Prediction of Stock Market Index based on Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, and Data Mining Using SVD

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The Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Information Processing, Data Mining, and Wireless Communications, Dubai, UAE, 2015

           Prediction of Stock Market Index based on Neural Networks, Genetic
                         Algorithms, and Data Mining Using SVD

                      Dr. Mohammad V. Malakooti                                                  Amir AghaSharif
         Faculty and Head of Department of Computer Engineering                   Student of Department of Computer Engineering
            Islamic Azad University, UAE branch, Dubai, UAE                     Islamic Azad University, UAE branch, Dubai, UAE

        ABSTRACT                                                          research we want to develop new software
                                                                          based on mathematical rules and prediction
        Nowadays, most of the investors are interested to                 algorithms to help affiliates for a better
        use of predicting tools for obtaining the accurate                decision.
        information about the stock market indices and to                 They can obtain the predicted values of the
        make a wise decision based in the precise market                  stock market price indices are unpredictable
        price. The prediction of the stock market index is an
                                                                          and buy or sell the stock with more confidence.
        attractive research area that needs to be done with
        especial tools and with accurate algorithms.
                                                                          Since the stock market price indices are
        In this research we have uses the Neural Network                  unpredictable and not only depend upon the
        (NN) for the learning and curve fitting process,                  economic events but also will be affected by
        Genetic Algorithms (GA) for the path search and                   political events. Thus, we cannot easily fit a
        optimization process, Decision Tree and Data                      mathematical model to this unpredicted, non-
        Mining, using SVD to obtain the maximum                           linear, and non-parametric rime series.
        accuracy of the prediction. The maximum accuracy                  The main concern of the broker is to get into
        of the prediction rate obtained for DJIA by using                 the market at right time and either buy or sell
        machine learning techniques is about 77.8%.                       the stock based on the reliable information. We
        Our focus on this research is to improve the                      have followed the work of researchers [2], [6],
        decision tree, dada mining and neural network
                                                                          [13], and have used the fundamental analysis,
        techniques by using the Eigen System Analysis,
        Mean value, and SVD.
                                                                          data mining, machine learning, decision tree
                                                                          and neural networks to reach our prediction
        KEYWORDS                                                          goals.
                                                                          Fundamental analysis can be used to obtain the
        stock trading, risk, decision tree, machine learning,             price of stock by using natural values and
        neural networks, genetic algorithms, data mining,                 attended return on buy or sell of the share [12],
        data classification, future stock, SVM, Eigen value               [7]. There are two kinds of analysis on the stock
        and SVD.                                                          market:

           I.    INTRODUCTION                                                  1) Technical Analysis:

        Manuscript In recent decade, many researchers                              We have not focused on the technical
        focused on the stock market predication in                                 analysis because it has been used for
        which we can predict future of stock market                                short-term strategy on the market. In
        price index based on the previous information                              some cases, researchers may have used
        and the relationships exist between them. In this                          the technical analysis for stock market

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                 based on the historical data of volume                            possible actions such as buy or sell of
                 and trading price. We can use the past                            share to achieve more benefit [8].
                 value of the stock market price
                 information and predict its feature value                         Six Major Risks in the Stock Market
                 based on the historical marketing                                 for Traders:
                 information and volume [9][12].
                 Therefore, with machine learning and                                   1) Trade Risk: what you put on
                 analysis of charts and models we can                                      trade: for example if you put one
                 show the direction of the market.                                         thousand dollars in a trade that is
                                                                                           your Trade Risk.
            2) Fundamental Analysis:
                                                                                        2) Market Risk: What can happen
                 We have focused on the fundamental                                        in the market, something that
                 analysis because it has been used for                                     happen to the global economy,
                 long-term strategy on the market and                                      possibly to your country or
                 concentered on the mathematical model.                                    where you are trading
                 Artificial Intelligent (AI) and Data
                 Mining (DM) techniques which are very                                  3) Margin Risk: If you are
                 tough approach are similar to decision                                    borrowing money on margin.
                 tree. One can use the artificial neural                                   For example if you are
                 network to perform fundamental                                            borrowing money from a broker
                 analysis in this scope [14]. Data Mining,                                 and you don’t pay that money
                 an     interdisciplinary    subfield   of                                 back in a certain amount of time
                 computer science, is the computational                                    or you don’t close out some
                 process of discovering pattern in the                                     positions did you have this
                 large data sets involving methods at the                                  margin risk eventually, it will
                 intersection of Artificial Intelligence.                                  catch up to you and you do have
                 We need to know all possible outcomes                                     to pay that money back or close
                 and chart representation and the                                          out your position, otherwise you
                 directions to make a good decision that                                   will be forced to close those
                 it comes from decision tree, one of the                                   positions.
                 greatest ways to data classification. For
                 machine learning algorithm we use the                                  4) Liquidity Risk: If you cannot
                 decision tree and Artificial Neural                                       get out of stock market quickly.
                 network method. In this decade,                                           That typically, you don’t have
                 researchers focus on predicting the                                       liquidity issues because you
                 stock from the historical data and find                                   trade big amount of stock.
                 the useful rules from raw data in
                 database investors. They cannot extract                                5) Overnight Risk: If you hold
                 these rules from raw data easily.                                         the position overnight or for
                 Prevalently, in real world, it is                                         multiple days because you don’t
                 impossible to conclude from data in                                       know what’s going happen
                 case of huge databases. As we                                             overnight. You don’t know what
                 mentioned before, data mining helps                                       will happened to the company,
                 investors to classify the historical data                                 what news will come out,
                 and predict the future of market for any                                  something      overseas    may
                                                                                           happened to the company. You

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                          don’t know really what’s going                       5) To appraise the model by using the
                          happen.                                                 famous method (evolution method).
                                                                               6) Spread out the model in the market for
                      6) Volatility Risk: is the range of                         predicting the suitable action like buy or
                         the magnitude that the stock is                          sell a share.
                         moving it. Think of volatility is
                         the range, it could be up ten
                                                                               7) Realize the reason and goals of model.
                         dollars one day, down ten dollars
                         another day, those are more                      After collecting data, we should use decision
                         wallet of stock [15].                            tree for classification. There are three main
                                                                          advantages for decision tree: it is fast, simple
                                                                          and accurate. The parameters in this model are,
         II.      RELATED WORKS                                           previous, open, max, min, last and action.

        Decision Tree:                                                    Genetic Algorithm:

        One of the best methodologies in Decision Tree                    Another algorithm, which is used for prediction
        is Data Mining in order to collect the data from                  of stock marketing, is Genetic Algorithm. One
        the stock market with this method and find firm                   of the reasons that we choose this technique is
        model to extract issues as well as related                        to find accurate solutions for our issues. This
        solutions. There are different Data Mining                        algorithm is referred to evolutionary biology
        methodologies to show us how to manage the                        like inheritance, mutation, selection and
        collecting data, analyzing data and issue of the                  crossover. In Genetic Algorithm, the first step
        information, executing information and finally                    is to choose a set of chromosomes, which is a
        control the progressive of the result [5]. To                     possible solution for issues in different
        make the model for analyzing the stock market,                    situations. After that, one solution should be
        we use the CRISP-DM (Cross-Identity                               tested and become better. Finally the better
        Standard Process for Data Mining) in decision                     solution has more chance to solve the problem.
        Tree Method. This method is a result of the                       These steps should be continued until we get
        European consortium of companies in mid                           the optimal solution [4,10].
        1990s to achieve a non-dedicated standard
        process model for Data Mining methodology.                        Evolution Strategies:
        This model involves 7 steps:
                                                                          For continuous parameter optimization, there is
               1) Comprehend the goals of extracting                      Evolution Strategy. We can show the gene as a
                  stock prices.                                           vector and in this algorithm the intermediate
                                                                          recombination strategy is used. In the other
               2) Find out the collected             data    and          words, the average of selected parent values is
                  formation of that.                                      the child and randomly other parents are
                                                                          selected. At the end, two individual can go to
               3) Provide the data, which is placed in the                the next generation.
                                                                          We have to follow 5 steps in this algorithm:
                  classification model.
                                                                               1) Build an initial population                     of
               4) Choose the technique for making model.
                                                                                  individuals randomly.

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            2) Use reproduction operator for making                       Learning, which is used in various field.
               children from current population.                          Especially we use the different method such as
                                                                          Support Vector Machine (SVM) and
            3) Conclude the suitability of each                           reinforcement learning. To reach the goal of
               individual.                                                SVM method, we collect the global stock
            4) Choose the best individuals and ignore                     market and various financial products to predict
                                                                          the future stock trend. As a result of SVM
               other ones.
                                                                          method, we can predict of 74.4% in NAZDAQ,
                                                                          77.6% in DJIA and 76.0% in S&P500. In
            5) Continue to step 2 until the number of                     machine learning, we use these formulas:
               generation is empty.
                                                                          At the first we define Xi(t), where i ϵ {1, 2, …},
        The parameters of genetic algorithm are                           to be feature i at time t.
        population size, crossover probability, selection                 F= (X1, X2, ..., Xn)T                           (1)
        and stopping criteria. And parameters of                          Where
        evolutionary strategy are: population size,
        crossover probability, mutation probability,                      Xt = (x1(t), x2(t),..., xn (t))                         (2)
        selection and stopping criteria. [4]
                                                                          ∇δxi(t) = xi(t) − xi(t −δ)
                                                                          ∇δ X (t) = X (t) − X (t − δ)
        Neural Network:                                                   = (∇δ x1(t), ∇δ x2(t), · · · ∇δ x16(t))T
                                                                          ∇δ F = (∇δX(δ + 1), ∇δX(δ + 2), ..., ∇δX(n)) (3)
        Because of using learning from training and
        experience, Machine Learning is one of the                        Experimental Results of this Algorithm:
        suitable methods in Artificial Intelligence
        criteria. ANNs is a connectionist model, which                         A) Trend Prediction:
        can improve the network by setting the weights.
        This model includes nodes, direct arcs and                                      1) Single Feature Prediction:
        weights as well [1].                                                               based on cross-correlation for
        Rosenblatt created the feed-forward networks                                       approximation of importance of
        [9]. This model is represented by three layers:                                    data collection in the algorithm
        input layer, hidden layer and output layer. In                                     we can predict daily NAZDAQ
        feed-forward model the arcs are unidirectional.                                    index trend. As we can see in
        In financial criteria, there are different                                         below:
        problems and the important one is to predict the
        stock market. As we mentioned before, ANNs
        networks model are used to predict the stock
        market and it uses the following parameters:
        previous day’s index value, previous day’s TL/
        USD exchange rate, previous day’s overnight
        interest rate and 5 dummy variables each shows
        the working days of the week [3].

        Machine Learning:

        As we mentioned in the introduction one of the
        method to predict the stock market is Machine                                   Figure 1: Prediction accuracy by single

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                          As you can see the best result                                Pr {vt+1– vt >ct } where ct = -(vt-ts–
                          70.8% belong to DAX.                                          vt).                                 (4)

                     2) Long Term Prediction:                                           So, based on this formula we reach
                        For reach to the more accuracy                                  85.0% accuracy when time period
                        in the long term prediction, we                                 longer than 30 days.
                        use the below formula:

                                                   Figure 2: Decision Tree for the MECE

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        Evolution:                                                                   As a result of using Machine Learning
                                                                                     algorithm to predict the stock market,
        The square Root of Mean Square Error (RMSE)
                                                                                     we can summarize them into three parts:
        for evaluation is used for evaluation of this
                                                                                     1) Have a strong relation between the
                                                                                        US stock and global stock that close
                                                              (5)                       right before or at the very beginning
                                                                                        of a US trading market time.
        Based on various algorithms such as baseline,
        SVM, linear and GLM, we can figure out the                                   2) We use different Machine Learning
        exact value of daily NAZDAQ.                                                    based model that we mentioned in
                                                                                        this paper for predicting daily trend
               Table1: Stock Index Regression Accuracy                                  and the result is high accuracy
                      Baseline      SVM       Linear     GLM
          RMSE         40.4         21.6       24.8      28.7                        3) A useful trading model based on
                                                                                        good trained predictor, which can
                                                                                        create high benefit [10].
            B) Multiclass Classification:
                                                                           III.      PROPOSED MODEL:
                 For minimizing trading risk and
                 maximizing the benefit, we use the                       As we mentioned in section 2, one of the
                 SVM model and start from fundamental                     methods for predicting is Decision Tree. In this
                 vision in SVM algorithm. For reach to                    paper we want to improve the accuracy of other
                                                                          methods by using SVD, Eigen value and
                 this goal, we classify the raw data into
                                                                          average of features.
                 at least three categorize: positive,
                                                                          In Decision Tree method, we collect the data
                 negative and neutral. We can select                      with 6 attributes: previous, open, min, max,
                 these risky points and reject the                        last, action.
                 prediction results. To make the multi
                 classifier at the first we need to define                           Table2: Attribute Description
                 width of the central area.                               Attribute          Description              Value
                                                                                         Previous day close          Positive,
                                                                                          price of the stock      Negative, Equal
                                                                                          Current day open           Positive,
                                                                                          price of the stock      Negative, Equal
                                                                                            Current day
                                                              (6)                                                    Positive,
                                                                             Min        minimum price of the
                                                                                                                  Negative, Equal
                                                                                            Current day
                                                                             Max        maximum price of the
                                                                                                                  Negative, Equal
                                                                                          Current day close          Positive,
                                                              (7)            Last
                                                                                          price of the stock      Negative, Equal
                 tp: true positive                                                       The action taken by
                 fp: false positive                                         Action       the investor on this         Buy, Sell
                 fn: false negative                                                             stock

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        First of all, for use Decision Tree, the continues                Tabel4: Sample of historical data after selecting attribute
        collected data should be changed to the discrete                  Previous     Open        Max          Min        Last         Action
        value.                                                            Positive    Positive    Positive    Negative    Negative       Sell
        For changing continues data to discrete data                      Negative    Positive    Positive    Negative    Negative       Buy
        there is one useful criterion, which is based on                  Negative    Negative     Equal      Negative    Negative       Buy
        the close market price. When the amount of the                    Negative    Negative     Equal      Negative    Negative       Sell
                                                                          Negative     Equal      Positive    Negative    Positive       Buy
        open, max, min and last are greater than
                                                                          Positive    Negative    Positive    Negative    Positive       Buy
        previous attribute in the same trading day, the                   Positive    Positive    Positive    Positive    Positive       Buy
        positive value should be replaced to the                          Positive     Equal      Positive    Negative    Negative       Buy
        previous attribute. Otherwise, we put negative                    Negative    Positive    Positive    Negative    Negative       Sell
        instead of previous attribute, and if values are
        equal, we choose the equal attribute. As we                       The next step after to reach the discrete value,
        mentioned in the table 3, we can see the                          is to build the classification model using the
        continuous numerical value before we select the                   Decision Tree.
        six attributes manually and before generated
        them to the discrete value.                                       In this paper we assume two different

        Table3: Sample of historical data before selecting                Scenario 1:
        relevant attributes and before generalization
                                                                          These steps should be done as following:
        Previous     Open      Max       Min      Last     Action
                                                                               1) Collect stock market data of 30 days.
          25.82      25.99      26      25.41     25.67     Sell

          25.67      25.68     25.68     25.2     25.3      Buy
                                                                               2) Extract the features of them in same day
                                                                                  but in 9 different times: previous, open,
          25.3        24.8     25.3     24.41     24.9      Buy                   Max, Min, last and volume.

          24.9        24.8     24.9      24.3     24.87     Sell               3) For each feature, form the matrix.

          24.87      24.87     25.55    24.85     25.3      Buy                4) Calculate XXT and apply SVD on that
                                                                                  for generating Eigen value.
          25.3       25.25      26      25.25     25.82     Buy

          25.82      25.99     26.4     25.99     26.3      Buy                5) Calculate average of sell volume and
                                                                                  buy volume.
          26.3        26.3     26.3       26      26.02     Buy
                                                                               6) Calculate the average of each feature.
          26.02      26.09     26.09    25.55     25.63     Sell
                                                                               7) Assign different weights for first day,
        According to table 4, show the same sample                                7th day and 30th day and average of one
        after collecting the six attributes and                                   month.
        transforming them to the discrete amount.
                                                                               8) Finally for predicting the action we have
                                                                                  to compare the present feature with first

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                 day, 7th day, 30th day and average of                    U: left singular vectors
                 month and make a best decision.                          V: right singular vectors

            9) If our present information is match with
               all 4 days we have to buy. If it is match
               with 3 of them we can buy with 25%
               risk and if it is match with 2 of them we
               can buy with 50% risk.
        In the following you can see the formula and
        simulation of the scenario.                                        δ=                                                    (11)

                                 X1 X2 X3                                                                                        (12)
                  X=             X4 X5 X6
                                 X7 X8 X9                                  U= R V Ʃ -1                                           (13)

                                                                          Scenario 2:
                                 X1 X4 X7
                                 X2 X5 X8                                 In this scenario we have to also follow same
                 XT =
                                 X3 X6 X9                                 steps but instead of applying SVD on raw data,
                                                                          we should use autocorrelation firstly and then
        We have to generate this matrix for each feature                  apply SVD on that matrix.
        in 30 days where xi represents 9 different times                  On the other hand, for each feature we generate
        at the same day.                                                  autocorrelation matrix as you can see in the
        After that R= XXT that it means each matrix                       following:
        should be multiplied by transpose of that.
        Calculate the SVD and Eigen value by the                             X1    X2   X3    X4    X5    X6    X7    X8    X9
        following formula:
                                                                             X1    X2   X3    X4    X5    X6    X7    X8    X9     R0
        Calculate Eigen value:
                                                                              0    X1   X2    X3    X4    X5    X6    X7    X8     R1
        |[R- λI]|=0                                           (8)
        Eigen values = λ1, λ2, …, λn                                          0    0    X1    X2    X3    X4    X5    X6    X7     R2

        Calculate Eigen vector:                                               0    0     0    X1    X2    X3    X4    X5    X6     R3

        R- λI =0                                             (9)              0    0     0     0    X1    X2    X3    X4    X5     R4
        Eigen vector= Y1, Y2, …, Yn
                                                                              0    0     0     0     0    X1    X2    X3    X4     R5
        Calculate SVD:
                                                                              0    0     0     0     0     0    X1    X2    X3     R6
        SVDR= U Ʃ V                                         (10)
                                                                              0    0     0     0     0     0     0    X1    X2     R7
                                                                              0    0     0     0     0     0     0     0    X1     R8

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                                                                (14)      group numbers with lesser standard deviation
                                                                          are preferred.
        We use the autocorrelation lags to form a new
                                                                          So for each day we have to keep these
        matrix of autocorrelation call Toeplitz matrix
                                                                          information in order to prediction:
        that may contain accurate information about our
        raw data.
                                                                               1) ϭ previous
                                                                               2) ϭ open
                                                                               3) ϭ Max
            R0    R1    R2     R3    R4       R5      R6   R7    R8            4) ϭ Min
            R1    R0    R1     R2    R3       R4      R5   R6    R7            5) ϭ Last
            R2    R1    R0     R1    R2       R3      R4   R5    R6            6) Volume sell
            R3    R2    R1     R0    R1       R2      R3   R4    R5            7) Volume buy
            R4    R3    R2     R1    R0       R1      R2   R3    R4            8) Avg previous
            R5    R4    R3     R2    R1       R0      R1   R2    R3            9) Avg open
            R6    R5    R4     R3    R2       R1      R0   R1    R2            10) Avg Max
            R7    R6    R5     R4    R3       R2      R1   R0    R1            11) Avg Min
            R8    R7    R6     R5    R4       R3      R2   R1    R0            12) Avg last
                                                                               13) Min Eigen Value
                                                                               14) Max Eigen Value
        Again, we have to repeat calculation of SVD                            15) Avg Eigen Value
        and Eigen value for this matrix.
                                                                          Simulation of 2 scenarios:
        To compare the deviation from mean value
        among different numbers we calculate the                          Scenario1:
        average, variance and standard deviation of
        each attribute and store them in a vector.                        Here, we apply scenario1 to data of previous
                                                                          feature as an example but in real world we have
            1) Calculate the average                                      to use this algorithm for six attributes.
                 Ā = (1/M)            i                         (15)
               Where M is number of samples
            2) Calculate variance
                                                                          X T=
                 Var = (1/M)              i   - Ā)2             (16)

            3) Calculate the standard deviation
                 Ϭ=                                             (17)

        Group numbers with same average should be
        compared based on their standard deviation and

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        SVD:                                                              SVD:

        U=                                                                U=


        VT =

        Matrix S contains the Eigen values and these
        Eigen values have the main data that help in
        stock prediction.



                                                                          VT =


                                                                          Eventually for getting the best result we use all
                                                                          algorithms in addition to our scenarios as

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                                                                          Analysis, Mean value and SVD to increase the
                                                                          predication rate. But we cannot reach to 100%
                                                                          prediction rate. We have used the Eigen value
                                                                          Analysis and SVD of the time series related to
                                                                          the stock market index, and compare the result
                                                                          with old models. The simulation results and our
                                                                          method of prediction caused that the price of
                                                                          stock market index based on SVD can provide a
                                                                          wider range of prediction.


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   ISBN: 978-1-941968-05-5 ©2015 SDIWC                                                                                                 40
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