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Q Academy of Management Review
2018, Vol. 43, No. 2, 259–283.

                                                                      ROBERT S. NASON
                                                                     Concordia University

                                                                       SOPHIE BACQ
                                                                   Northeastern University

                                                                       DAVID GRAS
                                                                  University of Tennessee

                           Firms use reference points to evaluate financial performance, frame gain or loss posi-
                           tions, and guide strategic behavior. However, there is little theoretical underpinning to
                           explain how social performance is evaluated and integrated into strategic decision
                           making. We fill this void with new theory built on the premise that inherently ambiguous
                           social performance is evaluated and interpreted differently than largely clear financial
                           performance. We propose that firms seek to negotiate a shared social performance
                           reference point with stakeholders who identify with the organization and care about
                           social performance. While incentivized to align with the firm, firm-identified stake-
                           holders provide intense feedback when there are major discrepancies between their
                           expectations and the firm’s actual social performance. Firms frame and respond to
                           feedback differently depending on the feedback valence: negative feedback will be
                           framed as a legitimacy threat, and firm responses are likely to be substantive; positive
                           feedback will be framed as an efficiency threat, and firm responses are likely to be
                           symbolic. However, social enterprises face a double standard in evaluations and cali-
                           brate responses to social performance feedback differently than do nonsocial enter-
                           prises. Our behavioral theory of social performance advances knowledge of
                           organizational evaluations and responses to stakeholder feedback.

  Firms use reference points to evaluate perfor-                                           on assets (ROA; Chrisman & Patel, 2012), Altman’s
mance and frame gain or loss positions (Cyert &                                            Z (Iyer & Miller, 2008), and sales (Greve, 2008),
March, 1963; Shinkle, 2012). The discrepancy be-                                           against a firm’s own historical performance
tween a reference point and a firm’s actual per-                                           (Greve, 1998; Massini, Lewin, & Greve, 2005) or the
formance, referred to as performance feedback, is                                          performance of industry peers (Mishina, Dykes,
used to guide future strategic behavior (Cyert &                                           Block, & Pollock, 2010).
March, 1963; Shinkle, 2012). A growing body of                                                However, financial performance is not the sole
performance feedback literature (Gavetti, Greve,                                           reference point for firms. Firms are increasingly
Levinthal, & Ocasio, 2012) has evaluated readily                                           pushed to engage in societal contributions beyond
quantifiable financial indicators, such as return                                          mere regulatory compliance (Filatotchev &
                                                                                           Nakajima, 2014; Foerstl, Azadegan, Leppelt, &
   We are completely indebted to former associate editor Mike                              Hartmann, 2015). As a result, social performance—
Pfarrer for his thoughtful and careful guidance and three                                  voluntary business action(s) with social or third-
anonymous reviewers for developmental comments that                                        party effects (Schuler & Cording, 2006)—is now
brought out the best in our ideas. Big thanks to Ruth Aguilera                             squarely on the strategic agenda of contemporary
and all of those who graciously provided precious advice and
feedback on previous versions of the manuscript, including
                                                                                           firms (Waddock, Bodwell, & Graves, 2002). As Porter
Marya Besharov, Michael Carney, Greg Fisher, Young-Chul                                    and Kramer claimed, “Social performance has
Jeong, and Gideon Markman, as well as participants in the                                  emerged as an inescapable priority for business
JMSB Research Conversations Brownbag. We are also in-                                      leaders in every country” (2006: 1).
credibly grateful to those who inspired and supported us along                                We draw on behavioral theory of the firm and
the way, including Elizabeth Eley, Tara Pandya, Gary Weckx,
and Hadrien, who arrived during the publication process.
                                                                                           social identity theory to build new theory capable
Special thanks to Lili and Oli for contributions that fueled the                           of explaining how firms form, frame, and respond
writing process for one author. Usual disclaimers apply.                                   to social performance reference points. In doing
Copyright of the Academy of Management, all rights reserved. Contents may not be copied, emailed, posted to a listserv, or otherwise transmitted without the copyright holder’s
express written permission. Users may print, download, or email articles for individual use only.
260                                    Academy of Management Review                                    April

so we elucidate key differences between behav-         benefits of social performance (Walters, Kroll, &
ioral theory of the firm grounded in financial         Wright, 2010; Wood & Jones, 1995), firms will try to
performance and our behavioral theory of the firm      avoid undertaking social performance activities
grounded in social performance. First, there are       too far above FI stakeholder expectations. As
differences regarding performance feedback for-        a result, we differentiate between weak perfor-
mation. Behavioral theory of the firm grounded in      mance feedback that results from minor discrep-
financial performance tends to assume that firms       ancies with FI stakeholder expectations and
select their reference point, composed of a cri-       intense performance feedback that flows from
tertion and referent, and directly infer perfor-       major discrepancies. We theorize that firms are
mance feedback. For instance, a firm can               likely to respond only to intense social perfor-
immediately recognize its position relative to a       mance feedback involving a critical mass of con-
financial reference point by comparing its ROA         sistent (negative or positive) FI stakeholder
(the criterion) against the industry average ROA       feedback. As such, whereas behavioral theory of
(the referent). In contrast, social performance        the firm grounded in financial performance sug-
lacks clear reference points. There is little con-     gests that strategic responses are most pro-
sensus about how to measure the criterion of           nounced close to the reference point (Cyert &
social performance (Aguinis & Glavas, 2012;            March, 1963), we theorize that firms are rather
Clarkson, 1995; Margolis & Walsh, 2003), let           content when close to a social performance ref-
alone reliable referents to use as benchmarks.         erence point but use more marked responses
We argue that under these ambiguous conditions         when far away from it.
firms tend to rely primarily on the expectations          Third, there are critical differences in how firms
of their firm-identified (FI) stakeholders—that        respond to social performance feedback com-
is, stakeholders who derive their identity from        pared to financial performance feedback. The
organizational attributes (Zavyalova, Pfarrer,         ambiguous nature of social performance allows
Reger, & Hubbard, 2016). In particular, we sug-        firms to enact a broader range of strategic re-
gest that FI stakeholders who care about social        sponses to address a more malleable reference
performance are incentivized to provide social         point of stakeholder expectations. However, firms
performance feedback since they derive their self-     vary significantly in the importance that they
concept from the organization, and firms have          place on social performance, which is likely to
incentives to heed their feedback because of           influence how firms are evaluated and respond
the power and legitimacy-based salience of FI          to social performance feedback. We theorize
stakeholders. We define social performance             that FI stakeholders are likely to hold social
feedback as the visible and active expression of       enterprises—firms for which social performance
discrepancies between stakeholder expectations         is central to organizational identity—to higher
and the firm’s actual social performance.              standards than nonsocial enterprises that do not
   Second, there are differences regarding firm        have social performance as central to organiza-
framing of social performance feedback. Tradi-         tional identity. Since social performance feed-
tionally, firms adopt a loss frame to interpret        back strikes at the core of their self-concept by
negative feedback, which triggers problemistic         generating identity threats and opportunities
search in order to solve the performance short-        (Crane & Livesey, 2003), social enterprises are
falling (Cyert & March, 1963), whereas firms adopt     likely to enact responses that differentiate them
a gain frame to interpret positive feedback, which     from nonsocial enterprises.
induces strategic conservatism due to satisficing         By integrating social performance into behav-
and unwillingness to fall below the reference          ioral theory of the firm, we advance existing re-
point (Greve, 2003). When assessing social per-        search in three primary ways. First, we address
formance, we theorize that a loss frame will           calls to provide theoretical grounding to reference
manifest as a legitimacy frame and a gain frame        point formation (Holmes, Bromiley, Devers,
will manifest as an efficiency frame. On the one       Holcomb, & McGuire, 2011; Shinkle, 2012), espe-
hand, in a loss position, given the threat of losing   cially under ambiguous conditions (Fang, Kim, &
crucial FI stakeholder support, firms will be con-     Milliken, 2014). Rather than assuming that a ref-
cerned about falling too far below FI stakeholder      erence point is a static benchmark that is selected
expectations. On the other hand, in a gain posi-       by the firm and sequentially adapted from year to
tion, given the cost and the uncertain financial       year (Chen, 2008; Chrisman & Patel, 2012), or an
2018                                        Nason, Bacq, and Gras                                         261

empirically driven weight of referents (Greve,          evaluated, and a referent, which is the object of
2003, 2007, 2008), we conceptualize reference point     comparison against which the firm is evaluated
formation as a negotiation between FI stake-            (Shinkle, 2012).
holder referents and an organization endowed               In the vast majority of work examining the role
with a broad array of strategic responses to in-        of performance feedback, scholars have used fi-
fluence those referents.                                nancial performance as the criterion component
   Second, we explicate the role of identity in so-     of the reference point (Gavetti et al., 2012; Shinkle,
cial performance reference point formation,             2012). Financial performance is generally clear
framing, and response. We theorize that FI              and readily quantifiable. The presentation of
stakeholder identification with a firm generates        financial performance is institutionalized in
self-continuity incentives to align expectations        annual reports and business plans (Honig &
with the firm when discrepancies are minor              Karlsson, 2004). Furthermore, financial perfor-
(Cooper & Fazio, 1984; Zavyalova et al., 2016), but     mance feedback mechanisms are easily accessi-
identity considerations of self-protection and self-    ble. Firms can readily review their own historical
enhancement induce FI stakeholders to provide           financial statements and assess their standing
intense—visible and active—feedback when                within an industry (Watson, 1993), and public
discrepancies are major. Further, our theory not        companies can rely on capital markets for real-
only contends that identity considerations impact       time performance appraisals. This clear and rel-
how stakeholders assess social performance ac-          atively quick financial performance feedback
tivities across firms with different organizational     allows firms to adapt strategies accordingly.
identities but also that organizational identity        However, the rise of corporations engaging in
affects firm responses to performance feedback          social performance activity (Porter & Kramer,
(Bundy, Shropshire, & Buchholtz, 2013).                 2011) makes it untenable that financial perfor-
   Third, we extend the literature on organiza-         mance is the only criterion on which firm perfor-
tional evaluations by examining firm responses          mance is evaluated. We explore another salient
to positive evaluations. Burgeoning research on         criterion of firm performance—social performance—
“wrongdoing” (e.g., scandals, product recalls,          and build important distinctions between behavioral
boycotts) has shed valuable insight into how firms      theory of the firm grounded in financial performance
respond to negative social performance feedback         and our behavioral theory of the firm grounded in
with a robust repertoire of defensive measures          social performance. Table 1 provides a summary of
(McDonnell & King, 2013; Zavyalova et al., 2016).       these critical differences, each of which we elaborate
Our theory allows us to also examine when firms         on in the following sections.
are above a social performance reference point
and specifies the risks associated with positive
                                                        Social Performance Feedback: An Important
social performance feedback, including social
                                                        Criterion Without Referents
performance investments exceeding financial ef-
ficiency (Barnett & Salomon, 2006) and increased           Social performance has become an increasingly
likelihood of future violations of stakeholder ex-      important and expected performance criterion of
pectations (Graffin, Bundy, Porac, Wade, & Quinn,       contemporary firms (Porter & Kramer, 2011; Steger,
2013; Mishina, Block, & Mannor, 2012). In doing so we   Ionescu-Somers, & Salzmann, 2007). Today’s man-
expound on the benefits and costs of “rightdoing.”      agers are pushed to add social value, beyond that
                                                        required by regulations, and therefore tend to pur-
                                                        sue social performance alongside financial goals
        REFERENCE POINT FORMATION                       (Porter & Kramer, 2006). While social performance
                                                        constitutes a critical criterion for contemporary
Financial Performance Feedback
                                                        firms, evaluation of social performance remains
  Performance feedback plays a key role in firms’       problematic because of a lack of clear, reliable, and
decisions to adapt their strategies (Argote &           easily accessible referents (Table 1, row 1).
Greve, 2007; Cyert & March, 1963; Greve, 2003) as          The term social performance itself has been
they react to the discrepancy between a reference       subject to great definitional debate. Clarkson
point and actual performance (Cyert & March,            (1995) pointed to inherent “fuzziness” in the term,
1963). A reference point is composed of a criterion,    while Waddock and Graves (1997) lamented the
which is the specific goal or outcome that is           broad and poor measurement of the construct.
262                                             Academy of Management Review                                            April

                                               TABLE 1
             Contrasting Behavioral Theory Grounded in Financial versus Social Performance

Feature of Theory                                 Financial Performance                         Social Performance

(1) Reference point criterion                     Clear                                         Ambiguous
(2) Reference point referent                      Fixed                                         Malleable
(3) Reference point formation                     Selected or imposed                           Negotiated
(4) Performance feedback                          Inferred                                      Expressed
(5) Role of social identity                       Low                                           High
(6) Strategic responses                           Occur close to reference point                Occur far from reference point

Moreover, social performance activities fall along                     In a negotiation process, two parties have their own
a wide spectrum, from specific issues such as                       positions, with a set of expectations and desires
greenhouse gas emission reduction or gover-                         (Fisher, Ury, & Patton, 2011), but the full range of ex-
nance reform (Bundy et al., 2013) to broad appeals                  pectations is not immediately known by the other
to be good corporate citizens. Thus, while firms                    party (Fisher et al., 2011). As a result, social perfor-
may develop specific indicators (e.g., reduced                      mance reference point formation starts with an
amount of carbon emissions, more transparent                        opening stance—the firm exhibits a certain level of
reporting practices, improved union relations,                      social performance. Stakeholders subsequently as-
fewer product recalls), widely applicable mea-                      sess the firm’s social performance relative to their
sures and evaluation mechanisms across social                       expectations, which define “socially accepted and
performance initiatives and industry boundaries                     expected structures or behaviors” (Mitchell, Agle, &
remain elusive (Ballou, Heitger, & Landes, 2006;                    Wood, 1997: 866). In this way stakeholder expectations
Kroeger & Weber, 2014). In short, firm social per-                  provide a standard—or referent—against which the
formance is difficult to quantify and evaluate                      firm may evaluate its actual social performance.
(Luo, Wang, Raithel, & Zheng, 2015). In traditional                    However, since an accurate accounting of
behavioral theory of the firm terms, firms lack                     stakeholder expectations is not readily available,
referents for the increasingly important criterion                  firms cannot directly infer social performance
of social performance. We propose that under                        feedback as the discrepancy between a reference
these ambiguous conditions stakeholder expec-                       point and their actual behavior, as they do in the
tations play an important evaluation role by                        case of behavioral theory of the firm grounded in
serving as social performance referents.                            financial performance (cf. Shinkle, 2012). Instead,
                                                                    stakeholders must express visible and active so-
                                                                    cial performance feedback (Table 1, row 4). The
Stakeholder Expectations As a Social
                                                                    expression of social performance feedback may
Performance Referent
                                                                    take many forms, including direct conversations
  In behavioral theory of the firm grounded in fi-                  with managers, social media communication,
nancial performance, reference points tend to be                    letter writing campaigns, or shareholder pro-
either selected by the firm or imposed on the firm                  posals. Yet not all stakeholders provide social
by external forces (Shinkle, 2012).1 In contrast, we                performance feedback to firms, and not all feed-
propose that firms have agency in the degree to                     back is addressed by firms (Waldron, Navis, &
which they adopt, rebuff, or shape more malleable                   Fisher, 2013). We draw on social identity theory to
social performance reference points (e.g., Suchman,                 offer stakeholder identification with the firm as
1995). We view the formation of a social performance                a theoretical explanation of when and how social
reference point as the outcome of a negotiation pro-                performance feedback is likely to be expressed
cess between the firm and its stakeholders (Table 1,                and addressed (Table 1, row 5).
rows 2 and 3).
                                                                        A SOCIAL IDENTITY EXPLANATION FOR
                                                                          SOCIAL PERFORMANCE FEEDBACK
     A notable exception is the negotiation of financial perfor-
mance expectations with analysts (Bromiley, 1991; Luo et al.,         Social identity theory suggests that one’s self is
2015) or auditors (Bame-Aldred & Kida, 2007).                       defined by membership in social categories or
2018                                        Nason, Bacq, and Gras                                        263

groups, including, among others, nationality,           across the diverse set of stakeholders affiliated
sports teams, or religious affiliation (Tajfel &        with the firm, as stakeholders adopt a common set
Turner, 1979). Individuals derive value and emo-        of values and beliefs so as to conform to an ideal
tional significance from their identification by        prototype (Hogg, Terry, & White, 1995; Tajfel &
perceiving a sense of oneness with other mem-           Turner, 1979). Such a sense of oneness engenders
bers of the ingroup (Ashforth & Mael, 1989; Dutton,     collective ingroup cohesion and an adherence to
Dukerich, & Harquail, 1994). Group identification       the ingroup’s (i.e., the firm’s) membership norms
may best be portrayed as a reciprocal relation-         (Ashforth & Mael, 1989; Dutton et al., 1994; Tajfel &
ship such that the individual derives meaning,          Turner, 1979).
belonging, and positive distinctiveness that de-          Stakeholders can internalize a firm’s central
fine and enhance the individual’s self-concept          and distinctive organizational features, such as
(Hogg & Terry, 2014; Whetten & Mackey, 2002),           prestige (Mael & Ashforth, 1992), quality (Press &
while the individual’s membership supports and          Arnould, 2011), innovativeness (Kreiner & Ashforth,
strengthens the group (Ashforth & Mael, 1989).          2004), or social performance (Bhattacharya & Sen,
   Social identity has been used to explain the         2004), by affiliating themselves with the organi-
motivation of certain stakeholders to evaluate          zation and participating in firm-related activities
firms and provide negative social performance           (Whetten & Mackey, 2002). For instance, con-
feedback. Rowley and Moldoveanu (2003) de-              sumers can prominently display their purchases
scribed how identification with a cause in-             (He, Li, & Harris, 2012; Simoes, Dibb, & Fisk, 2005),
centivizes stakeholders to mobilize against firms.      employees can participate in voluntary organi-
For such cause-identified activists, negative so-       zational activities outside of work (Dutton &
cial performance feedback against a firm repre-         Dukerich, 1991; Smidts, Pruyn, & Van Riel, 2001),
sents an opportunity to express shared identity         university graduates can engage with alumni
centered around the cause and reinforces their          networks (Mael & Ashforth, 1992; Zavyalova et al.,
distinctiveness as an outgroup relative to the firm     2016), suppliers can openly collaborate with
(Ashforth & Mael, 1989). From a social identity         buyers (Corsten, Gruen, & Peyinghaus, 2011), fi-
perspective, negative feedback from an outgroup         nanciers can invest in organizations that resonate
is unsurprising (Tajfel & Turner, 1979). In fact, re-   with their values (Bauer & Smeets, 2015), and any
cent research indicates that firms have grown to        stakeholder can become an organizational am-
expect negative feedback from activists and have        bassador (Del Rı́o, Vazquez, & Iglesias, 2001; Gyrd-
developed a well-codified repertoire of defensive       Jones & Kornum, 2013). These markers of identifi-
actions in response (McDonnell & King, 2013). This      cation enable stakeholders to internalize ingroup
literature debates the degree to which firms view       characteristics, serve as differentiators from out-
activists as gadflies (Falconer, 2004), respond         groups, and allow organizations to observe, keep
meaningfully to hostile sources (Waldron et al.,        track of, and interact with this salient group of
2013), or are more subtly strategically morphed by      stakeholders. We focus on stakeholders who use
cause-identified feedback (McDonnell, King, &           organizational features to define themselves and
Soule, 2015). While the dynamics of “cause iden-        who care about social performance. We refer to
tification” have seen extensive developments in         these important constituents as FI (firm-identified)
the growing social movements literature (Briscoe        stakeholders (cf. Zavyalova et al., 2016).
& Gupta, 2016), we argue that organizational              For FI stakeholders, the firm’s social perfor-
identification represents an important, unexplored,     mance, positive or negative, spills over into their
and fundamentally different force undergirding          identity. As Zavyalova and colleagues described
both negative and positive social performance           highly identified stakeholders, “They may ‘bask
feedback.                                               in the reflected glory’ of positive events (Cialdini
   Organizational identification provides the           et al., 1976: 366), and may feel that their personal
means to incorporate a firm’s central, distinctive,     identities are threatened following negative
and enduring characteristics into an individual’s       events (Harrison, Ashforth, & Corley, 2009)” (2016:
self-concept (Albert & Whetten, 1985; Dukerich,         258). For instance, in the context of social perfor-
Golden, & Shortell, 2002) in order to satisfy the       mance, there was a negative identity spillover for
need for self-definition and meaning (Whetten &         Volkswagen (VW) FI stakeholders when it was
Mackey, 2002). Indeed, organizational identifica-       revealed that the German car manufacturer
tion fosters a sense of belonging and oneness           cheated on emissions tests, and many VW-identified
264                                     Academy of Management Review                                      April

customers felt “betrayed” by an organization they       inconsistencies, focusing on consistencies, chang-
perceived as reliable and environmentally friendly      ing expectations, or altering evaluations (Cooper &
(see AFP TV, 2015).                                     Fazio, 1984; Sherman & Gorkin, 1980). We suggest
   Indeed, social performance is of high interest to    that FI stakeholders seek to maintain coherency
FI stakeholders (Sen & Bhattacharya, 2001) since it     regarding their identity by granting the firm they
increasingly affects the decision of employees,         identify with a relatively wide range of acceptable
consumers, and investors alike to engage with           social performance behaviors. On the one hand,
an organization (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2004). For         when there are minor negative discrepancies be-
instance, more than 70 percent of college students      tween their expectations and the firm’s social per-
and 50 percent of workers are looking for jobs with     formance, FI stakeholders will tend to avoid identity
social impact, and nearly 60 percent of students        conflict when judging the firm’s social performance
are even willing to take a pay cut in order to work     in order to preserve a sense of oneness with the firm
for a company that embodies their values. More          (Ashforth & Mael, 1989). For instance, previous re-
than 50 percent of consumers would be willing           search has shown that organizational identification
to pay more for goods and services offered by           increases resilience by supporting the firm during
a company that gives back to society (Net Impact,       times of negative attention (Bhattacharya & Sen,
2012). Our theory predicts that the growing set of FI   2004; Zavyalova et al., 2016). On the other hand, mi-
stakeholders who care about social performance          nor positive discrepancies will fall in line with the FI
is at the source of meaningful social performance       stakeholders’ perceptions of their firm. FI stake-
evaluation and feedback.                                holders will appreciate the positive attributes
   As a result of their identity attachment to the      derived from their firm identification, and it will
firm, FI stakeholders are incentivized to form clear    reinforce FI stakeholders’ self-concept.
expectations and closely monitor the social per-           Thus, to maintain and reinforce self-continuity in
formance activities of the firm they identify with.     their identity, FI stakeholders are likely to tolerate
This stands in marked contrast to stakeholders          and adapt to minor discrepancies by granting
who are nonidentified (i.e., identify neither with      a wide range of acceptable social performance
the firm nor a cause). From a social identity per-      behaviors to their firm. In other words, FI stake-
spective, nonidentified stakeholders have little        holders’ organizational identification drives con-
incentive to express social performance feedback        vergence between stakeholder expectations and
since they primarily derive their identity from         a firm’s actual social performance, reducing the
other membership groups. Rather, following              need to provide visible and active social perfor-
a negative event, nonidentified stakeholders face       mance feedback to the firm. However, in the face of
low identity barriers to the stakeholder relation-      major discrepancies, our theory contends that FI
ship and, thus, may be quick to cease their affili-     stakeholders face other identity incentives to enter
ation (Packer, 2008; Zavyalova et al., 2016) or,        a substantial negotiation process with the firm.
alternatively, may join more motivated stake-
holder groups, such as cause-identified activists
                                                           NEGOTIATING A SOCIAL PERFORMANCE
(Waldron et al., 2013). However, when a firm ex-
                                                                    REFERENCE POINT
hibits high social performance, nonidentified
stakeholders may increase their organizational            While we expect FI stakeholders to grant lati-
identification (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2004). We           tude to a firm’s actual social performance when
suggest, though, that nonidentified stakeholders        facing minor discrepancies, identity-driven moti-
are less likely to independently form codified ex-      vations will incentivize FI stakeholders to provide
pectations regarding the social performance of          visible and active social performance feedback
a firm, monitor firm activities, or invest efforts to   when they face a major discrepancy. On the neg-
provide visible and active feedback to a firm from      ative side, there are limits to the level of discrep-
which they do not derive identity characteristics.      ancy a stakeholder is willing to endure (Blomqvist
   In contrast, FI stakeholders are not only more       & Posner, 2004; Zavyalova et al., 2016); on the
likely to closely monitor their firm’s social per-      positive side, there are benefits to visibly praising
formance activities but also more likely to have        an organization a stakeholder identifies with
strong incentives to agree with the firm’s social       (Cialdini et al., 1976).
performance actions. Individuals seek to preserve         Major discrepancies reflect a critical discon-
congruence in all aspects of their life by denying      nect between firm and FI stakeholder views
2018                                        Nason, Bacq, and Gras                                         265

regarding the appropriate level of social perfor-       events (Mael & Ashforth, 1992). As a result, FI
mance for the firm. Since FI stakeholders and           stakeholders, as a collective, are likely to be rec-
firms have agency regarding their responses, we         ognized by firms and have high salience with
propose that both firms and FI stakeholders enter       firms owing to stakeholder power and legitimacy
a negotiation process aimed at forming a social         (Mitchell et al., 1997; Zavyalova et al., 2016). Power
performance reference point. This negotiation           is gained by FI stakeholders’ deep engagement
process rests on conflict between stakeholders’         with the firm and the material support that would
desire to maintain a positive self-concept and          be lost if FI stakeholders exited the relationship,
firms’ desire to maintain financial efficiency. As      in essence giving FI stakeholders a utilitarian
a result, negative feedback emanates from               power base to influence the firm (Etzioni, 1964;
stakeholder concerns around a firm’s past social        Mitchell et al., 1997). Legitimacy stems from the
performance activities, and positive feedback           notion that FI stakeholders make up a foundation
creates firm concerns around its future social          of the firm’s most committed and engaged
performance responsibilities. This negotiation          stakeholders.
may or may not end in a shared social perfor-              Given this intimate connection, if a firm cannot
mance reference point.                                  satisfy the social performance expectations of its
   From the perspective of FI stakeholders, there is    most enthusiastic stakeholders, it will likely not
a range of strategies available to express social       continue in the long run. Together, the power and
performance feedback. Most broadly, FI stake-           legitimacy accrued by the collective of FI stake-
holders express feedback by providing or with-          holders give FI stakeholders’ social performance
holding financial, human, social, or natural            feedback credence with firms. In this way FI
resources (Frooman, 1999; Rowley, 1997; Rowley &        stakeholders take an active stance in the stake-
Moldoveanu, 2003). In a direct and conventional         holder relationship (Mitchell et al., 1997), and
fashion, FI stakeholders can write letters or have      firms are incentivized to monitor FI stakeholder
offline interactions with firm managers to express      social performance feedback (Hall, 2015; Keys,
their expectations. Technological advancements          Malnight, & van der Graaf, 2009).
provide contemporary stakeholders with even                The social performance feedback expressed by
greater ability to quickly and clearly communi-         FI stakeholders provides an important bench-
cate directly with firms. As of 2014, 83 percent of     mark for firm social performance activities. How-
Fortune 500 companies were on Facebook, 83              ever, firms have agency in responding to
percent had Twitter accounts, and 97 were on            stakeholder feedback (Berman, Wicks, Kotha, &
LinkedIn (Barnes & Lascault, 2015). By utilizing        Jones, 1999), and they can use a broad array of
social media, blogs, video platforms, and con-          strategies in their negotiation of the reference
sumer review websites, stakeholders can air their       point. This repertoire of tools can be broadly cat-
praise or grievances in a forum that the public will    egorized into two types: substantive and symbolic
view and firms will monitor (Wang, Wezel, &             (Bundy et al., 2013; Westphal & Zajac, 1998). Table 2
Forgues, 2016).                                         provides an overview of each category of sub-
   From the perspective of the firm, it has in-         stantive and symbolic strategic responses, in-
centives to monitor and respond to FI stakeholder       cluding definitions, precedent in the literature,
feedback. Many firms seek to engender identifi-         and select examples.
cation among their stakeholders and even ac-               Substantive actions alter firms’ actual social
tively create FI stakeholders through initiatives       performance levels. That is, firms undertake
developing brand ambassadors, social media              large-scale strategic changes that directly in-
influencers, or highly dedicated employees              crease or decrease social performance activities.
(Malhotra, Malhotra, & See, 2013). In addition, FI      Since measuring social performance is ambigu-
stakeholders are often loyal constituents (Mael &       ous, there is flexibility in how aggregate levels of
Ashforth, 1995) and, thus, provide important re-        social performance are altered. Substantive ac-
sources to the firm (Ashforth & Mael, 1989). Em-        tions may be technical, which we use to refer to
ployee identification increases job satisfaction        social performance changes to existing opera-
and tenure (Turban & Greening, 1997). Alumni’s          tions that address the root cause of the feedback
identification with their alma mater increases the      (Zavyalova, Pfarrer, Reger, & Shapiro, 2012). For
likelihood they will donate (Zavyalova et al., 2016)    instance, a clothing company facing criticism for
and encourage their relatives to attend university      poor labor practices in its manufacturing facilities
266                                          Academy of Management Review                                                   April

                                                 TABLE 2
                      Examples of Strategic Responses to Social Performance Feedback

Strategic Response    Definition                          Precedent in the Literature (If Any) Select Examples from Text

Substantive actions   Actions directed at moving          Westphal & Zajac (1998),
                        actual social performance           Zavyalova, Pfarrer, Reger, &
                        closer to expectations              Hubbard (2016)
  Substantive         Social performance changes to       Godfrey, Merrill, & Hansen (2009),   Moving manufacturing location to
   technical            existing operations (addresses      Zavyalova, Pfarrer, Reger, &        more worker-friendly location
                        the root cause of the feedback)     Shapiro (2012)
  Substantive         New social performance              Developed in this article            Launching a new line of eco-
   additive             initiatives (does not address                                            friendly products
                        the root cause of feedback)
Symbolic actions      Actions attempting to influence     Ashforth & Gibbs (1990),
                        stakeholder expectations            Westphal & Zajac (1998),
                        without changing actual social      Zavyalova et al. (2012)
  Symbolic related    Symbolic actions that are related   Developed in this article            Press release or social media
                        to social performance                                                    posting about volunteer
                                                                                                 activities, philanthropic work,
                                                                                                 or social performance award
  Symbolic            Symbolic actions that are           Developed in this article            Press release or social media
   unrelated            unrelated to social                                                      posting about product quality
                        performance                                                              award or strong financial

may move the location of its manufacturing opera-                 in behavioral theory of the firm. Behavioral theory
tions to a more worker-friendly location. Alterna-                of the firm grounded in financial performance
tively, substantive actions may be additive, which                largely predicts changes in search behavior—
we define as creating new social performance ini-                 stimulating problemistic search below the refer-
tiatives that do not address the root cause. For in-              ence point and reducing search above the reference
stance, the same clothing company may launch                      point (Cyert & March, 1963; Greve, 2003). We suggest
a new line of environmentally friendly clothes from               that the ambiguous nature of social performance
recycled materials, without changing the location                 allows for a different pattern of firm strategic re-
or conditions of its manufacturing facility. Both                 sponses than those predicted by extant behavioral
substantive-technical and substantive-additive ac-                theory. First, behavioral theory of the firm grounded
tions are intended to more closely align the firm with            in financial performance predicts that pronounced
FI stakeholder expectations by increasing the ag-                 strategic responses will occur close to the reference
gregate level of firm social performance.                         point, since firms are most sensitive to feedback
   In contrast, symbolic actions are intended to                  when they are just above or just below their refer-
alter stakeholder social performance expecta-                     ence point (Cyert & March, 1963). When it concerns
tions (Carroll, 1979; Davis & Blomstrom, 1966;                    social performance, we suggest that strategic re-
Mahon & Wartick, 2003), without changing the                      sponses will be more pronounced far away from the
actual level of the firm’s social performance (cf.                reference point. That is, firms will tolerate relatively
Oliver, 1991). Symbolic tactics include public re-                weak feedback and only be induced to make
lations and bargaining approaches to manage or                    meaningful responses when there are major dis-
manipulate FI stakeholder social performance                      crepancies and, thus, intense social performance
expectations. Symbolic actions may be related to                  feedback (Table 1, row 6).
social performance, such as drawing attention to                     Second, firms may directly increase or decrease
employee safety initiatives in a corporate social                 social performance (substantive actions) in a manner
responsibility (CSR) report, or unrelated to social               that is not possible with financial performance. In-
performance, such as drawing attention to a                       deed, while there is certainty in quantifying financial
product quality award with a new press release.                   performance, there is little certainty regarding strat-
   Substantive and symbolic responses expand                      egies implemented to improve financial perfor-
the traditional reactions to performance feedback                 mance, and, thus, financial performance must be
2018                                            Nason, Bacq, and Gras                                        267

adjusted through indirect search behaviors (Gavetti         from nonsocial enterprises (Table 1, row 5). Figure 1
et al., 2012). In contrast, ambiguity in measuring and      illustrates the underlying logic and possible initial
aggregating social performance actually allows              outcomes of the negotiation process depending on
firms to directly adapt it, since more recent initiatives   feedback valence (negative or positive) and orga-
may overshadow past behaviors (Levinthal & March            nizational identity (nonsocial versus social enter-
1993; Wagner, Lutz, & Weitz, 2009) and quickly change       prise). Below we unpack this model by describing
stakeholder perceptions.                                    why and how FI stakeholders and firms negotiate
   Third, social performance also allows firms to           acceptable levels of social performance in each of
alter reference points themselves in a manner               these four scenarios.
that is not possible with more fixed financial
performance benchmarks. While firms may select
                                                            Nonsocial Enterprise Social Performance Below
different referents when underperforming finan-
                                                            FI Stakeholder Expectations
cially to cast themselves in a more positive light
(Jordan & Audia, 2012), they have little to no ability         Expressing intense negative social perfor-
to change a referent itself. Firms cannot sub-              mance feedback. When FI stakeholders discover
stantively change last year’s ROA or industry               that the firm does not perform as well as expected
average ROA (Shinkle, 2012). In contrast, stake-            in terms of, for example, recycling and sustain-
holder expectations are malleable (Coombs &                 able sourcing, stakeholders may rationalize the
Holladay, 2004; Finkelstein & Hambrick, 1988) and,          behavior. Thoughts of the nature “That is proba-
thus, may be altered by symbolic actions that do            bly standard for the industry” or “Limiting envi-
not involve changing the underlying social per-             ronmental initiatives allows the company to
formance level. For these reasons, in contrast to           provide reasonable prices to consumers or bene-
traditional behavioral theory of the firm, where            fits to employees” essentially dismiss and avoid
a financial performance reference point is se-              recognition of discrepancies between expecta-
lected and feedback is inferred, we suggest that            tions and actual firm social performance. How-
a shared social performance reference point is              ever, if the same stakeholders discover that the
actively negotiated between FI stakeholders and             firm runs sweatshops using child labor, this dis-
the firm (Table 1, rows 1–4).                               covery may create an insurmountable discrep-
                                                            ancy with their expectations. For instance,
                                                            Zavyalova and colleagues (2016) found that, de-
                                                            spite initial support, highly identified stake-
                                                            holders eventually withdraw support from
   There are two possible outcomes of the initial           reputable organizations as the level of negative
negotiation stance: (1) actual social performance           attention to the organization increases.
is below FI stakeholder expectations (i.e., negative           Because individuals seek to view themselves in
feedback) or (2) actual social performance is above         a positive light (Tajfel & Turner, 1979), FI stake-
FI stakeholder expectations (i.e., positive feed-           holders will be concerned with the negative im-
back). Negative or positive performance feedback            plications of such low social performance on
is a foundational basis in behavioral theory of the         personal self-concept. This will trigger an
firm; however, we argue that social performance             identity-driven reaction of self-protection, which
feedback dynamics will also depend on whether               is the desire to shelter or defend one’s positive
social performance is central to organizational             self-views in one’s own eyes or in the eyes of
identity (i.e., whether the firm is a social enterprise     others (Alicke & Sedikides, 2009; Sedikides, 2009).
or not). While stakeholder identification with the          We propose that self-protection will drive FI
firm motivates feedback, FI stakeholder percep-             stakeholders to provide intense negative social
tions of acceptable social performance will be              performance feedback—that is, visible and active
different when stakeholders identify with the firm          criticism of the firm. Stakeholders may withhold
because of its social performance, as in the case of        or provide critical resources (Frooman, 1999; Pfeffer
social enterprises. In addition, given that social          & Salancik, 1978) or may seek to compel change
performance is at the core of their organizational          (James & Wooten, 2006; Morrison, 1991). For in-
identity, social enterprises have identity-driven           stance, FI employees may directly express concerns
incentives to respond to FI stakeholder social per-         to managers of the firm (O’Connell, Stephens, Betz,
formance feedback and to distinguish their actions          Shepard, & Hendry, 2005), decrease productivity
268                                                                            Academy of Management Review                                      April

                                                                                 FIGURE 1
                                                            Strategic Responses to Social Performance Feedback

                                                                                             Feedback valence

                                                                               Negative                             Positive

                                             Nonsocial enterprise

                                                                          Legitimacy frame                      Efficiency frame

                                                                    Substantive-additive responses     Symbolic-unrelated responses
                                                                                 (P1)                             (P2)
                   Organizational identity

                                             Social enterprise

                                                                              Legitimacy +                      Efficiency +
                                                                        self-protection frames           self-enhancement frames

                                                                    Substantive-technical responses     Symbolic-related responses
                                                                                  (P3)                             (P4)

(Kristof-Brown, Zimmerman, & Johnson, 2005), and                                                  identity by differentiating the FI stakeholders
threaten to quit (Turban & Greening, 1997). FI con-                                               from negative identity spillover. Individuals pro-
sumers may vocalize concerns through the media,                                                   tect their identity by distancing themselves from
decrease consumption, or demand change (Sen &                                                     unfavorable events and attempting to cast them-
Bhattacharya, 2001). FI suppliers may reduce the                                                  selves in a positive light (Hogg & Terry, 2014).
exchange of valuable tacit knowledge and explicit                                                 When the discrepancy between FI stakeholder
information (Dyer & Nobeoka, 2000) or decrease                                                    expectations and firm social performance is too
asset-specific investments (Dyer, 1997).                                                          significant to adapt expectations, intense nega-
   The case of Market Basket provides a compel-                                                   tive social performance feedback is the mecha-
ling example of how FI stakeholders across di-                                                    nism that reconciles the identity threat. Intense
verse types can band together to express intense                                                  negative feedback serves to differentiate the FI
negative social performance feedback. Suppliers,                                                  stakeholders’ firm membership from the firm’s
employees, customers, and community members                                                       lower social performance activities. Second, in-
organized visible and active protests online and                                                  tense negative feedback seeks to preserve FI
in person, even boycotting the New England                                                        stakeholder identity by compelling the firm to re-
grocery store chain they cherished, to provoke                                                    align with FI stakeholders’ higher social perfor-
change after new leadership gained power,                                                         mance expectations.
forced out the beloved CEO, and violated FI                                                          While exiting the relationship with a firm that
stakeholder expectations by cutting the firm’s                                                    falls far below social performance expectations is
long-standing commitment to community social                                                      an option for non-FI stakeholders, this is not the
performance (Newbert & Craig, 2015).                                                              case for FI stakeholders. FI stakeholders are
   We contend that this intense negative feedback                                                 deeply associated with the firm, to the extent that
fulfills two self-protection identity purposes for FI                                             they derive their self-concept from it. As a result,
stakeholders. First, it protects current stakeholder                                              exiting the relationship means undertaking a
2018                                        Nason, Bacq, and Gras                                        269

challenging, uncomfortable, time-consuming, and         legitimacy loss from other stakeholders. Ingroup FI
costly process of identity change to disidentify from   stakeholders may utilize their power to mobilize
the firm. External recognition of group member-         nonidentified stakeholders or add credibility to the
ship means that organizational features become          claims of outgroup activist stakeholders (Waldron
entrenched in how FI stakeholders are perceived         et al., 2013). Indeed, if loyal stakeholders are un-
and categorized by others (Turner & Onorato, 1999).     satisfied with social performance levels, the firm is
Other groups are unlikely to be willing to accept       unlikely to find support from other stakeholder
new and stigmatized members into their own              groups. Thus, firms must take FI stakeholders’
ingroup under unfavorable conditions. In addition,      grievances seriously.
the internal fulfillment of identity from group            Firms have several options regarding how to
membership means that removing something from           respond to this intense negative social perfor-
one’s identity involves questioning one’s beliefs,      mance feedback. First, they could ignore the
remodeling mental schemas, and redefining who           negative feedback. While some firms may come
one is (Burke, 2006). As described above, there are     out relatively unscathed when ignoring cause-
strong self-continuity incentives not to undergo        identified activists (Waldron et al., 2013), FI
dramatic identity changes. Since disentangling          stakeholders provide far more support and ulti-
identity once one is highly identified is very dif-     mately confer legitimacy. Thus, we argue that FI
ficult, FI stakeholders are likely to view dis-         stakeholders hold greater bargaining power in
identifying and rebuilding identity through other       the reference point negotiation with the firm than
groups as a tactic of last resort (Burke, 2006).        activists and will demand a response. While
However, FI stakeholders’ dissent (i.e., attempts       a firm may consider leaving the negotiation and
to challenge group behavior) can actually signal        engendering identification in an alternative set of
their loyalty to the firm while showing a willingness   stakeholders (who can then provide them with
to improve the group (Packer, 2008). For these rea-     legitimacy), this is not likely to be feasible in the
sons, we suggest that FI stakeholders have strong       midst of intense negative scrutiny.
incentives to provide intense negative feedback            Second, firms may respond with symbolic ac-
that brings about changes in social performance         tions that seek to appease FI stakeholders and
activities to restore the firm and corresponding        manipulate their expectations. Again, symbolic
stakeholder self-identity to a positive light.          actions may be an effective tactic when facing
   Strategic framing and responding to negative         activist criticisms, since this tactic can mollify
social performance feedback. In the context of          outrage and mitigate the spread of negative
social performance, we contend that the tradi-          attention to other more salient stakeholders
tional behavioral theory of the firm’s loss             (McDonnell & King, 2013; Waldron et al., 2013).
frame—which captures concern regarding pre-             However, since FI stakeholders share identity at-
vious financial performance below the reference         tributes with the firm, they are likely to see
point—will manifest as a legitimacy concern.            through the veil of symbolic actions intended to
That is, we propose that nonsocial enterprises          move stakeholder expectations without changing
filter intense negative social performance feed-        actual social performance. In fact, attempts to
back from FI stakeholders through a strategic           “greenwash” or enact other less meaningful ini-
frame of legitimacy. When firm social perfor-           tiatives when facing intense negative social per-
mance falls below FI stakeholder expectations,          formance feedback may actually exacerbate
the firm will question whether it adheres to            negative impressions (Zavyalova et al., 2012) and
stakeholders’ values and norms of acceptable            stimulate further backlash against the firm’s
behavior (Suchman, 1995). Since FI stakeholders         perceived insincere response to intense identity-
are salient stakeholders, violating their expecta-      driven feedback. As a result, we theorize that
tions has material influence on firm resources          firms receiving intense negative feedback from FI
(Cragg & Greenbaum, 2002; Pajunen, 2006). If left       stakeholders will move beyond a mere concern
unchecked, a loss of legitimacy may destabilize         with keeping up appearances (cf. McDonnell &
operations and even threaten the very survival of       King, 2013).
the firm (Dowling & Pfeffer, 1975; Suchman, 1995).         Connelly, Tihanyi, Certo, and Hitt (2010) have
Furthermore, if FI stakeholders deem firm be-           made analogous arguments about substantive ac-
haviors to be illegitimate, they can not only with-     tions by firms with dedicated institutional investors
draw legitimacy endowments but also stimulate           who have higher ownership concentrations—and,
270                                      Academy of Management Review                                      April

we suggest, are likely to hold stronger identification    I voice my concerns” section, encouraging stake-
with their investments—compared to more tran-             holders to visibly and actively vocalize feedback
sient investors. These authors found that firms with      across outlets, such as commenting on their
dedicated institutional investors are more likely to      stories, contacting the company, or contacting
enact tangible strategic competitive actions com-         the Environmental Protection Agency (Barlett,
pared to potentially reversible tactical actions. In      Naranjo, & Plungis, 2017). In response, VW
the case of social performance, we propose that           announced a new major social performance
firms will respond to intense negative FI stake-          initiative—an aggressive strategic plan focused
holder feedback with substantive responses that           on electric cars, with no less than thirty new
increase actual levels of social performance, rather      electric vehicles across its brands by 2025 (Geuss,
than more superficial symbolic actions. However,          2016). This additive approach introduces a new
since social performance is ambiguous, its level          and more legitimately eco-friendly product to its
can be directly increased either by launching new         existing line of reliable and high-performance
social performance initiatives (substantive addi-         cars.
tive) or by addressing the root cause of the negative        This practical evidence exemplifies our more
attention (substantive technical).                        formal proposition.
   We suggest that firms for which social perfor-
mance is not central to organizational identity are            Proposition 1: Nonsocial enterprises are
likely to enact substantive-additive responses to              likely to respond to intense negative
intense negative performance feedback. Substantive-            social performance feedback from FI
additive responses are tangible and meaningful so-             stakeholders with new social perfor-
cial performance actions but do not involve the same           mance initiatives (substantive additive).
level of cost and risk as altering core operational ac-   Nonsocial Enterprise Social Performance Above
tivities. In this way, substantive-additive strategies    FI Stakeholder Expectations
allow firms to create new social performance activi-
ties without making dramatic changes to existing            Expressing intense positive social perfor-
operations. However, the new social initiatives serve     mance feedback. On the positive side of the ref-
the purpose of restoring FI stakeholder alignment         erence point, when an FI stakeholder realizes that
with the firm, since overall levels of social perfor-     their firm sponsors a local Little League baseball
mance activity increase. Thus, in this scenario,          team, they may align expectations with perfor-
substantive-additive responses of social perfor-          mance through such thoughts as “Of course it
mance represent the most viable means to realign          does things like this; it’s a good corporate citizen”
expectations and restore legitimacy.                      or “That is normal for modern corporations.”
   The recent VW “dieselgate” emissions scandal           However, if the same stakeholder discovers that
exemplifies the dynamics of negative social per-          the firm unexpectedly donated $10 million to a
formance feedback. VW is generally known for              local homeless shelter, they are likely to have
safety, quality, and reliability; hence, stake-           a more intense response driven by self-enhancement
holders are likely to identify with these central         identity considerations. Self-enhancement refers to
organizational characteristics. When it was re-           the desire to amplify the positive aspects of the self
vealed that VW cheated by artificially reducing           in one’s own eyes or in the eyes of others (Shore,
emissions levels during testing compared to real-         Cleveland, & Goldberg, 2003). This need for high
world driving, VW’s FI stakeholders who cared             self-esteem will induce FI stakeholders to further
about social performance were motivated to pro-           associate their self with the firm.
tect their own identity by voicing intense negative         Self-enhancement will drive FI stakeholders to
social performance feedback. CNN profiled FI VW           provide intense positive social performance
drivers who described identity harm arising from          feedback—that is, visible and active praise for
being deceived by a car they really believed in           their firm. Visible and active praise allows at-
(Garcia, 2015). The intense identity reactions of FI      tractive firm attributes to reflect on and be
stakeholders even became the subject a popular            incorporated into identity (Ashforth & Mael, 1989;
parody featuring FI VW owners expressing their            Cialdini et al., 1976). In the case of social perfor-
feelings of betrayal to their cars (Funny or Die,         mance above FI stakeholder expectations, in-
2015). Consumer reports created a guide to the            tense positive feedback allows FI stakeholders
emissions scandal that concluded with a “How do           to reap the positive benefits of firm affiliation. In
2018                                      Nason, Bacq, and Gras                                       271

doing so, FI stakeholders incorporate the higher      earlier, when positive attributes of higher social
levels of social performance into their self-         performance are incorporated into an FI stake-
concept, which also raises their future expecta-      holder’s self-concept, it raises their future expec-
tions of social performance.                          tations of firm social performance. In this way,
   Stakeholders have a broad range of means to        firms may face a type of social performance “Red
communicate visible and active praise to a firm.      Queen effect” (Derfus, Maggitti, Grimm, & Smith,
They may increase their direct contact with the       2008; van Valen, 1977) such that the more social
firm through writing letters of appreciation,         a firm becomes, the more social performance FI
“@”ing the firm on social media with praise, and      stakeholders will expect. This can create an es-
producing more favorable reviews (Bhattacharya        calating cycle whereby firms must engage in an
& Sen, 2004). They may also seek to engage other      increasing level of social performance to satisfy
stakeholder groups in recognition of the firm by      stakeholder demands, which, in turn, causes
mobilizing social media campaigns or garnering        firms to endure increasing expenditures and risk
more traditional media attention. Employees may       future legitimacy loss.
increase organizational citizenship and extra-           As a result, firms for which social performance
role behaviors (Dutton et al., 1994).                 is not central to organizational identity will take
   In sum, we suggest that FI stakeholders express    action to mitigate rising social performance ex-
the major positive discrepancy between expec-         pectations. However, managing future expectations
tations and firm social performance by providing      under conditions of positive social performance
intense positive social performance feedback to       feedback from FI stakeholders is a delicate issue.
enhance their own self-concept.                       Whereas embracing positive acclaim makes
   Strategic framing and responding to positive       firms vulnerable to violating rising expectations
social performance feedback. In the context of        and experiencing intense negative social perfor-
social performance, we suggest that the tradi-        mance feedback in the future, rejecting positive
tional behavioral theory of the firm’s gain           social performance feedback risks alienating FI
frame—which captures the perspective re-              stakeholders who welcome the reputational ben-
garding previous financial performance above          efits conferred by higher levels of firm social
the reference point—will manifest as an effi-         performance than expected.
ciency concern. Intense positive social perfor-          We propose that firms address this conundrum
mance feedback signals to a firm that it is           by resorting to symbolic actions that attempt to
investing in social performance activities that       alter stakeholder expectations without changing
were not demanded or expected. Engaging in so-        the actual level of firm social performance. Past
cial performance activities is costly (Walters        research has examined how firms utilize sym-
et al., 2010; Williamson, Lynch-Wood, & Ramsay,       bolic actions related to social performance to
2006), and these activities’ financial returns are    address negative feedback from activists
not always clear (Ullmann, 1985; Wood & Jones,        (McDonnell & King, 2013; Oliver, 1991; Suchman,
1995). As such, the benefits of social performance    1995), including the use of CSR reports (Feldner &
beyond FI stakeholder expectations are likely to      Berg, 2014), social media activity touting philan-
be lower than the costs. In fact, Barnett and         thropic programs (Gershbein, 2015), or press re-
Salomon (2006) proposed that the relationship         leases related to social performance awards
between social performance and financial per-         (Zavyalova et al., 2012). However, we argue that
formance takes an inverted-U shape, indicating        when firms face intense positive social perfor-
that an overabundance of social performance will      mance feedback, symbolic actions related to so-
ultimately conflict with financial performance.       cial performance may serve to “pile on” social
We follow this logic and argue that the turning       accolades that are likely to exacerbate already
point where social performance activities exhibit     rising expectations. In contrast to extant litera-
diminishing returns is at the level of FI stake-      ture, we contend that firms use symbolic actions
holder expectations. That is, investing in social     unrelated to social performance to address in-
performance activities beyond what the firm’s         tense positive feedback from FI stakeholders.
loyal and influential FI stakeholders expect con-        Symbolic actions unrelated to social perfor-
stitutes investments with limited recompense.         mance include social media posts emphasizing
   There is further danger to intense positive so-    product quality, annual reports focusing on eco-
cial performance, beyond costs. As described          nomic trends, or press releases indicating financial
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