2022 Sky - Astronomy Magazine

Page created by Andre Hammond
2022 Sky - Astronomy Magazine

 2 Jan. 2022       Meteors launch the year with a bang

 3 Feb. 2022       A bright comet for cool winter nights

 4 March 2022          The morning star hits its peak

 5 April 2022        A match made in heaven

 6 May 2022         Totality comes to America

 7 June 2022        The Sun awakens

 8 July 2022       Pluto reaches the Archer’s edge

 9 Aug. 2022        Summer nights belong to Saturn

10 Sept. 2022        Brilliant Jupiter rules the night

11 Oct. 2022        Spot elusive Mercury at dawn
12 Nov. 2022        Luna’s double dip into Earth’s shadow
13 Dec. 2022        The Red Planet climbs high in the sky                 Mars returns to brilliance in late
14 2023 Preview           Looking ahead to next year …                    2022 and climbs nearly overhead
                                                                          for lucky Northern Hemisphere
                                                                          observers. ESA & MPS FOR OSIRIS TEAM
Martin Ratcliffe is a planetarium professional with Evans
& Sutherland and enjoys observing from Wichita, Kansas.
Richard Talcott is a contributing editor of Astronomy.          A supplement to Astronomy magazine
2022 Sky - Astronomy Magazine
        Jan                           Meteors launch the
                                      year with a bang
S    M T W              T   F    S
    3 4 5             6      7   8
   10 11 12          13     14   15

16    18 19          20     21   22
23 24    26          27     28   29
                                                   he New Year gets
30 31                                              off to a great start
                                                   when a prolific
                                                   meteor shower
 3 Quadrantid meteor                               peaks just one
    shower peaks
                                      day after New Moon. The
    The Moon passes 3°                Quadrantids reach their
    south of Mercury,
    8 p.m. EST
                                      maximum Jan. 3, when up to
                                      120 meteors per hour can rain
 4 The Moon passes
    4° south of Saturn,
                                      down before dawn under ideal
    noon EST                          conditions. Of course, January
 5 The Moon passes                    often brings cold temperatures
    4° south of Jupiter,              and cloudy skies. But if the
    7 p.m. EST                        weather cooperates, observers
 7 The Moon passes 4°                 should be in for a treat.
    south of Neptune,                     The Quadrantids derive          A Quadrantid fireball blazed above a moonlit landscape in Parsonsfield,
    5 a.m. EST                                                            Maine, on Jan. 3, 2021. Fortunately, dark skies will prevail for the peak of
                                      from an extinct comet that          this year’s shower. ABHIJIT PATIL
    Mercury is at                     astronomers now classify as
    greatest eastern
    elongation (19°),
                                      asteroid 2003 EH1. During           belonged to the now-defunct              December’s Geminids don’t
    6 a.m. EST                        countless trips around the Sun,     constellation Quadrans                   fare much better because a
 8 Venus is in                        the comet’s ices turned to gas      Muralis, for which the                   waning gibbous Moon shares
    inferior conjunction,             and liberated tons of dust par-     shower is named. When the                the sky after 10 p.m. local time.
    8 p.m. EST                        ticles that now occupy the cur-     International Astronomical               This shower produces lots of
11 The Moon passes                    rent asteroid’s orbit. Earth        Union officially defined the             bright meteors, however, and
    1.5° south of                     encounters these cosmic bread       constellation boundaries in the          could deliver a decent show.
    Uranus, 6 a.m. EST                crumbs the first week of every      1920s, it incorporated the stars            Of the other major showers,
    Asteroid Juno is in               year. As our planet sweeps up       of Quadrans Muralis into                 the Eta Aquariids offer the best
    conjunction with
                                      the dust motes, friction with       Boötes and Draco the Dragon.             prospects. They peak May 6
    the Sun, 5 p.m. EST
                                      air molecules incinerates them         Viewing conditions for the            under a waxing crescent Moon
16 Pluto is in
    conjunction with
                                      and creates the flashes of light    Quadrantids stand head and               that sets before the prime pre-
    the Sun, 10 a.m. EST              we call meteors.                    shoulders above those for the            dawn hours. Sadly, a waning
23 Mercury is in                          The Quadrantid shower is        other two big annual meteor              crescent Moon interferes with
    inferior conjunction,             relatively young, and the par-      showers. The Perseid shower’s            both October’s Orionids and
    5 a.m. EST                        ticles have not had enough          peak Aug. 12 coincides with a            November’s Leonids. The thin-
29 The Moon passes                    time to spread into a broad         Full Moon, which will wipe               ner crescent at the Orionids’
    2° south of Mars,                 stream. So, even though the         out faint meteors and render             peak makes conditions for that
    10 a.m. EST                       shower remains active from          bright ones less impressive.             shower a bit better.
    The Moon passes                   Dec. 28 through Jan. 12, it has
    10° south of Venus,
    9 p.m. EST
                                      a sharp peak. This pinnacle            Meteor showers in 2022
                                      should arrive around 21h UT
30 The Moon passes                                                              Name              Peak date      Moon’s phase      Prospects
    8° south of
                                      on the 3rd, which favors view-
    Mercury, 7 p.m. EST               ers in Europe and Asia. Still,            Quadrantids       Jan. 3         New Moon          Excellent
                                      those in North America                    Lyrids            April 22       Last Quarter Moon Fair
                                      should have a good show the               Eta Aquariids     May 6          Waxing crescent Excellent
                                      mornings of both Jan. 3 and 4.            Perseids          Aug. 12        Full Moon         Poor
                                          The meteors appear to radi-           Orionids          Oct. 21        Waning crescent Good
                                      ate from a point in northern              Leonids           Nov. 17        Waning crescent Fair
                                      Boötes the Herdsman. Until                Geminids          Dec. 14        Waning gibbous Poor
                                      a century ago, this region

    2    Sky Guide 2022
2022 Sky - Astronomy Magazine
A bright comet for                                                                                                             Feb
cool winter nights
                                                                                                                         S      M     T
                                                                                                                                     W T             F   S
                                                                                                                                     2 3             4    5
                                                                                                                          6     7    9 10           11   12
                                                                                                                         13    14 15   17           18   19

                                                                                                                         20    21 22   24           25   26
                                                                                                                         27    28
     n many years, the brightest                                                N
     comet visible in our skies                                                                    PISCES
     is a first-time visitor from                               7
     the distant solar system.                                                                               δ
                                                                                                    ε                    2 The Moon passes
     Such comets typically                                               4                  ζ
                                                                                                                             4° south of Jupiter,
arrive with little warning, so                                                  μ
                                                                    ν                                                        4 p.m. EST
observers need to keep abreast                                          Feb 1
                                       E                                                                                 3 The Moon passes 4°
of the latest comet news by                                                                                                  south of Neptune,
                                                        ξ                              29
checking Sky This Month in                     α                                                                             4 p.m. EST
Astronomy magazine or the                                                                   26                           7 The Moon passes
Astronomy.com website.                              Path of Comet 19P/Borrelly                                               1.2° south of
    Periodic comets tend to be                                                                   Jan 23                      Uranus, 3 p.m. EST
more predictable. And 2022                                                                                              12 Venus is at
offers the return of a favorite                                                                                              greatest brilliancy,
                                                                                       CETUS                2°               1 p.m. EST
that hasn’t visited Earth’s
vicinity since 2015. Comet                                                                                                   Venus passes 7°
                                     Comet Borrelly should peak at 8th magnitude as it slides through Pisces
                                                                        ASY-SG0122_20                                        north of Mars,
19P/Borrelly should reach            the Fish in early February. ALL ILLUSTRATIONS: ASTRONOMY: ROEN KELLY
                                                                                                                             8 p.m. EST
8th magnitude when it peaks
                                                                                                                        16 Mercury is at
in late January and early                                                                                                    greatest western
February. Although that’s too                                                                                                elongation (26°),
faint to see with the naked eye,                                                                                             4 p.m. EST
it should be bright enough to                                                                                           27 The Moon passes
see well with binoculars and                                                                                                 9° south of Venus,
to put on a nice show through                                                                                                1 a.m. EST
most telescopes.                                                                                                             The Moon passes
    Borrelly reaches perihelion                                                                                              4° south of Mars,
                                                                                                                             4 a.m. EST
— its closest approach to the
                                                                                                                        28 The Moon passes
Sun during its 6.85-year orbit
                                                                                                                             4° south of
— Feb. 1 at a distance of                                                                                                    Mercury, 3 p.m. EST
121 million miles. Perihelion                                                                                                The Moon passes
coincides with a New Moon,                                                                                                   4° south of Saturn,
which makes the last week of                                                                                                 7 p.m. EST
January and first week of
February the prime viewing
window. The comet should
                                           The Deep Space 1 probe revealed
                                           the elongated nucleus of Comet
                                                                                                                        Moon Phases
display a compact head and a               19P/Borrelly during its close flyby                                                    First Quarter
                                           in September 2001. NASA/JPL
short tail that flows to the east.                                                                                                Full Moon
    Borrelly moves from Cetus
into Pisces during this period.                                                                                                   Last Quarter
This area lies high in the           same distance west of magni-                   which successfully tested the                 New Moon
southwest once twilight fades        tude 4.3 Omicron (ο) Psc on                    space agency’s then-new
to darkness and doesn’t set          the 7th.                                       ion-propulsion technology                  Events that can be viewed
until around 11 p.m. local time.         French astronomer                          — within 1,349 miles of this               with the naked eye
Fortunately, early February          Alphonse Borrelly discovered                   comet in September 2001. The               Events that can be viewed
provides some bright guide           this comet from Marseille                      probe delivered the sharpest               with binoculars
stars to help you find the           Observatory on Dec. 28, 1904.                  views of any comet’s nucleus               Events that can be viewed
comet. Borrelly passes 0.4°          If 19P/Borrelly sounds famil-                  to that date, revealing a variety          with a telescope
east of magnitude 4.8 Mu (μ)         iar, it should. NASA sent its                  of terrains across its 5-mile-
Piscium on the 2nd and the           Deep Space 1 spacecraft —                      long body.

                                                                                                                          www.Astronomy.com              3
2022 Sky - Astronomy Magazine
March                             The morning star
                                  hits its peak
 S       M     T    W     TF S
               1          34 5
 6        7     8    9    11 12
13       14    15   16 17    19

20       21    22   23 24    26
27       28    29   30 31
                                                 enus dominates
                                                 the morning sky
                                                 from January to
                                                 September. It
 2 Mercury passes                                reaches its peak
     0.7° south of
                                  at greatest elongation March
     Saturn, 8 a.m. EST
                                  20, when it lies 47° west of the
 5 Jupiter is in
     conjunction with
                                  Sun and appears 11° high in
     the Sun, 9 a.m. EST          the southeast an hour before
 7 The Moon passes                sunrise. The inner planet then
     0.8° south of                shines at magnitude –4.5
     Uranus, 1 a.m. EST           against the background stars
12 Venus passes 4°                of Capricornus. Venus shares
     north of Mars,               the Sea Goat’s abode with two
     9 a.m. EST                   other planets: Mars appears 4°          An abandoned house served as a spooky foreground for brilliant Venus
13 Neptune is in                  to Venus’ lower right while             during its exceptional evening appearance in April 2020. BARRY BURGESS
     conjunction with
                                  Saturn lies 8° to Venus’ lower
     the Sun, 8 a.m. EDT
                                  left. The inner planet shines                Why does Venus appear             into distance along the horizon
20 Venus is at greatest
     western elongation
                                  more than 100 times brighter            higher in February than when           than into elevation.
     (47°), 5 a.m. EDT            than either of its neighbors.           it’s farther from the Sun a                 February and March are
     Equinox (northern
                                      Although March 20 marks             month later? Solar system              also great times to view Venus
     spring/southern              Venus’ peak separation from             geometry is more complicated           through a telescope because it
     autumn begins),              the Sun, the planet achieves            than you might suspect. Blame          appears large and shows a
     noon EDT                     other significant milestones            the orientation of the ecliptic        beautiful crescent phase. On
     Mercury passes 1.3°          during this morning appari-             — the apparent path of the Sun         Feb. 1, the inner world appears
     south of Jupiter,            tion. It dazzles at magnitude           across our sky that the planets        49" across and just 15 percent
     6 p.m. EDT
                                  –4.9 Feb. 12, its maximum               follow closely. It makes a shal-       lit. At greatest brilliancy, the
27 The Moon passes                                                                                               disk spans 41" and the Sun
                                  brightness for the year. It then        low angle to the eastern hori-
     4° south of Mars,
     11 p.m. EDT                  stands 15° above the south-             zon at dawn in early spring, so        illuminates 26 percent of its
                                  eastern horizon an hour                 Venus’ large distance from the         Earth-facing hemisphere.
28 The Moon passes
     7° south of Venus,           before sunup.                           Sun in March translates more                When March rolls around,
     6 a.m. EDT                                                                                                  Venus displays a 32"-diameter
     The Moon passes                                                                                             disk that’s 38 percent lit. And at
     4° south of Saturn,                               Altair                                                    greatest elongation, the planet
     8 a.m. EDT                                                     AQUIL A                                      shows a disk that measures 25"
29 Venus passes 2°                                                                          SAGIT TARIUS         across and appears half-lit.
     north of Saturn,                                                                                                 Venus also participates in
     9 a.m. EDT
                                                                                                                 several pretty conjunctions this
30 The Moon passes                      Enif                                                                     year. The inner world passes 7°
     4° south of Jupiter,
     11 a.m. EDT                                                                                                 north of Mars on Feb. 12 and
     The Moon passes 4°
                                                                                                                 4° north of the Red Planet on
     south of Neptune,                                                                                           March 12. Venus catches up to
     3 p.m. EDT                                        Saturn     CAPRIC ORNUS                                   Saturn on March 29, sliding 2°
                                               AQUARIUS                                              10°         north of the ringed world. But
                                                                                                                 the best event comes April 30,
                                     March 20, 45 minutes before sunrise                                         when Venus passes 0.2° south
                                     Looking southeast
                                                                                                                 of Jupiter. We’ll have more
                                  Venus dominates the early morning    sky as it reaches its peak in March       on this stunning conjunction
                                  near its sister planets Mars and Saturn.                                       next month.

     4        Sky Guide 2022
2022 Sky - Astronomy Magazine
A match made in                                                                                                            April
                                                                                                                     S      M     T     W       T   F        S
                                                                                                                     3      4     5      6     7     8
                                                                                                                    10     11    12     13    14    15

                                                                                                                    17     18    19     20    21    22
                                                                                                                    24     25    26     27    28    29
                 ll the planets
                 orbit the Sun in
                 nearly the same
                 plane, called the
                 ecliptic, and                                                                                       2 Mercury is in
they all move at different rates.
So it shouldn’t come as a sur-                                                                                           7 p.m. EDT
prise that these solar system                                                                                        3 The Moon passes
worlds frequently pass close to                                                                                          0.6° south of
                                     Venus (the brightest object at left) paired with Jupiter in evening twilight
one another from our perspec-        above the waters of Lake Namtso in Tibet on July 15, 2015. JEFF DAI
                                                                                                                         Uranus, 1 p.m. EDT
tive. April 30 brings a particu-                                                                                     4 Mars passes 0.3°
larly spectacular event when                                                                                             south of Saturn,
                                                                             Enif                                        6 p.m. EDT
Venus skims just 0.2° south of
Jupiter. The two brightest                                                                                          11 Asteroid Pallas is
planets haven’t appeared this                                                                AQUARIUS                    in conjunction
                                                                                                                         with the Sun,
close in more than five years.                                                                 Saturn
                                                                                                                         11 p.m. EDT
    But the final week of April                        PEGASUS
                                                                                                                    12 Jupiter passes 0.1°
offers a second, even closer                                                                                             north of Neptune,
conjunction for those seeking                                                             Mars                           4 p.m. EDT
a challenge. Let’s pick up the                                                                                      22 Lyrid meteor
action in the predawn sky on                                      Jupiter     Venus                                      shower peaks
the 27th. Find an observing                                                                                         24 The Moon passes
site with an unobstructed                                                                                                5° south of Saturn,
eastern horizon and wait                                                                                 10°             5 p.m. EDT
for Venus to rise about                 April 30, 45 minutes before sunrise                                         25 The Moon passes
                                        Looking east                                                                     4° south of Mars,
100 minutes before the Sun.
                                                                                                                         6 p.m. EDT
Then train your binoculars                                         ASY-SG0122_22
                                     Venus passes within 0.2° of Jupiter before dawn April 30. The two brightest    26 The Moon passes
or a telescope on the brilliant      planets haven’t appeared this close since August 2016.
                                                                                                                         4° south of Venus,
planet and look for the slightly                                                                                         10 p.m. EDT
bluish glow of 8th-magnitude         joins the scene about a half-           (Again, this is the separation              The Moon passes 4°
Neptune to the beacon’s              hour after Venus rises.                 from the central U.S.; the gap              south of Neptune,
east-northeast.                          That same morning, you              closes slightly the farther west            11 p.m. EDT
    From the central U.S., the       can’t miss Jupiter’s presence.          you are.) Australia and Japan          27 The Moon passes
two appear 25' apart. (They’ll       It rises less than 10 minutes           are once again favored for see-             4° south of Jupiter,
be a little closer for those on      after Venus and appears 3.2°            ing the closest approach of 15'.            4 a.m. EDT
the West Coast and slightly          to the inner planet’s lower             If the weather doesn’t cooper-              Venus passes
farther apart from the East          left. The gas giant shines at           ate on the 30th, try again                  0.007° south
                                                                                                                         of Neptune,
Coast.) The planets come             magnitude –2.1, two full                the morning of May 1. U.S.                  3 p.m. EDT
closest — less than 1' from          magnitudes fainter than                 observers will then see Jupiter
                                                                                                                    29 Mercury is at
each other — at around               Venus. The next morning                 33' to Venus’ upper right.                  greatest eastern
19h UT, placing Australian           finds them 2.3° apart and                   These two planets haven’t               elongation (21°),
and Japanese observers in            the 29th brings them within             been this close since Aug. 27,              4 a.m. EDT
prime viewing locations.             1.4° of each other.                     2016, and that conjunction             30 Venus passes 0.2°
Although Venus and Neptune               All this sets the stage for         was much harder to view                     south of Jupiter,
                                                                                                                         3 p.m. EDT
climb higher as twilight             April 30’s spectacular con-             because the planets set less
brightens, Neptune’s faint           junction. The two planets rise          than an hour after the Sun. To              Partial solar eclipse,
                                                                                                                         4 p.m. EDT
glow quickly fades from view.        together with Jupiter 29' —             find a more favorable meeting
But don’t go inside just yet. A      the apparent diameter of a              of these worlds, you have to go
slender waning crescent Moon         Full Moon — to Venus’ left.             back to Aug. 18, 2014.

                                                                                                                      www.Astronomy.com                  5
2022 Sky - Astronomy Magazine
        May                            Totality comes
                                       to America
S  M T            W     T     F   S
1  2 3            4     5    6    7
   9 10           11    12   13   14
15    17          18    19   20   21

   23 24          25    26   27   28
29    31
                                                      bservers across          (all eclipse
                                                      North America            times are in
                                                      get to witness           EDT). This
                                                      two spectacular          occurs on the
 2 The Moon passes                                    total eclipses           Moon’s west-
    1.8° south of
                                       of the Moon during 2022.                ern limb, which
    10 a.m. EDT                        The first occurs the night of           appears closest
 5 Uranus is in
                                       May 15/16 and the second the            to the horizon as
    conjunction with                   morning of Nov. 8. In a coinci-         it rises. You should
    the Sun, 3 a.m. EDT                dence of cosmic proportions,            start noticing a dusky
 6 Eta Aquariid                        both of these eclipses feature          shading by 10 p.m. or so.
    meteor shower                      85 minutes of totality.                     The Moon reaches the             The Moon turned stunning shades
    peaks                                  The first event begins the          outer edge of Earth’s dark           of orange and red when it passed
15 Total lunar eclipse,                                                                                             through Earth’s umbral shadow
                                       evening of May 15. What you             umbral shadow at 10:28 p.m.          the night of Jan. 20/21, 2019.
    midnight EDT                       see depends on where you live.          This shadow appears a deep           RATHIJIT BANERJEE
17 Mars passes 0.6°                    Viewers on the East Coast can           gray at first, but as more of
    south of Neptune,
                                       catch the entire eclipse in a           Luna slides into the umbra, it            The Moon resides in Libra
    7 p.m. EDT
                                       dark sky. From the Midwest,             takes on a distinctly orange         with the 1st-magnitude red
21 Mercury is in
    inferior conjunction,
                                       the initial penumbral stages            hue. This coloring shows up          supergiant star Antares in
    3 p.m. EDT                         start during twilight, enhanc-          best through a telescope.            Scorpius hanging 15° below
22 The Moon passes 4°                  ing the appearance of this                  Totality begins at 11:29 p.m.,   it. If you live in the country,
    south of Saturn,                   normally subtle shadow.                 when the Moon’s trailing edge        you’ll enjoy a spectacular view
    1 a.m. EDT                         Observers in the Rocky                  enters the umbra. Although           of the ruddy Moon set in a
24 The Moon passes 4°                  Mountain states witness the             Earth blocks most of the Sun’s       star-studded dome with the
    south of Neptune,                  early partial phases in twilight.       light from reaching the Moon         summer Milky Way rising in
    6 a.m. EDT                         And from the West Coast,                at this stage, our atmosphere        the east. The scene looks par-
    The Moon passes                    totality begins during twilight         in not opaque. Air molecules         ticularly breathtaking once
    3° south of Mars,
                                       while the eclipse’s latter stages       scatter out blue light while         your eyes become dark
    3 p.m. EDT
                                       take place in a dark sky.               letting some red through to          adapted, typically between
    The Moon passes
    3° south of Jupiter,
                                           The eclipse commences               journey the additional quarter       mideclipse (12:12 a.m.) and
    8 p.m. EDT                         when the Full Moon first                of a million miles to the Moon,      the end of totality (12:54 a.m.).
26 The Moon passes                     touches Earth’s outer penum-            artistically bathing it in an        The partial phases wrap up at
    0.2° south of Venus,               bral shadow at 9:32 p.m. EDT            ethereal orange glow.                1:55 a.m. as the Moon exits the
    11 p.m. EDT                                                                                                     umbra, and the penumbral
28 The Moon passes                                                                                                  stages end at 2:51 a.m.
    0.3° south of                                                                                                        Try capturing some wide-
    Uranus, 10 a.m. EDT                                                                                             field views of the eclipse with
                                                                               LIBR A
    Mars passes 0.6°                                                                                                your camera. Set the camera
    south of Jupiter,                                                 Eclipsed Moon
                                                                                                                    on a sturdy tripod and try to
    8 p.m. EDT                              OPHIUCHUS
                                                                                                                    position some photogenic
                                                                                                                    objects in the foreground for
                                                                         Antares                                    an artistic effect. You can
                                                                   SC ORPIUS                                        expose for up to 30 seconds
                                                                                                                    using a 50mm or wider-angle
                                                                                                                    lens before star trails become
                                          May 15, 11:00 P.M. CDT                                                    apparent. You can freeze the
                                          Looking southeast
                                                                                                                    sky’s motion with a longer lens
                                       A total lunar eclipse graces the skies above North America the night of      if you use shorter exposures
                                       May 15/16. During totality, the Moon resides in Libra.                       and higher ISO settings.

    6    Sky Guide 2022
2022 Sky - Astronomy Magazine
The Sun awakens                                                                                                  S     M
                                                                                                                        June T
                                                                                                                             W            T     F   S
                                                                                                                              1            2    3    4
                                                                                                                 5      6     8            9   10   11
                                                                                                                12     13    15           16   17   18
                                                                                                                19        21 22           23   24   25
                                                                                                                26     27    29           30

                                                                                                                11 Venus passes 1.6°
                                                                                                                     south of Uranus,
                                                                                                                     9 a.m. EDT
                                                                                                                16 Mercury is at
                                                                                                                     greatest western
                                                                                                                     elongation (23°),
The northern lights played above an icy landscape near Tromsø in northern Norway on Dec. 5, 2015. Aurorae            11 a.m. EDT

should be on the increase in 2022 as the Sun grows more active. JAMIE COOPER
                                                                                                                18 The Moon passes 4°
                                                                                                                     south of Saturn,
                         hen most     warranting some to say the             Cycle 24 an odd double peak.            8 a.m. EDT
                         people       peak could occur in late 2024.         You never know what you’re         20 The Moon passes 4°
                         think of     The overall picture should be          going to see when you target            south of Neptune,
                                                                                                                     1 p.m. EDT
                         observ-      clearer by this summer.                the Sun, which is a big part of
                         ing, they        Sunspot numbers have               the enjoyment.                     21 Solstice (northern
think of dark nights under the        been recorded the same way                 Of course, sunspots are only        winter begins),
stars. But that ignores half the      since Swiss astronomer Rudolf          one aspect of solar activity.           5 a.m. EDT
day when a single star domi-          Wolff devised the system in            Prominences, filaments, and             The Moon passes
nates the sky. Viewing the Sun        1848. It combines the number           solar flares also ramp up as the        3° south of Jupiter,
can be just as rewarding as           of individual sunspots with            number of sunspots increases.           10 a.m. EDT
nighttime observations, as            the number of sunspot groups           Hydrogen-alpha filters, which      22 The Moon passes
long as you take proper pre-          while also taking into account         let through only a narrow band          0.9° south of Mars,
cautions. Don’t risk your eye-        the observer’s instrument and          of solar wavelengths, enhance           2 p.m. EDT
sight — make sure you use             viewing conditions.                    the view of these features.        23 Mercury passes 3°
                                                                                                                     north of Aldebaran,
only an approved solar filter.            We’ve seen quick rises in              Oddly enough, solar
                                                                                                                     10 a.m. EDT
    Now’s a great time to start       sunspot numbers before, how-           activity isn’t just for daytime
                                                                                                                24 The Moon passes
observing the Sun because             ever. In 2011, the count leapt         observers. Powerful solar flares        0.05° south of
solar activity is on the rise.        to 140, only to fall back to 50        and coronal mass ejections              Uranus, 6 p.m. EDT
Solar Cycle 25 began in               the following year. It then            occasionally send streams of       26 The Moon passes
December 2019 and the                 hovered in the range of 85 for         charged particles toward                3° north of Venus,
11-year cycle has been building       most of 2012 before a final            Earth. When these particles             4 a.m. EDT
ever since. The big questions         burst in early 2014. This gave         reach our planet, Earth’s mag-     27 The Moon passes 4°
are when will solar maximum                                                  netic field channels them               north of Mercury,
occur, and how high will it be?                                              toward the magnetic poles,              4 a.m. EDT
    Every decade, a group of                                                 where they can energize atoms
scientists gathers to predict                                                and molecules and cause them
the next cycle. After compar-                                                to glow. These aurorae, or
ing five dozen models of the                                                 northern lights, are among
Sun, they announced in 2020                                                  nature’s most beautiful sights.
that Cycle 25 should peak in                                                 As solar activity increases,
July 2025 with a sunspot num-                                                aurorae will grow more com-
ber of 115. That would match                                                 mon and more often reach
Cycle 24, which was the weak-                                                lower latitudes, increasing
est cycle in a century.               Dark sunspots and bright filaments     your chances of seeing them.
    By mid-2021, observations         scarred the Sun’s face while           Just don’t wait until June — the
                                      glowing prominences arced high
showed a faster-than-expected         above the solar limb April 24, 2021.   short nights leave only a brief
rise in sunspot numbers,              ARTURO BUENROSTRO                      window for aurora viewing.

                                                                                                                  www.Astronomy.com                 7
2022 Sky - Astronomy Magazine
       July                        Pluto reaches the
                                   Archer’s edge
  S    M     T     W      T
                          F   S
                         1    2
 3     4    5         7 8      9
 10    11   12        14 15   16

 17    18   19        21 22   23
 24    25   26     27    29   30
 31                                                                                                           N
                                                    dynamic little
                                                    world lurks in
                                                                                                         SAGIT TARIUS
                                                    the outer reaches
 1 Venus passes 4°                                  of our solar sys-
   north of Aldebaran,
                                   tem. Pluto boasts moving                                                              Pluto reaches
   8 p.m. EDT                                                                                                            opposition
                                   glaciers of frozen nitrogen,                                     Path
                                                                                SAO                      of Pl           July 19
15 The Moon passes                                                        E                  July 1           uto
   4° south of Saturn,
                                   massive mountains built from                 188829                6
                                   water ice, and even a tenuous                                             11
   4 p.m. EDT                                                                                                       16
16 Mercury is in                   nitrogen atmosphere. NASA’s                                                                   26
   superior                        New Horizons spacecraft
   conjunction,                    revealed this exceptional dwarf
   4 p.m. EDT                      planet during its historic flyby                                                                SAO 188737
17 The Moon passes 3°              in July 2015. Seven years later,
   south of Neptune,               the time is right to track down                                                               0.1°
   9 p.m. EDT
                                   Pluto as it reaches opposition                                  ASY-SG0122_24
                                                                        Everyone’s favorite dwarf planet comes to opposition in July, when it lies
18 The Moon passes
                                   in July and remains visible          among the background stars of eastern Sagittarius.
   2° south of Jupiter,
   9 p.m. EDT                      all night.
                                       Finding Pluto isn’t easy,        it’s been mired in for the past           planet’s westward motion carries
19 Pluto is at
   opposition,                     however. The planet spans just       two decades. Second, the dis-             it to a point 21' due west of SAO
   10 p.m. EDT                     1,477 miles and lies more than       tant world lies near the deep-            188829 by July 1.
21 The Moon passes                 3.1 billion miles from Earth,        sky landmark M75, a globular                   At opposition on the 19th,
   1.1° north of Mars,             rendering it as a dim, 15th-         cluster that makes finding the            46' separate the planet and
   1 p.m. EDT                      magnitude dot in our sky. But        correct field fairly simple.              star. By that point, you may
   Dwarf planet Ceres              two factors make the challenge            M75 glows at magnitude 8.5           want to add magnitude 7.6
   is in conjunction               slightly less daunting this year.    from its perch in Sagittarius             SAO 188737 to your guide-star
   with the Sun,
   9 p.m. EDT                      First, Pluto’s leisurely orbital     on that constellation’s border            list. Pluto lies 24' northeast of
                                   motion has carried it to the         with Capricornus. Look for it             this star at opposition and
22 The Moon passes
   0.2° north of                   eastern edge of Sagittarius          8° south-southwest of 3rd-                pulls within 10' of it by July 31.
   Uranus, 2 a.m. EDT                    and away from the rich         magnitude Beta (β) Capricorni.                 To see Pluto in the eye-
26 The Moon passes                                    background of     Pluto lies within 3° of M75 all           piece, you’ll need at least a
   4° north of Venus,                                       the Milky   summer. Get used to exploiting            6-inch telescope, and bigger is
   10 a.m. EDT                                                  Way     this globular cluster as a sign-          better. You’ll likely find plenty
                                                                        post to Pluto — the two objects           of large scopes at a summer
                                                                        remain within 3° of each other            star party or a local astronomy
                                                                        until 2025.                               club, and many people willing
                                                                             Once you’ve found M75, aim           to target the planet for you.
                                                                         your telescope 1.4° southwest to              If you’re a solitary observer,
                                                                          the magnitude 6.0 star SAO              try sketching Pluto’s field of
                                                                           188829. This is the brightest          view one night and returning
                                                                           star in the vicinity and should        to the same area a night or two
                                                                           be easy to pick out. Pluto             later. The “star” that changes
                                                                           passes 7' due north of this star       position between your two
                                                                         the evening of June 13. The              observations is Pluto. You can
                                                                                                                   also image the field every
                                                                        Pluto’s spectacularly diverse              couple of days over a period
                                                                        landscape surprised scientists             of several weeks and create a
                                                                        when NASA’s New Horizons
                                                                        spacecraft zoomed past                     time-lapse recording of the
                                                                        in July 2015. NASA/JHUAPL/SWRI             planet’s westward motion.

   8     Sky Guide 2022
2022 Sky - Astronomy Magazine
Summer nights                                                                                                                      Aug
belong to Saturn
                                                                                                                           S     M     T      W      T   F S
                                                                                                                                 1      2      3     4      6
                                                                                                                           7     8      9     10        12 13
                                                                                                                          14     15    16     17     18    20

                                                                                                                          21     22    23     24     25 26
                                                                                                                          28     29    30     31
               aturn reaches
               opposition and
               peak visibility
               Aug. 14. It then
               rises at sunset,                                                                                            1 Mars passes 1.4°
                                                                                                                               south of Uranus,
climbs highest in the south
                                                                                                                               5 a.m. EDT
around midnight local time
                                                                                                                           4 Mercury passes 0.7°
(1 a.m. daylight time), and sets                                                                                               north of Regulus,
at sunrise. The ringed planet                                                                                                  1 a.m. EDT
also lies closest to Earth at                                                                                              7 Venus passes 7°
opposition, so it shines bright-    The Cassini orbiter captured Saturn in all its glory in October 2004. The                  south of Pollux,
est and looms largest when          spacecraft took 126 images over two hours to create this mosaic. NASA/JPL/SSI              6 a.m. EDT
viewed through a telescope.                                                                                               11 The Moon passes
    Don’t limit yourself to view-   Although these tempests are                 steadily at 10th magnitude.                    4° south of Saturn,
ing Saturn on only one night,       rare, they can grow to planet-              Two-toned Iapetus poses more                   midnight EDT
however. The planet’s year starts   wide features.                              of a challenge. This moon                 12 Perseid meteor
                                                                                                                               shower peaks
in March when it becomes vis-           The rings offer their own               shines at 10th magnitude when
ible low in the southeast before    structure. Look for the broad               farthest west of the planet, but          14 The Moon passes 3°
                                                                                                                               south of Neptune,
dawn. Watch Venus pass 2° due       Cassini Division that sepa-                 fades to 12th magnitude when                   6 a.m. EDT
north of Saturn on March 29,        rates the outer A ring from                 farthest east. It reaches greatest
                                                                                                                               Saturn is at
then see Mars slide 0.3° south      the brighter B ring. Under                  western elongation at the end                  opposition,
of the ringed world April 4.        excellent viewing conditions,               of August’s first week.                        1 p.m. EDT
    The planets soon go their       the dusky C ring shows up                       After opposition, Saturn              15 The Moon passes
separate ways. Saturn rises ear-    closer to the planet.                       continues moving westward                      1.9° south of
lier each day as it heads east-         Also look for the brightest             until late October, when it                    Jupiter, 6 a.m. EDT
ward relative to the starry         members of Saturn’s vast col-               stops 0.6° from magnitude 4.3             18 The Moon passes
backdrop of Capricornus. This       lection of moons. Any scope                 Iota (ι) Cap. By December, the                 0.6° north of
                                                                                                                               Uranus, 11 a.m. EDT
motion stops 2° shy of this con-    reveals 8th-magnitude Titan,                ringed planet is strictly an eve-
stellation’s border with Aquarius   while 4- to 6-inch instruments              ning object, standing 25° high            19 The Moon passes
                                                                                                                               3° north of Mars,
in early June. The planet then      bring in four more. Tethys,                 in the southwest as twilight                   8 a.m. EDT
begins moving westward, pass-       Dione, and Rhea all glow                    fades to darkness.
                                                                                                                          22 Asteroid Vesta is
ing 1.5° north of Capricornus’                                                                                                 at opposition,
brightest star, magnitude 2.8                                               N                             AQUARIUS             3 p.m. EDT
Delta (δ) Capricorni, on July 8.                                                                                          25 The Moon passes
Saturn shines at magnitude 0.2                                                                                                 4° north of Venus,
at opposition, some 10 times          μ                      42          Saturn reaches                                        5 p.m. EDT
brighter than Delta.                                       44            August 14                                        27 Mercury is at
                                     June 10 25           45                                                                   greatest eastern
    Few sights in the night sky               July 10                                                                          elongation (27°),
compare with a telescopic view                          25                 Path                                      29
                                                                                of                                             noon EDT
of Saturn. In mid-August, the         E                          Aug 9               Satu
                                                                            24           rn                               29 The Moon passes
world shows a slightly oval disk                                                   Sept 8          Oct 8                       7° north of
measuring 19" across the equa-                                                                23                               Mercury, 7 a.m. EDT
                                                                   γ                                23
tor, surrounded by a spectacular                                                                           ι
ring system that spans 43" and                                      CAPRIC ORNUS
tilts 14° to our line of sight.                                                                                30
    Study Saturn’s golden-hued
globe looking for subtle atmo-                               κ
spheric belts. And keep an eye      The ringed planet resides in Capricornus the Sea Goat throughout 2022,
open for erupting storms.           peaking at magnitude 0.2 at itsASY-SG0122_25
                                                                    August opposition.

                                                                                                                            www.Astronomy.com                9
2022 Sky - Astronomy Magazine
  Sept                               Brilliant Jupiter rules
                                     the night
 S     M     T     W   T      F S
                       1     2
 4 5 6 7                8     9
11 12 13 14            15    16

18 19 20 21            22    23 24
   26 27 28            29    30
                                                 upiter’s bril-                                                               Jupiter’s atmospheric
                                                 liance stands                                                                 bands and the Great Red
                                                                                                                                Spot stand out in this
                                                 out even                                                                         Hubble image, though
                                                 more than                                                                        amateur telescopes
 4 Venus passes 0.8°                             usual this                                                                        can reveal many of
     north of Regulus,                                                                                                             these features. NASA/
                                     year. At opposition
     9 p.m. EDT                                                                                                                      ESA/A. SIMON (GSFC)
                                     Sept. 26, it shines at
 7 Asteroid Juno is
     at opposition,
                                     magnitude –2.94 —
     1 p.m. EDT                      the brightest it’s been                                                                    attentive observers
 8 The Moon passes                   in 12 years. That’s                                                                       can see these features
     4° south of Saturn,             because opposition                                                                      move in as little as
     7 a.m. EDT                      occurs less than four                                                                 15 minutes. The southern
     Mars passes 4°                  months prior to the planet’s                                                      belt hosts the Great Red Spot,
     north of Aldebaran,             perihelion, or closest approach                                                  which typically rotates on to
     9 p.m. EDT                      to the Sun. Also consider that      and 46.7" through the poles                  Jupiter’s Earth-facing hemi-
10 The Moon passes 3°                the giant world resides in the      — a difference that’s obvious                sphere every other night.
     south of Neptune,
                                     dim constellation Pisces, and       once you know to look for it.                    Also check out the planet’s
     3 p.m. EDT
                                     that it climbs higher in the        Look for two dark equatorial                 four bright Galilean moons:
11 The Moon passes
     1.8° south of
                                     Northern Hemisphere sky             belts, one on either side of a               Io, Europa, Ganymede, and
     Jupiter, 11 a.m. EDT            than it has in six years.           brighter zone that coincides                 Callisto. They provide an ever-
14 The Moon passes                       Jupiter first becomes prom-     with the planet’s equator, run-              changing display as they orbit
     0.8° north of                   inent in the morning sky in         ning parallel to each other. A               the planet in periods ranging
     Uranus, 7 p.m. EDT              April, when it has a spectacu-      whole series of alternating                  from two to 17 days.
16 Neptune is at                     lar conjunction with Venus on       belts and zones shows up dur-                    Jupiter continues to domi-
     opposition,                     the 30th (see April for details).   ing moments of good seeing.                  nate the evening sky through
     6 p.m. EDT                      A month later, on May 29,              The two equatorial belts                  the end of the year. Even in
     The Moon passes                 Jupiter appears just 0.6° north     often resolve into finer details.            late December, the planet
     4° north of Mars,
                                     of ruddy Mars. The giant            Look for streamers, white                    stands 45° high in the south-
     10 p.m. EDT
                                     planet makes a rare sojourn         ovals, and barge-shaped dark                 west two hours after sunset
22 Equinox (northern
                                     into the non-zodiacal constel-      spots. Because the planet                    and gleams at magnitude –2.4,
     spring begins),                 lation Cetus the Whale from         rotates in less than 10 hours,               second only to Venus.
     9 p.m. EDT                      late June to early September
23 Mercury is in                     before returning to Pisces the                                               N
     inferior conjunction,           Fish for the rest of the year.
     3 a.m. EDT                          The view through a tele-
26 Jupiter is at                     scope should be stunning most
     opposition,                     of this year, but never more so                           44
     4 p.m. EDT
                                     than from early September to              Aug 1         Pat
                                                                                       16           f Ju                   Jupiter reaches          PISCES
                                     mid-October. Jupiter shines at                         31           pite              opposition
                                                                           E                                  r            September 26
                                     magnitude –2.9 throughout                                    Sept 15
                                     this period and shows a disk                            10
                                                                                 14                                   30
                                     that spans more than 48". And                                                                                         1°
                                     it reaches an impressive maxi-                                                         Oct 15
                                                                                CETUS                                                     30      29
                                     mum altitude of about 50°                                                                                 Nov
                                     from mid-northern latitudes.
                                                                                                                                        29                 24
                                         But the absolute peak                   13                                                            27
                                     comes at opposition. On
                                     Sept. 26, the giant planet mea-                                   ASY-SG0122_26
                                                                         The giant planet shines at magnitude –2.9 in September, crossing from
                                     sures 49.9" across the equator      Cetus the Whale into Pisces the Fish on the 1st.

     10 Sky Guide 2022
Spot elusive                                                                                                       Oct
Mercury at dawn
                                                                                                              S     M     T      W      T   F    S
                                                                                                                  3 4 5                6     7    8
                                                                                                                 10 11 12             13    14   15

                                                                                                              16    18 19             20    21   22
                                                                                                              23 24    26             27    28   29
                o bright planet
                is harder to see                                                   Regulus                    30 31
                than Mercury                                           LEO
                because the
                inner planet                                                                                  5 The Moon passes
                                                                                                                  4° south of Saturn,
orbits close to the Sun and
                                                                                                                  noon EDT
thus never strays far from its
                                                               Denebola                                       7 The Moon passes
bright light. Even at its best,                                                                                   3° south of
Mercury rarely appears out-                                                                                       Neptune,
side of twilight for Northern                                Mercury                                              11 p.m. EDT
Hemisphere observers.                                                                                         8 The Moon passes
    The planet’s best morning                                                                           5°        2° south of Jupiter,
appearance of 2022 arrives in                                                                                     2 p.m. EDT
October. You might glimpse            October 8, 30 minutes before sunrise                                        Mercury is at
Mercury on the 1st, when it           Looking east                                                                greatest western
                                                                                                                  elongation (18°),
stands 4° above the eastern                                                                                       5 p.m. EDT
                                    The innermost planet climbs ASY-SG0122_27
                                                                well above the eastern horizon during
horizon 45 minutes before the       morning twilight around its Oct. 8 peak.                                 12 The Moon passes
Sun rises. It then glows at                                                                                       0.8° north of
magnitude 1.3 and should            also shines noticeably brighter,          This is one of seven                Uranus, 3 a.m. EDT
show up through binoculars.         at magnitude –0.5. If you have        Mercury apparitions this year,     15 The Moon passes
The planet grows brighter and       trouble finding it, zero in on        though it is easily the best for        4° north of Mars,
climbs higher each day if you       the 1st-magnitude star Regulus        morning observers. It climbs            1 a.m. EDT
view at the same time relative      30° high in the east. Then drop       only about half as high at the     21 Orionid meteor
to sunrise. (We’ll use 45 min-      toward the horizon and a bit to       Feb. 16 and June 16 greatest            shower peaks
utes for consistency.)              the left to find Mercury. The         elongations.                       22 Venus is in superior
    Mercury should be easy          planet appears 7.0" across and            The evening sky offers four         conjunction,
                                                                                                                  5 p.m. EDT
to see with the naked eye           52 percent illuminated                Mercury appearances in 2022.
                                                                          By far the best occurs April 29,   25 Partial solar eclipse,
by Oct. 5, when it glows at         through a telescope.
                                                                                                                  7 a.m. EDT
magnitude 0.1 and appears 7°            Mercury continues to              when Mercury climbs 11° high
high. A telescope shows the         brighten as it falls back toward      45 minutes after sunset. The
planet’s 7.9"-diameter disk and     the Sun following greatest            planet maxes out at altitudes
34-percent-lit phase.               elongation. It reaches magni-         of 7° and 6° at the Jan. 7 and
    The inner world reaches its     tude –1.0 on the 18th, when           Dec. 21 greatest elongations,
peak at greatest elongation on      it stands 5° high. A scope            respectively. Alas, Mercury’s
the 8th, when it lies 18° west of   reveals a 5.6"-diameter disk          late August appearance sees it
the Sun and climbs 8° high. It      that is 84 percent lit.               climb just 1° high at its best.

                                                                                  A two-day-old waxing
                                                                                  crescent Moon helped
                                                                                  point the way to
                                                                                  Mercury in evening
                                                                                  twilight May 13, 2021.
                                                                                  ALAN DYER

                                                                                                               www.Astronomy.com                11
        Nov                           Luna’s double dip
                                      into Earth’s shadow
S      M     T
            W T              F   S
            2 3              4    5
 6     7    9 10            11   12
13    14 15   17            18   19

20    21 22   24            25   26
27    28 29
                                                     lightly less than                                             The eclipsed Moon hangs low
                                                     six months after                                              in the west while the Pleiades
                                                     our satellite                                                 star cluster (M45) sparkles
                                                     plunged through                                               above it and Orion the Hunter
 1 The Moon passes 4°                                Earth’s shadow,                                               stands higher in the southwest.
     south of Saturn,
                                      bringing a total lunar eclipse                                                   The total phase wraps up
     5 p.m. EDT
                                      to North America the night                                                   at 6:42 a.m. EST, just as the
 4 The Moon passes 3°
     south of Neptune,
                                      of May 15/16, the Full Moon                                                  Moon sets along the East
     4 a.m. EDT                       takes another journey into                                                   Coast. Midwesterners get to
     The Moon passes
                                      darkness. On the morning of                                                  see the final partial stages,
     2° south of Jupiter,             Nov. 8, Luna spends 85 minutes                                               which conclude in gradually
     4 p.m. EDT                       inside Earth’s dark umbra,                                                   brightening twilight at
 8 Total lunar eclipse,               matching May’s duration of                                                   6:49 a.m. CST. Those in west-
     6 a.m. EST                       totality. This time around, how-                                             ern North America can watch
     The Moon passes                  ever, viewers in western North                                               until the bloody end, when the
     0.7° north of                    America see the whole show                                                   Moon exits the penumbral
     Uranus, 8 a.m. EST
                                      with the Moon higher in the                                                  shadow at 5:56 a.m. PST.
     Mercury is in                    sky while those in the east wit-                                                 Luna spends the eclipse
                                      ness only the early stages.                                                  within the borders of Aries the
     noon EST                            The subtle penumbral                 A ruddy Moon hung above the          Ram. Dedicated observers will
                                      phase begins at 3:02 a.m. EST,          Santa Rita Mountains of south-       recognize this constellation as
 9 Uranus is at                                                               central Arizona during the total
     opposition,                      with the obvious partial stages         lunar eclipse of Jan. 20/21, 2019.   the current home of Uranus.
     3 a.m. EST                       getting started at 4:09 a.m. EST.       BURLEY PACKWOOD                      In fact, the magnitude 5.7
11 The Moon passes                    The shadow eats away at the                                                  planet sits 1.9° east of the
     2° north of Mars,                Full Moon from top to bottom.          in a beautiful orange color —         Moon’s western limb as totality
     9 a.m. EST                          It takes more than an hour          the light from all our planet’s       begins, and the gap shrinks as
17 Leonid meteor                      for the umbral shadow to com-          sunrises and sunsets — an             Luna progresses through the
     shower peaks
                                      pletely swallow Luna. Totality         effect that grows more pro-           shadow. Binoculars will deliver
28 The Moon passes                    arrives at 5:17 a.m. EST. Earth’s      nounced as mideclipse                 a wonderful view of the two
     4° south of Saturn,
     midnight EST
                                      shadow then bathes the Moon            approaches at 5:59 a.m. EST.          objects along with several stars
                                                                                                                   in the same field. (Just don’t
                                                                                                                   confuse Uranus with a magni-
                                                                 Mars                Capella                       tude 6.3 star that lies closer to
                                                   Betelgeuse                                                      the lunar limb.)
                                            ORION                                                                      Seasoned skywatchers know
                                                                                                                   that eclipses usually come in
                                                               Aldebaran                        PERSEUS
                                                                                                                   pairs — one solar and one lunar
                                        Rigel                                                                      — separated by two weeks.
                                                                                                                   Oct. 25 brings a partial eclipse
                                                                        Eclipsed Moon            ANDROMEDA         of the Sun to viewers in most
                                                                                                                   of Europe, western Asia, and
                                                                               ARIES                               northeastern Africa. Greatest
                                                                                                                   eclipse occurs in central Russia,
                                                                                                                   where the Moon obscures
                                                                                                                   82 percent of the Sun’s disk at
                                        November 8, 5:00 A.M. CST
                                        Looking west
                                                                                                                   sunset. From London, Luna
                                                                                                                   covers 15 percent of our star
                                                                   ASY-SG0122_28                                   at 9h59m UT with the Sun 22°
                                      The bright stars of late autumn and early winter arch above the eclipsed
                                      Moon during totality the morning of Nov. 8.                                  above the horizon.

     12 Sky Guide 2022
The Red Planet                                                                                                            Dec
climbs high in the sky
                                                                                                                 S     M     T     W
                                                                                                                                   T F S
                                                                                                                                    1 2 3
                                                                                                                 4      5     6     8 9 10
                                                                                                                11     12    13 14 15    17

                                                                                                                18     19    20 21 22    24
                                                                                                                25     26    27 28    30 31
              he closing months                                         N
              of 2022 bring great
              views of Mars                                  β
                                                                            Mars reaches opposition
              to Northern                                                   December 7/8
              Hemisphere                                                                                         1 The Moon passes 3°
                                                             21     Dec 1        11        21     31                 south of Neptune,
observers. The Red Planet                       Nov 1
                                                                                                                     8 a.m. EST
reaches opposition the night                                            Path of Mars
                                       E                M1                                         υ                 The Moon passes
of Dec. 7/8, when it lies high                                                                                       3° south of Jupiter,
in the sky among the back-                                                                                           8 p.m. EST
                                                    ζ                            TAURUS
ground stars of Taurus the                                                                                       5 The Moon passes
Bull. Experienced observers                                                                                          0.7° north of
know that viewing Mars is                                                                              δ             Uranus, 1 p.m. EST
not a one-night operation,                                                                         θ       γ     7 The Moon passes
however. The ruddy world                   2°                                                                        0.5° north of Mars,
delivers great views starting                                                                                        11 p.m. EST
when its apparent diameter          The Red Planet traverses northern Taurus the Bull when it reaches a          8 Mars is at
reaches 10" in early September.     spectacular peak in early December.
                                                                                                                     1 a.m. EST
Conveniently, it then rises a
                                                                                                                14 Geminid meteor
little before midnight local        Mars climbs 75° above the               wedge-shaped feature near the            shower peaks
daylight time.                      southern horizon when it                equator. The bright, deep des-
                                                                                                                21 Mercury is at
     The planet passes 4° north     peaks around midnight local             ert basin known as Hellas                greatest eastern
of Taurus’ brightest star,          time. At magnitude –1.9, it             lies immediately to its south.           elongation (20°),
1st-magnitude Aldebaran,            outshines all the other night-          Major dust storms occasion-              10 a.m. EST
on Sept. 8. It then shines at       time stars and planets except           ally erupt from Hellas and               Solstice (northern
magnitude –0.3, three times         for Jupiter. And it spans an            blot out other features.                 winter/southern
brighter than its southern          impressive 17" when viewed                  If you’re observing Mars             summer begins),
                                                                                                                     5 p.m. EST
neighbor. Mars’ eastern trek        through a telescope. Although           early the night of its opposi-
                                                                                                                     Mars passes 8°
carries it 1.2° north of the Crab   this is 5" smaller than at its          tion, you can’t fail to see the
                                                                                                                     north of Aldebaran,
Nebula (M1) on Oct. 17, when        October 2020 opposition, the            Full Moon nearby — very                  11 p.m. EST
it glows at magnitude –0.9 and      high altitude partly makes up           nearby. Luna passes directly
                                                                                                                24 The Moon passes
appears 14" across when             for this shortcoming.                   in front of the Red Planet for           3° south of Venus,
viewed through a telescope.             Seeing surface details              viewers across much of the               6 a.m. EST
     The planet’s eastward          on Mars typically requires              U.S. and Canada. Viewers will            The Moon passes 4°
motion relative to the starry       a 6-inch or larger telescope.           want to be sure to mark their            south of Mercury,
backdrop halts Oct. 30. As it       The easiest structure to see            calendars for this rare event.           2 p.m. EST
embarks on its retrograde           is Syrtis Major, a dark,                    Following opposition,           26 The Moon passes
(westward) path, it once again                                              Mars remains a magnificent               4° south of Saturn,
                                                                                                                     11 a.m. EST
passes the Crab, appearing                                                  sight through the end of
                                                                            the year and into 2023. On          28 The Moon passes 3°
2.3° north of it Nov. 11.
                                                                                                                     south of Neptune,
Mars now shines at mag-                                                        Dec. 31, the magnitude –1.2           3 p.m. EST
nitude –1.5 and spans                                                            planet displays a
                                                                                                                29 Mercury passes 1.4°
16" in the eyepiece.                                                               15"-diameter disk                 north of Venus,
     Less than a month                                                              through a telescope.             4 a.m. EST
later, on Dec. 7/8,                                                                                                  The Moon passes
                                                                                    The Mars Global Surveyor
the Red Planet                                                                       spacecraft captured
                                                                                                                     2° south of Jupiter,
reaches opposition                                                                                                   6 a.m. EST
                                                                                     bright clouds of water
and is visible all                                                                  ice hanging above the
                                                                                    massive Tharsis volcanoes
night. From its perch                                                              in this mosaic taken in
in northern Taurus,                                                               April 1999. NASA/JPL/MSSS

                                                                                                                  www.Astronomy.com         13
                                                                                                                          Venus climbs high in
                                                                                                                          a dark evening sky
                                                                                                                          in spring 2023,
                                                                                                                          passing near the
                                                                                                                          Pleiades star cluster
                                                                                                                          in April. ALAN DYER

    Preview                                                Looking ahead to next year . . .

THE SUN, THE MOON, AND EARTH lined up four times in
2022, bringing two total lunar eclipses and two partial solar eclipses. Next
year also delivers four eclipses, but the circumstances are nearly reversed.
On the lunar side, neither the May 5 penumbral eclipse nor the slight
partial eclipse Oct. 28 will be visible from North America.
    But the solar eclipses       home. The center line           around its late August
make up for any disappoint-      crosses Oregon, Nevada,         opposition. But perhaps        A hybrid solar eclipse occurs Aug. 20, 2023.
ment. On April 20, the           Utah, Arizona, New              Venus will steal the show.     More than a minute of totality awaits
                                                                                                viewers on the center line in western
Moon passes directly in          Mexico, and Texas before        It makes a great evening       Australia, New Guinea, and the islands
front of the Sun. Observers      reaching Mexico, Central        appearance in spring and       in between. JOE LLAMA
at the ends of the central       America, and northern           puts on an equally stunning
path in the Southern Ocean       South America. The solar        predawn performance in
and southeast of the             ring of fire will last more     autumn.
Marshall Islands will see an     than four minutes every-            Happily, fortunes for
annular eclipse. But those in    where on the center line        2023’s preeminent meteor
between will witness totality.   in the U.S.                     showers are reversed
Maximum eclipse occurs               Several planets put on      from 2022. Although the
just south of the island of      exceptional shows in 2023       Quadrantids in January will
Timor and provides               as well. Mars and Jupiter       be a dud because they peak
1 minute 16 seconds under        remain brilliant early in the   just two days before a Full
the corona’s light. The path     year, and Jupiter returns for   Moon, August’s Perseid
of totality also touches         an encore at opposition in      shower and December’s
Western Australia and some       early November. Although        Geminid shower peak
of Indonesia’s islands.          not as bright as the other      within three days of a New
                                                                                                Observers along a narrow path crossing the
    The Oct. 14 annular          planets, Saturn looks spec-     Moon, providing dark skies     western and southern U.S., Mexico, Central
eclipse hits even closer to      tacular through a telescope     for the year’s best meteors.   America, and northern South America will
                                                                                                witness a ring of fire eclipse Oct. 14, 2023.
                                                                                                GUILLERMO ABRAMSON
14 Sky Guide 2022
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