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2021 TEACHER PREPARATION FEEDBACK REPORT Technical Notes The Teacher Preparation Feedback Report (TPFR) is produced for all in-state 4-year public and independent colleges and universities by the Kentucky Center for Statistics (KYSTATS) utilizing data from the Kentucky Longitudinal Data System (KLDS), specifically data from the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) and the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE). Occasionally, data from one source will not conform to data from another source because of differences in cohorts, how variables are defined, the treatment of missing data, and other factors. This means that data published in this report may not be comparable to data published in other reports 1. For specific details about sources and metric formulas, please refer to Appendix A. Some values are redacted to preserve individual privacy and conform to state laws. Redaction rules can be found in Appendix B. Questions these dashboards are answering: 1. Who are our future teachers? 2. What initial certification programs are producing the most program completers? 3. How are candidates progressing through their teacher preparation programs? 4. Do program completers continue to get a statement of eligibility and certification? 5. What are employment outcomes for program completers one year after completion? 6. For program completers employed as a certified K-12 teacher one year after completion, where were they employed? 7. What are employment and retention rates for program completers? The Teacher Preparation Feedback Report allows filtering by an Institution, Program type, and Cohort year. 1 EPSB data are completely refreshed yearly which accounts for differences that may be seen in data from previous versions. 8/5/2021 1
Dashboard 1: Candidate Information This section provides a brief demographic overview of the four most recent cohorts of candidates admitted to a Teacher Preparation Program (TPP) for each Education Preparation Provider (EPP) by type of program 2 (initial undergraduate or initial graduate). These cohorts are defined by admission into a TPP, as recorded by EPSB, in the delimited TPP academic years (see Appendix A for definition of the TPP academic year). Each candidate is counted only once per EPP even if enrolled in multiple TPPs at a single EPP. If a candidate is enrolled in multiple TPPs across EPPs, a candidate will be counted once for each EPP. 2 Candidates are included from both Traditional and Option 6 routes. 8/5/2021 2
Candidate Progression This section includes data for three cohorts, each defined by TPP entrance (admittance) year by Program type 3 (‘Initial Undergraduate’ or ‘Initial Graduate’). The data for these cohorts span across the three years following program admittance and provide two pieces of information: 1) candidate program progress across three years following TPP admittance, and 2) reasons for program exit for those candidates who left a TPP without successful program completion. The first section provides a brief overview of program progress across the three years frequently designated for TPP completion. The intended time to completion may differ between programs and institutions. The numbers mentioned in the candidate progression are cumulative. • Year 1 Status refers to the candidate’s status at the end of the first year in the TPP (coinciding with year of program admittance). • Year 2 Status refers to the candidate’s status at the end of the second year in the TPP. • Year 3 Status refers to the candidate’s status at the end of the third year in the TPP. Status options include: program completion (which denotes successful exit from the program), program continuation (the candidate is still progressing in the TPP), and program exit (the candidate has left the program prior to successful program completion). The focus of this analysis is on program progress; thus, a candidate who is dual-enrolled in teacher preparation programs will be included for each program of enrollment during the year recorded as initial enrollment for that particular program. 3 Candidates are included from both Traditional and Option 6 routes. 8/5/2021 3
If a candidate is dual-enrolled for the same year and same institution, the candidate will still be included twice as outcomes are being analyzed at the program level rather than the person level. Program Progress Status Charts: These charts detail the count and percent of program enrollments by outcome status for each cohort across the three years following program enrollment. Reason for Program Exit: This donut chart provides a brief overview of reasons for program exit for candidates who began a TPP during the delimited years and exited the program within the first three years after program admittance without successful completion. The ‘Entrance Year’ filter allows you to switch between years. Exit reasons include: transferred (the candidate selected to transfer to another program or another institution), dropped out (the candidate dropped out of all TPPs), and other reason for exit (includes: Inadequate GPA, Unsuccessful Student Teaching, Not passing PRAXIS tests, Death, Advised out of Teacher Education Program, and Other). An exit reason of ‘transferred’ should indicate transfer to a different TPP; however, this code may be used differently across EPPs. Dashboard 2: Completions and Employment Program Completions Program Completions for all Initial Programs: The first section provides a brief overview of program completions by a broader categorization of program name. Program completions had to be from a program type of initial undergraduate or initial graduate following either a traditional or option 6 pathway. The three most recent cohorts of candidates successfully exiting a TPP for each EPP were selected. These cohorts are defined as those program completers from a TPP, as recorded by the EPSB, in the delimited TPP academic years. Data display program completions by program major category, so a candidate who is dual enrolled in programs and successfully completes both will be counted in each unique program major category (see Appendix D). If a candidate is dual enrolled in two programs that fall under the same program major category and completes both in the same year, that candidate is only counted as one completion. Filters are available for institution and cohort year. 8/5/2021 4
Statement of Eligibility (SOE) and Certificates for Initial Undergraduate Programs: This section is based on a subset of the cohort used in ‘Program Completions for all Initial Programs’. Only individuals who completed a traditional type initial undergraduate program are included in this section. This section provides a brief overview of the percentage of TPP completers who continued to follow the expected career path post- program completion as split by program major category. Two indicators of this continuation are: 1) acquisition of a SOE 4, which indicates both intent to teach within the state of KY and approval from the EPP that the program completer is prepared for this task, and 2) acquisition of a teaching certification, which is often an indicator that an individual has successfully located a position teaching in KY public K-12 schools. It is worth noting that institutions located near the borders of the state may show reduced percentages due to program completers crossing state lines for work after program completion. See Appendix D for a mapping of TPP names to program major category. Chart: This chart shows two metrics, percent obtaining SOE and percent obtaining initial certification. The icon labeled statement of eligibility shows the percentage of teacher preparation program completers who acquired a SOE post-TPP completion in the given program major category. The icon labeled certification shows the percentage of teacher preparation program completers who acquired any teaching certification post-TPP completion (also displayed by program major category). For both groups (icons) of students, percentages are calculated based on the overall number of program completers in the specified cohort year and subject area (meeting the previously defined cohort restrictions). 4 Please note that the SOE was not universally used in the 2018 completion year. Thus, this indicator has been removed for all completers in 2018 to prevent misrepresentation of the data. The SOE was part of the Kentucky Teacher Internship Program (KTIP), which was not funded in the 2018-2020 Kentucky biennium budget. 8/5/2021 5
Program Completers One Year after Completion This section provides employment outcomes of successful TPP completers, matching the cohort used for SOE and certifications 5, one year after program completion. Because TPPs are intended to provide a specific skillset and career pathway, a hierarchy was devised to classify employment post-program completion. An individual was classified in the first group out of the following and only checked for additional categories when no prior condition has been found to be true: 1. Was this individual employed as a certified teacher or long-term substitute one year post completion [source: MUNIS]? 2. Was this individual employed in a certified but non-instructional role one year post completion? The number of individuals who fall within this category was so small as to be negligible and was rolled into the previous category [source: MUNIS]. 3. Was the individual employed in the education sector (determined by industry [NAICS] code) one year post completion [source: UI]? 4. Was the individual employed within Kentucky in a non-Education sector one year post completion [source: UI]? Individuals not found meeting any of the above criteria were classified as ‘Not employed in Kentucky or Unemployed’. It is worth noting that border institutions are likely to show a larger percentage of program completers as ‘Not employed in Kentucky or Unemployed’ due to proximity to other states. Chart: The chart displays the number of successful TPP completers one year after program completion by employment status – specifically, ‘Employed as a public K-12 teacher’ (which is inclusive of long-term substitutes and certified but non-instructional role employees 6 in the public K-12 system), ‘Employed in the Education Field excluding public K-12’, ‘Employed 5 SOE and certification restricted program completions down to only the subset who completed a traditional initial undergraduate TPP. Those completing an option 6 initial graduate program typically have employment in the public K-12 system upon entrance to the TPP. Restricting to those who are seeking employment for the first time post-TPP allows for a more accurate assessment of how these students progress along their intended career pathway. 6 The number of long-term substitutes and certified but non-instructional employees is so small as to be negligible. Thus, the title of this category reflects the vast majority of the individuals contained within. 8/5/2021 6
outside the Education Field’, and ‘Not employed in Kentucky or unemployed’. The number of individuals in this cohort will appear small when compared to the program progress cohort for two reasons: 1) program progress represents programs rather than people as the unit of analysis, and 2) this section is only looking at the initial employment outcomes of individuals who went through a traditional route initial undergraduate TPP. Public K-12 Teacher Employment One Year After Completion: This section provides a brief overview of the locations of first public K-12 employment for recent TPP completers. Individuals were included in this cohort if they completed either an initial undergraduate or initial graduate program, traditional or option 6 7. Map: For each EPP, this map shows by school district, the number of completers who were first employed in a public K-12 certified position one year after program completion. Filters include (completion) Year and Institution. Public K-12 Teacher Employment and Retention One Year Post-SOE This section uses SOE acquisition to select TPP completers who intend to teach within the state of Kentucky. The need to determine intent to teach within this state is based on EPPs located near Kentucky’s borders: Border institutions may be unfairly penalized by admitting 7 This section previously used SOE date to align to the employment and retention section; however, the cessation of the KTIP program in 2018 led to a shift in methodology. 8/5/2021 7
individuals who intend to teach in other states. Based on input from EPPs, a SOE is used to define the cohort year as follows: Year Statement of Eligibility 1st Year of 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Date Employment Year Year Year Year 2010 Oct 1, 2009 to Sept 30, K-12 AY 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2010 [Year] Oct 1, [Year - 1] to Sept K-12 AY [Year + 1] [Year + [Year + [Year + [Year + 30, [Year] 2] 3] 4] 5] Individuals were included in this cohort if they met the SOE date requirements (which conform to the TPP academic year) and graduated from an initial undergraduate or initial graduate program through a traditional or option 6 route. Charts: The first chart shows percentage of SOE acquirers who were employed as certified public K-12 employees in Kentucky within the next five academic years. This chart is cumulative such that each year represents the number of SOE acquirers who found employment as a certified public K-12 employee within the given time frame. The second chart represents the percentage of individuals employed as a certified public K-12 employee within one year of acquiring a SOE who additionally maintained continuous employment across the following four years (for each cohort). 8/5/2021 8
APPENDIX A: METRIC FORMULAS Data Sources: Kentucky Department of Education (KDE): Kentucky Department of Education (KDE): KDE provides statistics and pertinent facts about schools and education in Kentucky including racial breakdowns, and attendance and graduation rates. KDE provides information on public PK-12 teachers and students. Data included is from the Technical Education Database System (TEDS). Which is the authoritative source for all Career and Technical Education data related to federal Perkins and Kentucky state accountability Career Readiness data. More information about Career Pathways can be found on CTE’s website here. Office of Educator Licensure and Effectiveness [OELE, also referred as the Educational Professional Standards Board (EPSB)]: This office, housed within KDE as of Executive Order 2017-0567, is responsible for issuing and renewing certificates for all Kentucky teachers and administrators as well as supporting diverse initiatives focused on the Kentucky educator workforce. Both traditional and alternative options to certification fall within the scope of responsibilities. Kentucky Longitudinal Data System: KYSTATS collects and links data to evaluate education and workforce efforts in the Commonwealth. These data are maintained by KYSTATS in Kentucky’s statewide longitudinal data system (KLDS). Information is only attributed to the KLDS when it is derived from multiple data sources through a series of primacy rules. All other data maintained within the KLDS are attributed to the original data source. Data Definitions: Teacher Preparation Program (TPP) Academic Year: Teacher Preparation Programs use an Academic Year that starts October 1 and runs through September 30. Example: TPP Academic Year 2020 runs from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020. Data Elements: All data elements needed to construct a metric are provided with the data table name first followed by the elements pulled from that particular table. Dashboard 1: Candidate Information Admissions by Gender: This breaks down candidate admission to a TPP by Institution, Program Type (Initial Undergraduate and Initial Graduate), and Gender by TPP Academic Year. Information given is in the form of: Count of individuals (Percent of Cohort). Only candidates in Traditional or Option 6 programs are included in this section. Data Sources: EPSB, KLDS Data Elements: EPSB_EducatorCollegePgm: EPSB_Organization, EPSB_ColPrgType, EPSB_Route, EPSB_StudentBegYear; Masterperson: Gender Admissions by Ethnicity and Race: This breaks down candidate admission to a TPP by Institution, Program Type (Initial Undergraduate and Initial Graduate), and Race/Ethnicity for this cohort. Information given is in the form of: Count of individuals (Percent of Cohort). Only candidates in Traditional or Option 6 programs are included in this section. 8/5/2021 9
Data Sources: EPSB, KLDS Data Elements: EPSB_EducatorCollegePgm: EPSB_Organization, EPSB_ColPrgType, EPSB_Route, EPSB_StudentBegYear; Masterperson: Race/Ethnicity Candidate Progression: Counts and percentages of program enrollments by outcome status. Program enrollment was included in the cohort if the candidate was enrolled in program type Initial Undergraduate or Initial Graduate and followed either a Traditional or Option 6 program. Candidates may be counted in more than one program progress cohort or twice within a cohort if the candidate was enrolled in multiple programs in the same year or enrolled in different programs across multiple years. Data Source: EPSB Data Elements: EPSB_EducatorCollegePgm: EPSB_Organization, EPSB_ColPrgType, EPSB_Route, EPSB_StudentBegYear, EPSB_StudentEndYear, EPSB_OutcomeSTS Reason for Program Exits: Counts the number of TPP exits by reason for program exit. Candidates may be counted in more than one program exit reason if the individual was enrolled in multiple programs and exited multiple programs without successful program completion. Only candidates who exited within the first three years are included to align with the program progress chart. Data Source: EPSB Data Elements: EPSB_EducatorCollegePgm: EPSB_Organization, EPSB_ColPrgType, EPSB_Route, EPSB_StudentBegYear, EPSB_StudentEndYear, EPSB_OutcomeSTS Dashboard 2: Completions and Employment Program Completions: Program Completions for all Initial Programs: The number of program completions by a broader categorization of program name. Includes Initial Graduate and Initial Undergraduate completers following either a Traditional or Option 6 route. Data Source: EPSB Data Elements: EPSB_EducatorCollegePgm: EPSB_Organization, EPSB_ColPrmName, EPSB_ColPrgType, EPSB_Route, EPSB_StudentEndYear, EPSB_OutcomeSTS = ‘Program completion’ Program Completions: SOEs and Certificates for Initial Undergraduate Programs: The percent of Initial Undergraduate program completers following a traditional route who have gotten a SOE or a certification since successful program completion. Please note that SOE is not used for 2018 completers due to current retirement of that certification. Data Source: EPSB Data Elements: EPSB_EducatorCollegePgm: EPSB_Organization, EPSB_ColPrmName, EPSB_ColPrgType = ‘Initial Undergraduate’, EPSB_Route = ‘Traditional’, EPSB_StudentEndYear, EPSB_OutcomeSTS = ‘Program completion’; EPSB_EducatorCredentials: EPSB_CredID; EPSB_Credentials: EPSB_CredentialType EPSB_CredentialDescription, EPSB_Effective_DT Program Completers One Year After Completion (bar chart): Employment status one year post-program completion for Initial Undergraduate program completers who followed a 8/5/2021 10
traditional route. Data Sources: EPSB, UI, MUNIS Data Elements: EPSB_EducatorCollegePgm: EPSB_Organization, EPSB_ColPrgType = ‘Initial Undergraduate’, EPSB_Route = ‘Traditional’, EPSB_StudentEndYear, EPSB_OutcomeSTS = ‘Program completion’; UI_Wages: FiscalYear, NAICS; MUNIS_Person_PSD: Acadyr, JobClassCode Public K-12 Teacher Employment One Year After Completion (map): Location of Public K- 12 employment one year post-completion for TPP completers who successfully completed an Initial Undergraduate or Initial Graduate program following either a traditional or option 6 route. Data Sources: EPSB, MUNIS Data Elements: EPSB_EducatorCollegePgm: EPSB_Organization, EPSB_ColPrgType, EPSB_Route, EPSB_StudentEndYear, EPSB_OutcomeSTS = ‘Program completion’; MUNIS_Person_PSD: Acadyr, DistNo Employment and Retention Post-SOE: Employment: The number and percentage of completer’s who have found employment in a Public K-12 school within 1 through 5 years after SOE acquisition. Data Sources: EPSB, MUNIS Data Elements: EPSB_EducatorCollegePgm: EPSB_Organization, EPSB_ColPrgType, EPSB_Route, EPSB_StudentEndYear, EPSB_OutcomeSTS = ‘Program completion’; EPSB_EducatorCredentials: EPSB_CredID; EPSB_Credentials: EPSB_CredentialType EPSB_CredentialDescription, EPSB_Effective_DT; MUNIS_Person_PSD: Acadyr Employment and Retention Post-SOE: Retention: The number and percentage of completer’s who found employment within one year of SOE acquisition and retained consistent employment 2 through 5 years after first employment. Data Sources: EPSB, MUNIS Data Elements: EPSB_EducatorCollegePgm: EPSB_Organization, EPSB_ColPrgType, EPSB_Route, EPSB_StudentEndYear, EPSB_OutcomeSTS = ‘Program completion’; EPSB_EducatorCredentials: EPSB_CredID; EPSB_Credentials: EPSB_CredentialType EPSB_CredentialDescription, EPSB_Effective_DT; MUNIS_Person_PSD: Acadyr 8/5/2021 11
APPENDIX B: REDACTION RULES General Redaction Rules KYSTATS follows strict redaction and suppression guidelines to ensure the privacy of all individuals. Redaction rules were applied to the TPFR to redact or mask some of the data based on the small cell-size counts that could be used to identify individuals. In general, categories must have a base denominator of 10 to be present in the report. If two categories are exhaustive (ex: males and females) and either group has less than 10 students, both groups are redacted. All rules apply at the school, district and state level. All graphs include data already presented in the report unless otherwise noted. If these data are redacted in the report, they are also redacted in any accompanying charts and graphs. Special Cases of Redaction: Dashboard 1: Candidate Information ‘Candidate Admissions’ Redaction: A small subset of individuals have unknown gender and are removed from the gender total as there are never more than 9 individuals with unknown gender at an institutional level. Race/ethnicity combines individuals identified as ‘American Indian’, ‘Hawaiian’, ‘Two or more races’, ‘Other’, and unknown race into one group termed ‘Other’. Any individual indicated as having Hispanic or Latino ethnicity is classified as ‘Hispanic or Latino, regardless of race’. After categorization, redaction is applied to protect individual privacy. Race/Ethnicity is redacted for all categories containing between 1 and 9 individuals or if the presence of this cell’s value would allow the rediscovery of redacted information. For example, if only one category is redacted, an additional category is redacted to prevent rediscovery of the redacted information. In the instance where all individuals belong to the same race/ethnicity category and there are between 1 and 9 individuals in this category, the redacted category is not shown as redacted and ‘Total Admissions’ will display as redacted. In the event that only one institution had a redacted category for a given year and program type, these individuals are removed from the state totals to prevent rediscovery. Dashboard 2: Completions and Employment ‘Program Completers One Year After Completion’ Redaction: Due to the exhaustive and mutually exclusive categories used for employment classification, redaction was made more stringent in this iteration of the TPFR. At the institution level, all values between 0 and 9 were redacted, regardless of source. If at least one individual needed redaction, the sum of the redacted individuals must exceed 9. If at least one category is redacted, at least 2 categories need redaction to prevent rediscovery of the redacted value. When all four categories are redacted in meeting this criteria, total completers will be displayed rather than 4 redacted categories. At the state level, redaction is less likely to present concerns. 8/5/2021 12
Rules for state level redaction are based on institution-level redaction within the given cohort year. At least 2 institutions must have a category redacted to allow for a total unadjusted value to display for that category at the state level. If at least one individual is redacted, the sum of redacted individuals must exceed nine for that category to allow display of unadjusted totals. In the instance that either of the two previous criteria are not met in a given year for a given category, the overall total for the category will be adjusted downwards by the sum of redacted individuals to prevent rediscovery through subtractive redaction. The end result is that any given category will never be off by more than 9 people in an effort to prevent rediscovery of redacted values. Percentages will stay reflective of overall distribution for a cohort into different employment outcomes categories. 8/5/2021 13
APPENDIX C: PRINTING INSTRUCTIONS Printing - Download a dashboard to PDF 1. Click Download found in the bottom right of the report 2. On the Download screen – click PDF 3. On the Download PDF screen. Set what you want to include, the scaling paper size, and orientation, then click create PDF. This View under Include, prints the current page. Specific sheets from this dashboard (the displayed page) allows you to select specific sheets Specific sheets from this workbook (select from all dashboards) allows you to select specific workbooks. 4. Once your PDF has been generated. Click Download. 8/5/2021 14
APPENDIX D: PROGRAM MAJOR CATEGORIES New Program Name Initial Program Name Arts & Humanities Art Career & Technical Education Agriculture Business and Marketing Education Career/Technical Education—Occupation-Based Computer Information Systems Computer Science (Grades 8-12) Engineering and Technology Education Family and Consumer Science Instructional Computer Technology Instructional Technology Elementary Education Early Elementary Elementary English/Language Arts English Middle School English Speech/Media Communications Theater Exceptional Children Communication Disorders Gifted Education (Grades P-12) Hearing Impaired Hearing Impaired with Signed Proficiency Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Learning and Behavior Disorders Learning and Behavior Disorders (Grades 8-12) Moderate and Severe Disabilities Visually Impaired Mathematics Elementary Math Specialist Mathematics Middle School Mathematics Music Instrumental Music Integrated Music Music Vocal Music Physical Health Health Physical Education School Media Librarian School Media Librarian Science Biological Science Chemistry Earth Science Middle School Science 8/5/2021 15
New Program Name Initial Program Name Physics Social Studies Environmental Education (Grades P-12) Middle School Social Studies Social Studies World Language Arabic Chinese English as a Second Language French German Japanese Latin Spanish 8/5/2021 16
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