2022 Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes - For the year ending 31 December 2021

Page created by Annette Fuller
2022 Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes - For the year ending 31 December 2021
Responsible Investment and
  Stewardship Outcomes
    For the year ending 31 December 2021
2022 Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes - For the year ending 31 December 2021
Brunel Pension Partnership Limited Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes                                                3

 Delivering stronger investment returns over the
 long term, protecting our clients’ interests through
 contributing to a more sustainable and resilient                                                                       Executive Summary
 financial system, which supports sustainable
 economic growth and a thriving society.

 Brunel Pension Partnership Limited (Brunel) is one of eight national
 Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Pools, bringing together

                                                                                                                        Leaders Net-zero 35.5%
 circa £35 billion investments of 10 likeminded pension funds: Avon,
 Buckinghamshire, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Environment Agency,
 Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, Somerset, and Wiltshire.
                                                                                                                        Recognised as leaders in                             by 2050, 50% carbon emission           reduction in carbon intensity
 We would like to acknowledge the significant support and contribution of our
                                                                                                                        investment industry                                  intensity reduction by 2030            from 2019 baseline
 clients to our work on Climate Change, Responsible Investment and Stewardship
 underpinning our mutual commitment to investing for a world worth living in.

                                                                                                                        38%                                                1,137                                    50%
  We believe in making long-term
  sustainable investments supported by
  robust and transparent processes

  We are here to protect the interests of
  our clients and their beneficiaries
                                                                                                                        female Boards of companies held                      milestones EOS engaged with at 839     50% of engagement objectives set
  In collaboration with all our stakeholders                                                                            in Brunel active portfolios - up from                companies on Brunel’s behalf           in year saw progress against one or
  we are forging better futures by investing                                                                            34.4% in 2020                                                                               more milestones
  for a world worth living in

                                                                                                                        of world’s largest banks targeted on
                                                                                                                                                                           100% 1,322
                                                                                                                                                                             of listed market portfolios launched   company meetings at which votes
                                                                                                                        Paris alignment                                      (17 funds)                             were cast

Brunel is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct authority as a full-service MiFID firm.
We use the name ‘Brunel’ to refer to the FCA-authorised and regulated company. Company registration number 10429110 .
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority No. 790168.
2022 Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes - For the year ending 31 December 2021
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Message from our Chair                                                                                         Introduction from our CEO

It is a pleasure to introduce our Responsible Investment &                                                     Short-term progress offers hope, but medium-term progress matters
Stewardship Outcomes Report for the last year. For all those                                                   more. The publication of our third Responsible Investment and
asset owners and managers committed to Responsible                                                             Stewardship Outcomes Report edges us closer to a medium-
Investment, change must begin at home. That principle lies                                                     term assessment. It shows that we have continued to make
behind this report, now in its third year.                                                 Denise Le Gal       progress across our RI themes, even as we widened our RI scope,                                        Laura Chappell
                                                                                           Chair               developed our approach, and launched a number of new funds.                                            Chief Executive Officer
Brunel is a persistent, sometimes outspoken advocate for industry change
across a number of key areas of Responsible Investment. We have committed
ourselves to clear principles and to ambitious targets, and to reporting on our
success against those targets.                                                                                 Our Responsible Investment (RI)                      Investment and stewardship, however
                                                                                                               approach is built on three pillars: to               complicated in practice, ultimately        Our values
The year 2020 had already shone a spotlight on some of the themes covered
                                                                                                               integrate sustainability criteria into our           reflect values that need to inform
by this report, from mental health to diversity and inclusion. The events of 2021                                                                                                                              Responsibility
                                                                                                               operations and investment activities;                practices inside investment companies
have only intensified that focus, not simply because lockdowns returned, but                                                                                                                                   We proritise our duty of
                                                                                                               to collaborate with others across                    themselves. Extreme change – as we
also because it became clear that changes in attitudes to these themes would                                                                                                                                   care to our stakeholders.
                                                                                                               the industry and support effective                   all experienced through 2020-21 – has
persist far beyond those lockdowns. The extraordinary transformation of life during
                                                                                                               policymaking; and to be transparent                  a habit of putting values to the test.
2020-21 has also enabled individuals, companies and governments to think more                                                                                                                                  Courage
                                                                                                               in our activities. These three pillars               Since then, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
deeply about systemic issues – and systemic risks. From climate change to cyber                                                                                                                                We make bold decisions
                                                                                                               underpin our operations, providing a                 was an event with not only major
to labour rights, we have a historic opportunity to accelerate progress.                                                                                                                                       and blaze new trails to
                                                                                                               bedrock for our team, our clients and                ethical and geopolitical resonance
All the more reason, then, to see where are we succeeding and where                                            our managers.                                        – but major market implications, too.      achieve progress
we need to improve. We hope these pages demonstrate that our holistic                                                                                               For the best companies, such seismic
                                                                                                               Fundamentally, we seek broader                                                                  Partnership
approach, whereby we apply our principles across all our stakeholder                                                                                                changes offer a chance to interrogate
                                                                                                               industry change through effective
relationships and all our activities, is resulting in an investment approach that is                                                                                yourself and your processes. Over the      We empower people
                                                                                                               stewardship and engagement,
in line with our ambition as a company: forging better futures by investing for a                                                                                   reporting period, we saw the extreme       through culture, community
                                                                                                               as we believe the best change is
world worth living in.                                                                                                                                              shake-up in social and working             & coordination
                                                                                                               never only a negative move. Our
                                                                                                                                                                    practices – caused by lockdowns –
                                                                                                               approach to RI and stewardship                                                                  Passion
                                                                                                                                                                    as an opportunity for staff to review
                                                                                                               has always been two-pronged – not
                                                                                                                                                                    our values statement and ensure it         Our shared belief in what
                                                                                                               simply criticising bad behaviour by
                                                                                                                                                                    truly describes Brunel. We were very       we do will always be key
                                                                                                               companies and investors but seeking
                                                                                                                                                                    pleased with the result and will keep      to our success.
Denise Le Gal                                                                                                  to help transform it. We are cautious
                                                                                                                                                                    our people strategy under review as
Chair, Brunel Pension Partnership                                                                              of investing in companies that do
                                                                                                                                                                    the market evolves in 2022.
                                                                                                               not take social and environmental
                                                                                                               risks seriously – it also makes good                 Reviewing our approach also meant
                                                                                                               fiduciary sense. But it is even better               a more decisive focus on mental
                                                                                                               to address the underlying problem,                   health. Internally, we reviewed
                                                                                                               too, and investors have the power                    our own support mechanisms and
                                                                                                               to change how companies operate,                     ensured we were talking about
                                                                                                               especially when they work together.                  mental health. We tried to normalise
                                                                                                                                                                    the subject externally, too – in an
                                                                                                               However, it is not enough for asset
                                                                                                               owners and managers to simply try to
                                                                                                               change other companies. Responsible

                   RISK MANAGEMENT
                                              European IPE Awards 2021
                   PORTFOLIO CONSTRUCTION &

                                              • Climate Related Risk Management

                                              • Innovation
                                              • Portfolio Construction & Diversification
2022 Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes - For the year ending 31 December 2021
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Op-Ed in Professional Pensions,                      transitioned around £4 billion of client   participation at COP 26.                                              Investing for a world                                          Climate Change
I argued that a focus on mental                      assets to the new indices. Integrating
health doesn’t just make ethical                     Net Zero ambitions into index
                                                                                                But that means that our approach                                      worth living in                                                Page 51
                                                                                                must continue to evolve. In this year’s
sense for companies, but makes                       construction in this way was a historic
                                                                                                report, we cover the same themes                                      Page 8
business sense too.                                  achievement and demonstrates that
                                                                                                as before but have added a new
Other challenges were less specific to
                                                     RI ambitions can be a spur to major
                                                                                                one, too. Biodiversity is a theme close
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Net Zero architecture:
                                                     investment innovations.
the year, reflecting systemic realities.                                                        to my own heart and one which                                         All hands on deck                                              Building Paris-aligned
One such focus was cost savings –
our Annual Report demonstrated
                                                     2021 was also the year that we
                                                     formally committed to achieving Net
                                                                                                has major implications across both
                                                                                                climate change and investing.
                                                                                                                                                                      Page 12                                                        indices
our achievements in that area. On                    Zero by no later than 2050, through                                                                                                                                             Page 61
                                                                                                Evolution must happen at multiple
diversity and inclusion, we know we                  the Paris Aligned Investment Initiative
still have some way to go, but we                    – Net-Zero Asset Owner Commitment,
                                                                                                levels – and sometimes you need to                                    Risk landscape –
                                                                                                return to first principles. Late in 2021,
were particularly proud when Helen                   We were also instrumental in
                                                                                                we began our Climate Stocktake, a                                     CIO perspective                                                Tax and Cost,
Price, in her role as co-Chair of the                developing the toolkit, the Net Zero
Asset Owner Diversity Working Group,                 Investment Framework (NZIF), that
                                                                                                process whereby we are consulting                                     Page 14                                                        Transparency
                                                                                                with multiple stakeholders across our
launched the Diversity Charter,                      helps all investors reach this goal.
                                                                                                partnership, our industry and wider
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and Fairness
with signatories representing more
                                                     The new benchmark series and NZIF          society to see whether our broader
                                                                                                                                                                      Marking progress                                               Page 62
than £1 trillion in AUM – signatories
                                                     were just two of the reasons that our      approach to climate investing is still
make a number of commitments to
                                                     work was widely recognised by the          fit for purpose. Part of that process                                 Page 16
improving, monitoring and reporting
on diversity in their companies.
                                                     broader industry. Pensions for Purpose     is ensuring our approach engages                                                                                                     Cyber
                                                     chose Brunel as winner of its Paris        properly with our other RI priorities.
Another structural challenge was the                 Alignment Award; Environmental                                                                                   Biodiversity                                                   Page 64
                                                                                                Indeed, as the content this report
need to provide our clients with the                 Finance named Brunel as its asset
benefits of index investing – chiefly                owner ‘Investment Team of the Year’;
                                                                                                highlights, RI themes can never be                                    Page 18
                                                                                                treated in isolation. If investors instead
diversification and low fees – without               and Brunel won in three Europe-
                                                                                                integrate their RI priorities, then the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Circular Economy
sacrificing our climate ambitions.                   wide categories at the IPE Awards in
                                                                                                results can be good for people,
                                                                                                                                                                      Responsible Stewardship                                        & Supply Chain
The dominance of indices weighted                    Madrid: Innovation, Climate Related
by market capitalisation provides a                  Risk Management, and Portfolio
                                                                                                planet and profits alike.
                                                                                                                                                                      Page 26                                                        Management
structural impediment to achieving                   Construction & Diversification.                                                                                                                                                 Page 69
this goal, but Brunel worked closely
                                                     Recognition of this kind matters to
with FTSE Russell to develop a new
series of Paris-aligned benchmarks that
                                                     Brunel because we want not merely                                                                                Clients at the centre                                          Fast Fashion
                                                     to improve our own approach
weight constituents according to a
                                                     but to change the industry – and           Laura Chappell
                                                                                                                                                                      Page 38                                                        Conflict Minerals Semiconductor
range of key climate metrics (such as                                                                                                                                                                                                Supply Chain
                                                     achieving the latter is easier if our      Chief Executive Officer
reserves) using TPI data. We have since                                                                                                                                                                                              Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
                                                     own approach to RI is recognised as        Brunel Pension Partnership
                                                     an example to follow. The same logic                                                                             Diversity, Equity
                                                     applies to Faith Ward’s high-profile                                                                             and Inclusion                                                  Brunel roles and
                                                                                                                                                                      Page 40                                                        responsibilities
                                                                                                                                                                      COP 26                                                         Meet the Team
                                                                                                                                                                      Page 45

                                                                                                                                                                      Human rights and
                                                                                                                                                                      social issues
                                                                                                                                                                      Page 46
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Investing for a world
worth living in

Our partnership commitments                          Our priority is to manage our fiduciary       and has done so in ways any amount         Setting priorities
                                                     duties to our clients and embedding           of training and research could
on climate change and                                                                                                                         In setting our RI priorities and                     formed it: the nine Local Authorities   we proactively elicited the views of
                                                     responsible investment (RI) is central        ever have achieved. Our learning
responsible Investment, in line                      to how we do that. Responsible                continues, as we attempt to find
                                                                                                                                              stewardship objectives, we start with                and the Environmental Agency.           all stakeholders. Issues raised have
with our shared values, aim                                                                                                                   our investment principles. We engage                                                         included the role of banks, the
                                                     investment is the acknowledgement             ways to manage the complexities of                                                              The governance structures and
                                                                                                                                              extensively with our partner clients (who                                                    circular economy and managing
to help our clients provide                          that the economy operates                     these interrelationships and translate                                                          transparency of our clients supports
                                                                                                                                              are also our shareholders) as well as                                                        methane, but the most commonly-
                                                     interdependently with civil society           them into frameworks that can assist                                                            the flow of information that enables
not only for their members’                                                                                                                   our stakeholders. When Brunel says                                                           raised topics were biodiversity and
                                                     and the physical environment. Where           both our own and others investment                                                              Brunel to reflect the views of our
retirement, but for the world                        these interdependences exist, but             decision making.
                                                                                                                                              that it puts clients at the centre of what
                                                                                                                                                                                                   stakeholders in its priorities. For
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           climate change.
they will retire into.                                                                                                                        the organisation’s does, it does not do
                                                     are not acknowledged or properly                                                                                                              example, in 2021 Brunel participated    In order to engage and stimulate
                                                                                                   Our 12 investment principles, co-          so glibly. Brunel is owned and operated
                                                     considered, it can lead to the creation                                                                                                       in employer forums, client AGMs and     discussion across our stakeholder base,
                                                                                                   created with our client partners, aim to   solely for the benefit of those who
                                                     of systemic risks, with associated                                                                                                            a range of other events by which        we have used frameworks such as the
                                                                                                   convey this commitment to evidence-
                                                     financially material impacts.
                                                                                                   gathering, research, innovation and
                                                     The events of the last two years have         collaboration that enables Brunel
                                                     accelerated our understanding of              to be an effective steward of the
                                                                                                                                              Brunel RI and Stewardship Priorities
                                                     the interdependencies, and systemic           assets under its management and to
                                                     risks – whether we are beneficiaries,         provide leadership and support to the
                                                     employers, policy makers or investors,        wider industry.                                                         Top down
                                                                                                                                                                           • Investment risks
                                                                                                                                                                           • Client priorities

   Brunel Pension Partnership Investment Principles                                                                                                                                                                                 makers and
   •	Long-term investors                                                    •	Leadership and innovation                                                                       Biodiversity                                         regulators

   •	Responsible investors                                                  •	Right risk for right return                                                                     Circular economy and
                                                                                                                                                Policy and                      supply chain management
   •	Best practice governance                                               •	Full risk evaluation                                            regulation                                                                                                    Reporting

   •	Decisions informed through experts and                                •	Responsible stewardship                                                                         Climate change                                     Asset managers             Stakeholder
       knowledgeable officers and committees                                                                                                                                                                                                                  engagement
                                                                             •	Cost effective solutions                                                                                                                            Engagement
   •	Evidence and research at the heart of                                                                                                                                     Cyber                                                specialists              Client workshops
                                                                             •	Transparent and accountable                                         Best
      investments                                                                                                                                 practice                                                                         Collaborations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Industry outreach
                                                                             •	Collaboration                                                                                                                                        Brunel team
                                                                                                                                                                                Diversity, equity and inclusion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Blogs, podcasts
   The complete wording for these principles is available on our website.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and videos
                                                                                                                                                                                Human rights and social issues
                                                                                                                                                  views                         Tax and cost, transparency                           Companies
                                                                                                                                                                                and fairness                                         and assets

                                                                                                                                                                           Bottom up from
                                                                                                                                                                           Brunel portfolios
                                                                                                                                                                           • Asset-specific risks
                                                                                                                                                                           • Event risk
2022 Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes - For the year ending 31 December 2021
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                                                                                                                                                      Top Long-Term Global Risks                                                                                                                                Circular economy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and supply chain
                                                                                                                                                      Over the next 5-10 years                                                                                                                                    management

UN Sustainable Development Goals, as                 that recognizes that a business will          A good example of this analysis is our
well as the work of the World Economic               have impacts inwards (sustainability          decision to prioritise banks, engaging
Forum (WEF), which produces a                        topics that are financially material          with them directly (see case study on                                                                                                         Human rights
number of reports, including an annual               influencing enterprise value) and             page 37).                                                                                                                                    and social issues                 Cyber security
Global Risk Report1.                                 impacts outwards (sustainability
                                                                                                   So, how do we check we haven’t
                                                     topics that are material to the                                                                 Climate change
From these discussions, Brunel’s                                                                   missed anything? The whole
                                                     economy, the environment, and
Board, clients and other stakeholders                                                              organisation uses resources like the
                                                     people). This is important to Brunel as
highlighted that they would like                                                                   WEF reports, daily news feeds, input
                                                     we are exposed to risks arising from
Brunel to proactively seek additional                                                              from our asset managers and other
                                                     the whole economy and from right
opportunities to both amplify and                                                                  service providers. Combined with
                                                     across financial markets. Universal
increase our work on biodiversity.                                                                 talking to other investors, policy
                                                     ownership2 recognises the impact one                                                               Climate action       Extreme          Biodiversity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Natural          Human               Social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Involuntary      Adverse tech   Geoeconomic
Biodiversity was formerly a sub-                                                                   makers and academics at events                           failure          weather              loss           resource       environmental        cohesion
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     migration        advances      confrontation
                                                     asset or component of our portfolios                                                                                                                          crises          damage             erosion                                                       contestation
theme captured under supply chain                                                                  and private meetings, it equips us to
                                                     has on another asset. For example,
management. However, in light of this                                                              be aware of new and emerging risks.
                                                     flood risk in real estate is exacerbated
request, biodiversity is now a distinct                                                            The opportunity to discuss such risks
                                                     by climate change, arising from
priority area. In creating a new                                                                   is a standard agenda item of both
                                                     coal-fired electricity generation. It
priority, we also took the opportunity                                                             the Brunel Investment Risk Committee
                                                     also recognises the impact to the
to update the priority area headings                                                               and the Brunel Investment Committee
                                                     economy and society more broadly.                                                                                                                                                                                            Tax and cost,
and redistribute other activities to                                                               and, at a strategic level, as part of                                                                                                                                          transparency
better balance resources and reflect                 Another consideration is timing: are          Executive Committee and Brunel                                                                                                                                                  and fairness
the breadth and depth of our work.                   there other pressures on the company          Board meetings (page 38).
                                                     that mean it is likely to be more                                                                                   Biodiversity                                                           Diversity, equity
As illustrated in the diagram above,                                                               We have mapped our Brunel RI                                                                                                                  and inclusion
                                                     receptive to investor engagement
other inputs into setting Brunel’s                                                                 priorities to the long-term risks (as
                                                     on a topic? For example, is there
RI priorities include an evaluation                                                                being long-term investors is another
                                                     policy interest, or regulator interest                                                              Economic
                                                                                                                                                                            E                     Geopolitical
of regulations, best practice and                                                                  investment principle) identified by
                                                     or wider investor interest that would
asset-specific risk (or idiosyncratic                                                              the Risk Perception Survey, 2021,                  Source: World Economic Forum Global Risks Report 2022
                                                     enable collaboration? All these
risk). Asset- or sector-specific risk                                                              published Global Risk Report 2022, by
                                                     factors increase the probability of a
is considered through the lens of                                                                  way of illustration.
                                                     successful outcome and therefore
‘double materiality’, the concept
                                                     the allocation of time and resource.
                                                                                                                                                         Managing Systemic Risks
                                                                                                                                                         Brunel’s approach to managing systemic risk is to leverage its role in the finance system. Brunel, in partnership with its
                                                                                                                                                         clients, sits at the top of the investment chain. Brunel outsources the management of 100% of its AUM and specialises
                                                                                                                                                         in portfolio construction and risk management through the selection, appointment, and monitoring asset managers.
                                                                                                                                                         We work collaboratively with other investors, policy makers and regulators to build capacity to manage these risks
  Global Risks Report 2022, 11 January 2022 - https://www.weforum.org/reports/global-risks-report-2022                                                   and opportunities. In summary, we use our position and processes to amplify our impact in managing risks and
	Brunel has used the work of Ellen Quigley (as outlined in our 2021 report) and therefore recommends: Quigley, 2020, Universal Ownership and
                                                                                                                                                         delivering of sustainable outcomes.
  Systemic Risks - https://www.cambridge.org/engage/coe/article-details/5fadc442ad40b800113d6637
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All hands on deck
                                                                                                                                                                    Faith Ward was
                                                                                                                                                                    named Personality
                                                                                                                                                                    of the Year 2021 at
                                                                                                                                                                    the Environmental
                                                                                                                                                                    Finance Awards

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Brunel received the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Pensions for Purpose
                                                                                                                                             Faith Ward formally received the award                                     Paris Alignment                                 Helen Price was named
                                                                                                                                             in Spring 2022                                                             Award 2021                                      ICGN Rising Star 2021

Brunel has seven RI priorities, each                 The work is not limited to our specialist    arrangements and risk management           It is recommended that all staff have                Resourcing corporate engagement
of which comes with a set of                         RI team (see back cover) – the whole         processes (Compliance and Risk             RI or sustainability-related personal
stewardship objectives, and where                    of Brunel is integrally involved. Taking     team); leading on cost and tax             objectives, which is the central                     As outlined above, our approach is                asset manager case studies as well
appropriate, specific targets. The                   the lead is the Investment team,             transparency (Investment Operations        component of our performance                         to leverage our outsourced model                  as those documenting our selection
priorities drive an extensive and                    which is responsible for the selection,      team), leading client engagement           management process. Brunel                           to maximise impact. As such, our                  processes aim to provide evidence
demanding programme of work.                         appointment, and monitoring of asset         (Client Relationship team) or ensuring     does not routinely use bonuses or                    first line of asset-level engagement              of this in practice. Our second line is
                                                     managers, including all the associated       that, in our own operations, we            variable pay as part of its approach                 and stewardship is via our appointed              a specialist engagement provider,
Brunel’s philosophy of working in                                                                                                                                                                 asset managers. As Brunel outsources              who provides additional engagement
                                                     ESG risks and opportunities. Although        practice what we preach (HR &              to remuneration. We do, however,
partnership is illustrated through its                                                                                                                                                            100% of day-to-day asset selection                resource and executes our voting
                                                     all our team members already have            Finance teams)– see Walk the Talk.         have capacity to use small, one-off
approach to responsible investment                                                                                                                                                                to asset managers, it is essential that           intentions across our listed active
                                                     strong ESG knowledge, many have                                                         recognition awards to acknowledge
and through its delivery of its                                                                   Staff ranked our culture, mission,                                                              ESG risk integration and stewardship              fund assets (segregated). Finally, our
                                                     chosen to enhance this knowledge                                                        exceptional efforts by an individual
stewardship objectives. Brunel expects                                                            values and commitment to                                                                        capabilities are assessed as part                 third line is the internal team; working
                                                     through the Chartered Financial                                                         or team, which could include
all its clients, staff, asset managers,                                                           responsible investment as their top                                                             of appointment and monitoring                     directly, but often collaboratively,
                                                     Institute’s (CFA) UK ESG and Climate                                                    stewardship and investment activities.
and service providers to embrace and                                                              reason for joining the organisation3.                                                           processes, and that it is reflected in            Brunel will undertake direct
                                                     modules. Others have attended
deliver on their responsible investment                                                           This deeply embedded commitment                                                                 our internal policies. Our inclusion of           engagement with businesses.
                                                     thematic training, including at Alliance
and stewardship priorities and focuses.                                                           to responsible investment and to
                                                     Bernstein’s Climate Change and
We expand on how we convey and                                                                    making long-term, sustainable
                                                     Investment Academy, in partnership
monitor expectations to managers,                                                                 investments, supported by robust
                                                     with The Earth Institute, Columbia
and to service and data providers                                                                 and transparent processes,                   Walking the Talk
                                                     University (where their study involves six
throughout this report, but this is only                                                          emanates from Brunel’s Board. The
                                                     modules of training with live Q&A).                                                       Our Responsible Investment Policy commits Brunel to                           •	Brunel website updated with Conflicts of Interest
possible through the dedication and                                                               Board approves and is collectively
                                                                                                                                               integrate RI into everything we do, including our own                            Statement, updated Modern Human Slavery
commitment of our own team.                          All Brunel teams are vital to delivering     accountable for Brunel RI, Climate
                                                                                                                                               operations. There are examples of this throughout the                            statement
                                                     our stewardship objectives, whether          and Stewardship Policies. More details
                                                                                                                                               report but, more broadly, we work in partnership with
                                                     those teams are embedding RI                 on roles, responsibilities and assurance                                                                                   •    Enhanced cost transparency
                                                                                                                                               Future-Fit, a-not-for-profit organisation that aims to
                                                     and climate into our contractual             is detailed on page 75.
                                                                                                                                               encourage business alignment with the Sustainable                             •    Enhanced cyber security
                                                                                                      Staff Survey 2021                        Development Goals (SDGs).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Postponed action
                                                                                                                                               Key areas of progress in 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             One of the priority areas we did not progress in 2021
                                                                                                                                               •	Sustainable Transport to work – Electric Vehicle scheme                    was the use of offsets for our residual operational carbon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             emissions. This was postponed due to it being a lower
                                                                                                                                               •	Modern Human Slavery - minimum standard for due
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             priority given office closures and the lack of travel due to
                                                                                                                                                  diligence included in outsourcing policy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Covid restrictions. It is an area we will be picking up in 2022.
                                                                                                                                               •	New office energy supplier with enhanced green
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Next steps
                                                                                                                                                  credentials. Brunel’s electricity is still from 100%
                                                                                                                                                  renewable sources.                                                         •	Exploring ways to manage our direct climate impacts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and, where necessary, the use of carbon offsets
                                                                                                                                               •	Office waste management - efforts to reduce waste
                                                                                                                                                  to landfill included a food waste service, adding to                       •	Exploring ways in which we can enhance our own
                                                                                                                                                  our existing recycling sorting bins.                                          diversity and potentially becoming National Living

                                                                                                                                             Brunel has been fortunate to be recognised for its achievements in several areas, quite often having been nominated by a third party.
                                                                                                                                             Brunel does not pay to participate in any awards and does not routinely attend events that are solely for the purpose of collecting such an award.
2022 Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes - For the year ending 31 December 2021
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Risk landscape – CIO perspective                                                                                                                 Breakdown of Brunel Assets Under Management

                                                                                                                                                 6%                                                                                         3%       A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ctive equities
                                                                                                                                                 1%                                                                                                  A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ctive fixed income
                                                                                                                                                 1%                                                                                                  Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                 5%                                                                                                  Other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Passive equities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Passive fixed income
                                                                                                                                                                                              As at 31
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Private Debt
Across 2021, there was continued economic and asset price recovery                                                                               22%                                       December 2021                                   41%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Private Equity
from the bottom of the COVID-induced decline of March 2020.                                                                                                                                                                                          Property
                                                                                                                                 David Vickers                                                                                                       Secured Income
Markets had already quickly recovered due to the extraordinary                                                                                   6%
fiscal and monetary response of governments and central                                                                                          1%                                                                                        16%
banks around the world. Further momentum was added by
Biden’s inauguration at the start of the year and by Janet Yellen,
appointed as Biden’s Secretary of the Treasury, making the case
for more fiscal stimulus.

                                                                                                                                                 undergo profound systems change,                     in 2019, but we will also be seeking        general infrastructure. Private Debt
                                                                                                                                                 which requires not just the building of              to build on our momentum and                Cycle II has a growing weighting in
                                                                                                                                                 renewable sources of energy, but of                  leadership and update our policy to         ESG-incentivised loans, whereby the
                                                                                                                                                 the full infrastructure that would be                consider the huge strides the scientific,   borrower can reduce the debt cost
                                                                                                                                                 needed to support it. Storage is a key               academic and investment industries          by meeting a pre-defined set of ESG
What kept risk markets moving                        point of coming to an end. What is           and Meituan, as well as the private            missing component here.                              have made over the last year.               criteria. Secured Income cycle I has
upwards after that was the success of                new and has caught policy makers off         education sector, whose business                                                                                                                a 27% allocation to the Greencoat
                                                                                                                                                 Sadly, it is also clear that we cannot               However, our approach to Responsible
the vaccination programme, which                     guard is that the “transitory” factors       model was upended under the                                                                                                                     Renewable Income Fund – in cycle II,
                                                                                                                                                 undo the damage that has been done                   Investment does not address climate
provided investors the opportunity                   have in fact persisted and become            sweeping reforms. Assets have                                                                                                                   that allocation rises to 40% allocation,
                                                                                                                                                 – we have breached many of our                       alone – far from it. We made significant
to believe that the world would                      embedded in wage negotiations                repriced already in many sectors,                                                                                                               with a similar allocation anticipated for
                                                                                                                                                 planetary boundaries (the safe space                 progress over 2021 in creating
largely be able to resume business                   – and so have bled though to a               presenting, as some see it, a great                                                                                                             cycle III. In short, we believe a mixed
                                                                                                                                                 for human development) and so we                     mechanisms to support improved
as usual. The announcement of a                      degree of permanence. Seven                  opportunity. However, the larger                                                                                                                approach has the flexibility to enable
                                                                                                                                                 are in damage- limitation mode. As                   practices in both our own industry –
successful vaccine in November 2020                  percent, however, is clearly not likely      question in investors’ minds which                                                                                                              the greatest impact across different
                                                                                                                                                 such, further investment is needed in                and the companies we invest in. On
also proved to be a turning point                    to be the sustained level, as much of        lingers is around the invest-ability of                                                                                                         asset classes.
                                                                                                                                                 mitigation and adaption technologies                 the former, the publication of a new
within asset classes. It set the tone for            today’s figure comprises the surge in        China, and whether a pivot towards a           to cope with the changes that are                    Asset Owner Diversity Charter – and its     Looking forward, 2022 will bring its
2021as hitherto unloved companies                    demand for goods at a time when              policy of common prosperity weakens            upon us. Even under a successful                     adoption by investors with combined         own challenges; first and foremost
caught in Covid’s cross hairs rallied                supply chains are still not fully repaired   the case particularly for Western              programme, however, climate change                   AUM of more than £1 trillion – was a        the ongoing fallout from Russia’s
aggressively and growth-orientated                   following global lockdowns and a             capital that often does not have the           will still rise by at 1.5 degrees. Brunel’s          particularly significant example of our     invasion of Ukraine. Other issues that
winners (like Zoom) that saw us all                  retrenchment in the labour force. In         same right afforded to it that local           own approach will continue to provide                impact. As an investor, then, we target     already loomed large at the end of
through lockdown began to stall.                     early 2022, markets were anticipating        capital does.                                  capital to those areas which we feel                 positive impact – just not always within    2021 are likely to become yet greater
Bond markets also began to sell off as               rate rises from the Federal Reserve                                                         are increasingly necessary and much                  the technical constraints imposed by        challenges as a result of the invasion
                                                                                                  COP 26 in Glasgow loomed large over
investors grappled with a resumption of              over the remainder of the year.                                                             less overcrowded than the more                       the “impact investing” badge. Across        and ensuing sanctions: growth
                                                                                                  the year and, whilst the main actors
economic activity, buoyed further by                                                                                                             traditional renewables projects. The                 our private markets portfolios, we are      certainly looks to have peaked and
                                                     Politics again encroached on                 were governments, the policies and
the significant amounts of dry powder                                                                                                            latter have suffered compressed returns              finding the best investments away           interest rate rises are forecasted to
                                                     markets in 2021; China was a                 agreements clearly have a bearing
built up by corporates and consumers.                                                                                                            due to demand, while rising merchant                 from primary renewable projects and         come through quicker than was the
                                                     weak spot against a backdrop of              on the investment opportunities that
All of this, against the backdrop of                 increasing government intervention           present themselves both directly in            pricing risk is ultimately changing the              in distribution and storage and other       case even six months ago, as transitory
hugely supportive monetary policy,                   and the potential issue of systemic risk     our private market franchise and,              profile of certain projects.                         parts of the supply network – these will    inflation pressures linger and perhaps
with rates near zero and the world                   as it related to the Chinese property        indirectly, though the listed companies                                                             be essential if we are to decarbonise       become embedded in expectations.
                                                                                                                                                 In the listed markets space, we
awash with excess cash looking for a                 market. The intervention arguably            we own. Whilst the collective outcome                                                               the real economy.
                                                                                                                                                 launched Paris-aligned indices with                                                              Certainly, wages look set to rise. This
home, meant that Inflation became                    started with regulators halting the          wasn’t the game-changing immediate             FTSE for use where clients wanted                    For example, our Renewable                  raises the spectre of a policy mistake
the word du jour and continues                       $37bn IPO of Ant Group, Alibaba’s            course correction that is arguably             to continue to be passive, but also                  Infrastructure Cycle II is entirely         from central governments arguably at
to be the issue that investors and                   fintech arm, but persisted with              warranted, I do believe that we have           meet their Net Zero pledges. The                     invested in renewable energy                time when valuations a finely poised
policymakers are grappling with                      other changes and probes aimed               good momentum which will be built in           methodologies and research behind                    infrastructure – generation,                and perspective returns already lower.
today. Indeed, at time of writing,                   at monopolistic behaviour, data              in COP 27 and have moved past the              these indices will form the foundations              transmission, distribution, storage         We could therefore see a return of
inflation in the US was reported to be               privacy issues and wealth distribution       tipping point.                                 for our continued discussions around                 and energy efficiency. General              volatility both at the headline level
7% over 2021.                                        under the banner of the common                                                              our own climate change policy. We                    Infrastructure cycle III will allocate      and under the surface as sectors
                                                                                                  What does this mean for
                                                     prosperity drive.                                                                           will be undertaking a climate stocktake              30-60% of AUM to low carbon, energy-        begin to price in the probability of a
I wrote extensively about inflation                                                               the investment landscape?
in last year’s report as I felt that                 Many sectors were snared under this          Fundamentally, it provides for further         this year in order to measure what we                transition, renewable energy and            new inflationary paradigm.
the disinflationary trends we had                    change of tack, including hitherto           structure and conviction around                have been able to achieve against the                renewable-enabling technologies –
witnessed for decades were on the                    national champions like Tencent              our approach. The world needs to               very ambitious goals we set ourselves                and 40-70% to climate solutions and
2022 Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes - For the year ending 31 December 2021
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Marking progress

                                                                                               Launched risk
                 Founding of Brunel                                                            management framework
                 Pension Partnership                                                           Published Climate
                 Became member of IIGCC                                                        Position Statement

                 Signed up to Taskforce for                                                    Reached 50% mark for
                                                                                               transition of client assets                Committed to Net Zero
                 Financial-Related Disclosures
                                                                                               Launched Low Volatility, Emerging          Completed launch of 17 listed portfolios
                                                                                               Markets & High Alpha portfolios            with Global Core Equities, Sterling Corporate

                                                                                               Joined Investor Advisory Group
                                                                                                                                          Bond, Multi Asset Credit, 2 x Passive Gilts                                      2030 target
                                                                                               of the Sustainability Accounting           Won multiple awards across investment,                                           50% reduction in carbon intensity
                                                                                                Standards Board                           innovation, portfolios, climate risk
                                                                                                                                          management (IPE, Environmental
                                                                                               Launched UK and global
                                                                                                                                          Finance, Pensions for Purpose)
                                                                                               property portfolios
                                                                                                                                          Co-launched FTSE Paris-aligned
                                                                                                                                          benchmarks with £3bn transition
                                                                                                                                          Co-launched Asset Owner Diversity Charter

                                                   2018                               2019                                                Represented views at COP 26

     2017                                                                                                             2020
                                                                                     Published Climate Change Policy                                                                                                    2030                     2050
                                                                                     Launched Diversifying Returns, Small
                                                                                     Cap, Sustainable Equities portfolios
       Received FCA approval
                                                                                     and risk management framework
       First LGPS pool to sign UNPRI
                                                                                     Launched PM cycle 2 across private
       Launched RI Policy and RI-focused                                             debt, private equity, infrastructure,
       Asset Management Accord                                                       secured income

       Launched first 5 listed market                                                 Backed Barclays AGM climate
       portfolios                                                                    resolutions

       Launched private markets (PM)                                                 Won European ESG and Climate Risk
       cycle 1 across private equity,                                                Mgmt. awards (IPE) and Pension Fund
                                                                                                                                                   Climate Stocktake                                                      2050 target
       infrastructure, secured income                                                of 2020 (Environmental Finance)                               COP 27 Egypt                                                           Net Zero investment Portfolios
2022 Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes - For the year ending 31 December 2021
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We seek to promote action to limit the loss of biodiversity and
increase rejuvenation to deliver a net-positive impact on
biodiversity in the opportunities in which we invest.

Biodiversity and ecosystem services                  amongst other commitments, more                  the same sector – depending on                    Bath University MSC Project
provide an essential life support                    countries, including Brazil and China,           their specific products and services,
system to people and economies                       will join the 70 that have already               and where in the world they source                Last year, Brunel was invited to                     What are the first steps pension funds
worldwide, but they are being                        pledged to designate and protect                 supplies and operate. Brunel’s                    work with the University of Bath                     should take?
destroyed at an alarming rate. A                     30 per cent of land and oceans as                stewardship activities on nature and              by providing a research topic for
                                                                                                                                                                                                             •	Which sectors should be prioritised?
global assessment of biodiversity and                protected areas by 2030. This pledge             biodiversity have sat under the Supply            their MSC students’ postgraduate
                                                                                                                                                        consultancy project. The project                     •   What challenges remain?
ecosystems provides insights into the                builds on the 2020 pledge to protect             Chain theme and have included work
stark reality of the impact from human               17 per cent of land and 10 per cent              on deforestation, palm oil, plastics              provides an opportunity for students                                                            reporting, making it challenging for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                             •	What are the key questions
actions. It estimates that around                    of the oceans.5                                  and water consumption. Case                       to increase their experience working                                                            meaningful assessment to be carried
                                                                                                                                                                                                                which we should be posing to
a million species are at risk from                                                                    studies have featured nature-positive             with UK businesses on real world                                                                out at present. It was recommended
                                                     A study and benchmark produced                                                                     problems. Given the interest from the                                                           that Brunel monitor developing
extinction in the coming decades                                                                      opportunities when investing in real
                                                     by SwissRe helps to provide an                                                                     Board, clients and internally, the focus             There were two groups of students          frameworks and initiatives; the two
and that, without action, extinctions                                                                 assets (infrastructure, real estate, etc).
                                                     investment perspective, calculating                                                                area chosen was biodiversity.                        who undertook research which               main areas being monitored are
will accelerate.4                                                                                     However, given both the growing
                                                     that a fifth of countries are at risk of                                                                                                                resulted in different perspectives being   the Task Force on Nature-related
                                                                                                      awareness of investment materiality               In 2019, HM Treasury commissioned
Global policymakers and, indeed,                     their ecosystems collapsing and that                                                                                                                    presented. Students had six weeks to       Financial Disclosures framework and
                                                                                                      and a clear mandate from clients                  the Dasgupta Review, an
investors, have been slow to act.                    55% of global GDP is dependent on                                                                                                                       research the topic before presenting       engagement initiative NA100+7. In the
                                                                                                      and beneficiaries to expand our work              independent, global review on
The Covid pandemic, whilst acting                    high-functioning biodiversity and                                                                                                                       their high-level findings. A variety       meantime, it was suggested Brunel
                                                                                                      in this area, Brunel has decided to               the economics of biodiversity led
as stimulus, has also aggravated                     ecosystem services.6                                                                                                                                    of staff, as well as all clients, were     should make biodiversity a separate RI
                                                                                                      make it a priority theme in its own               by Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta,
policymakers’ capacity to negotiate                                                                                                                                                                          invited to the presentations, providing    priority, engage with asset managers
                                                     Although the problem is clear, working           right. Our strategy, based on our RI              Frank Ramsey, Professor Emeritus of
progress, leading to several                                                                                                                                                                                 a useful opportunity for staff across      on their approach, and engage with
                                                     out where to start from an investment            approach to integrate, collaborate                Economics, University of Cambridge.
postponements of the UN Convention                                                                                                                                                                           different functions to learn about         companies for increased disclosure
                                                     perspective is very complex, as the              and be transparent, is set out on                 Findings were published in February
on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15),                                                                                                                                                                         biodiversity and the potential risks and   and transparency. Brunel has
                                                     causes, impacts and risks are different          page 20.                                          2021. They called for changes in how
which will hopefully conclude in the                                                                                                                                                                         opportunities. The reports presented       proceeded with making biodiversity a
                                                     for different companies, even within                                                               we think, act and measure economic
late summer of 2022. It is hoped that,                                                                                                                                                                       are available on our website.              separate RI priority, and our strategy
                                                                                                                                                        success to protect and enhance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        is outlined on the following page. We
                                                      	Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Summary for Policy Makers,     our prosperity and the natural world.                Both groups identified that, as with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        continue to engage with companies
  Biodiversity is a material                            IPBES (2019)                                                                                    Grounded in a deep understanding                     climate change, companies are
                                                        UN Convention of Biological Diversity www.cbd.int/convention/                                                                                                                                   for improved disclosure.
                                                                                                                                                        of ecosystem processes and how                       exposed to physical, transition and
  investment risk                                    6
                                                      	SwissRe - Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services Index: measuring the value of nature https://
                                                                                                                                                                                                             litigation risks which can cascade
                                                        www.swissre.com/institute/research/topics-and-risk-dialogues/climate-and-natural-               they are affected by economic                                                                   As well as providing a useful
  Biodiversity is the variety of living                 catastrophe-risk/expertise-publication-biodiversity-and-ecosystems-services.html#/              activity, the new framework set out                  to institutional investors in the form     kickstarter for discussions at Brunel, the
  components that make up                                                                                                                               how we should account for nature                     of financial risks. They concluded         project provided insight to students on
  natural capital. It has a role in                                                                                                                     in economics and decision-making.                    that investors should assess their         the impact the investments industry
  ensuring the resilience of natural                                                                                                                    The report and other resources were                  exposure to, and dependency on,            can have, and ignited interest in
  capital assets and securing them                                                                                                                      shared with the students who were                    biodiversity. But they also highlighted    responsible investment and accounts,
  for the future.                                                                                                                                       asked to explore how the findings                    that multiple challenges exist, such       which we hope students will carry
                                                                                                                                                        of the report can be translated into                 as a lack of data and metrics,             forward in their future careers. We
  Its loss reduces the quantity,
                                                                                                                                                        investment decisions with a series                   inadequate biodiversity disclosure,        look forward to participating in next
  quality and resilience of
                                                                                                                                                        of questions:                                        and geographical differences in            year’s research projects.
  ecosystem services and can
  present risks to investors across
  many sectors.

  Source: UNPRI, 2021
                                                                                                                                                        	Nature Action 100 will be a platform for investor dialogue and action on biodiversity
Brunel Pension Partnership Limited Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes                                                                20   Brunel Pension Partnership Limited Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes                                                         21

                                                                                                                                                       Life on Land

                                                                                                                                                       Banks, through their financing                       •	Publish sectoral expectations on             on biodiversity throughout their
                                                                                                                                                       decisions and client selection, play                    the management of biodiversity-              operations and supply chains.
                                                                                                                                                       an essential role in incentivising                      related risks and impacts for                Throughout 2021, EOS Federated
                                                                                                                                                       the protection and restoration of                       clients in high-impact sectors.              Hermes (EOS) advocated for better
                                                                                                                                                       biodiversity, as well as mitigating and                 Strengthen biodiversity and                  public policy frameworks through their
                                        Brunel’s Biodiversity Strategy                                                                                 preventing the major drivers of nature                  human rights safeguards in                   work with the Finance for Biodiversity
                                                                                                                                                       loss. Our engagement with banks,                        sectoral policies for high-impact            Foundation and other collaborative
                                                                            We expect our asset                 We expect high risk                    led by ShareAction, was broadened                       industries, including proper due             initiatives. They have engaged with a
                                        We will:
                                                                            managers to:                        companies to:                          to include biodiversity. In an Investor                 diligence impact assessments                 range of companies on plastic waste,
                                                                                                                                                       letter to global banks ahead of                         for each sector. This should                 deforestation, and sustainable food –
 To integrate                           Proactively identify nature- and    Assess exposure to risk and         Commit to having a net-                COP26, 115 investors representing                       include a clear commitment to                a few examples are outlined below.
                                        climate-positive investment         opportunities arising from          positive impact on biodiversity
                                                                                                                                                       $4.2tn wrote to 63 banks encouraging                    respect Indigenous rights and                Additional details on EOS’s approach
                                        solutions                           biodiversity – starting with        throughout their operations
                                                                                                                                                       them to commit to the following                         environmental defenders.                     to fast fashion can be found on
                                                                            deforestation                       and supply chains by 2030 at
                                                                                                                                                       ahead of the Kunming Conference                                                                      page 70. In 2022, EOS will continue
                                                                                                                the latest                                                                                  •	Commit to engage in the process
                                                                                                                                                       (CBD COP15):                                                                                         engagement with companies,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               to develop a Taskforce on Nature-
                                        Proactively ask managers to         Identify opportunities for direct   Establish governance and                                                                                                                    especially those that are involved in
                                                                                                                                                       •	Develop and disclose a strategy                      Related Financial Disclosures
                                        evidence their approach             engagement with higher risk         processes in place to manage                                                                                                                the production and sale of food, on
                                                                                                                                                          to address the systemic risk                         (TNFD) and, once the new
                                                                            holdings, including exposure in     nature-related impacts and risk                                                                                                             halting and reversing biodiversity loss.
                                                                                                                                                          posed by biodiversity loss, the                      disclosure framework is launched
                                                                            supply chains, operations and/                                                                                                                                                  Depending on the specific company
                                                                                                                                                          tackling of which will be critical                   in 2023, draw on the TNFD to
                                                                            or financing                                                                                                                                                                    context, engagement will cover
                                                                                                                                                          to effective climate action, a                       refine biodiversity strategies,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            various issues, including deforestation,
                                                                                                                                                          just transition, and sustainable                     approaches, and disclosures.
                                        Develop mechanisms to               Support industry in developing      Identify the potential effect                                                                                                               regenerative agriculture, sustainable
                                        evidence impact and report          capabilities to measure,            of the organisation’s impact              economic wellbeing. This should
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Further details on our engagement               proteins, and chemical run-off
                                        case studies and outcomes           manage and report                   and dependencies on nature                include making a commitment
                                                                                                                                                                                                            with banks can be found on page 37.             management.
                                                                                                                and consequential risk and                to identifying and disclosing
                                                                                                                opportunities on the business             impacts and dependencies on                       At the beginning of 2021, EOS
                                                                                                                strategy and financial planning           biodiversity, setting nature targets              published a white paper on
                                                                                                                                                          that are science-based by 2024                    biodiversity: Our Commitment
  To collaborate                        Support developing industry         Engage on policy to support         Support capacity building                 at the latest, ideally as part of the             to Nature. The paper outlined
                                        thought leadership and              an enabling environment for         across supply chains to avoid             Finance for Biodiversity Pledge                   expectations of sectors with
                                        take part in collaborative          businesses to avoid biodiversity    negative biodiversity risks and           initiative, taking the conclusions                high biodiversity impacts and
                                        engagement with                     risks and impacts                   impacts and support nature-                                                                 dependencies, and an objective to
                                                                                                                                                          of the CBD COP process into
                                        policymakers, companies and                                             positive outcomes
                                                                            Collaborative engagement                                                      account, and publicly reporting                   encourage companies to commit
                                                                            with companies and businesses                                                 on progress on an annual basis.                   to having a net-positive impact

 To be transparent                      Support the development and         Provide case studies but            Start reporting on impacts and
                                        report against the guidance         prepare for increased               build capacity to increase
           Pe ns ion Pa rt ne rs hi p

                                        of the Taskforce for Nature-        transparency, in line with latest   transparency, in line with latest      Case Study: Primark                                                                      Case Study: Novartis
                                        related Financial Disclosures       best practice guidelines, such      best practice guidelines, such
                                        (TNFD)                              as those of the TNFD                as those of the TNFD
                                                                                                                                                       EOS Hermes, our voting and engagement                                                Novartis, a pharmaceutical company, are
                                                                                                                                                       provider, asked Primark if it had mapped its current                                 highly dependent on nature. At their 2021
                                                                                                                                                       impact on biodiversity so that progress can be                                       shareholder meeting, EOS asked the board
                                                                                                                                                       tracked. In 2020 Primark, Cotton Connect and the                                     for an assessment of the company’s impacts
                                                                                                                                                       Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership                                    and dependencies on nature, and for a
                                                                                                                                                       collaborated to develop indicators to measure the                                    commitment to having a net-positive impact
                                                                                                                                                       environmental impact of the Primark Sustainable                                      on biodiversity across the full value chain.
                                                                                                                                                       Cotton Programme (PSCP). These metrics assess
                                                                                                                                                       the practices employed by PSCP farmers that
                                                                                                                                                       have been proven to benefit biodiversity, soil,
                                                                                                                                                       and water.
Brunel Pension Partnership Limited Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes                                                         23

At COP 26, 141 countries committed to working                     •	Public access to data on deforestation, forest cover,
collectively to halt and reverse forest loss and land                tenure and traceability of commodity supply chains.
degradation by 2030, while delivering sustainable
                                                                  Engagements were held throughout 2020 and a follow-
development and promoting an inclusive rural
                                                                  up meeting was held on Friday 29 January 2021 with the
transformation. They affirmed their respective
                                                                  vice president of Brazil to discuss the issue of deforestation    Life on Water
commitments to sustainable land use, and to the
                                                                  in the Amazon. The IPDD welcomed President Bolsonaro’s            Marine ecosystems play a crucial
conservation, protection, sustainable management and
                                                                  restatement of Brazil’s existing commitment to eliminate          role in regulating our climate and
restoration of forests, and other terrestrial ecosystems.
                                                                  illegal deforestation in the Amazon by 2030 and a                 providing key services, such as the
Included in the list of countries were Brazil and
                                                                  reconfirmation of their commitment at COP 26. We                  production of oxygen and carbon
Indonesia, which are focuses for the Investor Policy
                                                                  recognise that the public health emergency caused                 sequestration. Many sectors, such
Dialogue on Deforestation, an initiative supported by
                                                                  by Covid has exacerbated the challenges facing Brazil             as shipping and tourism, are highly
a membership of 51 financial institutions, including
                                                                  on many fronts and put particular pressure on public              reliant on the oceans. It is estimated
Brunel, with approximately US$7 trillion in assets under
                                                                  finances. However it is still significant that, according to      that over three billion people
management. The Brazil workstream was initiated in
                                                                  data released by Brazil’s space research agency (INPE),           depend on the oceans for their
June 2020 with a letter to the Brazilian government
                                                                  deforestation increased in the Amazon by 22% during               livelihoods and that the natural
seeking five outcomes:
                                                                  the 2020-21 period, hitting its highest level in over 15          capital of our oceans is US$24tn.
•	A significant reduction in deforestation rates, i.e. showing   years. During the year, IPDD has scheduled a number of
   credible efforts to comply with the commitment set             educational calls for investors, and interest in the initiative   Oceans are thought to be the
   down in Brazil’s Climate Law, Article 19.                      has grown, with additional signatories coming on board.           most biodiverse areas on earth,
                                                                  Engagement in this area continues, and earlier this year          estimated to contain 50-80% of the
•   Enforcement of Brazil’s Forest Code.                                                                                            total biodiversity on the planet.
                                                                  the IPDD secretariat sought proposals to support delivery
•	Enhancement of the ability of Brazil’s agencies                of a report which will summarise IPDD’s key objectives,           However, climate change, pollution
   tasked with enforcing environmental and human                  engagements, and activity to date.                                and overfishing are threatening
   rights legislation to carry out their mandates                                                                                   habitats and species, in some cases
                                                                  Deforestation is an increased area of focus for EOS in            before they have been discovered.
   effectively, and the withdrawal of any new laws or
                                                                  engagements and voting for 2022. By 2025, the aim is to           The Living Planet Index shows an
   articles that may negatively impact forest protection.
                                                                  publicly report credible progress on eliminating forest-          average 68% fall in the population
•	Prevention of fires in or near forest areas, in order to       risk and agricultural commodity-driven deforestation              sizes of mammals, birds, amphibians,
   avoid a repetition of the 2019 fire season.                    impacts in investments via successful engagement.                 reptiles, and fish between 1970 and
                                                                                                                                    2016. Protecting and conserving
                                                                                                                                    the marine environment is crucial
                                                                                                                                    for human life and protecting the
We voted against directors at Li Ning and WH Group for failing to address deforestation risks                                       economy. Awareness is growing
and supported a shareholder proposal seeking a report on the soy supply chain at Bunge                                              amongst investors, as well as
                                                                                                                                    regulators. If companies fail to
                                                                                                                                    address their impact, they risk
                                                                                                                                    reputational damage and litigation.

Case Study: Aberdeen Standard Secured Income Portfolios                                                                                                                                  Plastics pollution
                                                                                                                                      With most plastic
                                                                                                                                                                                         While delivering many benefits to            binding obligations, and those best
                                                                                                                                      packaging used only
 We hold the Aberdeen Standard Long-Lease Property                There are a number of projects with tenants at various                                                                 society, the plastic economy has             addressed through national action
 fund in the Secured Income Portfolios (both cycle 1              stages aimed at improving the energy efficiency of                  once, 95% of its potential                         many drawbacks. Tackling plastics            plans or voluntary measures). However,
 and 2). The manager has been working intensely on                assets and the sustainability credentials of buildings.             economic value (US$80                              pollution will take a global approach        once adopted, the resulting
 delivering a real estate investment portfolio that can           These range from installing solar panels to providing               billion – US$120 billion) is                       at the UN Environment Assembly               obligations will likely inform national
 reach the ambitions of Net Zero Carbon status whilst             electric car charging and replacing heating systems                                                                    (UNEA-5) a landmark resolution was           environmental laws and policies
                                                                                                                                      lost annually
 promoting biodiversity.                                          with renewable energy systems.                                                                                         adopted to end plastic pollution and         governing plastic production, use and
                                                                                                                                                                                         create an international legally-binding      recycling worldwide.
 The manager has engaged external consultants to                  Forestry has been considered as a means to offset
                                                                                                                                                                                         agreement by 2024. Endorsed by 175
 help with an asset level audit and develop a detailed            carbon where it is not possible to eliminate emissions.                                                                                                             To play our role in managing the
                                                                                                                                                                                         nations, it marks one of the most
 model - mapping out carbon generation at a Fund                  The team is very much in the exploratory fact-finding                                                                                                               complex and widespread risks and
                                                                                                                                                                                         significant multilateral environmental
 level, as well as giving advice how this can be reduced          stage and is considering the use of restoring peat bogs                                                                                                             opportunities associated with plastics
                                                                                                                                                                                         deals since the Paris Accords. The
 over time. The manager has also been working with                as a means to capture carbon. The manager also works                                                                                                                pollution, we continue our active
                                                                                                                                                                                         resolution addresses the full lifecycle of
 tenants by installing new software that can capture              with tenants on smaller biodiversity initiatives such as                                                                                                            membership of the Principles of
                                                                                                                                                                                         plastic, including its production and
 and monitor more accurate energy usage data.                     having managed areas for wildlife on larger sites and                                                                                                               Responsible Investment (PRI) Plastic
                                                                                                                                                                                         design. An intergovernmental
                                                                  installing beehives where possible.                                                                                                                                 Working Group. This working group
                                                                                                                                                                                         negotiating committee will begin work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      consists of 29 global investors
                                                                                                                                                                                         on the draft (including any legally
Brunel Pension Partnership Limited Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes             24   Brunel Pension Partnership Limited Responsible Investment and Stewardship Outcomes                                                     25

representing US$5.9 trillion in assets.
The group has supported the                             80% of tourism occurs in                    Case Study: Plastic Pellets
development of the plastics                             coastal areas
landscape series and four guides to
support investor engagement on                          Plastic waste is damaging to                Plastic pellets are the raw materials used in a wide                       Loss Steering Group. The UK’s trade association for
plastic packaging with relevant                         wildlife and tourism. Helen Price,          variety of plastic products. Pellets can be lost to the                    plastics companies, the British Plastics Federation
sectors. In August 2021, four                           Head of Stewardship, witnessed              environment at every stage of the supply chain,                            (BPF) was also heavily involved. The investor group,
engagement guides were published                                                                    including road transport, shipping, and storage. Once                      including Ownership Capital and the Environment
                                                        this in person when visiting Godfrey
covering petrochemicals, containers                                                                 in the environment, pellets, along with other types                        Agency Pension Fund, funded conservation charity
                                                        Bay this summer. The image                  of microplastics, are known to be eaten by a range                         Fauna & Flora International (FFI) to act as the steering
and packaging, fast-moving consumer
goods and waste management. The                         captured shows a seal with a                of animals including fish and seabirds, and to cause                       group expert on their behalf. FFI is one of the core
group will continue to enhance                          plastic ligature around its neck.           harm. McInroy & Wood identified the lack of pellet                         NGO partners of the Commonwealth Clean Oceans
investor understanding of how to                        Sadly, the Seal Life Trust confirmed        management standards and in 2018 18 investors                              Alliance formed to address Sustainable Development
address plastic waste and pollution                     that the ligature was first reported        from the investor forum signed a letter calling for new                    Goal 14 – “Life below water”. In July 2021 the new
and support a circular economy for                                                                  standards to codify best practice for plastic pellet                       standard – PAS 510: 2021 – was launched. For the
                                                        in 2017, four years prior! The seal
plastics by deepening the insights                                                                  management. The British standards Institution agreed                       first time, companies can take a fully auditable and
                                                        likely did not have long left and           that a standard was required and suggested that a                          verifiable risk-based approach to eliminating pellet loss
within the engagement guides and
exploring key areas in more detail.                     was unfortunately beyond help.              ‘Publicly Available Specification’ (PAS) be sponsored                      and demonstrate compliance with best practice. The
                                                                                                    to enable a fast-track delivery. This resulted in investors                PAS is freely available and internationally applicable,
Brunel, alongside 26 international
                                                                                                    for the first time forming a co-sponsor group to deliver                   making it an attractive tool for procurement teams. The
investors, joined a collaborative
                                                                                                    the new standard, providing financial backing                              co-sponsors of the PAS plan to engage with portfolios
engagement led by First Sentier
                                                                                                    to advance the development. The standard was                               companies to encourage adoption of the codified PAS
Investment, with support from the
                                                                                                    developed by the BSI and Marine Scotland, acting                           510 and partner only with suppliers who have made
Marine Conservation Society. Using
                                                                                                    on behalf of the Scottish Government’s Plastic Pellet                      similar commitments.
our collective influence, the aim
was to engage with 18 of the largest
manufacturers of washing machines
around the world to understand what
they’re doing about microplastics
through washing machine use and to
champion technological advances
to tackle this issue. Engagement
continued in 2021 in partnership
with the UK’s Marine Conservation
Society. Some progress has been                                                                                                                                                                    Next steps
achieved, with the first commercially-                                                                                                                                                             •	Support developing industry
available products fitted with filtration
                                                                                                                                                                                                      thought leadership on
technology now available in the UK,
with promising plans to introduce                                                                                                                                                                     biodiversity and take part in
additional products in 2022. First                                                                                                                                                                    collaborative engagement with
Sentier also released a report –                                                                                                                                                                      policymakers, companies and
Microfibres: the invisible pollution                                                                                                                                                                  businesses
from textiles – to synthesise existing
knowledge about the sources and                                                                                                                                                                    •	Continue to raise awareness
implications of microfibre pollution,                                                                                                                                                                 and engage with companies
and to summarise possible areas of                                                                                                                                                                    and fund managers around
action for policymakers, companies                                                                                                                                                                    biodiversity risks
and investors to reduce microfibre
pollution. The report will be used to                                                                                                                                                              •	Continue to engage companies
support ongoing engagement.                                                                                                                                                                           and our fund managers around
                                                                                                                                                                                                      the importance of managing
                                                                                                                                                                                                      plastics pollution risks and
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