Page created by Alexander Estrada
                                               TRANSFORMING RESEARCH TO IMPACT LIVES
                                               OUR VISION FOR THE FUTURE

Canadian Institutes   Instituts de recherche
of Health Research    en santé du Canada
Transforming Research
     to Impact Lives
                  Our Vision for the Future

        Canadian Institutes   Instituts de recherche
        of Health Research    en santé du Canada

At the Canadian Institutes of Health Research          The Institute of Infection and Immunity (III)
(CIHR), we know that research has the power            invests in research on infectious diseases
to change lives. As Canada’s health research           and the body’s immune system. Through this
investment agency, we collaborate with                 research, III addresses a wide range of health
partners and researchers to support the                concerns related to infection and immunity,
discoveries and innovations that improve our           including disease prevention and treatment,
health and strengthen our health care system           as well as public health promotion

Canadian Institutes of Health Research                 CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity
160 Elgin Street, 9th Floor                            McMaster University, Department of Medicine
Address Locator 4809A                                  Michael DeGroote Centre for Learning
Ottawa, ON K1A 0W9                                     and Discovery
www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca                                    1280 Main Street West
                                                       Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1

Also available on the Web in PDF and HTML formats      © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (2021)
                                                       Cat. No. MR2-24/2021E-PDF
                                                       ISBN 978-0-660-39256-1

6    Message from the      13 Strength
     Scientific Director      in Numbers

8    Strategy at           14 Maximizing
     a Glance                 the Impact of
                              Our Strategic
10 The Institute and          Investments
   the Power of
   Science in the          16 Defining New
   21st Century               Directions for 21st
                              Century Infection
12   About the                Immunity Science
                           16 Our
18 Overview of       34 Performance
   Strategic Goals      Monitoring
                        & Learning

20 Global Threats    34 Impact

22 21st Century      35 Acknowledgments
   Infection &
   Immunity          37 Contact
   in Canada

26 Building

28 Infection &

30 Cross-Cutting
Message from the
Scientific Director

Dear Colleagues,

A lot has changed since we started the           Thanks to the resilience of our researchers
planning process in Fall of 2019 for the CIHR    and the excellent stewardship of my
Institute of Infection and Immunity (III)’s      predecessors, Drs. Bhagirath Singh and
Strategic Plan 2021-2026. In the short span      Marc Ouellette, infection and immunity
of 18 months, we have experienced first-         research in Canada has grown into a
hand how a new, untreatable infectious           thriving, well-established community over
disease can have a vast impact on every          the last 20 years.
aspect of our lives. The COVID-19 pandemic
magnified the substantial health inequities      Now, we need to build on our
that exist around the world, including here in
Canada. The continued egregious instances
                                                 successes and foster a more
of discrimination against Indigenous             connected, inclusive, and diverse
communities and communities marginalized         scientific community, well-
by race, including Black communities and
other people of color, have further amplified
                                                 equipped to solve the complex
the urgency to eliminate racism in research      global issues and the emerging
and the research environment and address         health challenges of the 21st
the underlying social determinants of health
that perpetuate health disparities. Now more
                                                 century. Only through innovative
than ever, all eyes are focused on research      and transdisciplinary approaches
to aid in the betterment of society, and we      can we tackle future pandemics,
must leverage the power of science to help
address these global health issues.
                                                 climate change and growing
                                                 prevalence of chronic diseases
                                                 and antimicrobial resistance.

6 | Message from the Scientific Director                          CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN
I am excited to announce our Strategic Plan        has tirelessly guided us through our
2021-2026. This plan is bold and forward           engagement with our communities, and
looking—it demonstrates commitment to              provided valuable feedback to improve our
build and enable leadership capacity in            plan at each milestone of the development
Canada, focuses on strategic areas that need       process. Finally, I would like to thank the
attention now, and provides flexibility to pivot   research community and CIHR management
to emerging issues that may require surge          for entrusting me with this important
capacity. It achieves impact by enabling diverse   role. I feel privileged and honored to lead
and inter- and transdisciplinary team science      this Institute into its next phase, and I am
to lead the way. It also supports the intentions   optimistic that by working together, we
of the CIHR Strategic Plan 2021-2031, which        will drive excellent infection and immunity
provides an overarching strategy for CIHR to       research for equitable health outcomes in
demonstrably improve the health of people          Canada and around the world.
in Canada and throughout the world.

I would like to express my sincere thanks
to the close to 750 Canadian stakeholders
and international partners who shared their
ideas, knowledge, and time with us during
our consultation process. I sincerely hope
you will see yourself reflected in this plan. A
special thanks to my Institute team for their
singular dedication, and other CIHR Institutes,
especially the Institute of Indigenous Peoples’
Health (IIPH), and our CIHR colleagues in          Charu Kaushic, PhD
Ottawa for their steady support throughout         Scientific Director,
this process. Our Institute Advisory Board         Institute of Infection and Immunity

Message from the Scientific Director                             CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 7
Strategy at a Glance

The Institute of Infection and Immunity (III),   We are dedicated to creating
one of the 13 virtual CIHR institutes, has
                                                 a research environment that
the mandate to support research and build
capacity in the areas of infectious disease      propels Canada to the forefront
and the immune system. Our mandate               as a global leader in infection
transcends disciplines and encompasses all
                                                 and immunity research while also
four CIHR health research pillars: biomedical,
clinical, health systems services and            supporting the delivery of CIHR’s
population health.                               mandate and strategic priorities.
                                                 We envision an Institute that
The III Strategic Plan 2021-2026 focuses on
a shared responsibility between III and our      is home to a diverse community
research community to work together on           of highly- connected researchers
21st century problems. Through our position
                                                 that collaboratively drive
within CIHR and our connections with other
CIHR institutes, we amplify opportunities        research impact through strong
for our research community.                      partnerships with people with
                                                 living and lived experience,
                                                 health practitioners, the public,
                                                 industry, decision makers, and
                                                 international allies. Together,
                                                 we will strive to leverage the
                                                 power of science to achieve
                                                 equitable health outcomes for
                                                 all in the 21st century.

8 | Strategy at a Glance                                     CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN
Our Strategic

Cross-Cutting Principles

    Equity, Diversity                Global             Communications
    & Inclusion (EDI)                Threats             & Engagement

                       Infection                    Century
                      & Immunity     Strategic     Infection
                      Knowledge        Goals     & Immunity
                      Mobilization                 Priorities
                                                  in Canada


     Collaborations                                        Monitoring
     & Partnerships                                        & Learning

                                                            Champion rights,
Our Values                                                  anti-racism and
                                                            gender equity

Act with integrity,                                             Achieve
transparency, and                                               organizational
    accountability                                              excellence

         Be flexible                                        Foster
      and proactive                                        evidence-based
                                                           decision making
The Institute & the                Even before COVID-19 struck in 2020, 6
                                   out of 13 of the WHO’s list 1 of most urgent
Power of Science                   threats to global health over the next

in the 21st Century                decade were either driven by infectious
                                   disease or were linked to infection and
                                   immunity-related challenges. These included
                                   epidemics, the spread of infectious disease,
Infection & Immunity               antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the climate
Research Matters                   crisis, health inequity, and water sanitation
                                   and hygiene in healthcare settings. Even as
If ever there was a time           major progress has been made by prevention
                                   efforts, timely diagnosis and safe, effective
when infection and immunity        and affordable treatments in reducing the
research was at the forefront      incidence, morbidity and mortality from
of everyone’s mind, the years      HIV, TB, and viral hepatitis, the work is
                                   far from over. We need to accelerate our
of the COVID-19 pandemic           efforts if we are to meet the international
were it! The rapid spread of       targets, including the 2030 UN Sustainable
SARS-CoV-2 resulted in a           Development Goals, the UNAIDS 90–90–
                                   90 - An ambitious treatment target to
major upheaval to lives, health    help end the AIDS epidemic and the WHO
systems, and economies             End TB Strategy, all endorsed by Canada.
around the world. Science          Other global threats such as vector-borne
                                   infections driven by climate change and
has been the lifeline that         AMR continue to grow and cannot be solved
allowed us to develop and          by any one nation. Only through global
apply the medical and social       solidarity and creativity will we avert these
                                   looming crises.
countermeasures needed to
exit from this global health       While controlling infectious diseases
emergency. It is also the pillar   remains an urgent priority, death rates
                                   from chronic diseases are rising and before
on which we can lean on to         COVID-19, contributed to over 50% of deaths
address emerging challenges        worldwide2. Canada’s top two causes of
like variants, collateral          death, cancer and heart disease3, are both
                                   driven and exacerbated by inflammation and
impact of COVID-19, recovery       dysregulated immunity. Immunity research
from the current pandemic          has been a cornerstone in advancing
and preparation for future         treatments for chronic diseases in the

global pandemics.
                                   1 https://www.who.int/news-room/photo-story/photo-story-detail/
                                   2 https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-
                                   3 https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1310039401

10 | Power of Science                                       CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN
6 out of 13 of the
         WHO’s most urgent
       threats to global health
        are linked to infection
        and immunity related

past decade, as we learned to manipulate         Looking ahead, III and the Canadian infection
immune responses for novel and effective         and immunity research community are
interventions. However, a persistent             well positioned within a rapidly changing
sedentary lifestyle, environmental pollutants,   research environment to continue leading –
unhealthy diet, and aging will continue to       nationally and globally – the development
feed into the chronic disease epidemic.          of innovative solutions for the infection and
Solving these challenging issues through         immunity challenges of the 21st century. We
research will depend on our capacity to          believe the current Strategic Plan will enable
understand and address the intersections         us, together with our research community,
between social, environmental and                to be proactive and strategic in tackling
biological factors.                              these infection and immunity challenges
                                                 with confidence.

Power of Science                                               CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 11
The Institute
                                                          strategic             of Canada
III is one of the 13 Institutes of the Canadian
                                                         initiatives            Priorities
Institutes of Health Research, Canada’s health
research investment agency. Our mandate
is to support research, build capacity and
mobilize knowledge in the areas of infectious        National Variants Leadership Group. Our
disease and the immune system. This mandate          Institute also contributed to the development
transcends disciplines and encompasses               of Canadian strategies to guide multi-
all four CIHR health research pillars.               sectoral and concerted actions to address
                                                     major health concerns, including the Pan-
Since 2001, we have led and collaborated on          Canadian AMR Framework, the forthcoming
strategic opportunities to address the needs         Pan-Canadian AMR Action Plan, and the
and priorities within the Canadian infection         Pan-Canadian STBBI Framework for Action
and immunity research environment and                and its five-year Action Plan.
catalyze and synergize the excellent research
supported by CIHR’s investigator-initiated           III has also contributed to Canada’s leadership
program. Currently, we support researchers           on the global stage. To this end, Dr. Kaushic,
through 28 ongoing strategic initiatives,            as CIHR’s representative, was elected as the
including major strategic initiatives like           Chair of the Global Research Collaboration for
vaccines, human immunology, and microbiome.          Infectious Disease Preparedness (GloPID-R),
We also provide scientific and strategic             and a member of the Steering Committee
leadership for 6 Government of Canada                of the Joint Programming Initiative on AMR
Priorities relevant to III’s mandate, including      (JPIAMR). GloPID-R is a global consortium of
the Sexually Transmitted and Blood-Borne             funders that aims to enable a coordinated,
Infection (STBBI) Research Initiative (formerly      rapid and effective research response to
the HIV/AIDS Research Initiative), AMR Initiative,   infectious disease threats and JPIAMR is
Canadian Immunization Research Network and           a global collaborative aiming to curb AMR
the Hepatitis C Initiative. In 2020-21 III also      with a One Health approach.
contributed significantly to CIHR’s COVID-19
research response.                                   Through our programs and leadership roles,
                                                     we also elevate the profiles of Canadian
As part of CIHR, we work closely with other          researchers by connecting them with
government departments and agencies so               the global research community through
that emerging evidence for major public              participation in funding programs and
health issues is brought to decision makers.         international organizations, thereby creating
In her function as Scientific Director of III,       opportunities for international leadership
Dr. Kaushic participates in multiple national        and global knowledge exchange.
leadership tables and has advised decision-
makers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This            Overall, we work to leverage funding, form
includes roles as Coordinator of the Immune          partnerships, share resources, mobilize
Science Group and Executive Committee                knowledge, communicate with our community
member of the COVID-19 Canadian Immunity             and the public, and amplify the impact of
Task Force (CITF), as well as member of the          research in Canada and abroad.

12 | The Institute                                                     CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN
Strength                                     Scientific Leadership on
                                             Government of Canada Priorities
in Numbers
                                             Scientific leadership
2,913 infection and immunity                 on initiatives from
stakeholders & partners                      6 Government of
connected to III                             Canada Priorities
                                             representing an
                                             annual budget of

Catalyzing Research
& Fostering Partnerships
Annually, Infection &
Immunity research leverages

in partnership

191                   84                     Led or helped shaped
                                             an investment of
research projects     national and
                                             $208M in COVID-19
supported through     international
                                             investment through
63 funding            Funding Partners
                                             10 initiatives between
opportunities         since 2015
                                             January 2020 to
since 2015
                                             March 2021

Mobilizing                                   Building Canada’s
Canada’s Science                             Research Capacity

media interviews
                      talks where III
                                             Bhagirath Singh
since 2018*           represented its        Early Career                         supported directly

12                    scientific community
                      since 2018*
                                             Awards granted
                                             for outstanding
                                                                                  through training &
                                                                                  career awards
news articles,
opinion pieces        32                     research since its
                                             creation in 2010
                                                                                  and workshops
                                                                                  since 2015
and scientific        national &
publications          international events
since 2018*           where III enabled
                      the participation of
                      Canadian scientists
                                             * Data available from the start of the current Scientific Director’s
                      since 2018*              mandate (July 2018).

Strength in Numbers                                             CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 13
Maximizing the                                               The Catalyzing Power
Impact of Our                                                of Strategic Investment
Strategic Investments
                                                             Accelerating the Emerging
                                                             Field of Microbiome Research
III has a strong track record of leveraging
its annual strategic budget of $8.6M to
                                                             in Canada 2007-2025
significantly increase the impact of our
investments across our strategic priorities
and across all four research pillars.

The Canadian Microbiome Initiative (CMI),
the Canadian Donation and Transplantation                                                         2009
Research Program (CDTRP), and the Health
                                                                                                  III & 1 CIHR
Challenges in Chronic Inflammation initiative
                                                                                                  partner fund
(HCCI) demonstrate the value of III strategic
                                                                                                  12 Catalyst grants
investment. These initiatives built on the
previous successes of the Institute and
in partnership with other CIHR Institutes,                                                          12         Catalyst
established strong and connected research
communities across Canada, and fostered
synergies through interdisciplinary teams.                    III & partners                     $1.2M
CMI positioned the Canadian research                          host the
community with the right infrastructure to                    Canadian
successfully leverage competitive funding                     Microbiome
through CIHR’s investigator-initiated program,                Workshop
amplify the impact of investments and
place Canada among the world’s leaders in
microbiome research. The CDTRP initiative
(Canadian National Transplant Research
Program – CNTRP - at its inception) played
                                                             Impact on the research
a key role in bringing together transplant                   environment from $34.3M
researchers, donors, patients and other
stakeholders into a single network that has
                                                             in strategic investment
successfully leveraged $50M in partnerships
and open funding.

                                                                                 total CIHR investment
                                                                                 in microbiome research

                                                          * Information retrieved from 10 (4 catalyst grants and
                                                            6 Emerging Team grants) reports available out of 19.

14 | Maximizing the Impact of Our Strategic Investments                       CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN
                                                                                 III, 7 CIHR

                                                      2018                       partners & 2
                                                                                 external partners
                                                      III & 7 CIHR               fund 7 ongoing
                                                      partners fund              Research Teams

                             2014                     1 ongoing

                             III & partners
                                                      Research Core                 7       Research
                             host the second
2010                         Canadian                 $3.4M                      $14.2M
III & 3 CIHR                 Workshop
partners & 5
external partners
fund 7 Emerging
                                                                         An additional
Team grants

  7       Emerging
          Team Grants                                                    leveraged from the
                                                                         Emerging Team grants
                                                                         through external funding
                                        scientific publications and
                                                                         and partnerships*

                                        products originated from
                                        the Catalyst and Emerging

researchers and highly
                                        Team grants*

qualified personnel in                                “The microbiome emerging team
microbiome research*                                   grant produced 40+ papers and
                                                       trained just as many students.
“The microbiome catalyst grant was                    Three of my postdoctoral fellows
 truly the catalyst for my research                    obtained assistant professor or
 in this field. It has now resulted in                 senior analyst positions, and one
 close to $20M in additional funds,                    now co-leads a CIHR microbiome
 more than 70 publications, over 10                    research team grant.”
 fruitful collaborations, a clinical                   Dr. Anita L. Kozyrskyj,
 trial and spin-off biotech company.”                  University of Alberta

Dr. Alain Stintzi,
University of Ottawa

Maximizing the Impact of Our Strategic Investments                    CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 15
Defining New Directions
for 21st Century Infection
& Immunity Science                                                    Our Strategy

Intent on understanding emerging priorities
while building on the successes of the
Strategic Plans 2013-2020, III began a highly
consultative process in 2019 to prioritize III’s
strategic efforts for the next 5 years. The                           Excellence in infection and
new plan was shaped by a broad engagement
process that gathered feedback from close to
                                                                      immunity research that leads
750 infection and immunity stakeholders from                          to equitable health outcomes
across Canada, in addition to international                           for people in Canada and
partners. Researchers, trainees, partners,
practitioners, policy makers, advisory board
                                                                      around the world in the
members, patient groups and Indigenous                                21st century.
health researchers and health organizations

shared their insights and recommendations
via a variety of qualitative and quantitative
consultation methods. The most frequently
identified priorities emerging from our
broadly disseminated survey informed the
discussion of 8 Canada-wide workshops.                                To establish, engage and
The priorities that emerged from these                                mobilize an inclusive,
workshops were further refined through
                                                                      collaborative and diverse
9 focus group discussions. The final
framework was validated with our Institute                            research community focused
Advisory Board through a consensus-                                   on excellent research
based approach.* The Strategic Plan 2021-
                                                                      that addresses infection
2026 reflects what we heard during this
inclusive and diverse consultative process                            and immunity priorities in
and sets out priorities that align with the                           Canada and beyond.
CIHR Strategic Plan 2021-2031 and the
STBBI Research Initiative Strategic Plan
(under development).

* Additional details on our strategic planning process can be found
  on the III website.

16 | Defining New Directions                                                   CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN
Values                                            RESEARCH EXCELLENCE

Our values guide us. They shape our culture,      The CIHR Strategic Plan 2021-2031
and influence our decisions and actions           champions a more inclusive concept of
on a daily basis as we work to achieve our        research excellence. III will work with
strategic goals. As a CIHR Institute, III is      CIHR as a whole to develop, implement,
committed to upholding the values and             and champion a more inclusive
commitments of the organization which are         concept of research excellence. We
excellence and leadership, commitment to          recognize that research excellence is
collaboration, respect for people and integrity   more than a journal impact factor. It
and accountability. This means that over the      is multidimensional and includes the
next 5 years III will:                            quality of contributions in advancing the
                                                  field, publication record, reproducibility
▫ Act with integrity, transparency,               of research, multiple ways of knowing,
  and accountability in making decisions,         open science, collaborations, community-
  setting priorities and assessing the            based research, influence on policy,
  outcomes and impact of our strategic            engagement activities, mentorship and
  investments.                                    science communication. As such, we
                                                  will reinforce CIHR’s policy directions
▫ Be flexible and proactive to                    consistent with the signing of the San
  ensure our work remains relevant                Francisco Declaration of Research
  within a rapidly evolving research              Assessment (DORA), CIHR’s Sex and
  environment.                                    Gender-based Analysis Action Plan,
                                                  Tri-Council Statements on Equity,
▫ Champion a rights-based research                Diversity and Inclusion and Open
  environment that is anti-racist, promotes       Access Policy on Publications.
  gender equity and recognizes the effects
  of intersectionality.                           Excellent research has maximal impact.
                                                  This can be achieved when people with
▫ Achieve organizational excellence by            living and lived experience, healthcare
  staying true to our values and cross-           providers, policy makers, industry, the
  cutting principles and not compromising on      public and other users of research
  the quality of work and leadership needed       outputs are active collaborators
  for the Institute to support the infection      throughout the entire research process.
  and immunity research community.

▫ Foster a learning system that enables
  evidence-based decisions and continuous
  improvement of initiative design and
  implementation, administration of funds
  and communication of results.

Our Strategy                                                  CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 17
20                           22
Global Threats               21st Century
Position Canada as a
                             Infection &
Leader in the Research       Immunity Priorities
Response to Global           in Canada
Infectious Disease Threats
                             Realize the Full Potential of
                             Infection & Immunity Research
                             to Improve the Future Health
                             of All Canadians
26                          28
Building                    Infection
Careers                     & Immunity
Enable the current and      Knowledge
next generation of          Mobilization
environment researchers
to collaborate and lead     Foster and enable
in the evolving infection   knowledge mobilization
and immunity research       and implementation
environment                 of research results
Preparing for and responding to current and
                                  emerging infectious disease threats is an
                                  enduring priority of III – and its importance has
                                  since been heightened by COVID-19. Climate
                                  change, rising global interconnectivity and
                                  population density, continuing environmental
                                  degradation, persisting social inequities,
 STR ATEGIC GOAL                  and increasing resistance to antimicrobial
                                  treatments have created the perfect storm

Global Threats                    where infectious disease outbreaks and health
                                  emergencies will become more frequent and
                                  costly for our societies.
Position Canada as a Leader in
the Research Response to Global   The opportunity to avoid future pandemics
Infectious Disease Threats        and catastrophic health emergencies will
                                  depend on our capacity to better prevent and
                                  prepare for timely responses. While pandemic
                                  prevention and preparedness will need billions
                                  of dollars, the cost of a pandemic is measured
                                  in trillions of dollars and millions of lives lost.
Strategic Priorities
                                  Recognizing the importance of being proactive,
                                  III is committed to contributing to the national
Prevent with a focus on
                                  and international efforts to prevent and prepare
vaccines, prepare for,            for future global infectious disease threats.
and respond to global             This goal can only be achieved through global
infectious disease threats.       coordination because as COVID-19 has shown,
                                  no one is safe until everyone is safe. Through
Identify, understand, and         its international leadership roles in GloPID-R
prevent zoonotic diseases         and JPIAMR, III is enabling Canadian researchers
emerging and spreading due        to lend their expertise globally, ensuring
to climate change.                Canada is contributing to the international
                                  research response to global health threats and
Advance the application           benefiting from these efforts.
of a One Health approach
in research to reduce             This Strategic Goal aligns with CIHR’s
antimicrobial resistance.         strategies to drive progress on global health
                                  research and enhance rapid response capacity
                                  to pandemics and health emergencies, since
                                  these infectious disease threats do not
                                  recognize any boundaries. We will continue
                                  to learn from our experience with COVID-19
                                  and apply our successes and renewed
                                  understanding of a proactive, collaborative
                                  approach to other global health threats, like
                                  AMR and zoonotic diseases emerging and
                                  spreading due to climate change.

20 | Global Threats                                  CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN
A Path Forward

We will invest and build capacity in research         future infectious disease outbreaks. The Pan-
focused on preventing climate change-driven           Canadian AMR Action Plan recognizes the
zoonotic diseases and other global emerging           interconnection between people, animals, and
infectious diseases. Through our scientific           the environment. III will align with this plan
leadership and strategic investments, we              to coordinate research within Canada and
aim to accelerate research on infectious              globally to advance One Health approaches to
diseases with epidemic potential and actively         prevent zoonotic transmission and reduce the
participate in the consolidation of the essential     prevalence of AMR.
infrastructure, capacity, skills, and partnerships.
Canada needs these to be in place to identify
future threats and rapidly mobilize to generate
the evidence, vaccines, diagnostics, treatments,
and interventions needed in the event of

Examples of How We Will Evaluate Success

1-3 Years                                               5 Years
▫ Increase in the number of infection                   ▫ Increase in the number of connections
  and immunity research initiatives                       established between III, its researchers
  strengthening research on the                           and international global health
  identification, prevention, preparedness                stakeholders.
  and response to global infectious                     ▫ Growth in the number of investigators
  disease threats.                                        applying a One Health approach to
                                                          advancing research on identification,
                                                          prevention, and response to global
                                                          infectious disease threats.

   Anticipated Outcome

   Canada is recognized as a world leader in research on prevention, preparedness and
   response to global infectious disease threats, and its world-class Canadian infection
   and immunity research community is a key international collaborator in developing the
   solutions needed to maximize global security against infectious disease threats.

Global Threats                                                       CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 21
A range of social and environmental factors
                                                              influence equitable health outcomes in
                                                              both chronic and infectious diseases. As
21st Century                                                  the Scientific Lead on the Government of

Infection & Immunity                                          Canada STBBI Research Initiative, III has
                                                              launched strategic funding opportunities to
Priorities in Canada                                          address the disproportionate impact of HIV/
                                                              AIDS on gay, Black, Indigenous, and other key
Realize the Full Potential of                                 populations in Canada and around the world.
Infection & Immunity Research                                 Beyond HIV, we know that the incidence
                                                              and health outcomes of cardiovascular
to Improve the Future Health                                  disease, diabetes, or tuberculosis are
of All Canadians                                              highly influenced by social and structural
                                                              factors. It is only by understanding these
                                                              determinants and their intersections with
                                                              other biological factors that research can
Strategic Priorities                                          provide the best health for all.

Support research on                                           To realize the full potential of research
prevention and treatment                                      to tackle these complex and intersecting
of high-burden chronic                                        infection and immunity challenges,
and inflammatory diseases.                                    researchers from diverse fields must
                                                              come together to develop inter- and
Focus on First Nations,                                       transdisciplinary approaches. Only through
Inuit and Métis peoples’                                      diversified teams will we spark the creative
                                                              and innovative power needed to advance the
self-determined health
                                                              development of and access to diagnostic,
priorities related to
                                                              prevention, intervention, and care solutions
infection and immunity.
                                                              that will improve the health of all Canadians
                                                              in the 21st century.
Address the underlying
biological, social                                            Aligned with CIHR’s priority to pursue health
and environmental                                             equity through research, this III Strategic Goal
determinants of health                                        speaks directly to the future infection and
to enhance equitable outcomes                                 immunity research priorities most pertinent
of infection and immunity                                     to Canada. Preventing and treating the
diseases in disproportionately                                inflammatory aspects of chronic disease is
affected populations.                                         a priority for the Institute. We will proactively
                                                              work with our community to address these
Support discovery                                             health challenges in aging and other high-
research to understand                                        burden populations. We are also committed
and address the                                               to focusing on building relationships with
infection and immunity issues                                 Indigenous communities and scholars to
that will shape Canada’s                                      co-develop initiatives that address health
                                                              disparities in First Nations, Inuit and Métis.
future health priorities.

22 | 21st Century Infection & Immunity Priorities in Canada                     CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN
A Path Forward
                                             COLL ABOR ATION AMONG DISCIPLINES
                                             TO SOLVE A COMMON PROBLEM
We will advance strategic
initiatives that span discovery              In multidisciplinary research, investigators work in
through to applied research                  parallel or sequentially from a disciplinary-specific
and build capacity in areas                  base. In interdisciplinary research, investigators
that focus on alleviating high-              work together throughout the research process,
burden chronic and inflammatory              but still from a disciplinary-specific base. In
diseases; developing a better                transdisciplinary research, investigators work
understanding of the underlying              together using a shared conceptual framework
infection and immunity-related               that integrates disciplinary-specific theories,
causes of chronic disease; and               concepts, and methods. With a transdisciplinary
identifying tailored approaches to           approach, diverse stakeholders, such as people
reduce the burden of current and             with living and lived experience, academics, and
emerging infection and immunity              policy makers, cooperate through mutual learning
diseases that most heavily impact            to devise new solutions to complex research
Canadians or manifest significant            questions that span disciplines.
health inequities.

Examples of How We Will Evaluate Success

1-3 Years                                            5 Years
▫ Increase in the number of infection                ▫ Increase in research activity engaging
  and immunity team-based research                     diverse teams, fostering integration
  initiatives focused on preventing and                across discovery, clinical, health
  treating chronic and inflammatory                    services and population health research
  diseases and improving health equity in              and contributing to equitable health
  disproportionately affected populations.             outcomes for Canada’s infection and
                                                       immunity priorities in the 21st century.

    Anticipated Outcome

    A diverse Canadian infection and immunity research environment that conducts excellent,
    inter- and transdisciplinary research on Canada’s future infection and immunity priorities,
    fosters integration across discovery, clinical, health services and population health
    research, and contributes to equitable health outcomes for all Canadians.

Infection & Immunity Priorities in Canada                         CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 23
Grounding Infection
and Immunity Research
in First Nations, Inuit
and Métis Health and                                          Our Commitment
Wellbeing Perspectives                                        to Reconciliation

                                                              In alignment with the CIHR (2021-2031)
                                                              and IIPH (2019-2024) Strategic Plans, III’s
A Word of Thanks
                                                              Strategic Goal: 21st Century Infection and
                                                              Immunity Priorities in Canada will include
We would like to thank the First Nations,
                                                              a focus on research driven by First Nations,
Inuit, and Métis researchers and Indigenous
                                                              Inuit and Métis communities, including
Health organizations who joined us in
                                                              Urban Indigenous people, and grounded in
a meaningful dialogue, where we listened,
                                                              Indigenous and decolonizing methodologies.
learned, and reflected together on the
                                                              A commitment to reconciliation will guide
development of our new Strategic Plan.
                                                              our approach and actions and ensure
We also thank IIPH Scientific Director,
                                                              our initiatives are truly collaborative and
Dr. Carrie Bourassa, and her staff for
                                                              participative across all phases of research,
their help in the engagement process
                                                              and respect Indigenous cultures, values,
and guidance in developing this section.
                                                              beliefs and knowledge systems. Following
                                                              the advice received during our Indigenous
                                                              engagements, the following key principles
                                                              will guide our activities.

                                                              Self-determination & Self-governance
                                                              Respecting the right of Indigenous Peoples
III commits to continuing                                     to have sovereignty of their own research
to build relationships                                        and data through a distinction-based
with First Nations, Inuit                                     approach, including setting their own
                                                              research priorities, and ensuring Indigenous
and Métis communities                                         communities are engaged in the research
with the understanding                                        process, with access to disaggregated data
that building reciprocal,                                     so it may be analyzed, interpreted and
                                                              shared in ways that are meaningful to the
trusting relationships                                        communities
takes time.
                                                              Reciprocity & Equality
                                                              Promoting a reciprocal exchange and equal
                                                              partnership between Indigenous Ways of
                                                              Knowing and Western approaches to improve
                                                              the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual
                                                              life of Indigenous and non-Indigenous
                                                              communities involved in research

24 | 21st Century Infection & Immunity Priorities in Canada                    CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN
A Path Forward

Over the next 5 years, III will commit to       Using these as a starting point for further
actions that are consistent with addressing     dialogue, we will co-develop with Indigenous
health inequities rooted in the ongoing         communities and organizations new ways
legacy of colonialism. During our strategic     to generate the knowledge and build the
planning process, distinction-based research    capacity for Indigenous communities to
priorities vital to the holistic health and     improve the health and wellbeing of First
wellbeing of Indigenous communities were        Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada.
identified, such as addressing tuberculosis     Through this process, we will contribute
in Inuit communities, water security in         to CIHR’s commitment to accelerating the
remote communities and the roles of social      self-determination of Indigenous Peoples
inequity and climate change in infection and    in health research.
chronic inflammatory conditions. The need
for building capacity and training programs
led by Indigenous scholars was articulated.

Examples of How We Will Evaluate Success

1-3 Years                                         5 Years
▫ Increase in the number of relationships         ▫ Growth in the number of meaningful
  built and sustained with First Nations,           partnerships led by and co-developed
  Inuit and Métis and/or Urban Indigenous           with Indigenous researchers and
  communities for III to listen and                 communities to address self-determined
  understand the self-determined health             priorities for the health and wellbeing
  research priorities related to infection          of First Nations, Inuit and Métis.
  and immunity.

    Anticipated Outcome

    Reciprocal, trusting relationships between III, infection and immunity researchers,
    and First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities that thrive within a research
    environment that recognizes distinctiveness and where Indigenous communities are
    leading Indigenous research and capacity building, progressing towards equitable
    health outcomes.

Grounding Infection and Immunity Research                     CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 25
The use of novel technologies with the power
                                  to foster innovation, open science, and team
                                  science will be key to driving the discovery
                                  and out-of-the-box thinking needed to tackle
Building Careers                  the infection and immunity-related health
                                  priorities of the 21st century and position
Enable the Current and Next       Canada as a leader in the research response to
Generation of Researchers to      global infectious disease threats. Breakthrough
                                  discovery and innovation are fueled by inter-
Collaborate and Lead in the       and transdisciplinary research and diversity.
Evolving Infection and Immunity   To achieve the full potential of the Canadian
Research Environment              infection and immunity research community,
                                  we therefore need a diverse community that
                                  is bold with their ideas, inclusive in their
                                  collaborations and scientific methods, and
                                  enabled by their research environment. We
Strategic Priorities              need to celebrate diversity and transform it
                                  into a core strength of Canada’s research.
Support researchers
                                  Developing the next generation of infection
across academic lifespan
                                  and immunity leaders is a priority for III. We
with a focus on enabling
                                  will focus on early career investigators and
smooth career transitions
                                  continued support and leadership opportunities
and addressing barriers           for mid-career investigators. Developing
experienced by early- and         expertise and training in next-generation
mid-career researchers and        technology will be key to their success.
underrepresented groups in
growing their research careers.   This Strategic Goal aligns with CIHR’s
                                  commitment to fostering sustainable research
Develop training initiatives      careers and their priority to advance research
to equip researchers with         excellence in all its diversity. III will champion a
the expertise and skillsets       more inclusive concept of research excellence
needed to integrate new           and focus on providing opportunities for
technologies and methods          underrepresented groups, recognizing the
into their research.              cumulative effects of the challenges faced by
                                  underrepresented groups over a researcher’s
Build relationships               career. We will strive for all researchers to
and platforms for                 pursue fulfilling careers across their lifespan,
collaboration to enable           within an equitable, diverse and inclusive
                                  research environment, and with the skills
team science, and
                                  they need to lead the Infection and Immunity
inter- and transdisciplinary
                                  research of the 21st century.
                                  Scientific leadership is defined by a broader
                                  definition that extends beyond high impact
                                  publications and conference presentations.
                                  Refer to page 17 of this Plan to see what goes
26 | Building Careers
                                  into making research excellent.
A Path Forward

We will continue to invest in career growth       potential by supporting researchers from
opportunities for infection and immunity          underrepresented groups through targeted
researchers, ensuring that top talent—            funding and networking opportunities.
especially early career investigators who         Moreover, recognizing how women and parents
often bring innovative yet higher risk ideas to   of young children in our research community
research4—is attracted to and retained within     have experienced disproportionate disruptions
Canada. We will also focus on supporting          due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will aim to
mid-career investigators, a priority identified   help reduce the impact of these disruptions on
in the 2018 Institute External Review. We will    their research programs by building flexibility
strengthen Canada’s creative and innovative       in our operational requirements.

Examples of How We Will Evaluate Success

1-3 Years                                          5 Years
▫ Increase in the number of III mentorship,        ▫ Growth in the proportion of researchers
  training and networking programs                   from underrepresented groups who have
  that advance innovative expertise and              successfully transitioned to establish
  skillsets enabling the integration of              stable careers and are well integrated
  new technologies and methods in the                in infection and immunity research
  infection and immunity community.                  initiatives and events.

▫ Increase in the number of targeted               ▫ Growth in the number of researchers
  research initiatives that enable enhanced          integrating innovative skillsets,
  participation of underrepresented                  technologies and methods in their
  groups to achieve equitable outcomes               research to advance careers in infection
  in career progression.                             and immunity research.

    Anticipated outcome

    An increasingly inclusive and diverse infection and immunity research community
    building the skills needed to make valuable contributions to individual and
    collaborative research programs, and pursuing fulfilling careers not impeded by
    race, gender and other intersecting factors.

4 https://www.nber.org/papers/w19866

Building Careers                                                CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 27
Seventeen years! This is the frequently
                                                   cited average time it takes for a scientific
                                                   discovery to change clinical practice. To
                                                   shorten this lag, we need to pair research
                                                   with active knowledge mobilization so
Infection & Immunity                               that promising discoveries make their way

Knowledge Mobilization                             into Canada’s health systems as policies,
                                                   practices, programs and products for
                                                   improved decision making, diagnostics,
Foster and enable knowledge                        prevention, intervention, and care solutions.
mobilization and implementation
of research results                                Traditional knowledge translation frequently
                                                   focused on the dissemination of knowledge
                                                   at the end of the research project, with
                                                   little uptake and use. Today, knowledge
                                                   mobilization involves the co-creation,
                                                   translation, synthesis, implementation,
Strategic Priorities
                                                   and dissemination of new knowledge
                                                   between researchers and knowledge users.
Support training on
                                                   This contemporary concept of knowledge
knowledge mobilization
                                                   mobilization is the focus of this Strategic
including with decision
                                                   Goal. More effective problem definition and
makers to inform
                                                   rapid implementation of research findings
policies and practice.
                                                   can be facilitated by engaging knowledge
                                                   users, including people with living and
Advance people
                                                   lived experience, healthcare providers,
with living and lived
                                                   policymakers, industry and the public,
experience and
                                                   early in the research process to inform
community engagement
                                                   the research questions, approaches and
throughout the
                                                   dissemination strategies. While traditional
research process.
                                                   end-of-grant knowledge mobilization
                                                   remains a relevant dissemination strategy,
Foster interactions
                                                   III will promote integrated knowledge
between researchers
                                                   mobilization because it can strengthen
and industry through
                                                   connections between researchers and
                                                   evidence-based decision making, increase
partnerships to
                                                   public science literacy, and accelerate our
accelerate product
                                                   ability to turn knowledge into action.
                                                   This Strategic Goal aligns with CIHR’s mandate
                                                   to excel in the mobilization of new knowledge
                                                   to improve the health of Canadians and was
                                                   also identified as a priority in the 2018 III
                                                   Institute External Review.

28 | Infection & Immunity Knowledge Mobilization                    CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN
A Path Forward

We will invest in training opportunities in    To accelerate the commercialization of
best practices to optimize the co-creation     products originating from research, we will
of research questions and foster a dynamic     create opportunities for our researchers to
and iterative knowledge mobilization process   interact with non-academic partners and
which includes integrated and end-of-grant     industry stakeholders.
knowledge mobilization. To quickly mobilize
knowledge, we will create opportunities
whereby the infection and immunity
research community can connect with all
types of knowledge users, and then deepen
these relationships through partnerships.

Examples of How We Will Evaluate Success

1-3 Years                                        5 Years
▫ Increase in the number of infection            ▫ Growth in the connections and
  and immunity research initiatives                partnerships established between
  providing training in and requiring              academic and non-academic partners
  knowledge mobilization.                          to identify and/or address infection
                                                   and immunity knowledge, product
▫ Growth in the number of infection                and policy needs.
  and immunity programs facilitating
  partnerships between academic and              ▫ Increase in knowledge mobilization
  non-academic partners to identify and/           activities within the infection and
  or address infection and immunity                immunity research community.
  knowledge, product and policy needs.

   Anticipated Outcome

   Researchers integrating decision makers, health practitioners, people with living
   and lived experience, communities and industry in their research to co-create new
   solutions and accelerate translation and uptake for improved detection, treatment,
   prevention and care that improves the health of Canadians.

Infection & Immunity Knowledge Mobilization                  CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 29
Cross-Cutting Principles

The following cross-cutting principles
will be applied to drive the Strategic
Goals outlined in previous sections.
For III to be successful in achieving its
Strategic Goals, an ongoing dialogue with
our researchers and partners is essential.

Together, we will pursue
bold ideas and drive a
more inclusive concept of
research excellence. This
shared responsibility is
reflected in our approach to
the cross-cutting principles
of equity, diversity and
inclusion; collaboration
and partnership;                             Collaborations
                                             & Partnerships
communications and
engagement; and monitoring
and learning, where for each
principle we outline the
roles for the Institute and
the research community.
These principles will shape not only how
we lead and support the infection and
immunity research community, but also
the new dynamic relationship we look to
foster moving forward.

30 | Cross-Cutting Principles
Equity, Diversity
  & Inclusion

                        & Engagement

          & Learning

                                 CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 31
Cross-Cutting Principles

Equity, Diversity                                  Collaborations
& Inclusion (EDI)                                  & Partnerships

THE INSTITUTE                                      THE INSTITUTE

We will embed the principles of fairness,          We will create and strengthen connections
representation and valued participation—           and partnerships and maintain consistent
from an intersectionality perspective—in our       communication with strategically aligned
initiatives, peer-review panels and Advisory       national and international players to address
Board. We will contribute to CIHR’s Action         the Government of Canada’s priorities,
Plan to address systemic racism in the             and leverage the funding, expertise and
health research funding system. Given that         resources needed to deliver excellence in
the Tri-Agency self-identification Equity and      infection and immunity research.
Diversity Questionnaire will be implemented
in all CIHR funding initiatives, III will ensure
to use this information to continuously learn
and improve its practice.

INFECTION & IMMUNIT Y                              INFECTION & IMMUNIT Y
RESEARCH COMMUNIT Y                                RESEARCH COMMUNIT Y

The Institute will continue to enable the          The Institute will support infection
research community to develop the skills           and immunity researchers to establish
needed and implement best practices to             collaborations across institutions,
mitigate unconscious bias, integrate EDI           communities, disciplines, sectors, research
into their research teams and sex- and             pillars and borders to increase capacity
gender-based analysis plus (SGBA+) into            and enhance the mobilization of new
their research and peer review activities.         knowledge and the impact of research

TOGETHER                                           TOGETHER

We will foster a research                          We will leverage infection
culture that realizes the full                     and immunity funding and
benefit of Canada’s diverse                        strengthen Canada’s position as
talent pool.                                       a global leader and key research

32 | Cross-Cutting Principles                                      CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN
Communications                                  Monitoring
& Engagement                                    & Learning

THE INSTITUTE                                   THE INSTITUTE
                                                We will identify and monitor performance
We will continue to promote Canadian
                                                metrics to assess the outputs, outcomes
research on national and international
                                                and impact of III’s investments and
stages and position III and our research
                                                partnerships and provide an evidence base
community as a reliable source of scientific
                                                to optimize initiatives, strengthen the
information. We will continue to raise
                                                integration of EDI principles and evaluate
awareness about III, our Strategic Goals,
                                                our contribution to improving equitable
Priorities, and initiatives. To ensure our
                                                health outcomes and the Sustainable
work remains relevant within a rapidly
                                                Development Goals.
evolving research environment, we will
proactively connect with and engage the
research community.

INFECTION & IMMUNIT Y                           INFECTION & IMMUNIT Y

As both III and its research community have     The Institute will support an efficient
a growing role in communicating research        approach for the infection and immunity
outputs and their significance to the public,   research community’s reporting on the
we will help researchers build the skills       outputs, outcomes and impact of their
needed to provide information and promote       research and challenges encountered. This
the benefits of science and research with       will enable III to monitor the outcomes of
the media, public and decision makers. We       strategic investments and allow continuous
will encourage and provide opportunities        improvement and application of lessons
for the research community to engage with       learned that will benefit the research
and provide feedback to III and CIHR.           community as a whole.

TOGETHER                                        TOGETHER

We will continue to grow the                    We will assess Canada’s progress
infection and immunity research                 towards new knowledge, policies,
community’s reputation as a                     practices, programs, and products
reliable source of accurate and                 that will help inform decisions
timely information and promote                  on new initiatives and ultimately
the benefits of science and                     strengthen the infection and
research for our society.                       immunity research environment
                                                in Canada.

Cross-Cutting Principles                                    CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 33
Performance                                         Impact
Monitoring                                          As we work together to tackle the 21st
& Learning                                          century research priorities outlined in this
                                                    Strategic Plan, we will continue building an
A monitoring plan will be developed                 infection and immunity research community
by the Institute to regularly assess                in Canada that is a) more connected,
the progress, challenges and impact                 inclusive, and diverse; b) is trained and has
of strategically funded initiatives and             expertise in next generation technologies;
proactively course correct as needed.               and c) can lead and respond to current and
We are committed to this continued                  emerging infection and immunity health
application of lessons learned to ensure            challenges globally and in Canada. This
targeted outcomes are met, and we can               thriving community will drive research
quickly pivot as needed, to respond to              impact through strong partnerships with
emerging research priorities. This new              industry, decision makers, communities, and
Strategic Plan will enhance the Institute’s         international partners. The priorities of this
impact on infection and immunity                    plan will also contribute to several United
research and our program operations by              Nations Sustainable Development Goals
improving the quality, effectiveness, and           (SDG), including SDG #3 “Ensure healthy
efficiency of activities.                           lives and promote well-being for all at all
                                                    ages,” #5 “Achieve gender equality and
Over the next year, III will develop both           empower all women and girls”, #10 “Reduce
an Implementation Plan, which will                  inequality within and among countries”,
include specific activities designed to             #9 “Build resilient infrastructure, promote
advance the priorities of each Strategic            inclusive and sustainable industrialization
Goal, and a corresponding Performance               and foster innovation”, and #13 “Take urgent
Measurement Framework (PMF). The                    action to combat climate change and its
PMF will be based on a data-driven,                 impact.”
multidimensional model that incorporates
a range of evaluative approaches and                As we look ahead to the future, we are
tools to monitor the impact of the                  excited to continue working with our
Strategic Plan and III’s initiatives. This will     world-class infection and immunity research
include both qualitative and quantitative           community to build this forward-looking
key performance indicators aligned                  vision. Together, we will work towards our
to each Strategic Priority and their                common vision of achieving equitable health
corresponding anticipated outcome for               outcomes for people in Canada and around
reporting. The Implementation Plan and              the world.
the PMF will be developed with support
from the III Institute Advisory Board,
input from relevant CIHR branches, and
in collaboration with the CIHR Integrated
Planning and Results Team.

34 | Performance Monitoring and Learning | Impact                    CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN
Acknowledgments                                  Aida Fernandes
                                                 Executive Director, IMAGINE Network
Many groups and individuals have contributed
to the development of this Strategic Plan. We    John R. Gordon
would first like to acknowledge the members      Professor, Department of Medicine
of the III IAB for their advice, direction and   University of Saskatchewan
support throughout this process.
                                                 Trevor Hart
                                                 Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN)
III Institute Advisory Board*                    Applied Research Chair in Gay and Bisexual
                                                 Men’s Health. Director, HIV Prevention Lab
Brian J. Ward (Chair)                            Professor, Department of Psychology,
Professor, Medicine & Microbiology               Ryerson University
Research Institute of the McGill University
Health Centre                                    Anthony M. Jevnikar
                                                 Professor of Medicine, Surgery, Microbiology
Jean S. Marshall (Vice-Chair)                    and Immunology, University of Western
Professor, Microbiology and Immunology           Ontario. Co-Director, Multi Organ Transplant
Arthur B. McDonald Chair,                        Program. London Health Sciences Centre.
Dalhousie University                             University Hospital. London, Ontario

Marcel Behr                                      Pauline Johnson
Professor of Medicine, McGill University         Professor, Department of Microbiology &
                                                 Immunology, University of British Columbia
John Conly                                       Vancouver
Professor of Medicine, Department of
Medicine (Infectious Diseases), Cumming          Manisha Kulkarni
School of Medicine, University of Calgary and    Associate Professor, School of Epidemiology
Alberta Health Services                          and Public Health, University of Ottawa
                                                 Director, Interdisciplinary Spatial
Sarah Crome                                      Informatics for Global Health (INSIGHT) Lab,
Scientist, University Health Network, Toronto    University of Ottawa
General Hospital Research Institute, Multi
Organ Transplant Program. Assistant              Barbara Papadopoulou
Professor, University of Toronto, Faculty of     Full Professor, Department of Microbiology-
Medicine, Department of Immunology               Infectious Disease and Immunology
                                                 Université Laval, CHU de Quebec
Kimberly Elmslie                                 Research Center
Assistant Deputy Minister, Health Promotion
and Chronic Disease Prevention Branch,           Christopher Power
Public Health Agency of Canada                   Professor of Neurology, University of Alberta,
                                                 Canada Research Chair in Neurologic
                                                 Infection and Immunity

* Between May 2019 and November 2020

Acknowledgments                                                CIHR-III 2021-2026 STRATEGIC PLAN | 35
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