2021 Student Achievement Award winners-Kindness is a Renewable Resource - OSSTF/FEESO ...

2021 Student Achievement Award winners-Kindness is a Renewable Resource - OSSTF/FEESO ...
2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1

                                                       pre-AMPA issue

2021 Student
Award winners—
Kindness is
a Renewable
Never look down on anybody unless you're helping
them up. —Jesse Jackson

   Kindness is a renewable resource. It is some-
thing that we all have endless supplies of to give.
   The way we treat each other, animals and even
our planet speaks to who we are as human beings.
                                                               Winner of the Visual, Intermediate, 9–10 Visual
Kindness is caring about other people and things
                                                               Arts category, Flying Dandelion by Aimee Wang,
even when they might not care about you. This                    Hammarskjold High School in Thunder Bay
is kindness.
   Students from a wide variety of subject areas,
whether it was a Writer's Craft class or a Visual and/      entitled The Hidden Kindness. Mokshita shares with
or Media Arts class, teachers and education work-           us that kindness does not only occur between people
ers are using the Student Achievement Awards, in            but also can happen between humans and nature.
honour of Marion Drysdale, as an essential tool in          Mokshita’s kindness comes in the form of nurturing
classrooms to engage all students. This year, our           and caring for her beautiful garden tomatoes. From
creative artists, whether in visual or digital/media arts   seeds to seedlings to plants to full and ripe tomatoes
opened up about what kindness meant to them and             ready to be eaten, she demonstrates the tender care
how kindness pays forward from person to person.            involved in cultivating tomatoes. The tomatoes recip-
   The nine award winners will be officially an-            rocate her kindness by being delicious and feeding
nounced at the Annual Meeting of the Provincial As-         her family.
sembly (AMPA) during a virtual ceremony featuring              Avery Murrell, a student at Innisdale Secondary
the traditional video where the students will be each       School in Barrie, won in the Senior 11–12 University
presented with awards of $1000. For a sneak peek            category for her skillfully written short story called A
at the provincial winners, please read below.               Rose of a Rose. Inspired by a young woman’s kind-
   In the Prose and Poetry Division, Taylor Erb, of         ness towards others, Avery shares how while on a
Waterloo-Oxford District Secondary School in New            simple errand, an elderly woman named Rose asks
Hamburg, was the winner of the Intermediate, 9–10           the young woman for help picking up her groceries
Academic category, with an incredibly touching story        during the pandemic. Shopping for the woman is
called The One Who Paints Rocks. This story poi-            quick and while picking up her groceries, the young
gnantly shares a story of the kindness of strangers         woman decides that she will also brighten Rose’s
who give a young man inspiration through painted            day with a flower. Avery’s clever story proves that it
rocks when he is feeling as though he is unable to          is not only easy to be kind, but it is also essential in
go on. The strength he gained from the kindness             making all of us blossom as humans.
rocks is paid forward to others who are struggling             In the 11–12 College/Workplace category, Brai-
as he was.                                                  Lynn Bananish, of Geraldton Composite High School
   Mokshita Hurday of Turner Fenton Secondary               in Geraldton, writes her prose, Deep Loyal Kindness,
School in Brampton claimed the Intermediate, 9–10           about humankind abusing and poisoning our Mother
Applied/Essential with her beautifully written essay                                CONTINUED ON PAGE 2...SAA
2021 Student Achievement Award winners-Kindness is a Renewable Resource - OSSTF/FEESO ...
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1...SAA                                 on their busy commute who then spread the joy
Earth. Brai-Lynn cannot understand how we, as               wherever they go.
intelligent beings, know the earth is suffering and            Hammarskjold High School in Thunder Bay is
dying and yet we continue to pollute and destroy            home to Aimee Wang, whose beautifully painted
our natural surroundings. Mother Earth is forgiv-           art piece Flying Dandelion left judges speechless.
ing and kind and humans take advantage of her               Her piece, which is the winner of the Visual, Inter-
kindness. The prose ends on a hopeful note,                 mediate, 9–10 category, displays exquisite use of
wishing that we could see how our ‘Mother’ has              light, shading and detail accurately portrays her
provided for us and change our ways before it is            interpretation of kindness in the form of a dan-
too late.                                                   delion. Kindness is like a dandelion seed, which
      Émilie Denis-Plante, of École secondaire
catholique l’Horizon in Val Caron, won the cat-
                                                            floats from one flower and lands in hundreds of
                                                            different fields only to propagate a new flower. As      Making our voices
egory of French Prose and Poetry 9–10, for her
poem, La bonté, qu’est-ce que c’est ?—What is
                                                            it is with sharing kindness. If one person shares
                                                            kindness, like a seed, it can propagate kindness         heard
Kindness? Émilie tries to define what kindness              in many other places for many other people.
is in a poetic way through multiple examples.                  Maeve Brennagh, from Guelph Collegiate
She writes that kindness is important, particularly         Vocational Institute in Guelph School, amazed               Since 1911, International Women’s Day (IWD)
when someone is struggling. Even if you strug-              us with her incredibly creative interactive sculp-       has delivered a call to action for gender parity
gle, you can be there for a friend. You can look            ture. Her piece, This Square is a Circle is the          across the globe. Now celebrated annually on
beyond the faults of others and lift them up. You           winner of the Visual, Senior 11–12 category.             March 8, IWD is also a time to stand up and
can be grateful for friendship and for those who            Maeve created a circle of kindness in an in-             recognize the vital contributions women make in
share their kindness as you have shared yours.              ventive way utilizing onion peels, homemade              every aspect of society.
      In the category of French Prose and Poetry            rice paper stitched onto cotton inside a box.               COVID-19 has brought the economic and
11–12, the winner, Lauren Altomare from North-              The extraordinary idea took us on a journey of           domestic struggles women face into sharp focus,
ern Secondary School in Toronto moved us with               giving from growing vegetables, to preparing             while at the same time underscoring the essen-
her exquisitely written poem Le piano Place-des-            meals for those during the pandemic and box-             tial value of their roles. This is abundantly clear
Arts—The piano of the Place-des-Arts. The piece             ing and delivering those meals. The sculpture            in the workforce, where primarily female frontline
focuses on a man who stands in the subway                   is contained in one cardboard box that from the          workers face increasingly unsafe working condi-
station watching sombre people go by with their             outside looked humble and ordinary, but on the           tions with limited access to paid sick leave and
worries and thoughts. This poem, which reads                inside is a well crafted and designed sculpture          child care.
almost like a song reminds us that a single posi-           created to inspire us. This piece can be viewed             In response to the pandemic burden on
tive act can have an immense ripple effect, like            at www.bit.ly/3a5dDrW.                                   women, the UN’s 2021 IWD theme is: “Women
the spark of joy that transforms the sombre faces              Finally, the winner of the Media, 9–12 French         in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a
                                                            or English category was Sarah Simionescu,                COVID-19 world.” Highlighting the necessity of
                                                            of Eden High School in St. Catharines, for her           women’s voices in a post-pandemic world, this
                                                            clever film #sharekindness. The film uses a              year’s theme calls on women leaders to stand up

                                                            QR code to ask “will you share kindness?” Ev-            and be a part of important decision-making pro-
                                                            eryone who clicks yes and shares receives a              cesses. Having women at the table will be vital as
                                                            return on their investment by having kindness re-        we create new policies and programs during our
      Update is published by the Ontario Secondary          turned to them. Eventually, the kindness shared          COVID-19 recovery.
     School Teachers’ Federation/Fédération des ensei-      spreads all over the world benefitting not only             Despite the struggles of the past year, the
  gnantes-enseignants des écoles secondaires de l’Ontario
                                                            the person receiving the kindness but also the           pandemic has given us the opportunity to create
                        Editor: J. Seif
                                                            person who gave it. This piece can be viewed             real change. On March 8, we must come together
                  Managing Editor: R. Allan
              Editorial Board: D. Earle, G. Fenn,
                                                            at www.bit.ly/36fe164.                                   (even if it’s virtually) to continue our global fight
               T. Germa, P. Kossta, T. Marshall                                                                      for women’s equality and our full participation
              For changes in mailing addresses,                                                                      within society.
        please email: membership-database@osstf.ca
        Visit the OSSTF/FEESO website at osstf.on.ca
                                                                                                                     How to celebrate IWD 2021:
 If you have comments or queries, please address them to:
        Update, OSSTF/FEESO, 49 Mobile Drive,                                   Prevent the                           • Email your local MP demanding pay equity
                 Toronto, Ontario, M4A 1H5.                                     pain of
                                                                                repetitive                              for women;
             Tel.: 416-751-8300, 800-267-7867
                Email: jennifer.seif@osstf.ca                                   strain injuries.                      • Create social media posts that promote
   The opinions and views expressed in Update do not                                                                    women’s issues using the hashtags
        necessarily reflect the opinions and views of                                      A message
                      OSSTF/FEESO.                                                           worth                      #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2021
        Member Canadian Association of Labour Media                                                                     #ChoosetoChallenge;
        and the Canadian Education Press Association                                                                  • Attend socially distanced/virtual IWD event/
                                                                                  Watch for signs
                                                                                  and report them:                      marches in your local community;
                                                                                     • Pain                           • Support organizations and female politi-
                                                                                     • Joint sti˜ness
                                                                                     • Muscle tightness                 cians that advance women’s causes.
                                                                                     • Redness
                                                                                     • Swelling
                                                                                     • Numbness
                                                                                     • Pins and needles sensations      /Sarah McLaren, is a member of District 4,
                                                                                     • Skin colour changes
                                                                                                                     Near North and of the provincial Status of Wom-
                                                                                                                     en Committee.

  2                                       Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1
2021 Student Achievement Award winners-Kindness is a Renewable Resource - OSSTF/FEESO ...
2020 audit at a glance
                                                                                     COMMUNICATIONS/POLITICAL ACTION
                                                                                 $3,617,896           7.4%
    DISTRICT FUNDING				                                                         Publications including Update and Education Forum, Advertising, Direct
    $15,619,033        32.0%                                                     Digital Communications to Members, Communications Political Action
    District Funding Master rebates, PD (includ-                                 Committee, political action materials, training and lobbying, Charter for
    ing workplace representative training and new                                Public Education, coalition memberships, Lobby Day, First Nations, Métis
    member workshops), Union Training, Inter-                                    and Inuit Advisory Work Group, Corporate Intrusion in Public Education
    district Meetings, Supplemental Time Release                                 Task Force, Equity Advisory Mentorship Program, Communications Train-
    for Small Bargaining Units, Involving the Not                                ing, awards and international assistance, and a portion of staff salaries
    Yet Engaged, Community Outreach, Special                                     and benefits.
    Political Action Programs, District Coalitions,
    Labour College, Mapping and Mobilization,
    District Environmental Funding, Local Cli-                       PROVINCIAL MEETINGS/MEMBERSHIPS
    mate Change Initiatives, District WSIB premi-                $5,636,660             11.5%
    ums, Human Rights Initiatives and Member                     Annual Meeting (AMPA), Summer Training Workshop, Provincial Council, Conferences,
    Accessibility funding.                                       OTF, CLC, and OFL Memberships, OTF Board of Governors, National/International
                                                                 programs, Provincial Office functions, Benevolent Council, Judicial Council,
                                                                 Parliamentary and Constitution Council, Finance Committee, Financial Workshops,
                                                                 Active Retired Members Council, Equity Advisory Work Group, Governance Review
OSSTFEDUCATIONAL SERVICES                                        Work Group, Subject Associations, Environmental Work Group, New Member Engage-
June 30, 2020
      $2,910,446  6.0%                                           ment Advisory Work Group, Local Staff and Elected Officials’ Working Conditions Work
                                        EDUC              PROT
        Teacher Certification, Mediation Ser-                  Group, and a portion of staff salaries and benefits.
                             DISTRICT SERVICES          SERVICES    CPA     MEETINGS         OFFICE          PE                    COMPENSATION       CA       TOTAL
Financialvices,   Federation Library, Member
    GA Training
         - operations
                    Modules, 15,619,033  511,052
                             French Language               822,147       1,056,487 291,898              3,613,376             0       18,577,121     52,455   46,464,351
                                                                                 4,752,451                932,847
        Committee, Educational Services                   PROVINCIAL EXECUTIVE     235,484
    GA Committee,
       - transfers Status of Women0 Com- 0                $2,120,076
                                                                 0         4.3%
                                                                            0            0                      0        0              0                 0            0
    MPA                           0
       mittee, Human Rights Committee,     0             2,381,267          0
                                                          Provincial Executive meetings, 0                      0        0              0                 0    2,381,267
    SCA                           0        0                     0          0            0                      0        0              0                 0            0
       Faculty of Education
    Sub-total                 Work Group,
                         15,619,033  511,052              allowances
                                                         3,203,414     for affiliations
                                                                    1,056,487            and
                                                                                 5,279,833              4,546,223OFFICE OPERATIONS
                                                                                                                         0     18,577,121            52,455   48,845,618
        Resource Books, and a portion of                  conventions, field services and                         $8,413,821         17.2%
         staff salaries and benefits.                     expenses, and salaries and ben-                         Provincial office (realty taxes, insurance,
     Salary/Benefits                  0     2,399,394    7,324,273       2,540,959      389,681         4,153,961 1,945,698          (18,577,121)       0     176,844
     Fleet                                                efits for the elected members of               (176,844)utilities, security and repairs and main-(176,844)
     CA                               0            0            0     20,450
                                                          the Provincial          30,000
                                                                         Executive.                         2,005tenance), Information
                                                                                                                              0                0 (52,455)
                                                                                                                                           Services, Telecom-       0
     PE costs                         0            0                 0          0       (62,854)         (111,524)      174,378                0        0           0
                                                                                                                  munications, Membership Database, Pro-
TOTAL                       15,619,033      2,910,446   10,527,687       3,617,896    5,636,660         8,413,821fessional  fees, General Office
                                                                                                                    2,120,076               0    Expenses,
                                                                                                                                                    0 48,845,618
     PROTECTIVE SERVICES                                                                                          Secretariat Field Services and Expenses,
                                31.98%          5.96%       21.55%           7.41%       11.54%              17.23%        4.34%             0.00%    0.00%     100.00%
    $10,527,687        21.6%                                                                                      Staff Training, Translation services, and a
    Protective Services Committee,
                         District Fund protective
                                       Educational services
                                                    Protectivematerials and research,
                                                              ServCommunicat           Health Operationsportion
                                                                              Meetings/MeOffice                 of staff
                                                                                                         Provincial      salaries and benefits.
    and Safety/WSIA, Pension Advisory Work Group, LTD Advisory Work Group,
    ELHT Advisory Work Group, Grievance Arbitration Module and Member Relations
    Tracking, Organizing, Legal Costs, Grievances, and a portion of staff salaries
     and benefits.

                                          Provincial Executive                 2,120,076

                                            Office Operations                                                 8,413,821

                                   Meetings/Memberships                                           5,636,660

                         Communications/Political Action                               3,617,896

                                          Protective Services                                                         10,527,687

                                      Educational Services                           2,910,446

                                              District Funding                                                                                15,619,033

                                                                 0                    5,000,000               10,000,000            15,000,000             20,000,000

                                                                                                                      Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1             3
2021 Student Achievement Award winners-Kindness is a Renewable Resource - OSSTF/FEESO ...
2020–2021 Programs Continuing
                                                                                                          Bargaining Unit Executive Meetings and
                                                                                                          Record Keeping
                                                                                                             To date, three Districts, one with multiple
                                                                                                          Bargaining Units, were part of a pilot where they
                                                                                                          received training and began to use the provincial
                                                     New Programs for 2021–2022                           database for their record keeping and retention.
                                                     District and Bargaining Unit Anti-Racism/            Estimated date of completion is June 2023 with
                                                     Equity Training: Recognizing, Understand-            ongoing support for best practices.

Towards the                                          ing, Acting
                                                        This is the only new item in the 2021–2022        District/Bargaining Unit I.T. Environments

Future: Listening,                                   plan. This year saw the beginning of several eq-
                                                     uity action items, including:
                                                                                                             Efforts continued in the past year to bring
                                                                                                          cloud technologies to District offices that will fa-

Planning, Acting                                      • Time and space for equity seeking groups
                                                        to caucus at all provincial conferences and
                                                                                                          cilitate the migration towards adapting new tech-
                                                                                                          nologies in our local offices in the next few years.
                                                        regionals, creation of a Black Persons and
OSSTF/FEESO Vice-Presidents Paul Caccamo                Persons of Colour Advisory Work Group;            Bargaining Unit/District Governance
and Karen Littlewood have assembled a Stra-           • anti-racism training and equity training             Work has continued with past and pres-
tegic Action Plan for presentation and                  as permanent components at the Annual             ent Parliamentary and Constitution Committee
endorsement at the Annual Meeting of the                Leadership training along with specific           (PCC) members to review all Bargaining Unit
Provincial Assembly (AMPA) 2021. Below are              training for new presidents; and                  and District constitutions. Additional resources to
excerpts from the report.                             • ensuring that AMPA and provincial agen-           PCC were provided to assist in that regard and
                                                        das be set through equity principles.             with the review.
   Every year at AMPA, the OSSTF/FEESO
Strategic Action Plan serves to deal with issues        We recognize that there is a wide range of ini-   Grievance Arbitration Model
that would be considered as fundamental to the       tiatives already being started and implemented in       The primary goal continues to be to have all
ongoing operation of the Federation but could        some Districts. In fact, some have been working      grievances and corresponding information stored
take one or more years to address. These initia-     at this a while now.                                 in the UnionWare Grievance Arbitration Module.
tives serve to improve union service and delivery       This Strategic Action Plan initiative could       This will facilitate the tracking of information and
and to present solutions, which may require an       never put an end to all racism and oppression        the transfer of files to the Provincial Office.
extended period of time to complete. This year’s     so work will need to continue for many years
plan, Towards the Future: Listening, Planning,       to come but it can serve as a starting point or a    Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
Acting, sees the completion of three items, the      continuation, depending on work already initiated       The Mental Health First Aid component of the
continuation of six and the introduction of one      in locals.                                           Strategic Action Plan is intended to provide this
new initiative.                                         This item attempts to meet the needs self         training to presidents and time-release members.
   There are six items that were in the 2020–        identified by Districts and Bargaining Units. An     When it is possible to resume the training from
2021 plan that will continue for at least one more   application with a self-assessment as well as a      the Mental Health Commission of Canada for the
year. They are: Bargaining Unit/District Gov-        request for the type of support desired will be      trainers, it will happen.
ernance, Grievance Arbitration Model, Mental         required to access the funds.
Health First Aid (MHFA), Towards 2022—Build-            The Equity Advisory Work Group and the            Towards 2022—Building for an Education-
ing for an Education-Friendly Government and         Black Persons and Persons of Colour Advi-            Friendly Government and Official Opposition
Official Opposition, Bargaining Unit Executive       sory Work Group will be consulted throughout            Provincial election organizers were selected
Meetings and Record Keeping and District/Bar-        this process, especially with regards to recom-      and began their work in assisting Districts and
gaining Unit I.T. Environments. We have added        mending resources or service providers. Support      Bargaining Units in election preparation. Organiz-
one very important item, District and Bargaining     and advice may also be sought from the other         ers have been making contact with each District,
Unit Anti-Racism/Equity Training: Recognizing,       OSSTF/FEESO equity groups and committees             and beginning the process of helping them estab-
Understanding, Acting.                               or even Districts who have already engaged in        lish and work with election teams in each area.
                                                     such work.                                           These election leaders will plan for the upcom-
                                                        The estimated completion date for this spe-       ing provincial and municipal elections through a
                                                     cific item is June 2024.                             range of activities.

  4                            Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1
2021 Student Achievement Award winners-Kindness is a Renewable Resource - OSSTF/FEESO ...
de multiples unités de négociation, ont participé
                                                                                                               à un projet pilote dans lequel ils ont reçu une
                                                                                                               formation et ont commencé à utiliser la base de
                                                                                                               données provinciale pour la tenue des dossiers
                                                                                                               et la conservation.
                                                                                                                  La date d’achèvement prévu est en juin 2023
                                                                                                               avec un soutien continu en matière de meilleures

                                                                                                               Environnements de la TI des unités de

Vers l’avenir :                                          • Temps et espace accordés aux groupes
                                                           à la recherche d’égalité pour former
                                                                                                                  Les efforts se sont poursuivis au cours de

Écouter, planifier,                                        un caucus à toutes les conférences
                                                           provinciales et réunions régionales;
                                                                                                               la dernière année afin d’apporter la technologie
                                                                                                               en nuage aux bureaux de district qui facilitera

agir                                                     • Création d’un Groupe de travail consultatif
                                                           des personnes noires et des personnes
                                                                                                               la migration vers les nouvelles technologies
                                                                                                               dans nos bureaux locaux, dans les prochaines
                                                           de couleur, formation sur la lutte contre           quelques années.
Paul Caccamo et Karen Littlewood, vice-                    le racisme et sur l’égalité comme
présidents d’OSSTF/FEESO, ont monté un                     composante permanente à la formation du             Gouvernance d’unité de négociation/de
plan d’action stratégique aux fins de                      Leadership annuel, ainsi qu’une formation           district
présentation et d’appui à la Réunion                       particulière à l’intention des nouvelles               Le      travail   s’est   poursuivi   alors   que
annuelle de l’Assemblée provinciale (RAAP)                 présidences; et                                     des membres anciens et actuels du Comité
2021. Le texte ci-après est extrait du rapport.          • Faire en sorte que l’ordre du jour de               parlementaire et constitutionnel ont passé en
                                                           la RAAP et des réunions provinciales                revue tous les statuts des unités de négociation
   Chaque année à la RAAP, le Plan d’action                soient établis en fonction des principes de         et des districts. D’autres ressources au CPC ont
stratégique d’OSSTF/FEESO vise à traiter les               l’égalité.                                          été fournies pour aider à cet égard et au moyen
questions qui seraient considérées comme                   Nous reconnaissons qu’il y a une vaste              de l’examen.
fondamentales au fonctionnement continu de              gamme d’initiatives déjà en branle et mises en
la Fédération, mais qui pourraient nécessiter           place dans certains districts. En fait, certains       Module d’arbitrage des griefs
plus d’une année à mener à terme. Ces                   s’affairent à celles-ci depuis un certain temps.          Le but premier est toujours de conserver
initiatives servent à améliorer les services et            Cette initiative du Plan d’action stratégique       les griefs et renseignements connexes dans le
la prestation et de présenter des solutions,            ne pourrait jamais mettre fin à tout le racisme        module de grief/arbitrage d’UnionWare. Cela
qui peuvent nécessiter une période prolongée            et à toute l’oppression, alors le travail doit se      facilitera le suivi des renseignements et le
pour leur achèvement. Le plan de cette année,           poursuivre pendant un bon nombre d’années,             transfert des fichiers au Bureau provincial.
Vers l’avenir : Écouter, planifier, agir, comprend      cependant, elle peut servir de point de départ ou
l’achèvement de trois articles, la continuité de six    de continuation, selon le travail déjà initié sur le   Premiers soins en santé mentale (PSSM)
autres et l’introduction d’une nouvelle initiative.     plan local.                                               La composante des Premiers soins en santé
   Il y a six articles dans le plan de 2020-2021           Ce point tente de répondre aux besoins              mentale du Plan d’action stratégique est conçue
qui se poursuivront pour au moins une autre             auto-identifiés par les unités de négociation          pour offrir cette formation aux présidences et aux
année. Ils sont les suivants : Gouvernance              et les districts. L’accès aux fonds nécessitera        membres de libération syndicale. Lorsqu’il sera
des unités de négociation/district, Module              une demande avec auto-évaluation ainsi qu’une          possible de reprendre la formation à l’intention
d’arbitrage des griefs, Premiers soins en santé         demande du type de désiré.                             des formateurs, offerte par la Commission
mentale (PSSM), Vers 2022 – Se préparer                    Le Groupe de travail consultatif en matière         de la santé mentale du Canada, les choses
en vue d’un gouvernement et d’une opposition            d’égalité et le Groupe de travail consultatif des      avanceront.
officielle qui favorisent l’éducation, Réunions         personnes noires et des personnes de couleur
de l’exécutif d’unité de négociation et tenue de        seront consultés tout au long de ce processus,         Vers 2022 – Se préparer en vue d’un
dossiers et Environnements de la TI des unités          surtout en ce qui concerne la recommandation           gouvernement et d’une opposition officielle
de négociation/districts. Nous avons ajouté un          de ressources ou de fournisseurs de services.          qui favorisent l’éducation
article très important, Formation sur la lutte contre   Il se peut que d’autres groupes à la recherche            Les organisatrices et organisateurs des
le racisme/sur l’égalité des unités de négociation/     d’égalité et comités d’OSSTF/FEESO ou même             élections provinciales ont été sélectionnés et
districts : Reconnaître, comprendre, agir.              des districts qui ont déjà entrepris un tel travail    ils ont entrepris leur travail à aider les unités
                                                        soient consultés.                                      de négociation et les districts dans leurs
Nouveaux programmes pour 2021-2022                         La date d’achèvement estimée pour ce point          préparations électorales. Les organisatrices et
Formation sur la lutte contre le racisme/sur            particulier est juin 2024.                             organisateurs ont communiqué avec chaque
l’égalité dans les unités de négociation/                                                                      district et ont entamé le processus de les aider
districts : Reconnaître, comprendre, agir               Programmes qui se poursuivent                          à établir les équipes électorales dans chaque
   Il s’agit du seul nouveau point au plan              en 2020-2021                                           région et travailler avec elles. Ces dirigeantes
2021-2022. Cette année a marqué le début de             Réunions de l’exécutif d’unité de négociation          et dirigeants électoraux planifieront pour les
plusieurs points sur l’action en matière d’égalité,     et tenue de dossiers                                   prochaines élections provinciales et municipales
y compris                                                  Jusqu’à présent, trois districts, dont un ayant     par le biais d’une gamme d’activités.

                                                                                                                Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1                5
2021 Student Achievement Award winners-Kindness is a Renewable Resource - OSSTF/FEESO ...
    for President

    Real Change
          Meaningful Action
        Vrai Changement
                Action Concrète




6        Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1
2021 Student Achievement Award winners-Kindness is a Renewable Resource - OSSTF/FEESO ...

                                 E  W  A Y,
                      I N  G TH
              LEAD           S I D E,
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                        A D E R,
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                 V O S C
               À           D E R,
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               UNE L        T IR
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                POUR       L E.
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                              Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1   7
2021 Student Achievement Award winners-Kindness is a Renewable Resource - OSSTF/FEESO ...

                               FOR VICE-PRESIDENT

         Follow Martha
         Martha Hradowy

8               Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1
2021 Student Achievement Award winners-Kindness is a Renewable Resource - OSSTF/FEESO ...
Ready to serve Prêt à servir

                                                                           NIRU PHILIP
                                                                             Vice President Vice Président

                                                                             Strategic  Driven Passionate
                                                                             Stratégique Motivé Passionné

                                                                              Place your trust in me and I shall promise
                                                                              to nurture, protect, and grow that trust not
                                                                              taking thought for our separate interests,
                                                                              but helping one another.


United among our                                        vidual experiences coupled with finding strength
                                                        in our differences drives us towards a common
                                                                                                             quest to convene an advisory table of education
                                                                                                             stakeholders, continuing to leave communities in

differences                                             goal. With a united voice, we stand against anti-
                                                        Black racism and all forms of discrimination. With
                                                                                                             the dark.
                                                                                                                OSSTF/FEESO continues to advocate for a
                                                        a united voice, we stand up to toxic provincial      plan that includes:
                                                        politics that affect us in our communities.           • asymptomatic testing measures for all
   The year 2020 delivered hard-hitting blows to           Ontario’s public education system has fallen         students and staff;
our membership, which challenged and changed            victim to the Ford government’s mishandling of        • a vaccination plan that prioritizes education
how we view our organization. In a time of racial       the COVID-19 pandemic. Education workers                workers and teachers;
unrest and political strife situated in a global pan-   and teachers have been ignored and left out of        • increased access to and funding for com-
demic, we are provided with an opportunity for          meaningful, collaborative conversations about           munity supports, including respite support
change that we must embrace.                            safely re-opening schools in Ontario. Establish-        for families in need;
   In November 2020, The Black Persons and              ing a clear, consistent, and transparent return to    • immediate investments and supports to
Persons of Colour Advisory Work Group was               school plan was not a priority for this Conserva-       make current online learning more acces-
created to help the Federation reduce barriers to       tive government.                                        sible and more functional for learners;
member participation and foster equity and inclu-          On January 8, 2020, the Association des            • access to paid sick leave for workers;
sion within OSSTF/FEESO. Conversations about            enseignantes et enseignants franco-ontariens          • standard regulations for reduced class
race and how internal policies and practices dis-       (AEFO), the Elementary Teachers’ Federation             sizes and other health protocols to protect
advantage and exclude members who identify as           of Ontario (ETFO), the Ontario English Catholic         school communities.
Black, Indigenous, and racialized continue to lead      Teachers’ Association (OECTA) and the On-               Electing an education-friendly government
us forward in our anti-racism and anti-oppression       tario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation          has never been more critical as we move towards
initiatives. (See OSSTF/FEESO—Racism, Op-               (OSSTF/FEESO) released a joint statement             the 2022 election. Our collective experiences as
pression, Equity www.bit.ly/2MqbzCy).                   (www.bit.ly/3aanJYh) calling on the Ford govern-     education workers and teachers will counter the
   OSSTF/FEESO accepts its organizational re-           ment to establish a comprehensive and trans-         narratives that attempt to cause division within
sponsibility to respond to racial discrimination and    parent plan to keep students, educators, and         our organization. Publicly-funded education is
recognizes its history of reinforcing white privilege   communities safe. True to form, Premier Ford         under attack, and our roles as protectors of the
within its structure. An acknowledgment of indi-        and Education Minister Lecce ignored the re-         system remain vital.

                                                                                                              Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1                9
2021 Student Achievement Award winners-Kindness is a Renewable Resource - OSSTF/FEESO ...
                   Rooted in experience, trust and integrity
                               Moving forward TOGETHER

                                  LEADERSHIP FORT
            Synonyme d’’expérience, confiance et intégrité
                                   Avançons ENSEMBLE


                                                                           Integrity Experience Passion
 Hayssam Hulays
  for OSSTF Treasurer             | pour FEESO Trésorier
                                        I STAND FOR:                 JE SUIS POUR:
                                            Responsible and transparent financial management
                                            Une gestion financière responsable et transparente
                                            Strategic funding for the fight for better collective
                                            agreements, and against austerity and privatization
                                            Un financement stratégique pour de meilleures
                                            conventions collectives et pour lutter pour contre l’austérité
                                            et la privatisation
                                            Embedding social, economic, climate and racial justice in
                                            union work
                                            Imbriquer la justice sociale, économique, climatique
                                            et raciale dans le travail de la fédération
                                            Increased engagement of all members
                                            Un engagement accru de la part de tous les

Intégrité Expérience Passion                                      http://www.hayssamhulays.ca
Treasurer Update Ad 2.indd 1                                                                     2021-01-18 7:43 PM

10                             Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1
Coup d’œil sur la vérification de 2020
FINANCEMENT DES DISTRICTS			                                                               COMMUNICATIONS/ACTION POLITIQUE                         3 617 896 $        7,4 %
15 619 033 $       32,0 %                                                                  Publications y compris Update et Education Forum, annonces
Remboursement           de    base       aux       districts,                              publicitaires, Communications numériques directes aux membres,
perfectionnement        professionnel         (y       compris                             Comité des communications/action politique, documentation d’action
formation à l’intention des représentantes et                                              politique, formation et lobbying, Charte pour l’éducation publique,
représentants en milieu de travail et ateliers à                                           affiliation à des coalitions, Journée de lobbying, Groupe de travail
l’intention des nouveaux membres), formation                                               consultatif des Premières Nations, Métis et Inuits, formation en
syndicale,     réunions      interdistricts,       libération                              communication, Groupe de travail pour aborder l’ingérence des
supplémentaire     pour      les    petites     unités          de                         entreprises dans l’éducation publique, Programme de mentorat
négociation, impliquer ceux qui ne le sont pas                                             consultatif en matière d’égalité, formation en communication, prix et
encore, sensibiliser la communauté, programmes                                             aide internationale et une partie du salaire et des avantages sociaux
spéciaux     d’action     politique,      coalitions            de                         du personnel.
district,   Collège     syndical,      Cartographie             et
mobilisation des membres, fonds du district pour
l’environnement,      initiatives     locales          sur     les       RÉUNIONS PROVINCIALES/AFFILIATIONS 5 636 660 $                                11,5 %
changements climatiques, primes de la CSPAAT                            Assemblée annuelle (RAAP), atelier de formation d’été, Conseil provincial, conférences,
pour les districts, initiatives en matière des droits                   affiliations à la FEO, au CTC et à la FTO, conseil d’administration de la FEO, programmes
de la personne et fonds pour l’accessibilité                            nationaux/internationaux, rencontres au Bureau provincial, Conseil d’entraide, Conseil
des membres.                                                            judiciaire, Conseil parlementaire et constitutionnel, Comité des finances, ateliers
                                                                        financiers, Conseil des membres retraités actifs, Groupe de travail consultatif en matière
                                                                        d’égalité, Groupe de travail sur l'examen de la gouvernance, associations par matière,
     SERVICES ÉDUCATIFS			                                              Groupe de travail sur l’environnement, Groupe de travail consultatif sur la participation
     2 910 446 $        6,0 %                                           des nouveaux membres, Groupe de travail sur les conditions de travail du personnel
     Certification du personnel enseignant,                             et des représentants locaux élus et une partie du salaire et des avantages sociaux
     services de médiation, bibliothèque de                              du personnel.
     la Fédération, modules de formation
                          June 30, 2020
     à l’intention des membres, comité                                       EDUC             PROT
                                                                  DISTRICT SERVICES         SERVICES        CPA        MEETINGS         OFFICE          PE       COMPENSATION       CA         TOTAL
     des services en français, Comité des
                          Financial Statements
                                                                              EXÉCUTIF PROVINCIAL
     services éducatifs, Comité
                             GA -du  statut
                                 operations                      15,619,033   2 511,052
                                                                                120 076 $           4,3 %
                                                                                               822,147  1,056,487291,898                     FONCTIONNEMENT
                                                                                                                                         3,613,376    0     DU BUREAU
                                                                                                                                                           18,577,121 52,455                  46,464,351
                                                                                                               4,752,451                   932,847
     de la femme, Comité des droits de la                                     Réunions de l’Exécutif provincial, 235,484                     8 413 821 $          17,2 %
     personne, Groupe de travailGA - transfers
                                 des   facultés                           0           0
                                                                              allocations         0
                                                                                          pour adhésions    0
                                                                                                           et congrès,0                         0
                                                                                                                                             Bureau     0
                                                                                                                                                    provincial (taxes 0foncières,
                                 MPA                                      0           0   2,381,267         0          0                         0       0                0       0  2,381,267
     d’éducation, cahiers     pédagogiques
                                 SCA               et                     0   services0 aux membres
                                                                                                  0      et 0dépenses0                       assurance,
                                                                                                                                                 0      services
                                                                                                                                                         0       publics,0 sécurité,
                                                                                                                                                                                  0          0
                                 Sub-total                       15,619,033     511,052   3,203,414 1,056,487 5,279,833                  4,546,223       0       18,577,121  52,455 48,845,618
     une partie du salaire et des avantages                                   et salaire et avantages sociaux                                réparations et entretien), services
     sociaux du personnel.      Distribution                                  des membres élus de l’Exécutif                                 d’information, télécommunications,
                                     Salary/Benefits                      0   2,399,394       7,324,273   2,540,959      389,681         4,153,961 1,945,698     (18,577,121)      0             176,844
                                     Fleet                                    provincial.                                                    base de données des membres,
                                                                                                                                          (176,844)                                             (176,844)
                                     CA                                   0            0             0      20,450        30,000             2,005         0               0 (52,455)                  0
                                     PE costs                             0            0             0           0       (62,854)            honoraires
                                                                                                                                          (111,524)      professionnels, 0dépenses
                                                                                                                                                     174,378                       0                   0
                                                                                                                                             générales de bureau, services aux
                                TOTAL                            15,619,033   2,910,446      10,527,687   3,617,896    5,636,660         8,413,821   2,120,076                0          0    48,845,618
SERVICES DE PROTECTION                   10 527 687 $                21,6 %                                                                  membres et dépenses des membres
Comité des services de protection, recherche et documents  des5.96%     21.55%
                                                               services de         7.41%
                                                                           protection,                                    11.54%            17.23%
                                                                                                                                             du         4.34%
                                                                                                                                                     Secrétariat,         0.00%
                                                                                                                                                                       formation     0.00%
                                                                                                                                                                                       du       100.00%

comité de santé et sécurité/LSPAAT, Groupe deFinancement
                                               travail consultatif    sur les
                                                         Services éduServices     retraites, Réunions proFonctionnement
                                                                              de proCommunicat                     personnel,
                                                                                                                                  provincial de traduction et
Groupe de travail consultatif provincial sur l’ILD, Groupe de travail consultatif de la                                                      une partie du salaire et des avantages
FSSBE, Module de grief/arbitrage et suivi des relations des membres, organisation, frais                                                        sociaux du personnel.
juridiques, griefs et une partie du salaire et des avantages sociaux du personnel.

                                                                 Exécutif provincial               2,120,076

                                                   Fonctionnement du bureau                                                         8,413,821

                                        Réunions provinciales des membres                                             5,636,660

                                            Communications/action politique                               3,617,896

                                                             Services de protection                                                         10,527,687

                                                                Services éducatifs                     2,910,446

                                                       Financement des districts                                                                                    15,619,033

                                                                                       0                  5,000,000                 10,000,000           15,000,000              20,000,000

                                                                                                                                     Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1                 11
Vote | Votez

        Malini Leahy
                 for OSSTF Executive Officer
             pour agente de l'executif FEESO

        Experience | Leadership | Integrity
        Expérience | Leadership | Intégrité
         fb.com/ElectMaliniLeahy Twitter @MaliniOSSTF ElectMaliniLeahy.com


      Colin Matthew
      For Executive Officer/
      pour agent de l’Exécutif
      Let’s Connect:
           Colin Matthew                       @ColinMatthew14                                  colinforosstf@gmail.com

                                               year that has been disrupted by COVID-19.                This campaign will aim to share mental
                                               This is causing many of our members to feel           health-related information, resources and expert
                                               stressed, anxious and perhaps a little uncertain of   contributions. The campaign will run until the end
                                               the future.                                           of May 2021.
                                                  The education sector has had to adapt, to
                                               pivot and to adjust to a new way of doing things.        About OTIP: At OTIP, we not only understand
                                                  There’s no doubt this is taking a toll on our      the education system, we believe in it. OTIP has
                            ®                  members mental health.                                been committed to providing quality insurance
                                                  We need to be more open, honest and take           benefits and advice for the best value since 1977.

Caring for your                                an unashamed approach to discussing mental
                                               health and well-being.
                                                                                                        Across all lines of insurance, OTIP provides
                                                                                                     coverage to more than 200,000 education employ-

mental well-being                                 At OTIP, we are doing just that and putting the
                                               mental well-being of our members, their families
                                                                                                     ees in the province. Governed and led by Ontario’s
                                                                                                     four education affiliates (AEFO, ETFO, OECTA
                                               and the education community first.                    and OSSTF/FEESO) and their local leaders, OTIP
Campaign overview                                 Throughout the school year, we will be en-         was built on the belief that educators would be bet-
OTIP announces a year-long mental well-being   gaging our community in conversations about           ter served by a not-for-profit insurance advocate
campaign to support the education community.   mental health and sharing information to support      that was part of the education community.
                                               the education community with our Caring for your         Learn more about the OTIP story at
   There is a ‘normal’ rhythm to the school    mental well-being campaign.                           www.otip.com.

 12                          Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1

email: parkerrobinson@hotmail.com twitter: @ParkerRobDOT
              facebook: @ParkerRobinson4EO

               For more information on our Caring for your
               mental well-being campaign, visit www.otip.com/

               Special features:

                    • Feeling stressed and anxious? You are
                      not alone

                    • How to break the cycle of stress and
                      bad sleep

                    • The benefits of cooking as a family

                    • Staying active at home

                                   Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1   13
@ANDYDNINE                        E.MAIL: AADZIC@OSSTF9.COM                       @ANDYADZICforotfgovernor


14                Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1

      Shannon Vandenberghe
               OTF Governor/Gouverneur de la FEO
                        Integrity - Experience - Advocacy

Faire entendre                                     plus en plus face à des conditions de travail
                                                   dangereuses et un accès limité à des congés de
                                                                                                           des femmes et notre pleine participation au sein
                                                                                                           de la société.

nos voix                                           maladie rémunérés et à des services de garde.
                                                      En réponse au fardeau de la pandémie sur             Comment célébrer la JIF 2021 :
                                                   les femmes, le thème 2021 de l’ONU pour la JIF          1. Envoyez un courriel à votre député
                                                   est : « Leadership féminin : Pour un futur égalitaire      provincial pour exiger l’équité salariale
   Depuis 1911, la Journée internationale de       dans le monde de la COVID-19 ». Soulignant la              pour les femmes.
la femme (JIF) a livré un appel à l’action pour    nécessité de la voix des femmes dans un monde           2. Créez des messages dans les médias
l’égalité des sexes partout dans le monde.         post-pandémie, le thème de cette année fait                sociaux qui font la promotion des enjeux
Maintenant célébrée le 8 mars, la JIF est          appel aux femmes dirigeantes de se dresser                 de la condition féminine au moyen des
également l’occasion de se dresser et de           et de faire partie des processus importants de             mots-clics #InternationalWomensDay
reconnaître les contributions essentielles que     prise de décisions. Le fait d’avoir des femmes à           #IWD2021 #ChoosetoChallenge
les femmes apportent dans tous les aspects de      la table sera essentiel alors que nous créons de        3. Assistez aux événements/marches virtuels
la société.                                        nouvelles politiques et de nouveaux programmes             et avec distanciation sociale dans votre
   La COVID-19 a mis en forte évidence les         lors de notre rétablissement de la COVID-19.               communauté.
difficultés économiques et domestiques des            Malgré nos défis de la dernière année, la            4. Appuyez les organismes et les femmes
femmes, tout en soulignant la valeur essentielle   pandémie nous a donné l’occasion d’apporter                politiciennes qui font avancer les causes
de leurs rôles. Cela est abondamment clair         de véritables changements. Le 8 mars, nous                 de la condition féminine.
dans la main d’œuvre, où des travailleuses de      devons nous rassembler (même virtuellement)                /Sarah McLaren est membre du District 4,
premières lignes, surtout des femmes, font de      pour continuer notre lutte globale pour l’égalité       Near North et du Comité du statut de la femme.

                                                                                                            Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1              15
Join us in                                            1. uses innovative teaching methods, de-
                                                          signs creative programs, and develops

celebrating                                               exciting learning experiences for Ontario

Ontario’s best
                                                                                                                   Évitez les douleurs
                                                      2. make a difference in students’ lives by                   causées par les
                                                          engaging them in the process of learn-                   lésions attribuables

teachers!                                                 ing and creates enthusiasm for learning
                                                          by raising their sights, broadening their
                                                                                                                   au travail répétitif.

                                                          horizons, and enhancing their learning
                                                                                                                                                    Un message
                                                          potential;                                                                                 à répéter.
   The Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan (OTIP)         3. demonstrates understanding and integra-
Teaching Awards recognize and celebrate teach-            tion of community diversity into classroom
ers who make a difference…teachers who light a            practices;
                                                                                                                    Soyez à l’affût des
                                                                                                                    signes et signalez-les :
spark in students, inspire their colleagues, and      4. encourages the sharing of community and
give parents confidence.                                  individual resources in the schools of our                   • Douleur
                                                                                                                       • Raideur articulaire
   The 2021 OTIP Teaching Awards are open                 province; and                                                • Raideur musculaire
for nominations. The deadline for nominations is      5. demonstrates a personal commitment to                         • Rougeur
                                                                                                                       • Enflure de la zone atteinte
March 31, 2021.                                           lifelong learning.                                           • Engourdissement
   There are three categories of awards: el-              The Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan (OTIP)
                                                                                                                       • Sensations de picotement
                                                                                                                       • Changements de couleur de la peau
ementary school teacher, secondary school             and the Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF) are
teacher, and beginning teacher in the first five      proud sponsors of the OTIP Teaching Awards.
years of teaching. A teacher may be nominated         For many years, these awards have recog-
by anyone—professional colleagues, students,          nized the excellence of our teachers in publicly-
parents, or the general public.                       funded education.
   Your nomination must address how your                  Further      information     is    available        at
teacher meets all the following criteria:             www.teachingawards.ca.

                                                                                                                          OSSTF/FEESO, 60 Mobile Drive, Toronto, ON M4A 2P3

                                                                                                                                                                 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to

                                            Introducing our new Pension Income Gap Calculator.
                                            When planning for retirement many don’t realize that their
                                            pension alone may not be enough. Find out if you’re on track to
                                            retire with confidence with our Pension Income Gap Calculator.

                         We’re HERE, to get you THERE
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Publication Mail Agreement No.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Canada Post Corporation

       You could win $10,000 in cash or 1 of 2 $500 VIA Rail gift cards!

                             Enter today: OTIP.com/UPDATEwin

  16                              Update 2020–2021 • VOL. 48 NO. 1
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