2021 Magnolia Oil & Gas Sustainability Report

Page created by Leslie Francis
2021 Magnolia Oil & Gas Sustainability Report
2021 Magnolia Oil & Gas
Sustainability Report
2021 Magnolia Oil & Gas Sustainability Report

Dear Stakeholders
                                                             ABOUT MAGNOLIA                          OUR MISSION

                                                                                                     Build a winning company that safeguards workers and
                                                                                                     the environment, enhances careers, strengthens local

                                                             Magnolia Oil & Gas is a
               We’re proud to issue Magnolia’s                                                       communities, and increases value for all stakeholders.
               inaugural sustainability report.
                                                                                                     OUR VALUES DRIVE OUR CULTURE
               Magnolia is an independent oil and
               gas company with operations located           publicly traded oil and                 Safety: Be Safe.
               primarily in South Texas. Our business
model focuses on capital discipline, a strong balance        gas exploration and                     • We take proactive measures to protect everyone on
                                                                                                        all our worksites. No shortcuts.
sheet, and significant free cash flow, while generating
moderate organic growth. We’re well positioned to            production company                      • We take health and safety personally. It’s the right
                                                                                                        thing to do.
deliver sustained value for our investors while
operating our business in a safe and environmentally         with operations                         Integrity: Act with Integrity.
                                                                                                     • We’re honest and principled in interactions with all
responsible manner.
                                                             primarily in South Texas                  our stakeholders.
                                                                                                     • We do the right thing in all cases.
2020 was a transformational year for Magnolia Oil &
Gas. We significantly increased the size of our team
                                                             in the core of the Eagle                Ownership: Think Like an Owner.
                                                                                                     • We think and act as owners. We take responsibility
and the scope of operations under our direct control.
We recognize that with growth comes increased
                                                             Ford Shale and Austin                      and fully commit to our mission.
                                                                                                     • We focus on what matters and execute our strategy
responsibility to share information about our business
and our priorities in the areas of safety,
                                                             Chalk formations.                          with discipline to create value for investors.
                                                                                                     Teamwork. Work as a Team.
environmental stewardship, workforce diversity,
                                                                                                     • We value and use our diverse expertise,
community outreach, and corporate governance.
                                                                                                       experiences, and ideas. Our success depends on it.
                                                                                                     • We engage, energize, and inspire each other to
This report is an important first step in that process. It
provides an overview of Magnolia and our culture                              $3.1                     deliver top performance.

and highlights the actions we’ve taken and the results
                                                                  Magnolia Market Cap ($ billions)   OUR VISION
we’ve achieved in several ESG-related areas. We’ll
build on it going forward to keep you informed about                                                 Be an investment of choice with a broad shareholder
our efforts to maintain a sustainable company and
responsibly develop oil and natural gas resources.                         112.3                     base, an employer of choice with a winning culture,
                                                                                                     and an operator of choice with best-in-class assets.

                                                                   2020 Proved Reserves (MMboe)      OUR BUSINESS STRATEGY
We appreciate your interest in Magnolia Oil & Gas
Corporation.                                                                                         •   Generate significant free cash flow after capital

                                                                              61.8                   •
                                                                                                         Deliver consistent organic production growth
                                                                                                     •   Maintain a conservative leverage profile
                                                                     2020 Production (Mboe/d)
                                                                                                     •   Achieve high, full-cycle operating margins
CHAIRMAN, PRESIDENT, AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER                                                     •   Prudently reinvest our free cash flow to enhance
                                                                                                         per share value.

MAGNOLIA OIL & GAS | 2021 Sustainability Report                                                                                                              1
2021 Magnolia Oil & Gas Sustainability Report

                                                         MINIMIZING FLARING
Safeguarding the                                         We plan ahead to reduce the need to flare natural gas from our locations.
Environment: By                                          •
                                                           We flare less than 1% of our total net production.
                                                           We do not conduct routine flaring as the activity is currently defined by the World Bank.
                                                         • We schedule infrastructure construction to align with our development plans. This ensures pipelines and other
Design                                                     facilities are available to transport natural gas from our sites and eliminates the need to flare stranded gas.

                                                         REDUCING FUGITIVE EMISSIONS
At Magnolia, we believe safeguarding the air,            We design and operate our vent and flare systems to minimize fugitive emissions
water, and land where we operate is not only the         from storage tanks.
right thing to do, but important to our ability to       • We integrate Vapor Recovery Towers and Units into our tank battery designs to capture
sustain our business.                                       flash gas and tank vapors.
                                                         • We established an internal team to use optical gas-imaging cameras to identify and
That’s why we build environmental protection into           eliminate natural gas leaks from equipment. Since the team was established, we’ve
our operations by design. Whether that means                doubled the frequency of our surveys, and cut time to repair in half.
adding safety margin to regulatory requirements
when pressure testing wellbore casings or using          MANAGING WATER RESOURCES
optical gas-imaging technologies to eliminate fugitive
                                                         Our operations are primarily located in South Texas in the core of the Eagle Ford Shale and Austin Chalk
emissions, our programs are designed to safeguard
                                                         formations and do not produce large volumes of water after initial production.
the environment while also improving efficiency,
lowering costs, and reducing risk.
                                                         • We contract with reputable third parties to gather and dispose of most of our waste or produced water in an
                                                            environmentally-sensitive manner.
                                                         • We operate two intermediate-depth saltwater disposal wells. The volumes of water we inject into these wells are
                                                            well below our permitted quantities.

                                                         PROTECTING GROUNDWATER

                                                         We design our wells to minimize the possibility of well failure and ensure groundwater is protected. We
                                                         exceed regulatory requirements for integrity testing of critical wellbore protections.
                                                         • We set protective casings at all levels of the wellbore below the base of usable-quality water. We cement these
                                                            casings in place as a protective shield to preserve aquifers where we operate.
                                                         • We routinely add additional safety margin to regulatory requirements when pressure testing these casing strings.
                                                         WORKING WITH STAKEHOLDERS

                                                         As part of our development process, we work closely with all stakeholders to limit disturbances in the areas
                                                         where we conduct operations.
                                                         • We work closely with surface landowners when considering locations for new drilling sites.
                                                         • We use pad drilling to drill multiple wells from a single surface location, which reduces our physical footprint,
                                                            minimizes surface impacts, and allows us to more efficiently produce hydrocarbons.
                                                         • We work with midstream companies and landowners to determine the placement of any new pipelines that
                                                            need to be constructed to serve our operations.

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2021 Magnolia Oil & Gas Sustainability Report

SAFETY                                                    WORKFORCE                                                COMMUNITY

Magnolia Safe                                             A Winning Team                                           Magnolia Gives
At Magnolia, safety is a core value. Our HSE culture      Magnolia’s workforce is made up of individuals from      Meeting Local Needs. Our field operations teams
and processes support that value through safe work        a variety of diverse backgrounds and career paths.       make donations on Magnolia’s behalf to support
practices, training and recognition, contractor           We value and use our broad expertise, experiences,       organizations where we have operations as part of
management, and emergency preparedness.                   and ideas and recognize that our success depends         Magnolia’s Field Giving Program. Donations support
                                                          on it. One of Magnolia’s key priorities is to hire the   local food banks, volunteer fire departments, and
Employee Training. Our training programs ensure           most qualified individuals while fostering workforce     other non-profits.
employees have the skills they need to perform their      diversity.
jobs effectively and safely. We deliver training during
new hire orientation, through monthly in-person           Total Company
safety meetings, and via computer-based training
sessions. We track training in our Learning
Management System.
                                                                  24%                           32%
Good Catch Program. The Magnolia Good Catch                      FEMALE                       MINORITIES

Program recognizes employees who identify
improvements to HSE or operational processes or
find ways to increase effectiveness or efficiency.        Houston-Based Employees

Contractor Management. Our field leaders onboard
new vendors, monitor and review their safety
performance and general contract compliance, and
                                                                  38%                           36%
provide coaching, if needed. We conduct biannual                                              MINORITIES
                                                                 FEMALE                                            Employee-Directed Contributions. In support of our
contractor meetings to discuss best practices and
                                                                                                                   drive to strengthen local communities, Magnolia
identify improvement opportunities.
                                                                                                                   makes a $1,000 donation annually on each
                                                          Field-Based Employees                                    employee’s behalf to the charitable organization of
Emergency Preparedness. We maintain field level
                                                                                                                   their choice. In 2020, we contributed to health and
and corporate emergency response plans. We
                                                                                                                   human services organizations, faith-based groups,
conduct drills to test those plans and improve our
                                                                                                                   educational institutions, and others.
capabilities. We also use automated communication
systems to improve incident response time.                         8%                           27%
                                                                 FEMALE                       MINORITIES           2020 QUANTITATIVE RESULTS: COMMUNITY
Workforce Health & Safety. In 2020, both our
                                                                                                                   Total dollars given: More than $105,000
employee total recordable incident rate and fatality
                                                                                                                   Number of organizations supported: More than 100
rate were zero.

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2021 Magnolia Oil & Gas Sustainability Report

Guidance with
                                                          VALUING DIVERSITY AND INDEPENDENCE                        BOARD COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP

                                                          At Magnolia, we value and use our diverse expertise,      Stephen I. Chazen               Chairman of the Board
Integrity                                                 experiences, and ideas. This same spirit extends to
                                                          our board. We maintain a diverse board made up of         Arcilia C. Acosta (I)

In line with our value of integrity, Magnolia is          individuals with different professional experiences
                                                                                                                    Angela M. Busch (I)
committed to strong corporate governance                  and backgrounds, including gender, race or
principles and practices.                                 ethnicity, age, and other factors. These individuals      Edward P. Djerejian1 (I)
                                                          bring expertise in exploration and production,
                                                          finance and accounting, public company leadership,        John B. Walker                  Director
Our Board of Directors manages and directs our
business affairs in the best interests of our             government, academia, strategic planning, and
                                                          operations to their roles on our board.                   Dan F. Smith2 (I)
stakeholders, including our shareholders, with a focus
on our long-term health and success as an                                                                           James R. Larson2 (I)
organization. Our Corporate Governance Guidelines
                                                                                                                     Audit        Compensation      Nominating and Governance
describe the policies and practices the Board follows
as they pursue that goal. These guidelines, along with
                                                                  71%                          29%                   Committee Chairperson
our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and the                                                                   1 Lead    Independent Director
charters of our standing committees, provide a clear                                                              2 Audit    Committee Financial Expert
framework for our commitments and are available on        5 of our 7 Board members     2 of our 7 Board members   Note: All Committee members are independent.
our website.                                                   are independent                 are women

Our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics provides          Audit. Oversees our accounting and financial
guidance to help our employees, leaders, and              reporting processes and our compliance with legal         • In 2020, the ratio of our Chief Executive Officer’s
directors make right decisions in line with the highest   and regulatory requirements as well as audits of our        compensation to our median employee’s
ethical standards and comply with all applicable laws     financial statements and the integrity of those             compensation was 1.48 to 1, meaning that for
and regulations that govern our business.                 statements. Has general oversight over risk                 every $1 earned by our median employee, our
                                                          management, including cybersecurity risk.                   Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer
Our Code covers topics ranging from conflicts of                                                                      earned $1.48. For more information on how we
interest and insider trading to anti-corruption and       Compensation. Oversees our compensation policies            calculated our CEO pay ratio, please refer to that
anti-retaliation. We require all employees to commit      and practices, approves the compensation of our             section of our most recent proxy statement.
to the principles in the Code, acknowledge they           CEO and other named executive officers, and
understand it, and agree to comply with it.               approves our incentive compensation and equity            • Our Chairman, President, and CEO owns
                                                          compensation policies and programs.                         approximately 7 million shares of Magnolia (3% of
If an employee or member of the public observes an                                                                    the shares outstanding), promoting alignment with
act or behavior that they believe compromises our         Nominating and Corporate Governance. Reviews                our shareholders.
commitment to ethical business practices, they can        our overall corporate governance and recommends
report it on a confidential and anonymous basis by        improvements to our Board. Identifies and screens         • More than 99% of our stockholders approved a
calling 844-490-4679.                                     individuals to fill Board vacancies and maintains           say-on-pay proposal at our 2021 Annual Meeting of
                                                          Corporate Governance Guidelines.                            Stockholders.

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  Quantitative Results: SASB Disclosures
  We provide quantitative results for our performance in various environmental, social, governance areas. We report our results based on the Sustainability Accounting Standards
  Board (SASB) standards for Oil and Gas – Exploration & Production. This data captures performance from across our operations for the calendar year ended December 31, 2020.

                   TOPIC                                                                         DEFINITION                                                           UNIT OF MEASURE                 2020
                                                                                      Gross scope 1 GHG emissions                                                     Metric tons CO2-e(t)            313,429
                                                                                    Gross scope 1 GHG intensity rate                                         Metric tons CO2-e(t)/production (Mboe)           15
                                                             Gross scope 1 methane emissions as a percentage of GHG emissions                                 Percent Metric tons on a CO2-e basis            30
                                                                     Gross scope 1 GHG emissions from flared hydrocarbons                                              Metric tons CO2-e               52,927
                                                                       Gross scope 1 GHG emissions from other combustion                                               Metric tons CO2-e              162,267
                                                                       Gross scope 1 GHG emissions from process emissions                                              Metric tons CO2-e                     477
                                                                   Gross scope 1 GHG emissions from other vented emissions                                             Metric tons CO2-e               55,364
                                                                   Gross scope 1 GHG emissions from other fugitive emissions                                           Metric tons CO2-e               39,350
                                                                                       Total fresh water withdrawn                                                Thousand cubic meters (m3)            1,137
                                                     Percentage of total fresh water withdrawn in regions with high or extremely high
                                                                                                                                                                        Percentage (%)                           0
                                                                                   baseline water stress
                                                                                       Total fresh water consumed                                                 Thousand cubic meters (m3)            1,137
                                                     Percentage of total fresh water consumed in regions with high or extremely high
                                                                                                                                                                        Percentage (%)                           0
                                                                                   baseline water stress
                                                                                      Number of hydrocarbon spills                                                          Number                            22
                                                                               Aggregate volume of hydrocarbon spills                                                       Barrels                          372
                                                                        Aggregate volume of hydrocarbon spills in the Artic                                                 Barrels                              0
                                                  Aggregate volume of hydrocarbon spills impacting shorelines with ESI rankings 8-10                                        Barrels                              0
                                                                                                                                                              Number of work-related injuries and
                                                                                 Total recordable incident rate (TRIR)*                                                                                       0
 WORKFORCE HEALTH & SAFETY                                                                                                                                     illnesses per 200,000 workhours
                                                                                                  Fatality rate                                                              Rate                             0
                                                                      Percentage of (1) proved and (2) probable reserves in
                                                                    countries that have the 20 lowest rankings in Transparency                                          Percentage (%)                        0
                                                                           International’s Corruption Perception Index
    SECURITY, HUMAN RIGHTS &                           Percentage of (1) proved and (2) probable reserves in or near areas of conflict                                  Percentage (%)                        0
             PEOPLES                                  Percentage of (1) proved and (2) probable reserves in or near indigenous land                                     Percentage (%)                        0

                                                                                 Total permanent, full-time employees                                                       Number                       136
                                                                                       Women, as a % of workforce                                                       Percentage (%)                       24
                                                                                      Minorities, as a % of workforce                                                   Percentage (%)                       32
                                                                             Percent of workforce represented by Union                                                  Percentage (%)                        0
Note: Quantitative results do not include data for Highlander.   * TRIR includes Magnolia employees and EnerVest employees dedicated to Magnolia’s assets.

  MAGNOLIA OIL & GAS | 2021 Sustainability Report                                                                                                                                                            5

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
The information in this report includes forward-           Magnolia cautions you that these forward-looking           Should one or more of the risks or uncertainties
looking statements within the meaning of Section           statements are subject to all of the risks and             described in this report occur, or should underlying
27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and         uncertainties, most of which are difficult to predict      assumptions prove incorrect, actual results and plans
Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,        and many of which are beyond the control of                could differ materially from those expressed in any
as amended. All statements, other than statements of       Magnolia, incident to the development, production,         forward-looking statements. Additional information
present or historical fact included in this report,        gathering and sale of oil, natural gas and natural gas     concerning these and other factors that may impact
regarding Magnolia’s strategy, future operations,          liquids. In addition, Magnolia cautions you that the       the operations and projections discussed herein can
financial position, estimated revenues, and losses,        forward-looking statements contained in this report        be found in Magnolia’s filings with the SEC, including
projected costs, prospects, plans and objectives of        are subject to the following factors: (i) the length,      its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
management are forward-looking statements. When            scope and severity of the ongoing coronavirus              ended December 31, 2020. Magnolia’s SEC filings
used in this report, the words could, should, will, may,   disease 2019 (“COVID-19”) pandemic, including the          are available publicly on the SEC’s website at
believe, anticipate, intend, estimate, expect, project,    effects of related public health concerns and the          www.sec.gov.
the negative of such terms and other similar               impact of continued actions taken by governmental
expressions are intended to identify forward-looking       authorities and other third parties in response to the
statements, although not all forward-looking               pandemic and its impact on commodity prices as well
statements contain such identifying words. These           as supply and demand considerations; (ii) the
forward-looking statements are based on                    outcome of any legal proceedings that may be
management’s current expectations and assumptions          instituted against Magnolia; (iii) Magnolia’s ability to
about future events and are based on currently             realize the anticipated benefits of its acquisitions,
available information as to the outcome and timing of      which may be affected by, among other things,
future events. Except as otherwise required by             competition and the ability of Magnolia to grow and
applicable law, Magnolia disclaims any duty to             manage growth profitably; (iv) changes in applicable
update any forward-looking statements, all of which        laws or regulations; and (v) the possibility that
are expressly qualified by the statements in this          Magnolia may be adversely affected by other
section, to reflect events or circumstances after the      economic, business, and/or competitive factors.
date of this report.

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