2022 Open Enrollment Guide - City of Shafter Innovative Solutions. Enduring Principles.

Page created by Cody Porter
2022 Open Enrollment Guide - City of Shafter Innovative Solutions. Enduring Principles.
2022 Open Enrollment Guide
                      City of Shafter

License No.
License No.0451271
            0451271              Innovative Solutions. Enduring Principles.
2022 Open Enrollment Guide - City of Shafter Innovative Solutions. Enduring Principles.
FDAC EBA Benefit Program
Open Enrollment is the one time of the year that you can make changes to your employee benefit elections
without a “qualifying event”. If you would like to change from one plan to another, or change your enrollment
for yourself or dependents, you must do so during Open Enrollment. The Open Enrollment period is from
October 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021. Any changes will go into effect January 1, 2022.
Please visit www.shafter.com/openenrollment for information on making health benefit changes; if you are
enrolling yourself or your eligible dependents for the first time, please provide marriage or birth certificates for
any new dependents. If you are declining coverage, please complete the appropriate section on the Universal
Health Form provided on the aforementioned website and return the form to your Benefits Administrator by
October 31, 2021.

When making your selections you should be aware of the following information:
Dental Coverage: No changes in design will be made to the 2022 Dental coverage offered through Delta
Dental or MetLife.
Vision Coverage: No changes in design will be made to the 2022 Vision coverage offered through VSP.

If you’re not making any changes in your benefits, no further action is required. Your
current coverage will remain the same.

License No. 0451271                                               Innovative Solutions. Enduring Principles.
FDAC EBA Dental Program
 Delta Dental
                                                    City of Shafter
                                                     Group #05972
                                                    Division #01040
                      FDAC EBA Plan 2C
                      Coinsurance                                  In-Network       Out-of-Network
                       Preventive & Diagnostic                        100%                100%
                       Basic                                           90%                 80%
                       Crowns, Jackets & Cast Restorations             60%                 50%
                       Prosthodontics                                  60%                 50%
                       Per Patient per Calendar Year                             $50
                       Per Family per Calendar Year                             $150
                       Per Patient per Calendar Year                            $1,500
                       Coinsurance                                               50%
                       Lifetime Maximum per Patient                             $1,500
                      *Does not apply to Preventive & Diagnostic services

License No. 0451271                                                    Innovative Solutions. Enduring Principles.
FDAC EBA Dental Program
 MetLife Dental DHMO

                                                    City of Shafter
                                                    Group #5734740
                                                                   Member            Procedure
                      DHMO Services
                                                                  Copayment            Code
                      Office Visit (per visit)                          $5
                      Diagnostic Treatment                              $0         D0120 - D0180
                      Radiographs/Diagnostic Imaging (X-rays)           $0         D0210 - D0350
                      Tests and Examinations                            $0         D0460 - D0470
                      Preventive Services                             $0 to $30    D1110 - D1555
                      Restorative Treatment                           $0 to $80    D2140 - D2394
                      Crowns                                      $0 to $225       D2510 - D2970
                      Endodontics                                 $0 to $210       D3110 - D3920
                      Periodontics                                $19 to $300      D4210 - D4910
                      Removable Prosthodontics                    $0 to $150       D5110 - D5851
                      Crowns/Fixed Bridges (per unit)             $0 to $100       D6210 - D6930
                      Oral Surgery                                $0 to $175       D7140 - D7971
                      Orthodontics                                $0 to $1,450     D8020 - D8693
                      Adjunctive General Services                     $0 to $25    D9110 - D9952

License No. 0451271                                                   Innovative Solutions. Enduring Principles.
FDAC EBA Vision Program
                                                          City of Shafter
                                                        Group #12262789
                                                          Division #3082
                      Signature Plan B4
                      Plan Frequency (Benefit Every # of Months)              In-Network     Out-of-Network
                      WellVision Exam                                             12               12
                      Lenses                                                      12               12
                      Frames                                                      24               24
                      Contact Lens                                                12               12
                      VSP Provider Copayment Schedule
                      WellVision Exam                                            $10             Up to $50
                                                                             Combined with    Up to $50, $75,
                       Single vision, lined bifocal, lined trifocal lenses
                                                                                Exam            and $100
                       Polycarbonate lenses for dependent children
                      Lens Options:
                       Standard progressive lenses                               $50
                       Premium progressive lenses                              $80 - $90
                       Custom progressive lenses                              $120 - $160
                      Contacts (instead of glasses):
                       $120 allowance for contacts*                            Up to $60        Up to $105
                       Contact lens exam (fitting and evaluation)
                       $130 allowance for a wide selection of frames         Combined with
                                                                                                 Up to $70
                       $150 allowance for featured frame brands                 Exam
                       20% off amount over your allowance
                      * Copay does not apply

License No. 0451271                                                           Innovative Solutions. Enduring Principles.
 2022 Monthly Premiums

                                        City of Shafter
                                                           Delta Dental
                      Dental PPO Coverage:
                       Employee Only                          $51.47
                       Employee + Spouse                      $98.48
                       Employee + Child(ren)                 $113.25
                       Employee + Family                     $174.02

                                                          MetLife Dental              VSP
                      Dental DHMO & Vision Coverage:
                                                             DHMO                    Vision
                       Employee Only                         $20.21                   $7.92
                       Employee + 1 Dependent                $38.40                  $15.89
                       Employee + Family                     $53.57                  $25.56

License No. 0451271                                            Innovative Solutions. Enduring Principles.
FDAC EBA Vendor Partners
 Contact List

    Who to Contact
    The quickest way to find answers to your benefits questions is to go directly to the source. This contact list includes web
    addresses and phone numbers for the administrators of each of our benefit plans. The insurance company can verify
    benefits and coverage or copayment information. We suggest you contact the insurance company prior to seeking care
    should you have any questions in regards to your benefits.
                              COVERAGE                                  MEMBER SERVICES                    WEBSITE/EMAIL
      Delta Dental PPO                                                        800.765.6003               www.deltadentalins.com
      MetLife Dental DHMO                                                     800.275.4638                 www.metlife.com
      VSP                                                                     800.877.7195                    www.vsp.com
     FDAC EBA Customer Service Center
      Customer Service                                                        844.580.6856               fdaceba@keenan.com
     ThrivePass (Retiree & COBRA Administration)
      Customer Service                                                        866.855.2844                 tpa@thrivepass.com

License No. 0451271                                                          Innovative Solutions. Enduring Principles.
The FDAC EBA benefits presented in this packet are in summary format. A complete and detailed
              outline of benefits is available through the Summary Plan Description (SPD). FDAC EBA rates are
              valid for the 2022 plan year. If you require additional materials, please contact the FDAC EBA
              Customer Service Center at (844) 580-6856 or via email at FDACEBA@Keenan.com.

License No.
License No.0451271
            0451271                                                    Innovative Solutions. Enduring Principles.
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