CNNs for NLP in the Browser: Client-Side Deployment and Visualization Opportunities

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CNNs for NLP in the Browser: Client-Side Deployment
                        and Visualization Opportunities

                   Yiyun Liang, Zhucheng Tu, Laetitia Huang, and Jimmy Lin
                          David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
                                     University of Waterloo
              {yiyun.liang, michael.tu, laetitia.huang, jimmylin}

                      Abstract                                the need for server requests and the associated la-
                                                              tencies. With such a deployment, NLP applica-
    We demonstrate a JavaScript implementation                tions that have high demands on responsiveness
    of a convolutional neural network that per-               (e.g., typeahead prediction, grammar correction)
    forms feedforward inference completely in the             or suffer from low connectivity (e.g., remote lo-
    browser. Such a deployment means that mod-
                                                              cations or developing countries) can take advan-
    els can run completely on the client, on a wide
    range of devices, without making backend                  tage of NN models. Such a deployment also pro-
    server requests. This design is useful for ap-            tects user privacy, since user data does not leave
    plications with stringent latency requirements            the client. Second, the browser has emerged as
    or low connectivity. Our evaluations show the             the dominant platform for information visualiza-
    feasibility of JavaScript as a deployment tar-            tion, and JavaScript-based implementations sup-
    get. Furthermore, an in-browser implemen-                 port seamless integration with modern techniques
    tation enables seamless integration with the              and existing toolkits (e.g., D3.js). This provides
    JavaScript ecosystem for information visual-
                                                              opportunities to visually inspect neural networks.
    ization, providing opportunities to visually in-
    spect neural networks and better understand                  We demonstrate a prototype implementation of
    their inner workings.                                     a convolutional neural network for sentence classi-
                                                              fication, applied to sentiment analysis—the model
1   Introduction                                              of Kim (2014)—in JavaScript, running completely
                                                              inside a web browser. Not surprisingly, we
Once trained, feedforward inference using neu-                find that inference performance is significantly
ral networks (NNs) is straightforward: just a se-             slower compared to code running natively, but the
ries of matrix multiplications, application of non-           browser is nevertheless able to take advantage of
linearities, and other simple operations. With                GPUs and hardware acceleration on a variety of
the rise of model interchange formats such as                 platforms. Our implementation enables simple
ONNX, we now have clean abstractions that sepa-               visualizations that allow us to gain insights into
rate model training from model inference. In this             what semantic n-gram features the model is ex-
context, we explore JavaScript as a deployment                tracting. This is useful for pedagogy (teaching stu-
target of neural networks for NLP applications.               dents about neural networks) as well as research,
To be clear, we are not concerned with training,              since understanding a model is critical to improv-
and simply assume the existence of a pre-trained              ing it. Overall, our visualizations contribute to an
model that we wish to deploy for inference.                   emerging thread of research on interpretable ma-
   Why JavaScript? We provide two compelling                  chine learning (Lipton, 2016).
reasons. First, JavaScript is the most widely de-
ployed platform in the world since it resides in ev-          2   Background and Related Work
ery web browser. An implementation in JavaScript
means that a NN can be embedded in any web                    Browser-based neural networks are by no means
page for client-side execution on any device that             new. Perhaps the best illustration of their poten-
has a browser—from laptops to tablets to mobile               tial is the work of Smilkov et al. (2016a), who
phones to even potentially “smart home” gadgets.              illustrate backpropagation on simple multi-layer
Performing inference on the client also obviates              perceptrons with informative visualizations. This

                           Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2018: Demonstrations, pages 61–65
              New Orleans, Louisiana, June 2 - 4, 2018. c 2018 Association for Computational Linguistics
work, however, can be characterized as focusing              input representation (the embedding matrix) as the
on toy problems and useful primarily for peda-               first step in inference. For a non-toy vocabulary,
gogy. More recently, Google Brain introduced                 these word vectors consume many gigabytes. It is
TensorFlow.js (formerly deeplearn.js), an open-              impractical to embed these data directly within a
source library that brings NN building blocks to             web page or as an external resource due to mem-
JavaScript. We take advantage of this library in             ory limitations, since all JavaScript code and as-
our implementation.                                          sociated resources are loaded into memory. Even
   Our work overcomes a technical challenge that             if this were possible, all data would need to be
to date remains unaddressed—working with word                reloaded every time the user refreshes the browser
embeddings. Most NNs for NLP applications be-                tab, leading to long wait times and an awkward
gin by converting an input sentence into an em-              user experience.
bedding matrix that serves as the actual input to               To address this challenge, we take advantage of
the network. Embeddings can be quite large, of-              IndexedDB, which is a low-level API for client-
ten gigabytes, which makes it impractical to store           side storage of arbitrary amounts of data. Since
directly in a web page. Following Lin (2015),                IndexedDB is an HTML5 standard, it does not re-
we overcome this challenge by using an HTML                  quire additional plug-ins (assuming a standards-
standard known as IndexedDB, which allows word               compliant browser). Although IndexedDB has
vectors to be stored locally for efficient access            a rich API, for our application we use it as a
(more details below).                                        simple key–value store, where the key is a word
                                                             and the value is its corresponding word vec-
3       Technical Implementation                             tor. In Google’s Chrome browser (which we
The convolutional neural network of Kim (2014)               use for our experiments), IndexedDB is supported
is a sentence classification model that consists             by LevelDB, an on-disk key–value store built
of convolutions over a single sentence input em-             on the same basic design as the Bigtable tablet
bedding matrix with a number of feature maps                 stack (Chang et al., 2006). In other words, in-
and pooling followed by a fully-connected layer              side every Chrome browser there is a modern data
with dropout and softmax output. Since it has a              management platform that is directly accessible
straightforward architecture, we refer the reader to         via JavaScript.
Kim’s original paper for details. The starting point            With IndexedDB, prior to using the model for
for this work is a PyTorch reimplementation of the           inference, the user must first download and store
model, which achieves accuracy comparable to the             the word embeddings locally. For convenience,
original reported results.1                                  the model weights are treated the same way. Note
   Since our demonstration focuses on inference              that this only needs to be performed once, and all
performance, we simply used a pre-trained model              data are persisted on the client until storage is ex-
for sentiment analysis based on the Stanford Senti-          plicitly reclaimed. This means that after a one-
ment Treebank. We manually exported all weights              time setup, model inference happens locally in the
from PyTorch and hand-coded the model archi-                 browser, without any need for external connectiv-
tecture in TensorFlow.js, which at startup im-               ity. This enables tight interaction loops that do not
ports these weights. Since Kim CNN has a rela-               depend on unpredictable server latencies.
tively simple architecture, this implementation is
straightforward, as TensorFlow.js provides primi-            4   Performance Evaluation
tives that are quite similar to those in PyTorch. Be-
                                                             The first obvious question we tackle is the per-
cause our implementation is pure JavaScript, the
                                                             formance of our JavaScript implementation. How
entire model can be directly included in the source
                                                             much slower is it than model inferencing per-
of any web page, and, for example, connect to
                                                             formed natively? We evaluated in-browser infer-
text entry boxes for input and DOM-manipulating
                                                             ence on a 2015 MacBook Pro laptop equipped
code for output. However, there is one additional
                                                             with an Intel Core i5-5257U processor (2 cores),
technical hurdle to overcome:
                                                             running MacOS 10.13. We compared perfor-
   Nearly all neural networks for NLP applications
                                                             mance with the desktop machine used to train the
make use of pre-trained word vectors to build an
                                                             model, which has an Intel Core i7-6800K proces-
    1                  sor (6 cores) and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080

Latency (ms) / batch            convenient access to: an iPad Pro with an Apple
                                  1        32       64      128
                                                                       A10X Fusion chip, a Nexus 6P with a Qualcomm
 Desktop GPU (Ubuntu 16.04)      2.9      3.0      3.1      3.1        Snapdragon 810 octa-core CPU, and an iPhone 6
 Desktop CPU (Ubuntu 16.04)      4.3       43      86      130         with an Apple A8 chip. These results are also
 Chrome Browser                                                        shown in Table 1. As expected, performance on
 Desktop GPU (Ubuntu 16.04)       30    56    100    135
 Desktop CPU (Ubuntu 16.04)      783 47900 110000 253000               these devices is lower than our laptop, but inter-
 MacBook Pro GPU (MacOS 10.13)    33   180    315    702               estingly, batch inference on these devices is faster
 MacBook Pro CPU (MacOS 10.13)   779 56300 126000 297000
 iPad Pro (iOS 11)               170   472    786   1283               than batch inference in the browser without GPU
 Nexus 6P (Android 8.1.0)        103   541   1117   1722               acceleration. This indicates that hardware accel-
 iPhone 6 (iOS 11)               400 1336    3055   7324
                                                                       eration is a standard feature on many devices to-
Table 1: Latency of our CNN running in Chrome on                       day. These experiments illustrate the feasibility of
different devices for a batch of N sentences.                          deploying neural networks on a wide range of de-
                                                                       vices, exploiting the ubiquity of JavaScript.
GPU (running Ubuntu 16.04). Our model was im-
                                                                       5 Visualization of Feature Maps
plemented using PyTorch v0.3.0 running CUDA
8.0. All experiments were performed on the Stan-                       Another major advantage of in-browser JavaScript
ford Sentiment Treebank validation set. Due to the                     implementations of neural networks is seamless
asynchronous nature of JavaScript execution in the                     integration with modern browser-based informa-
browser, the TensorFlow.js API applies inference                       tion visualization techniques and toolkits (e.g.,
to batches of input sentences at a time. Thus, we                      D3.js), which we describe in this section. Visu-
measured latency per batch for batches of 1, 32,                       alizations are useful for two purposes: First, they
64, and 128 sentences.                                                 serve as intuitive aids to teach students how neu-
   Evaluation results are shown in Table 1. The                        ral networks function. Although there are plenty
first block of the table shows the performance of                      of pedagogical resources for deep learning, noth-
PyTorch running on the desktop, with and without                       ing beats the convenience of an interactive neu-
GPU acceleration. As expected, the GPU is able                         ral network directly embedded in a web page that
to exploit parallelism for batch inferencing, but                      students can manipulate. Second, contributing to
on individual sentences, the CPU is only slightly                      growing interest in “interpretable” machine learn-
slower. In the bottom block of the table, we report                    ing (Lipton, 2016), visualizations can help us un-
results of running our JavaScript implementation                       derstand how various network components con-
in Google Chrome (v64). We compared the desk-                          tribute to producing the final predictions.
top and the laptop, with and without GPU accel-                           Although there are many examples of neural
eration. For the most common case (inference on                        network visualizations (Smilkov et al., 2016a; Bau
a single sentence), the browser is about an order                      et al., 2017; Olah et al., 2018), they mostly focus
of magnitude slower with the GPU. Without the                          on vision applications, where inputs and feature
GPU, performance drops by another ∼25×.                                maps are much easier to interpret visually. The
   The above figures include only inference time.                      fundamental challenge with NLP applications is
Loading the word vectors takes 7.4, 214, 459,                          that word embeddings (and by extension, feature
and 1184 ms, for batch sizes of 1, 32, 64, and                         maps) exist in an abstract semantic space that has
128, respectively, on the MacBook Pro. As ex-                          no inherent visual meaning. How to best visualize
plained previously, using IndexedDB requires a                         embeddings remains an open question (Smilkov
one-time download of the word vectors and the                          et al., 2016b; Rong and Adar, 2016).
model weights. This step takes approximately                              Nevertheless, feature maps in CNNs can be
16s on our MacBook Pro for 16,271 word vectors                         thought of as n-gram feature detectors. For our
(for simplicity, we only download the vocabulary                       sentiment analysis application (and more gener-
needed for our experiments). Loading the model                         ally, sentence classification), we designed visu-
itself takes approximately one second.                                 alizations to answer two related questions: First,
   Because our implementation is in JavaScript,                        given a sentence, what feature maps are highly ac-
our model runs in any device that has a web                            tivated and where? Second, given a particular fea-
browser. To demonstrate this, we evaluated per-                        ture map, what token sequence activates it in a cor-
formance on a number of other devices we had                           pus of sentences?

demo.html) first!

     Finished processing sentence in: 491.5000000000873ms.                                                                  ×

   anchored by friel and williams 's e                  Run
                                                                              Filter 12 (width = 3, bias = 0.01)
                         width=3          width=4         width=5
                                                                              4/4   ... this chamber drama is superbly acted by the deeply appealing ...

       anchored                                                               3/4                           a superbly acted and funny gritty fable of ...

           by                                                                 3/4   a rigorously structured and exquisitely filmed drama about a father ...

         friel                                                                4/4                           uses sharp humor and insight into human ...

                                                                              4/4   ... friel and williams 's exceptional performances , the film 's ...
                                                                              4/4       ... of elling , and gets fine performances from his two leads ...
                                                                              4/4                           an exquisitely crafted and acted tale .
                                                                              4/4   ... mueller , the film gets great laughs , but never at the ...
                                                                              3/4     ... glides through on some solid performances and witty dialogue .
                                                                              3/4         ... and buoyed by three terrific performances , far from ...
          the                                                                 Figure 2: Visualization of the n-grams that a particular
          film                                                                feature map most highly activates on.
          lies                                                                development set. The n-grams are aligned in a
           in                                                                 keyword-in-context format for easy browsing. To
          its                                                                 the left of each sentence we show x/y, where x is
                                                                              the ground truth label and y is the predicted label.
                                                                              Here, we clearly see that all the n-grams are re-
                                                                              lated to positive aspects of performances, and this
      Figure 1: Visualization of feature map activations.
                                                                              gives us some insight into the semantics captured
                                                                              by this feature map. From this visualization, we
         The visualization in Figure 1 is designed to an-                     can click on any sentence and pivot back to the
     swer the first question. Running down the left                           sentence-focused visualization in Figure 1.
     edge is the sentence that we are examining; ex-
     amples in this section are taken from the devel-                                          6 Future Work and Conclusions
     opment set of the Stanford Sentiment Treebank.
     Each column represents feature maps of a particu-                                         We describe a JavaScript implementation
file:///Users/isa/Documents/University_of_Waterloo/URA/3A-Jimmy%20Lin/kim-cnn-vis/kimcnn-demo.html                                 1/1
                                                                                                                                          of a con-
     lar width; each cell is aligned with the first token                                      volutional neural network that runs completely in
     from the corresponding n-gram of the sentence                                             the browser. Unsurprisingly, in-browser inference
     over which the feature map applies. The heatmap                                           is significantly slower. However, for many ap-
     (i.e., blue saturation) corresponds to maximum ac-                                        plications, such a performance tradeoff may be
     tivation across all feature maps on that particu-                                         worthwhile given the advantages of a JavaScript
     lar n-gram in the sentence. In our interactive vi-                                        implementation—the ability to embed a neural
     sualization, when we mouse over a cell, it be-                                            network in any web page, the ability to run on a
     comes enlarged and slightly offset to indicate fo-                                        wide variety of devices and without internet con-
     cus, and the corresponding n-gram in the sentence                                         nectivity, and opportunities for visualizations that
     is highlighted in bold. For this sentence, we see                                         help us interpret the model.
     that filters of width three are most highly acti-                                            Ongoing work focuses on better integration of
     vated by the n-gram sequence [’s exceptional per-                                         model   training and browser deployment. Cur-
     formance]. There are multiple ways to use color                                           rently, porting a PyTorch model into JavaScript
     to summarize the activation of the feature maps,                                          requires tediously rewriting the model into Ten-
     but we have found M AX to be the most insight-                                            sorFlow.js by hand. Although the library sup-
     ful. From this visualization, we can see that fea-                                        ports reading TensorFlow models, importers for
     ture maps of widths four and five activate on dif-                                        PyTorch do not exist yet, as far as we are aware.
     ferent parts of the sentence.                                                             Provided that the right adaptors are built, the
         From the visualization in Figure 1, we see that                                       ONNX model interchange format could provide
     some feature map activates highly on the n-gram                                           an interlingua to support seamless integration, en-
     [’s exceptional performance]. But which one? To                                           abling a future where running neural networks in
     answer this question, we can pivot over to the vi-                                        JavaScript becomes routine.
   sualization shown in Figure 2, where we see that                           Acknowledgments. This research was supported
   the answer is Filter 12: we show the n-grams that                          by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
   trigger the highest activation from sentences in the                       Council (NSERC) of Canada.

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