2021 Summer Games Event Guide - Special Olympics Maryland

Page created by Tom Frazier
2021 Summer Games Event Guide - Special Olympics Maryland
2021 Summer Games
Event Guide
Friday June 11, 2021 – Sunday June 13, 2021*

Towson University / Kiwanis Wallas Park

(*Please note that Swimming will be held on June 26, 2021 in Saint Mary’s County at Great
Mills Swimming Pool and will be covered in a separate document.)
2021 Summer Games Event Guide - Special Olympics Maryland
2021 SUMMER GAMES                                                      EVENT GUIDE

Table of Contents
(click to go directly to each section)

Welcome Letter ..................................................................... 4
Vision, Mission, Values ............................................................. 5

Important Phone Numbers ......................................................... 6

Towson University Campus Map ................................................... 8
Tentative Schedule of Events ..................................................... 9
Social Media At Summer Games .................................................. 9
Games Management Team Members ........................................... 10

General Competition Information ..............................................       13
Swimming Competition...........................................................      15
Athletics Competition ............................................................   17
Bocce Competition ................................................................   31
Cheerleading Competition .......................................................     39
Softball Competition .............................................................   52

Delegation Information........................................................... 62
     HOD/Head Coach Responsibilities ....................................... 62
     On-Site Registration ....................................................... 65
     Games Control Center ..................................................... 66
     Meals and Food Information .............................................. 68
     Ceremonies ................................................................. 68
     Transportation & Parking on Towson Campus ......................... 70
     Rain/Inclement Weather Plan ............................................ 71
     Games Evaluation .......................................................... 72

Driving Directions to Towson University ....................................... 73

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2021 Summer Games Event Guide - Special Olympics Maryland
2021 SUMMER GAMES                                                     EVENT GUIDE

Codes of Conduct ................................................................. 74
Equalization of Competition..................................................... 84
Medical Information .............................................................. 85
Concussion Information .......................................................... 87
Emergency Procedures ........................................................... 89
Missing Athlete Procedure ....................................................... 89
Protecting Special Olympics Athletes .......................................... 90
Local Restaurants ................................................................. 94
Local Banks & Grocery/Convenience Stores .................................. 95

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2021 Summer Games Event Guide - Special Olympics Maryland
2021 SUMMER GAMES                                                    EVENT GUIDE

Dear Delegations, Families, Spectators, Volunteers, and Guests,

We are proud to welcome you to the 2021 Special Olympics Maryland
Summer Games!

The 2021 Special Olympics Maryland Summer Games are again hosted by
Towson University, and the wonderful community in Baltimore County,
Maryland, as well as Howard County at Kiwanis Wallas Park and Saint
Mary’s County at Great Mills Swimming Pool. The weekend of June 11-13,
our Special Olympics athletes and Unified® partners will compete in the
sports of; athletics, bocce, cheerleading, and softball. Saturday, June
26*, will see our swimmers competing at Great Mills.

We wish all athletes, Unified® partners, and coaches the best of luck. If
we can be of any assistance during the competition, please let us know.
Thank you for your assistance in making the 2021 Special Olympics
Maryland Summer Games a wonderful event for over 400 athletes and
Unified® partners!

Enjoy the Games,
Special Olympics Maryland & the Games Management Team

*Details related to the swimming competition will be covered in a separate

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2021 Summer Games Event Guide - Special Olympics Maryland
2021 SUMMER GAMES                               EVENT GUIDE

Our Vision
Special Olympics Maryland will be the leader in life-
long and Unified® sports programs for individuals with
intellectual disabilities, empowering athletes to be
valued members of their community and respected
members of society.

Our Mission
The mission of Special Olympics is to provide year-
round sports training and athletic competition in a
variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults
with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing
opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate
courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of
gifts, skills and friendship with their families, other
Special Olympics athletes and the community.

Our Values
  • Community connections and bridges
  • Friendships for life
  • Integrity by “doing the right thing”
  • Opportunity to excel
  • Quality in all we do
  • Sportsmanship and fairness for all

2021 Summer Games Event Guide - Special Olympics Maryland
2021 SUMMER GAMES                                        EVENT GUIDE

Important Phone Numbers
Games Control Center
Minnegan Room, Unitas Stadium                   410.704.5527
     Friday    9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
     Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
     Sunday    7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Emergency Contact Information
Emergency                                                911
Poison Control Center                           800.222.1222
Towson University Police                        410.704.4444

Campus and General Contact Information
Special Olympics Maryland Headquarters          410.242.1515
Towson University                               410.704.2000

Baltimore County Contact Information
Baltimore County Fire Department                410.307.2052
Baltimore County General Information            410.887.0000
Baltimore County Health Department              410.832.7179
Baltimore County Police Department              410.887.2222

Hospitals and Medical Services
American Red Cross Headquarters                 410.624.2000
American Red Cross Emergency                    410.624.2040
Franklin Square Hospital                        443.777.7000
Greater Baltimore Medical Center                443.849.2000
Northwest Hospital                              410.521.2200
St. Joseph’s Hospital Emergency Room            410.337.1226
St. Joseph’s Medical Center                     410.337.1000

2021 Summer Games Event Guide - Special Olympics Maryland
2021 SUMMER GAMES                               EVENT GUIDE

2021 Summer Games Event Guide - Special Olympics Maryland
2021 SUMMER GAMES                                                             EVENT GUIDE

Tentative Schedule of Events
Friday June 11, 2021
  Softball Competition at Kiwanis Wallas Park in Ellicott City, MD
      • Visit the Softball portion of this Event Guide for details.

Saturday June 12, 2021

  Cheerleading (Soccer Stadium) and Bocce (Burdick Fields) Competition at Towson
      • Please visit the Cheerleading and Bocce potions of this Event Guide for details.

  Virtual Athlete Dance
      •   https://somd.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcocO2vqjksGdAEkN9Ig7v4EH56lGGTO1hw

Sunday June 13, 2021

  Athletics (Track & Field) Competition at Towson University (Unitas Stadium)
      • Please visit the Athletics potion of this Event Guide for details.

Other Important Notes
  •   There will be Health Screening stations at each venue for volunteers and delegation.
      members. Delegation members must complete health screening in order to compete or
      be seated with their delegation.
  •   Each competition venue will have an individual Venue Opening Ceremony at the start
      of each day/session. There will not be an overall Opening Ceremony.
  •   Merchandise can be purchased through the SOMD website:
      https://www.somd.org/?s=merchandise - but will not be available on site in 2021.
  •   Families are always appreciated and SOMD recognizes the efforts of the families in the
      preparation of the events. Due to the pandemic protocols, there will not be a Family
      Social in 2021.
  •   Seating for delegation members and spectators will be separated at each venue.
  •   Masks are to be worn at all times – with the exception of competitors and coaches
      while engaged in physical activity, as well as certain management personnel and lead
      volunteers in positions as approved by SOMD.
  •   All attendees are asked to practice social distancing and comply with SOMD requests as
      made to ensure the safety of all attendees during the event.
  •   There will not be food services (meals) provided to families or delegation members at
      the event. Individuals are asked to make their own arrangements for snacks and meals
      during the event.
          o Note: Bottled water will be available to athletes and volunteers.
          o Note: Individuals are encouraged to bring their own water bottle.

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2021 Summer Games Event Guide - Special Olympics Maryland
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2021 SUMMER GAMES                                                           EVENT GUIDE

Games Management Team Members
Games Director                            Steve Bennett

  Athletics Competition Director          Ron Freeman
  Bocce Competition Directors             Kendall Zeswitz, George Hergenhahn (Asst.)
  Cheerleading Competition Director       Anna McCauley
  Softball Competition Directors          Allan McCauley, Rick McCauley (Asst.)
                                          Tom Baker (Asst.)
   Swimming Competition Director          Neil Coffee

Director of Volunteers                    Sam Boyd

Operations & Support
  Technology and Programs                 Mike Czarnowsky
  Control Center & Ops                    Dawn Furlough, Bill DePauw, Jayne French

Ceremonies and Athletics Awards           Tom Humphreys (Press Box Announcer)
                                          Elizabeth Miller (Awards Co-Director & Ceremonies)
                                          Therese Sorrentino (Awards Co-Director & Ceremonies)

Food & Logistics Services (water / ice)   Matt Otwell (Director)
                                          Paul Hergenhahn
                                          David Weckesser
                                          Kelly Ednock
                                          Jarret Crumback

Towson University Liaisons
  Event and Conference Services           Scott Beyer, Sue Fata
  Athletic Facilities Management          Bill Murphy

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2021 SUMMER GAMES                                          EVENT GUIDE

Athletics Committee & Officials       Softball Committee
Mike Bovino                           Tommy Baker
Ed Dubois                             Anne Marie Baker
Rhonda Garrison                       Anna McCauley
Bill Hergenhahn                       Debbie Credito
Tom Humphreys                         Danielle Weddle
Chris McGuinness                      Rick McCauley
Susan Oppold                          Ralph Eggen
Scott Rippeon
Darrel Smith
Mary Ellen Stephens                   Food Services Committee
Bill Sullivan                         Calvin Anthony
Kathy Szeliga                         Matt Cerbus
Antonio Washington                    Josh Crumback
Bill Wood                             Jordan Crumback
Jason Zimmerman                       Theresa Donahue
Dan Jaskiewicz                        Jim Hergenhahn
Elizabeth Miller                      Adam Marcus
Jeff Hagen                            Tammie Monaco
                                      Mark Olsen
Bocce Committee & Officials           Alec Travers
Lucio Corsini                         Kyle Travers
Mark Giampa
Bryan Goehring                        Volunteer Services Committee
Colin McGuire                         Justin Byram
Carolyn Roney                         Rachael Dockter
                                      Juliette Wallace
                                      Daniel Bassindale
Cheerleading Committee & Officials    Zach Andreas
Gregory Collins                       Ben Poindexter
Kristen Goldstraw                     Taylor Line
Carla Bowyer                          Ethan Brown
Angie Feehly
Rick McCauley
Tracy McCauley
Allan McCauley
Patty Yakel
Don Yakel
Debbie Credito
Danielle Weddle

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                                 EVENT GUIDE

SOMD Additional Staff Leads & Liaisons
Athletics                                Ryan Kelchner
Bocce                                    Ryan Kelchner
Cheerleading / Softball                  Melissa Anger
Operations                               Zach Cintron
Local Programs                           Jeff Abel
Communications/Media                     Alexa Carney, Kira Northrop,
                                         Maddi Magnum
LETR Awards Presenters                   Betsy Jiron
Donors                                   Frank Ferrell, Sue Jacobs
Risk Management                          Rhonda Garrison

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2021 SUMMER GAMES                                            EVENT GUIDE

General Competition Information
The Official Special Olympics Summer Sports Rules (available at
www.specialolympics.org) shall govern all Special Olympics competitions.
As an international sports program, Special Olympics has created these
rules based upon International Sports Federation (ISF) and National
Governing Body (NGB) rules for each sport. NGB rules shall be employed
except when they are in conflict with the Special Olympics Sports Rules.
In such cases, the Official Special Olympics Sports Rules shall apply.

General Competition Rules
  • Athletes are required to wear appropriate competition attire as
    defined in the Sports Rules. Athlete uniforms must comply with the
    requirements of each sport.
  • Athletes will be divisioned according to the Official Special
    Olympics Summer Sports Rules. Athletes will be divisioned based
    upon age, gender and ability. Some age groups may be combined to
    offer the best competition opportunities for the competitors.
  • It is the responsibility of each coach to submit the best entry score
    for each competitor.
  • Athletes entered in fundamental events will be entered in other
    events only at the discretion of the Competition Director.
  • Each Delegation must designate one head coach for each sport and
    one head coach for each Cheerleading team. Head coaches must
    meet all requirements for being designated as the head coach.
  • Only the sport-specific head coach for a Delegation may file
    protests (with the exception of Athletics – see Athletics section for
    details). Protests may be appealed to the Games Rules Committee.

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                             EVENT GUIDE

Protest Procedures
Only an athlete’s/partner’s certified head coach may file a protest on
behalf of the athlete/partner. No protests will be accepted from other
coaches, athletes, partners, chaperones, volunteers or family members
(with the exception of athletics where USATF rules permit an
athlete/partner to file a protest on his/her own behalf). Protests may
only be made on the application of sports rules, not on the judgment of

Protests must be on a Special Olympics Protest Form and must be
submitted to the Control Center at the appropriate sports venue within
30 minutes after the posting of the results for the specific competition in
question (15 minutes for Bocce). For all sports, a specific competition is
complete when the results for that competition (heat, flight or game) are
posted at the venue.

The Sports Rules Committee will rule on each protest within two hours of
its receipt. The decision of the Sports Rules Committee may be appealed
by the Head of Delegation to the Games Rules Committee. Appeals must
be filed within 24 hours after the coach receives notification of the
protest ruling; appeals must be submitted to the Games Director: Steve
Bennett electronically via email to sbennett@somd.org by the Area
Director. The decision of the Games Rules Committee is final.

Sports Rules Committees listings are included in each sport section or will
be provided at the Head Coaches Meeting. Protest and Appeals Forms will
be available at the Control Center at each sports venue and at the Games
Control Center.

2021 SUMMER GAMES                               EVENT GUIDE

Swimming Information

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                           EVENT GUIDE


Competition Dates:        Saturday June 26, 2021
Time of Competition:      Under Review
Location:                 Great Mills High – Pool (St. Mary’s County)
                          Great Mills, MD 20634
Competition Director:     Neil Coffee
Head Rules Official(s):   Rob Dobry – USA Swimming
National Governing Body: USA Swimming – www.usaswimming.org
Anticipated Participants: 35 Athletes

Swimming Information
Note: Additional information pertaining to Swimming will be provided
under a separate Guide for those participating on June 26, 2021.

2021 SUMMER GAMES                               EVENT GUIDE

Athletics Information

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                            EVENT GUIDE


Competition Dates:          Sunday, June 13th

Time of Competition:        9:00 a.m. Coaches Meeting
                            9:45 a.m.- 1:30 p.m.

Location:                   Towson University – Unitas Stadium

Competition Director:       Ron Freeman
Head Rules Official:        Chris McGuinness

National Governing Body: USA Track and Field – www.usatf.org

Anticipated Participants:   95 Athletes

Entries:                    Athletes may enter a maximum of two
                            individual events.

Spectators:                 Areas will be available for spectators
                            including handicap seating. All spectators
                            must only sit in the designated locations in
                            the stands of Unitas Stadium.

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                      EVENT GUIDE

Track Events Offered                 Field Events Offered
  • 25 Meters                           • Long Jump
  • 50 Meters                           • High Jump
  • 100 Meters                          • Shot Put
  • 200 Meters                               o Men: 4.0 kg/ 8.8lbs
  • 400 Meters                               o Women: 3.0kg/6.6lbs
  • 25 Meter Walk                            o Men (8-11 years):
  • 50 Meter Walk                               3.0 kg/6.6 lbs
                                             o Women (8-11 years):
                                                2 kg/4.4 lbs
                                             o Wheelchair:
                                        • Mini Javelin
                                             o Men: 400g
                                             o Women: 300g
                                             o Men and Women (8-15
                                                years): 300g
                                        • Standing Long Jump
                                        • Softball Throw

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                             EVENT GUIDE

Athletics Rules of Competition
The Official Special Olympics Summer Sports Rules (available at
www.specialolympics.org ) shall govern all Special Olympics Athletics
competitions. As an international sports program, Special Olympics has
created these rules based upon International Amateur Athletic Federation
(IAAF) and the National Governing Body rules for Athletics (USA Track &
Field). NGB rules shall be employed at these Games except when they are
in conflict with Special Olympics Sports Rules. In such cases, the Official
Special Olympics Sports Rules shall apply.

Athletics Sports Rules Committee (composition per USATF rules)
  • Ron Freeman – Competition Director
  • Chris McGuinness – Referee
  • Bill Wood – Assistant Referee
  • Mike Bovino – Alternate

Athletics Rules of Competition:
Complete, detailed rules of competition can be obtained on the Athletics
Page of SOMD’s Coach Resource Pages

NGB rules (USATF rules) permit competitors as well as head coaches to
file protests. Special Olympics Maryland views this rule as an excellent
opportunity for on-going development for our athletes. We do have
concerns about some athletes’ knowledge of protests, and the potential
for great frustration when protests are filed for non-protestable issues
(while such inappropriate protest will be accepted, they will routinely be
denied per USATF rules).

As a part of this learning and development process for our athletes, we
strongly encourage coaches to provide proper guidance to athletes on
what are appropriate issues to protest and with the proper and timely
completion/submission of protest forms.

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                                EVENT GUIDE

In general, issues that may be legitimately protested include a rules error
by an official; an error in the recording of a score; the maximum effort
rule; etc.

Issues that will be automatically denied if protested include an official’s
judgment call including if the official did not call a violation, divisioning,

Reminder: Exit Criteria for Softball Throw and 50M Run
Special Olympics Maryland (SOMD) has instituted “exit criteria” for
entries into the Softball Throw and 50 Meter Race.

The Softball Throw (SBT) and 50 Meter Race (50M) are both classified as
“fundamental events” in Special Olympics – essentially events for athletes
who do not currently have the capability to participate in the standard
athletics events such as the 100 Meter Race and the Mini-Jav. There have
been on-going challenges with athletes being entered in the SBT and 50M
whose skills and abilities indicate that they are fully capable of
competing in the standard events, for example they can throw a softball
more than 10 meters or run the 50M in 15 seconds or faster.

For the 2021 Summer Games, SOMD will enforce the following exit
criteria for these events:

   • Softball Throw: No athlete will be permitted to enter the SBT with
     an entry score of 20 meters or greater; any athlete who throws the
     softball at Summer Games a distance of 20 meters or greater will be
     subject to disqualification.
   • 50 Meter Race: No athlete will be permitted to enter the 50M with
     an entry score of 10 seconds or less; any athlete who runs the 50M
     at Summer Games with a time of 10 seconds or less will be subject
     to disqualification.

  • General
       o Athletes/partners not in proper uniform will be disqualified.

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      o It is the responsibility of the coach to ensure that
         athletes/partners comply with this rule prior to checking into
         the Staging Tent.
      o Any coach who has a question as to whether the attire or
         footwear of an athlete/partner is appropriate is responsible
         for asking the Venue Director for a ruling in advance of check-
         in at the Staging Tent.
      o Divisions will not be held up for the purpose of changing
         attire/footwear and athletes/partners will not be re-assigned
         to a subsequent division.
 • Attire
      o In all events, competitors must wear clothing which is clean,
         and designed and worn so as not to be objectionable. The
         clothing must be made of a material which is non-transparent
         even if wet.
      o The competitors must not wear clothing which could impede
         the view of the judges. This rule shall be enforced by the
         Clerk of Course for track events and the Chief Judge of each
         respective field event. (Athletic shorts/pants are to be worn;
         no “khakis”, denim or cut-off shorts.)
      o During competition, athletes/partners may not wear medals,
         ribbons, name badges, hats, headphones or jewelry (except
         medical alert bracelets/necklaces; stud earrings and simple,
         flat rings may be allowed at the officials’ discretion).
         Athletes/partners must wear their competition bib to check in
         at staging.
      o Competition numbers must be visible on the front of the
         competitor. NOTE: For 2021, due to the pandemic, bib
         numbers and safety pins will be distributed at the screening
         location and family members may need to assist the
         competitors with placing the bibs on the competitors for
         competition – on the front of the shirt.
      o Competitors may not wear clothing with advertising on it
         during competition or awards.
      o Competitors may not wear visible temporary tattoos or face
         paint during competition or awards.
 • Footwear

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                               EVENT GUIDE

        o A competitor may compete in bare feet or with footwear on
          one or both feet. The purpose of shoes for competition is to
          give protection and stability to the feet and a firm grip of the
          ground. Such shoes, however, must not be constructed so as
          to give the competitor any additional assistance, and no
          spring or device of any kind may be incorporated in the shoes.
          A shoe strap over the instep is permissible.
        o Shoes, if worn, must be appropriate for athletic competition.
        o The sole and the heel of the shoes may be so constructed as
          to provide for the use of up to 11 spikes. Any number of spikes
          up to 11 may be used, but the number of spike positions shall
          not exceed 11.
        o The part of each spike which projects from the sole or the
          heel must not exceed 9 millimeters or ¼ of an inch. These
          spikes shall have a maximum diameter of 4 millimeters.
        o The sole and/or heel may have grooves, ridges, indentations
          or protuberances provided these features are constructed of
          the same or similar material to the basic sole itself.
        o In the high jump, the sole shall have a maximum thickness of
          13 millimeters and the heel shall have a maximum thickness
          of 19 millimeters. In all other events, shoes may be of any
The Staging Areas for all events will be located inside the competition

Staging for Track events will be held in the large tent running along the
building. Staging for Field events will be held in the tent to the left of the
main scoreboard.

All competitors must be in the Staging tent a minimum of 15 minutes
prior to the scheduled start of their event. Coaches will be provided with
individualized schedules, including the start times for each event, for
their Delegation/athletes on Sunday morning, available for pick-up in the
Athletics Control Center tent.

Only competitors and registered Athletics’ volunteers will be permitted
inside the Staging Area. Coaches and family members are not permitted
in the Staging Area (due to COVID protocols and space constraints,
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2021 SUMMER GAMES                                                EVENT GUIDE

coaches will NOT be issued “Staging Credentials” in 2021 (we hope to be
able to return to that practice in 2022). Given this limitation, coaches are
reminded to provide any stretching assistance/direction PIOR to the
athlete checking in at staging. An athlete may perform stretches on their
own within the staging area provided they do not violate protocols (such
as social distancing).

Effort is made to minimize the number of athletes having competition
time conflicts. However, there inevitably will be a few athletes with such
time conflicts. If a conflict does exist, the athlete should NOT proceed to
the awards area and should instead have his/her next event as the
priority. The athlete should compete in the track event first and then the
field event. It is responsibility of the coach to notify the Staging Clerks of
any possible time conflicts when the athlete reports to Staging for the
first of the two potentially conflicting events. A coach must notify both
Staging Clerks if the conflict involves a track and a field event.

An athlete may not compete in a heat/flight if he/she is not registered
for that heat/flight or has not been added to it by authorized personnel
(Competition Director, the Athletics Referee or SOMD personnel). The
heats/flights are based on entry times submitted by the coach. To add
new athletes to a heat/flight would be unfair to the other athletes who
were properly registered.

If an athlete misses his/her designated heat/flight due to a competition
conflict, an effort will be made to add the athlete to an appropriate
heat/flight later in the schedule that meets Special Olympics divisioning
guidelines. Note: It is highly likely that an athlete will not be able to be
added to another heat/flight.

Athletes will be escorted from the Staging area to the start line or field
event by Athletics competition volunteers. Following each heat/flight,
athletes will be escorted from the finish line or field event to the Awards
area. Coaches are to meet their athletes in the Awards area which is
located behind the spectator’s section of the bleachers in the concourse.

Face Masks & Competition
Under COVID Return to Activity protocols, athletes may remove their
mask when they are engaged in physical activity. For the purposes of the
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2021 Summer Games, athletes will be considered to have started
“physical activity” when they EXIT the staging area. Prior to exiting
staging, athletes wishing to remove their masks will be able to place their
mask in an individual plastic baggie which will be held by the escort for
their division. Athletes must wear their face mask after they have
completed their particular competition and are headed to the awards

Competitors and coaches are encouraged to warm-up and practice in the
competition areas prior to the start of competition. Please cooperate
with other coaches and competitors so that everyone wishing to warm-up
or practice may do so. An announcement will be made over the main PA
system when the facilities must be cleared for the start of competition.
Social distancing must be maintained at all times.

There will also be a warm-up area along the back section of the track
where coaches may work with competitors to warm-up at any time that
the area is not being used for competition. Competitors must be
supervised by a coach at all times when using the warm-up area and the
supervising coach must be physically present in the warm-up area at all
times, keeping social distance.

Track Security
Spectators, coaches, and chaperones will not have access to the track or
the staging area. Only competitors and appropriate Summer Games
operational management personnel will be permitted on the track and
inside the staging area (except as otherwise noted).

Results will be posted at a location near the Track Staging Tent and the
Athletics Control Center tent.

Delegations may place rigid pop-up tents in the stands if they wish.
Placement will be on a “first come” basis; please cooperate with other
delegations on tent placement. No tents may be set up in any of the first
five rows of seats closest to the track to minimize obstruction of
spectator visibility. Setting up tents is at your own risk and SOMD and
Towson University assume no responsibility for any damage that may
occur. Delegations will be required to remove any tent that appears to
2021 SUMMER GAMES                                              EVENT GUIDE

present a safety risk at the sole discretion of SOMD and Towson

Parking is available in lots 4 and 5 (see map at beginning of this guide).

The small delivery area / “parking area” at Unitas Stadium (actually a
loading and unloading area for deliveries); located adjacent to the track
across Auburn Drive is not to be utilized and violators will be towed at
the owner’s expense without warning.

Photo Credentials                                Photo Credentials may
Each Delegation making a request, will be        ONLY be given to
issued two media credentials which will          registered delegation
permit the wearer of said credential(s) into     members (due to COVID
the Athletics competition areas for the sole     protocols).
purpose of taking photographs of their           Spectators/Family
competitors. Head coaches may allow              Members who are not
different individuals at different times to      registered and
wear these credentials. The wearer accepts       credentialed delegation
the responsibilities of using good judgment,     members are not
following instructions of Management             permitted to utilize
personnel, remaining in designated areas,        these Photo Credentials
maintaining social distancing and refraining     at the 2021 Summer
from “coaching” or providing other               Games.
assistance to competitors. It is also
requested that these individuals position themselves so they do not
obstruct the view of the majority of spectators.

Credentials may be revoked at any time at the sole discretion of Athletics
Committee members, Games Organizing Committee members, or SOMD
Staff. Inappropriate behavior on the part of the wearer of the media
credential (i.e., coaching, pacing, etc.) may result in the competitor(s)
being disqualified, per USATF rules.

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2021 SUMMER GAMES                                            EVENT GUIDE

Coaches’ Meeting
During the event, the head coach from each Delegation must attend the
coaches’ meetings and is responsible for ensuring that information from
these meetings is shared with all members of the Delegation. The
Athletics coaches’ meeting is scheduled for Sunday June 13, 2021 at in
the Track Staging Tent at 9:00a.m.

Awards will be presented at the Awards area following the completion of
each division. For the 2021 Summer Games, Awards will be located on the
concourse of the stadium, on the same side as the seating area. This has
been the location in the past for meal services.

No lunches will be provided in 2021. Each Delegation is asked to bring
their own lunch and water and prepare accordingly.

Track Events
  • Starts
        o All races will be started using a starter’s pistol and with two
        o All races 100 Meters events and shorter will start using a
          common start line. All 200 Meter and 400 Meter races will
          start using staggered start lines.
  • Starting Blocks
        o In races up to and including the 400 meters, athletes have the
          option of using starting blocks.
  • Impedes
        o In all races which are 400 meters or shorter, athletes are
          required to run/walk within their lane. Athletes will be
          disqualified for going outside of their lane when another
          athlete is impeded or an unfair advantage is gained. Whether
          an athlete has impeded the progress of another competitor or
          gained an unfair advantage is a judgment call made by a race
          Official, and therefore it is not open to protest.

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                            EVENT GUIDE

Field Events
   • Implements
        o Special Olympics Maryland will provide all implements for
           field events to ensure consistency of weights and measures.
           Competitors will not be permitted to compete using their own
           shots, mini-javelins, and softballs.
   • High Jump
        o The bar will start at 1 M and will be raised in 4 cm increments
           until there is a single competitor remaining. Competitors shall
           take off from one foot. Competitors shall not dive forward
           over the bar or take off from two feet. Competitors may be
           disqualified for performing either a dive or two-foot take off
           during either practice or competition.
   • Shot Put
        o Coaches should be sure that athletes have trained with, and
           had entry scores based on, the proper weight shot for their
           age/gender. Please refer to the Special Olympics rules for the
           correct weights.
        o Note: Athletes who use wheelchairs may either enter the
           Wheelchair Shot Put (using a weight of 2 kilograms or 4.4
           pounds) or may enter the appropriate Shot Put event above
           using the weight shot designated for that gender/age group.
   • Long Jump (Running)
        o In the long jump, an athlete must be able to jump at least one
           meter, which is the minimum distance between the toe-board
           and the sand pit. Prior to the start of each day’s competition,
           athletes and coaches may go to the appropriate pit/runway
           and leave marks off of the run way for the start of the
           athlete’s approach. Such marks must conform to USATF rules.
           A single runway shall be used for all long jump divisions.
   • Mini-Javelin
        o The mini-javelin must be held by the grip with one hand only.
           It shall be thrown over the shoulder or upper part of the
           throwing arm and may not be slung or hurled (underhand/
           sidearm throw). At no time may the competitor turn
           completely around so that his/her back is towards the
           throwing area. The mini-javelin must land tip first within the
           sector in order to be measured.

2021 SUMMER GAMES                               EVENT GUIDE

2021 SUMMER GAMES                               EVENT GUIDE

Athletics Venue Map

2021 SUMMER GAMES                               EVENT GUIDE

Bocce Information

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                              EVENT GUIDE


Competition Dates:          Saturday June 12, 2021
Time of Competition:        Session #1 (Unif Dbls): 9:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
                            Session #2 (Trad Dbls): 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Location:                   Burdick Field, Towson University
Competition Director:       Kendall Zeswitz
Assis. Comp. Director:      George Hergenhahn
Head Rules Official(s):     Lucio Corsini
National Governing Body:    Special Olympics Inc.,
Anticipated Participants:   100 Athletes / Unified® Partners

Entries:                    Athletes may enter Doubles competition
                            (Traditional or Unified®)
                            Unified® Partners may enter Unified®
                            4-Person Team competition is offered for
                            both Traditional and Unified®.

Spectators:                 Burdick Field will feature a separate
                            spectator area in a designated area on the
                            fields. Any spectators must stay at least 50
                            feet apart from the groups of competitors.
                            Once the athlete/partner goes through the
                            health screening, they will not be able to
                            interact with spectators until the end of the
                            competition and awards presentations.
Events Offered:
                            • Traditional Doubles
                            • Unified® Doubles
                            • 4-Person Team (Traditional and Unified®)

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                            EVENT GUIDE

Bocce Rules of Competition:
The Official Special Olympics Sports Rules shall govern all Special
Olympics Bocce Competitions at the Summer Games. As an international
sports organization, Special Olympics has developed these rules based
upon the International Bocce Association. However, SOI is the official
National Governing Body.

Bocce Rules Committee:
  • Kendall Zeswitz – Venue Director
  • George Hergenhahn – Assistant Venue Director
  • Lucio Corsini –Rules Official
  • TBD – Coach
  • TBD – Athlete

Bocce Rules of Competition:
Complete, detailed rules of competition can be obtained on the Bocce
Page of SOMD’s Coach Resource Pages

General Competition Rules Reminders and Information
  • Competitors are required to wear appropriate competition attire
    defined as follows:
        o Long pants or shorts (golf or tennis shorts)
        o Jeans, running or athletic shorts, or “short” shorts, defined as
           greater than three (3) inches above the knee cap, are not
        o Athletic shoes that do not damage or harm the playing surface
           are required.
        o Hats are permissible, provided they do not include sponsorship
           or corporate logos.
        o A collared shirt is required for competition.
  • Teams will be divisioned according to the Official Special Olympics
    Summer Sports Rules. Teams will be divisioned based upon age,
    gender, and primarily ability. Some age groups and genders may be
    combined to offer the best competition opportunities for the
  • In accordance with Special Olympics rules, Unified® teams will be
    divisioned with other Unified® teams.
2021 SUMMER GAMES                                            EVENT GUIDE

 • Only certified head coaches may file protests. All protests must be
   filed within 15 minutes of the completion of the protested game.
   Protests must be submitted to the Competition/Venue Director.
   Protests may be appealed to the Games Rules Committee.
 • Athletes may only enter one event – (and only one team within that
   event); Doubles or 4-Person Teams, and may only participate in one
   session (Session #1 or Session #2).
 • Unified® partners may only enter one event (and only one team
   within that event) – either Unified® Doubles or Unified® (4-person)
   Teams. They may only participate in one session (Session #1 or
   Session #2).
 • Coaches are not permitted on the courts.
 • Once the official (match) clock has started, NO coaching or
   instructional assistance is permitted. This rule applies to coaches
   and spectators/families. Teammates may confer with one another
   prior to stepping onto the court. Encouragement and cheering are
   permissible and encouraged.
 • Only competing athletes, Unified® partners, and designated
   volunteers are allowed on the courts. A warning will be issued for
   the first offense; further offenses will be subject to discipline by
   the Competition Committee.
 • A competitor can grip the ball by placing the hand (one hand, or
   two hands) over or under the ball as long as the ball delivery is of
   an underhand style. An underhand delivery is defined as releasing
   the ball below the waist.
 • All balls thrown that finish inside the court are in play. This includes
   the ones hitting the backboard and missing any balls, including the
 • If the first competitor throws the pallina so that it stops before the
   30-foot line or stops beyond the 50-foot line or stops next to the
   backboard, the player has two additional attempts to legally
   establish the target.
 • If the competitor still does not legally establish the target, the
   opponent has one attempt to do so.
 • If the opponent fails to establish the target, the official places the
   pallina at the center of the 40-foot line. The original thrower then
   establishes the first point.
 • If the pallina goes out of bounds, the following occurs:
2021 SUMMER GAMES                                            EVENT GUIDE

         o The frame is over.
         o The balls are returned to the same side.
         o A new frame is started.
  •   All measurements are taken from the foremost side of the bocce
      ball to the center top of the pallina.
  •   Foul lines will be enforced. One’s foot may not touch the line
  •   Teams:
         o Athletes and Unified® partners will roll from the same end.
            Any teammate can roll the ball at any interval (two in a row
            or alternating throws). There will be walking back and forth
            after each frame.
  •   Foul lines will be enforced.
  •   Competition Schedule Adjustments:
         o Due to the number of athletes and teams, all game time limits
            will be enforced at 25 minutes.
         o If the score is not achieved before the time limit, the
            individual or the team ahead at the end of 25 minutes will be
            declared the winner.
         o Game times are subject to change following registration and
            alternate activation; time of match will not change once the
            schedule is published.

When a player is scratched from Doubles or Team competition, an athlete
may be activated from the alternate status provided that player:
  • Was registered as an alternate for that Delegation and that event.
  • A single athlete/Unified® partner may not serve as an alternate for
     multiple teams.
  • Alternates must be activated by Thursday, June 10.

In the event that one player on a doubles squad has scratched and no
alternate athlete/Unified® partner can be activated, the team or doubles
squad may compete with the existing player(s) minus the balls of the
absent player.

Due to the structure of the competition in 2021, no substitutions are
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2021 SUMMER GAMES                                             EVENT GUIDE

Coaches Meeting
The Coaches’ online pre-Games webinar will be held on Monday, June 7,
2021 and a recording of the meeting will be available on the SOMD
Coaches Resource Page. During the Games, Coaches’ Meetings will be
held Saturday June 12, 2021 on the field at the Control Center at 9:00am
for Session #1 and 1:45pm for Session #2, located at the center of the
field prior to competition. The head coach from each team must attend
these meetings.

Awards will be presented immediately following the conclusion of each
division’s competition in the awards pavilion next to the University Union.
See the Bocce Venue Map for details on this location.

          No Food or Liquids (other than water)
          are permitted at any time on the turf
                   or inside the fence.
           Violators may be disqualified and/or
                removed from the venue.

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                            EVENT GUIDE

Note that lunches will not be provided. Participants are requested to
bring their own lunch or eat lunch before/after a competitors’ sessions.
No food or drink is allowed on the turf field or delegation area (other
than water).

Parking is available in the Union Garage for Bocce as well as Towsontown
Blvd. Parking Garage.

Bocce Competition Schedule
Saturday June 12, 2021
8:45 a.m.       Delegation Check-in / Screening Session #1
9:00 a.m.       Coaches Meeting
9:30 a.m.       Venue Opening Ceremony – Session #1
9:45–11:45 a.m. Session # 1 Competition – Unified® Doubles
12:00 p.m.      Awards Session #1– Unified® Doubles

BREAK            Lunch for Volunteers and Management

1:30 p.m.        Delegation Check-in / Screening Session #2
1:45 p.m.        Coaches Meeting
2:15 p.m.        Venue Opening Ceremony – Session #2
2:30-4:30 p.m.   Session #2 Competition – Traditional Doubles
4:45 p.m.        Awards Session #2 – Traditional Doubles

2021 SUMMER GAMES                               EVENT GUIDE

Bocce Venue Map

2021 SUMMER GAMES                               EVENT GUIDE

Cheerleading Information

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                         EVENT GUIDE


Competition Date:              Saturday, June 12, 2021

Time of Competition:           10:30am    Venue Opening Ceremony
                               11:15am    Competition Begins
                               12:45pm    Awards

Location:                      Towson University – Soccer Stadium

Competition Director:          Anna McCauley

Head Rules Official(s):        Greg Collins

National Governing Body:       The Special Olympics Maryland
                               Cheerleading Sports Rules of
                               Competition shall govern all Special
                               Olympics Maryland Cheer competitions.
                               SOMD has adopted the safety guidelines
                               and rules developed by the National
                               Federation of State High School
                               Associations (NFHS). The National
                               Governing Body rules shall be employed
                               except when they conflict with the
                               Special Olympics Maryland
                               Cheerleading Sports Rules for

Anticipated Participants:      11 Teams – 100 Competitors

Entries:                       Athletes may participate in two events:
                               one from Event Group One and one
                               from Event Group Two

Spectators:                    Once the athletes go through the
                               Health Screening, they will not have
                               access to spectators until they leave
                               the event. Spectator seating will be

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                           EVENT GUIDE

                                 separate from athletes during the

Events Offered:
                                 •   Individual Skills Competition
                                 •   Traditional Team Competition
                                 •   Unified® Team Competition
                                 •   POM (Traditional and Unified®)
                                 •   Hip Hop (Traditional and Unified®)

Cheerleading Sports Rules Committee:
                              • Anna McCauley–Competition Director
                              • Greg Collins – Certified Safety &
                                 Panel Judge
                              • TBD – Certified Panel Judge
                              • Tracy Easterday – Coach
                              • TBD – Athlete

Cheerleading Rules of Competition
The Special Olympics Maryland Cheerleading Sports Rules of Competition
shall govern all Special Olympics Maryland Cheer competitions. SOMD has
adopted the safety guidelines and rules developed by the National
Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS). The National
Governing Body rules shall be employed except when they conflict with
the Special Olympics Maryland Cheerleading Sports Rules for Competitive.
The rules for the 2021 season have been modified to ensure the health
and safety of all involved.

General Competition Rules and Information
  • Athletes may compete in a total of two events of which only one
    selection may be from category one events/divisions and only one
    may be from category two. By way of example, an athlete may
    compete on one squad registered in the Intermediate Division and on
    one squad registered in POM.

  • All practice sessions during the day of competition must be
    supervised by a coach and held only in designated locations. Athletes
    are prohibited from practicing skills on concrete, asphalt, or any
2021 SUMMER GAMES                                           EVENT GUIDE

    other hard, uncovered surfaces, wet surfaces, uneven surfaces and
    surfaces with obstructions. If teams are encountered practicing
    routines in undesignated locations, the team may be disqualified.

 • Coach may not place the athlete in their proper position on the floor
   and may not be on floor once the performance begins. Coach may
   give verbal or physical cues from the front of the mat. Coach must
   be out of the Judge’s view.

 • Coach must require proficiency before skill progression. Coach must
   consider the athletes’ skill levels regarding proper division

 • Team rosters must not exceed 10 members (coaches, athletes,
   partners, volunteers, etc.)

 • No mounts, stunts, pyramids, tumbling, or transitions are allowed.

 • All athletes and Unified® partners must have one hand or foot on the
   mat prior to the beginning of the routine.

 • Jewelry of any kind including but not limited to ear, nose, tongue,
   belly button and facial rings, clear plastic jewelry, bracelets,
   necklaces, athlete credentials, stickers, glitter and pins on uniforms
   are prohibited. Jewelry must be removed and may not be taped over.
   Acceptable jewelry for HIP HOP and POM divisions only includes small
   post stud earrings and hair accessories. Rhinestones are illegal when
   adhered to the skin as opposed to a uniform. Temporary tattoos are
   not allowed. Prohibited jewelry at competition is at the sole
   discretion of the Venue Director. Safety of the athlete must always
   be considered.

       a. Exception: medical ID tags/bracelets, which must be tapped

 • All routine music must comply with applicable copyright law. Teams
   who elect to use edited and mix music, must obtain a license from

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                              EVENT GUIDE

      the copyright owner and will be required to turn in a copy of that
      license at competition.

  • For divisions allowing the use of music, teams may choose their own
    music but must be suitable for family listening. Coach is responsible
    for signaling when to queue the music.

  • Teams may not compromise the integrity of the performance surface
    (Examples: residues from sprays, powders, oils, etc.) Teams are
    responsible for clearing the performance surface from debris
    (Examples: poms, props, etc.). No high-heel shoes are allowed on the
    performance surface.

  •   Athletes will be prompted by “(Squad Name) - You may begin when

For all facets of the routine including choreography, music selection must
be suitable for family viewing and listening. Routines, music and uniforms
for all squad types must be appropriate for the age of the participants
performing the routine. When standing at attention, uniforms must cover
the midriff.

Music may only be covers of popular songs or original compositions. In order
to edit and mix this music, a license from the copyright owner must be
obtained. All recordings mixed together in cheer, dance, Hip Hop and POM
routines must be properly licensed and written confirmation of such license
is required to be turned in at the competition. Recordings that have been
purchased from vendors cleared by USA Cheer – who provide written
confirmation of proper licensing or original compositions created or
commissioned by you (i.e. an original song and recording to which you own
or license the rights by written agreement). Under U.S. copyright law, no
teams are permitted to create a re-mix, mash-up or medley without proper
written authorization from the copyright owner(s).                  Go to
www.usacheer.net/music for a list of authorized providers of both licenses
and/or purchase mixes.

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                             EVENT GUIDE

However, if teams and coaches wish to only use a single song in their
routine, they may bring a legally purchased (from iTunes, Amazon, CD,
etc.) copy of that recording to be used at the applicable event. Teams
may not remix these recordings in any way (such as adding sound effects,
changing tempo or mixing with any other recordings), but may make minor
edits for timing purposes only (for example; removing a chorus or bridge to
fit the duration of the team’s performance).

What could happen if my team or group does not follow these
rules/guidelines? Given this change in the overall rules, any team which
brings music which is not in compliance with these new rules will not be
able to participate in the competition. There are no exceptions to this
rule. Also, under U.S. copyright law, your team (and potentially, you
personally) can be sued or fined up to $150,000 per occurrence of using
music for which you do not have the appropriate permission.

  • Routines must be appropriate for family viewing. Any vulgar or
    suggestive      movements       (hip     thrusting,     inappropriate
    touching/slapping/positioning to one another, etc.), words, uniforms
    or music will result in a 10-point deduction per violation. Removing
    improper language or words from a song and replacing with sound
    effects or other words constitutes inappropriate, and deductions will
    be made accordingly.
  • Routine choreography must be age appropriate and entertaining for
    all audience members. Vulgar or suggestive material is defined as any
    movement or choreography implying something improper or
    indecent, appearing offensive or sexual in content and/or relaying
    lewd or profane gestures or implications.
  • Repeated violations may result in disqualification for the current
    and future competitions. Decisions will be made at the sole
    discretion of the competition director or his/her designee.
  • Squad members must wear outfits alike in style and color, NO JEANS
    will be permitted.
  • All uniforms must be age appropriate and acceptable for family
    viewing. When standing at attention, uniforms must cover the

2021 SUMMER GAMES                                                EVENT GUIDE

         o Women:
             ▪ Bottoms: pants, shorts, skorts or skirts (must be at least
               mid-thigh in length). No slit allowed in skorts, shorts or
               skirts. Briefs or bloomers must be worn under all skirts
             ▪ Tops: Shells, collared shirt or tee shirt (no pockets). No
               halter tops will be allowed, straps must be at least 1” in
               width. Spaghetti straps will not be permitted.
             ▪ When standing at attention, apparel must cover the
         o Men:
             ▪ Bottoms: pants or mid-thigh length shorts
             ▪ Tops: collared shirt or tee shirt (no pockets)

   • All squad members must have white athletic shoes (e.g. tennis shoe)
     with non-marking soles for all divisions except HIP HOP and POM. It
     is suggested that the athletic shoes be in like style. Non-marking
     shoes are required when competing in the HIP HOP/POM division.
     Bare feet, wearing “socks only” and/or “footed tights only” are
     prohibited. Shoes with heels/wheels are not allowed.
   • For safety reasons long hair should be out of the face and secured.
   • Poms may be used in the Individual Skills and Beginner divisions. Poms
     must be used 80% in the POM division. Signs may be used in the
     Intermediate, Advance and Elite Divisions for cheer only. Hand held
     props may be used in the HIP HOP/POM divisions only. Standing props
     such as chairs, stools, ladders etc., are prohibited.
   • Casts that are hard and unyielding or have rough edges must be
     appropriately covered with a padded material. Clarification: The
     appropriately padded material must be such that it protects both the
     athlete and fellow athletes from injury.

Divisioning & Registration
One fundamental difference, which sets Special Olympics competitions
apart from those of other sports organizations, is that athletes of all ability
levels are encouraged to participate and every athlete is recognized for his
or her performance.

Competitions are structured so athletes compete with other athletes of
similar ability in equitable divisions. Historically, Special Olympics have

CLICK HERE TO RETURN TO THE TABLE OF CONTENTS                            45
2021 SUMMER GAMES                                              EVENT GUIDE

recommended that divisions be created where the variance between the
highest and lowest scores within that division differs by no more than 15%.
This is NOT a rule but should be used as a guideline for establishing
equitable divisions when there is the appropriate number of athletes.

All Special Olympics competitions are governed by National Governing Body
Rules (NGB), to help ensure that all ability levels can compete and
experience successful participation, Special Olympics has modified some
of the NGB rules.

Ability is the primary divisioning factor in Special Olympics. All squads may
participate as a traditional or Unified® squad.

Scoring and Policy for One Squad Division
Scoring in one-squad/individual divisions – The squad/individual must score
within 20% of the maximum judges points possible (five judges and you
automatically drop the lowest and highest score) to receive first place. If
the squad does not score within 20% of the maximum points possible,
second place will be awarded.

There will be an overall Official Deduction/Violation sheet and a separate
judge calculation the deductions. The total deductions/violations will be
subtracted from the total judges’ technical scores to establish the
squad’s final score.

All five judges’ sheets will be used to break a tie. The lowest and highest
scores will be included in the calculation to establish the squad’s final

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2021 SUMMER GAMES                                        EVENT GUIDE

 • Individual Skills
      o Athlete must begin in a cheer stance.
      o Athlete must perform (but not limited to) the following
         motions: High “V”, Low “V”, “T”, and “Touch Down”.
      o Must perform one chant.
      o No music will be allowed during the performance.
      o There will be no time limit in this division.
      o Athlete may use pom-poms.
      o Athlete will be prompted between the skills.

 • Beginner Division
     o Must perform one chant, two cheers and one jump.
     o No music will be allowed during the performance.
     o There will be no time limit in this division.
     o Athletes may use pom-poms.

 • Intermediate Division
      o Must perform a routine that incorporates both cheer and
        music (aka dance).
      o Must perform two chants, two cheers, two jumps and one
      o There will be no time limit on the chant or cheer and the
        music portion of the routine must not exceed 45-seconds but
        must be at least 30-seconds long. Timing of the music will
        begin on the first movement by the squad member(s), not
        when the music starts, and the timing will end with the last
        beat of the music.
      o Must include a jump in the cheer with at least one athlete
        performing the jump.
      o Dance routine may include motions, jumps and dance steps
      • Signs may be used for cheer only.

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