Page created by Emily Wolfe
(A joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)
Stock Code: 2696

Interim Report

Reliable Quality
Affordable Innovation
To improve patients'lives by timely providing them with quality and affordable
protein therapeutics through technical innovation and operational excellence.

Be the most trusted and admired biotech company providing innovative
and affordable medicines for all patients.
Corporate Information                                               2

Operation Highlights                                                4

Management Discussion and Analysis                                  7

Independent Review Report                                          25

Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss         26

Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income   27

Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position     28

Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity      29

Interim Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows             30

Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements       32

General Information                                                46

Definitions                                                        53

    DIRECTORS                                                                       NOMINATION COMMITTEE
                                                                                    Qiyu Chen (陳啟宇) (Chairman)
    EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                                                              Guoping Zhao (趙國屏)
    Scott Shi-Kau Liu (Chief Executive Officer)                                     Ruilin Song (宋瑞霖)

    NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS                                                         REMUNERATION COMMITTEE
    Qiyu Chen (陳啟宇) (Chairman)                                                      Ruilin Song (宋瑞霖) (Chairman)
    Yifang Wu (吳以芳)                                                                 Lik Yuen Chan (陳力元)
    Xiaohui Guan (關曉暉)                                                              Yifang Wu (吳以芳)
    Aimin Hui
    Zihou Yan (晏子厚)1                                                                STRATEGY COMMITTEE
    Jiemin Fu (傅潔民)2                                                                Qiyu Chen (陳啟宇) (Chairman)
                                                                                    Scott Shi-Kau Liu
    INDEPENDENT NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS                                             Yifang Wu (吳以芳)
    Tak Young So (蘇德揚)                                                              Aimin Hui
    Lik Yuen Chan (陳力元)                                                             Zihou Yan (晏子厚)1
    Guoping Zhao (趙國屏)                                                              Tak Young So (蘇德揚)
    Ruilin Song (宋瑞霖)                                                               Ruilin Song (宋瑞霖)
                                                                                    Jiemin Fu (傅潔民)2
                                                                                    ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND
    Rongli Feng (馮蓉麗) (Chairman) 3
    Deli Kong (孔德力)                                                                 GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE
    Jingyi Wang (王靜怡)                                                               Lik Yuen Chan (陳力元) (Chairman)
    Yong Zhou (周勇) (Chairman) 4                                                     Tak Young So (蘇德揚)
    Kun Dai (戴昆) (Chairman) 5                                                       Ruilin Song (宋瑞霖)
                                                                                    Zihou Yan (晏子厚)
    AUDIT COMMITTEE                                                                 Scott Shi-Kau Liu
    Tak Young So (蘇德揚) (Chairman)
    Lik Yuen Chan (陳力元)                                                             JOINT COMPANY SECRETARIES
    Xiaohui Guan (關曉暉)                                                              Xinjun Guo (郭新軍)
                                                                                    Ching Ching Leung (梁晶晶) (Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of
                                                                                      Chartered Secretaries)


    1.       Mr. Zihou Yan (晏子厚) was appointed as a non-executive Director and a member of the Strategy Committee on 19 February 2020.

    2.       Mr. Jiemin Fu (傅潔民) resigned as a non-executive Director and a member of the Strategy Committee on 19 February 2020.

    3.       Ms. Rongli Feng (馮蓉麗) was appointed as a supervisor and the chairman of the board of supervisors on 23 May 2020.

    4.       Mr. Yong Zhou (周勇) resigned as a supervisor and the chairman of the board of supervisors on 19 February 2020.

    5.       Ms. Kun Dai (戴昆) was appointed as a supervisor and the chairman of the board of supervisors on 19 February 2020. She resigned as a
             supervisor and the chairman of the board of supervisors with effect from 23 May 2020.

2        Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc.

Scott Shi-Kau Liu                                   Ernst & Young
Ching Ching Leung (梁晶晶)                             Certified Public Accountants
                                                    22nd Floor, CITIC Tower
HEAD OFFICE AND PRINCIPAL PLACE OF                  1 Tim Mei Avenue
BUSINESS IN CHINA                                   Central
                                                    Hong Kong
9F, Innov Tower (Capitaland Building)
1801 Hongmei Road
                                                    LEGAL ADVISERS TO THE COMPANY
Xuhui District
Shanghai                                            As to Hong Kong and U.S. laws:
PRC                                                 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
                                                    55th Floor, One Island East
REGISTERED OFFICE IN CHINA                          Taikoo Place
                                                    Quarry Bay
Rooms 303-304, Building 7
                                                    Hong Kong
No. 1999, Zhangheng Road
China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
                                                    As to PRC law:
                                                    Llinks Law Offices
                                                    19/F and 16/F, One Lujiazui
                                                    68 Yin Cheng Road Middle
KONG                                                Shanghai
Level 54                                            PRC
Hopewell Centre
183 Queen’s Road East                               STOCK SHORT NAME
Hong Kong                                           HENLIUS – B

H SHARES REGISTRAR                                  STOCK CODE
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited   2696
Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor
Hopewell Centre                                     COMPANY WEBSITE
183 Queen’s Road East
Hong Kong

Haitong International Capital Limited
8/F Li Po Chun Chambers
189 Des Voeux Road Central
Hong Kong

                                                                                     Interim Report 2020   3

           1.    The Group’s total revenue increased by approximately RMB93.4 million to RMB110.4 million for the six months ended 30
                 June 2020, compared to RMB17.0 million for the six months ended 30 June 2019. Such revenue was from drug sales,
                 research and development (“R&D”) services provided to customers, and license revenue.

           2.    For the six months ended 30 June 2020, the Group recognised R&D expenditure of approximately RMB756.9 million,
                 representing an increase of approximately RMB228.4 million as compared with approximately RMB528.5 million for the six
                 months ended 30 June 2019.

           3.   The Group’s total loss increased by RMB131.1 million to RMB448.0 million for the six months ended 30 June 2020,
                compared to RMB316.9 million for the six months ended 30 June 2019, mainly due to the expansion of R&D activities.

4        Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc.


         PRODUCTS THAT HAVE                             OVERALL LAYOUT OF
         BEEN COMMERCIALISED                            IMMUNO-ONCOLOGY                                     DEVELOPMENT MILESTONE
         AND WITH NEAR-TERM                             COMBINATION THERAPIES                               OF THE GROUP
                                                     HLX10 + chemotherapy                                On 30 March 2020
      HLX01漢利康(Rituximab)                            During the Reporting Period, one Phase              On 30 March 2020, the Board of the
                                                     2 clinical trial of HLX10 in combination            Company has resolved to approve the
      Applications for the addition of 2,000L drug   with chemotherapy has completed the
      substance production scale and 2,000L                                                              resolution on making an application to the
                                                     first patient dosing in mainland China,             relevant regulatory authorities in the PRC
      production equipment, and the addition         and two Phase 3 clinical trials of HLX10
      of the specification of 500mg/50ml/vial on                                                         for the allotment and issue of A Shares
                                                     in combination with chemotherapies                  and an application to the Shanghai Stock
      the basis of the original specification of     have completed the dosing for the first
      100mg/10ml/vial were approved by the                                                               Exchange for the relevant matters in
                                                     patient in Turkey, whose indications cover
      NMPA in April 2020; the supplemental           advanced cervical cancer (CC) which failed          relation to the listing of, and permission to
      applications for the two new indications       to respond to the first-line chemotherapy,          deal in, the A Shares on the Science and
      were approved by the NMPA in July 2020.        first-line therapy for locally advanced             Technology Innovation Board of Shanghai
                                                     or metastatic squamous non-small cell               Stock Exchange. On 12 June 2020,
                                                     lung cancer (sqNSCLC), and previously               the shareholders of the Company have
      HLX02 (trastuzumab injection)                  untreated extensive-stage small cell lung           resolved to approve these matters.
                                                     cancer (ES-SCLC).
      The Marketing Authorisation Application
      (MAA) for HLX02 trastuzumab injection                                                              On 30 March 2020
      (EU trade name: Zercepac®) submitted by        HLX10+HLX07
      a wholly-owned subsidiary of Accord, the                                                           The Board of the Company has resolved
      Group’s business partner, was accepted         In July 2020, the first patient has been            to approve the second stage investment
      by the European Commission (EC) in July        dosed in a Phase 2 clinical trial as therapy        of not more than RMB720 million for the
                                                     for recurrent or metastatic head and neck           Phase I project of the Songjiang Second
      2020.                                          squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) in                  Plant, which is currently under construction
      The NDA for HLX02 trastuzumab injection        mainland China.                                     in Songjiang District, Shanghai. As of the
      (trade name in mainland China: 漢曲優)                                                                Latest Practicable Date, the Board has
      was approved by the NMPA in August                                                                 approved investment of the first and second
      2020.                                                                                              stages investment with the total amount
      Xuhui Facility has received the GMP               OTHER PRODUCTS                                   of not more than RMB1,720 million for the
      certification issued by the EU in respect         UNDER RESEARCH                                   Phase I project of Songjiang Second Plant.
      of HLX02 trastuzumab injection (EU trade
      name: Zercepac ®) drug substance (DS)
      and drug product (DP) line in April 2020,      HLX55 (innovative anti-c-MET mAb)
      and has passed the on-site inspection
                                                     In March 2020, the first patient was
      conducted by Shanghai Medical Products                                                                BUSINESS COOPERATION
      Administration (上海市藥品監督管理局) in                 dosed in a Phase 1 clinical trial of HLX55
                                                     monoclonal antibody for injection (HLX55)
      respect of HLX02 trastuzumab injection         for the treatment of advanced solid tumours
      (trade name in mainland China: 漢曲優)            refractory to standard therapy in Taiwan,           In March 2020
      drug substance (DS) south line and drug        China.
      product (DP) No. 1 line in July 2020. As of                                                        An exclusive license agreement was
      the Latest Practicable Date, Xuhui Facility    HLX11 (recombinant anti-HER2 domain                 entered into with Mabxience to grant
      has completed the filing of production         II humanised monoclonal antibody                    it an exclusive license to develop and
      approval for new key equipment of four         injection)                                          commercialise products containing HLX02
      2,000L bioreactors to Shanghai Medical                                                             in therapeutic use in oncology in Argentina,
      Products Administration and the Group’s        IND for the indications of metastatic breast        Uruguay and Paraguay. According to the
      overall commercial production capacity has     cancer and early breast cancer has been             agreement, the Company will receive
      been increased to 20,000L.                     approved by the NMPA in January 2020,               an upfront payment of USD250,000
                                                     and the first patient has been dosed in a           and milestone payments not more than
                                                     Phase 1 clinical study in September 2020.
      HLX04 (recombinant humanised anti-
      VEGF monoclonal antibody injection)            HLX13 (recombinant anti-CTLA-4
                                                     fully humanised monoclonal antibody                 In June 2020
      The Phase 3 clinical study for the treatment   injection)
      of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) has                                                         An amendment to the license agreement
      completed in August 2020, and the trial has    IND for the indications of (i) unresectable or      was entered into with Accord for HLX02
      met the pre-defined primary endpoint.          metastatic melanoma, (ii) advanced renal            trastuzumab injection (EU trade name:
                                                     cell carcinoma, (iii) microsatellite instability-   Zercepac ® ) on the basis of the license
      The NDA for the treatment of metastatic        high or mismatch repair-deficient metastatic
      colorectal cancer (mCRC) and advanced,         colorectal cancer and (iv) adjuvant                 agreement entered into by both parties
      metastatic or recurrent non-small cell lung    melanoma treatment has been approved                for HLX02 in June 2018, which was made
      cancer was accepted by the NMPA in             by the NMPA in April 2020.                          in respect of the new specifications and
      September 2020.                                                                                    the corresponding milestone payment
                                                                                                         arrangement not exceeding USD3.08
                                                     HLX14 (recombinant anti-RANKL fully
                                                                                                         million and the adjustment in the royalties
                                                     humanised monoclonal antibody
      HLX03 (adalimumab injection)                                                                       of HLX02 (increasing from the range of
                                                                                                         13.5%-25% of profits generated from the
      Xuhui Facility has passed the on-site          IND for the indication of postmenopausal            net sales as agreed in the original license
      inspection conducted by Shanghai Medical       osteoporosis in women with high fracture            agreement to 15%-26.5%).
      Products Administration in respect of          risks has been approved by the NMPA in
      HLX03 (adalimumab injection) drug              May 2020.
      substance (DS) south line and drug product
      (DP) No. 1 line in September 2020.             HLX56 (anti-Death Receptor 4
                                                     monoclonal antibody injection)
                                                     IND for the treatment of advanced solid
                                                     tumours refractory to standard therapy has
                                                     been approved by the Ministry of Health
                                                                                                                        Interim Report 2020          5
                                                     and Welfare of Taiwan in May 2020.

        The following table summarises our product and drug candidate pipeline as of the Latest Practicable Date:

                                                                            Target                                               Indication
                                      (Reference Drug)                                                                                                                                Pre-clinical   IND     Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3            NDA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Approved for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Commercialisation        Partner

                                        漢利康 (rituximab)                       CD20                     Non-Hodgkin lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia
                                        HLX02 (trastuzumab)                   HER2                              Breast cancer and metastatic gastric cancer
                                                                                                                                                                                      Approved for launching by NMPA and EC
                                        HLX01 (rituximab)                     CD20                                           Rheumatoid arthritis
         commercial visibility
           With near-term

                                        HLX03 (adalimumab)                    TNF-α                        Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis

                                                                                                  Metastatic colorectal cancer and non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer
                                        HLX04 (bevacizumab)                   VEGF
                                                                                                          Wet age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy

                                                                                                                          MSI-H/dMMR solid tumours
                                                                                                                                                                                      IND approved in the United States, Taiwan China and Mainland China
                                                    Monotherapy                PD-1
                                                                                                                              Chronic hepatitis B
                                                                                                                                                                                      IND approved in Taiwan China

                                                                                                              Metastatic esophageal squamous-cell carcinomas

                                                                                                                     Squamous non-small cell lung cancer
                                                                                                                                                                                      Phase 3 studies in Mainland China and Turkey

                                                    + Chemo                    PD-1                                 Extensive-stage small cell lung cancer
                                                                                                                                                                                      Phase 3 studies in Mainland China and Turkey
                                                                                                                                Gastric cancer

                                                                                                                                Cervical cancer
            Under clinical research

                                                                                                                  Non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer
                                                     +HLX04                PD-1+VEGF
                                                                                                                           Hepatocellular carcinoma

                                                     +HLX07                PD-1+EGFR                           Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

                                        HLX07                                 EGFR                                               Solid tumours
                                                                                                                                                                                      IND approved in the United States, Taiwan China and Mainland China
                                        HLX05 (cetuximab)                     EGFR             Metastatic colorectal cancer and squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

                                        HLX12 (ramucirumab)                 VEGFR 2          Gastric cancer, metastatic non-small cell lung cancer and metastatic colorectal cancer

                                        HLX20                                 PD-L1                                              Solid tumours
                                                                                                                                                                                      IND approved in Australia and Mainland China

                                        HLX22                                 HER2                                     Breast cancer and gastric cancer
                                        HLX55                                 c-MET                                              Solid tumours
                                                                                                                                                                                      IND approved in Taiwan China and Mainland China

                                        HLX11 (pertuzumab)                    HER2                                               Breast cancer

                                        HLX13 (ipilimumab)                   CTLA-4                    Melanoma, renal cell carcinoma and metastatic colorectal cancer
                                        HLX56                                  DR4                                               Solid tumours                                        IND approved in Taiwan China

                                        HLX14 (denosumab)                    RANKL                                               Osteoporosis

                                        HLX301                            TIGIT Bispecific                                       Solid tumours

                                        HLX35                             4-1BB Bispecific                                       Solid tumours

                                        HLX304                            OX40 Bispecific                                        Solid tumours
                                                                           S1 Protein of
                                        HLX71                                                                                   COVID-19 etc.                                                                                                          Tumour-specific target
                                                                           S1 Protein of                                                                                                                                                               Angiogenesis target
                                        HLX70                                                                                   COVID-19 etc.
                                                                           SARS-CoV-2                                                                                                                                                                  Tumour immunology target
                                        HLX15 (daratumumab)                   CD38                                             Multiple myeloma                                                                                                        Combination therapy

                                        HLX26                                 LAG3                                               Solid tumours
                                        HLX23                                 CD73                                               Solid tumours
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (1) Approved by the NMPA in February 2019,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    being the first domestic biosimilar
                                        HLX16 (evolocumab)                    PCSK9                    Hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (2) Approved for launching in the EU in July 2020 (EU

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     trade name: Zercepac®);approved for launching
                                        HLX24                                 CD47                                               Solid tumours                                                                                                       in China in August 2020, being the first domestic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     biosimilar approved in both China and Europe
                                        HLX58                              Claudin 18.2                                          Solid tumours                                                                                                   (3) Considered as biologic medicine since the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     reference product has not yet been approved
                                        HLX59                                 CD27                                               Solid tumours                                                                                                       for the relevant indication

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (4) HLX03's NDA has been accepted by the NMPA
                                        HLX51                                 OX40                                               Solid tumours                                                                                                   (5) Commercialisation rights in China have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     granted to Shanghai Jingze Biotech Co., Ltd
                                        HLX52                                 TIM-3                                              Solid tumours
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (6) Commercialisation rights in China and certain
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     countries in Southeast, Central and South Asia
                                        HLX53                                 TIGIT                                              Solid tumours                                                                                                       were obtained

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (7) Commercialisation rights in China were obtained
                                        HLX63                                 GPC3                                               Solid tumours
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Potential first-in-class

                                        HLX60                                 GARP                                               Solid tumours
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Core products

6     Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc.

     Adhering to our vision of “be the most trusted and admired innovative biotech company in the world by focusing on providing
     quality and affordable medicines for all patients”, and benefitting from our efficient biopharmaceutical industry-wide platform that
     integrates R&D, production and commercialisation into a whole, outstanding global regulatory registration and clinical operational
     capability, comprehensive quality management system as well as strong commercial operational capability, the Group has
     gradually made significant progress on product R&D and commercialisation during the Reporting Period.

           Based on the main product development strategy of “combining imitation and innovation”, the Group took the lead in
           launching the first domestic biosimilar, HLX01 (漢利康), and the first domestic biosimilar, HLX02 trastuzumab injection (trade
           name in mainland China: 漢曲優; EU trade name: Zercepac®), approved in China and Europe, and gradually developed
           innovative mAb products, combining self-developed anti-PD-1 and PD-L1 mAb, being the first to launch combined
           immunotherapy in China, and prospectively laid out a comprehensive pipeline integrating innovative mAb and tumour
           combination immunotherapy into a whole. As of the Latest Practicable Date, 2 products have been successfully marketed in
           mainland China, 1 product’s MAA has obtained approval in the EU, 2 products’ NDA in mainland China has been accepted,
           18 products and 2 mAb combination therapies have been adopted worldwide, which obtained over 30 clinical trial approvals,
           and carried out about 20 clinical trials on 10 products and 8 combination therapies in many countries and regions around
           the world, such as mainland China, Taiwan, China, Australia, Poland, Ukraine, the Philippines and Turkey.

           The NDA for the first mAb biosimilar HLX01 (漢利康) self-developed by the Group was approved by the NMPA in February
           2019, becoming the first case according to the “The Guiding Principles for Biosimilar” approved for marketed mAb, and has
           achieved commercialisation in late May 2019. In the first half of 2020, primarily through the cooperation agreement with
           Fosun Pharmaceutical Industrial Development, the Group achieved a total sales revenue of HLX01 (漢利康) of RMB95.8
           million, and has improved the accessibility of drugs for domestic patients with haematological disease such as lymphoma.
           In April 2020, HLX01 (漢利康) has received approvals from the NMPA for the applications including the addition of 2,000L
           drug substance production scale and 2,000L production equipment. In the same month, HLX01 (漢利康) was approved
           to add 500mg/50ml/vial to the original specification of 100mg/10ml/vial. In May 2020, supplemental applications for two
           new indications of HLX01 (漢利康) were accepted by the NMPA and approved in July 2020. Since then, on top of the use
           of HLX01 (漢利康) for the original approved for non-Hodgkin lymphoma indications, two new indications were added: (1)
           monotherapy maintenance therapy after complete or partial response under rituximab in combination with chemotherapy
           for patients with initially-treated follicular lymphoma, and (2) fludarabine and cyclophosphamide (FC) combination therapy
           for patients with previously-untreated or relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), which covers all the
           indications of the original rituximab in mainland China. Increased production scale and production equipment, as well as
           new specifications and indications, will provide a strong guarantee of HLX01 (漢利康) production capacity, benefit a wider
           range of patients, and realise drug usages with more affordable price via combinations among different scales. In order
           to benefit a wider patient population, the Group adopted a differentiated development strategy for HLX01 (漢利康), and
           concurrently carried out the clinical research of the original drug on rheumatoid arthritis indications that have not yet been
           approved in China. As of the time being, the enrollment of patients for Phase 3 clinical trial for this indication has been

           The Group’s other core products also achieved significant results during the Reporting Period. In May 2020, the MAA for
           HLX02 trastuzumab injection (EU trade name: Zercepac®) submitted by a wholly-owned subsidiary of Accord, a business
           partner of the Group, for the treatment of HER2-positive early-stage breast cancer, HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer
           and untreated HER2-positive metastatic adenocarcinoma of the stomach or gastroesophageal junction received a positive
           opinion and recommended approval for MAA from the CHMP of the EMA. In July 2020, the above mentioned MAA for
           HLX02 trastuzumab injection (EU trade name: Zercepac®) was duly approved by the EC, making HLX02 (trastuzumab
           injection) the first biosimilar made by Chinese institution which has been approved for launching in the EU. In August 2020,
           the NDA for HLX02 trastuzumab injection (trade name in mainland China: 漢曲優) was approved by the NMPA. HLX02
           trastuzumab injection (trade name in mainland China: 漢曲優) was formally approved for commercialisation in mainland
           China. The sale of HLX02漢曲優 were commercialised, and relevant work is being carried out smoothly.

                                                                                                                Interim Report 2020         7

             In April 2020, the Group received two Certificates of GMP Compliance of a Manufacturer, being the GMP Certificates, from
             Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate, being the hygiene supervision organization in Poland. The Company’s drug substance
             (DS) line and drug product (DP) line for HLX02 trastuzumab injection (EU trade name: Zercepac®) at Xuhui Facility passed
             the GMP certification by the EU. In July 2020, the Group received the “Notification of the Results of the On-site Inspection
             of Pharmaceutical Production Base” 《藥品生產現場檢查結果告知書》
                                                  (                              ) issued by Shanghai Medical Products Administration,
             notifying that the drug substance (DS) south line and drug product (DP) No. 1 line for HLX02 trastuzumab injection (trade
             name in mainland China: 漢曲優) at Xuhui Facility have successfully passed the on-site inspection by Shanghai Medical
             Products Administration.

                   The NDA for HLX03 self-developed by the Group was accepted by the NMPA in January 2019 and is currently in the
                   priority review process. As of the Latest Practicable Date, HLX03 for the treatment of plaque psoriasis indications
                   has completed the phase 3 clinical trial in mainland China, which showed that the efficacy of HLX03 for moderate to
                   severe plaque psoriasis is equivalent to that of the original drug, and it is similar to the original drug in terms of safety,
                   immunogenicity and pharmacokinetics. Meanwhile, Xuhui Facility has passed the on-site inspection conducted by
                   Shanghai Medical Products Administration in respect of HLX03 (adalimumab injection) drug substance (DS) south
                   line and drug product (DP) No. 1 line. As of the Latest Practicable Date, the Phase 3 clinical study of the Avastin®
                   biosimilar HLX04 (recombinant humanised anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody injection) developed by the Group for
                   the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) has completed and the trial has met the pre-defined primary
                   endpoint. The NDA for its treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) and advanced, metastatic or recurrent
                   non-small cell lung cancer was accepted by the NMPA.

                   As of the Latest Practicable Date, the Group has established a highly efficient and experienced global clinical
                   development team to actively promote the clinical research of multiple candidate drugs in multiple locations around
                   the world, and achieved promising progress. HLX10 (PD-1) is the core innovative mAb in the Group’s product
                   pipeline. As of today, HLX10 (PD-1) has been successively approved for clinical trials in the United States, Taiwan,
                   China and mainland China. While actively promoting the clinical development of HLX10 (PD-1), the Group is also
                   actively implementing the differentiated strategy of “Global + Combo”. With HLX10 (PD-1) as the core, and combining
                   with other pharmaceutical products, clinical trials are being conducted simultaneously in multiple countries and
                   regions worldwide. As of the Latest Practicable Date, “HLX10 + chemotherapy” is used to treat locally advanced/
                   metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, locally advanced or metastatic squamous non-small cell lung
                   cancer, previously untreated extensive-stage small cell lung cancer, neoadjuvant/adjuvant treatment of gastric
                   cancer, and advanced cervical cancer that five phase 2/3 clinical trials have all completed the first-in-patient dosing in
                   mainland China. The “HLX10 + HLX04” Phase 2 clinical trial for the treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
                   and the Phase 3 clinical trial for the treatment of non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer were both completed in
                   mainland China. In March 2020, the first patient dosing in mainland China was completed in a Phase 2 clinical trial
                   of HLX10(PD-1) in combination with albumin-bound paclitaxel for the treatment of advanced cervical cancer (CC)
                   patients who have failed to respond to the first-line standard chemotherapy. In April 2020, the first-in-patient dosing
                   in Turkey was completed in a Phase 3 clinical trial to compare HLX10(PD-1) in combination with chemotherapy
                   (carboplatin nab-paclitaxel) against chemotherapy (carboplatin nab-paclitaxel) as first-line therapy for locally advanced
                   or metastatic squamous non-small cell lung cancer (sqNSCLC). In the same month, the first patient dosing in Turkey
                   was completed in a Phase 3 clinical trial of HLX10(PD-1) or placebo in combination with chemotherapy (Carboplatin-
                   Etoposide) in previously untreated patients with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC). In July 2020, the
                   first patient dosing in mainland China was completed in a Phase 2 clinical trial of HLX10(PD-1) in combination with
                   recombinant anti-EGFR humanised monoclonal antibody injection (HLX07) for the treatment of recurrent or metastatic
                   head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.

8    Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc.

     The Group has also promoted clinical research on a number of other products in an orderly manner: As of the Latest
     Practicable Date, the innovative anti-PD-L1 mAb HLX20 is in the Phase 1 clinical trial in Australia, which is expected
     to be combined with other products to develop tumour immunotherapy, and to be widely used in the treatment of
     solid tumours. In March 2020, the first patient dosing in Taiwan, China was completed in a Phase 1 clinical trial
     of HLX55 monoclonal antibody for injection (“HLX55”) for the treatment of advanced solid tumours refractory to
     standard therapy. In March 2020, recombinant humanised anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody injection (“HLX07”) has
     demonstrated its good safety and tolerability in a prospective, open-labelled, dose-escalation Phase 1 clinical trial
     designed to assess it in the treatment for metastatic or recurrent epithelial tumours refractory to standard therapy, and
     the relevant clinical study report has been finished. As of today, the improved innovative anti-EGFR mAb HLX07 is in
     the Phase 1b/2 clinical trial process and is expected to be used in the treatment for nasopharyngeal cancer, colorectal
     cancer and other solid tumour indications.

     The Group accelerated the development of the pre-clinical research pipeline simultaneously. In January 2020, the
     investigational new drug application (IND) of ipilimumab biosimilar HLX13 (recombinant anti-CTLA-4 fully humanised
     monoclonal antibody injection) was accepted by the NMPA, whose indications include: (i) unresectable or metastatic
     melanoma, (ii) advanced renal cell carcinoma, (iii) microsatellite instability-high or mismatch repair-deficient metastatic
     colorectal cancer, and (iv) adjuvant treatment of melanoma. These investigational new drug application (IND) was
     approved by the NMPA in April 2020. In January 2020, the investigational new drug application (IND) of Pertuzumab
     biosimilar HLX11 (recombinant anti-HER2 domain II humanised monoclonal antibody injection) was approved by
     the NMPA, whose indications include metastatic breast cancer and early breast cancer. The product is expected to
     be combined with HLX02 or chemotherapy in the adjuvant treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer, neoadjuvant
     therapy, and treatment of HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer, and the relevant Phase 1 clinical study completed
     the first patient dosing in mainland China in September 2020. In March 2020, the IND of Denosumab biosimilar
     HLX14 (recombinant anti-RANKL fully humanised monoclonal antibody injection) was accepted by the NMPA,
     whose indication is for postmenopausal osteoporosis in women with high fracture risks. This investigational new drug
     application (IND) was approved by the NMPA in May 2020. In May 2020, the investigational new drug application of
     anti-Death Receptor 4 (DR4) mAb injection HLX56 for treatment of advanced solid tumours refractory to standard
     treatment was approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Taiwan.

     During the Reporting Period, leveraging its own abundant technology and resources in the field of antibody drugs, the
     Group also actively promoted the cooperative development of fully human antibody drugs for COVID-19. In May 2020,
     the Company entered into a cooperation agreement with Sanyou Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. and Shanghai ZJ Bio-
     Tech Co., Ltd. in relation to the cooperation to develop fully human antibody drug for COVID-19 for the monotherapy
     or combination treatment of COVID-19. With the assistance of the partners, the Company shall be responsible
     for the completion of the construction of cell lines and cell banks, pharmacological and pharmacokinetic studies,
     pharmacodynamics evaluation, drug prescription and process research, pilot production and inspection, quality
     research and safety evaluation of fully human antibody drugs for COVID-19, and the investigational new drug (IND)
     application in China and/or other countries and regions based on the IND application strategy and market demand as
     agreed by the Company and the partners.

                                                                                                       Interim Report 2020         9

                   The following table demonstrates the product development plans and results of the Group from the beginning of 2020
                   to the Latest Practicable Date:

                     Name of product
                     drugs/targets)            Progress as of the Latest Practicable Date                     Other recognitions

                     Commercialised product
                     HLX01 (漢利康)            –       In April 2020, addition of 2,000L drug substance
                                                    production scale and 2,000L production equipment was
                                                    approved by the NMPA
                                               –    In April 2020, the addition of 500mg/50ml/vial to the
                                                    original specification of 100mg/10ml/vial was approved
                                                    by the NMPA
                                               –    In July 2020, supplemental applications for two new
                                                    indications were approved by the NMPA

                     HLX02 trastuzumab          –   In April 2020, Xuhui Facility’s drug substance (DS) and   –   In March 2020, the Company entered into an
                       injection (trade name in     drug product (DP) line for HLX02 trastuzumab injection        exclusive licence agreement with Mabxience,
                       mainland China: 漢曲           (EU trade name: Zercepac®) passed the GMP inspection          granting it the exclusive licence for the
                       優; EU trade name:            by the EU                                                     development and commercialisation of HLX02
                       Zercepac®)               –   In July 2020, the MAA of HLX02 trastuzumab injection          trastuzumab injection for oncology treatment
                                                    (EU trade name: Zercepac®) has been officially approved       in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay
                                                    by the European Commission (EC)                           –   In June 2020, the Company entered into the
                                               –    In July 2020, Xuhui Facility’s drug substance (DS)            Amendment to the License Agreement with
                                                    south line and drug product (DP) No. 1 line for HLX02         Accord in respect of HLX02 trastuzumab
                                                    trastuzumab injection (trade name in mainland China:          injection (EU trade name: Zercepac®). On
                                                    漢曲優) passed the on-site inspection conducted by the           the basis of the License Agreement entered
                                                    Shanghai Medical Products Administration                      into by both parties for HLX02 trastuzumab
                                               –    In August 2020, the NDA of HLX02 trastuzumab injection        injection (EU trade name: Zercepac®) in
                                                    (trade name in mainland China: 漢曲優) was approved by           June 2018, the Amended Agreement is
                                                    the NMPA                                                      made in respect of the new specifications
                                                                                                                  and the corresponding milestone payment
                                                                                                                  arrangement no more than USD3.08 million,
                                                                                                                  and the adjustment in the royalties of HLX02.

                     Products with near-term commercial visibility
                     HLX03 (adalimumab)       – In January 2019, NDA of HLX03 (adalimumab) was
                                                 accepted by the NMPA and is currently in the priority
                                                 review process

                                               –    In September 2020, Xuhui Facility has passed the on-
                                                    site inspection conducted by Shanghai Medical Products
                                                    Administration in respect of HLX03 (adalimumab) drug
                                                    substance (DS) south line and drug product (DP) No. 1

10    Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc.

Name of product
drugs/targets)              Progress as of the Latest Practicable Date                         Other recognitions

HLX04 (bevacizumab)         –    In August 2020, Phase 3 clinical trial of HLX04
                                 (bevacizumab) for the metastatic colorectal cancer
                                 indication was completed in mainland China.

                            –    In September 2020, the NDA for HLX04 (bevacizumab)
                                 for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)
                                 and advanced, metastatic or recurrent non-small cell lung
                                 cancer was accepted by the NMPA

HLX01 (漢利康)                 –    Phase 3 clinical trial of rheumatoid arthritis indication
                                 completed the enrollment of patients

Products under clinical studies being continuously and efficiently promoted
HLX10 (innovative         – Phase 2 clinical trial in progress (chronic hepatitis B;
  anti-PD-1 mAb)               unresectable or metastatic microsatellite instability-high
                               or mismatch repair-deficient solid tumours that fails to
                               respond to the standard therapy)

HLX10+HLX04                 –    Phase 3 clinical trial in progress (metastatic non-
                                 squamous non-small cell lung cancer)
                            –    Phase 2 clinical trial in progress (advanced hepatocellular

HLX10+HLX07                 –    In July 2020, Phase 2 clinical study for the treatment of
                                 recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell
                                 carcinoma (HNSCC) completed the first patient dosing in
                                 mainland China

HLX10+chemotherapy          –    Five Phase 2/3 clinical trials ongoing (locally advanced/
                                 metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma,
                                 extensive-stage small cell lung cancer, gastric cancer,
                                 locally advanced or metastatic squamous non-small cell
                                 lung cancer, advanced cervical cancer)

HLX55 (innovative           –    In March 2020, Phase 1 clinical study completed the first
  anti-c-MET mAb)                patient dosing in Taiwan, China

HLX07                       –    Phase 1b/2 clinical trial in progress in mainland China       –   In March 2020, the recombinant humanised
  (improved innovative                                                                             anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody injection
  anti-EGFR mAb)                                                                                   (HLX07) has demonstrated its good safety
                                                                                                   and tolerability in a prospective, open-labelled,
                                                                                                   dose-escalation Phase 1 clinical trial designed
                                                                                                   to assess it in the treatment for metastatic
                                                                                                   or recurrent epithelial tumours refractory to
                                                                                                   standard therapy, and the relevant clinical
                                                                                                   study report has been finished.

                                                                                                                    Interim Report 2020                11

                     Name of product
                     drugs/targets)             Progress as of the Latest Practicable Date                     Other recognitions

                     Applications for clinical trials of the pre-clinical research project accelerated
                     HLX13 (ipilimumab)           – In April 2020, IND was approved by the NMPA

                     HLX11 (pertuzumab)         –    In January 2020, IND was approved by the NMPA

                                                –    In September 2020, Phase 1 clinical study completed the
                                                     first patient dosing in mainland China

                     HLX14 (denosumab)          –    In May 2020, IND was approved by the NMPA

                     HLX56 (anti-DR4 mAb)       –    In May 2020, the clinical trial for the treatment of
                                                     advanced solid tumours refractory to standard therapy
                                                     has been approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare
                                                     of Taiwan

              In order to meet the expected demand for the gradual marketing of candidate drugs in the Group’s product pipelines,
              the Group has formulated a phase-based capacity planning for the product development cycle, gradually improved and
              enhanced large-scale production capacity based on a sound quality management system, and maintained high quality
              standards while expanding production capacity and improving cost-efficiency. Meanwhile, the Group has established
              a quality control system that complies with international quality standards, covering the entire life cycle from project
              development to material management, product production, quality control, product supply chain management, and product
              follow-up after marketing, which lays a solid foundation for the commercialisation in multiple jurisdictions and regions.

              As of the end of the Reporting Period, the Group has established Xuhui Facility, a biopharmaceutical production facility in
              Shanghai Caohejing Hi-Tech Park, which covers a total area of approximately 11,000 square metres. Xuhui Facility and its
              supporting quality management system have passed a number of on-site inspections and/or audits by EU qualified person
              and international business partners, which can meet the Group’s short-term production needs. In April 2020, the Group
              received two Certificates of GMP Compliance of a Manufacturer from Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate, being the hygiene
              supervision organization of Poland. The Company’s drug substance (DS) and drug product (DP) line for HLX02 trastuzumab
              injection (EU trade name: Zercepac®) at Xuhui Facility passed the GMP certification by the EU. In July 2020, the Group
              received the “Notification of the Results of the On-site Inspection of Pharmaceutical Production Base” 《藥品生產現場檢查
              結果告知書》        ) issued by Shanghai Medical Products Administration, notifying that the drug substance (DS) south line and
              drug product (DP) No. 1 line for HLX02 trastuzumab injection (trade name in mainland China: 漢曲優) at Xuhui Facility have
              successfully passed the on-site inspection by Shanghai Medical Products Administration. In September 2020, the Group
              received the “Notification of the Results of the On-site Inspection of Pharmaceutical Production Base” 《藥品生產現場檢查結
              果告知書》      ) issued by Shanghai Medical Products Administration, notifying that the drug substance (DS) south line and drug
              product (DP) No. 1 line for HLX03 (adalimumab injection) at Xuhui Facility have successfully passed the on-site inspection
              by Shanghai Medical Products Administration. As of the Latest Practicable Date, the Xuhui Facility has completed the filing
              of production approval for new key equipment of four 2,000L bioreactors to Shanghai Medical Products Administration. The
              Group’s overall commercial production capacity has been increased to 20,000L. To further improve the capacity plan, the
              Group also commenced the construction of the manufacturing facility at Guangfu Lin Road at Songjian District of Shanghai.
              The planned production capacity of the Songjiang First Plant was 24,000L including formulation filling line, which was the
              preparation for the Group’s estimated production needs before Songjiang Second Plant was built and put into operation.
              Songjiang First Plant has conducted GMP production for clinical samples in the drug substance workshop from May 2020,
              and has built four 2,000L bioreactors. During the Reporting Period, in order to promote the development and industrialisation
              of continuous flow technology, the Group invested in the construction of continuous production pilot workshop at Songjiang
              First Plant, and completed relevant design and procurement of key equipment. In compliance with long-term production
              capacity planning, Songjiang Second Plant with a total planning area of 200 mu has also commenced construction in 2019
              and is still under construction. As of the Latest Practicable Date, the pile foundation engineering operation of Songjiang
              Second Plant Phase 1 project, as well as the structure of the main production building were completed. The subsequent
              phases of construction will be gradually commenced in accordance with the Group’s strategies.

12    Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc.

   Based on the mission of “to improve patients’ lives by timely providing them with quality and affordable protein
   therapeutics through technical innovation and operational excellence”, the Group continues to explore efficient business
   operation models with the purpose of improving the accessibility and affordability of biopharmaceuticals, implementing
   a commercialisation strategy of “focusing on product portfolio, production capacity and commercial operations, to be the
   biomedical leader in China”. The Group’s commercialisation team comprises five major segments: marketing, channel
   management, pricing and market access, domestic sales, and strategic planning, with a complete organisational structure
   and a clear division of responsibilities. It is expected to effectively promote the Group’s commercialisation and achieve a
   stable growth of sales scale.

        As the first domestic biosimilar in the strict sense, HLX01漢利康 was successfully approved for marketing in 2019,
        which marked the start of exploitation of the domestic biosimilar market. After the launch of HLX01漢利康, Jiangsu
        Fosun, a subsidiary of Fosun Pharma (controlling shareholder of the Company) is responsible for the drug’s
        commercial sales in mainland China. Jiangsu Fosun has a professional academic promotion team for key hospitals
        and a mixed-line sales team for the broader market. All members of two teams passed the technical training and
        assessment in related professional fields, with solid medical knowledge and communication skills.

        In the first half of 2020, inclusion of HLX01漢利康 into the procurement platform of medical insurance system in each
        province of mainland China has progressed smoothly. As of the end of June 2020, 29 out of 30 provinces in mainland
        China have approved HLX01漢利康’s inclusion into the medical insurance procurement platform, and 26 provinces
        have completed official platform/filed procurement, laying the foundation for subsequent commercial sales of HLX01

        From the beginning of 2020 to now, HLX01漢利康 made a significant progress in the aspects of registration and
        approval. In April 2020, applications for the addition of 2,000L drug substance production scale and 2,000L production
        equipment and new 500mg/50ml/vial specifications were approved by the NMPA. In July 2020, supplemental
        applications for two new indications of HLX01 漢利康, including (1) the monotherapy maintenance therapy after
        complete or partial response under rituximab in combination with chemotherapy for patients with initially-treated
        follicular lymphoma; (2) fludarabine and cyclophosphamide (FC) combination therapy for patients with previously-
        untreated or relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), were approved by the NMPA. The Group will
        also promote the approval for HLX01漢利康 in treating the rheumatoid arthritis indication. Increased production scale
        and production equipment, as well as new specifications and indications, will provide a strong guarantee of HLX01 (漢
        利康) production capacity, benefit a wider range of patients, and realise drug usages with more affordable price via
        combinations among different scales.

        Being committed to providing quality and affordable innovative biopharmaceuticals to patients worldwide, the Group’s
        products mainly focus on the field of oncology treatment, and this part of the product is planned to be promoted in
        mainland China by a self-built commercialisation team of the Group.

        HLX02 trastuzumab injection is the core tumour product of the Group. HLX02 漢曲優 is also the first product whose
        sales and promotion in mainland China will be led by the Group’s self-built commercialisation team. In order to
        successfully conduct the commercialisation of HLX02 漢曲優, the Group has devised a commercialisation strategy
        and established a core commercialisation management team. The commercialisation team comprises five major
        segments, namely marketing, channel management, pricing and market access, domestic sales and strategic
        planning. As of the end of the Reporting Period, the Group has established a commercial team of 310 people for the
        Chinese market, of which the core management team is composed of more than 100 experts with extensive industry
        experiences. The Group will continue to actively expand the coverage of each segment based on the admission
        progress of the product in various regions, and facilitate the construction of the marketing segment in an orderly
        manner based on its plans, aiming to cover more than 260 cities in the six major sales regions of the Country.

                                                                                                      Interim Report 2020        13

                    According to the cooperation agreement signed between the Company and Jiangsu Wanbang, a subsidiary of Fosun
                    Pharma, Jiangsu Wanbang will be responsible for the drug’s commercial sales in China after the product launch of
                    HLX03, and it has a large-scale professional autoimmune rheumatic business department and a mixed-line sales
                    team for more markets, which are equipped with professional communication skills and medical knowledge as well
                    as the experience in successful commercialisation of 優立通 (febuxostat tablets) in the field of rheumatism treatment.
                    In order to improve the standardised medical services for patients with rheumatism in mainland China, an online
                    management system for patients with rheumatism was set up on the internet hospital of Jiangsu Wanbang Cloud
                    Health Technology Co., Ltd.* (江蘇萬邦雲健康科技有限公司) (a subsidiary of Jiangsu Wanbang) in the first half of
                    2020. Meanwhile, to coordinate the launch of HLX03 products, the sales team of Jiangsu Fosun has also further
                    optimised and improved the dedicated sales team’s level of professionalism.

              Based on the internationalised positioning set at the Group’s establishment and the long-term internationalisation strategy,
              the Group actively implements a comprehensive internationalised R&D and operation strategies, and promotes the smooth
              development of commercialisation of products in the international market. With the feature of “global linkage, integrated
              innovation” as the product development concept, the Group possesses R&D laboratories in China Shanghai, China Taipei,
              and USA California, and the three R&D centres collaborate closely to ensure highly productive and cost-effective R&D
              processes to jointly create a diverse and complete technology platform and strong independent R&D capabilities, laying a
              solid foundation for the Group’s internationalisation strategy and entering the international market.

              At the same time, the Group is proactively carrying out its global commercialisation layout. Prior to the products to
              be approved for marketing, it has reached strategic commercialisation cooperation with some of the world’s leading
              pharmaceutical companies in order to rapidly occupy the global market share through the partners’ existing capabilities and
              resources. As of the Latest Practicable Date, the Group has signed commercial cooperation agreements with international
              pharmaceutical companies such as Accord, Cipla Limited, Biosidus S.A., Jacobson Medical (Hong Kong) Limited, KG
              Bio, Farma De Colombia and Mabxience in respect of a number of core products of the Company, with many foreign
              authorisations covering more than 90 countries and regions worldwide. In March 2020, the Company entered into an
              exclusive license agreement with Mabxience to grant it an exclusive license for the development and commercialisation
              of HLX02 products for oncology treatment in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, and the Company will receive an upfront
              payment of USD250,000 and milestone payments not exceeding USD500,000. In June 2020, the Company entered into
              amendments to the License Agreement with Accord in respect of HLX02 (trastuzumab injection) on the basis of the License
              Agreement in relation to HLX02 (trastuzumab injection) entered into by both parties in June 2018, making decisions on the
              new specifications for HLX02 and the corresponding milestone payment arrangements not exceeding USD3.08 million,
              royalty adjustments (increase from 13.5%-25% of profits of net sales as agreed in the original license agreement to 15%-
              26.5%), etc.

             In April 2020, the Group’s drug substance (DS) line and drug product (DP) line for HLX02 trastuzumab injection (EU trade
             name: Zercepac®) at Xuhui Facility passed the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification by the EU. In July 2020,
             the Marketing Authorisation Application (MAA) for HLX02 trastuzumab injection (EU trade name: Zercepac®) applied by the
             Group and its business partner Accord was duly approved by the European Commission (EC), making HLX02 (trastuzumab
             injection) the first biosimilar made by Chinese institution which has been approved for launching in the EU.


14    Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc.

      In 2020, the Group will further expand its biopharmaceutical product portfolio covering oncology, auto-immune diseases and more
      fields, capitalise the achieved first-entrant advantages to further advance the implementation of the Group’s internationalisation
      strategy, improve the production base construction, expand production capacity and accelerate the commercialisation of more
      high-quality biological products to benefit more patients worldwide.

            As one of the leading domestic biopharmaceutical companies, the Group actively responds to national calls and complies
            with national pharmaceutical reforms to provide patients with high-quality and affordable biopharmaceuticals. Meanwhile,
            the Group has clearly established a comprehensive and efficient business operation model in five major segments including
            marketing, channel management, pricing and market access, domestic sales and strategic planning with patient-centric, and
            continue to promote the successful commercialisation of more products, so as to improve the accessibility and affordability
            of biopharmaceuticals. Given the low development risk and identified market potential of biosimilars, the Group will continue
            to accelerate the domestic commercialisation of multiple biosimilar products in the pipeline. HLX02 trastuzumab injection
            (trade name in mainland China: 漢曲優) was approved for launching by the NMPA in August 2020. HLX03 is expected to be
            approved for launching in the second half of 2020 or the first half of 2021 and to become the main driving factor other than
            HLX01漢利康 and HLX02 trastuzumab injection (EU trade name: Zercepac®) for the Group’s short-term revenue growth.

            HLX02 trastuzumab injection (trade name in mainland China: 漢曲優) is the core tumour product whose sales promotion
            in mainland China will be led by the Group’s self-built commercialisation team. In order to successfully commercialise it in
            China, the Group will continue to strengthen market access capacity-building, promote the rapid landing of national health
            insurance, and will plan to cover about 1,500 hospitals at all levels nationwide in the second half of 2020. In the second
            half of 2020, the Group also plans to actively cooperate with relevant corporations in fields such as medical big data, HER2
            testing, innovative payment, and patient education to build a treatment ecosystem for HER2-positive patients. Nonetheless,
            the Group will actively explore the huge potential of the county market in the PRC and gradually realise the grand vision of
            “not leaving a HER2-positive patient behind”.

            In the second half of 2020, the Group will continue to strengthen the sales landing of HLX01 漢利康, capitalise the first-
            entrant advantages, and maintain close work with Jiangsu Fosun to focus on the continued growth of HLX01 漢利
            康 in the field of haematological tumours. With the releasing production capacity resulting from the approval of 2,000L
            production scale, and the successful approval of two new indications of HLX01 漢利康, it is expected to promote the
            continuous growth of the sales scale of HLX01 漢利康 and the gradual reduction of production costs, further enhancing
            its market competitiveness. Meanwhile, the Group will continue its cooperation with Jiangsu Wanbang to carry out
            preparation for sales of HLX03, and make full use of Jiangsu Wanbang’s successful commercialisation experience in the
            field of rheumatology treatment product 優立通 (febuxostat tablets) to further improve the online management system for
            patients with rheumatism, build an Internet platform “Youxue Hospital” (優學醫院), and manage those patients in advance,
            implementing the concept construction before the product launch, and fully preparing for the future commercialisation of

                                                                                                                Interim Report 2020         15

             The Group will further improve the production system construction in accordance with the product R&D and launching
             plan, complete the production base construction and increase production capacity to provide strong guarantees for
             the successive commercial sales of products while achieving efficient utilisation of production capacity. The Group’s
             Xuhui Facility plans to continually improve production efficiency through a series of lean management and process
             optimisation initiatives to reduce production costs. At the same time, the Group will continue to focus on the development
             and industrialisation of continuous flow technology in the second half of the year, with a view to ensure productivity and
             quality in large-scale commercial production of future products. In 2019, the Group has started construction of Songjian
             First Plant to prepare for the estimated capacity demand before the Songjiang Second Plant was put into operation. The
             planned production capacity of the Songjiang First Plant was 24,000L, including formulation filling line. The drug substance
             workshop has started the GMP production of clinical samples since May 2020, and is expected to complete validation of
             commercial production during 2020. In order to achieve long-term capacity planning, the Group will continue to promote
             construction of the Songjiang Second Plant for enhancing the overall production capacity of the Group. The structure of
             the Songjiang Second Plant Phase 1 project main production building is completed and will be put into trial production
             and conduct related verification work in 2021. Upon completion of construction, the Songjiang Second Plant will become
             the Group’s base for R&D, pilot production and production of mAb biopharmaceutical drugs. This will further enhance the
             Group’s market competitiveness in core business area, and satisfy the commercialised production demand for biosimilar
             and bio-innovative drugs of the Group.

              The Group will fully utilise the globally integrated independent development platform, keep up with the international trend,
              continue to expand and enrich the product target layout, optimise the development platform of bi-specific antibodies, and
              create a high-quality and affordable innovative product pipeline. In the second half of 2020, the Group will actively carry
              out and promote the development of innovative drugs based on the existing extensive product pipelines and mature R&D
              platforms. NDAs for the Group’s self-developed core product innovative drug HLX10 (PD-1) are planned to be submitted
              to the NMPA in 2021. Meanwhile, clinical trials of combined immunotherapy of tumours with HLX10 (PD-1) as the core,
              for indications such as recurrent or metastatic HNSCC and metastatic colorectal cancer, are also planned to be further
              advanced in the second half of 2020.

              While rapidly advancing the progress of clinical trials of candidate drugs in the pipeline, the Group will also continue
              to effectively and efficiently promote the preclinical R&D process of products under development, and accelerate the
              deployment of HLX26 innovative anti-LAG3 mAb, HLX23 innovative anti-CD73 mAb, HLX15 daratumumab biosimilar and
              other products in the global registration and approval of multiple products, and then carry out clinical research programs.
              At present, the Group’s mAb product pipeline has extensively covered tumour-specific targets (such as EGFR, HER2 and
              c-Met), anti-angiogenesis targets (such as VEGF and VEGFR2) and tumour immunotherapeutic targets (such as PD-1,
              PD-L1, CTLA-4, LAG3, TIGIT and CD73) and during the development, the Group has accumulated a wealth of research
              data and practical experience on the target biological pathways and antibody interactions as well as the relationship
              between antibody structure and pharmacodynamics. Synthesising such data and experience, and relying on the Group’s
              comprehensive bi-specific antibody development platform, newly optimised phage library of humanised monoclonal
              antibody and strong clinical trial advancing capabilities, it is expected to make important breakthroughs in the R&D of bi-
              specific antibodies containing PD-1, PD-L1, EGFR and HER2 targets.

16    Shanghai Henlius Biotech, Inc.
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