6th Annual NorCal aG labor Forum - "Navigating The New Normal" March 25 & 26, 2020 - California Farm Labor Contractor Association

Page created by Jesse Carr
6th Annual NorCal aG labor Forum - "Navigating The New Normal" March 25 & 26, 2020 - California Farm Labor Contractor Association

       6t h An n ua l
NorCal AG Labor Forum

               "Navigating The New Normal"
                   March 25 & 26, 2020
             3 Optional Training Seminars on March 26th

                                                                                Sessions in
                                                                             English & Spanish!
                                                                                Sesiones en
                                                                              inglés y español

                   DoubleTree Hotel, Rohnert Park, CA

 Plus 3 Optional Training Seminars on March 26 (see Page 6 for details)
         Sexual Harassment Prevention Instructor Training (Spanish)
         H2-A Roundtable Seminar – Compliance and Best Practices
            Tractor and AG Equipment Safety Instructor Training

                            Who Should Attend?
           Farm labor contractors, growers, HR & safety managers,
                     supervisors, insurance professionals
       and others with an interest in issues impacting agricultural labor.
6th Annual NorCal aG labor Forum - "Navigating The New Normal" March 25 & 26, 2020 - California Farm Labor Contractor Association
California Farm Labor Contractor Association
   6th Annual NorCal AG Labor Forum
   The AG Labor Forum is about education, networking and motivation. Choose from over 22 educational sessions
   and specialty classes (in English or Spanish) and learn about strategies and solutions to help meet our industry’s
   most recent legislative and safety requirements. Visit our exhibitors area to find products and services that will help
   you conduct business more efficiently. Make time to network with peers in a casual atmosphere. After all this, you
   will return to your business with new knowledge, tools and contacts to help keep you successful and compliant.

Sponsors                       Thank you to the following sponsors who make programs like this possible.
                               Please consider utilizing their services when looking for business solutions.

           Platinum Sponsor:                                                      Gold Sponsors:

                                              Bronze Sponsors:

Page 2
6th Annual NorCal aG labor Forum - "Navigating The New Normal" March 25 & 26, 2020 - California Farm Labor Contractor Association
2020 6th Annual NorCal AG Labor Forum                                                                   Forum Schedule
                    March 25 & 26, 2020, DoubleTree Hotel, Rohnert Park CA
                        Complete registration form on the reverse side
                          or visit www.calflca.org/events to register
                                                                                                                         Español - Spanish
       Time              English – Labor – HR - Safety                English – Labor – HR - Safety             Gestión Laboral - Labor Management
     7:00 – 8:15         Wednesday, March 25/Miercoles, 25 De Marzo Registration And Continental Breakfast Lobby
     8:15 – 9:30  1A General Session, CFLCA Update and Labor Law Update (Spanish Interpreter)
                  by Erica Rosasco, McKague – Rosasco
      9:30 – 9:45                                                Break/Descanso – Exhibitor Area
     9:45 – 11:00 2A Understanding And Managing Joint       2B Latest On Employee Handbooks And           2C Wage & Hour & New Labor Laws:
                  Employment Liabilities                    Arbitration Agreements                        Critical Compliance Updates!!
                  Bryan Little – Farm Employer Labor Svs.   Teresa Cunningham – Gaw Van Male              Lupe Sandoval – CFLCA
                  Pete Richmond – Invited
    11:00 – 11:15                                                Break/Descanso – Exhibitor Area
    11:15 – 12:30 3A Tentative: FLC Licensing & Compliance 3B Work Comp – Litigation Mitigation           3C Keys To Managing Payroll, Accounting,
                  Issues                                    Fred Martinez – Zenith Insurance Comp         Bookkeeping Issues
                  Dir – DLSE Labor Commissioner Staff       David Spitz – Zenith Insurance Comp           Crystal Gonzalez – Reich & Assoc.
     12:30 – 2:00           Lunch – Keynote Address         Latest Trends & Challenges For California’s Wine Industry
                                                            Rob Mcmillan, EVP & Founder Silicon Valley Bank Wine Division
     2:00 – 3:15  4A Sexual Harassment Updates &            4B Developing A Written Fleet Safety          4C Sexual Harassment Updates &
                  Investigation Procedures                  Manual                                        Investigation Requirements:
                  Erica Rosasco, Mckague – Rosascco, PC     Steven Boyle – Nationwide Insurance           Maria Arreguin –Compliance Risk

      3:15 – 3:30                                                Break/Descanso – Exhibitor Area
      3:30 – 4:45 5A Dealing With Ab 1066 & Pending 40-     5B Keys To Managing Payroll, Accounting, 5C Hiring Procedures & New Employee
                  Hour Workweek                             Bookkeeping Issues                            Orientation
                  Lupe Sandoval – CFLCA                     Lori Reich – Reich & Assoc.                   Maria Arreguin –Compliance Risk
                  Dir Rep - Invited                                                                       Management
                  Erica Rosasco – Mckague Rosasco
                  Keith Brandt – Bella Vista Vineyards
      5:00 – 6:30 Networking Wine And Appetizers            Silent Auction – Raffle                       Lobby
                                                            Farmworker Scholarship Fundraiser

     7:00 – 8:15             Thursday, March 26/Jueves, 26 De Marzo Registration And Continental Breakfast Lobby
     8:15 – 9:30   6A Top Ten Ways to Get Sued by Employees 6B Recruitment, Retention, and                    6C CalSavers: 2020 Requirements and
                   Pat Moody – Barsamian & Moody            Performance Management                            Options for Employee Savings Plans
                                                            Tina Huff – Duncan Farms                          Carolina Hernandez – Treasurers’ Office
                                                                                                              Maria Corona – McClements Insurance
    9:30 – 9:45                                                    Break/Descanso – Exhibitor Area
    9:45 – 11:00   7A Managing Field Access and Regulatory    7B CalSavers: 2020 Requirements and             7C Cal OSHA Compliance Requirements &
                   Agency Inspections                         Options for Employee Savings Plans              Safety Management
                   Pat Moody – Barsamian & Moody              Jonathan Herrera – Treasurer’s Office, Calif.   Miguel Garcia – MIV Insurance
                                                              Ed McClements – McClements Insurance            Gerardo Martinez – MIV Insurance
    11:00 – 11:10                                                  Break/Descanso – Exhibitor Area
    11:10 – 12:25 8A Managing Compliance with Worker          8B Cal OSHA Updates and Worker Safety           8C Developing Supervisors to Manage
                  Transportation                              Compliance Issues                               Today’s Labor Force
                  Ruben Lugo - U.S. DOL                       Bill Krycia - Zenith Insurance                  Cosme Sanchez - TRAIN, LLC

                          • • • Forum Ends for Regular Attendees / Se Termina El Foro Para Asistencia Regular • • •

                             Optional Training Seminars/ Seminarios de formación opcionales
                         (add-on fee required for Forum attendees or as a standalone opportunity)
         Lunch (provided for Forum AND afternoon session attendees only) / Comida Incluido para participantes del Foro Y de Sesion de Tarde
     1:15 – 4:30  9A H2-A Roundtable Seminar –                 9B Instructor Training - Tractor and     9C SB 1087 & SB 1343 FLC Sex
                  Compliance and Best Practices                AG Safety Equipment Safety Instructor    Harassment Prevention Instructor
                  Ruben Lugo – U.S. D.O.L.                     Training (certificate)                   Training (certificate) (Spanish)
                  Dax Deason – Deason Law                      Bill Krycia – Zenith Insurance           Lupe Sandoval - CFLCA
                  Richie Romero – Coastal Farm Labor Services, Cosme Sanchez – TRAIN, LLC
                  Inc.                                         James King – Clendenen Vineyard

                                                                                                                                                Page 3
6th Annual NorCal aG labor Forum - "Navigating The New Normal" March 25 & 26, 2020 - California Farm Labor Contractor Association
California Farm Labor Contractor Association presents:

                         Learn & Connect at the CFLCA 6th Annual NorCal Farm Labor Forum
                               March 25-26, 2020, DoubleTree Hotel, Rohnert Park, CA
                                                 2020 AG Forum Registration Form
Four Ways to Register
1.   Online: Visit www.calflca.org, Upcoming Events, complete registration and make on-line payment

2.   Mail: Complete the registration and session selection forms and mail with payment to California Farm Labor
     Contractor Association, 1809 S Street #101-246, Sacramento, CA 95811

3.   Email: Complete the registration and session selection forms. Send to info@calflca.org.

4.   Fax: Complete the registration and session selection forms and fax to 916.239.6541 with payment to follow by mail.

                                                 Seats are limited so register early!
                      For additional information Call 916.389.1246, Ext. 103, or email info@CalFLCA.org

Company/Organization Name__________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person_______________________________________________________________________________________________
City____________________________________________________________ State_______________ Zip Code________________
Phone_______________________________________________ Email___________________________________________________

Attendee Name (One form per registrant)________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                   CFLCA Member          Non-Member
                                                                                  Earlybird/Regular    Earlybird/Regular          Price

 q    Full Conference*                                                               $285 / $310          $345 / $370         $

 q    Day One (Mar 25) Only*                                                         $175 / $200          $215 / $250         $

 q    Day Two (Mar 26) Only                                                          $135 / $160           $170 / $195        $

 Optional Thursday Afternoon Training Seminars –
 Additional Fees required for Forum Attendees (and/or for those attending just an Optional Training Seminar)

 q    Sex Harassment Prevention Instructor Training (certificate) (Spanish)          $195 / $230          $235 / $270         $

 q    H2-A Roundtable Seminar – Compliance and Best Practices                         $35 / $45            $50 / $75          $

 q    Tractor and AG Safety Equipment Safety Instructor Training (certificate)        $75 / $100           $125 / $150        $

                                                                                                                    Total     $

• Full conference rate does not include                               • Regular registration rate online or postmarked
  optional certificate classes                                          registrations by 11:59 pm on March 23
• Boxed lunch included on Thursday for attendees registered           • Walk-in registration only from March 24 - 26th plus
  for the Forum and Optional Training Seminars Only                     additional $25 fee on Regular registration rate
• Early-Bird rate online or postmarked                                • 10% discount will be refunded after registration is completed
  registrations by 11:59 pm on March 16                                 for three (3) or more registrations per company
• * Wednesday lunch included with Full                                • Cancellation policy: No refunds can be issued
  or March 25 conference fees

 To pay by Credit Card, also complete:

 Card Holder Name:______________________________________ Payment Amount:_________________________________

 Billing Address:_____________________________________________Card Number:_________________________________

 City, State, Zip Code:__________________________________________________ Expiration:___________ 3 Digit CVV:______

Page 4
6th Annual NorCal aG labor Forum - "Navigating The New Normal" March 25 & 26, 2020 - California Farm Labor Contractor Association
CFLCA 6th Annual NorCal AG Labor Forum
         English Session Descriptions

                    Wednesday, March 25, 2020
    1A Labor Law Update and General Session                               Sexual Harassment Updates &
                                                                     4A Investigation Procedures
         2019 saw significant new labor laws and court decisions
    that impact ag labor compliance. This session will highlight     Reporting and investigation of harassment claims is
    issues that continue to be litigated including expanded          more important than ever. FLCs and other ag employers
    time limits for employees to file harassment claims, possible    are impacted by changing laws and requirements for
    limitations on binding arbitration agreements, stricter          harassment prevention training, including a new extension
    classifications on independent contractors, extended leave       on reporting claims of harassment (up to 3 years). This session
    and lactation accommodation requirements and more.               will clarify current requirements for training, when it must
    Simultaneous interpreting service will be provided for           be provided for supervisory and non-supervisor employees,
    Spanish-speakers.                                                who is qualified to train and how to minimize the impacts
         Understanding and Managing                                  of the new harassment reporting requirements.
    2A Joint Employment Liabilities
                                                                          Developing a Written Fleet Safety Manual
    Growers use FLCs to limit their liability for various types      4B
                                                                          Among the many risks inherent in ag is the operation
    of employment issues. AB 1897 states that liability for          of vehicles ranging from pick-ups to large multi-axle trucks.
    violations of many labor laws are shared by FLCs and their       If you want your drivers to keep up with routine vehicle
    grower clients. The grower/FLC relationship holds many           service and maintenance, you need to make inspections,
    areas of potential liability and conflict for both parties and   scheduling and reporting as effortless as possible. This

    opportunities for mutual benefit. Learn what FLCs and            session will provide guidance on how to develop a
    growers are doing to reduce their potential shared risks and     written fleet safety manual providing clear guidance and
    create win-win opportunities.                                    expectations for vehicle operators.
         Latest on Employee Handbooks
    2B & Arbitration Agreement                                            Dealing with AB 1066 and Pending
                                                                     5A 40-Hour Workweek
    Employee handbooks communicate what employees can                Under AB 1066, farm worker regular work hours are gradually
    expect from employees, what they can expect from the             declining from 10 hour per day/60 hours per week to an
    employer, clarify expectations and reduce potential conflict.    eight-hour per day/40-hour work week (by 2022). The impact
    Plus, many employers implement binding arbitration               on farm workers and ag employers can been economically
    agreements to avoid costly employee claims and litigation        harmful and heading for more trouble. How will ag workers
    although recent legislation may limit future use of these        and employers survive in this shrinking workweek? What
    agreements. Learn how to update your handbook and the            options lie ahead, and might this law be revised?
    status of arbitration agreements.
                                                                          Keys to Managing Payroll, Accounting
         FLC Licensing and Compliance Issues                         5B & Bookkeeping Issues
         There is labor law and then there is agricultural labor     Welcome to the new world in managing employee
    law. Both are complex and compliance can be challenging.         time, data management and payroll options and issues.
    Learn the legal requirements from the enforcers regarding        Employers can be overwhelmed by managing time cards,
    compliance issues that FLCs and growers can find                 processing payroll, managing client invoices and helping
    challenging and hear about expensive claims and from the         new employees complete the updated W-4 form. Learn the
    mistakes of others.                                              in’s and outs of legal requirements and best practices for
         Work Comp – Litigation Mitigation                           small and large employers. Find out how new tech systems
    3B                                                               can make your life simpler along with enhanced compliance
         Things can get ugly and very expensive once attorneys
    get involved with injured workers. Industry statistics show      management ideas.
    that litigated claims can be nine times more costly than non-
    litigated claims (with identical types of employee injuries).
    This session will provide best practices and strategies for
    avoiding litigation and what to do if a claim goes to court.

                                                                                                                           Page 5
6th Annual NorCal aG labor Forum - "Navigating The New Normal" March 25 & 26, 2020 - California Farm Labor Contractor Association
Thursday, March 26, 2020
     Top 10 Ways to Get Sued by Employees
                                                                    Optional Training Seminars
6A                                                                  Thursday, March 26 from 1:15 – 4:30 p.m.
     Besides not hiring employees, there must be a way
for employers to stay out of court with labor claims and            Boxed Lunch Included For Forum Registrants
lawsuits. It seems everybody wants their pound of flesh from         Additional Fees required for Forum Attendees (and/or for
employers, including in ag. Pat Moody has been defending               those attending just an Optional Training Seminar)

agricultural employers for more years than he cares to
                                                                       H2-A Roundtable Seminar –
remember and will discuss what leads to legal claims and          9A Compliance and Best Practices
what savvy employers can do to prevent hiring a defense           Labor shortages and declining work hours for farm workers
attorney.                                                         are driving agricultural employers to consider supplemental
     Recruitment, Retention &                                     H2-A visa workers. The program is complex and ever-
6B   Performance Management                                       changing. Learn the latest from enforcement personnel,
Building an effective labor force begins with stellar             an H2-A attorney, an FLC who serves as a provider of H2-A
recruitment efforts. Employers must explore new ways to           workers to other FLCs, and housing enforcement personnel.
identify and recruit qualified candidates, and once hired,        Avoid the pitfalls that can cost millions of dollars and
determine what employees to keep and how to evaluate              potential debarment from the program and if see if this
and improve job performance. This session will address a          program fits for your business.
range of successful strategies to create a first-rate labor and
                                                                       Instructor Training - Tractor and AG Safety
management team.                                                  9B Equipment Safety Instructor Training (certificate)
     Managing Field Access & Managing                             Tractors, ATVs and ag equipment incidents continue to
7A Regulatory Agency Inspections
                                                                  be the primary cause of deaths and serious injuries in
“What do we do? The inspectors are here!” FLCs and growers        agriculture. This program, designed for safety trainers, will
can be targeted for compliance audits by a wide range of          cover wide-ranging Cal OSHA safety training requirements,
state and local agencies. An inspection can be a stressful        training methods and resources and practical hands-on
event for the grower, FLCs and farm labor. The anxiety of         experience with equipment inspections. Make your safety
a regulatory inspections can be greatly reduced with an           training programs effective and compliant.
understanding of each party’s rights and responsibilities
                                                                       SB 1087 – SB 1343: FLC Sex Harassment Prevention
coupled with a healthy dose of respect and cooperation.           9C Instructor Training (certificate) (Spanish)
Learn how to prepare and implement your field access              Expanded training requirements impact a wider range
procedures and manage enforcement visits.                         of employers, including FLCs. You may find that you can
     Cal OSHA Updates and Webinar                                 become a qualified instructor if you comply with a wide
7B & Safety Compliance Issues
                                                                  range of training requirements. This session will cover those
There are many benefits to protecting your workers from           many requirements including numerous examples. You’ll
health and safety hazards. Ongoing, new and pending               leave with a training certificate and a wide range of tools
regulations require knowledge of various compliance               and resources to help conduct compliant harassment
challenges including wildfire smoke, injury reporting, ag         prevention training.
night work and all gender toilets. Learn about how the
current changes will impact your operations, what the most
common Cal OSHA violations are for and best practices to
comply with old and new rules.

Page 6
6º Foro Anual de Trabajo                                                    Jueves 26 de Marzo de 2020
                                                                      Cal Savers: requisitos y opciones para los
     Agrícola NorCal de CFLCA                                    6C planes de ahorro para empleados en 2020
     Descripciones De Las Sesiones En Español                    A partir del 1 de julio de 2020, se requerirá que la mayoría
                                                                 de los empleadores grandes se registren en el estado e
              Miércoles 25 de marzo de 2020
                                                                 inscriban a sus empleados en un sistema de ahorros de
      Sueldos y horas - nuevas leyes Laborales:
2C    actualizaciones críticas de cumplimiento                   jubilación para empleados administrado por el estado que
previsiblemente, nuestros legisladores, tribunales y agencias    incluye deducciones automáticas de nómina. Esta sesión
reguladoras nos han dado más leyes y regulaciones nuevas         incluye información de representantes estatales sobre
para hacer que la gestión laboral sea aún más complicada.        el nuevo requisito, así como información valiosa sobre
Existen nuevas leyes que definen a los contratistas              una variedad de opciones que brindan más control a los
independientes, que extienden los límites de tiempo
                                                                 empleadores y empleados.
para presentar reclamos de acoso sexual, y crean nuevos
requisitos de alojamiento para la lactancia y extienden el            Requisitos de cumplimiento de Cal
permiso familiar remunerado. Tenemos nuevas pautas
                                                                 7C OSHA y gestión de la seguridad
sobre la prevención del acoso sexual, y también algunas          Es hora de actualizarse sobre los nuevos requisitos de Cal
nuevas regulaciones de Cal OSHA. Conozca lo último sobre         OSHA, como la protección contra el humo de incendios
las leyes y reglamentos recientes y sus impactos en sus
                                                                 forestales, los nuevos requisitos de reportes de lesiones, y las
operaciones, así como los problemas críticos relacionados
con el cumplimiento de salarios y horas.                         reglas pendientes de trabajo nocturno, entre otros. Aprenda
                                                                 a cumplir con estas y otras reglas de seguridad comúnmente
      Claves para gestionar los problemas
3C    de nómina y contabilidad
                                                                 violadas y explore formas de mejorar la seguridad y la salud

Bienvenido al nuevo mundo en la gestión del tiempo de los        de los empleados y sus resultados.
empleados, la gestión de datos y las opciones en cuestiones           El desarrollo de supervisores para
de nómina. Los empleadores pueden sentirse frustrado             8C gestionar la fuerza laboral actual
al administrar tarjetas de tiempo, procesar nóminas,
                                                                 Escasez de mano de obra, reducción de las horas regulares
administrar facturas de clientes e incluso ayudar a los nuevos
                                                                 de trabajo, generaciones múltiples de empleados: los
empleados a completar el nuevo formulario W-4. Conozca
los requisitos legales y detalles sobre las mejores prácticas    supervisores de la agricultura enfrentan muchos desafíos.
para empleadores pequeños y grandes. Descubra cómo los           La supervisión deficiente puede resultar en empleados
nuevos sistemas tecnológicos pueden simplificar su vida          insatisfechos, bajo rendimiento, problemas de cumplimiento
junto con ideas mejoradas de gestión del cumplimiento.           normativo y una variedad de reclamos legales. Aprenda a
      Actualizaciones de acoso sexual y                          inculcar habilidades de competencia clave en su personal de
4C requisitos de investigación                                   supervisión para mejorar el rendimiento de su organización.
Los contratistas de campo tienen diferentes requisitos de
capacitación sobre acoso como parte de sus requisitos
                                                                           ENTRENAMIENTO ESPECIAL POR LA TARDE
de licencia, y el estándar para quién está calificado para            SB 1087 y SB 1343 - Capacitación para contratistas
capacitar a supervisores y empleados no supervisores puede       9C de campo e instructores de acoso sexual
estar cambiando. Una nueva ley que extiende el tiempo            Los requisitos de capacitación ampliados bajo SB 1343, AB
de denuncia para reclamos de acoso sexual hace que sea
                                                                 2063 y SB 396 ahora afectan a una gama más amplia de
crítico para los empleadores aprender procedimientos
efectivos de investigación de acoso.                             empleadores, incluidos los contratistas de labor de campo
                                                                 (FLCs). Muchos contratistas y sus personas designadas han
      Procedimientos de contratación y
5C    orientación para nuevos empleados
                                                                 estado cumpliendo con los requisitos de SB 1087 para

Leyes estatales y federales requieren que los empleadores        capacitar a supervisores anualmente y a empleados no
completen varios formularios sobre los nuevos empleados          supervisores en la fecha de contratación. Descubrirán que
y que proporcionen ciertas notificaciones o capacitación         pueden ellos pueden ser instructores calificados bajo SB
sobre una variedad de temas. Los nuevos formularios I-9          1343, si cumplen con una amplia gama de requisitos de
y W-4 son solo el comienzo de un proceso complicado y            capacitación. Cubriremos esos muchos requisitos, con
crítico de incorporación de nuevos empleados. Aprenda las
                                                                 ejemplos, en esta sesión. Te irás con un certificado y una
prácticas básicas y mejores para atraer nuevos empleados de
manera legal y adecuada, a la vez que aclara las expectativas    amplia gama de herramientas y recursos para ayudar a
sobre el comportamiento de los empleados y lo que los            llevar a cabo una capacitación de prevención de acoso que
empleados pueden esperar de su nuevo empleador.                  cumpla con los requisitos.

                                                                                                                        Page 7
California Farm Labor Contractor Association
    1809 S Street, #101-246, Sacramento, CA 95811

                      California Farm Labor Contractor Association Presents:
                         6th Annual NorCal AG Labor Forum
                                  “Navigating The New Normal”
                     March 25 & 26, 2020 • DoubleTree Hotel, Rohnert Park, CA

                 Luncheon Keynote Address
                 Wednesday, March 25
                 Rob McMillan, EVP & Founder - Silicon Valley Bank
                 “Latest Trends And Challenges For California’s Wine Industry”
                 Rob McMillan is one of the top wine-business analysts in the United States and the author
                 of Silicon Valley Bank’s highly regarded annual State of the Wine Industry Report. With
                 decades of experience researching the wine business, his views are sought after and trusted
                 by winery owners, journalists, entrepreneurs and investors. He is a prominent speaker, both
                 domestically and internationally, and he is extensively quoted in national, regional and trade
                 press. He has also been named several times as one of the Top 50 Most Influential People in
                 the US wine industry.

                                                        Plus 3 Optional Training Seminars on
                                                          March 26 (see Page 6 for details)
For full event information, visit
                                                Sexual Harassment Prevention Instructor Training (Spanish)
ww w. c f l ca. org/ event s                    H2-A Roundtable Seminar – Compliance and Best Practices
                                                   Tractor and AG Equipment Safety Instructor Training
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