5G and the future of the Internet - by Angel Gurria, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - ECI Telecom

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5G and the future of the Internet - by Angel Gurria, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - ECI Telecom
Europe I 2020

The Magazine that Provides Thought Leadership for ICT Decision Makers   www.connect-world.com

5G and the future of the Internet
by Angel Gurria, Secretary-General, Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
5G and the future of the Internet - by Angel Gurria, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - ECI Telecom
Net Neutrality

                                                     How transport providers can
                                                     profit from Net Neutrality by
                                                             embracing 5G
                                                                        by Hayim Porat, CTO, ECI
                                               The article outlines how 5G can turn this situation on its
                                               head. It shows how 5G enables evolution to a situation
                                               where preferred access with service assurance is avail-
                                               able to all fixed and mobile users, and on a dynamic,
                                               per-use basis. Consumers will be able to enjoy
                                               high-definition video, obtain lightning responses for
                                               gaming, or experience real-time virtual reality, from
                                               wherever they happen to be.
Hayim Porat joined ECI, as CTO, to lead its innovation center and spearhead the efforts in the areas of NFV and SDN in
2015. Hayim is a key contributor to the company’s ELASTIC networks strategy which bridges SDN/NFV, big data,
security and cloud services with advanced networking. Hayim brings vast experience in similar positions in the telecom-
munications hi-tech industry, which include work at Toga Networks, Tejas and Ethos. Hayim holds a B.Sc. in computer
science from the Technion and a MBA from Tel Aviv University.

 Net Neutrality – Debate and
U nder a net neutrality regime, Internet
Service Providers (ISPs) must treat all
public Internet traffic equally. They may
not intentionally block, slow down, or
charge users money for specific online

Leading proponents of net neutrality, such
as human rights advocates and smaller
content providers, say it is needed to
protect freedom of information exchange,
create a level playing field for competition, the ISPs themselves and larger content        Internet, and from their perspective, reduc-
and promote service innovation.               providers. They claim that mandating          es competition. They also state that neutral-
                                              equal treatment of Internet traffic reduces   ity raises operating costs, or removes a
The main opponents of net neutrality are financial incentives to build out the public       mechanism to compensate for these costs,
                                                                                                            which they must then pass
                                                                                                            along to end-users.
                                                                                                            While      net      neutrality
                                                                                                            enforcement varies greatly
                                                                                                            around the world, looking at
                                                                                                            the big picture, we can
                                                                                                            conclude that net neutrality
                                                                                                            will largely exist. The good
                                                                                                            news is that regulation
                                                                                                            always creates new oppor-
                                                                                                            tunities. In this WP, we
                                                                                                            focus on how transport
                                                                                                            providers in particular can
                                                                                                            profit from assisting new
                                                                                                            5G services to “work
                                                                                                            around” net neutrality

Europe I | 2020 . 30
5G and the future of the Internet - by Angel Gurria, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - ECI Telecom
Net Neutrality
  Working around a neutral                                  (e.g. AWS, Azure),
      Internet today                                        or     by     large
Contrary to popular belief, net neutrality                  cloud     providers
regulations do not affect everyone involved                 (e.g.     Equinix).
in the delivery of Internet services; they                  Enterprises often
only apply to ISPs supporting the public                    connect directly to
Internet. They do not apply to content                      a private internet
providers, nor to telcos who use their                      via dark fiber or
transport networks to deliver access to                     WDM. Other users
ISPs. Even when the telco and ISP are the                   obtain various tiers of dedicated or          guaranteeing an ability to obtain 5G’s
same corporate entity, regulators treat these               preferred shared access from the telco to     advanced service capabilities end-to-end.
functions differently.                                      the private internets in the same way they    5G is much more than a next generation
                                                            access the public Internet.                   wireless technology. 5G is revolutionary in
Here are three ways that end-users and                                                                    that it is hard-wired for multiservice
content providers legally overcome a Content caching                                                      capabilities. Based on the 3GPP standard, a
neutral Internet today, which treats all                                                                  5G SIM card can support multiple service
traffic equally, to obtain or deliver higher Content caching enables content and                          profiles with specific network access
performance.                                 application providers to offer highly                        methods associated with each profile. An
                                             responsive services to end-users. In effect,                 end-user can program-in different levels of
Preferred access                             the content/application providers move                       performance for different services. For
                                             their presence closer to the end-user. While                 example, an end-user might specify a 5G
For regulatory purposes, the public Internet ISPs enable caching services, this does not                  eMBB broadband for regular web brows-
comprises ISP routers that implement break net neutrality.                                                ing, but select a mixed profile of URLCC
“neutral” routing decisions based on the                                                                  with eMBB broadband when accessing
Internet Protocol. Transport facilities that Dynamic transport opportu-                                   high-definition streaming or AR/VR
connect traffic from end-users to these               nity for a 5G world                                 services. This multiservice media capabili-
routers are not part of the regulated public                                                              ty is a telecom first, with enormous poten-
Internet. Large businesses take advantage A proposition for change                                        tial for disruptive service models. It can get
of this by paying telcos for dedicated                                                                    even more interesting with the introduction
connections to ISPs. This removes To summarize the situation until now,                                   of eSIMs that can fuel an even more
bandwidth limitations caused by shared end-users and content providers will find a                        competitive environment.
access with other users. Moreover, when way to ‘work around’ regulated ISPs to
businesses pay more for access deeper into achieve better performance, when they can                      This will give the ability for 5G users to
an ISP’s Internet infrastructure, they also afford it. In the case of end-users, this is                  pay for and obtain premium connectivity to
remove time-consuming router hops, primarily large businesses paying telcos for                           the public Internet or to private internets, to
further improving their performance preferred access – using fixed landline                               obtain the highest level of end-to-end
experience.                                  facilities, and on a dedicated basis – to the                performance. This is conceptually similar
                                             public Internet or to private internets.                     to what businesses pay for today, with one
Consumers, who cannot afford dedicated                                                                    major difference. Because 5G is mobile,
connections, can pay for higher shared The proposition is that 5G will turn this on                       and users only access Internet applications
bandwidth at the telco broadband network its head. It will enable an evolution to                         intermittently, this preferred connectivity
gateway (BNG). This provides their traffic where preferred access with service                            would not be permanent. It would be setup
with some preference by the telco transport assurance is available to all fixed and                       dynamically on a per-use basis.
network on its way to and from their select- mobile users, and on a dynamic per-use
ed ISP.                                      basis. Telcos will provide this dynamic                          5G has the ingredients to
                                             preferred access, either through enhanced                           make this succeed
Private Internets                            connectivity to the public Internet, or via
                                             connectivity to private internets.                           The major hurdle for enabling mass-market
With private internets, end-users and                                                                     premium connectivity, delivered dynami-
content providers bypass the public This process will start with 5G users, to                             cally, is the upfront cost. In the case of
Internet to obtain faster speeds and lower meet their unique needs. Once the mecha-                       fixed networks, where this would entail
latencies. Typically, private internets are nisms are in place, telco transport providers                 upgrading the entire DSL/GPON/DOCSIS
provided by large content providers as an will be able to extend this capability to all                   infrastructure all the way to transport and
extension of their cloud hosting services fixed and mobile users.                                         OSS/BSS systems, in the hope that enough
                Evolution of Preferred Connectivity to the Internet                                       users will pay a premium, makes no
                                                                                                          economic sense.
                            Today                               Future           5G is a candi-
Type of user   Businesses                       Consumers and businesses        date for driving          However, 5G’s mobile and multiservice
Access media   Fixed (landline)                 Mobile and fixed
                                                                                  this change             nature brings multiple economic and
Duration       Permanent – full time            Dynamic – per use                                         technical advantages that makes implemen-
                                                                                Opportunities     often   tation much more feasible. It has all the
Service        Yes, taking advantage of
                                                Yes, by leveraging dynamic      arise in response to a    ingredients in place to assign connectivity
                                                orchestration and restoration
assurance      dedicated facilities
                                                mechanisms when needed          problem. In the case of   resources dynamically – from a pool of
                                                                                5G, the problem is        shared resources – to specific service

                                                                                                                          Europe I | 2020 . 31
5G and the future of the Internet - by Angel Gurria, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - ECI Telecom
Net Neutrality
requests:                                      cloud-based management and control,             the moving parts.
1.         A technical basis already exists    including multi-access edge computing           Combine these dynamic transport capabili-
for dynamic allocation of resources for        (MEC), and a virtual and disaggregated          ties with all of the favorable mobile/5G
mobile services. Mobile networks are built     next generation core (NGCORE). This             aspects listed above – foundation for
with media management and multiple             obviously leads to implementation using         dynamic allocation of resources, largest
service types in mind, with the inclusion of   resource pooling.                               Internet user group, tiered pricing
IMS (IP multimedia subsystem) since 3rd                                                        established, intermittent use of services
generation mobile networks. This created a     Solution lies with a dynamic telco transport    and connectivity, architecture based on
technical foundation for allocating resourc-   network                                         shared resources in RAN and core –the
es to services on the fly. MNOs have also      However, there are obstacles to delivering      conclusion is that telcos have a solid
learned from IMS how they can profit from      all of 5G’s service capabilities end-to-end.    technical and economic basis to build the
value-added end-user services (e.g. text       While we can create tunnels with specific       desired solution.
messaging, conferencing) or infrastructure     performance characteristics through the         Telcos can leverage their dynamic
services (e.g. authentication, accounting)     RAN (radio access network and front haul)       transport infrastructure to engineer a
beyond pure connectivity.                      for the different services, there may be        solution based on statistical sharing of
2.         Mobile, as the primary media for    bottlenecks in the end-to-end connectivity      resources in this infrastructure, to deliver
Internet use, will create demand for           to the content or application provider.         preferred connectivity dynamically, and on
preferred connectivity services. Mobile is     These would inhibit the 5G user from            a per-service use. Another way to look at
already the main media for Internet content    getting the desired or expected perfor-         this is that telcos become an intermediary,
and applications consumption, and its          mance.                                          connecting the shared resource architec-
share versus fixed media is increasing.        Any performance bottlenecks preventing          tures in the 5G RAN and Core, with their
According to the Visual Networking Index,      5G users from obtaining an optimal              own shared resource solution. As 5G
by 2022, mobile and Wi-Fi only devices         Internet experience lie either in the telco     mobile users become the largest group of
will account for over 75% of Internet          transport network connecting the RAN to         Internet users, this suddenly makes
traffic.                                       the public Internet, or within the public       time-sharing of these transport resources
3.         Mobile broadband packages are       Internet itself. However, net neutrality        economically feasible. This could never
metered, laying the groundwork for 5G          prohibits doing anything within the public      have been the case for fixed services or
users to pay for tiered connectivity           Internet that is service-specific. Conse-       single mobile service mass market.
services. Compare this with fixed broad-       quently, it’s up to the telco transport         The end-user benefits from a guaranteed
band packages that are not metered.            network to provide the solution to the 5G       high-speed experience for an incremental
Mobile network operators (MNOs) have           performance bottleneck problem, or as           fee. It is also feasible that the content or
educated end-users to pay premiums for         good a solution as possible.                    application provider can subsidize the
tiered levels of mobile connectivity. They     In other words, the transport network must      preferred access cost.
created mobile plans based around a            implement “premium connectivity services        This is indeed a golden opportunity for
neutral Internet, including arrangements       for a price – delivered on a per-use basis”     telco transport providers serving mobile
that take advantage of net neutrality gray     to the mobile/5G mass market.                   operators. It leverages 5G to create a new
areas, like zero-rating.                       The good news is that independent of 5G,        source of revenues through tiered pricing
4.         Mobile users consume traffic        transport networks are achieving new            for connectivity services. Moreover, once
and services on-the-fly and on-demand,         levels of flexibility and software control      these dynamic connectivity mechanisms
making the network much more agile and         that make dynamic allocation of resources       are in place for 5G services, the telcos can
dynamic by design. A mass market of 5G         possible. This includes capabilities, such as   extend this approach and associated
users will use services intermittently. This   dedicated queues for different traffic types,   benefits to all mobile and fixed-access
makes pooling of resources economically        centralized traffic-engineered segment          users. People will be able to enjoy
viable and paves the way to creating           routing, flexible allocation of hard resourc-   high-definition video, lightning response
various tiered service and connectivity        es, such as optical channels, and sophisti-     time for gaming, or experience real-time
models.                                        cated cloud-native SDN algorithms               virtual reality, from wherever they happen
5.         5G’s architecture lends itself to   (moving over time to AI/ML) to control all      to be.
resource     pooling      for
dynamic services. The
wireless “last mile” by
definition       uses       a
resource-pooling model,
from the device eSIMs to
the radio network, through
the xHaul. Moreover,
upgrading       the    fixed
infrastructure for this last
mile (to increase effective
end-user      speed    from
100Mbps of 4G to 1Gbps
of 5G, for example) is not
overly expensive.
Moving inwards from the
RAN, the 5G architecture
extends to distributed,

Europe I | 2020 . 32
5G and the future of the Internet - by Angel Gurria, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - ECI Telecom 5G and the future of the Internet - by Angel Gurria, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - ECI Telecom 5G and the future of the Internet - by Angel Gurria, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - ECI Telecom
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