50 Sneaky Things Making You Gain Weight - Barbara Brody

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50 Sneaky Things Making You Gain Weight - Barbara Brody
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          50 Sneaky Things Making You Gain Weight

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50 Sneaky Things Making You Gain Weight - Barbara Brody
If you feel like you're trying your hardest but the numbers on the scale are
          climbing, these could be the reasons you're tripping up.

              Avoid the obvious problems


              Everyone knows that if you're a drive-through regular and
              routinely polish off pints of ice cream you're going to gain
              weight, but that's not you. In fact, you rarely eat fried foods,
              and when you do eat dessert you limit yourself to a sensible
              portion. So why are your pants suddenly getting tighter?

              The reasons why the pounds are piling on aren't always quite
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50 Sneaky Things Making You Gain Weight - Barbara Brody
as obvious as you might expect them to be. Here are 50
              sneaky things you might not have considered that could be
              making you gain weight.

              Whole grains cover your whole plate

                                                                             Read These Next

                                                                             Diet & Weight Loss
                                                                             50 Health Rules Doctors Don’t
                                                                             Always Follow—So You
                                                                             Shouldn’t Either

                                                                             This Man’s Insensitivity to
                                                                             Pain Is Helping Those Who
                                                                             Can’t Escape It

              Sure, they're healthy—especially compared to refined grains.   Recipes & Cooking
                                                                             12 Healthy Desserts that Can
              But you can have way too much of a good thing. "The 2015
                                                                             Actually Help You Lose
              Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend you make half       Weight
              your grains whole, so ingredients such as whole wheat pasta,
                                                                             Everyday Wellness
              brown rice, and quinoa can all be part of meeting these        15 Best-Ever Comebacks to
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50 Sneaky Things Making You Gain Weight - Barbara Brody
recommendations. But these whole grains also contain a hefty    Body Shaming
              number of calories if you eat too much," says Toby Amidor,      Everyday Wellness
              RDN, author of The Easy 5-Ingredient Healthy Cookbook. Two      20 Worst Pieces of Health
              cups of cooked whole-wheat pasta, for instance, adds up to      Advice on the Internet

              400 calories. Try to limit yourself to a 1-cup serving (same
              goes for brown rice, quinoa, farro, and barley) and round out   Keep Reading
              your meal with plenty of veggies and some lean protein. By
              the way, here are 50 things doctors wish you knew about         Diet & Weight Loss

              losing weight.                                                  What Does It Really Take to
                                                                              Lose One Pound? (It’s Not the
                                                                              Answer You’re Thinking!)

                                                                              Diet & Weight Loss
                                                                              “I Lost 50 Pounds Making One
                                                                              Simple Change”
              You're obsessed with avocado toast
                                                                              Diet & Weight Loss
                                                                              Ways to Lose Weight: 42 Fast,
                                                                              Easy Tips

                                                                              Diet & Weight Loss
                                                                              I Never Struggled with Body
                                                                              Image—Until I Lost 36 Pounds

                                                                              Diet & Weight Loss
                                                                              How One Woman Lost 100
                                                                              Pounds at 51—and Kept It Off

                                                                              Diet & Weight Loss
                                                                              Yes, You Can Eat Large
                                                                              Portions and Still Lose Weight
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50 Sneaky Things Making You Gain Weight - Barbara Brody
—Here’s How


              Again, it's about the quantity, and it's easy to overdo it.
              "Avocados contain a healthy dose of nutrients and heart-
              healthy unsaturated fat, but eating an entire avocado or
              using half an avocado daily for your avo toast can rack up
              hundreds of calories rather quickly," says Amidor. "An entire
              avocado contains 322 calories and close to 30 grams of fat—
              that's 45 percent of the daily recommended amount of total
              fat!" About a fifth of an avocado is the right amount for a
              healthy snack.

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50 Sneaky Things Making You Gain Weight - Barbara Brody
You trust in the broken cookie rule


              Wouldn't it be nice if those cookie crumbs at the bottom of
              the bag and the fries you swiped from a friend's plate didn't
              contribute to your calorie count for the day? Sadly, those
              nibbles add up. "It's easy to get 100 calories—or more!—from
              little bites each day, which could cause you to gain roughly a
              pound a month without realizing where the extra calories are
              coming from," says Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT,
              co-founder of NutritionTwins.com. Try keeping a food diary
              for a few days and write down everything you put in your
              mouth; the tally might surprise you.
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50 Sneaky Things Making You Gain Weight - Barbara Brody

              You tell your waiter to "go light" on the


              You get an "A" for effort, but "light" probably doesn't mean
              the same to you as it does to most professional chefs. If
              they're following instructions they will scale back a bit, but
              they're probably still going to slather on way more butter—or
              mayo or aioli or other high-calorie ingredients—than you
              would if you were preparing a meal at home, says Lakatos

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50 Sneaky Things Making You Gain Weight - Barbara Brody
Shames. "Instead, request the condiments/sauces/butter/oil on
              the side and use them sparingly, if at all."

              You eat straight from the bag


              You take just one small handful of chips... and then another,
              and maybe another. How much are you really eating in total?
              "It's easy to go back for more and assume you just had a
              serving," especially when eating out of a "family size" bag,
              says Lakatos Shames. (The bigger the bag, the more people
              tend to eat.) Next time, take a minute to grab a small bowl

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50 Sneaky Things Making You Gain Weight - Barbara Brody
and measure out a reasonable portion first.

              You go bananas for sweet smoothies


              "Juice-based drinks and smoothies often contribute a lot of
              calories," says Ginger Hultin, RDN, a spokesperson for the
              Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "They can spike blood
              sugar quickly, which causes it to drop back down and makes
              you 'crash' once insulin responds. Once blood sugar is down
              again, the body starts craving more sugar—and that's what
              fruit juice and fruit smoothies are, really."

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50 Sneaky Things Making You Gain Weight - Barbara Brody
You like to unwind with an adult


              You probably know that margaritas, daiquiris, and other
              calorie-laden mixed drinks can make you gain weight, "but
              even having low-calorie beer and wine can add up quickly
              and cause weight gain," says Hultin. "Some people have a
              hard time with weight loss if they're drinking much at all."
              Don't miss these surprising causes of weight gain that aren't

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              You're nuts for nuts


              Nuts have a healthy reputation, which is mostly deserved.
              "They're packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber,
              protein, and healthy fats," says Hultin. The catch is that the
              serving size is probably much smaller than you realize. "For
              example, 14 shelled walnut halves and 24 shelled almonds
              equal one serving," she notes. Be sure to count them out (or
              buy prepackaged 100 calorie packs) instead of eating by the

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You don't focus on your food


              Whether you're at a cocktail party, sitting in front of your
              computer, or binge-watching a show on Hulu, food isn't your
              focus—yet you're still eating. And eating. And eating. "When
              we're not being mindful or paying attention, it's easy to eat
              more than we want—or need—to be eating" and gain weight,
              says South Florida sports nutritionist Barbara Lewin, RDN.
              Try eating more slowly and mindfully and you'll naturally eat

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You fail to plan


              It's 6 p.m. You're hungry. What's in your fridge? If the answer
              is nothing but ketchup packets and expired yogurt, it's only a
              matter of minutes before you call for takeout. "It's important
              to create an environment for success," says Marisa Moore,
              MBA, RDN. "Stock the fridge and pantry with the foods you
              like that are healthy and keep you feeling full and satisfied."

              You're so, so tired

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              "Not sleeping enough can certainly contribute to weight gain,
              because it can make you crave high carbohydrate/high fat
              comfort-type foods," says Elisa Zied, CDN, author of Younger
              Next Week. While research has shown that sleep deprivation
              can mess with your hunger hormones throughout the day,
              you may be especially vulnerable late at night when you're
              less active and trying to de-stress and unwind, she adds.
              Learn about the nighttime habits that lead to weight gain.

                                           CONTENT CONTINUES BELOW AD

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You OD on oil


              Sautéing your own fish and veggies? Great! Pouring
              carelessly from a big bottle of oil? Not so much. "We use way
              more oil when cooking than we think, and every tablespoon
              adds 120 calories," says Joy Bauer, RDN, host of NBC's new
              show, "Health + Happiness," and the nutrition expert for the
              TODAY Show. "Instead of pouring freehand from the bottle
              when sauteing, roasting, or grilling, try an oil mister—you'll
              use far less. Store-bought spray canisters are super
              convenient, but you can also make your own more Earth-
              friendly version by purchasing a mister at a home-goods
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store and refilling it with a heart-healthy oil like olive or

              You live in a smoggy city


              It's not only bad for your lungs; the congestion could also be
              making you gain weight. Believe it or not, a number of studies
              have tied pollution to a higher risk of obesity. While some of
              these studies have been limited to animals, such as rats, a
              2016 analysis published in Obesity Reviews suggests that the
              connection extends to people. More research is needed, but

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exposure to a variety of chemicals that impact the endocrine
              system may be to blame. If you can't move, you may at least
              want to consider investing in an air purifier.

              You've messed up your taste buds


              We all have different preferences, but research shows that
              when you start to overeat certain foods and gain weight your
              taste buds can become a bit duller. The result: Flavors like
              sweet and salty don't taste as intense, so you may require
              more sugar and salt to get the taste you crave. Try scaling

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back slowly—one fewer sugar packet in your coffee—or
              simply wait it out; your taste buds will acclimate over time.
              Don't miss these bizarre things that happen to your body
              when you gain weight.

              You indulge in fat-free cookies, bars, and
              other diet goodies


              Nothing's really for free, is it? Fat-free treats are usually
              packed with extra sugar, which can make the calorie count
              soar (and you gain weight), says Sonya Angelone, RDN, a

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spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. You
              might be better off with a small portion of the real stuff. Fat-
              free junk is also one of the 10 worst foods for your digestion.

                                             CONTENT CONTINUES BELOW AD

              You dip bread in olive oil instead of
              spreading on butter


              "Oil is higher in calories than butter, and it gets soaked up by
              the bread quickly," says Angelone. The health halo is a factor,
              too. "People usually eat more calories from oil than from
              butter because 'it's healthier.'"
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You've switched to gummy vitamins


              It's true that they don't have a lot of calories, but they have
              more than plain old-fashioned pills. "They're full of sugar
              calories, especially if you eat a few too many. That can add
              weight slowly but surely," says Angelone. Here are some of
              the signs your weight gain means trouble.

              You dip raw veggies in ranch

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              Veggies are great. The ranch dressing, however, has a lot of
              calories from fat, and it's so easy to keep dipping and dipping,
              says Angelone. Measure out a small serving of dressing or
              switch to a lighter topping, like hummus (which also packs
              some protein and fiber).

              You finish your kids' leftovers

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              "These are considered seconds!" says Angelone. Or, if you
              have a full house, thirds, fourths, and so on. Those calories
              still count—pack the food away for leftovers or toss it.

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              You drink green juices

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              If it's all (or mostly) veggies, then you're probably fine. But
              many "green" juices actually have apple juice as a first
              ingredient, says Angelone. "This is really a drink full of sugar

              You have PCOS

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              About one in five women have polycystic ovary syndrome
              (PCOS), but unless you've been struggling to get pregnant you
              might not even know that you're one of them. This hormonal
              disorder often goes hand-in-hand with infertility as well as
              obesity, acne, and excess body hair. If you have any of these
              symptoms and your periods are irregular (and you're not
              approaching menopause), talk to your gynecologist about
              getting screened. Here's how to lose weight if you have PCOS.

              You reward exercise with a "healthy"
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              Exercising—whether you're trying to lose weight or not—is a
              great move. But rewarding the effort with food is a different
              story, says Karen Collins, RDN. A muffin, for instance, can
              have around 400 calories! "It's very easy for a reward to
              contain more calories than you used up during the added
              activity. Over time, this will lead to weight gain," she says.
              "The answer is not to forego the exercise; the answer is to
              retrain yourself to see the walk/activity as the reward." If
              that's too difficult at first, at least opt for non-food rewards
              (like a pedicure or new book download). Here's why
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exercising too much can actually lead to weight gain, too.

              There's too much variety in your diet


              Variety may be the spice of life, but too many options might
              prompt you to overindulge. "Sometimes getting too much
              food variety can make it more challenging to curb calories,"
              says Jackie Newgent, RDN, private cooking coach and author
              of The All-Natural Diabetes Cookbook. No, you don't have to
              eat the same exact thing every single day, but if you can
              standardize something—perhaps breakfast or your afternoon

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snack—it might make it easier to avoid overeating. And
              definitely steer clear of buffets!

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              You fall for fads


              Who doesn't want a quick fix? The problem is that a short-
              term solution—think a lemonade/cayenne cleanse or
              grapefruit diet—is unlikely to yield lasting results. "You may
              lose 5 to 10 percent of your body weight, but once you go off
              your diet you'll gain the weight back plus more," says Toby

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Smithson RDN, author of Diabetes Meal Planning and Nutrition
              for Dummies.

              You've gone too low carb


              Carb cutting may be trendy, and it works—to a certain extent.
              "If you aren't eating carbs or are eating a diet very low in
              carbs, most likely you will be filling your plate with protein
              and fats. But the calories from too much protein or fat can
              also lead to weight gain," says Smithson.

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You nosh on protein bars


              Unless you're using these to replace a meal, watch out. "Most
              contain 200-250 calories, which is way more than is needed
              as a snack," says Rachele Dependahl, RDN, CDE, a dietitian
              and certified diabetes educator at Cedars-Sinai in Los

              You always go for the entree salad

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              Don't assume it's the lighter option. "Salads with toppings like
              avocado, shredded cheese, nuts, and dressing can easily add
              up to more than 1,000 calories!" says Dependahl. Pay close
              attention to all the details and then order accordingly.

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              You nosh on veggie chips

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              Despite the misleading name, there isn't a heck of a lot of
              veggies in these with the exception of processed potatoes—
              which means they're not that much better for you than
              regular potato chips. "A small serving, like 12 veggie chips,
              might contain up to 160 calories," says Dependahl. And who
              only eats 12?Watch out for these other 17 "healthy" foods you
              might want to avoid.

              You eat almond or peanut butter by the
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              If you keep dipping and dipping, you're going to gain weight.
              "Two tablespoons of peanut butter contain 220 calories, and
              when you're dipping apple slices or celery it adds up fast,"
              says Dependahl.

              Your thyroid is out of whack

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              If you've suddenly added an extra five to ten pounds and you
              also have symptoms such as fatigue, dry skin, and
              constipation, the butterfly-shaped gland in your neck could
              be to blame. See your internist or an endocrinologist to get
              your thyroid hormone levels checked.

              You love a good deal

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              If you're a regular at Costco or Sam's Club, we get it. But
              filling your cart with inexpensive food that comes in super-
              size packages might very well be what's driving your recent
              weight gain. In fact, research has shown that the explosion of
              big-box stores is a contributing factor to the rising trends in
              obesity across the country.

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              You laser in on one nutrient

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              "Whether it's sugar, carbs, or fat, it's easy to get overly
              focused on reducing one nutrient," says Karen Ansel, RDN.
              "The truth is our bodies need a mix of carbs, protein, and fat
              to function properly, which is why nature included all of
              these in food. In my experience, eating a healthy mix of all of
              these is the best way to satisfy your appetite and boost your
              energy at the same time."

              You graze all day

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              Think eating mini-meals will help you slim down? Not so,
              says Ansel. "When we're always eating it's really easy to put
              more calories in our mouths than we realize. Plus nibbling
              your way through the day never gives you that feeling of
              fullness you'd get from a real meal, so you always feel a little
              hungry." Her advice: Shoot for three real meals and one small
              snack per day.

              Your idea of a proper portion is way off

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              Just because your cereal bowl fits 16 ounces doesn't mean
              that's what a single serving looks like. Oversized plates and
              wine glasses can cause similar confusion. "While there are
              lots of factors that help with weight loss, eating less overall is
              definitely a biggie," says Ansel. "Think of it as simple math. If
              you were to shrink your portions by 10 percent by leaving
              over a few bites at every meal, you'd eat 10 percent fewer
              calories, which can add up to significant savings." These
              portion-control tricks will help you avoid overeating.

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You live at sea level


              There may not be much you can do about this, but research
              shows that people who live at higher altitudes tend to be
              thinner. They also have a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes.
              Why this is the case isn't entirely clear, but researchers at
              Cedars-Sinai have suggested that atmospheric pressure,
              radiation levels, and other environmental issues may all
              factor in.

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You mainline diet cola


              The research here is a bit mixed—after all, it is calorie-free!—
              but a growing body of evidence suggests that people who
              regularly sip artificially-sweetened drinks are more apt to be
              obese and put on weight over time. Maybe it's time to ditch
              your diet drink and see what the fuss about La Croix is all
              about? Learn more about the perils of diet soda here.

              You trust too much in your willpower

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              If you think you can simply will yourself to pass up the
              donuts at your Monday meeting, you might be fooling
              yourself. If you want to lose weight or avoid gaining it, you
              need to set up your kitchen, office, and even your car for
              success by keeping healthy alternatives on hand. "Relying on
              education, willpower, and 'mindfulness' to be the main
              mechanisms to healthier eating leads people to Einstein's
              definition of insanity," says Tom Rifai, MD, founder of Elite
              Health Coaching and Reality Meets Science. A better bet: Look
              ahead, spot the pitfalls, and plan ahead so you can dodge
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You focus on calories, but not calorie


              One tiny box of raisins has about 130 calories, which isn't
              bad—but you could eat an entire cup of grapes for even less
              than that. "To feel comfortably full on fewer calories, you
              need to choose foods that are high in water and fiber," says
              Dr. Rifai. Add some foods that have a lot of water and protein
              (like low-fat yogurt and egg whites) to your mix and you'll be
              able to eat less without your tummy rumbling.

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You eat too lightly during the day


              "Many people believe it's a good idea to 'eat lightly'—basically
              semi-starve themselves—throughout the day, but that
              inevitably drives them to overeat in the evening," says Dr.
              Rifai. Instead, he suggests a "don't stuff, don't starve"
              approach: Eat at the earliest signs of hunger and stop when
              you're just slightly full.

                                             CONTENT CONTINUES BELOW AD

              You only do cardio
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              Aerobic exercise is key for torching calories, but if you want
              to keep your metabolism up even while you're at rest you
              absolutely have to add in some strength-training. Research
              has shown that people who do a combo are most likely to lose

              You take blood pressure meds or

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              Antidepressants are well-known for causing weight gain, but
              it's not unusual to put on a few pounds while taking a beta
              blocker like metoprolol to control your blood pressure, either.
              Whatever Rx you're on, talk to your doctor if you think it's
              making you fatter; switching to a different drug might help.

              You believe "organic" equals healthy

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              If you want to steer clear of pesticides and support organic
              farming practices, that's great. But research has shown that
              the word "organic" confers a health halo, even when it's not
              deserved. So while you might shun regular Oreos, you have
              no qualms about putting those chocolate cream-filled organic
              cookies into your cart (and your mouth), even if the calorie
              content is exactly the same.

              Your house is a mess

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              Tidy house, tighter body? Research from Duke University
              suggests that it's possible. Scientists discovered that the dust
              found in many homes is packed with hormone-disrupting
              chemicals that encourage your body to store more fat. Time
              to start Swiffering a little more often. Here are some other
              sneaky ways your house is making you gain weight.

                                            CONTENT CONTINUES BELOW AD

              You caught this type of cold

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              A week or so of miserable congestion might just be the
              beginning of what the common cold can do to your body. A
              University of California-San Diego study of children found
              that 80 percent of those who'd been exposed to a particular
              strain of the cold virus—adenovirus 36—were obese. As
              strange as this might sound, it doesn't seem to be a fluke, as
              other research has also linked this strain with weight gain.

              You're broke

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              It's hardly fair, but research confirms that lower-income
              Americans are much more apt to be obese compared to those
              who are wealthier. While some issues related to this problem
              (such as a lack of fresh foods at supermarkets in poor areas)
              may be out of your hands, it is possible to eat well on a tight
              budget. Check out how to eat healthily and save money right.

              You're super stressed

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              Turning to comfort foods is only part of the problem. Chronic
              stress also taxes your body and contributes to elevated levels
              of hormones that cause inflammation as well as lead to
              packing on the pounds. Unless you're dead, some stress is a
              given, but finding ways to chill out can make all the
              difference. Learn more about how weight gain is a sign of

              You live way out in the 'burbs

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              Is the nearest supermarket three miles away? Do you even
              have sidewalks? Research shows that suburban sprawl is
              closely tied to weight gain, probably because you rarely walk
              and rely on the car for errands and commuting. Even if you
              feel like you're constantly rushing around, remember that
              driving carpool doesn't translate to burning very many
              calories. Try wearing a fitness tracker to see how many (or
              few) steps you're actually getting throughout the day. Check
              out the secrets of 18 women who exercise every day.

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              Your nights are too bright


              You may have heard that exposure to artificial light late at
              night messes with your sleep, but it turns out it also messes
              with your metabolism, according to research from
              Northwestern University. The good news: Installing some
              dimmer switches can help mitigate this problem.

              You don't get enough daylight

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              The flip side of too much light at night, of course, is too little
              (natural) light during the daytime. In fact, inadequate
              exposure to natural sunlight—especially during the fall and
              winter, when the days are shorter—seems to encourage cells
              to store more fat. Make an effort to see the sun for at least a
              few minutes each morning to help keep your body's rhythms
              on track.

              You've recently lost some weight, and
              your body wants revenge
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              You managed to shed a few pounds, but they're creeping back
              fast because you're hungrier than ever. What gives?
              Unfortunately, it's your body's way of trying to maintain your
              fat reserves for a famine that's most likely never coming.
              Research shows your appetite really does surge following a
              loss of body weight, which means it's all too easy for the
              pounds to regain the weight. Try drinking extra water and
              eating plenty of water-rich, low-cal foods until you no longer
              feel ravenous all the time. Need more help? Check out these
              42 fast and easy weight loss tips.

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              More: Diet & Weight Loss Digestive Health, Men's Health, Women's Health

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          pants suddenly […]

          DIET & WEIGHT LOSS

          50 Health Rules Doctors Don’t
          Always Follow—So You Shouldn’t
          For doctors and other health professionals, being
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healthy is often a matter of "Do as I say, not as I
          do." Here, experts confess the not-so-iron-clad
          health rules they've been known to break.

          DIET & WEIGHT LOSS

          9 Ways You Can Literally Lose
          Weight In Your Sleep
          Avoid the obvious problems
          Sharomka/ShutterstockEveryone knows that if
          you're a drive-through regular and routinely polish
          off pints of ice cream you're going to gain weight,
          but that's not you. In fact, you rarely eat fried
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foods, and when you do eat dessert you limit
          yourself to a sensible portion. So why are your
          pants suddenly […]

          DIET & WEIGHT LOSS

          Can’t Lose Weight? 17 Tips You Need
          to Get Over a Weight-Loss Plateau
          Maybe your weight-loss efforts started with huge
          results, but now you can't seem to get your
          momentum back. Use these tips as your guide to
          shedding those last 5 pounds.

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