38 ITEA Magazine MARCH 2021

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38 ITEA Magazine MARCH 2021
ITEA Magazine
                    MARCH 2021                38

Focus on Portugal     ITEA Success stories    Viewpoint on mentorship
                      3DPathology & FUSE-IT
38 ITEA Magazine MARCH 2021

3    Editorial
     Zeynep Sarılar

                                                           Focus on
4                                                          Portugal
     Country focus: Portugal
     ANI – a new generation framework to drive
     Portugal into the future

     ITEA Success story: FUSE-IT
     Enhanced connectivity and security for building
     management at lower costs

     A Deep Learning project – PAPUD’s lessons learned
     Cost-efficient smart system software synthesis

14   Viewpoint on mentorship
     Mentoring is ...

17   SotA highlight
     IoT: where do we stand?                               Viewpoint on
18   Community Talk: Raúl Santos de la Cámara
     The rewards of being part of a strong Community

     End-user happiness: MOSIM
     Digital human simulation helps manufacturer

     improve productivity and safety

21   Calendar
     Upcoming events

     ITEA Success story: 3DPathology
     A digital pathology solution for more effective and
     efficient treatments

                                                           ITEA Success stories
26   SME in the spotlight: Clevernet
     Fast, efficient, secure
                                                           FUSE-IT &
28   AI Call projects in ITEA
     Diverse and promising innovations improving AI
     ITEA Cyber Security Day 2021
     Understanding and solving cyber security
     challenges together

34   Eureka News
     Eureka Clusters AI Call 2021
38 ITEA Magazine MARCH 2021
March 2021 – no. 38                                                                                                            3

Editorial             Dear ITEA Innovation Community,

                      There are many definitions of innovation with some common phrases in each, such as: a new idea,
                      added value, related to customers/end-users. Building innovative solutions requires:
                      ƒ courage to dream new ideas and accept the challenge of the unknown,
                      ƒ technical knowledge to build added value beyond the State-of-the-Art, and
                      ƒ good understanding of your customer needs and requirements.

                      Within the ITEA Community (in addition to the properties above), a positive attitude (factor of
                      happiness) and the willingness for collaboration are the other main properties for ITEA’s impactful

                      In the Success stories of the FUSE-IT project and the 3DPathology project, you can read which
                      challenges are tackled in cyber security and healthcare respectively and which innovative solutions
                      have been created to build added value for their end-users. You can read courageous stories of FUSE-
                      IT, which focuses on smart and secure buildings, and 3DPathology that moves pathology into a digital

                      The ITEA Community has presented its strong technical knowledge on AI in its projects over the past
                      years. This knowledge base created many project ideas that resulted in 11 ITEA-led projects in the
                      Eureka Clusters AI Call 2020. And a new Call on AI has been opened on 1 March. I would like to kindly
                      invite the ITEA Community to contribute to this new Call.

                      Another aspect of innovation is end-users. ITEA is getting closer to end-users in order to support the
                      innovation within its Community. Therefore, the ITEA Cyber Security Day has been organised with a set
                      of customers and ITEA project partners. You can read the event report in this magazine. Furthermore,
                      the MOSIM project explains the added value to its customers in the end-user happiness article.

                      Building successful international partnerships is always a challenge for SMEs. Within the ITEA
                      Community, there are many examples of international collaboration resulting in economic growth for
                      SMEs. The stories of Evoleo and Clevernet will show you their experiences from the perspective of an
                      SME. And Raúl Santos De La Cámara from the Spanish SME HI Iberia Ingeniería y Proyectos shares his
                      experience in ITEA as a Community member.

                      These successes are more than a coincidence but rather are based on continuous analysis and
                      support. In the article covering the Viewpoint on Mentorship, you can read how the ITEA Community
                      supports each other through coaching and mentoring. And in the article on the SotA Highlight, you will
                      find the analysis of a set of IoT projects written by the Vice-chairman of ITEA.

                      Building up innovative communities can only be achieved by having long-term plans and continuous
                      and agile short-term actions. Focusing on Portugal in this magazine shows us how a successful
                      innovative national strategy is developed. The ITEA Community is stronger with the increasing support
                      of ANI and the Portuguese partners.

                      I am very happy to share the successes of ITEA projects and its partners in this magazine again.

                      I wish you all a joyful read.

                      Zeynep Sarılar

                                                                                                          Editorial Zeynep Sarılar
38 ITEA Magazine MARCH 2021
4                                                                                                       ITEA Magazine

             ANI – a new
           framework to drive
          Portugal into the future
Portugal's progress over the past decade in the international innovation rankings shows
    the effort of public and private investment in science, R&D and innovation activities. Today
     Portugal has excellent scientific and technological infrastructures worldwide, a favourable
       framework for technology-based entrepreneurship with a strong connection to the scientific
        and higher education system, as well as companies and startups that compete globally. A new
          generation National Innovation Agency ANI (Agência Nacional de Inovação) supports technological
            and business innovation in Portugal, contributes to consolidating the National Innovation
             System (NIS) and strengthens the competitiveness of the national economy in
               global markets.
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March 2021 – no. 38                         5

          Focus on

                      Country focus on Portugal
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                                                                                                         established Portugal Digital to address and
                                                                                                         overcome the challenges in the digital transition
                                                                                                         in Portugal.”

                                                                                                         Portugal Digital
                                                                                                         Portugal Digital is founded on three pillars: i)
                                                                                                         training and digital inclusion of people, ii) digital
                                                   skills and a greater proportion of ICT graduates      transformation of the industrial sector, and iii)
                                                   is evidence of a growing impact and progress in       digitalisation of the public administration.
                                                   the ICT industry.                                     The general digital transition strategy for
                                                                                                         industry called ‘Industry 4.0 Programme’ (i4.0)
                                                   ePortugal                                             that was established in 2017 has three main
                                                   Of course, in the advent of the Coronavirus           goals: to accelerate the adoption of i4.0 by
                                                   pandemic and the need to support the economic         the Portuguese business fabric, to promote
                                                   recovery, Portugal has taken a large number of        Portuguese technological suppliers as i4.0
                                                   initiatives to minimise contagion and to support      players, and to make Portugal an attractive hub
                                                   the health system as well as accelerate and           for i4.0 investment. The implementation and
                                                   reinforce digital service infrastructures to deal     monitoring of the strategy is overseen by COTEC
Committed to R&D and innovation                    with higher demand. “Like rapidly digitising          Portugal, a Portuguese business association for
With Portugal about to assume the chairmanship     the public administration mainly through the          innovation, as well as by its Strategic Committee
of Eureka this summer, Rita Silva, Senior          ePortugal portal and offering new services like       composed of representatives of both the public
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Consultant         online registration of births,” Rita explains. “For   sector and the private sectors, who finance the
at ANI, is joined by Miguel Bello (CEO) and        the economy, digital platforms were set up in         programme.
Emir Sirage (COO) of the Atlantic International    order to support SMEs that have stayed open
Research Centre (AIR Centre), an international     during the crisis and several initiatives have        Transformation
collaborative framework to address global          provided support to digital home schooling,           “Initially, the focus was on mobilisation and
challenges and local priorities in the Atlantic    with national and regional tele-school channels       raising awareness,” Rita explains. “The second
Ocean. Here they consider the current state of     created mainly to support students without            phase of the programme, launched in April
the software industry and innovation landscape     internet access or equipment.”                        2019, has ambitious transformative goals and
in Portugal along with its ambitions in this                                                             aims at placing Portugal in the leading group of
area and its drive to help position Portugal in    Addressing digital skills                             countries driving the digitalisation of European
the group of highly innovative European Union      Looking further ahead, post COVID-19 crisis,          industry. Currently, there are four Digital
countries by the beginning of the next decade.     Portugal is advanced in the deployment of Very        Innovation Hubs, two in the North focusing on
“When we look at the main ICT industrial cluster   High Capacity Network (VHCN) and is above             manufacturing, one in Coimbra targeting the
in Portugal,” Rita begins, “the fact that the      EU average in the provision of digital public         health sector and one in Lisbon specialised in
sector mobilises the highest rate of private       services, although it lags behind in assigning        the agricultural sector.” Furthermore, Portugal is
investment, with almost 1000 million euros of      the radio spectrum for 5G and needs to tackle its     also finalising its National Strategy for AI, which
private investment on R&D, is a clear statement    weak performance in the digital skills indicators.    has already been presented and discussed
of ambition for this sector that is dominated by   “But,” Rita says, “we are implementing the            with AI companies, the research community,
SMEs (only 0.3% are large enterprises). As far     national initiative on digital competences            uptakers and public administration. AI is one
as public support to R&D in ICT is concerned,”     (INCoDe.2030) as well as launching the second         of the main priorities for future investment. All
she continues, “in the period between 2014 to      phase of the Industria 4.0 national strategy          in all, overall investment in areas connected
2020, we funded 420 R&D projects involving         for the digitisation of the economy, dedicating       with digitalisation are expected to surpass 918
a little over 555 million euros of investment,     600 million euros in total funding over the next      million euros.
corresponding to 319 million euros of public       two years. In addition, two relevant strategies
support. This accounts for 34% of the overall      on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Advanced          Software opportunities
public support to R&D and innovation in            Computing have been launched with a strong            Rita continues: "More specifically in terms of
Portugal.” However, while Portugal performs        focus on improving advanced digital skills.           software and software innovation, Portugal's
below the EU average in terms of human capital,    In our pursuit of a National Strategy for the         national priorities lie in the areas of artificial
the improvement in the basic level of digital      Digitisation of the Economy, we have recently         intelligence, advanced computing, 5G and
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March 2021 – no. 38                                                                                                                                             7

cyberspace security. The Portuguese Association      the category ‘innovation in small and medium-          Promoting internationalisation
of Software, Assoft, believes great opportunities    sized enterprises (SMEs)’,” Rita says proudly.         “Together with CELTIC-NEXT, ITEA 3 provides an
exist for Portuguese software companies if           ANI has also launched a Call for the classification    excellent channel for the internationalisation
they can overcome a number of challenges.            of entities as Digital Innovation Hubs as part of      of our companies and research centres. In fact,
Firstly, technological: The growing use of mobile    the Portugal’s Action Plan for Digital Transition.     these two Eureka Clusters have the largest
solutions, cloud computing, big data, the internet   The aim is to create a National Network of Digital     Portuguese participation,” Rita points out.
of things, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain       Innovation Hubs that allows for the growth and         “The opportunity also to collaborate beyond
and crypto coins – these are some of the key         faster digital transition of companies, particularly   Europe, on a truly global stage, is one of
trends that require the redesign and rewriting of    SMEs, and Public Administration.                       the major benefits. The recent growth of the
applications currently in production. Secondly,                                                             ITEA Community, with countries as far and
human resources. Given the “brain drain”             Platform for the Eureka Chairmanship                   wide as Turkey, Canada, South Korea, South
phenomena of ICT graduates in Portuguese             A good platform when taking up the                     Africa and Chile, provides a real incentive
universities to foreign markets, resulting in the    chairmanship of Eureka in the summer, an event         and complements our own efforts to promote
scarcity of qualified people for the needs of the    that Miguel Bello is looking forward to. “In our       internationalisation, as I said earlier.” In terms
market which is witnessing a growing penetration     last Eureka presidency, in 2008, we championed         of funding and participation in ITEA projects,
of multinational and outsourcing companies.          the expansion of Eureka Clusters so we were            14 projects have been financed by the Portugal
                                                     pleased to see South Korea join a year later and       2020 Notices (since 2017), with a total eligible
Emir Sirage adds: “Actually, in Portugal we          more, such as Canada and South Africa, since.          investment of around 9.5 million euros and a
have three unicorns (companies whose value           We believe that expanding the outreach will            total incentive of 5.9 million euros.
exceeds 1 billion US dollars) that are Portuguese    bring great benefits, and this will be one of our
founded and a good number of other high-             lines in our forthcoming chairmanchip. We will         The Portuguese entities most represented in
value companies that have good international         be taking up this role during COVID-19 and will        ITEA include Evoleo Technologies, SISTRADE
exposure. Their centres of competence – or the       be leaving, in all probability, post-COVID-19.         Software Consulting, S.A., Instituto Superior de
brains of these companies – are still based in       One of our priorities will be to foster innovation     Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), University of Porto,
Portugal, which pays tribute to the quality of       through international collaboration to meet the        Polytechnic Institute of Porto and Instituto de
the engineering in the various institutes and        challenges, where areas like Earth Observation         Telecomunicações.
institutions we have here.”                          from Space are a technological enabler to tackle
                                                     climate change, ocean sustainability, health           Game-changing, high-tech innovations
Strong innovator                                     and energy that have been pushed into the              “The collaborative environment provided in
Assoft is working hard to conclude cooperation       background by the pandemic. So our motto is            such networks as ITEA has helped Portugal
protocols with government authorities and            ‘innovation for a greener, digital and healthier       become the nest for some high-tech innovations
other foreign associations - namely in Angola,       planet through a collaborative approach’. During       that have changed the world we live in today.
Chile, the UK and the USA - and with several         our chairmanship we will also be overseeing the        For example, the Multibanco network, one of
European government organisations and NGOs.          implementation of the new Eureka governance            the more sophisticated banking networks in
“And, of course,” Rita adds, “ANI is supporting      model related to the revitalisation of the Eureka      the world; Via Verde, the first closed system of
technological and business innovation in             Clusters. So we have lots to do, and we’re             automatic highway tolls in the world; and the
Portugal and strengthening the competitiveness       looking forward to the challenge.”                     Pre-Paid Mobile Phones, which quickly became
of the national economy in global markets. We                                                               the foundation for the mobile revolution we
pursue policies and initiatives to promote private   Business incentives                                    have today. Portugal is also one of the European
investment in R&D, collaboration between R&D         There are a good few incentives for Portuguese         countries with the highest FTTH penetration, 46%
entities and enterprises for an effective transfer   businesses to get involved in the Eureka               of all households, and has been in the forefront
of knowledge to the market as well as promote        Clusters, such as the SIFIDE tax incentive system      of the 3G and 4G infrastructure investment.” In
the internationalisation of Portuguese innovative    and grant-based incentives for industrial co-          this context, Portugal is not only a market open
companies and R&D institutions through               development R&D projects led by companies in           to innovation, but also the best gateway to ICT
supporting participation in Horizon 2020 (future     collaboration with R&D institutions or so-called       companies in the Lusophone markets (where
Horizon Europe), hosting part of Horizon Europe’s    Mobiliser programmes in which strategic R&D            Portuguese is spoken). Ready for the next phase
NCPs network, as well as other international         projects involve industry clusters and impact its      along with the forthcoming Eureka chairmanship.
networks such as Eureka. For the first time,         value chain with the creation of new products,
Portugal has joined the group of Europe’s ‘strong    processes or services with a high technological        More information
innovators’, showing the best performance            and innovative content. In addition, the               https://www.ani.pt/en/international-promotion/
improvement in relation to the other members         Interface Programme is geared to strengthening         global-network/eureka-eurostars/
states, with an increase of 21.5%. In addition,      knowledge transfer between academia/R&D
Portugal, for the second consecutive year, leads     entities and businesses.

                                                                                                                                          Country focus on Portugal
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                                     EVOLEO Technologies was
                                         created 14 years ago in
                                                                                                  Daring to
                                 January 2007 in Maia (Porto),
                               Portugal. The company of some
                          20 people is dedicated to the design
                                                                                      rare capability to adapt, be flexible and meet the
                        and integration of small/medium size                          specific needs of our customers and partners.
                                                                                      It also helps us to participate and, especially,
                   solutions that focus on reliable electronics,                      be useful in a very wide range of projects and
                 electromechanical and software systems. The                          topics, as long as they involve engineering.
                                                                                      This is our main selling point. Not many
              company also holds EVOLEO Technologies GmbH                             companies do what we do – it’s an approach
                                                                                      that involves risks and makes it much harder
          in Munich, Germany, as part of the growing strategy.                        to grow vertically. But,” Rodolfo adds, “the
                                                                                      reason we exist is to be useful, to our people,
       “Embedded and computational solutions, to be precise,                          the community we interact with and, if possible,
    in the B2B market” says Rodolfo Martins, founder and CEO.                         to accomplish dreams! And for me, the tool to
                                                                                      realise dreams is engineering.”

                                                                                      Software – the new goldmine
                                                                                      As for how important software innovation is,
                                   Raison d’être                                      Rodolfo is in absolutely no doubt. “Everything
                                   The company’s key business areas are: Space        we do – from machines to embedded systems
                                   (computer systems, embedded design),               for Space or Railways – requires software.
                                   Infrastructures & Railways (monitoring,            Being an SME that focuses on the Cyber
                                   knowledge extraction for decision support)         Physical Systems, computer systems in which a
                                   and Industrial Test Machines (quality control,     mechanism is controlled or monitored by
                                   test and automation systems), which Rodolfo        computer-based algorithms, we simply can’t go
                                   describes as looking like ‘an ugly but effective   around the software, whether embedded or
                                   fridge’. The root of EVOLEO’s activities lies      applicational. It has a growing impact on the
                                   in electronics and embedded systems. “Our          performance and features of the different
                                   anchor is that EVOLEO is very horizontal with a    products and services we develop,” Rodolfo
                                   multidisciplinary technical team that gives us a   explains. “So, it is highly relevant for us
38 ITEA Magazine MARCH 2021
March 2021 – no. 38                                                                                                                                           9

to participate and follow such developments.          this, companies and even universities would          funding projects in recent years. “If we compare
Even in areas not directly covered by ITEA            have many fewer ongoing projects and most            the landscape, we can see both benefits
projects, like Space, software is becoming            of them would probably be abandoned along            and drawbacks in the ITEA programme. For
the new gold mine with the democratisation            the way. This is particularly relevant for low       example, although the ITEA projects can often
of access to space and the easier recurrence          TRL and disruptive projects, where small             be more complex to manage, the consortia are
of development, update, correction and                companies cannot afford to risk their funds. But     usually larger in terms of number of entities
implementation of AI and microelectronics.            it is precisely such disruptive ideas that, when     and demonstrators. This has the advantage of
Hardware is very expensive to develop and             successful, have the most impact on and for          allowing several partners to contribute their
implement physically. Software costs much             society.”                                            specific perspective for the same need and
less. But there is still some distrust of software,                                                        expertise, which boosts the critical mass for that
especially among ‘conservative’ industries, yet       The ITEA benefits                                    project. With participation from industry and end
they can’t escape the need for it. After all, you     EVOLEO has been involved in a number of ITEA         users, small companies can learn and benefit
can’t just send up a truck full of maintenance        projects in the past, from automotive to energy      from the experiences from their ways of working.
engineers to fix a glitch or a hack in space.         domains, representing the diversity of its own       On the other hand,” Rodolfo says, “having to
Back on Earth, there are critical infrastructures     business areas. Why become involved? “For the        go through two stages of proposal (PO + FPP)
where reliable software is essential. Software        reasons mentioned. It gives us access to public      plus the national application phase is a complex
innovation plays a vital role, but we still have a    funding and to the knowledge of universities         and delaying process, which minimises the
very long way to go.”                                 and research centres. But it offers more besides.    chances of good cooperation if funding approval
                                                      We benefit from business collaborations in           comes at very different timings. This has been
The value of publicly funded research                 the projects as well as the network of the           our experience in the past, and is the main
For SMEs like EVOLEO publicly funded research         ITEA Community. Through this we build up             reason why we have not participated in the
projects are particularly relevant and contribute     relationships and partnerships that can become       latest round of ITEA projects. But we are aware
to knowledge transfer between universities, R&D       long-term. It is also an environment in which we     that landscapes change and we would certainly
centres, SMEs and larger enterprises, something       learn a lot, not only from a technical perspective   be open to participating again, if the process
that would otherwise not be possible. Rodolfo         but also in gaining insight into the trends          enables us to do so. Because we know the
explains. “As an SME, it is difficult to allocate     in industry and society – what’s likely to be        rewards can be really beneficial. And because
the resources we need to promote relevant             happening in the next three to five years.”          we know that collaboration is key to helping us
research and innovation projects using private                                                             fulfil our dream, our vision, of changing people’s
funds. The public funding allows resources to be      Public funding landscape                             lives for the better.”
dedicated to promoting such activities which are      EVOLEO Technologies participates in various
relevant for companies to continue to innovate        national and European research projects and          More information
their products and services. If it weren’t for        has coordinated several H2020 and national           http://evoleotech.com/

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     ITEA Success story

     Enhanced connectivity and security for building
     management at lower costs

              Imagine that a malicious hacker is taking over the heating, ventilation and air
              conditioning system of a hospital, changing the temperature in such a way that
              diseases can easily spread in a place where people are actually supposed to be
              healed. A bit of a scary scenario, but with all of the equipment and facilities becoming
              more and more connected in order to make the systems smart and save a lot of
              energy, this has become a serious threat that needs to be taken into account. Should
              we be afraid to go to hospital now? Luckily not, as cyber security is also becoming
              increasingly successful in addressing these issues. And one of these success stories
              can be found in the FUSE-IT project, which was led by Airbus CyberSecurity and ran
              from October 2014 until December 2017. This ITEA project gathered 20 strong partners
              from France, Belgium, Portugal and Turkey. Airbus CyberSecurity acted as the project
              coordinator and pilot site for France while Gazi Technopark in Turkey, Imec’s HomeLab
              in Belgium and Centro Hospitalar São João in Portugal acted as pilot users for
              demonstrations performed in an operational environment in 2017.

FUSE-IT addressed the need for sustainable,
reliable, user-friendly, efficient, safe and secure
Building Management Systems in the context
of Smart Critical Sites. From a site management
perspective, it solves the dilemma of efficiency
and security in intelligent buildings. At the user
level, a smart unified building management
interface enables the daily monitoring and
control of a building, while a full security
management interface enables the supervision
of both physical and logical security throughout
the premises. And at the end-user level, this can
save both energy and lives.

Smart Secured Building System
To achieve this, the project developed a Smart
Secured Building System resulting from cross-
domain innovation between energy and security
activities that are traditionally very segmented.
The system can be deployed as standalone
components, as a fully-integrated system or              threats and decision support to responders in   using semantic BIM (Building Information
as a service. The innovation proposal of FUSE-           charge of building and network protection.      Modelling). Thanks to this development,
IT resides in five key capacities which were                                                             VTREEM was acquired by Catenda in 2019. This
demonstrated with striking progress beyond            A pioneer project with impressive results          Norwegian software editor is specialised in BIM.
the State-of-the-Art of the application areas of      On the back of the project results, Airbus has     One of the project participants is now involved
energy, facility, ICT and security.                   successfully filed a patent on a method for        in developing innovative integrations with SaaS
1. Secure shared sensors, effectors and devices:      securing and authenticating telecommunication.     and mobile applications for BIM at Catenda,
    smart interoperable sensors, easily deployable    Overall, the project has led to the acceptance     while another joined Railenium (the French
    on legacy building infrastructures, enabling      of four patents. Notable results of the FUSE-      Research Institute for Railways) in October 2020
    the measurement of efficiency and security-       IT project have been brought to standards          to develop open BIM standards for sustainable
    related indicators in real time for improved      within the following groups: buildingSMART,        infrastructures.
    management in enhanced security conditions.       CoAP, LWM2M, IPSO, oneM2M, Zigbee, Z-wave,
2. Trusted, federated energy and information          Wirepas, Enocean, Alljoyn, semantic BIM and IFC    The Turkish consortium members have acquired
    networks: enabling the conveyance of              data formats.                                      a contract for monitoring buildings as well
    these measurements under time-sensitive                                                              as for the remote monitoring of several solar
    constraints through unified network               Airbus CyberSecurity has also been awarded         plants. Contract negotiations are ongoing, with a
    infrastructures while ensuring end-to-end data    a €740,000 contract to fulfil risk assessment      hospital and pilot installations being tested for
    protection.                                       surveys on 14 sites of Airbus Defence and          several government organisations.
3. Core building data processing and analysis:        Space in Spain, France, the UK and Germany
    a scalable data processing capacity, enabling     and a contract worth €500,000 to secure a data     For the Belgian consortium, Niko has created
    the extraction of real-time performance and       centre organisation against cyber and physical     the next-generation Niko Home Control platform
    security indicators from vast amounts of          threats. In addition, Airbus CyberSecurity has     NHC 2.0 (https://www.niko.eu/en/products/
    heterogeneous building data.                      been awarded a multimillion-euro contract          niko-home-control), which now has more
4. Smart unified building management interface:       with an important gas transportation company,      open API interfaces (https://www.niko.eu/en/
    a user-friendly building management interface     an integration contract for the protection of a    our-products/home-automation/partners).
    providing live indicators and alerts on highly    large data centre’s infrastructure and several     Additionally, all of their new wireless products
    realistic 3D building models as well as           contracts with large energy production utilities   will be based on the open standard Zigbee
    historical data and statistics for improved       and distribution system operators in the UK,       instead of only proprietary protocols. All of these
    facility management and energy optimisation.      France and Germany.                                changes will make Niko Home Control more open
5. Full security management interface: an                                                                and available for fast and smooth integration
    integrated security supervision Human-            In Q2 2018, the French SME VTREEM launched         by third parties. The FUSE-IT project has helped
    Machine Interface (HMI) enabling the              a new SaaS product named ‘BIMValue’ to             Niko to create a new architecture and move to
    management of blended cyber and physical          enhance, control and manage sensitive data         said open standards, allowing them to grow

                                                                                                                                          Success story FUSE-IT
12                                                                                                                                         ITEA Magazine

faster and to become more attractive to other
companies. The team is still growing and has had
double-digit growth during the last five years.

The FUSE-IT Portuguese consortium (GREEDi)
built a prototype for a hospital, which is a
critical form of infrastructure providing care
to the population, especially during the
COVID-19 pandemic. The prototype allowed
the demonstration of demand-response
participation in critical buildings, ensuring
cyber and physical security. The Portuguese
consortium will continue in a national project
with exploitation projected to come at a later
stage. Using the knowledge and developments
of FUSE-IT, the Portuguese consortium was able                                                            Impact highlights
to create a new solution for intelligent building
management focused on a semantic-based                                                                    ƒ   A new (and misunderstood) topic when
approach to fault detection in cyber-physical                                                                 the project idea was first introduced
environments. The C2C (Click to Control)                                                                      back in 2013 was the protection of
solution is now entering TRL 8 after having been                                                              smart infrastructures against combined
demonstrated in an operational environment.                                                                   cyber and physical threats. This
Moreover, the alarm and warning mechanisms                 one sensor authentication and lightweight          now appears in the top three areas
developed in FUSE-IT were integrated in a                  encryption solution, one identity and access       of investment by public and private
commercial product by IPBRICK targeting critical           management solution, one piece of sensor           actors. From this perspective, FUSE-IT
buildings. EVOLEO developed a middleware                   placement optimisation software, two forms         has been a pioneer project, enabling
solution that allowed it to interface with                 of interactive smart building management,          the consortium members to take a
the legacy control systems of the building,                one form of building lifecycle management          strategic lead.
including HVAC, oxygen and room pressure,                  and two pieces of security supervision         ƒ   Since 2017, about €48 million in
thanks to up-to-date IT systems to implement               software;                                          revenue has been reported in direct
new functionalities and optimisations. These           ƒ   the successful market introduction of              relation to the project results.
developments are of great importance for                   a start-up company delivering SaaS             ƒ   The project has led to the acceptance
EVOLEO as several legacy systems can be                    platform services for enhanced control             of four patents.
turned into smart systems without the need for             and management of sensitive building           ƒ   Airbus CyberSecurity has been
replacements or very demanding customisations              information; and                                   awarded a €740,000 contract to fulfil
or retrofits.                                          ƒ   the deployment of a permanent full building        risk assessment surveys on 14 sites of
                                                           micro-grid supporting sustained academic,          Airbus Defence and Space in Spain,
In summary, about €48 million in revenue has               industrial or research collaboration on            France, the UK and Germany and a
been reported in direct relation to the project            matters of security and efficiency in smart        contract worth €500,000 to secure a
results since 2017. The most striking commercial           buildings.                                         data centre organisation against cyber
successes include:                                                                                            and physical threats. In addition,
ƒ a total of 17 system integration/managed             A new (and misunderstood) topic when the               Airbus CyberSecurity has been
   operation contracts in the field of smart           project idea was first introduced back in 2013         awarded a multimillion-euro contract
   building management and optimisation;               was the protection of smart infrastructures            with an important gas transportation
ƒ a total of 25 contracts won in the field of          against combined cyber and physical threats.           company, an integration contract for
   critical infrastructure protection against cyber    This now appears in the top three areas of             the protection of a large data centre’s
   and physical threats for external customers         investment by public and private actors. From          infrastructure and several contracts
   from the aeronautic industry, oil & gas,            this perspective, FUSE-IT has been a pioneer           with large energy production utilities
   electricity production, electricity distribution,   project, enabling the consortium members to            and distribution system operators in
   healthcare, air transportation, rail                take a strategic lead.                                 the UK, France and Germany.
   transportation and maritime transportation;
ƒ the successful market introduction of three          More information
   smart building sensor network solutions,            https://itea3.org/project/fuse-it.html
March 2021 – no. 38                                                                                                                                      13

A Deep Learning project –
PAPUD’s lessons learned
Today, companies are generating a huge              operation, human resources, e-government
amounts of data through their activities. Without   and HPC prescriptive maintenance. In a recent
an adapted analysis, these large amounts of         publication by PAPUD project leader Cornel
heterogenous data go to waste.                      Crisan from Bull Atos Technologies, some
                                                    of the key lessons learned are shared. The
The aim of the ITEA project PAPUD is to help        experiences of the PAPUD project are exchanged
companies to exploit their large amounts of         including valuable insights about areas
heterogenous data. Within a platform based          such as hardware platforms, infrastructure,
around a shared architecture, the project           libraries commonalities, inference through
has developed models and algorithms for             web applications and the experience of a Deep       specifically to their own internal or commercial
data analysis with a particular focus on Deep       Learning collaborative project.                     needs. This should then provide a competitive
Learning. By tailoring the analyses of both                                                             advantage over companies which fail to make
structured and unstructured data to different       The story is a message to industry as a whole: it   the most of Deep Learning. You are encouraged
domains, PAPUD provides a competitive               is becoming significantly easier for companies      to read the full article to integrate or evaluate
advantage for companies in the targeted             to benefit from data analytics. Use of the PAPUD    the Deep Learning techniques for all kind of
markets.                                            platform and the creation of domain-specific        projects, especially for research projects using
                                                    Deep Learning tools allow businesses to bypass      or generating large amounts of data.
The project outcomes proved the efficiency          huge organisations which have dominated
of the Deep Learning techniques applied to          the field, saving them time and money while         More information
the following fields: e-commerce, call centre       also allowing them to tailor resources more         https://itea3.org/project/papud.html

Cost-Efficient Smart System
Software Synthesis
                                                    such as automotive and manufacturing. Within        which leads to a 20-70% reduction in software
                                                    the ITEA project COMPACT, partners from Austria,    development costs. As a side effect, software
                                                    Finland and Germany managed to develop and          migration time can be reduced to 40-65% as well.
                                                    prototype advanced model-based methods to           The effort to build a generator is simply writing
                                                    generate embedded software automatically,           the code once, i.e. the generator technique pays
                                                    especially the lower levels of firmware. COMPACT    off already with the second use. Another benefit
                                                    demonstrated that these methods enable a            worth mentioning is that the generated code
                                                    quantum leap in productivity increase with no       executes as well as handwritten code – if not
                                                    performance or area penalty. Even better results    better, and uses the same memory space – if not
                                                    are feasible.                                       less.

                                                    The COMPACT technology automates about 10%          If you are interested in learning more, please
                                                    of the embedded software development effort,        contact Wolfgang Ecker (Wolfgang.Ecker@
                                                    which is about 45% of the overall development       infineon.com) or Andreas Vörg
                                                    effort of a System-on-a-Chip (SoC).                 (voerg@edacentrum.de).

IoT devices account for a €40 billion market and    Using the COMPACT approach allows one to            More information
are essential for important European industries     generate about 90% of the addressed code,           https://www.edacentrum.de/compact/

                                                                                                                                           Success story C³PO
14                                                                                                            ITEA Magazine


     Mentoring is
     … sharing knowledge, skills and life experience to guide
     another towards reaching their full potential; it’s a
     journey of shared discovery. 1

          ITEA Chairwoman Zeynep Sarılar speaks with Andy                Go-to person
                                                                         Asli gets the ball rolling: “Mentoring is an
          de Mets (Barco) and Asli Tanriverdi (Philips) about            important element in our Community. You can
                                                                         really make a difference, especially with regard
       their views on and roles in mentoring within the ITEA             to new project leaders. For me a mentor is a
                                                                         go-to person for both the project leader and the
          Community. What does it mean to be a mentor in a               consortium as a whole. Someone who looks
                                                                         at matters through the lens of a reviewer and
           project? What would they advise new mentors on                can give direction, guidance and advice when
                                                                         needed at any phase of a project. From ideation
       mentorship? What do they enjoy most as mentors in a               to implementation.”

     project? And would they recommend the role to others?               This is a perspective Andy shares: “And, of
                                                                         course, mentorship goes beyond the reviews. I
          Zeynep kicks off the discussion by underlining the             see the role extending to a, shall we say, more
                                                                         informal space whereby project participants
       importance of mentorship in the ITEA Community and                can contact a mentor for practical or informal
                                                                         questions, for example: How do you deal with
         asking the two mentors how they define their roles.             specific practicalities? Of course, the ITEA Office
                                                                         knows all the rules, processes and criteria but
                                                                         it can sometimes be more ‘comfortable’ to just
                                                                         be able to consult someone who has actually
                                                                         gone through – experienced – what you are
                                                                         about to confront. As Asli said, a go-to person. If
                                  What is Mentoring? | Mentor | Mentor   the project is in the hands of more experienced
                                  Support Network                        leaders, then the mentoring role is likely to be
March 2021 – no. 38                                                                                                                                            15

less prominent. Nonetheless, as mentors we            from, what are they based on? In essence, we            ask you, what would you say to anyone who
can still enable the innovation, the State-of-        can provide the kind of insight that will help the      intends to become a mentor? If I were a newbie,
the-Art and other key aspects of the project to       consortium to address the issues in the right           what advice would you give me?”
come to the foreground in the review process.         way.”
We can help those developing the technology                                                                   Asli: “The first important thing is to get a good
to highlight the usefulness of that technology.       Reward                                                  understanding of the project, its goals, the
Also if we, as mentors, can point to an anomaly       Andy also cites the value of having a mentoring         participants and people involved. Get hold of
in a project, this comes across as much less          system, recalling a Call 2 project a few years          the feedback and regularly check in on progress.
‘threatening’ than a reviewer's comment. A kind       ago that encountered the dropout problem in             Be open and accessible to the project leader. If
of confidante whose goal is to help a project         which a number of companies and countries in a          you can do that, you can offer value.”
succeed as best as it can.”                           consortium were unable to continue, leaving just
                                                      a few smaller companies to pursue the work. A           Andy: “Run! But joking aside, one of the tasks
Liaison                                               very daunting prospect, especially with the loss        that we have as mentors is to demonstrate,
Asli adds, “I completely agree with everything        of specific expertise. Or so it seemed. Andy was        especially to newbie project leaders with little
Andy says and particularly in the ideation            asked at the time to contact the Belgian project        experience in ITEA, that we are a Community.
phase, it’s very important in a platform such         leader and following a few conversations, the           We are there for each other. Show them that
as the one ITEA offers, full of opportunities and     project made some adjustments. While it did             the strength of ITEA – our flexibility and
ideas, to sit down with everyone and really           not retain all the goals that had been set out          collaboration – is there to help them. And
consider which ideas have the biggest chance of       at the beginning, this steering intervention            interact. This is particularly vital during the
making an impact. How do we develop this and          nevertheless helped to reshape the ambitions            initial phase of a project when changes tend to
what stages do we need to plan over the next          and produce a set of very impactful results.            occur. Help them see beyond the problems to
year or two? This is where the mentor can play        “For me this was a very rewarding thing to do. I        find opportunities to have successful innovation
a supporting role in enabling the right choices       know that I made a contribution to the success          and impact. And, as Asli alluded to, it’s
to be made – what projects can showcase the           of the project, not in a technical way but as a         important that project leaders are aware that it’s
ground-breaking innovations that will create the      collaborator.”                                          an open line to you as a mentor.”
most business impact? So the mentor has an
important role in guiding the right proposals to      “That’s right,” says Asli, “as a mentor you can         Third eye
be submitted. Furthermore, the mentor acts as a       still feel like you are an integral part of a project   Asli: “The intensity of that contact will, of
kind of intermediary or liaison officer in bringing   even though you are not part of the technical           course, depend on the experience a project
the feedback from the steering committee or           development. You are engaged through guiding            leader has and you have as a mentor. Where the
Public Authorities to the project consortium          and supporting and so feel part of the success.         project leader is experienced, the focus of the
and ensuring that this feedback is taken up and       That’s the real reward you get as a mentor.”            mentor is often on acquiring a helicopter view
addressed.”                                                                                                   to keep a good eye on what’s happening and
                                                      Open line                                               where things are heading. Of course, with a new
“Indeed,” Andy replies, “while we don’t actually      Zeynep is fully convinced of the value of mentors       project leader your role will be more to guide
have a very active role in the actual reviews         in ITEA projects. “When I see the successes of          and direct, and invest a bit more time.”
themselves, we are present during the post-           our projects, very often the golden touch of a
review discussions with the reviewers. This           mentor is evident. Whether that’s in a technical,       “I agree,” says Zeynep. “Having an engineering
is beneficial since we are able to clarify the        management or human way. The projects feed              background myself, I am well aware of getting
reviewers’ comments – where do they come              off the valuable input from mentors. So let me          so wrapped up in the technical detail that there

                                                                                                                                            Viewpoint on mentorship
16                                                                                                                                             ITEA Magazine

is a danger of missing the mission – the reason
why you began the project in the first place. So
I am very much in favour of a third ‘objective’
eye in the whole process. So, even whether you
are an experienced or inexperienced project
leader, the value of this third eye cannot be
underestimated. But if we look at the flipside of
the coin, a new mentor also faces challenges,
wouldn’t you agree?”

Andy: “Absolutely. But what certainly helped
me when I became a mentor for the first time
was that I had already been involved in ITEA
for quite a while. I already had experience as
both a project participant and leader. Being a
relatively familiar face in the Community also
helped, that’s for sure. I faced challenges but
when I think back on the projects I have been
involved in as a mentor, we always managed
to turn things around when problems arose. As
I said earlier, there’s a tremendous amount of               Andy de Mets                                     Asli Tanriverdi
satisfaction you derive from this. It underlines             Barco                                            Philips
your value and demonstrates how worthwhile it
is to take on such a role. In addition, you gain
the benefits of acquiring knowledge from a
range of domains that, as a mentor, may not be       throughout the course of the project. To be the      and picking up signals from project leaders
part of your daily work. This is a big plus.”        spider in the web, as it were.”                      and participants, we are also able to bring
                                                                                                          feedback to ITEA that can help us to improve the
Asli: “Well I do get satisfaction from the value     “I think this might be an obvious one,” adds         programme.”
we provide being recognised. I recently talked to    Andy, “but I also expect them to be open to us.
a project leader about the comments received         We can only do our job effectively if they are       To be recommended
in a review and he said how useful it had been       open to us about issues that are at play, for        As a parting shot, Zeynep asks both why they
to actually discuss the comments in detail.          instance. And that’s my experience – they are as     think someone would or should get involved in
That kind of feedback reaffirms your value as        open to us as mentors as they are to the project     mentoring. Andy goes first. “Would I recommend
a mentor. Another thing that makes me feel           participants. But that shouldn’t be so surprising    it? Yes. For all the reasons we have already
good about my role is, as Andy suggested, the        actually since one of the main strengths of the      referred to. But I also think they should be
knowledge you pick up. All the amazing things        ITEA Community is the openness that pervades.”       aware that it can take up quite a bit of your time.
being done throughout our Community. And             Asli confirms this. “That’s right, we engage         Despite that, the appreciation of your efforts
what’s really great is that you get insight into     in mutual trust building. We are transparent         by the consortium and ITEA is very rewarding.”
beyond State-of-the-Art. But if I had to say what    towards each other.” In fact, Zeynep suggests        Asli is again in full agreement here. “Of course,
the most rewarding thing is, it’s the final review   that the mentorship role fulfilled by Andy, Asli     handling your time can be quite a challenge
when the project presents its achievements.          and others goes beyond just mentorship – that        at times, especially when you are engaged in
And you know that you have been part of that         it also has a family-building effect.                mentoring several projects at the same time, but
process.”                                                                                                 when you realise the value you bring, then you
                                                     As ITEA Chairwoman, Zeynep is also a                 also realise how worthwhile it is. It’s a win-win
Signals and feedback                                 beneficiary of the mentoring work of Andy            situation. Professionally and personally.” On
“So,” Zeynep asks, “you obviously have certain       and Asli, among others. “I remember Andy             this very positive note, Zeynep expresses her
expectations of the project leaders when you         whispering in my ear about spotting a new            own appreciation for the valuable work and
engage in your role. What are these?”                project leader as a ‘rising star’. I think that is   commitment of ITEA mentors in general and of
                                                     also a very valuable contribution mentors can        Andy and Asli in particular, who offered even
Asli: “First and foremost, you expect your project   make. They bring awareness to us. They enhance       more of their precious time to share their views
leader to have and keep the project objectives       the connections in our network.” Andy: “It also      and perspectives here.
– innovation and results – firmly in focus           works the other way around. By being a mentor
March 2021 – no. 38                                                                                                                                          17

IoT: where do
we stand?
By ITEA Vice-chairman Jean-François Lavignon

I encourage you to read the I2PANEMA State-of-the-Art (SotA) to discover the current status of many      ƒ   A comparison of IoT Application Layer
technologies used by IoT devices.                                                                            Protocols.
                                                                                                         ƒ   Information on Sematic Sensor Network
IoT is a very important and active piece of          sector, which is the focus of the ITEA project          Ontology.
technology that has the potential to positively      I2PANEMA, the industrial reference architectures    ƒ   The status of ongoing IoT projects,
impact business, economy and society. We             are more relevant but in their SotA you will find   ƒ   A comparison of tools to handle IoT
see applications in different domains such as        the complete picture.                                   application workflow.
industry automation, improved healthcare,                                                                ƒ   Guidelines for designing a secure IoT
more efficient working environments and smart        This SotA covers many important topics such             solution.
homes. IoT is a pervasive technology that has        as:
great potential if we can handle challenges such     ƒ IoT Reference architectures                       By reading this very high-quality SotA you will
as easy integration of new devices, IoT safety and   ƒ International Data Spaces                         learn a lot about all the technologies needed to
security, efficient software for resource-limited    ƒ IoT Cloud provider platforms                      develop IoT applications. You will understand
devices, maintenance and continuous upgrade,         ƒ IoT Communication                                 the options for integrating the IoT devices in
and cost-effective production and management.        ƒ IoT Interoperability                              a global IT infrastructure. Furthermore, you
                                                     ƒ IoT Data management                               will see the current solutions provided by big
To tackle these challenges and to develop a          ƒ IoT Operational workflow                          cloud companies (Amazon, Microsoft, IBM,
healthy IoT ecosystem, you need to promote           ƒ IoT Visualisation                                 Google, Oracle) and how the complete software
some shared visions on how the IoT devices           ƒ IoT Security & Privacy                            stack can be organised. The document also
will be integrated and will interact with the IT                                                         provides some insights on how to integrate
infrastructures. Currently, there are two main       It contains among others:                           the data provided by the sensors in a common
types of IoT reference architectures: generic        ƒ   A discussion about some of the proposed         platform and on the current solutions to build
ones and industrial ones (IIoT). In the port             reference architectures.                        visualisation tools. The crucial topic of IoT safety
                                                                                                         and security is presented with some guidelines
                                                                                                         for designing a secure IoT solution.

                                                                                                         If you are interested in IoT, you can also look at
                                                                                                         the new SotA produced by the ITEA COMPACT
                                                                                                         project. It will help you to understand novel
                                                                                                         solutions on software generation for IoT devices
                                                                                                         with ultra-small memory footprints and ultra-
                                                                                                         low power consumption. You will learn how
                                                                                                         model-driven design approaches can help you to
                                                                                                         generate very efficient and optimised codes for
                                                                                                         devices with limited resources.

                                                                                                         Have a good read of these SotAs and exploit
                                                                                                         them well to push new innovation involving the
                                                                                                         use of IoT devices.

                                                                                                                           SotA highlight IoT: where do we stand?
18                                                                                                                        ITEA Magazine

     Community Talk with:
     Raúl Santos de la Cámara
     The rewards of being part of a strong Community

     Raúl Santos de la Cámara is R&D Project Manager for HI Iberia Ingeniería y Proyectos, a Madrid-
     based SME. Originally from Cádiz in southern Spain, Raúl’s fascination for computers and
     engineering led him to move to Madrid to study for a university degree in Telecommunications
     Engineering at Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. He now calls Madrid home.

                                  A world of difference                              you work. It can start to grind you down after a
                                  “After a couple of years at university, where I    while. So eventually I wanted to go to a smaller
                                  started my PhD (still pending, he adds!), I was    ‘world’ and discovered HI Iberia, an SME whose
                                  tempted by the industry and started working        research department had only been going for a
                                  at Telefónica R&D on avatars and other then-       few years. The opportunity to focus on my work I
                                  novel HMIs. It was there that I learned much       found very refreshing – instead of being a cog in
                                  about EU research, participating mainly in FP6     the big machine, I was actually able to have an
                                  projects. But after six years in large industry,   influence on the work and direction of my new
                                  I switched to HI Iberia looking for a new, SME     company.”
                                  focused challenge where I have remained,
                                  having broadened the scope of technologies         Making acquaintance
                                  to embedded systems, Artificial Intelligence       “However, my first notion of ITEA came in my
                                  and health applications. Telefónica was not so     Telefónica years, where I participated in a few
                                  much a large industry, more of a whole country.    activities of an ITEA 2 project, but I was more in
                                  The culture of the company is something that       the technical aspects and never got to know the
                                  you always have to be aware of because it can      Community. Our real involvement started in the
                                  really have an influence on what you do and how    PO Days in September 2015. We were trying to
March 2021 – no. 38                                                                                                                                           19

                                                                          Digital waves instead of         behind it even that 10-12 partner group feels
                                                                          shaking hands                    way stronger: you rely on the community for
                                                                          “Of course, the past year        things such as dissemination, cross-application
                                                                          has been a very different        of results and also continuation of ideas in
                                                                          experience for everyone.         future projects. In terms of impact on industry
                                                                          I must admit that my             and society, I feel that ITEA projects contribute
                                                                          experience of online events      to our ability as an SME to transfer results into
                                                                          before March this year had       products and services. We see, for example, in
                                                                          not been very positive but       projects like SoMeDi how the Smart City Madrid
                                                                          the way that ITEA has tackled    initiative has been able to incorporate what we
                                                                          the situation and made use       have been doing to benefit the citizens.”
                                                                          of the technology we have
                                                                          at our disposal has changed      The growing world of ITEA
                                                                          my mind. I feel the contacts,    The introduction of new countries in ITEA
                                                                          despite the lack of a physical   has very quickly transitioned from being an
                                                                          presence, have been very         exotic add-on to a truly essential part of the
                                                                          successful. That comes           Community. “In the beginning,” Raúl says, “it
                                                                          partly from the fact that it’s   felt unusual to have partners from South Korea
                                                                          created a level playing field    or Canada in your prototypical international
                                                                          – we all have to do it this      consortium, but over the years this
                                                                          way. In my project meetings      collaboration has strengthened and now it is
                                                                          online I have been pleasantly    completely normal to have them. This, of
                                                                          surprised. There has been        course, has broadened our horizons with new
                                                                          a tremendous amount of           ideas about markets and user needs very
                                                                          efficiency and the meetings      different to what we're used to in other
                                                                          have been very productive.       programmes. I think that ITEA has been very
                                                                          Of course, I miss the            proactive in promoting these changes and that
                                                                          shared coffee, the informal      the events organised (from the PO days to the
                                                                          conversations, moments that      Innovation Days) really help in building a
                                                                          can often produce some great     cohesive community.”
                                                                          ideas. Personal contact is
                                                                          irreplaceable and I can’t wait   Part of the bigger picture
                                                                          to start mingling again. Mind    “HI Iberia has benefited greatly from
                                                                          you, I don’t miss the travel.    participating in ITEA. Several key technologies
                                                                          That has been a big plus for     for us, from Natural Language Understanding to
broaden our R&D horizons at HI Iberia and after     me. All in all, I think we have not suffered as an     health monitoring applications and Smart City
seeing the results presented in the March 2015      ITEA Community. Rather, we have risen above            systems, have drastically improved from what
ITEA/Artemis Co-Summit in Berlin, we realised       the challenges and shown what we are capable           we have done in the ITEA projects SoMeDi,
that there were many similarities between what      of.”                                                   ESTABLISH and SCRATCh. We have built an
we were doing and what was happening in the                                                                excellent network of like-minded companies
ITEA Community. So when I returned to Madrid I      Perfect for SMEs                                       in previously unexplored markets for us, from
began lobbying within the company to find out       “From an SME perspective, I think programmes           Finland to Romania. Personally, I think many of
more about the way ITEA works and we decided        like ITEA are essential for research ideas to          my favourite projects in the past years have
to attend the PO Days and learn a bit more. We      transition from a very preliminary drawing board       been part of ITEA and for sure my favourite
cautiously became involved in a proposal and,       to near commercial products. I particularly like       events are ITEA’s by quite a distance, from both
in typical fashion for us, eventually ended up      the general size of consortia in ITEA: not so          the professional and personal perspectives. It
coordinating it until the end of the project last   small that they feel limited but also not that big     is always a great feeling to go to the event and
year. With the extra experience in subsequent       that they become a patchwork of small groups           immediately start seeing familiar faces and
years we got involved in many more ideas,           of people working on their own. The typical            truly feeling part of the bigger picture there. It
eventually growing a considerable portfolio of      10-12 partners in an ITEA consortium need to           comes down to the people, of course, and
projects. If you attend ITEA events there is a      work together, which I believe is essential in the     happiness comes as much from the social side
good chance you will see me around because          production of results that build on each other’s       of things as the success of the work. I find the
I’m usually the one who attends the events.”        strengths. But with the strong Community               mix of people really enriching.”

                                                                                                                           Community Talk Raúl Santos de la Cámara
You can also read