2K - 4K Childcare Extended Care Handbook 2021-2022

Page created by Dave Navarro
2K – 4K
Extended Care


                           Welcome to Holy Trinity Learning Center

Our developmentally appropriate early childhood education programs provide for a child’s spiritual, social,
emotional, intellectual and physical development in a loving, Christian environment. Holy Trinity Learning
Center is an extension of Holy Trinity Lutheran School, a Christian academic learning environment for stu-
dents in 5K—4th grade. Our Center offers 2K, 3K and 4K half-day preschool programs during the school
year, childcare services for children ages 2 and up and extended care for our early childhood and elemen-
tary school programs. Limited transportation to Meadowview Elementary is available for children enrolled
at Meadowview Elementary School in the Oconomowoc Area School District. A summer program is avail-
able for children ages 2 and up. Our Center offers extraordinary care, flexible weekly scheduling by the
hour and affordable tuition.It is open year-round, except for major holidays.

Welcome to Holy Trinity! Please read this handbook to find out more about our Center’s policies and pro-

                                                 Table of Contents
I.    Philosophy and History                                  IV.   2K, 3K and 4K Information and Policies
      1. Mission Statement                      4             1..   Preschool Overview                   16
      2. Philosophy                             4             2.    Arrival and Dismissal                16
      3. Purpose                                4             3.    Transition from Home to School       16
      4. History                                4             4.    Supplies and Dress                   16
      5. Administration and Affiliation         5             5.    Newsletters, Notes & Calendars       17
      6. Parental Questions and Concerns        5             6.    Snack Time                           17
      7. Parent Involvement                     5             7.    Absences                             17
                                                              8.    Inclement Weather                    17
II.   General Information and Policies                        9.    Daily Schedule                       17
      1. Admissions Policy                      6             10.   Chapel                               18
      2. Enrollment Procedures                  6             11.   Birthdays                            18
      3. Required Records                       6             12.   Curriculum                           18
      4. Scheduling, Payment and                              13.   Preschool Goals                      19
          Refund Policies                        6            14.   Clifford Take-Home Bag (3K)          19
      5. Arrival and Departure                   7            15.   Field Trips (3K and 4K)              19
      6. Item Policy                             8            16.   Scholastic Book Orders               20
      7. Dress Code                              9            17.   Volunteers                           20
      8. Education Policies                      9            18.   Discipline                           20
      9. Nap/Rest Time                          10            19.   Home-School Relationship             20
      10. Snacks & Meals                        10            20.   Conclusion                           20
      11. Picture Policy                        10
      12. Neighborhood Walks                    10       V.   Child Guidance Policies
      13. Communication Channels                10            1.. Child Guidance                        21
      14. Cell Phone/Technology Policies        11            2. Mutual Agreement to Discharge          22
      15. Helpful First Day Hints               11            3. Involuntary Discharge                  22

III. Child Wellness Information and Policies             VI. Working Together
     1. Emergency Closing Procedures            12           1. Questions and Concerns                  23
     2. Emergency Training and Equipment        12           2. Family Involvement                      23
     3. Emergency and Evacuation                             3. Staff Contact Information               24
         Procedures                             12
     4. Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting       12
     5. Injury Policies                         12
     6. Health Care Philosophy                  13
     7. Immunization, Physical Exams,
         and Health History                     13
     8. Illness Policy and Procedures           13
     9. Medication Policy                       14
     10. Allergy Policy                         14
     11. General Health Precautions             15
     12. Security System                        15
     13. Care for Children with Special Needs   15
     14. Toilet Training                        15

I. Philosophy and History
1. Mission Statement
    Holy Trinity Learning Center (HTLC) serves families of our church, school and community by providing quality, Christian
    early education and services through our Preschool, Childcare and Extended Care programs.

2. Philosophy
    Each child is a special creation of God, loved and cared for by Him and parents, guardians and family members to
    whom He has entrusted this miraculous blessing and primary responsibility. Our staff is committed to supporting fami-
    lies in this task by providing exceptional education and care for each child enrolled in our programs.
    We recognize the significance of positive experiences early in a child’s life that encourage optimum development of
    God-given potential. Our developmentally appropriate programs are designed to supplement a child’s home experi-
    ence in a caring, nurturing environment under the guidance of a dedicated staff.
    Our educational programs are designed to provide developmentally appropriate opportunities and activities to de-
    velop the spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual, and physical characteristics of each child and support them as they
    learn, grow and achieve success in education. The importance of early education experiences cannot be over-empha-
    sized. It is our joyful mission to assist families in the Christian education of children.

3. Purpose
    HTLC exists for the purpose of assisting parents and families in their God-given responsibilities to "Bring them (your
    children) up in the training and instruction of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:4) and for aiding the Christian Church in sharing
    God's Word, "making disciples of all nations, baptizing and teaching them in the name of the Father and of the Son and
    of the Holy Spirit" (Matthew 28:19, 20). This means children attending our Center will hear and learn the unchanging
    truths of God's inspired Word, the Bible.
    HTLC offers Preschool, Childcare, Extended Care and Summer programs. for children of families in our church and
    community. It is our hope that all who enter our facility encounter positive, loving and caring experiences.

4. History of Holy Trinity Learning Center
    Holy Trinity Lutheran Church was founded in 1947 as a Christian congregation sharing God’s Word with the Okauchee
    Lake community. In 1975 we expanded our ministry by opening our parish school to provide a Christ-centered educa-
    tion for children (K–8) and to provide a mission outreach for families in the greater Lake Country community.
    In 2000 an after-school childcare program was begun in the Church basement for our school families. In 2002 the
    childcare program was restructured and offered to the community. In that year we also purchased the former
    Okauchee Public School building (including a gymnasium) along with six acres of green space adjacent to our existing
    property. The childcare program was moved into the new building, along with the early childhood portion of our grade
    school (3K, 4K, 5K).
    In 2015, the Center’s name was changed to the Holy Trinity Learning Center, as our Early Education classrooms were
    restructured. This change reflects the fact that our Childcare Center does more than just provide “daycare” for chil-
    dren. Our programs are based on teaching children in a fun, safe, and Christian environment. Whether the children are
    attending childcare, or are formally enrolled in our early learning programs, they will be learning here.
    Our Center continues to grow as all areas of instruction are taught in light of God’s Word, and the Holy Spirit leads
    souls to us for Christian education. In 2017, we added a 2K program to our educational offerings. In June, 2021, we
    consolidated our early childhood programs into the main church and school building and began the process to be-
    come a licensed childcare facility in the state of Wisconsin. We ask you to remember Holy Trinity Learning Center in
    your prayers and support the continuing growth of our educational ministry.

5. Administration and Affiliation
   HTLC is operated by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, and is under the direction of the Learning Center Director and the
   church’s Ministry Council.
   Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS), a national church
   body headquartered in Mankato, Minnesota. The ELS has been in fellowship with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran
   Synod (WELS) since 1872. With this membership, all ministerial activities of Holy Trinity (including the School and
   Learning Center) conform to the doctrine and practice of the ELS.
   Find out more about the ELS by visiting its website: < www.els.org >.

6. Parental Questions and Concerns
   At times, a parent or family member may disagree with a policy or practice, especially as it pertains to your child. Such
   concerns should not be internalized, nor become the subjects of public conversation. God has a better plan. Discuss
   the problem with the person involved. Approach the discussion with prayerful humility. Know that any such problem,
   when prayerfully presented before our almighty all-knowing God, can certainly be resolved.
   If you wish to discuss any concerns, please contact a staff member. It is best to schedule meetings in advance, to be
   sure our staff to child ratios are properly maintained.
   In all cases, as Christians, out of love for our God and for one another, we will follow the Scriptural principles laid out in
   Matthew 18:15-18. Any question, concern, or complaint should:
       ●   Be directed first privately to the person (parent or guardian, staff member, teacher, etc.) it involves.

       ●   If no consensus of understanding is reached after such a discussion, the matter will be taken to the Learning
           Center Director. At this time the Director and the person the concern involves shall meet to discuss the matter.

       ●   If the matter is still not resolved, the Director will consult the Ministry Council in a regularly scheduled meeting.
           The Council, Director, and persons involved shall discuss the matter and attempt to arrive at a God-pleasing

7. Parent Involvement
   As parents and guardians, it is important to stay current on matters at the Learning Center. Please work closely with the
   staff in order to make your child’s experiences as enjoyable as possible. Here are a few things you can do:
       ●   Check your family mailbox daily
       ●   Check your child in and out at the attendance computer each day
       ●   Make contact with a staff member at drop-off and pick-up. Share any information that may affect your child’s
           behavior during the day. Staff members will provide an update on your child’s day at HTLC.
       ●   Call and send a written note or email to the office if your child will not attend as scheduled.
       ●   Submit schedules and payments in a timely fashion.
       ●   Check your mailbox and the lobby bulletin board for new information.
       ●   Keep all information in your child’s records up-to-date.
       ●   Watch for special occasion sign-up sheets.
   Families are encouraged to participate as volunteers in the following areas:
       ●   Assist in classroom activities (Visitors are welcome).
       ●   Donate quality, new or gently-used toys.
       ●   Donate snacks, supplies or craft items.
       ●   Use your talents to improve our programs and/or our facility

II. General Information and Policies
1. Admissions Policy
    HTLC provides quality early educational and childcare services for families of the community. Our center is open year-
    round, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We welcome children starting at the age of two years old.
    The fee schedule and policies are published annually, distributed to families and are available upon request.

2. Enrollment Procedures
    HTLC will not discriminate against any child because of sex, national origin or creed. It is both logical and necessary to
    require all children to participate in Christian devotional activities, Bible stories, prayers and songs as practiced and
    taught by Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.
    Children ages two and older are eligible to attend our Childcare Program. Children who are the program age by Sep-
    tember 1st of the current school year are eligible to enroll in our 2K, 3K and 4K Programs. Children must be able to
    use the bathroom independently to enroll in 3K and 4K. Extended care is offered through our childcare program for
    students attending our preschool programs or Holy Trinity Lutheran School, We also provide extended care on a lim-
    ited basis for children attending Lake Country Classical Academy and Meadowview Elementary. New families are en-
    rolled on a first come, first served basis. If there is a waiting list, the order of priority will be:
        1.   Members of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
        2.   Members of other ELS or WELS churches
        3.   Families of other churches or our community

3. Required Records
        ●    The following records shall be on file for each child:
        ●    Registration Form
        ●    Immunization Record
        ●    Emergency Medical Consent Form
        ●    Family Contact Information/Authorized pick-up list
        ●    General Field trip consent
        ●    Permission to use photograph, video for advertisements
        ●    Sunscreen authorization
    All records remain confidential. Information that is pertinent to the care of your child shall be given only to staff mem-
    bers. No information about the child’s progress or behavior shall be released without written parental consent.

4. Tuition and Fees, Scheduling, Payment and Refund Policies
   2K, 3K and 4K School Year programs
    Tuition is set annually by the Ministry Council. Tuition for all levels is paid on a yearly, semester quarterly or monthly ba-
    The quarterly payments are due before each school quarter begins. In certain cases, special payment plans can be
    enacted at the direction of the Director and the Ministry Council.
    MEMBER TUITION DISCOUNT: Families who are members of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church receive a discounted tuition
    rate by virtue of their membership. Because of this, Holy Trinity members are encouraged to consider the costs in-
    volved in running the school when deciding what portion of their income to return to the Lord in regular church offer-
    LATE TUITION: The Holy Trinity Ministry Council has adopted the following policy regarding late tuition payments. Tu-
    ition is due on or before the dates agreed upon. Any quarterly payments not received by the due date will have a
    $25.00 late fee added. A late monthly payment will have $8.25 added to the bill. Any outstanding balances of unpaid
    tuition and late fees may prevent future enrollment of your child.

   Childcare, Extended Care and Summer programs
   Fees are based on a child’s weekly attendance schedule. The following policies will govern the payment of fees:
       1.   Schedules and payments are due by Thursday at 6:00 PM for the following week’s hours of care. If schedules
            and/or payments are received after Thursday, a $10.00 late fee is applied to your account.
       2.   If schedule and/or payment are received after Thursday, or if schedule changes are made after Thursday, a
            $10.00 fee will be charged to your account. If schedules are received or modified with less than 24 hours no-
            tice, a $20.00 fee will be charged to your account.

       3.   Fees are charged weekly based on the child’s schedule submitted to our office. Payment must accompany the
            weekly schedule. Arrangements may be made to pay in advance: biweekly, monthly or quarterly – to do so,
            please speak to the Director. All payments are non-refundable. Fees are charged whether or not a child at-
            tends as scheduled. Our costs remain fixed even if a child is absent. Overtime fees will apply when a child at-
            tends earlier or later than scheduled. Overtime charges are billed at the applicable hourly rate. All financial
            concerns related to your account should be referred to the Director.
       4.   HTLC is open year-round, with the exception of one week in summer and most major holidays. A list of dates
            closed is published annually and distributed in November for the upcoming calendar year.
       5.   HTLC operates within the hours of 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Failure to pick up your child by 6:00 p.m. will result in
            an additional charge of $1.00 per minute until the child is picked up. This charge is necessary to cover unantici-
            pated overtime staffing costs.
       6.   HTLC will periodically review the need for a rate increase or a change in financial policy. If such an increase or
            change is deemed necessary, parents will receive a minimum of thirty (30) days written notice.
       7.   There is a $35 fee for all NSF checks.
       8.   Families who have multiple children attending HTLC will be eligible for multi-child discounts. Please see the
            current Rate and Policy notice for details.
       9.   Families of school and preschool programs may receive free childcare or extended care when volunteering on
            the school property (e.g. helping in a classroom). If the volunteer is required to leave the school property, (ex.
            to chaperone a field trip), the applicable rate will be reduced by half. Arrangements must be made in advance
            and scheduled according to the policies of the Learning Center.
       10. Families who utilize Oconomowoc Area Transport public school bus system to and from our Center are re-
           quired to schedule a minimum of one (1) hour per child, per pick-up or drop-off.
       11. Please contact the Center immediately (preferably, by phone at 262.567.2737x713) if your child will not attend
           as scheduled.
       12. We offer convenient, electronic payment options through Tuition Express.

5. Arrival and Departure
   We encourage families to take time upon arrival and prior to departure each day to talk with the staff. This will allow
   time for your child to become acclimated to the Center at drop-off and help your child transition from an activity or
   project before departure. Please be sure to update your child’s status at the attendance computer and check your
   family mailbox.
   PLEASE do not leave without saying good-bye to your child, even if he or she is occupied in an activity. Tell
   your child when you are leaving and when you will return. Although your child may show strong emotions when
   you leave, the staff helps your child acclimate to the classroom and engage in activities.
   When leaving for the day, please encourage your child to clean up toys or put away items he or she is using. If you are
   delayed in picking up your child, please call the center at 262.567.2737 x713 so we can notify your child and arrange for
   additional staff coverage, if necessary.
   If your child will not attend as scheduled, please call the Center and leave a detailed message. We are also required to
   have a written note or email if your child will not attend as scheduled. Voicemail and email are checked regularly. To
   keep our records current, please notify the office of any change in your contact information including addresses (resi-

    dential or employment), telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, emergency contacts, and the names of persons autho-
    rized to pick up your child.
    For safety reasons, a child will only be released to parents with legal custody, legal guardians, or persons named in
    writing on the registration forms. A note or phone call is required if someone other than the parent/guardian will pick
    up your child, even if they are named in writing on the emergency card. Staff members must verify the identity of the
    adult before releasing the child from the Center. In custody/child placement cases, a court order stating who is or is
    not authorized to pick up the child must be submitted to our office before any changes are made to pick-up authoriza-
    tions. Law enforcement officials will be called immediately should custody/placement issues arise at the Center.
    Encourage your child's independence but give necessary assistance when arriving and departing from the Center.
        ●   At drop off and pick up, all children should be escorted by families to and from the Center. Please sign your
            child in and out of the attendance computer each day. Be sure to talk with a staff member to gain information
            about your child’s day at the Center.
        ●   Late pick-up (after 6:00 PM) will result in an additional fee of $1.00 per minute until the child is picked up from
            the Center.
        ●   If any parent or authorized person comes to pick up a child while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc.,
            the police will be notified.
        ●   Please DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR RUNNING in the parking lot at drop-off or pick-up times. This is a hazardous
            safety issue and very dangerous to all utilizing our parking area.

6. Item Policy
    FAMILIES supply the following:
        ●   Complete change of clothes that fits your child and is appropriate for current weather conditions. Several
            changes of clothing are necessary for children learning to use the toilet. All soiled clothing will be sent home in
            a separate bag for laundering. IF YOUR CHILD COMES HOME IN BORROWED CLOTHES, PLEASE WASH AND
        ●   A pillow, blanket and security item for nap/rest time.
        ●   Diapers or pull-ups and wipes, when required.
        ●   Children should be dressed in comfortable, washable play clothing appropriate for the day’s weather.
        ●   Winter weather items: Coat, boots, hat, scarf, and waterproof mittens or gloves.
        ●   Summer items: Swimming suit, towel, socks, closed toe shoes and/or sandals with heel strap and sunscreen
            (will be applied before outdoor play, permission slip required)
        ●   Toys and other personal items should be kept in a backpack or stay at home, except for Show and Tell days.
        ●   Toys that represent weapons or violence will not be allowed at any time.
    THE LEARNING CENTER provides the following:
        ●   A.M. and P.M. snacks
        ●   Milk or water is offered at snacks and meals, Water is available to children throughout the day
        ●   Labeled coat hook for children’s coat, backpack and lunchbox
        ●   A cot with cover for nap/rest time
        ●   Labeled areas for extra clothes/shoes and nap supplies
        ●   Family mailbox and Information center
        ●   Structured and unstructured learning and activities
        ●   Indoor and Outdoor areas for movement and play

7. Dress Code
   INSIDE: Art projects may be messy or spills may happen during snack and mealtimes. Please dress your child in com-
   fortable, washable clothing appropriate for the day’s weather. Be sure to dress young children in clothing they can
   easily manage in the bathroom. Children should have closed-toed shoes for large motor activities in the activity room
   or on the playground. Staff members encourage independence and are always available to assist children who need
   OUTSIDE: We play outside every day, except in extreme hot or cold temperatures. Children will not play outdoors if the
   weather reports 90% humidity and higher and/or a heat index of 85° F. Likewise, they will not go out if it is colder than
   15° F or if the wind chill is below 0° F. During cooler weather, please send a jacket, hat and mittens. During the winter
   months, please be sure your child has a warm coat, waterproof mittens or gloves, insulated boots and snow pants. All
   items should be labeled with your child’s name or initials.
   Shorts should only be worn when the weather conditions are appropriate. Please avoid tight shorts, cut-offs, repaired
   shorts, layered shorts, and spandex. Shorts must be of modest length (no shorter than mid-thigh).
   In keeping with good taste and hygiene, soiled or torn clothing should not be worn. In addition, to enhance our Chris-
   tian atmosphere, no clothing with immoral or crude sayings or advertising alcohol, drugs or musical groups shall be
   worn to the Center. Although we realize that there are many fine, moral, and even Christian musical groups, the staff
   does not have the time or obligation to evaluate each new group. For this reason, the Ministry Council has made this
   blanket policy.

8. Childcare Program Education Policies
   HTLC is a Christian Early Childhood Education Center where children are introduced to play-based, developmentally
   appropriate learning experiences. All methods promote a child’s spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual, physical and
   creative development. The daily schedule includes:
       ●   Bible lessons, songs and activities
       ●   Morning Circle and large group time
       ●   Structured and unstructured small group activities
       ●   Structured and unstructured play
       ●   Indoor and outdoor gross motor development
       ●   Music and movement opportunities
       ●   Snack and meal times
       ●   Rest/nap and quiet time
   All activities are designed to provide a balanced blend of learning opportunities in individual, small group and large
   group settings. Independence is encouraged as children learn to solve problems, make and carry out plans, and be-
   come part of a community within the program.
   PRESCHOOL: Please see this handbook’s Section IV for complete 2K 3K and 4K policies and procedures.
   EXTENDED CARE: Extended Care programs are available for children enrolled in Holy Trinity’s 2K - 4th Grade pro-
   grams. We also offer Extended Care on a limited basis to students attending Lake Country Classical Academy and
   Meadowview Elementary. Families must reside on Oconomowoc Transport’s Bus Route# which contains the street ad-
   dress of HTLC in order for students to ride the morning (7:55AM departure) and afternoon (3:55 arrival) bus between
   Meadowview Elementary and Holy Trinity Learning Center. Children enrolled in Meadowview's afternoon 4K program
   who live in the Oconomowoc Area School District may attend our morning Childcare program and ride the 12:30PM
   bus from HTLC to Meadowview. Families must contact Oconomowoc Transport to make the necessary bus arrange-
   Students in our Extended Care programs are served snacks (Center provided) and meals (parent provided). They have
   time for homework/reading, indoor or outdoor play, social interactions, free choice activities, crafts, games, service
   projects and more!

9. Nap/Rest Time
     Quiet Time is from 12:30pm–2:30pm each day. Children not yet in Kindergarten (5K) will be required to rest for thirty
     minutes. Families are asked to provide a pillow, blanket, and a security item (blanket or stuffed animal), if desired.
     Please specify if the security item can remain at the Center or should be sent home each day. Cots and cot covers are
     provided by the Center. All bedding is sent home regularly to be laundered. Children who do not fall asleep after thirty
     minutes of rest will have supervised quiet activities for the remainder of the rest period. Children who fall asleep at nap
     time will be allowed to wake on their own, unless the staff is otherwise instructed. (example: wake a child after 30 min-
     utes or 1 hour).

10. Snacks and Meals
     In the Childcare Room, snacks are provided at 9:00AM and at 3:00PM. Milk (1%) or water is offered with snacks and
     meals. Water is provided upon request. Please provide a water bottle labeled with your child’s name for use during the
     day. We appreciate and accept donations of snack items.
     Families provide meals clearly labeled with your child's name. Children are encouraged to eat the most nutritious
     foods first (sandwich, fruits, vegetables) followed by "treats". While we do have microwaves for reheating lunch items.,
     please note that frozen or convenience foods may cause a long wait time for a hungry child. If possible, please prepare
     foods in advance to reheat quickly.
     We teach children to pray and thank God for the gifts He graciously provides for us at snack and meals. Staff members
     encourage polite table manners including sitting at the table, saying "Yes, please or No, thank you", eating food rather
     than playing with it, etc. Food is not used as a punishment or a reward.

11. Picture and Video Policy
     Holy Trinity Learning Center may use photographs and/or videos of children for advertising or promotional purposes
     including, but not limited to our website, school publications, brochures, Facebook and Instagram pages, digital learn-
     ing apps, and YouTube Channel The registration packet includes a form for parents or guardians to sign written con-
     sent, authorizing the use of a child’s photograph or video to be used by Holy Trinity Learning Center and/or Holy Trinity
     Lutheran Church and School.

12. Neighborhood Walks
     Walks in the neighborhood may be scheduled from time to time. Families will receive advance notification of these
     trips. The staff will post departure times, the destination, estimated time of return and a phone number to contact in
     the event of an emergency. A general release form for parent or guardian approval is included in the registration

13. Communication Channels
         ●   Phone communication—Please use 262.567.2737 for all phone communications. Press ext. 712 to call the
             Learning Center Director or x713 to reach the main Childcare classroom.
         ●   Email communication— Please direct email correspondence to Mrs. Becky Lange, Learning Center Director at
             becky.lange@holytrinityels.org. Please send your child’s weekly schedule and updates to learning.cen-
             ter@holytrinityels.org Be sure to add these addresses to your contacts or approved sender list.
         ●   Mailbox—Each family has a mailbox located near the main entrance lobby. Please check your mailbox upon
             arrival and departure for art projects, staff communications, newsletters and other items to take home.
         ●   Newsletter—Information about upcoming events is published in our monthly newsletter, Childcare Chatter,
             Additional correspondence is sent home in your family mailbox or by email, as needed.
         ●   Facebook page/Website/Instagram/YouTube —Be sure to check our Facebook page, website, Instagram and
             YouTube accounts for more information on our Church, School and Learning Center.

14. Cell Phone/Technology Policy
   During regular business hours, the best way to contact the staff is by phone. Students may have cell phones/tablets/
   ipods at the Center with the permission of a parent or guardian. Please inform a staff member that the item is at the
   Center with the child. During our regular hours, cell phones and other items will only be allowed at the discretion of
   the Learning Center Staff. Children must receive permission from the staff to use the item. Holy Trinity Learning Cen-
   ter is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones/tablets/ipods or other items brought to the Center.

15. Helpful First-Day Hints
   The first day at HTLC may be an exciting, new experience for your child. It may also be filled with separation anxiety
   and fear of unfamiliar surroundings. Please allow a few extra minutes to reassure your child on the first few visits. Here
   are some helpful tips:
       ●    Please visit our Center with your child before he or she is scheduled to attend.
       ●    Talk to your child several days in advance and let him/her know what is going to happen. “You’re going to stay
            here while I go to work.”
       ●    Upon arrival, try to get your child involved in an activity.
       ●    The greatest fear your child has is that you will not come back – reassure your child that you will return. Al-
            though your child may be engaged in an activity or playing with other children, please don’t sneak away with-
            out saying “good-bye” to your child.
       ●    Once you start to leave, keep going. It’s important that you follow through even if your child seems upset or
            cries. The staff will contact you by phone, text or email with information on your child’s progress.
       ●    Please call the Center at any time during our regular business hours to speak with our Staff. Many children ad-
            just quickly to the routine; however, it is perfectly normal for some children to take several days or weeks to
   Please bring the following items to on the first day:
       1.   A complete change of extra clothes appropriate for the day’s weather
       2.   Outdoor clothing appropriate for the day’s weather and sunscreen labeled with your child’s name.
       3.   Lunch, if your child will stay past 11:00AM
       4.   For children not yet in Kindergarten, please bring a blanket, pillow, and comfort item, if needed, for nap-time.
       5.   For children not yet potty trained, diapers or pull-ups and wipes.
   **Be sure all of your child’s belongings are LABELED with either name or initials!!
   The key to a successful Learning Center experience is effective communication among families, staff members, and
   children. We pray that your child’s time at HTLC is memorable. Please let us know what we can do to better serve your

III. Child Wellness Information and Policies
1. Emergency Closing Procedures
     Families will be notified by phone if HTLC is forced to close for any emergency reasons (e.g. power failures, evacua-
     tions, lack of heat, air-conditioning, water, electricity, telephone, plumbing problems, or severe weather (flash floods,
     blizzards),. If the event occurs during regular business hours, children will remain at the Center until a family member
     or authorized person arrives or transportation arrangements can be made. In the event of evacuation, the children will
     be taken to a safe place and families will be advised of this location.
     Please note: HTLC will close when Holy Trinity Lutheran School and the Oconomowoc Area School District close due
     to inclement weather.

2. Emergency Training and Equipment
     Staff members at HTLC are trained in emergency evacuation procedures and in the use of fire extinguishers. The
     emergency evacuation procedure is practiced on a regular basis. AED, fire extinguishers, smoke alarms and smoke de-
     tectors are checked annually.
     First-Aid kits are kept in all classrooms. Staff members are trained in CPR/AED and basic first aid. Training is reviewed
     and renewed as required.

3. Emergency and Evacuation Procedures
     FIRE: Fire evacuation diagrams are posted in each classroom. In the event that evacuation due to fire is necessary, staff
     members with emergency contact information and attendance sheets will lead children from the building, account for
     children at a designated meeting spot and take them to a safe place until arrangements are made to contact families
     and send children home.
     TORNADO: In the event of a tornado when there is NO time to evacuate the building, children will be gathered in des-
     ignated areas according to the evacuation diagrams in each classroom. Children will be seated and positioned with
     their heads down and their arms covering their heads.
     Tornado kits are prepared and stored in gathering areas for use in severe weather, which may confine children to our
     facility for a period of time.
     LOST CHILD: All staff members are responsible for knowing which children are in their care and where they are at all
     times. However, in the unlikely event that a child becomes lost, the following will be done:
         ●   All available staff will search the premises
         ●   If the child is not found within fifteen (15) minutes, the Okauchee/Town of Oconomowoc law enforcement will
             be notified
         ●   Families will be contacted immediately after law enforcement personnel have been contacted

4. Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting
     All personnel are required to report any child who appears to be emotionally, physically, or sexually abused or ne-
     glected to the Waukesha County Child Protective Services, County Sheriff or local law enforcement office. Suspicion of
     abuse or neglect shall be documented and maintained in confidential records. Staff members receive training about
     indicators of abuse or neglect, reporting laws and documentation methods.

5. Injury Policies
     All children will have a consent form signed by a parents or guardian on file giving HTLC staff permission to contact a
     child’s physician or emergency personnel for medical care in cases of injury or emergency.
     In the event of minor injuries, the following will be done:
         ●   The injury will be washed with soap and water and covered with a Band-Aid or gauze and tape.
         ●   Other minor injuries will be treated as appropriate and according to basic first aid practices.

       ●   The staff person witnessing or aware of the injury will complete an injury report form to be signed by a parent
           or guardian and returned to the office.
   In the event of major injuries requiring emergency care, the following will be done:
       ●   Contact 911 and comfort the injured child
       ●   Apply emergency first aid if there is indication of a serious injury
       ●   The child’s parent or guardian will receive notification of transportation to a local hospital and an explanation of
           the injury
       ●   Notify all staff members and add additional staff coverage, if necessary
       ●   A staff member with the child's file, which includes emergency medical authorization form, will accompany the
           child and emergency personnel to the hospital.        .
       ●   The staff member who witnessed or was first aware of the injury will complete an incident report to be signed
           by a parent or guardian and returned to the office.

6. Health Care Philosophy
   HTLC understands that families have the primary responsibility for the health and well-being of a child. To that end,
   HTLC maintains an ongoing interest in the health and well-being of all children enrolled in our programs to ensure the
   health of all is served.

7. Immunization, Physical Exams, and Health History
   Current immunization records must be kept on file at HTLC. Each record must indicate that your child has received the
   correct number of doses of each vaccine (DPT, DT, TC, polio, Hib, pneumonia, hepatitis B, measles, rubella, mumps
   and varicella). Families must notify HTLC in writing when new doses are received.
   When children are in the process of receiving immunizations, HTLC requests that the child’s doctor provide a written
   or printed copy of the child’s immunization schedule and list the date for the next scheduled dose of each vaccine.
   This note will be attached to the child’s records. Any child who has not met Wisconsin state immunization require-
   ments may be excluded from the center until the requirements are met.

8. Illness Policy and Procedures
   Families will be notified if a child exhibits symptoms of an illness while at our Center. A child who exhibits symptoms of
   illness or condition which may affect the health of others will be isolated in an area within sight of a staff member. If a
   child's exclusion from HTLC is required, families must arrange for the child to be picked-up within one hour of notice.
   If you are uncertain whether your child's illness risks the health of others, we ask that your child be withheld from our
   care until you receive a recommendation from your child’s health care provider.
   Symptoms that require exclusion from HTLC include the following:
   FEVER: A rise in the normal body temperature may be a sign of contagious or serious illness. The child should not at-
   tend the Center if:
       ●   Oral temperature of 100˚ or higher along with behavior changes, signs/symptoms of illness
       ●   Axial (armpit) temperature of 99˚ or higher along with behavior changes, signs/symptoms of illness
       ●   Children may return to HTLC when fever free without medication for 24 hours
   COVID-19 - Please refer to Wisconsin Department of Health Services guidelines for exclusion and returning to school
   after COVID-19 found at https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/p02767.pdf. The latest update is April, 2021.
   We will continue to monitor state and local guidelines during the school year and notify families of any changes to our
   policies and procedures.
   UNCONTROLLED DIARRHEA: Indicated by two or more watery, bloody, or mucous-like stools in a one-hour period of
   time requires exclusion from the Center for 24 hours after the last bout
   VOMITING: Child may return to the Center when symptoms subside and he or she has resumed a normal diet.

     CHICKEN POX: May return when all lesions are scabbed over and no new lesions are present, generally a 5-7day pe-
     COXSACKIEVIRUS (hand, foot, and mouth syndrome): May return when fever is no longer present
     FIFTHS DISEASE: May return when fever is no longer present
     IMPETIGO: May return 24 hours after treatment or when all lesions may be securely covered
     HEAD LICE, SCABIES, or OTHER INFESTATION: May return 24 hours after treatment and when the child is nit-free
     MONONUCLEOSIS: May return after physician indicates the child is ready to return
     PERTUSSIS (Whooping cough): May return three weeks after onset of cough or after five days of prescribed antibiotic
     PINWORMS: May return after physician indicates the child is ready to return
     PNEUMONIA: May return when the child is able to participate in normal center activities
     ROSEOLA: May return when the fever is no longer present and with a physician’s written consent
     STREP-THROAT or other streptococcal infection: May return after 24-hour antibiotic treatment
     THRUSH: May return when the child is able to participate in normal center activities
     PINK EYE (One or both eyes appear swollen, pink in color with green/yellow eye discharge): Requires exclusion from
     the center for 24 hours to ensure the child receives a full dose of medication
     ANY ILLNESS that prevents a child from participating in routine activities or requires more care than the center staff
     can provide without compromising the needs of the other children at the Center.
     A child or staff member with a contagious condition will be re-admitted to HTLC only after allowing for the longest
     usual incubation period or with a physician's written permission.
     When a child is diagnosed with a communicable disease, notification of the onset of the illness and accompanying
     symptoms will be posted and communicated to families to watch children for symptoms. To guarantee confidentiality,
     the specific child/children will not be named. The staff will be made aware of all health incidents and will be responsi-
     ble for reporting possible cases, as necessary. A physician's written permission is required if a child returns to the Cen-
     ter before the minimum absence time following a contagious illness. It is the discretion of the staff to require longer
     absences if deemed necessary for the well-being of all children in our care.

9. Medication Policy
     Staff members will distribute medication to a child in accordance with the laws of the state of Wisconsin. All medica-
     tion must come to HTLC in its original container. A parent/guardian medication authorization form must be completed
     and signed prior to administering any medication. In addition, all prescription medications must be accompanied by a
     medical provider authorization form.
     Notify your primary physician that your child attends school or a group-based childcare center. Medications may be
     prescribed to be administered at home, instead of during the school day. You may consider asking your pharmacist for
     two bottles of medication: one for home and one for HTLC. Written documentation of the details concerning a child’s
     medication will be kept in a medical log. Parents or guardians may have access to this log upon request.

10. Allergy Policy
     To ensure your child’s safety and security, please discuss any allergies or health concerns with the staff prior to enroll-
     ment. Allergy listings are posted in all designated eating areas. All meals, snacks, beverages and/or medication, must
     be labeled with your child's name. Medication may be given to your child provided the signed consent forms are on
     file. Please contact the director or a staff member with any questions or concerns.

11. General Health Precautions
   Our staff strives to keep our facility clean and in good repair. Furnishings, toys, cots, and other equipment will be
   cleaned and sanitized according to our daily/weekly cleaning schedules or when items become soiled. Eating sur-
   faces are washed and sanitized before and after each use. A safe cot is provided for napping/sleeping. Bathrooms and
   fixtures are kept in sanitary condition at all times. Diapering areas are cleaned and sanitized after each use. Staff mem-
   bers must wash their hands before and after diapering or assisting with toileting.
   Bodily fluids such as runny noses, eye drainage, and phlegm are wiped up with disposable tissues or cloth and placed
   in a plastic-lined container. Surfaces are washed with soap and water and then disinfected. Staff and children wash
   hands after each occurrence.
   Families are responsible for providing clothing appropriate for the daily weather to assure bodily comfort. Staff mem-
   bers will apply sunscreen supplied by families to children prior to outdoor activities as needed. Due to allergies or sen-
   sitivities, we ask families to provide sunscreen, clearly labeled with your child’s name. Please notify staff of any special
   Wet or soiled clothing will be changed promptly and placed in a plastic bag to be sent home for laundering. Wet and
   soiled diapers are changed, wrapped securely into a plastic bag for disposal. Children and staff wash hands with soap
   and water after each bathroom visit and diaper change.
   Blood and other bodily fluids may spread serious diseases. Universal precautions are taken with exposed blood, body
   fluids and injury discharges of children. Staff attending the ill or injured child will use disposable gloves and wash
   hands immediately afterward with soap and water. Spills, floors and other contaminated surfaces will be cleaned and

12. Security System
   As an added measure of security, automatic locks are installed on the doors to our facility. Key fobs are required to
   enter the building during our regular business hours. Fobs are available for purchase through the Learning Center of-
   fice. A separate fob is advised for each person who will drop off or pick up a child from HTLC on a regular basis.

13. Care for Children with Special Needs
   Please consult with the staff regarding any special needs of your child. Our educational programs are designed to
   meet the developmentally appropriate needs of children.

14. Toilet Training
   Some signs that your child may be interested in learning to use the toilet include:
       ●   Child uses language or tugs at diaper
       ●   Child’s diaper or pull-up stays dry for long periods during the day or night
       ●   Child exhibits natural curiosity about adult or other child’s bathroom habits
   Please communicate techniques used at home, so staff members are consistent with your methods. Dress your child
   in clothing that he or she can manipulate independently. (Bib overalls, buttons, zippers and belts are difficult for young
   children) Provide several complete changes of clothing to be kept at the Center in your child’s cubby.
   Bathroom breaks are scheduled approximately every one to two hours, unless families indicate that a child may need
   to use the bathroom more often. At HTLC, children are praised for success and never punished for “accidents”. Each
   child is encouraged to practice and develop new skills at his or her own pace. Patience is the key!

IV. 2K 3K & 4K Information and Policies
1. Preschool Overview
     At Holy Trinity Learning Center, Preschool is your child’s first formal step in education. First and foremost, we want a
     child to learn about Jesus and grow as a child of God. We will teach of God’s wonderful plan of salvation and how it ap-
     plies to our lives. They will learn about the wonders of His creation through the study of our core curriculum. We
     strive to provide educational opportunities for children to develop spiritually, socially, emotionally, intellectually and
     physically in all areas of learning. Children enrolled in our 2K 3K and 4K programs must be the program age by Sep-
     tember 1st of the enrolled school year. In addition, children eligible for our 3K and 4K programs must be able to use
     the bathroom independently.

2. Arrival and Dismissal
     Early Childhood Preschool Programs follow Holy Trinity’s academic calendar and meet from 8:00am - 11:00am on the
     following days: 2K on Mondays and Wednesdays, 3K on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 4K sessions are 3, 4 or 5 days
     per week (family’s choice) Mondays - Fridays. Children may arrive in the classroom at 7:45AM. The time between ar-
     rival and the start of class provides time to acclimate to the classroom. It also gives families the opportunity to speak
     to teachers, return forms, and say good-bye to children. Folders should be returned to school each day. At the end of
     each session, families remain in the hallway until your child is dismissed. Check the message board near the class-
     room door for important notes or reminders. Children scheduled for Extended Care will be escorted to the Childcare
     classroom upon dismissal.

3. Transition from Home to School
     Children attending school for the first time will occasionally experience some anxiety. There are a variety of things that
     families can do to ease these feelings:
         ●   Make school a priority: Arrive promptly each day to help your child acclimate to new surroundings and be
             ready and excited to learn!
         ●   Communicate with the teacher any concerns you may have at any time.
         ●   Children need plenty of rest and good nutrition for a productive day at school.
         ●   If your child has a fever, or other symptoms of illness, please keep him or her at home until symptoms resolve.
         ●   Help your child feel confident. Always positively emphasize your child’s strengths and abilities.
         ●   Get involved! Volunteer to help in the classroom or drive on a field trip.
         ●   Children develop skills and independence at their own pace. Be patient!

4. Supplies and Dress
     A school supply list is included with registration forms. Please remember to label your child’s belongings. A backpack
     or school bag and folder should be brought to school every day! Your child will get into the routine of “checking in” with
     the teacher every morning and packing up at the end of each class period. This will help your child learn organizational
     When your child gets dressed in the morning, please keep in mind that he or she will be busy and moving all day long.
     3K and 4K children use the bathroom independently. We ask that you please dress your child in comfortable, easy to
     maneuver play clothes. If your child will be wearing sandals, please be sure there is a spare pair of socks and shoes to
     CUBBIES AT ALL TIMES! We are blessed with both a wonderful outdoor playground and a large motor activity room.
     We will go outside whenever the weather permits. Please send jackets, hats, mittens, etc. as the weather becomes
     cooler. Boots and snow pants should be included during the winter months. Children who do not have the adequate
     supplies will not be able to play outside during recess.

5. Newsletters, Notes & Calendars
   Our Preschool programs follow the school calendar of Holy Trinity Lutheran School. Families receive a master calen-
   dar for the school year and monthly calendar with weekly themes, birthdays, special days, field trips and other events.
   Classroom and school newsletters will be sent home by email each week. Be sure to note items of special interest., in-
   cluding notes, book orders and permission slips sent home to sign and return items in your child’s folder, as required.
   Folders – Every day your child will bring home a folder. The one side will carry papers that you may keep at home.
   The other side will have papers that need to be returned to school. Please send the folder to school with your child
   every day.

   4K Homework – Please read to your child frequently throughout the week. Keep track of th      books you read on our
   orange reading roster sheet and return the sheet every Monday.

   4K Library - Everyday your child may choose 2 books to take home from our classroom library. When they are finished
   with the book (whether it takes one day or two to read them), simply return them and take 2 more books home.

6. Snack Time
   2K and 3K: A morning snack is provided . Children receive a fresh fruit option and another snack item (cereal, gra-
   ham, crackers, goldfish crackers) with milk or water. Please send a water bottle to school with your child.
   4K: Every day we will have a snack during free play/small group time. Please send one item for your child to eat and a
   bottle of water for a beverage.
   Please discuss any food allergies prior to enrollment. During snack time, children are encouraged to practice good ta-
   ble manners, talk politely with others, and learn to try new foods. Most importantly, children learn and say prayers of
   thanks for the refreshments which nourish and strengthen their growing bodies.

7. Absences
   Please call the Learning Center or notify the teachers if your child will be absent. The phone number to contact is
   262.567.2737 x712. If your child is absent and we do not hear from you, we will contact you to make sure everything is

8. Inclement Weather
   In case of inclement weather, please check the local news listings or radio stations. Holy Trinity Learning Center and
   Holy Trinity Lutheran School will close if the Oconomowoc Area School District closes due to inclement weather con-

9. Daily Schedule
   2K and 3K
   7:45 am    Arrival
   8:00am     Free play, small group activities
   8:45am     Story Time/Class Jobs/Show & Tell
   9:00am     Bathroom Break and Snack
   9:30am     Recess
   10:00am    Bible Story/Songs & Fingerplays
   10:15am    Center Time - Literacy/Math/Science/Sensory concepts
   10:55am    Closing Prayer
   11:00am    Dismissal

     7:45 am     Arrival
     8:00am      School begins
     8:10am      Free play, small group activities and snack
     9:15am      Recess
     10:00am     Bible Story
     10:15am     Singing
     10:30am     Science/Story Time/Arts & Crafts
     10:55am     Closing Prayer
     11:00am     Dismissal

10. Chapel
On Thursdays, the students meet in church to hear the wonderful message of salvation through Jesus. This short service
begins at 10:00am. Families are welcome to attend these special services. Every quarter, our mission offerings will go to a
local, regional or world mission. We will send offering envelopes home. Please place your child’s offering in the envelope
and return it to school. If you prefer, you may send a small ziploc bag or container of coins in your child’s backpack and he
or she will choose a few coins for an offering each week.

11. Birthdays
You are welcome to celebrate your child’s birthday by sending a special treat to school for the entire class. We usually cel-
ebrate birthdays during snack time. For children with summer birthdays, please talk with your child’s teacher to schedule a
celebration in class.

12. Curriculum
All subjects are taught in the light of God’s Word.

Bible History is taught using the Cross Connections or Christ Light series. We study lessons from the Old and New Testa-
ment. Family involvement is a very important element of the curriculum. The student lessons contain suggestions that will
help families teach biblical truths to their children. Memory treasures are learned at school and reviewed at home.

Math exploration emphasizes manipulatives and hands-on activites.

Literacy focuses on reading good literature, discussions, letter exploration

Science is learned through reading non-fiction books, making our own books and completing age appropriate experiments
and activities.

Social interactions are part of everything we do. For many children, this is their first experience in a group setting. We learn
to communicate effectively, express thoughts and feelings, share items and materials, take turns and practice patience.
We also begin to learn how to cooperate in classroom cleanup, how to take care of our environments and how to show em-
pathy for others.

Music is learned through a wide variety of songs, movement activities, fingerplays, rhythm instruments, and bell activities.

Physical education is taught through several activities and games. The children develop eye-hand coordination, eye-foot
coordination, balance and basic body movement.

13. Preschool Goals
   Throughout the school year, the children in our classes learn and develop skills and abilities in the following areas:
       ●   Knows that God made us and the whole world
       ●   Knows that Jesus loves him or her
       ●   Has control over feelings
       ●   Shares possessions and toys
       ●   Plays cooperatively
       ●   Asks and answers many when, why and how questions
       ●   Can say first and last name
       ●   Child uses language for communication
   Math readiness: will be exposed to numbers, shapes & sizes
   Reading readiness: will be exposed to letter names and sounds
       ●   Gross motor: run, jump, hop, throw a ball, builds simple structures with blocks
       ●   Fine motor: completes puzzles, cutting practice, learns to hold a crayon, uses play-doh, works with beads and
           other manipulatives to build fine motor strength
       ●   Dresses and undresses self
       ●   Distinguishes front and back of clothing
       ●   Washes and dries face, hands and cares for bathroom needs independently

14. Clifford Take-Home Bag (3K)
   During the school year, 3K children receive a take-home folder with Clifford, the Big Red Dog Weekend visits are
   scheduled and listed on the monthly class calendars. The folder includes a Clifford puppet, books, puzzles, activities
   and a journal page. Please use this journal to record a few of the activities during Clifford’s visit to your house. Families
   may email pictures to learning.center@holytrinityels.org or text pictures to the teachers. The Clifford folder is sent
   home on Thursdays and should be returned to school the following Tuesday. Each child will have an opportunity to
   share his or her adventures with the class.

15. Field Trips (3K and 4K)
   Throughout the year, a variety of field trips are scheduled for the 3K and 4K classes. Drivers and chaperones are
   needed for some of these trips. If there are any extenuating circumstances (i.e. the number of children you can accom-
   modate in your vehicle, are only able to drive one way) please be sure to inform the teachers! Permission slips will be
   sent home in your child’s folder several weeks prior to the trip. Field trips are an important extension of the curriculum.
   Children learn about the neighborhoods and environments outside the classroom and interact socially with peers and
   community members. Thank you in advance for your support!

16. Scholastic Book Orders
     Every other month, Scholastic Book orders will be available. You may choose to take advantage of these opportunities
     to expand your home library, purchase gifts while donating to our classroom libraries at the same time. Our school
     earns points for every order, which are used to purchase books and other special items for our classrooms. Place your
     order online (be sure to use our classroom code!) or return the paper order forms and payment to school by the due
     date listed on the form. Enjoy these opportunities to boost your child’s love of reading!

17. Volunteers
     Parents, guardians and family members are always welcomed and encouraged to visit our classroom. Extra help with
     parties and preparing for special projects are always appreciated. This is also a great opportunity for your child to
     share their exciting school day with you! If you are interested in helping in the classroom, please let us know.

18. Discipline
     Discipline is an action done out of love to help children learn self-control and respect for their classmates. Methods of
     discipline include positive feedback, warnings for negative behavior, redirection, and the use of clear-cut limits. Chil-
     dren develop communication skills by learning to use their words when they are frustrated. Apologies and forgiveness
     are important aspects of the discipline process in our classroom. Children are continually encouraged by the love and
     forgiveness they freely receive from Jesus to help them strive to love and forgive others.

19. Home - School Relationship
     When recalling the events of our day, the details can often be confusing for children! Many times, children focus on
     the last activity or get the facts mixed up when recalling the day’s events. Please do not hesitate to contact your
     child’s teacher by phone or email for clarification

     These early learning experiences in your child’s life are laying the foundation for his or her future academic endeavors.
     It is our incredible privilege to work with your child throughout these early years. If, at any time, you have questions or
     concerns, please do not hesitate to contact or visit us! We are here to assist you! May God bless our time together!
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