2022 POLAR BEAR RESEARCH MASTERPLAN - Polar Bear Research Council Association of Zoos and Aquariums Polar Bear Species Survival Plan - Cincinnati ...

2022 POLAR BEAR RESEARCH MASTERPLAN - Polar Bear Research Council Association of Zoos and Aquariums Polar Bear Species Survival Plan - Cincinnati ...
    Polar Bear Research Council
     Association of Zoos and Aquariums
      Polar Bear Species Survival Plan
2022 POLAR BEAR RESEARCH MASTERPLAN - Polar Bear Research Council Association of Zoos and Aquariums Polar Bear Species Survival Plan - Cincinnati ...
This publication may be cited as:

   Polar Bear Research Council. 2022. 2022 Polar Bear Research Masterplan.
   Polar Bear Species Survival Program, Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

On the cover: Polar bear Tasul swims into an underwater swim flume as part of a collaborative
         metabolic study at the Oregon Zoo. Photo by Michael Durham/Oregon Zoo.
2022 POLAR BEAR RESEARCH MASTERPLAN - Polar Bear Research Council Association of Zoos and Aquariums Polar Bear Species Survival Plan - Cincinnati ...
Table of Contents
    AZA Polar Bear SSP Research Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
    List of PBRC endorsed, ongoing research projects as of June 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
    Field Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
    Health and Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
    Physiological and Behavioral Ecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
    Reproduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
    References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Dr. Anthony Pagano records behavior exhibited by Oregon Zoo polar bear Tasul, voluntarily sporting a research collar
fitted with an accelerometer device. Photo by Michael Durham/Oregon Zoo.
2022 POLAR BEAR RESEARCH MASTERPLAN - Polar Bear Research Council Association of Zoos and Aquariums Polar Bear Species Survival Plan - Cincinnati ...
                                                            ver the past 40+ years, scientists have overcome
                                                            tremendous logistical challenges to study wild
                                                            polar bears, and I feel fortunate for the role I’ve
                                                            played in that progress. Prior to joining Polar Bears
                                                            International as chief scientist in 2010, I led polar
                                                  bear research in Alaska for 30 years. My three decades of in situ
                                                  fieldwork helped provide essential information on polar bear
                                                  movements, distribution, population trends, life history traits,
                                                  and basic biological needs—knowledge that has added greatly
                                                  to our understanding of the bears and the actions needed to
                                                  ensure their future.

                                                  This research culminated in the projection that, without action
                                                  on human-caused climate warming, polar bears could all but
                                                  disappear by the end of the century. As a result, polar bears
                                                  became the first species listed under the U.S. Endangered
                                                  Species Act due to the threat of global warming.
      Dr. Steven C. Amstrup                     Continuing in situ research on wild polar bears across the Arctic
     has confirmed the threat of climate warming and provided the mechanistic underpinnings of polar bear
     life history needs. It also has shown that some vital studies simply cannot be conducted in the wild.

     This is where zoos and aquariums can play a critical role. Bears in managed care can be repeatedly
     observed and sampled over long time periods—allowing sample size and replication not possible in the
     field. Such studies can fill critical knowledge gaps while testing and calibrating new research methods
     and technologies before they are deployed in the field.

     Through projects supported by the Polar Bear Research Council, of the Association of Zoos and
     Aquariums, AZA member institutions have partnered with universities, government agencies, and Polar
     Bears International on research ranging from determining the polar bear’s energy use when walking,
     running, and swimming to testing new devices for following the movements of bears in the wild. Ex
     situ research in zoo settings combined with in situ field research showed how polar bears use scent
     communication as they search for mates on broad expanses of pack ice. And studying polar bear hair
     and tissue samples from zoo animals have helped us understand wild bear diets.

     The Polar Bear Research Masterplan is a living document that prioritizes ex situ research vital to polar
     bear conservation and management. It serves as a roadmap to the roles zoos and aquariums can fill
     in our understanding of polar bear life history needs. Presentation of ex situ research also can capture
     public attention and enhance the opportunities for zoos and aquariums to educate the public about the
     threats polar bears face—inspiring actions necessary to preserve them in the wild.

     The combination of ex situ research opportunity with potential for outreach and education means zoos
     and aquariums can play a vital role in helping to assure future survival of polar bears throughout the
     Arctic. This document is a valuable resource for guiding, facilitating, and supporting this important work.


     Dr. Steven C. Amstrup
     Chief Scientist, Polar Bears International

4 | PRBC Masterplan 2022
2022 POLAR BEAR RESEARCH MASTERPLAN - Polar Bear Research Council Association of Zoos and Aquariums Polar Bear Species Survival Plan - Cincinnati ...
Mission: To ensure a robust, thriving zoo population        The Polar Bear Research Council (PBRC)
of polar bears is involved in research that produces
solutions to conservation and management challenges
facing wild bears.
                                                            T   he PBRC is composed of a Steering Committee that
                                                                includes two PBRC Co-Chairs, the PBRC Facilitator
                                                            and the Polar Bear SSP Chair. Additional members
Description: The Polar Bear SSP’s designation as a          include advisors with expertise/experience in four
research population signals a shift toward requiring        priority research areas (see below). Priority research
member participation in priority research projects          advisors are responsible for recruiting input from
with polar bears ex situ that can inform critical           additional experts (typically 3-6) who can provide
conservation and management questions that exist            thoughtful reviews and unique perspectives to ensure
for polar bears in situ. For a research program to be       the PBRC Masterplan is accomplished.
successful, a diverse population of animals must be         The PBRC’s goals are to: 1) facilitate the use of the ex situ
maintained, individual animal welfare must factor           population to better characterize basic biology and to
into decision-making and AZA facilities must work to        advance scientific methodologies for comparison and
ensure that viable candidates are available for research.   application to wild polar bears; 2) support research that
Additionally, AZA facilities must ensure that staff are     is necessary for maintaining a viable, sustainable ex
trained in sample collection and training techniques,       situ population for scientific research with application
and that facilities are designed to accommodate             to the conservation of wild bears; and 3) build capacity
sample collection and/or research. Future polar bear        within SSP member institutions to participate in priority
SSP master-planning will center around maximizing           scientific research efforts.
our participation in meaningful conservation science.

Rationale: Polar bears in managed care can                  Purpose of the PBRC and the Research Masterplan

participate in valuable research that helps to conserve         he purpose of the Polar Bear SSP Research
and understand polar bears in the wild. Zoo- and                Masterplan document is to: 1) guide research
aquarium-housed polar bears can be trained via              priorities for the Polar Bear SSP and participating
operant conditioning to voluntarily participate in          institutions, 2) advise the Polar Bear SSP on proposal
hands-on procedures and longitudinal biological             endorsement requests, 3) facilitate priority research
sampling. These bears have the added advantage in           efforts in SSP institutions, 4) keep current with
that their husbandry histories and medical records are      emerging scientific questions regarding survival of
available, environmental conditions are known and can       polar bears in the wild, and 5) track progress made
be adjusted, and monitoring can be continuous during        through the collaborative scientific studies of polar
a study. Through multi-institutional collaborations,        bears in managed care and of contributions made
scientists can recruit a larger sample size of polar        by zoos and aquaria to wild polar bear research. The
bears that ensure sufficient statistical power in           masterplan is a living document that is intended to
studies on behavior, physiology, health, reproduction,      be updated every three to five years. This current
and welfare. Polar bears in managed care can also           masterplan is the 1st revised version of the original
contribute to the development and validation of new         masterplan published in 2018.
technologies and methodologies for use with wild
bears, the true beneficiaries of this initiative.           Photo © Daniel J. Cox/NaturalExposures.com

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2022 POLAR BEAR RESEARCH MASTERPLAN - Polar Bear Research Council Association of Zoos and Aquariums Polar Bear Species Survival Plan - Cincinnati ...
AZA Polar Bear SSP Research Council
Co-Chairs                                              Priority research pillars and
                                                       corresponding advisors
Dr. Terri Roth, Center for Conservation and Research
    of Endangered Wildlife (CREW), Cincinnati          I.     Field Techniques Advisors
    Zoo & Botanical Garden; email: terri.roth@
    cincinnatizoo.org                                         Dr. Thea Bechshoft, Polar Bears International;
                                                              email: thea@pbears.org
Dr. Megan Owen, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance;
    email: mowen@sdzwa.org                                    Dr. Stephen Petersen, Assiniboine Park Zoo;
                                                              email: spetersen@assiniboinepark.ca

Facilitator and Contact: Amy Cutting, Oregon Zoo;      II.    Health and Welfare Advisor
    email (preferred) Amy.Cutting@oregonzoo.org;
                                                              Dr. Randi Meyerson; email: randimeyerson61@
    cell: 503-757-8163; Office: 503-220-2446
AZA Liaison: Steve Olson, Senior Vice President,
    Government Affairs, Association of Zoos and        III.   Physiological and Behavioral Ecology Advisors
    Aquariums (AZA); email: solson@aza.org
                                                              Dr. Karyn Rode, United States Geological Survey
Polar Bear SSP Chair: Allison Jungheim, Como Park             (USGS); email: krode@usgs.gov
    Zoo and Conservatory; email: allison.jungheim@
                                                              Dr. Anthony Pagano, Washington State
                                                              University; email: ampagano@ucsc.edu

                                                       IV.    Reproductive Physiology Advisor
                                                              Dr. Erin Curry, CREW, Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical
                                                              Garden; email: erin.curry@cincinnatizoo.org

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2022 POLAR BEAR RESEARCH MASTERPLAN - Polar Bear Research Council Association of Zoos and Aquariums Polar Bear Species Survival Plan - Cincinnati ...
List of PBRC endorsed, ongoing research projects
                as of June 2021
      Project title                                 PI and affiliation
 1    Macronutrient requirements and intake of      Karyn Rode; USGS; krode@usgs.gov
      polar bears

 2    Comparative analyses of the                   Shannon Atkinson and Monica Brandhuber;
      expression of reproductive steroids and       University Fairbanks; shannon.atkinson@
      dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) in     alaska.edu
      captive and wild female polar bears.

 3    Characterization of the gut microbiota in     Peko Tsuji and Maci Quintanilla; Towson
      polar bears and a metabolic analysis          University, MD; ptsuji@towson.edu

 4    Development of dynamic energy budget          Stephanie Penk; University of Toronto;
      models in complex vertebrate mammals          sr.penk@mail.utoronto.ca
      to understand past and future population

 5    Validation and characterization of            Erin Curry, Jessye Wojtusik, Terri Roth;
      reproductive hormones and biomarkers          Cincinnati Zoo/CREW; erin.curry@
      in polar bear serum                           cincinnatizoo.org

 6    Analyzing hormone patterns of captive         Dylan McCart, Suzanne MacDonald; York
      male polar bears housed under different       University; dylanmccart@hotmail.com
      social conditions

 7    Assessing the timing and rate of fur          Jennifer Stern, University of Washington
      growth in zoo polar bears                     and Karyn Rode, USGS; jhstern@uw.edu

 8    Polar bear ear measurements (for new          Elisabeth Kruger; World Wildlife Fund;
      ear tag tracking device)                      Elisabeth.Kruger@wwfus.org

 9    Serum concentration comparisons of fatty      Deb Schmidt, St. Louis Zoo and Karyn Rode,
      acids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and   USGS; schmidt@stlzoo.org
      cholesterol, between free-ranging and zoo
      polar bears

 10   New attachment techniques for electronics     Geoff York, Polar Bears International;
      to polar bears – Project “Burr on Fur”        gyork@pbears.org

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2022 POLAR BEAR RESEARCH MASTERPLAN - Polar Bear Research Council Association of Zoos and Aquariums Polar Bear Species Survival Plan - Cincinnati ...

                                                            Field Techniques
                                              (In-field monitoring and management techniques)

                    Advisors:    Dr. Thea Bechshoft, Polar Bears

                                 Dr. Stephen Petersen, Assiniboine
                                 Park Zoo

                    Experts:     BJ Kirschhoffer, Polar Bears International

                                 Liz Larson, Utah’s Hogle Zoo

                                 Alysa McCall, Polar Bears International

                                 Dr. Nicholas Pilfold, San Diego Zoo
                                 Wildlife Alliance

                                 Dr. Tom Smith, Brigham Young University

                                 Geoff York, Polar Bears International

                   Explanation of the research focus area in
                   relation to polar bear conservation
                   The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) poses challenges for
                   researchers and conservationists in that it is a large top
                   predator that lives a primarily solitary life across vast
                   expanses in a harsh and remote environment. Polar
                   bear habitat also presents logistical difficulties and
                   safety concerns for researchers as it consists of sea ice,
                   marine waters, and terrestrial areas that experience
                   a wide range of often unforgiving environmental               Photo © Daniel J. Cox/NaturalExposures.com
                   conditions. When polar bears do occur near humans
                   and their infrastructure successfully co-existing can
                                                                                 will provide the desired data and results. An additional
                   present a significant risk and challenge. Together,
                                                                                 benefit is that the newly developed methods are often
                   these factors often hinder effective research and
                                                                                 less invasive than the more traditional approaches to
                   conservation efforts of polar bears across the Arctic.        polar bear research.
                   Technical and technological advances can play a
                   vital role in overcoming this challenge, particularly         The Field Techniques advisory group includes projects
                   those that have been developed in collaboration with          with direct in-field applications, in particular studies
                   institutions that have polar bears in their care. These       that test equipment for field deployment or validate
                   bears can participate in scientific studies in a controlled   new (or new applications of already existing) methods
                   environment, with subjects that can be repeatedly             and technologies that directly inform in situ polar bear
                   observed, monitored, or examined. Thus, applied               research and conservation. Meanwhile, projects focused
                   monitoring and conservation tools that have been              on advances in laboratory analyses and techniques
                   developed using ex situ bears can be nearly field-ready       will sort under either the Physiological and Behavioral
                   before being deployed in situ, reducing the chance of         Ecology, the Reproductive Physiology, or the Health and
                   failure, and increasing the chances that field results        Welfare advisory groups as deemed appropriate.

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Recent examples of published work that
has happened in zoo settings and how it has
complemented or informed our understanding of
polar bear biology and management
Identifying bear behavior from activity sensors
Pagano et al. (2017) and Ware et al. (2016) used
activity sensor data on collars of zoo bears to relate
collar activity to individual bear behaviors. Those
relationships have then been used to be able to
identify the behaviors of wild bears our on the sea ice
based on historic and contemporary activity sensor
data thereby better understanding the behavior of
bears when and where they can rarely be observed.

Energetic costs of locomotion in bears                      Infrared thermography image of a male polar bear.
Pagano et al. (2018a) - Polar bears in human care were      Image by Dylan McCart and Dr. Michelle Shero.
trained to voluntarily walk on a treadmill in a special
chamber that could analyze the breath of the bear.          their blood and hair. Using this information, correction
This allowed scientists to record how the bear was          factors were identified that allow estimation of the
moving at as well as the amount of energy they were         prey species and macronutrient composition of wild
expending. This information was then used to predict        polar bear diets from these same tissues. Further, this
energy use in wild bears.                                   study determined the timeframe of diet represented in
                                                            these tissues to improve interpretation of wild samples.
Identification of individual bears
Prop et al. (2020) - Sets of photographs of 15 polar        Priority areas that should take precedence
bears from six AZA and EAZA zoos were used to               within this research pillar
develop a new method for individual recognition,
                                                            Given the unpredictable nature of methodological
based on distinguishing a set of physiognomic
                                                            and technological advances, we have identified
characteristics, which can be recognized from
                                                            priority areas where new field techniques are likely
photographs taken in the field at distances of up to
400 m. Requiring less specific photos than the whisker      to contribute significantly to our understanding and
spot recognition method (Anderson et al. 2010),             conservation of polar bears.
this new method offers an additional method for             1. Population assessment: The key to managing
identification of individual polar bears in the wild.          populations is obtaining regular and timely
                                                               population estimates to determine abundance and
Validating thermal imagery tools                               trends. For polar bears, this has been accomplished
Bissonette (2020) - Polar bears in human care were             using capture-mark-recapture (hands-on and
filmed using an infrared camera while the bears sparred        genetic) and via aerial surveys. All current methods
and played with each other. The change in the bear’s           are expensive, high risk, and time-consuming
temperature signal from beginning of the play session          and therefore cannot be done with the regularity
to the end of a session is related to the amount of            needed for a species in a changing habitat such as
energy the bear has spent on that activity. Thermal            the Arctic. Examples of emerging technology likely
imagery has been used to detect polar bear dens (Smith         to assist in counting polar bears include remote
et al. 2020) but may also have other applications to help      sensing tools that could help us accurately count
understand polar bear biology and behaviour.                   bears using drones, aircraft, or satellites (e.g., LaRue
                                                               et al. 2015, Barnas et al. 2018).
Improving diet estimates of wild polar bears
inferred from hair and blood samples                        2. Movement and dispersal: Habitat use and
Rode et al. (2016) worked with zoos to feed polar              requirements, movement, and dispersal studies
bears specific marine-based diets to trace how stable          all rely on the tracking of individual polar bears.
isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in food is reflected in        This has been done primarily using satellite-

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2022 POLAR BEAR RESEARCH MASTERPLAN - Polar Bear Research Council Association of Zoos and Aquariums Polar Bear Species Survival Plan - Cincinnati ...
                                                                                                           GPS ear tag on a
                                                                                                           tranquilized subadult
                                                                                                           polar bear. Photo by Dr.
                                                                                                           Andrew E. Derocher/
                                                                                                           University of Alberta.

                                                                                                           onshore and as human
                                                                                                           activities in the Arctic
                                                                                                           increase, both in response
                                                                                                           to longer ice-free seasons
                                                                                                           (Wilder et al. 2017).
                                                                                                           To mitigate this, more
                                                                                                           information is needed
                                                                                                           on polar bear olfaction
                                                                                                           and vision in relation to
                                                                                                           potential deterrent tools
                                                                                                           and methods. Further,
                                                                                                           development and testing
                                                                                                           of early polar bear
                                                                                                           detection systems as well
                                                                                                           as non-harmful deterrent
                                                                                                           tools such as strobe
                       linked GPS collars, but there is an increasing            lighting and specific sounds to examine their
                       need for redesign of these instruments to be              efficacy in potential use as a deterrent option.
                       smaller, lighter, and more efficient. There is also
                       a need for them to be able to carry new sensors       5. Polar bear awareness: Human perceptions of polar
                       or be attached in different ways. Examples of            bears and their actions can significantly influence
                       emerging technology likely to assist in tracking         chances of human/bear conflict when working,
                       polar bears include miniaturization and new              living, or recreating in the north. Social science
                       battery technology as well as new tracking device        research that probes this relationship and explores
                       attachment strategies like the one used in the 3M        ways to minimize conflict is needed.
                       Burr on Fur adhesive tags.                            A prototype of one of the Burr on Fur adhesive GPS tags.
                   3. Minimally invasive monitoring: Devices like            As with the ear tags, these smaller tags allow us to study
                      camera traps, Doppler tracking radar, hair snags,      not just adult females, but also males and younger
                      photogrammetric or laser-based body condition          bears, collecting valuable information on the habitat
                      measures, and opportunistic collection of fecal        use of these little-studied groups. Photo by 3M and Polar
                      samples are good examples of non-invasive              Bears International.
                      monitoring tools. Approaches like these can
                      provide useful information on polar bears with
                      minimal disturbance or effect on the animal.
                      Non- or minimally invasive techniques should be
                      pursued and used whenever possible over invasive
                      techniques and can be tested and validated in
                      zoological or aquarium settings.

                   4. Polar bear/human coexistence: Sea ice loss
                      has led to an increase in polar bear sightings in
                      northern coastal communities around the Arctic,
                      a trend that is expected to continue as more polar
                      bears are forced to spend longer periods of time

                   10 | PRBC Masterplan 2022
Work currently underway or not yet published                    o   Body condition; developing an algorithm
                                                                    that allows body condition to be inferred
1. Population assessment                                            from photographs or laser-based three-
                                                                    dimensional imagery.
    o   Collection of aerial thermal images of polar
        bears to train machine learning algorithms to           o   Individual recognition; further development
        detect polar bears in seal surveys.                         of the automated system developed by the
                                                                    Waterman group (Anderson et al. 2010) that
2. Movement and dispersal                                           uses whisker spot patterns to identify bears.
    o   Testing of adhesive satellite tags that attach to
                                                            4. Polar bear/human coexistence
        the bear’s fur while providing movement data.
    o   Ear tag redesign for a smaller more ergonomic           o   Early warning polar bear detection; developing
        tag to replace the current bulkier design.                  a radar technology based system to reduce
                                                                    human-polar bear conflict in remote locations.
3. Minimally invasive monitoring                                o   Polar bear olfactory preferences; assessing a
                                                                    range of scents for their properties as potential
    o   SAR (synthetic aperture radar); a device used               attractants/deterrents.
        to detect polar bear maternity dens under the
        snow while flying overhead.
                                                            5. Improving methods for studying polar bear
    o   Maternal den studies; monitoring polar bear            ecology from tissue samples
        dens with remote camera systems to record
        data on the activity of emerging polar bear             o   Assessing the timing and rate of fur growth
        moms and cubs.                                              in zoo polar bears to improve interpretation
                                                                    of studies of diet, contaminants, and stress
                                                                    hormones in fur.

Polar bear Nora swims in a metabolic chamber as part of an energetics study at the Oregon Zoo.
Photo by Michael Durham/Oregon Zoo.

										                                                                                       PRBC Masterplan 2022 | 11

                                                          Health and Welfare
                     Advisor:      Dr. Randi Meyerson

                     Experts:      Dr. Dalen Agnew, Michigan State

                                   Dr. Todd Atwood, USGS

                                   Dr. Jonathon Cracknell, European
                                   Association of Zoos and Aquaria
                                   Dr. Wynona Shellabarger, Detroit
                                   Zoological Society

                                   Dr. Patricia Pesavento, University of
                                   California, Davis

                     Explanation of the research focus area in
                     relation to polar bear conservation
                     The Veterinary Medicine Research subcommittee
                     identified health and welfare concerns of wild and
                     zoo managed polar bears, trends in pathology, and
                     the threat of emerging diseases in a warming Arctic
                     as their top priorities. Though the greatest threat to
                     polar bears is loss of sea ice, disease related factors
                     were identified as important criteria both for their 2008
                     listing under the Endangered Species Act (USFWS,
                     2008) and for recovery in the 2016 USFWS Polar Bear
                     Conservation Management Plan (USFWS, 2016).
                                                                                 Photo © Daniel J. Cox/NaturalExposures.com
                     A warming and changing Arctic environment is having
                     significant effects on wild polar bears. Shorter annual     While types of impact, such as starvation, decreased
                     periods of sea ice availability, with corresponding         reproduction and immune function, and increased
                     shorter periods of time for bears to hunt ice seals,        susceptibility to disease are easy to predict; studies
                     has been associated with declines in body condition,        of the S. Beaufort Sea polar bears demonstrate that
                     reproductive success, survival, and abundance.              the specific effects on the differing subpopulations
                     Poor body condition decreases immune function,              are not. Differing lengths of time on shore, types and
                     making the bears more susceptible to pathogens,             levels of food source availability, and prior exposure
                     as well as the effects of fat-soluble contaminants,         to pathogens were all shown to have significant effect
                     as their fat supplies become depleted. Additionally,        on the health status of individual bears (Atwood et.al
                     a warming environment, with a greater ice-free              2017; Neuman-Lee et. al 2017).
                     period, increases exposure to infectious diseases,
                     both through increased concentration of conspecifics        While a major focus of the polar bear research
                     and other species affiliated with human settlements,        masterplan is to facilitate ex situ research to help
                     as well as northern migration of novel pathogens            answer in situ questions, the plan also prioritizes the
                     and vectors (Fagre et al., 2015). As the loss of sea ice    need to continue addressing the health and welfare
                     continues unabated, greater exposure to pathogens           concerns of the zoo managed polar bear population.
                     and parasites has the potential to adversely affect the
                     health of the polar bear populations.

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Male polar bear anesthetized for physical examination. Photo by Louisville Zoo.

Examples of work that has happened in zoo                   Pathogenic studies
settings and how it has complemented or informed            Bears in our care, with known health histories,
                                                            exposure locations and the ability to provide
our understanding of polar bear biology and                 sequential blood samples can provide information
management                                                  related to pathogenic titers (Neuman-Lee et al.,
                                                            2017; Dutton et al., 2009). Study results have shined
Gene transcription studies                                  a light on the large number of factors that must be
Studies of gene transcription have been conducted           considered in interpreting results.
to assess ecological and anthropological stressors
(Bowen et.al, 2015). Results revealed immune function
impairment in polar bears from the Beaufort Sea, when
                                                            Research Priority Areas
compared with Chukchi and captive polar bears.              Given the expanse of the study of polar bear health,
                                                            many of the issues identified in this section of the
Feeding trials                                              document will also be included in other areas of the
                                                            Polar Bear Research Masterplan.
Studies involving closely monitored feeding trials
have been performed to quantify dietary lipid and           Additionally, this section not only looks at veterinary
protein preference in zoo bears, and data have been         issues involving wild polar bears, but the health and
compared with that from studies of wild bear diets to       welfare of bears in human care as well. It is essential
infer optimal macronutrient intake (Rode et al., 2021).     that zoo bears are healthy both mentally and physically
Results indicate that bears should consume more lipid       and display many natural behaviors so that research
and less protein than previously thought.                   results are transferable to wild bears.

										                                                                                   PRBC Masterplan 2022 | 13
                     1. Veterinary health and welfare: Although zoos                  o   Investigate the polar bears’ ability to adapt to
                        have greatly improved their facilities and care                   higher thermal temperatures.
                        of bears over the years, managed polar bears
                        continue to face several challenges that may have             o   Identify and address behavioral and
                        an impact on their welfare. The success of the                    physiological causative and indicators of stress.
                        managed population depends on each individual
                        bear’s ability to thrive. Therefore, identifying factors   2. Pathology
                        in the physical and social environments that                  o   Establish/centralize tissue and plasma banks in
                        contribute to positive welfare is critical. In addition           US and Canada
                        to being an important conservation education
                        ambassador for climate change, these bears, as                o   Establish consistent necropsy protocols
                        participants in conservation relevant research,                   for field and zoo use which facilitate
                        afford the opportunity to better understand how                   collaborations and comparisons between
                        current and future environmental changes and                      zoo managed and wild polar bears. Including
                        challenges are affecting or will affect their wild                “how to” photographic documentation,
                        populations as well. Whereas, some areas of study                 morphometrics, and the creation of a
                        are specific to their wild or captive status, other               brief instructional video for necropsy
                        studies have relevance to both populations.                       procedures for field biologists.
                         o   Investigate poor captive reproductive success.           o   Coordinate retrospective and prospective
                                                                                          necropsy data.
                         o   Develop effective hand-rearing protocols.
                                                                                      o   Standardize sampling techniques in the field
                         o   Define effective care and management for                     and zoos in relation to histology, cytology,
                             geriatric bears.                                             virology, toxicology, parasitology, biotoxins,
                         o   Identify common dermatological issues and                    and genetics studies.
                             possible relationships to nutritional status,
                             immune function, reproductive status, and/or
                             water quality.

                     Voluntary blood collection from a polar bear. Photo by Como Park Zoo & Conservatory.

                     14 | PRBC Masterplan 2022
                                                               o   Establish baseline assessment of infectious
                                                                   disease burden.

                                                               o   Establish baseline characterizations of the
                                                                   microbiome and virome.

                                                            4. Technological Advancements for Healthcare

                                                               o   Establish a protocol for indicators/measures
                                                                   of stress- i.e. voluntary blood draw sampling
                                                                   of consecutive cortisol levels after periods
                                                                   of stress to help determine delay period
                                                                   between stressor and blood/fecal/hair
                                                                   cortisol level changes.

                                                               o   Development of techniques that permit oiled/
                                                                   ill/injured bears to be treated in situ and/or in
                                                                   close proximity to their natural territory and
                                                                   associated sub-populations.

                                                               o   Optimize techniques and training of polar
                                                                   bears for minimally invasive sampling and
                                                                   veterinary treatments.

                                                            Studies currently underway or not yet published
                                                            1. Evaluation and comparison of Toxoplasmosis
                                                               gondii titers in wild and zoo polar bears and
Polar bear cub CT scan as part of neurological exam.           implications to the health of the polar bears
Photo by Wynona Shellabarger/Detroit Zoological Society.       and the Inupiat communities that harvest
                                                               them. R. Meyerson and W. Shellabarger, Detroit
                                                               Zoological Society.
3. Emerging diseases
                                                            2. Investigating the relationship between ambient
    o   Evaluate potential emerging diseases from              conditions and thermoregulatory responses
        vector migration northward as habitat warms-           in polar bears. L. Graham, WRG Conservation
        i.e. mosquitoes and West Nile Virus                    Foundation and Ryerson University.
    o   Evaluate disease concerns in their prey species;    3. Multi-institutional evaluation of peri-vulvar
        both availability and possible cross-species           dermatitis in female polar bears and implications
        transmission.                                          to welfare and health concerns in both zoo and
                                                               wild bears. E. Curry, Center for Conservation and
    o   Evaluate increased exposure at the human               Research of Endangered Wildlife, W. Shellabarger,
        interface to infectious disease carriers, such as      Detroit Zoological Society.
        domestic dogs and cats, as polar bears seek
        out human food caches, and humans move              4. West Nile titers in zoo polar bears as indicators
        into or spend greater amounts of time in more          of threat to wild polar bears in a warming
        northern latitudes                                     Arctic. R. Meyerson and W. Shellabarger, Detroit
                                                               Zoological Society.
    o   Evaluate increased exposure to novel species
        as a sequela to warming (isolation, migration)
        or translocation (zoos)

										                                                                                   PRBC Masterplan 2022 | 15

                                                        Physiological and Behavioral Ecology
                                       Advisors:      Dr. Karyn Rode, USGS

                                                      Dr. Anthony Pagano, Washington
                                                      State University

                                       Experts:       Dr. Thea Bechshoft, Polar Bears

                                                      Dr. John Whiteman, Old Dominion

                                                      Dr. Tom Smith, Brigham Young

                                       Explanation of the research focus area in
                                       relation to polar bear conservation
                                       Understanding the mechanisms by which the current
                                       and near-future status of polar bears will be affected by
                                       sea ice loss and other ecosystem changes associated
                                       with climate change is important for informing
                                       management decisions and improving the accuracy
                                       of long-term projections. Although information on            Photo © Daniel J. Cox/NaturalExposures.com
                                       population abundance and trends are critical, for
                                       most polar bear populations the logistical limitations
                                       of gathering data from a species that occupies a very        Examples of work that has happened in zoo
                                       large home range throughout remote regions of the            settings and how it has complemented or
                                       Arctic precludes estimation of population parameters.        informed our understanding of polar bear
                                       Thus, management decisions often must be made
                                       based on inference of population dynamics based              biology and management
                                       on bear health, nutritional condition, behavior, and         In recent years, a number of studies of polar bear
                                       ecology. Further, as sea ice loss has become the             physiological and behavioral ecology have been
                                       primary threat facing polar bears, there is an increased     conducted in zoos, with findings being applied to better
                                       need to understand mechanistic relationships                 understanding polar bears in the wild. These include:
                                       between sea ice loss and polar bear population
                                       dynamics to improve short-term and long-term                 Validation of activity sensors
                                       projections. Thus, increasingly polar bear studies have      Validation of activity sensors in collars for identifying
                                       focused on understanding behavioral responses to sea         polar bear behavior including differentiating
                                       ice loss and physiological limitations in their ability to   resting versus active behavior from archived polar
                                       adapt. To accommodate those studies, new methods             bear activity sensor data (Ware et al. 2015; 2017)
                                       are needed. Polar bears in zoos provide an excellent         and classifying swimming, walking, and resting
                                       opportunity for development of new methods to                behavior using more recently developed tri-axial
                                       monitor polar bear behavior and physiology in the wild       accelerometers (Pagano et al. 2017).
                                       and to better understand the physiological limitations
                                       of the species.                                              Quantifying stable isotopes
                                                                                                    Quantifying routing of stable isotopes in polar bear
                                                                                                    diets into tissues to use samples of polar bear blood and
                                                                                                    hair from wild polar bears to estimate diets (Rode et al.

                                       16 | PRBC Masterplan 2022
2016). This information will allow detection of dietary    Chemical communication
changes over time that may be associated with sea          Studying polar bear chemical communication to better
ice loss or other environmental changes. Because diet      understand social behavior, including breeding (Owen
can affect exposure to contaminants and pathogens          et al. 2015). Little has been known about how polar
(McKinney et al. 2009, 2017), dietary change is an         bears communicate and maintain social relationships
important component of understanding potential             out on the sea ice. Habitat fragmentation associated
cumulative effects of ecological change.                   with sea ice has been identified as a potential factor
                                                           that could disrupt breeding behavior in the spring. This
Measuring metabolic rates                                  study provided baseline information needed in better
Measuring metabolic rates of polar bears while             understanding potential implications of changing
walking and swimming (Pagano et al. 2018 b, c).            habitat conditions on social interactions.
This information is important to understanding the
energetic costs of behavioral changes and variation        Hearing sensitivity in polar bears
in polar bears. For example, polar bears have been         Concerns regarding the spatial and temporal overlap
documented to increasingly swim long distances in          of oil and gas activities and maternal denning on
the southern Beaufort Sea during the annual sea ice        Alaska’s North Slope led to initiation of a studying
minimum (Pagano et al. 2012). Additionally, changes        of hearing sensitivity in polar bears. These baseline
in patterns of sea ice drift have been shown to increase   data (Owen & Bowles 2011) can be used to develop
the rate of walking polar bears must maintain to travel    biologically relevant protective guidelines for
(Durner et al. 2017). Data on metabolic rates will allow   industrial/human activity in sensitive polar bear
quantification of the impacts of such changes.             habitat (Owen et al. 2021)

Female polar bear Tatqiq swimming in her pool at the San Diego Zoo while participating in a study designed
to validate collar-mounted activity sensor data. This study, co-led by USGS and the UCSC, contributed to the
behavioral classification of data generated by both tri-axial accelerometers and mercury tip-switch sensors.
Photo by San Diego Wildlife Alliance.

										                                                                                  PRBC Masterplan 2022 | 17
                                       Priority areas that should take precedence
                                       within this research area
                                       While it is difficult to foresee the variety of ways polar
                                       bears in zoos could help to better understand the
                                       behavioral and physiological ecology of polar bears,
                                       some recent themes have emerged as important
                                       contributions that could be made in the coming years.

                                       1. Improve and validate methods for monitoring
                                          exposure to stressors and the state of chronic
                                          stress via cortisol in hair and urine or other metrics
                                          from blood.

                                       2. Identify the seasonal timing of hair growth and
                                          rates of growth and the factors that affect these
                                          metrics, such as food intake, nutritional condition,
                                          size, age, sex, and environmental conditions in
                                          order to improve use of hair as an ecological
                                          monitoring tool for wild polar bears.

                                       3. Continue to improve estimation of energetic costs
                                          in polar bears including identifying the primary
                                          factors affecting these costs, such as sex, age, and
                                          environmental conditions. These efforts should
                                          include quantification of the energetic costs of
                                          reproduction, lactation, and growth.
                                                                                                    Columbus Zoo bear sniffing meat in feeding trial.
                                       4. Develop a detailed understanding of social                Photo by Devon Sabo.
                                          communication in polar bears and determine how
                                          rapid environmental change may compromise
                                          mate search, courtship, social spacing and                7. Describe the range of maternal care behaviors that
                                          maternal care.                                               are correlated with successful cub rearing.

                                       5. Identifying stimuli to both attract and deter             Work currently proposed, underway or
                                          polar bears. Attractants would be invaluable              not yet published
                                          for improving capture rates for hair sampling
                                          devices. Studies of deterrents may be invaluable          Several studies are currently underway, including
                                          for improving co-existence for human activities in        a study of hair growth rates, a comparison of
                                          polar bear habitat.                                       micronutrients in polar bear serum between wild
                                                                                                    and zoo bears, an evaluation of optimal dietary
                                       6. Better understand macro and micronutrient                 macronutrient ratios, estimation of stable isotope
                                          requirements, including relationships between             discrimination in the lipid and protein components
                                          intake and weight gain, in order to better                of blood serum, and a study of bear behavior for
                                          understand implications of changing diets.                improving hair collection.

                                       18 | PRBC Masterplan 2022
Advisor:            Dr. Erin Curry, CREW, Cincinnati
                    Zoo & Botanical Garden

Experts:            Dr. Laura Graham,
                    Ryerson University

                    Dr. Gaby Mastromonaco,
                    Toronto Zoo

                    Dr. Justine O’Brien, Taronga
                    Conservation Society Australia

                    Dr. Terri Roth, CREW, Cincinnati
                    Zoo & Botanical Garden

Explanation of the research focus area in
relation to polar bear conservation
                                                            Photo © Daniel J. Cox/NaturalExposures.com
A reduction in the availability of Arctic sea ice upon
which polar bears hunt is resulting in decreased female     samples can be collected regularly from the ex situ
body weights (Stirling et al. 1999; Rode et al. 2010;       population, the concentrations and fluctuations
Obbard et al. 2016), is predicted to result in increased    of specific hormones and biomarkers can be
reproductive intervals (Derocher and Stirling, 1994),       characterized in controlled settings and throughout
and to negatively impact litter sizes (Molnar et al.        the lifetime of an individual, an impossible endeavor
2011). Reproductive success is essential to species         when considering the wild population. Information
survival, and reduced fecundity is often a precursor        gained from studying zoo bears may allow for more
to a population’s decline. Given the impending crisis       accurate assessments of the reproductive physiology
facing wild bears, the advancement of reproductive          of wild populations and may provide insights into
monitoring techniques will provide enhanced                 how variables such as body condition, environmental
methodologies necessary to better determine how the         contaminants, and human disturbances may impact
species is coping with the changing environment.            reproductive processes of in situ populations.

Anthropogenic impact, such as human-induced                 Examples of work that has happened in zoo
climate change and environmental contaminants,              settings and how it has complemented or
may impact fertility of polar bears, but the ability to
assess the intricacies of reproduction in this species is
                                                            informed our understanding of polar bear
hindered by a lack of monitoring methods. In females,       biology and management
there is no established technique for diagnosing            A growing number of reports have stemmed from
pregnancy or distinguishing true pregnancy                  research of the ex situ population and have provided
from pseudo-pregnancy; therefore, frequency of              insight into the medley of reproductive phenomena
pregnancy loss cannot be determined. In males,              experienced by this species:
there are challenges associated with the collection
of semen, so knowledge of baseline gamete biology           Non-invasive monitoring methods to better
is deficient. The zoo managed population of polar           characterize reproductive processes
bears provides valuable opportunities to develop            Fecal and urine progesterone and testosterone
improved monitoring approaches that may enhance             metabolite analyses have yielded understanding
our understanding of how various factors impact             of ovarian activity, including timing of ovulation
the reproductive physiology of wild bears. Because          and re-activation of the corpus luteum in females

										                                                                                   PRBC Masterplan 2022 | 19

               An ultrasound examination is conducted on an anesthetized female polar bear. Photo by Seneca Park Zoo.
               that have bred. Progestogen analysis of females            on which he was trained, but he failed to generalize to
               which were housed without males or with non-               novel pregnancies. Fecal testosterone analysis showed
               intact males has provided verification that true           that testosterone concentrations are significantly
               pseudopregnancy does exist in this species (Stoops         higher during the breeding season and that males
               et al., 2012, Steinman et al., 2017, Knott et al., 2017)   housed with females exhibit higher testosterone
               and indicates that progesterone concentrations alone       than those housed without females, indicating that
               cannot be used to infer pregnancy status. Seasonal         testosterone concentrations may be influenced by the
               and reproductive impact on fecal glucocorticoid (FGC)      presence of sexually mature females (Curry et al., 2012).
               excretion was studied in a small group of pregnant
               and pseudopregnant bears (Bryant and Roth, 2018).
                                                                          Defining breeding season and assessing
               Glucocorticoid patterns varied among individuals
                                                                          reproductive behaviors
               and were not consistent within pregnancy status
                                                                          An investigation of multi-institutional records has
               or across seasons. Fecal protein analyses indicated
               that the concentrations of specific proteins and           defined the polar bear breeding and cubbing seasons:
               protein fragments may be significantly higher in           85% of matings occurs between 12 February and 8 April
               pregnant versus pseudo-pregnant females (Curry et          (Curry et al., 2012) and 74% of litters were born between
               al., 2012); however, additional research is needed to      13 November and 15 December, with mean and median
               determine if fecal proteins may provide an accurate,       litter birth dates of 29 November (Curry et al., 2015).
               reliable pregnancy test. Similarly, in a study aimed to    Because entire mating bouts are difficult to observe, and
               determine if odor detection dogs could distinguish         the precise day of parturition is unknown in wild bears,
               fecal samples originating from pregnant versus non-        detailed descriptions of breeding and parturition dates
               pregnant polar bears (Curry et al., 2021), the dog         in zoos may be useful in characterizing the reproductive
               alerted on novel samples collected from pregnancies        seasonality of this species.

               20 | PRBC Masterplan 2022
Semen collection and cryopreservation
Performing urethral catheterization in males
anesthetized with medetomidine results in a sperm
recovery rate of 87% in the breeding season and 30%
in the non-breeding season (Wojtusik (in prep), Curry
2016 and 2017). These methods are field-friendly and
potentially could be used to assess sperm parameters
of wild bears while also providing valuable genetic
material for long-term storage. The effects of various
semen extenders and sperm cryopreservation
methods are being studied, and a polar bear sperm
bank has been established. Current cryopreservation
methodologies result in a post-thaw sperm motility
rate of up to 60% (unpublished; CREW).

Priority areas that should take precedence
within this research pillar
The reproduction research priorities are focused on
three strategies which are in alignment with the Polar
Bear Research Council’s mission: 1) Use the ex situ
population to better characterize basic reproductive
physiology and improve monitoring techniques for
comparison and application to in situ polar bears; 2)
conduct research that is necessary for maintaining
a viable, sustainable ex situ population for scientific
research with application to wild bears; and 3) preserve
the extant gene pool to prevent loss of genetic diversity   Polar bear sperm. Photo by Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical
that could occur due to environmental changes.              Garden.

1. Improve and expand reproductive monitoring                  behaviors. Identifying factors or management
   capabilities: Although fecal steroid metabolite             strategies among individuals and institutions
   analysis provides insight into reproductive                 that experience reproductive success may allow
   processes, no definitive diagnostic indicators              predictions to be made on potential causes of
   of ovarian activity and pregnancy have been                 reproductive failure in wild bears. Maintaining a
   validated. Efforts should be made to further                viable ex situ population is essential in serving
   investigate non-invasive (feces, urine, saliva, other)      a wide range of conservation-relevant research
   and minimally invasive (serum) biological matrices          needs, but currently, the ex situ population is
   and novel approaches to expand and improve                  not self-sustaining due to low reproductive
   the ability to monitor reproductive processes.              success in recent years. Research needs include:
   Specific areas that warrant research are: methods           understanding optimal body condition and
   to diagnose and monitor pregnancy, including                nutritional needs for cub production; determining
   points of pregnancy failure; characterization of            the influence of environmental contaminants on
   ovarian dynamics, including the stimulus required           reproductive processes; identifying exogenous
   for ovulation; evaluation of steroid hormones
                                                               and/or endogenous cues for regulation of
   and biosynthesis pathways; investigation of
                                                               emergence from embryonic diapause; evaluating
   temporal trends in non-steroid hormones, and;
                                                               housing and/or management strategies, including
   examination of biomarkers of metabolism and
   their relationships to reproduction.                        light and noise pollution, on reproductive behavior
                                                               and cub production; evaluating the genetic
2. Identify factors impacting reproductive                     relatedness of individuals in zoos, and; developing
   success: It is generally unknown why some zoo               and utilizing assisted reproductive technologies
   managed bears produce cubs and others do not,               (ART) to maintain a research population and to
   despite exhibiting seemingly normal copulatory              preserve valuable genetics.

										                                                                                  PRBC Masterplan 2022 | 21
               3. Assess reproductive anatomy and gamete
                  biology: There is limited data on the basic
                  anatomy of polar bear reproductive systems
                  and pathologies that may impact reproductive
                  processes. Immobilizations and necropsies provide
                  opportunities to visualize and evaluate reproductive
                  tracts, assess pathologies, collect and cryopreserve
                  gametes to preserve valuable genetic material, and
                  preserve tissues collected post-mortem.

               Reproductive studies currently underway
               or not yet published
               Non-invasive monitoring: Fecal steroid metabolite
               changes associated with sexual maturation (CREW,
               manuscript in prep); Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS)
               quantification in feces collected from both zoo
               and wild bears (Brandhuber, U of Alaska Fairbanks;
               quantification of testosterone concentrations in group-
               housed vs. solo housed male polar bears (McCart, York
               University); PGFM quantification in parturient vs. non-
               parturient bears (CREW).

               Pregnancy diagnosis: Investigation into specific fecal
               proteins as biomarkers of pregnancy using sequential
               window acquisition of all theoretical ion fragments
               (SWATH; CREW); fecal volatile organic compound (VOC)
               analysis (collaboration between CREW and Dr. Wilson
               at University of Saskatchewan); fecal metabolomics
               profiling (collaboration between CREW and Cincinnati
               Children’s Hospital Medical Center)                        Researchers perform a fertility exam and artificial
                                                                          insemination procedure. Vaginal endoscopy allows
               Serum hormone analysis: Quantification of Anti-Mullerian   visualization of the cervix. Photo by Henry Vilas Zoo.
               hormone (AMH) concentrations by sex, season, age, and
               fertility status (Tompros/CREW); development of a multi-
               plex serum panel to measure leptin, prolactin, FSH, LH,
                                                                          extenders (CREW, Toronto Zoo); laparoscopy and
               kisspeptin, melatonin, and Vitamin D in serum banked
               from zoo bears (Wojtusik/CREW).                            ultrasonography of the female polar bear (Justine
                                                                          O’Brien, SeaWorld & Busch Gardens Reproductive
               Identifying factors impacting reproduction: Long-term      Research Center (SWBGRRC), Todd Robeck (SWBGRRC),
               effects of contraception on reproduction in polar bears    and Dean Hendrickson (Colorado State); vaginal
               (CREW, manuscript under review); nutrition and body        endoscopy, endocrine data (paired fecal and urine),
               weight during pregnancy (Toronto Zoo, in process).         and AI (Justine O’Brien, Karen Steinman (SWBGRRC),
               Physiological assessments of reproductive systems:         and CREW); histopathology of reproductive tracts
               Semen collection and cryopreservation, both at             collected post-mortem (Agnew & Shellabarger);
               physical examinations and post-mortem/post-                assessment of prevalence of perivulvar dermatitis in
               castration (CREW, Toronto Zoo); evaluation of semen        zoo bears (Shellabarger).

               22 | PRBC Masterplan 2022
Anderson, C.J.R., Lobo, N.D.V., Roth, J.D., and Waterman,       Curry, E., Safayi, S., Meyerson, R., and Roth, T.L. (2015).
   J.M. (2010). Computer-aided photo-identification                 Reproductive trends of captive polar bears (Ursus
   system with an application to polar bears based                  maritimus) in North American zoos: a historical
   on whisker spot patterns. Journal of Mammalogy                   analysis. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research
   91(6):1350–1359.                                                 3:99-106.

Atwood, T.C., Colleen Duncan, C., Patyk, K.A., Nol, P.,         Curry, E., Skogen, M., and Roth, T.L. (2021). Evaluation of
   Rhyan, J., McCollum, M., McKinne, M.A., Ramey, A.M.,             an odour-detection dog for non-invasive pregnancy
   Cerqueira-Cézar, C.K., Kwok, O.C.H., Dubey, J.P., and            diagnosis in polar bears (Ursus maritimus):
   Hennage, S. (2017). Environmental and behavioral                 Considerations for training sniffer dogs for biomedical
   changes may influence the exposure of an Arctic                  investigations in wildlife species. Journal of Zoo and
   apex predator to pathogens and contaminants.                     Aquarium Research 9:1-7.
   Scientific Reports 7:13193.
                                                                Curry, E., Stoops, M.A., and Roth, T.L. (2012). Non-
Barnas, A.F., Felege, C.J., Rockwell, R.F., and Ellis-Felege,       invasive detection of candidate pregnancy protein
    S.N. (2018). A pilot (less) study on the use of an              biomarkers in the feces of captive polar bears (Ursus
    unmanned aircraft system for studying polar bears               maritimus). Theriogenology 78:308-314.
    (Ursus maritimus). Polar Biology 41(5):1055-1062.
                                                                Derocher, A.E., and Stirling, I. (1994). Age-specific
Bissonnette, P. (2020). Adult polar bear behaviour: Using          reproductive performance of female polar bears
    non-invasive techniques to assess social play. MSc             (Ursus maritimus). Journal of Zoology 234:527–536.
    thesis, University of Manitoba, Canada.
                                                                Durner, G.M., Douglas, D.C, Albeke, S.E., Whiteman, J.P.,
Bowen, L., Miles, A.K., Waters, S., Meyerson, R., Rode, K.,        Amstrup, S.C., Richardson, E.S., Wilson, R.R., and Ben-
   and Atwood, T. (2015). Gene transcription in polar              David, M. (2017). Increased Arctic sea ice drift alters
   bears (Ursus maritimus) from disparate populations.             adult female polar bear movements and energetics.
   Polar Biology DOI 10.1007/s00300-015-1705-0.                    Global Change Biology 23:3460-3473.
Bryant, J., and Roth, T.L. (2018). Annual faecal                Dutton, C.J. , Quinnell, M., Lindsay, R., DeLay, J., and
    glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations in                    Barker, I.K. (2009). Paraparesis in a polar bear (Ursus
    pregnant and pseudopregnant polar bears (Ursus                 maritimus) associated with West Nile virus infection.
    maritimus) in North American zoos. Journal of Zoo              Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40(3):568-71.
    and Aquarium Research 6(1):6–11.
                                                                Fagre, A.C., Patyk, K.A., Nol, P., Atwood, T., Hueffer, K.,
Curry, E., and Roth, T.L. (2016). A rapid, minimally-invasive       and Duncan, C. (2015). A review of infectious agents
    method of collecting semen from polar bears.                    in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) and their long-
    Proceedings of the International Embryo Transfer                term ecological relevance EcoHealth DOI: 10.1007/
    Society 42nd Annual Conference. Louisville, KY.                 s10393-015-1023-6.
Curry, E., and Roth, T.L. (2017). A rapid method of semen       Knott, K.K., Mastromonaco, G.F., Owen, M.A., and
    collection from polar bears immobilized with                   Kouba, A.J. (2017). Urinary profiles of progestin and
    medetomidine. Proceedings of the 22nd Biennial                 androgen metabolites in female polar bears during
    Society for Marine Mammalogy. Halifax, Nova Scotia.            parturient and non-parturient cycles. Conservation
Curry, E., Roth T.L., MacKinnon K.M., and Stoops, M.A.             Physiology 5:1-12.
    (2012). Factors influencing annual fecal testosterone
    metabolite profiles in captive male polar bears (Ursus
    maritimus). Reproduction of Domestic Animals

										                                                                                         PRBC Masterplan 2022 | 23
LaRue, M.A., Stapleton, S., Porter, C., Atkinson, S., Atwood,   Owen, M.A., Pagano A.M., Wisdom, S.S., Kirschhoffer,
   T., Dyck, M., and Lecomte, N. (2015). Testing methods          B., Bowles, A.E. and O’Neill, C. (2021). Estimating
   for using high‐resolution satellite imagery to monitor         the audibility of industrial noise to denning
   polar bear abundance and distribution. Wildlife                polar bears. The Journal of Wildlife Management
   Society Bulletin 39(4):772-779.                                85(2):384-396.
McKinney, M.A., Atwood, T.C., Pedro, S., and Peacock,
   E. (2017). Ecological change drives a decline in             Pagano, A.M., Carnahan, A.M., Robbins, C.T., Owen, M.A.,
   mercury concentrations in Southern Beaufort Sea                 Batson, T., Wagner, N., Cutting, A., Nicassio-Hiskey, N.,
   polar bears. Environmental Science and Technology               Hash, A., and Williams, T.M. (2018a). Energetic costs
   51:7814-7822.                                                   of locomotion in bears: is plantigrade locomotion
                                                                   energetically economical? Journal of Experimental
McKinney, M.A., Peacock, E., and Letcher, R.J. (2009). Sea         Biology 221(12), DOI:p.jeb175372.
   ice-associated diet change increases the levels of           Pagano, A.M., Cutting, A., Nicassio-Hiskey, N., Hash, A.,
   chlorinated and brominated contaminants in polar                and Williams, T.M. (2018b). Energetic costs of aquatic
   bears. Environmental Science and Technology                     locomotion in a subadult polar bear. Society for
   43:4334-4339.                                                   Marine Mammalogy DOI: 10.1111/MMS.12556.
Molnár P.K., Derocher, A.E., Klanjscek, T., and Lewis, M.A.     Pagano, A.M., Durner, G.M., Amstrup, S.C., Simac, K.S., and
   (2011). Predicting climate change impacts on polar              York, G.S. (2012). Long-distance swimming by polar
   bear litter size. Nature Communications 2:186.                  bears (Ursus maritimus) of the southern Beaufort
Neuman-Lee, L.A., Terletzky, P.A., Atwood, T.C., Gese,             Sea during years of extensive open water. Canadian
   E.M., Smith, G.D., Greenfield, S., Pettit, J., and French,      Journal of Zoology 90:663-676.s
   S.S. (2017). Demographic and temporal variations             Pagano, A.M., Robbins, C.T., Carnahan, T., Owen,
   in immunity and condition of polar bears (Ursus                 M.A., Batson, T., Wagner, N., Hash, A., Williams,
   maritimus) from the southern Beaufort Sea. Journal              T.M. (2018c). Costs of locomotion in two large
   of Experimental Zoology: 327(5):333-346.                        plantigrade carnivores: polar bears and grizzly
Obbard, M.E., Cattet, M.R.L., Howe, E.J., Middel, K.R.,            bears. Journal of Experimental Biology 221(12):
   Newton, E.J., Kolenosky, G.B., et al. (2016). Trends in         https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.175372
   body condition in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from         Pagano, A.M., Rode, K.D., Cutting, A., Owen, M.A., Jensen,
   the Southern Hudson Bay subpopulation in relation               S., Ware, J.V., Robbins, C.T., Durner, G.M., Atwood,
   to changes in sea ice. Arctic Science 2:15-32.                  T.C., Obbard, M.E., Middel, K.R., Thiemann, G.W., and
Owen, M.A., and A. E. Bowles. (2011). In-air auditory              Williams, T.M. (2017). Using tri-axial accelerometers
  psychophysics and the management of a threatened                 to identify wild polar bear behaviors. Endangered
  carnivore, the polar bear (Ursus maritimus).                     Species Research 32:19-33.
  International Journal of Comparative Psychology
  24:244-254.                                                   Prop, J., Staverlokk, A., and Moe, B. (2020). Identifying
                                                                    individual polar bears at safe distances: A test with
Owen, M.A., Swaisgood, R.R., Slocomb, C., Amstrup,                  captive animals. PLoS ONE 15(2): e0228991.
  S.C., Durner, G.M., Simac, K., and Pessier, A.P.              Rode, K.D., Amstrup, S.C., and Regehr, E.V. (2010).
  (2015). An experimental investigation of chemical                Reduced body size and cub recruitment in polar
  communication in the polar bear. Journal of Zoology              bears associated with sea ice decline. Ecological
  295:36-43.                                                       Applications 20:768-782.
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