A Boston Research Laboratory Makes Use of Orchard Harvest LIS

Page created by Lauren Ramirez
A Boston Research Laboratory Makes Use of Orchard Harvest LIS
Volume 13, Number 2 • Spring 2012

    A Boston Research Laboratory Makes Use of Orchard Harvest LIS
I  t is typical for research laboratory
   facilities to have different needs
for their lab system functionality
than clinical laboratories, and it is no
different for the Biomarker Research
Laboratory in Boston, Massachu-
setts. These needs can range from
how instruments are interfaced and
orders are entered, to how results are
reported. According to Mike Conrad,
Project Manager for the lab, “Research
laboratories have some very unique
setups. They also need to have the
right software to serve those needs,
and Harvest is flexible enough to meet
our needs.”
                                           Biomarker Research Laboratory team from left to right: (Front Row) Ying-Lung Lee; Tim Oasan MLS(ASCP); Gretchen Labutti;
  The Biomarker Research Laboratory
                                           Lea Ritterova; Judith Baronas MT(ASCP); (Back Row) John Rozehnal; Petr Jarolim M.D., Ph.D.; Michael J. Conrad; Jon Reimer.
(BRL) opened in 2004 as a division
of the Department of Pathology at          demands of a clinical trials labora-                            to our operations. The custom feature
Brigham and Women’s Hospital. This         tory and sought third-party solu-                               that Orchard created is both robust
hospital is a founding member of Part-     tions. “Harvest was evaluated and                               and easy to use, and it has since found
ners Healthcare and is affiliated with     compared with other products and                                use in at least one other lab using Har-
Harvard Medical School. BRL con-           Harvest’s flexibility was the reason                            vest, who used it in their clinical lab to
ducted around 200,000 tests in 2011,       BRL selected the system.”                                       order samples in a validation study.”
with most of the tests focused on            One of the most important features
cardiovascular research. BRL has eight     in Harvest LIS for BRL is the custom
full-time laboratory staff members and                                                                                        See “BRL” on page 2.
                                           study import, which was created in
a recent addition of robotics to help      collaboration between Mike Conrad
maintain high throughput on auto-          and Orchard. During the evaluation,
mated analyzers. In addition to the        Mike met with Orchard to describe                                  inside this issue...
automation, Orchard® Harvest™ LIS is       BRL’s need to order testing in batches                             Where in the World is Orchy?...................2
central to maintaining the laboratory’s    in order to match the lab’s established                            Employee Spotlight: Jamie Lawson.........2
throughput.                                workflow. The ability to add this                                  Free NCD File Updates.............................3
  Although the laboratory informa-         feature to the existing software was an
                                                                                                              Orchard Symposium 2012......................3
tion system utilized by the rest of the    important factor in the lab’s choice of
hospital was one of the first home-        Orchard from the other competitors,                                Announcing Orchard Trellis......................4
grown systems created, Petr Jarolim,       including their internal laboratory                                Access Copia Mobile on the Go................6
MD, PhD, the Director of the BRL,          information system. Mike stated, “The                              Version 9.0 Released!..............................7
was concerned that it would not            ability to order thousands or tens of
be compatible with the needs and           thousands of tests efficiently is critical
A Boston Research Laboratory Makes Use of Orchard Harvest LIS
BRL                                                  Jamie Lawson
         Continued from previous page.                                      Project Manager
  An aspect common to most research
facilities is a study-centered workflow,
which means the laboratory’s testing
                                            A    lways cheerful and helpful, Jamie
                                                 Lawson is a perfect fit for the
                                            role of Project Manager here at the
menu and workflow are often in flux.        Orchard. Jamie started her career at
In the Biomarker laboratory, they run       Orchard Software in 2004, installing
multiple studies at the same time,          Harvest LIS. Since then, Jamie has
which requires flexibility in terms of      begun working on her master’s degree
instrument implementation and result        at IUPUI in Health Informatics. Be-
reporting. Due to the number of stud-       fore coming to work at Orchard, she
ies that the laboratory conducts every      worked in the laboratory as a Labora-
year, their lab needs the ability to        tory Manager.
                                                                                       Hanging out at the American Cancer Society Relay for Life
quickly exchange instruments. “In-
struments in our lab can switch and           As Project Manager, Jamie works with
                                                                                       with both the clients’ labs and our home
move around every few months, and           our newest clients, making sure all of
                                                                                       office in Carmel.
this product’s remote interface installs,   their needs are met and their projects
                                            remain on schedule. Jamie is a defi-         When Jamie isn’t coordinating Or-
done over the phone, make these com-
                                            nite asset to our team due to her high     chard installations, she is an avid read-
mon transitions much easier,” accord-
                                            energy, top notch organizational skills,   er, chef, and traveler. She also volun-
ing to Mike.
                                            and product knowledge. She is always       teers for the American Cancer Society
   Other aspects that Mike appreci-         willing to share her knowledge and         Relay for Life and for the Indianapolis
ates are the ability to control the user    experience with others, which is invalu-   Zoo, where she had the good fortune
interface, electronic signature capabili-   able considering she communicates          of babysitting baby dolphins.
ties (another custom feature, added
at the lab’s request), and ease of use.
The LIS allows the laboratory to add
new methods quickly and now allows                                      Where in the
electronic signatures to be applied
when approving results or saving
                                                                       World is Orchy?
comments, which has helped reduce
the paperwork burden as well. “Study
records must be accessible for years af-    O   rchard’s unofficial mascot, Orchy,
                                                toured a European city known for
                                         sites created by a famous architect. If
                                                                                       visiting Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sign
                                                                                       in to the Orchard website to see where
                                                                                       in the world Orchy has been lately!
ter the initial testing, so having access
to a comprehensive reporting system      you can identify where Orchy was visit-
located within our LIS has made our      ing, send your
lives easier.”                           answer to news@
  Although the Biomarker Research
                                         com by May 15
Laboratory uses Orchard Harvest
                                         to be eligible to
LIS’ core features on a daily basis, the
                                         win an Orchard
custom features added by Orchard has
                                         prize package.
tailored Harvest LIS to the laboratory’s
                                         Last newsletter,
needs, resulting in a successful imple-
                                         Rick Sweeney of
mentation of the LIS in the lab.
                                         Health Group in
                                         Colusa, Califor-
                                         nia, sent in the
                                         winning entry
                                         that Orchy was

A Boston Research Laboratory Makes Use of Orchard Harvest LIS
Free NCD File                           Orchard Symposium 2012 – New Format
      Updates for                               Featuring All of Orchard’s Products
  Orchard Customers                       O      rchard Software is pleased to
                                                 announce the date and loca-
                                          tion for our 2012 symposium. The
                                                                                    and An Update on Regulatory and
                                                                                    ARRA, to our new product, Orchard®
O    rchard Software has entered into
     an agreement with Codemap®
to make available at no charge to you,
                                          first symposium with our new three-
                                          day format will take place Tuesday,
                                          Wednesday, and Thursday, October
                                                                                      Wednesday will be dedicated to Or-
                                                                                    chard Copia, and we will offer four
our customer, their Medicare National     2, 3, and 4, in Indianapolis, Indiana,    sessions for all attendees. The topics
Coverage Determinations (NCD).            at the Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel        for the sessions include What’s New in
                                          at Keystone Crossing. There is no         Orchard Copia v5.0 & Copia Mobile
   Codemap® provides accurate and                                                   Module, Report Formatting, Brows-
dependable Medicare medical neces-        cost to attend the symposium and a
                                          continental breakfast and lunch will      ers and Data Mining, and the Client
sity data to hundreds of customers.                                                 Services Module.
Codemap® covers every Medicare            be provided each day; however, travel,
contractor and will pre-format the        lodging, and other meals are not             Finally, on Thursday, our focus will be
NCD files for import directly into        included. We want to let you know         Orchard Pathology with four sessions for
your Orchard Software product.            now so that you have plenty of time to    all attendees. The topics are What’s New
                                          plan your trip to attend!                 in Orchard Pathology v9.0, Reports/Cancer
   To order your NCD import file                                                    Summaries, Sample Tracking, and Web AP.
from Codemap®, sign in to the client-       This three-day format allows us
only area of the Orchard website, and     to dedicate one day to each featured        We have made this early announce-
click on the link to the Download         product. In 2006, when Orchard            ment so that you can begin planning
Center’s ICD and NCD file page.           Software introduced our Orchard           for this week in October, should you
From there, you can access the online     Harvest LIS Symposiums, Harvest LIS       want to attend. For the most up-
NCD data file subscription form from      was our only significant product offer-   to-date information on agenda and
Codemap®. Once you have ordered           ing. Orchard® Copia™ was still in its     sessions, please check out the Sympo-
your initial import file, you will be     infancy and Orchard® Pathology had        siums page on our website at www.
automatically included in sched-          just been released in January 2006.       orchardsoft.com/symposiums/. We
uled updates that will be sent to you       Today, six years later, with more       hope to have our agenda confirmed
quarterly, one week before the update     than 1,000 customers, we have sig-        by the end of May, with sign-up
should be applied.                        nificantly increased our user base of     beginning in June 2012. Please stay
                                          Orchard Copia and Orchard Pathol-         tuned to our website, newsletter, and
  Please note that this agreement does                                              online forums for more details as they
not include any local coverage deter-     ogy, and we are at a point where we
                                          need to dedicate an entire day for each   become available.
minations (LCD) or the diagnosis
code and description dictionary. If       system. And logistically, since some of    news@orchard is published quarterly by:
you wish to include LCD data in your      our customers utilize various combi-       Orchard Software Corporation
subscription, you may contact Code-       nations of our products, holding these     701 Congressional Boulevard, Suite 360
                                          day-long events back to back in the        Carmel, IN 46032 ­
map® directly for pricing information.
                                          same week will be more convenient          If you are not on our mailing list and would
Orchard Software will continue to                                                    like to be, please call us at (800) 856-1948, fax
provide a copy of Medicare’s free diag-   for everyone. It is our intention to       us at (317) 573-2528, or email us at news@
nosis code and description dictionary     move forward with this multi-day           orchardsoft.com.
for use with our products.                event on an annual basis.                  Contributing authors:
                                                                                        Audrey Lorraine       Kerry Foster
  If you need assistance with import-       The Harvest LIS day, Tuesday, will          Thom Franklin         Kelly Haemmerle
ing your Codemap® NCD file, please        have a similar agenda and sessions as         Chris Livengood       Ford McAlexander
                                          we have in the past, with topics rang-        Debbie Schilling      Christine Stalcup
feel free to call Orchard Technical                                                  If you have any questions or suggestions,
Support staff at (800) 571-5835.          ing from What’s New in Harvest LIS         please contact our Publishers, Christine
                                          v9.0, IT Stuff—Integration/Networks/       Stalcup and Ford McAlexander, or Editor,
                                          Setup/Hardware/Maintenance, Data           Kerry Foster, at (800) 856-1948.
                                          Mining, Setting Up Rules, HL7 Inter-       View the newsletter online at:
                                          facing & Integration, Sample Tracking,     newsletterarchive. html

                                                                                                    www.orchardsoft.com 3
A Boston Research Laboratory Makes Use of Orchard Harvest LIS
Announcing Orchard Trellis: Our New Product
                        for Integrating Remote POC Testing
O      rchard Soft-
       ware is ex-
cited to announce
our new product,
Orchard® Trellis™.
Trellis is an orders
and results man-
agement software
program that
serves as a simple
and cost-effective
bridge for elec-
tronically passing
orders and results
between remote,
(POC) analyzers/
instruments and
Orchard Harvest
LIS. With today’s
healthcare chal-
lenges surround-
ing efficiency and
and the economic
pressures to do                           are making it to the EMR, it involves       testing by providing real-time results
more with less, Trellis provides the      manual entry—a time-consuming               into your EMR. In addition, the in-
optimal means for electronic connec-      process subject to clerical errors.         tegration with your Harvest LIS will
tivity to more effectively manage your    Orchard Trellis                             allow you to automate your remote
POC testing.                                                                          QC and ensure accurate billing, sav-
                                             Trellis serves as a simple “review,      ing you time and money.
Orchard Trellis Bridges the Gap Between   click, and go” bridge for passing orders
Remote POC Testing and Your EMR           and results between POC analyzers/          Simple & Efficient Connectivity
  How are your POC results getting        instruments and Orchard Harvest LIS           Trellis uses the Internet and web
into your EMR? Are they getting there     version 9.0 and higher. Whether your        services as the method of connectivity
accurately and in a timely manner?        POC testing is in a Protime clinic, a       to enable electronic integration with
POC analyzers perform laboratory          pediatrician’s office, a Lipid clinic, or   remote locations. Harvest LIS with
testing outside of the laboratory, and    any other remote patient testing facil-     an Orchard Trellis Manager module
these results contribute to the overall   ity, Trellis is the solution designed to    provides centralized management of
diagnostic information a provider needs   eliminate these problems and elec-          multiple Trellis POC sites and links
to access in the EMR. Unfortunately,      tronically integrate POC results back       these remote sites to your EMR.
there are some challenges with remote     to your Harvest LIS and then into           Because Trellis is deployed via web
POC testing.                              your EMR.                                   services, Trellis is easy to install, main-
                                            Trellis offers a simple and cost-         tain, and upgrade. Software updates
  Because of the low volume, remote
                                          effective connectivity solution for         are installed by the system administra-
location, and limited connectivity
                                          POC testing. The implementation             tor in the Trellis Manager module on
capabilities inherent to most POC
devices, most POC test results are not    of Trellis will improve patient care
being captured in the EMR. If they        and enhance the value of your POC                       See “Trellis” on page 5.

A Boston Research Laboratory Makes Use of Orchard Harvest LIS
                                                     Continued from previous page.

Harvest LIS server, and then pushed          results have been reviewed and ap-       Harvest LIS, enabling you to elimi-
to Trellis, where they are automatically     proved, they are easily released to      nate the cumbersome manual process
installed without the need for techni-       Harvest LIS or the EMR by clicking       and easily monitor QC from the lab
cal support.                                 the release icon.                        via your Harvest LIS.

Easy to Use                                  Released Orders                          Cost Savings & Benefits
   Trellis is easy to use, and training is     Trellis provides a Released Orders       Efficiency and cost savings are
straightforward because it is a simple       view, should there be a need to review   derived in the reduction of time spent
software package for viewing orders,         a previously released order with re-     manually entering patient results.
viewing results, and releasing them          sults. As done in the Pending Review     In addition, greater accuracy can be
back to your Harvest LIS. The Trellis        view, you review a patient’s results     attained by eliminating the chance
user interface is designed to be com-        by selecting the patient and either      of clerical errors. Because results are
pletely contained in a single window,        double-clicking on the patient’s name    transmitted electronically into the
eliminating the confusion of multiple        or clicking the results icon.            EMR in real time, faster turnaround
overlapping windows.                                                                  time is accomplished as testing is com-
                                             Quality Control                          pleted. Providers will have prompt
Orders & Results, Review & Release              Trellis complements Harvest LIS       access to the POC testing results for
  Orders placed in either your Harvest       functionality to make patient results    diagnosis and treatment of the patient.
LIS or in your EMR are transmitted           from POC analyzers easily accessible     With Trellis, organizations will see in-
into Trellis and appear in the Pend-         for analytics or inspection purposes     creased productivity of staff and have
ing Review view of the software. As          and to simplify POC QC manage-           more confidence in billing capture and
results come from the analyzer, the          ment. The QC features of Harvest         test results because they are handled
microscope icon appears to notify you        LIS and the integration with Trel-       electronically. This provides speedier
that results are available and ready         lis provides you with the ability to     TATs for treating your patients, there-
for review and approval. Reviewing           easily manage QC at your remote          fore improving patient care and creat-
results is as easy as selecting a patient    sites. Harvest LIS can automatically     ing a benefit not only for the patient
and clicking on the results icon or by       push QC orders out to your remote        but for your entire organization.
double-clicking on a patient. Once           locations. QC results come back to       Simple Installation & Minimal Training
                                                                                        Trellis is a simple software solution.
                                                                                      We provide you with the ability to
                                                                                      easily load the Trellis software on your
                                                                                      remote PC workstation. There are
                                                                                      minimal hardware requirements and
                                                                                      installation simply involves connect-
                                                                                      ing Trellis to the POC device via a
                                                                                      supplied digiport device. Training is
                                                                                      minimal and conducted by phone.
                                                                                         So if you are looking for a cost-
                                                                                      effective way to electronically bridge
                                                                                      the gap between your remote POC
                                                                                      testing and your EMR, contact your
                                                                                      Orchard Account Manager at (800)
                                                                                      856-1948 to see if Orchard Trellis
                                                                                      is an appropriate solution for your

                                                                                                   www.orchardsoft.com 5
A Boston Research Laboratory Makes Use of Orchard Harvest LIS
Access Copia on the Go with the Orchard Copia Mobile Module!
O     ne of the exciting new additions
      to Copia 5.0 is our new Orchard
Copia Mobile module, which allows
                                               Once you have set up the module
                                             on your Orchard system, users on
                                             supported mobile devices will be able
                                                                                         • Location Inbox: Use the Location
                                                                                           Inbox page to view reports of pa-
                                                                                           tient results that were delivered to
you to look up orders, view patient          to access results and popular Copia           the selected location and acknowl-
history, and review reports—all while        features on pages that have been              edge any unacknowledged reports.
you are on the go! It is also integrated     streamlined for easier use on small         • Set Location: Use the Set Loca-
with the Patient Portal module, so           device screens.                               tion page to select the location
when you are using both modules and          Easy Access to Features                       where you are signing in. The
patients sign in with mobile devices,                                                      location you select affects many
they will automatically be directed            With a simple click of a button             settings throughout the program,
to a more device-friendly view of the        on the main menu of Orchard Co-               as well as the patient records you
results that have been released for their    pia Mobile, you may access several            may access.
review.                                      features:                                   • Full Site: Click this button to
                                               • Find Patient: Use the Find                access the full version of the Copia
   It is important to note that the              Patient page to select a patient,
Orchard Copia Mobile module is not                                                         application using your device’s
                                                 and then view that patient’s order        web browser. This is not recom-
a stand-alone application, but rather a          history data.
way of accessing Copia that is opti-                                                       mended when using a mobile
                                               • Find Order: Use the Find Order            device, as the pages are not opti-
mized for the web browser on your                page to select an order, and then
mobile device. Orchard Copia Mobile                                                        mized for usage on mobile devices
                                                 view that order’s details, includ-        and the program may run more
is “plug & play,” so as soon as you              ing any associated lab reports or
enable the license for the module, you                                                     slowly.
will be able to access the new mo-             • User Inbox: Use the User Inbox        Reviewing Results in the Inboxes
bile version using your iPhone, iPad,            page to view reports of patient         Use the User Inbox and Location
Android, or other supported mobile               results that were delivered to you    Inbox pages to view reports of patient
device.                                          and acknowledge any unacknowl-        results that were delivered to you or
                                                 edged reports.                        your locations, as well as acknowledge
                                                                                       any unacknowledged reports.
                                                                                       Viewing a Patient’s Order History
                                                                                         Use the Order History page to view
                                                                                       a patient’s order history, as well as ac-
                                                                                       cess associated lab reports and requisi-
                                                                                       Applying Column View Rules for Orchard
                                                                                       Copia Mobile
                                                                                         As with the standard view of the
                                                                                       Copia application, you may use column
                                                                                       view rules to control what data ap-
                                                                                       pears on pages when you use Orchard
                                                                                       Copia Mobile. The program uses the
                                                                                       same rules to display data, regardless of
                                                                                       whether you access a page through the
                                                                                       main application or through the mobile
                                                                                       platform. Note, however, that because
                                                                                       of the constraints of viewing data on a
    Using the Orchard Copia Mobile module allows you to look up orders, view patient
                                                                                                See “Copia Mobile” on page 7.
                 history, and review reports all while you are on the go!

A Boston Research Laboratory Makes Use of Orchard Harvest LIS
Orchard Harvest LIS,                                                 Copia Mobile
 Orchard Pathology                                                    Continued from previous page.

 v9.0 Are Released!                      mobile device, only a
                                         portion of the columns

O      rchard Software is pleased to     used in the main Copia
       announce that Orchard Harvest     application are sup-
LIS and Orchard Pathology version        ported for Orchard
9.0 are now available to our clients     Copia Mobile. For your
and prospective clients! Orchard         reference, when defin-
encourages all of our current clients    ing rules in Copia, any
to call Orchard Software Technical       columns not supported
Support at (800) 573-5835 to sched-      in the mobile platform
ule an appointment for their upgrade.    will be marked as “Not
This is a very important upgrade for     Supported” on the
everyone, as ICD-10 codes will only      Column View Rules
be supported going forward in version    administration page.
9.0 and higher!                            For your conve-
  Besides regulatory changes, like the   nience, Orchard Copia
change from ICD-9 to ICD-10, the         Mobile automatically
feedback from you, our customers, is     includes any sup-
what drives the continuous develop-      ported columns from
ment of our systems.                     your active column
                                         view rules when it dis-
Orchard Harvest LIS                      plays information. No
  • New Send to Host System Rules        other administrative or
  • New Sample Tracking                                                               Date, Ordering Location, Practice,
                                         configuration changes are necessary! If
  • Expanded Result Delivery Rules                                                    Proposed Collection, Sample Col-
                                         you would like to alter which columns
  • Enhanced Quality Control                                                          lection Date, and Sample ID List
                                         appear in the mobile view of a page,
  • New Backup Blackout Period                                                        columns.
                                         simply mark columns as included or
Orchard Pathology                        excluded using the Mobile Display            Using Orchard Copia Mobile with the
  • Web-enabled Access Via the New       Setting on the Column View Rules             Patient Portal
    Orchard® Web AP Module               administration page in Copia.                  If you are also using the Patient
  • Enhanced Grid Cell Options on           By default, Orchard Copia Mobile          Portal module, then you may use
    AP Reports                           uses the first column in your column         Orchard Copia Mobile to enhance
  • Result Evaluation Rules for For-     view rule as the expandable header by        patients’ access to their results from
    matting Grid Cells                   default. If you would like to change         mobile devices. When both mod-
  • Result Evaluation Rules for Apply-   which column is your header, set the         ules are in place and patients sign in
    ing Images and Annotation            column as the “Primary Column,” and          from a mobile device, they are taken
  • New Sample Tracking                  it will be displayed at the top when         directly to the Order History page to
  If you have any questions regarding    viewing Copia on a mobile device,            find and review the results that have
the features of either product, please   regardless of where it appears on the        been released to them.
contact us by phone or through our       page when viewing Copia using a                As with the standard view of Co-
website at www.orchardsoft.com.          standard web browser.                        pia, they will not be able to navigate
  Orchard is committed to develop-         As you can see, the Order History          anywhere else in the system. If they
ing, installing, and supporting the      page shown here uses Order ID as             choose to click the Full Site button to
                                         the primary column, and it includes          access Copia, then they will be able
                                         the Order Choice Abbreviations,              to access and use the Patient Portal as
         See “Version 9.0” on page 8.
                                         Order Choices, Order Date, Order-            they would from any web browser.
                                         ing Provider, Status, Completion
                                                                                                      www.orchardsoft.com 7
A Boston Research Laboratory Makes Use of Orchard Harvest LIS
701 Congressional Blvd., Suite 360
     Carmel, Indiana 46032
       Phone: (800) 856-1948
        Fax: (317) 573-2633
                                                                                  Address Service Requested
    Email: news@orchardsoft.com
    Website: www.orchardsoft.com

                           Announcing Orchard® Trellis™: Our New Product
                           for Integrating Remote POC Testing

                                                   Version 9.0
                                                  Continued from previous page.

very best laboratory information systems, and this com-            hardware requirements on our website at www.orchardsoft.
mitment includes regular software upgrades at no charge.           com. The best rule of thumb is to talk to Orchard’s Techni-
Regular upgrades provide you with the necessary features           cal Support staff as you begin planning for your upgrade.
for regulatory requirements and greater flexibility to             This will ensure that you have the appropriate hardware
handle a variety of laboratory workflows and business situ-        and are ready for your upgrade. We all hope you are as
ations.                                                            excited as we are about Orchard Harvest LIS and Orchard
  Please also note that there are very specific hardware           Pathology version 9.0!
requirements to support this upgrade. You can find our

                         Orchard’s 2012 Trade Show Calendar
    Date                           Name                                                              Location
    5/30-5/31/2012                 ACHA Annual Meeting                                               Chicago, IL
    7/17-7/19/12                   Clinical Lab Expo/AACC                                            Los Angeles, CA
    9/9-9/12/12                    CAP 2011 - The Pathologists Meeting                               San Diego, CA
    9/12-9/13/12                   AAPA - Pathologists Assistants Show                               Miami, FL
    10/2-10/4/2012                 Orchard Symposium 2012                                            Indianapolis, IN

                                                                                                              www.orchardsoft.com 88
A Boston Research Laboratory Makes Use of Orchard Harvest LIS A Boston Research Laboratory Makes Use of Orchard Harvest LIS
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