2021 SNOWMOBILES - Polaris
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T H E C R O W D - P L E A S I N G 2 0 2 1 P O L A R I S F A M I LY O F S L E D S Only the original winter warriors could bring you a li n e - u p b u il t e n t i r e l y f r o m t h e r i d e u p . I t s t a r t e d w i t h a l o v e of the outdoors, a Minnesota winter and the memories with PERFORMANCE: PGS. 08-19 f r i e n d s t h a t c a n o n l y b e c r e a t e d o n t h e s n o w . B u il d i n g t h e p e r f e c t s n o w m o b il e h a s b e e n o u r o b s e s s i o n s i n c e w e s t a r t e d i n 1 9 5 4 . T i m e t o f li p t h e s w i t c h a n d i g n i t e t h e f u n f o r 2 0 2 1 . DEEP SNOW: PGS. 20-27 ON & OFF TRAILS: PGS. 28-35 ON & OFF TRAILS: PGS. 36-41 VOYAGEUR RECREATIONAL UTILITY: PGS. 42-45
T HE BE S T SP OR T ON SNO W A ND TEAM T HE BE S T T E A M IN T HE SP OR T. P OL A R I S AT HL E T E S P o l a r i s S n o w m o b il e s a r e a b o u t m o r e . M o r e t i m e s p e n t e x p l o r i n g . E li t e , p r o f e s s i o n a l r i d e r s t h a t t r a i n M o r e r i d i n g f i r s t s . M o r e t h r illi n g m o m e n t s . M o r e c o n n e c t i o n a n d a n d r i d e a ll y e a r l o n g . F o r t h e s e a t h l e t e s , s n o w m o b ili n g i s m o r e more appreciation for the escape you can only experience on the t h a n a h o b b y. I t ’s a w a y o f li f e . s n o w . W e d e s i g n t h e b e s t s l e d s , b u il t b y t h e b e s t t e a m , r i d d e n b y t h e b e s t r i d e r s a n d d e li v e r e d t h r o u g h t h e b e s t d e a l e r s – m a k i n g c o n t r o l a n d c o n f i d e n c e c o m e t o li f e o n e v e r y s i n g l e r i d e . P OL A R I S R A CER S H e a r t p o u n d i n g , s n o w f l y i n g , f u ll t h r o t t l e r i d e r s p u s h i n g t h e li m i t s each and ever y race. AND OF COURSE, YOU. W h e t h e r y o u ’ r e a t r a il r i d e r, a n u p a n d coming racer or simply new to the spor t - w e l c o m e t o t h e P o l a r i s f a m il y 05 P OL A R I S A MB A S S A DOR S These snow -obsessed riders are driven to share POLARIS.COM their enthusiasm and knowledge for the spor t of s n o w m o b ili n g .
INTRODUCING THE 650 PATRIOT: BORN FROM THE HEART OF A BEAST. LIBER T Y LIBER T Y 850 PATR I OT 65 0 PATRIOT The 850 Patriot The new king of the core class engine was designed Nhas E W arrived. FOR ‘ 21The all-new from the ground up 650 Patriot built on the for class-leading proven 850 architecture durability, unrivaled is designed to deliver acceleration and unparalleled durability, industry best refined run quality and a power-to-weight. new level of fuel economy. The 850 Patriot is Throttle response is the most powerful instant, power is pure snowmobile engine and acceleration is ever built by Polaris. smooth from first pull to full throttle. NOW AVAILABLE IN- SEASON LIBER T Y LIBER T Y 550 800 H .O. 60 0 Proven, durable, fan-cooled engine CLEANFIRE CLEANFIRE provides reliable performance at a 07 The “Proven Polaris Benchmark”, is part The 600 Cleanfire engine is part of great value. Different riders and different styles, that’s why we offer a complete line-up of engines. From taking the tightest tree lines of the Polaris family of Liberty engines the Polaris family of Liberty engines built in the USA. This engine was built in the USA. This engine is a 600cc, in the deep powder with the ultimate responsiveness of our 850 Patriot to cruising the trails with the proven fan-cooled developed in conjunction with the liquid-cooled, SDI engine that provides 550, we’re proud to deliver the fun factor that keeps you pushing more miles with more reliability and more confidence. AXYS platform to deliver ultimate re- proven reliable performance, instant POLARIS.COM sponsiveness, performance and quality acceleration, easy starting and great Our engines are built to integrate seamlessly with the lightweight and agile Polaris chassis. Most Polaris snowmobiles with class-leading power-to-weight. response. feature class -leading power - to- weight ratios and set a new benchmark for ultimate per formance.
I N DY VR1 D O M I NATI NG TRAIL PERFORM A NC E I ND Y V R 1 1 3 7/ 1 2 9 : NEW 2021 650 INDY VR1 129 REDEFINING PERFORMANCE SNOWCHECK EXCLUSIVE P L AT F O R M M O D E L RIDE COMMAND 7S DISPLAY - Ride Command Trail Maps included Designed with integrated Ride Command, the 7S - Group Ride Tracking, with or Display brings a whole new level of intuitive, touch- without cellular connection Introducing the SnowCheck-exclusive screen control and customization with our largest - Four Customizable Screens INDY VR1 on the all-new rider-first Matryx and most sophisticated display yet. - Bluetooth Connectivity platform—unlocking the next dimension - 7” Full Color Touch-Screen in dominating trail performance and NIGHTBLADE HEADLIGHT This new headlight brings state of the art lighting technology technology. AVAI L AB L E C OLORS to Polaris riders. Six projector beam optics deliver precision The light and rigid Matryx platform, lighting with an engineered pattern to deliver exceptional visibility for night riding. INDY VR1 coupled with the powerful 650 and > 850 Patriot / 650 Patriot Engine > PRO-CC 137 or 129 Rear Suspension 850 Patriot engines are designed to > 1.25" Ice Ripper XT / 1.35" Cobra / 1.5" Storm 150 Track deliver class leading power to weight SOFT TOUCH LEFT HAND CONTROL AND SMAR T WARMERS > WER® Velocity IFS Shocks, 2" C/A FTS and Velocity Rear Track Shock ratio for arm-stretching acceleration M ATRYX RIDER FIRST DESIG N Control the 7S Display and SmartWarmers from the new left hand > Matryx Platform on the trail or the lake. HAND LING BORN F ROM RACE, PERF ECTED FOR TH E TRAIL control. Only with the new Polaris SmartWarmers can you customize three distinct temperature settings and maintain consistent Effortless control in any condition is heat throughout your ride. enabled by an all-new, snocross-inspired RIDER P OSITION Our narrowest rider cockpit on the market enables active 2021 850 INDY VR1 137 NEW SNOWCHECK EXCLUSIVE cockpit proven on the track to reduce rider dynamics. The all new seat, tank, and sculpted body LOCK & RIDE FLEX SYSTEM M O D E L panels were developed by riders for a seamless and effort- Our fastest, easiest and most secure accessory-mounting effort and improve rider connection to less rider active experience. system. the sled. Ultra-premium Walker Evans Velocity shocks, race inspired IFS and WIND P ROTECTION CFD optimized for improved leg and lower body comfort and proven Pro-CC rear suspension combine protection. Enhanced windshield design for hand protection to create the best handling trail sled ever. and less wind buffeting. 11 WER® VELOCIT Y SHOCKS All-new Velocity Series shocks deliver the ultimate in control and P U RP OSEFU L DESIG N comfort with enhanced bottoming resistance for the best ride in F E R O CI O U S AC CELERATIO N Sleek, purposeful form. Nothing is wasted. Every part every condition. has a function. Every detail obsessively perfected. POLARIS.COM E F FO R T L E S S CO N TRO L IN TE L L I G E N T T ECH N O LO GY
I N DY AVA IL A B L E C O LO R S LEG E NDA RY P E RFORMANC E. SIMP LY FU N. INDY XC 137 2021 600 INDY SP 137 TH E LEAD ER IN V ERSATILIT Y AND PERFORMAN CE > 850 Patriot / 600 Cleanfire Engine “ TH E N E W M ATRYX PLAT FORM IS > PRO-CC 137 Rear Suspension INCRE D I BLE . TH E A BI L I T Y TO M OV E > WER® C/A Needle IFS Shocks, Velocity Needle Rear Track Shock WITH TH E S L E D I S UNM ATC H ED.” > 1.25" Ice Ripper XT / 1.35" Cobra / 1.5" Storm 150 Track — MAT T SM I TS , P O L A R I S A M BAS SA D O R 60 0 IN DY S P 137 T HE BEST VALUE I N T RAI L PERFO RMANCE > 600 Cleanfire Engine > PRO-CC 137 Rear Suspension > Polaris IFP Shocks 2021 850 INDY XC 137 > 1.25" Ripsaw II Track 2021 850 INDY ADVENTURE 137 W H AT MA KE S A N ADVEN TURE PLAN YOU R DAY AROU ND BEING LOST IN THE MO MENT P L AT F O R M RIDER BAL ANCED CONTRO L By placing the rider in the right location on the sled, we’ve built a sled that corners flat without sacrificing the fun factor. NEW 202 1 85 0 IN DY XC 1 3 7 M O D E L LAUN CH E D I T I O N AVA IL A B L E C O LO R S U LTIM ATE TRAIL V ERSAT ILIT Y INDY XC 137 LAUNCH EDITION The INDY Adventure 137 combines the performance attributes of an AVAI L AB L E C OLORS T HE T R A IL P E R FO R M A NCE BENCH MARK INDY XC with seat options, confidence-inspiring skis, and integrated storage options that is every bit as capable riding solo - or two-up. IN DY ADVEN T URE 137 EXPLORE WHAT’S AROUND THE NEXT CORNER > 850 Patriot / 650 Patriot Engine 13 > PRO-CC 137 Rear Suspension U NRIVAL ED ACCEL ERATIO N > 850 Patriot / 600 Cleanfire Engine When developing the AXYS platform, our engineers minimized weight > WER® FORCE IFS and FTS, Velocity Rear Track Shock > PRO-CC 137 Rear Suspension throughout the sled without compromising strength. Combine that > 1.25" Ice Ripper XT / 1.35" Cobra / 1.5" Storm 150 Track with powerful engines and you’ve got class-leading power-to-weight. > WER® C/A Needle IFS Shocks, Velocity Needle Rear Track Shock POLARIS.COM > Matryx Platform > 1.25" Ice Ripper XT / 1.35" Cobra / 1.5" Storm 150 Track > Standard Heavy-Duty Front Bumper, Storage & Mirrors
I N DY LEG E NDA RY P E RFORMANC E. SIMP LY FU N. 60 0 IN DY S P 129 T HE BEST VALUE I N T RAI L PERFO RMANCE AVAI LAB LE CO LO R S > 600 Cleanfire Engine INDY XC 129 LAUNCH EDITION > PRO-CC 129 Rear Suspension THE TRAIL P ERFOR M A NC E BE NC H M A R K > Polaris IFP Shocks > 850 Patriot / 650 Patriot Engine > 1.25" Ripsaw II Track NEW 2 02 1 8 5 0 I NDY XC 1 2 9 > PRO-CC 129 Rear Suspension LAUNC H EDI T I ON M O D E L > WER® FORCE IFS and FTS, Velocity Rear Track Shock > 1.25" Ice Ripper XT / 1.35" Cobra / 1.5" Storm 150 Track > Matryx Platform P L AT F O R M INDY XC R RACE- P ROVE N STR E N GT H & DU R A BI LI T Y AVA IL A B L E C O LO R S IN DY XC 129 T HE T R A IL P E R FO RMANCE STANDARD FOR 40 Y EARS > 850 Patriot / 600 Cleanfire Engine AVAI L AB L E C OLORS > PRO-CC 129 Rear Suspension 2021 850 INDY XCR > WER® C/A Needle IFS Shocks, Velocity Needle Rear Track Shock IN DY XCR > 850 Patriot / 600 Cleanfire Engines 15 > 1.25" Ice Ripper XT / 1.35" Cobra / 1.5" Storm 150 Track > PRO-CC Rear Suspension > Race-Proven, Heavy-Duty Suspension Components 2 0 2 1 85 0 IN DY XC 1 2 9 > 1.25" Ice Ripper XT / 1.35" Cobra / 1.75" Backcountry Track POLARIS.COM > WER® 2" Velocity Hi-Lo IFS and Rear Track Shocks > Race-Ready Brake System
I N DY E VO E VO LVED FO R NEW TRAIL RIDER S 120 IN DY LEGENDARY FUN FO R YO UT H RI DERS > 120cc Four Stroke Engine > Safety Tether > Adjustable Throttle I NDY EVO > Underseat Storage > Compact Ergonomics > Easy Steering > Confident Stable Ride > 50 MPH Top Speed > INDY EVO Front Suspension > INDY EVO Skis > Electric Start 17 POLARIS.COM 2 0 2 1 IN DY E VO
I N DY LEG E NDA RY P E RFORMANC E. SIMP LY FU N. IN DY ADVEN TURE 2-UP CO MFO RT AND VERSAT I LI T Y > PRO-RIDE Chassis > 550 Fan-Cooled Engine I N DY > 144 x 1.35" / 155 x 1.6" Cobra Track T R A IL R IDIN G FUN > Lock & Ride Convertible Passenger Seat & Cargo System > PRO-RIDE Chassis > Electric Start > 550 Fan-Cooled Engine > Tall Windshield and Mirrors > Race-Proven Front Suspension > 121 x .91" Shockwave / 144 x 1.35" Cobra Track 2021 550 INDY ADVENTURE 14 4 > RydeFX® MPV Shocks WHAT MAKES AN ADVEN TURE PLAN YO UR DAY ARO UND BEI NG LO ST I N T HE MO MENT EVERY T H IN G YO U N EED 20 2 1 5 5 0 IN DY 12 1 The INDY Adventure 144 and 155 are the best sled for riders that need a do-it-all snowmobile for versatility at a great value. It rides well on- and off-trail, solo or with a passenger, and with or without storage. LEG EN DARY PERFO RMAN C E For over forty years, the INDY name has stood for performance across its broad lineup of trail sleds. PROVEN VALU E The INDY Adventure sleds are purpose-built as a do-it-all snowmobiles and are designed to deliver confidence that makes your day on the snow the best it can be. INDY LXT SHARE THE LEGEN DA RY I NDY R I D E > PRO-RIDE Chassis > 550 Fan-Cooled Engine > Cargo Rack > 2-up Seat and Backrest > Electric Start 19 > Tall Windshield and Mirrors > Available in Ghost Gray or Silver POLARIS.COM 2 02 1 5 5 0 I NDY L XT 2021 550 INDY ADVE NTURE 155
PRO-RMK TH E WORLD’S BEST MOUNTAIN SLED The Polaris RMK is the lightest, strongest and most flickable family of snowmobiles on the planet. Ever y model intuitively elevates the riding experience, to take you higher, further and deeper into the backcountr y than ever before. For 2021, we’re elevating two critical elements of the proven RMK formula – Lif t and Response. The result is a lineup of PRO RMK and Khaos models that leads the pack for 2021. 21 POLARIS.COM P RO RMK R M K KHAO S S KS RMK RMK E VO TH E MOST P RECIS E MOUNTAIN SLED THE MOST AG I LE ALL- MO U N TAI N S LED ALL PU R PO S E, D EEP S NOW TO U G H G AT E WAY TO T H E D E E P S N OW E VO LVE D FO R N E W R ID E R S
P R O RM K T H E WOR LD’S BE ST MOUNTA IN SL ED 2021 850 PRO RMK 165 NEW SNOWCHECK EXCLUSIVE M O D E L 20 21 6 00 PRO RM K 15 5 AVAI LABLE COLORS P RO RMK > 850 Patriot / 600 Cleanfire Engines > PRO RMK React Adjustable Front Suspension (36-38") > 850: 2.6" Series 6 / 2.75" Series 8 / 3.0" Series 7 Tracks > 850: WER® Light or WER® C/A Shocks > 600: WER® Light or WER® C/A Shocks / 2.6" Series 6 Track > NEW FOR ‘21: Low elevation clutching option for below 3,000ft > QuickDrive2 (QD2) Low Inertia Drive System / 2021 SNOWCHECK EXCLUSI VE RMK OP T IONS: Available with 2.75" and 3" Track at SnowCheck QUICKDRIVE 2 (QD2) 850 PRO RMK A new low inertia, lightweight drive system QUICKDRIVE 2 TRACK OP TIONS with lower gearing for quicker response 2 02 1 8 5 0 PR O R MK 163 S N OWC H EC K EXC LUS I VE “ T H IS CH AN G ES EV ERY THING . . . and instantaneous acceleration. Combine > 155" SnowCheck Tracks: AG AIN . T H E QD 2 AN D SER IES 8 with the Series 8 track for a 5lb weight 2.75" Series 8 Track with QuickDrive2 3.0" Series 7 Track with QuickDrive2 T RAC K ARE G OIN G TO BE THE reduction. N EW STAN DARD O N T HE SNO W.” > 163" SnowCheck Tracks: SERIES 8 2.75" TRACK 3.0" Series 7 Track with QuickDrive2 — DA N A DA M S , T E A M P O L A R IS AT H LETE A new 2.75” lug by 3.5” pitch track in > 165" SnowCheck Tracks: 155 and 165” lengths, delivers optimized 2.75" Series 8 Track with QuickDrive2 flex and stiffness. > 174" SnowCheck Track: 3.0" Series 7 Track with QuickDrive2 23 SNOWCHECK CHOICES Choose your sled. Choose your color. I N STA N TA N EO U S L I F T Choose your factory-installed options. POLARIS.COM Over 100,000 options to make it yours. R I D E R BA L A N C E D C O N T R O L I M ME D I AT E R E SP O N SE
PRO-RMK R MK K H A O S AGI L E A N D ULTRA RESPONSIV E ON A L L-MOU NTA IN TER R AI N WHAT M A K E S A K H AOS THE EAS IEST S L ED TO CA R VE WI TH . EVE R . ALL-M O U NTA I N A R C H I T ECTUR E Designed to provide transfer and traction for light handling and control plus the best response in all riding zones. RI DE R BA L A NC E D C O NT ROL The AXYS platform features Rider Balanced positioning that delivers ultimate control for the rider for effortless riding response. I M M E DI AT E R E SP O NSE The most agile all-mountain sled comes standard with Walker Evans® Velocity Shocks for the best of the best in various mountain conditions. Plus, the light and rigid design of the Khaos rear suspension enhances weight transfer for a lighter feel and more playful attitude. 2 0 2 1 85 0 RM K K H AO S 1 5 5 AVA IL A B L E C O LO R S 2021 850 RMK KHAOS 165 R M K KH AOS 850 RMK KHAOS SNOWCHECK QUICKDRIVE 2 TRACK OP TIONS NEW M O D E L SNOWCHECK EXCLUSIVE > 850 Patriot Engine > 155" SnowCheck Tracks: 25 > 2.6" Series 6 / 2.75" Series 8 / 3.0" Series 7 Tracks 2.75" Series 8 Track with QuickDrive2 3.0" Series 7 Track with QuickDrive2 > WER® Velocity Hi-Lo Shocks > React Adjustable Front Suspension (36-38") > 163" SnowCheck Tracks: > QuickDrive2 (QD2) Low Inertia Drive System / 3.0" Series 7 Track with QuickDrive2 POLARIS.COM Available with 2.6", 2.75" or 3" Track at SnowCheck > 165" SnowCheck Tracks: 2.75" Series 8 Track with QuickDrive2
S KS T H E MO ST V ERSATILE DE EP SNOW SL ED R M K EVO E VO LVE D FOR N E W R I DE R S AVA ILA BLE COLORS SK S R MK E VO > 850 Patriot Engine > Compac t Ergonomics > RMK 155 Rear Suspension: > Eas y S teering 27 2.25" Peak / 2.4" Series 5.1 / 2.6" Series 6 Track > Conf ident S table Ride > IGX 146 Rear Suspension: 2.25" Series 5.2 > 50 MPH Top Speed > WER® C/A Shocks 2 02 1 8 5 0 SKS 14 6 > RMK E VO Front Suspension & Gripper Skis POLARIS.COM > Chaincase Drive System, Additional Cooling > Narrow Ski Stance (39-41") 20 21 850 SKS 155 > Elec tric S tar t 2021 RMK EVO ES
T H E U LT I M AT E C R O S S OV E R FA M ILY Switchback delivers an unprecedented combination of all- terrain versatility, rider -balanced control and quick acceleration both on- trail and off. Only Switchback combines the legendar y trail per formance of INDY and the ultimate deep snow capability of RMK into the world’s most versatile crossover snowmobile. Choose from the big-bump per formance of the race-inspired Switchback XCR, the rider -balanced control and all-day comfort of the Switchback Assault 14 4 on the Ax ys platform, or the ultimate 50/50 crossover of the Switchback Assault BIGGER THAN THE HORIZON. 146 featuring the advanced rider dynamics of Matr y x. 29 POLARIS.COM S W I TC H BAC K ASSAU LT 146 S WI TCH BACK ASSAU LT 14 4 S WI TCH BACK XCR S WI TCH BACK P R O - S T H E U LT IM AT E 5 0/ 5 0 C R O S S OVE R TH E ULTI M ATE BAC KC OUNTRY C ROSSOVER RAC E-READY STRENGTH & DURABI L I T Y FAST AND SM OOTH ON EVERY TRAI L
S W I TC H BACK ASSAULT 146 T H E ULTI MATE 50/50 C ROS SOV ER P L AT F O R M RID ER FIRST T h e u l t i m a t e 5 0 / 5 0 C r o s s o v e r s n o w m o b il e “O N -T RAI L OR OF F -T RAIL , THE NEW D ES IGN d e li v e r s p u r e d o m i n a n c e o n - t r a il a n d o f f. M AT RYX IS AM AZ IN G. THE WAY HANDLI NG BO RN FRO M RACE, B u il t u p o n t h e a ll - n e w r i d e r - f i r s t M a t r y x IT REACTS C O M BI N ED WITH THE PERFECT ED FO R T HE T RAI L platform, experience complete control with P O W ER OU T P U T I S AWESO ME.” b r e a k t h r o u g h r i d e r d y n a m i c s . T h e a ll n e w — M ITC H B R UM M O N D, P O L A R IS OW N ER rider - first, snocross -inspired cockpit has RID ER PO SIT IO N Our narrowest rider cockpit on the been proven on the track to reduce ef for t market enables active rider dynamics. and improve rider connec tion. The all new seat, tank, and sculpted T h i s s l e d i s d e s i g n e d t o d e li v e r f e r o c i o u s S W I TC H BAC K ASSAULT 146 body panels are developed by riders for a seamless and effortless rider active acceleration and class -leading power > 850 Patriot / 650 Patriot Engines experience. t o w e i g h t r a t i o b y v i r t u e o f a li g h t , r i g i d > IGX 146 Rear Suspension aluminum and carbon fiber chassis. > 1.35" Cobra / 1.5" Ice Storm / 1.6" Cobra / 2" Crossover Track W IN D PROT ECT IO N Nestled inside is your choice of a 650 or Improved leg and lower body comfort 850 Patriot Engine. The S witchback Assault > WER® 2" Velocity Shocks and protection. Enhanced windshield 146 combines ferocious acceleration and > Matryx Platform design for hand protection and less e f f o r t l e s s c o n t r o l f o r t h e b e s t h a n d li n g wind buffeting. Updated geometry 5 0 / 5 0 c r o s s o v e r s l e d e v e r b u il t - b o t h o n for improved aerodynamics. a n d o f f t h e t r a il . PU RPO SEF U L D ESIG N 2 02 1 65 0 S WI TC HBAC K ASSAULT 146 Sleek, purposeful form. Nothing is NEW S NOWC HEC K EXC LUS I VE M O D E L wasted. Every part has a function. Every detail obsessively perfected. RIDE COMMAND 7S DISPLAY Designed with integrated Ride Command, the SWITCHBACK ASSAULT 146: 7S Display brings a whole new level of intuitive, REDEFINING PERFORMANCE touch-screen control and customization with the largest and most sophisticated Display yet. > RIDE COMMAND 7S DISPLAY 31 > NIGHTBLADE HEADLIGHT - Ride Command Trail Maps A S S A U L T 1 4 6 - Group Ride Tracking > POLARIS SMAR T WARMERS - Four Customizable Screens FE R O C I O U S AC C E L E R AT I O N NEW 2 02 1 8 5 0 S WI TC HBAC K ASSAULT 146 S NOWC HEC K EXC LUS I VE > LOCK & RIDE FLEX SYSTEM - Bluetooth Connectivity POLARIS.COM M O D E L E F FO R T L E S S C O N T R O L IN T E L L I G E N T T EC HN O LO GY L E A R N M O R E A B O U T T H E S E F E AT U R E S O N P G . 1 1
S W I TC H BACK ASSAULT 14 4 T H E ULTI MATE BAC KC OUNTRY C R OSSOV ER W H AT M A KE S A N AS SAULT TH E U LTIMATE BACKCOU NTRY CROSSOV ER RIDER BAL ANCED CONT RO L By placing the rider in the right location on the sled, we’ve built a sled that corners flat without sacrificing the fun factor of lifting the front end through the bumps or powder. More precise handling both on- and off-trail. U NRIVAL ED ACCEL ERAT IO N When developing the Assault, our engineers minimized weight throughout the sled without compromising strength. Combined with powerful engines and class-leading power-to-weight ratios, the Switchback Assault gives you the best go-anywhere versatility. RIDER - CENTRIC COM FO R T With ergonomic controls, integrated storage, enhanced wind protection, and industry-first LED headlights and display packages, comfort is woven directly into the design of the Switchback Assault – AXYS or Matryx platform. MY21 BROCHURE LAYOUT 52pp V1 SWB ASSAULT SPREAD #2 (600 Assault 144, 850 Assault 144) I GX R E A R P OW DE R T R AC LEADING S U S P E NS I ON RU NNI N G T EC H N O LO GY The IGX rear suspension BOA RDS Polaris offers industry- S W ITCHBACK ASSAU LT 14 4 provides RMK-inspired Designed to serve the leading display packages > 850 Patriot / 600 Cleanfire Engines off-trail agility and needs of riders on- & off- including full color, LCD balance with outstanding trail where the front is digital displays that > IGX 144 Rear Suspension on-trail ride performance. wide and flat for comfort connects with select > 1.35" Cobra / 1.6" Cobra / 2" Series 4 Track 33 Pitch is controlled and stability, while the rear features of Polaris Ride > WER® C/A Needle IFS Shocks, WER® C/A Rear Track Shock through geometry. has tapered, dual-angle Command, including GPS and > PowderTrac Running Boards design for mobility and Trail Maps. Also available AVA I L A BL E COLORS snow clearance. is the LCD digital Polaris POLARIS.COM MessageCenter Display. 20 21 850 S W ITCHBACK ASSAULT 14 4
S W I TC H BACK P RO - S S WITCHBACK XCR FAST A ND S MOOTH ON EVE RY TR A IL R AC E- R E A DY ST R E N GT H & DU R A BI LI T Y 2021 600 S WITC H BAC K P R O - S 2021 600 S WITCHBACK XCR AVAI L AB L E C OLORS S WITCHBACK XCR P O L A R I S® AVAI LAB LE CO LO R S > 850 Patriot / 600 Cleanfire Engines S WITCHBACK PR O - S RACE TECHNOLOGY > PRO-XC Rear Suspension > Race-Proven, Heavy-Duty Suspension Components > 850 Patriot / 600 Cleanfire Engines > 1.25" Ice Ripper XT / 1.35" Cobra / 1.75" Backcountry Track > PRO-XC Rear Suspension > WER® C/A Needle Hi-Lo Shocks > 1.25" Ice Ripper XT / 1.35" Cobra / 1.5" Storm 150 Track > Race-Proven Brake System > WER® C/A Needle or WER® C/A Needle Hi-Lo Shocks > Race-Proven Independent Front Suspension 2021 850 S WITCHBACK XCR “ T HE S WITCHBACK XCR IS SO F U N. I T WO R KS G R EAT P O U ND ING THE 35 DITCHES O R CA R V ING O F F -TR A IL .” — MIRANDA H AMLIN, POLARIS AMBASSAD OR POLARIS.COM 202 1 85 0 S WITC H BAC K P R O - S
WORLD’S MOST CAPABLE C ROSSOVER Experience TITAN, the industr y ’s most capable extreme crossover snowmobile. Have unrivaled confidence in the backcountr y, working hard, or riding a familiar trail. Forge ahead, at work or play, with the first extreme crossover sled that puts an end to compromise. 37 POLARIS.COM T ITA N A DV EN T URE 155 TI TAN XC 155 TI TAN SP 155 T H E U LT I MAT E ADV ENT U R E FO R T WO WO R L D ’ S M O ST CA PA B L E E XT R E M E C R O S S OVE R D O IT A L L E XT R E M E C R O S S OVE R
T I TAN WO R L D’S MOST CAPABLE C ROSSOV ER T I TA N : T HE DO - E V ER Y T H I NG CR O S S O V ER AVAI LAB LE CO LO R S The TITAN Adventure 155 is fully featured and a true do-it-all sled. It comes with a Lock & Ride Versa Touring Passenger Seat with heated passenger grips and footrests, cargo rack, cargo box, tow hitch, mirrors, Polaris Interactive Digital Display, premium shocks, and multiple windshield options that provide outstanding rider protection. If that’s not enough, make it yours with a full selection of Polaris Engineered Accessories to outfit your TITAN for exactly your activities and needs. TITAN ADVE N T U R E 1 5 5 THE ULTIMATE ADVENTURE FOR TWO NE W T I TA N R A I S E S T H E B A R I N Q U I E T O P E R AT I O N , W I T H N E W T R A C K S > 800 H.O. Cleanfire Engine F OR ‘ 2 1 A N D D R I V E S Y S T E M F O R R E D U C E D N O I S E A N D V I B R AT I O N . > TITAN Articulated Rear Suspension > 20" x 155" x 1.5" or 1.8" Cobra Track > FOX® QS3 Shocks > PRO-Float or Gripper Skis > Lock & Ride Versa Touring Passenger Seat > Lock & Ride Versa Cargo Box and Rack > Polaris Interactive Digital Display > Electric Start 39 POLARIS.COM 2 02 1 T I TA N A DVENT UR E 1 5 5 2021 TITAN ADVENTURE 155
TITAN S P 15 5 DO IT ALL EXTREME CROSSOVER W HAT MAK E S A T I TA N > 800 H.O. Cleanfire Engine T H E MOST V ERSATIL E, D O -I T-A L L EXTR EM E C R O S S OV E R > TITAN Articulated Rear Suspension RI DE R BALA N C E D C O N T R O L > 20" x 155" x 1.8" Cobra Track The AXYS chassis positions the rider for optimum control in all riding situations > Polaris IFP Shocks and delivers unmatched handling in even the world’s most extreme terrain and > PRO-Float Skis conditions. > MessageCenter Gauge > Electric Start DE E P S N OW AG I L I T Y The TITAN delivers impressive flotation and agility. Featuring an articulated rear suspension design that requires no adjustments to go from 2-up to towing large loads and allows you to easily backup over obstacles. UNMATC H E D V E R SAT I L I T Y The TITAN is equipped with rider-centric innovations to dominate the most extreme conditions including superior cargo carrying and towing capabilities along with storage solutions. The Power Boosting Regulator delivers maximum electrical power at idle and low RPMs for comfort and convenience. AVA IL A B L E C O LO R S T I TAN XC 155 PBR WORLD’S MOST CAPABLE EXTREME CROSSOVER > 800 H.O. Cleanfire Engine > TITAN Articulated Rear Suspension ALPHA LO CK & RID E POWE R BOOST I NG > 20" x 155" x 1.5" or 1.8" Cobra Track TR A NS MI S S I O N PLATFO RM REGULATOR > FOX® QS3 Shocks Provides smooth shifting Integrated design allows This industry-first delivers > Gripper or PRO-Float Skis and drive ranges to suit for maximum storage, maximum electrical power > PIDD or MessageCenter Gauge even the most extreme with or without passenger at idle and low RPMs. > Electric Start conditions or situations. seat. Industry-leading Ensures electrical power 1200 lb. towing capabilities 85 lb. (38.5 kg.) carrying for rider comfort and 41 with High, Low, Reverse, capacity and integrated convenience features, and Neutral. Lock & Ride mounting such as accessory heated system holds cargo seats, hand-warmers, box and other storage battery charging and other POLARIS.COM accessories. accessories.
L I M I T L E SS P O S S I BILITIE S Breaking new trails, hauling gear, delivering supplies, going to lunch, joyriding - count on Voyageur to get you there, and then some. The Voyageur is for riders that primarily ride off - trail and use their sleds for both utility and fun. Available with the 550 Fan and 600 Cleanfire Engines. 43 POLARIS.COM 6 0 0 VOYAG E U R 14 4 550 VOYAG E U R 155 550 VOYAG E U R 14 4 AG I LE, POWER F U L, A L L- P U R P O S E S P O R T- U T IL IT Y P E R F ECT M IX O F WO R K & F U N VE R SAT IL E , D O -IT-A L L S N OW M O BIL E
VOYAG E UR LI M I TLESS POSSIBILITIES 5 5 0 VOYAGEUR 15 5 PERFECT MIX OF WORK & FUN > 550 Fan-Cooled Engine W HAT MAK E S A VOYAGE U R > Articulated Rear Suspension L I M I TLES S P OSSIBIL I TI ES FOR R EC R E ATI ONA L U T IL IT Y R IDE R S > 15" x 155" x 1.6" Cobra Track > New: Polaris IFP Shocks ULTI M AT E F LOTAT I O N > PRO-Float Skis The Voyageur family is built to deliver performance wherever your snowmo- > Cargo Rack and Hinged Hitch biling day takes you. From accessing the powerline to checking the trap line, aggressive tracks and tough, wide PRO-Float skis keep you on top of the snow. > Electric Start UNMATC H E D H AU L I N G With its hitch, rear rack, and Polaris rear suspension technology, the capable Voyageur maintains control and precision whether under load on-trail or in the deep snow. PR OVE N H AND L I N G With the perfect blend of RMK DNA and Polaris suspension technology, the Voyageur delivers outstanding off-trail performance with confident trail handling at any speed. 5 5 0 VOYAGEUR 14 4 VERSATILE, DO-IT-ALL SNOWMOBILE > 550 Fan-Cooled Engine > Coil-Over Rear Suspension > 15" x 144" x 1.35" Cobra Track > Cargo Rack and Receiver Hitch > Electric Start 600 VOYAG E U R 14 4 AGILE, POWERFUL, ALL-PURPOSE SPORT-UTILITY 45 > 600 Cleanfire Engine > IGX 144 Rear Suspension > 15" x 144" x 2.0" Series 4 Track > Polaris IFP Shocks POLARIS.COM > Cargo Rack and Receiver Hitch > Electric Start
2 0 2 1 MODEL SPECS MODEL NAME 850/650 INDY VR1 137 850/650 INDY XC LAUNCH EDITION 137 850/600 INDY XC 137 850/600 INDY ADVENTURE 137 MODEL NAME 600 INDY SP 137 600 INDY SP 129 550 INDY 550 INDY 144 INDY EVO 120 INDY 550 INDY LXT Fuel Capacity (gallons/liters) 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 12 / 45.4 12 / 45.4 Fuel Capacity (gallons/liters) 12 / 45.4 12 / 45.4 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 10 / 37.8 .5 / 1.9 11.5 / 43.5 Overall Height (in./cm.) 46 / 116.8 46 / 116.8 46 / 116.8 46 / 116.8 Overall Height (in./cm.) 46 / 116.8 46 / 116.8 48 / 122 48 / 122 41 / 104 31 / 78 54 / 137 DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS Overall Width (in./cm.) 47 / 119.4 47 / 119.4 47 / 119.4 47 / 119.4 Overall Width (in./cm.) 47 / 119.4 47 / 119.4 48 / 122 48 / 122 44 / 111 34 / 86 48 / 122 Ski Center Distance (in./cm.) 42.5 / 108 42.5 / 108 42.5 / 108 42.5 / 108 Ski Center Distance (in./cm.) 42.5 / 108 42.5 / 108 42.5 / 108 42.5 / 108 39 / 99 30 / 76 42.5 / 108 Estimated Dry Weight (lbs./kg.) 476 / 216 474 / 215 850: 469 / 213 600: 462 / 211 850: 478 / 217 600: 471 / 214 Estimated Dry Weight (lbs./kg.) 481 / 218 473 / 215 445 / 202 452 / 205 432 / 196 147 / 66 467 / 212 Overall Length (in./cm.) 120 / 305 120 / 305 120 / 305 120 / 305 Overall Length (in./cm.) 120 / 305 117 / 297 114 / 289 124 / 315 114 / 289 75 / 190 124 / 315 Engine Type/Cooling Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Engine Type/Cooling Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Fan Cooled Fan Cooled Fan Cooled Fan Cooled Fan Cooled DRIVETRAIN DRIVETRAIN ENGINE & ENGINE & Disc Brake Type Matryx Stealth Matryx Stealth AXYS Radial AXYS Radial Disc Brake Type AXYS Radial AXYS Radial RMK Hydraulic RMK Hydraulic RMK Hydraulic Mechanical Drum RMK Hydraulic Drive System Type Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Drive System Type Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Drive/Driven Clutch P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT Drive/Driven Clutch P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT CVTech PowerBloc50 / Invance CVTech PowerBloc50 / Invance CVTech PowerBloc50 / Invance P-40 CVTech PowerBloc50 / Invance Front Suspension Matryx Front Suspension Matryx Front Suspension AXYS Front Suspension AXYS Front Suspension Front Suspension AXYS Front Suspension AXYS Front Suspension PRO-RIDE PRO-RIDE INDY EVO IFS PRO-RIDE SUSPENSION SUSPENSION Rear Suspension PRO-CC PRO-CC PRO-CC PRO-CC Rear Suspension PRO-CC PRO-CC INDY INDY INDY Mini INDY INDY Shock Package WER® Velocity WER® FORCE / WER® Velocity WER® C/A / WER® Velocity Needle WER® C/A / WER® Velocity Needle Shock Package Polaris IFP Polaris IFP RydeFX® MPV RydeFX® MPV RydeFX® MPV Steel Monotube RydeFX® MPV Ski Type PRO-STEER PRO-STEER PRO-STEER PRO-STEER Ski Type PRO-STEER PRO-STEER PRO-STEER PRO-STEER INDY EVO Composite PRO-STEER Track Width/Length/Height (in.) 1.25 Ice Ripper/1.35 Cobra/1.5 Storm 150 1.25 Ice Ripper/1.35 Cobra/1.5 Storm 150 1.25 Ice Ripper/1.35 Cobra/1.5 Storm 150 1.25 Ice Ripper/1.35 Cobra/1.5 Storm 150 Track Width/Length/Height (in.) 15 x 137 x 1.25 Ripsaw II 15 x 129 x 1.25 Ripsaw II 15 x 121 x .91 Shockwave 15 x 144 x 1.35 Cobra 15 x 121 x .91 Shockwave 10 x 69 x .79 Tri-Star 15 x 144 x 1.0 Energy Color Various SnowCheck Exclusive Options Various In Season Options Various In Season Options Various In Season Options Color White Lightning White Lightning Gray Gray INDY Red White Gray Electric Start Option Option Option Option Electric Start Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard N/A Standard FEATURES FEATURES Gauge Polaris 7S Digital Display MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter Gauge MessageCenter MessageCenter MessageCenter MessageCenter MessageCenter N/A MessageCenter Standard Underseat Standard Underseat & Overnight Storage, Standard Underseat Standard Underseat Cargo Rack, 2-Up Seat Special Features SmartWarmers, Standard Underseat Storage SmartWarmers, Standard Underseat Storage Special Features Tether Storage Mirrors, Heavy-Duty Front Bumper Storage Storage and Backrest, Mirrors For full specs, visit Polaris.com Polaris reserves the right to change specifications at any time without incurring obligation. All perfor- mance and/or feature and benefit claims are based upon competitive data available at time of printing. 550 INDY LXT 550 INDY 550 INDY MODEL NAME 850/650 INDY VR1 129 850/650 INDY XC LAUNCH EDITION 129 850/600 INDY XC 129 850/600 INDY XCR MODEL NAME NORTHSTAR EDITION ADVENTURE 155 ADVENTURE 144 600 VOYAGEUR 144 550 VOYAGEUR 155 550 VOYAGEUR 144 600 PRO RMK 155 Fuel Capacity (gallons/liters) 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 12 / 45.4 12 / 45.4 Fuel Capacity (gallons/liters) 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 12 / 45.4 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 Overall Height (in./cm.) 46 / 116.8 46 / 116.8 46 / 116.8 46 / 116.8 Overall Height (in./cm.) 54 / 137 56 / 142 54 / 137 54.5 / 138.5 56 / 142 54 / 137 49.125 / 124.7 DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS Overall Width (in./cm.) 47 / 119.4 47 / 119.4 47 / 119.4 47 / 119.4 Overall Width (in./cm.) 48 / 122 48 / 122 48 / 122 45 / 114.3 48 / 122 46.5 / 118 43.5 / 110.5 Ski Center Distance (in./cm.) 42.5 / 108 42.5 / 108 42.5 / 108 42.5 / 108 Ski Center Distance (in./cm.) 42.5 / 108 39 / 99.1 42.5 / 108 39 - 40- 41 / 99.1 - 101.6 - 104.1 39 - 40- 41 / 99.1 - 101.6 - 104.1 39 - 40- 41 / 99.1 - 101.6 - 104.1 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 Estimated Dry Weight (lbs./kg.) 467 / 212 465 / 211 850: 460 / 209 600: 454 / 206 850: 475 / 215 600: 468 / 212 Estimated Dry Weight (lbs./kg.) 467 / 212 524 / 238 498 / 226 486 / 220 478.5 / 217 465 / 211 414 / 188 Overall Length (in./cm.) 117 / 297 117 / 297 117 / 297 117 / 297 Overall Length (in./cm.) 124 / 315 132.25 / 335.9 124 / 315 127 / 322.6 132.25 / 335.9 131.8 / 332.2 131 / 332.75 Engine Type/Cooling Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Engine Type/Cooling Fan Cooled Fan Cooled Fan Cooled Liquid Cooled Fan Cooled Fan Cooled Liquid Cooled DRIVETRAIN DRIVETRAIN ENGINE & ENGINE & Disc Brake Type Matryx Stealth Matryx Stealth AXYS Radial AXYS Race Radial Disc Brake Type RMK Hydraulic RMK Hydraulic RMK Hydraulic AXYS Radial RMK Hydraulic RMK Hydraulic AXYS RMK LWT Drive System Type Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Drive System Type Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase QuickDrive Drive/Driven Clutch P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT Drive/Driven Clutch CVTech PowerBloc50 / Invance CVTech PowerBloc50 / Invance CVTech PowerBloc50 / Invance P-85 / TEAM® LWT CVTech PowerBloc50 / Invance CVTech PowerBloc50 / Invance P-85 / TEAM® LWT Front Suspension Matryx Front Suspension Matryx Front Suspension AXYS Front Suspension AXYS Front Suspension Front Suspension PRO-RIDE RMK Adjustable RMK Adjustable RMK Adjustable RMK Adjustable RMK Adjustable AXYS RMK React SUSPENSION SUSPENSION Rear Suspension PRO-CC PRO-CC PRO-CC PRO-CC Rear Suspension INDY INDY Articulated INDY Articulated IGX 144 INDY Articulated INDY AXYS RMK Shock Package WER® Velocity WER® FORCE / WER® Velocity WER® C/A / WER® Velocity Needle WER® 2” Velocity Hi-Lo Shock Package RydeFX® MPV Polaris IFP RydeFX® MPV Polaris IFP RydeFX® MPV RydeFX® MPV WER® Light or WER® C/A 47 Ski Type PRO-STEER PRO-STEER PRO-STEER PRO-STEER Ski Type Gripper PRO-FLOAT PRO-FLOAT Gripper PRO-FLOAT Gripper Gripper Track Width/Length/Height (in.) 1.25 Ice Ripper/1.35 Cobra/1.5 Storm 150 1.25 Ice Ripper/1.35 Cobra/1.5 Storm 150 1.25 Ice Ripper/1.35 Cobra/1.5 Storm 150 1.25 Ice Ripper/ 1.35 Cobra/ 1.75 Backcountry Track Width/Length/Height (in.) 15 x 144 x 1.35 Cobra 15 x 155 x 1.6 Cobra 15 x 144 x 1.35 Cobra 15 x 144 x 2.0 Series 4 15 x 155 x 1.6 Cobra 15 x 144 x 1.35 Cobra 15 x 155 x 2.6 Series 6 Color Various SnowCheck Exclusive Options Various In Season Options Various In Season Options Polaris Blue, Black, INDY Red Color Silver Sunset Red Bronze White Lightning Titanium Titanium Various In Season Options Electric Start Option Option Option Option Electric Start Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Option FEATURES FEATURES POLARIS.COM Gauge Polaris 7S Digital Display MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter Gauge MessageCenter MessageCenter MessageCenter MessageCenter MessageCenter MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter Standard Underseat Lock & Ride® Lock & Ride Special Features Cargo Rack, 2-Up Seat SmartWarmers, Standard Underseat Storage SmartWarmers, Standard Underseat Storage Storage Race-Ready Suspension and Brakes Special Features Convertible Pass. Seat Convertible Pass. Seat Rack, Hitch Rack, Hitch Rack, Hitch and Backrest, Mirrors & Cargo System, Mirrors & Cargo System, Mirrors
2 0 2 1 M O DE L SPECS 600 RMK 144 RMK EVO 850 SKS 155 850 SKS 146 850/650 SWITCHBACK 850/600 SWITCHBACK MODEL NAME 850 PRO RMK 174 850 PRO RMK 163 850 PRO RMK 163 / 3" 850 PRO RMK 163 / 3" CC 850 PRO RMK 165 / 2.75" 850 PRO RMK 155 850 PRO RMK 155 / 2.75" 850 PRO RMK 155 / 3" MODEL NAME ASSAULT 146 ASSAULT 144 Fuel Capacity (gallons/liters) 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 Fuel Capacity (gallons/liters) 12 / 45.4 10 / 37.8 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 12 / 45.4 Overall Height (in./cm.) 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 Overall Height (in./cm.) 46 / 117 43 / 109.2 49.125 / 124.7 51 / 129.5 54.5 / 138.4 54.5 / 138.4 DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS Overall Width (in./cm.) 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 Overall Width (in./cm.) 46.5 / 118.1 46 / 116.8 46.5 / 118.1 46.5 / 118.1 47 / 119.4 47 / 119.4 Ski Center Distance (in./cm.) 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 Ski Center Distance (in./cm.) 39-40-41 / 99.1-101.6-104.1 39 / 99 39-40-41 / 99.1-101.6-104.1 39-40-41 / 99.1-101.6-104.1 42.5 / 108 42.5 / 108 Estimated Dry Weight (lbs./kg.) 441 / 200 420 / 191 420 / 191 428 / 194 415 / 188 415 / 188 410 / 186 415 / 188 Estimated Dry Weight (lbs./kg.) 480 / 217.7 444 / 201.4 452 / 205 475 / 215 476 / 216 850: 468 / 212 600: 456 / 207 Overall Length (in./cm.) 142 / 360.6 134.4 / 341.4 134.4 / 341.4 134.4 / 341.4 134.4 / 341.4 131 / 332.75 131 / 332.75 131 / 332.75 Overall Length (in./cm.) 125 / 317.5 124 / 315 131 / 332.75 125 / 317.5 125 / 317.5 125 / 317.5 Engine Type/Cooling Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Engine Type/Cooling Liquid Cooled Fan Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled DRIVETRAIN DRIVETRAIN ENGINE & ENGINE & Disc Brake Type AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT Disc Brake Type AXYS® Radial RMK Hydraulic AXYS RMK LWT AXYS Radial Matryx Stealth AXYS Radial Drive System Type QuickDrive QuickDrive QuickDrive 2 Chaincase QuickDrive 2 QuickDrive QuickDrive 2 QuickDrive 2 Drive System Type Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Chaincase Drive/Driven Clutch P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT Drive/Driven Clutch P-85 / TEAM® LWT CVTech PowerBloc50 / Invance P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT Front Suspension AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React Front Suspension RMK Adjustable RMK EVO AXYS RMK Adjustable AXYS RMK Adjustable Matryx Front Suspension AXYS Front Suspension SUSPENSION SUSPENSION Rear Suspension AXYS RMK AXYS RMK AXYS RMK AXYS RMK AXYS RMK AXYS RMK AXYS RMK AXYS RMK Rear Suspension IGX 144 INDY AXYS RMK IGX 146 IGX 146 IGX 144 Shock Package WER® Light or WER® C/A WER® Light or WER® C/A WER® Light or WER® C/A WER® Light or WER® C/A WER® Light or WER® C/A WER® Light or WER® C/A WER® Light or WER® C/A WER® Light or WER® C/A Shock Package Polaris IFP RydeFX® MPV WER® C/A Needle / WER® CA WER® C/A Needle / WER® CA WER® 2" Velocity / WER® Velocity WER® C/A Needle / WER® C/A Ski Type Gripper Gripper Gripper Gripper Gripper Gripper Gripper Gripper Ski Type Gripper Gripper Gripper Gripper PRO-STEER PRO-STEER Track Width/Length/Height (in.) 15 x 174 x 3.0 Series 7 15 x 163 x 2.6 Series 6 15 x 163 x 3.0 Series 7 15 x 163 x 3.0 Series 7 15 x 165 x 2.75 Series 8 15 x 155 x 2.6 Series 6 15 x 155 x 2.75 Series 8 15 x 155 x 3.0 Series 7 Track Width/Length/Height (in.) 15 x 144 x 2.0 Series 4 15 x 144 x 1.75 Backcountry 2.25 Peak / 2.4 / 2.6 Series 6 2.25 Series 5.2 1.35 Cobra/1.5 Ice Storm/1.6 Cobra/ 2.0 Crossover 1.35 Cobra/ 1.6 Cobra / 2 Series 4 Color Various In Season Options Various In Season Options Various In Season Options Various In Season Options Various In Season Options Various In Season Options Various In Season Options Various In Season Options Color White Lightning White Lightning Various In Season Options Various In Season Options Various SnowCheck Exclusive Options Various In Season Options Electric Start Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Electric Start Standard Standard Option Option Option Option FEATURES FEATURES Gauge PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter Gauge MessageCenter MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter Polaris 7S Digital Display PIDD or MessageCenter Standard Underseat Standard Underseat Standard Underseat Standard Underseat Standard Underseat PowderTrac XT PowderTrac XT PowderTrac XT Standard Underseat Standard Underseat Standard Underseat Special Features Storage, PowderTrac XT Storage, PowderTrac XT Storage, PowderTrac XT Storage, PowderTrac XT Special Features SmartWarmers, Standard Underseat Storage Storage Running Boards Running Boards Running Boards Storage Storage Storage Running Boards Running Boards Running Boards Running Boards For full specs, visit Polaris.com Polaris reserves the right to change specifications at any time without incurring obligation. All perfor- mance and/or feature and benefit claims are based upon competitive data available at time of printing. 850 RMK KHAOS 155 / 850 RMK KHAOS 155 / 3" 850 RMK KHAOS 155 / 850 RMK KHAOS 163 850 RMK KHAOS 850 RMK KHAOS MODEL NAME 850 PRO RMK 155 / 3" CC 850 RMK KHAOS 155 2.75" 3" CC 163 / 3" 165 / 2.75" MODEL NAME 850/600 SWITCHBACK XCR 850/600 SWITCHBACK PRO-S 800 TITAN ADVENTURE 800 TITAN XC 800 TITAN SP Fuel Capacity (gallons/liters) 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 11.5 / 43.5 Fuel Capacity (gallons/liters) 12 / 45.4 12 / 45.4 14 / 53 14 / 53 14 / 53 Overall Height (in./cm.) 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 49.125 / 124.7 Overall Height (in./cm.) 46 / 116.8 46 / 116.8 57 / 145 48.5 / 123 54 / 137 DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONS Overall Width (in./cm.) 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 43.5 / 110.5 Overall Width (in./cm.) 47 / 119.4 47 / 119.4 48 / 122 45 / 114 48 / 122 Ski Center Distance (in./cm.) 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 36-37-38 / 91.4-93.9-96.5 Ski Center Distance (in./cm.) 42.5 / 108 42.5 / 108 39 - 40 - 41 / 99.1 - 101.6 - 104.1 39 - 40 - 41 / 99.1 - 101.6 - 104.1 39 - 40 - 41 / 99.1 - 101.6 - 104.1 Estimated Dry Weight (lbs./kg.) 428 / 194 420 / 191 415 / 188 424 / 192 433 / 196 425 / 193 429 / 195 420 / 190 Estimated Dry Weight (lbs./kg.) 850: 472 / 214 600: 460 / 209 850: 452 / 205 600: 447 / 203 658 / 298 605 / 274 602 / 274 Overall Length (in./cm.) 131 / 332.75 131 / 332.75 131 / 332.75 131 / 332.75 131 / 332.75 131 / 332.75 131 / 332.75 131 / 332.75 Overall Length (in./cm.) 121 / 307.4 121 / 307.4 129 / 328 129 / 328 129 / 328 Engine Type/Cooling Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Engine Type/Cooling Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled Liquid Cooled DRIVETRAIN DRIVETRAIN ENGINE & ENGINE & Disc Brake Type AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT AXYS RMK LWT Disc Brake Type AXYS Race Radial AXYS Radial TITAN Hydraulic TITAN Hydraulic TITAN Hydraulic Drive System Type Chaincase QuickDrive QuickDrive 2 QuickDrive 2 Chaincase QuickDrive QuickDrive 2 QuickDrive 2 Drive System Type Chaincase Chaincase H-L-N-R Transmission H-L-N-R Transmission H-L-N-R Transmission Drive/Driven Clutch P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT Drive/Driven Clutch P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® LWT P-85 / TEAM® BOSS P-85 / TEAM® BOSS P-85 / TEAM® BOSS Front Suspension AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React AXYS RMK React Front Suspension AXYS Front Suspension AXYS Front Suspension AXYS Front Suspension AXYS Front Suspension AXYS Front Suspension SUSPENSION SUSPENSION Rear Suspension AXYS RMK RMK KHAOS RMK KHAOS RMK KHAOS RMK KHAOS RMK KHAOS RMK KHAOS RMK KHAOS Rear Suspension PRO-XC PRO-XC TITAN Articulated TITAN Articulated TITAN Articulated Shock Package WER® Light or WER® C/A WER® Velocity Hi-Lo WER® Velocity Hi-Lo WER® Velocity Hi-Lo WER® Velocity Hi-Lo WER® Velocity Hi-Lo WER® Velocity Hi-Lo WER® Velocity Hi-Lo Shock Package WER® C/A Needle Hi-Lo WER® C/A Needle or WER® C/A Needle Hi-Lo FOX® QS3 FOX® QS3 Polaris IFP 49 Ski Type Gripper Gripper Gripper Gripper Gripper Gripper Gripper Gripper Ski Type PRO-STEER PRO-STEER Gripper or PRO-FLOAT Gripper or PRO-FLOAT PRO-FLOAT Track Width/Length/Height (in.) 15 x 155 x 3.0 Series 7 15 x 155 x 2.6 Series 6 15 x 155 x 2.75 Series 8 15 x 155 x 3.0 Series 7 15 x 155 x 3.0 Series 7 15 x 163 x 2.6 Series 6 15 x 163 x 3.0 Series 7 15 x 165 x 2.75 Series 8 Track Width/Length/Height (in.) 1.25 Ice Ripper/1 .35 Cobra / 1 .75 Backcountry 1.25 Ice Ripper / 1.35 Cobra / 1.5 Storm 1.5 or 1.8 Cobra 1.5 or 1.8 Cobra 20 x 155 x 1.8 Cobra Color Various In Season Options Polaris Blue, Black, Matte Sunset Red Polaris Blue, Black, Matte Sunset Red Polaris Blue, Black, Matte Sunset Red Color Polaris Blue, Black, INDY Red Various In Season Options Polaris Blue, SnoTraveler, Black Polaris Blue, SnoTraveler, Black White Lightning Electric Start Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Electric Start Option Option Standard Standard Standard FEATURES FEATURES POLARIS.COM Gauge PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter Gauge PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD or MessageCenter PIDD PIDD or MessageCenter Digital PowderTrac XT Standard Underseat Standard Underseat Standard Underseat Standard Underseat Lock & Ride Versa Touring Special Features Race-Ready Suspension Standard Underseat Integrated Lock & Ride Integrated Lock & Ride Running Boards Storage Storage Storage Storage Special Features Pass. Seat & Versa Storage Cargo Box and Brakes Storage Versa Storage Platform Versa Storage Platform and Rack, Mirrors
850 P RO RM K IN DY 137 OR 129 CH O O S E: 850 PATRIOT / 650 PATRIOT E XC LU SI V E M O D E L S . AVAI LAB LE CO LO R S S N OWC H EC K E XC LU S IVE M O D E LS : SNOWC H EC K EXC LUSI VE M ODELS: AVAI L AB L E C OLORS FACTO RY C U STO M I Z AT I ON. > PRO RMK 155 / 2.75" Series 8 with QuickDrive2 > 850 INDY VR1 with 1.25" Ice Ripper, 1.35" Cobra or 1.5" Storm > PRO RMK 155 / 3" Series 7 with QuickDrive2 > 650 INDY VR1 with 1.25" Ice Ripper, > PRO RMK 163 / 3" Series 7 1.35" Cobra or 1.5" Storm S no w C he c k h a s al w a y s be en y our with QuickDrive2 > PRO RMK 165 / 2.75" Series 8 SNOWC H EC K EXC LUSI VE FEATURES: with QuickDrive2 c h anc e t o o w n a f ac t or y - c us t omi z e d > Polaris 7S Digital Display > PRO RMK 174 / 3" Series 7 > WER® Velocity Shocks with QuickDrive2 > Carbon Fiber Overstructure sle d f e a t ur ing t he shoc k s , c olor s and > Upgraded Rail Beam Brace t r ac k s y ou w an t , and i t s t ill is — bu t f or P L AT F O R M 2 02 1 8 5 0 PR O R MK 1 5 5 / 3 " 2021 650 INDY VR1 129 NEW SNOWCHECK EXCLUSIVE ‘ 2 1 , w e’ r e adding e xclusi v e ne w models . S NOWC HEC K EXC LUS I VE M O D E L S N OWC H EC K E XC LU S IVE F E AT U R E S : 3S T E P S > 2.75" Series 8 Track Moun t ain r ider s c an ge t R MK s f e a t ur ing > QuickDrive2 our ne w Quic k Dr i v e 2 Dr i v e S y s t em and > SLS Springs > Carbon Fiber Overstructure SIMPLE with Carbon Fiber Bumper on 2.75" Models S er ie s 8 Tr ac k s . F or c r o s s o v er and t r ail S WITCH BACK ASSAU LT 146 850 RM K KH AOS CHOOSE: 850 PAT R I OT / 6 50 PAT R I OT TO TRUE FACTORY r ider s , S no w C he c k is y our onl y oppor t u - AVAI LAB LE CO LO R S S N OWC H EC K E XC LU S IVE M O D E LS : S N OWC H EC K E XC LU S IVE M O D E LS : AVA IL A B L E C O LO R S 2021 850 S WITCHBACK ASSAULT 146 C U S T O M I Z AT I O N NEW SNOWCHECK EXCLUSIVE ni t y t o ge t t he ne w S w i t c hb ac k A s s aul t > RMK KHAOS 155 / 2.75" Series 8 > 850 Switchback Assault 146 with QuickDrive2 with 1.35" Cobra, 1.5" Ice Storm, M O D E L > RMK KHAOS 155 / 3" Series 7 1.6" Cobra or 2.0" Crossover STEP 1 CHOOSE YOUR SLED 14 6 or I ND Y V R 1 buil t on t he all - ne w with QuickDrive2 > 650 Switchback Assault 146 > RMK KHAOS 163 / 3" Series 7 with 1.35" Cobra, 1.5" Ice Storm, CHASSIS, ENGINE, TRACK 1.6" Cobra or 2.0" Crossover with QuickDrive2 M a t r y x pla t f or m . Av ailable w i t h t he > RMK KHAOS 165 / 2.75" Series 8 S N OWC H EC K E XC LU S IVE F E AT U R E S : STEP 2 CHOOSE YOUR COLOR with QuickDrive2 > Polaris 7S Digital Display PANELS, TUNNELS, RAILS pr o v en 8 5 0 P a t r io t or t he ne w po w er f ul > WER® 2" Velocity Shocks STEP 3 51 > Carbon Fiber Overstructure CHOOSE YOUR OP TIONS and f uel e f f icien t 6 5 0 P a t r io t engine . > Upgraded Rail Beam Brace SHOCKS, BARS, GAUGE, WINDSHIELD, STARTER P L AT F O R M Build y our s a t P olar is S no w mobile s . c om B U I L D YO U R S AT POLARIS.COM 2 02 1 8 5 0 R MK KHAOS 1 5 5 / 2 .75 " P OLARISSNOW MOBILES.COM S NOWC HEC K EXC LUS I VE
Polaris Sales Inc., 2100 Hwy. 55, Medina, MN 55340 Photographed using a highly skilled professional operator under controlled conditions. Polaris recommends that all riders take a training course. Do not attempt maneuvers beyond your capa- (763) 542-0500 Fax (763) 542-0599 bility. Always wear a helmet and other safety apparel. Never drink and ride. Snowmobiles depicted in this brochure may feature Polaris® parts and accessories and are not standard features of the base model snowmobile they accompany. All performance and/or feature and benefit claims are based upon competitive data available at time of printing. For your nearest dealer, call Polaris Industries LTD. 1-800-POLARIS or go to www.terraindomination.com. †Unless noted, trademarks are the property of Polaris Industries Inc. Pro Taper® is a registered trademark of Lacy Distribution, Inc. TEAM® 50 Prairie Way, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R2J 3J8 is a registered trademark of TEAM Industries RydeFX® is a registered trademark and Ryde AFX™ is a trademark of Arvin Technologies, Inc. FOX® is a trademark of FOX Factory Inc. Walker Evans® (204) 925-7100 Fax (204) 925-7110 is a registered trademark of Walker Evans Enterprises Corporation. SNOWGOER® is a registered trademark of EPG Media, LLC. All pricing, specifications, claims, and information contained in this brochure are based upon current knowledge and printed material available at time of publication. All pricing, specifications, and descriptions are subject to change without notice, and Polaris ©2020 Polaris Industries Inc. Printed in USA. Part # 9948046 assumes no responsibility for changes in pricing or specifications. Polaris assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies, opinions, or omissions in this brochure.
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