2021 UPS Domestic Rate and Service Guide - Daily Rates Singapore Effective December 27, 2020

Page created by Betty Osborne
2021 UPS Domestic Rate and Service Guide - Daily Rates Singapore Effective December 27, 2020
2021 UPS Domestic

Rate and Service Guide
Daily Rates
Effective December 27, 2020

 Determine the Weight and Size

                                                                                                                                                                           Weight and Size
                                                                                                                                                                           Determine the
 UPS Express Services

 Billable Weight:                               Step 1                                        Step 3
 Actual or Dimensional?                         Determine the Actual Weight:                  Determine the Shipment Weight:
 Determining which weight to use in             Use a scale to determine the weight of        Rates for multiple-piece shipments**,
 calculating your rate requires that            the package. Increase fractions of a weight   which include UPS Express Paks and
 you determine which rule applies.              to the next half kilogram.                    packages shipped to a single receiver
 Different rules apply depending on                                                           on the same day, are based on the
 the service selected.                          Step 2                                        total shipment weight of an individual
                                                Determine the Dimensional Weight*:            shipment. This means substantial
 Actual weight is the weight of the package     Calculate the cubic size by multiplying       savings over single-piece rates.
 rounded up to the next half kilogram.          the length by the width and by the            To determine a shipment’s total billable
                                                height (each rounded off to the nearest       weight, use the greater of each
 Dimensional weight considers density,          whole centimetre) of each package.            package’s actual or dimensional weight.
 which is the amount of space a package
 occupies in relation to its actual weight.     Divide the cubic size of the package          Additional Information:
                                                by 5,000 to determine the dimensional         Weight and Size Limits
 Billable weight is the weight used to          weight in kilograms. Increase fractions       • Maximum weight per package
 calculate the rate. The billable weight will   of a weight to the next half kilogram.          is 70 kg.
 be the greater of the package’s actual or
 dimensional weight.                                                                          • Maximum length per package
                                                 Dimensional Weight              LxWxH          is 274 cm.
                                                    in Kilograms         =
 Note:                                                                            5,000       • Maximum size per package
 Packages that exceed UPS weight and size                                                       is 400 cm in length and
 limit are not accepted for transportation.     L = Length in centimetres                       girth [(2 x width) +
 Contact our Customer Service                   W = Width in centimetres                        (2 x height)] combined.
 Representatives for details.                   H = Height in centimetres
                                                                                              • There is no limit to the total
                                                                                                shipment weight or number of
 Irregularly-shaped Packages
                                                                                                packages in a shipment.
 Measure boxes or containers that are not
 rectangular to determine dimensional
 weight and whether the package is within                                         H
 maximum limits.

 Treat the irregularly-shaped package as if
 it is in a regular rectangular box.               L                         W
 Measure the length, width and height of
 the package from its extreme points.
                                                                                                                                         * For import shipments, use
                                                                                                                                           the origin country unit of
                                                                                                                                           measure and dimensional
                                                                                                                                           factor to calculate the
                    Leng                                                                                                                   dimensional weight.

                                                                                                                                            Dimensional weight
                                                                                                                                            applies to all international
                                                                                                                                            shipments except
                                                                                                                                            shipments using UPS
                                                                                                                                            Express Envelope.
                               Wi                                                                                                        ** Multiple-piece shipment
                                                                                                                                            refers to a shipment
                                                                                                                                            consisting of packages and/
                                                                                                                                            or documents
                                                                                                                                            sent via a single
                                                                                                                                            waybill number.

                                                                                                                                         Future Changes –
                                                                                                                                         Rates, charges, service
                                                                                                                                         explanation, and services
                                                                                                                                         are subject to change
                                                                                                                                         without prior notice.

    Services with Additional Charges

    UPS FTZ Facilitator®                        For Dangerous Goods
    With UPS FTZ Facilitator, importers and     Dangerous goods are articles or
    exporters have the ability to use UPS to    substances which are capable of
    transport shipments in-bond to and from     posing a significant risk to health,
    a global Free/Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ).     safety or property if not handled
    This service is available for shipments     and shipped in a proper manner.
    using UPS Express Saver®.                   There are various laws, regulations
                                                and rules governing the transportation
    This contractual, fee-based service         of dangerous goods in Singapore.
    allows the shipment of goods to move
    to or from an FTZ without using other       UPS offers a contractual service which
    transportation providers. Using UPS         ensures that your dangerous goods
    as a single source enables importers        shipments are handled and shipped
    and exporters to increase visibility        in accordance with domestic regulations.
    and tracking, and reduce the                The accessible* and inaccessible**
    chance for errors and costs                 classification applies, depending on
    associated with utilising multiple          Dangerous Goods class.
    transportation providers.
                                                Surcharge applies as follows:
    Importers will choose UPS FTZ Facilitator
    to direct shipments to be delivered,         Type of                      Surcharge
    in-bond, to a designated FTZ rather than     Service                 (whichever is greater)
    being cleared through customs. The fee
                                                                      Accessible     Inaccessible
    for this service is S$125 per shipment.
                                                                      Dangerous       Dangerous
                                                                       Goods            Goods
    Exporters will choose UPS FTZ Facilitator
    to ship goods in-bond from an FTZ to an      • UPS Express      S$153.60 per    S$102 per       * Accessible Dangerous
                                                   Saver            shipment or     shipment or       Goods: Class 1.4 Explosives,
    international destination. The fee for                                                            Class 2.1 Flammable Gas,
    this service is S$125 per shipment.                             S$15.80 per     S$10.50 per       Class 2.2 Non-Flammable
                                                                    package         package           Gas in Cargo Aircraft Only
                                                                                                      (CAO) quantities, Class
                                                                                                      3 Flammable Liquid,
                                                                                                      Class 4 Flammable Solid,
                                                For a detailed listing of UPS acceptable
                                                                                                      Dangerous When Wet,
                                                classes and commodities of dangerous                  Class 5 Oxidisers and
                                                goods, please contact our Customer                    Organic Peroxides and
                                                Service Representatives.                              Class 8 Corrosives.

                                                                                                    ** Inaccessible Dangerous
                                                                                                       Goods: Class 2.2 Non-
                                                                                                       Flammable Gas in
                                                                                                       Passenger (PAX) and
                                                                                                       Limited (LQ) quantities,
                                                                                                       Class 6 Toxic and Infectious
                                                                                                       Substances, Class 7
                                                                                                       Radioactive Material and
                                                                                                       Class 9 Miscellaneous
                                                                                                       Dangerous Substances.

                                                                                                    Conditions and restrictions,
                                                                                                    including the UPS Terms
                                                                                                    and Conditions of Service,
                                                                                                    apply. For details, please
                                                                                                    contact our Customer
                                                                                                    Service Representatives
                                                                                                    or refer to ups.com®.

                                                                                                    Future Changes –
                                                                                                    Rates, charges, service
                                                                                                    explanation, and services
                                                                                                    are subject to change without
                                                                                                    prior notice.

Services with Additional Charges

                                                                                                                                                                      Additional Charges
                                                                                                                                                                        Services with

Domestic Freight Collect (DFC)                   UPS Returns®*                               shipments are eligible for Hold for Pickup
There is no charge for convenient option         To meet a range of reverse logistics        at UPS Customer Centre, Reschedule
of Freight Collect billing but this service is   needs and simplify the process of           Delivery and Return to Sender. This service
only available to Credit Shipper and Credit      collecting customer returns, UPS            is available for residential and commercial
Consignee only. For DFC shipment, the            offers a variety of returns services.       shipments. A fee of S$2.60 applies to each
shipper must quote their export credit           You generate a return label for your        package in the shipment.
account number only.                             customer, or UPS provides your
                                                 customer with a label via e-mail
Declared Value Charge                            or mail. The UPS Returns services
For each shipment over S$150, you may            available are:
purchase additional coverage against loss
or damage at S$3.50 for each additional          Print Return Label
S$150 or fraction thereof. Charges for           You generate the label and include it
declared value can be billed to the              in an outbound shipment or distribute
shipper, the receiver, or to a third party.      separately to your customer, who then
                                                 applies the label to the package.
Saturday Delivery                                Fee: S$1.40
Delivery of shipments is available at
an additional charge of S$22 for each            Electronic Return Label
UPS Express Envelope or each shipment            UPS e-mails the label upon your request
of UPS Express Paks and packages.                to your customer, who then prints the
This charge will be billed to the party          label and applies it to the package.
who bears the shipping charges.                  Fee: S$2.10

Undeliverable Package                            Print and Mail Return Label
Return Charge                                    UPS prints the label upon your request
Shipments refused by the consignee,              and mails it to your customer, who
or which for any other reason cannot             applies the label to the package.
be delivered, will be held, and UPS              Fee: S$4.00
will attempt to contact the shipper for
further instructions, including return.          Direct Delivery Only
Applicable transportation costs plus a           Direct Delivery Only shipments are only
S$13.90 surcharge per undeliverable              delivered to the address on the shipping
shipment apply to any return, at the             label and may not be rerouted, redirected
shipper’s expense.                               or delivered to an alternate address. The

                                                                                                                                      * Only available for
                                                                                                                                        customers using a UPS
                                                                                                                                        compliant shipping
                                                                                                                                        system that produces a
                                                                                                                                        smart label.

                                                                                                                                      Conditions and restrictions,
                                                                                                                                      including the UPS Terms
                                                                                                                                      and Conditions of Service,
                                                                                                                                      apply. For details, please
                                                                                                                                      contact our Customer
                                                                                                                                      Service Representatives
                                                                                                                                      or refer to ups.com®.

                                                                                                                                      Future Changes –
                                                                                                                                      Rates, charges, service
                                                                                                                                      explanation, and services
                                                                                                                                      are subject to change without
                                                                                                                                      prior notice.

    Services with Additional Charges

    Additional Handling Charge+                   Rebill Fee                                    • Maximum length per package
    An additional handling charge of S$11 per     A fee of S$24 applies for each request          of 274 cm
    package will apply to the following:          to amend billing instructions of a UPS        • Maximum size per package of 400 cm
    • Any article that is encased in an outside   invoice, for e.g. to change billing option,     in length and girth [(2 x width) +
      shipping container made of metal or         billing account, credit card for payment,       (2 x height)] combined
      wood                                        etc.
    • Any cylindrical item, such as a barrel,                                                   Currency Conversion
                                                  Large Package Surcharge -
      drum, pail, or tyre, that is not fully                                                    Charges to a payer’s account in a foreign
                                                  Minimum Billable Weight (MBW)
      encased in a corrugated cardboard                                                         currency will be converted to the payer’s
                                                  A package is considered a “Large
      shipping container                                                                        currency using a weekly exchange rate
                                                  Package” when its length plus girth
    • Any package with the longest side                                                         secured through Major Money Centre
                                                  [(2 x width) + (2 x height)] combined
      exceeding 122 cm or its second longest                                                    Banks, plus an exchange fee equal to
                                                  exceeds 300 cm, but does not exceed
      side exceeding 76 cm                                                                      0.75% of the amount converted.
                                                  the maximum UPS size of 400 cm.
    • Any package with an actual weight
                                                                                                Address Correction
      greater than 32 kg                          Large Packages are subject to a
                                                                                                An additional charge of S$15 per package
    • Each package in a shipment where the        minimum billable weight of 40 kg,
                                                                                                or a maximum of S$62 per shipment may
      average weight per package is greater       at a surcharge of S$86.50 per package.
                                                                                                be billed to the shipper for unsuccessful
      than 32 kg and the weight for each                                                        delivery because of an incorrect address,
      package is not specified on the source      An Additional Handling Charge will
                                                                                                or if addressed to a P.O. Box.
      document or the UPS automated               not be assessed when a Large Package
      shipping system used                        Surcharge is applied.

                                                  Over Maximum Limits Fee
    Look-up Surcharge
                                                  UPS small package services do not
    For every shipment with a missing or
                                                  accept shipments exceeding the following
    invalid account number, for the bill-to
                                                  weight and dimensions. If in UPS’s
    party, UPS will perform a “look-up” by
                                                  discretion, UPS does accept shipments
    tracing the correct account number or
                                                  exceeding these maximum limits, an
    creating a temporary account to bill the
                                                  Over Maximum Limits Fee of S$272 per
    consignee or third party. A fee of S$5 per
                                                  package will apply to the following:
    shipment will be billed to the shipper for
    every “look-up” service performed.            • Maximum weight per package
                                                    of 70 kg

                                                                                                                                            + UPS also reserves the
                                                                                                                                              right to assess the
                                                                                                                                              Additional Handling
                                                                                                                                              Charge for any package
                                                                                                                                              that, in UPS’s sole
                                                                                                                                              discretion, requires
                                                                                                                                              special handling.

                                                                                                                                            Conditions and restrictions,
                                                                                                                                            including the UPS Terms
                                                                                                                                            and Conditions of Service,
                                                                                                                                            apply. For details, please
                                                                                                                                            contact our Customer
                                                                                                                                            Service Representatives
                                                                                                                                            or refer to ups.com®.

                                                                                                                                            Future Changes –
                                                                                                                                            Rates, charges, service
                                                                                                                                            explanation, and services
                                                                                                                                            are subject to change without
                                                                                                                                            prior notice.

Accessorial Charges

                                                                                                                          Accessorial Charges
Bill Receiver/Freight Collect                UPS Carbon Neutral*
Refusal Fee                                  Offset the climate impact of your
An account number is invalid if it is not    shipping with UPS carbon neutral.
the correct account number for the bill-to   When you select UPS carbon neutral
party, or if it is the account number        during shipment preparation UPS will
for a consignee or third party who fails     purchase offsets to mitigate the carbon
to pay the shipping charges. A fee of        (CO2) emissions associated with the
S$17 per shipment will be charged for        transport of your shipment.
all shipments with an invalid account        Fee: S$1.10 per package
                                             Prohibited Item Fee
Fuel Surcharge                               Shipments that are tendered to UPS in
For information on prevailing fuel           contravention of or not in compliance
surcharges, please refer to ups.com®.        with applicable laws and regulations or
                                             UPS’s terms and conditions of service
Delivery Confirmation Signature              or contractual service (including, but
Required and Delivery Confirmation           not limited to, prohibited shipments
Adult Signature Required                     or shipments that UPS does not accept
UPS Delivery Confirmation* services          or regularly provide service for without
are available prior to the release of        an exception, e.g. dangerous goods and
your shipment.                               hazardous materials) are subject to a fee
                                             of S$204 per package. This fee is without
Both services will require the UPS service   prejudice and in addition to the shipper’s
provider to request for a signature before   responsibility for all other sums that UPS
releasing the shipment. However, with        may incur and claims against UPS
the Delivery Confirmation Adult Signature    resulting from the contravention or
Required service, UPS will only release a    non-compliance.
shipment to an adult (a person of at least
21 years old**) and may request for a
government-issued photo identification
for age verification. UPS will obtain a
signature from the adult recipient and
provide printed confirmation of delivery
including the signature.

A surcharge of S$4.40 and S$6.10 per                                                      * Only available for
                                                                                            customers using a UPS
shipment will be imposed for                                                                compliant shipping
Delivery Confirmation Signature                                                             system that produces a
Required service and Delivery                                                               smart label.
Confirmation Adult Signature Required
                                                                                          ** UPS is not liable for
service respectively.                                                                        inaccurate age assessment.

                                                                                          Conditions and restrictions,
                                                                                          including the UPS Terms
                                                                                          and Conditions of Service,
                                                                                          apply. For details, please
                                                                                          contact our Customer
                                                                                          Service Representatives
                                                                                          or refer to ups.com®.

                                                                                          Future Changes –
                                                                                          Rates, charges, service
                                                                                          explanation, and services
                                                                                          are subject to change without
                                                                                          prior notice.
6                                                     Domestic - UPS Express Saver®

    Rates shown are in SG Dollars.

      Shipment                       Shipment              Shipment              Shipment              Shipment
                      Rates                        Rates                 Rates                 Rates                    Rates
      Weight (kg)                    Weight (kg)           Weight (kg)           Weight (kg)           Weight (kg)
          0.5         20.00             10.5       22.20      21.0       27.60      41.0       45.10       61.0         67.10
          1.0         20.00             11.0       22.40      22.0       28.20      42.0       46.20       62.0         68.20
          1.5         20.00             11.5       22.60      23.0       28.80      43.0       47.30       63.0         69.30
          2.0         20.00             12.0       22.80      24.0       29.40      44.0       48.40       64.0         70.40
          2.5         20.20             12.5       23.00      25.0       30.00      45.0       49.50       65.0         71.50
          3.0         20.30             13.0       23.20      26.0       30.60      46.0       50.60       66.0         72.60
          3.5         20.50             13.5       23.40      27.0       31.20      47.0       51.70       67.0         73.70
          4.0         20.70             14.0       23.60      28.0       31.80      48.0       52.80       68.0         74.80
          4.5         20.80             14.5       23.80      29.0       32.40      49.0       53.90       69.0         75.90
          5.0         21.00             15.0       24.00      30.0       33.00      50.0       55.00       70.0         77.00
          5.5         21.10             15.5       24.30      31.0       34.10      51.0       56.10   For shipment weight
          6.0         21.20             16.0       24.60      32.0       35.20      52.0       57.20   above 70 kg

          6.5         21.30             16.5       24.90      33.0       36.30      53.0       58.30     99,999.9       1.10

          7.0         21.40             17.0       25.20      34.0       37.40      54.0       59.40    Minimum         77.00

          7.5         21.50             17.5       25.50      35.0       38.50      55.0       60.50
          8.0         21.60             18.0       25.80      36.0       39.60      56.0       61.60
          8.5         21.70             18.5       26.10      37.0       40.70      57.0       62.70
          9.0         21.80             19.0       26.40      38.0       41.80      58.0       63.80
          9.5         21.90             19.5       26.70      39.0       42.90      59.0       64.90
          10.0        22.00             20.0       27.00      40.0       44.00      60.0       66.00

                                                                                                            * Conditions and restrictions, including the UPS Terms
                                                                                                              and Conditions of Service, apply. For details, please
                                                                                                              contact our Customer Service Representatives or
                                                                                                              refer to ups.com®.

                                                                                                            Future Changes –
                                                                                                            Rates, charges, service explanation, and services are
                                                                                                            subject to change without prior notice.

                                                                                                                                                                           Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions of Service

                                                                                                                                                                                of Service
Effective December 27, 2020

United Parcel Service, which for purposes of these Terms and Conditions                    (ups.com®), including, but not limited to, articles of unusual value (such
shall mean the United Parcel Service entity operating in Singapore                         as coins, currency, postage stamps, negotiable instruments (except
(“UPS”) which is engaged in the transportation of small packages (including                checks), money orders), and dangerous goods. Refer to UPS Rate
“Express Envelopes”) and services incidental or additional thereto. All                    and Service Guide for more information about dangerous goods. Under
shipments are subject to the terms and conditions contained in the UPS Rate                applicable law, certain goods may only be transported under prescribed
and Service Guide (stated at ups.com ® and maintained at local UPS offices,                conditions and certain goods are prohibited from transportation by air.
the UPS source document for each shipment, and those prescribed by the
applicable law of the jurisdiction where the shipment originates.                    (iv) UPS does not regularly provide service for packages containing live
                                                                                     		 animals. UPS will only accept live animal shipments on an exception
“Shipper” refers to the party contracting with UPS for services.                     		 basis. Transportation for packages containing live animals is limited, must
                                                                                     		 be prearranged, and as with all other packages, will be provided only
There are no stopping places agreed upon at the time of tender of the shipment,      		 according to the terms and conditions contained in the UPS Rate and
and UPS reserves the right to route the shipment in any way UPS deems appropriate.   		Service Guide.

UPS may engage subcontractors to perform services and contracts both on its          (v)   UPS does not provide a protective service for the transportation of
own behalf and on behalf of its servants, agents and subcontractors each of          		    perishable commodities or commodities requiring protection from heat or
whom shall have the benefit of these terms. No such party has the authority          		    cold. Such commodities will be accepted for transportation solely at the
to waive or vary any of these terms. All packages covered under a single UPS         		    shipper’s risk for any damage arising from the transportation.
Waybill/consignment note (the “UPS Waybill”) shall be considered a single
shipment. A shipment may be carried via any intermediate stopping places that        (vi) No service shall be rendered in the transportation of any shipment which
UPS deems appropriate.                                                                    is prohibited by applicable law or regulations in the origin or destination
                                                                                          country, or which UPS may determine, in its sole discretion, to be
Unless otherwise agreed in writing prior to the tender of the shipment,                   so prohibited. Prohibited articles found in the UPS network or restricted
the service to be provided by UPS is limited to the pickup, transportation,               articles not properly prepared in accordance with presiding regulations
and delivery of the shipment. The shipper acknowledges that shipments will be             are subject to an additional prohibited item fee. UPS reserves the right
consolidated with those of other shippers for transport and that UPS may not              in its sole and unlimited discretion to dispose, submit to authorities or
monitor the inbound and outbound movement of individual shipments at all                  return such packages to the shipper at the shipper’s expense. Such charges
handling centers.                                                                         apply in addition to all other applicable charges including all disposal fees.

Commodities Handled and Restrictions on Service                                      The shipper shall be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the
UPS offers transportation of general commodities, as usually defined, subject to     particulars inserted in the Waybill and for ensuring that all packages set out
the following restrictions:                                                          adequate contact details for the shipper and receiver of the package and
                                                                                     that they are so packed, marked and labeled, their contents so described and
(i) No service shall be rendered in the transportation of any packages or            classified and are accompanied by such documentation as may (in each case)
		 articles with an actual weight of more than 70 kilograms (or 150 lbs)             be necessary to make them suitable for transportation and to comply with the
		 or exceed 274 centimeters (or 108 inches) in length or a total of 400             requirements of the effective Rate and Service Guide and applicable law.
		 centimeters (or 157 inches) in length and girth combined. If found in the UPS
      system, they are subject to one or more of the following additional charges:   Large Package Surcharge
      Over Maximum Weight, Over Maximum Length, or Over Maximum Size.                An additional charge applies for packages that are considered large. A package
                                                                                     is considered a “Large Package” when its length plus girth [(2 X width) +
(ii) No service shall be rendered in the transportation of any packages or           (2 X height)] combined exceeds 300 centimeters (118 inches), but does not exceed
     articles with an actual value in excess of USD 50,000 per package (or the       the maximum UPS size of 400 centimeters (157 inches). Large Packages shipped are
     local currency equivalent); or USD 100,000 per pallet for UPS Worldwide         subject to a minimum billable weight of 40 kilograms (90 pounds).
     Express Freight Services shipments (or the local currency equivalent).
                                                                                     An Additional Handling Charge will not be assessed when a Large Package Surcharge
(iii) No service shall be rendered in the transportation of packages or              is applied.
      pallets containing any prohibited article listed on the UPS website

    Terms and Conditions of Service
    Effective December 27, 2020


    Over Maximum Limits Charges                                                                consent has been secured from the individual associated with each PLD Email
    Packages that exceed the weight or size restrictions set forth in the Terms and            Address(es) to receive notifications related to the delivery of such Shipments and
    Conditions of Service (“Items Not Accepted for Transportation”) are subject to one         for use by UPS of the PLD Email Address in accordance with the UPS Privacy Notice
    or more of the following additional charges: Over Maximum Weight, Over Maximum             in effect at the time of shipping, to the extent permitted by law and that (ii) the
    Length, or Over Maximum Size. Such charges apply in addition to all other applicable       PLD Email Address(es) is accurate and is controlled by the Consignee or associated
    charges, including but not limited to the Large Package Surcharge.                         addressee for the Shipment with which it is associated. The Shipper shall defend,
                                                                                               indemnify and hold harmless UPS, its parent corporation, and affiliated companies,
    Additional Handling Charge                                                                 their officers, directors, employees, agents, and their successors and assigns, from
    An Additional Handling charge will be assessed for any package that requires special       and against any and all liability, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including
    handling, as determined by UPS in its sole discretion, including, but not limited to:      reasonable legal fees) of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered in connection
                                                                                               with damages arising out of or resulting from any breach of the warranties in the
    (i) Any article that is encased in an outside shipping container made of metal or          previous sentence.
                                                                                               Deliveries Attempted Three Times Without Extra Charge
    (ii) Any cylindrical-like item, such as a barrel, drum, pail, or tire, that is not fully   Where applicable, if UPS is unable to complete delivery of a shipment, a notice
         encased in a corrugated cardboard shipping container;                                 will be left at the consignee’s address stating that delivery has been attempted.
                                                                                               Thereafter, a second, and if necessary, a third attempt to deliver the packages
    (iii) Any package with the longest side exceeding 122 centimeters (or 48 inches) or        will be made without additional charge.
          its second-longest side exceeding 76 centimeters (or 30 inches);
                                                                                               UPS may deliver a shipment to the consignee or the consignee’s actual or
    (iv) Any package with an actual weight greater than 32 kilograms (or 70 pounds);           apparent agent or representative or pursuant to consignee’s instructions,
         and                                                                                   to the address or location specified in the UPS shipping system, to
                                                                                               any person present at the address or location specified in the UPS shipping
    (v) Each shipment, where the average weight per package is greater than 32                 system, to a reasonable alternate address or location, in accordance
        kilograms (or 70 pounds) and the weight for each package is not specified in           with trade custom or usage, pursuant to UPS’s driver release procedures.
        the UPS Shipping System used.                                                          UPS does not limit delivery of a package or shipment to a person
                                                                                               specified as the consignee. UPS may use an electronic device to obtain proof
    UPS reserves the right to assess the charge for any package that, in UPS’s sole            of delivery and the shipper agrees that it will not object to UPS relying on a
    discretion, requires special handling.                                                     printed copy of this as evidence merely on the grounds that the information
                                                                                               concerned is obtained and stored in electronic form.
    Timely Upload of PLD
    The Shipper must provide Timely Upload of Package Level Detail (“PLD”) to UPS. If          Special Handling of Undeliverable Packages; Refused Packages Returned
    timely upload of PLD is not provided, certain UPS services are unavailable, including      Shipments refused by the consignee, or which for any other reason cannot
    but not limited to Service Guarantee. Timely Upload of PLD as use in these Terms           be delivered, will be held, and UPS will attempt to contact the shipper for
    refers to the electronic transmission of all applicable PLD information to UPS at or       further instructions, including return. If the return of the package is refused by
    before the time that Shipments are tendered to UPS. PLD includes, but is not limited       the shipper, or the package cannot otherwise be returned to the shipper, UPS
    to, Consignee’s full name, complete delivery address, and Shipment dimensions and          will retain the package for a reasonable period of time, to be determined in
    weight.                                                                                    its sole discretion (not to exceed thirty days), and upon exercising reasonable
                                                                                               commercial efforts at notifying the shipper, UPS reserves the right to deal
    By including the email address of the Consignee or associated addressee in PLD for a       with the package thereafter in any manner in its discretion, including but not
    Shipment (“PLD Email Address(es)”), the Shipper acknowledges and agrees that UPS           limited to disposal of the package. The shipper will be responsible for payment
    may send notifications related to the delivery of such Shipment to the Shipment’s          of all charges, including, but not limited to, forwarding, disposal, or return
    associated PLD Email Address(es) and may use such PLD Email Address(es) in                 transportation charges, as well as any duty and tax, if applicable. UPS will not
    accordance with the UPS Privacy Notice in effect at the time of shipping, to the           be liable for any claims for loss or damage to a package refused by the shipper
    extent permitted by law. The Shipper warrants that (i) informed and specific               on return.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions of Service

                                                                                                                                                                                      of Service
Effective December 27, 2020


Refusal and Suspension of Service                                                      Hold for Pickup and Hold at Location Services
If it comes to the attention of UPS that any shipment does not meet any of the         At the time a shipper tenders a shipment to UPS, the shipper may request that UPS
above restrictions or conditions, UPS may refuse to transport the relevant shipment,   hold a package at a designated UPS Customer Center for pickup by the consignee.
if carriage is in progress, UPS may suspend carriage and hold the shipment. UPS        For each such shipment, the shipper will complete an address label showing the
further reserves the right to deal with such a shipment in any manner in its sole      words “Hold for Pickup,” the consignee’s name, telephone number, the name of
discretion and solely at the shipper’s risk and expense, including but not limited     a contact person, and the full address of the designated UPS Customer Center. In
to, returning the shipment to the shipper, submitting the shipment to government       addition, the shipper will apply a UPS Hold for Pickup label below the address label
authorities, or disposing of such shipment.                                            on the shipment.

UPS also reserves the right to refuse to provide service, among other reasons,         UPS will hold the shipment at the designated UPS Customer Center and will
for any package which by reason of the dangerous or other character of its             attempt to contact the consignee at the telephone number shown on the label.
contents may, in the sole judgment of UPS, soil, taint, or otherwise damage            Shipments not picked up within five (5) business days from the date of arrival will
other packages or UPS’s equipment, or which is improperly or insecurely packed         be considered undeliverable.
or wrapped. In addition, UPS reserves the right either to refuse to provide service
for any package or to or from any location, or to provide alternative service          Packaging
arrangements, when, among other reasons, UPS, in its sole discretion, deems that it    It is the responsibility of the shipper to ensure that proper packaging is used and
is unsafe or economically or operationally impracticable to provide service.           that contents are adequately and securely packed, wrapped and cushioned for
                                                                                       transportation. The use of UPS-provided packaging (including but not limited to
UPS may at its option suspend transportation of any package or shipment                materials, supplies and assistance) is not a guarantee that an item is sufficiently
if goods are found not to be acceptable for transportation for any reason              packaged for transportation.
whatsoever, if UPS cannot effect delivery at the third attempt to do so, if the
consignee refuses to accept delivery, or if it cannot collect amounts due from         When shipping certain electronic media containing sensitive personal information,
the receiver on delivery. The shipper will be responsible for payment of all           it is recommended that the shipper retain a copy of the data and secure the data
charges, calculated in accordance with the then current UPS rates, caused by           on the electronic media through encryption or other technological means. UPS is
such suspension of transportation, including, but not limited to, forwarding,          not liable or responsible for loss of, damage to, or irretrievability of data stored on
disposal, or return of transportation charges as well as any duty or tax, if           electronic media, or loss of information.
                                                                                       Right of Inspection
The shipper will be responsible for the reasonable costs and expenses of UPS           UPS reserves the right, but is not required, to open and inspect any package
(including storage), for such losses, taxes and customs duties as UPS may suffer       tendered to it for transportation.
and for all claims made against UPS because a package does not meet any of
the restrictions or conditions in the Commodities Handled and Restrictions on          Accuracy of Declarations
Service clause above or because of any refusal or suspension of carriage or            The shipper certifies that all statements and information relating to the shipment
return of a package or shipment by UPS pursuant to these terms.                        are true and correct. Furthermore, the shipper understands that civil and criminal
                                                                                       liabilities, including forfeiture and sale, may be imposed for making false or
UPS will not be liable or responsible for the loss of or damage to any package,        fraudulent statements.
the contents of which UPS is not authorized to accept, which UPS states it
will not accept, or which UPS has a right to refuse. If UPS suspends service as        Penalties, storage charges or other expenses incurred as a result of an action by
set forth in these terms, the payer of any transportation charges shall not be         customs and/or any other local authorities or failure by the shipper or consignee to
entitled to a refund. Acceptance for carriage of any package or shipment that          provide complete and accurate statements and/or documentation will be charged
UPS does not accept for transportation or which shippers are prohibited from           to the consignee along with any applicable duty or tax. The shipper shall be liable in
shipping, does not constitute a waiver of any provisions of these terms or the         the event of non-payment by the consignee.
terms set forth in the Rate and Service Guide, or on ups.com®.

     Terms and Conditions of Service
     Effective December 27, 2020


     Rates                                                                                   UPS shall not be liable for, and the UPS Service Guarantee shall not apply to,
     The effective rates are the UPS Rates published in the effective UPS Rate and           any interruption of service due to causes beyond UPS ’s control, including, but
     Service Guide for the service selected by the shipper, which apply to the shipper and   not limited to, the following: the unavailability or refusal of a person to accept
     the package and are in effect at the time of shipping, plus any additional charges      delivery of the shipment; acts of God; acts of public authorities acting with
     or rates for nonstandard service, additional or nonstandard usage, and any other        actual or apparent authority; acts or omissions of customs or similar authorities;
     additional charges referenced in the effective UPS Rate and Service Guide, or those     insufficient information provided by a customer; the application of security
     applicable additional rates set out in any customized contracts. To determine the       regulations imposed by the government or otherwise applicable to the delivery
     amount of any charge for UPS service, consult the effective UPS Rates, available at     location; a government agency hold; riots; strikes or other labor disputes; civil
     ups.com® and upon request at the local UPS office.                                      unrest; disruptions or failure of communication and information systems (including,
                                                                                             but not limited to UPS’s communication and information systems); disruptions
     Payment                                                                                 of any kind in ground transportation networks; such as weather phenomena; and
     Unless paid before shipment, all charges must be paid within 7 days of receipt          natural disasters.
     of invoice or within such other period as the shipper may have agreed in
     writing with UPS. Unless proved otherwise, an invoice shall be considered for           UPS Service Guarantee
     this purpose to have been received three business days following the date of            UPS’s on-schedule delivery of shipments for certain services and destinations
     invoice.                                                                                is supported by a money-back guarantee, as set forth in the Rate and Service
                                                                                             Guide, Details of UPS’s Service Guarantee, including its applicability and
     Any payments made by UPS, including but not limited to taxes, duties or other           limitations, and the corresponding delivery and latest pick up time for the
     levies, on behalf of the shipper, receiver or some other party, shall be due and        relevant service and destination are as set out on the UPS website
     payable by the shipper on demand. Notwithstanding any billing or payment                (ups.com ®) current at the time the goods are accepted for carriage and
     option selected at the time of shipment, the shipper is ultimately liable for and       can also be confirmed by contacting the local UPS office. Where the Service
     agrees to pay all charges, including where the receiver or third party fails to         Guarantee operates, and the conditions for the Service Guarantee as set forth in
     pay any charges which they are due to pay. A late payment fee in the amount             the Rate and Service Guide are fulfilled, if UPS fails to attempt delivery within the
     set out in UPS’s invoice may be charged on any sums outstanding as of the               applicable time period, UPS will on request, at its option, either refund or credit the
     specified payment due date. This is in addition to any legal rights and remedies        shipper (or any other person who paid for the carriage) with the shipping charges
     available to UPS.                                                                       (or, in the case that only some of the packages in a multiple package shipment fail
                                                                                             to meet the applicable time limit, the proportionate part of the shipping charges
     UPS shall have a general and continuing lien on any and all shipments for which         relating to those packages), net of any surcharges, Value Added Tax, duties or any
     services are being provided by UPS that come into UPS’s actual or constructive          taxes and levies. UPS must also be notified in writing or by telephone within 15
     possession or control for monies owed to UPS with regard to the shipment on             calendar days after the scheduled delivery for all Guaranteed Service Refund claims.
     which the lien is claimed and/or any and all prior shipment(s).
                                                                                             The Service Guarantee does not apply where late delivery results from non-
     Missing/Invalid Account Number or Refusal Fee                                           compliance with the restrictions or conditions in the Commodities Handled and
     A processing fee, set forth in the UPS Rates applicable to the shipment in effect       Restrictions on Service clause, from the exercise of any lien by UPS in accordance
     at the time of shipping, will be charged for a missing or invalid account number        with these terms, where either the Refusal and Suspension of Service clause or
     when the account number is missing or it is not the correct account number for          the Interruption of Service clause apply. The UPS Service Guarantee does not
     the bill-to party, or if it is the account number for a receiver or third party who     apply to (i) packages subject to a Large Package Surcharge or Additional Handling
     fails to pay the shipping charges. In the event of non-payment by the receiver          Charge; (ii) shipments containing any package that exceed maximum size or
     or third party, the shipper will be billed a refusal fee plus the shipping charges.     weight limits, or (iii) shipments containing any package subject to a Large Package
                                                                                             Surcharge, Additional Handling Charge, or that exceed maximum size or weight
     Interruption of Service                                                                 limits. (iv) any shipments containing Dangerous Goods (DG), or (v) shipments
     If UPS is unable to start or continue with carriage of the shipper’s package for        without timely upload of PLD.
     a reason beyond its control, the shipper will not be able to claim that UPS is
     in breach of its agreement with the shipper but UPS will take all steps that            For the avoidance of doubt, UPS’s liability under the Service Guarantee is limited
     are reasonably practicable in the circumstances to commence or continue the             to the above and the Service Guarantee does not otherwise constitute any form of
     carriage.                                                                               undertaking or representation that the shipment will arrive by any particular time.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions of Service

                                                                                                                                                                                           of Service
Effective December 27, 2020


UPS may also cancel or suspend the UPS Service Guarantee for any service(s), and           equivalent) or USD 2,500 per package or per pallet (or the local currency equivalent)
for any period of time, as determined by UPS in its sole discretion, and without prior     if such a shipment is tendered from eligible origins to eligible destinations set forth
notice.                                                                                    at ups.com/jewelry.

Billing Options                                                                            UPS does not offer shippers’ cargo insurance. Shippers desiring cargo insurance or all
The amount billed includes, but is not limited to, shipping charges, if applicable.        risk insurance should purchase such insurance from third parties.
Unless otherwise restricted under the prevailing laws of Singapore, UPS provides the
following selection of payer options:                                                      UPS shall not be liable or responsible for loss or damage due to acts of God, natural
                                                                                           disasters, war risks, acts of terrorism, nuclear damage, acts of public authorities
Bill Shipping Charges to:                                                                  acting with actual or apparent authority, acts or omissions of customs or similar
(a) Shipper – The shipper pays all shipping charges.                                       authorities, authority of law, the application of security regulations imposed by the
(b) Receiver – The receiver pays all shipping charges.                                     government or otherwise applicable to the shipment, riots, strikes or other labor
(c) Third Party – The designated third party pays all shipping charges. This               disputes, civil unrest, disruptions in national or local air or ground transportation
      option is subject to the third party having a UPS account. Shipper must              networks (including, but not limited to, UPS’s transportation network), disruption or
       indicate the third party’s name, account number, and country in the                 failure of commu­nication and information systems, or adverse weather conditions.
      appropriate section of the UPS Waybill.
                                                                                           Save where other applicable mandatory national laws require otherwise, UPS shall
Shipper guarantees payment of all charges payable to UPS by the receiver or third          not be liable for special, incidental, or consequential damages, including purely
party designated on the waybill. For all shipments where the shipper is not paying         economic losses, such as the costs of any alternative means of transport, loss of
the shipping charges, the shipper must notify the bill payer prior to shipping,            profits, loss of business opportunities or loss of revenue resulting from loss of use,
and that option must be indicated on the UPS Waybill in the space provided. UPS            arising from any loss of or damage or delay to a shipment or package, whether or
reserves the right in its sole discretion to request advance payment of shipping           not a value has been declared as set forth above.
charges for any package sent to or from any destination or origin.
                                                                                           UPS shall not be liable for any damages arising from UPS’s inability, failure or refusal
Responsibility For Loss or Damage                                                          to comply with a request to stop, return or re-route shipment of a package after
Where (and to the extent that) other mandatory national law applies, the liability of      tender to UPS.
UPS is governed by and will be limited according to the applicable laws. Where other
mandatory national laws do not apply, UPS will only be liable for failure to act with      Claims Procedure
reasonable care and skill and its liability shall be exclusively governed by these terms   All claims against UPS must be filed in writing with UPS as soon as reasonably
and (save in the case of personal injury or death) limited to proven damages up to         practicable and in any event within 14 days of delivery in the case of damage
an amount not exceeding USD 100.00 per shipment unless a higher value has been             (including partial loss of a shipment) and in the case of delay within 21 days of
declared by the shipper as hereafter provided.                                             delivery. In addition, UPS shall have no liability in connection with any shipment
                                                                                           unless legal proceedings are brought and written notice of them is given to it within
If the claimant (or any person from whom he derives his right to claim) has caused         six months after delivery of the goods concerned or, in the case of nondelivery,
or contributed to any loss, damage or delay to a shipment or package, any liability        within six months from the scheduled date for delivery. This term shall not affect
UPS may incur in respect thereof (limited as above) may be reduced or extinguished         any rights the shipper may have under applicable mandatory national law.
in accordance with the law applicable to such contributory negligence.
                                                                                           Data Protection
The shipper may increase UPS’s liability limit up to the actual value of the shipment      The shipper agrees that UPS and other companies in the UPS group of companies
by declaring a higher value for carriage and paying an additional charge as stated         worldwide, including companies in countries which may not have the same level of
in the Rate and Service Guide. The declared value for carriage shall not exceed the        data protection as the country where the shipment is presented to UPS for carriage,
actual value of the shipment or the actual value limits specified in the Commodities       may use any data provided by the shipper to UPS for the purposes set forth in, and
Handled and Restrictions on Service clause, whichever is lower.                            subject to, the UPS Privacy Notice published on UPS’s web site at https://www.
                                                                                           ups.com/sg/en/help-center/legal-terms-conditions/privacy-notice.page (hereby
Specifically for permitted shipments of jewelry, unset precious stones, and industrial     incorporated by reference into these terms). The shipper has certain rights under
diamonds, the declared value (and consequently UPS’s liability limit for such              the law to have access to, rectify, object to the use for direct marketing of, or delete
shipments) shall not exceed the actual value of the shipment and is subject to a           personal data held by UPS about it.
further maximum limit of USD 1,000 per package or pallet (or the local currency

     Terms and Conditions of Service
     Effective December 27, 2020


     The shipper agrees that by including the e-mail address of the consignee in PLD for a
     shipment, (“PLD Email Address(es)”), the shipper acknowledges and agrees that UPS
     may send notifications related to the delivery of such shipment to the shipment’s
     associated PLD Email Address(es) and may use such PLD Email Address(es) in
     accordance with the UPS Privacy Notice. The shipper warrants that (i) informed and
     specific consent has been secured from the individual associated with each PLD
     Email Address(es) to receive notifications related to the delivery of such shipments
     and for use by UPS of the PLD Email Address in accordance with the UPS Privacy
     Notice and that (ii) the PLD Email Address(es) is accurate and is controlled by the
     consignee or associated addressee for the shipment. The shipper shall defend,
     indemnify and hold harmless UPS, its parent corporation, and affiliated companies,
     their officers, directors, employees, agents, and their successors and assigns, from
     and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including
     reasonable legal fees) of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered in connection
     with damages arising out of or resulting fromany breach of the warranties in the
     previous sentence.

     Entire Agreement
     All shipments are subject to the terms and conditions contained in the UPS
     Rate and Service Guide and set out on the UPS website (ups.com ®). The
     effective UPS Rate and Service Guide and the description of UPS Services at
     ups.com ®, which are incorporated in the UPS Rate and Service Guide; and
     the UPS source document for each shipment, together comprise the complete
     and exclusive agreement of the parties, except as modified by any existing or
     future written agreement between the parties, and may not be contradicted or
     modified by any oral agreement.

     These terms shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. If any
     part of these terms is not enforceable, this will not affect the enforceability of
     any other part.

     Governing Law
     These terms and any contract concluded which incorporates these terms shall
     in all respects be governed by the laws of Singapore.

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