5/2020 Who Controls Huawei? Implications for Europe

Page created by Frances Burgess
5/2020 Who Controls Huawei? Implications for Europe

  Who Controls Huawei?
      Implications for Europe
                        Tim Rühlig

5/2020 Who Controls Huawei? Implications for Europe
Tim Rühlig
  Research Fellow
  The Swedish Institute of International Affairs

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Language editing: Andrew Mash
Cover photo: TT/Shutterstock
5/2020 Who Controls Huawei? Implications for Europe
Europe faces pressure from both the US and China over the question of whether to exclude the
Chinese technology giant Huawei from the rollout of the new generation of mobile
infrastructure, better known as 5G. Proponents of a ban argue that Huawei is controlled by the
authoritarian Chinese party-state and the inclusion of its equipment would provide the Chinese
authorities with the ability to shut down European 5G networks and use the 5G network for
political and economic espionage. Huawei counters that it is a private sector company that
would not support the Chinese authorities in gaining access to European 5G infrastructure. The
salience of the controversy lies in the fact that like electricity, 5G will be a critical enabler that
makes possible new applications that revolutionise methods of production, and of the provision
of healthcare and transport, to name just two.

From a purely technological perspective, a ban on Huawei would not be effective at increasing
5G network security. China is capable of shutting down Europe’s 5G network regardless of
whether Huawei equipment is included in it. Chinese cyberespionage presents a huge challenge
but almost all economic or political spying is carried out by means of applications and phishing,
rather than through infrastructure. Network redundancies coupled with vendor diversity and
better end-to-end encryption are much more effective means of mitigating these risks.

The idea of excluding Huawei instead follows a geopolitical logic at a time when states are using
economic dependencies for political purposes. The fear is that the Chinese party-state could
leverage technological dominance and dependence on Huawei equipment to gain political
concessions from Europe. However, this would require that Huawei functions not as a normal
corporation, but effectively be controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. This paper provides
a very detailed analysis of how the Chinese party-state can exercise control over the company.
Huawei is a fully privately owned company, but I contend that the owners do not have complete
control over it.

All this raises the question of what measures Europe should take. The United Kingdom (UK) and
the European Union have drafted policies that are widely characterised as compromise
proposals. This paper demonstrates that this assessment is misleading. The UK’s draft decision,
which is to be adopted by parliament before the summer, provides far-reaching opportunities
for Huawei to participate in the rollout of 5G. The EU’s “toolbox” – a legally non-binding
document jointly developed by all member states, the European Commission and its
cybersecurity agency, ENISA – provides a roadmap away from Huawei technology but remains
open to interpretation.

EU member states should adopt a unitary interpretation of the toolbox. A complete ban on
Huawei from the rollout of European 5G might not be necessary, but the EU and its member
states should strive for a significant reduction in Huawei’s market share.

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Introduction                                            spheres of economic and social life.
                                                        Australian and US intelligence agencies
When the US delegation arrived at the                   (among others) warn that such risks could
Munich Security Conference in mid-                      materialise if Chinese technology is
February 2020, it had a rare bipartisan                 included in 5G infrastructure. The fear is
message for Europe: let us unite against                that Chinese equipment could enable the
China! At its core was the US call to exclude           Chinese party-state to spy on the users of
the Chinese technology giant Huawei from                the infrastructure and to shut down the
the rollout of the new generation of mobile             mobile network entirely. 4 This could provide
infrastructure in Europe, better known as               China with political leverage. I refer to these
5G. US Secretary of Defence Mark Esper                  two challenges – espionage and sabotage
called on all European Union (EU) member                through 5G infrastructure – as network
states to follow the US example and exclude             security risks. Concerns over Chinese
Huawei. 1 The Democratic Speaker of the                 espionage and attacks on the availability of
House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi,                 5G infrastructure are well-grounded.
argued that Europe had a choice between
autocracy (by allowing Huawei in) or                    Apart from network security risks, concerns
defending democracy. 2                                  over the inclusion of Chinese 5G equipment
                                                        stem from the potential for technological
Like electricity, 5G is a critical enabler that         dependencies to develop. Recent years
could bring with it new applications and                have witnessed a “weaponisation of
opportunities that cannot yet be imagined;              economics”. Trade, investment and
it has true revolutionary potential. Apart              technology have not just been about
from increasing upload and download                     competition among commercial entities,
capacities, 5G comes with ultra-low latency             but states considering whether and how
coupled with high reliability and offers the            they can utilise technological dependencies
ability to connect a high number of devices.            to press for political concessions. The basic
This will be necessary for a wide range of              idea is that a state that relies on the
applications ranging from self-driving cars             technology of another state will behave
to a new wave of automation of production               more favourably towards that state because
by means of mass machine-to-machine                     it is aware of the dependencies that result
communication: 5G could permeate and                    from the need to maintain increasingly
change entire societies. 3                              software-defined high technology and to
                                                        further build out its critical infrastructure. I
The enormous potential of 5G comes with                 refer to this as the geopolitical challenge of
risks. If a malign actor were to take control           technology dependencies. For this
of the network, it would affect almost all              geopolitical challenge to materialise, states

1 Mark T. Esper, "Secretary of Defense Speech. As       3 Edison Lee and Timothy Chau, Telecom Servies. The

Prepared Remarks by Secretary of Defense Mark T.        Geopolitics of 5G and IoT. Jefferies Franchise Note,
Esper at the Munich Security Conference " U.S.          Hong Kong, Jefferies, 2017; EMF Explained Series, "5G
Department of Defense, accessed: 2020-03-27, at:        Explained – How 5G Works," EMF Explained, accessed:
https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Speeches/Spee          2019-04-16, at:
ch/Article/2085577/remarks-by-secretary-of-defense-     http://www.emfexplained.info/?ID=25916; Matthew
mark-t-esper-at-the-munich-security-conference/.        Wall, "What is 5G and What WIll It Mean for You?,"
2 Nancy Pelosi, "Speaker Pelosi Remarks at Munich       BBC, accessed: 2020-03-27, at:
Security Conference," U.S. House of Representatives,    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44871448.
accessed: 2020-03-27, at:                               4 David Bond and James Kynge, "China Spying Risk

https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/21420-1.               Hits Huawei's UK Ambitions," Financial Times, 3
                                                        December 2018.

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                      4
must control technological supply. 5 The                    review two recent developments: the UK’s
geopolitics of technological dependencies                   draft decision on the rollout of 5G
raise the question of whether and, if so, how               technology, which is to be adopted by the
the Chinese party-state is controlling                      British parliament before the summer, and
Huawei, which claims to be a private sector                 the toolbox of recommendations jointly
company owned by its employees.                             developed by the EU member states, the
                                                            European Commission and its cybersecurity
Network security risks and the geopolitics of               agency, ENISA. Both documents have been
technological dependencies are serious                      widely interpreted as compromises. I
concerns for Europe. However, the widely                    demonstrate that the UK’s decision leaves
discussed exclusion of Huawei does not                      plenty of room for Chinese vendors to
address the network security challenge. If                  participate in the rollout, and that while the
anything, the exclusion of Huawei instead                   EU toolbox recommends a restrictive
follows a geopolitical logic.                               approach, the toolbox contains some
                                                            vagueness that is likely to allow EU member
Since issues of network security have been                  states to interpret the document in different
discussed in depth elsewhere, 6 this paper                  ways.
only summarises this aspect and focuses
instead on party-state control over Huawei.                 This leads me to the final conclusion that if I
Given that the exclusion of Huawei is a                     am correct in my contention that the party-
geopolitical question, party-state control                  state can control Huawei and other tech
over technology companies is decisive for                   giants, this should remind the EU that the
the question of how Europe, be it the EU or                 issue is not just about network security, but
the United Kingdom (UK), should react to                    has a geopolitical dimension. The toolbox
US demands for a ban on Huawei.                             takes this into account by considering
                                                            strategic measures without ruling out the
First, I briefly summarise why network                      possibility that the geopolitical risks could
security risks are severe but not decisive for              be mitigated without a full ban of Huawei.
the question of whether to ban Huawei                       This would require a unitary interpretation
from the buildout of 5G infrastructure in                   and implementation of the toolbox across
Europe. Next, I turn to the question of                     the continent, which is unlikely, coupled
whether Huawei is controlled by the                         with a diversification strategy. The latter
Chinese party-state and thus serves as a                    should generate strategic access to
potential political instrument of China. Not                technology, reduce the EU's dependency on
least based on information provided by the                  Chinese technology and remove the risk of
company itself, I contend that the party-                   the EU having to accept political
state has mechanisms that allow it to                       concessions due to its technological
exercise control over Huawei. While                         dependency. I am sceptic of whether a
network security risks do not justify a ban                 complete ban on Huawei is desirable, but
on Huawei, the Chinese state’s control over                 EU member states should strive for a
the company could make such a decision                      reduction in Huawei’s market share.
reasonable from a geopolitical perspective.
Bearing these two perspectives in mind, I

5 Douglas Black, "Huawei and China. Not Just                Technology Dependency in Europe," UI Paper 1/2020,
Business as Usual," Journal of Political Risk 8: 1, 2019,   Stockholm, The Swedish Institute of International
pp.                                                         Affairs, 2020.
6 Tim Rühlig and Maja Björk, "What to Make of the

Huawei Debate? 5G Network Security and

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                        5
Huawei: a risk for the 5G                               target the whole of European society and its
                                                        economy. This “kill switch”, as it is
networks in Europe?                                     commonly known, would essentially
                                                        undermine the availability of 5G networks
Over the past 18 months, a heated debate
                                                        that will be necessary for machine-to-
over 5G infrastructure deployment has
                                                        machine communication as well as for self-
developed in Europe with the Chinese tech
                                                        driving cars or interconnected medical
giant Huawei at its centre. At the core of the
                                                        devices, such as pacemakers.
discussions are concerns over network
security. While it is not clear that 5G is
                                                        The risk of Chinese espionage describes a
generally less secure than the current
                                                        scenario in which China uses its access to 5G
4G/LTE networks, the complexity of 5G
                                                        infrastructure for economic and political
networks poses a new security challenge.
                                                        espionage on European companies,
This complexity is the result of the
                                                        governments and individuals. China is
multitude of applications and devices that
                                                        already responsible for the lion’s share of
will be part of future 5G networks. This is
                                                        global cyber espionage. 8
made possible by the increased use of
software-defined virtualisation, which shifts
                                                        These two risk scenarios appear more
sensitive operations from the core network
                                                        feasible since a British evaluation centre
to the edge. This makes the attack surface
                                                        found significant software engineering and
larger and means that a distinction between
                                                        cybersecurity problems in Huawei
a sensitive core network technology and a
                                                        equipment and reported that the Chinese
less-sensitive edge and its radio access
                                                        company is failing to resolve these
network (RAN) no long applies. 7
                                                        challenges. 9 Despite all the reporting about
                                                        a “smoking gun”, however, there is no proof
The sensitivity and vulnerability of 5G
                                                        that China is using such vulnerabilities or
networks has led to fears that the
                                                        that Huawei is designing backdoors. 10 This
participation of Chinese vendors in the
                                                        assessment has not changed even after the
deployment of 5G could come with inherent
                                                        German newspaper Handelsblatt reported
security risks. At the heart of these concerns
                                                        that the US administration had presented
are two fears: Chinese sabotage of and
                                                        evidence of a smoking gun to the German
espionage through 5G infrastructure.
                                                        authorities.11 In the briefing, US officials
Sabotage is the most severe concern: China
                                                        argued that Huawei has had access to all
could gain access to European 5G
                                                        mobile communication since 2009 by
infrastructure that would allow it to shut
                                                        means of lawful interception interfaces that
down the entire network, and thereby
                                                        are included in the equipment for the

7 Tim Rühlig and Maja Björk, "What to Make of the       10 Reed Steveson, "How Huawei Became a Target for
Huawei Debate? 5G Network Security and                  Governments," Bloomberg, accessed: 2020-03-28, at:
Technology Dependency in Europe," UI Paper 1/2020,      https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/how-
Stockholm, The Swedish Institute of International       huawei-became-a-target-for-
Affairs, 2020.                                          governments/2019/11/22/302af044-0d4f-11ea-8054-
8 Kadri Kaska et al., Huawei, 5G and China as a         289aef6e38a3_story.html.
Security Threat, Tallinn, NATO Cooperative Cyber        11 Reuters, "Huawei Denies German Report it Colluded

Defence Centre of Excellence, 2019.                     with Chinese Intelligence," Reuters, accessed: 2020-
9 Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Centre Oversight     02-27, at: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-
Board, "Annual Report," HCSEC, accessed: 2019-08-       germany-usa-huawei/huawei-denies-german-report-
09, at:                                                 it-colluded-with-chinese-intelligence-
https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/    idUSKBN1ZS197.

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                      6
purpose of law enforcement. These officials             states are more hesitant and considering
declined, however, to provide any evidence.             different measures. Such hesitation is well
Apart from the German Foreign Ministry, it              justified because a ban on Huawei would
appears that none of the German officials               not be an effective means of mitigating the
present at the meeting were convinced. 12               network security risks. Hackers and
The German operator Deutsche Telekom                    engineers agree that China will be able to
clarified that its legal interception interfaces        shut down European 5G infrastructure
are not produced by Huawei but by a                     regardless of whether Huawei participates
German company.13 Moreover, the                         in the rollout. Moreover, most espionage is
accusations came at a time when the US                  not carried out through 5G infrastructure,
itself was under pressure because a US                  but through applications and phishing. 15
supplier, Cisco, had just closed
vulnerabilities in its own technology, and              At the same time, more effective means are
both German and US intelligence were                    available for mitigating network security
facing pressure for having spied on allies for          risks. The most effective are better end-to-
decades using an encryption manufacturer                end encryption, which makes spying
they owned, Crypto AG. 14                               difficult; and network redundancies that
                                                        increase the availability of coverage coupled
This lack of a smoking gun, however, should             with vendor diversity. Vendor diversity
not reassure Europeans. In the light of the             relies on the assumption that all 5G
wide variety of use cases mentioned above,              equipment will contain vulnerabilities, but
5G will be a critical infrastructure. It would          different suppliers’ equipment will come
therefore be reckless only to react to what             with different kinds of vulnerabilities which
has already happened without considering                will impose higher cost for attackers to
risks. The risks are real and severe. The               identify and effectively exploit them. 16
question is how to mitigate them.                       These means could be combined with
                                                        improved evaluation and certification of
The US, Australia and Japan have decided                products and processes, including source
to exclude Huawei altogether from the                   code reviews or network flow monitoring.
rollout of their 5G infrastructure. Other               Such actions would be of limited value,

12 Patrick Beuth and Marcel Rosenbach, "Eine            China's Elite Hackers Stole the World's Most Valuable
Hintertür, die nur die USA sehen," Der Spiegel,         Secrets," Wired, accessed: 2020-03-28, at:
accessed: 2020-02-27, at.                               https://www.wired.com/story/doj-indictment-
13 Bojan Pancevski, "U.S. Officials Say Huawei Can      chinese-hackers-apt10/; FireEye, "Mandiant APT1.
Covertly Access Telecom Networks," Wall Stree           Exposing One of China's Cyber Espionage Unites,"
Journal, accessed: 2020-02-27, at:                      FireEye, accessed: 2020-03-28, at:
https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-officials-say-         https://www.fireeye.com/content/dam/fireeye-
huawei-can-covertly-access-telecom-networks-            www/services/pdfs/mandiant-apt1-report.pdf;
11581452256.                                            Thomas Brewster, "Chinese Trio Linked to Dangerous
14 ZDF, "Operation Rubikon. Wie BND und CIA die         APT3 Hackers Charged with Stealing 407GB of Data
Welt belauschten. Fontal 21 vom 11. Februar 2020,"      from Siemens," New York, accessed: 2020-03-28, at:
ZDF, accessed: 2020-03-28, at:                          https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2017/1
https://www.zdf.de/politik/frontal-21/operation-        1/27/chinese-hackers-accused-of-siemens-moodys-
rubikon-100.html.                                       trimble-hacks/.
15 Jan-Peter Kleinhans, 5G vs. National Security. A     16 Deutscher Bundestag, "Experten gegen Ausschluss

European Perspective, Berlin, Stiftung Neue             von Anbietern beim Mobilfunkstandard 5G. 22
Verantwortung, 2019. Compare to reports on              November 2019," Deutscher Bundestag, accessed:
previous Chinese hacks: PwC, "Operation Cloud           2020-03-28, at:
Hopper," PwC, accessed: 2020-03-28, at:                 https://www.bundestag.de/dokumente/textarchiv/201
https://www.pwc.co.uk/cyber-security/pdf/cloud-         9/kw46-pa-auswaertiges-5g-665414.
hopper-report-final-v4.pdf; Brian Barrett, "How

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                       7
however, since evaluation is made more                  the control of China’s authoritarian rulers.18
difficult by the need for extensive                     Huawei has countered this view by
maintenance work on the software through                emphasising that the company is almost
regular and extensive updates and security              fully owned by its employees and is not a
patches, as well as the large amounts of                state-owned enterprise (SOE) like ZTE,
data flows. However, coupled with end-to-               another Chinese technology firm. Are
end encryption, redundancies and vendor                 Huawei’s critics getting it right or is the
diversity, they could contribute to network             company victim of an anti-Chinese witch
security, particularly if remote access for             hunt?
maintenance work is made impossible. 17
                                                        While at first glance Huawei’s line of
In sum, a ban on Huawei would not                       defence appears convincing, there are also
effectively address the risks of sabotage or            reasons for doubt. It is true that the
espionage. Instead, such exclusions                     company is privately owned by its
decrease Huawei’s technological influence               employees, but there is reason to believe
in the world and reduce the company’s                   that ownership does not come with control,
global market share. From a purely network              as I discuss below. While there is also little
security perspective this does not help. If             reason to believe that the company has a
the geopolitical considerations of states               particular interest in serving political
aiming to utilise technological                         purposes, Huawei has not only profited
dependencies to extract political                       from party-state support, but is operating in
concessions are taken into account, a                   a specific political, legal and economic
reduced market share could harm Chinese                 environment that makes it impossible for
global political ambitions. A precondition              the company to be fully independent. At
for such a conclusion would be, however,                least four aspects lead me to question
that Huawei is controlled by the Chinese                Huawei’s independence: (a) the general
party-state and can be utilised by the                  level of independence of privately owned
Chinese Communist Party (CCP).                          companies in China; (b) the legal
                                                        environment, particularly China’s
Technical dependency and                                Intelligence Law; (c) party-state support for
                                                        Huawei; and (d) the governance structure of
the issue of party-state                                the company itself.
control over Huawei
                                                        (a) The role of privately owned companies in
Underlying the geopolitical dimension of                China. The widespread distinction between
the debate over Huawei is the fear that the             privately owned enterprises (POEs) and
Chinese party-state could leverage                      state ownership is not decisive in China. It is
European dependence on Huawei                           not ownership but the issue of “state
technology to extract political concessions.            capture” that is pivotal. If supported by the
This perspective implies that Huawei cannot             party-state, SOEs and POEs enjoy equal
be treated just like any other private sector           treatment with regard to access to the
company that seeks economic profit, but                 market, state subsidies, procurement and
should be regarded as a political tool under            the exercise of political guidance. Milhaupt

17 for a
       more detailed discussion of 5G network           Stockholm, The Swedish Institute of International
security and adequate measures to mitigate the risks    Affairs, 2020.
see Tim Rühlig and Maja Björk, "What to Make of the     18 Rick Umback, Huawei and Telefunken.

Huawei Debate? 5G Network Security and                  Communications Enterprieses and Rising Power
Technology Dependency in Europe," UI Paper 1/2020,      Strategies. ASPI Strategic Insights 135, Barton, ASPI,

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                            8
and Zheng have rightly pointed out that                 companies in particular – regardless of
“Chinese state capitalism is closely                    ownership – as well as those in strategic
associated with state capture. That is, large           sectors profit from state support, which
firms in China – whether SOEs, POEs, or                  comes with significant party-state
ambiguous state-private blends – survive                influence. Huawei is a national champion
and prosper precisely because they have                 operating in a particularly critical sector.
fostered connections to state power and
have succeeded in obtaining state-                      Following an official request, Huawei has
generated rents. As a result, large firms in             confirmed to the author of this paper that
China exhibit substantial similarities in their         party organisations exist within the
relationship with the state in ways that                company in accordance with Chinese law.
distinctions based on corporate ownership               The company has provided assurances that
simply do not pick up”. 19                              party organisations have no influence on
                                                        the company’s business operations and that
POEs and the party-state are interwoven. A              it is run by an independent management
large proportion of the economic elite holds            team. The party organisations are mainly
positions within the CCP. Based on publicly             responsible for educating employees. The
available information, 95 of the top 100                general findings on the deep linkages
private sector firms and eight of the top ten           between the economic and political elites,
internet firms have a founder or de facto               however, call into question whether such
controller who is currently or was formerly a           differentiation is adequate in the context of
member of a central or local party or party-            China’s political economy.
controlled state organ. 20 These figures are
based on publicly available data, and are               (b) The legal environment in China. China
thus likely to be a conservative calculation.           lacks an independent judiciary. While the
The days when the CCP stood in opposition               CCP government speaks of strengthening
to capitalism and entrepreneurs are long                the role of law in its governance, it follows a
gone. POEs also directly profit from                    rule by law principle and does not intend to
subsidies. When the privately owned Geely               implement the rule of law. The CCP has an
acquired the Swedish car company Volvo                  essentially instrumentalist understanding of
from Ford in 2010, for example, local                   law. Law is seen not as a constraint on
governments from north-east China and the               power, but as a means of power. This means
Shanghai area financed a large proportion               that legal certainty does not exist in areas of
of the $1.5 billion purchase. 21 There is               crucial political importance. Hence, laws do
control over interest rates and the state-              not provide reassurance against political
dominated banking sector at times provides              interference in the business operations of
loans at below market prices, while                     Chinese companies.
preferential treatment in procurement and
public listings as well as the protection of            In the context of the Huawei debate, several
regional or even national monopolies in                 laws, in particular China’s Intelligence Law,
combination with corruption and coterie                 raise even further doubts about whether the
preserve a high level of state control over             law could shield private sector companies
the entire economy, including POEs. Large               from political interference. Article 7 of the

19 Curtis J. Milhaupt and Wentong Zheng, "Beyond        21 Michael Wines,
                                                                        "China Fortifies State Businesses to
Ownership. State Capitalism and the Chinese Firm,"      Fuel Growth," CNBC, accessed: 2020-03-28, at:
The Georgetown Law Journal 103: 3, 2015, pp. 665-722.   https://www.cnbc.com/id/38910346.
20 Curtis J. Milhaupt and Wentong Zheng, "Beyond

Ownership. State Capitalism and the Chinese Firm."
The Georgetown Law Journal 103: 3, 2015, pp. 665-722.

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                      9
Intelligence Law enacted in 2017 and                     overlaps exist between US high-tech firms
amended in 2018 requires any organisation                and the US intelligence services.
and citizen to “support, assist in and
cooperate in national intelligence work”.22              While there is no doubt that Huawei can
Confronted with this law, Huawei refers to a             compete with Western technology
legal opinion that the company would not                 companies on both quality and price, a
need to cooperate with Chinese                           recent Wall Street Journal report indicated
intelligence. Not least in the light of the lack         that the company has achieved its current
of the rule of law in China, but also given the          position by receiving as much as $75 billion
clarity of the Intelligence Law, this legal              in tax breaks, financing and cheap resources
opinion does not provide any substantial                 in the past 25 years. According to the
reassurance that Huawei could decline to                 report, Huawei profited from $46 billion in
cooperate with Chinese intelligence, even if             cheap loans, credit lines and other support
the company wanted to do so. 23                          from state lenders alone. Between 2008 and
                                                         2018, the company saved $25 billion in
(c) Party-state support for Huawei.                      taxes due to state incentives to promote the
Scepticism over Huawei’s independence                    tech sector. In addition, the company would
from party-state control does not just stem              have profited from cheap loans for its
from the political, legal and economic                   customers provided by Chinese banks. The
environment in which it operates. An                     China Development Bank and the Export-
analysis of organisational and personal                  Import Bank of China are reported to have
linkages between the CCP and the Chinese                 lent $30 billion to Huawei customers. 26
security apparatus on the one hand and the               Already in 2013, Nathaniel Ahrens was
company on the other indicates that                      pointing out the irony of the SOE ZTE
Huawei is no exception to the general rule.              having to turn to the equity markets while
Huawei’s founder, Ren Zhengfei, is widely                the privately owned Huawei relied on state
believed to have a past in China’s People’s              funds. 27 Huawei has denied the accusations
Liberation Army. His daughter and the                    in the Wall Street Journal report.
company’s Chief Financial Officer, Meng
Wanzhou, is suspected to have held a public              In the light of the multitude of reports of
affairs passport. 24 A widely discussed and              party-state assistance for the company, it
controversial analysis of the CVs of leading             seems very likely that Huawei has profited
Huawei engineers found a large overlap                   from massive party-state support. All this is
with China’s security apparatus. 25 Anecdotal            not to say that Western technology
evidence suggests, however, that similar                 companies do not receive financial support

22 Peking University Law Database, "National             25 Christopher Balding, "Huawei Technologies' Links

Intelligence Law of the People's Republic of China.      to Chinese State Security Services," SSRN, accessed:
2018 Amendment. Effective," PKULaw, accessed:            2019-07-28, at:
2020-03-28, at:                                          https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=
https://en.pkulaw.cn/display.aspx?cgid=313975&lib=la     3415726.
w.                                                       26 Chuin-wei Yap, "State Support Helped Fuel
23 Donald Clarke, "The Zhong Lun Declaration on the      Huawei's Global Rise," Wall Street Journal, accessed:
Obligations of Huawei and Other CHinese Companies        2020-02-09, at: https://www.wsj.com/articles/state-
under Chinese Law," SSRN, accessed: 2020-03-28, at:      support-helped-fuel-huaweis-global-rise-
https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=     11577280736.
3354211.                                                 27 Nathaniel Ahrens, China's Competitiveness. Myth,
24 Ashley Feng, "We Can't Tell if Chinese Firms Work     Reality, and Lessons for the United States and Japan.
for the Party," Foreign Policy, accessed: 2019-02-15,    Case Study: Huawei, Washington D.C., CSIS, 2013.
at: https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/02/07/we-cant-tell-

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                       10
from their governments. Both Finland’s                  Huawei is not the trade union for Huawei
Nokia and Sweden’s Ericsson, for example,               Technologies. 29 At first glance,
benefit from export credits. The scope of               Balding/Clarke’s assessment is convincing.
their government support, however, falls far            For the purposes of this paper, I reached out
short of Huawei’s.                                      to the company to ask for clarification. The
                                                        results are surprising as the information
(d) Huawei’s governance structure. Huawei’s             provided by Huawei gives an indication of
ownership and governance structures are                 how difficult it is to run an independent
highly complex. This has sparked rumour                 company in such a crucial sector in China.
and speculation across the West’s media as              Balding/Clarke’s assumptions are refuted.
well as academic and policy debate over                 While this paper leaves open a few
who controls the company. Three reports in              questions, it provides one of the most
particular have contributed to the present              detailed analysis of the governance
understanding of Huawei’s governance                    structure of Huawei that to my knowledge
structure. Duchâtel/Godement and Seely et               has been published so far.
al. claim that Huawei’s ownership structure
is based on a trade union. Both papers                  Most fundamental to the widespread
argue that since trade unions are under the             confusion is that there is more than one
control of the CCP, it is the Party that has            “Huawei” entity. Most of the technology
the ultimate say over the tech giant. Where             discussed is produced by an entity known as
both papers fall short, however, is in terms            “Huawei Technologies”, which is fully
of a detailed description how the CCP exerts            owned by another entity, “Huawei Holding”.
its control over the company. 28                        Huawei Holding, in turn, is owned by the
Balding/Clarke, in turn, reviews publicly               Trade Union of Huawei Holding and the
available documents and concludes that                  founder of the company, Ren Zhengfei (see
control is not carried out through a trade              figure 1).
union because the entity that formally owns

28Mathieu Duchâtel and Francois Godement, Europe        29 Christopher Baldingand Donald Clarke, "Who Owns
and 5G. The Huawei Case, Paris, Institut Montaigne,     Huawei?," SSRN, accessed: 2020-03-28, at:
2019; Bob Seely et al., Defending Our Data. Huawei,     https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=
5G and the Five Eyes, London, Henry Jackson Society,    3372669.

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                     11
Figure 1: Ownership structure of Huawei. Source: Author’s own graphic, based on information
obtained from Huawei

Of crucial importance is the status of the              called Employee Stock Ownership Plan
Union of Huawei Holding, which is                       (ESOP) is run through the Union. Under the
registered with the Shenzhen Federation of              ESOP, the employees of Huawei
Trade Unions and operated and managed in                Technologies have – under certain
accordance with China’s Trade Union Law.                conditions – the opportunity to purchase
Academic analyses of the official trade                 shares in Huawei Holding. Currently, around
union system (with the All-China Federation             97,000 employees hold more than 22 billion
of Trade Unions, of which the Shenzhen                  shares in Huawei Holding. It is important to
Federation of Trade Unions is a member, at              note that only around half of Huawei’s
its core) have underlined that there are no             190,000 employees participate in the ESOP.
independent trade unions in China. 30 They              Participation depends on work
are all controlled by the CCP and Article 4 of          performance. Non-Chinese employees of
the Trade Union Law explicitly requires                 Huawei are not eligible to participate in
them to “insist on the leadership of the                ESOP. Huawei justifies this with reference
Chinese Communist Party”. 31 The nature of              to capital account controls. In addition,
the Union of Huawei Holding as the owner                shareholders cannot sell their shares to non-
of the Huawei Company group has led                     Huawei employees.
observers to argue that the CCP controls
Huawei Holding and by extension also                    Shareholders have the right to elect a
Huawei Technologies.                                    Representatives’ Commission comprising
                                                        115 representatives, which in turn elects the
Huawei has rejected this claim. It argues               Board of Directors and the Supervisory
instead that the Union of Huawei Holding is             Board. Both these vote for their respective
a single legal entity with two completely               Executive Committees. The Executive
separate roles. On the one hand, the Union              Committee of the Board of Directors has
serves as a Trade Union with a Trade Union              seven members and is particularly
Committee. On the other hand, and                       important since three of them take the role
completely separate from its first role, a so-          of rotating chair (see figure 2). This complex
                                                        structure is necessary because China’s

30Mathieu Duchâtel and Francois Godement, Europe        31 International Labour Organization,"Trade Union
and 5G. The Huawei Case, Paris, Institut Montaigne,     Law of the People's Republic of China. 2009
2019; Bob Seely et al., Defending Our Data. Huawei,     Amendment. Effective," ILO, accessed: 2020-03-28,
5G and the Five Eyes, London, Henry Jackson Society,    at:
2019.                                                   https://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/docs/ELECTRONIC/30

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Company Law limits the number of
shareholders that non-listed limited liability
companies such as Huawei can have.

Graph 2: Huawei’s governance structure. Source: Own graphic, based on information obtained from

Huawei claims that, even though it governs              though it is in charge of running the trade
the Union of Huawei Holding, the Trade                  union of Huawei Holding. They argue that it
Union Committee has no power over the                   is implausible that the governing body of an
Representatives’ Commission. Huawei is                  entity would control only part of the
explicit that both entities are governed by             organisation.33
different laws (the Trade Union Law and
Chinese Company Law). If this is correct,               While it is difficult to judge from the outside
the nature of the Union of Huawei Holding               whether the company or its critics are
as a trade union does not give the party-               correct, another element in the complex
state control over the company, as claimed              governance structure is remarkable: the
by Duchâtel/Godement and Seely et al. 32                nomination process for the election of the
                                                        Representatives’ Commission. For the
Confronted with Huawei’s statements in                  process, the company is divided into nine
interviews conducted for this study, some               sectors each of which “undergoes a
observers doubt the claims that the Trade               democratic process of organising,
Union Committee does not have control                   discussing and agreeing on a proposed list
over the Representatives’ Commission even               of members for their own nomination

32Bob Seely et al., Defending Our Data. Huawei, 5G      Europe and 5G. The Huawei Case, Paris, Institut
and the Five Eyes, London, Henry Jackson Society,       Montaigne, 2019.
2019; Mathieu Duchâtel and Francois Godement,           33 Author telephone interviews with experts

                                                        investigating Huawei, December 2019-March 2020.

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                     13
team”. This is a decisive loophole in                   and providing constructive
Huawei’s structure. Following a request for             recommendations and independent
clarification of this process for this paper,           assessment of Huawei’s future
the company responded that formation of                 development”. Huawei also emphasises
the nomination team, which usually has 7–9              that many senior managers in US tech
members, varies across sectors. In some                 companies began as engineers and rose
sectors, a group of 40 to 50 people discusses           through the ranks. Sustained contributions
the composition of the nomination team,                 to the company are assessed using such
while in others it is just 12–13 members of             factors as: a candidate’s contributions and
the sector. Either way, only “key                       accomplishments since joining Huawei; a
employees, experts and line managers who                candidate’s dedication; and a candidate’s
have worked at Huawei for many years” are               willingness to develop and learn new
involved, according to the company.                     business knowledge that can help gain the
According to official statements to the                 “competency required to address the
author of this paper, Huawei has no specific            company’s future needs for business
rules on who can participate or how the                 development”.
process of forming the nomination team
works in each sector. This is critical because          In a next step, the nomination team narrows
nomination teams have far-reaching                      the resulting list of more than 500 potential
competences. First and foremost they                    candidates down to 109 names, based on
select an initial list of 500 candidates based          presentations and questionnaires. Again,
on relatively vague criteria. Even though               the assessment criteria are relatively vague
this is not proof of party-state influence, the         and similar to those used in the first round.
fact that only some employees influence                 The questionnaires aim to assess the
such a crucial nomination process and that              determination and passion of the potential
the company lacks clear criteria for the                candidate and their intentions if elected,
composition of nomination teams opens the               and to obtain a summary of past
door for political influence.                           achievements.

It is not only the procedural criteria for the          After the nomination process is completed,
formation of nomination teams that are                  all the ESOP participants can elect 83
vague, so are the criteria the nomination               representatives from a list of 109 candidates
teams use to nominate candidates.                       nominated to the Representatives’
According to the company, candidates must               Commission. A further 32 members of the
be current ESOP beneficiaries, they must                Commission are ex-officio, making up the
have worked at Huawei for at least eight                remaining seats of the 115-member
years, they must have exhibited                         Commission. This clearly demonstrates that
outstanding work performance and they                   the main control over Huawei does not lie
must keep contributing to the company. In               with the employees of the company, who
addition, sectors may add specific criteria.            can only choose 83 people from a pre-
Work performance, according to Huawei,                  selected list of 109 candidates, but with the
refers to an employee’s “spirit of                      nomination teams that hand-pick these
dedication” and “passion and commitment                 people using vague criteria. Whoever wants
to work” as well as to “tangible                        to control Huawei needs to control the
contributions to the company through day-               nomination teams. There are no adequate
to-day work, including having an in-depth               checks in place to ensure that it is not the
understanding of business related to the                Chinese Communist Party and its
job, achieving the major goals of the job,

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                              14
organisations within the company that are                  fact that it is such an opaque and vague
the ones exercising such control.                          structure raises suspicion. What it makes
                                                           exceedingly likely, however, is that contrary
It is important to note that Huawei claims                 to Huawei’s claims, employees do not
that membership of the Chinese                             effectively control the company. They can
Communist Party “does not affect […] the                   only elect pre-selected candidates and are
chances of becoming a Representative” or                   not aware of how they are nominated.
the results of any other election in the                   Ownership and control are separate.
company. Huawei states that it “never
checks whether or not employees are                        In the light of these four factors – the
members of the Chinese Communist Party;                    general level of independence of the POEs,
nor do we need to do so. The Chinese                       the legal environment and Intelligence Law,
Communist Party organisation does not                      state support for Huawei and the company’s
participate in the nomination or election                  governance structure – it is very difficult to
process of the Representatives’                            reject the claims of Huawei critics that the
Commission, or extend any influence over                   company is more than just a privately run
this process”. The challenge is, however,                  company striving for economic profit. This
that Huawei has no mechanisms in place to                  is, however, nothing specific to China or to
guarantee that the party does not interfere.               Huawei. State influence over private sector
In the light of the close interlinkages                    companies exists in Europe too. France is
between the economic and political elites in               famous for such linkages, and even
China more generally, as briefly                           Volkswagen is effectively governed by the
summarised above, it appears improbable                    German public authorities by means of a
that the nomination teams are not                          specific law (often referred to as the “VW
dominated by party members. Given the                      law”). What makes Chinese party-state
widespread congruence of the political and                 control over Huawei distinct is not the
economic establishment in China, it might                  control as such, but that the Chinese tech
not even appear unnatural or remarkable to                 giant produces equipment for critical digital
anyone within Huawei or in China that party                infrastructure.
membership and nomination team
participation should strongly correlate.                   Europe reacts to the “Huawei
Some room for speculation remains, but the
loopholes are obvious.                                     challenge”

What sparks further suspicion of the process               The complex picture of network security
is that none of the Huawei employees I have                risks coupled with geopolitical concerns
talked to was aware of the nomination                      over technology dependency and party-
process, even though it turns out that real                state control raises questions about what
power of selection lies with the nomination                Europe’s response should be. Analytically, it
teams. Their composition was also                          is possible to differentiate between two
apparently unclear to all the Huawei                       different types of response. 34 One approach
employees I asked about it. Some did not                   focuses on national security and geopolitics
even know that there were nomination                       using political criteria. This is what underlies
teams. While this does not prove that                      the “Prague Proposals” developed in 2019
Huawei is controlled by the party-state, the               by a group of Western states. 35 The second

34Tim Nicholas Rühlig et al., 5G and the US–China          35 Government of the Czech Republic, "Prague 5G

Tech Rivalry – a Test for Europe’s Future in the Digital   Security Conference Announced Series of
Age. SWP Comment 29, Berlin, SWP, 2019.                    Recommendations. The Prague Proposals," Czech

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                        15
approach focuses on network security and                         such as nuclear power plants and
instead considers technical measures to                          military bases;
contain primarily technological risks. This                     a reduction in Huawei’s share of the
distinction helps to understand the                              remaining market to 35%.
responses of different states. In reality,
however, most states adopt a combination                The British decision to reduce Huawei’s
of both perspectives, while leaning towards             market share to no more than 35% is a
either national security/geopolitics or                 response to the risk of technology
network security/cybersecurity. Two recent              dependency. Hence, the UK is also
and particularly important examples leaning             considering geopolitics to some extent.
in opposite directions are the decision taken
in the UK and the EU’s toolbox.                         The distinction between Core Network and
                                                        Radio Access Network, however, is puzzling
In the absence of evidence of network                   and can only be a temporary solution. In this
security challenges, the UK published its               respect, it is important that 5G will be rolled
decision at the end of January 2020, mainly,            out in two phases. In a first step, 4G/LTE
but not exclusively, adopting a network                 networks will be “updated” to “non-stand-
security/cybersecurity perspective. Initially,          alone 5G”. The full range of 5G applications,
the adoption of the government decision by              however, requires “stand-alone” 5G that
the parliament was scheduled for early                  requires replacement of the existing Core
summer 2020; in wake of COVID-19, not                   Network technology. In stand-alone 5G, the
only the timetable is questionable, but                 distinction between Core and Radio Access
support among members of the British                    Network becomes irrelevant since more and
parliament is dwindling as negative                     more functions carried out in the Core
perception of China in the context of the               Network of 4G/LTE will be performed at the
coronavirus is on the rise. In fact, British            edge of the Radio Access Network (see
officials claim that they believe they can              above). For this reason, the British
mitigate the network security risks. The                distinction between Core Network and
Economist assessed the decision in a similar            Radio Access Network appears antiquated
way to most media outlets, writing “to little           and will allow Huawei to deliver sensitive
surprise, a compromise”. 36 However, this               parts of the stand-alone 5G network in the
misrepresents the British decision, which               UK. Commenting on the British decision,
essentially grants far-reaching access to               Simeon Gilding, a former Australian signals
Huawei. The British government draft                    intelligence official, noted that:
                                                        But with [stand-alone] 5G, all network
         an exclusion of high-risk vendors’            functionality is virtualised and takes place
          (read: Huawei) technology from the            within a single cloud environment. That
          Core Network;                                 means there is no physical or logical
         an exclusion of high-risk vendors’            separation between the core and edge of the
          technology from the Radio Access              network. A recent Financial Times editorial
          Network close to critical facilities          approvingly cites testimony to UK
                                                        parliamentary hearings last year that ‘the

Republic, accessed: 2019-09-10, at:                     36 The Economist,"Britain Takes a Third Way on 5G
https://www.vlada.cz/en/media-                          with Huawei," The Economist, accessed: 2020-02-27,
centrum/aktualne/prague-5g-security-conference-         at:
announced-series-of-recommendations-the-prague-         https://www.economist.com/britain/2020/01/28/britai
proposals-173422/.                                      n-takes-a-third-way-on-5g-with-huawei.

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                    16
distinction [between core and edge] would               although it leaves some room for
still be valid in Britain, however; geographical        interpretation.40
differences meant its networks would be                 Most crucially, the EU’s toolbox explicitly
designed differently from Australia’s’. I               states that not only technological, but also
struggle to understand what this means. […]             strategic (read: geopolitical) concerns
If it means the relative size of the United             should drive the European approach, which
Kingdom allows its telcos to avoid                      requires a combination of technological and
distributing sensitive data and functions right         non-technological means to mitigate.
to the edge of the network, I’m still not               “Technical measures” are supplemented by
convinced. Geography is not a factor in how             “strategic measures” and “supporting
core–edge works. 37                                     actions”. In essence, the toolbox contains

Not surprisingly, Huawei welcomed the                           measures to strengthen network
British decision and the US voiced its                           security by means of imposing
disappointment. At the same time, the                            requirements on mobile network
Trump administration fell short of its                           operators, such as stricter access
previous threat to reduce intelligence                           controls, monitoring and limitations
cooperation with the UK, but instead                             on the outsourcing of sensitive
announced it would need to develop                               functions and maintenance work;
alternative ways of intelligence sharing.38                     an assessment of the risk profile of
This could turn out to be disastrous for the                     vendors;
US since it calls into question its threats                     restrictions on suppliers considered
against other states. Observers discuss                          to be high risk, including their
whether Canada could follow the British                          exclusion from critical and sensitive
example. Other states, primarily in Asia,                        parts of the 5G network, which
such as India, Indonesia, Malaysia or                            explicitly includes more than just
Singapore, have already decided to allow                         the Core Network;
Chinese vendors to participate in their 5G                      a diversification policy to include
deployment. 39                                                   several vendors, which aims to
                                                                 avoid dependencies and lock-in
The European Union, by contrast, appears                         effects with single suppliers, in
to be adopting a more Huawei-critical                            particular high-risk suppliers.
position. The “toolbox” issued by the
Network and Information Systems (NIS)                   Between the lines, the toolbox goes even
Cooperation Group, which comprises                      further, particularly highlighting the
representatives of all member states, the               effectiveness of non-technological
European Commission and the EU’s                        measures. This places the EU toolbox closer
Cybersecurity agency ENISA, reads like a                to the national (or better, European)
roadmap away from Huawei technology –                   security/geopolitics perspective mentioned

37 Simeon Gilding, "5G Choices. A Pivotal Moment in     39 James Crabtree,  "Asia Must Step Up Tech Security
World Affairs," ASPI, accessed: 2020-02-27, at:         as it Hands Huawei 5G Green Light," Nikkei Asia,
https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/5g-choices-a-         accessed: 2020-02-27, at:
pivotal-moment-in-world-affairs/.                       https://asia.nikkei.com/Opinion/Asia-must-step-up-
38 Nikos Chrysoloras and Richard Bravo, "Huawei         tech-security-as-it-hands-Huawei-5G-green-light.
Deals for Tech Will Have Consequences, U.S. Warns       40 NIS Cooperation Group, Cybersecurity of 5G

EU," Bloomberg, accessed: 2019-04-11, at:               Networks. EU Toolbox of Risk Mitigation Measures. CG
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-02-        Publication 01/2020, Brussels, European Commission,
07/huawei-deals-for-tech-will-have-consequences-u-      2020.

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                      17
above. Another indication that the EU takes             and the role of the non-discrimination
a rather tough approach is that it is explicit          principle (most-favoured national principle
about the fact that the sensitivity of the 5G           and national treatment), rules on import
network – particularly standalone 5G –                  restrictions as well as exceptions on grounds
cannot be restricted to the Core Network                of regional integration and national
but includes the Radio Access Network. This             security. 45
technologically well-grounded line of
argument declares all essential parts of the            While the toolbox has been developed by all
standalone 5G network sensitive and                     member states, making it difficult for them
subject to particularly restrictive measures.           not to implement it in some form or
In a recent assessment, Janka Oertel                    another, the document is legally non-
concluded: “[The Roadmap] suggests that                 binding. Even though the toolbox reads as a
member states should consider exclusions                rather tough statement, Huawei’s hopes
and restrictions within normal cycles of                might not be unfounded. The member
replacement, thus creating a transition                 states participating in the NIS Cooperation
period to mitigate the economic impact of               Group apparently do intend to adopt
replacing existing kit from Chinese                     different policies. 46
vendors”. 41
                                                        An exemplary case of ongoing controversial
Unsurprisingly, the US has voiced its                   discussions is Germany. The decision on
appreciation of the document, calling on                whether effectively to exclude Huawei (it
the EU member states to treat the full 5G               will never explicitly be called a ban) remains
network as critical infrastructure. 42 Huawei,          open even after the conservative group in
for its part, has also reacted positively to the        the German parliament adopted a
document. 43 Judging from private                       compromise paper. The conservative party
conversations with the company, this seems              CDU remains split. 47 Other parties in the
not to reflect the fact that the company is             German parliament, including the Social
particularly happy with the outcome, but                Democrats which form a government with
the room that Huawei sees the toolbox as                the conservatives, have adopted a more
leaving for EU member states to interpret               Huawei-critical position.
the document.44 In recent weeks, Huawei
seems to acknowledge that the outcome is                Other EU member states have clearer
negative for the company. In particular, it             positions, although they differ. Poland and
considers legal means in response to the                the Czech Republic are likely to effectively
threat of a ban, particularly drawing WTO               ban Huawei. Portugal and Hungary are at

41 Janka Oertel, "On 5G, Brussels Is Up to the Job,"    02-27, at:
European Council on Foreign Relations, accessed:        https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/
2020-02-27, at:                                         3048285/better-we-hoped-uk-eu-leave-door-
https://www.ecfr.eu/article/commentary_on_5g_brus       partially-open-chinese-tech.
sels_is_up_to_the_job.                                  44 Author conversations with representatives of
42 Michael R. Pompeo, "United States Welcomes the       Huawei, several cities, February 2020.
EU's Acknowledgement of the Unacceptable Risks          45 Thomas Voland and Michel Petite, "Cybersecurity

Posed by Untrusted 5G Suppliers," U.S. Department of    Measures and WTO Law," Europäische Zeitschrift für
State, accessed: 2020-02-27, at:                        Wirtschaftsrecht 23: 8, 2020, pp. 218-229.
https://www.state.gov/united-states-welcomes-the-       46 Author interviews with EU officials, several cities,

eus-acknowledgement-of-the-unacceptable-risks-          February 2020.
posed-by-untrusted-5g-suppliers/.                       47 CDU/CSU Fraktion im Deutschen Bundestag,
43 Stuart Lau, ""Better Than We Hoped For", as UK,      Deutschlands digitale Souveränität sichern. Maßstäbe
EU Leave Door Partially Open for Chinese Tech Firm      für sichere 5G-Netze setzen, Berlin, Unions Fraktion im
Huawei," South China Morning Post, accessed: 2020-      Bundestag, 2020.

© 2020 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs                                                       18
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