47 Acres Protected in Area of Statewide Significance

47 Acres Protected in Area of Statewide Significance

                                                                                    T h e Yo r k L a n d Tr u s t N e w s l e t t e r

                   47 Acres Protected
            in Area of Statewide Significance
I n our ongoing efforts to protect wildlife habitat across York, we often look for opportunities to acquire parcels adjacent to existing
  conservation land. In doing so, we aim to fill in critical conservation gaps and ensure that wildlife may continue to nest, forage
and thrive without the obstacles posed by habitat fragmentation and development.

Our recent acquisition of 47 acres north of Third Hill achieves just this. Surrounded on three sides by conservation land, the newly
protected property sits within a broader 5,441-acre block of undeveloped land in the Mt. Agamenticus region. Our stewardship
of the land will help protect high-value wetlands and streams for wildlife including brook trout and turtles and preserves the rare
Central Hardwoods Oak Forest Ecosystem. Existing trails on the property will be maintained for public access and are part of a
vast network of trails in the Mt. Agamenticus region.

The property falls within the focus area of the Mt. Agamenticus to the Sea Conservation Initiative (MtA2C), which spans from
Tatnic Hills of Wells to the coast of Kittery and York. Located at the confluence of northern and southern habitat ranges, this area
contains more biological diversity than anywhere else in the state and, for this reason, is designated as high value conservation land
of statewide ecological importance.
                                                                                                                 - continued on page 2
47 Acres Protected in Area of Statewide Significance
C E L E B R AT I N G 20 Y E A R S O F C O L L A B O R AT I V E S U C C E S S O N M TA 2C

      Y    ou have heard the saying, “It
           takes a village to raise a child.”
      Well, it takes many “villages” to
                                                                                         collaborative has protected more
                                                                                         than 5,200 acres, bringing the
                                                                                         total acreage of protected land
      permanently protect more than                                                      within the focus area up to 15,289
      5,200 acres in southern Maine,                                                     acres. This focus area hosts more
      and that’s what the partners of                                                    than 60 miles of trails available
      the Mt. Agamenticus to the Sea                                                     for hiking, cross-country skiing,
      Conservation Initiative (MtA2C)                                                    fishing, hunting, birding plus a
      have accomplished since first                                                      variety of public programs for all
      coming together as a coalition in                                                  ages.
      2002. As we celebrate MtA2C’s
      20th anniversary this year, we’re                                                  As we look to the future, we
      reflecting on all that the group has                                               recognize that land preservation
      accomplished over the past two            ecologically important land in the       will continue to prove critical
      decades, and all that it still hopes      region. They established a goal of       in slowing the effects of climate
      to achieve.                               conserving 19,000 acres within a         change, safeguarding our drinking
                                                48,000-acre focus area that spans        water, and nourishing our bodies
      At the conclusion of the successful       parts of York, South Berwick,            and minds. We hope you’ll
      Agamenticus Challenge in 2002             Ogunquit, Wells, Kittery and             join us in celebrating MtA2C’s
      — which raised more than $3               Eliot — a region that contains           accomplishments thus far, and
      million to protect wildlife habitat       drinking water sources for three         continue to support efforts to
      in the Mt. Agamenticus region             towns and holds the greatest             achieve our long-term goal of
      — those involved recognized the           species diversity in the entire state.   protecting 19,000 acres in this very
      need to do more to address the                                                     special region.
      mounting threats of development           With widespread community
      in the area. So that year, York                                                              Sincerely,
                                                support that includes budget                    Cliff O’Connor
      Land Trust and nine other                 appropriations, bond initiatives,
      conservation organizations in             grants and individual gifts, the
      southernmost Maine formed
      the Mt. Agamenticus to the
      Sea Conservation Initiative to
      permanently protect the most

      47      Acres Protected
      - continued from page 1
      Protecting land in this region will prove
      ever more important as wildlife ranges
      shrink and shift with climate change, says
      Doreen MacGillis, Executive Director
      of York Land Trust. “By conserving land
      here, we’re supporting the future of native
      wildlife that need to adapt to a rapidly
      changing world,” MacGillis says.
      York Land Trust received a grant from the
      Maine Natural Resource Conservation
      Program to fund the property acquisition.
      Other project costs were covered by a
      generous bequest from the late artist
      Patience Haley Ghikas who resided in Cape
      Neddick before passing away in 2020. If
      you’re interested in learning about giving to
      YLT in your will, please see our Charitable
      Giving story on Page 3.
      We are grateful to have been able to protect
      this special parcel of land and look forward
      to sharing it with you.
47 Acres Protected in Area of Statewide Significance
S U P P O R T I N G                    T H E         W O R K          O F       Y O R K          L A N D            T R U S T

               Local Artist Leaves a Legacy for the Land
No man is an island,
Entire of itself;
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.

E    nglish poet, John Donne, wrote these
     words more than 400 years ago, but
they are as true today as they were then.
We — the entire physical world — are
interconnected, and are “the less” when
acting alone.
These words came to mind as I viewed the
beautiful exhibit of the late artist, Patience
Haley Ghikas (1926-2020), at the York
Public Library this winter. Though Patience
was born in Boston, her connection to
southern Maine ran deep. Her father, a
                                                                    than just her paintings: She designated a generous bequest to
professor at Phillips Exeter Academy, was born in Maine
                                                                    York Land Trust in her will that helped us purchase the 15-acre
and she spent many summers during prep school and college
                                                                    field next to our headquarters and 46 acres north of Third Hill
working as a waitress in Ogunquit. It was there that she came
                                                                    (see cover page story).
to know Henry Strater, founder of the Ogunquit Museum of
American Art, and the many artists who were part of the art         Patience was deeply moved by and connected to the world
colony in Ogunquit at that time. Her work was displayed at          around her. York Land Trust along with York Public Library
the 1953 opening of the Ogunquit Museum and, more than 70           and the Ogunquit Museum of American Art have each
years later, the Museum lent a selection of her paintings to York   benefited from her life and her legacy — and we are all the
Public Library for its 2022 exhibit.                                better for it.
A longtime resident of Cape Neddick, Patience Haley Ghikas          Written by Gail Gilchrest, York Land Trust Board Member and a
painted whimsical watercolors of floral arrangements and other      docent at the Ogunquit Museum of American Art. A version of this
botanical scenes that evoked her love and appreciation for the      story appeared in The York Weekly in February 2022.
natural world. As evidence of this passion, she left behind more

A New Guide to Giving
D    id you know that you can support YLT’s work now and in the future in a variety of different ways,
     and enjoy potential tax benefits in return? While some of these giving options might be familiar,
others are less well known. In addition to cash gifts, you can also name York Land Trust as a beneficiary
of your retirement plan; donate stocks, bonds, or mutual funds; or give a memorial gift in honor of a
loved one, just to name a few.

We’ve printed a new Guide to Giving that outlines each of these options in further detail. To receive
a copy of this brochure, please contact info@yorklandtrust.org or download it from our website at

47 Acres Protected in Area of Statewide Significance
kna You For SugnitropYokr Ladn Trtsu ni 2021!
                                                                Landmark Giving Circle Donors ($500 or more) appear in bold typeface.
Acorn Kitchen                       Mr. & Mrs. John Chapman, Jr.       Ms. Kerry Ellen Enright             Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Horowitz       Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey McConnell        The Richard Foundation               Tara Taylor & T. O. Currier
Bo and Cindy Adams                  David & Barbara Chase              Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Erickson         Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Hosmer, III       Mr. & Mrs. Alan McDonald            Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ring          Dr. & Mrs. Frederick K. Thaler
Beatrice Jona Affron &              Mr. & Mrs. Brian Chernack          Maureen Estes                       Ms. Norma Houde                     Bobbie & Brian McGann               Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ring                 Robert & Christine Thibodeau
  Larry R. Scripp                   Mr. Terrance E. Chick              Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Estes         Ms. Stephanie Houde                 Ms. Erin McGann & Mr. Paul King     Mr. & Mrs. Eric Robb                 Ms. Lynne Tocci
Ms. Sandy Agrafiotis                Walton & Lee Childs                Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ethridge      Geni & Dick House                   Ms. Sheilah McGovern                Ms. Eileen M. Robert                 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Topping
Joseph Aiello & Mary Mitchell       Susan & Peter Chines               Jeff & Dianne Fallon                Ms. Marian Howe                     Georgia & Dan McGurl                Patricia Roberts & Harry Breger      Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tuttle
Akasha Quiltworks                   Mr. Gary Allen Christensen &       Mrs. Carol Farnsworth               Trevor & Gabriella Hughes           Mr. Daniel P. McKenna               Patricia J. Robinson                 UniBob Fund
Ms. Gail Alling                       Ms. Sandro Frattura              Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Faust             Mr. Peter A. Humphery &             Annette & Jon McKenney              Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rodman              USDA Natural Resources
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Amato            Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Chumsae      Ms. Sherrill Fawcett                  Ms. Juliann P. Bannon             Dr. Marilyn McLaughlin              Ms. Linda Rogoff                      Conservation Service
AmazonSmile Foundation              Mr. Abner Clark                    Ms. Rosalind Fedeli                 Jenn & Brad Hunter                  Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Mead          Mrs. Neil Rolde                      Dr. Richard G. Viagrande, DMD
Peter Amershadian                   Mr. Henry W. Clark, III            Ms. Helga Butzer Felleisen          Mr. & Mrs. William S. Hurley        Meadowmere Resort                   Ms. Traci L. Roloff                  Mrs. S. Thompson Viele
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Anderson        Clark & Howell, LLC                Ms. Cynthia Fenneman                Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hurstak, Jr.      Ms. Susan Day Meffert               Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Rose              Anthony & Kathleen Vinet
Ms. Glenda P. Anderson              Dr. Geoffrey Clark &               Ms. Lynda Ferland                   Hurvis Group                        Mr. George K. Merrill               Ms. Barbara H. Rosenstein &          Barry & Kim Waddell
Anonymous                             The Hon. Martha Fuller Clark     Fields Pond Foundation              The Hymanson Family                 The Merrill Family Foundation        Ms. Amy B. Rosenstein               Peter & Kathryn Wagner
Karen & Mark Arsenault              The Clark/Hamel Family             Ms. Renee Fifield                   Ms. Kathleen A. Hynes               Ms. Susan F. Metcalf &              L. Jonathan & Kathleen Ross          Robert J. Waldman
Jeanne & Jerry Ashworth             Sarah Clark-Hamel                  Ms. Patricia Fitzgerald &           Mr. & Mrs. John Inglese               Mr. Henry Farnum                  Mr. & Mrs. John Roth                 Bryce & Deanna Waldrop
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Baker            Mr. & Mrs. Philip Claudy             Mr. Gregory Dobrich               Dean Irons &                        John Mettam                         Dan & Hannah Rothermel               Mrs. Natalie Webster
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker, Jr.    Ms. Helen L. Clements              Mr. Keith Fletcher &                  Deborah Erickson-Irons            David A. Michniewicz                Mr. Steven Roy &                     Mrs. Harriet Weissman
Ms. Helene Balkin                   Ms. Julia Clough                     Ms. Lisa Murphy                   E. Barclay Jackson                  Mr. & Mrs. John Michniewicz          Ms. Sarah C. Lefferts               Mr. Hunter G. Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Balkite       Mr. & Mrs. Mark Coleman            Ms. Betty A. Ford                   Ms. Sally Jarvis                    Ms. Cheryl Michniewicz              Denise & Richard Rubin               Wentworth Green Houses
Mr. a& Mrs. Joseph Ballard          Laurel K. Collins                  Mr. & Mrs. Dan Ford                 Ms. Anne Johannessen                Sarah Michniewicz                   Rudman/Fried Family                  Mr. & Mrs. Fred Weston
Ms. Linda Barber                    Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Collins      Mr. George W. Ford, II              Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Johnson          Mr. & Mrs. David Michniewicz        Mr. Walter Runte                     Ms. Elaine G. Whelan
Mr. & Mrs. George Barclay           Mr. & Mrs. Lance J. Colwell        Ms. Britney Fox                     Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnston          Ms. Ellen T. Minnehan               Gerry Runte & Michelle Marean        Ms. Alice E. White
Mrs. Geraldine C. Bardwell          Ms. Jennifer Connolly              Mr. Todd &                          Mr. & Mrs. James M. Johnston, III   Ms. Erica Phipps Mirick              & Family                            Ms. Qiana White
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Barnard       Mr. & Mrs. Luke Conte                Dr. Shirley A. Frederick          Mrs. Mabel H. Jones                 Gerry & Sylvia Missal               Ms. Heather Rutledge                 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Willette
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Barrows          Mr. Scott Conti & Family           Jameson & Priscilla S. French       Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Jost              Dr. J.H. Monane                     Dr. Amy L. Ryan & Dick Bachelder     David & Linda Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Barten               Ms. Leigh Conway                   Mr. Thomas H. Fuller, Jr.           Mr. Rob Kanzer                      Ms. Elizabeth Moore                 Kathryn Ryan & Carrie Boyd           Nancy & Joe Wilson
Michael Bartner &                   Jane B. Cook 1992                  Mr. Henry Weld Fuller               Ms. Mary Kaye                       Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Moran             Mr. Joseph M. Salsbury               Helen & Sumner Winebaum
  Evangeline Thibodeau                Charitable Trust                 Mrs. Emily F. Fuller Hawkins        Mr. & Mrs. Jay Keating              Philip & Gale Morgan                Mr. Thomas Salvoni                    (deceased)
Beachmere Inn                       Mr. George W. Cooper               Fun-O-Rama                          Ms. Elizabeth Kehoe                 Randy Morgan and Terry DeKalb       Mr. & Mrs. David Sanderson           Dominique & Sam Winebaum
Galen L. Beale                      Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Coppola          Ms. Alfreda B. Furnas               Mr. Justin Kelcourse &              Mr. Leon R. Moulton                 Ms. Judith Saner                     Winebaum Family Foundation
Michael T. Beaumont                 Mr. John Corgan &                  Amy Gagnon                            Ms. Kimberly Goodman              Mr. Marvin L. Moulton               Saner Family Foundation              Mr. & Mrs. Frank Witham
Mr. Gerry Beekman & Kim Oates         Ms. Deborah Nye                  Ms. Ann M. Gallop                   Kennebunk Savings                   Ms. Louise Moulton                  Ms. Deirdre Sartorelli               Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wladis
Daniel & Jean Beetz                 Dave Cormier & Karyl Lynch         Sally & James Gambrill              Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kennedy      Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Nadler         Ms. Anna Kristina Sawtelle           Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas G. Xenos
Ms. Jenettte Bell                   Ms. Carol Costa &                  Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gard             Edward Kennedy                      Ms. Sandy Nelson                    Mr. & Mrs. David O. Saxton           Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Yandow
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Bennett         Ms. Sheila Dorval                Mr. Alan C. Gault &                 Steven King and Karie DeVries       New Hampshire Charitable            Mr. & Mrs. William Schenck           Peter & Trish Yauch
Dr. Charles Bennett                 Mr. Alfred J. Cotton, Jr.            Ms. Pamela Parsons, Jr.           Kittery Trading Post                  Foundation - Piscataqua           Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schmigle          Bruce & Judy Young
Ms. Gladys L. Benshimol             David T. & Bonnie J. Cousineau     Drs. Michael & Naomi Gauthier       Mr. Neil Kittredge &                  Region                            Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schumacher           Karen & Michael Young
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bibb            Anne & Nick Cowenhoven             GE Foundation                         Ms. Kirsten Shaw                  Mr. & Mrs. Mason Newick             Mr. Gregory Schwab                   Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Zuccotti
Mrs. John Bird                      Karen & David Cox                  Mr. Kurt M. Geller                  Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kleist           Ms. Sarah Newick                    Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Scipione
Ms. Roslyn Birger-Hershfield        Ms. Julia M. Crafts &              Mr. & Mrs. George Gendron           Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Kline          Mr. & Mrs. Steve Newton             Linda & Craig Scotland               In Honor of Jake & Cindy Winebaum
Ms. Amanda Rising Black               Mr. David Dibona                 Mr. & Mrs. James F. Gerrity         Harry & Kathleen Kluger             Mrs. Maryse Newton                  HL Scott                               Mrs. Virginia Beutner
Henry and Patricia Blaisdell        Ann Craig                          Frank Gerrity Charitable Trust      Dr. & Mrs. George A. Knaysi         Mr. Rob Nichols                     Ms. Amanda Sedgewick
Tom & Doris Blaisdell               Cranberry Hill Antiques            Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gershon           Andrej & Renee Kocev                David & Meg Nichols                 Mark & Elise Seeley Fund of          In Honor of Pat & Larry Graves
Professor Robert Blecker            David S. Crane Charitable Trust    Estate of Patience H. Ghikas        Mr. Peter Kolbjornsen               Mr. Charles L. Nickerson            Greater Worcester Community            Sue Brown
Ms. Sandra L. Blessing              Ms. Elizabeth C. Cromley           Lauren & Timothy Gibb               Dr. Leonard Korn                    Dr. & Mrs. Mayo Noerdlinger          Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Boardman           Captain & Mrs. Howard Crosby       Sally & Ken Gilbride                Mr. Walter G. Krug &                Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Nohmer      Mr. Paul Semprini                    In Honor of Susan Covino
Dr. John R. Bockstoce &             Phil & Lynn Cross                  Ms. Gail Gilchrest                    Ms. Cynthia Moulton-Krug          Nola & Associates                   Mr. & Mrs. George Sewall               Mr. Daniel Covino
  Ms. Lady Romayne                  Mr. Thomas Cross                   Ms. Louesa Gillespie                Mr. Robert G. Kunzendorf &          Mr. & Mrs. Ed Nowak                 Mr. Mark Sewall
Margaret V. Bonfield Trust          Sarah & William Crowley            Mr. Thomas Gilmore                    Ms. Elizabeth Ritvo               Ms. Marjorie O’Connell              Shea Adelson Consulting              In Honor of Frances Farmer
Marcela Bonilla                     Ms. Mary Cundari-Kinnear           Peter Gilmore & Cynthia Kingsford   Ms. Phyllis Kupchun                 Mr. Clifford C. O’Connor            Mr. & Mrs. Frank Shepheard             Ms. Ann L. Kendall
Bonner/Lehan Family                 Mr. Richard Cunningham             Mr. Donald Gindlesperger            Ms. Mary LaClair                    Ms. Maureen O’Donnell               Amy & Jonathan Sherwood
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        In Honor of Terry Martin
Mr. & Mrs. MacDonald Booze          Mr. Michael Cuomo                  Ms. Phyllis Giordano                Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lanouette         Ms. Marjorie O’Malley               Mr. & Mrs. David L. Shirley, Jr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Engel Family Trust
Mr. Steven Bos                      Mr. & Mrs. Edward Curtis           Mr. & Mrs. David W. Gittins         Shapleigh D. Lapointe               James B. O’Neil                     Ms. Victoria A. Simon &
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Boston           Mr. & Mrs. Frank D’Agostino        Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Glick             Ms. Alice Larrea                    Ms. Joanne O’Neil                    Mr. Michael Modern                  In Memory of Stephen B. Brooks, III
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Bousquet      Ms. Laurel Daniels                 Mr. Dennis Glidden                  Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Lawson          Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. O’Reilly       Margo Simons Family Foundation         Ms. Elinor Ng Eaton
Karen L. Bowker                     Ms. Jackie Danner -                Ms. Sarah Gold                      Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lawson           Robert Palmer & Holly Sargent       Ms. Mary Gambrill Slavet               Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ethridge
Dr. Trevor and Kate M. Braden         Danner Wilson Family             Mr. & Mrs. Steven Golson            Don & Suzi Lawton                   Mr. & Mrs. Michael Palumbo          Morgan Smith
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ms. Constance B. Grab
Ms. Isabella G. Breckinridge        Mr. Joseph D’Arrigo &              Robert Gordon                       Ms. Cynthia Leavesley               Mr. Jeff Paolini                    Mr. & Mrs. Tin Smith
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ms. Mary Laskin
Susan & Michael Breckon               Ms. Denise Gagnon                Rosemary Gaddum Gordon              Joan Leblanc & Bion Pike            Mr. Michael Pardoe                  Mr. Clayton G. Smith &
Kevin Breen &                       Robert & Jeanne Davidson           Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gorski           Mr. & Mrs. Kevin LeConte            Don & Carolyn Parsons                Ms. Gale Turner                       Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steedman
  Catherine Stehman-Breen           Mr. David P. Davidson &            Gary & Meredyth Goss                Mr. Richard G. Leigh                Ms. Rozanna Patane                  Teresa & William Sollitto              Ms. J. Rachel Vere Nicoll
Ms. Annette Brennan                   Mr. Stephen J. McGurl            Leslie A. Goulet                    Mr. Rob Levin & Sarah Cushman       Patten Grounds Care, Inc.           Mrs. Caroline M. Southall
Mr. & Mrs. G. Arthur Brennan        Harry and Suzanne Davis            Mr. & Mrs. William Grabin           Michael & Sheryl Little             David & Connie Patton               Ms. Darcey Specker                   In Memory of Ellen Dawson
Sam & Libby Bridge                  Mr. Daniel B. Davis                Ms. Nan Graves                      Mrs. Suzanne M. Little              Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pavlidis             Mr. & Mrs. Jon Speers                  Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dawson
Ms. Diane Bright                    Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davis            Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Graves       Ms. Holly Littlefield               Pamela Pearson                      Mr. Norman Spicher
David W. Brinkman &                 Mrs. Nancy Davison                 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Greene             Mr. William A. Lord & Ms.           Ms. Marianne Pei                    Ms. Bobbie Spiegelman                In Memory of Ted Little
  Beth Saidman                      Stuart Dawson                      Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Greenwood      Judith Perry                        Mr. John Pendleton &                Dexter T. & Virginia S. Spiller        Ms. Carol G. Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brisebois         Mr. & Mrs. Alex Dearborn           Bob & Jean Griffin                  Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Lovell            Ms. Elizabeth Carruthers          Hal & Polly Stanwood, Jr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        In Memory of Chelsey Remington
Ms. Gail Britton &                  Sara Delano & Bill Zink            Groves Cottages                     Mr. Robert Lovo                     Mr. James Penfold                   Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert W. Starkey, Jr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mr. H. Franklin Anthony III
  Mr. Peter Knight                  Ms. Barbara E. Demas               Linda & Carl Gurtman                Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lucas               Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Perkins            Mr. & Mrs. Charles Steedman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brodsky           Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dempsey          Nancy Gustad                        Lucky Me LLC                        Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Peter             Ms. Sandy Steele &                     Mr. and Mrs. Barry Chase
Laura & David Brogan                Mr. Brian Desmarais                Peter & Carol Haebler               Mr. Bob Luttman &                   Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Petrovich     Dr. Paul Greenfield                   Ms. Helen Cohen
Ms. Alice S. Brooks                 Paul Dest & Deborah Danforth       Constance Hanley &                    Ms. Mary Finlay                   Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Pfirman        Rear Admiral &                         Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dempsey
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Brooks            Mr. Shaun Dillon &                   James C. Smith                    Alice & Jeffrey Lynch               Barbara A. Pike                      Mrs. Craig E. Steidle                 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly
Priscilla Brooks &                    Ms. Kirsten M. Kautz             Ms. Karen Hanson                    Ms. Holly H. MacAdam                Plank/Serrano Family                Ms. Gretchen Stein                     Mr. and Mrs. Peter Driscoll
  John Wigglesworth                 Ms. Kathryn A Donahue              Mr. Harry A. Hanson, III &          Doreen MacGillis &                  Melissa Plocinski                   Ms. Barbara E. Stephenson              Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ethridge
Brooks & Nancy Chase                Jeff & Cindy Donnell & Family        Ms. Anne Hollingsworth              David Cohen                       Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Poe            Ms. Miriam Stevens                     Ms. Carol B. Gamble
  Charitable Fund                   Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donnelly       Hap Moore Antiques-Auctions         Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Maddaus          Ms. Laura Poppick                   Mr. & Mrs. Scott Stevens              Phil and Peggy Haughey
Marge & Curt Brown                  Mr. & Mrs. James Patrick Donovan   The Harbor Foundation               Ms. Lois Magenau                    Mr. William Pride, Jr. &            Ms. Ellen F. Stockmayer                Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hosmer, III
Ms. Sarah Brown                     Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Dopart          Henry & Mary Harding                Michael & Elizabeth Mahoney           Jean E. Baker                     Ms. Marta Stockwell                    Ms. Ann Ramsay-Jenkins
Mr. Scott F. Brown &                Steve & Wendy Dopp                 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Harding           Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius D. Mahoney     Ms. Lori J. Proos & Robert Rigano   Mr. & Mrs. Neal Stone                  Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lawson
  Ms. Priscilla A. Healy            Mr. Philip Drapos &                Louis M. Hargan                     Reverend & Mrs. Ryan Mails          Lou Przystas                        Stonewall Kitchen                      Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Lindop
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Buford              Mr. Dana Ball                    Daniel J. Hartigan & Mark Toney     Maine Coast                         Mr. Wendell Scott Purrington        Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Stover                Ms. Martha L. Magnuson
Mr. Francis M. Burke                Janet E. Drew                      Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hasecke           Maine Coast Heritage Trust          Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Putko        Mr. Clyde N. Stover, lll &             Georgia and Dan McGurl
Ms. Elaine Burnham                  Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Drew          Ms. Anita Haskell                   Mr. Richard Malchon &               Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pykett               Rachel Perks                          Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McKown
Mrs. Edward Burns                   Mr. & Mrs. Peter Driscoll          Phil & Peggy Haughey                  Ms. Mary Sue Beeler               Alison & Chris Pyott                Ms. Philippa Stratton                  Mr. Clifford C. O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Bush            Mr. & Mrs. Mike Drumm              Douglas & Susan Haynes              Ms. Effie Malley                    Mr. & Mrs. Henri Quintal            Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stuppy                 Scott and Gretchen Ramsay
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Butler             Ms. Lillian Duquette               Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Hayward       Mr. & Mrs. John Maloney             Mr. David Radue &                   Ms. Brenda Sullivan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steedman
Mr. John Campbell                   Easterly Surveying, Inc.           Mr. Matthew X. Healy                Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mariner            Mr. Wayne Williams                Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sullivan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trotman
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Campbell            Mr. Robert Eckert &                Jim & Michelle Healy                Cheryl J. Marotta                   Mrs. Jean Rae                       Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan
Mary Campbell &                       Ms. Kai Stapelfeldt              Ms. Susan Heckaman                  Ms. Kate Marshall                   Ms. Susan M. Rakaseder              Ms. Sally Sulloway                     Mr. and Mrs. William G. Vahey
  Deborah Chase                     Ms. Diane Edinger                  Ms. Charlotte Hefford               Gail Marshall & Carol Carmichael    Ram’s Head Realty, LLC              Tom & Eileen Sutula                  In Memory of Helen Winebaum
Ms. Kathleen Cantwell               Edward Jones Investments -         Mr. & Mrs. John A. Helfrich         Terrence Martin & Susan Engel       Scott & Gretchen Ramsay             Mr. Michael Swant &                    Mrs. Virginia Beutner
Ms. Leila Carbunari                   Susan Heckaman                   Mr. & Mrs. David Herbein            Ms. Louise Mauran                   Ms. Ann Ramsay-Jenkins               Mr. James Huddleston
Scott & Leslie D. Carson            Ms. Susan M. Eisen                 Mr. & Mrs. Stefan A. Hershfield     Charlotte & Todd Maynard            Dr. & Mrs. Brett S. Rankin          Mrs. Barbara K. Sweet
B.J. Carter & Bruce Zotter          Eldredge Lumber & Hardware         Ms. Holly Hodgson                   Ed McAbee                           Mr. Larry C. Ravelson               Mr. & Mrs. David Sykes
Dr. & Mrs. Mark P. Cartier          Peter B. Ellis &                   Mr. Tom Hoffman &                   Mr. Bruce C. McAllister &           Ala H. Reid                         Mr. Edmund C. Tarbell
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Casciotti           Carey Armstrong-Ellis              Ms. Melissa Acuna                   Ms. Julia Peterson                Jennifer & Dan Remick               Robert & Corry Tarbox
Center for Wildlife                 David & Veronica Emery             Ms. Shirley K. Holden               Peter & Barbara McArdle             Mr. David F. Remington              Warren & Deborah Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Chamberlain      Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Emge               Caroline J. Hollingsworth           Mr. David McCarthy                  Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Ricciardi      Ms. Joan Taylor

47 Acres Protected in Area of Statewide Significance
P L A N N I N G                        F O R            A   S U S T A I N A B L E                           F U T U R E

            YLT Supports the York Climate Action Plan
I n May, the York Climate
  Action Plan (CAP) will seek
approval from voters to enact
                                                                                            for these appliances to offer educational
                                                                                            opportunities for the community, and
                                                                                            would be happy to answer any questions
plans to reduce town-wide                                                                   you may have about transitioning your
greenhouse gas emissions by                                                                 own home or workplace to renewable
50% by 2030, and establish a                                                                energy.
long-term roadmap for climate
adaptation and mitigation.                                                                  In addition to these office renovations,
                                                                   we’ve also been offering a webinar series called Climate
YLT supports the Climate Action Plan and encourages                Conversations alongside partners at the York Public Library,
residents to vote in support of it as well.                        Maine Natural Areas Program, Efficiency Maine and ReVision
                                                                   Energy. You can find recordings of these webinars in the
As an organization, York Land Trust has already begun              News section of our website, and stay up to date on upcoming
taking concrete steps towards reducing our reliance on fossil      programs in the Events section.
fuels and minimizing our carbon footprint. We recently hired
ReVision Energy to outfit our headquarters with energy efficient   Tackling climate change and meeting the goals of the York
heat pumps and a 14-panel solar array on the rooftop of our        Climate Action Plan will require ongoing community
Community Room. This new setup will help power our office          collaboration. We’re excited to be taking these initial steps, and
while also reducing our annual utility costs and slashing our      look forward to continuing to work together toward a more
carbon dioxide emissions by the equivalent of 500 gallons of       sustainable future.
gasoline or 5,000 pounds of coal burned each year. We intend

       Help Protect Local Habitats by Replacing
           Invasive Plants with Native Ones
O    ur upcoming Native Plant Sale (Sat., May
     7th) will offer you a chance to replace invasive
plants on your property with native plants and
shrubs that are healthier for your garden and more
beneficial to pollinators like bees, butterflies, and

Many non-native ornamental plants are invasive,
meaning that they spread easily and can rapidly
overtake landscapes if left unchecked. Bittersweet,
Burning Bush and Barberry are just a few of the
many invasive plant species commonly found in
this region. These plants can easily spread from
your yard into neighboring areas and even onto
our wildlife preserves, where they can quickly
outcompete native species by consuming limited
water, nutrients and sun light. For a full list of
invasive plants, visit the Maine Natural Areas
Program’s Advisory List of Invasive Plants at

By removing invasive plants from your garden and yard and replacing them with something native, you’re doing your part to protect
local habitats and help pollinators. We hope you’ll find a few varieties that you love at our 2nd Annual Native Plant Sale!
47 Acres Protected in Area of Statewide Significance
1 LONG NECK MARSH RD.                                                                                        NON PROFIT
           YORK, MAINE 03909                                                                                            U S P O S TA G E
           Forwarding service requested                                                                                 P   A     I   D
                                                                                                                        MANCHESTER, NH
                                                                                                                        PERMIT #182


Upcoming Events
Learn more and register at yorklandtrust.org/events

May 6 @ 3pm - 4pm | York Land Trust Headquarters
    Join York Land Trust and a special guest from Pierson
    Nurseries in Biddeford to learn about techniques to support
    native plants in your garden and the benefits of gardening with
    these varieties.
May 7 @ 9am - 12pm | York Land Trust Headquarters
    Looking to expand your garden this spring? Check out York
    Land Trust’s Native Plant Sale! You’ll find more than two
    dozen perennials, shrubs and trees, all provided by Pierson
    Nurseries in Biddeford.
May 16 - 20 | Daily Walks @ 9am - 10:30am | Multiple Locations
    In celebration of spring migration, we’re offering a week of morning bird walks at a different preserve each day! Join us to learn
    how to ID birds, recognize birdsong, and explore the habitats birds love most. Family friendly and beginner birders welcome.
June 21 @ 9am - 10:15am | York Land Trust Headquarters
     Celebrate the first day of summer with a morning yoga class at the York Land Trust Headquarters! Darcy Specker of Cider
     Hill Yoga will lead the class with a focus on vinyasa flow and the connection between breath and movement.

47 Acres Protected in Area of Statewide Significance
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