2019 Executive Master of Public Administration - Anzsog

2019 Executive Master of Public Administration - Anzsog
Master of Public
2019 Executive Master of Public Administration - Anzsog
What is the EMPA?                                          Why the EMPA?
The ANZSOG Executive Master of Public                      The Executive Master of Public Administration is a
Administration (EMPA) equips senior managers with          challenging but highly rewarding study program for
a broad tool kit of essential skills required in today’s   ambitious public sector managers who aspire to be
public sector.                                             public service leaders and are, therefore, looking to
                                                           enhance their skills, knowledge and expertise.
The EMPA has been designed in collaboration with
member governments and accredited by many of the           The EMPA sets its graduates up for higher levels
leading universities in Australia and New Zealand. Not     of achievement within the public sector. It teaches
unlike an MBA specifically tailored for government         an understanding of how to leverage academic
careers, the aim is to produce world-class public          frameworks and resources to solve workplace
sector leaders with strong skills in everything from       problems, from the everyday to larger issues. There is
financial management to laws and regulations, data         a world of literature, and thinking, available for aspiring
analysis and intellectually sound policy-making.           public sector leaders if they know where to look and
                                                           which questions to ask. Graduates will emerge with a
The course brings together world-recognised
                                                           strong understanding of management, service delivery
academics with high-calibre practitioners drawn
                                                           and policy analysis across the spectrum of public
from the senior ranks of the public, not-for-profit
                                                           sector activities.
and private sectors. It applies the latest thinking and
academic rigour, while being firmly grounded in the        The course teaches many aspects of public
reality of modern public sector challenges and allows      administration, exposing students to the best in
students to access the best thinking and learning as       contemporary thinking as taught by internationally
they share their individual workplace challenges.          renowned academics and practitioners.
The EMPA:                                                  Students examine and discuss the central concepts
                                                           relating to public administration, public management
  ▶▶ Is a two-year postgraduate qualification              and public policy. ANZSOG provides a dynamic and
     combining intensive residential blocks with           engaging learning environment where the emphasis is
     core and elective modules                             on ‘live’ issues confronting government, within sound
  ▶▶ Has a multi-disciplinary curriculum integrating       conceptual frameworks. The EMPA program includes
     theory and practice with real-world                   optional travel to Singapore, where participants are
     applications                                          able to enjoy hands on experience and real insights
                                                           into leading policy development in the Indo-Pacific
  ▶▶ Is taught by leading local and international
                                                           region at the prestigious Lee Kuan Yew School of
     academics, with practitioners drawn from the          Public Policy, National University of Singapore.
     senior ranks of a wide range of portfolios and
     sectors                                               While the course has a global outlook, it is framed
                                                           deliberately for Australian and New Zealand public
  ▶▶ Facilitates the creation of networks of
                                                           sector managers and has direct and meaningful
     practitioners and peers for lifelong learning and
                                                           outcomes to assist graduates in their work.
  ▶▶ Develops world-class leaders and public               A strong benefit of completing the course is the
                                                           cohort of a like-minded, similarly driven peer-group
     sector capability
                                                           from all levels of government and public service, to act
  ▶▶ Is accredited and awarded by ANZSOG’s                 as a sounding board, knowledge base and support
     university partners.                                  network in the years ahead.

2 Executive Master of Public Administration
2019 Executive Master of Public Administration - Anzsog
Creating future leaders
Graduates of the program find that they are better       ▶▶ Have a deep understanding of policy design,
equipped to manage complex accountabilities and the         economics and the law, and how they affect the
shifting priorities of government against a backdrop        work of the public sector
of tight finances, a probing media, volatile political   ▶▶ Can draw on a theoretical base, practical
forces, well-organised interest groups and, in many         frameworks and other resources in their day-to-
cases, entrenched organisational cultures.                  day work
The EMPA produces graduates who:                         ▶▶ Take a strategic approach to the challenges of an
                                                            evolving public sector
  ▶▶ Are prepared for and committed to excelling in a
     public sector career                                ▶▶ Have the skills to deliver better outcomes for
                                                            stakeholders and citizens
  ▶▶ Have a comprehensive understanding of the
     public sector environment                           ▶▶ Have established lasting, supportive connections
                                                            with peers across departments and jurisdictions.
  ▶▶ Consider how to create public value within
     constraints imposed by the authorising
     environment and operational capabilities

                                                                       Executive Master of Public Administration 3
2019 Executive Master of Public Administration - Anzsog
The program
Course structure                                         Methods
The EMPA is a two-year postgraduate qualification        Students experience a range of teaching methods
undertaken by high performing public sector              including:
managers looking to increase their knowledge base,
                                                           ▶▶ Interactive case teaching
leadership and governing skills.
                                                           ▶▶ Structured group learning
Participants are required to complete:
                                                           ▶▶ Experiential learning
  ▶▶ A core curriculum of eight subjects, including an     ▶▶ Self-reflection exercises.
     applied research project
                                                         The curriculum is multi-disciplinary and application
  ▶▶ A course in public sector financial management      oriented, emphasising technique, experience,
  ▶▶ Two other electives chosen from subjects offered    judgement and values.
     by partner universities.
                                                         The Singapore connection
                                                         It is increasingly important for today’s public sector
The EMPA degree is taught face-to-face in university     managers to adopt a global perspective and increase
campuses across Australia and New Zealand. The           their international engagement. With that in mind,
core subjects are taught in a residential setting,       the EMPA now includes a core unit that may be
allowing participants to focus on their learning         undertaken in Singapore, with students travelling
away from the office. This environment also fosters      to the prestigious Lee Kuan Yew School of Public
authentic peer-to-peer engagement.                       Policy, where they are taught by leading academics
                                                         and senior practitioners from within the Singapore
                                                         Led by the EMPA’s Academic Director, Professor
                                                         Michael Mintrom, this unit is an immersive experience,
                                                         with students engaged in case work within the
                                                         Singaporean civil service. EMPA students who pursue
                                                         this option benefit from working with their overseas
                                                         counterparts and being exposed to the approaches
                                                         other countries are adopting to similar issues in public
                                                         management and policy.

4 Executive Master of Public Administration
2019 Executive Master of Public Administration - Anzsog
The ability to help people
                                                           is what attracted me to the public
                                                         sector and I feel privileged to have this
                                                     opportunity to contribute through my work with
                                                  Te Puni Kōkiri. I’m immensely proud to be Māori and I
                                                                       love my people.
                                                     I encourage all public sector leaders to take up the
                                                challenge and make a special plea for agencies to support
                                             their indigenous staff to complete the ANZSOG Masters. There
                                              is much to be gained from building mutual understanding and
                                                         acceptance of different cultural standpoints.
                                                                       Tui Marsh
                                                      Northern Region Manager at Te Puni Kōkiri,
                                                    The Ministry of Māori Development, New Zealand
                                                               Winner, Dean’s Prize 2014

                     Studying with ANZSOG was a
                 fantastic experience. They take a really
             interactive approach to learning, drawing out
          discussions to help you apply the theory in a way
       that is relevant to government work. Hearing about the
     great work done in other parts of the public service was an
   inspiration and made me reflect on what I could do to make a
                            bigger difference.
 Working in the public sector, we’re in a position of privilege. We’ve
got the power to make people’s lives better, listen to what they want
 and deliver what they need. We all have a responsibility to use our
          knowledge and networks to deliver public value.
  My Masters (EMPA) experience was a rich one. The course has
opened my mind to the possibilities and given me the confidence to
    tackle the challenges we face to deliver for the community.
                            Liem Ngo
     Principal Manager of Project Coordination & Government
                       Transport for NSW
                   Winner, Dean’s Prize 2013

                                                                         Executive Master of Public Administration 5
2019 Executive Master of Public Administration - Anzsog
Indicative schedule for core subjects &
The EMPA curriculum has been developed in consultation with senior government officials from
across Australia and New Zealand. These subjects have been designed to support a practical
and effective approach to public sector delivery, with the aim of producing world-class public
sector leaders.
2019 - year one

 Delivering Public Value
   ▶▶ 4.5 days – residential Melbourne

 Managing Public Sector Organisations

   ▶▶ 1 day delivery Melbourne with Delivering Public Value        FEB                   JUN
   ▶▶ 1 day delivery Canberra or Singapore with Designing Public
       Policies and Programs

 Government in a Market Economy

   ▶▶ 4 days                                                                  APR
   ▶▶ Select: Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Wellington

 Designing Public Policies and Programs
   ▶▶ 4 days – residential Canberra or Singapore

 Decision-making Under Uncertainty

   ▶▶ 4 days                                                                                                   OCT
   ▶▶ Select: Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Wellington

* Locations may change

Delivering Public Value                                             Managing Public Sector Organisations
Core principles of public sector management                         This subject focuses on the internal and external
are explored. Students consider the value their                     factors that influence the successful management of
organisation creates, the impact of their authorising               public sector organisations. It examines the distinction
environment on operations and the capabilities                      between routine problems and crises or ‘wicked
involved in delivering value to stakeholders.                       problems’. Students explore techniques that enhance
                                                                    efficacy, system-thinking and contextual awareness in
  Outcomes:                                                         public sector managers.

     ▶▶ appreciation of the kinds of value that public                   Outcomes:
        sector organisations provide to citizens and
        clients                                                          ▶▶ ability to effectively design and structure team
                                                                            work and broader operational capabilities
     ▶▶ awareness of the various forms of operational
        capability, and how they can be mobilised                        ▶▶ strengthened communication and negotiation
                                                                            skills to align everyday practices with
     ▶▶ ability to recognise problems from                                  organisational objectives
        symptoms, identify opportunities for action
        and manage risks.                                                ▶▶ ability to ensure that organisational practices
                                                                            are fit for purpose and adaptive.

6 Executive Master of Public Administration
2019 Executive Master of Public Administration - Anzsog
Government in a Market Economy                            Decision-making Under Uncertainty
Students examine key economic principles and their        Informed decision-making requires a critical appraisal
application to public sector activities – to support      of the available evidence. Students learn to dissect
decisions in allocating scarce resources, pricing and     evidence to assess its quality and usefulness.
delivering goods and services. This subject explores      Quantitative and qualitative sources of evidence and
how government intervention, through both private         practical frameworks are analysed to determine how
sector regulation and the public provision of services,   they can support informed action.
can be used to achieve the best outcomes for
citizens.                                                     Outcomes:
                                                              ▶▶ ability to accurately use, interpret and draw
    Outcomes:                                                    inferences from evidence
    ▶▶ appreciation of how market forces operate              ▶▶ awareness of the strengths, weaknesses and
       and how government policies influence these               suitability of various methods for gathering
       forces                                                    evidence
    ▶▶ understanding of the economic toolkit used             ▶▶ understanding of how the policy system and
       to assess decisions concerning the delivery               organisational context affects the use of
       and pricing of public services                            evidence and analysis.
    ▶▶ ability to apply the principles of cost–benefit
       analysis to public sector projects.

Designing Public Policies and Programs
This subject offers a framework for considering
government responses to contemporary public
problems. Students are encouraged to think
analytically about problems, identify alternative ways
of tackling them, and assess the likely results of
changes in current policies and programs. Emphasis
is given to the role of effective teamwork and clear
communication in any well-functioning advisory

    ▶▶ ability to design policies and programs that
       can yield ongoing public benefit
    ▶▶ understanding of how to inform politicians,
       stakeholders and citizens regarding
       necessary government actions
    ▶▶ knowledge of how to establish high-
       performing policy project teams.

                    The curriculum is multi-disciplinary and application
               oriented, emphasising technique, experience, judgement
                                                             and values.

                                                                          Executive Master of Public Administration 7
2019 Executive Master of Public Administration - Anzsog
2020 - year two

 Governing by the Rules
   ▶▶ 4 days – residential Sydney

 Managing Public Sector Organisations

   ▶▶ 1 day delivery Sydney with Governing by the Rules            FEB                  JUN
   ▶▶ 1 day delivery Melbourne with Leading Public Sector Change

 Leading Public Sector Change
   ▶▶ 4 days – residential Melbourne

 Work-based Project

   ▶▶ 0.5 day workshop Sydney with Governing by the Rules
   ▶▶ 0.5 day workshop Melbourne with Leading Public Sector        FEB                  JUN                        NOV
   ▶▶ 2 days – residential Wellington

* Locations may change

Governing by the Rules                                              Leading Public Sector Change
The development and implementation of public policy                 This subject examines the role of leadership in
requires an understanding of the applicable elements                assisting communities and organisations to deal with
of law, convention, practice and ethics. This subject               change. Contending perspectives on the complex
develops the capacity of public managers to operate                 nexus between leadership and change are used to
effectively and appropriately within a democracy                    examine the styles of leaders, the dynamics of leader–
governed by the rule of law.                                        follower relations, and their implications for stability
                                                                    and change in the public sector.
     ▶▶ appreciation of the nature, form, complexity                     Outcomes:
        and limits to rules as a tool of government                      ▶▶ understanding of the institutional, contextual
     ▶▶ understanding of the interrelationships                             and interpersonal factors that shape the
        between legal rules, administrative processes                       behaviour of political and public service
        and policy outcomes                                                 leaders
     ▶▶ consideration of the role, uses and control of                   ▶▶ improved ability to diagnose, instigate or
        both discretion and regulation.                                     adapt to policy and organisational change
                                                                         ▶▶ ability to discern, reflect upon and cope
                                                                            with the ethical dimensions of exercising

8 Executive Master of Public Administration
2019 Executive Master of Public Administration - Anzsog
Work-based Project                                      Electives
The capstone of the EMPA, this subject involves         Students complete three elective subjects offered by a
the practical application of the skills and knowledge   partner university. One of these must be in the area of
gained throughout the degree. Designed to replicate     public sector financial management. The other two are
specific aspects of the workplace environment in        selected by the student to bridge their past study and
government, the work-based project requires students    experience with the core curriculum, or to enhance
to bring a complex task to a successful conclusion      their knowledge of a specific policy area.
within a team that spans working backgrounds,
disciplines, organisations and jurisdictions.           Electives are generally drawn from postgraduate
                                                        offerings of the faculties or schools of business,
   Outcomes:                                            commerce, economics, government, law and political
   ▶▶ practical application of the concepts,
      frameworks and practices studied in the
   ▶▶ employment of the skills developed in
      evidence-based analysis and policy design
   ▶▶ in-depth understanding of a real-life issue in
      public policy or management.

                                                                        Executive Master of Public Administration 9
2019 Executive Master of Public Administration - Anzsog
High quality teaching has been the hallmark of the                 Practitioners who contribute to the degree come
EMPA since its inception. The primary emphasis is on               not only from the public sector, but also the not-for-
interactive, face-to-face teaching, including innovative           profit and private sectors which reflects the world
use of the case teaching method. The EMPA’s most                   that today’s public sector managers must operate
distinctive feature is the collaboration between                   in. In sharing their knowledge and experiences, they
academics and government partners, resulting in a                  provide students with a unique set of perspectives
blend of theory and practice, with great relevance.                and lessons to draw on.
The EMPA brings together a select group of public
sector academics. Participants are exposed to the
latest ideas and thinking about public administration,
delivered by world-recognised experts.

Academic Director
Professor Michael Mintrom                  Professor Ross Guest                        Professor Patricia Rogers
Professor of Public Sector Management      Professor of Economics                      Professor of Public Sector Evaluation
ANZSOG/Monash University                   Griffith Business School                    RMIT University
                                           Griffith University
Associate Professor Catherine Althaus                                                  Professor Danny Samson
Associate Dean (Academic)                  Dr Veronica Jacobsen                        Professor of Management
ANZSOG/The University of Melbourne         Chair, Government Economics Network         The University of Melbourne
                                           Ministry of Business, Innovation and
Dr George Argyrous                         Employment                                  Professor Paul ‘t Hart
Senior Lecturer                            New Zealand                                 Professor of Public Administration and
Evidence-based Policy Making                                                           Associate Dean
ANZSOG/University of New South Wales       Dr Michael Macaulay                         Utrecht University/Netherlands School
                                           Director of the Institute of Governance     of Government
                                           and Policy Studies
Associate Professor Michael Di
Francesco                                  Associate Professor in Public               Dr Christopher Walker
                                           Management                                  Head of the School of Social Sciences
Associate Professor of Public Sector
Management                                 Victoria University of Wellington           University of New South Wales
ANZSOG/University of New South Wales
Director of ANZSOG Case Program            Professor Janine O’Flynn                    Dr Amanda Wolf
                                           Professor of Public Management              Deputy Head of School
Professor Arie Freiberg AM                 ANZSOG/The University of Melbourne          School of Government
Emeritus Professor                                                                     Victoria University of Wellington
Faculty of Law                             Dr Zina O’Leary
Monash University                          ANZSOG Senior Fellow
Associate Professor Nicole Gillespie
Associate Professor of Public              Dr George Rivers
Management                                 Associate Dean, Research Collaboration
Business School                            Department of Economics
University of Queensland                   Monash University

 ANZSOG is renowned for its high-quality teaching and our faculty
 includes leading national and international academics, as well as
                                 senior government practitioners.

10 Executive Master of Public Administration
The journey
We understand: at your stage of career, you’re busy.
Very busy.
The idea of taking on a Masters degree may be
daunting but actually it is an achievable goal. The
EMPA has been designed with this in mind and many
public sector managers have been able to combine
the degree and their work. The actual study itself
is designed to be enjoyable and structured for the
students’ benefit; it will help you with your day to day
While there’s no doubt that studying for a graduate
degree can be challenging to fit into a student’s
professional and personal life, the EMPA offers major
advantages in this regard.

Academic                                                   Professional
A major part of the course happens in residential          Participants are encouraged to apply what they are
sessions so that participants can concentrate              learning to current workplace challenges. These
intensively on their studies, and in collaboration         frequent opportunities to reflect on real-world issues
with experienced peers who share their passion             allow participants to share their own experiences
for leadership in the public sector. All subjects are      and draw on the knowledge of their peers during
informed by the latest thinking on public management       the program and for years to come. Teaching is
and public policy.                                         supported by ANZSOG’s renowned public sector
                                                           case library, where participants explore actual public

Personal                                                   service challenges for decision-makers.

The EMPA provides participants with the flexibility        Mentoring
needed to balance work and study with other
commitments. Importantly, you are not alone. We            The unique mentoring component of the EMPA is an
know, from more than 15 years of running the EMPA,         important aspect of supporting students’ learning and
that life long friendships are made and students           leadership development. Students are required to
expand their professional networks.                        nominate a mentor from their agency who can provide
                                                           guidance and encouragement during their studies.
                                                           Again, our experience has shown that this relationship
                                                           can provide an invaluable ongoing resource.

       "The EMPA opened my eyes to the value of good public sector
             leadership, connected me with incredible people across
     Australia and New Zealand and gave me the tools to be a better
                                              manager and leader"
                                                                                             Darren Youngs

                                                                          Executive Master of Public Administration 11
“The EMPA has taught
                     me to apply a much deeper
                description and understanding of the
              problem or problems, with a wider range
            of policy solutions in my ‘toolkit’ and a better
                    ability to match them together,”
           “I feel more confident breaking down problems,
        framing up arguments and analysing evidence, and
         just better equipped all-round to think about what
                   the role of government should be.”
                         Shaun Whitmarsh
                    Executive Director, Strategy and
                      WA Department of Finance

                                                          “I thoroughly
                                                       enjoyed my EMPA
                                                    journey and have gained
                                                 so much more than a degree.
                                                 I am now enjoying sharing my
                                               knowledge with others just starting
                                                        on their journey.”
                                                              Jane Gibbs
                                                 Director Ecosystem Assessment and
                                                       Office of Environment and
                                                             Heritage (NSW)

12 Executive Master of Public Administration
ANZSOG's Alumni program
The School’s alumni are a community of influential         ▶▶ Advise ANZSOG through working groups or the
public sector leaders from across Australia, New              Alumni Advisory Council
Zealand and internationally. Our alumni community is       ▶▶ Get involved in alumni special interest groups or
now 3,600 strong and based in 37 countries, offering          focus groups
a wealth of knowledge and experience.
                                                           ▶▶ Support future students as a program mentor or
We see the alumni as a group of people we can work            by speaking to students about your experiences
with and advocate for, and engage in some of the big       ▶▶ Speak at or facilitate future ANZSOG events
issues the public sector needs to deal with. As part of
                                                           ▶▶ Keep updated with news, research and events
this community, you will have a unique opportunity to
                                                              on our website and social media and through a
contribute to the future direction of the School and the
                                                              quarterly dedicated Alumni eNews
public purpose sectors at large.
                                                           ▶▶ Continue your education through ANZSOG,
Our alumni program will support you to build on               taking advantage of a 15 per cent discount on
and refresh your skills, knowledge and networks,              executive education workshops
and broaden your sphere of influence, by providing
                                                           ▶▶ Deepen your learning at refresher courses
opportunities for you to:
                                                           ▶▶ Participate in professional development, applied
                                                              learning and visit academic events organised in
                                                              partnership with your local Alumni Committee.

For more information
Please visit our Alumni page: anzsog.edu.au/communities/alumni/our-alumni
EMPA applications are coordinated differently through
each jurisdiction. In some jurisdictions public sector
                                                          Find out more - speak with
commissions coordinate applications, in others            alumni
individual agencies do. However in all cases the
sponsoring government or agency pays the program          We have alumni based across Australia and New
costs – including tuition fees, subject materials,        Zealand who can provide an insider’s perspective of
accommodation and most meals.                             what it is like to participate in the EMPA. For more
                                                          information about our Alumni Ambassadors, please
For further information, including details of fees,
                                                          visit our website: anzsog.edu.au/communities/alumni/
application deadlines and the application form,
contact us at programs_team@anzsog.edu.au or visit
our website.                                              Further information

Application criteria                                      To learn more or to apply, please contact ANZSOG’s
                                                          Programs Team:
All EMPA applicants must demonstrate:                     T: +61 3 83441990
  ▶▶ Strong evidence of leadership potential, including   E: programs_team@anzsog.edu.au
     potential to contribute at the senior executive
     level as part of the next generation of public       Or visit our website: anzsog.edu.au/empa
     sector leaders
  ▶▶ Work performance consistently above average
     and sound management capability or potential
  ▶▶ A strong commitment to career development and
     to a career in the public sector
  ▶▶ A commitment to contribute to class learning
     and a willingness to share knowledge in the
  ▶▶ Capability to complete a rigorous Masters
     program (normally evidenced by successful
     completion of an undergraduate degree)
  ▶▶ At least five years’ relevant work experience.
Applicants must meet the Masters degree entry
requirements of partner universities, as facilitated
through ANZSOG. More information is provided at the
application stage and is also explained more fully on
our website.

14 Executive Master of Public Administration
Contact us
Level 4
204 Lygon Street, Carlton
Victoria 3053 Australia
PO Box 230, Carlton South
Victoria 3053 Australia
T +61 3 8344 1990
E anzsog@anzsog.edu.au
ABN 69 102 908 118

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