2022 BLUE BOOK - FCLTGlobal
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REWIRING CAPITAL MARKETS TO DRIVE LONG-TERM VALUE B U S I N E S S LE A D E R S H AV E LO N G S T R U G G LE D TO W E I G H I M M E D I AT E F I N A N C I A L N E E D S AG A I N S T O B J E C T I V E S M A N Y Y E A R S I N TO T H E F U T U R E . FCLTGlobal’s work makes it clear that those who participate in the capital markets can improve the system. In July 2016, CPP Investments and McKinsey teamed with BlackRock, Dow, and Tata Sons to found FCLTGlobal as an independent non-profit. Businesses and investors from around the world came together to stem the tide of short-term actions and their consequences. Since our founding, we have worked with our members to provide evidence and research that will help to make long-term practices the norm. Now, FCLTGlobal celebrates its fifth year in operation. Our mission remains to focus capital on the long term to support a sustainable and prosperous economy, and we are rewiring capital markets to drive long-term value creation for savers and communities. Practical actions and strategies, rather than theory, have helped to move the needle. It is in that spirit that FCLTGlobal was founded. It is also in that spirit that we present the first edition of the FCLT Blue Book, a showcase of how long-term decision-making can create positive outcomes for companies, investors, and their millions of stakeholders globally. FCLTGlobal’s members drive the movement towards sustainable capitalism. The pages that follow are a compilation of real-world examples of how FCLTGlobal’s members are putting long-term strategies into practice today, the first of what we expect to be many such projects to crystallize how companies and investors are translating research to action. It is our hope that these practical illustrations will inspire others to embrace the mission of focusing capital on the long term. We encourage readers to consider models of long-term decision-making similar to those featured here, and we thank those who have contributed their time, effort, and valuable insight to this project. Around the world and across the investment value chain, our members and many other organizations like them are looking beyond the next quarter and seeing the bigger picture: prioritizing future objectives over near-term targets will inevitably produce better, more equitable, and more sustainable performance over the long term. Sincerely, Sarah Keohane Williamson Chief Executive Officer
TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) 21 JP Morgan Investment Management 3 APG Asset Management 22 Kempen Capital Management 4 Baillie Gifford 23 Kering 5 Barclays 24 KPMG 6 BlackRock 25 Mastercard 7 Blackstone Group Inc. 26 McKinsey & Company 8 Brookfield Asset Management Inc. 27 MSCI Inc. 9 Bunge 28 Nasdaq 10 Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) 29 Nuveen Asset Management 11 The Carlyle Group 30 Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan 12 CPP Investments 31 Russell Reynolds Associates 13 Dow 32 Schroders 14 DSM 33 State Street Corporation 15 Edelman 34 Unilever 16 Ernst & Young 35 Vista Equity Partners Management, LLC 17 EQT Partners 36 Votorantim 18 Federated Hermes 37 Washington State Investment Board 19 GIC Private Limited 38 Wellington Management Company 20 IFM Investors
ALBERTA INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT CORPORATION (AIMCO) E VA N S I D DA LL | C H I E F E X ECUTI V E O FFI C E R D R I V I N G R E TU R N S A N D M A N AG I N G R I S K F O R T H E LO N G -T E R M C R E AT I O N O F A N I N - H O U S E A R T I F I C I A L A L P H A L AY E R ’ S A I A N D M L A P P L I C AT I O N S I N T E L L I G E N C E A N D M AC H I N E L E A R N I N G A L S O P R OV I D E R E V E N U E S O U R C E JOINT VENTURE In AIMCo’s case, the organization has and will continue to As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) benefit from AlphaLayer’s AI and ML solutions, but there began to disrupt industries around the world, it became is an additional upside. The joint venture is expected to obvious that investment managers would have to harness make money, too. Commercializing AlphaLayer’s AI and ML the power of these technologies or risk being left behind. applications will add an additional revenue source to the It seemed that the options were to develop AI and ML benefit of AIMCo clients, a premise that is expected to pay capabilities in-house or wait for third-party solutions to off for decades to come. be developed and then pay to play. For AIMCo, one of Canada’s largest institutional investment T H E F U T U R E ? H U M A N - M AC H I N E S O LU T I O N S managers, a third option presented itself, one that offered The AlphaLayer team has been focused on delivering AI potential to benefit clients for years to come. In 2019, AIMCo solutions across all areas of the investment management partnered with Edmonton-based AltaML, a machine learning industry from back to front office by building solutions company, to establish a joint venture called AlphaLayer. that create operational efficiencies, generate innovations Since creation, AlphaLayer has built AI and ML solutions in risk management and create unique sources of to help AIMCo associates process trade matches, forecast investment returns. However, according to Chad Langager, changes in credit ratings, develop sentiment insights by way AlphaLayer’s Managing Director, there is even more of natural language procession (NLP) and generate more potential yet to be realized. “Human/AI integration within accurate risk forecasts. firms is not yet solved in any industry. This uncertainty will continue to cause ‘bumpiness’ as AI/ML is integrated and adopted more and more. There is every indication, I NTE G R ATI O N O F A I A N D M L A LLOW however, that human-machine solutions will be far more I N V E S TM E NT TE A M S TO F O C U S O N powerful than either human or machine-based solutions. H I G H E R -VA LU E WO R K We feel that is the future and are excited about proving it “Pretty early on, we developed efficiencies by incorporating out with AIMCo.” AI into some operational processes — and the value of that should not be underestimated,” said Dale MacMaster, AIMCo’s Chief Investment Officer. “But everyone was keen to see AI and machine learning boosting investment returns. I can say now with some confidence that we have a trading strategy that is using AI to process data and identify opportunities and it’s adding value to our clients’ portfolios.” While AlphaLayer has provided short-term success, the strategy is inherently long term. Business leaders and investors universally agree that artificial intelligence and machine learning will transform businesses by reducing costs, managing risks, streamlining operations, accelerating growth and promoting innovation. Using and developing strong AI and ML capabilities allows team members to focus on higher-value work. 2 2022 BLUE BOOK
APG RO N A LD W U IJSTE R | C H I E F E X ECUTI V E O FFI C E R TH E E S TA B LI S H M E N T O F S U S TA I N A B LE D E V E LO P M E N T I N V E S T M E N T S A S S E T OW N E R P L AT F O R M ( S D I AO P) APG Asset Management, together with, AustralianSuper, U S I N G A I TO Q UA N T I F Y C O N T R I B U T I O N O F British Columbia Investment Management Corporation I N V E S T M E N T S TO S D G S (BCI) and PGGM in 2020, jointly established the To ensure alignment with the United Nation Sustainable Sustainable Development Investments Asset Owner Development Goals and quantify the contribution of an Platform (SDI AOP). This platform helps to accelerate investment to such goals, the SDI Asset Owner Platform investments to deliver on the Sustainable Development developed an SDI Methodology which consists of: Goals and thereby support investment outcomes for i. detailed taxonomies and guidelines end beneficiaries. As asset owners, we are creating a community of investors who are jointly advancing the ii. a methodology to define the classification of the SDIs SDI AOP standard for investing into the UN Sustainable iii. SDI classifications Development Goals SDGs. The SDI AOP aspire to drive innovation in the investment industry with the standard iv. the rating methodology of SDI classifications being made available to all market participants. To translate the SDI taxonomy into a classification system to determine whether a given company is or is not SDI S O LV I N G DATA C H A L L E N G E S eligible, we partner with Entis, a data and software Global investors increasingly consider the SDGs relevant technology firm (in which APG is shareholder). Entis to their investment strategy, policy, asset allocation, uses natural language processing of structured and investment decisions and active ownership, according unstructured data (annual reports, trade descriptions to research by the Principles for Responsible Investment and website text) to determine the SDI status (Majority, (PRI). However, a lack of quality data to identify Decisive, Non-SDI), SDI Confidence, SDI Revenue contributions to the SDGs has been an impediment Percentage and Main SDGs for each company. Entis for investors, and companies struggle to adapt their currently covers 8,700 entities (equities & bonds). disclosures to meet investor needs. By providing a globally consistent SDG measurement framework, the SDI Asset Owner Platform helps investors to imbed A B I L I T Y TO R E P O R T T R A N S PA R E N T A N D the SDGs into their investment processes. C O N S I S T E N T DATA For the SDI AOP, the primary focus is on companies’ positive contribution to the SDGs through their products S H A R E D U N D E R S TA N D I N G O F S U S TA I N A B L E and services (the ‘what’), whereas for ESG is typically D E V E LO P M E N T I N V E S T M E N T S ( S D I S ) focused on conduct (the ‘how’). For example: making The SDI AOP allows asset owners and their managers solar panels (SDI) versus having operational policies, to connect around the shared objective of measuring and management systems, targets, and disclosure in place understanding their portfolio investments’ contributions (ESG). This enables investors to assess their global to the SDGs. These goals, set by the United Nations capital markets’ portfolios on their contribution to the in 2015, aim for a better, more prosperous world, by SDGs and to report to clients and external stakeholders addressing urgent global issues such as water scarcity, transparently and consistently, using a common and healthcare access, and protecting the environment. auditable standard. The SDI definition and taxonomy Investments in companies whose products or services are public and equally applicable to private market contribute to the realization of the SDGs are called investments. Qontigo is the global financial services Sustainable Development Investments (SDIs). company that is the distributor of the SDI AOP standard, and current subscribers to the SDI AOP represent EUR 9.500 billion assets under management. 2022 BLUE BOOK 3
BAILLIE GIFFORD A N D R E W TE LFE R | C EO A LI G N I N G C A P ITA L W IT H A F O C U S O N T H E F UT U R E , N OT T H E E X IT At Baillie Gifford, we seek to be engaged, long-term owners wealth creation. We will own a company for as long as of businesses. Our average holding period is over seven our investment case remains intact, regardless of how years and our preferred holding period is eternity. Focusing that company chooses to capitalize itself. on the ‘hold’ rather than on how to buy or sell businesses is how we have created value for clients over time. T H E C A S E F O R A DA P T I N G F U N D S T R U C T U R E S Our portfolio companies choose to work with us because O F P R I VAT E M A R K E T PA R T I C I PA N T S we are focused on their long-term outcomes. In private Over the past year our clients have offered a near universal markets in particular, the business owners we work with appreciation of the need to adapt fund structures around are at a point in their lifecycle where a stable partner is the changing needs of private market participants. We have critical to executing on long-term objectives. When we can seen a groundswell of support around the principle of better fit long-term capital to the long-term objectives of business alignment and the need for continuity of ownership. Some owners there is a natural alignment. clients have discussed the need to change the way they consider employee compensation to remove any misaligned In private markets that alignment does not yet exist as it incentives. Others are questioning the need for narrowly should. Historical investor holding periods of three to four defined buckets within their asset allocation which may years, driven by antiquated vehicle structures, has created be creating unnecessary transaction costs, opportunity a transactional mindset. These structures do not meet the costs and reinvestment risks. Regardless of whether our needs of business owners, nor do they maximize return clients make these changes now or in a decade’s time, it is potential for asset owners. In 2021 we set out to establish rewarding to know this dialogue is underway and that there a private equity vehicle that would re-establish alignment is consensus on how to better align our industry over time. between business owners, asset owners and ourselves. Being long term in private markets allows us to solve this dislocation between management teams and investors. O F F E R I N G A P E R M A N E N T C A P I TA L M I N D S E T Being long term allows us to provide well-aligned capital T H R O U G H A 1 5 -Y E A R V E H I C L E with a focus on the future, not the exit. Being long Our goal was to bring a permanent capital mindset to a term allows us to provide continuity of capital to these limited-life vehicle. On behalf of our clients, we want to businesses and, crucially, continuity of ownership for be able to own businesses for as long as the investment our clients. thesis holds and the upside potential remains intact. We have always been able to execute on our philosophy by operating within permanent capital structures, but not everyone can invest in these vehicles. There are two issues with the private market vehicle structure we were looking to solve: • he 10-year fund is not a long-term vehicle. If the T limited life vehicle is going to remain relevant, there needs to be an acknowledgment that longer-term commitments are necessary. Ours is a 15-year fund. Incidentally, many clients have remarked that their 10-year funds end up as 15-year funds anyway due to extensions. • he IPO is an artificial divide between private and T public markets. The IPO is a corporate finance decision that is virtually unrelated to the investment case behind owning a business. That it has become a liquidity event within private equity fund structures is destructive to 4 2022 BLUE BOOK
BARCLAYS C S V E N K ATA KR I S H N A N | G ROU P C H I E F E X ECUTI V E B U I LD I N G A S U S TA I N A B LE LO C A LLY- S O U R C E D C A M P U S W H I LE R E G E N E R AT I N G G L A S G OW The UK is a world leader in financial services and Glasgow realize a shared vision of redeveloping an area that has plays an important part in this success. The Barclays been derelict for decades. Our regeneration of the area Glasgow campus will be home to approximately 5,000 has breathed new economic life into the city, expanding Barclays colleagues by 2023, and has transformed the the city center across the River Clyde to the south while, local area through regeneration. crucially, building a site that will retain and attract the best talent. Barclays set out to build something transformative, bringing the community together, helping entrepreneurs The project has had at its core a sourcing objective flourish, and supporting local enterprise. During the that has prioritized local businesses and entrepreneurs construction of the campus, over 70 Scottish firms — whether that is sourcing locally printed fabric for worked on site, with two thirds from Glasgow. As part furnishings, using locally timbered wood in construction, of the project we transformed a brownfield site into a city or bringing on-site community-based micro enterprises center park with spaces for community events and two to showcase and sell their products. Many of the small historic buildings have been restored for public use. businesses that have been engaged in this project have been able to hire new staff, scale-up, and re-open after At the heart of our vision was a world class and sustainable lockdown due to their partnership with Barclays. campus that contributes to Barclays ambition to become a net zero bank by 2050. To that end, we are installing We also tasked our lead contractors to deliver the project a Sustainability Centre on Campus, that will provide via local and diverse subcontractors. This supported self-generated solar energy and rely on carbon-free Barclays’ drive for local solutions, social mobility, and technology to heat and cool the buildings. The site also diversity & inclusion. offers community hub spaces which allow us to work with local social enterprise, local start-ups and great local E M P LOY M E N T A N D E AG L E L A B S : B R I N G I N G micro businesses. The building and workspace have been T E A M S TO G E T H E R TO D R I V E I N N OVAT I O N designed with collaboration in mind and it will support This project is the latest step in our global location strategy us in our ambition to deliver the latest innovations to our which is focused on bringing teams closer together to customers and clients. drive innovation and collaboration whilst striking the right balance between working collaboratively and the D E S I G N E D TO B E D I F F E R E N T: Z E R O WA S T E , need for flexibility. The campus is home to a number of B I O D I V E R S I T Y, A N D N E U R O D I V E R S I T Y teams working across our business, including high value The campus builds on Barclays’ net zero ambitions technology, risk, and compliance roles, and will soon host and zero waste strategy and with a desire to prioritize a Barclays Eagle Lab. As one of the UK’s largest incubator sustainability in a city center site. The Campus will be networks, these labs help to nurture skills and create the first to achieve zero waste by 2025. It will offer thriving entrepreneurial eco-systems. reusables and onsite compost that will be repurposed Working with universities in Glasgow and Edinburgh, for our landscaping needs. We will also produce our own Barclays has been developing a robust pipeline of honey and support city biodiversity with 60,000 honey graduate and apprenticeship opportunities. We have bees on site. increased headcount in Glasgow by over 90% over the The building was also designed with neurodiversity last four years, including 750 people during the COVID in mind. Being careful about the choice of finishes, pandemic, and by 2023 Glasgow will account for around the acoustics and the light quality were all important 10% of our UK workforce. considerations to drive inclusivity at the campus. Barclays is proud to have delivered this project which will help to shape the evolution of Glasgow’s city center over RE VIVE , INSPIRE AND REGENER ATE THROUGH the long-term, through lasting benefits for both society LOCAL SOURCING AND DIVERSIT Y & INCLUSION and the wider local economy. Throughout the project we have collaborated well with the main economic agencies and local government to 2022 BLUE BOOK 5
BLACKROCK TA K I N G A LO N G -T E R M V I E W For more than a decade, Larry Fink, CEO and Chairman and strengthen our commitment to sustainability in of BlackRock, has written an annual letter to the CEOs our investment and stewardship activities. BlackRock of companies BlackRock invests in for our clients. He and other institutional investors have called for greater began writing about themes he believes are important reporting from companies under frameworks like the to generating durable returns because many investors Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures are increasingly distracted by what are often immaterial (TCFD) and Sustainability Accounting Standards market moves. He felt there needed to be a louder voice Board (SASB) so we can better understand long-term for the investors focused on the long term. sustainability-related risks. He has written about capital management, corporate It also led BlackRock to create new investment funds strategy, purpose, sustainability, and stakeholder and other initiatives like Decarbonization Partners, which capitalism. These and other topics have changed over invests in the next generation of technologies that will time, but the central thread through all of them is that bring us closer to a net zero economy. And it inspired our companies need to be managed with a long-term view. philanthropic donation to Breakthrough Energy’s Catalyst Program, which invests in accelerating the development Over the years these letters have become an influential and scaling of clean energy solutions that will mitigate factor for CEOs considering how to create value, not the impact of climate change. just for their shareholders, but other key stakeholders including employees, clients, customers, and the Taking a long-term view is at the foundation of communities in which they operate. They are also a BlackRock’s strategy. Whether it’s through engaging driving force for BlackRock’s employees, who play a with CEOs and their management teams as stewards central role in defining how we operate as a business, of our clients’ investments; the investment products how we serve our clients, and how we innovate ahead and risk management tools we create; or empowering of clients’ needs. our employees; it defines how we deliver for all our stakeholders. C R E AT I N G I M PAC T The impact of these letters can be felt across the business community. When Larry Fink’s letter on the importance of corporate purpose was published in 2018, some of America’s largest employers responded. The Business Roundtable, a leading group of American CEOs, redefined the purpose of a corporation to promote “an economy that serves all Americans”. The new statement reflected a shift away from shareholder primacy and a move towards stakeholder capitalism, and the need for corporations to serve all key stakeholders to deliver long-term value. DRIVING CHANGE Sustainability is another area where taking a long-term view is crucial for corporate success. In 2020, BlackRock coined the phrase “climate risk is investment risk” and called for a greater focus on the effects of climate change on asset valuations. A long-term view led us to put a greater emphasis on climate-related disclosures 6 2022 BLUE BOOK
BLACKSTONE D E C A R B O N I Z AT I O N P L AT F O R M A N D C O M M IT M E N T TO I N V E S T I N G AT S C A LE I N TO T H E E N E R GY T R A N S IT I O N TO C R E AT E VA LU E F R O M R E D U C E D E M I S S I O N S At Blackstone we invest for the long-term on behalf of our E X P E C T E D I M PAC T ? G R O W T H F R O M C L E A N investors, including over 100 million pensioners, and the E N E R GY, D E C R E A S E C O2 , A N D C L E A N communities in which we operate. Our patience allows E N E R GY J O B S us to develop strong, resilient companies and assets that The project is expected to have tremendous positive can deliver both long-term value for our investors, and benefits — it will deliver 1,250 MW of clean energy to long-term resilience for a more sustainable future. New York City by 2025, enough to power over 1M homes and decrease CO2 emissions by an estimated average U S I N G D E C A R B O N I Z AT I O N L E S S O N S L E A R N E D of 3.9M metric tons per year, which is equivalent to TO B U I L D A N I N D U S T RY- L E A D I N G P L AT F O R M removing 44% of cars from the city. The project is also For example, over the last decade, we have partnered expected to create approximately 1,400 jobs during closely with our portfolio companies to help them reduce construction, with a commitment to using union labor, and carbon emissions. In the process, we have learned a lot includes a $40 million new Green Economy Fund that will about what works — and what doesn’t — when it comes provide job training for clean energy jobs. to reducing carbon emissions across a wide variety Our decarbonization platform and our commitment to of assets in vastly different sectors of the economy. investing at scale into the energy transition is a testament We have built what we believe is an industry-leading to what investors with a long-time horizon can achieve. decarbonization platform and are committed to a target of reducing carbon emissions by 15% in aggregate within the first three years of ownership, starting in 2021, for every company in which we control energy usage — a commitment informed by climate science. Our long-term investment horizon gives us time to partner with our portfolio companies to help them achieve a stronger, lower-carbon future. R E N E WA B LE E N E RGY TR A N S M I S S I O N P R OJ E C T TO LI N K M O NTR E A L A N D N E W YO R K C IT Y We also invest at scale in certain industries that can drive transformational change in the global economy, such as the energy transition. Our committed and intentional approach to investing in the energy transition allows us to stay with projects longer than many other investors would have the patience for. One example of our strategy in action is the proposal we helped craft with TDI, a portfolio company, to build the Champlain Hudson Power Express, a 339-mile renewable energy transmission project linking Montreal and New York City. After over a decade of commitment, including close collaboration with communities, labor organizations, environmental stewards, and municipalities, New York State selected TDI’s proposal in October 2021. 2022 BLUE BOOK 7
BROOKFIELD CO N N O R TES KE Y | H E A D O F R E N E WA B LE POW E R & TR A N S ITI O N B R E ATH I N G N E W LI F E I N TO W I N D FA R M S Net zero by 2050 hinges on a significant leap toward clean Since most of the existing infrastructure will remain in energy in this decade. That’s because 73% of the world’s place (the land, the permits, the foundations and the emissions come from the energy sector. According to connections to the grid), the timeline for repowering is the International Energy Agency, by 2050, almost 90% of moving quickly — we expect to complete the project electricity generation will need to come from clean sources in under 24 months. In addition, we are minimizing — with wind and solar together accounting for nearly 70%. project risks by leveraging our existing relationships This means that wind capacity needs to increase by 11x, with equipment suppliers, financing partners, permitting while solar needs to rise by 20x. Successfully reaching authorities, and power off-takers. these multi-decade goals will require a long-term view Once completed, the repowering at Shepherd’s Flat on the development and operation of power generation will have the impact of increasing power production by assets, and by extension, a long-term perspective on approximately 25% annually and extending the life of the building value for investors. facility by 30 years. While many investors would have As one of the world’s largest renewable power businesses, chosen solely to maximize the asset’s current cash profits, we see enormous potential in wind repowering as an we looked beyond that and invested for long-term value essential step in greening global power grids. Repowering as well. Moreover, in addition to the current asset, we will is essentially upgrading and refurbishing existing wind have the option to build another 400 MW of capacity next farms to create power at a greater scale, more efficiently to the facility — thereby contributing to the 11x increase and for a longer period of time. The idea behind it is needed in the IEA’s pathway to net zero by 2050. simple: by installing new, larger blades and rotors and/or new software at an existing site, we can enhance energy A W I D E - R E AC H I N G O P P O R T U N I T Y capture at a fraction of the cost of building a new facility — The implications of wind repowering go beyond this between 30% and 50% — and extend the useful life of the one asset: In the next five years, we estimate that 200 wind farm by several decades. gigawatts of global wind turbine capacity will age into being candidates for repowering around the world. That is REPOWERING ONE OF THE L ARGEST WIND the equivalent of about 240 Shepherd’s Flat assets over FA R M S I N T H E U S the next five years. The greening of global power grids is In February 2021, we announced our US$700 million the single largest decarbonization opportunity around the purchase of Shepherd’s Flat, an 845-megawatt wind farm world today. Fortunately, most of today’s carbon emissions in Oregon that is one of the largest in the US — and an are abatable by using existing technologies — like wind attractive candidate for repowering. We were the successful repowering — that are commercially viable at scale. bidders on the asset partially due to our differentiated view on value — we understood the value of the in-place assets and contracts, but we were also willing to forgo some short- term cash flows for a couple of years while the asset was being repowered. We also had the operational experience to execute on the investment, thereby increasing production levels and extending the life. We began the repowering project in June 2021, replacing the hardware of over 320 turbines with longer rotors and more efficient equipment. The new blades we are installing at Shepherd’s Flat are 27 meters longer (a 27% increase), as well as lighter and stronger. These extra-long blades are able to pick up low levels of wind that would have slipped by the older, shorter blades. 8 2022 BLUE BOOK
BUNGE G R EG H EC KM A N | C H I E F E X ECUTI V E O FFI C E R I NTE G R ATI N G S U S TA I N A B I LIT Y I NTO E V E RY B U S I N E S S F U N C TI O N — F R O M S U PPLY C H A I N S TO E M PLOY E E CO M P — PR O PE L S E S G LE A D E R S H I P S CO R E S At Bunge, we connect farmers to consumers to sustainably global operations, promote regenerative farming practices, deliver essential food, feed and fuel to the world. Our key and emphasize decarbonization in shipping and logistics. areas of growth — expansion of our oilseed processing and • A substantial portion of emissions reduction within our origination capabilities, production of renewable feedstocks, supply chains (Scope 3) is tied to our industry-leading increasing our plant lipids portfolio and development of new commitment to have deforestation-free supply chains in plant-based protein ingredients — are not only central to our 2025. The decision to pair our SBTs to our non-deforestation business strategy but also a testament to the alignment of policy was praised by stakeholders, including Ceres, PRI, and sustainability with our corporate vision. Climate Action 100+ investors. In the past two years, company-wide improvements enabled • In December 2021, we closed on the refinancing of our $1.75 Bunge to take advantage of improved market conditions and billion, three-year revolving credit facility. The interest rate generate record earnings, positioning ourselves for long-term is linked to our credit ratings and to five core sustainability success. We provide value for our shareholders while continuing targets, creating a meaningful connection between Bunge’s to accelerate our focus on sustainable business opportunities capital structure and sustainability strategy. that contribute to more climate-friendly agribusiness and food systems. • As of January 1, 2021, performance-based sustainability goals are a component of the annual incentive bonuses paid to our executive team and over 5,500 of our O N E B U N G E G LO BA L O PE R ATI N G M O D E L H E LP S employees. Our compensation framework is based on a I N CO R P O R ATE SUSTA I N A B I LIT Y AC ROSS pay-for-performance philosophy with payout now directly STR ATEG I C B US I N E SS D EC I S I O N S impacted by our attainment of certain sustainability targets. After Bunge’s 2019 One Bunge announcement of a new, global operating model that eliminated multiple regional structures, the company also implemented more disciplined financial E SG D I SC LOSU R E E A R N S B E ST- I N - C L A SS SCO R E S practices around risk management, the balance sheet and FRO M I N STITUTI O N A L I N V E STM E NT CO M M U N IT Y capital allocation. At the same time, Bunge began more directly Bunge is a leader among our peers across leading incorporating sustainability into the strategic business decision- environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure making process. platforms and our efforts to integrate sustainability into our • Bunge divested more than $1 billion in non-strategic assets business and supply chains have contributed to strong ESG and businesses and is investing in sustainable businesses disclosure scores year over year. such as plant-based fats, oils and proteins. A joint venture • We continue to receive AAA ratings from MSCI, positioning with Chevron will produce feedstock to supply the rapidly us ahead of industry peers. growing renewable fuel industry, helping lower the lifecycle carbon intensity of fuels. • In 2021, Bunge received “B” ratings — leading scores in our peer group — for CDP Forests, Water and Climate, an • Bunge made significant technology investments to improve important platform used by our global customers to assess traceability and monitoring of supply chains, help connect supplier sustainability. upstream supplies and enhance efficiency of transportation. • For 2021 and 2022 Bunge was named “Most Responsible Companies” by Newsweek Magazine. M E E TI N G SUSTA I N A B I LIT Y TA RG E TS V I A N O N - • Over 3,000 investors surveyed by Institutional Investor D E FO R E STATI O N SU PPLY C H A I N S , R EG E N E R ATI V E placed Bunge at #3 in the Food Producer category for ESG FA R M I N G , A N D I N C E NTI V E BO N US E S performance and transparency. We fight climate change with carbon-focused decision making across our organization. We are constantly working Actions taken over the past few years have resulted in a to minimize our environmental footprint and take action to noteworthy business and financial turnaround for Bunge. And reduce greenhouse gas emissions through our commitment we did so as we raised our climate ambition by progressing to climate action. toward our existing sustainability commitments, setting more • We announced Science-Based Targets (SBTs) to achieve aggressive ones as needed, and investing in our potential absolute reduction in carbon emissions for our own across new growth areas. Taken together, we believe we are on operations and in our supply chains. To meet these targets, the right path to deliver meaningful and impactful climate action Bunge will make significant enhancements across our while delivering strong results for shareholders. 2022 BLUE BOOK 9
CAISSE DE DÉPÔT ET PLACEMENT DU QUÉBEC C H A R LES E M O N D | PR ES I D E NT A N D C H I E F E X ECUTI V E O FFI C E R P R OV I D I N G “ C O N S T R U C T I V E C A P ITA L” F O R I N N OVAT I O N S T H AT D E LI V E R P E R F O R M A N C E AND PROGRESS Long-term investing is at the core of our identity at Caisse the pandemic. Elsewhere in our portfolio, Lightspeed, de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ). We see it as a Canadian e-commerce software firm, was surging. a journey, not a destination, and this perspective informs We saw the connection and gave Ivanhoé Cambridge’s our decision-making processes. tenants free access to its software for a year, helping them to make major strides on the digital commerce front As a global investment group, we have responsibilities while boosting Lightspeed’s growth with new clients. to multiple stakeholders wherever we do business. This means we look beyond immediate financial outcomes to leverage a broader viewpoint focused on sustainability H O L D I N G O U R S E LV E S A N D T H E C O M PA N I E S when we make decisions. W E I N V E S T I N TO T H E H I G H E S T S TA N DA R D S Our “constructive capital” approach is inherently a We are a provider of “constructive capital,” which means long-term one. CDPQ cannot fulfill its dual mandate that our capital allocations drive performance and — delivering optimal returns and contributing to the progress. This approach leads us to innovations that will development of Québec’s economy — by observing the build stronger companies and benefit the communities markets and merely capitalizing on current opportunities. where we invest. We create our own through our unique perspective while holding ourselves — and the companies we invest in — H E L P I N G C O M PA N I E S D E C A R B O N I Z E T H E to the highest standards. This mindset permeates every H I G H E S T- E M I T T I N G S E C TO R S A N D AC H I E V E aspect of our investing, including asset allocation, portfolio S C I E N C E - B A S E D TA R G E T S construction, stewardship investing and risk management. That’s why we are also acutely aware of our role in Doing it well makes our capital truly “constructive.” bringing positive and constructive change in light of the climate crisis. One example of the steps we are taking is our CAD 10-billion envelope focused on accelerating the climate transition. Our goal is not just to decarbonize our own portfolio, but also to foster the transition of the real economy. So with this envelope, we are engaging in the tough work of decarbonizing the highest-emitting sectors, like steel, lithium, plastics and copper. We help companies achieve the science-based targets that we set, and we will measure and report on our own progress annually. In the long term, we expect these companies to be better positioned to thrive and to outperform as a result. D E P LOY I N G C A P I TA L TO Q U E B E C C O M PA N I E S I M PAC T E D BY PA N D E M I C For us, the turbulence of the pandemic has been another opportunity to use our capital constructively. In the first weeks of the crisis, CDPQ deployed a CAD 4-billion envelope to support Québec companies temporarily affected by it while having good prospects for long-term profitability. We also engaged operationally with concrete measures to help the retail tenants of our real-estate subsidiary, Ivanhoé Cambridge, which were hard hit by 10 2022 BLUE BOOK
CARLYLE KE WSO N G LE E | C H I E F E X ECUTI V E O FFI C E R P R I VAT E C O M PA N Y E S G DATA C O N V E R G E N C E P R OJ E C T In a rapidly changing world, Carlyle believes that impact 1 0 0 L P S A N D G P S S I G N O N TO R E P O R T O N S I X is a lens for finding efficiencies and capitalizing on new K P I S F O R 1 3 0 0 P R I VAT E C O M PA N I E S growth, as we see the market valuing a wider set of This project maintains the long-term objective to create business models and competencies. By helping our a critical mass of meaningful, performance based ESG portfolio companies improve across these dimensions — data from private companies, prioritizing near-term action. from creating sustainability-driven growth strategies to Impact thus far includes: building more diverse teams — we believe we will build • Over the first 8 months of 2021, seven asset managers more valuable businesses and deliver better results for and eight investors came together to agree upon all stakeholders. sox metrics that GPs would collect in the initial year: ESG data is a critical to understand and advance ESG Scopes 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions, renewable improvements in companies over time. Its current state, energy usage, board diversity, work-related injuries, however, is incredibly challenged. Investors can’t see net new hires, and employee engagement. standardized, comparable ESG data across their portfolios, • To date, more than 100 LPs and GPs have joined the asset managers are struggling under a mounting volume effort, meaning the six KPIs will be provided for more of bespoke ESG data requests, companies are sorting than ~1300 private companies. Whenever an LP asks through an increasingly complex set of ESG frameworks for these data points, participating GPs will provide and standards, and broad-based data about ESG those 6 KPIs using the same definition and same performance for private equity-owned companies doesn’t format — enabling transparent/comparable data exist in the market. across portfolios. In order to address these challenges, we needed to take a • In order to accelerate the field at large, each asset long-term view on strategy and aspiration, but a near-term manager has agreed to anonymize portfolio company view on tactical implementation. To this end, in 2021, we ESG data, and aggregate centrally into benchmarks co-led the creation of the ESG Data Convergence Project to drive industry insights — Boston Consulting Group alongside CalPERS and a number of our other LP and GP published a research paper based on historical data partners, forming the first-ever GP-LP cohort to create a submitted by participating asset managers. Since the critical mass of material, performance-based, comparable launch of the project in September 2021, over 100 GPs ESG data from portfolio companies. and LPs have signed on, representing over $8 trillion in AUM. G P S A N D P O R T F O L I O C O M PA N I E S B E N C H M A R K E S G P O S I T I O N S A N D T R AC K P R O G R E S S / L P S G E T T R A N S PA R E N C Y The objective of the group is to streamline the private market’s historically fragmented approach to collecting and reporting ESG data in order to create a critical mass of meaningful, performance-based, comparable ESG data from private companies. This allows GPs and portfolio companies to benchmark their current position and generate progress toward ESG improvements, while enabling greater transparency and more comparable portfolio information for LPs. Importantly, this enables us to more effectively help portfolio companies improve their performance on material ESG issues. 2022 BLUE BOOK 11
CPP INVESTMENTS JO H N G R A H A M | PR ES I D E NT A N D C H I E F E X ECUTI V E O FFI C E R In 2013, when CPP Investments and McKinsey & Company consistent investment decisions and mitigate risk. The launched the Focusing Capital on the Long Term initiative Investment Beliefs provide clarity and consistency to CPP to advance practical actions to focus business and markets Investments’ decision-making, a guide to evaluate and on the long term, we had no way of knowing that it would select appropriate investment strategies globally, and a take on a life of its own and that in 2021, we would be compass to stay the course. celebrating the fifth anniversary of FCLTGlobal. E X A M P L E : I N C O R P O R AT I N G N O N - M A R K E T I N V E S T M E N T O R G A N I Z AT I O N S W O R K FAC TO R S I N TO D E C I S I O N - M A K I N G C R E AT E S TO G E T H E R TO D E V E LO P LO N G -T E R M M O R E S U S TA I N A B L E VA LU E PORTFOLIO GUIDE For example, one of our Investment Beliefs is that As part of the Focusing Capital on the Long Term ‘incorporating non-market and emergent factors into initiative, CPP Investments led a working group of decision-making creates more sustainable value’. This over 20 investment professionals from institutional belief that corporations and organizations that better investment organizations around the world to develop identify and appropriately manage environmental, social the Long-Term Portfolio Guide to “reorient portfolio and governance factors and other long-term strategic strategies and investment management to focus capital issues are more likely to endure, and create greater value on the long term.” over the long term, than those that do not, is integral to how we invest and is reflected in investment processes, This early working group was an embodiment of the including our proxy voting principles and guidelines. work that FCLTGlobal does today in bringing together different members of the investment value chain to Today, we remain an active member of FCLTGlobal and discuss and solve common strategic challenges. The are engaged on issues that will shape our industry and Long-Term Portfolio Guide did not take a “one size fits all” capital markets for years to come. These include research approach. It encouraged institutional investors, within projects on climate change, risk management, and equity, the context of their own unique situations, to evaluate, diversity, and inclusion in PE-controlled company boards. adapt, and adopt an organizationally appropriate mix of these ideas to enhance the long-term value they create for their beneficiaries. C P P I N V E S T M E N T S D E V E LO P S INVESTMENT BELIEFS VIA A FUND -WIDE C O N S U LTAT I O N P R O C E S S A key recommendation of the Long-Term Portfolio Guide was for institutional investors to clearly articulate investment beliefs, with a focus on their portfolio consequences, to provide a foundation for a sustained long-term investment strategy. As a result, CPP Investments developed our first set of Investment Beliefs in 2019. We underwent a Fund- wide consultation process, where all employees across the organization were asked to participate in working sessions to help draft our Investment Beliefs. Our Investment Beliefs are core to our strategy and serve as a guide for our day-to-day investment decisions. These beliefs serve as a foundation for our long-term investment goals while ensuring that we make 12 2022 BLUE BOOK
DOW INC J I M FIT TE R LI N G | C H A I R M A N A N D C H I E F E X ECUTI V E O FFI C E R At Dow, our ambition is to become the most innovative, D E V E LO P I N G T H E W O R L D ’ S F I R S T N E T-Z E R O customer-centric, inclusive, and sustainable materials C A R B O N E M I S S I O N S E T H Y L E N E C R AC K E R science company in the world. To achieve this vision A N D D E R I VAT I V E S C O M P L E X T H AT W I L L requires a combination of near-term adaptability and DECARBONIZE 20% OF DOW ’S WORLDWIDE long-term strategic decision making, to ensure the E T H Y L E N E C A PAC I T Y Company remains relevant and competitive while creating Notably, we are developing the world’s first net-zero meaningful value for all stakeholders both today and into carbon emissions ethylene cracker and derivatives the future. Since its separation from DowDuPont in 2019, complex in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, which will Dow has made significant progress advancing its ambition, decarbonize ~20% of our global ethylene capacity while supported by a long-term mindset that is reflected in more than tripling the ethylene and downstream derivative everything we do. This approach has ensured Dow’s capacity at the site and delivering ~$1 billion in EBITDA business remains resilient across the economic cycle, growth by 2030. This is a key investment that allows us to delivering top-quartile cash flow, cost performance, net meet the increasing needs of our customers and brand debt reduction and shareholder renumeration, all while owners seeking to lower the carbon footprint of their advancing our leadership position in ESG. products. For example, plastics remain an indispensable part of a low-carbon future — they make cars lighter and CONSUMERS DRIVE DEMAND FOR more fuel efficient, homes more energy-efficient and S U S TA I N A B L E P R O D U C T S reduce food waste — a major contributor to the world’s The foundation of our leadership is a purpose-built carbon emissions. Our disciplined approach positions us portfolio, which is positioned to solve many of the world’s well to lead the industry in decarbonizing, growing, and toughest challenges. Importantly, there are several accelerating our path toward carbon neutrality. growth drivers in the industry that will increase demand for our products, including connectivity, efficiency, and E S G M E T R I C S A D D E D TO E M P LOY E E sustainability. Specifically, sustainability is a significant P E R F O R M A N C E AWA R D S P R O G R A M S growth opportunity for Dow as customers around the world We expect to deliver all this while continuing to enhance are demanding more circular and sustainable products. And our industry-leading ESG profile in support of our ambition. with Dow’s global scale, leadership in materials science We are accelerating our actions to protect the planet, and chemistry, and alignment to attractive market verticals, placing an intentional focus on inclusion, diversity and our portfolio is differentiated and well-equipped to capture equity, and driving best-in-class governance practices. We growth across these trends over the long-term. do this while ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of our people; the reliability of our operations; and serving PL A N TO AC H I E V E A N ET-ZE RO C A R BO N as a force for positive social change in the communities E M ISS ION S FUTU R E WH I LE G ROWI N G E A R N I N GS where we live and work. Consistent with our commitment To that end, in October 2021, we announced a disciplined to transparency and accountability, we’ve set clear goals plan to continue delivering value growth while achieving against which to measure our progress, including the a net-zero carbon emissions future. Through these efforts, addition of ESG metrics to our employee and officer we expect to increase underlying EBITDA by more than Performance Award programs, as well as the publication of $3 billion through the execution of higher-return, lower- INtersections — our holistic and comprehensive ESG report. risk, faster-payback projects as well as our efficiency By working at the intersections of science and sustainability, programs, including plans to digitalize the company and culture and accountability, Dow is partnering with others to become more customer-centric. At the same time, we are encourage new thinking, advance ESG issues that matter implementing a phased, site-by-site approach to replace most to our stakeholders, and unlock new avenues of end-of-life assets with lower-emissions, lower-capex, growth that will power our success for the future. higher-ROIC and higher-capacity operations, with a clear path to a 30% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030, and zero-carbon emissions by 2050. 2022 BLUE BOOK 13
DSM G E R A LD I N E M ATC H E T T CO - C EO, C FO, A N D M E M B E R O F TH E M A N AG I N G BOA R D TR A N S FO R M I N G FO O D SYS TE M S FO R H E A LTH I E R PE O PLE , PL A N E T & LI V E LI H O O D S Done right, the way that we grow, produce, and eat food beyond the limits of what our planet can provide in terms of benefits not only our own health, but that of society and the land and resources. DSM is working to transform how we can planet too. Yet how to feed everyone with nutritious and sustainably produce and consume food as a society. healthy food while protecting those who produce it and • Our commitment: To enable double-digit on-farm without further straining the environment? At DSM, a global livestock emissions reduction by 2030. Proteins are leader in science-based nutrition, we’ve been striving to highly nutritious and fundamental to a healthy, balanced address these challenges for many years. In 2021, we stepped diet. However, animal farming impacts our climate and the up our efforts by making explicit our ambition to transform the natural world. At DSM, we are working closely with best- sustainability of global food systems as we continue delivering in-class industry partners to develop future-proof thinking, on our purpose of creating brighter lives for all. scientific breakthroughs, and cutting-edge technologies to help farmers develop cost-effective emissions- OU R V I S I O N : A WO R LD W H E R E E V E RYO N E H A S reduction practices. ACC E SS TO N UTR ITI O N A N D PRO DUC TI O N O F • ur commitment: Reaching 150 million people with O FOO D LE AV E S N O FOOTPR I NT plant-based foods by 2030. At the same time, we are We envisage a world where everyone has access to good working to support alternatives, such as through enzymes nutrition. Where agriculture and the production of food leaves that can deliver a better taste, texture, and mouthfeel in no environmental footprint. Where food loss and waste does plant-based foods. We are directly investing in plant-based not exist anymore. And where farmers and their communities protein derived from canola (rapeseed) as well as from don’t just survive but thrive. Building on our scientific strengths peas and beans as viable meat and dairy alternatives. and innovation power, we have made firm, measurable commitments that will see us improve the health of the planet, of people, and of livelihoods by 2030. H E A LTH Y LI V E LI H OO DS: SU PP O RTI N G A N D R E WA R D I N G FA R M E RS FO R HE ALTH FOR PEOPLE: CLOSING THE SUSTA I N A B I LIT Y PR AC TI C E S MICRONUTRIE NT GAP AND SUPPORTING IMMUNIT Y We need to ensure that the farmers who produce our food can At DSM, we’re working to provide good, affordable nutrition do so sustainably, while benefitting from new farming practices. that supports better health and wellbeing. • Our commitment: Supporting the livelihoods of 500,000 • Our commitment: Help close the micronutrient gap of smallholder farmers by 2030. Rewarding farmers for 800 million people by 2030. More than two billion people applying the most sustainable methods, training them worldwide lack essential micronutrients such as vitamins to help make it happen and supporting them to secure a and minerals in their diets. We are working hand-in- steady income will be transformational. We will be scaling hand with local and international partners to introduce up Africa Improved Foods, our Joint Venture in Rwanda innovative solutions for widescale staple food fortification with local authorities and development agencies which and public health supplements for vulnerable people. aims to provide healthy food for the local population and Our initiatives are already helping several hundred million a better, steadier income for smallholder farmers through people each year, but we want to go further. local sourcing. • ur commitment: Supporting the immunity of half a billion O Long-term sustainability is at the heart of our purpose-led people by 2030. The global pandemic has highlighted ethos — we were among the first companies to have an the need for good nutrition — such as vitamins C and D, emissions reduction plan to be independently validated by the Omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics — to protect everyone’s global Science Based Targets initiative to align with the Paris health and immunity. We will work closer with governments Climate Agreement. Our progress on these new ambitions and other partners to drive awareness of this important link will be externally audited each year in our Integrated Annual and ensure sufficient vitamin intake for more people. Report, with DSM one of the few companies in the world to seek reasonable assurance on all our impact reporting. The reason is simple: We cannot be successful in a world that fails. H E A LTH FO R PL A N E T: R E DUC I N G LI V E STOC K E M I SS I O N S A N D I N V E STI N G I N PL A NT- BA S E D PROTE I N Food accounts for more than a quarter of all global greenhouse gas emissions and the world is moving further 14 2022 BLUE BOOK
EDELMAN E S G G LO B A L R E P O R T I N G C E N T E R O F E XC E LLE N C E W I LL H E LP B U I LD S TA K E H O LD E R S ’ T R U S T The trends in ESG reporting have transformed the that prioritizes 1) technical subject matter expertise corporate landscape in just a couple of years, moving from relevant at a global level, available to all clients as needed nice-to-have to must-have across the globe, and acting in real time 2) delivery on reporting needs at a local level, as a prism through which one can examine how business in line with existing client coverage expectations. We leaders can establish trust with all their stakeholders. now call this integrated team the Edelman ESG Global Reporting Center of Excellence. Its key strategic pillars are: DEFINING THE CHALLENGE: ENHANCING 1. Permanent leadership for the CoE — rather than purely S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y C O M M U N I C AT I O N S A N D project-based — staffed by established professionals D E T E C T I N G E VO LV I N G T R E N D S with backgrounds in sustainability reporting, At Edelman, we have a long-standing sustainability investment management, and ESG consulting advisory capability, working with clients on how to 2. Mandatory training programs for all CoE staff on define and position their purpose and ESG goals, and the fundamental building blocks of reporting (e.g., therefore enhance the effectiveness of their sustainability GRI Academy, SASB FSA credential, CFA Institute communications. In many instances, however, these client Certificate in ESG Investing) assignments have remained in the regional or subject matter expertise silos where they first landed. This left our 3. Furthering the agenda — through regular thought global Edelman teams often unaware about what certain leadership pieces and client advisory notices on clients were asking of us, and therefore unprepared to changes in reporting trends, such as the TCFD detect how trends were evolving. And given the nature of guidance update in November 2021 reporting assignments — with often very tight deadlines and sense of exhaustion lingering after the project’s With this new approach, we feel better positioned to completion — it was also creating many short-term respond to client assignments, as well as provide truly best business opportunities that accumulated in a random in class execution on their ever-increasing ESG reporting manner globally, but it did not allow us to have a long-term needs. As of January 2022, our CoE has over 25 projects vision or strategy for how to do it better. underway globally for delivery before the end of the first quarter, with reports ranging across multiple industries This lack of sharing best practices was not just an internal and geographies. business problem — it was increasingly anachronistic. As the ESG trends mentioned above gathered steam, Edelman is convinced ESG is here to stay and that it became increasingly obvious to us that no effective communication agencies such as ourselves will be at the communication on sustainability could take place forefront of building narratives that are fact-based and without genuine technical expertise on the key reporting help build stakeholders’ trust in business. Without taking frameworks emerging as best in class — whether GRI, the long-term needs of the ESG reporting market into SASB, or CDP — or, as will soon be the case for TCFD in account — and investing proactively and commensurately the UK and New Zealand as well as the EU’s upcoming to address them — we realized we would end up in a CSRD, the veritable law of the land. So if we wanted to be weaker competitive position. We are proud that we took winners long-term, we had to up our game on the technical the time needed to know how to build a true global ESG knowledge required as well. Center of Excellence, and are firmly convinced that his long-term investment will yield returns for our clients and our business. R E - E N G I N E E R I N G S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y R E P O R T I N G W I T H G LO B A L A N D LO C A L TECHNICAL EXPERTISE We therefore decided to completely re-engineer our sustainability reporting business, adopting an approach 2022 BLUE BOOK 15
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