Page created by Arnold Mason


04   About RGD

06   Introduction

08   Judges

16   Non-Profit
     Client-Initiated Projects

42   For-Profit
     Client-Initiated Projects

52   Designer-Driven

68   Government-Initiated

80   Student Projects

92   Domtar Award

98   Colophon

99   Partners

Through the Association of Registered Graphic
Designers (RGD), Canadian designers exchange
ideas, educate and inspire, set professional
standards and build a strong, supportive community
dedicated to advocating for the value of design.
Now representing over 3,800 design practitioners,
including firm owners, freelancers, managers,
educators and students, RGD was created in 1996
by an Act of the Ontario Legislature (Bill Pr 56) and is
the only graphic design association in North America
to have this type of legislation. Bill Pr 56 “enables the
Association to govern and discipline its members.”
The RGD and Registered Graphic Designer
designations are signals of quality and competence
to the profession, public and government.
Successful candidates have met a rigorous set
of standards that includes documented levels of
relevant, professional education and experience
as well as competence in the areas of business,
design principles, research and ethics demonstrated
through the successful completion of RGD’s
certification process.
Our vision is for a graphic design profession that is
broadly valued for its contribution to life, commerce
and society.

4                                                           RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards   5

Design is at its best when it serves society.
It has done so in the past and its role continues
to gain importance. Today, design informs
conversations at every level, from boardrooms
of global corporations identifying their business
goals to local NGOs solving basic needs in
developing countries.
Since 2012, RGD has invited submissions of
projects created under the theme of communication
design for social good. The So(cial) Good
Design Awards turns a sharper lens on design’s
undeniable power to affect the way people and
communities communicate and evolve by inviting
designers to consider what ‘social good’ truly means,
and to inspire deeper conversations about their
responsibilities as creative professionals.
Whether it is through the design of a website,
a brochure, motion graphics, posters, a marketing
campaign or a packaging system, graphic
designers have the potential to catalyze new ways
of thinking around social issues and to inspire
positive action.
As we look to the future, the question we must
continually ask is this: What can we do to help design
live up to its potential to create positive change in
today’s world?

6                                                        RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards   7


Deborah Adler                                Sonja Banic                                 Christopher Brands RGD Emeritus            Julian Brown RGD                            Valerie Casey                              Andy Chen
President, Adler Design                      Manager, Culture Services,                  Toronto, ON                                Owner & Creative Director,                  Product Strategy & Design Adviser          Partner, Isometric Studio
New York, NY                                 Culture Division                                                                       ON THE CHASE!                               San Francisco, CA                          New York, NY
                                                                                         Chris has had fulfilling careers in
                                             City of Mississauga                                                                    Toronto, ON
Deborah is a designer, inventor and                                                      various education, fine art and graphic                                                Valerie is an internationally recognized   Andy studied sociology at Princeton
                                             Mississauga, ON
entrepreneur. Her work is guided by                                                      design environments and has been an        Julian is the designer and entrepreneur     social innovator who works with            University, where he was awarded
the belief that meaningful innovation        Sonja has a passion for telling stories.    RGD member since the organization’s        behind the motion design studio ON THE      organizations to identify, build and       the Pyne Honor Prize, the university’s
requires a deep understanding of the         It was no surprise she studied Journalism   inception in 1996. His graphic design      CHASE!. Just under ten years young,         launch breakout products and services.     highest general undergraduate
people who will use what she creates         and built her marcom career on writing      experience culminated within the unique    OTC! has won international awards and       She was Chief Product Officer for          distinction. He studied graphic
and the changing world that surrounds        and sharing stories. She joined the         in-house graphic design departments        collaborated with diverse clients ranging   Samsung and has held executive             design at RISD, where he received his
them. Prior to launching her design          City of Mississauga in 1998, becoming       of the former North York Public Library,   from retailer Shoppers Drug Mart and        leadership positions at IDEO, frog         MFA as a Paul & Daisy Soros Fellow.
and branding firm, Adler Design, she         the Manager of Corporate                    the City of Toronto Public Library         consulting giant Deloitte, to video game    and Pentagram. She founded the             Andy started his career at Pentagram,
partnered with Target to develop the         Communications in 1999, and then into       and finally with the City of Toronto.      maker Ubisoft and charity WWF Canada.       international consultancy, Necessary       where he worked on the rebranding
ClearRx prescription packaging system.       her current role of Manager, Culture        He retired in 2014 from positions as       His videos have garnered millions of        Projects, and the global creative          of Bausch + Lomb with partner Paula
In 2017 Adler teamed up with CVS to          Services in 2015. Sonja held similar        Supervisor, Design Services (Corporate     views and he has been profiled in design    coalition, the Designers Accord. Valerie   Scher. As a Fulbright Scholar at the
design ScriptPath, which now makes           positions at: Pafco – a Division of         Identity Program) and Project Manager,     magazines as a rising young talent. A       currently advises Fortune 500s,            Royal College of Art, he conducted
it easier for millions of patients to take   Allstate Insurance in Toronto; the          Corporate Identity & Branding for the      proud member of RGD, Julian is a past-VP    start-ups and NGOs in health, education    ethnographic research on aging,
their medication. Always at the core         Learning Experience in Los Angeles;         City of Toronto. Chris currently applies   on the RGD Board of Directors and an        and technology on their product and        sexuality and social stigma. Andy is
of her work is the understanding that        the Association of Municipalities of        much of his artistic time to personal      avid speaker and design advocate. He        innovation strategies. She is a Henry      a contributor to Design Observer,
design can make a positive difference in     Ontario, and the Ontario Progressive        projects that blend his expertise in       is a graduate of the York/Sheridan          Crown Fellow at the Aspen Institute, and   Design Taxi and Open Manifesto.
people’s lives. She believes that empathy    Conservative Party. She started her         drawing, painting, graphic design and      Design Degree program, a world              was honoured as a Young Global Leader      He has spoken at international
is the most important ingredient in great    storytelling career as a freelance          photography.                               traveller and, most recently, a proud       by the World Economic Forum. She           conferences including Design Indaba,
design and that a change in behaviour is     reporter filing stories for various                                                    and terrified father.                       serves on several boards, including the    the London Design Festival, the
the most important outcome.                  publications including the Toronto Star.                                                                                           WEF Entrepreneurship Council and the       XVIII International AIDS Conference,
                                                                                         Government                                 Category
                                             She has won several industry awards                                                                                                Kleiner Perkins Design Council.            DesignThinkers and the University of
Category                                                                                                                            For-Profit
                                             including the IABC Gold Quill, which she                                                                                           She was named “Guru you should know”       Chicago Medical Conference.
                                             received for her work on the City                                                                                                  by Fortune, a “Hero of the Environment”
                                             of Mississauga’s Communications                                                                                                    by TIME, “Master of Design” by Fast
                                             Master Plan.                                                                                                                       Company, and one of the “World’s Most
                                                                                                                                                                                Influential Designers” by Businessweek.
                                             Government                                                                                                                         Category

10                                                                                                                          RGD     2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                                                       11

Wade Convay                              John DeWolf CGD, RGD                        Anne Donohoe                             Ian Grais CGD                                Will Hum RGD                                 Katie Maasik
Creative Lead, Interactive, Google       Vice President, Form:Media                  Chief Marketing Officer, MEC             Founder & National Creative Director,        Principal & Creative Director, Clear Space   Senior Designer, Saje Natural Wellness
San Francisco, CA                        Dartmouth, NS                               Vancouver, BC                            Rethink Canada                               Toronto, ON                                  Vancouver, BC
                                                                                                                              Vancouver, BC
At Google, Wade helps guide some         John works in various disciplines           At MEC, Anne is responsible for                                                       Will is a Principal and Co-Founder           Katie is a native Vancouverite who
of the next great experiences, builds    including print, interactive, broadcast,    marketing, communications, community     Ian was born and raised in Western           of Clear Space, where he leads the           flew East to earn her design degree at
tools to inspire others and helps to     exhibition and experiential graphic         investment and brand engagement          Canada. He studied Economics at the          strategic vision and creative direction      NSCADU in Halifax, where she found an
unify the brand. Previously, he was      design. Trained in graphic and interior     strategies. She supports the ongoing     University of British Columbia then          for the firm. For more than 20 years,        evolving love for typography, lettering
an executive creative director and       design, he views system, program,           evolution of the iconic MEC brand,       Advertising and Design at the Art Center     he has shaped the identities and             and branding. She has lived in New
VP of Product Innovation at R/GA         story, service and experience as integral   extending MEC’s unique retail offering   College of Design in Pasadena, prior to      communications for some of Canada’s          York, studied art history in Europe and
working on the Nike+ ecosystem of        to his interdisciplinary approach to        to a growing number of members and       founding Rethink in 1999. Rethink was        most notable organizations, garnering        travelled to Australia, the US and Japan.
products. He also helped brands such     design. Early in his career, he worked      inspiring Canadians to lead active       recently awarded Silver for Canadian         several awards along the way. After          Notable experience includes Condé
as Converse, Fossil, Louis Vuitton,      on developing software to help people       lifestyles outside. She has over 20      Design Agency of the Year by Strategy.       graduating from OCA (before the D), Will     Naste, W Magazine, The Vancouver
Samsung, Toyota, Walmart and Zagat.      plan for retirement, rethinking the         years of experience in marketing         At Rethink, Ian directs a wide range         worked for a variety of studios including    Canucks, Aveda, Hangar18, Imagine1day,
Before heading west, Wade helped         Census 2000 and American Community          communications, starting at Harlequin    of projects encompassing design,             a stint with Burton Kramer, Bhandari &       Rogers Publishing, Subplot Design,
launch the R/GA Techstars Connected      Survey questionnaires for the US            Enterprises, where she became            interactive, installation, advertising and   Plater and Ove Design before starting his    Lululemon, Good Inc, Woodlot, Telus and
Devices Accelerator working closely      Bureau of the Census and developing         passionate about direct to consumer      social. Ian has been ranked by Strategy      own firm. Will is known for helping brands   Saje Natural Wellness, with a couple of
with the start-ups Alvio, Grove Labs     a multi-modal signage program for the       marketing and e-commerce. Anne joined    as the number one art director and the       make a lasting impact through informed,      awards under her belt. When she’s not
and Hammerhead. He was also a            City of Seattle transportation network.     INTRAWEST to develop their customer      number one creative director in Canada       creative clarity. At Clear Space, Will       designing you can find her wandering the
faculty member at the School of Visual   Since that time, John has taught in         relationship marketing capabilities      numerous times.                              collaborates with open-minded non-           woods, hiding in quiet spaces or walking
Arts in New York and helped build        Washington, Winnipeg and Halifax. He        across North America, and then moved                                                  profits, start-ups and businesses in         with her head in the clouds, daydreaming
the interactive department from two      has served as Director of Design for the    to Singapore where she worked with                                                    various sectors to creatively express        up new ideas.
instructors to over 30. Wade studied     Corcoran Gallery of Art and Corcoran        Interbrand as the Director of Brand                                                   their brand image.
Design and Advertising at Conestoga      College of Art and Design, and worked       Strategy for South East Asia.
                                                                                                                                                                           Category                                     Designer-Driven
College before earning his B.F.A. in     for Parks Canada.
                                                                                     Category                                                                              Non-Profit
Graphic Design from the
                                         Category                                    For-Profit
Art Center College of Design in
Pasadena, California.


12                                                                                                                    RGD     2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                                                          13

Amanda Maslany CGD                           Kim Pickett CGD                          Jenny Rhodenizer                            Cai Sepulis RGD                            Nico Taus RGD                               Lauren Wickware RGD
Creative Director + Designer,                Principal & Creative Director,           Marketing & Communications Director,        Partner, Toque Ltd.                        Partner & Creative Director, Studio123      Graphic Design & Art Direction,
Maslany Creative                             KIMBO Design                             Toronto Botanical Garden                    Guelph, ON                                 Sudbury, ON                                 Lauren Wickware Design
Victoria, BC                                 Vancouver, BC                            Toronto, ON                                                                                                                        Hamilton, ON
                                                                                                                                  A freelance designer/illustrator with      At Studio123, Nico guides the creative
With a career spanning 20+ years and         Kim’s creative expertise guides the      Jenny is a trend seeker and creative        over 15 years under her belt, Cai’s work   process and works to deliver high quality   Lauren partners with cultural
a passion for typography, publication        development of innovative branding       thinker who has a knack for delivering      has been used in various national          creative that achieves results. He lives    institutions to create a broad range of
design and branding, Amanda has              campaigns and visual identities for      the maximum impact on a shoestring          campaigns including work for HotDocs,      and breathes entrepreneurship, having       materials with a focus on publication
earned a reputation for creating             clients like the Governments of BC       budget. She has worked in the charitable    Second Cup, Nordstrom, Loblaws,            started his first design agency at 20. He   design. She is passionate about creating
distinctive brands, an outstanding           and Saskatchewan. She is frequently      sector for over 25 years, leading the       Brickworks Ciderhouse and a handful        is a recipient of the Young Entrepreneur    work that has longevity, extending the
sense of typography and a sharp eye          recognized for her design and business   branding, public relations and marketing    of microbreweries. Most recently           of the Year Award from Northern Ontario     life and expanding the reach of a text,
for detail. Amanda has worked in             achievements, including for Best         efforts at the Toronto Botanical            she joined forces to partner in her        Business and is also a co-recipient of      event or exhibition by creating highly
design studios, agencies and currently       Website/UX Design at the BIV Western     Garden since 2002. Jenny tweets like        new start-up, Toque Ltd. – a branding      a Legacy Award from the Canadian            tactile and tangible objects. Lauren’s
as the principal at Maslany Creative,        Canada Marketing Awards for work         a bird and creates buzz in the media,       and publishing studio which creates        Regional Design Awards (Redgees).           portfolio includes projects for the Aga
working with recognized brands across        with Move Up Prince George campaign.     inspiring Torontonians to make a greater    Toque Magazine – a regional lookbook       He is a graduate of the Graphic Design      Khan Museum, ACTRA National, the
Canada, including corporations, public       KIMBO Design ranked #1 on Business in    connection with nature. Her recent          focussing on the Guelph, Kitchener-        program at Cambrian College and is          Art Gallery of Ontario and RBC Royal
service departments, leading schools         Vancouver’s Biggest Design Agencies,     work has focused on building visually       Waterloo and Hamilton region.              proudly bilingual. His engagement           Bank of Canada. Her work has been
and universities, arts and cultural          and #71 on the PROFIT 500 list of        compelling stories for the gardens while                                               in the national design community is         recognized by ADCC, the Alcuin Society,
organizations and highly visible non-        Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies.      forging strategic partnerships and                                                     demonstrated by his position on the         the Ontario Association of Art Galleries
profits. Amanda has participated as                                                   creating fun, engaging events for the                                                  Programs Committee for RGD and              and Applied Arts. A graduate of OCAD
GDC’s National Corporate Secretary,                                                   public. Jenny is a graduate of the Fine                                                his involvement in the creation of the      and Parsons The New School for Design,
South Saskatchewan Representative,                                                    Arts program at the University of Guelph.                                              Sudbury Design Society.                     Lauren cultivates the next generation
Interim Vancouver Island Representative                                                                                                                                                                                  of designers as a faculty member of the
                                                                                      Category                                                                               Category
and Design Cares volunteer. Amanda is                                                                                                                                                                                    Interdisciplinary Design Strategy and
                                                                                      Non-Profit                                                                             Designer-Driven
a graduate of the Alberta College of Art +                                                                                                                                                                               Graphic Design Programs at George
Design in Calgary.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Brown College’s School of Design.

Category                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Category
Non-Profit                                                                                                                                                                                                               Education

14                                                                                                                        RGD     2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                                                    15

    Judges’   Rethink
    Picks     Sid Lee

    Winners   The&Partnership
              ON THE CHASE! Motion Design
              Co-Effect Creative
              Clear Space Design
              Overdrive Design Ltd.
              Frank Design Strategy
              Zoca Studio Inc.
              Hambly & Woolley
              Gravity Inc.
              Engine Digital
              Breck Campbell Design
              Ion Brand Design
              Sid Lee

                                Ambush Advisories
Projects                        Campaign
                                Toronto, Canada
Client                          Before Women’s Equality Day, the YWCA wanted young people
YWCA                            to become aware that sexualization in popular media contributes
                                to violence against women, and that they should think critically
Creative Directors
                                about the content they watch online. Rethink hijacked YouTube’s
Ian Grais CGD, Chris Staples,
                                advanced ad targeting to run warnings disguised as unskippable
Aaron Starkman, Mike Dubrick
                                six-second pre-roll ads, which ran before music videos that
Art Director                    objectify women. The YWCA ambush advisories were picked up
Pamela Rounis                   by national news broadcasts and high-profile blogs and shared
                                across social media. The campaign was applauded for calling out
                                sexist content and trying to shift attitudes and practices that
Jordon Lawson, Max May
                                perpetuate the sexualization of women and girls.

                                Judge’s Pick
                                I love the simplicity and the thought that went into this campaign.
                                It feels so ingenious to find a way to address the problem and do
                                it on YouTube’s own turf, and in a way that a person can’t help but
                                notice the pre-roll ads (unskippable!). The designs for the ads were
                                stealth-like in how they blended so well with conventional warning
                                ads but had slight hints in colour that they were something new
                                and noteworthy.
                                - Cai Sepulis RGD

18                                                                                               RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards   19
                                  Grand Jardin de
Projects                          Sainte-Justine Murals
                                  Sid Lee
                                  Montréal, Canada
Client                            Sainte-Justine Hospital—Canada’s largest mother-and-child
CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation     centre—recently underwent an expansion as part of their Growing
                                  Up Healthy project that aimed to create “a favourable environment
Creative Director
                                  for innovating and humanizing healthcare services.” The Sainte-
Marie-Élaine Benoit
                                  Justine Hospital Foundation had two simple wishes for their
Art Director                      newly bare white walls—that they be used to tell the hospital’s
Nadine Brunet                     history and to inject some life into the halls of the new pavilion. Sid
                                  Lee’s solution was the Grand Jardin de Sainte-Justine: a colourful
                                  timeline that plays with the themes of life and nature, and uses
Julien Poisson
                                  visual metaphors to portray the hospital’s over 100-year history.
Thierry Faucher                   Judge’s Pick
                                  Hospitals are notoriously cold and bureaucratic, and it is a
Strategy Team
                                  cumbersome and difficult design challenge to convince them to
Sarah Patier, Jade Abecassis
                                  illuminate space with colour and illustration. While this installation
Account Services Team             bears the mark of a big branding firm, that doesn’t distract from the
Catherine Lussier, Anne Richard   joyful and measured feel of the overall design, which is excellent
                                  and beautifully-executed.
Architecture and Design
Alex Dimas, Véronique Mondor      - Andy Chen

20                                                                                                   RGD    2018 So(cial) Good Awards   21
Projects                                      Interactive Website
                                              Montréal, Canada
Client                                        Providing an online centrepiece to an international campaign,
The Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation   (UN)TRAFFICKED brings interactivity, gamification, digital
                                              storytelling and human rights campaigning together to end child
Creative Director
                                              exploitation in India. The narrative is based on the classic
Audrée Lapierre
                                              choose-your-own-adventure format, in this case following a
Art Director                                  young girl over a life-changing week. Every decision the user
Wim Bruyninckx                                makes, whether on behalf of the girl’s father, friend, placement
                                              agent or employer, has a profound impact on her future.
Graphic/UX Designer
                                              Interspersed throughout are statistics on the state of child labour
Chloé-Ève Levasseur
                                              and sexual abuse in India. (UN)TRAFFICKED aims to engage
Developer                                     citizens and show them that every action counts.
Sam Dupras
                                              Judge’s Pick
                                              (UN)TRAFFICKED shows the appeal and effectiveness of
Rebecca Galloway
                                              interactive storytelling at its best with its sensitively illustrated
                                              portrayal of any young girl across India whose life’s consequences
                                              are controlled by the choices made by others. The narrative
                                              emotively pulls in and educates its audience by presenting
                                              different personal points of view and outcomes, along with
                                              statistics, ultimately leading the audience to understand the
                                              potential serious impacts of these choices and to act by sharing on
                                              social media, volunteering, donating and pledging online in support
                                              of this issue.
                                              - Amanda Maslany CGD

22                                                                                                             RGD    2018 So(cial) Good Awards   23
                               Crash Coasters
Projects                       Campaign
                               Vancouver, Canada
Client                         Arrive Alive wanted to raise awareness of the most dangerous
Arrive Alive Drive Sober       drinking night of the year: St. Patrick’s Day. Using wreckage from
                               motor vehicle accidents, Rethink cut and pressed pieces of what
Creative Directors
                               once were cars into coasters. On each is the message:
Chris Staples, Ian Grais CGD
                               “This coaster used to be a car. That car never made it home.”
Art Director                   Over the St. Patrick’s Day weekend, there was coverage from
Alex Bakker                    such online media outlets as Vice and Yahoo! and on multiple
                               nightly news broadcasts, and the client conducted 2 on-screen
                               TV interviews, 12 radio interviews and 8 online interviews. Website
Sean O’Connor, John Eresman
                               traffic increased by over 600%. Following the campaign, coasters
                               were requested from organizations in over 40 cities worldwide—
                               an unexpected outcome.

                               Judge’s Pick
                               This campaign meets three criteria that, for me, makes it stand
                               above all others: it expresses a simple yet powerful idea, evokes
                               emotion and elicits action. The coasters brilliantly connect past,
                               present and future in a split second.
                               - Will Hum RGD

                               Judge’s Pick
                               The coaster campaign combined original design with a powerful,
                               thought-provoking message that commanded the attention of
                               both individuals and the broader media. With a timely launch date
                               and the use of unusual material, it was a well-crafted concept,
                               brilliantly executed from start to finish.
                               - Jenny Rhodenizer

24                                                                                              RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards   25
                                      Assumptions Can                                                   Non-Profit
                                                                                                                                       Casey House
Projects                              Be Deadly Campaign                                                Projects                       Signage
                                      The&Partnership                                                                                  Entro
                                      Vancouver, Canada                                                                                Toronto, Canada
Client                                The Pancreatic Cancer Canada Foundation’s goal is to improve      Client                         As part of an architectural expansion, Entro developed an exterior
Pancreatic Cancer Canada Foundation   overall patient survival rates and create a brighter future for   Casey House                    identification pylon, assisted with interior wayfinding signage and
                                      those affected by pancreatic cancer. While treatments for                                        donor recognition and designed holiday and thank-you cards. The
Executive Creative Director                                                                             Principal Creative Director
                                      other cancers have advanced significantly, pancreatic cancer                                     look and feel of the signage was inspired by the pattern and texture
Ron Smrczek                                                                                             Udo Schliemann
                                      has remained stuck with an unchanged mortality rate for the                                      of the architecture. How warmly patients are treated at Casey
General Manager                       past 40 years. Interviews with Canadians who had lost a loved     Designers                      House inspired the various red hues to emphasize this compassion
Jack Shute                            one to pancreatic cancer were captured and promoted on YouTube    Monika Meyer, James Smirlies   and connect to the heart – the central feature of Casey House’s
                                      and social media. These emotive films shared the personal side                                   identity. The signage design was so well received, the CEO asked
Deputy Executive
                                      of the disease, discussed symptoms and explained the need for                                    Entro to create a version that could be used for a series of holiday
Creative Director
                                      funding. The campaign drove a 360% increase over the previous                                    and thank-you cards.
James Sadler
                                      year’s donations.
Associate Creative Director
& Art Director
Jon MacArthur

Associate Creative Director
& Copywriter
Ed Malyon

Senior Strategist
Elyse Finley

Gabrielle Nicoletti

Account Director
Kaeda Cameron

Account Manager
Curtis Reid

Account Coordinator
Nicole Steward

26                                                                                                RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                        27
                             WellAhead                                                              Non-Profit
                                                                                                                                        Unity Festival
Projects                     Motiongraphic                                                          Projects                            Campaign
                             ON THE CHASE! Motion Design                                                                                Co-Effect Creative
                             Toronto, Canada                                                                                            Toronto, Canada
Client                       WellAhead is an initiative that brings school communities closer       Client                              Unity Charity is a grassroots organization empowering youth and
WellAhead                    together to identify practices and policies that support student       Unity Charity                       promoting self-expression through programs and events. For
                             well-being. WellAhead asked for a short video to introduce                                                 its 2014 Unity Festival, Co-Effect collaborated with youth, artist
Concept, Design, Animation                                                                          Creative Conception,
                             themselves, for online and in-person presentations. Budget                                                 mentors and local businesses to create a bold, energetic campaign
Julian Brown RGD                                                                                    Art Direction and Design
                             constraints meant it was important to provide only high-level                                              that reflected the organization’s commitment to supporting youth
                                                                                                    Evelyne Au-Navioz, Roman Lifshitz
                             information in this short video, and leave the audience with an                                            in need. The project included posters, flyers, programs, banners,
                             incentive to learn more. OTC! extended the existing brand to include   Photography                         animated reels and social media assets. Images are urban, but
                             characters for the audience to relate to. Everything about the         Cg Chen                             also bright and optimistic to showcase the young artists and their
                             animation style and pacing reflects youth, energy and optimism.                                            passion. The splicing of images represents the mixing of ideas,
                                                                                                    Styling, make up and models
                                                                                                                                        people and arts and highlights Unity.
                                                                                                    Unity Charity artists

28                                                                                           RGD    2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                           29
                                              U of T Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical                                Non-Profit
                                                                                                                                                            TIFF 2016
Projects                                      Education Awareness Campaign                                            Projects                              Annual Report
                                              Clear Space Design                                                                                            Blok
                                              Toronto, Canada                                                                                               Toronto, Canada
Client                                        Many U of T students focus on their studies, not their health.          Client                                To capture the core of what makes TIFF unique, Blok paired bold
Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education   They needed to be reminded that what’s good for the body is             TIFF                                  verbs with unexpected concepts, such as “Catalyze collectivity”,
at the University of Toronto                  good for the mind and told about all the facilities accessible to                                             “Inspire time” and “Shift dreams/reality”. The design eschews a
                                                                                                                      Creative Director
                                              them. The Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education challenged                                              conventional format and embraces the beauty and language of
Creative Director                                                                                                     Vanessa Eckstein RGD, Marta Cutler
                                              Clear Space to create an engaging awareness campaign. A fun,                                                  film to create a cinematic experience that amplifies TIFF’s mission
Will Hum RGD
                                              approachable campaign connects and inspires students of                 Designers                             to transform how we see the world through film. Images highlight
Art Director & Designer                       all abilities to use the facilities, join an activity program or just   Vanessa Eckstein RGD, Jaclyn Hudson   how TIFF brings films from every part of the world to Toronto
Korneliusz Izbinski                           drop in and play a sport with friends. The visual identity with its                                           and audiences globally, opening up discourse between people
                                              unique illustrations evokes friendliness, approachability and                                                 and cultures. The bold words and abstract concepts, presented
                                              inclusiveness. This is paired with offbeat headlines and a                                                    through bold, clean typography, drive TIFF’s distinct narrative.
Jack Liang
                                              call-to-action to “come see what you can do”.
Korneliusz Izbinski

30                                                                                                              RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                               31
                                      Sistering                                                          Non-Profit
                                                                                                                                                   YMCA of Greater Toronto
Projects                              Website                                                            Projects                                  Sweat for Good Campaign
                                      Overdrive Design Ltd.                                                                                        BrandHealth
                                      Toronto, Canada                                                                                              Peterborough, Canada
Client                                Sistering, an organization that supports women who experience      Client                                    The YMCA GTA was looking to reposition its Health & Fitness
Sistering                             marginalization and poverty, needed a new website. Overdrive       YMCA GTA                                  offering to appeal to a younger gym-goer. The creative solution
                                      developed a website to reflect the Sistering ethos and ensure                                                leverages the fact that the Y is a charitable organization that does
Senior Creative Director                                                                                 Director, Creative Director, Copywriter
                                      participants are depicted in an empowered and uplifting manner.                                              ‘good’ in every community it serves. When you become a member at
James Wilson RGD                                                                                         Rick Kemp
                                      To ensure participants, volunteers and staff saw themselves                                                  the Y, you support the good that the Y represents. The universality
Creative Director & Project Manager   reflected in the website, Overdrive commissioned photos of         Art Directors                             of sweat is used to inspire people to break a sweat where it matters
Leslie Jennings                       the extended Sistering family. The development of a custom         Jordan Bowden, Rick Kemp                  more: at the Y. In essence, when you work out at the Y, you sweat for
                                      WordPress solution provided a fully editable website. Overdrive                                              all the positive impact the Y represents.
Designer                                                                                                 Producer
                                      trained staff and volunteers so they can now maintain the site.
Katrina Densmore Prov. RGD                                                                               Amy Bastianon

Writer                                                                                                   Photographer
Charlotte Empey                                                                                          George Simhoni

Web Developer                                                                                            Cinematographer
Marc Alcide                                                                                              Pawel Dwulit

Photographer                                                                                             Retoucher
Melissa Renwick                                                                                          Mark Tyler

                                                                                                         Picture Editor
                                                                                                         Mark McNeilly

                                                                                                         Tom Thorney, Jason Donkergoed

32                                                                                                 RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                                   33
                                              She Who Dares                                                        Non-Profit
                                                                                                                                               A Concert for Charlottesville
Projects                                      Exhibit                                                              Projects                    Campaign
                                              Frank Design Strategy                                                                            Zoca Studio Inc.
                                              Calgary, Canada                                                                                  Toronto, Canada
Client                                        YW Calgary wanted to celebrate the contributions of 150 Calgary      Client                      The Dave Matthews Band wanted a visual campaign for goods
YW Calgary                                    women from the past 150 years in celebration of Canada’s birthday.   Dave Matthews Band          benefiting a “Concert for Charlottesville Fund”. The campaign and
                                              The solution captures the voices and stories of the women on 65                                  concert were intended to bring light and awareness to the city of
Creative Director                                                                                                  Creative Director
                                              cardboard boxes. Archival photography, short and long stories,                                   Charlottesville due to the unfortunate events that occurred there
Rita Sasges                                                                                                        Jose Garcia
                                              highlighted achievements, quotes and statistics educate and                                      last year. The highly sought-after concert featured artists such
Designers                                     inform on the diverse contributions of the 150 women. The exhibit                                as Pharrell Williams, Justin Timberlake, Ariana Grande and the
Kerry Neale, Sabrina Diehl, Tamia Clouthier   can be assembled in a different way each time it’s installed,                                    Dave Matthews Band. Zoca designed a variety of logos that were
                                              mirroring the creative ways the women helped to build the                                        reproduced on t-shirts, hats, hoodies and posters.
                                              community and highlighting their individuality. The audience is
William McKeowan, Lauren Tamaki,
                                              invited to rework the boxes.
Sabrina Diehl, Tamia Clouthier

Russ Peters, YW Calgary

Deanna Holt and Rodney Muir

Project Manager
Johanna Davies

34                                                                                                          RGD    2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                   35
                              On Balance                                                             Non-Profit
                                                                                                                                                   Fred Victor #HelpFredFillAHome
                              Hambly & Woolley
                                                                                                     Projects                                      Campaign
                              Toronto, Canada
                                                                                                                                                   Gravity Inc.
                              H&W was tasked with creating a handout brochure for a lecture                                                        Toronto, Canada
                              given by the Martin Prosperity Institute (MPI) at the Nantucket
Client                                                                                               Client                                        Fred Victor was awarded the prestigious opportunity to retrofit
                              Project 2018. The talk and brochure discuss how integrative
Martin Prosperity Institute                                                                          Fred Victor                                   the PanAm/Parapan Am Athletes Village into permanent homes
                              thinking can lead to more optimal, efficient and fair solutions when
                                                                                                                                                   for marginalized members of our community, which included fully
Designer                      encouraging positive change throughout the world. We helped            Creative Director
                                                                                                                                                   furnishing every unit. Gravity named, branded and developed
Barb Woolley RGD              MPI develop a design that made their philosophies clear and            Wendy Gray RGD
                                                                                                                                                   the digital campaign #HelpFredFillAHome, which included a
                              memorable. We were brought in to develop a seamless connection
Writing                                                                                              Designer, Illustrator and Animator            responsive website, posters and web banners. The website
                              between word and image. The brochure outlines MPI’s alternative
Martin Prosperity Institute                                                                          Emerald Lee RGD                               homepage features an empty apartment, where users can actively
                              approach to problem solving and acts as a blueprint for conference
                                                                                                                                                   ‘drag’ furniture to fill the rooms. While doing so, fun animations pop
                              attendees to consider for future initiatives.                          Design Support
                                                                                                                                                   up with descriptions of items that can be purchased.
                                                                                                     Brenda Little RGD

                                                                                                     Site Development
                                                                                                     Nathan Bylok

                                                                                                       Fred Victor – #HelpFredFillAHome Campaign

                                                                                                       Website Design

36                                                                                            RGD    2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                                         37
                             Ocean Wise                                                              Non-Profit
                                                                                                                                       EcoFolk 2018 Benefit
Projects                     Website                                                                 Projects                          Concert Poster
                             Engine Digital                                                                                            Breck Campbell Design
                             Vancouver, Canada                                                                                         London, Canada
Client                       The Vancouver Aquarium recently rebranded as Ocean Wise,                Client                            Thames Talbot Land Trust is dedicated to protecting
Ocean Wise                   a global conservation organization focused on protecting and            Thames Talbot Land Trust          environmentally-significant lands throughout Southwestern
                             restoring the world’s oceans through research, education and                                              Ontario. Their new concert event, EcoFolk, was created to raise
VP Client Engagement                                                                                 Designer
                             engagement. Partnering with Engine Digital, a purpose-driven,                                             money, encourage activism and educate the general public about
Dean Elissat                                                                                         Breck Campbell RGD
                             storytelling website was created to position Ocean Wise as the                                            their cause. For the visual identity, Breck showcased the ‘at-risk’
VP Production                global leader. Enticing users to deepen their understanding of          Photo Credit                      and ‘endangered’ species that live on the land in those regions
Andrea Mead                  ocean conservation is a key element of the experience. The more         Mark L. MacDonald, Aeolian Hall   to appeal on an emotional level and encourage prospective
                             time spent learning, the more likely users will get involved and take                                     patrons to give their support. The venue is historically and
VP Strategy & UX
                             action through Ocean Wise’s network of organizations and efforts                                          culturally significant, not to mention visually iconic, so it features
Ryan Opina
                             throughout the world.                                                                                     prominently. Due to its success, Thames Talbot Land Trust plans
Design Director                                                                                                                        to hold EcoFolk annually.
Peter Pimentel

UX Strategist
Dan Nanasi

Interaction Designer
Gracelle Mesina

Senior Content Strategist
David Look

Senior Developers
Devin Leggett, Bryan Jones

Nikki Jones

38                                                                                             RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                              39
                                       Axis Theatre                                                         Non-Profit
Projects                               Identity                                                             Projects                                      Visual Identity
                                       Ion Brand Design                                                                                                   Sid Lee
                                       Vancouver, Canada                                                                                                  Toronto, Canada
Client                                 Ion was engaged to develop an identity and brand platform to         Client                                        MaRS is one of the largest innovation hubs in the world but its
Axis Theatre Company                   guide ongoing marketing and communications initiatives of the        MaRS                                          identify felt cold and institutional and had become fragmented.
                                       Axis Theatre Company. Axis is an established touring company                                                       The goal of the rebrand was to create a visual identity that better
Creative and Strategy Directors                                                                             Executive Creative Directors
                                       that embodies “physical theatre”. With new artistic direction, the                                                 reflected the big things going on inside. MaRS wanted to maintain
David Coates CGD, Rod Roodenburg CGD                                                                        Tom Koukodimos, Jeffrey Da Silva
                                       company renewed its dedication to present educational plays for                                                    their iconic logo, so Sid Lee used it to anchor the identity and
Designer, Illustrator, Producer        youth and family audiences. The brand objectives were to capture     Creative Director                             bring more connectivity to MaRS communications and therefore
Candace Pawson                         the imagination and bridge cultures by maintaining an engaging,      Laura Stein RGD                               more equity to a brand with a diverse offering of programs and
                                       unique and accessible graphic program from identity to posters                                                     initiatives. The MaRS blue ‘globe’ was used as the anchor to a new
Designer                                                                                                    Managing Director, Digital Innovation
                                       and collateral through to web and social media.                                                                    identity system with a vibrant palette, which becomes a key part
Vanessa Ding CGD                                                                                            Matt Di Paola
                                                                                                                                                          of the system. Its versatility and variability reflect the true
Illustrator                                                                                                 Designers                                     dynamism of MaRS.
Kate Marlowe                                                                                                Dominic Liu, Ariane Leblanc, Josephine Guan

                                                                                                            Zachary Radford

                                                                                                            Account Director
                                                                                                            Katherine Craig

                                                                                                            Account Supervisor
                                                                                                            Sophie Carle

                                                                                                            Deven Dionisi, Carolyn Tso, J.J. Sullivan

40                                                                                                    RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                                           41

    Judges’   Subplot Design Inc.
    Picks     Capital One

    Winners   Studio Jaywall
              The Studio, EF Educational Tours

                                     GATHER Pet Nutrition
Projects                             Identity & Packaging System
                                     Subplot Design Inc.
                                     Vancouver, Canada
Client                               Petcurean is a leader in the super-premium pet nutrition category
Petcurean                            for their dedication to superior ingredients and processes that
                                     are socially and environmentally responsible. A new pet food
Lead Designer
                                     line, GATHER, is crafted from certified organic, non-GMO and
Matthew Clark CGD, RGD
                                     sustainably-produced ingredients. Subplot’s primary job was to
Creative Directors                   live up to and compellingly express the features of this new product
Matthew Clark CGD, RGD & Roy White   through the packaging and communications system including the
                                     master brand name, prominent illustrations, recipe names, simple
                                     icons, tertiary copy, master brand identity system, sales and retail
Darren Booth
                                     collateral and the campaign launch.
Icon Illustrator
Liz Wurzinger                        Judge’s Pick
                                     It is so very refreshing to see such a strong design process built
                                     on research, product and user testing, and even walking the same
Pete Pallett Writes
                                     fields as the client. This is a capital “B” branding exercise, from
                                     defining the promise, to choosing a name, and ultimately designing
                                     collateral that supports the ethos of the company. The type is
                                     exceptional; illustrations are excellent; copywriting is clear and to
                                     the point. This is an outstanding example of how a system supports
                                     a design and of how designers can advance social good through
                                     design. The entry is oh So Good!
                                     - John deWolf CGD, RGD

44                                                                                                    RGD    2018 So(cial) Good Awards   45
                                         Gift the Code Hackathon
Projects                                 Identity System
                                         Capital One
                                         Toronto, Canada
Client                                   This event was created to use digital for good to help charities and
Capital One                              make the world a kinder place. It brings together the local tech
                                         community for 48 hours to create functional, usable tech solutions
Creative Directors
                                         to elevate charities.
Michael MacVicar, Stephanie Forest DGA

Art Director                             Judge’s Pick
Christine Waite RGD                      This design speaks to the power of convening a community
                                         to deliver social impact. The design is driven by tech, engages
                                         participants through fun team identities and embraces the causes
Rekha Patel
                                         of the individual charities. The visual system works across virtual
Video Designer & Illustrator             and physical touch-points.
Warren Nowosad
                                         - Anne Donohoe
Lauren Bride

Adriana Sgromo

UX Designer
TJ Sivagurunathan

46                                                                                                       RGD    2018 So(cial) Good Awards   47
Projects                              Interactive Sculpture
                                      Toronto, Canada
Client                                The Bank of Montreal challenged Mosaic to mark the bank’s 200th
The Bank of Montreal                  birthday. The result was a 17-foot-tall interactive, kinetic sculpture
                                      designed to help people wish it forward. Viewers tossed a digital
Group Creative Director, Writer
                                      coin and the fountain reacted to their wish with a customized
Jess Willis
                                      animation that flowed up, down or across the streams. The
Creative Director, Art Director       fountain delivered a meaningful physical manifestation of what the
Brad Van Schaik                       Bank of Montreal stands for, and captured hundreds of thousands
                                      of wishes from the public.
Design Director
Chris Langer
                                      Judge’s Pick
Associate Creative Director, Writer   BMO200 is a refreshingly innovative solution that stood out this
Jef Moore                             year. It not only built awareness for the brand and their anniversary
                                      but inspired viewers to consider and submit a wish that they would
                                      like to pay forward. Ultimately the experience was a thoughtful
Jennifer Marman, Daniel Borins
                                      way for BMO to give a voice to participants and realize several of
Technical Fabrication                 their wishes.
Globacore & Taylor Group
                                      - Wade Convay
Interactive Design
Secret Location                       Judge’s Pick
                                      For such generosity and creativity to spring from a pile of old
                                      stock market flip dots is conceptually poetic. An ideal marriage of
Sumit Ajwani
                                      physical and digital design, this is an unusual and captivating use
                                      of motion design.
                                      - Julian Brown RGD

48                                                                                                      RGD    2018 So(cial) Good Awards   49
                                Good Investing                                                        For-Profit
                                                                                                                                                     Canadian Youth Ambassador Program
Projects                        Branding                                                              Projects                                       2018 Branding
                                Studio Jaywall                                                                                                       The Studio, EF Educational Tours
                                Toronto, Canada                                                                                                      Toronto, Canada
Client                          Jaywall created a visual identity system to position Good Investing   Client                                         Every year, 30 young Canadians are awarded a travel scholarship
Good Investing                  as a friendly and socially-conscious investment coaching service.     EF Educational Tours                           based on their ideas for social change. Rebranding deliverables
                                The robust system includes logo versions, typefaces, colours,                                                        included posters, envelopes, emails, web pages and video. The
Creative Directors                                                                                    Creative Director
                                icons, photography and graphic devices. Jaywall designed a                                                           first was a printed bilingual booklet for teachers, parents, national
Jay Wall RGD, Kaila Jacques                                                                           Nate Cameron
                                website, postcards, business cards, banner stands, social media                                                      partners and students. Each audience is assigned a colour from
Designers                       graphics, document templates and polo shirts for coaches to           Associate Creative Directors                   a brand palette. Coloured tabs call out each audience while
Kaila Jacques, Katherine Ross   wear to client meetings. The materials work together to establish     Christian Gilbert, Deb McDermott               maintaining a uniform look and feel. This solution was replicated
                                Good Investing’s brand voice, communicate its offering and                                                           in all deliverables. Exciting and energetic, the new look is formal
Web Developer                                                                                         Designers
                                attract business.                                                                                                    enough for Parliament, yet challenges traditional “governmental-
Fraser Page                                                                                           Chloe Pressman, Catarina Barreira, John Pelo
                                                                                                                                                     geared” design. It resonates in urban Toronto and rural
Photographer                                                                                          Copywriters                                    Saskatchewan. Feeling empowered by the brand, 2018 applicants
Darius Bashar                                                                                         Julia Lynch, Bénédicte Pelletier               submitted big, bold and ingenious ideas.
Copywriter                                                                                            Producer
Tim Nash                                                                                              Krista Brown

50                                                                                              RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                                          51

    Judges’   Tangible Interaction
    Picks     Tammy Le Prov. RGD
              Marissa Korda
              Underline Studio

    Winners   Jennifer McDougall, Nourhan Hegazy,
              Bergur Ebbi, Prateeksha Singh
              Forge Media + Design
              Stephanie Hammond Prov. RGD
              The Trust Project Contributors

                              OH! Interactive Installation
                              Tangible Interaction
                              Vancouver, Canada
                              The goal was to create something engaging that would bring
                              people in Vancouver together, build a sense of connection and
Creative Director
                              create a feeling of community. OH! allows participants to affect
Alex Beim
                              the night skyline by controlling the existing lights on the dome of
Lead Designer                 Science World, Vancouver’s most iconic building. The installation
Andrea Buttarini              entices people to feel connected to where they live and also to
                              the other participants around them. During activation nights,
Research & Development Lead
                              thousands of people came out to be a part of the experience,
Brendan Matkin
                              often forming lineups and patiently waiting their turn.
James Acres                   Judge’s Pick
                              This interactive exhibit is beautifully simple and exquisitely
                              engaging. People can learn how to use it without the need for
Holly Hofmann
                              instructions or communications—making it accessible to all.
                              By tastefully combining technology, sleek design and human
                              movement, the installation ignites the wonder, imagination
                              and curiosity that exists in all people. It gets people smiling and
                              encourages strangers to interact and share a memorable moment.
                              This installation has a large effect—not only on those who interact
                              with it but on the cityscape itself. I believe this type of design
                              project can bring people together and forge new relationships.
                              - Nico Taus RGD

54                                                                                             RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards   55
                     Ipseity Web App
                     Tammy Le Prov. RGD
                     Sheridan College, Toronto, Canada
                     Dementia is a growing problem, affecting millions of Canadians.
                     As dementia progresses, it’s very common for the circle of care
                     to grow as needs do. But it can take weeks for caregivers to
Tammy Le Prov. RGD
                     learn about a person’s care preferences. Small details matter in
Instructor           alleviating agitated behaviour. Ipseity allows families to create
Douglas Whitton      individual care profiles specifically tailored to a person’s care
                     preferences. This includes routines, activities of daily living, food
                     preferences, as well as a person’s life story and hobbies. Families
                     can share access to the digital profile with a care team, as well as
                     easily update and maintain the profile over time.

                     Judge’s Pick
                     Having a mother who suffers from Alzheimer’s, I know first-hand
                     the challenges of providing consistent care. This is such a simple
                     and powerful solution to a very real problem. I could use this today
                     and know that it would be very helpful to my mother’s team of
                     caregivers. Great work!
                     - Ian Grais CDG

56                                                                                      RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards   57
                     The Loneliness Project
                     Marissa Korda
                     Toronto, Canada
                     For this Passion Project, the goal was to create something that
                     facilitated empathy and human compassion through design.
Creator & Designer
                     After some exploration, Marissa landed on loneliness as a lens
Marissa Korda
                     through which to explore the topic. The goals evolved: 1) Promoting
Developer            empathy both for others and for ourselves. 2) Reducing stigma
Philipp Schöfer      around loneliness and increase the topic’s visibility. 3) Provide an
                     outlet for those experiencing loneliness. Through a Google Form
                     with four questions in a few Facebook groups, Marissa collected
Lesli Ink
                     over 1,200 stories from 60 countries including Syria, Australia,
                     Thailand and Mexico. She used sound, visuals and animation to
                     craft an emotional experience around each story. The illustrations
                     and overall design create a digestible way to read the stories that
                     conjures up an image everyone can identify with: being alone and
                     feeling like a small piece in a much larger world.

                     Judge’s Pick
                     The Loneliness Project promotes action and awareness through
                     an interactive design that reveals a feeling we all share and
                     that society often overlooks. It promotes empathy as a tool to
                     understand each other and reminds us that there are entire stories
                     inside each of us. The project also takes responsibility by providing
                     the information to a few hotlines. The website is beautifully-
                     designed and easy to use. The charming animation style and
                     overall tone make the project approachable and inviting. The logo
                     is well-executed and celebrates the word loneliness instead of
                     concealing it.
                     - Deborah Adler

58                                                                                    RGD    2018 So(cial) Good Awards   59
                                    Our Home and Native Land
                                    Underline Studio
                                    Toronto, Canada
                                    Underline was invited to curate and design an issue of the
                                    Wayward Arts series celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary.
                                    The studio used the opportunity to interrogate the country’s
Flash Reproductions
                                    often-glossed-over history and ongoing relationship with
Designer                            Indigenous people. On its surface, the issue appears to be a
Mark Neil Balson RGD                tribute to Canada’s majestic landscapes. However, perforated
                                    lines on each spread invite the reader to dig deeper. Once the
Creative Directors
                                    pages are torn, the reader is confronted with a haunting poem
Fidel Peña RGD, Claire Dawson RGD
                                    that challenges Canadians’ presumptions of ownership and use
Photographer                        of the land. The poetry is paired with facts on issues ranging
Joanne Ratajczack                   from disregard of treaty rights to residential schools, lack of
                                    drinking water to inflated incarceration rates, issuing a challenge
                                    to readers to reckon with the hidden history of Canada.
Leanne Betasamosake Simpson,
Elizabeth Brandt
                                    Judge’s Pick
                                    A beautiful and thought-provoking concept that challenges
                                    the reader into seeing there’s more to this than meets the
                                    eye. Stunning Canadian photography and an innovative use
                                    of the torn page reveal Simpson’s powerful poetry and social
                                    commentary, which confront the reader. This thoughtful
                                    concept deals with relevant information to promote social
                                    change with a lovely and sophisticated use of white space and
                                    minimal, poetic typography. A beautiful yet evocative project.
                                    - Katie Maasik

60                                                                                                   RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards   61
                                      Nature Deficit Disorder                                                 Designer-Driven
Projects                              (NDD) Clinic                                                            Projects                          Website
                                      Graduates from OCAD U’s Strategic Foresight                                                               Manoverboard
                                      and Innovation Master of Design Program                                                                   Winnipeg, Canada
                                      Toronto, Canada
Designers                                                                                                     Concept, Design and Development   Every time we visit a website, upload a file or download an app, we
Jennifer McDougall, Nourhan Hegazy,   Recent graduates from OCAD U’s Strategic Foresight and                  Manoverboard                      use huge data centres that are mostly powered by dirty energy.
Bergur Ebbi, Prateeksha Singh         Innovation Master of Design Program installed a number of                                                 This site demonstrates, in accessible and user-friendly terms, the
                                                                                                              Ideation, Research and Content
                                      experiential and futuristic interventions centred around our                                              importance of green data centres and the role websites and apps
                                                                                                              Manoverboard, Mightybytes and
                                      changing relationship with nature in the urban context. The Nature                                        play in climate change. The site has been viewed by visitors from
                                                                                                              Third Partners
                                      Deficit Disorder (NDD) Clinic aims to explore the health impacts of a                                     all over the world, who are consistently surprised about the carbon
                                      lack of contact with nature and support the critical dialogue around                                      footprint of the Internet. As page weights increase, designers need
                                      climate change. As part of Nuit Blanche, the NDD Clinic saw about                                         to be more conscious in their decision-making, choosing lighter-
                                      a thousand “patients” in over 12 hours. The physical space was an                                         weight code and visual assets and green hosting providers.
                                      interactive choreography of visual, lighting and sound elements.
                                      “Patients” experienced the various multisensory elements from a
                                      waiting room to examination to treatment for NDD.

62                                                                                                    RGD     2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                          63
                                          Recycling Matters                                                        Designer-Driven
                                                                                                                                                 WWF Sea Turtle
Projects                                  Poster                                                                   Projects                      Print Ad
                                          Forge Media + Design                                                                                   Stephanie Hammond Prov. RGD
                                          Toronto, Canada                                                                                        Toronto, Canada
Creative Director                         One of the biggest barriers to reducing waste is understanding           Art Director, Designer        As a passionate WWF supporter with concern for wildlife and
Stüssy Tschudin RGD                       what can and can’t be recycled. This informative, colourful              Stephanie Hammond Prov. RGD   specifically the threats facing sea turtles, Stephanie wished to
                                          poster encourages employees to recycle right. The clean and                                            create an informative and dramatic piece to help bring awareness
Designer                                                                                                           Copywriter
                                          friendly design and use of icons help lead users into the data                                         to the vulnerable species. With that in mind, she developed a print
Shane Collier RGD                                                                                                  Saaqshi Sharma
                                          and communicate messages clearly. To find information easily,                                          ad with an element of interactivity for impact and engagement that
Design Review                             content was alphabetized and organized using colour. Because                                           highlights the idea that everyone can help, no matter how big or
Meg Lynch RGD, Heather Angell Prov. RGD   the design is rich in content, there are multiple tiers of information                                 small the gesture. Readers of the ad are able to physically bring the
                                          to help catch the attention of passersby. The use of bold and clear                                    turtle hatchling from the beach to the shore. Following the diagram
                                          headlines allows viewers to quickly enter the data.                                                    printed at the top of the page, readers turn the page to reveal the
                                                                                                                                                 sponsored message on the underlying spread.

64                                                                                                           RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                        65
Projects                                   The Trust Project
                                           The Trust Project Contributors
Contributors                               The Trust Project is an international coalition of news outlets
Sally Lehrman, The Trust Project and       working together to promote truth, fairness and accuracy in the
The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics,    age of ‘fake news’. Through a collaborative design process, The
Santa Clara University                     Trust Project created a system of universal signals, known as Trust
                                           Indicators, to help readers identify reputable, verified content.
Angela Barber, Devin Slater,
                                           Trust Indicators are user-facing and machine-readable, using
The Globe and Mail
                                           common tags in their underlying code. By applying a universal
Ana-Maria Bourceanu, Kathryn Jonas,        Schema mark-up, search engines like Google can verify their
Adam Smith, The Economist                  content. Design and UX professionals from major media companies
                                           in North America and Europe came together to create the
Jordan Flaig, Independent Journal Review
                                           Indicators. Through this work, the guidelines for content, UX and
João Matos, Deutsche Presse-Agentur        usability were established, along with the design of an official Trust
                                           mark, and branding and promotional material for the project.
Marcus Moretti, Mic

Jessica Squires, Trinity Mirror plc

Patrick Slawinski,
Subramaniam (Subbu) Vincent,
The Trust Project

66                                                                                                          RGD     2018 So(cial) Good Awards   67

    Judges’   Hangar 18 Creative Group
    Picks     Intent
              City of Mississauga

    Winners   Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
              Canadian Museum for Human Rights
              Catapult Marketing

                                 Vancouver Votes
Projects                         Website
                                 Hangar 18 Creative Group
                                 Vancouver, Canada
Client                           Hangar 18 partnered with the City of Vancouver to design an
City of Vancouver                engaging election-planning tool, for young and first-time voters.
                                 The website is responsive, user-friendly and fun to navigate.
Creative/Art Director
                                 It doesn’t look institutional, which can be off-putting to young
Vida Jurcic CGD and Dean Ponto
                                 voters. It is progressive and dynamic, which appealed to our target
Designer                         audience. The results were an increase in dialogue, interest and
Michael Withers                  engagement, which led to final votes up by almost 10%.
Web Developer
                                 Judge’s Pick
Matthew Anderson
                                 Well done! Voter apathy is a huge social problem. Impressive
                                 results based on research and clearly-met project objectives,
                                 the design was effectively applied in a digital all-in-one, easy-
                                 to-use application. Made voting process easy. Didn’t look like
                                 government at all!
                                 - Sonja Banic

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70                                                                                                   RGD   2018 So(cial) Good Awards                                                                                                       71
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