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VICTORIA HALL REDEVELOPMENT MICROCLIMATE STUDY Fig. 1. Victoria Hall Redevelopment from Gottingen Street looking South THE PROPOSAL The proposed 12-storey (plus penthouse) multi-unit de- velopment will replace a 3-storey rear portion of Victoria Hall (VH) which is being removed as part of the develop- ment plan (see Figure 2). The site lies just west of an exist- Prevailing ing 10-storey block tower and a range of different building Winter Wind heights around It. Just to the north of this site, is the George Dixon Park (See Fig 3). The following qualitative wind assessment analyzes the * probable qualitative wind impacts on surrounding proper- Prevailing ties and public spaces as a result of the removal of the 3 Summer Wind storey building at the back of Victoria Hall and replacement with a single 12-storey building. This assessment follows the protocols outlined in the Centre Plan Land Use Bylaw (Appendix 1). Fig. 2. Site Map tel. +902 461 2525 l web: www.fathomstudio.ca 1
VICTORIA HALL: MICROCLIMATE STUDY 11 10 7 10 4 4 10 4 4 3 10 3 3 Fig. 3. Surrounding Building Heights looking North Fig. 4. Seasonal distribution of winds approaching Shearwater Airport (1988–2017) 2
METHODOLOGY rarely exceed 30km/hr in the summer (May to Oct), while in the winter (Nov-Apr) wind speeds over 30km/hr can occur This microclimate study was designed to estimate human as frequently as 9% of the time. This means that winter thermal comfort changes resulting from changes to wind wind conditions are much more likely to impact human conditions and solar conditions surrounding the new de- thermal comfort around the new building, and most of velopment. For this assessment a series of computer simu- these winds come from the prevailing north-western quad- lations were prepared using a 3D solar modelling appli- rant. In the summer months, wind speeds between 11-30 cation and a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model to km/hr occur about 65% of the time from the south-western assess changes at the ground level for a variety of pedes- quadrant so in the summer the prevailing wind direction is trian activity types. from the south-west. WIND DATA PEDESTRIAN COMFORT: Wind data was gathered from the local Shearwater Airport Pedestrian comfort and safety is an important consider- between 1988 and 2017 to understand the intensity, fre- ation in the design of new developments in downtowns. quency, and direction of winds near the proposed site. The Building height and massing can have considerable im- resulting diagrams (Fig. 4) were taken from the Centre Plan pacts on human thermal comfort at the street-level im- Land Use Bylaw for the key study periods (May to October pacting the livability and walkability of neighbourhoods, and Nov to April). These charts show that the highest and snow loading on adjacent roofs and the general environ- most frequent wind speeds annually and then monthly dur- mental conditions in neighbourhoods. ing the summer and winter. The coastal conditions in Hali- fax bring winds from many different directions throughout The Beaufort scale is an empirical measure that relates the year resulting in prevailing winds mostly from south wind speed to observed conditions on land and sea. The and southwest in the summer and from the northwest in attached Beaufort scale (Figure 5) is a general summary of the winter. For most of the year, winds rarely come from how wind affects people and different activities, and distin- the north-east or south-east quadrant. The wind simula- guishes at what points wind speeds can become uncom- tions therefore focus on winds from the north-west and fortable or dangerous. Wind speed is only one variable of south-west quadrants mainly. In this location, wind speeds human thermal comfort as described below. Fig. 5. Beaufort Scale 2-5 mph 3-8 km/hr calm Direction shown by smoke drift but not by wind vanes 5-7 mph 8-11 km/hr light breeze Wind felt on face; leaves rustle; wind vane moved by wind 7-10 mph 11-16 km/hr gentle breeze Leaves and small twigs in constant motion; light flags extended 10-15 mph 16-24 km/hr moderate breeze Raises dust and loose paper; small branches moved. 15-20 mph 24-32 km/hr fresh breeze Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested wavelets form on inland waters. +20 mph > 32 km/hr strong breeze Large branches in motion; whistling heard in tele- graph wires; umbrellas used with difficulty. tel. +902 461 2525 l web: www.fathomstudio.ca 3
VICTORIA HALL: MICROCLIMATE STUDY URBAN WINDBREAK pressure at the top down the windward face increas- ing pedestrian wind speeds. The taller the exposed IMPACTS face is, the higher the wind speed will be at the base. The stepback surrounding the proposed tower at the Wake zones for zero porosity structures can extend 8-30 third storeys will receive the bulk of this downwash times the height of a structure. A 12-storey building (36m) instead of the streets and surrounding properties. can generate increased wind speeds between 0.3 - 1km 2. The corner effect: at the windward corners of build- on the downwind side (see Fig. 6 and 7). Beyond the wake ings there can be unexpected increases in wind zone, there is typically more turbulence and eddies as a speeds as wind forces around the windward corners result of more turbulent air. This can be characterized as from high pressure on the windward face to low pres- being slightly more gusty winds with quiet periods inter- sure on the lee side. Some of the ways to decrease this spersed with gusts of wind. Directly behind the windbreak, impact is to create pyramidal steps which increases the quiet zone can extend from 0 to 8 times the height on the surface area of the edges. the downwind side. In this quiet zone, wind speeds can be 3. The Wake Effect: Wake is generally caused by both somewhat reduced causing a ‘wind shadow’. Around the the downwash and corner effect. The greatest impact edges of the building, wind speeds can increase as wind area occurs within an area of direct proportion to the flows around the structure. tower height and width on the lee side of the wind. Impacts are minimized by creating a stepback base on WIND IMPACTS FROM TALL BUILDINGS the building. There will be a number of aerodynamic impacts from a 4. Building Groups: The effects that occur individually new tall building including: around buildings cannot be applied directly to groups of buildings. The cumulative effect of many clustered 1. Downwash: Wind speed increases with the surface tall buildings, like in this situation, can create a wide area of the building (i.e. height and width) so when a range of different wind scenarios that must be mod- tower is exposed to wind, the pressure differential be- elled as a group to understand the cumulative im- tween the top and the bottom of tower forces the high pacts. Downwash The Corner Effect The Wake Effect Building Groupings Fig. 6. Wind impacts on and from buildings in downtowns 4
VICTORIA HALL: MICROCLIMATE STUDY WIND IMPACTS FROM els and are still time consuming and expensive. Results from CFD wind simulation are considered to be a reliable THE NEW BUILD sources of quantitative and qualitative data and are fre- quently used to make important design decisions. For this To simulate the impacts of different wind conditions and wind assessment, a CFD model was employed using the 3D directions resulting from the building, Fathom employed a model of the existing version of the building (simplified to CFD simulation (Computational Fluid Dynamics) to model reduce modelling complexity) and a the proposed future the wind impacts at different times of the year. The CFD building. The simulation was set at a starting wind velocity was constructed using Ansys Discovery 2021 which is a of 15 m/s or 54 km/hr (yellow) to match the frequency an- platform commonly used for steady state wind simula- alysis of the Shearwater wind data, and the simulation was tions. CFD simulations are now being widely used for the allowed to run until steady state was achieved. Both ex- prediction and assessment of pedestrian wind comfort en- isting conditions and future conditions were simulated to vironments and high-rise building aerodynamics. There are show the difference between the anticipated wind condi- various types of wind analysis that can be carried out using tions today and the changes resulting from the new tower a CFD and they provide a high predictive qualitative as- behind Victoria Hall. sessment but more detailed quantitative assessments still As noted previously, the western semi-circle (360 degrees employ wind tunnels to measure actual wind speeds. Wind to 180 degrees counterclockwise), accounts for most of tunnels require the construction of scaled physical mod- the high wind conditions that would create uncomfortable Fig. 8. North Wind Existing KM/Hr M/S EXISTING CONDITIONS 65 18.1 58.8 15.1 50.6 43.4 12.1 36 9 28.9 21.7 6 14.4 3 7.2 0 0.00 6
conditions for pedestrians. For this reason, our analysis fo- reduce wind sheer travelling down the building, instead cuses on this semi-circle at 45 degree intervals. Generally focusing it on the fourth storey terraces. Victoria Hall will speaking, the area around the proposed building is mixed provide a 3-storey wind break for wind sheer from the tow- height with a range of low rise, mid rise and high rise tow- er between the tower and Gottingen Street. The main en- ers within a few blocks of the site. The Gottingen neigh- trance also includes a large canopy and inset doors to pro- bourhood in and around the site is also blessed with a ma- vide additional wind protection from downdrafts and wake ture urban forest which reduces windspeeds at the ground effects near the entry. Additional articulation of the street- level most of the year (more pronounced in the summer wall creates additional building complexity designed to re- with full canopy). Trees were not considered in the simu- duce wind effects at the street while providing architectural lation due to the complexity of modelling, but they would articulation of the ground floors from the street. The para- have a further dampening effect on wind speeds. pets added to the top floor and 4th floor stepbacks will also capture much of the downdraft wind reducing street level impacts. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS All of these architectural features have been purposely de- The proposed building has been purposely designed to signed by Fathom’s architects to reduce wind and provide reduce wind impacts with a 3-storey streetwall employing architectural articulation and visual interest to the building. a 6m stepback on the Maynard side of the building and a The 4th storey roof-deck on the new building will have to partial 2m stepback behind Victoria Hall. These stepbacks be designed for some gusting on the Maynard side of the Fig. 9. North Wind Future KM/Hr M/S FUTURE CONDITIONS 65 18.1 58.8 15.1 50.6 43.4 12.1 36 9 28.9 21.7 6 14.4 3 7.2 0 0.00 tel. +902 461 2525 l web: www.fathomstudio.ca 7
VICTORIA HALL: MICROCLIMATE STUDY roof-deck. The wind impacts vary around the building de- NORTH WIND IMPACTS (FIG 8 & 9) pending on the prevailing direction of the wind, and the Winds from the north are not overly frequent in the sum- wind speeds. In some places wind speeds will increase mer, but are a little more frequent in the winter. For ex- but in many areas, the higher building will create a greater ample, wind speeds over 30 km/hr only happen about 1-2% wind shadow than exists today. of the time in the winter and less than .5% of the time in the To keep the model simple (CFD’s are notoriously compu- summer. The CFD simulation was set to start in the windi- tationally intensive simulations), we did not model trees est conditions starting at 14m/s (Yellow) in order to model which can further reduce wind speeds at the ground by a worst case scenario for pedestrian comfort. Areas in or- creating additional surface roughness. The simulations ange and red are areas where wind speeds will be acceler- were run approximately 6’ (2m) off the ground. We mod- ated at a higher wind speed than the starting wind speed elled existing conditions and future conditions from all dir- (15 m/s to > 18 m/s). ections to contrast the differences that result from the new Looking at the existing and future conditions, the wind building. shadow is much more pronounced (see purple and blue areas) in the future condition and there are slightly lower wind speeds on Gottingen and Maynard. There is slightly windier conditions (orange and red) to the property west of the new building. Gottingen in front of VH gets slightly less windier than today. Fig. 10. Northwest Wind Ex- isting KM/Hr M/S EXISTING CONDITIONS 65 18.1 58.8 15.1 50.6 43.4 12.1 36 9 28.9 21.7 6 14.4 3 7.2 0 0.00 8
NORTH-WEST WIND IMPACTS (FIG 10 & 11) WEST WIND IMPACTS (FIG 12 & 13) Winds from the northwest are the most frequent prevail- Winds from the west are the fairly frequent in the winter ing wind direction in the winter and is fairly frequent in and relatively infrequent in the summer. Even though this the Summer. Even though this direction is prevailing, wind direction is prevailing, wind speeds over 30 km/hr only speeds over 30 km/hr only occur about 1% of the time from occur about 1% of the time from the northwest. the northwest. The CFD simulation was set to start in the windiest condi- The CFD simulation was set to start in the windiest condi- tions starting at 14m/s (Yellow) in order to model a worst tions starting at 14m/s (Yellow) in order to model a worst case scenario for pedestrian comfort. Areas in orange and case scenario for pedestrian comfort. Areas in orange and red are areas where wind speeds will be accelerated at a red are areas where wind speeds will be accelerated at a higher wind speed than the starting wind speed (15 m/s higher wind speed than the starting wind speed (15 m/s to > 18 m/s to > 18 m/s Looking at the existing and future conditions, winds from Looking at the existing and future conditions, there is very the west direction create slightly windier conditions on a a slight increase in wind speeds on Gottingen Street when portion of Gottingen Street right in front of VH and for a winds come from the north-west though it is less windy in small portion of Maynard Street south of the new building the park across the street. There is little change on May- (though portions of Maynard in and around the school get nard Street but slightly windier conditions at the back of less windy). VH. Fig. 11. Northwest Wind Future KM/Hr M/S FUTURE CONDITIONS 65 18.1 58.8 15.1 50.6 43.4 12.1 36 9 28.9 21.7 6 14.4 3 7.2 0 0.00 tel. +902 461 2525 l web: www.fathomstudio.ca 9
VICTORIA HALL: MICROCLIMATE STUDY Fig. 12. West Wind Existing KM/Hr M/S EXISTING CONDITIONS 65 18.1 58.8 15.1 50.6 43.4 12.1 36 9 28.9 21.7 6 14.4 3 7.2 0 0.00 Fig. 13. Southwest Wind Existing KM/Hr M/S EXISTING CONDITIONS 65 18.1 58.8 15.1 50.6 43.4 12.1 36 9 28.9 21.7 6 14.4 3 7.2 0 0.00 10
Fig. 14. West Wind Future KM/Hr M/S FUTURE CONDITIONS 65 18.1 58.8 15.1 50.6 43.4 12.1 36 9 28.9 21.7 6 14.4 3 7.2 0 0.00 Fig. 15. Southwest Wind Future KM/Hr M/S FUTURE CONDITIONS 65 18.1 58.8 15.1 50.6 43.4 12.1 36 9 28.9 21.7 6 14.4 3 7.2 0 0.00 tel. +902 461 2525 l web: www.fathomstudio.ca 11
VICTORIA HALL: MICROCLIMATE STUDY Fig. 16. South Wind Existing EXISTING CONDITIONS KM/Hr M/S 65 18.1 58.8 15.1 50.6 43.4 12.1 36 9 28.9 21.7 6 14.4 3 7.2 0 0.00 There are little or no impacts to wind speeds on Gottingen SOUTH-WEST WIND IMPACTS (FIG 14 & 153) or Maynard when winds come from this direction. South-west winds are frequent in the summer months but fairly infrequent in the winter months. Even though this SOUTH WIND IMPACTS (FIG 16 & 17) direction is prevailing in the summer, wind speeds over 30 South winds are one of the most frequent wind direction km/hr only occur less than 1% of the time from the south- in the summer in Halifax, but are fairly rare in the winter. west. In the winter, this direction occurs less than 2% of Winds rarely exceed 30 km/hr from the south in the sum- the time. mer and winter. The CFD simulation was set to start in the windiest condi- The CFD simulation was set to start in the windiest condi- tions starting at 14m/s (Yellow) in order to model a worst tions starting at 14m/s (Yellow) in order to model a worst case scenario for pedestrian comfort. Areas in orange and case scenario for pedestrian comfort. Areas in orange and red are areas where wind speeds will be accelerated at a red are areas where wind speeds will be accelerated at a higher wind speed than the starting wind speed (15 m/s higher wind speed than the starting wind speed (15 m/s to > 18 m/s to > 18 m/s Comparing the existing and future wind condition maps, Looking at the existing and future conditions, winds from the new building actually improves the wind conditions the south direction generally slow the wind speeds on in the park across the street but there are slightly windier Gottingen and Maynard. The west corner of the building conditions in the immediate vicinity of the new Building. 12
Fig. 17. South Wind Future FUTURE CONDITIONS KM/Hr M/S 65 18.1 58.8 15.1 50.6 43.4 12.1 36 9 28.9 21.7 6 14.4 3 7.2 0 0.00 makes for a slightly windier spot at the west of the new building. The reaar of VH is windier in the future with winds from the south. WIND IMPACTS: OTHER DIRECTIONS The other wind directions are infrequent enough that winds from other directions (10-170 degrees) will have very little impact as a result of the new building. For the purpose of wind studies in HRM, these directions have been disregarded for modelling due to their infrequent nature. OTHER DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS More often than not, this building could cause additional wind shadows (less windy conditions) surrounding the development which improves the human thermal comfort from wind gusts, but this in turn, creates some additional snow loading on surrounding properties as wind speeds are reduced causing snow to deposit faster. In the winter, there could be some additional snow loading on the roofs and properties of the properties to the south of the new development. tel. +902 461 2525 l web: www.fathomstudio.ca 13
+1 month 06:05 20:02 13:57 01:17 shorter 05:33 20:34 15:01 01:26 shorter +2 months 06:43 19:05 12:22 02:52 shorter 06:13 19:35 13:22 03:05 shorter +3 months 07:22 18:08 10:46 04:28 shorter 06:52 18:39 11:47 04:40 shorter +6 months 07:37 16:46 9:09 06:05 shorter 07:04 17:19 10:15 06:12 shorter VICTORIA HALL: MICROCLIMATE STUDY Notes: Daylight saving time, * = Next day. Change preferences. Sydney, Canada - Sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk times, graph SHADE STUDY © Gaisma.com 23 22 21 20 During the summer solstice (June 21) Halifax receives 15.46 19 18 hours of sunlight with sunrise at 5:29 am and sunset at 8:53 17 16 pm. At the equinox (Sept 21 and March 21), Halifax gets 15 14 12.12 hours of sunlight with sunrise at 6:46 am and sunset 13 12 at 6:59 pm. On the shortest day of the year (winter solstice, 11 10 9 Dec 21), Halifax gets 8.37 hours of sunlight with sunrise at 8 7 7:40 am and sunset at 4:17 pm. 6 5 4 To study the shade impacts of the new building, a 3D model 3 2 of the site and surrounding context was constructed using Sydney, Canada - Sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk times for the whole year - Gaisma 1, 2020-07-20T16:08 a terrain model made from existing the topographic survey I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII using the city’s LIDAR database. The building was simulat- Darkness Dawn Sunshine Dusk Notes: How to read this graph? Change preferences. © Gaisma.com Date: N 2019-01-18 Time: 19:45 Sun path ed at the equinox period as recommended in the land use 330 30 Today Size: More: 10° June solstice bylaw to assess the shade impacts at the mid point of the 20° December solstice 20:56 30° 05:09 year. The model does not include trees which create addi- Annual variation 40° Sydney, Canada 300 - Sun path diagram 06 60 Equinox (March and September) 20:44 50° 05:30 tional shade conditions except in winter for hardwood tree Sunrise/sunset 60° 06 species. 70° Sunrise 18 80° Sunset The 3D computer model was placed in real-work space and W 18 09 E Time 15 09 00-02 assessed on an hourly basis for the Spring and Fall Equinox 12 03-05 15 12 06-08 (March 21 and September 21) periods. These simulations 09-11 240 120 12-14 provide a good overview of the intermediate shade condi- 16:18 07:40 15-17 tions which occur twice per year. 15 09 18-20 12 21-23 210 150 Equinox (March 21 and September 21): In the Equinox,, 2020-07-20T16:08 S https://www.gaisma.com/en/location/sydney.html the sunrise is at 7:00am and sundown is at 7:22pm giving Notes: • = Daylight saving time, * = Next day. How to read this graph? Change preferences. only about 12 hours of sunlight. At 8:00am and 7:00pm, Size: + - Reset the shadows are the longest (sun angles are low) so even a Sydney, Canada - Seasons graph and Earth's orbit tree can shade an area for very long distances up to 10x the height of the object. © Gaisma.com Events Today Because the building is next door to a 10 storey building, its X II I December solstice additional shade impacts will be minimal when compared to I I March equinox X I existing Conditions. While the diagram may look like a large 1.02 AU June solstice September equinox area east of the new building are impacted, when compared 1 AU Perihelion [?] II I Aphelion [?] X 0.98 AU with existing conditions, there are only a few areas that re- Earth's orbit ceive slightly less sunlight per day during the equinox. The This year schoolyard of Joe Howe School would be in shade for one Min, years 1600–2600 [?] IV IX Max, years 1600–2600 [?] hour in the morning, and much of George Dixon Park would Variation, years 1600–2600 not be impacted except the corner of Gottingen and Sunrise Seasons Winter II V VI Walk. Some of the townhomes on Uniacke Street will have Spring VII VI Summer about an hour or two less sunlight per day during the equi- Fall, 2020-07-20T16:08 nox but most of these are already impacted by the existing Notes: Earth's orbit is highly exaggerated for illustrative purposes. Change preferences. 10-storey Sunrise Manour. Size: 14 Next Previous Event Date Time to
FIG 8. SHADE STUDY Fig 16. Equinox (Sept 21 & Mar 21) HUMAN THERMAL strongly depend on individual activity when they are sit- ting, standing, walking or running. Someone sitting is un- COMFORT comfortable in lower wind speeds than someone running or jogging. The comfort level also depends on the amount Human comfort in an outdoor space is dependant on a of time that the person experiences the windy conditions. number of variables including wind speed, activity level Generally, the Lawson model assumes that the wind (sitting, walking, running), long-wave radiation (sunlight speeds are exceeded less than 5% of the time (3 minutes emitted from the sun), temperature, shortwave radiation per hour). The Lawson criteria can be divided into a range (heat emitted from surrounding buildings and site fea- of activity criteria comfort levels depending on wind speed. tures), clothing level (partially to fully clothed), and relative In our wind simulations, wind speeds which do not exceed humidity. The combination of variables can be very com- 4 m/s (Purple our wind plots) are generally comfortable for plex on any site leading to a wide range of human thermal sitting. Once the color changes to blue (6m/s) the areas are comfort outcomes. But many cities have developed criteria comfortable for standing but a little uncomfortable for sit- of comfort based on wind alone to determine relative com- ting. Once the colour reaches light blue in our plots (8 m/s), fort levels in different wind conditions. the area is comfortable for strolling but a little uncomfort- able for sitting or standing. Once wind speeds reach green in our plots (10 m/s), the areas are comfortable for brisk LAWSON WIND CRITERIA. walking. If the 10 m/s wind speed is sustained for more Lawson criteria, are a series of comfort criteria categories than 3-5 minutes it could start to get uncomfortable even that quantify the worst wind conditions that most passers- brisk walking. At wind speeds over 15 m/s for more than a by will consider acceptable. Levels of pedestrian comfort tel. +902 461 2525 l web: www.fathomstudio.ca 15
VICTORIA HALL: MICROCLIMATE STUDY minute (red in our plots), it is unsafe for elderly frail people. Once wind speeds exceed 20 m/s for more than a minute, it is unsafe for many people. KM/Hr M/S 81 22.6 72 18.9 63 54 15 S 45 11.3 36 D&E 27 7.5 C B 18 3.8 A 9 0 0.00 BUILDING AND SPACE CONSIDERATIONS The following is a summary of key microclimatic issues that will need to be addressed by the design team relating to reducing impacts from the new building: 1. The stepback at the 4th storey surrounding the entire building is important for reducing downdrafts on the sur- rounding neighbourhoods. 2. The extended cantilevered patios create surface friction which helps to break up wind speeds from the north-west direction (prevailing winter). 3. Additional building articulation below the streetwall will further reduce wind speeds near the street. 4. The main entry canopy on Maynard Street will successfully reduce downdrafts near the entrance of the building. 5. There will be some additional snow drifting to the south of the new building due to the wind shadow created by the building. 6. Maintaining or adding new trees on Maynard and Gottingen Street will be important to reducing wind impacts from the new building. Any trees lost during construction should be replaced with wind tolerant large caliper species. 16
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