2021 Tax Calendar Think strategically. Get better results - Kevane Grant Thornton LLP - Colegio de CPA

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2021 Tax Calendar Think strategically. Get better results - Kevane Grant Thornton LLP - Colegio de CPA
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2021 Tax Calendar
Kevane Grant Thornton LLP

Think strategically.
Get better results.
2021 Tax Calendar Think strategically. Get better results - Kevane Grant Thornton LLP - Colegio de CPA
Mensaje de la Presidenta


El Colegio de Contadores Públicos Autorizados de Puerto Rico tiene el compromiso de mantener a nuestros
colegiados y a la comunidad informados en temas contributivos de Puerto Rico; y aquellos a nivel federal
que son relevantes para Puerto Rico. Con ese propósito, este año hemos coordinado con la firma Kevane
Grant Thornton, compartir con todos ustedes, el Calendario Contributivo 2021 que ellos trabajaron y
publicaron. Este tipo de documento entendemos debe resultar siendo muy útil como herramienta de
referencia y guía.

Esta iniciativa se une a nuestras otras publicaciones anuales relacionadas a temas contributivos, como es el
Manual Contributivo que incluye preguntas y respuestas claves e importantes para el proceso de radicación
de la planilla de contribución sobre ingresos. También tenemos el Manual de la IRA donde se incluye la
información más importante sobre las Cuentas de Retiro Individual (“IRA”, por sus siglas en inglés), Cuentas
de Aportación Educativa (CAE) y la Cuenta de Retiro Individual no Deducible ("Roth IRA"), entre otros.
Asimismo, los invitamos a que se mantengan al día en los temas contributivos a través de nuestros
seminarios, programa de podcast y Facebook Live “SumandoAlFuturo con Martes de Números”; así como
las actividades de orientación de nuestra campaña contributiva Planilla 2020.

Agradecemos nuevamente a la firma Kevane Grant Thornton por compartir el calendario para beneficio de
nuestros colegiados. En el Colegio de CPA, seguimos SumandoAlFuturo manteniendo nuestro compromiso
para orientar en este caso, sobre asuntos contributivos. Contadores


CPA Rosa M. Rodríguez Ramos
Colegio de CPA de Puerto Rico

Esta es una herramienta de fácil referencia sobre las fechas más importantes en aspectos contributivos.
El Colegio de CPA no es responsable de acciones que se puedan realizar, considerando que pueden surgir
cambios durante el año contributivo.
2021 Tax Calendar Think strategically. Get better results - Kevane Grant Thornton LLP - Colegio de CPA
        January             February                March                       April
S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S
 					1 2              		 1 2 3 4 5 6         		 1 2 3 4 5 6         					 1 2 3
3 4 5 6 7 8 9          7 8 9 10 11 12 13      7 8 9 10 11 12 13      4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 11 12 13 14 15 16   14 15 16 17 18 19 20   14 15 16 17 18 19 20   11 12 13 14 15 16 17
17 18 19 20 21 22 23   21 22 23 24 25 26 27   21 22 23 24 25 26 27   18 19 20 21 22 23 24
24 25 26 27 28 29 30   28                     28 29 30 31            25 26 27 28 29 30
          May                 June                   July                  August
S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S
						1                			 1 2 3 4 5          					 1 2 3            1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7 8          6 7 8 9 10 11 12       4 5 6 7 8 9 10         8 9 10 11 12 13 14
9 10 11 12 13 14 15    13 14 15 16 17 18 19   11 12 13 14 15 16 17   15 16 17 18 19 20 21
16 17 18 19 20 21 22   20 21 22 23 24 25 26   18 19 20 21 22 23 24   22 23 24 25 26 27 28
23 24 25 26 27 28 29   27 28 29 30            25 26 27 28 29 30 31   29 30 31
30 31
        September          October                November                December
S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S          S M T W T F S           S M T W T F S
 			 1 2 3 4           					1 2                 1 2 3 4 5 6          		  		 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11        3 4 5 6 7 8 9          7 8 9 10 11 12 13      5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18   10 11 12 13 14 15 16   14 15 16 17 18 19 20   12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25   17 18 19 20 21 22 23   21 22 23 24 25 26 27   19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30         24 25 26 27 28 29 30   28 29 30               26 27 28 29 30 31
2021 Tax Calendar Think strategically. Get better results - Kevane Grant Thornton LLP - Colegio de CPA
2021 Tax Calendar Think strategically. Get better results - Kevane Grant Thornton LLP - Colegio de CPA

January                       February                      March                      April                         May                           June
Evaluate if you can           You are at the right          Call us today to set up    Make sure to file and pay     Set calendar reminders        Stay current with our tax
contribute more to your       moment to look at your        your tax appointment.      your income tax return        to assist you in complying    alerts. Constant changes
401K retirement plan,         income tax withholding                                   on time.                      with deposits and             to the tax laws provide
which might reduce your       to ensure you are on the                                                               payments. Non-compliance      new challenges and
tax liability for the year.   track to cover most of your                                                            during the year may           opportunities that could
                              tax liability based on your                                                            lead to disallowance of       potentially affect your tax
                              projected income.                                                                      deductions on the income      bill.
                                                                                                                     tax return or imposition of
                                                                                                                     interest and penalties.       Register here

July                          August                        September                  October                       November                      December
Review the past six months    In case you experience        Consider making a          Estate planning awareness     If you anticipate being       Review your year-end
and evaluate if any tax       a loss of property            charitable contribution,   - review your estate          in a higher tax bracket,      income and evaluate
withholding adjustments       during the year, make         which may be up to         plan to make sure it meets    consider if deferring         any last minute tax
are necessary.                sure you account for          50% of you AGI. Some       your goals and objectives.    income/accelerating           withholding adjustment.
                              losses deductions not         exceptions apply.          Proper and timely planning    deductions will be
                              compensated for by                                       will save time, situations,   beneficial. Contact us for
                              insurance or otherwise.       Contact us for advice.     and money to your loved       advice.
                              Contact our tax advisers                                 ones.
                              for help.
2021 Tax Calendar Think strategically. Get better results - Kevane Grant Thornton LLP - Colegio de CPA
2021 Tax Calendar
Table of contents
                                                                       Page                                                                  Page
2021 Puerto Rico tax returns due dates and calendars                    1-26   U.S. individuals income tax rates for taxable year 2020		       44
  January 2021 to January 2022                                                        -   single
2021 Federal tax returns due dates and calendars		                     27-28          -   married filing separately
  January 2021 to January 2022                                                        -   married filing jointly and qualifying widow(er)
                                                                                      -   head of household
General information                                                    29-30
 Deposit requirements (applicable to FICA, federal and Puerto Rico             Taxable year 2020                                               45
 income taxes)                                                                  U.S. individuals standard deduction
Puerto Rico income tax on individuals, estates and trusts              31-33    U.S. estates and trusts income tax rates
       - filing requirements                                                    U.S. corporations income tax rate
       - regular tax                                                           Christmas bonus law 		                                           46
       - gradual adjustment for individuals                                           - employees contracted before January 26, 2017
       - alternate basic tax (ABT) for individuals                                    - employees contracted on or after January 26, 2017
       - optional tax available for self-employed individuals                   Household employees (Nanny Tax)
  Quick checklist of deductions for Puerto Rico individual taxpayers           Payroll tax information						 47
  Are Social Security benefits taxable income?                                         - electronic filing requirements for Puerto Rico employers
  Capital gain rates applicable in Puerto Rico                                         - employer identification numbers by phone or online
Puerto Rico income tax for corporations and partnerships               34-35   Tax returns and forms for the Sales and Use Tax               48-50
 Alternative minimum tax (AMT)
 Optional tax available for corporations rendering services                    Individuals tax returns instructions for filing 			 51
 Audited financial statements and supplementary information                    Corporations tax returns instructions for filing			              52
 requirements in Puerto Rico                                                   Pass-through entities tax returns instructions for filing        53
Puerto Rico withholding taxes on payments to non-residents                36   Withholding tax at source on payments for services rendered      54
       - non-resident U.S. citizens                                                  - general rule
       - non-resident aliens                                                         - exclusions
       - non-resident corporations                                                   - services excluded by definition
Puerto Rico special lower tax rates (for individuals)                                - return and payment of tax withheld
The Puerto Rico Incentives Code 				                                      37         - waivers
Tax incentives under the Incentives Code                               38-40   Our services at a glance			                                     55
Tax credit in connection with eligible activities                      41-42   Our publications and mobile application			                      56
Sequential process undergone by a tax grant 		                           43    Disclaimer				                                                   57
                                                                               2021 Holidays and observances / Contact Us                      58
2021 Tax Calendar Think strategically. Get better results - Kevane Grant Thornton LLP - Colegio de CPA
2021 Puerto Rico tax returns and due dates
 APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM                        January 15 (cont’d)                                January 15 (cont’d)
  Machinery, materials and equipment available         FORM 480.31                                        FORM TSCH-1
  for installation (or in the process of being          (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income       Chauffeur’s (and other employees) Social
  installed) are considered personal property. An       Tax Withheld at Source from Non-resident           Security – Quarterly payment.
  application for exemption can be filed within         persons for the month of December in excess       VOLUME OF BUSINESS TAX
  30 days after receiving the property. The             of $200.                                           Last day for payment of second semester for
  exemption shall expire as soon as the property       FORM 480.32                                         fiscal year 2020-2021.
  is installed or placed in service, but will not be    (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income      DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
  in effect for more than three (3) years after the     Tax Withheld on Royalties, for the month of        First installment. Large taxpayers and
  property is available for installation.               December, paid to Non-residents under section      merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
                                                        6(k) of the Tax Incentives Act of 1998.            the prior year in excess of $2,000.
 January 11, 2021                                      FORM 480 E-1
 FORM AS 2970.1
                                                        (Electronic filing) 2020 P.R. Individual          January 20
                                                        Estimated Tax Payment Voucher - Fourth
  (Electronic filing through SURI) Declaration                                                            FORM AS 2915.1 D
  of Imports. Non-bonded importers - filed                                                                 (Electronic filing through SURI)
  and paid on the date of introduction of              FORM 482.0                                          Tax on Imports Monthly Return and payment.
  items. Bonded importers - filed on the date           (Electronic filing) 2019 P.R. Individual Income
                                                                                                          SALES AND USE TAX
  of introduction. Payment is extended to the           Tax Return, if the 6-month automatic extension
                                                                                                           Monthly Municipal Return and payment.
  10th day of the month following the month of          was obtained.
                                                                                                          FORM CFSE 693/02-140
  introduction.                                        FORM 480.20(EC)
                                                                                                           Workmen’s Compensation Insurance Premium.
 FORM SC 2225                                           2019 P.R. Informative Income Tax Return
                                                                                                           Payment of second installment for fiscal year
  (Electronic filing through SURI) Monthly Excise       Pass-Through Entity (Partnership, Special
  Tax Return and payment.                               Partnership and Corporation of Individuals)
                                                        (calendar year entities), if the 6-month          January 22
 January 15                                             automatic extension was obtained.
                                                                                                          VOLUME OF BUSINESS DECLARATION 2020-
                                                       FORM 480.80(F)
 FORM 499 R-1                                           2019 Revocable Trust or Grantor Trust Income      2021 (MUNICIPAL LICENSE TAX)
  (Electronic filing) Employer’s Monthly Deposit        Tax Return, if the 6-month automatic extension     Due date, if the 6-month extension
  of Income Tax Withheld from Employees for the         was obtained.                                      was obtained, date varies, subject to
  month of December. If liability for the quarter is   FORM 480.20 AND 480.30(II)                          municipalities’ interpretation.
  less than $2,500, no deposit is required.             (Electronic filing) 2019 P.R. Corporation
 FORM 480.9                                             Income Tax Return and 2019 Exempt Businesses      January 25*
  Payment of Income Tax Withheld on dividends,          Income Tax Returns, if the 6-month automatic      FORM AS 2915.1
  partnerships distributions, interest and 10%          extension was obtained (calendar year              (Electronic filing through SURI)
  penalty on IRA.                                       corporations).                                     Sales and Use Tax Monthly Return and
 DEPOSITS THROUGH SURI                                 Last day of payment of second installment           payment. (Includes Basic - SUT, preexisting
  Payment of Tax Withheld on services rendered         of the Individual Income Tax Return for 2019        contracts and auctions, Special 4% SUT, and
  and judicial or extrajudicial indemnifications.      taxable year.                                       6% reduced rate SUT).
                                                                                                           *Per BI-RI 21-01.

                                                                                                                          2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 1
2021 Tax Calendar Think strategically. Get better results - Kevane Grant Thornton LLP - Colegio de CPA
Sunday                                   Monday                      Tuesday        Wednesday              Thursday          Friday                       Saturday
     December 2020                             February 2021                   				1                                                                                                   2
S M       T    W    T    F        S     S     M    T    W    T    F        S
			        1    2    3   4        5    		     1     2   3    4    5        6

6    7    8    9    10   11       12   7      8    9    10   11   12   13

13   14   15   16   17   18       19   14     15   16   17   18   19 20

20   21   22   23   24   25 26         21     22   23   24   25   26 27

27   28   29   30   31                 28
                                                                                                                                     New Year’s Day

                              3                                        4                 5                       6              7                     8                                9

                                                                                              Three Kings’ Day

                          10		                                    11                     12                  13                 14                    15                           16

                          17                                      18                     19                 20                  21                    22                          23

                                           Martin Luther King Jr. Day

                    24/31                                         25                     26                  27             28                    29                              30

                         January 2020
                                 2021                                                                                                      2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 2
February 1                                            February 10                                          February 16 (cont’d)
FORM 499R-2/W-2PR                                     FORM AS 2970.1                                       FORM 480.32
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Employer’s           (Electronic filing through SURI) Declaration of      (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income
 Withholding Statement for Calendar Year               Imports. Non-bonded importers - filed and            Tax Withheld on Royalties, for the month of
 2020 (a 30-day extension is available).               paid on the date of introduction of items.           January, paid to Non-residents under section
FORM 499 R-3                                           Bonded importers - filed on the date of              6(k) of the Tax Incentives Act of 1998.
 (Electronic filing through SURI) 2020 Annual          introduction. Payment is extended to the            PERSONAL PROPERTY
 Reconciliation Statement of Income Tax                10th day of the month following the month of        ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENT
 Withheld (a 30-day extension is available).           introduction.                                        (Electronic filing on https://emueble.crimpr.net)
FORM 499 R-1B                                         FORM SC 2225                                          2020 - Third Installment.
 (Electronic filing) Employer’s Quarterly Return       (Electronic filing through SURI) Monthly Excise
                                                       Tax Return and payment.                             DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
 of Income Tax Withheld – Quarter ended                                                                     First installment. Large taxpayers and
 12/31/20.                                                                                                  merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
FORM SC 2788 B                                        February 16                                           the prior year in excess of $2,000.
 (Filed by the donor)                                 FORM 499 R-1
 (Electronic filing through SURI) 2020 P.R. Gift       (Electronic filing) Employer’s Monthly Deposit      February 22
 Informative Return (a 3-month automatic               of Income Tax Withheld from Employees for the
 extension is available). (A 6-month automatic                                                             FORM AS 2915.1 D
                                                       month of January. If liability for the quarter is    (Electronic filing through SURI) Tax on Imports
 extension is available if the applicant is outside    less than $2,500, no deposit is required.
 of P.R.).                                                                                                  Monthly Return and payment.
                                                      FORM 480.9                                           SALES AND USE TAX
FORM PR-UI-10 and PR-UI-10A                            Payment of Income Tax Withheld on dividends,
 P.R. Unemployment Insurance and Disability                                                                 Monthly Municipal Return and payment.
                                                       partnerships distributions, interest and 10%
 Benefits - Quarter ended 12/31/20. (Electronic        penalty on IRA.                                     FORM AS 2915.1
 filing through DTRH portal).                                                                               (Electronic filing through SURI) Sales and Use
                                                      DEPOSITS THROUGH SURI                                 Tax Monthly Return and payment. (Includes
DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX                       Payment of Tax Withheld on services rendered
 Second installment. Large taxpayers and                                                                    Basic - SUT, preexisting contracts and
                                                       and judicial or extrajudicial indemnifications.
 merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for                                                              auctions, Special 4% SUT, and 6% reduced
                                                      FORM 480.31                                           rate SUT).
 the prior year in excess of $2,000.                   (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income
FORM 480.5                                             Tax Withheld at Source from Non-resident
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Summary of           persons for the month of January in excess of
 informative returns 480.7A and 480.7D.                $200.
FORM 480.6SP-1                                        2019 EXEMPT ANNUAL REPORT & EXEMPT
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Quarterly           CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT
 Return of Tax Withheld on Payments - Services         (Electronic filing on https://ogpe. pr.gov/)
 Rendered - Quarter ended 12/31/20.                    For 2019 calendar year Exempt Pass-Through
FORM 480.7A                                            Entities, and Exempt Corporations that filed
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Informative          their Income Tax Returns on January 15, 2021.
 Returns - Mortgage interest.                         2019 EXEMPT ANNUAL REPORT
FORM 480.7D                                            (Electronic filing on https://ogpe.pr.gov) For
 (Electronic filing through SURI) - Automobile         Exempt Individuals that filed the 2019 Income
 lease payments.                                       Tax Return, Form 482.0 on January 15, 2021.

                                                                                                                            2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 3
Sunday                  Monday                 Tuesday        Wednesday            Thursday                  Friday                             Saturday
                                             1              2                    3               4                              5                                      6

                      7                     8               9                    10              11                            12                                  13

                 14                         15              16                   17              18                            19                                  20

St. Valentine’s Day       Presidents’ Day                        Ash Wednesday

                 21                         22              23               24                  25                            26                                  27

                28                                                                                          January 2021                           March 2021
                                                                                                      S M T W T F                   S    S    M     T    W    T    F       S
                                                                                                      						1                       2         1     2    3    4    5        6

                                                                                                      3    4    5    6    7    8    9    7    8     9    10   11   12      13

                                                                                                      10   11   12   13   14   15   16   14   15    16   17   18   19      20

                                                                                                      17   18   19   20   21   22 23     21   22    23   24   25   26      27

                                                                                                      24   25   26   27   28   29 30     28   29    30   31


                                                 February 2020
                                                          2021                                                       2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 4
March 1                                          March 1 (cont’d)                                      March 15 (cont’d)
FORM 480.5                                       FORM 499 R-3                                          FORM 480.32
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Summary of      (Electronic filing through SURI) 2020 Annual          (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income
 informative returns 480.6A, 480.6B, 480.6G       Reconciliation Statement of Income Tax                Tax Withheld on Royalties, for the month of
 and 480.6D; and 480.7F 480.7, 480.7B and         Withheld, if the 30-day extension was                 February, paid to Non-residents under Section
 480.7C, when reporting distributions only.       obtained.                                             6(k) of the Tax Incentives Act of 1998.
FORM 480.6A                                      DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX                      FORM 480.20(EC)
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Informative     Second installment. Large taxpayers and               (Electronic filing through SURI) 2020 P.R.
 Return - Income Not Subject to Withholding.      merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for         Informative Income Tax Return Pass-Through
FORM 480.6B                                       the prior year in excess of $2,000.                   Entity (Partnership, Special Partnership and
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Informative                                                           Corporation of Individuals) (calendar year
 Return – Income Subject to Withholding.         March 10                                               pass-through entities) (a 6-month automatic
                                                                                                        extension is available).
FORM 480.6B.1                                    FORM AS 2970.1
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Annual                                                               FORM 480.80(F)
                                                  (Electronic filing through SURI) Declaration          (Electronic filing through SURI) 2020 Revocable
 Reconciliation Statement of Income Subject to    of Imports. Non-bonded importers - filed
 Withholding.                                                                                           Trust or Grantor Trust Informative Income Tax
                                                  and paid on the date of introduction of               Return (calendar year) (a 6-month automatic
FORM 480.6D                                       items. Bonded importers - filed on the date           extension is available).
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Informative     of introduction. Payment is extended to the
 Return – Exempt Income and Exempt Income                                                              DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
                                                  10th day of the month following the month of
 Subject to Alternate Basic Tax.                                                                        First installment. Large taxpayers and
                                                  introduction.                                         merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
FORM 480.6G                                      FORM SC 2225                                           the prior year in excess of $2,000.
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Informative     (Electronic filing through SURI) Monthly Excise
 Return – Transactions made by electronic         Tax Return and payment.                              March 23
                                                                                                       FORM AS 2915.1 D
FORM 480.6SP                                     March 15                                               (Electronic filing through SURI) Tax on Imports
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Informative
 Return – Services Rendered.                     FORM 499 R-1                                           Monthly Return and payment.
FORM 480.6SP.2                                    (Electronic filing) Employer’s Monthly Deposit       SALES AND USE TAX
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Annual          of Income Tax Withheld from Employees for the         Monthly Municipal Return and payment.
 Reconciliation Statement of Services             month of February. If liability for the quarter is   FORM AS 2915.1
 Rendered.                                        less than $2,500, no deposit is required.             (Electronic filing through SURI) Sales and Use
FORM 480.7F                                      FORM 480.9                                             Tax Monthly Return and payment. (Includes
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Informative     Payment of Income Tax Withheld on dividends,          Basic - SUT, preexisting contracts and
 Return – advertising, insurance premiums,        partnerships distributions, interest and 10%          auctions, Special 4% SUT, and 6% reduced
 telecommunication, internet access and cable     penalty on IRA.                                       rate SUT).
                                                 DEPOSITS THROUGH SURI
 or satellite television services.
                                                  Payment of Tax Withheld on services rendered         March 31
FORM 499R-2/W-2PR
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Employer’s      and judicial or extrajudicial indemnifications.      DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
 Withholding Statement for Calendar Year         FORM 480.31                                            Second installment. Large taxpayers and
 2020, if the 30-day extension was obtained.      (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income          merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
                                                  Tax Withheld at Source from Non-resident              the prior year in excess of $2,000.
                                                  persons for the month of February in excess of

                                                                                                                        2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 5
Sunday                      Monday                 Tuesday        Wednesday                Thursday                  Friday                                Saturday
		                                            1                 2                       3                4                                5                                      6

                  7                          8                  9                   10                  11                            12                                     13

                  14                       15                  16                       17              18                            19                                     20

Daylight saving                                                     St. Patrick’s Day
  time begins
                  21                       22                  23                   24              25                                26                                     27

                       Emancipation Day (Observed)

               28                          29                  30                   31                            February 2021                              April 2021
                                                                                                              S   M    T    W    T    F       S    S M T W              T    F       S
                                                                                                             		   1    2    3    4    5       6    					                1    2       3

                                                                                                             7    8    9    10   11   12      13   4    5     6    7    8    9       10

                                                                                                             14   15   16   17   18   19 20        11   12    13   14   15   16      17

                                                                                                             21   22   23   24   25   26 27        18   19   20    21   22   23 24

                                                                                                             28                                    25   26   27    28   29   30
 Palm Sunday

                                                                                         March 2021                         2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 6
April 12                                April 15 (cont’d)                     April 15 (cont’d)                        April 22
FORM AS 2970.1                          DEPOSITS THROUGH SURI                 FORM 480.80                              VOLUME OF BUSINESS
 (Electronic filing through SURI)        Payment of Tax Withheld on             2020 P.R. Fiduciary Income Tax         DECLARATION (MUNICIPAL
 Declaration of Imports. Non-            services rendered and judicial or      Return (Estate or Trust) (a 6-month    LICENSE TAX)
 bonded importers - filed and            extrajudicial indemnifications.        automatic extension is available).
                                                                                                                         Full payment required in order
 paid on the date of introduction of    FORM 480.9EC                          FORM 482.0(C)                              to obtain the 5% statutory
 items. Bonded importers - filed on      Payment Voucher of Tax Withheld        2020 P.R. Composite Return               discount (a 6-month extension is
 the date of introduction. Payment       on Distributable Share of Partners     Partners and Individual Members          available) date varies, subject to
 is extended to the 10th day of the      or Shareholders of Pass-Through        of Partnerships and Limited
 month following the month of                                                                                            municipalities interpretation.
                                         Entities (calendar year entities).     Liability Companies (a 6-month
 introduction.                                                                  automatic extension is available).
FORM SC 2225
                                         First installment.
                                                                              CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT
                                                                                                                       April 30
                                        FORM 480.30
 (Electronic filing through SURI)        (Electronic filing through SURI)       (Electronic filing) 2020 Corporate     FORM 499 R-1B
 Monthly Excise Tax Return and           Non-resident Annual Return of          Annual Report (a 60-day extension       (Electronic filing) Employer’s
 payment.                                Income Tax Withheld at Source.         is available).                          Quarterly Return of Income Tax
                                                                              LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY’S               Withheld - Quarter ended 3/31/21.
                                        FORM 480.31
April 15                                 (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon   ANNUAL FEE                               DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND
 Last day to elect the 10% tax           of Income Tax Withheld at Source       (Electronic filing) 2020 LLCs Annual   USE TAX
 withholding on interest.                from Non-resident persons for the      Fee (no extension is available).        Second installment. Large
                                         month of March in excess of $200.    FORM TSCH-1                               taxpayers and merchants with
 Last day of payment of first                                                                                           monthly sales tax deposits for the
 installment of the Individual          FORM 480.32                             Chauffeur’s (and other
                                                                                employees’) Social Security-            prior year in excess of $2,000.
 Income Tax Return for 2020              (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon
 taxable year.                           of Income Tax Withheld on              Quarterly payment.                     FORM PR-UI-10 and PR UI-10A
                                         Royalties, for the month of March,   DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE              P.R. Unemployment Insurance
FORM 499 R-1                             paid to Non-residents under          TAX                                       and Disability Benefits - Quarter
 (Electronic filing) Employer’s          Section 6(k) of the Tax Incentives     First installment. Large taxpayers      ended 3/31/21. (Electronic filing
 Monthly Deposit of Income Tax           Act of 1998.                           and merchants with monthly sales        through DTRH Portal).
 Withheld from Employees for the                                                tax deposits for the prior year in     FORM SC 2788 B
 month of March. If liability for the   FORM 480.20
                                         (Electronic filing) 2020 P.R.          excess of $2,000.                       (Filed by the donor)
 quarter is less than $2,500, no                                                                                        2020 P.R. Gift Informative
 deposit is required.                    Corporation Income Tax Return
                                         (calendar year corporations) (a
                                                                              April 20                                  Return, if the 3-month automatic
FORM 480.5                               6-month automatic extension is       FORM AS 2915.1 D                          extension was obtained.
 (Electronic filing through SURI)                                              (Electronic filing through SURI) Tax    FORM 480.6SP-1
 Summary of Informative Returns          available).
                                        FORM 482.0                             on Imports Monthly Return and            (Electronic filing through SURI)
 480.6C.                                                                       payment.                                 Quarterly Return of Tax Withheld
FORM 480.6C                              2020 P.R. Individual Income Tax
                                         Return (a 6-month automatic          SALES AND USE TAX                         on Payments for Services
 (Electronic filing through SURI)                                              Monthly Municipal Return and             Rendered - Quarter ended 3/31/21.
 Informative Return Income Subject       extension is available).
 to Withholding - Non-resident.         FORM 480.E-1                           payment.
FORM 480.9                               (Electronic filing through SURI)     FORM AS 2915.1
 Payment of Income Tax Withheld          2021 P.R. Individual, Corporation     (Electronic filing through SURI)
 on dividends, partnerships              and Partnership taxed as              Sales and Use Tax Monthly Return
                                         Corporations Estimated Tax            and payment. (Includes Basic -
 distributions, interest and 10%                                               SUT, preexisting contracts and
 penalty on IRA.                         Payment Voucher (calendar year) -
                                         First Installment.                    auctions, Special 4% SUT, and 6%
                                                                               reduced rate SUT).

                                                                                                                           2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 7
Sunday                            Monday                      Tuesday        Wednesday               Thursday         Friday                      Saturday
          March 2021                         May 2021                    			 1                                                                  2                                3
 S   M      T   W    T    F    S   S M T W T F S
		   1      2   3    4    5    6   							1

7    8      9   10   11   12 13    2    3    4    5    6    7        8

14   15    16   17   18   19 20    9    10   11   12   13   14   15

21   22    23   24   25   26 27    16   17   18   19   20   21   22

28   29    30   31                 23   24   25   26   27   28 29

                                   30   31                                                                                      Good Friday

                           4                                     5                  6                      7               8                   9                             10

          Easter Sunday

                          11                                12                     13                      14              15                 16                             17

                          18                                19                     20                      21              22                 23                            24

                                                                                        Professional Day

                          25                                26                     27                  28                  29                 30

                              April 2020
                              April 2021                                                                                             2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 8
May 10                                                  May 17 (cont’d)
FORM AS 2970.1                                          FORM AS-29
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Declaration of         (Electronic filing on https://emueble.crimpr.
 Imports. Non-bonded importers - filed and               net) 2020 Personal Property Tax Return (5%
 paid on the date of introduction of items.              discount granted if estimated tax installments
 Bonded importers - filed on the date of                 were paid and total liability is satisfied by the
 introduction. Payment is extended to the                due date). (A 3-month automatic extension is
 10th day of the month following the month of            available).
 introduction.                                          PERSONAL PROPERTY
FORM SC 2225                                            ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENT
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Monthly Excise         (Electronic filing on https://emueble.crimpr.
 Tax Return and payment.                                 net) 2020 - Fourth Installment.
                                                        DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
May 17                                                   First installment. Large taxpayers and
                                                         merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
FORM 499 R-1
                                                         the prior year in excess of $2,000.
 (Electronic filing) Employer’s Monthly Deposit
 of Income Tax Withheld from Employees for the
 month of April. If liability for the quarter is less   May 20
 than $2,500, no deposit is required.                   FORM AS 2915.1 D
FORM 480.9                                               (Electronic filing through SURI) Tax on Imports
 Payment of Income Tax Withheld on dividends,            Monthly Return and payment.
 partnerships distributions, interest and 10%           SALES AND USE TAX
 penalty on IRA.                                         Monthly Municipal Return and payment.
DEPOSITS THROUGH SURI                                   FORM AS 2915.1
 Payment of Tax Withheld on services rendered            (Electronic filing through SURI)
 and judicial or extrajudicial indemnifications.         Sales and Use Tax Monthly Return and
FORM 480.31                                              payment. (Includes Basic - SUT, preexisting
 (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income            contracts and auctions, Special 4% SUT, and
 Tax Withheld at Source from Non-resident                6% reduced rate SUT).
 persons for the month of April in excess of
FORM 480.32
 (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income
 Tax Withheld on Royalties, for the month of
 April, paid to Non-residents under Section 6(k)
 of the Tax Incentives Act of 1998.

                                                                                                             2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 9
Sunday                              Monday                       Tuesday        Wednesday       Thursday        Friday                    Saturday
          April 2021                          June 2021                    					1
S M T W T                 F    S    S M        T    W    T    F        S
					1                    2    3    			        1    2    3    4        5

4    5     6    7    8    9    10   6    7     8    9    10   11   12

11   12    13   14   15   16   17   13   14    15   16   17   18   19

18   19    20   21   22   23 24 20       21    22   23   24   25 26

25   26    27   28   29   30        27   28    29   30

                           2                                       3                  4               5               6               7                                  8

                           9                                  10                     11           12                 13             14                               15

          Mother’s Day

                          16                                  17                     18           19                 20              21                              22

                    23/30                                24/31                       25           26                 27             28                              29

                                              Memorial Day

                                                                            May 2021                                        2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 10
June 1                                               June 15 (cont’d)                                    June 30
DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX                     FORM 480.9EC                                        DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
 Second installment. Large taxpayers and              (Electronic filing through SURI) Payment            Second installment. Large taxpayers and
 merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for        Voucher of Tax Withheld on Distributable Share      merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
 the prior year in excess of $2,000.                  of Partners or Shareholders of Pass-Through         the prior year in excess of $2,000.
                                                      Entities (calendar year entities) - Second
June 10                                               installment.
FORM AS 2970.1                                       FORM 480.30(II)
                                                      2020 Exempt Businesses Income Tax Return
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Declaration of      (calendar year corporations) (a 6-month
 Imports. Non-bonded importers - filed and            automatic extension is available).
 paid on the date of introduction of items.          FORM 480.31
 Bonded importers - filed on the date of              (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income Tax
 introduction. Payment is extended to the             Withheld at Source from Non-resident persons
 10th day of the month following the month of         for the month of May in excess of $200.
                                                     FORM 480.32
FORM SC 2225                                          (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income Tax
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Monthly Excise      Withheld on Royalties, for the month of May,
 Tax Return and payment.                              paid to Non-residents under Section 6(k) of the
                                                      Tax Incentives Act of 1998.
June 15                                              FORM 480.E-1
CORPORATE ANNUAL REPORT                               (Electronic filing through SURI) 2021 P.R.
 (Electronic filing) 2020 Corporate Annual            Individual, Corporation and Partnership taxed
 Report, if the 60-day extension was obtained         as Corporations Estimated Tax Payment
 (a 30-day additional extension is available).        Voucher (calendar year) - Second Installment.
FORM 499 R-1                                         DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
 (Electronic filing) Employer’s Monthly Deposit       First installment. Large taxpayers and
 of Income Tax Withheld from Employees for            merchants with monthly sales tax deposits
 the month of May. If liability for the quarter is    for the prior year in excess of $2,000.
 less than $2,500, no deposit is required.
FORM 480.7(OE)                                       June 21
 2020 P.R. Informative Return for Income             FORM AS 2915.1 D
 Tax Exempt Organizations (calendar year
 corporations). (a 6-month automatic extension        (Electronic filing through SURI) Tax on Imports
 is available).                                       Monthly Return and payment.
FORM 480.9                                           SALES AND USE TAX
 Payment of Income Tax Withheld on dividends,         Monthly Municipal Return and payment.
 partnerships distributions, interest and 10%        FORM AS 2915.1
 penalty on IRA.                                      (Electronic filing through SURI) Sales and Use
DEPOSITS THROUGH SURI                                 Tax Monthly Return and payment. (Includes
 Payment of Tax Withheld on services rendered         Basic - SUT, preexisting contracts and
 and judicial or extrajudicial indemnifications.      auctions, Special 4% SUT, and 6% reduced
                                                      rate SUT).

                                                                                                                         2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 11
Sunday              Monday        Tuesday        Wednesday       Thursday                  Friday                                Saturday
                                            1                2              3                                 4                                  5

                6             7              8               9              10                             11                                    12

               13            14             15           16                 17                            18                                     19

               20            21             22           23                 24                            25                                     26

Father’s Day

               27            28             29           30                                May 2021                              July 2021
                                                                                 S M T W T F S                         S M T W              T    F    S
                                                                                 							1                              					                1    2    3

                                                                                 2    3    4    5    6    7       8    4    5     6    7    8    9    10

                                                                                 9    10   11   12   13   14      15   11   12    13   14   15   16   17

                                                                                 16   17   18   19   20   21      22   18   19    20   21   22   23 24

                                                                                 23   24   25   26   27   28 29        25   26    27   28   29   30 31

                                                                                 30   31

                                                             June 2021                          2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 12
July 12                                               July 15 (cont’d)
FORM AS 2970.1                                        FORM 480.32
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Declaration          (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income
 of Imports. Non-bonded importers - filed              Tax Withheld on Royalties, for the month of
 and paid on the date of introduction of               June, paid to Non-residents under Section 6(k)
 items. Bonded importers - filed on the date           of the Tax Incentives Act of 1998.
 of introduction. Payment is extended to the
 10th day of the month following the month of         FORM TSCH-1
 introduction.                                         Chauffeur’s (and other employees’) Social
                                                       Security - Quarterly payment.
FORM 2225
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Monthly Excise      VOLUME OF BUSINESS TAX
 Tax Return and payment.                               Last day for payment of first semester for
                                                       fiscal year 2021-2022 without the 5% statutory
July 15                                                discount, if full payment was not made with
                                                       extension request or return.
FORM 499 R-1                                          DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
 (Electronic filing) Employer’s Monthly Deposit        First installment. Large taxpayers and
 of Income Tax Withheld from Employees for             merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
 the month of June. If liability for the quarter is    the prior year in excess of $2,000.
 less than $2,500, no deposit is required.
 (Electronic filing) 2020 Corporate Annual
                                                      July 20
 Report, if the 30-day additional extension was       FORM AS 2915.1 D
 obtained.                                             (Electronic filing through SURI)
FORM 480.9                                             Tax on Imports Monthly Return and payment.
 Payment of Income Tax Withheld on dividends,         SALES AND USE TAX
 partnerships distributions, interest and 10%          Monthly Municipal Return and payment.
 penalty on IRA.
                                                      FORM AS 2915.1
DEPOSITS THROUGH SURI                                  (Electronic filing through SURI)
 Payment of Tax Withheld on services rendered          Sales and Use Tax Monthly Return and
 and judicial or extrajudicial indemnifications.       payment. (Includes Basic - SUT, preexisting
FORM 480.31                                            contracts and auctions, Special 4% SUT, and
 (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income          6% reduced rate SUT).
 Tax Withheld at Source from Non-resident             FORM CFSE 693 / 02-140
 persons for the month of June in excess of            Annual Payroll Statement to the State
 $200.                                                 Insurance Fund of Puerto Rico 2020-2021.
                                                       Workmen’s Compensation Insurance Premium.
                                                       Payment of first installment for fiscal year

                                                                                                        2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 13
Sunday                                Monday                    Tuesday        Wednesday       Thursday        Friday                    Saturday

          June 2021
           T   W    T    F        S   S    M
                                                August 2021
                                                 T    W    T    F    S
                                                                                                                     1                2                                  3
			        1   2    3    4        5   1    2     3    4    5    6    7

6     7   8    9    10   11    12     8    9     10   11   12   13   14

13   14   15   16   17   18    19     15   16    17   18   19   20   21

20   21   22   23   24   25 26        22   23    24   25   26   27 28

27   28   29   30                     29   30    31

                              4                                      5               6               7               8               9                                  10

     Independence Day

                          11                                    12                  13           14                 15             16                                   17

                         18                                     19                  20           21                 22             23                               24

                         25                                     26                  27           28                 29            30                                31

      Constitution of the
     Commonwealth of PR

                                                                                                     July 2021             2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 14
August 2                                           August 10 (cont’d)                                     August 20
SALES AND USE TAX - QUARTERLY REPORT               FORM 499 R-1                                           FORM AS 2915.1 D
 Non-withholding Agents - Sales made by             (Electronic filing) Employer’s Monthly Deposit         (Electronic filing through SURI) Tax on Imports
 mail or internet sellers.                          of Income Tax Withheld from Employees for the          Monthly Return and payment.
FORM 499 R-1B                                       month of July. If liability for the quarter is less   SALES AND USE TAX
 (Electronic filing) Employer’s Quarterly Return    than $2,500, no deposit is required.                   Monthly Municipal Return and payment.
 of Income Tax Withheld – Quarter ended
 6/30/21.                                          August 16                                              FORM AS 2915.1
                                                                                                           (Electronic filing through SURI)
FORM SC 2788 B                                     FORM 480.9                                              Sales and Use Tax Monthly Return and
(Filed by the donor)                                Payment of Income Tax Withheld on dividends,           payment. (Includes Basic - SUT, preexisting
 (Electronic filing through SURI) 2020 P.R. Gift    partnerships distributions, interest and 10%           contracts and auctions, Special 4% SUT, and
 Informative Return, if the 6-month automatic       penalty on IRA.                                        6% reduced rate SUT).
 extension was obtained.                           DEPOSITS THROUGH SURI
FORM PR-UI-10 and PR-UI-10A                         Payment of Tax Withheld on services rendered          August 30
 P.R. Unemployment Insurance and Disability         and judicial or extrajudicial indemnifications.
 Benefits - Quarter ended 6/30/21. (Electronic                                                            FORM 480.5
                                                   FORM 480.31                                             (Electronic filing through SURI) Summary
 filing through DTRH portal).                       (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income           of informative returns 480.7, 480.7B and
DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX                    Tax Withheld at Source from Non-resident               480.7C, when reporting contributions or other
 Second installment. Large taxpayers and            persons for the month of July in excess of             transactions, but not distributions.
 merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for      $200.
 the prior year in excess of $2,000.               FORM 480.32                                            August 31
FORM 480.6SP-1                                      (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Quarterly         Tax Withheld on Royalties, for the month of           DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
 Return of Tax Withheld on Payments for             July, paid to Non-residents under section 6(k)         Second installment. Large taxpayers and
 Services Rendered - Quarter ended 6/30/21.         of the Tax Incentives Act of 1998.                     merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
                                                                                                           the prior year in excess of $2,000.
                                                   FORM AS-29
August 10                                           (Electronic filing on https://emueble.crimpr.
FORM AS 2970.1                                      net) 2020 Personal Property Tax Return, if the
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Declaration of    3-month automatic extension was obtained.
 Imports. Non-bonded importers - filed and         PERSONAL PROPERTY
 paid on the date of introduction of items.        ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENT
 Bonded importers - filed on the date of            (Electronic filing on https://emueble.crimpr.
 introduction. Payment is extended to the           net) 2021 - First Installment.
 10th day of the month following the month of      DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
 introduction.                                      First installment. Large taxpayers and
FORM SC 2225                                        merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Monthly Excise    the prior year in excess of $2,000.
 Tax Return and payment.

                                                                                                                           2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 15
Sunday        Monday        Tuesday        Wednesday        Thursday                  Friday                             Saturday
          1            2               3               4               5                              6                                       7

         8             9              10               11              12                            13                                  14

         15            16             17           18                  19                            20                                  21

         22            23             24           25                  26                            27                                  28

         29            30             31                                              July 2021                     September 2021
                                                                            S M T W             T    F    S    S M T           W    T    F        S
                                                                            					               1    2    3    				            1    2    3        4
                                                                            4    5     6   7    8    9    10   5    6     7    8    9    10       11
                                                                            11   12   13   14   15   16   17   12   13    14   15   16   17       18
                                                                            18   19   20   21   22   23 24     19   20    21   22   23   24 25
                                                                            25   26   27   28   29   30 31     26   27    28   29   30

                            August 2021                                                    2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 16
September 10                                         September 15 (cont’d)                            September 20
FORM AS 2970.1                                       FORM 480.32                                      FORM AS 2915.1 D
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Declaration of      (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income     (Electronic filing through SURI) Tax on Imports
 Imports. Non-bonded importers - filed and            Tax Withheld on Royalties, for the month of      Monthly Return and payment.
 paid on the date of introduction of items.           August, paid to Non-residents under section     SALES AND USE TAX
 Bonded importers - filed on the date of              6(k) of the Tax Incentives Act of 1998.          Monthly Municipal Return and payment.
 introduction. Payment is extended to the            FORM 480.6 (EC)                                  FORM AS 2915.1
 10th day of the month following the month of         (Electronic filing through SURI) Last day to     (Electronic filing through SURI)
 introduction.                                        deliver Informative Return(s) to Partners        Sales and Use Tax Monthly Return and
FORM SC 2225                                          of Partnerships, Special Partnerships and        payment. (Includes Basic - SUT, preexisting
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Monthly Excise      Shareholders of Corporations of Individuals      contracts and auctions, Special 4% SUT, and
 Tax Return and payment.                              (calendar year entities) if the 6-month          6% reduced rate SUT).
                                                      automatic extension was obtained.
September 15                                         FORM 480.20(EC)                                  September 30
FORM 499 R-1                                          (Electronic filing through SURI) 2020 P.R.
                                                      Informative Income Tax Return Pass-Through      DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
 (Electronic filing) Employer’s Monthly Deposit                                                        Second installment. Large taxpayers and
 of Income Tax Withheld from Employees for the        Entity (Partnership, Special Partnership and
                                                      Corporation of Individuals) (calendar year       merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
 month of August. If liability for the quarter is                                                      the prior year in excess of $2,000.
 less than $2,500, no deposit is required.            entities), if the 6-month automatic extension
                                                      was obtained.
FORM 480.9
 Payment of Income Tax Withheld on dividends,        FORM 480.80(F)
 partnerships distributions, interest and 10%         (Electronic filing through SURI) 2020
 penalty on IRA.                                      Revocable Trust or Grantor Trust Income Tax
                                                      Return, if the 6-month automatic extension
                                                      was obtained.
 Payment of Tax Withheld on services rendered
 and judicial or extrajudicial indemnifications.     FORM 480.60 (F)
                                                      (Electronic filing through SURI) Last day
FORM 480.9EC
                                                      to deliver the Revocable Trust or Grantor
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Payment
                                                      Trust Informative Return(s), if the 6-month
 Voucher of Tax Withheld on Distributable
 Share of Partners or Shareholders of Pass-           automatic extension was obtained.
 Through Entities (calendar year entities) - Third   FORM 480.E-1
 installment.                                         (Electronic filing through SURI) 2021 P.R.
FORM 480.31                                           Individual, Corporation and Partnership
 (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income         Estimated Tax Payment Voucher (calendar
 Tax Withheld at Source from Non-resident             year) - Third Installment.
 persons for the month of August in excess of        DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
 $200.                                                First installment. Large taxpayers and
                                                      merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
                                                      the prior year in excess of $2,000.

                                                                                                                       2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 17
Sunday                                 Monday                       Tuesday        Wednesday       Thursday        Friday                    Saturday
          August 2021                        October 2021                     		 1                                       2                3                                 4
S    M      T   W    T    F       S    S M T W T F                        S
1    2      3   4    5    6       7    						1                            2
8    9     10   11   12   13      14   3    4     5    6    7    8        9
15   16    17   18   19   20      21   10   11    12   13   14   15   16
22   23    24   25   26   27 28        17   18    19   20   21   22 23
29   30    31                          24   25   26    27   28   29 30


                              5                                       6                  7               8               9              10                                  11

                                                  Labor Day

                          12                                     13                     14           15                 16              17                              18

                          19                                     20                     21           22                 23             24                              25

                          26                                     27                     28           29                 30

                                                                                                   September 2021              2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 18
October 12                                         October 15 (cont’d)                               October 22
FORM AS 2970.1                                     FORM 480.20                                       VOLUME OF BUSINESS DECLARATION
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Declaration       (Electronic filing) 2020 P.R. Corporation        (MUNICIPAL LICENSE TAX)
 of Imports. Non-bonded importers - filed           Income Tax Return, if the 6-month automatic       Due date if the 6-month extension
 and paid on the date of introduction of            extension was obtained (calendar year             was obtained. Date varies, subject to
 items. Bonded importers - filed on the date        corporations).                                    municipalities’ interpretation.
 of introduction. Payment is extended to the       FORM 482.0
 10th day of the month following the month of       2020 P.R. Individual Income Tax Return, if the
 introduction.                                      6-month automatic extension was obtained.
FORM SC 2225                                       Last day of payment of second installment
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Monthly Excise   of the Individual Income Tax Return for 2020
 Tax Return and payment.                           taxable year.

October 15                                         FORM 482.0 (C)
                                                    2020 P.R. Composite Return Partners and
FORM 499 R-1                                        Individual Members of Partnerships and
 (Electronic filing) Employer’s Monthly Deposit     Limited Liability Companies, if the 6-month
 of Income Tax Withheld from Employees for          automatic extension was obtained.
 the month of September. If liability for the      FORM 480.80
 quarter is less than $2,500, no deposit is         2020 P.R. Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Estate
 required.                                          or Trust), if the 6-month automatic extension
DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX                    was obtained.
 First installment. Large taxpayers and            FORM TSCH-1
 merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for      Chauffeur’s (and other employees’) Social
 the prior year in excess of $2,000.                Security - Quarterly payment.
FORM 480.9
 Payment of Income Tax Withheld on dividends,      October 20
 partnerships distributions, interest and 10%
 penalty on IRA.                                   FORM AS 2915.1 D
                                                    (Electronic filing through SURI)
DEPOSITS THROUGH SURI                               Tax on Imports Monthly Return and payment.
 Payment of Tax Withheld on services rendered
 and judicial or extrajudicial indemnifications.   SALES AND USE TAX
                                                    Monthly Municipal Return and payment.
FORM 480.31
 (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income      FORM AS 2915.1
 Tax Withheld at Source from Non-resident           (Electronic filing through SURI)
 persons for the month of September in excess       Sales and Use Tax Monthly Return and
 of $200.                                           payment. (Includes Basic - SUT, preexisting
                                                    contracts and auctions, Special 4% SUT, and
FORM 480.32                                         6% reduced rate SUT).
 (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income
 Tax Withheld on Royalties, for the month
 of September, paid to Non-residents under
 section 6(k) of the Tax Incentives Act of 1998.

                                                                                                                    2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 19
Sunday                                 Monday                   Tuesday        Wednesday       Thursday        Friday                    Saturday
     September 2021                         November 2021
S M T          W    T    F        S     S   M    T    W    T    F    S
                                                                                                                                      1                                 2
				           1    2    3        4    		   1    2    3    4    5    6

5    6    7    8    9    10       11   7    8    9    10   11   12   13

12   13   14   15   16   17   18       14   15   16   17   18   19 20

19   20   21   22   23   24 25         21   22   23   24   25   26 27

26   27   28   29   30                 28   29   30

                              3                                      4              5                6               7               8                                  9

                         10                                      11                 12           13                 14             15                               16

                                       Columbus’ Day (PR/Federal)

                          17                                    18                  19           20                 21             22                              23

                    24/31                                       25                  26           27                 28             29                              30


                         October 2021                                                                                      2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 20
November 1                                         November 15 (cont’d)                               November 22
SALES AND USE TAX - QUARTERLY REPORT               FORM 480.9                                         FORM AS 2915.1 D
 Non-withholding Agents - Sales made by mail        Payment of Income Tax Withheld on dividends,       (Electronic filing through SURI) Tax on Imports
 or internet sellers                                partnerships distributions, interest and 10%       Monthly Return and payment.
FORM 499 R-1B                                       penalty on IRA.                                   SALES AND USE TAX
 (Electronic filing) – Employer’s Quarterly        DEPOSITS THROUGH SURI                               Monthly Municipal Return and payment.
 Return of Income Tax Withheld – Quarter            Payment of Tax Withheld on services rendered      FORM AS 2915.1
 ended 9/30/21.                                     and judicial or extrajudicial indemnifications.    (Electronic filing through SURI)
FORM PR-UI-10 and PR-UI-10A                        FORM 480.31                                         Sales and Use Tax Monthly Return and
 P.R. Unemployment Insurance and Disability         (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income       payment. (Includes Basic - SUT, preexisting
 Benefits Quarter ended 9/30/21. (Electronic        Tax Withheld at Source from Non-resident           contracts and auctions, Special 4% SUT, and
 filing through DTRH portal).                       persons for the month of October in excess of      6% reduced rate SUT).
DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX                    $200.
 Second installment. Large taxpayers and           FORM 480.32                                        November 30
 merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for      (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income
 the prior year in excess of $2,000.                Tax Withheld on Royalties, for the month of
                                                                                                      CHRISTMAS BONUS
FORM 480.6SP-1                                                                                         (Act No. 148 of June 30, 1969, as amended
                                                    October, paid to Non-residents under section
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Quarterly                                                            by Act No. 7 of 1986). Last day for filing with
                                                    6(k) of the Tax Incentives Act of 1998.
 Return of Tax Withheld on Payments for                                                                the Secretary of Labor a statement of the
                                                   PERSONAL PROPERTY                                   company’s economic situation, changes
 Services Rendered - Quarter ended 9/30/21.
                                                   ESTIMATED TAX PAYMENT                               in financial position and corresponding
November 10                                         (Electronic filing on https://emueble.crimpr.      annotations to request a total or partial
                                                    net) 2021 - Second Installment.                    exemption from the obligation to pay the
FORM AS 2970.1                                     EXEMPT CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT                    Christmas Bonus. For more information refer
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Declaration of    (Electronic filing on https://ogpe.pr.gov/)        to Page 46.
 Imports. Non-bonded importers - filed and          For calendar year Corporations that filed the
 paid on the date of introduction of items.                                                           DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
                                                    Exempt Business Income Tax Return, Form            Second installment. Large taxpayers and
 Bonded importers - filed on the date of            480.30(II).
 introduction. Payment is extended to the                                                              merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
                                                   EXEMPT INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL REPORT                     the prior year in excess of $2,000.
 10th day of the month following the month of
 introduction.                                      (Electronic filing on https://ogpe.pr.gov/)
                                                    Exempt Individuals that filed the Income Tax
FORM SC 2225                                        Return, Form 482.0.
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Monthly Excise
 Tax Return and payment.                           EXEMPT ANNUAL REPORT
                                                    (Electronic filing on https://ogpe.pr.gov/) For
November 15                                         calendar year Exempt Pass Through Entities
                                                    that filed the Income Tax Return, Form 480.20
FORM 499 R-1                                        (EC).
 (Electronic filing) Employer’s Monthly Deposit    DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
 of Income Tax Withheld from Employees              First installment. Large taxpayers and
 for the month of October. If liability for the     merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
 quarter is less than $2,500, no deposit is         the prior year in excess of $2,000.

                                                                                                                       2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 21
Sunday                Monday         Tuesday        Wednesday         Thursday                          Friday                               Saturday
                                 1               2               3                       4                                  5                                      6

                  7             8               9            10                          11                             12                                    13

Daylight Saving
                                                                       Veterans’ Day
  Time Ends

                  14            15              16               17                    18                               19                                    20

                                                                                                         Discovery of
                                                                                                        Puerto Rico Day

                  21            22              23           24                        25                               26                                    27

                                                                      Thanksgiving Day

                  28            29              30                                                      October 2021                     December 2021
                                                                                              S M T W T F                       S   S M T           W    T    F    S
                                                                                              						1                           2   				            1    2    3    4

                                                                                              3    4      5   6    7    8       9   5    6     7    8    9    10   11

                                                                                              10   11    12   13   14   15   16     12   13    14   15   16   17   18

                                                                                              17   18    19   20   21   22 23       19   20    21   22   23   24 25

                                                                                              24   25    26   27   28   29 30 26         27    28   29   30   31


                                     November 2021                                                            2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 22
December 10                                           December 15 (cont’d)                               December 31
FORM AS 2970.1                                        FORM 480.30(II)                                    DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Declaration of       2020 Exempt Businesses Income Tax Return, if       Second installment. Large taxpayers and
 Imports. Non-bonded importers - filed and             the 6-month automatic extension was obtained       merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
 paid on the date of introduction of items.            (calendar year corporations).                      the prior year in excess of $2,000.
 Bonded importers - filed on the date of              FORM 480.31
 introduction. Payment is extended to the              (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income
 10th day of the month following the month of          Tax Withheld at Source from Non-resident
 introduction.                                         persons for the month of November in excess
FORM SC 2225                                           of $200.
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Monthly Excise      FORM 480.32
 Tax Return and payment.                               (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income
                                                       Tax Withheld on Royalties, for the month of
December 15                                            November, paid to Non-residents under section
Last day to pay Christmas bonus required               6(k) of the Tax Incentives Act of 1998.
by Act No. 148 of June 30, 1969, as                   FORM 480.E-1
amended. For more information refer to                 (Electronic filing through SURI) 2021 P.R.
Page 39.                                               Corporation and Partnership taxed as
                                                       Corporations Estimated Tax Payment Voucher
FORM 499 R-1                                           (calendar year) - Fourth Installment.
 (Electronic Filing) Employer’s Monthly Deposit       DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
 of Income Tax Withheld from Employees for the         First installment. Large taxpayers and
 month of November. If liability for the quarter is    merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
 less than $2,500, no deposit is required.             the prior year in excess of $2,000.
FORM 480.7 (OE)
 2020 P.R. Informative Return for Income
 Tax Exempt Organizations, if the 6-month
                                                      December 20
 automatic extension was obtained (calendar           FORM AS 2915.1 D
 year entities).                                       (Electronic filing through SURI) Tax on Imports
FORM 480.9                                             Monthly Return and payment.
 Payment of Income Tax Withheld on dividends,         SALES AND USE TAX
 partnerships distributions, interest and 10%          Monthly Municipal Return and payment.
 penalty on IRA.                                      FORM AS 2915.1
DEPOSITS THROUGH SURI                                  (Electronic filing through SURI) Sales and Use
 Payment of Tax Withheld on services rendered          Tax Monthly Return and payment. (Includes
 and judicial or extrajudicial indemnifications.       Basic - SUT, preexisting contracts and
FORM 480.9EC                                           auctions, Special 4% SUT, and 6% reduced
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Payment              rate SUT).
 Voucher of Tax Withheld on Distributable Share
 of Partners or Shareholders of Pass-Through
 Entities (calendar year entities) - Fourth

                                                                                                                         2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 23
Sunday                             Monday                    Tuesday        Wednesday       Thursday        Friday                    Saturday
     November 2021                      January 2022                   		 1                                       2                3                                 4
 S   M    T    W    T    F    S    S M T W T F S
		   1    2    3    4    5    6    							1
7    8    9    10   11   12   13   2    3     4    5    6    7    8
14   15   16   17   18   19 20     9    10    11   12   13   14   15
21   22   23   24   25   26 27     16   17   18    19   20   21   22
28   29   30                       23   24   25    26   27   28 29

                                   30   31

                         5                                    6                  7                8              9              10                                   11

                         12                                  13                  14           15                 16              17                              18

                         19                                  20                  21           22                 23              24                              25

                                                                                                                                                Christmas Day

                         26                                  27                  28           29                 30             31

                                                                                            December 2021               2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 24
January 10, 2022                                   January 18 (cont’d)                                January 31 (cont’d)
FORM AS 2970.1                                     FORM TSCH-1                                        FORM 499 R-1B
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Declaration of    Chauffeur’s (and other employees’) Social          (Electronic filing) Employer’s Quarterly Return
 Imports. Non-bonded importers - filed and          Security - Quarterly payment.                      of Income Tax Withheld – Quarter ended
 paid on the date of introduction of items.        VOLUME OF BUSINESS TAX                              12/31/21.
 Bonded importers - filed on the date of            Last day for the payment of second semester       FORM SC 2788 B
 introduction. Payment is extended to the           for fiscal year 2021-2022.                         (Filed by the donor)
 10th day of the month following the month of      DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX                    (Electronic filing through SURI) 2021 P.R. Gift
 introduction.                                      First installment. Large taxpayers and             Informative Return (a 3-month automatic
FORM SC 2225                                        merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for      extension is available). (A 6-month automatic
 (Electronic filing through SURI) Monthly Excise    the prior year in excess of $2,000.                extension is available if the applicant is outside
 Tax Return and payment.                                                                               of P.R.).
                                                   January 20                                         FORM PR-UI-10 and PR-UI-10A
January 18                                                                                             P.R. Unemployment Insurance and Disability
                                                   FORM AS 2915.1 D
FORM 499 R-1                                                                                           Benefits - Quarter ended 12/31/21. (Electronic
                                                    (Electronic filing through SURI) Tax on Imports
 (Electronic filing) Employer’s Monthly Deposit                                                        filing through DTRH portal).
                                                    Monthly Return and payment.
 of Income Tax Withheld from Employees for the                                                        DEPOSIT OF THE SALES AND USE TAX
                                                   SALES AND USE TAX
 month of December. If liability for the quarter                                                       Second installment. Large taxpayers and
                                                    Monthly Municipal Return and payment.
 is less than $2,500, no deposit is required.                                                          merchants with monthly sales tax deposits for
                                                   FORM AS 2915.1                                      the prior year in excess of $2,000.
FORM 480.9                                          (Electronic filing through SURI)
 Payment of Income Tax Withheld on dividends,                                                         FORM 480.5
                                                    Sales and Use Tax Monthly Return and
 partnerships distributions, interest and 10%                                                          (Electronic filing through SURI) Summary of
                                                    payment. (Includes Basic - SUT, preexisting
 penalty on IRA.                                                                                       informative returns 480.7A and 480.7D.
                                                    contracts and auctions, Special 4% SUT, and
DEPOSITS THROUGH SURI                               6% reduced rate SUT).                             FORM 480.6SP-1
 Payment of Tax Withheld on services rendered                                                          (Electronic filing through SURI) Quarterly
                                                   FORM CFSE 693 / 02-140
 and judicial or extrajudicial indemnifications.                                                       Return of Tax Withheld on Payments for
                                                    Workmen’s Compensation Insurance Premium.
FORM 480.31                                                                                            Services Rendered - Quarter ended 12/31/21.
                                                    Payment of second installment for fiscal year
 (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income       2021-2022.
 Tax Withheld at Source from Non-resident
 persons for the month of December in excess       January 31
 of $200.
FORM 480.32                                        FORM 499R-2/W-2PR
 (Electronic filing) Deposit coupon of Income       (Electronic filing through SURI) Employer’s
 Tax Withheld on Royalties for the month of         Withholding Statement for Calendar Year 2021
 December, paid to Non-residents under section      (a 30-day extension is available).
 6(k) of the Tax Incentives Act of 1998.           FORM 499 R-3
                                                    (Electronic filing through SURI) 2021 Annual
FORM 480.E-1                                        Reconciliation Statement of Income Tax
 (Electronic filing through SURI) 2021 P.R.         Withheld (a 30-day extension is available).
 Individual Estimated Tax Payment Voucher –
 Fourth Installment.

                                                                                                                       2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 25
Sunday                                   Monday                   Tuesday        Wednesday       Thursday               Friday                    Saturday
     December 2021                            February 2022                                                			 1
 S   M  T      W     T   F        S    S M         T    W    T    F    S
		    		       1     2   3        4    			         1    2    3    4    5
5    6    7    8     9   10       11   6      7    8    9    10   11   12
12   13   14   15   16   17   18       13     14   15   16   17   18   19
19   20   21   22   23   24 25         20     21   22   23   24   25 26
26   27   28   29   30   31            27    28
                                                                                                                                                             New Year’s Day

                              2                                        3               4               5                      6                7                                 8

                                                                                                           Three Kings’ Day

                              9                                   10                  11           12                     13                 14                               15

                          16                                      17                  18           19                    20                  21                              22

                                           Martin Luther King Jr. Day

                    23/30                              24/        31                  25           26                     27                28                               29

                         January 2022                                                                                               2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 26
2021 Federal tax returns due dates*
January 15, 2021                        February 16                           April 15 (cont’d)                         April 30 (cont’d)
FORM 941                                FORM 941                              FORM 1040                                 FORM 941-PR
 File through Electronic Federal        File through Electronic Federal        2020 U.S. Individual Income Tax           Employer’s Quarterly Federal
 Tax Payment System (EFTPS)             Tax Payment System (EFTPS)             Return (a 6-month automatic               (FICA) Tax Return and payment –
 Employer’s Monthly Deposit of           Employer’s Monthly Deposit of         extension is available).                  Quarter ended 3/31/21. However,
 Social Security and Medicare            Social Security and Medicare         FORM 1040-SS                               if all tax due is deposited on time,
 Withheld from Employees for the         Withheld from Employees for the       2020 U. S. Self-employment Tax            you have until 5/10/21 to file.
 month of December.                      month of January.                     Return. Required if net earnings
FORM 1040-ES                                                                   from self-employment are $400            May 17
 2020 U.S. Individual Estimated         March 15                               or more (a 6-month automatic             FORM 941
 Tax Payment Voucher - Fourth           FORM 941                               extension is available).                  File through Electronic Federal
 Installment.                            File through Electronic Federal      FORM 1040-ES                               Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
                                         Tax Payment System (EFTPS)            2021 U.S. Individual Estimated
February 1                               Employer’s Monthly Deposit of         Tax Payment Voucher - First
                                                                                                                         Employer’s Monthly Deposit of
                                                                                                                         Social Security and Medicare
FORM 940                                 Social Security and Medicare          Installment.                              Withheld from Employees for the
 File through Electronic Federal         Withheld from Employees for the      FORM 1041                                  month of April.
 Tax Payment System (EFTPS)              month of February.                    2020 U.S. Income Tax Return for
 Federal Unemployment Quarterly         FORM 1065                              Estates and Trusts (a 5 ½ -month         June 15
 Deposit - Quarter ended 12/31/20.       2020 U.S. Partnership Income          automatic extension is available).
 If liability for the quarter is less                                                                                   FORM 941
                                         Tax Return (calendar year            FORM 1120                                  File through Electronic Federal
 than $500, no deposit is required.      partnerships) (a 6-month extension    2020 U.S. Corporation Income              Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
FORM 940-PR                              is available).                        Tax Return (calendar year                 Employer’s Monthly Deposit of
 2020 Employer’s Annual Federal                                                corporations) (a 6-month
 Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return.        April 15                               automatic extension is available).
                                                                                                                         Social Security and Medicare
                                                                                                                         Withheld from Employees for the
 However, if all tax due is deposited   FORM 941
 on time, you can file on 2/10/21.       File through Electronic Federal      April 30                                   month of May.
                                                                                                                        FORM 1040-ES
FORM 941-PR                              Tax Payment System (EFTPS)           FORM 940                                   2021 U.S. Individual Estimated
 Employer’s Quarterly Federal            Employer’s Monthly Deposit of         File through Electronic Federal           Tax Payment Voucher - Second
 (FICA) Tax Return and payment –         Social Security and Medicare          Tax Payment System (EFTPS)                Installment.
 Quarter ended 12/31/20. However,        Withheld from Employees for the       Federal Unemployment Quarterly
 if all tax due is deposited on time,                                                                                   FORM 1040
                                         month of March.                       Deposit - Quarter ended 3/31/21. If       2020 U.S. Individual Income Tax
 you have until 2/10/21 to file.        FINCEN FORM 114                        liability for the quarter is less than    Return if you are a U. S. citizen or
FORM W-3PR                               (Electronic filing) 2020 Foreign      $500, no deposit is required.             resident alien living and working
 2020 Transmittal of Withholding         Bank Account Report (a 6-month                                                  outside the United States and
 Statements Annual Reconciliation        automatic extension is available).                                              Puerto Rico (a 4-month automatic
 of FICA Tax Withheld.
                                                                                                                         extension is available).

*Federal tax due dates are pending and subject to IRS official publication.

                                                                                                                            2021 Kevane Grant Thornton Tax Calendar 27
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