, including,                 persistent carriers is unclear.8 Approximately 5% of the
but not limited to, the skin, soft tissues, bones, joints,                colonised healthcare workers develop clinical infections.7
indwelling catheters and prosthetic devices infections,                   Healthcare workers (HCWs) are likely to play an
infective endocarditis, pneumonia, bacteraemia,                           important role as vectors through transmission of MRSA
septicaemia and shock.4 MRSA is associated with poorer                    rather than being the main sources.7 The issue for
clinical outcomes compared to MSSA infections. With                       screening HCWs for colonisation with resistant bacteria
limited treatment options, MRSA infections not only have                  has been broached, but the topic remains controversial
                                                                          and open to further discussion based on evidence.9,10
Department of General Medicine, Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences,   The nasal carriage of MRSA varies widely amongst
Islamabad, Pakistan.                                                      HCWs and data from Pakistan is limited, especially from
Correspondence: Fibhaa Syed. Email: fibhaasyed@gmail.com                  the federal capital territory. Additionally, factors that

                                                                                                                     Vol. 71, No. 1-B, January 2021
F. Syed, N. Akhtar, M. A. Arif, et al
could influence the nasal carriage of MRSA, including                                       preceding year. A sterile cotton swab with sterile test
duration of employment, smoking status, co-                                                 tube was used for sample collection. The swabs were
morbidities, use of antibiotics, treating patients with                                     moistened with sterile normal saline and carefully
MRSA etc., have not been previously assessed in                                             inserted into each nostril. The sample was collected by
Pakistan.                                                                                   rotating the swab five to six times in both nares. The
                                                                                            samples were immediately transported to the
The current study was planned to fill the gap by                                            laboratory for further processing.
identifying the frequency of MRSA in the anterior nares
of HCWs working in a tertiary care setting. It also                                         The samples were inoculated onto Nutrient agar and
planned to identify any risk factors for nasal carriage of                                  Mannitol salt agar within one hour of collection, and
staphylococci based on personal and professional                                            incubated at 37°C for 18-24 hours. Mannitol fermenting,
parameters.                                                                                 yellow-coloured colonies were subjected to gram
                                                                                            staining. Further biochemical tests, like catalase and
Subjects and Methods                                                                        deoxyribonuclease (DNase), were performed for the
The cross-sectional study was conducted at the                                              confirmation of staphylococcus. In accordance with the
Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS),                                              Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines,
Islamabad, Pakistan, from April to July 2018. After                                         resistance to methicillin was determined by disk diffusion
approval from the institutional ethics review                                               method using 30μg Cefoxitin disk (Oxoid, UK) on Mueller
committee, the sample size was calculated by taking                                         Hinton agar plates. For each strain, a bacterial suspension
MRSA prevalence 8.5 % in HCWs11 using Rao online                                            adjusted to 0.5 McFarland turbidity standards was used.
calculator at 95% confidence level and standard error                                       The plates were incubated for 24 hours at 37°C. The
5%.12 HCWs from all categories and departments of the                                       results were interpreted according to CLSI criteria. A zone
hospital were included, while all individuals suffering                                     of 22mm was
from a nasal pathology, rhinitis or upper respiratory                                       considered sensitive. MRSA ATCC 33591 was used as
tract infection were excluded.                                                              resistant control while MSSA ATCC 25923 was taken as
Those included after taking informed consent were                                           sensitive control.13
categorised as doctor, nurse, paramedic staff                                               Data was analysed using SPSS 23. Continuous variables
(technician, operation theatre assistant, anaesthesia                                       were reported as means ± standard deviation (SD), and
assistant, physiotherapist and dispenser), office worker                                    categorical variables were reported as frequencies and
(clerk, peon, computer operator and receptionist) and                                       percentage. Chi-square test was applied to find
janitorial staff. HCW profile was recorded, such as age,                                    association of different variables between those positive
gender, ward where they worked, working category and                                        for MRSA and those negative for it. After checking for data
duration of service in the healthcare sector. Additional                                    normality, t-test was applied for comparison of mean
information, such as smoking status, the presence of co-                                    values related to age and duration of service with nasal
morbidities, such as diabetes mellitus (DM),                                                carriage of MRSA. P
207                                                                                   A cross sectional study to assess nasal carriage of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus...

Table-2: Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) nasal carriage amongst   none in the MRSA group and 1(0.51%) in the non-MRSA
healthcare workers from different departments.                                       group had treated a patient with MRSA in the preceding
                                                                                     six months (p>0.05).
Department                                      MRSA                        Total
                                     Positive           Negative                     In the MSSA group, 23(62.1%) were males compared to
                                                                                     83(47.97%) in the non-MSSA group. The mean age in
General Medicine                        1                  33                34
                                                                                     MSSA was 36.11±10.23 years compared to 38.07±10.52
Pulmonology                             Nil                 4                 6
Gastroenterology                        3                  18                21
                                                                                     years in on-MSSA (p>0.05). The mean duration of service
General Surgery                         3                  25                28      11.05±10.64 years in MSSA compared to 12.83±10.63
Orthopaedics                            1                   7                 8      years in non-MSSA subjects (p>0.05).
Neurosurgery                            Nil                 4                 4
Neurology                               1                   8                 9      In the MSSA group, 15(40.54%) were smokers; 9(24.3%)
Psychiatry                              Nil                 3                 3      had co-morbidities; none (0%) had been hospitalised
Urology                                 Nil                 5                 5      over the preceding year; and 25(67.57%) had received
Ear, Nose, Throat (ENT)                 Nil                 6                 6      antibiotics in the preceding six months. The
Emergency                               1                  18                19      corresponding numbers in the non-MSSA group were
Nephrology                              Nil                 8                 8      57(32.95%); 28(15.7%); 1(0.56%); and 99(72.26%). None
Oncology                                Nil                 3                 3      of the differences were was statistically significant
Cardiology                              Nil                 7                 7
Plastic surgery                         Nil                 3                 3
Ophthalmology                           1                   4                 5      Discussion
Paediatrics                             Nil                 7                 7
Gynaecology& Obstetrics                 3                  20                23
                                                                                     Nosocomial infections are a major problem for infection
Dermatology                             Nil                 4                 4      control worldwide. MRSA has been recognised as one of
Radiology                               1                   6                 7      the most sinister pathogens responsible for such
Total                                   15                 195               210     infections.14
                                                                                     The present study was designed keeping in mind the
37(17.6%) were MSSA and 15(7.1%) were MRSA.                                          threat of cross-transmission of MRSA through nasal
                                                                                     carriage in HCWs. One of the most effective methods of
From among MRSA samples, 8(53.3%) were from males. In                                reducing nosocomial infections by this organism may be
the 195(92.9%) individuals who tested negative for MRSA,                             by identifying the carriers and eradicating it. MRSA
98(50.2%) were males (p>0.05). The mean age of the                                   healthy carriers are asymptomatic, but they transmit the
individuals who tested positive for MRSA was 39.07±11.26                             pathogen to others.15
years, while the mean age of individuals who tested
negative was 37.62±10.435 years (p>0.05). The highest                                As elsewhere, MRSA epidemiology varies in different
prevalence of MRSA nasal carriage was amongst doctors                                parts of Pakistan. The current study reported that out
(Table-1).                                                                           of 210 HCWs evaluated, 52(24.76%) were positive for
                                                                                     staphylococcus; 37(17.6%) MSSA and 15(7.1%) MRSA. A
Of the 15 MRSA cases, 3(20%) each were found in                                      study in Rawalpindi showed 18.2% HCWs were nasal
Gastroenterology, General Surgery, and Gynaecology                                   carriers of S. aureus and 1.5% (7/468) were nasal
departments (Table-2).                                                               carriers of MRSA.16 In Lahore General Hospital, 380
The mean duration of employment in the MRSA group                                    samples were studied, and 89(23.42%) yielded growth
was 13.67±12.28 years, and in the non-MRSA group it                                  of S. aureus, with overall MRSA frequency of 8.15%.17 A
was 12.43±10.526 years (p>0.05); 7(46.7%) in MRSA and                                study in Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore,
64(32.9%) in non-MRSA groups were smokers (p>0.05);                                  evaluated 100 nasal swabs; 40% were S. aureus and
in MRSA group, 1(9.1%) had DM, 3(12%) had HTN and                                    27% were MRSA.18
none had IHD, while in the non-MRSA groups the                                       In a study in Peshawar, MRSA prevalence in HCWs was
corresponding numbers were 10(5.13%), 22(11.28%)                                     62.7% compared was to 37.22% in the community.19
and 1(0.51%) (p>0.05); in the MRSA group, there was
none with a history of hospitalisation within the                                    A study which was limited to the orthopaedic staff of a
preceding years, while there was 1(0.51%) in the non-                                hospital in Peshawar reported 1.4% MRSA-positive
MRSA group (p>0.05); 11(73.3%) in the MRSA group and                                 cases.20 A few studies have found inter-department
112(57.43%) in the non-MRSA group had received                                       variation in MRSA prevalence,16,17 while the current study
antibiotics in the preceding six months (p>0.05), and                                could not establish such a variation. Some studies also

                                                                                                                                                        Vol. 71, No. 1-B, January 2021
F. Syed, N. Akhtar, M. A. Arif, et al
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      Nasal carriage of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus

                                                                                                                                               Vol. 71, No. 1-B, January 2021
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