2023 Biosimilars Report - Tracking market expansion and sustainability amidst a shifting industry

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2023 Biosimilars Report - Tracking market expansion and sustainability amidst a shifting industry
Tracking market expansion
and sustainability amidst a
shifting industry
2023 Biosimilars Report - Tracking market expansion and sustainability amidst a shifting industry

                   Welcome to our 2023
                   Biosimilars Report
                   Cardinal Health works with stakeholders across the healthcare continuum providing
                   support as they navigate the evolving biosimilars landscape to support care for
                   patients. From working with manufacturers to gain regulatory approval to distributing
                   biosimilars to providers and pharmacies, we have the unique opportunity to gather
                   insights about the interaction with and adoption of this new class of therapies.
                   Since we released our last report, the biosimilars market has continued to expand both
                   in scope and utilization. Our analysts predicted that 2022 would be a turning point
                   for biosimilars in the U.S., and we witnessed first-hand the expansion of biosimilars
                   into a new therapeutic area (ophthalmology), the push for competition as more
                   manufacturers submitted their biosimilars for interchangeability designations, and a
                   handful of new approvals and commercial launches.
                   As we look toward what’s next, we begin to see how this momentum in the biosimilars
                   space will actualize the promise of patient accessibility and affordability for some
                   of the costliest and critical treatments on the market. In fact, 2023 marks the end of
                   exclusivity for the world’s top-selling drug, Humira™ (adalimumab), and we expect new
                   competition from at least eight biosimilars.
                   In this report, we analyze the perspectives of more than 350 providers in the
                   therapeutic areas with the most potential for disruption in the year ahead:
                   rheumatology, gastroenterology, dermatology and ophthalmology. Combined with
                   perspectives from leading experts, we give a view of the industry and the imminent
                   market shift that will come from competition with Humira™ and biosimilar utilization.
                   We also analyze the latest industry data on utilization, government pricing reform, and
                   payer coverage.
                   With more than 50 blockbuster biologics set to lose exclusivity in the next decade,
                   the adoption of biosimilars can greatly affect the trajectory of healthcare costs and,
                   ultimately, patient access. Cardinal Health remains committed to helping our customers
                   improve patient health outcomes by supporting biosimilar development and adoption.

                   Debbie Weitzman
                   CEO, Pharmaceutical Segment
                   Cardinal Health

2023 Biosimilars Report - Tracking market expansion and sustainability amidst a shifting industry
Table of contents
• 2022 Biosimilars             • Government
  landscape                      Relations analysis
• Provider trends              • A look ahead
  •   Rheumatology
                                 •   New and upcoming
  •   Gastroenterology               biosimilars launches

  •   Dermatology                •   Adalimumab biosimilars
  •   Adalimumab biosimilars

  •   Ophthalmology

2023 Biosimilars Report - Tracking market expansion and sustainability amidst a shifting industry

    Reviewing the 2022
    biosimilars landscape

2023 Biosimilars Report - Tracking market expansion and sustainability amidst a shifting industry

                               In the first month of 2023, the top             Biosimilar Medicines Savings Report from
                               healthcare story was the launch of the          the Association for Accessible Medicines
                               first of at least 8 expected Humira™            (AAM), biosimilars were responsible for
Bruce Feinberg, DO             biosimilars. These biosimilars will compete     driving savings of $7 billion in biologic
VP and Chief Medical Officer
                               with the number one drug in worldwide           spending in 2021 alone. According to the
                               sales for nearly a decade, after six years      report, cumulative savings since 2015
                               of regulatory delay. As big as this story is,   have now climbed to $13 billion.2 Within
                               the backstory may be bigger. This year’s        the provider networks of Cardinal Health,
                               annual report continues that backstory as       we’ve seen purchase cost savings exceed
                               we review highlights and insights from the      $3 billion over our last four fiscal years
                               biosimilar marketplace in 2022.                 from the transition to biosimilar products.3
                                                                               From slower beginnings, biosimilars
                               Th U.S. market now has 40 FDA-approved
                                                                               have developed into an integral class of
                               biosimilar products with 25 commercially
                                                                               products driving substantial cost-savings
                               available, including four products with an
                                                                               for some of the most expensive biologic
                               interchangeable designation. Biosimilar
                                                                               treatments available.
                               adoption has continued to grow year-
                               over-year in almost all product classes         With seven new approvals, and several
                               facing competition, with several classes        new commercial launches, 2022 brought
                               experiencing high single-digit, or even,        much excitement. The following represent
                               double-digit adoption growth.1 But              what we feel to be some of the most
                               perhaps most importantly, according to          noteworthy milestones.
                               the most recent 2022 U.S. Generic and

2023 Biosimilars Report - Tracking market expansion and sustainability amidst a shifting industry

    Milestone 1: The first biosimilar(s)
    launch in ophthalmology
                                                          An interchangeability designation allows
    After receiving initial FDA approval in               for the biosimilar to be automatically
    2021, the first biosimilar referencing
    an ophthalmology product was
                                                          substituted for its reference product, per
    officially launched in July 2022.                     state laws, and is generally most relevant
    Byooviz™ (ranibizumab-nuna), the first
    ophthalmology biosimilar product                      for products primarily dispensed in the
    commercialized in the U.S. market by
    Biogen (in partnership with Samsung                   pharmacy benefit.
    Bioepis), launched with a significant 40%
    discount to its reference product, Lucentis™
    (ranibizumab) by Genentech.

    Quickly following the launch of the              Milestone 2: Growth in products                 nearly 20% of Americans resort to insulin
    first ophthalmology biosimilar in the            pursuing and achieving                          rationing.5 As this dynamic continues
    U.S., a second ranibizumab biosimilar,           interchangeability                              to play out, it highlights the significant
    Cimerli™ (ranibizumab-eqrn), launched            An important milestone achieved                 complexities within U.S. pharmaceutical
    in October 2022 by Coherus Biosciences.          in 2021 was the award of the first              channels and brings to light the additional
    In an interesting turn of events, this           interchangeability designation in the U.S.      adoption challenges biosimilars may face
    second ranibizumab biosimilar was                for insulin. Fast forward to a year later       in the retail class of trade.
    also awarded an interchangeability               and we now have four interchangeable            As the biosimilars market continues to
    designation making it the first and only         biosimilars: two long-acting insulin            grow and shift more squarely into the
    predominantly medical benefit biosimilar         biosimilars, one adalimumab biosimilar,         pharmacy benefit, we will expect to see
    to achieve the designation thus far.             and one ranibizumab biosimilar. As a            commensurate growth in the number
    Although the regulatory implications of          reminder, interchangeability is a regulatory    of products pursuing, and ultimately,
    interchangeability (e.g., pharmacist-level       designation, unique to the U.S. market, that    achieving an interchangeability
    substitution) are not as operationally           allows for a biosimilar to be automatically     designation. We anticipate many
    relevant for provider-administered               substituted for its reference product by a      manufacturers of biosimilar assets will
    products predominantly billed to a               pharmacist (pharmacist-level substitution),     view interchangeability in the pharmacy
    patient’s medical benefit, the pursuit of        per state laws. Interchangeability does not     benefit as a competitive advantage
    interchangeability can also be viewed as         denote any clinical superiority over a non-     and choose to conduct the additional
    further supporting of a manufacturer’s           interchangeable biosimilar.                     research generally required. Looking to
    commercial strategy.
                                                     While adoption of Semglee™ (insulin             2023, at least four additional adalimumab
    While it is still too early to tell as of this   glargine-yfgn) has increased over the last      biosimilar manufacturers are pursuing
    writing how the early launches have fared        year and now hovers around 10% market           interchangeability. Beyond adalimumab,
    from an adoption standpoint, we expect           share4, we believe the transition to this       several manufacturers have signaled
    share shifts in the ophthalmology market         first biosimilar insulin will be viewed by      they plan to pursue interchangeability
    to evolve more slowly as our market              many as slower than expected considering        for biosimilar candidates referencing
    research data reveals significant provider       the significant cost challenges facing          ustekinumab, insulin aspart and
    hesitation with biosimilars remains.             insulin-dependent patients with diabetes.       golimumab.
                                                     In an updated report, it was still cited that

2023 Biosimilars Report - Tracking market expansion and sustainability amidst a shifting industry

Figure 1. FDA-Approved Biosimilars

                                                                       1st biosimilar         Current # of biosimilar Biosimilar market     Biosimilar share
                Product                           Category
                                                                           launch                  competitors         share (Nov. 2022) change (since Nov. 2021)

      Neupogen™ (filgrastim)                  Supportive care                2015                            31                           93%1       +2%

      Remicade™ (infliximab)                    Immunology                   2016                            3                             44%       +12%

 Epogen™/Procrit™ (epoetin alfa) Supportive care                             2018                            1                             42%       -10%

     Neulasta™ (pegfilgrastim)                Supportive care                2018                           42                             43%       +4%

     Avastin™ (bevacizumab)                       Oncology                   2019                           33                             82%       +7%

     Herceptin™ (trastuzumab)                     Oncology                   2019                            5                             67%       +11%

        Rituxan™ (rituximab)                      Oncology                   2019                            3                             72%       +7%

     Lantus™ (insulin glargine)                    Diabetes                  2020*                          14                             10%       +7%

     Lucentis™ (ranibizumab)                  Ophthalmology                  2022                            2                             3%        +3%

      Humira™ (adalimumab)                      Immunology                   2023                           95                             N/A       N/A

        10 Product classes                                                                                  25

        Enbrel™ (etanercept)                    Immunology                   2029                            2                       Not launched

Market share data source: IQVIA: Accessed via IQVIA National Sales Perspective (NSP) SMART Data. Nov 2022

1.    Includes Teva’s Granix™, which is technically not a biosimilar since it was filed prior to the enactment of the Biosimilar Approval Pathway.
2.    Amneal’s Fylnetra™ has not launched yet; Fresenius Kabi’s Stimufend™ has not launched yet
3.    Celltrion Vegzelma™ has not launched yet
4.    Excludes Basaglar™ and yet to be launched Rezvoglar™
5.    As of date of this publication, only 1 adalimumab biosimilar has launched

*Neulasta Syr. Only biosimilars share is 77%
Note: italicized represents approved biosimilars that have not launched in the U.S. yet

2023 Biosimilars Report - Tracking market expansion and sustainability amidst a shifting industry

    Milestone 3: Unveiling Enhancing
    Oncology Model (EOM) and
    reauthorization of BsUFA III
    With the former Oncology Care Model
    (OCM) sunsetting on June 30, 2022,
    the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
    Innovation (CMMI) unveiled a replacement
    program named the Enhancing Oncology
    Model (EOM) in June 2022. Unfortunately,
    given delays in releasing the new
    program, there will be a roughly 1-year
    gap between the expiration of OCM and
    the launch of EOM. EOM is now set to
    launch July 1, 2023.6 EOM (like OCM) is a
    5-year, voluntary model that will require
    participating oncology practices to take
    on both financial risk and performance
    accountability for treating patients with
    common cancer types. With a continued
    focus on value-based patient care, EOM
    aims to add an additional focus on health
    equity along with added enhancements
    gleaned from feedback on OCM from
    providers, patients, and advocacy groups.

    OCM proved to be a powerful model
    that contributed, in part, to the dramatic   October 2022 through September 2027.7         In October 2022, five research grants were
    growth and adoption of biosimilars in        These biosimilar user fees are dedicated      awarded and funded by FDA as part of the
    the oncology market. With a focus on         to helping expedite the time needed to        pilot.
    providing high-quality cancer care, at       review biosimilar applications for approval
                                                                                               With the reauthorization behind us, we
    the lowest cost, biosimilars proved to be    and facilitate timely access to safe and
                                                                                               can be further ensured of the regulatory
    powerful tools in this value-based care      effective biosimilar treatment options
                                                                                               commitment to timely review of biosimilar
    environment. As the market prepares          for patients. Additionally, the BsUFA III
                                                                                               assets in the pipeline and advancement of
    for the launch of EOM, we are hopeful        commitment letter also outlined the
                                                                                               biosimilar development policies in the U.S.
    biosimilars will continue to be viewed as    creation of a new biosimilar Regulatory
    integral in providing high-quality, low-     Research Pilot Program. The Regulatory
    cost, cancer care in the U.S. market.        Research Pilot Program has two key
    Separately, on September 30, 2022,
    President Biden signed into law the FDA      1.   Improving the efficiency of biosimilar
    User Fee Reauthorization Act of 2022,             product development
    which includes the Biosimilar User Fee
                                                 2.   Advancing the development of
    Act (BsUFA III). BsUFA III authorizes FDA
                                                      interchangeable products
    to assess and collect fees for biosimilar
    products over the 5-year period from

2023 Biosimilars Report - Tracking market expansion and sustainability amidst a shifting industry

                 Figure 2. Biosimilar market share (as of Sept. 2022)




Total biosimilar share (%)






                              Jan-16          Nov-16             Sep-17                Jul-18              May-19             Mar-20     Jan-21        Nov-21   Sep-22

                                  Avastin™                                                Remicade™                                        Lantus™

                                  Neupogen™                                               Herceptin™                                       Neulasta™

                                  Epogen™/Procrit™                                        Rituxan™                                         Lucentis™

                 Market share data source: IQVIA: Accessed via IQVIA National Sales Perspective (NSP) SMART Data. Sept 2022

2023 Biosimilars Report - Tracking market expansion and sustainability amidst a shifting industry

                      Figure 3. Adoption speed (as of Sept. 2022)




     Total biosimilar share (%)






                                       0      5     10         15         20         25        30         35         40            45   50   55    60        65   70   75   80
                                                                                                 Months since first biosimilar launched

                                       Avastin™                                                Lantus™                                            Neupogen™

                                       Epogen™                                                 Lucentis™                                          Remicade™

                                       Herceptin™                                              Neulasta™                                          Rituxan™

                      Market share data source: IQVIA: Accessed via IQVIA National Sales Perspective (NSP) SMART Data. Sept 2022


Milestone 4: Inflation Reduction Act
Signed into law in August 2022, the
Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has several           "Biosimilars continue to
direct, and indirect, connections to the
biosimilars market. Given the potentially            hold significant promise
significant impact of this new legislation,
we have chosen to dedicate an entire
                                                     to positively impact
section of our report to review and focus
on the biosimilar-specific implications of
                                                     patient care for millions
the IRA. Suffice it to say, there are too many
noteworthy implications for biosimilars in
                                                     in the U.S. and globally."
the IRA to do it justice in our introduction
alone. From changes to reimbursement
add-on rates in Medicare Part B, to indirect
                                                 The clarity that potentially several             Conclusion
impacts on determining which products
                                                 adalimumab biosimilars will become               While much has changed, the continued
are eligible for Medicare negotiation,
                                                 preferred products on major PBM                  need for multi-stakeholder education,
biosimilars are a key topic in the IRA. Our
                                                 formularies in 2023 is cause for celebration.    awareness and dedicated research remains
more detailed review on the IRA can be
                                                 However, with current indications that           even more important as we expand into
found on page 57.
                                                 reference adalimumab will also be retained       newer therapeutic areas and classes
                                                 as a preferred product along with the            of trade. To that end, the Accreditation
Milestone 5: Early indications of
                                                 biosimilars (known as parity coverage),          Council for Medical Affairs (ACMA) has
formulary coverage for adalimumab
                                                 it will be difficult to gauge how much           created the Board Certified Biologics and
                                                 utilization will transition to the biosimilars   Biosimilars Specialists Program (BCBBS)
One of the biggest previously unanswered         in 2023. Assessing the pros and cons of a        a on-line, self-paced, 9-module, 40 hour
questions regarding the adalimumab               potential patient transition will become         curriculum to establish expertise among
biosimilar "event" was whether these             increasingly important for patients              healthcare professionals. Biosimilars will
products would be able to gain coverage          and providers. Patient out-of-pocket             continue to hold significant promise to
on payer/pharmacy benefit management             costs between the reference product              positively impact patient care for millions
(PBM) formularies quickly. January 2023          and biosimilars, comparing product               in the U.S. and globally. In this, our 2023
represents a watershed moment for the            differences (e.g., citrate-free, concentration   Biosimilars Report, we are proud to bring
biosimilars market as the first adalimumab       differences, device differences), presence       you new perspectives and insights from
biosimilar is finally expected to launch         of an interchangeability designation and         a new slate of key opinion leaders across
commercially in the U.S. after originally        the level of manufacturer wrap around            four therapeutic areas. As an organization,
receiving FDA approval in September 2016.8       patient support programs will all add to         we remain committed to playing a key
Several additional biosimilars are expected      this complexity.                                 role in creating awareness of biosimilar
to launch mid-year, including at least one
                                                 We expect this year will be filled with          products and increasing education across
biosimilar carrying an interchangeability
                                                 much analysis and discussion regarding           our industry.
designation. As of our writing, two major
PBMs (OptumRx and Express Scripts)               adalimumab’s official loss of exclusivity and
have issued public statements indicating         anticipate the entire healthcare industry
that they plan to cover both reference           will be watching for early signs of adoption,
adalimumab and several adalimumab                potential cost-savings and increased access
biosimilars once available.                      for patients in one of the costliest disease
                                                 states globally.

Provider trends
     As the U.S. biosimilars market continues      dynamic for these providers and raises the
     to grow and expand into additional            importance of how they view biosimilars
     therapeutic areas, understanding the          as an available option. To capture this
     provider experience across various            dynamic, we expanded our provider
     specialties has become even more              surveys to include gastroenterologists
     important.                                    and dermatologists, accompanying the
                                                   rheumatology and ophthalmology research
     With the largest loss of exclusivity event,
                                                   we’ve begun collecting over the last few
     perhaps ever in the U.S., set to take place
     for Humira™ (adalimumab) in 2023,
     providers that treat immune-mediated          This research provides unique insights
     inflammatory diseases will be presented       and views of each provider group, and
     with more treatment options for their         better showcases their familiarity with
     patients than ever before. While overall      biosimilars, concerns with prescribing and
     biosimilar adoption has increased over the    expected utilization as new biosimilars
     past year, certain therapeutic areas that     come to market. Insights are taken from our
     are less experienced with these products–     most recent healthcare provider surveys
     like dermatology and ophthalmology–           conducted between July – October 2022,
     continue to face additional barriers          with commentary and analysis provided by
     to adoption. This poses an interesting        leading physicians in each therapeutic area.


Most participating physicians cited                                                Ophthalmology N = 64
familiarity with biosimilars and the                                               Rheumatology N = 103
                                                                                   Dermatology N = 126
interchangeability designation.                                                    Gastroenterology N = 72

Figure 4.
How would you describe your
familiarity with biosimilars?
                                                         55%         56%


                                                                                 12%         13%

                                                                                       2%          1%

                                   Very familiar         Somewhat familiar       Not very familiar

Figure 5.
How would you describe                                               52%
your familiarity with the                                      47%
                                                   46%                     46%
interchangeability designation         42%
for biosimilars?



                                   Very familiar         Somewhat familiar       Not very familiar


     Provider views on the discount needed                                                Ophthalmology N = 64
     to motivate a switch to a biosimilar                                                 Rheumatology N = 103
                                                                                          Dermatology N = 126
     varied by specialty.                                                                 Gastroenterology N = 72




     Figure 6.
     If you assume all clinical
     factors to be equal, how
     much of the discount from                                                 11%

     the reference product would                 9%

     be necessary for you to                           4%
     prescribe a biosimilar versus
     the reference product?
                                     Greater than 40%              31-40%                  21-30%


                                                                               10%                           10%


                                                                                     0%    n/a   n/a   n/a

                                           11-20%                  5-10%               Less than 5%            None, I am not
                                                                                                             likely to prescribe
                                                                                                                 a biosimilar


                              Biosimilars in rheumatology:
                              The forthcoming season of
                              change in 2023
                              Jeffrey R. Curtis, MD, MS, MPH
                              Professor of Medicine, Division of Clinical Immunology & Rheumatology, UAB

     This upcoming year will yield important          having biosimilars were not favorable            to whether they were receiving one of
     transitions in the treatment landscape           enough to motivate switching. Both               the several biosimilars or the reference
     for inflammatory conditions once self-           biosimilar efficacy, and the lack of economic    product. In contrast, for a forthcoming
     administered biosimilars enter the               benefit (to patients and/or to providers),       self-administered injectable therapy
     rheumatology market. Beginning first with        were rheumatologists’ top concerns related       like biosimilar adalimumab, the need
     Amjevita™ (adalimumab-atto) in the first         to increasing uptake. Not surprisingly, the      to educate patients will become more
     quarter of 2023, followed by at least seven      group of patients where there was the            pressing and will put additional burden
     more in the months to follow, the impact         greatest comfort to use a biosimilar was         on rheumatologists and their office staff.
     on rheumatology patients, their providers,       for patients initiating therapy, rather than     Of note, 47% of rheumatologists did not
     and office staff likely will be profound. A      those who were already established on a          indicate that they were ‘very comfortable’
     survey of 103 rheumatologists conducted          reference biologic treatment.                    with discussing the option with patients,
     by Cardinal Health in July and August of                                                          suggesting an important need to train
                                                      Several therapy-specific features were
     2022 provides helpful insights into what                                                          rheumatology providers and their staff on
                                                      found to be important to rheumatologists
     rheumatologists believe, and subsequently                                                         how to effectively educate their patients
                                                      and their patients. For example, the product
     may do, as it relates to biosimilars.                                                             regarding biosimilar use.
                                                      attributes of biosimilar adalimumab that
     Based on the survey results, while most          rheumatologists rated as ‘very important’        Ultimately, biosimilars need to deliver on
     rheumatologists (76%) stated that they           were a citrate-free formulation (62%)            their oft-promised savings and deliver
     are ‘very familiar’ with biosimilars and 62%     and an interchangeability designation            value to all stakeholders. For rheumatology
     said that they would be ‘very comfortable’       (60%). Beyond those, one of the biggest          patients with adequate commercial
     with prescribing, the motivations and            potential threats to realizing the potential     insurance coverage, biosimilars may
     concerns of rheumatologists elicited             for biosimilars to save cost and improve         offer little upside, and may be met with
     important learnings. First, there was some       access is the need for patient education. Of     skepticism as to their benefit. Ensuring that
     ambivalence among rheumatologists                survey respondents, 85% agreed or strongly       all stakeholders’ needs are met to affect a
     about the opportunities with biosimilars.        agreed that patient education would              smooth transition to biosimilars remains an
     Only about half (54%) agreed or strongly         be important. Patient education needs            important challenge in the year to come.
     agreed that biosimilars would positively         regarding self-administered biosimilars
     impact care. About the same proportion           will be a unique feature in 2023 compared
     were not excited about the growing               to past years when only intravenous
     number of biosimilars anticipated to come        formulations were available. Given that
     to market. Secondly, given the anticipated       all rheumatology biosimilars available in
     cost-savings and hoped-for improvement           the U.S. to date (e.g., infliximab, rituximab)
     in access to care, the median discount           have been provider-administered, the
     that rheumatologists expected to see             need for patient education has been less
     with biosimilars to consider transitioning       pronounced. Indeed, many rheumatology
     a patient was 21-30%. Importantly, more          patients receiving an intravenously
     than half of rheumatologists felt that the       administered biologic like infliximab
     economic benefits observed to date from          may have had little to no awareness as


Most rheumatologists surveyed said they are very comfortable
prescribing biosimilars, particularly for new patients and
existing patients for whom payers have mandated a biosimilar.

Figure 7. How comfortable do you feel prescribing biosimilars to your patients?
N = 103

          62%                  32%                     6%
    Very comfortable      Somewhat comfortable   Not very comfortable

Figure 8. For which patients are you most likely to prescribe a biosimilar?
N = 103

          41%                  40%                     9%                       4%                       6%
  Existing patients for       New patients         Existing patients    Existing patients having      I am not likely
  whom payers have                               having success on a      limited success on a        to prescribe a
 mandated a biosimilar                            reference product         reference product       biosimilar for any
                                                                                                   patient at this time

                          85% of participating rheumatologists
                          said educating patients about
                          biosimilars is important.


     About half of the surveyed rheumatologists are excited about
     the growing number of biosimilars coming to market.

     Figure 9. To what extent do you agree with the following statement? I am excited about the growing
     number of rheumatology biosimilars anticipated to come to market.
     N = 103

               13%             34%                  33%                   15%                     5%
          Strongly agree         Agree             Neither agree          Disagree           Strongly disagree
                                                   nor disagree


Participating rheumatologists cited citrate-free formulation
and interchangeability as the most important product
attributes for prescribing an adalimumab biosimilar.
Figure 10. How important are the following product attributes             Very important
when it comes to utilizing an adalimumab biosimilar?                      Somewhat important
N = 103                                                                   Not important at all

                       62%                                                                       60%
                                                 47%     46%
  43%                                                                           43%

                  7%                        5%                      7%
                                                                                          3%                    4%

      Concentration          Citrate-free              Latex-free              Device            Interchangeability

Figure 11. To what extent do you agree with the following statement? I believe that biosimilars will
positively impact rheumatology care.
N = 103

          15%                38%                       32%                     13%                     2%
     Strongly agree            Agree               Neither agree               Disagree           Strongly disagree
                                                   nor disagree

More than 50% of rheumatologists surveyed believe
biosimilars will positively impact care for their patients.


     Concerns about efficacy and lack of economic benefit are
     viewed as the primary barriers to adoption for participating
     Figure 12. Which of the following is your top concern about prescribing biosimilars?
     N = 103

     Concerns about efficacy of biosimilars                            Lack of payer adoption
      36%                                                               10%

     Concerns about lack of economic benefit                           Concerns about manufacturing
      24%                                                               7%

     Evaluating when to prescribe a biosimilar versus                  Providing patient education
     a reference product                                                6%

     Figure 13. To what extent do you agree with the following statement? Today, the economics of biosimilars
     are not favorable enough to motivate me to switch from the reference products.
     N = 103

               19%                      35%                     28%                        15%                         3%
          Strongly agree                      Agree            Neither agree                Disagree             Strongly disagree
                                                               nor disagree

                             Less than one in five                                              53% of participating
                             rheumatologists (18%) surveyed                                     rheumatologists cited feeling
                             believe that today's biosimilar                                    very comfortable
                             economics are favorable                                            discussing biosimilar
                             enough to motivate                                                 options with patients.
                             them to switch.

More than two-thirds of participating rheumatologists said
they are at least somewhat comfortable switching from one
biosimilar to another.
Figure 14. How comfortable
do you feel switching from
one biosimilar to another?
N = 103                         18%             52%            20%                10%
                             Very comfortable    Somewhat       Somewhat      Very uncomfortable
                                                comfortable   uncomfortable


                 Defining the place of
                 biosimilars in gastroenterology
                 Vivek Kaul, MD, FACG, FASGE, AGAF, NYSGEF
                 Professor of Medicine, University of Rochester, NY

                 The advent of biologic therapy (TNF                  When considering the option of
                 inhibitors) has transformed the                      prescribing an adalimumab biosimilar,
                 management of patients with IBD                      clinical and/or real-world evidence
                 (inflammatory bowel disease) over the                studies were cited as playing a key role
                 last two decades. The introduction of                in medical decision-making, along with
                 biosimilars in this realm presents an                consideration for patient out-of-pocket
                 opportunity to provide comparable                    cost and payer coverage. Based on this
                 products to patients at a lower cost. In a           survey, the top concerns for adalimumab
                 recent survey of 72 gastroenterologists              biosimilars include transitioning patients
                 conducted by Cardinal Health, 80%                    from Humira™ to a biosimilar (44%) and
                 responded that they are very familiar                the interchangeability of biosimilars (38%).
                 with biosimilars. All physicians reported            Patient education regarding biosimilar
                 being very comfortable (or somewhat                  safety, efficacy and interchangeability
                 comfortable) prescribing these agents. In            appears paramount to the acceptance of
                 fact, over 95% of those who responded to             these products, particularly for patients
                 the survey had prescribed an infliximab              who are switched from a reference product.
                 biosimilar in the prior 12-month period.
                                                                      Despite general acceptance of biosimilars,
                 While gastroenterology has lagged                    there remains some uncertainty regarding
                 behind other specialties (e.g., oncology)            their place in the current gastroenterology
                 in the biosimilar space, the availability            landscape. This is likely because only
                 and utilization of and the competition of            half of the survey respondents believed
                 these agents with their reference products,          that biosimilars will positively impact
                 is expected to significantly increase in             gastroenterology care, further highlighting
                 2023 with the release of at least seven              the ongoing need for real-world data
                 adalimumab biosimilars. Nearly all (93%) of          and incorporation of biosimilar use and
                 the physicians surveyed indicated they are           interchangeability into clinical guidelines.
                 at least somewhat comfortable prescribing            Additionally, there continues to be
                 an adalimumab biosimilar once it becomes             concern over payer coverage and patient
                 available. This survey indicated that                out-of-pocket costs which may impact
                 biosimilars are prescribed most commonly             their utilization. Despite these challenges,
                 for new patients or patients for whom a              we anticipate that the rapid growth of
                 payer requires a biosimilar, although this           biosimilars will play a greater role in clinical
                 paradigm may change with the addition                practice and reimbursement models of
                 of more biosimilar options, along with               the future.
                 payer and gastroenterologist stakeholder
                 adoption in the future.


All surveyed gastroenterologists said they are at least
somewhat comfortable prescribing biosimilars for patients,
primarily to new patients and those for whom payers have
mandated a biosimilar.

Figure 15. How comfortable do
you feel prescribing biosimilars

                                              86%                       14%                        0%
to your patients?
N = 72

                                           Very comfortable       Somewhat comfortable      Not very comfortable

Figure 16. For which patients are you
most likely to prescribe a biosimilar?

                                              49%                       36%                        7%
N = 72

                                          Existing patients for       New patients         Existing patients having
                                          whom payers have                                   limited success on a
                                         mandated a biosimilar                                 reference product

                                                5%                        3%
                                            Existing patients          I am not likely
                                          having success on a          to prescribe a
                                           reference product         biosimilar for any
                                                                    patient at this time


More than 60% of gastroenterologists surveyed believe
biosimilars will positively impact care in gastroenterology.

Figure 17. To what extent do you agree with the following statement?
I believe that biosimilars will positively impact gastroenterology care.
N = 72

                           33%                   31%

                                                                           5%                3%
         Strongly agree      Agree              Neither agree              Disagree     Strongly disagree
                                                nor disagree

Half of gastroenterologists are excited and a third are
indifferent on how they feel about the growing number of
biosimilars anticipated in gastroenterology with the top
response being neutral.

Figure 18. To what extent do you agree with the following statement? I am excited about the growing
number of gastroenterology biosimilars anticipated to come to market.
N = 72

         Strongly agree      Agree              Neither agree              Disagree     Strongly disagree
                                                nor disagree

     Participating gastroenterologists cite concerns about
     biosimilar efficacy, providing patient education, and lack of
     economic benefit as primary barriers to adoption.
     Figure 19. Which of the following is your top concern about prescribing biosimilars?
     N = 72

     Concerns about efficacy of biosimilars                   Lack of payer adoption
      31%                                                      14%

     Providing patient education                              Evaluating when to prescribe a biosimilar versus a reference product
      18%                                                      12%

     Concerns about lack of economic benefit                  Concerns about manufacturing
      17%                                                      8%

     Figure 20. To what extent do you agree with the following statement? Educating patients about
     biosimilars as safe and effective treatment options is important.
     N = 72

               35%                      49%            14%                             1%                         1%
              Strongly agree                  Agree   Neither agree                 Disagree                 Strongly disagree
                                                      nor disagree

     Nearly 100% of gastroenterologists surveyed feel at least somewhat
     comfortable discussing biosimilar options with patients.


Participating gastroenterologists are divided on the issue of
whether the economics of biosimilars are favorable enough
to motivate a switch from reference products.
Figure 21. To what extent do you agree with the following statement? Today, the economics of biosimilars
are not favorable enough to motivate me to switch from the reference products.
N = 72

          14%             22%                   29%                   29%                     6%
         Strongly agree     Agree              Neither agree          Disagree           Strongly disagree
                                               nor disagree

36% of gastroenterologists surveyed believe the economics
of biosimilars are favorable enough to motivate a switch.


     Nearly 80% of gastroenterologists surveyed said they are at
     least somewhat comfortable switching from one biosimilar
     to another.
     Figure 22. How

                         33%             46%            17%                  4%
     do you feel
     switching from
     one biosimilar
     to another?
     N = 72

                      Very comfortable    Somewhat       Somewhat      Very uncomfortable
                                         comfortable   uncomfortable


Participating gastroenterologists cited device ease-of-
use, citrate-free formulation, and interchangeability as the
most important attributes for prescribing an adalimumab

Figure 23.                                  46%                67%              44%
                                            47%                26%              42%
How important are the following             7%                 7%               14%

product attributes when it comes to
utilizing an adalimumab biosimilar?

  Very important
  Somewhat important
  Not important at all                Concentration       Citrate-free      Latex-free

                                            70%                65%
                                            29%                32%
                                            1%                 3%

                                         Device        Interchangeability

More than 95% of surveyed gastroenterologists said
that the device and interchangeability were at least
somewhat important when determining to utilize an
adalimumab biosimilar.


                 Will safety concerns impact
                 dermatologist adoption of biosimilars?
                 Alex S. Gross, MD
                 Medical Director, Northside Hospital Forsyth

                 Dermatologists believe biosimilars             cited in this survey. When it comes to how
                 will positively impact care, but safety/       providers review new products, the three
                 efficacy concerns may impact adoption.         most important considerations in the
                 The imminent launch of at least seven          review hierarchy are safety, efficacy and
                 adalimumab biosimilars in 2023 is expected     accessibility. I see this clearly reflected in
                 to greatly impact competition and the          the responses from the survey with safety/
                 availability of biologic treatment options     efficacy concerns representing the highest
                 in the dermatology space. With the             ranked results when asked about the top
                 approaching growth of biosimilar options       concern of prescribing biosimilars (47%)
                 in dermatology, Cardinal Health surveyed       and top concerns when considering future
                 126 dermatologists in September of 2022 to     adalimumab biosimilars (70%).
                 better understand how they plan to adopt
                                                                Similar to other therapeutic areas, adoption
                 these biosimilars into their prescribing
                                                                of biosimilars can be influenced by more
                 patterns and uncover any potential
                                                                than just physician prescribing patterns.
                                                                Patient out-of-pocket costs and managed
                 Compared to other therapeutic areas which      care strategies will play key roles in the
                 have, historically, not been receptive to      utilization of these products in the future. In
                 new products like biosimilars at the onset,    fact, we see from the results that over 50%
                 an overwhelming 80% of respondents             of respondents noted that they are most
                 reported being at least somewhat               likely to prescribe a biosimilar for existing
                 comfortable prescribing a biosimilar.          patients for whom payers have mandated
                 Of those respondents, 75% specifically         a biosimilar. Further, 65% of dermatologists
                 noted being comfortable prescribing an         stated that patient out-of-pocket costs
                 adalimumab biosimilar once it becomes          would be a key-decision criteria for
                 available. As part of the survey, they also    prescribing an adalimumab biosimilar once
                 indicated that the ease of use of the device   available.
                 (72%) and presence of an interchangeability
                                                                Despite these challenges, dermatologists
                 designation (69%) would be the most
                                                                appear optimistic about the potential for
                 important product attributes when deciding
                                                                biosimilars to positively impact dermatology
                 to prescribe an adalimumab biosimilar.
                                                                care once available to them and their
                 Despite the relatively high level of           patients. Real-world evidence, both
                 prescribing comfort dermatologists             international or domestic, was most cited
                 displayed in their responses, less than 20%    as an important factor to support clinical
                 of respondents have prescribed a biosimilar    confidence in using adalimumab biosimilars
                 within the last 12 months, indicating          in the future. With robust utilization of
                 limited use of infliximab biosimilars — the    adalimumab biosimilars internationally for
                 only biosimilars currently approved for        several years, I believe this type of data will
                 dermatologic indications. This may indicate    serve as a strong tool to address existing
                 that future product adoption could be          concerns around the safety and efficacy of
                 slower than one would expect despite the       biosimilar products.
30               relative familiarity and comfort prescribing

80% of dermatologists surveyed are at least somewhat
comfortable prescribing biosimilars, primarily to existing
patients for whom payers have mandated a biosimilar.
Figure 24. How comfortable
do you feel prescribing

                                               35%                  45%                     20%
biosimilars to your patients?
N = 126

                                            Very comfortable   Somewhat comfortable   Not very uncomfortable

Figure 25. For which patients are you
most likely to prescribe a biosimilar?
N = 126

Existing patients for whom payers
have mandated a biosimilar

New patients

Existing patients having limited
success on a reference product

Existing patients having success on a
reference product

I am not likely to prescribe a biosimilar
for any patient at this time


     53% of the surveyed dermatologists believe biosimilars will
     positively impact care.

     Figure 26. To what extent do you agree with the following statement? I believe that biosimilars will
     positively impact dermatology care.
     N = 126

               13%              40%                   32%                    13%                     2%
          Strongly agree          Agree              Neither agree           Disagree           Strongly disagree
                                                     nor disagree

                                                                       41% of participating
                                                                       dermatologists say they are
                                                                       excited about the growing
                           Only 15% of dermatologists                  number of dermatology
                           surveyed disagree or strongly               biosimilars anticipated
                           disagree that biosimilars will              to come to market while
                           positively impact care.                     another 40% are neutral.


Efficacy of biosimilars is cited as the top concern for
participating dermatologists.

Figure 27. Which of the following is your top concern about prescribing biosimilars?
N = 126

Concerns about efficacy of biosimilars             Concerns about lack of economic benefit
 48%                                                10%

Evaluating when to prescribe a biosimilar versus   Concerns about manufacturing
a reference product                                 9%
                                                   Providing patient education
Lack of payer adoption                              6%

Figure 28. To what extent do you agree with the following statement? Today, the economics of biosimilars
are not favorable enough to motivate me to switch from the reference products.
N = 126

          16%                      31%                    41%                       10%                     2%
     Strongly agree                      Agree           Neither agree               Disagree          Strongly disagree
                                                         nor disagree

Nearly 50% of dermatologists surveyed agreed or strongly
agreed that the economics of biosimilars are not favorable
enough to motivate a switch from reference products.


     Nearly three out of four dermatologists surveyed are at least
     somewhat comfortable discussing biosimilar options with
     Figure 29. How
     comfortable do

                              33%             41%            20%                  6%
     you feel discussing
     biosimilar options
     with your patients?
     N = 126

                           Very comfortable    Somewhat       Somewhat      Very uncomfortable
                                              comfortable   uncomfortable

     82% of participating dermatologists strongly agree
     or agree that educating patients on the safety and
     effectiveness of biosimilars is a key priority.


About 60% of dermatologists surveyed said they are at least
somewhat comfortable switching from one biosimilar to
Figure 30. How

                              12%                   47%                      32%                         9%
do you feel
switching from
one biosimilar
to another?
N = 126

                           Very comfortable          Somewhat              Somewhat               Very uncomfortable
                                                    comfortable          uncomfortable

Participating dermatologists cited device ease-of-use and
interchangeability as the most important attributes when
deciding to utilize an adalimumab biosimilar.

Figure 31.
How important are the following
                                              48%                                46%              46%      45%
product attributes when it comes to                     43%            41%

utilizing an adalimumab biosimilar?
                                                                  9%                                                 9%
    Very important
    Somewhat important
    Not important at all                        Concentration                Citrate-free               Latex-free

                                              72%                      70%

                                                        25%                      25%

                                                                  3%                        5%

                                                      Device           Interchangeability


     perspectives on
     The 2023 Biosimilars Report would not        Overall, providers appear to be generally      With eight already FDA-approved
     be complete without a dedicated review       comfortable prescribing an adalimumab          biosimilar versions scheduled to launch
     of the adalimumab biosimilar event           biosimilar once available with at least        throughout 202310, to say the biosimilar
     scheduled to transpire over the course       75% of providers surveyed across               bench is deep is an understatement.
     of 2023. Arguably the single largest         rheumatology, gastroenterology and             Since first launching in 2003, adalimumab
     pharmaceutical loss of exclusivity (LOE)     dermatology stating that they were at least    as a product has evolved in many ways
     event of all time, the LOE of Humira™        somewhat comfortable with this practice.       including new concentrations, citrate-
     (adalimumab) is poised to change the         Gastroenterologists appear to be the           free versions, latex-free delivery devices
     biosimilar landscape as we know it. To       most comfortable provider type with 50%        and smaller needle gauges. Given the
     better understand the implications of this   of specialists in this area indicating they    numerous product attributes that have
     biosimilar event, we surveyed providers      would be very comfortable prescribing          been introduced over the last 18 years,
     across rheumatology, gastroenterology/       an adalimumab biosimilar once available.       understanding what to anticipate from a
     GI and dermatology (key therapeutic          This is an interesting result given previous   product differentiation standpoint will be a
     areas that make up the vast majority of      market research revealed gastroenterology      challenging task for providers and patients.
     indications approved for adalimumab) to      specialists have historically been some        When asked what product attributes would
     capture their insights and perspectives.     of the most hesitant providers to accept       be most important when deciding to utilize
                                                  biosimilars.9                                  an adalimumab biosimilar; the device’s


ease of use, interchangeability and citrate-     interchangeability designation.” These          (RWE) studies, patient out-of-pocket
free formulations rose to the top of the list.   results suggest that further efforts            costs and payer coverage each occupied
Product concentration and the presence           are needed to strengthen education              top spots in this category followed by
of latex in the device were viewed as less       on interchangeability in the provider           price/cost discounts to the practice, and
important attributes when compared               community.                                      manufacturer’s supply reliability.
against the full slate. An interesting point
                                                 When discussing their top concerns              When asked what would best support their
to note is that despite all provider types
                                                 regarding adalimumab biosimilars, safety        clinical confidence in utilizing adalimumab
citing that interchangeability would be a
                                                 and efficacy, interchangeability and having     biosimilars with new and existing
key product attribute when deciding to
                                                 substitutions at the pharmacy level and         patients, the top response with at least
use a biosimilar adalimumab, less than
                                                 transitioning a patient from adalimumab to      40% of providers across all therapeutic
50% of providers across all therapeutic
                                                 an adalimumab biosimilar rose to the top        areas was RWE, both international and
areas described their familiarity with the
                                                 as of most concern. These were followed         domestic, followed distantly by acceptance
interchangeability designation as “very
                                                 closely by no cost savings to patients          into clinical guidelines for practice
familiar.” Further, an average of 64% of
                                                 and payer coverage decisions. Surveyed          management. These findings further
providers surveyed agreed or strongly
                                                 providers’ top concerns correlated strongly     highlight the continued need for education
agreed with the statement that they
                                                 with their key decision criteria for deciding   to strengthen clinical confidence in these
“will only feel comfortable prescribing
                                                 when to utilize an adalimumab biosimilar.       agents and help overcome key barriers to a
an adalimumab biosimilar if it has an
                                                 Clinical and/or real-world evidence             more robust biosimilars market in the U.S.



93% of gastroenterologists said they are at least somewhat
comfortable prescribing adalimumab biosimilars compared to
86% for rheumatologists and 75% of dermatologists.

Gastroenterologists reported the highest comfort levels
with adalimumab biosimilars compared to dermatologists
and rheumatologists.
Figure 32.                                 50%          49%
How comfortable are you                                       43%
prescribing an adalimumab      31%

biosimilar to your patients,
once available?                                                           12%
                                                                                4%        3%    3%

  Dermatology N = 126          Very comfortable     Somewhat          Somewhat           Very
  Rheumatology N = 103                             comfortable      uncomfortable    uncomfortable
  Gastroenterology N = 72


     Attitudes about which product attributes are most important
     when deciding to utilize an adalimumab biosimilar were
     generally similar across specialties.
     How important are the following product attributes when it comes to utilizing an adalimumab biosimilar?

     Figure 33.                                              Figure 34.
     Concentration                                           Citrate-free

                                                                     62%   67%
      48%         46%          50%   47%                                          46%
            43%          43%                                   41%
                                            9%                                                       13%
                                                 7%    7%                                                  5%   7%

      Very important       Somewhat         Not important      Very important       Somewhat         Not important
                           important             at all                             important             at all

     Figure 35.                                              Figure 36.
     Latex-free                                              Device (e.g., ease of use)
                                                               72%         69%
      46%   47%   44%    45%   46%   42%                                                43%
                                                                                  25%         29%
                                            9%        14%
                                                 8%                                                  3%    3%   1%

      Very important       Somewhat         Not important      Very important       Somewhat         Not important
                           important             at all                             important             at all

     Figure 37.
     Interchangeability Designation
      70%         65%

                               36%   32%
                                            5%   4%    3%

      Very important       Somewhat         Not important
                           important             at all


Figure 38.
To what extent do you agree with the                                                Over 60% of providers
following statement? I will only feel comfortable
                                                                                    across all therapeutic areas will
prescribing an adalimumab biosimilar if it has the
interchangeability designation.                                                     only feel comfortable prescribing
                                                                                    an adalimumab biosimilar if it has
                                                                                    an interchangeability designation

                                            28%   28%
 25%         25%

                                                               6%                    6%
                                                                      3%       3%

 Strongly agree              Agree         Neither agree nor        Disagree        Strongly disagree

   Dermatology N = 126
   Rheumatology N = 103
   Gastroenterology N = 72

Product attributes most commonly cited as “very important”

Dermatologists                             Rheumatologists                          Gastroenterologists
• Device/Ease of use (72%)                 • Citrate-free (62%)                     • Device/Ease of use (69%)
• Interchangeability (70%)                 • Interchangeability (60%)               • Citrate-free (67%)


Safety and efficacy of adalimumab biosimilars were
the top concerns for participating dermatologists and
rheumatologists, while gastroenterologists were most
concerned about transitioning patients from adalimumab
to an adalimumab biosimilar.

Figure 39.                                70%
What are your top concerns
regarding adalimumab
biosimilars? Please select up to 3.                                     47%
                                                                              38%      39%

   Dermatology N = 126
   Rheumatology N = 103
   Gastroenterology N = 72
                                         Safety and effficacy    Interchangeability    No cost savings
                                                                     and having          to patients
                                                                substitutions at the
                                                                  pharmacist level

 40%                                      39%

                                                 25%             25%    24%
                     22%                                22%
                             19%   19%

                                                                                             1%                 1%
                                                                                       0%          0%     0%

  Transitioning         Switching        Payer or Pharmacy        Lack of patient       Other, please        I have no
  a patient from         between          Benefit Manager       support programs          specify        hesitations about
 adalimumab to         adalimumab         (PBM) coverage           (e.g., patient                           prescribing
 an adalimumab          biosimilars          decisions              assistance                             adalimumab
    biosimilar                                                      programs)                            biosimilars to my


     Across disciplines, participating specialists identified clinical
     and real-world evidence and patient out-of-pocket costs as key
     decision criteria when prescribing adalimumab biosimilars.
     Figure 40.
     What would be key decision criteria for utilizing an
     adalimumab biosimilar? Please select up to 3.

               32%                     66%                    62%                    17%                      65%
               38%                     62%                    54%                    15%                      64%
               33%                     63%                    43%                    21%                      58%

      Cost/price discount     Clinical and/or real-   PBM/Payer coverage   Manufacturer's supply    Patient out-of-pocket
        to the practice      world evidence studies                             reliability                  cost

     Figure 41.
     Which of the following would best support your clinical confidence in utilizing
     adalimumab biosimilars in both new and existing adalimumab-eligible patients?

               45%                     10%                    17%                    8%                       19%
               51%                     7%                     10%                    12%                      20%
               46%                     7%                     11%                    3%                       33%

      Real-world evidence,    Real-world evidence,    Uptake among my       Greater information    Acceptance into clinical
        international or         domestic only         peers/colleages      on FDA regulatory       guidelines for patient
           domestic                                                          approval process           management

        Dermatology N = 126
        Rheumatology N = 103
        Gastroenterology N = 72


                 Biosimilars in ophthalmology:
                 hesitancy remains, but providers
                 showing positive acceptance
                 Arghavan Almony, MD
                 Partner and Vice President, Carolina Eye Associates

                 Although biosimilars have been utilized               only 48% stated that they would prescribe
                 in oncology and rheumatology for years,               biosimilars themselves. Additionally, half
                 ophthalmologists in the U.S. have had no              of the respondents also stated they would
                 experience with these products until 2022.            not prescribe a biosimilar without clinical
                 In September 2021, the first ranibizumab              data to demonstrate safety and efficacy for
                 biosimilar (ranibizumab-nuna) was                     a specific indication, highlighting the need
                 approved by the FDA and launched in July              for further data.
                 2022.11 A second (ranibizumab-eqrn) was
                                                                       Despite these concerns, there does
                 approved in August 2022 with a launch in
                                                                       appear to be overall positive acceptance
                 October 2022.12 Recently, Cardinal Health
                                                                       of biosimilars in the retina space. In this
                 surveyed 64 retina specialists to gauge
                                                                       survey, 73% of retina specialists reported
                 their understanding of, and patterns in,
                                                                       that they would be likely to prescribe
                 adopting biosimilars in ophthalmology.
                                                                       a biosimilar in neovascular age-related
                 While concerns over payer coverage and                macular degeneration (nAMD), while
                 administrative burdens are at the top of              64% of retina specialists would be likely
                 the list, clinical questions of efficacy and          to switch to a ranibizumab biosimilar for
                 safety appear to be one of the greatest               a stable patient. Further, 71% would be
                 barriers to adoption of biosimilars among             likely to switch to an aflibercept biosimilar
                 retina specialists. In the survey, physicians         when it becomes available. Reasons for
                 were asked about clinical trial designs for           this include the benefits of expanded
                 biosimilar development and in 2021 and                drug options and potential to lower
                 2022, the majority of respondents (61%                healthcare costs. Going forward, robust
                 and 57% respectively) felt that they either           clinical trials, real-world data, concerted
                 had very limited knowledge of clinical trial          efforts at educating retina specialists,
                 design or that the clinical trials are not            reduced administrative burdens and
                 adequate to investigate biosimilar efficacy           payer coverage will all prove to be critical
                 and safety.                                           for wider adoption and acceptance of
                                                                       biosimilars in ophthalmology. Biosimilars
                 Previous negative or unexpected
                                                                       will also have to compete with new classes
                 experiences with newer retina products
                                                                       of medications, such as faricimab, new
                 in the past decade have left many in the
                                                                       platforms, such as Susvimo™ and its port-
                 profession leery of change. We see this
                                                                       delivery device and off-label bevacizumab,
                 hesitation in the survey data which shows
                                                                       which is both cheaper and carries 15
                 that although 67% of physicians felt that
                                                                       years of data and experience with retina
                 the FDA approval process for biosimilars is
                 sufficient to evaluate efficacy and safety,


The first ophthalmology biosimilar officially
launched in the U.S. in July 2022. Comparing
responses from retina specialists prior to the
launch last year with post-launch responses this
year, we examine the trends on how perceptions
of biosimilars have shifted, which can help
shed light on potential adoption patterns
and highlight obstacles that still need to be
overcome. This research was collected between
September – October 2022, via online surveys.

Participating ophthalmologists stated that the primary role of
biosimilars is to keep drug costs down, and that discounts play
a key role in decisions about switching to biosimilars.
Figure 42.
How do you

                                   84%                  31%                      6%                       6%
perceive the role
of biosimilars in
Please select all
that apply.
N = 64                       Keep drug costs down   Expand drug options    Not needed as they      Not needed as they are
                                                                          are redundant to their    becoming obsolete
                                                                            biologic reference


     Top concerns among participating ophthalmologists include
     payer coverage, lack of comfort from a clinical standpoint, and
     administrative barriers (such as prior authorization processes).
     Figure 43.
     What are your primary concerns with prescribing biosimilars? Please select all that apply.
     N = 64

     Payer coverage concerns                                       Not enough financial incentive
      52%                                                           31%

     Uncomfortable from a clinical standpoint                      Other
      48%                                                           11%

     Administrative barriers (e.g., prior authorization process)   No concerns
      45%                                                           13%

     About half of ophthalmologists surveyed believe the FDA
     approval process for biosimilars is sufficient to evaluate their
     efficacy and safety despite lack of clinical comfort being cited
     as a top concern.

     Figure 44.
     Do you think the FDA approval process of biosimilars is sufficient to evaluate their efficacy and safety?
     N = 64

     Yes, and I do/will prescribe biosimilars                      No, and I will not prescribe biosimilars
      48%                                                           6%

     Yes, but I do/will not prescribe biosimilars                  I am not familiar enough with biosimilars to assess
      19%                                                           27%


Nearly 25% of surveyed ophthalmologists are either not
familiar with the FDA approval process for biologics or believe
there are no differences between the approval process
for chemical and biologic drugs. This shows the need for
additional education on the biologic and biosimilar approval

Figure 45.
Which statement

                            6%                    41%                        36%                         17%
best reflects your
knowledge of
the FDA approval
pathways for
chemical and
                       The FDA approval        The FDA approval            The FDA approval        I have little knowledge
biologic drugs?
N = 64
                       pathways are the      pathways are slightly    pathways are completely        on the FDA approval
                     same for chemical and   different for chemical   different for chemical and    pathway for biologics.
                        biologic drugs.       and biologic drugs.           biologic drugs.

You can also read