9 10 British Confectionary Answers on the back page

Page created by Rose Terry
9 10 British Confectionary Answers on the back page
Picture Quiz - British Confectionary

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Answers on the back page
9 10 British Confectionary Answers on the back page
26. In the Monty Python TV series ‘Who
                                                               expected the Spanish Inquisition’?
 The PubPaper Quiz                                         27. Lewis and Harris, North and South Uist
                                                               and Barra are part of which island group?
                                                           28. Who had a UK top ten hit in 1975 with
1.    Which artist painted a number of pictures of sun-        “Wide Eyed and Legless”?
      flowers?                                             29. Which ancient road liked China with the
2.    In the fairy tale, who is the enemy of the Three         West?
      Little Pigs?                                         30. Marks & Spencer has begun legal action
3.    Which city did the ancient Greeks by legend              against which budget supermarket, arguing
      besiege for 10 years?                                    the supermarket’s Cuthbert the Caterpillar
4.    Seymour Skinner is the school principle in which         cake infringes its Colin the Caterpillar
      fictional cartoon town?                                  trademark? (Apl 2021)
                                                           31. Which county have been cricket’s county
5.    What significant territory did President Richard
                                                               champions on most occasions?
      Nixon call by telephone on 20 July 1969?
                                                           32. How many pubs have been in every Good
6.    Through which walled city does the river Dee
                                                               Beer Guide since it was first published in
      flow?                                                    1972 - 5, 15 or 25?
7.    Specifically, Mallard is the official world speed    33. Which US city is considered the capital of
      record holding what?                                     country music?
8.    Which two vegetables are generally used in the       34. In which Queen video did Freddie Mercury
      making of hash browns?                                   appear vacuuming a room?
9.    What is the name of the free newspaper given out     35. Ramadan has started recently, but how
      on many public-transport services and stations?          many days does it last? (Apl 2021)
10.   What is the traditional name for a tradesman who     36. Of what number is octophobia a morbid
      makes things such as gates and furniture by forg-        fear?
      ing iron/steel?                                      37. What colour is the second ‘O’ in the stand-
11.   How many miles is the London orbital M25 motor-          ard original Google logo: Blue; Green;
      way: 27; 54; 89; or 117?                                 Red; or Yellow?
12.   Which television quiz show/game of chance has        38. In golf, what is a ‘Golden Ferret’?
      four drop zones?                                     39. What do sailors call the phantom ship of
13.   What colour flag is the signal for surrender?            evil omen, reputed to appear off the Cape
                                                               of Good Hope? Clue there’s a pub in
14.   Airedale, English Bull and Bedlington are what
                                                               Calderdale with the same name.
      type of dogs?
                                                           40. Who has taken over as co-host of Good
15.   Cerys Matthews was a founding member & lead
                                                               Morning Britain for the rest of April follow-
      singer of which group?                                   ing the departure of Piers Morgan? (Apl
16.   In which decade did the first wheel clamps arrive        2021)
      in Britain?                                          41. Popular in the 90’s which type of haircut is
17.   Lloret De Mar & Tossa De Mar are on which of the         also the name of a fish?
      Spanish Costas?                                      42. What is the highest point in England?
18.   Wurst means sausage in which European lan-           43. Name the supermarket that has a ‘Finest’
      guage?                                                   range?
19.   In the title of a 1964 musical, where was the        44. Why were people suspicious of black cats
      Fiddler standing?                                        during the Middle Ages?
20.   What city opened the UK’s largest city-centre        45. Which COVID vaccine became the third
      water feature - the ‘Mirror Pool’ - in 2012?             to be rolled out in the UK this week? (Apl
21.   In which Olympic sport do the rules require the          2021)
      playing surface to be divided by a net 15.25cm       46. What does the Latin word “circa” before a
      high?                                                    date mean?
22.   Which fashion brand announced they would stop        47. Japanese Kobe (‘koby’) from Tajima
                                                               Wagyu cattle is highly prized finest quality:
      using animal fur in 2018?
                                                               Leather; Milk; Beef; or Horn?
23.   How many sides does a rhombus have?
                                                           48. Marzipan is made of which ground nut?
24.   In America, grits are usually eaten at which meal?
                                                           49. On what radio station is Book at Bedtime
25.   On which Caribbean island has a volcano erupted          broadcast every weekday?
      leaving a blanket of ash, and disrupted water and    50. How many months of the year end their
      power supplies recently? (Apl 2021)                      names with ‘ember’?
9 10 British Confectionary Answers on the back page
The PubPaper Extra Quiz
 1. The river Plate has which capital city on its         17. The UK has three native snakes, name them.
     banks?                                               18. Who was the first Spanish golfer to win the
 2. Tiffi, Mr. Toffee, Mr. Yeti and Odus the Owl are          British Open?
     all characters in which popular mobile game          19. Which British TV documentary series, the
     series?                                                  most expensive ever made at the time of its
 3. In currency, the pound sign is based on what              completion, ran from October 1973 to May
     letter of the alphabet?                                  1974? It was narrated by Laurence Olivier?
 4. What are the three main ingredients of a              20. Who was on the British throne in 1588 at the
                                                              time of the Spanish Armada?
 5. Pantyhose is the American name for what item
                                                          21. ‘I don’t want to achieve immortality through my
     of women’s clothing?
                                                              work. I want to achieve it by...’ what? (Woody
 6. Rhea Perlman was best known for her role as
     waitress Carla Tortelli in which TV show?                Allen)
 7. Which African country was known as Rhodesia           22. The Pennine Way passes through England
     between 1964 and 1979?                                   into which other country?
 8. Originally created by members of the Tremayne         23. In Greek mythology, Hermes was the mes-
     family, name the Cornish gardens which were              senger of the gods, but by what name is his
     restored in the 1990’s.                                  Roman equivalent known?
 9. The name Vodka is derived from the Russian            24. How many wooden pieces are there in a game
     word Voda, which means what in English?                  of Jenga?
 10. What is the name shared by a pain in the side        25. The name of which American rock band was
     often caused by running and a surgical suture?           also the term used by Allied pilots in WW II to
 11. Which British actor died whilist still filming his       describe UFO’s?
     supporting role in Ridley Scott’s Gladiator?         26. Who designed the Midland Grand Hotel and
 12. Roughly, what proportion of their DNA do                 station buildings at St Pancras?
     humans and chimpanzees share: 77%, 92% or            27. The skeleton of which creature can be found in
     98.5%?                                                   the vaulted entrance hall of the Natural History
 13. Europeans are familiar with A-4 size paper.
                                                              museum in London?
     What is the area of A-0 paper?
                                                          28. Chapter one of which best selling novel begins
 14. Lord Lucan had what inappropriate nickname?
                                                              ‘Robert Langdon awoke slowly’?
 15. RHS Garden Harlow Carr is in which Yorkshire
     town?                                                29. What town is served by Pleasure Beach
16. What item of clothing is named after an atoll             Railway Station?
    site of US nuclear testing, originally meaning        30. The patella bone is more commonly know as
    ‘surface of coconuts’?                                    what?

                       I hope you guys have seen the front page on this
                         website, it contains an up to date list of all the
                            pubs in Calderdale that have re-opened.
9 10 British Confectionary Answers on the back page
1.  Vincent van Gogh    19. On the roof              36. Eight
                     2.  Big Bad Wolf        20. Bradford                 37. Yellow
                     3.  Troy                21. Table tennis             38. Holing the ball
                     4.  Springfield (The    22. Gucci                        directly from a
                         Simpsons)           23. Four                         bunker

The Quiz
                     5. The Moon             24. Breakfast                39. The Flying
                     6. Chester              25. St Vincent                   Dutchman
                     7. Steam locomotive     26. No one                   40. Adil Ray
                     8. Potatoes and         27. Outer Hebrides           41. Mullet
                         onions              28. Andy                     42. Scafell Pike
                     9. The Metro                Fairweather-Low          43. Tesco
                     10. Blacksmith          29. The Silk Road            44. They thought
                     11. 117 miles           30. Aldi                         they were
                     12. Tipping Point       31. Yorkshire                    witches
                     13. White               32. Five                     45. Moderna
                     14. Terriers            33. Nashville,               46. Approximately
                     15. Catatonia               Tennessee                47. Beef
                     16. 1980s               34. I Want to Break          48. Almond
                     17. Costa Brava             Free                     49. Radio Four
                     18. German              35. Thirty days              50. Three

Best pretend headlines of the week: (Fake News)
Corrupt Johnson accuses Corrupt Cameron of corruption/plagiarism.
‘All things must pass’ advises Gastroenterologist.
Man who finally has haircut celebrates with mullet-off cocktail.
Paul Rodgers barred from taking Philip’s place as main support for Queen.
Boom, boom, boom, boom Boom, boom, boom Boom, boom, boom, boom Boom, boom...boom.
By Pte S O Baldrick...

 THE PUBPAPER EXTRA                         Picture Quiz Answers
1.    Buenos Aires   17. Adder (Viper),
2.    Candy Crush        Grass and
3.    L                  Smooth                                    Chewits            Allsorts
4.    Chocolate,     18. Severiano
      espresso and       Ballesteros
      hot milk       19. The World at           Tic Tacs
5.    Tights             War                                   Fruit Pastilles
6.    Cheers         20. Queen Elizabeth
7.    Zimbabwe           the First
8.    The Lost       21. Not Dying                                                Bounty
      Gardens of     22. Scotland
      Heligan        23. Mercury
9.    Water          24. 54
10.   Stitch         25. Foo Fighters
11.   Oliver Reed    26. George Gilbert                                             Chocolate
                                              Twirl             Wine Gums
12.   98.5%              Scott                                                        Eclair
13.   One square     27. Blue whale
      metre          28. The Da Vinci
14.   Lucky              Code
15.   Harrogate      29. Blackpool
                                                                    Freddo         Cola Cubes
16.   Bikini         30. Kneecap               Voice Tablets
9 10 British Confectionary Answers on the back page 9 10 British Confectionary Answers on the back page 9 10 British Confectionary Answers on the back page 9 10 British Confectionary Answers on the back page 9 10 British Confectionary Answers on the back page 9 10 British Confectionary Answers on the back page
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