A Comparative Study on Language Models for Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

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A Comparative Study on Language Models for
                                                     Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems
                                                   Vinsen Marselino Andreas                     Genta Indra Winata                           Ayu Purwarianti
                                                                 SEEI                                   ECE                                         SEEI
                                                    Institut Teknologi Bandung                         HKUST                           Institut Teknologi Bandung
                                                           U-CoE AI-VLB                     Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong                        U-CoE AI-VLB
                                                        Bandung, Indonesia                     giwinata@connect.ust.hk                     Bandung, Indonesia
                                                    vinsenmarselino@gmail.com                                                              ayu@informatika.org
arXiv:2201.08687v1 [cs.CL] 21 Jan 2022

                                            Abstract—The recent development of language models has           knowledge in the context as input. 1 The previous work has
                                         shown promising results by achieving state-of-the-art perfor-       been focused on GPT-2 models as the pre-trained language
                                         mance on various natural language tasks by fine-tuning pre-         models. However, there is no study yet on other language
                                         trained models. In task-oriented dialogue (ToD) systems, lan-
                                         guage models can be used for end-to-end training without relying    models, such as BART [6] and T5 [7]. Both models are built
                                         on dialogue state tracking to track the dialogue history but        with encoder-decoder architecture differently to GPT-2 that
                                         allowing the language models to generate responses according        uses a decoder-only model. While, encoder-decoder models
                                         to the context given as input. This paper conducts a comparative    are utilized to develop end-to-end dialogue systems [8], [9].
                                         study to show the effectiveness and strength of using recent pre-   The model accepts the input with the dialogue history and
                                         trained models for fine-tuning, such as BART and T5, on end-
                                         to-end ToD systems. The experimental results show substantial       query and generates responses based on the context.
                                         performance improvements after language model fine-tuning. The         In this paper, we propose a comparative study to investi-
                                         models produce more fluent responses after adding knowledge to      gate the strength of language models for ToD systems. We
                                         the context that guides the model to avoid hallucination and gen-   also incorporate knowledge to the language models by two
                                         erate accurate entities in the generated responses. Furthermore,    different methods: (1) applying Knowledge Embedded (KE)
                                         we found that BART and T5 outperform GPT-based models in
                                         BLEU and F1 scores and achieve state-of-the-art performance in      Dialogue [2] to leverage KB entities in delexicalized dialogue
                                         a ToD system.                                                       templates, and (2) adding KB in the input as context. Our
                                            Index Terms—language model, end-to-end, task-oriented dia-       experiment shows that some language models perform better
                                         logue system                                                        than others for end-to-end ToD systems. We found that the
                                                                                                             models with pre-trained models produce more fluent responses
                                                                I. I NTRODUCTION                             after incorporating knowledge embedded. Furthermore, we
                                                                                                             found that BART and T5 outperform GPT-2-based models
                                            Dialogue systems are developed to support human-to-human         in both BLEU and F1 scores and achieve state-of-the-art
                                         interactions in the natural language [1], and they are widely       performance in the CamRest dataset [9].
                                         used in many applications, such as flight booking and hotel
                                         reservations. The task-oriented dialogue (ToD) systems com-                               II. M ETHODOLOGY
                                         monly rely on modularized systems that use natural language
                                                                                                                In this section, we would describe the task of an end-to-end
                                         understanding (NLU) to get input’s meaning, separately with
                                                                                                             task-oriented dialogue system and how we prepare the dataset.
                                         dialogue state tracking (DST) to track dialogue state and
                                         natural language generation (NLG) to generate suitable output.      A. Notation and Task
                                         The benefit of applying this is the efficiency in training and
                                                                                                                We define a dialogue dataset D = {D1 , D2 , · · · , Dn } where
                                         inference during deployment. Recently, [2] show the possibil-
                                                                                                             each dialogue has user and system utterances or alternating
                                         ity to utilize end-to-end models to replace the modularized
                                                                                                             dialogue turns Di = {U1 , S1 , U2 , S2 , · · · , Ut , St }. For each
                                         systems, and they perform with decent performance. To im-
                                                                                                             dialogue sample, we define a query Q and dialogue history H.
                                         plement end-to-end ToD dialogue systems, there are two main
                                                                                                             In the end-to-end dialogue system, we define our generative
                                         ideas: (1) put knowledge base (KB) as input directly into the
                                                                                                             model as θ. The model θ takes x = [H, Q] as a concatenation
                                         model [3]. (2) develop a retrieval module to retrieve suitable
                                                                                                             of the dialogue history H and query Q as input, and generates
                                         knowledge from KB according to the input [4]. On the other
                                                                                                             an output response y. The dialogue history H is taken from
                                         line of work, [2], [5] utilized KB by augmenting samples using
                                                                                                             the previous turns of the query Q. We fine-tune θ using the
                                         delexicalized templates. By applying this method, the trained
                                         model could learn the KB directly from the training dataset.          1 The code and dataset are available at https://github.com/sen33/
                                         By adding more datasets, the models can learn to utilize the        end-to-end-dialogue-system
                                         978-1-6654-1743-3/21/$31.00 © 2021 IEEE
dialogue samples by the conditional generation objective. It                                      TABLE I
trains the model by conditioning to the context. We define the                     E XAMPLE OF DIALOGUE HISTORY WITH KB.
loss as the following:
                           n                                           Input        hUSRi i would like a moderately priced restaurant in
                                                                                    the north part of town . hSYSi golden wok is a mod-
               L(D) = −         log pθ (si |si
and decoder. Table II shows the number of parameters of these             F1 score. This is caused by how the model was pre-trained.
Seq2seq models. All experiments were conducted on Tesla                   BART is pre-trained by denoising sequence, so the model
V100 GPU machines. Adam optimizer is used and learning                    achieves better BLEU, a metric that shows how fluent the
rate is updated using a linear scheduler.                                 predictions are. Using BART and T5 models for initialization
                                                                          outperform the vanilla sequence-to-sequence model. It implies
                         TABLE II                                         that pre-trained models have learned the knowledge that are
        PARAMETER FOR SMALL AND LARGE S EQ 2S EQ MODEL                    useful for building ToD systems.
        Parameter          Small model           Large model
            Step               100k                   50k                                            TABLE V
         Batch size              8                     16                           C OMPARISON OF RESULTS WITH EXISTING WORKS .
       Learning rate          6.25e-5               6.25e-5
           Layer         12 (6 enc, 6 dec)     12 (6 enc, 6 dec)                              Model           BLEU       F1
       Attention head            8                      8                               KB-Transformer [14]    14.80    45.30
        Feedforward            1024                  3072                                      MLMN [15]       13.61    54.85
        Embedding               512                   768                                     BoSsNet [16]     15.20    43.10
                                                                                           KB-Retriever [4]    18.64    55.76
                                                                                                  GPT-2 [2]    13.58    34.69
                                                                                             GPT-2+KB [2]      13.59    50.45
                IV. R ESULTS AND A NALYSIS                                                   GPT-2+KE [2]      18.00    54.85
                                                                                              Seq2Seq+KE      17.870   49.304
   In this section, we report the results, analyze our findings                                  BART+KE      19.050   55.922
and ablation study, and conduct a human evaluation to measure                                       T5+KE     18.730   56.311
the quality of our model’s responses.

A. Results                                                                  We show the comparison of our models with the best
                                                                          hyper-parameters setting in Table V. Seq2Seq models achieve
                             TABLE III                                    worse performance compared to some baselines, especially
        R ESULTS FOR PRE - TRAINED MODEL WITH DIFFERENT                   GPT-2+KE. Both BART and T5 achieve higher BLEU and
                      HYPER - PARAMETERS .                                F1 scores compared to all baselines.
     Model       Batch size    Learning rate          BLEU         F1
    BARTBASE         8             1e-5               19.740     46.036                             TABLE VI
    BARTBASE        16             1e-5               19.050     55.922         A BLATION STUDY WITHOUT KB, WITH KB, AND WITH KE.
    BARTBASE         8             1e-4               18.240     56.202
    BARTBASE        16             1e-4               17.930     51.423                      Model       BLEU       F1
     T5BASE          8             1e-5               18.140     53.301                        BART      19.100   41.580
     T5BASE         16             1e-5               16.490     49.927                     BART+KB      20.240   56.704
     T5BASE          8             1e-4               18.330     56.187                     BART+KE      19.050   55.922
     T5BASE         16             1e-4               18.730     56.311

                                                                          B. Ablation Study
   The result of the pre-trained model is shown in Table III.
For sequence-to-sequence, the smaller model achieves a better               To compare the effectiveness of applying KE and KB to
BLEU and F1 score. For BART model, the best model was                     the language model, ablation study is conducted. Initially, the
achieved by a model that use batch size of 16 with learning               BART model is chosen as the base model in the experiment.
rate of 1e-5. However, the difference between the BLEU and                Then, aside from using BART+KE, we also train a model
F1 with the best model in each metrics is marginal. For T5                without any augmentation (BART) and a model using KE
model, the best model is the model with batch size of 16 with             (BART+KB). For BART+KB, every entity from intermediate
learning rate of 1e-4. This model achieves the best score in              API is concatenated to dialogue history with a special token
both BLEU and T5 compared to other T5 models.                             hDTAi. The result is shown in Table VI. BART achieves better
                                                                          BLEU than BART+KE by a slight margin but falls behind in
                            TABLE IV                                      the F1 score to BART+KB and BART+KE. It means that adding
             R ESULT FOR BEST MODEL CONFIGURATION .                       KB directly into input or with KE reduces hallucination, a
             Model          Parameter        BLEU         F1
                                                                          condition where the generated sequence has good structure
          Seq2SeqSMALL         33M           17.870     49.304            and meaning but the wrong entity.
          Seq2SeqLARGE        101M           16.220     45.438
              BART            139M           19.050     55.922            C. Human Evaluation
               T5             220M           18.730     56.311
                                                                             Human evaluation is done for BART+KB and BART+KE to
                                                                          further measure the humanness of our generation results. A
   We show the performance of our best models for BART and                Likert scale [17] of 1, 3, and 5 are given to all test predictions
T5 in Table IV. Both BART and T5 best model use batch size                by experts. Table VII shows the result of this evaluation. It
of 16. While BART achieves better BLEU, T5 achieves a better              shows that by using KE Dialogues as training data, the trained
model is more robust and more human-like, as demonstrated                      another idea where KBs are embedded into dialogue templates
in Table VII.                                                                  to form KE Dialogue and achieve promising results.
                                                                                                    VI. C ONCLUSION
                            TABLE VII
          H UMAN EVALUATION FOR BART+KB AND BART+KE.                              This paper shows the effectiveness of applying pre-trained
                                                                               language models for fine-tuning end-to-end task-oriented dia-
                       Model         Likert Score
                      BART+KB            3.76                                  logue systems and incorporating knowledge bases as context.
                      BART+KE            4.14                                  Using pre-trained language models is essential for initializa-
                                                                               tion to improve the generation results in terms of fluency.
                                                                               Moreover, adding KB to the context improves the correctness
   The example of input and output is shown in Table VIII.                     by reducing the hallucination. We found that BART and
Each model could generate an answer that is understood by                      T5 models achieve state-of-the-art performance with higher
a human. Models tend to directly suggest a restaurant’s name                   BLEU and F1 scores compared to GPT-2 models with very
instead of asking for specific information.                                    similar sizes.

                              TABLE VIII
 T HE EXAMPLES OF THE DIALOGUE INPUT AND OUTPUT ON DIFFERENT                      This research is partially funded by Center for Artificial
                           MODELS .
                                                                               Intelligence of Institut Teknologi Bandung.

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