5 Year Housing Land Supply 2017-2022 - December 2017 - Surrey Heath ...

Page created by Justin Steele
Surrey Heath Borough Council

             5 Year Housing Land Supply

                               December 2017

Executive Summary................................................................................................................................. 2
1      Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
       Policy Background ........................................................................................................................... 3
       Links with the Housing Trajectory and Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) .................. 3
2      Five Year Requirement .................................................................................................................... 4
       Source of Housing Target ................................................................................................................ 4
       Determining the Buffer ................................................................................................................... 4
       Assessment of Deliverability – the 5 year supply ........................................................................... 5
3      Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Appendix 1 – Sites contributing to the 5 year housing land supply ..................................................... 12
       Existing Commitments (excludes Prior Notifications)................................................................... 12
       Allocated Sites ............................................................................................................................... 31
       Other Deliverable Sites identified in 2017 SLAA ........................................................................... 33
       Prior Notifications for Conversion to Residential Accommodation .............................................. 35
       C2 Uses .......................................................................................................................................... 40
Appendix 2: Windfall Allowance Justification and Calculation ............................................................. 42
       Methodology................................................................................................................................. 42
       Windfall calculation ...................................................................................................................... 43
       Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 44

Executive Summary

This paper sets out an assessment of whether there is a five year supply of deliverable housing sites
across Surrey Heath Borough for the five year period 2017-2022

The Joint Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) 2016 undertaken with Hart and Rushmoor
Councils indicates an Objectively Assessed Housing Need (OAHN) of 382 dwellings per annum (dpa)
for Surrey Heath for the period 2014-2032.

Any under-delivery is taken back to 2014 (the base date of the 2016 SHMA). The Council can
demonstrate a 3.95 year housing land supply against an identified objectively assessed housing need
(OAHN) of 382 dwellings per annum (see figure 1 below).

Figure 1: 2017-2022 Housing Land Supply (Under delivery based on 382 dpa from 2014)

DPA base:                                    382 dwellings
DPA x 5 years:                               1,910 dwellings
Plus Backlog against 382 from 2014 to        2,515 (1,910 + 605)
Nov 2017:
Plus 5% Buffer:                              2,641 (2,515 x 1.05)
Revised DPA:                                 528 dwellings (2,641 / 5)
Land Supply:                                 2,083
Years Supply:                                3.95 (2,083 / 528)

Year                    Requirement             Delivered                Backlog
2014-2015               382                     187                      195
2015-2016               382                     305                      77
2016 - 2017             382                     226                      156
2017 – 30th November    (382/12)x 8 = 255       78                       177
Total                   1,401                   796                      605

1     Introduction

      Policy Background

1.1   The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires Local Planning Authorities to assess
      and demonstrate a 5 year supply of deliverable sites. Specifically, paragraph 47 of the NPPF
      “To boost significantly the supply of housing, local planning authorities should:
      Identify and update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five
      years’ worth of housing against their housing requirements with an additional buffer of 5%
      (moved forward from later in the plan period) to ensure choice and competition in the
      market for land. Where there has been a record of persistent under delivery of housing, local
      planning authorities should increase the buffer to 20% (moved forward from later in the plan
      period) to provide a realistic prospect of achieving the planned supply and to ensure choice
      and competition in the market for land;”
1.2   The NPPF supports the inclusion of a windfall allowance in the 5-year supply if there is
      compelling evidence that suggests this is a consistent and reliable source of supply.

1.3   This report sets out an assessment of whether there is a five-year supply of deliverable
      housing sites in Surrey Heath Borough, taking in to account the requirements of the NPPF.

      Links with the Housing Trajectory and Strategic Land Availability
      Assessment (SLAA)

1.4   The NPPF (Paragraph 47) requires Local Planning Authorities to prepare a housing trajectory.
      This provides a position statement comparing past performance on housing supply with
      anticipated future rates of housing development. The Surrey Heath housing trajectory is
      updated each year as part of the Authorities’ Monitoring Report (AMR). It sets out the
      housing requirements for the plan period, past completion rates, and projected future
      supply informed by the Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA).
1.5   Trajectories are a forward-planning tool designed to monitor and manage the approach to
      housing delivery by monitoring both past and anticipated completions across a period of
      time. The housing trajectory looks more long-term than the five year supply report,
      projecting 15 years forward from the base date.
1.6   The most recent AMR was published in December 2016 and has a base date of 1st April 2016.
      The most recent SLAA was published in November 2017. Although these documents provide
      an indication of the five year supply, the purpose of this report is to set out in more detail
      the short-term supply situation, taking into account the most recently available information
      in relation to housing commitments, completions and site deliverability. Therefore the
      figures supplied in the SLAA and housing trajectory will differ slightly from those published in
      this five year supply paper.

2      Five Year Requirement
       Source of Housing Target

2.1    Local Planning Authorities need to identify the level of housing to be delivered over the 5
       year period. The starting point for this is the Objectively Assessed Housing Number (OAHN)
       set out in the Joint Strategic Housing Market Assessment Dec 2016. This identified an OAHN
       of 382 dwellings per annum (dpa) for Surrey Heath Borough Council over the period 2014-

       Figure 2: 2017-2022 Housing Land Supply (Under delivery based on 382 dpa from 2014)

      DPA base:                                     382 dwellings
      DPA x 5 years:                                1,910 dwellings
      Plus Backlog against 382 from 2014 to         2,515 (1,910 + 605)
      Nov 2017:
      Plus 5% Buffer:                               2,641 (2,515 x 1.05)
      Revised DPA:                                  528 dwellings (2,641 / 5)
      Land Supply:                                  2,083
      Years Supply:                                 3.95 (2,083 / 528)

       Year                    Requirement              Delivered                 Backlog
       2014-2015               382                      187                       195
       2015-2016               382                      305                       77
       2016 - 2017             382                      226                       156
       2017 – 30th November    (382/12)x 8 = 255        78                        177
       Total                   1,401                    796                       605

       Determining the Buffer

2.2    The PPG states (ID: 3-037-20140306)

       “The approach to identifying a record of persistent under delivery of housing involves
       questions of judgment for the decision maker in order to determine whether or not a
       particular degree of under delivery of housing triggers the requirement to bring forward an
       additional supply of housing.

       The factors behind persistent under delivery may vary from place to place and, therefore,
       there can be no universally applicable test or definition of the term. It is legitimate to
       consider a range of issues, such as the effect of imposed housing moratoriums and the
       delivery rate before and after any such moratoriums.

       The assessment of a local delivery record is likely to be more robust if a longer term view is
       taken, since this is likely to take account of the peaks and troughs of the housing market

Local planning authorities should aim to deal with any undersupply within the first 5 years of
      the plan period where possible. Where this cannot be met in the first 5 years, local planning
      authorities will need to work with neighbouring authorities under the ‘Duty to Cooperate’.”

2.3   The Planning Inspectors in two recent appeal decisions (App/D3640/W/15/3028247 and
      APP/D3640/W/16/3158822) determined that there had been no pattern of under delivery or
      any significant shortfall in provision overall. In absence of any persistent under delivery it is
      concluded that adding a 5% buffer to Surrey Heath’s 5 year housing requirement (inclusive
      of backlog) is appropriate.

      Assessment of Deliverability – the 5 year supply
2.4   As detailed above, Paragraph 47 of the NPPF sets out the requirement to identify and
      update annually a five year supply of specific deliverable sites. The definition of deliverable
      is set out in footnote 11, para 47:
      “To be considered deliverable, sites should be available now, offer a suitable location for
      development now, and be achievable with a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered
      on the site within five years and in particular that development of the site is viable. Sites with
      planning permission should be considered deliverable until permission expires, unless there is
      clear evidence that schemes will not be implemented within five years, for example they will
      not be viable, there is no longer a demand for the type of units or sites have long term
      phasing plans.”
2.5   The PPG provides further guidance (ID: 3-031-20140306):

      “Deliverable sites for housing could include those that are allocated for housing in the
      development plan and sites with planning permission (outline or full that have not been
      implemented) unless there is clear evidence that schemes will not be implemented within five

      However, planning permission or allocation in a development plan is not a prerequisite for a
      site being deliverable in terms of the five-year supply. Local planning authorities will need to
      provide robust, up to date evidence to support the deliverability of sites, ensuring that their
      judgements on deliverability are clearly and transparently set out. If there are no significant
      constraints (e.g. infrastructure) to overcome such as infrastructure sites not allocated within
      a development plan or without planning permission can be considered capable of being
      delivered within a five-year timeframe.

      The size of sites will also be an important factor in identifying whether a housing site is
      deliverable within the first 5 years. Plan makers will need to consider the time it will take to
      commence development on site and build out rates to ensure a robust five-year housing

2.6   Housing sites that have been incorporated into Surrey Heath’s Five Year Housing Land
      Supply derive from the below sources, which are set out in more detail in the following

   Existing Commitments1
         Site Allocations in the Surrey Heath Local Plan2
         Other sites identified in the Council’s Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) 2017 as
         Prior notifications (office to residential conversions)
         Windfall allowance

      The Council has not included C2 uses toward its 5 year housing land supply. However, C2 units
      are still recorded in this paper in order to advise the number considered deliverable over the 5
      year period covered, as well as demonstrating the number of C3 residential units lost as a result
      of these permissions. A full list of sites contributing to this source of supply is set out in Appendix

          Existing Commitments

2.7       The residential monitoring exercise undertaken in April of each year records annual housing
          completions, progress on saved Local Plan allocations, and progress made on sites with
          extant planning permission. For the purposes of this paper, this monitoring has been
          updated to end-November 2017. Therefore, the potential to deliver housing on such sites
          can be assessed with a degree of accuracy. No site size threshold has been applied to sites
          which are already in the planning process.

2.8       As at November 2017, there were 919 net new dwellings with planning permission yet to be
          implemented and 208 net new dwellings with planning permission under construction.
          Details of the individual sites are contained in Appendix 1 along with an assessment of the
          deliverability of each site.

2.9       For clarity, units arising from allocated sites which now have permission are also included in
          this table. These sites are cross referenced in the Allocations section, but their contribution
          toward the housing supply is accounted for only in Existing Commitments. Allocated sites
          that do not yet have permission are included in the Allocations section only. The exception
          to this is the Deliverable proportion of the strategic site at Princess Royal Barracks, Deepcut.
          Although permission has been granted at this site, the number of units considered to be
          deliverable in the 0-5 year period are accounted for in the Allocations section only, given as
          a proportion of the allocated site. Office to residential conversions permitted under the
          General Permitted Development Order are also considered separately.

          Table 1: Sites with planning permission
            Sites with            Sites under      Total units anticipated
            planning              construction     2017-2022 (net units)
            permission –          (net units)
            (net units)
                            919                208                      1,127

 Sites currently under construction and unimplemented sites with valid planning consents
 The Surrey Heath Local Plan currently consists of: Local Plan 2000; Core Strategy and Development
Management Policies DPD; Camberley Town Centre Area Action Plan.

Site Allocations in the Surrey Heath Local Plan

2.10    The following sites were allocated for housing within the Surrey Heath Local Plan and
        expected to come forward within the period 2017-2022. A full list of allocated sites with
        justification for their inclusion or exclusion from the 5 year housing land supply is included at
        Appendix 1.

Table 2: Allocated sites included in 5 year supply

Settlement     Site Address         Allocated                Comments                     Total units
                                                                                          (net units)
Bagshot        Woodside             Local Plan 2000                                       40
               Cottage, Chapel
Camberley      Pembroke             Camberley Town           See existing                 -
               Broadway North       Centre Area Action       commitments for
                                    Plan                     permitted site at
                                                             Ashwood House included
                                                             in 5 year supply
Camberley      Land East of Knoll   Camberley Town           See existing                 -
               Road Including       Centre Area Action       commitments for
               the Police Station   Plan                     permitted site included in
               site                                          5 year supply
Camberley      Former               Camberley Town           See existing                 -
               Magistrates          Centre Area Action       commitments for
               Court                Plan                     permitted site at Kings
                                                             Court, High Street
                                                             included in 5 year supply
Deepcut        Princess Royal       Core Strategy            Number of units at           300*
               Barracks(PRB)                                 allocated site of 1,198
                                                             included in 5 year supply
West End       Housing Reserve      Housing Reserve Site     See existing                 -
               Site, East of                                 commitments for
               Benner Lane                                   permissions at reserve
                                                             site included in 5 year
West End       Housing Reserve      Housing Reserve Site     See existing                 -
               Site, Kings                                   commitments for
               Road/Beldam                                   permissions at reserve
               Bridge Road                                   site included in 5 year
Windlesham Land at                  Housing Reserve Site     See existing                 -
           Heathpark Wood                                    commitments for
                                                             permission at reserve site
                                                             included in 5 year supply
Total                                                                                     340

* Reflects the comments made by the Inspector in determining the Heath Park Woods appeal (ref
no. APP/D3640/W/16/3158822) in July 2017 where it was indicated that 300 dwellings could be
considered deliverable from Princess Royal Barracks at Deepcut, over a 5 year period.

          Other sites identified in the Council’s SLAA as “Deliverable”

2.11      The Council published a Strategic Land Availability Assessment (SLAA) in 2017 which
          identified a range of sites across the Borough. The SLAA was produced in line with the NPPF
          and PPG (Planning Practice Guidance). It provides sufficient and up to date information on
          the suitability, availability and achievability of the identified sites and provides a reasonable
          indication as to when the sites are likely to come forward. The assessment of deliverability
          involved direct contact with landowners, developers and agents to confirm the likelihood of
          a particular site coming forward.

2.12      Detailed information regarding the Council’s assessment of sites can be found in the
          Council’s SLAA methodology. In calculating the 5 year supply the SLAA has been taken as a
          starting point for identifying sites which may come forward. The base date for the SLAA is 1st
          April 2017. Some site information may have changed since the base date of the SLAA and
          where applicable this has been taken account of in arriving at the 5 year housing land supply

2.13      A list of deliverable sites, along with the justification for including them in the Council’s 5
          year housing land supply can be found at Appendix 1. In total this source of supply
          contributes a total of 198 units as shown in Table 3 below. Sites included in the 2017 SLAA as
          ‘Other Deliverable’ that have since been granted planning permission have been excluded
          from this list and are instead accounted for within the list of ‘existing commitments: sites
          with planning permission’.

                   Table 3: Other deliverable sites identified in the Surrey Heath SLAA

                    Total units anticipated 2017-2022 (net units)

          Prior Notifications

2.14      Under the General Permitted Development Order3 (GDPO), office to residential conversions
          may not require planning permission. Developers must submit a “prior notification” to
          notify the local planning authority of the intention to use the permitted development rights.
          This seeks approval of matters relating to parking and highways, flooding, and contaminated
          land. Article 3(1) of the GPDO sets out that such development can only be classed as
          permitted development subject to the provisions of regulations 60 to 63 of the Conservation
          (Natural Habitats, & c.) Regulations 1994. The Council therefore requires the developer to
          discharge these provisions before development can commence.

2.19      The Council at Executives in July 2015 and July 2016 resolved to add a footnote to the CIL
          123 list to ensure that residential development provided under the prior notification process

    The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015

can meet the requirements of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 by
       contributing to the management and maintenance of SANGs.

2.20   The Government has now made the permitted development right enabling change of use
       from B1(a) offices to C3 residential dwellings permanent. Furthermore, an extension of time
       to May 2019 has been given for proposals where approval has been granted under the
       permitted development right, but the scheme has not been completed. Appendix 1 provides
       a breakdown of the individual sites that have been granted prior approval for conversion to
       residential accommodation.

2.21   Prior notifications for conversion to residential use will contribute 379 units to the 5 year
       housing land supply, as shown in Table 5 below:

       Table 5: Prior Notifications

        Total units anticipated 2017-2022 (net units)

       Windfall Allowance

2.22   Paragraph 48 of the NPPF states:

       “Local planning authorities may make an allowance for windfall sites in the five-year supply if
       they have compelling evidence that such sites have consistently become available in the local
       area and will continue to provide a reliable source of supply. Any allowance should be
       realistic having regard to the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, historic
       windfall delivery rates and expected future trends, and should not include residential

2.23   For the purposes of this 5 Year Housing Land Supply Paper, the windfall allowance will be
       comprised of an allowance for general windfall sites. The full methodology and calculations
       in relation to the windfall allowance are attached at Appendix 2.

2.24   A total windfall allowance of 45 units will be included, as shown in Table 6:

       Table 6: Annualised windfall allowance (2017-2022)

         Year               General Windfall Allowance
         2017-2018                                         0
         2018-2019                                        11
         2019-2020                                        11
         2020-2021                                        11
         2021-2022                                        12
         Total                                            45

C2 Housing

2.25    The PPG states that:
        “Local planning authorities should count housing provided for older people, including
        residential institutions in Use Class C2, against their housing requirement. The approach
        taken, which may include site allocations, should be clearly set out in the Local Plan” (ID: 3-

2.26    The 2016 Hart Rushmoor Surrey Heath SHMA recognises the need for housing for older
        people. The SHMA indicates that the strongest growth in population over the last decade
        has been amongst the older age groups. The older population (those aged 65+) make up
        around 15% of the population as a whole. There has been a significant increase in the
        number of people in advanced old age (85+). The increase in the older population is tied to
        increases in disability within the population. In particular there is projected to be a large rise
        in the number of people with dementia (up 117%) along with a 92% increase in the number
        with mobility problems to 2031.

2.27    Although the Council does not include C2 uses toward its 5 year housing land supply, it is
        anticipated that 423 units will be delivered over the 5 year period, as shown in Table 4
        below. A full list of sites contributing to this source of supply is set out in Appendix 1. As a
        result of recorded C2 permissions granted that are considered to be deliverable, 6 C3
        residential dwellings will be lost. Consequently -6 units have been deducted from the 5 year
        supply figure as recorded in Table 4.

        Table 4: C2 Housing

           Total C2 Bed spaces (not             Total C3 Residential Units
           contributing to 5 Year Housing Land Anticipated 2017-2022
                                           3654                                      -6

 Figure excludes 61-63 London Road Camberley as it is unsure whether commencement at this site will
continue to progress

3      Conclusion
5 year housing land supply from 1st November 2017

Table 7: Total 5 year housing land supply
Source                                           Total net allowance
Existing Commitments (under construction and                                           1,127
not started)
Site Allocations                                                                         340
Other “Deliverable”                                                                      198
Prior Notifications                                                                      379
Windfall Allowance                                                                        45
C3 Dwellings Lost from Conversion to C2 uses                                              -6
Total                                                                                  2,083

3.1    Surrey Heath Borough has an overall supply of identifiable and deliverable housing land for
       2,083 net new dwellings over the next 5 years. This paper concludes that the Borough
       cannot currently demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing land for the period
       November 2017 - 2022.

Appendix 1 – Sites contributing to the 5 year housing land supply
Existing Commitments (excludes Prior Notifications)

Settlement        Address            Description                                              Application Permitted   Completed Under        Not        Comments
Area                                                                                          Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction Started
                                                                                                                                (net)        (net)
Bagshot           Bovingdon  Erection of 2 x 3 bedroom and 1 x 2 bedroom                      F           3           0          0           3
                  Cottage    dwellings with associated parking and garden
                  Bracknell Road,
                             areas, following demolition of existing dwelling and
                  GU19 5HX   cattery buildings.
Bagshot           79 Guildford
                             Demolition of boarding kennels and erection of six               F           6           0          6           0
                  Road, GU19 3 bed dwelling houses. Retention of existing
                  5NS        bungalow and mobile homes.
Bagshot           12 London  Erection of a part three storey, part two storey                 F           9           0          0           9
                  Road       building to provide 8 no. two bedroom and 1 no.
                             three bedroom flats with landscaping, parking and
                             access following the demolition of existing car
                             sales building.
Bagshot       Weston         Outline application for the erection of 10 dwelling              O           10(9)       0          0           10(9)
              Paddocks (Land houses (two 2 bed, five 3 bed & three 4 bed)
              adj to 1)      following the demolition of existing dwelling house
              Whitmoor       and outbuildings
              Road, GU19
Bagshot net totals                                                                                                               6           21
Bisley            325 Guildford      New pp 16/0961 - Erection of 6 three bedroom             F           15          0          0           15
                  Road, GU24         dwellings, 6 two bedroom and 3 studio flats

    F=Full/O=Outline/PN=Prior Notification/RM=Reserved Matters/CL=Certificate of Lawful Use

Settlement     Address           Description                                           Application Permitted   Completed Under        Not        Comments
Area                                                                                   Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction Started
                                                                                                                         (net)        (net)
               9BD               following demolition of existing building. Original
                                 pp - Erection of 9 dwellings - 4x3 bedroom. 3x4
                                 bedroom and 2x5 bedroom units
Bisley         161 Queens        Conversion of existing detached garage to             F           1           0          0           1
               Road, GU24        habitable accommodation (ancillary to main
               9AU               dwellinghouse).
Bisley         Former Bisley     Erection of a total of 110 dwellings with principal   F           110         71         27          12
               Office            access off Queens Road.
               Furniture Site,
               17 Queens
               Road, GU24
Bisley net totals                                                                                                         27          28
Camberley      24 Cromwell       Erection 1no. two bedroom bungalow with parking       F           1           0          0           1
               Road, GU15        and access following the demolition of existing
               4HY               building.
Camberley      62 Frimley        Conversion of property into 4 no two bedroom          F           4(3)        0          0           4(3)
               Road, GU15        flats with parking to the front and associated
               3EG               development following the part demolition of
                                 existing single storey new extension.
Camberley      Land between      Erection of two storey detached four bedroom          F           1           0          1           0
               35, and 35&37     dwelling with attached garage, new access and
               Goldney Road      crossover from Goldney Road and creation of front
               and Arundel       and rear gardens and driveway and associated
               Road, GU15        landscaping.
Camberley      Camberley         Erection of split-level 2/3 storey building           F           12(11)      0          0           12(11)
               Heath golf Club   comprising 12 apartments including rooms in
               Golf Drive,       roofspace following demolition of bungalow

Settlement   Address           Description                                           Application Permitted   Completed Under        Not        Comments
Area                                                                                 Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction Started
                                                                                                                       (net)        (net)
             GU15 1JG
Camberley    Garage Site       Erection of a pair of semi detached three bedroom F               2           0          0           2
             Greenlands        dwelling houses with associated parking and access
             Road, GU15        following demolition of existing garages.
Camberley    Land Adj.         Erection of a five bedroom two storey detached        F           1           0          1           0
             Lynwood           dwelling
             Heath Rise,
             GU15 2ER
Camberley    1a & 1b High      Retention of existing 1 no. 2 bed and 3 no. 1 bed     F           6           0          6           0
             Street, GU15      flats. New: 5 no. 1 bed and 1 no. 2 bed flats plus
             3QU               smaller retail area.
Camberley    11-13 High        Erection of a two storey building with                F           7           0          7           0
             Street, GU15      accommodation in the roofspace to form 7
             3RB               residential flats following demolition of existing.
                               Certificate of existing use granted - 16/0325 -
                               applicaton U/C
Camberley    37-39 High        Change of use of first floor from A1 (retail) to C3   F           4           0          0           4
             Street, GU15      (residential) to form 4 x 1 bed flats with cycle
             3RB               storage.
Camberley    26 High Street,   Change of use of first and second floor offices to    F           2           0          0           2
             GU15 3RS          form 2 x two bedroom flats.
Camberley    59-61 High        Erection of first/second floor rear extension and     F           4(3)        0          0           4(3)
             Street, GU15      associated alterations to facilitate conversion of
             3UL               first and second floor from 1 no. two bed flat to
                               provide 4 No. one bedroom flats.
Camberley    80 Kings Ride,    Erection of a two storey, two bedroom dwelling        F           1           0          1           0
             GU15 4JF
Camberley    Bradley Court,    Erection of a four storey building to provide 8 x 2   F           8           0          0           8

Settlement   Address          Description                                            Application Permitted   Completed Under        Not        Comments
Area                                                                                 Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction Started
                                                                                                                       (net)        (net)
             3 Knoll Road     bed flats with associated parking, landscaping and
                              amenity space.
Camberley    Bradley Court,   Conversion of roofspace to create three 2 bedroom      F           4           0          4           0
             3 Knoll Road,    and one 1 bedroom residential units. See also
             GU15 3BP         16/0859 for additional units at Bradley Court
Camberley    Bradley Court,   Creation of 4x1 bedroom flats with balconies and       F           4           0          4           0
             3 Knoll Road,    associated parking on the ground floor of the
             GU15 3BP         building including insertion of windows on the rear
                              and southern side elevetions. See also 16/0618 for
                              additional units at Bradley Court
Camberley    The Dolphin,     Erection of 3 two storey two bedroom dwellings         F           8(7)        0          8(7)        0
             299 London       and 1 two storey building with accommodation in
             Road, GU15       the roofspace to provide 4 one bedroom and 1 two
             3HE              bedroom flats following the demolition of existing
                              restaurant and first floor flat
Camberley    St Anns 43       Conversion of flat 2 loft space to create a separate   F           2(1)        0          0           2(1)
             London Road,     one bedroom unit with separate access.
             GU15 3UG
Camberley    Burwood          Erection of side and rear extensions with              F           10          0          0           10
             House Hotel,     associated internal alterations following
             15 London        conversion of hotel into 10 residential flats (one 3
             Road, GU15       bedroom, eight 2 bedroom and one 1 bedroom).
             3UQ              (flat 3 - 2 bed to be affordable)
Camberley    Sparks Garage,   Outline application for the demolition of existing     F           9           0          0           9
             2 London Road,   buildings and erection of up to 10 residential
             GU15 3UZ         apartments. Follow up RM app for 9 two bed flats
                              submitted - 17/0503
Camberley    1 Macnaghten     Change of use of existing ancillary outbuilding to     F           1           0          0           1
             Woods, GU15      form a two bedroom dwelling.

Settlement   Address          Description                                           Application Permitted   Completed Under        Not        Comments
Area                                                                                Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction Started
                                                                                                                      (net)        (net)
Camberley    3 Marlborough    Erection of a two storey side extension to            F           1           0          0           1
             Rise, GU15 2ED   incorporate 1 bedroom annex accommodation.
Camberley    Land Southeast   Erection of a two storey 4 bed dwelling house with    F           1           0          0           1
             of White Lodge   integral garage and access onto Maywood Drive.
             Drive, GU15
Camberley    87 Middle        Erection of a two storey building with                F           6(5)        0          6(5)        0
             Gordon Road,     accommodation in the roofspace to comprise of 6
             GU15 2JA         two bedroom flats with associated parking, access,
                              bin and cycle stores. Following demolition of
                              existing 5 bedroom house.
Camberley    Brereton         Erection of detached two storey 5 bedroom             F           1           0          0           1
             Middleton        dwelling house with detached double garage and
             Road, GU15       creation of a new vehicular access following
             3TU              retention of "Brereton" within a reduced curtilage.
Camberley    15-17 Obelisk    Outline application for planning permission for the   F           16          0          0           16
             Way, GU15        erection of a four storey building comprising Use
             3SD              Class A1-A5 on the ground floor and 16 residential
                              units (Use Class C) on the 3 upper floors following
                              demolition of existing buildings
Camberley    52 Park St,      New permission 2014/0471 - 7 one bed and 7 two        F           14          0          0           14
             GU15 3PT         bed flats. 2004/1231 - Flats: 6 x 1-bed, 4 x 2-bed
Camberley    Central House    New app 2017/0136 same breakdown of units.            F           6           0          0           6
             75-79 Park       Change of Use from 6 Hotel apartment suites to
             Street, GU15     6x1 bed flats
Camberley    Clockhouse, 65   Certificate of Lawful Proposed Development for        CL          2           0          0           2

Settlement   Address           Description                                             Application Permitted   Completed Under        Not        Comments
Area                                                                                   Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction Started
                                                                                                                         (net)        (net)
             Park Street,      the conversion of first floor from offices (Class A2)
             GU15 3PE          to 2 one bedroom flats
Camberley    The               Erection of a part third storey, part three storey      F           5           0          0           5
             Clockhouse        rear extension to provide residential use of 2 no
             Park Street,      two bedroom and 3 no one bedroom flats
             GU15 3PE          (alternative to 2 one bedroom flats in PP
Camberley    18 Park Street,   Erection of a four storey building to 8 No one          F           8           0          0           8
             GU15 3PL          bedroom flats over, following the demolition of
                               existing building
Camberley    Wessex House      Erection of 7 dormers and conversion of extended        F           2           0          0           2
             80 Park Street,   roofspace into 2 one bedroom flats. Following
             GU15 3PT          previous separate PN app 2013/0904 Prior
                               notification to convert 1st and 2nd floor office to
                               resi. Not implemented
Camberley    Camberley         Erection of 35 residential units (comprising of 9       F           35(31)      17(13)     18          0          See also
             Police Station    apartments in a 3 storey block and a mix of two                                                                   “allocated
             Portesbery        storey dwellinghouses) following demolition of 4                                                                  sites”
             Road, GU15        dwellings.
Camberley    Hayward           Erection of a 4 storey building to provide Class        F           9           0          0           9
             House, 1          A2/Class B1a at ground floor with residential
             Portesbery        development above comprising 4no. two bedroom
             Road, GU15        and 5no. one bedroom units following demolition
             3SZ               of existing building.
Camberley    Navana            Conversion of garage/store into living                  F           1           0          1           0
             Portesbery        accommodation, erection of first floor side
             Road, GU15        extension and use as annexe accommodation.

Settlement   Address           Description                                           Application Permitted   Completed Under          Not        Comments
Area                                                                                 Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction   Started
                                                                                                                       (net)          (net)
Camberley    55 Robins Bow,    Erection of a single storey attached 2 bed dwelling   F           1           0         0              1
             GU15 3NP          with associated parking and access following
                               demolition of existing garage and no 55 Robins
                               Bow retained on a reduced curtilage.
Camberley    3 Roundway,       Erection of two detached two storey 4 bedroom         F           2(1)        0          0             2(1)
             GU15 1NR          dwelling houses with associated parking and access
                               following demolition of existing bungalow.
Camberley    18 Tekels Park,   Erection of two, 2 storey buildings to comprise one   F           3(1)        0          0             3(1)
             GU15 2LF          detached dwelling house and two semi-detached
                               dwelling houses. Following demolition of existing
Camberley    Fyfin House,      Erection of 2 two storey detached dwellings and       F           2(1)        1(0)       1             0
             183 Upper         detached garages following demolition of existing
             Chobham           dwelling.
             Road, GU15
Camberley    210 Upper         Redevelopment of land to the rear of 208 and 210      F           2           0          2             0
             Chobham           Upper Chobham Road to erect 2 detached 3
             Road, GU15        bedroom houses.
Camberley    Land at 34 &      Erection of two storey detached dwelling with new F               1           0          0             1
             36 Upper Park     access off Upper Park Road, associated landscaping
             Road, GU15        and hard standing and retention of No. 34 & No. 36
             2EF               on reduced curtilages.
Camberley    33 Upper Park     Conversion of the existing dwelling to provide 8 no. F            10(9)       0          0             10(9)
             Road, GU15        one bedroom and 2 no two bedroom flats for use
             9BD               by the learning disabled with associated
Camberley    35 Wood Road,     Erection of a detached 2 bedroom property and        F            1           0          0             1

Settlement   Address         Description                                           Application Permitted   Completed Under        Not        Comments
Area                                                                               Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction Started
                                                                                                                     (net)        (net)
             GU15 2RN        associated parking, garden and extended dropped
                             kerb, following demolition of existing detached
Camberley    21-33 York      Erection of 7 dwellings with access and parking   F               7(6)        0          7(6)        0
             Road, GU15      following the demolition of 1 dwelling with the
             4HS             refurbishment of 6 dwellings.
Camberley    Garage Block    Erection of 2 x two bedroom affordable houses and F               4           0          0           4
             East Wood       2 x three bedroom affordable houses, with
             Road, GU15      associated parking and garden areas, following
             2SH             demolition of existing garages.
Camberley    London Court,   Erection of a single storey, 1 bedroom dwelling   F               1           0          0           1
             116 London      following demolition of an outbuilding.
             Road, GU15
Camberley    Ashwood         Conversion of the existing second and third floor     F           116         0          0           116
             House,          levels and erection of a two storey roof extension
             Pembroke        to provide 116 residential apartments (comprising
             Broadway        12 no. studios, 48 no. 1 bed and 56 no. 2 bed).
             North, GU15
Camberley    Pembroke        The site is in the Council’s ownership and an         F           25          0          0           25
             House, 148      application for 25 residential units and ground
             Frimley Road,   floor retail use is currently under consideration.
             GU15 2QN        Sustainable location in settlement area.
Camberley    45 Upper Park   Erection of a two storey side and front extension,    F           4(3)        0          0           4(3)
             Road, GU15      and conversion of extended building into 4, two
             2EF             bedroom flats, with associated parking, cycle sheds
                             and access.
Camberley    Parkgate        Change of use of first and second floor of building   F           14          0          0           14

Settlement   Address          Description                                            Application Permitted   Completed Under        Not        Comments
Area                                                                                 Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction Started
                                                                                                                       (net)        (net)
             House, 185-      from A2 office use to C3 residential use, and create
             187 London       additional floor to provide a total of 4 studio
             Road, GU15       apartments, 8 one bed apartments and 2 two bed
             3JS              apartments
Camberley    The Ravens,      Additional detached two storey dwelling with           F           1           0          1           0
             Ravenswood       vehicular access from Ravenswood Drive.
             Drive, GU15
Camberley net totals                                                                                                    65          297
Chobham      Chobham          Erection of five detached dwellings (2 x 3-bed, 2 x    F           5           0          5           0
             Nurseries        5-bed, 1 x 6-bed) following demolition of existing
             Bagshot Road,    horticultural buildings.
             GU24 8DE
Chobham      Bourne Farm      Alt app. 2016/1192 - erection of a detached 3-         F           1           0          0           1
             Bagshot Road,    bedroom dwelling, parking and landscaping,
             GU24 8SJ         following demolition of existing barn. Original app
                              2015/1073 - Change of use of agricultural barn to
                              residential dwelling
Chobham      Plants to Go,    Detached four bedroom dormer bungalow and              F           1           0          0           1
             Chobham          associated parking areas and landscaping,
             Nurseries        following demolition of existing polytunnel and
             Bagshot Road,    hard standing area.
             GU24 8SJ
Chobham      The Plant        Erection of 3 detached dwelling houses with            F           3           0          0           3
             Centre Bagshot   integral garages and new access following
             Road, GU24       demolition of existing garden centre.
Chobham      Willow Farm      Erection of a two storey detached dwelling with        F           1(-1)       0          0           1(-1)
             Bagshot Road,    further basement floorspace, garaging and

Settlement   Address           Description                                            Application Permitted   Completed Under        Not        Comments
Area                                                                                  Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction Started
                                                                                                                        (net)        (net)
             GU24 8SJ          ancillary staff accommodation following demolition
                               of all existing buildings. Alt to 13/0151 and
Chobham      Former Little     Change of use of land at Little Heath Nursery from F               35          0          25          10
             Heath Nursery,    a commercial nursery to residential, the demolition
             Burr Hill Lane,   of the existing nursery buildings and the erection
             GU24 8QD          of 35 affordable dwellings.
Chobham      Copyhold          Change of Use of agricultural buildings to a         F             1           0          0           1
             Chertsey Road,    dwelling house and associated single storey front,
             GU24 8HS          rear and side extensions and alterations
Chobham      25 Chertsey       Conversion of first floor office (Class B1) to a two F             1           0          0           1
             Road, GU24        bedroom flat.
Chobham      25-31 High        Erection of part two storey, part single storey rear   F           3(2)        0          3(2)        0
             Street, GU24      extension to no.'s 25, 27 and 29 High Street, to
             8AD               provide 3 three bedroom units replacing one 5 bed
                               unit. Reduced retail unit on the ground floor of 29
                               High Street.
Chobham      Latchmere         Erection of a bungalow following the demolition of     F           1           0          0           1
             Lodge             existing bungalow and outbuildings.
             Pennypot Lane,
             GU24 8DJ
Chobham      House of Barns    Change of Use of existing annexe and                   F           1           0          0           1
             Sandpit Hall      stable/garage block to a 1 bed independent
             Road, GU24        residential unit of accommodation.
Chobham      House of Barns    Independent from app 2014/0807 Change of Use           F           1           0          0           1
             Sandpit Hall      from outbuilding (barn) to a 1 bedroom
             Road, GU24        independent dwelling house

Settlement   Address          Description                                            Application Permitted   Completed Under        Not        Comments
Area                                                                                 Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction Started
                                                                                                                       (net)        (net)
Chobham      Former Castle    Erection of a two storey rear extension following      F           3(2)        0          3(2)        0
             Grove Inn        the part demolition and conversion into 2 three
             Scotts Grove     bedroom semi-detached houses and 1 one
             Road, GU24       bedroom bungalow with parking and access.
Chobham      Flexlands        Erection of 8 x 2 bed and 6 x 3 bed dwellings,         F           14          0          0           14
             Station Road,    communal pavilion, car parks, bin store, entrance
             GU24 8AG         gates and associated landscaping, following
                              demolition of existing buildings.
Chobham      Rose Cottage     Erection of single storey one bedroom attached         F           1           0          0           1
             Station Road,    dwelling following demolition of existing garage.
             GU24 8AQ
Chobham      1 The Avenue,    RM app - 17/0110. Outline Application for the          F           1           0          0           1
             GU24 8RU         erection of one 4 bedroom dwelling house on land
                              to the rear of 1 The Avenue, Chobham to be
                              retained on a reduced curtilage.
Chobham      15 The Avenue,   The erection of a two storey detached                  F           1           0          0           1
             GU24 8RU         dwellinghouse with an attached garage following
                              the severance of the front garden land.
Chobham      Land adjoining   Erection of a single storey building to comprise a 2   F           1           0          0           1
             Holly Lodge      bedroom detached dwelling house following
             Waterperry       demolition of existing garage
             Lane, GU24
Chobham      Buckstone      Erection of double garage with studio                    F           1           0          0           1
             Farm           accommodation above, following demolition of the
             Windlesham     existing garage and greenhouse.
             Road, GU20 6LJ

Settlement   Address           Description                                            Application Permitted   Completed Under          Not        Comments
Area                                                                                  Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction   Started
                                                                                                                        (net)          (net)
Chobham      Ascot Park Polo   Erection of 2 storey detached dwelling and             F           1           0         0              1
             Club,             attached garage with accommodation above
             Westcroft Park    following demolition of existing buildings.
             Farm              2015/0110 - Erection of 8 bed dwelling with
             Windlesham        retention of Post Box Cottage and demolition of all
             Road, GU24        other buildings
Chobham      Chobham Club,     Erection of a part single storey, part two storey      F           2(1)        0          0             2(1)
             50 Windsor        building to form social club on ground floor and 1 x
             Road, GU24        1 bed and 1 x 2 bed units above, following partial
             8LD               demolition of existing club premises and flat.
Chobham      Land at           Erection of a five bedroom, two storey dwelling        F           1           0          0             1
             Woodlands         with attached triple garage with ancillary
             Ryde,             accommodation over following the demolition of
             Chobham Park      existing equestrian buildings.
             Lane, GU24
Chobham      Garage site at    Erection of 2 No. semi-detached 2 storey, three        F           5           0          0             5
             Windsor Court     bedroom houses, 2 No. semi-detached one
             Road, GU24        bedroom bungalows, and single storey extension
             8LH               to provide 1 No. one bedroom ground floor flat.
Chobham net totals                                                                                                       34            46
Deepcut      45 Deepcut        Erection of 3 detached two storey dwellings            F           3(2)        0          0             3(2)
             Bridge Road,      following demolition of existing bungalow
             GU16 6QT
Deepcut      Land rear 27      Erection of two semi-detached houses with access       F           2           0          2             0
             Deepcut Bridge    from 25 Deepcut Bridge Road.
             Road, GU16

Settlement    Address           Description                                          Application Permitted   Completed Under          Not        Comments
Area                                                                                 Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction   Started
                                                                                                                       (net)          (net)
Deepcut       Land Rear 117     Conversion of garage building to a single storey 1   F           1           0         1              0
              Deepcut Bridge    bedroom dwelling with associated amenity area
              Road, GU16        and parking, including changes to roof, doors and
              6SD               windows.
Deepcut       Sandhurst         Detached two bedroom one and a half storey           F           1           0          0             1
              Chalet,           dwelling with associated parking area.
              Alfriston Road,
              GU16 6QS
Deepcut       Princess Royal    Hybrid planning application for major residential    O           1200(1198) -           -             -          See
              Barracks          development totalling 1,200 new dwellings (1,198                                                                 allowance
              Brunswick         net).                                                                                                            under
              Road                                                                                                                               "Allocated
Deepcut net totals                                                                                                      3             3
Frimley       6 Field Lane,     Erection of one detached 4 bedroom two storey        F           3(2)        0          3(2)          0
              GU16 8JU          dwelling house, one detached garage, erection of a
                                pair of semi detached 3 bedroom dwelling houses
                                following demolition of existing 3 bedroom
Frimley       Land North        Erection of detached two bedroom bungalow with       F           1           0          1             0
              East of 11        associated parking and access from Frimley Green
              Frimley Green     Road.
              Road, GU16
Frimley       Land North        Erection of a two storey detached three bedroom      F           1           0          0             1
              West of 36-48     dwelling house with associated parking and new
              Frimley High      accesses to serve the new dwelling and existing
              Street, GU16      service area following demolition of existing
              7JF               garages.

Settlement    Address           Description                                            Application Permitted   Completed Under          Not        Comments
Area                                                                                   Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction   Started
                                                                                                                         (net)          (net)
Frimley       44 Middlemoor     Erection of a two storey 3 bedroom end of terrace      F           1           0         1              0
              Road, GU16        dwelling house with single storey detached garage
              8BU               and number 44 Middlemoor Road retained on a
                                reduced curtilage with associated works and
                                vehicular access.
Frimley        The Ridgewood    Erection of 100 dwellings (comprising 9 one bed,       F           100         36         3             61
               Centre Old       27 two bed, 49 three bed, 11 four bed and 4 five
               Bisley Road,     bed units following the part demolition/part
               GU16 9QE         conversion of existing building.
Frimley        Garage Blocks    Erection of 2x2 bedroom dwellings for affordable       F           2           0          0             2
               Rear of 31-37    housing and associated parking and garden areas
               Stonehouse       and landscaping following demolition of existing
               Rise, GU16 8DP   garages.
Frimley        Unit 1 The       Erection of a two storey extension above ground        F           1           0          0             1
               Parade, GU16     floor with rear access to provide 1 two bedroom
               7HY              flat and erection of bin/cycle store.
Frimley        122 Upper        Erection of a six bedroom dwelling house with part     F           1           0          1             0
               Chobham          basement and accommodation in the roof
               Road, GU15
Frimley net totals                                                                                                        8             65
Frimley       1-3 Beaumaris     Erection of a part single, part two storey extension   F           2           0          2             0
Green         Parade, GU16      to provide two 2 bedroom flats at first floor.
              8UR               Separate app CLEUD - 2015/0306. Foundations laid
                                but no further progress at Feb 2016
Frimley       1, 1a & 3         Loss of 1 two bed flat. Change of Use of first floor   F           -1          0          0             -1
Green         Guildford         from C3 (residential) to B1 (offices)
              Road, GU16

Settlement    Address           Description                                             Application Permitted   Completed Under          Not        Comments
Area                                                                                    Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction   Started
                                                                                                                          (net)          (net)
Frimley Green net totals                                                                                                  2              -1
Lightwater    Curley Croft, 8   Outline application for the erection of 3 four          O           3(2)        0          0             3(2)
              Junction Road,    bedroom detached dwellings following the
              GU18 5TQ          demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings.
                                Access only with all other matters reserved.
Lightwater    Land rear of 4,   Erection of one pair of three bedroom, two storey       F           2           0          2             0
              6&8               semi-detached dwellings on land rear of 4, 6 and 8
              Macdonald         Macdonald Road.
              Road, GU18
Lightwater net totals                                                                                                      2             2
Mytchett      98 Coleford       Erection of a two storey detached house with no         F           1           0          0             1
              Bridge Road,      rooms in the roofspace on the land to the side of
              GU16 6DT          98 Coleford Bridge Road following demolition of
                                existing attached and detached garages.
Mytchett      Grange            Erection of 2 four bedroom two storey semi-             F           5(4)        0          0             5(4)
              Bungalow          detached dwellings, 1 four bedroom detached
              Linsford Lane,    dwelling and 2 three bedroom semi-detached
              GU16 6DJ          dwellings following demolition of the existing
Mytchett      11 Coleford       Amendment to permission (2001/0790): one of the         F           22(20)      19(17)     0             3
              Bridge Road       detached 4 bed houses being provided with 2
              and Grange        space garage instead of 1 space. Houses: 6 x 2-bed
              Nurseries,        (Section 106 affordable), 4 x 2-bed (private), 7 x 3-
              Linsford Lane,    bed, 5 x 4-bed
              GU16 6DX
Mytchett      Land east of      Erection of 2 two storey, three bedroom dwelling        F           2           0          1             1
              220 Mytchett      houses, garages, access and landscaping.

Settlement    Address         Description                                          Application Permitted   Completed Under          Not        Comments
Area                                                                               Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction   Started
                                                                                                                     (net)          (net)
Mytchett      Land adjacent   Erection of a detached 4 bedroom 2 storey            F           1           0         1              0
              to 1 Mytchett   dwellinghouse with associated parking and access.
              Road, GU16
Mytchett      102 Mytchett    Change of Use of mixed D1 (Non-Residential           F           2           0          2             0
              Road, GU16      Institution) and B1 (Office) building to mixed B1
              6ET             (Office) and one 2 bedroom flat and one 3
                              bedroom flat.
Mytchett net totals                                                                                                   4             9
West End      Pankhurst       Erection of 4 No. two storey detached dwelling       F           4           0          0             4
              Farm Bagshot    houses with associated garages/carport's following
              road, GU24      the demolition of existing buildings
West End      Land South of   Erection of 2no. five bedroom and 1no. four          F           3           0          0             3
              Beldam Bridge   bedroom two storey detached dwellings with
              Road, GU24      detached double garages and accommodation in
              8DN             the roof with landscaping and access.
West End      Land North of   RM app submitted - 2017/0202 Check update on         F           85          0          0             85
              Beldam Bridge   affordablle housing breakdown. Outline app was
              Road, GU24      alt to 15/0884 without on site SANG. PP for the
              9LP             erection up to 85 dwellings with new access,
                              landscaping and open space.
West End      Land north &    Erection of residential development to provide 95    F           95          0          0             95
              east of         dwellings (including 5 one bed, 25 two bed, 32
              Malthouse       three bed and 33 four bed units).
              Farm, 70
              Benner Lane,
              GU24 9JG
West End      11 Benner       Erection of two four-bedroom two-storey              F           2(1)        0          2(1)          0

Settlement   Address           Description                                           Application Permitted   Completed Under        Not        Comments
Area                                                                                 Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction Started
                                                                                                                       (net)        (net)
             Lane, GU24        detached dwellings with shared access, following
             9JQ               demolition of the existing dwelling.
West End     24 & 26 Benner    Erection of 3 dwellings following demolition of No.   F           3(2)        0          0           3(2)
             Lane, GU24        24 and outbuildings associated with motor vehicle
             9JQ               repair, to include retention of No. 26 on reduced
West End     Land Adj to       Erection of a single storey side/rear extension and   F           1           0          0           1
             Inglenook, 67     conversion of existing barn into 1.no three
             Benner Lane,      bedroom dwelling with access onto Malthouse
             GU24 9JS          Lane.
West End     42 and Land       Outline application for residential development to    F           23          0          0           23
             Rear of 40-46     provide 2 x one bedroom flats, 4 x two bedroom
             Kings Road        houses and 17 x three bedroom houses.
West End     Land Southeast    Residential development of 35 dwellings               F           35          0          8           27
             of 4-14 (evens)   comprising of 8 four bedroom, 10 three bedroom,
             Kings Road        10 two bedroom houses and 3 two bedroom and 4
                               one bedroom flats.
West End     Land South 24-    Outline Application for 84 dwellings (including 8     O           84          0          33          51
             46 evens and      one bedroom flats, 34 two bedroom houses, 28
             6&9 Kings         three bedroom houses and 14 four bedroom
             Road & Rose       houses). RM approved 14/02/17 (16/0554).
             GU24 9LW
West End     1 Kings road,     Erection of 2 two storey semi-detached dwellings      F           2(1)        0          2(1)        0
             GU24 9LN          with landscaping, parking and access from Kings
                               Road following demolition of existing dwelling.
West End     2 Kings Road,     Outline application for the erection of two           F           2(1)        0          0           2(1)
             GU24 9LN          detached 3 bedroom houses following the
                               demolition of existing bungalow. Reserve Matters

Settlement   Address          Description                                           Application Permitted   Completed Under        Not        Comments
Area                                                                                Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction Started
                                                                                                                      (net)        (net)
                              approved 07/12/16
West End      Land Rear of    Erection of 3 x four bed and 1 x five bed dwellings   F           4           0          0           4
              Thurdon, Bear   with associated garages, parking, garden areas and
              Cottage &       boundary treatments
              GU24 9LP
West End net totals                                                                                                    43          296
Windlesham Windlesham         Erection of one 3-bedroom dwelling, new access        F           1           0          0           1
           Stables            hardstanding, landscaping and creation of
           Adjacent to        residential curtilage, following demolition of
           Birch Hall,        existing stable and barn.
           Church Road,
           GU20 6BN
Windlesham 41 Bosman          Division of existing 4 bedroom dwelling to form 2     F           2(1)        0          0           2(1)
           Drive, GU20        two bedroom dwellings with associated parking
           6JN                and garden space.
Windlesham 4 Chertsey         15/0754 - PP for erection of part two storey, part    F           2           0          2           0
           Road, GU20         single side/rear extension, conversion of roof
           6ET                space to provide A1 retail unit at ground floor and
                              3 residential units (including retention of 1
Windlesham WJ Medhurst        Erection of a detached dwelling with integral         F           2           0          0           2
           & Co Ltd,          garage and access onto Church Road, following
           Home Farm          demolition of all existing buildings. (Latest app
           Church Road,       15/0268)
           GU20 6BH
Windlesham 2 Cricketers       Erection of a detached bungalow with carport and      F           1           0          1           0
           Lane, GU20         retention of 2 Cricketers Lane on a reduced
           6HA                curtilage.

Settlement   Address        Description                                             Application Permitted   Completed Under          Not        Comments
Area                                                                                Type5       (net)       (net)     Construction   Started
                                                                                                                      (net)          (net)
Windlesham The Cottage      Two 4 bed detached two storey dwellings including       F           2(1)        0         0              2(1)
           Hatton Hill,     new vehicular access following demolition of
           GU20 6AB         existing dwelling and garage.
Windlesham Lavershot        Conversion of existing outbuilding into a single        F           1           0          1             0
           Cottage          dwellinghouse.
           London Road,
           GU20 6LF
Windlesham Windlesham       Detailed breakdown will be provided in RM app.          O           9           0          0             9
           Garden Centre    Averages used. Outline application for the
           London Road,     erection of 9 dwellings (7 market houses, 2
           GU20 6LL         affordable) following demolition of existing garden
                            centre buildings.
Windlesham Monegue Pine     Conversion and extension of existing garage to          F           1           0          0             1
           Grove, GU20      create an annexe - 1x1 bed unit
Windlesham Land Between     Erection of a detached three bedroom, two storey        F           1           0          0             1
           4 & 5 School     dwelling and detached garage.
           Lane, GU20
Windlesham Larkfield        Erection of 2 four bed dwellings with rooms in the      F           2(1)        0          2(1)          0
           School Road,     roof space, with attached garages following
           GU20 6PB         demolition of existing 4 bed dwelling house.
Windlesham Crofters Snows   Erection of a detached garage with annex                F           1           0          0             1
           Ride, GU20 6LA   accommodation in the roofspace following
                            demolition of existing garage.
Windlesham Unigate          Erection of 2 commercial (retail/office) units, 2 two   F           10(9)       0          10(9)         0
           Dairies, 7-11    bedroom houses, 4 three bedroom houses, 4 one
           Updown Hill,     bedroom flats following the demolition of existing
           GU20 6AF         buildings with access and parking/garaging.

Settlement    Address               Description                                               Application Permitted    Completed Under             Not        Comments
Area                                                                                          Type5       (net)        (net)     Construction      Started
                                                                                                                                 (net)             (net)
Windlesham 36-40 Updown             Erection of a roof extension and creation of a 1          F           2            0         0                 2
           Hill, GU20 6DX           bedroom and a 2 bedroom flat. Alterations to
                                    application submitted under 16/0031.
Windlesham High Chimneys            09/0420 Conversion of 7 flats to a single dwelling        F           1(-6)        0              0            1(-6)
            Westwood                house with associated internal and external
            Road, GU20              alterations.
Windlesham Heathpark                Outline planning permission for the erection up to        O           140                                      140
            Wood,                   140 dwellings and community facilities, with
            Heathpark               associated SANG
            Drive, GU20
Windlesham net totals                                                                                                                 14           153
All Areas                                                                                                                             208          919
Net Total

Allocated Sites
Settlement        Site Address                 Allocated                 Total net       Net units      Justification for 5 year supply figure
                                                                         allocated       anticipated
                                                                         units           2017-2022
Bagshot           83 College Ride              Local Plan 2000           30              0              Site is within 400m of SPA and therefore will not come forward
                                                                                                        for C3 housing. The Council has no evidence to suggest that it
                                                                                                        will come forward for C2 in next 5 years.
Bagshot           Woodside Cottage,            Local Plan 2000           14              40             Site is available now with no major constraints and is
                  Chapel Lane                                                                           considered deliverable. An application has been submitted for
                                                                                                        40 new dwellings and is currently under consideration
Camberley         Whitehill Farm, Kings        Local Plan 2000           10              0              Site has planning permission as a care home – see “C2 uses”

Settlement   Site Address              Allocated            Total net   Net units     Justification for 5 year supply figure
                                                            allocated   anticipated
                                                            units       2017-2022
Camberley    Pembroke House,           Camberley Town       100         0             Site has planning permission as a care home – see “C2 uses”
             Pembroke Broadway         Centre Area Action
Camberley    Pembroke Broadway         Camberley Town       50          -             The site is owned by SHBC
             North                     Centre Area Action                             116 dwellings granted permission November 2017
                                       Plan                                           See the “Existing Commitments” section.
Camberley    Former Magistrates        Camberley Town       13          -             See application for 30 units at Kings Court, under Prior
             Court, Portesbery Road    Centre Area Action                             Notifications
Camberley    Land East of Knoll Road   Camberley Town       80          -             CTC AAP allocation phased in medium/long term
             Including the Police      Centre Area Action                             Planning permission has been granted for 31 net units at the
             Station site              Plan                                           Former Police Station site, accounted for in the “Existing
                                                                                      Commitments” section. The remaining 49 allocated units are
                                                                                      anticipated for come forward in the remainder of the plan
                                                                                      period to 2028.
Camberley    Camberley Station,        Camberley Town       50          0             CTC AAP allocation phased in medium/long term
             Pembroke Broadway         Centre Area Action
Deepcut      Sergeants Mess, Bellew    Local Plan 2000      25          0             Site will come forward as part of wider Princess Royal Barracks
             Road                                                                     redevelopment.
Deepcut      Princess Royal Barracks   Core Strategy        1,198       300           Reflects the Inspector’s comments provided in relation to the
                                                                                      site, from a recent appeal decision (July 2017).
Mytchett     Salisbury Terrace         Local Plan 2000      16          0             Site is within 400m of SPA and therefore will not come forward
                                                                                      for C3 housing. Council has no evidence to suggest that it will
                                                                                      come forward for C2 in next 5 years.
West End     Dyckmore, Streets         Local Plan 2000      0           0             Site has planning permission as a care home – see “C2 uses”
West End     Housing Reserve Site,     Local Plan 2000      400         -             85 dwellings granted permission in March 2016

Settlement      Site Address               Allocated            Total net     Net units       Justification for 5 year supply figure
                                                                allocated     anticipated
                                                                units         2017-2022
                East of Benner Lane                                                           95 dwellings allowed on Appeal November 2016
                                                                                              See the “Existing Commitments” section.
West End        Housing Reserve Site,      Local Plan 2000      195           -               84 dwellings allowed on Appeal December 2015
                Kings Road/Beldam                                                             35 dwellings granted permission February 2017
                Bridge Road                                                                   23 dwellings granted permission July 2017
                                                                                              See the “Existing Commitments” section.
Windlesham      Housing Reserve Site,      Local Plan 2000      30            -               The site has been granted permission for 140 dwellings on
                Land East of Heathpark                                                        appeal, in July 2017. See the “Existing Commitments” section.
Total 5 year                                                                  340

Other Deliverable Sites identified in 2017 SLAA
Name of Town      Address             SLAA Gross    SLAA Net   Include in 5       Net units           Justification for 5 year supply figure
or Village                            Capacity      Capacity   year supply?       anticipated 2017-
Bagshot           134 and 136         11            9          Yes                9                   The site is in a sustainable location with no major
                  London Road                                                                         constraints. Availability of the land for development in
                                                                                                      the 0-5 year deliverable period has been confirmed as
                                                                                                      part of the 2017 Call for Sites exercise.
Bagshot           34 London Road      9             8          Yes                8                   The site is in a sustainable location with no major
                                                                                                      constraints. Availability of the land for development in
                                                                                                      the 0-5 year deliverable period has been confirmed as
                                                                                                      part of the 2017 Call for Sites exercise.
Bagshot           Queen Anne          9             9          Yes                9                   Site is in a sustainable location and available now.
                  House, Station                                                                      Amend figure down to ‘9’ to reflect current SANG
                  Road                                                                                supply

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