2020 Prospectus - iShares

Page created by Greg Wang
Table of Contents

                                                                     JANUARY 17, 2020

                                                          (as revised December 1, 2020)

       2020 Prospectus

 iShares Trust
 • iShares ESG MSCI EM Leaders ETF | LDEM | NASDAQ

  Beginning on January 1, 2021, as permitted by regulations adopted by the Securities
  and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), paper copies of the Fund’s shareholder reports
  will no longer be sent by mail, unless you specifically request paper copies of the
  reports from your financial intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or bank. Instead,
  the reports will be made available on a website, and you will be notified by mail each
  time a report is posted and provided with a website link to access the report.
  If you already elected to receive shareholder reports electronically, you will not be
  affected by this change and you need not take any action. If you hold accounts
  through a financial intermediary, you may contact your financial intermediary to
  enroll in electronic delivery. Please note that not all financial intermediaries may offer
  this service.
  You may elect to receive all future reports in paper free of charge. If you hold
  accounts through a financial intermediary, you can follow the instructions included
  with this disclosure, if applicable, or contact your financial intermediary to request
  that you continue to receive paper copies of your shareholder reports. Please note
  that not all financial intermediaries may offer this service. Your election to receive
  reports in paper will apply to all funds held with your financial intermediary.

 The SEC has not approved or disapproved these securities or passed upon the
 adequacy of this prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents

 Table of Contents
                 Fund Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             S-1
                 More Information About the Fund . . . . . . . . .                                            1
                 A Further Discussion of Principal Risks . .                                                  2
                 A Further Discussion of Other Risks . . . . . .                                            20
                 Portfolio Holdings Information . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                   26
                 Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .             26
                 Shareholder Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                            30
                 Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       39
                 Financial Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                   39
                 Index Provider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .           40
                 Disclaimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        40

 “MSCI EM Extended ESG Leaders 5% Issuer Capped Index” is a servicemark of MSCI Inc. and has been
 licensed for use for certain purposes by BlackRock Fund Advisors or its affiliates. iShares® and BlackRock® are
 registered trademarks of BlackRock Fund Advisors and its affiliates. The Fund is not sponsored, endorsed, sold,
 or promoted by MSCI Inc., nor does MSCI Inc. make any representation regarding the advisability of investing
 in the Fund.

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                    Ticker: LDEM                 Stock Exchange: NASDAQ

 Investment Objective
 The iShares ESG MSCI EM Leaders ETF (the “Fund”) seeks to track the investment
 results of an index composed of large and mid-capitalization stocks of emerging
 market companies with high environmental, social, and governance performance
 relative to their sector peers as determined by the index provider.

 Fees and Expenses
 The following table describes the fees and expenses that you will incur if you buy, hold
 and sell shares of the Fund. The investment advisory agreement between iShares Trust
 (the “Trust”) and BlackRock Fund Advisors (“BFA”) (the “Investment Advisory
 Agreement”) provides that BFA will pay all operating expenses of the Fund, except the
 management fees, interest expenses, taxes, expenses incurred with respect to the
 acquisition and disposition of portfolio securities and the execution of portfolio
 transactions, including brokerage commissions, distribution fees or expenses, litigation
 expenses and any extraordinary expenses.
 You may pay other fees, such as brokerage commissions and other fees to financial
 intermediaries, which are not reflected in the tables and examples below.
                                Annual Fund Operating Expenses
                         (ongoing expenses that you pay each year as a
                          percentage of the value of your investments)
                                                                           Total Annual
                             Distribution and                                  Fund
   Management                Service (12b-1)              Other             Operating
      Fees                         Fees                 Expenses1           Expenses
         0.16%                        None                0.00%               0.16%

       The amount rounded to 0.00%.
 Example. This Example is intended to help you compare the cost of owning shares of
 the Fund with the cost of investing in other funds. The Example assumes that you
 invest $10,000 in the Fund for the time periods indicated and then sell all of your
 shares at the end of those periods. The Example also assumes that your investment
 has a 5% return each year and that the Fund’s operating expenses remain the same.
 Although your actual costs may be higher or lower, based on these assumptions, your
 costs would be:

                            1 Year                         3 Years

                              $16                           $52

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 Portfolio Turnover. The Fund may pay              Companies involved in very serious
 transaction costs, such as commissions,           business controversies based on scores
 when it buys and sells securities (or             assigned by MSCI ESG Research are
 “turns over” its portfolio). A higher             also excluded. MSCI ESG Research
 portfolio turnover rate may indicate              defines a controversy as an instance or
 higher transaction costs and may result           ongoing situation in which company
 in higher taxes when Fund shares are              operations and/or products allegedly
 held in a taxable account. These costs,           have a negative environmental, social
 which are not reflected in the Annual             and/or governance impact. Each
 Fund Operating Expenses or in the                 controversy case is assessed for the
 Example, affect the Fund’s                        severity of its impact on society.
 performance.                                      MSCI ESG Research rates the ESG
                                                   characteristics of securities on a scale
 Principal Investment
                                                   of “CCC” (lowest) to “AAA” (highest).
 Strategies                                        MSCI ESG Research determines the
 The Fund seeks to track the investment            ESG ratings by evaluating the
 results of the MSCI EM Extended ESG               company’s risks and opportunities and
 Leaders 5% Issuer Capped Index (the               using a sector-specific ESG Key Issues
 “Underlying Index”), which has been               (“Key Issues”) (e.g. carbon emissions)
 developed by MSCI Inc. (the “Index                selection and weighting model. Each
 Provider” or “MSCI”). The Underlying              company is scored on a scale of 0 to 10,
 Index is a free float-adjusted market             with 10 being the most desirable, for
 capitalization-weighted index designed            each applicable Key Issue before being
 to reflect the equity performance of              provided an ESG rating based on
 emerging market companies with                    average Key Issue score. ESG ratings
 favorable environmental, social and               are calculated in comparison to a
 governance (“ESG”) characteristics (as            company’s sector peers, and securities
 determined by MSCI ESG Research LLC               in one sector may have a lower average
 (“MSCI ESG Research”)). The Index                 ESG rating than securities in another
 Provider begins with the MSCI Emerging            sector. Only securities of companies
 Markets Index (the “Parent Index”) and            with an ESG rating of “BB” or higher are
 excludes securities of companies                  eligible for inclusion in the Underlying
 involved in the business of alcohol,              Index.
 tobacco, gambling, and nuclear power              Following these eligibility screens,
 and weapons, thermal coal and                     companies are then ordered within each
 unconventional oil and gas businesses             Global Industry Classification Standard®
 (e.g. thermal coal extraction and                 (“GICS”) sector, first based on ESG
 generation or oil sands extraction),              ratings, ESG rating trend, current index
 companies involved with conventional              membership, industry-adjusted ESG
 and controversial weapons, and                    scores and then based on free float-
 producers and major retailers of civilian         adjusted market capitalization. MSCI
 firearms based on revenue or                      selects companies from the ranked
 percentage of revenue thresholds for              universe until the constituents of the
 certain categories (e.g. $1 billion or            Underlying Index represent
 50%) and categorical exclusions for               approximately 50% of the free float-
 others (e.g. nuclear weapons).                    adjusted cumulative market

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 capitalization of the respective sector of         “Representative sampling” is an
 the Parent Index. Once all constituents            indexing strategy that involves investing
 are selected, MSCI next weighs the                 in a representative sample of securities
 constituents according to free float-              that collectively has an investment
 adjusted market capitalization, limiting           profile similar to that of an applicable
 individual issuers to 5% of index weight,          underlying index. The securities
 but does not revisit the 50% target                selected are expected to have, in the
 sector coverage based on any resultant             aggregate, investment characteristics
 reweighting. The Underlying Index is               (based on factors such as market
 reviewed annually in May to coincide               capitalization and industry weightings),
 with the semi-annual review of the                 fundamental characteristics (such as
 Parent Index. The Underlying Index                 return variability and yield) and liquidity
 includes large- and mid- capitalization            measures similar to those of an
 companies and may change over time.                applicable underlying index. The Fund
 As of November 29, 2019, the                       may or may not hold all of the securities
 Underlying Index consisted of 446                  in the Underlying Index.
 securities and a significant portion of            The Fund generally will invest at least
 the Underlying Index is represented by             90% of its assets in the component
 securities of companies in the financials          securities of the Underlying Index and in
 industry or sector. As of November 29,             investments that have economic
 2019, the Fund does not have principal             characteristics that are substantially
 exposure to mid-capitalization                     identical to the component securities of
 companies. The components of the                   the Underlying Index (i.e., depositary
 Underlying Index are likely to change              receipts representing securities of the
 over time.                                         Underlying Index) and may invest up to
 BFA uses a “passive” or indexing                   10% of its assets in certain futures,
 approach to try to achieve the Fund’s              options and swap contracts, cash and
 investment objective. Unlike many                  cash equivalents, including shares of
 investment companies, the Fund does                money market funds advised by BFA or
 not try to “beat” the index it tracks and          its affiliates, as well as in securities not
 does not seek temporary defensive                  included in the Underlying Index, but
 positions when markets decline or                  which BFA believes will help the Fund
 appear overvalued.                                 track the Underlying Index. The Fund
 Indexing may eliminate the chance that             seeks to track the investment results of
 the Fund will substantially outperform             the Underlying Index before fees and
 the Underlying Index but also may                  expenses of the Fund.
 reduce some of the risks of active                 The Fund may lend securities
 management, such as poor security                  representing up to one-third of the value
 selection. Indexing seeks to achieve               of the Fund’s total assets (including the
 lower costs and better after-tax                   value of any collateral received).
 performance by aiming to keep portfolio            The Underlying Index is sponsored by
 turnover low in comparison to actively             MSCI, which is independent of the Fund
 managed investment companies.                      and BFA. The Index Provider determines
 BFA uses a representative sampling                 the composition and relative weightings
 indexing strategy to manage the Fund.              of the securities in the Underlying Index

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 and publishes information regarding the            less uniformity in accounting and
 market value of the Underlying Index.              reporting requirements, less reliable
 Industry Concentration Policy. The                 securities valuations and greater risk
 Fund will concentrate its investments              associated with custody of securities
 (i.e., hold 25% or more of its total               than developed markets.
 assets) in a particular industry or group          Non-U.S. Securities Risk. Investments
 of industries to approximately the same            in the securities of non-U.S. issuers are
 extent that the Underlying Index is                subject to the risks associated with
 concentrated. For purposes of this                 investing in those non-U.S. markets,
 limitation, securities of the U.S.                 such as heightened risks of inflation or
 government (including its agencies and             nationalization. The Fund may lose
 instrumentalities) and repurchase                  money due to political, economic and
 agreements collateralized by U.S.                  geographic events affecting issuers of
 government securities are not                      non-U.S. securities or non-U.S. markets.
 considered to be issued by members of              In addition, non-U.S. securities markets
 any industry.                                      may trade a small number of securities
                                                    and may be unable to respond
 Summary of Principal Risks                         effectively to changes in trading volume,
 As with any investment, you could lose             potentially making prompt liquidation of
 all or part of your investment in the              holdings difficult or impossible at times.
 Fund, and the Fund’s performance could             The Fund is specifically exposed to
 trail that of other investments. The Fund          Asian Economic Risk.
 is subject to certain risks, including the         ESG Investment Strategy Risk. The
 principal risks noted below, any of                Fund’s ESG investment strategy limits
 which may adversely affect the Fund’s              the types and number of investment
 net asset value per share (“NAV”),                 opportunities available to the Fund and,
 trading price, yield, total return and             as a result, the Fund may underperform
 ability to meet its investment objective.          other funds that do not have an ESG
 Each risk noted below is considered a              focus. The Fund’s ESG investment
 principal risk of investing in the Fund,           strategy may result in the Fund
 regardless of the order in which it                investing in securities or industry
 appears. The significance of each risk             sectors that underperform the market
 factor below may change over time and              as a whole or underperform other funds
 you should review each risk factor                 screened for ESG standards. In addition,
 carefully.                                         companies selected by the Index
 Risk of Investing in Emerging                      Provider may not exhibit positive or
 Markets. The Fund’s investments in                 favorable ESG characteristics.
 emerging market issuers may be                     Equity Securities Risk. Equity
 subject to a greater risk of loss than             securities are subject to changes in
 investments in issuers located or                  value, and their values may be more
 operating in more developed markets.               volatile than those of other asset
 Emerging markets may be more likely to             classes. The Underlying Index is
 experience inflation, political turmoil            comprised of common stocks, which
 and rapid changes in economic                      generally subject their holders to more
 conditions than more developed                     risks than preferred stocks and debt
 markets. Emerging markets often have

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 securities because common                           However, Chinese markets generally
 stockholders’ claims are subordinated               continue to experience inefficiency,
 to those of holders of preferred stocks             volatility and pricing anomalies resulting
 and debt securities upon the bankruptcy             from governmental influence, a lack of
 of the issuer.                                      publicly available information and/or
 Financials Sector Risk. Performance of              political and social instability. Internal
 companies in the financials sector may              social unrest or confrontations with
 be adversely impacted by many factors,              neighboring countries, including military
 including, among others, changes in                 conflicts in response to such events,
 government regulations, economic                    may also disrupt economic
 conditions, and interest rates, credit              development in China and result in a
 rating downgrades, and decreased                    greater risk of currency fluctuations,
 liquidity in credit markets. The extent to          currency non-convertibility, interest rate
 which the Fund may invest in a company              fluctuations and higher rates of
 that engages in securities-related                  inflation. China has experienced
 activities or banking is limited by                 security concerns, such as terrorism
 applicable law. The impact of changes in            and strained international relations.
 capital requirements and recent or                  Additionally, China is alleged to have
 future regulation of any individual                 participated in state-sponsored
 financial company, or of the financials             cyberattacks against foreign companies
 sector as a whole, cannot be predicted.             and foreign governments. Actual and
 In recent years, cyberattacks and                   threatened responses to such activity,
 technology malfunctions and failures                including purchasing restrictions,
 have become increasingly frequent in                sanctions, tariffs or cyberattacks on the
 this sector and have caused significant             Chinese government or Chinese
 losses to companies in this sector,                 companies, may impact China’s
 which may negatively impact the Fund.               economy and Chinese issuers of
                                                     securities in which the Fund invests.
 Risk of Investing in China.                         Incidents involving China’s or the
 Investments in Chinese securities,                  region’s security may cause uncertainty
 including certain Hong Kong-listed                  in Chinese markets and may adversely
 securities, subject the Fund to risks               affect the Chinese economy and the
 specific to China. Investments in certain           Fund’s investments. Export growth
 Hong Kong-listed securities may also                continues to be a major driver of
 subject the Fund to exposure to                     China’s rapid economic growth.
 Chinese companies. China may be                     Reduction in spending on Chinese
 subject to considerable degrees of                  products and services, institution of
 economic, political and social instability.         additional tariffs or other trade barriers
 China is an emerging market and                     (including as a result of heightened
 demonstrates significantly higher                   trade tensions between China and the
 volatility from time to time in                     U.S., or in response to actual or alleged
 comparison to developed markets. Over               Chinese cyber activity) or a downturn in
 the last few decades, the Chinese                   any of the economies of China’s key
 government has undertaken reform of                 trading partners may have an adverse
 economic and market practices and has               impact on the Chinese economy.
 expanded the sphere of private                      Chinese companies, including Chinese
 ownership of property in China.                     companies that are listed on U.S.

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 exchanges, are not subject to the same             obligated to engage in creation and/or
 degree of regulatory requirements,                 redemption transactions. The Fund has
 accounting standards or auditor                    a limited number of institutions that
 oversight as companies in more                     may act as Authorized Participants on
 developed countries, and as a result,              an agency basis (i.e., on behalf of other
 information about the Chinese                      market participants). To the extent that
 securities in which the Fund invests may           Authorized Participants exit the
 be less reliable or complete. There may            business or are unable to proceed with
 be significant obstacles to obtaining              creation or redemption orders with
 information necessary for investigations           respect to the Fund and no other
 into or litigation against Chinese                 Authorized Participant is able to step
 companies and shareholders may have                forward to create or redeem, Fund
 limited legal remedies. The Fund is not            shares may be more likely to trade at a
 actively managed and does not select               premium or discount to NAV and
 investments based on investor                      possibly face trading halts or delisting.
 protection considerations.                         Authorized Participant concentration
 Asset Class Risk. Securities and other             risk may be heightened for exchange-
 assets in the Underlying Index or in the           traded funds (“ETFs”), such as the Fund,
 Fund’s portfolio may underperform in               that invest in securities issued by non-
 comparison to the general financial                U.S. issuers or other securities or
 markets, a particular financial market or          instruments that have lower trading
 other asset classes. Securities of                 volumes.
 companies that have positive or                    Commodity Risk. The Fund invests in
 favorable ESG characteristics may                  companies that are susceptible to
 underperform other securities.                     fluctuations in certain commodity
 Assets Under Management (AUM)                      markets and to price changes due to
 Risk. From time to time, an Authorized             trade relations, including the imposition
 Participant (as defined in the Creations           of tariffs by the U.S. and other importing
 and Redemptions section of this                    countries. Any negative changes in
 prospectus (the “Prospectus”)), a third-           commodity markets that may be due to
 party investor, the Fund’s adviser or an           changes in supply and demand for
 affiliate of the Fund’s adviser, or a fund         commodities, market events, regulatory
 may invest in the Fund and hold its                developments or other factors that the
 investment for a specific period of time           Fund cannot control could have an
 to allow the Fund to achieve size or               adverse impact on those companies.
 scale. There can be no assurance that              Concentration Risk. The Fund may be
 any such entity would not redeem its               susceptible to an increased risk of loss,
 investment or that the size of the Fund            including losses due to adverse events
 would be maintained at such levels,                that affect the Fund’s investments more
 which could negatively impact the Fund.            than the market as a whole, to the
 Authorized Participant Concentration               extent that the Fund’s investments are
 Risk. Only an Authorized Participant               concentrated in the securities and/or
 may engage in creation or redemption               other assets of a particular issuer or
 transactions directly with the Fund, and           issuers, country, group of countries,
 none of those Authorized Participants is           region, market, industry, group of
                                                    industries, sector or asset class.

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 Currency Risk. Because the Fund’s                  adverse impact on the Fund’s
 NAV is determined in U.S. dollars, the             investments in, or which are exposed to,
 Fund’s NAV could decline if the currency           the affected region.
 of a non-U.S. market in which the Fund             Index-Related Risk. There is no
 invests depreciates against the U.S.               guarantee that the Fund’s investment
 dollar or if there are delays or limits on         results will have a high degree of
 repatriation of such currency. Currency            correlation to those of the Underlying
 exchange rates can be very volatile and            Index or that the Fund will achieve its
 can change quickly and unpredictably.              investment objective. Market
 As a result, the Fund’s NAV may change             disruptions and regulatory restrictions
 quickly and without warning.                       could have an adverse effect on the
 Custody Risk. Less developed                       Fund’s ability to adjust its exposure to
 securities markets are more likely to              the required levels in order to track the
 experience problems with the clearing              Underlying Index. Errors in index data,
 and settling of trades, as well as the             index computations or the construction
 holding of securities by local banks,              of the Underlying Index in accordance
 agents and depositories.                           with its methodology may occur from
 Cybersecurity Risk. Failures or                    time to time and may not be identified
 breaches of the electronic systems of              and corrected by the Index Provider for
 the Fund, the Fund’s adviser, distributor,         a period of time or at all, which may
 the Index Provider and other service               have an adverse impact on the Fund and
 providers, market makers, Authorized               its shareholders. Unusual market
 Participants or the issuers of securities          conditions may cause the Index
 in which the Fund invests have the                 Provider to postpone a scheduled
 ability to cause disruptions, negatively           rebalance, which could cause the
 impact the Fund’s business operations              Underlying Index to vary from its normal
 and/or potentially result in financial             or expected composition.
 losses to the Fund and its shareholders.           Infectious Illness Risk. An outbreak of
 While the Fund has established business            an infectious respiratory illness, COVID-
 continuity plans and risk management               19, caused by a novel coronavirus has
 systems seeking to address system                  resulted in travel restrictions, disruption
 breaches or failures, there are inherent           of healthcare systems, prolonged
 limitations in such plans and systems.             quarantines, cancellations, supply chain
 Furthermore, the Fund cannot control               disruptions, lower consumer demand,
 the cybersecurity plans and systems of             layoffs, ratings downgrades, defaults
 the Fund’s Index Provider and other                and other significant economic impacts.
 service providers, market makers,                  Certain markets have experienced
 Authorized Participants or issuers of              temporary closures, extreme volatility,
 securities in which the Fund invests.              severe losses, reduced liquidity and
 Geographic Risk. A natural disaster                increased trading costs. These events
 could occur in a geographic region in              will have an impact on the Fund and its
 which the Fund invests, which could                investments and could impact the
 adversely affect the economy or the                Fund’s ability to purchase or sell
 business operations of companies in the            securities or cause elevated tracking
 specific geographic region, causing an             error and increased premiums or
                                                    discounts to the Fund’s NAV. Other

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 infectious illness outbreaks in the future          high volatility and disruptions in the
 may result in similar impacts.                      creation/redemption process. ANY OF
 Issuer Risk. The performance of the                 THESE FACTORS, AMONG OTHERS,
 Fund depends on the performance of                  MAY LEAD TO THE FUND’S SHARES
 individual securities to which the Fund             TRADING AT A PREMIUM OR DISCOUNT
 has exposure. Changes in the financial              TO NAV.
 condition or credit rating of an issuer of          National Closed Market Trading Risk.
 those securities may cause the value of             To the extent that the underlying
 the securities to decline.                          securities and/or other assets held by
 Large-Capitalization Companies Risk.                the Fund trade on foreign exchanges or
 Large-capitalization companies may be               in foreign markets that may be closed
 less able than smaller capitalization               when the securities exchange on which
 companies to adapt to changing market               the Fund’s shares trade is open, there
 conditions. Large-capitalization                    are likely to be deviations between the
 companies may be more mature and                    current price of such an underlying
 subject to more limited growth potential            security and the last quoted price for
 compared with smaller capitalization                the underlying security (i.e., the Fund’s
 companies. During different market                  quote from the closed foreign market).
 cycles, the performance of large-                   These deviations could result in
 capitalization companies has trailed the            premiums or discounts to the Fund’s
 overall performance of the broader                  NAV that may be greater than those
 securities markets.                                 experienced by other ETFs.

 Management Risk. As the Fund will not               Non-Diversification Risk. The Fund
 fully replicate the Underlying Index, it is         may invest a large percentage of its
 subject to the risk that BFA’s                      assets in securities issued by or
 investment strategy may not produce                 representing a small number of issuers.
 the intended results.                               As a result, the Fund’s performance may
                                                     depend on the performance of a small
 Market Risk. The Fund could lose                    number of issuers.
 money over short periods due to short-
 term market movements and over                      Operational Risk. The Fund is exposed
 longer periods during more prolonged                to operational risks arising from a
 market downturns. Local, regional or                number of factors, including, but not
 global events such as war, acts of                  limited to, human error, processing and
 terrorism, the spread of infectious                 communication errors, errors of the
 illness or other public health issue,               Fund’s service providers, counterparties
 recessions, or other events could have a            or other third-parties, failed or
 significant impact on the Fund and its              inadequate processes and technology
 investments and could result in                     or systems failures. The Fund and BFA
 increased premiums or discounts to the              seek to reduce these operational risks
 Fund’s NAV.                                         through controls and procedures.
                                                     However, these measures do not
 Market Trading Risk. The Fund faces                 address every possible risk and may be
 numerous market trading risks,                      inadequate to address significant
 including the potential lack of an active           operational risks.
 market for Fund shares, losses from
 trading in secondary markets, periods of

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 Passive Investment Risk. The Fund is               cyberattacks on the Russian
 not actively managed, and BFA generally            government or Russian companies, may
 does not attempt to take defensive                 impact Russia’s economy and Russian
 positions under any market conditions,             issuers of securities in which the Fund
 including declining markets.                       invests.
 Privatization Risk. Some countries in              Securities Lending Risk. The Fund may
 which the Fund invests have privatized,            engage in securities lending. Securities
 or have begun the process of                       lending involves the risk that the Fund
 privatizing, certain entities and                  may lose money because the borrower
 industries. Privatized entities may lose           of the loaned securities fails to return
 money or be re-nationalized.                       the securities in a timely manner or at
 Reliance on Trading Partners Risk.                 all. The Fund could also lose money in
 The Fund invests in countries or regions           the event of a decline in the value of
 whose economies are heavily                        collateral provided for loaned securities
 dependent upon trading with key                    or a decline in the value of any
 partners. Any reduction in this trading            investments made with cash collateral.
 may have an adverse impact on the                  These events could also trigger adverse
 Fund’s investments. Through its                    tax consequences for the Fund.
 holdings of securities of certain issuers,         Security Risk. Some countries and
 the Fund is specifically exposed to                regions in which the Fund invests have
 Asian Economic Risk, European                      experienced security concerns, such as
 Economic Risk and U.S. Economic                    terrorism and strained international
 Risk.                                              relations. Incidents involving a country’s
 Risk of Investing in Russia. Investing             or region’s security may cause
 in Russian securities involves significant         uncertainty in its markets and may
 risks, including legal, regulatory and             adversely affect its economy and the
 economic risks that are specific to                Fund’s investments.
 Russia. In addition, investing in Russian          Small Fund Risk. When the Fund’s size
 securities involves risks associated with          is small, the Fund may experience low
 the settlement of portfolio transactions           trading volume and wide bid/ask
 and loss of the Fund’s ownership rights            spreads. In addition, the Fund may face
 in its portfolio securities as a result of         the risk of being delisted if the Fund
 the system of share registration and               does not meet certain conditions of the
 custody in Russia. A number of                     listing exchange. Any resulting
 jurisdictions, including the U.S., Canada          liquidation of the Fund could cause the
 and the European Union (the “EU”),                 Fund to incur elevated transaction costs
 have imposed economic sanctions on                 for the Fund and negative tax
 certain Russian individuals and Russian            consequences for its shareholders.
 corporate entities. Additionally, Russia           Structural Risk. The countries in which
 is alleged to have participated in state-          the Fund invests may be subject to
 sponsored cyberattacks against foreign             considerable degrees of economic,
 companies and foreign governments.                 political and social instability.
 Actual and threatened responses to
 such activity, including purchasing                Tracking Error Risk. The Fund may be
 restrictions, sanctions, tariffs or                subject to tracking error, which is the
                                                    divergence of the Fund’s performance

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 from that of the Underlying Index.                  or other asset may differ from the
 Tracking error may occur because of                 Fund’s valuation of the security or other
 differences between the securities and              asset and from the value used by the
 other instruments held in the Fund’s                Underlying Index, particularly for
 portfolio and those included in the                 securities or other assets that trade in
 Underlying Index, pricing                           low volume or volatile markets or that
 differences (including, as applicable,              are valued using a fair value
 differences between a security’s price              methodology as a result of trade
 at the local market close and the Fund’s            suspensions or for other reasons. In
 valuation of a security at the time of              addition, the value of the securities or
 calculation of the Fund’s NAV),                     other assets in the Fund’s portfolio may
 transaction costs incurred by the Fund,             change on days or during time periods
 the Fund’s holding of uninvested cash,              when shareholders will not be able to
 differences in timing of the accrual of or          purchase or sell the Fund’s shares.
 the valuation of dividends or interest,             Authorized Participants who purchase or
 the requirements to maintain pass-                  redeem Fund shares on days when the
 through tax treatment, portfolio                    Fund is holding fair-valued securities
 transactions carried out to minimize the            may receive fewer or more shares, or
 distribution of capital gains to                    lower or higher redemption proceeds,
 shareholders, acceptance of custom                  than they would have received had the
 baskets, changes to the Underlying                  Fund not fair-valued securities or used a
 Index or the costs to the Fund of                   different valuation methodology. The
 complying with various new or existing              Fund’s ability to value investments may
 regulatory requirements. This risk may              be impacted by technological issues or
 be heightened during times of increased             errors by pricing services or other third-
 market volatility or other unusual                  party service providers.
 market conditions. Tracking error also
 may result because the Fund incurs fees             Performance Information
 and expenses, while the Underlying                  As of the date of the Prospectus, the
 Index does not. INDEX ETFs THAT                     Fund has been in operation for less than
 TRACK INDICES WITH SIGNIFICANT                      one full calendar year and therefore
 WEIGHT IN EMERGING MARKETS                          does not report its performance
 ISSUERS MAY EXPERIENCE HIGHER                       information.
 Valuation Risk. The price the Fund
 could receive upon the sale of a security

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 Management                                           Tax Information
 Investment Adviser. BlackRock Fund                   The Fund intends to make distributions
 Advisors.                                            that may be taxable to you as ordinary
 Portfolio Managers. Rachel Aguirre,                  income or capital gains, unless you are
 Jennifer Hsui, Alan Mason, Greg Savage               investing through a tax-deferred
 and Amy Whitelaw (the “Portfolio                     arrangement such as a 401(k) plan or
 Managers”) are primarily responsible for             an individual retirement account (“IRA”),
 the day-to-day management of the                     in which case, your distributions
 Fund. Each Portfolio Manager                         generally will be taxed when withdrawn.
 supervises a portfolio management                    Payments to Broker-Dealers
 team. Ms. Aguirre, Ms. Hsui, Mr. Mason,
 Mr. Savage and Ms. Whitelaw have been
                                                      and Other Financial
 Portfolio Managers of the Fund since                 Intermediaries
 inception (2020).                                    If you purchase shares of the Fund
                                                      through a broker-dealer or other
 Purchase and Sale of Fund                            financial intermediary (such as a bank),
 Shares                                               BFA or other related companies may
 The Fund is an ETF. Individual shares of             pay the intermediary for marketing
 the Fund may only be bought and sold in              activities and presentations, educational
 the secondary market through a broker-               training programs, conferences, the
 dealer. Because ETF shares trade at                  development of technology platforms
 market prices rather than at NAV,                    and reporting systems or other services
 shares may trade at a price greater than             related to the sale or promotion of the
 NAV (a premium) or less than NAV (a                  Fund. These payments may create a
 discount). An investor may incur costs               conflict of interest by influencing the
 attributable to the difference between               broker-dealer or other intermediary and
 the highest price a buyer is willing to              your salesperson to recommend the
 pay to purchase shares of the Fund (bid)             Fund over another investment. Ask your
 and the lowest price a seller is willing to          salesperson or visit your financial
 accept for shares of the Fund (ask)                  intermediary’s website for more
 when buying or selling shares in the                 information.
 secondary market (the “bid-ask

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Table of Contents

 More Information About the Fund
 This Prospectus contains important information about investing in the Fund. Please
 read this Prospectus carefully before you make any investment decisions. Additional
 information regarding the Fund is available at www.iShares.com.
 BFA is the investment adviser to the Fund. Shares of the Fund are listed for trading on
 The Nasdaq Stock Market (“NASDAQ”). The market price for a share of the Fund may
 be different from the Fund’s most recent NAV.
 ETFs are funds that trade like other publicly-traded securities. The Fund is designed to
 track an index. Similar to shares of an index mutual fund, each share of the Fund
 represents an ownership interest in an underlying portfolio of securities and other
 instruments intended to track a market index. Unlike shares of a mutual fund, which
 can be bought and redeemed from the issuing fund by all shareholders at a price based
 on NAV, shares of the Fund may be purchased or redeemed directly from the Fund at
 NAV solely by Authorized Participants and only in aggregations of a specified number of
 shares (“Creation Units”). Also unlike shares of a mutual fund, shares of the Fund are
 listed on a national securities exchange and trade in the secondary market at market
 prices that change throughout the day.
 The Fund invests in a particular segment of the securities markets and seeks to track
 the performance of a securities index that is not representative of the market as a
 whole. The Fund is designed to be used as part of broader asset allocation strategies.
 Accordingly, an investment in the Fund should not constitute a complete investment
 An index is a financial calculation, based on a grouping of financial instruments, and is
 not an investment product, while the Fund is an actual investment portfolio. The
 performance of the Fund and the Underlying Index may vary for a number of reasons,
 including transaction costs, non-U.S. currency valuations, asset valuations, corporate
 actions (such as mergers and spin-offs), timing variances and differences between the
 Fund’s portfolio and the Underlying Index resulting from the Fund’s use of
 representative sampling or from legal restrictions (such as diversification
 requirements) that apply to the Fund but not to the Underlying Index. From time to
 time, the Index Provider may make changes to the methodology or other adjustments
 to the Underlying Index. Unless otherwise determined by BFA, any such change or
 adjustment will be reflected in the calculation of the Underlying Index performance on
 a going-forward basis after the effective date of such change or adjustment. Therefore,
 the Underlying Index performance shown for periods prior to the effective date of any
 such change or adjustment will generally not be recalculated or restated to reflect
 such change or adjustment.
 “Tracking error” is the divergence of the Fund’s performance from that of the
 Underlying Index. BFA expects that, over time, the Fund’s tracking error will not exceed
 5%. Because the Fund uses a representative sampling indexing strategy, it can be
 expected to have a larger tracking error than if it used a replication indexing strategy.
 “Replication” is an indexing strategy in which a fund invests in substantially all of the

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 securities in its underlying index in approximately the same proportions as in the
 underlying index.
 The Fund may borrow as a temporary measure for extraordinary or emergency
 purposes, including to meet redemptions or to facilitate the settlement of securities or
 other transactions. The Fund does not intend to borrow money in order to leverage its
 An investment in the Fund is not a bank deposit and it is not insured or guaranteed by
 the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency, BFA or
 any of its affiliates.
 The Fund’s investment objective and the Underlying Index may be changed without
 shareholder approval.

 A Further Discussion of Principal Risks
 The Fund is subject to various risks, including the principal risks noted below, any of
 which may adversely affect the Fund’s NAV, trading price, yield, total return and ability
 to meet its investment objective. You could lose all or part of your investment in the
 Fund, and the Fund could underperform other investments. Each risk noted below is
 considered a principal risk of investing in the Fund, regardless of the order in which it
 appears. The significance of each risk factor below may change over time and you
 should review each risk factor carefully.
 Risk of Investing in Emerging Markets. Investments in emerging market issuers are
 subject to a greater risk of loss than investments in issuers located or operating in
 more developed markets. This is due to, among other things, the potential for greater
 market volatility, lower trading volume, higher levels of inflation, political and economic
 instability, greater risk of a market shutdown and more governmental limitations on
 foreign investments in emerging market countries than are typically found in more
 developed markets. Moreover, emerging markets often have less uniformity in
 accounting and reporting requirements, less reliable securities valuations and greater
 risks associated with custody of securities than developed markets. In addition,
 emerging markets often have greater risk of capital controls through such measures as
 taxes or interest rate control than developed markets. Certain emerging market
 countries may also lack the infrastructure necessary to attract large amounts of
 foreign trade and investment. Local securities markets in emerging market countries
 may trade a small number of securities and may be unable to respond effectively to
 changes in trading volume, potentially making prompt liquidation of holdings difficult or
 impossible at times. Settlement procedures in emerging market countries are
 frequently less developed and reliable than those in the U.S. (and other developed
 countries). In addition, significant delays may occur in certain markets in registering
 the transfer of securities. Settlement or registration problems may make it more
 difficult for the Fund to value its portfolio securities and could cause the Fund to miss
 attractive investment opportunities.
 Investing in emerging market countries involves a higher risk of loss due to
 expropriation, nationalization, confiscation of assets and property or the imposition of

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 restrictions on foreign investments and on repatriation of capital invested in certain
 emerging market countries.
 Non-U.S. Securities Risk. Investments in the securities of non-U.S. issuers are
 subject to the risks of investing in the markets where such issuers are located,
 including heightened risks of inflation, nationalization and market fluctuations caused
 by economic and political developments. As a result of investing in non-U.S. securities,
 the Fund may be subject to increased risk of loss caused by any of the factors listed
 䡲   A lack of market liquidity and market efficiency;
 䡲   Greater securities price volatility;
 䡲   Exchange rate fluctuations and exchange controls;
 䡲   Less availability of public information about issuers;
 䡲   Limitations on foreign ownership of securities;
 䡲   Imposition of withholding or other taxes;
 䡲   Imposition of restrictions on the expatriation of the funds or other assets of the
 䡲   Higher transaction and custody costs and delays in settlement procedures;
 䡲   Difficulties in enforcing contractual obligations;
 䡲   Lower levels of regulation of the securities markets;
 䡲   Weaker accounting, disclosure and reporting requirements; and
 䡲   Legal principles relating to corporate governance, directors’ fiduciary duties and
     liabilities and stockholders’ rights in markets in which the Fund invests may differ
     from and/or may not be as extensive or protective as those that apply in the U.S.
 ESG Investment Strategy Risk. The Fund’s ESG investment strategy limits the types
 and number of investment opportunities available to the Fund and, as a result, the
 Fund may underperform other funds that do not have an ESG focus. The Fund’s ESG
 investment strategy may result in the Fund investing in securities or industry sectors
 that underperform the market as a whole or underperform other funds screened for
 ESG standards. In addition, companies selected by the Index Provider may not exhibit
 positive or favorable ESG characteristics.
 Equity Securities Risk. The Fund invests in equity securities, which are subject to
 changes in value that may be attributable to market perception of a particular issuer or
 to general stock market fluctuations that affect all issuers. Investments in equity
 securities may be more volatile than investments in other asset classes. The
 Underlying Index is comprised of common stocks, which generally subject their holders
 to more risks than preferred stocks and debt securities because common
 stockholders’ claims are subordinated to those of holders of preferred stocks and debt
 securities upon the bankruptcy of the issuer.
 Financials Sector Risk. Companies in the financials sector of an economy are subject
 to extensive governmental regulation and intervention, which may adversely affect the
 scope of their activities, the prices they can charge, the amount of capital they must
 maintain and, potentially, their size. The extent to which the Fund may invest in a

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 company that engages in securities-related activities or banking is limited by
 applicable law. Governmental regulation may change frequently and may have
 significant adverse consequences for companies in the financials sector, including
 effects not intended by such regulation. Recently enacted legislation in the U.S. has
 relaxed capital requirements and other regulatory burdens on certain U.S. banks. While
 the effect of the legislation may benefit certain companies in the financials sector,
 including non-U.S. financials sector companies, increased risk taking by affected banks
 may also result in greater overall risk in the U.S. and global financials sector. The
 impact of changes in capital requirements, or recent or future regulation in various
 countries, on any individual financial company or on the financials sector as a whole
 cannot be predicted. Certain risks may impact the value of investments in the
 financials sector more severely than those of investments outside this sector, including
 the risks associated with companies that operate with substantial financial leverage.
 Companies in the financials sector may also be adversely affected by increases in
 interest rates and loan losses, decreases in the availability of money or asset
 valuations, credit rating downgrades and adverse conditions in other related markets.
 Insurance companies, in particular, may be subject to severe price competition and/or
 rate regulation, which may have an adverse impact on their profitability. The financials
 sector is particularly sensitive to fluctuations in interest rates. The financials sector is
 also a target for cyberattacks, and may experience technology malfunctions and
 disruptions. In recent years, cyberattacks and technology malfunctions and failures
 have become increasingly frequent in this sector and have reportedly caused losses to
 companies in this sector, which may negatively impact the Fund.
 Risk of Investing in China. Investments in Chinese securities, including certain Hong
 Kong-listed securities, subject the Fund to risks specific to China. The Chinese
 economy is subject to a considerable degree of economic, political and social
 instability. Investments in certain Hong Kong-listed securities may also subject the
 Fund to exposure to Chinese companies.
 Political and Social Risk. The Chinese government is authoritarian and has periodically
 used force to suppress civil dissent. Disparities of wealth and the pace of economic
 liberalization may lead to social turmoil, violence and labor unrest. In addition, China
 continues to experience disagreements related to integration with Hong Kong and
 religious and nationalist disputes in Tibet and Xinjiang. There is also a greater risk in
 China than in many other countries of currency fluctuations, currency non-
 convertibility, interest rate fluctuations and higher rates of inflation as a result of
 internal social unrest or conflicts with other countries. Unanticipated political or social
 developments may result in sudden and significant investment losses. China’s growing
 income inequality, rapidly aging population and significant environmental issues also
 are factors that may affect the Chinese economy.
 Government Control and Regulations. The Chinese government has implemented
 significant economic reforms in order to liberalize trade policy, promote foreign
 investment in the economy, reduce government control of the economy and develop
 market mechanisms. There can be no assurance these reforms will continue or that
 they will be effective. Despite recent reform and privatizations, government control
 over certain sectors or enterprises and significant regulation of investment and

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 industry is still pervasive, including restrictions on investment in companies or
 industries deemed to be sensitive to particular national interests, and the Chinese
 government may restrict foreign ownership of Chinese corporations and/or the
 repatriation of assets by foreign investors. Limitations or restrictions on foreign
 ownership of securities may have adverse effects on the liquidity and performance of
 the Fund, and could lead to higher tracking error. Chinese government intervention in
 the market may have a negative impact on market sentiment, which may in turn affect
 the performance of the Chinese economy and the Fund’s investments. Chinese
 markets generally continue to experience inefficiency, volatility and pricing anomalies
 that may be connected to governmental influence, lack of publicly-available
 information and/or political and social instability.
 Infectious Illness Risk. From time to time and as recently as January 2020, China has
 experienced outbreaks of infectious illnesses, and the country may be subject to other
 public health threats, infectious illnesses, diseases or similar issues in the future. Any
 spread of an infectious illness, public health threat or similar issue could reduce
 consumer demand or economic output, result in market closures, travel restrictions or
 quarantines, and generally have a significant impact on the Chinese economy, which in
 turn could adversely affect the Fund’s investments.
 Economic Risk. The Chinese economy has grown rapidly in the recent past and there is
 no assurance that this growth rate will be maintained. In fact, the Chinese economy
 may experience a significant slowdown as a result of, among other things, a
 deterioration in global demand for Chinese exports, as well as contraction in spending
 on domestic goods by Chinese consumers. In addition, China may experience
 substantial rates of inflation or economic recessions, which would have a negative
 effect on its economy and securities market. Delays in enterprise restructuring, slow
 development of well-functioning financial markets and widespread corruption have also
 hindered performance of the Chinese economy. China continues to receive substantial
 pressure from trading partners to liberalize official currency exchange rates. Reduction
 in spending on Chinese products and services, institution of additional tariffs or other
 trade barriers (including as a result of heightened trade tensions between China and
 the U.S. or in response to actual or alleged Chinese cyber activity) or a downturn in any
 of the economies of China’s key trading partners may have an adverse impact on the
 Chinese economy and the Chinese issuers of securities in which the Fund invests. For
 example, the U.S. has added certain foreign technology companies to the U.S.
 Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security’s “Entity List,” which is a
 list of companies believed to pose a national security risk to the U.S. Actions like these
 may have unanticipated and disruptive effects on the Chinese economy. Any such
 response that targets Chinese financial markets or securities exchanges could
 interfere with orderly trading, delay settlement or cause market disruptions.
 Expropriation Risk. The Chinese government maintains a major role in economic
 policymaking and investing in China involves risk of loss due to expropriation,
 nationalization, confiscation of assets and property or the imposition of restrictions on
 foreign investments and on repatriation of capital invested.
 Security Risk. China has strained international relations with Taiwan, India, Russia and
 other neighbors due to territorial disputes, historical animosities, defense concerns

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 and other security concerns. Additionally, China is alleged to have participated in state-
 sponsored cyberattacks against foreign companies and foreign governments. Actual
 and threatened responses to such activity, including purchasing restrictions, sanctions,
 tariffs or cyberattacks on the Chinese government or Chinese companies, may impact
 China’s economy and Chinese issuers of securities in which the Fund invests. Relations
 between China’s Han ethnic majority and other ethnic groups in China, including
 Tibetans and Uighurs, are also strained and have been marked by protests and
 violence. These situations may cause uncertainty in the Chinese market and may
 adversely affect the Chinese economy. In addition, conflict on the Korean Peninsula
 could adversely affect the Chinese economy.
 Chinese Equity Markets. The Fund may invest in H-shares (securities of companies
 incorporated in the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) that are denominated in Hong
 Kong dollars and listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong), A-shares (securities of
 companies incorporated in the PRC that are denominated in renminbi and listed on the
 Shanghai Stock Exchange (“SSE”) and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (“SZSE”)) and
 B-shares (securities of companies incorporated in the PRC that are denominated in
 U.S. dollars (in the case of the SSE) or Hong Kong dollars (in the case of the SZSE) and
 listed on the SSE and the SZSE). The Fund may also invest in certain Hong Kong listed
 securities known as Red-Chips (securities issued by companies incorporated in certain
 foreign jurisdictions, which are controlled, directly or indirectly, by entities owned by
 the national government or local governments in the PRC and derive substantial
 revenues from or allocate substantial assets in the PRC) and P-Chips (securities issued
 by companies incorporated in certain foreign jurisdictions, which are controlled,
 directly or indirectly, by individuals in the PRC and derive substantial revenues from or
 allocate substantial assets in the PRC). The issuance of B-shares and H-shares by
 Chinese companies and the ability to obtain a “back-door listing” through Red-Chips or
 P-Chips is still regarded by the Chinese authorities as an experiment in economic
 reform. “Back-door listing” is a means by which a mainland Chinese company issues
 Red-Chips or P-Chips to obtain quick access to international listing and international
 capital. All of these share mechanisms are relatively untested and subject to political
 and economic policies in China.
 Hong Kong Political Risk. Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997 as
 a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the PRC under the principle of “one country,
 two systems.” Although China is obligated to maintain the current capitalist economic
 and social system of Hong Kong through June 30, 2047, the continuation of economic
 and social freedoms enjoyed in Hong Kong is dependent on the government of China.
 Since 1997, there have been tensions between the Chinese government and many
 people in Hong Kong who perceive China as tightening control over Hong Kong’s semi-
 autonomous liberal political, economic, legal, and social framework. Recent protests
 and unrest have increased tensions even further. Due to the interconnected nature of
 the Hong Kong and Chinese economies, this instability in Hong Kong may cause
 uncertainty in the Hong Kong and Chinese markets. In addition, the Hong Kong dollar
 trades at a fixed exchange rate in relation to (or, is “pegged” to) the U.S. dollar, which
 has contributed to the growth and stability of the Hong Kong economy. However, it is
 uncertain how long the currency peg will continue or what effect the establishment of
 an alternative exchange rate system would have on the Hong Kong economy. Because

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