37th EDITION TAX TRIBUNE - magazine - Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations

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37th EDITION TAX TRIBUNE - magazine - Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations


                         UPGRADING THE INTERNATIONAL
                       PROFILE BY HOSTING IOTA EVENTS
                                  TAKING REGIONAL TAX
                         COOPERATION TO a HIGHER LEVEL
                                               FOR IOTA
                                        Tax Tribune magazine | June 2018
37th EDITION TAX TRIBUNE - magazine - Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations


Hans d’Hondt, President of the Belgian Federal
Public Service Finance speaks about his passion for work and music

                                                    TAKING REGIONAL
                                                    TO A HIGHER

                                                    THE TAX

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TAX TRIBUNE magazine                                                                        37th edition

                                                                 UPGRADING THE
IMPLEMENTATION                                                   PROFILE
OF SAF-T IN NORWAY                                               BY HOSTING IOTA EVENTS
 15                                                                20

                                                                 FOR IOTA
COOPERATION                                                      Interview with
FOR TAX DEVELOPMENT                                              Mr Massimo Morarelli

 24                                                                26

           Published by IOTA, 2018, Budapest
           Editorial Board: Miguel Silva Pinto, Ágnes Kővágó, Mark Crawford
           Address: Wesselényi utca 16., H-1077, Budapest, Hungary
           Phone: +36 (1) 478-30-30, Email: secretariat@iota-tax.org
           ISSN: 1418-4818

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Hans D’hondt, President of the Belgian Federal
Public Service Finance speaks about his passion
for work and music

Mr D’hondt, you studied law and could         was my professional mission.
have become a celebrated solicitor.
Instead you joined the Ministry of            Coincidence therefore played a crucial
Labour in 1982 and made your way              role?
after spending years at Minister’s
cabinets and the Ministry of Economy          Yes, as it does for everyone. But of
to the FPS Finance in 2010. How come?         course, most of all the motivation all
                                              civil servants share: the general interest.
Indeed, I could have chosen a completely      That still appeals to many people,
different path for my career. But I’m         more than the money and a company
convinced that I have made the right          car. You can think of all sorts of great
choice. It happened partly by chance:         theories but in the end, you will find
I had been a lawyer for a year, but           yourself in the ‘res publica’ or not, it’s
after my military service, I ended up         a matter of temperament. A matter
working with the government and I             of conviction. I have been active in
never got out. I didn’t want to leave,        associations since my childhood: that’s
but I was never emotionally attached          also the community.
either. The most important thing in
a job is to know that you are doing           One of your achievements is that you
something that makes a difference:            fundamentally professionalised the
for society, for the citizens. In a certain   FPS Finance and run it as a company.
way I always felt that the “res publica”
                                              Indeed, today our FPS works as a
                                              company. But I don’t run it on my own.
                                              Our management committee does. A              Antwerp, Belgium (photo: Laya Gelencsér)
                                              perfect company? No, but no company
                                              works perfectly. We do use the same
                                              instruments: management control, key          We do not measure to harass our
                                              performance indicators (KPIs), internal       people: we want to know where we
                                              control (risk management), project            need to intervene to do things better,
                                              management and a lot of technology of         to move forward. That is a totally
                                              course. Measuring is knowing. Because         different system than before, when
                                              Government services worked within             a strict vertical hierarchy applied and
                                              an existing legal framework with many         the control was much more rigid. More
                                              ‘a priori’ controls, they did not always      than 12000 of our employees work one
                                              give enough attention to the need             or more days a week from home with
                                              to precisely define and follow up the         a laptop and an internet connection.
                                              work processes. We addressed this: in         Our workflow of our back office is
                                              regular “business reviews” we review          completely digital. No paper: in many
                                              the implementation of the strategic           companies that is the future, with us
                                              projects, we monitor our day to day           it becomes reality.
                                              activities using KPIs, ensuring the
                                              functioning of internal control and risk
                                              assessment, etc.
The headquarters of the Belgian Federal
Public Service Finance

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TAX TRIBUNE magazine                                                                                                              37th edition

      (PCPs) WAS HELD IN MARCH 2018

 Belgium is quite strong when it comes                 a special hobby of Luc De Dobbeleer,        to predict if an individual or company
 to predictive analytics and datamining.               the head of our Debt collection and         who received a very high risk scoring
 Tell us more about the projects the                   Recovery administration.                    in Delphi, will pay their taxes within
 FPS Finance is currently working on!                                                              1 year.
                                                       In 2001 the Federal Public Service of
 Effectively managing the collection                   Finance started a reflection on risk        The IRIS model predicts if a person or a
 of tax debt is one of the major tasks                 management when we launched the             company will pay their taxes within 14
 undertaken by tax administrations. We                 Business process review with the other      days after having received a phone call
 have several datamining models all                    administrations. The objective was to       from our Debt Relationship Management
 named after Greek mythological figures,               prevent big recovery problems. After        (DRM) Unit, a call center we established
                                                                         that we understood        in 2015 to remind a predefined group of
                                                                         that we must focus        taxpayers of their fiscal obligation and
                                                                         on bankruptcy as it is    enhance tax compliance. This resulted
                                                                         a major risk of non-      in a tremendous increase in efficiency
                                                                         payment of taxes. We      with quick recoveries of unpaid taxes,
                                                                         launched DELPHI,          less administrative workload in the
                                                                         our first data mining     recovery process and an increase in
                                                                         model, which attributes   extra interest and enforcement costs
                                                                         risk scores and later     for the taxpayer. With Pegasus we
                                                                         added HERMES, a           predict the future payment resulting
                                                                         model that we use         from sending the file to a bailiff for VAT,
                                                                                                   Wage Withholding Tax and Personal
                                                                                                   Income Tax.
 Mr D’hondt in the award ceremony of “Public organisation of the Year 2017” with the
 Minister of Defence and Civil Servants Affairs of Belgium (Photo: Jonas Roossens)

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We took the predicting models to a                 policy making. We collaborated with
whole new level with ARANEO. We                    academics of the London School of           Belgium contributes a lot to IOTA, you
used the input from 2011-2016 of                   Economics and Oxford University in          send many speakers to workshops,
all the mentioned models and the                   a project where we tested different         you host events and also sponsored
data behind these models, used SAS                 nudges (based on behavioural insights)      a project. Why is IOTA important for
technology, social network analysis and            on taxpayers and evaluated via RCT if       the FPS Finance?
turned this into a visual tool predicting          those made them pay their liabilities
the possibility of bankruptcy.                     earlier in the tax process. This resulted   As the President of the Belgian Public
                                                   in great advantages for the state           Service Finance, I am proud of what we
At the beginning of 2018 we started                revenue (advanced (extra) revenue of        have accomplished thus far in the IOTA
developing a new model “PEITHO” to                 taxes), to the tax administration (less     network. In a globalising world, we need
predict the right duration of an instalment        effort in pursuing debtors) and to the      to internationalise our administration
payment plan. It will be used by our               tax payer (avoidance of extra interests     and our experts. Our colleagues in
collection agents in the next few weeks.           and enforcement costs).                     Belgium and in any other country must
Next in line is implementing a complete                                                        be taught that whenever they face a
recovery strategy factorization, step              More concrete, we ran an experiment         certain problem, they must show a
by step, according to our processes.               to see which nudges worked best             proactive ‘international’ attitude and
                                                   when redesigning some letters and           look at other countries facing most
Our FPS Finance sponsored the IOTA                 the results were amazing: a raise in tax    likely the same problem to identify
Project on Measuring Debt Management               compliance by 21,5% after 14 days! On       possible solutions.
Performance which we hope will provide             one hand the new letters advanced a
the IOTA membership with access to a               lot of payments, but on the other hand      IOTA plays a very vital role by implementing
range of examples of good practices.               there was also an extra net income,         a platform in which these contacts
                                                   which was estimated at about 4 million      and best practices can be shared. We
Behavioural insights could help raising            Euro, apart from the efficiency gains       embrace IOTA’s efforts of bringing
tax compliance amongst taxpayers,                  on our internal resources. In total the     experts together and we encourage our
using new and innovative practices.                use of behavioural insights resulted in     fellow colleagues in the IOTA member
What about the efforts of the FPS                  17.622 extra liabilities with a payment,    states to make sure that, whenever
Finance in using ‘nudges’?                         15.329 extra liabilities fully paid and     they do something innovative, they
                                                   18.790.911 EUR of accelerated payments      share their solutions and innovative
We have learned that evidence-based                after 14 days, in comparison with the       practices.
policy making should be the new                    original reminder letter. Behavioural
standard and the ‘test-learn-adapt’                interventions are often low-cost, but
methodology results in more effective              very effective.

Mr D’hondt addressing the 25th IOTA PCP Forum (photo: Laya Gelencsér)

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TAX TRIBUNE magazine                                                                                                  37th edition

                                           for us to renew our commitment and          Most musicians aren’t just passionate
                                           take our international collaboration        about the music but also about their
                                           efforts to the next level by applying       gear. Are you a Fender or a Gibson man?
                                           for the Presidency of IOTA.
                                                                                       I’m afraid I am rather a “you never have
                                           So much about innovation on the             enough guitars”-man. So, I play a lot of
                                           work floor, we have learned you have        different guitars. Mostly Gibson but also
                                           an interesting hobby?                       Fender, Gretsch, Ibanez, Rickenbacker,
                                                                                       Godin, Duesenberg, Takamine, etc.
                                           Yes, I’m a music enthusiast. I have been    My two favourite guitars are a Gibson
                                           making songs since the 70’s. I still play   ES335 natural and the Gretsch White
                                           in a rock and blues band an in a duo        Falcon my wife gave me when I reached
                                           with our keyboard player who is a good      the age of 50. So much better than a
                                           friend since we both were 14 years          surprise birthday party!
                                           old. It is a rather traditional rock band
                                           called ‘Supreme Court’. We play covers      With your busy schedule, where do
                                           as well as our own songs. The duo is        you find the time for rehearsals?
                                           called “Closing Time” named after the
                                           first Tom Waits album released in 1973.     Usually we rehearse on Monday evening
                                                                                       between 9 PM and 1 AM. At my age
                                           Who inspired you to start playing           it is as good to rock as it is to sleep.
                                                                                       Any other passions you want to share
                                           I started playing at the age of twelve.     besides music?
International relations and contacts are   At that age it is not really a matter of
a core strategic objective to the FPS      being inspired: kids do just what they      My job is my passion.
Finance and it is therefore important      love to do.

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Interview with Mr Márcio F. Verdi, Executive
Secretary of CIAT and Mr Miguel Silva Pinto,
Executive Secretary of IOTA about the first ever
joint Tax Summit in Lisbon

A historical event will take place this     are exploring to keep pace with the
year: IOTA and CIAT in cooperation          digital revolution.
with the Portuguese Tax and Customs         Márcio F. Verdi, the Executive Secretary
Authority will organise the “Tax Summit     of CIAT and Miguel Silva Pinto, the
on Digital Economy”, which will be held     Executive Secretary of IOTA are
in Lisbon on 24 - 26 October 2018.          deeply committed to their common
The first ever joint event of the two       project as they think this summit is an
regional tax organisations will not only    important step for connecting regional
connect Europe with the Americas            tax administrations worldwide. The
but will also invite other regional tax     two Executive Secretaries have a close
organisations widening the scope            relationship for many years which has            Lisbon the host city of the Tax Summit in 2018
of the conference to a global level.        helped to realise their common vision.
Representatives from more than 80           We have asked them about the event
countries will gather to address the        and their personal views on each other           in the European Union beforehand. He
impact of the digital world on the main     and the respective organisation.                 was part of the team that prepared the
areas of tax administrations’ activity.                                                      IOTA new strategy for 2018-2022 and
For three days, senior officials, experts   Márcio F. Verdi is the Executive Secretary       prioritized raising the international
and members of the tax community will       of CIAT since 2010. Before, he was an            profile of IOTA during his mandate.
exchange views on the most recent           economist and a tax auditor
trends and solutions that advanced          in the Brazilian Revenue
and developing tax administrations          Administration (Receita
                                            Federal de Brasil). Heading
                                            the CIAT, he has worked
                                            intensively to promote
                                            cooperation amongst its
                                            members, with a focus on
                                            international taxation,
                                            promotion of transparency,
                                            ethics and information
                                            technology applied to
                                            tax administrations.

                                            Miguel Silva Pinto is IOTA
                                            Executive Secretary since
                                            October 2016. He was
                                            Deputy Director-General
                                            of the Portuguese Tax and
                                            Customs Authority before
                                            joining IOTA, having held    Miguel Silva Pinto and Márcio F. Verdi in the 52nd
                                                                         CIAT General Assembly
                                            several international jobs

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TAX TRIBUNE magazine                                                                                                            37th edition

       IN LISBON ON 24 - 26 OCTOBER 2018

1. YOU SEEM TO KNOWING EACH                 of Executive Secretary of IOTA when
OTHER VERY WELL. WHEN DID                   the vacancy was announced in March
YOU FIRST MEET? WHAT WAS                    2016.
ABOUT YOUR COLLEAGUE?                       Marcio was also one of the first persons
                                            to congratulate me when I was elected
Miguel Silva Pinto: I met Marcio in 2014,   and he immediately envisaged the
in Rio de Janeiro while attending the       possibilities to enhance the cooperation
48th CIAT General Assembly. I was then      between our organisations
Deputy Director-General in the Portuguese
tax administration and my DG asked          Márcio F. Verdi: As Miguel commented,
me to become CIAT’s correspondent           we met at the 2014 CIAT General
for Portugal (equivalent to IOTA PCP).      Assembly, and it was a great pleasure
It was my first contact with the Latin      for me to meet Miguel, who was then
American tax administrations and I          the Deputy Director of the Portuguese      Márcio F. Verdi and Miguel Silva Pinto
was impressed with the technological        tax administration; because immediately    at the 21st IOTA General Assembly
level of development a number of them       we related to each other, we shared
were going through. That impression         common interests, we enjoyed the
has been confirmed over the years           delicious Portuguese gastronomy,           I was always concerned with the VAT tax
and I think the IOTA members’ tax           Portuguese bakeries, the Brazilian         in general, so we immediately became
administrations can benefit a lot by        food, the Brazilian history.               strongly acquainted. In addition, Miguel
learning what is happening in other         On a personal side, we immediately         was appointed the CIAT correspondent
regions of the world and also giving        created a very strong empathy and, more    for Portugal.
feedback on their experiences in many       than anything else, I was delighted in
areas of their activity.                    the way that Miguel managed the issue      Then, from there, I had the opportunity
                                            of the VAT tax in Portugal. Portugal was   to share with him the vision that I had
Right then I was impressed by Marcio’s      recovering from a period of difficult      and have about what an organisation
dynamics and enthusiasm when                adjustments for the tax administration,    like CIAT should be. I believe I could
conducting the General Assembly and         after a financial crisis, and we had a     transmit some of my passion about
his leadership skills. I admit that he      lot in common regarding our views          international cooperation, especially
inspired me to apply for the position       on taxation.                               the role of the tax administrations.

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An organisation like CIAT has the
obligation to promote the exchange
of knowledge, to transform the
cooperation that we want into an action
of coordination, of joint actions, and
we have to progress on this path, as
a collective modernisation movement
of tax administrations in our member
countries. I remember very well our
early conversations on the importance
of IOTA, CIAT, and the other regional
and international organisations of tax

2. WHAT IS THE POTENTIAL FOR                   The members of the Network of International Tax Organisations
                                               and very important countries, both for               administrations. It is not the first time
Miguel Silva Pinto: I would like to start      CIAT and for IOTA, but in CIAT´s case,               that Portugal has organised an IOTA
by saying that the cooperation between         these countries provide much help to                 event and I am certain they will do very
IOTA and CIAT goes a long way back,            the region. Since 1982, all of them are              well with this one too.
since the two organisations signed             full members, the European members.
a Memorandum of Understanding                  For many years, we have been mutually                5. DO YOU THINK THE JOINT
(MoU) in 2006 in Florianopolis, Brazil,        participating in each other’s events.                SUMMIT WILL CHANGE
building on information exchange and           Therefore, should we not organise an                 THE MODEL FOR THE
joint projects already undertaken and          event together? IOTA has a strength,                 COLLABORATION BETWEEN
establishing the background to take            on the issue of the digital debate, with             REGIONAL TAX ORGANISATIONS?
cooperation further. As a matter of            the European Union and countries that
fact, the relations between the CIAT           are so advanced in the areas of digital              Márcio F. Verdi: Literally, I believe
and IOTA have been strengthened                taxation. We too, in our region, we                  that yes, this summit, the meeting in
by reciprocal participation in each            have countries that develop a world                  Portugal will transform the collaboration
organisation’s main events, such as            leadership in the use of information                 between IOTA and CIAT. We will
General Assemblies and international           technology. Therefore, we thought,                   prove that together we are stronger,
conferences. Other ways to cooperate           “Is it possible? – Yes!” And then we                 because there are many topics of
have been developed, either in the             consulted Portugal and there we found                shared interest for both organisations,
framework of the ISORA project (where          a decisive support: Portugal supported               going from paper-free procedures to
both entities are members, together            the idea immediately, bought into                    topics of blockchain and taxation of
with the IMF and the OECD) or through          the proposal and now what we need                    the digital economy. We have countries
the participation in publications and          is working together to turn this joint               in the Latin American region that are
using the organisations’ networks to           project into reality, and as an example              world references in the use of digital
channel technical enquiries. We have           of what we can and we must doas                      technology, such as Mexico, Brazil,
also expressed our wish to be engaged          regional tax organisations.                          Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, and
in the CIAT Ethics Committee and                                                                    several others, and here I mention
are already exploring possible joint           4. THE JOINT SUMMIT WILL BE                          only the Latin Americans. Equally, we
participation in projects of mutual            IN LISBON, WHICH DUE TO ITS                          know the importance of the use of
interest. The recent setting up of the         LOCATION CAN BE CONSIDERED                           information in European countries. We
NTO – The Network of International             AS A BRIDGE BETWEEN                                  can exchange experiences because there
Tax Organisations - will without a             EUROPE AND THE AMERICAN                              are topics where Latin America, in my
doubt provide new opportunities to             CONTINENT. WAS THIS THE                              view, may provide useful information
use synergies and explore mutual               MAIN REASON FOR HOLDING                              to the European countries. Especially,
benefits for our respective members.           THE SUMMIT IN PORTUGAL?                              topics of invoicing and paper-free tax
                                                                                                    administrations. These topics are not
3. HOW WAS THE IDEA AND                        Miguel Silva Pinto: Portugal is a platform           new in Europe, but it is always good
CONCEPT OF THE LISBON TAX                      between different countries, people                  and useful to see the results that others
SUMMIT ON DIGITAL ECONOMY                      and cultures because of its history.                 are obtaining. Above all, we will see
BORN?                                          So, every Portuguese is a natural                    that the greatness of the debate is to
                                               born adventurer and always curious                   bring together 80-member countries
Márcio F. Verdi: The idea of the Technical     to meet new people and experience                    to exchange about common topics of
conference of Lisbon, called Lisbon Tax        new ideas and thoughts. Besides, the                 interest. I think this will be an historical
Summit on Digital Economy, emerged             Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority                 event.
from meetings between Miguel and               is a member of both IOTA and CIAT
myself, in which we realised, first, that we   and has special relations with other                 6. BOTH IOTA AND CIAT PLAY
have five member countries in common,          Portuguese speaking countries and                    AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN

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Miguel Silva Pinto as a moderator of CIAT’s 52nd General Assembly

THE INTERNATIONAL TAX                                 a high level of knowledge. IOTA holds       IOTA as an organisation that gathers
COMMUNITY. WHAT DO YOU                                an accumulated knowledge, perhaps           together top-notch tax administrations.
THINK MAKES IOTA AND CIAT                             unique in the world. The European           IOTA has somehow a role distinct from
SPECIAL IN THE INTERNATIONAL                          tax administrations together are            CIAT, as I said before, and in our case,
ARENA? PLEASE SPEAK                                   examples of all the areas that we can       we must devote more efforts to the
ABOUT YOUR COLLEAGUE’S                                imagine for tax administrations, from       aspects of human resources training,
ORGANISATION!                                         the technical and operational aspects       while with IOTA, we know that the
                                                      to the aspects of moral and ethical tax     European tax administrations have a
Miguel Silva Pinto: I find the CIAT                   values, the tax culture, the culture of     much higher average level of human
plays a key role in the regional tax                  compliance. Therefore, an organisation      resources development. IOTA also
framework. By leading successful                      such as IOTA is considered by us as         has the function of making sure that
and professional technical assistance                 an organisation that gather the best        knowledge should come as the tide: it
programmes the organisation is                        that a tax administration can provide.      must cause all the boats to rise on the
contributing to the development of                    Of course, CIAT also accumulates            water. Even in Europe, there is always a
member administrations and supporting                 a great deal of knowledge, but our          risk that some administrations progress
efficient tax administrations in Latin                main characteristics, when I refer to       at a faster pace than others, for many
America. No doubt this formula has                    the tax administrative development          reasons, and IOTA’s role is to act as a
a great potential to expand to other                  level, are the differences that we have,    buffer, a shock absorber, to prevent
regions, since new CIAT members will                  which are still very high, between          the know-how from concentrating in
probably look for similar programmes.                 countries. This is valid for the other      A or B countries, leaving the others
I also find their on-line training and                tax administrations in the world, but       behind, without bringing it equally to
professional courses format quite                     IOTA is different. IOTA gathers a high      all the members.
interesting and useful to increase the                level of technical capacity. A high level
knowledge and skills of tax professionals.            of efficiency and effectiveness among       IOTA, for sure, is an organisation that
The CIAT runs several projects such as                tax administrations. We all look at         has deserved the respect from all the
the Collection and Recovery Network                                                               others, because of the quality of the
and the Network on Availability of                                                                personnel of their Secretariat, and
Public Information of Tax Interest,                                                               especially because of the countries
which I think can be extended to other                                                            that are its members.
regional organisations and IOTA will look
for the opportunity to join in. Finally,                                                           WE WISH YOU A SUCCESSFUL
other possibilities to cooperate that                                                             SUMMIT AND WE ARE LOOKING
are worthy of consideration include                                                                 FORWARD TO INFORMING
providing our respective members with                                                               OUR READERS ABOUT THE
opportunities to input in joint projects                                                          OUTCOMES OF THIS HISTORICAL
such as publications or studies and we                                                                   JOINT EVENT!
will not miss the opportunity to work in
that field. The newly born NTO might
provide a good framework to do so on
a broader scale.
                                                      Márcio F. Verdi as a speaker of IOTA’s
                                                      21st General Assembly
Márcio F. Verdi: I think that IOTA’s
main characteristic is that it gathers

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                                                       THE DANISH
                                                 CUSTOMS AND TAX
                                             ADMINISTRATION (SKAT)

                                                                                        authorities, for vehicle registration and
                                                                                        a great number of other tasks.

                                                                                        SKAT’s total annual revenues amount

                                                                                        to approximately EUR 135 billion, and
                                                                                        these are used to fund Danish hospitals,
                                                                                        schools, roads, etc. In other words, SKAT
                                                                                        forms the economic backbone of a
                                                                                        well-functioning state welfare system.
Ms Winnie Jensen, Deputy Director General
of Legal and Mr Erling Andersen, International                                          SKAT will undergo a fundamental
                                                                                        restructuring, transitioning from one
Director write about the experience of                                                  to seven independent agencies with
reorgansing the Danish SKAT                                                             clearly defined areas of responsibility.

                                                                                        The tasks have been structured to
From 1 July 2018, the Danish Customs         to undermining public confidence           secure important quality improvements
and Tax Administration, SKAT, will cease     in SKAT’s services. In response, we        in the way we work:
to exist in its present form.                have executed a multi-step plan to
                                             re-establish confidence and we are         • clear lines of responsibility and
Even though SKAT is respected for its        already underway with the first steps.       strengthened management
performance compared to other tax
                                                                                        • increased specialisation and enhanced
authorities around the world, public         SEVEN NEW AGENCIES
                                                                                          professionalism within individual areas
confidence in SKAT has suffered over
the past few years. The fall in confidence   When we say that SKAT will cease           • simple and easy payment of taxes
follows a number of adverse cases,           to exist, we mean this literally. Today      for individuals and businesses
including problems with implementation       SKAT consists of one agency handling       • effective and efficient enforcement
of new IT systems and refunds of             a large number of complex tasks, from        in all areas
dividend tax, where SKAT failed to           assessing property values to checking      • well-functioning and reliable IT
meet the high standards expected             goods for customs purposes at the            systems and high-quality data
from Danish tax authorities. These           Danish borders. SKAT is also responsible
and similar cases have contributed           for the collection of debt from public

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FACTS BOX                                                                                                                                                              CLEAR LINES OF RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                                                                                                                       AND MORE MANAGEMENT
                     Key considerations in the restructuring of the                                                                                                    RESOURCES
                             Tax Administration (SKAT)
                                                                                                                                                                       The new organisational structure allows
                                                                                                                                                                       for clear lines of responsibility, more
            Strengthen management                                                                        Develop new IT systems and                                    management resources, increased
            accountability                                                                               improve data
                                                                                                                                                                       specialisation and enhanced professionalism.
                                                                                                                                                                       Along with targeted investments and
            Specialising and improving                                                                   Efficient enforcement to increase                             adequate resources, these improvements
            skills                                                                                       compliance
                                                                                                                                                                       are all essential to raise the quality of
                                                                                                                                                                       our work.
                                                                                                          Easy and simple payment systems
                                                                                                                                                                       In 1990, the Danish customs authorities
                                                                                                                                                                       merged with the central-government
                                                                                                                                                                       part of the tax authorities to become
                                                                                         • Danish Property Assessment Agency
An immense and complex task in                                                                                                                                     1
                                                                                                                                                                       one administration known as ToldSkat.
                                                                                           – Public assessment of property
establishing seven new agencies lies                                                                                                                                   15 years later, the Danish Customs
                                                                                           and land
ahead of us. And at the same time, we                                                                                                                                  and Tax Administration, SKAT, was
are facing other important challenges                                                    • Danish Tax Agency – Payment and                                             established as we know it today,
that also need to be dealt with. We                                                        control of personal, business and                                           following a merger between ToldSkat
are aware that the new structure,                                                          corporate tax                                                               and the local-government part of the tax
with seven agencies, will not solve all                                                  • Danish Customs Agency – Payment                                             authorities. This led to a considerable
of the problems, but it will establish                                                     and control of customs duties                                               increase in the number of tasks to
an essential foundation, so that we                                                      • Danish Motor Vehicle Agency –                                               be carried out. SKAT was not only
can improve quality and ultimately                                                         Registration and calculation of vehicle                                     responsible for collecting taxes from
re-establish public confidence.                                                            taxes and verification of payment of                                        individuals and businesses, but also
                                                                                           these taxes                                                                 for collecting customs duties at Danish
Seven new agencies will be established                                                                                                                                 borders. Moreover, there was collection
to handle SKAT’s previous tasks. The                                                     In addition to these agencies, two                                            of debt due to public authorities and
agencies will have their own management                                                  agencies will perform functions across                                        assessment of property values.
and Directors General, and their individual                                              the new Customs and Tax Administration.
areas of responsibility within the new                                                   One agency will be in charge of HR,                                           While the merger generated economies
Danish Customs and Tax Administration                                                    accounting and procurement tasks                                              of scale, it also created a very large and
(Skatteforvaltningen) (see organisation                                                  across the organisation; the other                                            complex organisation, which over the
chart below).                                                                            agency will be in charge of IT operations                                     past years has proved to be too large
                                                                                         and maintenance as well as data                                               and cumbersome. The organisation
ORGANISATION CHART                                                                       processing. This second agency will                                           has simply become too complex,
                                                                                                                                                                       resulting in blurred lines of management
 The restructuring
       Current structure
                                                                        Political department
                                                                                                                                                                       Establishing seven new agencies is a
                                                                                                                                                                       complex and demanding task. It takes
                                                                                                                                                                       time to build the organisations, get
                                  The Tax Administration (SKAT)
                                                                                                                                                                       systems in place and recruit employees,
                                                                                                                                                                       and of course the positive effect on the
                                                                                                                Gambling                   Tax Appeals
     Customer       Compliance        Debt           HR &           IT and         Finance                      Authority                    Agency
      Service                       Collection       Staff           Data

                                                             App. 6500 government officials                                                                            new agencies’ work will not become
                                                                                                                                                                       evident overnight. Similarly, some of the
         New structure                                                                                                            One legal entity                     areas within the agencies will develop
                                                                               Political department
                                                                                                                                                                       faster than others.
                              Property            Motor             Debt                              IT &         Administra-
                             Assessment          Vehicle          Collection       Customs        Development    tion & Service       Gambling       Tax Appeals
            Tax Agency
                                                                                                                                                                       In the years to come, we will still be
                               Agency            Agency            Agency          Agency           Agency           Agency           Authority        Agency
                3500 empl.       650 empl.                        1500 empl.      650 empl.
                                                 300 empl.                                         1100 empl.       350 empl.
                                                                                                                                                                       facing major challenges that need to
                                   Specialised agencies with different
                                                core tasks
                                                                                                  Multi-function agencies
                                                                                              Support and development functions
                                                                                                                                        Existing agencies
                                                                                                                                                                       be dealt with. Among other things, we
                                                                                                                                                                       are going to develop new IT systems for
                                    Serving individuals and businesses

                                                                                                                                                                       debt collection, for property assessments
                                                                                         also be responsible of developing and                                         and for customs assessments, and we
 Five of the agencies will each have                                                     simplifying specific areas – especially                                       will have to implement these in the new
core tasks within public sector revenue:                                                 within IT systems and processes.                                              agencies. In addition, it is inevitable
                                                                                                                                                                       that we will need to renew or replace
• Danish Debt Collection Agency –                                                                                                                                      a large number of the backbone IT
  Collection of debt due to public                                                                                                                                     systems within personal, business and
  authorities                                                                                                                                                          corporate taxation in the next decade.

                                                                                                                                                                                     TAX TRIBUNE magazine | 13

                                                                                                                   Between now and 2020, almost
 The challenges of the Tax Administration (SKAT)                                                                   3,500 new employees are expected
                                                                                                                   to be recruited, many of whom will be
  Internal challenges                                                                                              replacing retiring employees. Today, a
  Structure, geography and IT                                                                                      total of 6,200 employees work at SKAT.
  • Large and complex organisation
  • Skills mismatch
                                                                                  Specific tasks e.g. debt
                                                                                  collection, assessment of
                                                                                                                   In addition to investments in employees
  • Execution of assignments geographically scattered
  • Legacy data and IT systems
                                                                                  property values and customs
                                                                                                                   and IT systems, investments will be
  • Poor data quality                                                                                              made in digital solutions to enable
                                                                                                                   simple, easy and correct payment of
  External challenges                                                                                              taxes from individuals and businesses.
  Globalisation and technological development
  • Large and rapid financial flows
  • Aggressive tax planning, tax avoidance and evasion, transfer                  Deteriorating confidence among   The Danish Parliament wants a balanced
     pricing, etc.
  • Increasing complexity of tax assessments and audits
                                                                                                                   Denmark with a more even distribution
  • Rapid technological development
                                                                                                                   of government workplaces across the
                                                                                                                   country and closer to individuals and
                                                                                                                   businesses. The historically high number
                                                                                                                   of relocations of government jobs from
This is a multi-year change journey,                               investments in data processing, IT              the capital to other parts of Denmark
and our job is to make the transition                              systems, more employees and new                 in the coming years will also affect the
from one unified SKAT to seven new                                 skills. In our opinion, this requires a         restructuring of the Customs and Tax
agencies as smooth as possible for                                 new organisational framework.                   Administration.
                                                                   Because of the many challenges
The journey towards changing the                                   mentioned above, and the challenges
organisational structure and tasks is                              to come, we need to make sure that
expected to last until 2021. During                                the seven agencies are equipped for
this process, the new agencies will                                the tasks that lie ahead and are able
continue to build on best practice                                 to meet their obligations effectively
to ensure that, despite the difficult                              and efficiently.
cases mentioned above, the Danish
tax authorities enjoy the confidence of                            At the heart of the plan adopted
the Danish Parliament and the Danish                               by politicians is a major injection of
taxpayers.                                                         resources to the Customs and Tax
                                                                   Administration. In 2017, the Danish
MASSIVE INVESTMENTS IN NEW                                         tax authorities cost approximately
EMPLOYEES AND IT                                                   EUR 712 million and the Government
                                                                   is planning to invest around another
We have to rebuild large parts of the                              EUR 1 billion by 2020, with massive
current Customs and Tax Administration,                            investments in IT systems.
SKAT, from scratch and make massive

Ms Winnie Jensen in the IOTA Executive Council meeting in Copenhagen in March 2018 speaking about restructuring the Danish Tax Administration.

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TAX TRIBUNE magazine                                                                                                                   37th edition

                                                       Implementation of
                                                          SAF-T in Norway
                                                                                     Ms Nonna Risnes, Senior
                                                                                    Adviser in the Norwegian
                                                                                           Tax Administration
                                                                                     (Skatteetaten) shares her
                                                                                  experience of learning from
                                                                             participation in IOTA workshops

                                                                                 The Headquarters of the Norwegian Tax Administration
                                                                                 (Skatteetaten) in Oslo (Photo: Baard Brinchmann Loevvig)

SAF-T (Standard Audit File for Tax) is    We looked at the possibilities of                     be reported on transactions level to
a standard electronic format used in      electronic transmission of e-invoice data,            e-invoicing where detailed information
the exchange of accounting data. It       and believed that it could significantly              from invoicing could be reported.
is the result of a joint development      contribute to reducing such tax crimes
collaboration between the business        as the use of false invoices, use of false            Already from the 1990s OECD had
community, the accounting sector and      invoices in chain fraud, non-reported                 initialized a process to standardize
the Norwegian Tax Administration, based   revenue, as well as increase general                  accounting formats.
on a recommendation by the OECD.          transparency in the transactions.
                                                                                                SAF-T has been designed to capture
Inspiration                               We came back from the workshop                        data from a number of areas found
                                          inspired and full of “implementation”                 in a typical accounting system and
SAF-T started for me at a workshop in     power.                                                specifications, including:
February 2014 in Budapest “Engaging and
Involving SMEs and their Intermediaries   PREPARATION AND LEARNING                              •   General ledger
in Tax Administration Processes”.                                                               •   Accounts Receivable
The focus of the workshop was to          We brought home the experience from                   •   Accounts Payable
exchange country experiences in order     Portugal. We spoke with colleagues in                 •   Fixed Assets
to increase compliance including use      our Tax Administration. We also found                 •   Inventory
of new technologies.                      out that Portugal had implemented                     •   E-invoices
                                          many reporting standards in the SAF-T                 •   Cash registers data
Colleagues from Portugal told us about    format, from a standard for General                   •   Payrolls
e-invoicing during coffee breaks; about   ledger where all transactions could                   •   Etc.
the transmission of data to the Tax
Administration and about the effects;
how it worked and who we could
contact. We got some useful links and
documents. Portugal used to transfer
e-invoices in the SAF-T format directly
to the Tax Administration online or as
periodic reporting.

We also received a brochure from
Portugal about implementation of
e-invoicing where we found that at the
time e-invoicing was introduced VAT
revenue increased by approximately
16 percentage between September
2012 and September 2013.                  Nonna Risnes in a group discussion in the IOTA workshop “Engaging and Involving SMEs and their
                                          Intermediaries in Tax Administration Processes” with Vinsent Kenrick from Ireland, Nuno Miguel Alves
                                          Pinto from Portugal and Riita Oidsalu from Estonia in 2014 in Budapest

                                                                                                                 TAX TRIBUNE magazine | 15

The Norwegian Tax Administration top
management decided in December
2011 to start a project to study the
consequences of introducing SAF-T in
Norway. The project started in October
2012 and was completed in April 2014.

By reviewing experience from other
countries together with documentation
from the OECD, the project concluded
that the consequences would be positive
both for the Tax Administration and for
the business community.

Through specialization in SAF-T I also
learned a lot about other electronic data
exchanges, including use of e-invoices
in Norway, to a limited extent.

Norway used the electronical standard
format EHF (elektronisk handelsformat)
to send e-invoices between buyers
and sellers for the government (from
2012) and municipalities (from 2015),
companies and organisations. EHF
is based on the European standard
(UBL, CEN, and PEPPOL BIS). It is not
mandatory for businesses to transfer
data to the tax authority as of today.               Oslo

In January 2015, we participated in the              with direct transfer to the authorities.
workshop “Promotion and Facilitation                 We found the presentations from              The top management at the Norwegian
of Electronic VAT Invoices” in Budapest.             Portugal and Luxembourg about the            Tax Administration decided to initiate
This workshop focused on key aspects                 use of SAF-T to transfer data to the         an implementation project for SAF-T
of electronic invoicing, the changes of              tax administration particularly useful.      Financial (General Ledger, Accounts
the EU rules for VAT invoicing and the               We have gained useful contacts with          Receivable, and Accounts Payable) in
initiatives and practical approaches                 colleagues also from other countries.        March 2015.
used by the IOTA tax administrations to              SAF-T was one of the main suggested
promote and encourage the adoption of                follow-up topics from the workshop.          There are always many projects running
electronic VAT invoices. Many countries                                                           concurrently in the tax administration.
already used e-invoicing by then.                    INITIALIZATION                               Some projects should be prioritized, and
                                                                                                  some projects should not be prioritized
There were different understandings                  There was an opportunity for a more          or should wait for their turn.
regarding what e-invoicing was, ranging              systematic introduction to SAF-T in
from email with an attached invoice in               Norway, and it turned out that it was        In the 2015 White paper, the new Cash
PDF and the use of the same electronic               the right time for it.                       Register Systems Act was proposed.
invoice format mandatory for all, and                                                             In addition, it was recommended to
                                                                                                  use SAF-T as a standard electronic
                                                                                                  format for the storage of cash register
                                                                                                  data for both accounting and tax audit
                                                                                                  goals. In 2016 a separate project for
                                                                                                  implementation of the Cash Register
                                                                                                  System Act including SAF-T was started.

                                                                                                  Therefore, it would be SAF-T Financial
                                                                                                  and SAF-T Cash Register Data first.
                                                                                                  The situation is more unclear regarding
                                                                                                  e-invoicing. Although many in the Tax
                                                                                                  Administration and other stakeholders
                                                                                                  were in favour of assessing implementation
                                                                                                  of e-invoicing.
Ms Nonna Risnes with her colleague Rune Tystad in the IOTA workshop “Promotion and Facilitation
of Electronic VAT Invoices” in Budapest in 2015.

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TAX TRIBUNE magazine                                                                                                      37th edition

In August 2015, we had the first meeting      them to participate in the work group.       and sent emails to our colleagues in
with of the SAF-T project group. There                                                     many countries.
was a lot to do in half a year:               Outcomes from the workshop included:
                                                                                           When doing this you realise how
• Facilitate cooperation between the          • Expected strong project management         important it is not only to participate
  Tax Administration, accounting                and coordination from the Tax              in the workshops, but also to build
  system suppliers and interest groups          Administration                             your networks during the formal and
                                                                                           informal social events that happen
• Assemble a working group with               • Starting with limited format and
                                                                                           within IOTA.
  participants from the Tax Administration,     gradually go to larger amounts of data
  interest groups and accounting              • SAF-T is a dream situation regarding       The answers came straight away
  system suppliers                              system integration and provides mind-      from Latvia, Poland, France, Spain,
• The work group was going to create            blowing simplification perspectives        Luxembourg, Belgium, Estonia and
  an XML-file for SAF-T Financial.              with easy transition                       many others. We got links to public
  SAF-T Financial would be the first                                                       websites, presentations and many
  step under the SAF-T umbrella and           HELP                                         other very useful documents. There
  would include General Ledger, Account                                                    were also important explanations as to
  Payable and Account Receivable by           We needed to gather and update the           why some countries should introduce
  transactions level.                         international experience on the use          SAF-T and why some countries should
• The project group had to develop            of accounting standard formats. It is        not introduce SAF-T. Standards in some
  a proposal for the step by step             usually open public information. The         countries were in English and in other
  introduction of SAF-T Financial in          challenge was that information about         countries other national languages, so
  Norway.                                     the standards was often in other national    we had several rounds of email with
                                              languages and SAF-T might have different     the colleagues from IOTA.
• Gather and update experiences
                                              names. For example, in Luxembourg
  and status about SAF-T and other
                                              FAIA (Fichier Audit Informatisé AED)         We learned that there were different
  electronic accounting formats in
                                              is used and in France “FEC” (“Fichier        ways to introduce SAF-T in different
  other countries
                                              des écritures comptables”).                  countries.
We contacted all system suppliers that                                                     Some only introduced a new regulation,
                                              We needed help to find direct links online   some required data deliveries. Some
we were able to find at this time, as well
                                              so we could retrieve information about       administrations carried out comprehensive
as interest groups and invited them to
                                              the standards in different countries as      introduction work with system suppliers
a cooperation meeting in September
                                              well as their status and experience.         and businesses before it became
2015. We gave information about the
work, listened to their expectations,                                                      mandatory.
                                              We used email lists from IOTA events
discussed common goals and invited

                                                                                                        TAX TRIBUNE magazine | 17

There were also different ways of delivering          portal for providing electronic forms to              accounting system suppliers. The system
accounting files to tax administrations.              public authorities. The intention was that            suppliers should customize the use of
Someone had established a fixed                       SAF-T files could be delivered directly               XML for each accounting system. The
channel with direct data transfer; some               from an accounting system to the tax                  tax administration was responsible
generally accept delivery on physical                 administration via the Altinn -portal.                for establishing the standard and
media such as CD and memory stick.                                                                          guidance and to catch up with errors
                                                      There were many discussions about                     and omissions of XML-file and possibly
IMPLEMENTATION                                        whether the standard should be                        initiate changes.
                                                      mandatory in Norway or not. We came
In March 2016, the XML file to SAF-T                  to the conclusion that experience from                In June 2016, consultations on the
Financial was finalised and approved.                 other countries states that usually those             proposals for amendments to make
                                                      countries that require the standard                   SAF-T mandatory were concluded
The top management at the Tax                         to be mandatory for use have wider                    with the deadline for mandatory
Administration approved the next step                 application of the standard. We would                 implementation from January 1, 2017.
of the project:                                       make SAF-T mandatory for all businesses
                                                      who have bookkeeping obligations,                     Moreover, every IOTA event gave us
“The project will ensure that businesses              or in other words must provide a tax                  new contacts and inspiration for SAF-T
can provide accounting information                    report or VAT report.                                 development.
to the Tax Administration on a fixed
electronic format; SAF-T, from 1 January              The Directorate of Taxes received                     In September 2016, in Riga, at the
2017, and that the Tax Administration                 a letter of formal notice from the                    workshop “Tracking Cash Flow in
can receive and process the information               Ministry of Finance in March 2016 to                  Relation to E-commerce Activities”,
properly.”                                            prepare a consultation memorandum                     we met with our French colleagues.
                                                      with an assessment and proposal to                    France had already introduced SAF-T
The project was intended to ensure a                  introduce the obligation to reproduce                 (FEC in French) in 2014. The discussions
smooth introduction of SAF-T Financial                accounting information in standardized                continued in the evening and we were
in Norway.                                            form (SAF-T).                                         the last guests in the restaurant where
                                                      As it turned out later, it was a necessary            we had a joint dinner and finally had
The project´s main tasks were:                        choice. Large foreign accounting system               to leave due to closing time. As we
• Dialogue with the stakeholders                      suppliers could not begin development                 understood the implementation is not
                                                      work without this being a statutory                   always easy, we would encounter some
• To build an effective transfer channel
                                                      requirement.                                          resistance, but the world is moving
                                                                                                            forward and accounting formats are to
The Norwegian Tax Administration uses
                                                      The work to implement the standard                    be standardized -.SAF-T is the future.
Altinn, the Norwegian public Internet
                                                      for businesses was imposed on

Group photo of the participants of the IOTA workshop “Tracking Cash Flow in Relation to E-commerce Activities” held in September 2016, in Riga

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TAX TRIBUNE magazine                                                                                                       37th edition

CHALLENGES AND DECISIONS                                                                   THE WAY FORWARD

Charts of accounts                                                                         The introduction of SAF-T also triggered
                                                                                           discussions in Norwegian newspapers
There is no common chart of accounts                                                       between the accounting industry and
for Norwegian companies; everyone                                                          the tax administration in the autumn
adjusts the use of accounts for their                                                      of 2017. How much data shall be
individual business needs. In SAF-T                                                        handed over to the tax administration?
Financial standard accounts shall be                                                       Is it advisable at the time of political
used to make it possible to develop                                                        discussion whether the authorities
standard analysis forms, and to make                                                       should at all times have access to all
tax audit more automated and effective.                                                    transactions in the accounts of the
                                                                                           companies and are we on our way to
The first proposal suggested that all                                                      Georges Orwell’s future novel “1984”?
enterprises should map the accounts to                                                     At the same time, the Director of
The SAF-T Financial Standard Accounts.                                                     Skatteetaten assured in his reply that
                                                                                           the Norwegian Tax Administration does
The challenge was the introduction of                                                      not receive more data than is legally
SAF-T for special industries such as                                                       required. Efficiency and simplification
banking, finance and insurance. Many                                                       will never go beyond legal rights.
numbers, multiple computer systems
                                           The building of Oslo East Regional Tax Office
and special reporting characterise         (Photo: Baard Brinchmann Loevvig)               The implementation of SAF-T Financial
them. The mapping would have been                                                          should also be open to other formats
meaningless here since the specific        system without any deviations.                  under the SAF-T umbrella. All cash register
accounts disappear. We also lose all                                                       system suppliers are already required
information and reporting will consist     For larger enterprises that use multiple        to implement XML i SAF-T format for
of two lines that make no sense.           systems and customisation it is more            storing of electronic information for
                                           complicated to arrange for disclosure           the systems sold from 2017. Use of
After several meetings and discussions     of accounting information in the SAF-T          the cash register systems with SAF-T
with the financial services industry, we   format. According to Deloitte, SAF-T            component is mandatory for business
agreed the need for special adjustment.    implementations can take anywhere               from 2019. The cash register data in
                                           from a few months to almost a year.             SAF-T format is currently used only
According to the latest version of user                                                    for control purposes.
documentation of SAF-T Financial, the      Businesses, system suppliers and
mapping of The Chart of Accounts must      government organisations had mentioned          SAF-T Financial in Norway is used
be, by choice, one of the following:       in the consultation that everyone was           now for control purposes only, but in
- The SAF-T Financial Standard Accounts    positive about the standard data format,        the future, SAF-T, or maybe a more
- The Income Statement for the type        but suggested time for introduction             modern format, will form the basis
of business.                               needed to be expanded. The introduction         for direct transfer of data that will be
                                           means not only mapping and XML,                 the base for tax and VAT returns. It
Another spin off from the project was      but also implementation in all systems          will be transferred in the same way
the standardisation of the accounts for    and training of personnel. In addition,         as the tax administration receive third
municipal companies in XLSX format.        feedback from the financial industry            party information now, for example
Prior to this, they only had the chart     stated that they needed more time               from banks about taxpayers accounts
of accounts as text.                       for introduction due to complicated             and use this information in the prefill
                                           computer systems and additional                 tax return for employees and seniors.
For municipalities, the mapping of the     reporting requirements.                         We do not know when there will be
accounts must be to the municipal                                                          a political consensus in society about
accounts.                                  We have done ”temperature measurements”         direct use of accounting data, but we
                                           with the system suppliers on how system         know that data standardization and
The co-operation with SAF-T opened         development worked in January 2017.             direct data transfer is the future.
discussions in the accounting community    Most have said that they have come
in Norway for harmonizing charts of        a long way with development and will               FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO
accounts for different purposes.           complete the implementation of SAF-T              KNOW MORE ABOUT SAF-T IN
                                           in their systems, if necessary, by 2018.          NORWAY, WELCOME TO OUR
Deadline                                                                                           SITE IN ENGLISH:
                                           After many discussions between the
Since the largest part of development      parties involved, in December 2017,              https://www.skatteetaten.no/en/
work with SAF-T was imposed on system      the Ministry of Finance made the final           business-and-organisation/starte-
suppliers, the simplest introduction       changes to the regulations, so that the           og-drive/rutiner-regnskap-og-
would be with smaller enterprises using    obligation to disclose bookkeeping                  kassasystem/saf-t-financial/
standardised accounting systems, and       information in SAF-T enters into force
included the use of accounts in the        from January 1, 2020.

                                                                                                        TAX TRIBUNE magazine | 19

Mr Samson Uridia, Head of International
Department of the Revenue Service of Georgia
writes about the benefits of hosting IOTA events
The Georgia Revenue Service, which a        help in modifying and further developing
constitutes single and unified agency       existing approaches as well as to launch
responsible for tax and customs             new initiatives. While being active
administration as well as SPS border        in different international fora, in this
control, was created in 2007.               article special emphasis is put on the
                                            importance and benefits gained from
The reformed organisation and               membership in IOTA, as ia unique
modernised business processes of the        platform for experience, sharing and
Georgia Revenue Service (GRS), inter        collaboration.
alia, resulted in better quality taxpayer
services as well as improved tax            GRS became a member of IOTA in
collection. At the same time in parallel    2004 and in addition to our active
with reforming its tax administration       involvement in several working and
GRS also took the decision to position      steering groups and hosting IOTA
itself as a proactive member of the         events, the administration also became
international tax community. In this        a member of the Executive Council
regard the administration is eager not      in 2017.
only to benefit from the experience of
others but also to share its achievements   The groundbreaking decision for GRS
and contribute positively and actively      in collaboration with IOTA was hosting
to the international tax agenda. The        the first IOTA workshop in 2012, when
sharing of experience with colleagues       the Service was able to see tangible       Tbilisi
serves as a useful mechanism to reassess    benefits from contributing to the work
reforms already undertaken, obtain          of an international organisation.
feedback, and get practical insights to

Hosting involvement has been broad in scope
as you can see from the list of the events hosted in Georgia:
              IOTA Case Study
                     19 – 21 September 2012
    ``Auditing Individuals & Legal
  Entities in the Use of e-Money``

20 | TAX TRIBUNE magazine
TAX TRIBUNE magazine                                                                    37th edition

                                                            11-13 September 2013
                                                            ``Evaluation of the
                             Technical Workshop             Measures Used to
                                                            Influence Taxpayers``

                                POST-EVENT REPORT

                               11 – 13 SEPTEMBER 2013
                                 KVARELI, GEORGIA

                                                                         TAX TRIBUNE magazine | 21

                    17-19 September 2014
             ``Modernizing Payment

                                                20-22 October, 2015
                                                ``Effective Use of Intelligence
                                                and Research to Find New
                                                Segments and New Areas of VAT
                                                Fraud and Tax Evasion``

           Meeting of IOTA
          Area Group Debt
                            5-7 October, 2016
 ``Use of Behavioural Economics
          in Reducing Tax Debts``

22 | TAX TRIBUNE magazine
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15-16 March 2017
``24th Forum of IOTA Principal Contact Persons``

                                                                                           24-26 April, 2018
                                                                                           ``The Newest
                                                                                           Possibilities and
                                                                                           Future Trends of
                                                                                           Taxpayer Service``

In addition, the administration has           of an international agenda by the            above in mind, last year GRS went even
already hosted a number of international      mentioned officials. Furthermore the         further by putting itself forward as a
events, including several workshops           hosting of events also contributes to        candidate to become a member of IOTA
and administrative events organised by        raising the awareness of IOTA within         Executive Council, also realising the
IOTA in our country. There are several        tax administration and its management.       importance of being actively involved in
benefits which encourage and justify          Last but not least it is also very good      the planning and management process of
our decision to host IOTA events in           investment aiming to capitalise on           the organisation and ensuring a regional
Georgia. The first is the great possibility   the financial contribution to the IOTA       presence as well as representation as
for GRS to send more tax officials            budget and to share Georgian culture,        an emerging country in the Executive
to attend and thus give them extra            hospitality, landscape with participants.    Council. Believing that we were able
motivation and opportunity to gain            Active contribution and involvement          to contribute to the progress made
new insights, providing opportunities         in different IOTA fora serves in             by IOTA, GRS feels more confident
to set up valuable working networks           providing insights as well as offering       in seeking IOTA members’ support to
with colleagues in other administrations      assistance in our efforts to modernise       become an Executive Council member
which often results in prioritisation of      our tax administration in line with best     in 2018 as well, for the second year
the discussed issues and developing           international practice. Bearing all of the   in a row.

                                                                                                       TAX TRIBUNE magazine | 23
You can also read