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INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN November 2020 – February 2021 2021: A year to show the vision and ambition needed to deliver a fresh start – Mary Lou McDonald TD Writing in An Phoblacht, Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD - in her New Year’s message - has said 2021 is the time to show “We need to deepen the vision and the ambition needed to the conversation deliver a fresh start, saying that weaknesses exposed by the Covid-19 pandemic has made about Irish Unity and the desire for change even stronger. The full text of Mary Lou McDonald’s New the Irish government Year’s message is below: “The past year has been really hard for needs to start everybody and we still face massive chal- planning, because lenges as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is really important over the coming days the reality is that and weeks to follow public health advice, stay safe and look after each other. However, we cannot afford there is light at the end of the tunnel as the vaccination programme is being rolled-out. partition - working We know that this pandemic will not last forever and life will start to return to normal together on the island in the coming year. is the best way to “For many, the last year has been about re-evaluating priorities. This started during secure our future.” the General Election campaign and has con- Mary Lou McDonald TD tinued since then. “It is hard to believe that the election was almost a year ago. It was an election called stronger because people know things can’t making sure they see their future here in because the Fine Gael Minister for Health go on like this any longer. Ireland and not the far side of the world. faced a motion of no-confidence because “2021 is the time to show the vision and “We need to ensure that when you have the health system was on the verge of the ambition that is needed to deliver a worked hard all of your life that you have collapse; with staff leaving in their droves, fresh start. the right to retire on a State pension at 65 elderly people left to suffer for days on hos- “We need to continue to support people in if you want to. pital trolleys and out of control waiting lists. the coming months so that businesses can “We need to deepen the conversation “We had an out of touch government that re-open and people can get back to work - about Irish Unity and the Irish govern- supported developers and landlords, while but we need to do much more than that. ment needs to start planning, because the working families were unable to afford “A fresh start means being able to reality is that we cannot afford partition - a home, rents spiralled and people who afford the roof over your head, and we working together on the island is the best worked hard all of their lives were told they need the biggest affordable and social way to secure our future. would have to line up at the dole queue at housing programme in the history of “Finally, I want to thank all of our mem- 65. the State - not big pay days for wealthy bers and supporters and our elected rep- “It was the strong desire for change and a developers and big landlords. We need to resentatives for all of your efforts over the better future that saw so many people plac- make homes affordable for workers again last year. I also want to thank our friends ing their trust in us as Sinn Féin received a and out of control rents must be tackled right around the world, particularly in the historic vote and our support has continued head-on. US and Canada. And I want to wish all of to grow since. “We need to sort out our health services you a safe and happy New Year. “The weaknesses exposed by the pandem- once and for all - and that starts with “Keep the faith. We will get through this ic have made that desire for change even treating frontline workers properly and together.” @SFIntDept www.sinnfein.ie @sinnfeininternational
2 INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN Michelle O’Neill, Sinn Féin vice president OPINION PIECE: One year ago the Executive was restored following nego- tiations and the publication of the New Decade, New Ap- proach by the governments. The five Executive parties “the economic agreed to cooperate on the basis of openness, transpar- impacts of covid ency and accountability and to deliver on health, educa- tion and jobs. and brexit have We made it clear it would not be a return to the status reinforced the quo, it would be a new era of government. Covid-19 changed the way need to rebuild governments work across the world. our economy on a The last year has rein- forced the vital importance of having locally elected fairer, more equal, ministers, working with min- isterial colleagues across the all-ireland basis.” island, taking decisions in the best interests of all. Michelle O’Neill MLA Our communities minister stepped up to coordinate and support the community response to Covid, providing funding to those most in need. Our finance minister acted to make financial support We acted on people’s One year on from New not shirk its responsibilities. available to businesses, rights; lifting the ban on gay Decade, New Approach huge Despite these challenges workers and their families to men donating blood, pro- challenges remain. Many we face new opportunities, help them through this. gressing marriage equality, pledges are still unrealised. where we can shape a new The Executive has shown making plans to ban so- At the heart of the Execu- Ireland for everyone. we can do things differently called conversion therapies tive’s return was a commit- The economic impacts of to what went before. and taking steps to end ment to power sharing and Covid and Brexit have rein- The pandemic changed the holiday hunger. equality. forced the need to rebuild priorities of ministers but The restoration of the po- That is why legislation to our economy on a fairer, we still must tackle disad- litical institutions also meant ensure respect and protec- more equal, all-Ireland basis. vantage, address regional that the north-south bodies tion for the Irish language People rightly expect the imbalance and deliver better of the GFA are back up and and identity is so important parties to work together and government. running. and needs to be enacted as while we have distinctly dif- When The Executive Office The benefits and necessi- soon as possible. ferent outlooks, our shared green-lighted the Magee ty to cooperate across the The British government commitment must be to Medical School it sent a clear island in response to the has reneged once again on provide political leadership, message that this Executive pandemic became abundant- pledges in New Decade, New and deliver public services is committed to tackling ly clear. We must improve Approach and in the Stor- for taxpayers. historic underfunding. When this coordination but it has mont House Agreement to This means looking beyond the communities minister already proved invaluable. deal with the legacy of the Brexit and beyond the union; announced the biggest shake We are also dealing past. It is unacceptable it to a new Ireland with the up of public housing for 40 with the continuing Brexit continues to frustrate fami- whole island back in the EU years it was obvious we are uncertainty. The Assembly lies seeking the truth on the through a referendum on in a new era. successively voted to reflect killings of their loved ones. Irish unity. The Executive moved swift- the northern majority who The Irish government must The future holds great op- ly to resolve the nurses’ pay rejected and continue to also deliver its financial com- portunities and we must all dispute to ensure these front reject the reckless Brexit, mitments in New Decade, work together to seize them line healthcare workers get recognising the harm it will New Approach and ensure for the benefit of everyone. the pay they deserve. have here. the British government does @SFIntDept www.sinnfein.ie @sinnfeininternational
3 INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN ‘Sinn Féin reiterate solidarity with imprisoned Catalan leaders during online prison visit’ – Kearney Sinn Féin’s National Chairperson, Declan Kearney MLA, and former President, Gerry Adams, held an online meeting with imprisoned Catalan representatives, Oriol Junqueras, President of ‘Esquerra Repub- licana de Catalunya’ (ERC), and Raul Rom- eva, the former Foreign Minister of the Catalan government. Both are currently serving prison sentences of 13 years and 12 years respectively in Lledoners prison, Catalonia. Also in attendance was Marta Rovira, the ERC General Secretary, who is current- ly exiled in Switzerland, and Jordi Solé, ERC’s Secretary for International Affairs. During the meeting the Catalan rep- resentatives outlined the current polit- ical situation in Catalonia following the brutal measures deployed by the Spanish Government in response to the indepen- dence referendum held in October 2017. Gerry Adams, Declan Kearney and Catalan comrades In particular, they focused on the refusal of the Spanish Government to meaning- fully engage with Catalan representatives incarcerated due to oppressive Span- “We urge the Spanish Government to to resolve the continuing political crisis, ish government policies, both were in commence good faith negotiations with and its widespread use of repressive legal extremely high spirits and remain totally the democratically elected political lead- measures. committed to the national and democrat- ership of Catalonia to resolve all critical Speaking after the online meeting Sinn ic rights of their people. issues at the heart of the current political Féin’s South Antrim MLA, Declan Kearney said: “We outlined Sinn Féin’s position – crisis. “Both Gerry Adams and I were pleased based on our experience in Ireland – that “Sinn Féin remains committed to using to have the opportunity to participate state repression will only breed political our political influence in Ireland and in this online prison visit. We received a resistance. Criminalisation policies did across Europe to highlight the political first-hand account of the current political not work in Ireland, and they will not work crisis in Catalonia and to press for the situation in Catalonia from the leader- in Catalonia. A political resolution must release and amnesty of all the political ship of the ERC and expressed Sinn Féin’s be developed through an inclusive nego- prisoners, including the return of all ongoing solidarity with all of the political tiation process. those in exile. prisoners, those leadership figures still in “We reiterated our support for the “We will continue to encourage political exile, and the right of the Catalan people release of all political prisoners and for and diplomatic pressure on the Spanish to independence. those who are exiled to be allowed to government to embrace an inclusive pro- “It was heartening to speak with the return home. Sinn Féin fully supports the cess of comprehensive negotiations and imprisoned leaders, Oriol Junqueras and Amnesty Bill being proposed by Catalan acknowledge the national and democratic Raul Romeva. Despite being unjustly Independent representatives. rights of the Catalan people.” “Sinn Féin remains committed to using our political influence in Ireland and across Europe to highlight the political crisis in Catalonia and to press for the release and amnesty of all the political prisoners, including the return of all those in exile.” @SFIntDept www.sinnfein.ie @sinnfeininternational
4 INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN Sinn Féin leaders extend condolences on the passing of Saeb Erekat The late General Secretaru of the Palestinian Liberation Organistion, Saeb Erekat pictured with Pat Sheehan MLA Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD has expressed her Former Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams also extended his condolences following the recent death of the General Secre- “deepest condolences and solidarity” to Palestinian President tary of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation, Saeb Erekat. Mahmoud Abbas on the death of Saeb Erekat who has died as She said: a result of Covid-19. “The world is a much sadder place following the loss of the Gerry Adams said: human rights activist and campaigner for Palestinian libera- “Ba mhaith liom mo chombhrón a thabhairt do chlann Er- tion, Saeb Erekat. ekat. It is with great sadness that I have learned of the death “As General Secretary of the Palestinian Liberation Organi- of Saeb Erekat. In the course of my visits to the Middle East sation (PLO), Saeb Erekat, was a tireless fighter for the rights and as part of Sinn Féin’s long relationship with the Palestin- and freedom of the Palestinian people throughout his life. ian people I had the pleasure of meeting Saeb Erekat. “Over the course of the last three decades, Saeb had been “As the Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation central to many negotiations and worked to deliver a lasting Organisation, and as the chief negotiator for the PLO, Saeb solution to end the occupation and oppression of the Pales- was steadfast in his defence of the rights of the people of tinian people. Palestine to freedom and independence. He was committed “Saeb adopted a principled and pragmatic approach to dialogue and peace and to the creation of a genuine peace these negotiations in the hope of bringing the conflict to a process in the Middle East that would resolve all of the re- conclusion and ensuring the human rights of the Palestinian lationships and ensure a peaceful, democratic future for the people are respected. people of that region. “Throughout the duration of his activism, Saeb was a keen “In 2014 during the Israeli assault on Gaza Saeb made time advocate of building international relations with other strug- to brief me about the desolation and destruction being inflict- gles across the globe, particularly acknowledging the value ed on the citizens of that besieged area by the Israeli govern- of international solidarity in highlighting the plight of the ment. He worked hard to secure a humanitarian ceasefire in Palestinian people. the face of Israeli rejections. “Sinn Féin had a longstanding friendship with Saeb Erekat “Saeb was very conscious of the long positive relationship and our representatives have had the honour of meeting him between the Irish and Palestinian people. He thanked the on several occasions. people of Ireland for their ongoing support for the Palestinian “Saeb was a dear friend of Ireland and a friend of the Irish people. people. “Saeb will be missed by his comrades, his family and the “The only fitting legacy to this remarkable and resilient Palestinian people. As they and we seek to advance the campaigner for peace and justice is a permanent homeland peaceful and democratic objectives to which he dedicated his for the Palestinian people. life there is an onus on the Irish government, at this import- “On behalf of Sinn Féin, I want to extend my solidarity to ant juncture in international relations, to implement past the family and comrades of Saeb Erekat. Ar dheis Dé go raibh Oireachtas motions and recognise the state of Palestine. a anam dílis” “Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.” @SFIntDept www.sinnfein.ie @sinnfeininternational
5 INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN Spanish court decision is an attempt to criminalise Basque peace makers - Kearney Sinn Féin National Chairperson, Declan Kearney attack on those who are at the centre of building MLA, has condemned the decision of the Spanish the Basque peace process, and against the integ- Supreme Court to reopen the case of five Basque rity of the process itself. political leaders, including the Secretary General “Arnaldo Otegi was central to the strategy of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, stating that it rep- which led to the ending of armed actions, disar- resents a reckless subversion of ongoing efforts mament, and eventual dissolution of ETA. He has to finally and democratically resolve conflict in shown immense leadership in taking courageous the Basque Country by criminalising those com- decisions and risks for a democratic peace in the mitted to peace. Basque Country. Speaking after the recent court ruling, the “The policy of attempting to criminalise South Antrim MLA said: Basque political leaders pursued by successive “In 2011, Basque activists Arnaldo Otegi, Rafa Spanish governments, has been a failure and Leyla Guven Diez, Sonia Jacinto, Mitren Zabaleta and Arkaitz should be ended. Such efforts only serve to Rodriguez, were sentenced to ten years impris- undermine ongoing efforts to build a credible Anderson calls onment for alleged membership of the militant group ETA. This was later reduced to six and a peace process. Conflict can only be resolved through dialogue, negotiations, and respect for for release of half years by the Spanish Supreme Court. “However in 2018, by which time all the rights. “Sinn Féin strongly condemns this latest Kurdish political accused had served their full sentence, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled Spanish Supreme Court ruling, and calls on the international community to raise the serious that article 6.1 of the European Convention on humanitarian and political concerns surrounding prisoner Leyla Human Rights on the ‘right to a fair trial’ had this case with the Spanish government. been violated. “Instead of attempting to criminalise and Guven “This latest ruling by the Spanish Supreme Courts constitutes a serious violation of the imprison Basque peace makers, the Spanish government should commence a process of re- previous ECHR ruling in 2018 in this case, and leasing all political prisoners, and finally commit Sinn Féin MLA Martina Anderson infringes the human rights of all the accused. in good faith to commence proper negotiations has called for the release of “This decision is also a premeditated political with the Basque political leadership.” Kurdish former MP and political prisoner Leyla Guven who has been sentenced to 22 years in prison. Martina Anderson said: “I was shocked to learn of the 22 year sentence handed down to former Kurdish MP and hunger striker, Leyla Guven. “She was sentenced on 18 spurious and politically motivated charges arising from her involve- ment in the campaign for autono- my for the Kurdish people. “She was previously imprisoned and went on hunger strike to call for an end to the isolation of Kurdish political leader Abdullah Ocalan. “I visited her while in her home while she was on hunger strike and was impressed by her dignity, determination and courage. “This sentence is entirely political and Leyla Guven should be released immediately along with Abdullah Ocalan to assist the peace process in the region.” Arnaldo Otegi @SFIntDept www.sinnfein.ie @sinnfeininternational
6 INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN Sinn Féin MEP Chris MacManus attends anti-blockade protest Chris MacManus, Sinn Féin MEP for the Midlands North West, spoke to the Cuban Ambassador to the EU, Norma Goicochea Estenoz, about the difficulties the island is facing, as it battles COVID 19 and an in- humane economic blockade by the United States. The two met at an anti-blockade protest, held in Brussels last December. The small island has fared remarkably well during the ongoing pandemic, with less than 15,000 cases to date and less than 200 deaths, this is with a population in the region of 12 million. This is despite the fact that the United States implemented 90 economic mea- sures between January 2019 and March 2020 to cripple the Cuban economy, estimates puts the cost of the blockade at over 4 billion annually. Make no mistake, Sinn Féin MEP Chris and the Cuban Ambassador to the EU Norma Goicochea Estenoz these measures are designed to strangle and Mark Botenga, a Belgium workers party MEP. Cuba’s economy and create social unrest. They affect vital sectors such as energy, Recently, the United States government immense pressure, is due to the resilience tourism, and financial transfers. resorted to threatening airlines and freight of its people. To do this at any time is reprehensive, ship owners with sanctions, who dared to Met with this oppression, Cuba has but during a deadly pandemic it is a homi- deliver masks, medication and diagnostic marched on and worked with its allies cidal strategy by the United States. Import kits to Cuba. on developing its own COVID 19 vaccine. bans include medical equipment and medi- The United States ignores the United Cuba’s vaccine, which is in stage 3 of cation. The Cuban government has reported Nation’s condemnation of the blockade, development, will be tested in Iran in the having to use intermediaries in other coun- as voted by the UN General Assembly in its coming weeks. tries to access some of the medication; this 2019 resolution. Sinn Féin will continue to send its sol- buying procedure can multiply costs for the The only reason Cuba has averted a idarity to the Cuban people and demand struggling Cuban government. severe humanitarian crises, under this this barbaric blockade is lifted. Mary Lou McDonald TD congratulates Joe Biden on winning the US Presidential election Joe Biden is now the 46th President of the United States of the Good Friday Agreement and to protect it in the Brexit America. The America that he leads is highly divided. Those process. The message was clear; there would be no British/ divisions and inequalities have been played out online, US trade deal if our agreements were undermined. A com- in the media, and on the streets. The new President faces mitment that was repeated by President Joe Biden. several challenges with a reduced majority in the House of The British, left without any hope of a trade deal with the Representatives and the narrowest majority in the Senate. US, relented and agreed to the full implementation of the All the while dealing with the pandemic and the divisive Brexit Withdrawal Agreement, Irish Protocol, and the avoid- legacy of President Trump. ance of hard border on Ireland. Ireland remains an issue of shared and common concern Mary Lou McDonald TD Speaking following the inauguration Sinn Féin President between Democrats and Republicans. Mary Lou McDonald said: The links between Ireland and the US are strong and “President Biden has long been a friend of Ireland. The enduring. The Easter Rising would not have been possible without, “our connections between our nations are greater than any political alliance exiled Children in America”. The US has been key in every step of our - they are bonds of history, family, and friendship. The United States has struggle for unity and independence. Our peace process and agree- stood with Ireland, including protecting our peace agreements in the ments are seen as a US Foreign Policy success. Brexit process and President Biden has been a key friend in achieving The last US Congress was marked by endless battles on domestic this. policy, foreign policy, and the actions of President Trump. Annual budget Wishing President Biden and Vice President Harris well the Sinn Féin objections that closed down the government. President added. When Brexit threatened to undermine the Good Friday Agreement and “I look forward to working with the Biden administration as we contin- impose a hard border the parties acted. Democrats and Republicans ue to realize the transformative potential of the Good Friday Agreement unanimously passed a resolution on the need to fully implement and in building a new, prosperous, and united Ireland.” @SFIntDept www.sinnfein.ie @sinnfeininternational
7 INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN Gerry Adams blog on ‘Solidarity with Catalonia’ Like many other republicans I of suppression. have spent several Christmas’s in In the meantime find below the prison. It’s not a nice place to be names and addresses of impris- at any time but especially over oned Catalan leaders and politi- Christmas. I was reminded of this cal prisoners. Take a few minutes a few days before Christmas when and send them a solidarity card – I had the opportunity to hold a a letter – a book. Show them they video conference with two of the are not alone and not forgotten. imprisoned leaders of ‘Esquerra Pat Sheehan MLA Republicana de Catalunya’ (ERC) - GERRY ADAMS Dolors Bassa Coll the main pro-independence party Centre penitenciari Puig de les in Catalan. them and clearly determined to Basses Sheehan Oriol Junqueras is President of continue their struggle for free- Mòdul de dones the ERC and Raul Romeva is the dom and independence. Raval disseminat, 53 expresses former Foreign Minister of the Our conversation lasted an 17600 Figueres Catalan government. Both are cur- hour. Declan and I expressed (Girona) condolences rently serving prison sentences of Sinn Féin’s ongoing solidarity Jordi Cuixart i Navarro 13 years and 12 years respectively with all of the political prisoners, Centre Penitenciari de Lledoners following death in Lledoners prison, Catalonia. those leadership figures still in Mòdul 2 Declan Kearney MLA joined me exile, and the right of the Catalan Carretera C-55, km 37 of Palestinian in the conversation and also in people to independence. We 08250 St Joan de Vilatorrada attendance was Marta Rovira, the also expressed our support for (Barcelona) prisoner ERC’s General Secretary, who is the Amnesty Bill currently being Carme Forcadell Lluís currently exiled in Switzerland, proposed by Catalan Independent Carme Forcadell i Lluís Sinn Féin MLA Pat Sheehan and Jordi Solé, the ERC’s Secretary representatives. Centre Penitenciari Wad Ras has expressed condolenc- for International Affairs. The connections between the Doctor Trueta, 76 es following the death of The imprisonment of the two people of Ireland and of Catalonia 08005 Barcelona Palestinian prisoner, Kamal comrades arose from the peaceful go back a long way. In 1920 Máire Joaquim Forn i Chiarello Abu Waer. and democratic independence Ní Bhrian, a member of Cumann Centre Penitenciari de Lledoners The West Belfast MLA referendum that was held by the na mBan, travelled to Catalonia as Mòdul 2 said: government of Catalan in October part of the republican outreach Carretera C-55, km 37 “I want to express my pro- 2017. The Spanish state reacted seeking support for the Irish 08250 St Joan de Vilatorrada found sadness at the death violently. Our television screens cause in Europe. Writing after the (Barcelona) of Palestinian prisoner Ka- were filled with images of Spanish death on hunger strike of Terence Oriol Junqueras i Vies mal Abu Waer and extend my Civil Guards firing plastic bullets MacSwiney the Lord Mayor of Centre Penitenciari de Lledoners condolences to his family, at Catalan citizens trying to vote, Cork, Ní Bhrian recalled; Mòdul 2 friends and the Palestinian and violent scenes of heavily ar- ‘In Barcelona and in Catalonia Carretera C-55, km 37 people. moured police batoning defence- generally there was the deepest 08250 St Joan de Vilatorrada “Kamal, who has been less and peaceful citizens – some sympathy for Ireland and when (Barcelona) imprisoned since 2003, died of them lying on the ground, many Terence died the papers there Raül Romeva Rueda as a result of cancer which of them women, some elderly. were full of articles about him Centre Penitenciari de Lledoners was compounded by the The 2017 referendum was the and masses were offered for him Mòdul 2 harshness the Israeli prison culmination of almost two de- in many churches which were Carretera C-55, km 37 regime. cades of Catalan efforts to achieve crowded to the doo… The Catalans 08250 St Joan de Vilatorrada “The mistreatment of greater autonomy within Spain. always cherish the desire for (Barcelona) prisoners by the Israe- Catalan leaders tried to engage separation from Spain and their Josep Rull i Andreu li government must be successive Spanish governments aspiration for independence is Centre Penitenciari de Lledoners condemned. The brazen vio- in a dialogue but their efforts the bond between them and us.’ Mòdul 2 lations of the human rights were rebuffed. They were frustrat- A doll dressed in tradition- Carretera C-55, km 37 of Palestinian prisoners is a ed at every turn by an intransi- al Catalan clothing was sent 08250 St Joan de Vilatorrada breach of international law. gent central government and the from the people of Catalonia (Barcelona) “The Irish government has courts. to MacSwiney’s young daughter Jordi Sànchez i Picanyol a responsibility to challenge Rather than engage in a pro- Máire. Last year the doll was re- Centre Penitenciari de Lledoners the Israeli government on its cess of dialogue to resolve this furbished as part of an exhibition Mòdul 2 cruel policy and the wider constitutional crisis the Spanish on MacSwiney by Cork public Carretera C-55, km 37 denial of rights to the Pales- government choose to arrest and museum. 08250 St Joan de Vilatorrada tinian people. imprison senior Catalan politi- The Spanish government needs (Barcelona) “I would urge the Israeli cians. Oriol Junqueras and Raul to return to the negotiating table. Jordi Turull Negre government to abandon its Romeva are among those who The international community, Centre Penitenciari de Lledoners apartheid policies and enter received lengthy prison sentences. especially the European Union, Mòdul 2 into a meaningful process of Despite their unjust treatment has an obligation to ensure that Carretera C-55, km 37 peace talks which includes and imprisonment both men were Catalonia can pursue the course 08250 St Joan de Vilatorrada the release of Palestinian in good spirits when we spoke to of self-determination without fear (Barcelona) prisoners.” @SFIntDept www.sinnfein.ie @sinnfeininternational
8 INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN Brady attacks Coveney on Irish Government inertia on Israeli Annexation of Palestine Sinn Féin spokesperson on Unfortunately, Minister brief but much needed sense Foreign Affairs and Defence, Coveney and the Irish govern- of optimism to the Palestin- Deputy John Brady clashed ment refuse to do so. ian people, simply by acting with Minister Simon Coveney I know that my focus on upon the stated wished of at the Joint Committee on Palestine this angers the the members of the Dáil, but Foreign Affairs and Defence Minister. But the reality is which the government refus- over the lack of action on be- that the government, largely es to act upon. half of the Irish government at the behest of the Minister In the absence of action, over ongoing de facto Israeli have shelved the Occupied words and sentiment offer annexation of the West Bank. Territories Bill, and have nothing, they merely exist The committee meeting further chosen to ignore in a vacuum, until they are was dominated by the ex- the express wishes of the allowed to dissipate into the change between the two, and Oireachtas to recognise the ether, and we are left with clearly evidenced Minister state of Palestine. nothing but the inertia we Coveney’s exception with John Brady TD These are real and tangible witness from this government. being taken to task over the actions, which offered an op- We must continue to put inertia of the Irish govern- we speak. This is something portunity for Ireland to show pressure on the government, ment over Palestine. that I have commented on, the type of leadership over we must increase pressure Brady said: again and again, and have Palestine, which many in this when and where we can, we “Annexation is a war crime. appealed repeatedly for the country did over apartheid in must find new and innova- This is a fact that has been Irish government to take the South Africa. tive ways to bring the very established in law by the type of tangible action that International opinion im- real sense of outrage felt by United Nations. is necessary to support the pacts on Israeli intent. We as the people of Ireland to the The de facto annexation of people of Palestine to resist a country could have brought doorstep of this government the West Bank by the Israeli the illegal actions of the focus to bear on their actions. – then we can begin to effect government is ongoing as Israeli authorities. We could have offered a change”. STEP UP PREPARATIONS FOR UNITY POLL - FINUCANE Sinn Féin MP John Finucane has called on the “The Irish Government cannot be by- Irish Government to step up preparations for standers in this conversation, they must constitutional change following the publica- step up to the mark and lead in the conver- tion of a new poll showing a majority in the sation. North want a referendum within five years. “The time to plan is now and the Irish The North Belfast MP said: Government must immediately begin The most recent Lucid Talk poll shows that preparations for reunification by taking a clear majority in the North are in favour the practical steps of convening a citizens’ of a referendum on Irish unity being held convention inclusive of the entire island within the next five years. and by bringing forward a green paper on “There is an unstoppable, vibrant and Irish unity. flourishing conversation underway on the “A referendum is coming and support for constitutional future of our island. unity is growing - that is clear. “It is an inclusive conversation which in- “Together, we can overcome the barriers volves nationalists, unionists and those who and division of partition and build a new, John Finucane MP consider themselves to be neither. inclusive and united Ireland.” @SFIntDept www.sinnfein.ie @sinnfeininternational
9 INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN Ireland & the World: The difference a Biden Presidency DECLAN KEARNEY could make – Declan Kearney Sinn Féin National Chairperson “It is essential that the Irish peace process and resilience of the island economy continues to benefit from the good will and support of this new Presidency” - Declan Kearney Few US Presidential elections have pro- Make no mistake, Joe Biden and Kamala voked so much popular interest in recent Harris struck a chord with a great mass years as the contest between Joe Biden and of American society, which had become Donald Trump. deeply alienated and disenchanted with Voter turnout was massive and unprece- the direction of the United States (US) in dented. the last four years. While it was closely fought and a tight How could it be otherwise? The race right up until the end, Joe Biden re- bombastic rhetoric, lack of vision, and ceived the highest number of votes cast for incoherent public policy has been deeply any previous American President. polarising. The spontaneous mass turnouts of ordi- The experience of Covid-19 has been nary citizens once the declaration was made catastrophic, and the federal handling of in Washington DC, New York, Philadelphia the pandemic a calamity. and other places, speak for themselves. Joe Biden’s ticket brought a message Although there were no overwhelming of hope into this Presidential election ‘Blue’ or ‘Red’ waves, this election mobilised campaign; promoting the aspiration of a di- There will be much hope that the new the Democratic support base, perhaps in no verse, inclusive America; and which offered President will bring the USA back to the way like ever before. a new direction, domestically and abroad. Paris Climate Change Accords, and the US/ Last Friday night I listened to young An important mandate has been well won Iran Nuclear Agreement. American relatives discuss the latest twists for a more tolerant, inclusive, and caring It is very important, in the context of and turns of the race and was struck by USA. That is to be welcomed. the ongoing global health pandemic, that their repeated use of the word ‘we’ and ‘us’ Hopefully now politics will stabilise and America reengages with the World Health when describing the Biden/Harris cam- the approach to public policy, particularly Organisation, and restores its commitment paign. with respect to Covid-19, and public health to other multi-lateral institutions. They felt they had a real stake in this generally, as well as health insurance, will Joe Biden is a former chair of the US election: A role in ending something nega- be put onto a new constructive footing: Foreign Relations Committee, so he knows tive and helping to start something positive Whilst at the same time ensuring Black about, and understands these principles. and new. Lives Matter, and equal opportunities and For the last 18 months, a Biden team of support are extended to all Americans. some 2,000 personnel have been working The USA is probably the most significant on a new foreign policy prospectus for this geopolitical influence on the world stage. new presidential term. In the past, that has been used to both In the modern era divergent global inter- good and bad effect. ests and priorities need to realign on the During the last Presidential term really basis of peaceful and respectful coexis- important, progressive domestic public tence. policy advances secured under Barack Shaping this new paradigm should now Obama’s leadership, were reversed. become a focus for the US. In foreign policy terms, progressive There is a need for a new approach to be roles that the US played as an advocate taken by American foreign policy towards for multi-lateralism, global peace and Palestine. diplomacy, in supporting action on climate Formal recommitment to the ‘Two State change, and addressing international Solution’, on the basis of the 1967 borders; humanitarian and justice issues, were also acting in support of Palestinian national abandoned. and human rights; and, intervening to end The international community will now the siege of Gaza, would represent a very look towards the new Biden administra- significant regional diplomatic initiative tion to act positively and collaboratively within the Middle East. on critical global issues. In a positive interview with the Arab @SFIntDept www.sinnfein.ie @sinnfeininternational
10 INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN Whatever the outcome of Britain’s future relations negotiation with the EU; there remains a critical role for the US administration in Ireland. Ten years of continuous and negative mismanagement, by successive British Tory governments, alongside their fail- ure to implement the Good Friday and subsequent agreements, have caused huge instability and uncertainty, not least because of Brexit. It is essential that the Irish peace process and resilience of the island economy continues to benefit from American News several days ago, Kamala The continued outworking of the Monroe the good will and support of this new Harris was reported as saying: Doctrine and Helms/Burton Act continue to Presidency. “We are committed to a two-state solution, cast a long, destabilising shadow over US A widespread debate on Irish unity has and we will oppose any unilateral steps that relations with the Americas. commenced. undermine that goal. We will also oppose Hopefully Obama’s previous approach on Constitutional change is in the air. annexation and settlement expansion.” Cuba will provide a reference point to guide Change in relations between Ireland She also pledged a new Administra- future US policy towards all of Latin and and Britain is now inevitable. tion: “Will take immediate steps to restore South America, and the Caribbean. International mentors and expertise economic and humanitarian assistance to It’s time for a new doctrine of positive, co- should be central to the next phase of the Palestinian people, address the ongoing operative diplomatic relations in the region, Ireland’s democratic transformation, humanitarian crisis in Gaza, reopen the US which replaces the weight of history with new towards a new, agreed Ireland. consulate in East Jerusalem, and work to hope and aspiration. open the PLO mission in Washington.” One of the most significant and enduring Such steps would represent an import- results of US foreign policy in the last three ant entrenchment of US commitment to decades has been America’s contribution to international law and United Nations (UN) the Irish peace process. resolutions. Our peace process stands out as the most American global reputation would be successful transition away from political further restored by taking moves to reinstate conflict to peaceful, democratic politics in the policy introduced by Barack Obama in the northern hemisphere. 2014 to normalise US/Cuban relations. Today the US remains a key stakehold- At the time President Obama said of this er in the peace settlement and political ground-breaking initiative, supported by a architecture enshrined in the Good Friday key foreign policy advisor, Ben Rhodes, and Agreement (GFA). Secretary of State, John Kerry, that: American administrations since then have “Neither the American or Cuban people are recognised the importance of not taking Regrettably the last four years have well served by a rigid policy that is rooted our peace and political process for granted, been a negative chapter in our geo-pol- in events that took place before most of us unlike others. itics. were born.” The welcome statements by Congressmen There is a need for a reset and to He went on: Richie Neal and Brendan Boyle, and Speaker realign global relations based upon gen- “Change is hard - in our lives and in the Nancy Pelosi which cautioned against dam- uine and progressive multi-lateralism. lives of nations. And change is even harder age for the GFA arising from Britain’s reckless As citizens of our global village we will when we carry the weight of history on our departure from the European Union (EU), not, and do not even need to, agree on shoulders. But today we are making these and then reinforced by President elect Biden every issue or policy. changes because it is the right thing to himself, are reassuring. But there is an imperative to renew do. Today, America chose to cut loose the Our peace process has benefited greatly our collective commitment to the abso- shackles of the past so as to reach for a from the support of many other longstanding lute centrality of peaceful co-existence. better future - for the Cuban people, for the friends of Ireland on Capitol Hill, including Full democratic engagement with, and American people, for an entire hemisphere, retiring Congressman Elliot Engel. respect for multi-lateral institutions, and for the world.” such as the UN, will be key to achieving The decision taken by Obama’s adminis- that objective. tration was correct, and carefully developed The USA has a leadership role in over time with noteworthy diplomatic sup- helping to reassert the primacy of port from Pope Francis, and the Vatican. multi-lateralism and adherence to It was an act of diplomatic vandalism international law, and human and dem- that the new US/Cuban relationship was ocratic rights. arbitrarily overturned, with no other out- President Biden’s administration will come than to fuel political tensions in Latin do us all a great service by embracing America. these challenges and giving leadership Biden and Harris have an opportunity on making our shared world a more to provide new foreign policy leadership peaceful, sustainable and equal place towards Latin and South America, and the for all its citizens. Caribbean. @SFIntDept www.sinnfein.ie @sinnfeininternational
11 INTERNATIONAL BULLETIN Sinn Féin MPs speak to Bahraini pro-democracy campaigners Sinn Féin MPs met virtually “In supporting the Bahraini with Bahraini pro-democra- regime, the British Govern- cy campaigners to discuss ment are a barrier to lasting human rights abuses in the peace and democracy in the country. region. The briefing was facilitated “Sinn Féin calls for the by the Dublin based Europe- immediate release of Hassan an Centre for Democracy and Mushaima, alongside dual Human Rights (ECDHR). Swedish citizen Sheikh Ab- Speaking after meeting duljalil Al-Muqdad and dual with Dr Saeed Al-Sheha- Danish citizen Abdulhadi bi and Ali Mushaima, son Al-Khawaja; and all political of the political prisoner of civil rights in Bahrain. restrictions on phone calls to prisoners in Bahrain. conscience Hasan Mushaima, “It is particularly troubling loved ones. “We will be raising these is- Francie Molloy MP said: to hear about the treatment “The British Government sues directly with the Minister “It is very disheartening to of political prisoners, with continues to turn a blind eye for Foreign Affairs in Dublin hear about the continued de- reports of arbitrary denial to the human rights abuses in and British Government Min- nial of basic democratic and of medical assistance and Bahrain. isters.” MacManus challenges EU project on inclusion of Israeli police as partner Sinn Féin MEP Chris MacManus has written to the coordinator of an EU project which has collaborated with the Israeli police force involved in developing new speech and facial recognitions technol- ogies. MacManus believes the Israeli police may use these tools to increase surveillance on Palestine’s civilian population. MacManus commented: “It was brought to my attention that one of the project partners of the EU ROXANNE project is the Israeli Ministry of Public Security. This will be of concern to many European citizens, as the Ministry is responsible for the Israeli police, an organisation linked to crimes such as torture, extrajudicial killings and the torture of children. “My understanding is that the nature of the EU project concerns combining new speech technologies, face recognition and network analysis to facilitate the identification of criminals. Specifically, ROXANNE will develop a platform that will increase agencies’ capa- bilities via voice recognition, language and video technologies.” “My concern is the Israeli Ministry of Public Security will utilise its participation in the project to further develop its own capabilities in this area. An increase in the Israeli police’s capacity is likely to result in further surveillance of the civilian Palestinian population, in concerns have now been brought to the attention of the European a search for opponents to Israel’s occupation. Eventually leading to Commission. The coordinator believes the Commission is responsible increased detentions and a high likelihood of torture.” for authorising any proposed partner, therefore they also hold the The Midlands Northwest MEP said accountability was necessary. responsibility for any ethical breaches.” “This project received 7 million euros of EU funds; I believe it should “I do not buy this argument; both the project coordinators and therefore be accountable to EU taxpayers. In order to save the credi- Commission have allowed this to happen.” bility of the project, I requested the Israeli Ministry of Public Security MacManus concluded: “I will await the Commission’s response be- be removed as a partner. Respect for moral values must underpin all fore deciding what further action to take. In the meantime, as I have financial support from EU citizens.” already requested, the Garda Síochána should withdraw from the “The project coordinator did respond to my letter, saying my project in protest at the Israeli polices’ continued inclusion.”. Keep up to date with us on Twitter - follow @sinnfeinireland Mary Lou McDonald TD @SFIntDept Michelle O’Neill MLA Sinn Féin @MaryLouMcDonald @moneillsf @sinnfeinireland @SFIntDept www.sinnfein.ie @sinnfeininternational
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