2023 Select Standard Formulary

Page created by Warren Morales
2023 Select Standard Formulary
Select Standard Formulary
For the most current list of covered medications or if you have questions:
        Call the number on your member ID card.

        Visit your plan’s website on your member ID card or log on to the Optum Rx app to:
        • Find a participating retail pharmacy by ZIP code.
        • Look up possible lower-cost medication alternatives.
        • Compare medication pricing and options.

                                                                                             Effective Jan. 1, 2023
Understanding your formulary
What is a formulary?
A formulary is a list of prescribed medications or other pharmacy care products, services or supplies chosen for their
safety, cost, and effectiveness. Medications are listed by categories or classes and are placed into cost levels known as
tiers. It includes both brand and generic prescription medications.
To create the list, Optum Rx® is guided by the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. This group of doctors and
pharmacists reviews which medications will be covered, how well the drugs work, and overall value. They also make sure
there are safe and covered options.

How do I use my formulary?
You and your doctor can use the formulary to help you choose the
most cost-effective prescription medications. This guide tells you
if a medication is generic or brand, and if special rules apply. If your
medication is not listed here, please visit your plan’s website or call the       About this formulary
number on your member ID card.
                                                                                  Where differences exist between
What are tiers?                                                                   this list and your benefit plan,
Tiers are the different cost levels you pay for a medication. Each tier is        the benefit plan documents rule.
assigned a cost, set by your employer or plan sponsor.                            This is not a complete list of your
                                                                                  covered medications. Please review
When does the formulary change?                                                   your benefit plan documents
• Medications may move to a lower tier at any time.                               for full details. Not all formulary
• Medications may move to a higher tier when a generic equal                      alternatives listed in this document
  becomes available.                                                              may be appropriate for your specific
• Medications may move to a higher tier or be excluded from coverage              condition. Please talk to your doctor.
  on January 1 or July 1 of each year.
If a medication changes tiers, you may have to pay a different amount
for that medication.

Why are some medications excluded from coverage?
A medication may be excluded from coverage under your pharmacy benefit when it works the same as or is similar to
another prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medication.

What if I don’t agree with a decision about an excluded medication?
You, your authorized representative, or your doctor can ask for a coverage request by calling the number on your
member ID card.

Medication tips
What is the difference between brand-name and generic medications?
Generic medications contain the same active ingredients (offer the
same effect) as brand-name medications, but they often cost less. In
some situations, brand-name medications could be lower in cost.

What if my doctor writes a brand-name prescription?
If your doctor gives you a prescription for a brand-name medication, ask
if a lower-cost option could be right for you.                                    medications (OTC)
                                                                                  Talk to your doctor about OTC
What if I am taking a specialty medication?                                       options. Even though OTC
Specialty medications are used to treat complex conditions and are                medications may not be covered by
generally higher in cost. Please note, not all specialty medications are          your pharmacy benefit, they may cost
listed in the formulary. Our specialty pharmacy can provide most of your
                                                                                  less than a prescription medication.
specialty medications along with helpful programs and services. Call
1-855-427-4682 and ask how you can have your prescriptions delivered
right to your home or doctor’s office.                                                                                      2
Reading your formulary
The formulary gives you choices so you and your doctor can decide your best course of treatment. In this formulary,
brand-name medications are shown in UPPERCASE (for example, CLOBEX). Generic medications are shown in lowercase
(for example, clobetasol).

Tier information
Using lower tier or preferred medications can help you lower your out-of-pocket cost. Your plan may have multiple or no
tiers. Please note: If you have a high-deductible plan, the tier cost levels will apply once you meet your deductible.

 Drug tier        Includes                    Helpful tips

 Tier 1           $	Lower-cost              Use tier 1 drugs for the lowest out-of-pocket costs.
                      generics and
                      some brand

 Tier 2              Mid-range cost
                  $$	                        Use tier 2 drugs instead of tier 3 to help reduce your
                     preferred brand          out-of-pocket costs.

 Tier 3               Higher-cost
                  $$$	                       Many tier 3 drugs have lower-cost options in tier 1 or 2.
                      brand name and          Ask your doctor if they could work for you.
                      some generics

Drug list information
In this drug list, some medications are noted with letters next to them to help you see which ones may have coverage
requirements or limits. Your benefit plan decides how these medications may be covered.

 PA       Prior authorization – Your doctor is required to give Optum Rx more information to determine coverage.

 QL       Quantity limit – Medication may be limited to a certain quantity.

 SP       Specialty medication – Medication is designated as specialty.

 ST       Step therapy – Must try lower-cost medication(s) before a higher-cost medication can be covered.

 3P       Tier 3 preferred

 ++       Benefit design options – Coverage is determined by your prescription medication benefit plan.

Select Standard Formulary

                                                                     Table of Contents
Analgesics - Drugs for Pain.................................................................................................................................6
Analgesics - Drugs for Pain and Inflammation.................................................................................................... 6
Anti-Addiction / Substance Abuse Treatment Agents......................................................................................... 6
Anticonvulsants - Drugs for Seizures.................................................................................................................. 8
Antidementia Agents - Drugs for Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia................................................................ 8
Antiemetics - Drugs for Nausea and Vomiting.................................................................................................... 9
Antigout Agents................................................................................................................................................... 9
Antimigraine Agents............................................................................................................................................ 9
Antineoplastics - Drugs for Cancer....................................................................................................................10
Antiparasitics..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Antiparkinson Agents........................................................................................................................................ 11
Antipsychotics - Drugs for Mood Disorders....................................................................................................... 11
Anxiolytics - Drugs for Anxiety...........................................................................................................................12
Bipolar Agents - Drugs for Mood Disorders.......................................................................................................12
Blood Products and Modifiers - Drugs for Blood Disorders...............................................................................12
Cardiovascular Agents - Drugs for Heart and Circulation Conditions............................................................... 12
Central Nervous System Agents - Drugs for Attention Deficit Disorder............................................................ 14
Central Nervous System Agents - Drugs for Multiple Sclerosis........................................................................ 14
Central Nervous System Agents - Miscellaneous............................................................................................. 15
Dental and Oral Agents - Drugs for Mouth and Throat Conditions....................................................................15
Dermatological Agents - Drugs for Skin Conditions.......................................................................................... 15
Diabetes - Antidiabetic Agents.......................................................................................................................... 16
Diabetes - Glucose Monitoring.......................................................................................................................... 17
Diabetes - Glycemic Agents.............................................................................................................................. 18
Diabetes - Insulins.............................................................................................................................................18
Electrolytes / Minerals / Metals / Vitamins.........................................................................................................19
Gastrointestinal Agents - Drugs for Acid Reflux and Ulcer................................................................................20
Gastrointestinal Agents - Drugs for Bowel, Intestine and Stomach Conditions.................................................20
Genetic or Enzyme Disorder - Drugs for Replacement, Modification, Treatment............................................. 20
Genitourinary Agents - Drugs for Bladder, Genital and Kidney Conditions.......................................................21
Genitourinary Agents - Drugs for Prostate Conditions...................................................................................... 21
Hormonal Agents - Adrenal............................................................................................................................... 21
Hormonal Agents - Men's Health.......................................................................................................................21
Hormonal Agents - Pituitary.............................................................................................................................. 21
Hormonal Agents - Selective Estrogen Receptor Modifying Agents................................................................. 22
Hormonal Agents - Sex Hormones and Birth Control........................................................................................22
Hormonal Agents - Thyroid............................................................................................................................... 25
Immunological Agents - Drugs for Immune System Stimulation or Suppression.............................................. 25
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Agents.................................................................................................................26
Metabolic Bone Disease Agents - Drugs for Osteoporosis............................................................................... 27
Metabolic Bone Disease Agents - Other........................................................................................................... 27
Miscellaneous Therapeutic Agents................................................................................................................... 27
Ophthalmic Agents - Drugs for Eye Allergy, Infection and Inflammation...........................................................27

Ophthalmic Agents - Drugs for Glaucoma.........................................................................................................28
Ophthalmic Agents - Drugs for Miscellaneous Eye Conditions......................................................................... 28
Otic Agents - Drugs for Ear Conditions............................................................................................................. 28
Respiratory Tract / Pulmonary Agents - Drugs for Allergies, Cough, Cold........................................................28
Respiratory Tract / Pulmonary Agents - Drugs for Asthma and Other Lung Conditions................................... 29
Respiratory Tract / Pulmonary Agents - Drugs for Cystic Fibrosis.................................................................... 30
Respiratory Tract / Pulmonary Agents - Drugs for Pulmonary Hypertension.................................................... 30
Skeletal Muscle Relaxants - Drugs for Muscle Pain and Spasm...................................................................... 31
Sleep Disorder Agents...................................................................................................................................... 31

Drug Name                  Drug Tier Notes                 Drug Name                  Drug Tier Notes
Analgesics - Drugs                                         Analgesics - Drugs
for Pain                                                   for Pain and
acetaminophen-                                             Inflammation
                              1       QL
codeine #2                                                 celecoxib oral                1     QL
acetaminophen-                                             diclofenac sodium oral        1
                              1       QL
codeine #3                                                 ELYXYB                        3     PA; QL
acetaminophen-                                             etodolac oral tablet          1
                              1       QL
codeine #4
                                                           ibuprofen oral tablet
acetaminophen-                                             400 mg, 600 mg, 800           1
                              1       QL
codeine oral tablet                                        mg
apap-caff-                                                 indomethacin oral
                              1       QL                                                 1
dihydrocodeine                                             capsule 25 mg, 50 mg
bac                           1                            ketorolac tromethamine
                                                                                         1     QL
BELBUCA                       2       PA; QL               oral
butalbital-apap-caffeine      1                            meloxicam oral tablet         1
endocet                       1       QL                   nabumetone oral               1
fentanyl                      1       PA; QL               NAPRELAN ORAL
hydrocodone-                                               TABLET EXTENDED
acetaminophen oral            1       QL                   RELEASE 24 HOUR
tablet                                                     375 MG, 500 MG
hydromorphone hcl oral                                     NAPRELAN ORAL
                              1       QL                   TABLET EXTENDED
tablet                                                                                   3     PA
                                                           RELEASE 24 HOUR
HYSINGLA ER                   2       PA; QL               750 MG
morphine sulfate er oral                                   naproxen oral tablet          1
                              1       PA; QL
tablet extended release
NUCYNTA                       3       QL
                                                           lidocaine external patch
oxycodone hcl oral                                                                       1
                              1       QL                   5%
oxycodone-                                                                               1
                                                           external cream
acetaminophen oral
tablet 10-325 mg, 2.5-        1       QL                   ZTLIDO                        3     ST
325 mg, 5-325 mg, 7.5-                                     Anti-Addiction /
325 mg                                                     Substance Abuse
OXYCONTIN                     2       PA; QL               Treatment Agents

tramadol hcl oral tablet      1       QL                   buprenorphine hcl
                                                                                         1     QL
TREZIX                        3       QL
                                                           buprenorphine hcl-
XTAMPZA ER                    2       PA; QL                                             1     QL
                                                           naloxone hcl
                                                           KLOXXADO                      2

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                   Drug Tier Notes                Drug Name                  Drug Tier Notes
naloxone hcl nasal             1                           DIFICID                       3
naltrexone hcl oral            1                           doxycycline hyclate oral
NARCAN                         2                           capsule
SUBLOCADE                      3      SP                   doxycycline hyclate oral
varenicline tartrate oral
                               1      ++; QL               doxycycline
                                                           monohydrate oral              1
ZIMHI                          3                           capsule
ZUBSOLV                        2      QL                   doxycycline
Antibacterials                                             monohydrate oral tablet
amoxicillin oral capsule       1                           levofloxacin oral tablet      1
amoxicillin oral                                           metronidazole oral
suspension                     1                           tablet
reconstituted                                              metronidazole vaginal         1
amoxicillin oral tablet        1                           minocycline hcl oral
amoxicillin-potassium                                      capsule
clavulanate oral                                           mondoxyne nl                  1
reconstituted                                              mupirocin external            1
amoxicillin-potassium                                      nitrofurantoin
                               1                                                         1
clavulanate oral tablet                                    macrocrystal
avidoxy                        1                           nitrofurantoin
                                                           monohydrate                   1
azithromycin oral                                          macrocrystals
suspension                     1
reconstituted                                              NUZYRA ORAL                   3
azithromycin oral tablet       1                           penicillin v potassium
                                                           oral tablet
cefadroxil oral capsule        1
                                                           SEYSARA                       3     ST
cefdinir                       1
cefuroxime axetil              1                                                         1
                                                           trimethoprim oral tablet
cephalexin oral capsule        1                           vandazole                     1
cephalexin oral                                            XENLETA                       3
suspension                     1
reconstituted                                              XEPI                          3
ciprofloxacin hcl oral         1                           XIMINO                        3
clarithromycin oral                                        Anticoagulants
tablet                                                     ELIQUIS                       2     QL
clindamycin hcl oral           1                           ELIQUIS DVT/PE
                                                                                         2     QL
CLINDESSE                      3                           STARTER PACK

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                   Drug Tier Notes
enoxaparin sodium                                          TOPAMAX                        3     ST
injection solution            1       QL                   TOPAMAX SPRINKLE               3     ST
prefilled syringe
                                                           topiramate oral tablet         1
jantoven                      1
                                                           TROKENDI XR                    3     ST
PRADAXA                       2       QL
                                                           VALTOCO                        3     QL
warfarin sodium oral          1
                                                           VIMPAT ORAL
XARELTO                       2       QL                                                  3     ST
XARELTO STARTER                                            XCOPRI                         3     ST
                              2       QL
                                                           ZONEGRAN                       3     ST
Anticonvulsants -
Drugs for Seizures                                         zonisamide oral                1
APTIOM                        3                            Antidementia Agents
                                                           - Drugs for
BRIVIACT                                                   Alzheimer's Disease
INTRAVENOUS                                                and Dementia
BRIVIACT ORAL                 3       ST                   donepezil hcl oral tablet      1
carbamazepine oral                                         memantine hcl oral
                              1                                                           1
tablet                                                     tablet
divalproex sodium er          1                            NAMZARIC                       2     QL
divalproex sodium oral                                     Antidepressants
tablet delayed release
                                                           amitriptyline hcl oral         1
EPIDIOLEX                     3       PA; SP
                                                           bupropion hcl er (sr)          1     QL
epitol                        1
                                                           bupropion hcl er (xl)
FYCOMPA                       3                            oral tablet extended
                                                                                          1     QL
gabapentin oral                                            release 24 hour 150
capsule                                                    mg, 300 mg
gabapentin oral tablet                                     bupropion hcl oral             1
600 mg, 800 mg                                             citalopram
lamotrigine er                1                            hydrobromide oral              1
lamotrigine oral tablet       1                            tablet

levetiracetam oral                                         desvenlafaxine
                              1                                                           1     QL
tablet                                                     succinate er
NAYZILAM                      3       QL                   doxepin hcl oral
oxcarbazepine oral
                              1                            duloxetine hcl oral            1     QL
roweepra                      1                            escitalopram oxalate
                                                           oral tablet
subvenite                     1
                                                           fluoxetine hcl oral
SYMPAZAN                      3       PA                                                  1

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                    Drug Tier Notes               Drug Name                  Drug Tier Notes
fluoxetine hcl oral tablet      1                          ciclopirox external
                                                                                         1     ++
fluvoxamine maleate             1                          solution
LYBALVI                         3     ST; QL               clotrimazole-
                                                           betamethasone                 1
mirtazapine oral tablet         1                          external cream
nortriptyline hcl oral                                     CRESEMBA ORAL                 3     PA
                                                           fluconazole oral tablet       1
paroxetine hcl oral
                                1                          GYNAZOLE-1                    3
sertraline hcl oral tablet      1                          ketoconazole external
                                3     PA; SP               ketoconazole external
DOSE)                                                                                    1
                                3     PA; SP               nystatin external cream       1
trazodone hcl oral              1                          nystatin external
TRINTELLIX                      3     ST; QL
                                                           nystatin mouth/throat         1
venlafaxine hcl                 1
                                                           terbinafine hcl oral          1     QL
venlafaxine hcl er              1
                                                           terconazole vaginal
VIIBRYD                         3     ST; QL                                             1
Antiemetics - Drugs                                        Antigout Agents
for Nausea and
Vomiting                                                   allopurinol oral              1
meclizine hcl oral tablet                                  colchicine tablet 0.6 mg
                                1     ++                                                 1
25 mg                                                      oral
metoclopramide hcl                                         colchicine tablet 0.6 mg
                                1                                                        1     Made by Par
oral tablet                                                oral
ondansetron hcl oral                                       Antimigraine Agents
                                1     QL
tablet 24 mg                                               AIMOVIG
ondansetron hcl oral                                       SUBCUTANEOUS
                                1                          SOLUTION AUTO-                2     PA; QL
tablet 4 mg, 8 mg
                                                           INJECTOR 140
ondansetron odt                 1                          MG/ML, 70 MG/ML
prochlorperazine                                           AJOVY                         2     PA; QL
maleate oral
                                                           eletriptan hydrobromide       1     QL
scopolamine                     1
VARUBI (180 MG                                             SUBCUTANEOUS
                                3     QL                                                 3     PA; QL
DOSE)                                                      SOLUTION AUTO-
Antifungals                                                INJECTOR 120 MG/ML
ciclodan                        1     ++

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                Drug Tier Notes
EMGALITY                                                   KISQALI FEMARA              3       PA; SP
SUBCUTANEOUS                                               KISQALI ORAL
SOLUTION                      2       PA; QL               TABLET THERAPY              3       PA; SP
PREFILLED SYRINGE                                          PACK 200 MG
100 MG/ML
                                                           KOSELUGO                    3       PA; SP
NURTEC                        2       PA; QL
                                                           letrozole oral              1
QULIPTA                       2       PA; QL
                                                           LUMAKRAS                    3       PA; SP
rizatriptan benzoate          1       QL
                                                           LYNPARZA                    2       PA; SP
sumatriptan succinate
                              1       QL                   MVASI                       2       PA; SP
UBRELVY                       2       PA; QL               NUBEQA                      3       PA; SP
Antineoplastics -                                          ODOMZO                      3       PA; SP
Drugs for Cancer                                           ORGOVYX                     3       PA; SP
abiraterone acetate           1       PA; SP               PANRETIN                    3
ALECENSA                      2       PA; SP               PHESGO                      2       PA; SP
ALUNBRIG                      2       PA; SP; QL           POMALYST                    3       PA; SP
anastrozole oral              1                            RETEVMO                     3       PA; SP
CABOMETYX                     2       PA; SP               REVLIMID                    2       PA; SP
CALQUENCE ORAL                                             ROZLYTREK                   3       PA; SP
                              3       PA; SP
CAPSULE                                                    RUXIENCE                    2       PA; SP
capecitabine                  1       PA; SP               SPRYCEL                     2       PA; SP
ERIVEDGE                      3       PA; SP               STIVARGA                    3       PA; SP
ERLEADA                       3       PA; SP               TABRECTA                    3       PA; SP
EXKIVITY                      3       PA; SP               TAGRISSO ORAL
                                                                                       3       PA; SP; QL
GAVRETO                       3       PA; SP               TABLET 40 MG
IBRANCE ORAL                                               TAGRISSO ORAL
                              3       PA; SP                                           3       PA; SP
TABLET                                                     TABLET 80 MG
ICLUSIG ORAL                                               tamoxifen citrate oral      1
TABLET 10 MG, 15              3       PA; SP; QL           temozolomide                1       PA; SP
                                                           TRAZIMERA                   2       PA; SP
TABLET 30 MG, 45              3       PA; SP               VITRAKVI                    3       PA; SP
MG                                                         XTANDI                      3       PA; SP
IDHIFA                        3       PA; SP; QL           ZEJULA                      2       PA; SP
imatinib mesylate             1       PA; SP               ZIRABEV                     2       PA; SP
IMBRUVICA                     3       PA; SP; QL           Antiparasitics
KANJINTI                      2       PA; SP               ARAKODA                     3

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                  Drug Tier Notes                 Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes
EMVERM                        2                            PERSERIS                     3      ++
hydroxychloroquine                                         quetiapine fumarate er       1      QL
sulfate oral                                               quetiapine fumarate
Antiparkinson Agents                                       oral tablet 100 mg, 200
                                                                                        1      QL
benztropine mesylate                                       mg, 25 mg, 300 mg,
                              1                            400 mg, 50 mg
carbidopa-levodopa                                         REXULTI                      3      QL
oral tablet                                                risperidone oral tablet      1      QL
INBRIJA                       3       PA; SP               VRAYLAR                      3      QL
KYNMOBI                       3       PA; SP; QL           ziprasidone hcl              1      QL
KYNMOBI TITRATION                                          Antivirals
                              3       PA; SP; QL
KIT                                                        acyclovir oral tablet        1
NEUPRO                        3       ST                   BIKTARVY                     3
NOURIANZ                      3       PA                   CIMDUO                       2
ONGENTYS                      3       ST                   DESCOVY ORAL
pramipexole                                                TABLET 120-15 MG
dihydrochloride                                            DESCOVY ORAL
                                                                                        3      PA
ropinirole hcl                1                            TABLET 200-25 MG
RYTARY                        3       ST                   DOVATO                       2
Antiplatelets                                              emtricitabine-tenofovir
BRILINTA                      2                            df
clopidogrel bisulfate                                      entecavir                    1      QL
oral                                                       EPCLUSA                      2      PA; SP; QL
prasugrel hcl                 1                            GENVOYA                      3
Antipsychotics -                                           HARVONI                      2      PA; SP; QL
Drugs for Mood                                             JULUCA                       2
                                                           MAVYRET                      2      PA; SP; QL
ABILIFY MAINTENA              3       ++
                                                           ODEFSEY                      3
aripiprazole oral tablet      1       QL
                                                           oseltamivir phosphate
ARISTADA                      3       ++                                                1      QL
ARISTADA INITIO               3       ++                   PREZCOBIX                    2
INVEGA HAFYERA                3       ST; ++               RUKOBIA                      2
INVEGA SUSTENNA               3       ++                   SYMFI                        2
INVEGA TRINZA                 3       ++                   SYMFI LO                     2
LATUDA                        3       QL                   SYMTUZA                      3
olanzapine oral tablet        1       QL                   TIVICAY                      2

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes
TRIUMEQ                       2                            JIVI                         3      SP
valacyclovir hcl oral         1       QL                   KOATE                        2      SP
VEMLIDY                       3       ST                   MULPLETA                     2      PA; SP
VOSEVI                        2       PA; SP; QL           NEULASTA                     3      PA; SP
XOFLUZA (40 MG                                             NEULASTA ONPRO               3      PA; SP
                              3       QL
DOSE)                                                      NIVESTYM                     2      PA; SP
XOFLUZA (80 MG                                             NOVOEIGHT                    2      SP
                              3       QL
                                                           NUWIQ                        2      SP
Anxiolytics - Drugs
for Anxiety                                                PROCRIT                      2      PA; SP
alprazolam oral tablet        1       QL                   RECOMBINATE                  2      SP
buspirone hcl oral            1                            RETACRIT                     2      PA; SP
clonazepam oral tablet        1       QL                   SOLIRIS                      3      PA; SP
diazepam oral tablet          1                            TAVALISSE                    3      PA; SP
hydroxyzine hcl oral                                       ULTOMIRIS                    3      PA; SP
tablet                                                     WILATE                       2      SP
hydroxyzine pamoate                                        XYNTHA                       2      SP
oral                                                       XYNTHA SOLOFUSE              2      SP
lorazepam oral tablet         1       QL                   ZARXIO                       2      PA; SP
triazolam                     1       QL                   ZIEXTENZO                    3      PA; SP
Bipolar Agents -                                           Cardiovascular
Drugs for Mood                                             Agents - Drugs for
Disorders                                                  Heart and Circulation
lithium carbonate er          1                            Conditions
lithium carbonate oral                                     amiodarone hcl oral          1
capsule                                                    amlodipine besylate
Blood Products and                                                                      1
Modifiers - Drugs for
                                                           amlodipine besylate-
Blood Disorders                                                                         1
                                                           benazepril hcl
ADVATE                        2       SP                   amlodipine besylate-
ADYNOVATE                     3       SP                   valsartan
AFSTYLA                       3       SP                   amlodipine-olmesartan        1
ARANESP (ALBUMIN                                           atenolol oral                1
                              2       PA; SP
FREE)                                                      atenolol-chlorthalidone      1
DOPTELET                      3       PA; SP               atorvastatin calcium
ELOCTATE                      3       SP                   oral
EMPAVELI                      3       PA; SP               benazepril hcl oral          1

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                  Drug Tier Notes                 Drug Name                  Drug Tier Notes
BIDIL                         3                            irbesartan                    1
bisoprolol fumarate oral      1                            irbesartan-
bisoprolol-                                                hydrochlorothiazide
hydrochlorothiazide                                        isosorbide mononitrate
bumetanide oral               1                            er
candesartan cilexetil         1                            labetalol hcl oral            1
cartia xt                     1                            lisinopril oral               1
carvedilol                    1                            lisinopril-
chlorthalidone                1
                                                           LIVALO                        3     ST
clonidine hcl oral            1
                                                           losartan potassium oral       1
CORLANOR                      3       PA; QL
                                                           losartan potassium-hctz       1
digitek                       1
                                                           lovastatin oral               1
digox                         1
                                                           metoprolol succinate er       1
digoxin oral tablet           1
                                                           metoprolol tartrate oral      1
diltiazem hcl er coated
beads oral capsule                                         MULTAQ                        3
extended release 24                                        nadolol oral                  1
hour                                                       nebivolol hcl                 1
doxazosin mesylate                                         NEXLETOL                      2     PA; QL
                                                           NEXLIZET                      2     PA; QL
EDARBI                        3       ST
                                                           nifedipine er                 1
EDARBYCLOR                    3       ST
                                                           nifedipine er osmotic
enalapril maleate oral                                                                   1
                              1                            release
                                                           nitroglycerin sublingual      1
ENTRESTO                      2       QL
                                                           olmesartan medoxomil
ezetimibe                     1                                                          1
fenofibrate oral tablet       1                            olmesartan medoxomil-
flecainide acetate            1                            hctz
furosemide oral tablet        1                            omega-3-acid ethyl
gemfibrozil oral              1                            esters
guanfacine hcl                1                            pravastatin sodium            1
HEMANGEOL                     3                            prazosin hcl oral             1
hydralazine hcl oral          1                            propranolol hcl er            1
hydrochlorothiazide                                        propranolol hcl oral
                              1                                                          1
oral                                                       tablet

icosapent ethyl               1       PA                   ramipril                      1

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                Drug Tier Notes
ranolazine er                 1                            dexmethylphenidate hcl
                                                                                       1       QL
REPATHA                       2       PA; QL               er
REPATHA                                                    guanfacine hcl er           1
PUSHTRONEX                    2       PA; QL               JORNAY PM                   3       ST; QL
SYSTEM                                                     methylphenidate hcl er
                                                                                       1       QL
REPATHA                                                    (cd)
                              2       PA; QL
SURECLICK                                                  methylphenidate hcl er
                                                                                       1       QL
rosuvastatin calcium          1                            (la)
simvastatin oral              1                            methylphenidate hcl er
                                                                                       1       QL
SOAANZ                        3       PA                   (osm)
spironolactone oral           1                            methylphenidate hcl er
                                                                                       1       QL
TEKTURNA                      2
                                                           methylphenidate hcl er
TEKTURNA HCT                  2       ST                   oral tablet extended        1       QL
telmisartan                   1                            release
telmisartan-hctz              1                            methylphenidate hcl
                                                                                       1       QL
torsemide                     1                            oral tablet

triamterene-hctz              1                            RELEXXII                    3       ST; QL

valsartan oral tablet         1                            VYVANSE                     2       QL
                                                           Central Nervous
                              1                            System Agents -
                                                           Drugs for Multiple
VASCEPA                       2       PA                   Sclerosis
verapamil hcl er oral                                      AMPYRA                      3       PA; SP; QL
tablet extended release
                                                           AUBAGIO                     3       PA; SP; QL
VERQUVO                       3       PA; QL
                                                           AVONEX PEN                  2       PA; SP; QL
Central Nervous
System Agents -                                            AVONEX PREFILLED            2       PA; SP; QL
Drugs for Attention                                        BAFIERTAM                   2       PA; SP; QL
Deficit Disorder                                           BETASERON                   2       PA; SP; QL
ADDERALL XR                   1       QL                   COPAXONE                    2       PA; SP; QL
amphetamine-                                               dimethyl fumarate oral      1       PA; SP; QL
                              1       QL
                                                           GILENYA                     3       PA; SP; QL
                              3       PA; QL               glatiramer acetate          1       PA; SP; QL
dextroamphetamine er
atomoxetine hcl               1       QL                   glatopa                     1       PA; SP; QL
AZSTARYS                      3       ST; QL               KESIMPTA                    2       PA; SP; QL
dexmethylphenidate hcl        1       QL                   MAVENCLAD                   3       PA; SP
                                                           MAYZENT                     3       PA; SP; QL

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes
MAYZENT STARTER                                            Dental and Oral
PACK ORAL TABLET                                           Agents - Drugs for
                              3       PA; SP; QL           Mouth and Throat
MG                                                         Conditions
REBIF                         3       PA; SP; QL           chlorhexidine gluconate
REBIF REBIDOSE                3       PA; SP; QL           mouth/throat
REBIF REBIDOSE                                             lidocaine hcl
                              3       PA; SP; QL                                        1
TITRATION PACK                                             mouth/throat
REBIF TITRATION                                            lidocaine viscous hcl        1
                              3       PA; SP; QL
PACK                                                       periogard                    1
VUMERITY                      2       PA; SP; QL           Dermatological
ZEPOSIA                       3       PA; SP; QL           Agents - Drugs for
                                                           Skin Conditions
                              3       PA; SP; QL           ABSORICA LD                  3      PA
ZEPOSIA STARTER                                            accutane                     1      PA
                              3       PA; SP; QL
KIT                                                        adapalene-benzoyl
Central Nervous                                            peroxide external gel
System Agents -                                            ADBRY                        2      PA; SP; QL
Miscellaneous                                              ala-cort external cream
ADDYI                         3       PA; ++; QL           2.5 %
AUSTEDO                       3       PA; SP; QL           amnesteem                    1      PA
GRALISE                       3       ST; QL               AMZEEQ                       3
HORIZANT                      3       PA; QL               azelaic acid external        1
INGREZZA                      3       PA; SP; QL           betamethasone
phentermine hcl oral                                       dipropionate external        1
                              1       PA; ++               cream
pregabalin oral capsule       1       QL                   CIBINQO                      2      PA; SP
QSYMIA                        3       PA; ++               claravis                     1      PA
SAXENDA                       3       PA; ++; QL           clindacin etz external
TEGSEDI                       3       PA; SP
                                                           clindacin-p                  1
TIGLUTIK                      3       PA; QL
                                                           clindamycin phos-
VYLEESI                       3       PA; ++; QL           benzoyl perox external       1
WEGOVY                        3       PA; ++; QL           gel 1-5 %, 1.2-2.5 %
                                                           clindamycin phosphate
                                                           external gel
                                                           clindamycin phosphate
                                                           external lotion

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                  Drug Tier Notes
clindamycin phosphate                                      mometasone furoate
                              1                                                          1
external solution                                          external cream
clindamycin phosphate                                      myorisan                      1     PA
external swab                                              ONEXTON                       3
clobetasol propionate                                      OPZELURA                      2     ST; QL
external cream
                                                           QBREXZA                       3     QL
clobetasol propionate
                              1                            RETIN-A MICRO
external ointment
                                                           PUMP EXTERNAL                 2     PA; ++
clobetasol propionate                                      GEL 0.06 %, 0.08 %
external solution
                                                           RHOFADE                       3
DUPIXENT                      2       PA; SP; QL
                                                           rosadan external cream        1
ENSTILAR                      3       QL
                                                           rosadan external gel          1
EPIDUO FORTE                  3
                                                           SANTYL                        3     QL
EUCRISA                       2       ST
                                                           SOOLANTRA                     3
                              3                            TACLONEX                      3     QL
FINACEA EXTERNAL                                           tacrolimus external           1     QL
                              3       ST
GEL                                                        tretinoin external cream      1     PA; ++
fluocinonide external                                      triamcinolone acetonide
                              1                                                          1
solution                                                   external cream
fluorouracil external                                      triamcinolone acetonide
                              1                                                          1
cream 5 %                                                  external ointment
hydrocortisone external                                    triamcinolone in
                              1                                                          1
cream 2.5 %                                                absorbase
hydrocortisone external                                    triderm                       1
ointment 2.5 %                                             tritocin                      1
imiquimod external                                         WYNZORA                       3     PA; QL
                              1       ST
cream 3.75 %
                                                           zenatane                      1     PA
imiquimod external
                              1                            ZILXI                         3     ST
cream 5 %
imiquimod pump                1       ST                   Diabetes -
                                                           Antidiabetic Agents
isotretinoin oral             1       PA
                                                           BYDUREON BCISE
KLISYRI                       3       ST                                                 2     PA; QL
metronidazole external                                     BYETTA 10 MCG PEN             2     PA; QL
                                                           BYETTA 5 MCG PEN              2     PA; QL
metronidazole external
                              1                            FARXIGA                       2     ST
MIRVASO                       3                            glimepiride                   1

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name               Drug Tier Notes
glipizide er                  1                            Diabetes - Glucose
glipizide ir                  1                            Monitoring

glipizide xl                  1                            ACCU-CHEK
                                                           FASTCLIX LANCET             2       ++
glyburide oral                1                            KIT
GLYXAMBI                      2       ST                   ACCU-CHEK
JANUMET                       2       ST                   SOFTCLIX LANCET             2       ++
JANUMET XR                    2       ST                   DEVICE KIT

JANUVIA                       2       ST                   CEQUR SIMPLICITY
                                                                                       2       ++
                                                           2U KIT
JARDIANCE                     2       ST
                                                           CEQUR SIMPLICITY
JENTADUETO                    2       ST                                               2       ++
                                                           STARTER KIT
JENTADUETO XR                 2       ST                   CONTOUR MONITOR
                                                                                       2       ++
metformin hcl er              1                            KIT W/DEVICE
metformin hcl er (mod)        1       PA                   CONTOUR NEXT EZ
                                                                                       2       ++
metformin hcl er (osm)        1                            KIT W/DEVICE

metformin hcl oral                                         CONTOUR NEXT GEN
                                                                                       2       ++
tablet 1000 mg, 500           1                            MONITOR
mg, 850 mg                                                 CONTOUR NEXT LINK
                                                                                       2       ++
metformin hcl oral                                         KIT W/DEVICE
                              1       PA
tablet 625 mg                                              CONTOUR NEXT
OZEMPIC                       2       PA; QL               MONITOR KIT                 2       ++
pioglitazone hcl              1
                                                           CONTOUR NEXT ONE
RYBELSUS                      2       PA; QL                                           2       ++
SOLIQUA                       2       ST; QL               CONTOUR NEXT
                                                                                       2       ++; QL
SYMLINPEN 120                 3       PA                   TEST STRIPS
SYMLINPEN 60                  3       PA                   CONTOUR TEST
                                                                                       2       ++; QL
SYNJARDY                      2       ST                   STRIPS

SYNJARDY XR                   2       ST                   DEXCOM G6
                                                                                       2       PA; ++
TRADJENTA                     2       ST
                                                           DEXCOM G6 SENSOR            2       PA; ++
TRIJARDY XR                   2       ST
                                                           DEXCOM G6
TRULICITY                     2       PA; QL                                           2       PA; ++
VICTOZA                       2       PA; QL               FREESTYLE LIBRE 14
                                                                                       2       PA; ++
XIGDUO XR                     2       ST                   DAY READER
                                                           FREESTYLE LIBRE 14
                                                                                       2       PA; ++
                                                           DAY SENSOR

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name               Drug Tier Notes
FREESTYLE LIBRE 2                                          GLUCAGON
                              2       PA; ++
READER                                                     EMERGENCY KIT
                                                                                               Made by
FREESTYLE LIBRE 2                                          INJECTION                   2
                              2       PA; ++                                                   Fresenius
SENSOR                                                     SOLUTION
                              2       PA; ++               ZEGALOGUE                   2
GHT BLOOD                                                  Diabetes - Insulins
                              3       PA; ++
GLUCOSE MONITOR                                            ADMELOG                     3       ST; ++
GUARDIAN CONNECT                                           ADMELOG
                              3       PA; ++                                           3       ST; ++
TRANSMITTER                                                SOLOSTAR
GUARDIAN LINK 3                                            BASAGLAR KWIKPEN            3       ST; ++
                              3       PA; ++
TRANSMITTER                                                BD ULTRA-FINE
GUARDIAN SENSOR                                            INSULIN SYRINGES
                              3       PA; ++
(3)                                                        30G X 1/2" 0.3 ML,
GUARDIAN SENSOR                                            30G X 1/2" 0.5 ML,
                              3       PA; ++               30G X 1/2" 1 ML, 31G        2       ++
                                                           X 15/64" 1 ML, 31G X
ONETOUCH ULTRA                                             5/16" 0.3 ML, 31G X
                              2       ++; QL
TEST STRIPS                                                5/16" 0.5 ML, 31G X
ONETOUCH ULTRA 2                                           5/16" 1 ML
                              2       ++
KIT W/DEVICE                                               HUMALOG                     2       ++
ONETOUCH ULTRA                                             HUMALOG KWIKPEN             2       ++
                              2       ++
                                                           HUMALOG MIX 50/50
ONETOUCH VERIO                                                                         2       ++
                              2       ++                   KWIKPEN
                                                           HUMALOG MIX 50/50
ONETOUCH VERIO                                                                         2       ++
                              2       ++; QL               VIAL
                                                           HUMALOG MIX 75/25
ONETOUCH VERIO IQ                                                                      2       ++
                              2       ++                   KWIKPEN
                                                           HUMALOG MIX 75/25
ONETOUCH VERIO                                                                         2       ++
REFLECT KIT                   2       ++
W/DEVICE                                                   HUMALOG U-100
                                                                                       2       ++
                                                           JUNIOR KWIKPEN
Diabetes - Glycemic
Agents                                                     HUMULIN 70/30
                                                                                       2       ++
BAQSIMI ONE PACK              2
                                                           HUMULIN 70/30 VIAL          2       ++
BAQSIMI TWO PACK              2
                                                           HUMULIN N KWIKPEN           2       ++
                                                           HUMULIN N VIAL              2       ++
                                                           HUMULIN R U-500
                                                                                       2       ++

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes
HUMULIN R U-500                                            NOVOLOG PENFILL              2      ++
                              2       ++
VIAL                                                       NOVOLOG RELION               3      PA; ++
HUMULIN R VIAL                2       ++                   NOVOLOG U-100 VIAL           2      ++
INSULIN ASPART                2       PA; ++               TOUJEO MAX
                                                                                        2      ++
INSULIN ASPART                                             SOLOSTAR
                              2       PA; ++
FLEXPEN                                                    TOUJEO SOLOSTAR              2      ++
INSULIN GLARGINE              3       PA; ++               TRESIBA                      2      ++
INSULIN GLARGINE                                           TRESIBA
                              3       PA; ++                                            2      ++
SOLOSTAR                                                   FLEXTOUCH
INSULIN LISPRO                2       PA; ++               Electrolytes / Minerals
INSULIN LISPRO (1                                          / Metals / Vitamins
                              2       PA; ++
UNIT DIAL)                                                 ACCRUFER                     3      ST
INSULIN LISPRO                                             cyanocobalamin
                              2       PA; ++
JUNIOR KWIKPEN                                             injection solution 1000      1      ++
INSULIN LISPRO                                             mcg/ml
                              2       PA; ++
PROT & LISPRO                                              ergocalciferol oral
                                                                                        1      ++
LANTUS SOLOSTAR               2       ++                   capsule
LANTUS U-100 VIAL             2       ++                   klor-con 10                  1
LEVEMIR U-100                                              klor-con m10                 1
                              2       ++
FLEXTOUCH                                                  klor-con m15                 1
LEVEMIR U-100 VIAL            2       ++                   klor-con m20                 1
LYUMJEV KWIKPEN               2       ++                   klor-con oral tablet
LYUMJEV VIAL                  2       ++                   extended release
NOVOLIN 70/30                                              LOKELMA                      3
                              2       ++
FLEXPEN                                                    NASCOBAL                     3      ++
NOVOLIN 70/30 VIAL            2       ++                   potassium chloride crys
NOVOLIN N FLEXPEN             2       ++                   er
NOVOLIN N VIAL                2       ++                   potassium chloride er        1
NOVOLIN R FLEXPEN             2       ++                   potassium citrate er         1
NOVOLIN R VIAL                2       ++                   VELTASSA                     3
NOVOLOG FLEXPEN               2       ++                   vitamin d
NOVOLOG FLEXPEN                                            (ergocalciferol) oral
                              3       PA; ++                                            1      ++
RELION                                                     capsule 1.25 mg
                                                           (50000 ut), 50000 unit
                              2       ++
                              2       ++

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes
Gastrointestinal                                           glycopyrrolate oral
Agents - Drugs for                                                                      1      QL
                                                           tablet 1 mg, 2 mg
Acid Reflux and Ulcer                                      hyoscyamine sulfate sl       1
DEXILANT                      2       ++; QL               hyoscyamine sulfate
famotidine oral                                            sublingual
suspension                    1       ++                   lactulose oral solution      1
                                                           LINZESS                      2      ST; QL
famotidine oral tablet
                              1       ++                   MOTEGRITY                    3      ST; QL
40 mg
lansoprazole oral                                          MOVANTIK                     2      ST; QL
capsule delayed               1       ++; QL               OMECLAMOX-PAK                2
release 30 mg                                              peg 3350-kcl-na bicarb-
misoprostol oral              1                            nacl
omeprazole oral                                            peg-3350/electrolytes        1
capsule delayed               1       QL                   PYLERA                       2
release 10 mg, 40 mg
                                                           SUPREP BOWEL
pantoprazole sodium                                                                     3
                                                           PREP KIT
oral tablet delayed           1       QL
release                                                    SUTAB                        3
rabeprazole sodium                                         SYMPROIC                     2      ST; QL
oral tablet delayed           1       ++; QL               TALICIA                      3
release                                                    TRULANCE                     3      ST; QL
sucralfate oral               1                            VIBERZI                      3      PA; QL
Gastrointestinal                                           Genetic or Enzyme
Agents - Drugs for                                         Disorder - Drugs for
Bowel, Intestine and                                       Replacement,
Stomach Conditions                                         Modification,
CLENPIQ                       3                            Treatment
constulose                    1                            CERDELGA                     3      PA; SP
dicyclomine hcl oral                                       CREON                        2
capsule                                                    NITYR                        3      PA; SP
dicyclomine hcl oral                                       ORFADIN                      3      PA; SP
                                                           PANCREAZE                    3      ST
                              1                            PERTZYE                      3      ST
oral tablet
gavilyte-g                    1                            STRENSIQ                     2      PA; SP
gavilyte-n with flavor                                     ZENPEP                       2
pack oral solution            1                            ZOLGENSMA                    3      PA; SP
reconstituted 420 gm

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                   Drug Tier Notes                Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes
Genitourinary Agents                                       hydrocortisone oral          1
- Drugs for Bladder,                                       methylprednisolone
Genital and Kidney                                                                      1
                                                           prednisolone oral            1
DEPEN TITRATABS                2      SP
                                                           prednisolone sodium
MYRBETRIQ                      2                                                        1
                                                           phosphate oral solution
oxybutynin chloride er         1                           prednisone oral tablet       1
oxybutynin chloride oral                                   prednisone oral tablet
                               1                                                        1
tablet                                                     therapy pack
phenazo oral tablet 200                                    Hormonal Agents -
mg                                                         Men's Health
phenazopyridine hcl                                        ANDRODERM                    2      PA
oral tablet 100 mg, 200        1
mg                                                         testosterone cypionate
                                                                                        1      PA
sildenafil citrate oral
tablet 100 mg, 25 mg,          1      ++; QL               testosterone
                                                                                        1      PA
50 mg                                                      transdermal gel
solifenacin succinate          1                           XYOSTED                      3      PA
STENDRA                        3      ++; QL               Hormonal Agents -
tadalafil oral                 1      ++; QL
                                                           ACTHAR                       2      PA; SP
THIOLA                         3      SP
                                                           cabergoline                  1
THIOLA EC                      3      SP
                                                           clomiphene citrate oral      1      ++
tolterodine tartrate er        1
                                                           CORTROPHIN                   2      PA; SP
VELPHORO                       3
                                                           FOLLISTIM AQ                 2      PA; ++; SP
Genitourinary Agents
- Drugs for Prostate                                                                           PA; Made by
Conditions                                                 ganirelix acetate            1      Organon/Merc
                                                                                               k; ++; SP
alfuzosin hcl er               1
                                                           LUPRON DEPOT (1-
dutasteride oral               1                           MONTH)
                                                                                        2      PA; SP
finasteride oral tablet 5                                  INTRAMUSCULAR KIT
mg                                                         7.5 MG
tamsulosin hcl                 1                           LUPRON DEPOT (3-
Hormonal Agents -                                          MONTH)
                                                                                        2      PA; SP
Adrenal                                                    INTRAMUSCULAR KIT
                                                           22.5 MG
dexamethasone oral
                               1                           LUPRON DEPOT (4-
fludrocortisone acetate                                                                 2      PA; SP
                               1                           INTRAMUSCULAR KIT
oral                                                       30MG

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name               Drug Tier Notes
LUPRON DEPOT (6-                                           aurovela 1/20               1       ++
MONTH)                                                     aurovela 24 fe              1       ++
                              2       PA; SP
45MG                                                       aurovela fe 1.5/30          1       ++
NOCDURNA                      3                            aurovela fe 1/20            1       ++
NORDITROPIN                                                aviane                      1       ++
                              2       PA; ++; SP
FLEXPRO                                                    ayuna                       1       ++
NUTROPIN AQ                                                BALCOLTRA                   3       ++
                              2       PA; ++; SP
NUSPIN 10                                                  balziva                     1       ++
NUTROPIN AQ                                                BIJUVA                      3
                              2       PA; ++; SP
                                                           blisovi 24 fe               1       ++
                              2       PA; ++; SP           blisovi fe 1.5/30           1       ++
ORILISSA                      2       PA; QL               blisovi fe 1/20             1       ++
OVIDREL                       3       PA; ++; SP           briellyn                    1       ++
SOMATULINE DEPOT              3       PA; SP               camila                      1       ++
SUPPRELIN LA                  2       PA; SP; QL           camrese                     1       ++; QL
TRIPTODUR                     3       PA; SP; QL           camrese lo                  1       ++; QL
Hormonal Agents -                                          chateal                     1       ++
Selective Estrogen                                         chateal eq                  1       ++
Receptor Modifying
                                                           CLIMARA PRO                 2
                                                           cryselle-28                 1       ++
OSPHENA                       3
                                                           cyred                       1       ++
Hormonal Agents -
Sex Hormones and                                           cyred eq                    1       ++
Birth Control                                              dasetta 1/35                1       ++
afirmelle                     1       ++                   daysee                      1       ++; QL
altavera                      1       ++                   deblitane                   1       ++
alyacen 1/35                  1       ++                   delyla                      1       ++
amabelz                       1                            desogestrel-ethinyl
amethia                       1       ++; QL               estradiol oral tablet       1       ++
                                                           0.15-30 mg-mcg
ANNOVERA                      3       ++; QL
                                                           DIVIGEL                     3
apri                          1       ++
                                                           dotti                       1
ashlyna                       1       ++; QL
aubra                         1       ++                                               1       ++
aubra eq                      1       ++                   DUAVEE                      2
aurovela 1.5/30               1       ++                   ELESTRIN                    3

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                   Drug Tier Notes
elinest                       1       ++                   jolessa                        1     ++; QL
eluryng                       1       ++                   juleber                        1     ++
emoquette                     1       ++                   junel 1.5/30                   1     ++
ENDOMETRIN                    2       ++                   junel 1/20                     1     ++
enskyce                       1       ++                   junel fe 1.5/30                1     ++
errin                         1       ++                   junel fe 1/20                  1     ++
estarylla                     1       ++                   junel fe 24                    1     ++
estradiol oral                1                            kalliga                        1     ++
estradiol transdermal         1                            kurvelo                        1     ++
estradiol vaginal             1                            larin 1.5/30                   1     ++
estradiol-norethindrone                                    larin 1/20                     1     ++
acet                                                       larin 24 fe                    1     ++
ESTROGEL                      3                            larin fe 1.5/30                1     ++
etonogestrel-ethinyl                                       larin fe 1/20                  1     ++
                              1       ++
                                                           larissia oral tablet 0.1-
EVAMIST                       3                                                           1     ++
                                                           20 mg-mcg
falmina                       1       ++                   lessina                        1     ++
fayosim                       1       ++; QL               levonorgest-eth est &
                                                                                          1     ++; QL
femynor                       1       ++                   eth est
hailey 1.5/30                 1       ++                   levonorgest-eth estrad
                                                                                          1     ++; QL
hailey 24 fe                  1       ++                   91-day
hailey fe 1.5/30              1       ++                   levonorgestrel-ethinyl
                                                           estrad oral tablet 0.1-20
hailey fe 1/20                1       ++                                                  1     ++
                                                           mg-mcg, 0.15-30 mg-
heather                       1       ++                   mcg
iclevia                       1       ++; QL               levora 0.15/30 (28)            1     ++
IMVEXXY                                                    LO LOESTRIN FE                 3     ++
MAINTENANCE PACK                                           lojaimiess                     1     ++; QL
IMVEXXY STARTER                                            loryna                         1     ++
                                                           low-ogestrel                   1     ++
incassia                      1       ++
                                                           lo-zumandimine                 1     ++
introvale                     1       ++; QL
                                                           lutera                         1     ++
isibloom                      1       ++
                                                           lyleq                          1     ++
jaimiess                      1       ++; QL
                                                           lyllana                        1
jasmiel                       1       ++
                                                           lyza                           1     ++
jencycla                      1       ++
                                                           MAKENA                         2     PA; SP

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name               Drug Tier Notes
marlissa                      1       ++                   nymyo                       1       ++
medroxyprogesterone                                        ocella                      1       ++
                              1       ++; QL
acetate intramuscular                                      ORIAHNN                     2       PA; QL
medroxyprogesterone                                        philith                     1       ++
acetate oral
                                                           pirmella 1/35               1       ++
microgestin 1.5/30            1       ++
                                                           portia-28                   1       ++
microgestin 1/20              1       ++
                                                           PREMARIN ORAL               2
microgestin 24 fe             1       ++
                                                           PREMARIN VAGINAL            2
microgestin fe 1.5/30         1       ++
                                                           PREMPHASE                   2
microgestin fe 1/20           1       ++
                                                           PREMPRO                     2
mili                          1       ++
                                                           progesterone oral           1
mimvey                        1
                                                           reclipsen                   1       ++
MIRENA (52 MG)                3       ++
                                                           rivelsa                     1       ++; QL
mono-linyah                   1       ++
                                                           setlakin                    1       ++; QL
MYFEMBREE                     2       PA; QL
                                                           sharobel                    1       ++
NATAZIA                       2       ++
                                                           simpesse                    1       ++; QL
necon 0.5/35 (28)             1       ++
                                                           sprintec 28                 1       ++
NEXTSTELLIS                   3       ++
                                                           sronyx                      1       ++
nikki                         1       ++
                                                           syeda                       1       ++
nora-be                       1       ++
                                                           tarina 24 fe                1       ++
norethin ace-eth
                              1       ++                   tarina fe 1/20              1       ++
estrad-fe oral tablet
norethindrone acetate                                      tarina fe 1/20 eq           1       ++
oral                                                       tri femynor                 1       ++
norethindrone acet-                                        tri-estarylla               1       ++
                              1       ++
ethinyl est                                                tri-linyah                  1       ++
norethindrone oral            1       ++                   tri-lo-estarylla            1       ++
norgestimate-eth                                           tri-lo-marzia               1       ++
                              1       ++
                                                           tri-lo-mili                 1       ++
                              1       ++                   tri-lo-sprintec             1       ++
estradiol triphasic
norlyroc                      1       ++                   tri-mili                    1       ++
nortrel 0.5/35 (28)           1       ++                   tri-nymyo                   1       ++
nortrel 1/35 (21)             1       ++                   tri-sprintec                1       ++
nortrel 1/35 (28)             1       ++                   tri-vylibra                 1       ++
nylia 1/35                    1       ++                   tri-vylibra lo              1       ++

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                  Drug Tier Notes                 Drug Name               Drug Tier Notes
vestura                       1       ++                   BENLYSTA
vienva                        1       ++                   SUBCUTANEOUS
                                                                                       3       PA; SP
                                                           SOLUTION AUTO-
vyfemla                       1       ++                   INJECTOR
vylibra                       1       ++                   CIMZIA                      2       PA; SP
wera                          1       ++                   CIMZIA PREFILLED
                                                                                       2       PA; SP
xulane                        1       ++                   KIT
yuvafem                       1                            CIMZIA STARTER KIT          2       PA; SP
zafemy                        1       ++                   COSENTYX (300 MG
                                                                                       3       PA; SP
zumandimine                   1       ++                   DOSE)
Hormonal Agents -                                          COSENTYX 150
                                                                                       3       PA; SP
Thyroid                                                    MG/ML

ARMOUR THYROID                3       ST                   COSENTYX
                                                           SENSOREADY (300             3       PA; SP
euthyrox                      1                            MG)
levo-t                        1                            COSENTYX
                                                                                       3       PA; SP
levothyroxine sodium                                       SENSOREADY PEN
oral tablet                                                cyclosporine modified
levoxyl                       1                            oral capsule
liothyronine sodium oral      1                            ENBREL                      2       PA; SP
methimazole oral              1                            ENBREL MINI                 2       PA; SP
np thyroid                    1                            ENBREL SURECLICK            2       PA; SP
SYNTHROID                     3       ST                   ENVARSUS XR                 3
TIROSINT                      3                            gengraf oral capsule        1
TIROSINT-SOL                  3                            HAEGARDA                    3       PA; SP
unithroid                     1                            HUMIRA                      2       PA; SP
Immunological                                              HUMIRA PEDIATRIC
                                                                                       2       PA; SP
Agents - Drugs for                                         CROHNS START
Immune System                                              HUMIRA PEN                  2       PA; SP
Stimulation or
Suppression                                                HUMIRA PEN-
                                                                                       2       PA; SP
                                                           CD/UC/HS STARTER
ACTEMRA ACTPEN                3       PA; 3P; SP
                                                           HUMIRA PEN-
ACTEMRA                                                    PEDIATRIC UC                2       PA; SP
                              3       PA; 3P; SP
SUBCUTANEOUS                                               START
AVSOLA                        2       PA; SP               HUMIRA PEN-
azathioprine oral             1                            PS/UV/ADOL HS               2       PA; SP

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                   Drug Tier Notes
HUMIRA PEN-                                                TAKHZYRO
PSOR/UVEIT                    2       PA; SP               SUBCUTANEOUS                   3     PA; SP
STARTER                                                    SOLUTION
INFLECTRA                     2       PA; SP               TALTZ                          3     PA; 3P; SP
leflunomide oral              1                            TREMFYA                        2     PA; SP
LUPKYNIS                      3       PA; SP; QL           TREXALL                        3
methotrexate oral             1                            XELJANZ                        2     PA; SP
methotrexate sodium                                        XELJANZ XR                     2     PA; SP
oral                                                       XEMBIFY                        3     PA; SP
mycophenolate mofetil                                      Inflammatory Bowel
oral capsule                                               Disease Agents
mycophenolate mofetil                                      APRISO                         1
oral tablet
                                                           CORTIFOAM                      3
mycophenolate sodium          1
                                                           DIPENTUM                       3
ORENCIA                       3       PA; 3P; SP
ORENCIA CLICKJECT             3       PA; 3P; SP                                          1
ORLADEYO                      3       PA; SP; QL           LIALDA                         1
OTEZLA                        2       PA; SP               mesalamine er oral
                                                                                          3     PA
RASUVO                        2       PA; QL               capsule 0.375 gm
REDITREX                      3       PA; QL               mesalamine oral tablet
                                                                                          3     PA
RINVOQ                        2       PA; SP               delayed release 1.2 gm
RUCONEST                      3       PA; SP; QL           mesalamine oral tablet
                                                           delayed release 800            1
SIMPONI                       2       PA; SP               mg
SIMPONI ARIA                  2       PA; SP               PENTASA ORAL
sirolimus oral tablet         1                            CAPSULE EXTENDED               3
SKYRIZI (150 MG                                            RELEASE 250 MG
                              2       PA; SP
DOSE)                                                      PROCTOFOAM HC                  2
SKYRIZI PEN                   2       PA; SP               procto-med hc                  1
SKYRIZI                                                    procto-pak                     1
SUBCUTANEOUS                                               proctosol hc                   1
                              2       PA; SP
PREFILLED SYRINGE                                          proctozone-hc                  1
STELARA                                                    sulfasalazine oral tablet      1
                              2       PA; SP
INTRAVENOUS                                                UCERIS RECTAL                  3
                              2       PA; SP; QL
tacrolimus oral               1

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                Drug Tier Notes
Metabolic Bone                                             OMNIPOD 5 G6
Disease Agents -                                                                       2       ++
                                                           INTRO (GEN 5)
Drugs for                                                  OMNIPOD 5 G6 POD
Osteoporosis                                                                           2       ++
                                                           (GEN 5)
alendronate sodium                                         OMNIPOD CLASSIC
                              1                                                        2       ++
oral tablet 10 mg, 5 mg                                    PDM (GEN 3)
alendronate sodium                                         OMNIPOD CLASSIC
oral tablet 35 mg, 70         1       QL                                               2       ++
                                                           PODS (GEN 3)
                                                           OMNIPOD DASH
ibandronate sodium                                                                     2       ++
                              1       QL                   INTRO (GEN 4)
                                                           OMNIPOD DASH PDM
PROLIA                        2       PA; SP; QL                                       2       ++
                                                           (GEN 4)
TERIPARATIDE                                               OMNIPOD DASH
                              2       PA; SP                                           2       ++
(RECOMBINANT)                                              PODS (GEN 4)
TYMLOS                        2       PA; SP               V-GO 20                     2       ++
Metabolic Bone                                             V-GO 30                     2       ++
Disease Agents -
Other                                                      V-GO 40                     2       ++
calcitriol oral capsule       1                            VYVGART                     3       PA; SP
RAYALDEE                      3                            Ophthalmic Agents -
                                                           Drugs for Eye Allergy,
Miscellaneous                                              Infection and
Therapeutic Agents                                         Inflammation
BD ULTRA-FINE PEN                                          AZASITE                     3
                              2       ++
                                                           BESIVANCE                   3
                                      PA; Non-
BOTOX                         2                            ciprofloxacin hcl
                                      Cosmetic                                         1
DUROLANE                      2       PA
ENDARI                        3       PA                                               1
EUFLEXXA                      2       PA                   EYSUVIS                     3       PA
GELSYN-3                      2       PA                   FLAREX                      3
KERENDIA                      3       PA; QL               INVELTYS                    3
NOVOFINE                                                   ketorolac tromethamine
AUTOCOVER PEN                 2       ++                                               1
                                                           LOTEMAX SM                  3
                              2       ++                   moxifloxacin hcl
NEEDLE                                                                                 1
                                                           ophthalmic solution
                              2       ++

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes
neomycin-polymyxin-                                        ZIOPTAN                      3      QL
dexameth ophthalmic           1                            Ophthalmic Agents -
ointment                                                   Drugs for
neomycin-polymyxin-                                        Miscellaneous Eye
dexameth ophthalmic                                        Conditions
suspension 3.5-10000-                                      cyclosporine
0.1                                                                                     3      PA
ofloxacin ophthalmic          1                            polymyxin b-
prednisolone acetate                                       trimethoprim
ophthalmic                                                 POLYTRIM                     3
PROLENSA                      2       QL                   RESTASIS                     1      PA
TOBRADEX ST                   3                            RESTASIS
                                                                                        2      PA
tobramycin-                                                MULTIDOSE
dexamethasone                                              XIIDRA                       2      PA
TYRVAYA                       3       PA; QL               ZYLET                        3
Ophthalmic Agents -                                        Otic Agents - Drugs
Drugs for Glaucoma                                         for Ear Conditions
ALPHAGAN P                    2                            ciprofloxacin-
BETIMOL                       3                            dexamethasone
brimonidine tartrate                                       neomycin-polymyxin-hc
                              1                                                         1
ophthalmic                                                 otic suspension
COMBIGAN                      3       ST                   ofloxacin otic               1
dorzolamide hcl-timolol                                    OTOVEL                       3      PA
mal                                                        Respiratory Tract /
dorzolamide hcl-timolol                                    Pulmonary Agents -
                              1                            Drugs for Allergies,
mal pf
latanoprost ophthalmic        1                            Cough, Cold

LUMIGAN                       2       QL                   azelastine hcl nasal
                                                           solution 0.1 %, 137          1      QL
RHOPRESSA                     3       QL                   mcg/spray
ROCKLATAN                     3       QL                   azelastine-fluticasone       1      QL
SIMBRINZA                     2                            benzonatate                  1
timolol maleate (once-                                     cyproheptadine hcl oral
                              1                                                         1
daily)                                                     tablet
timolol maleate                                            DYMISTA                      2      QL
                                                           FASENRA                      2      PA; SP
timolol maleate
                              1                            FASENRA PEN                  2      PA; SP
ophthalmic solution
timolol maleate pf            1

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                Drug Tier Notes
ipratropium bromide                                        albuterol sulfate hfa
nasal                                                      aerosol solution 108
                                                                                       1       QL
mometasone furoate                                         (90 base) mcg/act
                              1       ++; QL               inhalation
NUCALA                                                     albuterol sulfate hfa
SUBCUTANEOUS                                               aerosol solution 108                Made by Par;
                              2       PA; SP; QL                                       1
SOLUTION AUTO-                                             (90 base) mcg/act                   QL
INJECTOR                                                   inhalation

NUCALA                                                     albuterol sulfate hfa
SUBCUTANEOUS                                               aerosol solution 108                Made by Teva;
SOLUTION                      2       PA; SP; QL           (90 base) mcg/act                   QL
PREFILLED SYRINGE                                          inhalation
100 MG/ML                                                  ALBUTEROL
NUCALA                                                     SULFATE HFA
SUBCUTANEOUS                                               AEROSOL SOLUTION                    ST; Made by
                              2       PA; SP; QL                                       3
SOLUTION                                                   108 (90 BASE)                       Prasco; QL
RECONSTITUTED                                              MCG/ACT
OMNARIS                       3       ++; QL
                                                           albuterol sulfate
promethazine hcl oral                                                                  1       QL
                              1                            inhalation
                                                           ALVESCO                     3       ST; QL
promethazine-codeine          1       PA; QL
                                                           ANORO ELLIPTA               2       QL
promethazine-dm               1
                                                           ARNUITY ELLIPTA             2       QL
                              1                            ATROVENT HFA                3       QL
QNASL                         3       ++; QL               AUVI-Q INJECTION
                                                           SOLUTION AUTO-
QNASL CHILDRENS               3       ++; QL                                           3       QL
                                                           INJECTOR 0.1
XHANCE                        3       ST; ++; QL           MG/0.1ML
XOLAIR                        2       PA; SP               BREO ELLIPTA                2       QL
ZETONNA                       3       ++; QL               BREZTRI
                                                                                       2       QL
Respiratory Tract /                                        AEROSPHERE
Pulmonary Agents -                                         budesonide inhalation       1       QL
Drugs for Asthma and                                       BUDESONIDE-
Other Lung                                                 FORMOTEROL                  3       PA; QL
Conditions                                                 FUMARATE
ADVAIR DISKUS                 1       QL                   COMBIVENT
                                                                                       2       QL
ADVAIR HFA                    2       QL                   RESPIMAT
                                                           epinephrine injection
                                                           solution auto-injector      1
                                                           0.15 mg/0.15ml

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes                  Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes
epinephrine solution                                       PERFOROMIST                  3      QL
auto-injector 0.15            1       Made by Mylan        PROAIR HFA                   3      ST; QL
mg/0.3ml injection
                                                           PROVENTIL HFA                3      ST; QL
epinephrine solution
auto-injector 0.15            1                            PULMICORT
                                                                                        2      QL
mg/0.3ml injection                                         FLEXHALER
epinephrine solution                                       QVAR REDIHALER               2      QL
auto-injector 0.3             1       Made by Mylan        SEREVENT DISKUS              2      QL
mg/0.3ml injection                                         SPIRIVA
                                                                                        2      QL
epinephrine solution                                       HANDIHALER
auto-injector 0.3             1                            SPIRIVA RESPIMAT             2      QL
mg/0.3ml injection
                                                           STIOLTO RESPIMAT             2      QL
EPIPEN 2-PAK                  3       ST
EPIPEN JR 2-PAK               3       ST                                                2      QL
ESBRIET                       3       PA; SP               SYMBICORT                    2      QL
FLOVENT DISKUS                2       QL                   SYMJEPI                      3
FLOVENT HFA                   2       QL                   TRELEGY ELLIPTA              2      QL
FLUTICASONE                                                VENTOLIN HFA                 3      ST; QL
FUROATE-                      3       PA; QL
VILANTEROL                                                 wixela inhub                 3      PA; QL
FLUTICASONE                                                YUPELRI                      3      QL
                              3       PA; QL
PROPIONATE HFA                                             Respiratory Tract /
fluticasone-salmeterol                                     Pulmonary Agents -
inhalation aerosol                                         Drugs for Cystic
powder breath                                              Fibrosis
activated 100-50              3       PA; QL               BRONCHITOL                   3      PA; QL
mcg/act, 250-50                                            PULMOZYME                    2      PA; SP
mcg/act, 500-50
mcg/act                                                    TOBI PODHALER                3      SP; QL
ipratropium-albuterol         1       QL                   TRIKAFTA                     3      PA; SP; QL
LONHALA MAGNAIR                                            Respiratory Tract /
                              3       QL                   Pulmonary Agents -
                                                           Drugs for Pulmonary
LONHALA MAGNAIR                                            Hypertension
                              3       QL
                                                           ADEMPAS                      2      PA; SP; QL
montelukast sodium
                              1                            OPSUMIT                      2      PA; SP; QL
oral tablet
montelukast sodium                                         ORENITRAM                    3      PA; SP
oral tablet chewable                                       sildenafil citrate oral
                                                                                        1      PA; SP; QL
OFEV                          3       PA; SP               tablet 20 mg

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Drug Name                 Drug Tier Notes
Skeletal Muscle
Relaxants - Drugs for
Muscle Pain and
baclofen oral tablet          1
carisoprodol oral             1
cyclobenzaprine hcl
LORZONE                       3
metaxalone                    1
methocarbamol oral            1
tizanidine hcl oral           1
Sleep Disorder
armodafinil                   1       PA; QL
BELSOMRA                      3       ST; QL
DAYVIGO                       3       ST; QL
eszopiclone                   1       QL
modafinil                     1       PA; QL
SUNOSI                        2       PA; QL
temazepam                     1       QL
WAKIX                         3       PA; SP; QL
XYREM                         3       PA; SP; QL
XYWAV                         3       PA; SP; QL
zolpidem tartrate er          1       QL
zolpidem tartrate oral        1       QL

For more information regarding the tiers and designations in this drug list, please see the Reading your
formulary section of this booklet.

Index of Drugs
ABILIFY MAINTENA................. 11                  amlodipine besylate-valsartan.. 12                    azelastine hcl............................ 28
abiraterone acetate................... 10             amlodipine-olmesartan..............12                 azelastine-fluticasone............... 28
ABSORICA LD..........................15               amnesteem............................... 15           azithromycin................................7
ACCRUFER.............................. 19             amoxicillin................................... 7      AZSTARYS............................... 14
ACCU-CHEK FASTCLIX                                    amoxicillin-potassium                                 bac.............................................. 6
LANCET KIT............................. 17            clavulanate..................................7        baclofen.................................... 31
ACCU-CHEK SOFTCLIX                                    amphetamine-                                          BAFIERTAM............................. 14
LANCET DEVICE KIT...............17                    dextroamphetamine.................. 14                BALCOLTRA.............................22
accutane................................... 15        amphetamine-                                          balziva.......................................22
acetaminophen-codeine..............6                  dextroamphetamine er.............. 14                 BAQSIMI ONE PACK............... 18
acetaminophen-codeine #2.........6                    AMPYRA...................................14           BAQSIMI TWO PACK...............18
acetaminophen-codeine #3.........6                    AMZEEQ...................................15           BASAGLAR KWIKPEN............. 18
acetaminophen-codeine #4.........6                    anastrozole............................... 10         BD ULTRA-FINE INSULIN
ACTEMRA................................ 25            ANDRODERM.......................... 21                SYRINGES............................... 18
ACTEMRA ACTPEN.................25                     ANNOVERA..............................22              BD ULTRA-FINE PEN
ACTHAR................................... 21          ANORO ELLIPTA..................... 29                 NEEDLES................................. 27
acyclovir.................................... 11      apap-caff-dihydrocodeine........... 6                 BELBUCA................................... 6
adapalene-benzoyl peroxide.....15                     apri............................................ 22   BELSOMRA.............................. 31
ADBRY......................................15         APRISO.................................... 26         benazepril hcl............................12
ADDERALL XR......................... 14               APTIOM...................................... 8        BENLYSTA............................... 25
ADDYI....................................... 15       ARAKODA................................ 10            benzonatate.............................. 28
ADEMPAS................................ 30            ARANESP (ALBUMIN FREE)... 12                          benztropine mesylate................11
ADMELOG................................ 18            aripiprazole............................... 11        BESIVANCE............................. 27
ADMELOG SOLOSTAR........... 18                        ARISTADA................................ 11           betamethasone dipropionate.... 15
ADVAIR DISKUS...................... 29                ARISTADA INITIO.................... 11                BETASERON............................14
ADVAIR HFA............................ 29             armodafinil................................ 31        BETIMOL.................................. 28
ADVATE....................................12          ARMOUR THYROID.................25                     BIDIL......................................... 13
ADYNOVATE............................12               ARNUITY ELLIPTA...................29                  BIJUVA..................................... 22
afirmelle.................................... 22      ashlyna......................................22       BIKTARVY................................ 11
AFSTYLA.................................. 12          atenolol..................................... 12      bisoprolol fumarate................... 13
AIMOVIG.....................................9         atenolol-chlorthalidone..............12               bisoprolol-hydrochlorothiazide.. 13
AJOVY........................................ 9       atomoxetine hcl.........................14            blisovi 24 fe............................... 22
ala-cort...................................... 15     atorvastatin calcium.................. 12             blisovi fe 1.5/30......................... 22
albuterol sulfate.........................29          ATROVENT HFA...................... 29                 blisovi fe 1/20............................ 22
albuterol sulfate hfa...................29            AUBAGIO..................................14           BOTOX..................................... 27
ALBUTEROL SULFATE HFA... 29                           aubra.........................................22      BREO ELLIPTA........................ 29
ALECENSA...............................10             aubra eq....................................22        BREZTRI AEROSPHERE.........29
alendronate sodium.................. 27               aurovela 1.5/30......................... 22           briellyn.......................................22
alfuzosin hcl er.......................... 21         aurovela 1/20............................ 22          BRILINTA..................................11
allopurinol....................................9      aurovela 24 fe........................... 22          brimonidine tartrate................... 28
ALPHAGAN P........................... 28              aurovela fe 1.5/30..................... 22            BRIVIACT................................... 8
alprazolam................................ 12         aurovela fe 1/20........................ 22           BRONCHITOL.......................... 30
altavera..................................... 22      AUSTEDO.................................15            budesonide............................... 29
ALUNBRIG................................10            AUVI-Q......................................29        BUDESONIDE-
ALVESCO................................. 29           aviane....................................... 22      FORMOTEROL FUMARATE.... 29
alyacen 1/35..............................22          avidoxy........................................7      bumetanide............................... 13
amabelz.................................... 22        AVONEX PEN...........................14               buprenorphine hcl....................... 6
amethia..................................... 22       AVONEX PREFILLED.............. 14                     buprenorphine hcl-naloxone
amiodarone hcl......................... 12            AVSOLA....................................25          hcl............................................... 6
amitriptyline hcl........................... 8        ayuna........................................ 22      bupropion hcl.............................. 8
amlodipine besylate.................. 12              AZASITE................................... 27         bupropion hcl er (sr)....................8
amlodipine besylate-benazepril                        azathioprine.............................. 25         bupropion hcl er (xl).................... 8
hcl............................................. 12   azelaic acid............................... 15        buspirone hcl.............................12
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