2018 Reconnect and Remember - Sahir House

2018 Reconnect and Remember - Sahir House
    Reconnect and Remember

2018 Reconnect and Remember - Sahir House
HIV – the facts
       Over 90% of people accessing HIV care have acquired HIV through sexual transmission
       The proportion of people accessing HIV care who acquired HIV through heterosexual sex is
       approximately the same as the proportion of people who acquired HIV through sex between men
       There has been an increase in those aged 55 and over being diagnosed
       Two in five people accessing HIV care are now aged 50 or over
       A total of 93,385 people, including 356 children aged under 15, received HIV care in 2017
       The number of people accessing specialist care for HIV has steadily grown over the last decade.
       From 2008 to 2017, the number of people accessing HIV care increased by 54%

Living with HIV
In 2014, UNAIDS established the global 90-90-90 targets:
        90% of people living with HIV are diagnosed
        90% of those diagnosed are on HIV treatment
        90% of those receiving treatment are virally suppressed (undetectable)

Source: www.nat.org.uk

This World AIDS Day, Liverpool announced it was joining the international HIV Fast-Track Cities
programme. The announcement by Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson outlined a commitment to
accelerate and scale-up support for people living with HIV and those most at risk within the city.

Liverpool represents the latest UK city to sign up the Fast-Track Cities programme, following in the
footsteps of Brighton, London and Manchester. The programme encourages cities across the globe to meet
key goals that will help to end the HIV epidemic. These include achieving the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets,
increasing the utilisation of combination HIV prevention services, eradicating stigma and discrimination of
those affected by HIV and establishing a common, web-based platform to support the real-time monitoring
of progress.

          Liverpool 2018 Fast Track City Status Launch with Dr Jose M Zuniga, President of IAPAC:
             Dr Miriam Taegtmeyer, Professor Khoo, Dr Mark Lawton, Dr Zuniga, Cllr Paul Brant,
                            Dr Sandra Davies, Tessa Willow - Sahir House CEO

2018 Reconnect and Remember - Sahir House
Sahir House
Over the past 3 decades Sahir House have been providing care, support and assistance to people living
with HIV and their families, as well as delivering HIV prevention, testing and outreach, and raising public
awareness of HIV in Merseyside.

World AIDS Day (WAD)
World AIDS Day is 1st December each year and 2018 marked the 30th anniversary. The campaign is an
opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV stigma, show their support for people
living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. While significant scientific advances have
been made over the last 30 years, people living with HIV continue to face stigma and discrimination as a
result of ignorance about the nature of the condition.

National HIV Testing Week (NHIVTW)
National HIV testing Week is the week of 17th November 2018. NHIVTW raises awareness of the
importance of HIV testing, as well as increasing opportunities to test – be it in clinical settings, in primary
care or through community-based rapid testing. The ultimate goal is to increase regular HIV testing.
Globally, an estimated 34 million people have the virus. Despite the virus only being identified in 1984,
more than 35 million people have died of HIV or AIDS, making it one of the most destructive pandemics in

Point of care test (POC test)
A point of care test is a rapid HIV test, so rather than sending a blood sample to a laboratory, the test and
the results can be delivered in a community setting, without specialised laboratory equipment. The sample
taken is usually a finger-prick of blood and results are given at the time of the test.

Merseyside World AIDS Day Planning Group
Sahir House coordinates the Merseyside WAD Planning Group consisting of local health and social care
professionals. It works collaboratively to organise and deliver the range of campaign activities that help
increase awareness, access to testing and reduce the stigma.

                                    30 years of World AIDS Day campaigns

2018 Reconnect and Remember - Sahir House
Reconnect and Remember
Sahir House is a member of the UK AIDS Memorial Quilt Conservation Partnership that preserves, displays
and exhibits the UK AIDS quilts. It is a piece of international social history that tells the stories of those lost
in the early days of the HIV and AIDS epidemic and helps to raise the profile of the quilts, their importance
in our history and to restore and conserve the quilts for generations to come.

In response to requests from the HIV community, bereaved family and friends, Sahir House successfully
secured the exhibition of the quilts in Liverpool and planned displays for public viewing.

Sahir House was successful in gaining an Awards for All Lottery grant to fund a World AIDS Day Reconnect
and Remember Project. The project’s aim was to bring together people affected by HIV and associated
communities and exhibit a selection of quilt panels. For the third time in 20 years, the UK AIDS Memorial
Quilt was on display to the public in Liverpool, to commemorate the lives of those lost to the AIDS
epidemic. See film footage here.

The project was launched in the Museum of Liverpool with the Lighthouse quilt displayed and a selection
of local quilt panels. The event brought together past panel makers to reconnect and remember those lost
to HIV and look at issues faced then and now.

AFTER 82 Film Showing
Following the launch, Sahir House held a special screening of the film ‘AFTER 82’ with over 100 people
attending. The film looks back using first-hand personal accounts from people affected and organisations
that were, and still are, there to provide support. What makes this documentary unique is that for many,
this is the first time they have ever spoken publicly about what happened in the early days of HIV and AIDS.
Attending this screening was special guest Jonathan Blake, actor, activist and HIV positive for 36 years.

                           Jonathon Blake with the Homotopia commissioned quilt

2018 Reconnect and Remember - Sahir House
Quilt Exhibitions
During the World AIDS Day campaign, three quilt exhibitions included:
       Liverpool Cathedral, footfall of 2280 people.
       St Brides Church open to the general public as well as groups held in the church such as The British
       Red Cross, Foodbank, Refugee Women Connect, in total reaching over 200 people.
       St Georges Hall, Liverpool open to the general public reaching approximately 250 visitors.
All venues were free and accessible to the public.

                                    Quilts display at Liverpool Cathedral

                                     Quilts display at St Brides Church

2018 Reconnect and Remember - Sahir House
Quilts display at World AIDS Day Vigil 2018, St Georges Hall

2018 Reconnect and Remember - Sahir House
Sahir House WAD and NHIVTW activities and promotion across Merseyside
       23 HIV information stalls at community events, including five in colleges which targeted 100’s of
       young people with HIV information and opportunities to test
       26 World AIDS Day displays in a variety of venues across Merseyside
       15 information sessions delivered to a wide range of audiences including six young people’s
       settings, reaching approx. 400 individuals – see appendices
       World AIDS Day information packs circulated widely via e-mail and available on Sahir House website
       15 online published articles – see appendices
       Advert in Homotopia brochure
       2 radio interviews – BBC Radio Merseyside and Liverpool Community Radio
       2 newspaper articles – Liverpool Echo and Wirral Globe
       3 TV features on Made in Liverpool (local TV channel) highlighting experiences of individuals living
       with HIV, support services available and HIV testing available from the Liverpool HIV Specialist
       Community Nursing Team
       1000’s of red ribbons disseminated
       The University of Liverpool’s Active Lab lighting up the red ribbon
       2 HIV testing pop up clinics at Sahir House, offering instant results delivered by partners Armistead
       Centre and Liverpool HIV Specialist Community Nurses
       World AIDS Day Vigil attended by approx. 250
       See full list of venues of all community engagement activities - see appendices

                Annual WAD window display at News from Nowhere, Bold Street, Liverpool

                University of Liverpool’s Learning Lab World AIDS Day Red Ribbon Light Up
2018 Reconnect and Remember - Sahir House
Social media
Sahir House uses Twitter, Facebook and the website to promote information and campaigns regarding
World AIDS Day and National HIV Testing Week.
Sahir House Twitter
In the 3-month period Sahir House posted 116 tweets and gained 68 new followers.
Sahir House Facebook
As with Twitter and the Sahir House website, the organisation’s Facebook page demonstrated a significant
increase with a maximum reach of 3391 on December 1st, World AIDS Day.
Sahir House website
Traffic doubled during November as more information was uploaded and viewed in the lead up to
December 1st. Sahir House saw a younger audience visiting the website, due to working in partnership
with local colleges and universities as sexual health information was widely promoted to student groups.

                      Liverpool City Council promoting Fast Track City Status Launch

                                Support from Museum of Liverpool for
                   Reconnect and Remember Quilts Launch and After 82 Film Screening
2018 Reconnect and Remember - Sahir House
Radio Merseyside Ngunan Adamu supported Know Your Status HIV testing message

                          Homotopia commissioned a new World AIDS Day quilt

Sahir House HIV awareness and stigma reduction training
Staff training provides the opportunity to explore the impact of HIV and update on current thinking. The
training increases confidence to promote HIV information, educate the wider public and signpost to testing
services. The training also challenges discrimination and highlights the important Undetectable equals
Untransmittable campaign message. All training courses include a positive speaker, who talk about their
diagnosis, U = U, discrimination, medication and adherence, disclosure and importance of confidentiality.

HIV awareness and stigma reduction training courses
       2 x HIV training courses in Knowsley – HIV in GP settings and stigma reduction training course
       1 x HIV training course in Wirral
       1 x HIV training courses in Liverpool

2018 Reconnect and Remember - Sahir House
Community fundraising
World AIDS Day is a great opportunity to raise funds while raising awareness of HIV. This year Sahir House
worked in partnership with a range of local businesses and groups to expand the reach of the campaign
and successfully raised over £3000. The businesses and groups utilised a range of multimedia platforms to
engage the public in their fundraising endeavours.

Wirral Ways to Recovery                 G - Bar

Mersey Bears                                                          Lovelocks Café

World AIDS Day Monologues
Due to an unfortunate incident at the World AIDS Day Vigil 2018, resulting in cancellation of the event on
the night, the 30 years of World AIDS Day Monologues event was hosted at The Unity Theatre in March
2019 as a way to celebrate and commemorate World AIDS Day. Feedback was very positive and the WAD
Planning Group will develop this in future. Many thanks to Serena Cavanagh and team for planning and
delivering an excellent alternative event attended by 150 people.

Thanks and acknowledgements
      All members of the Merseyside WAD Planning Group
      All commissioners, funders and donors who sponsored WAD and NHIVTW
      Liverpool Cathedral, St Brides Church, St Georges Hall, Museum of Liverpool, Homotopia, The Unity
      Sahir House Positive Speakers
Sahir House Patrons
       Sahir House Volunteers
       Friends and supporters of Sahir House
       To everyone who wears their red ribbon with pride, thanks for your continued support

“Thank you to all the staff and volunteers at Sahir House for putting on and co-ordinating so many amazing
events throughout HIV testing week and WAD and in the lead up. Without the enduring commitment there
the average person on the street would only be drip-fed information re: HIV and through your engagement
lots more people across Merseyside know a lot more, where to access information and support and HIV
testing has increased. We know this as fact as young people have accessed YPAS, listened to a Sahir House
staff member and had a HIV test within the following 2 weeks so Thank You!”
Youth Worker, YPAS

If you would like further information and find out more ways to get involved, please contact:
Serena Cavanagh
Health Promotion Lead
Sahir House

2nd Floor, 151 Dale Street, Liverpool, L2 2AH
0151 237 3989

Report compiled with thanks by Serena Cavanagh for the Merseyside WAD Planning Group.

Merseyside World AIDS Day Planning Group – summaries of events
The Armistead Centre
A free and confidential support, information and sexual health promotion service for the lesbian, gay, bisexual
and trans (LGBT) community. Support for street based sex workers is provided by Mersey Care across
 Events                       Target group           Location
 Information sessions         students               Liverpool John Moores University
                              students               Liverpool Community Colleges (2 sites)
                              students               Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts
                              Employees              Barclays Call Centre, Wavertree
                              General public         Royal Liverpool University Hospital Trust
 Information point            LGBT+ clients          Armistead Centre drop in
Social media
During National HIV testing week BBC Radio Merseyside filmed a HIV testing session at the Armistead
Centre to show how simple and quick the procedure is. The film featured on its Facebook page, attracting
almost 2,000 views.
Sefton Sexual Health Service
Providing free and confidential sexual health, testing, treatment and contraception across Sefton.
 Events                       Target group           Location
 Information stalls x 2       NHS staff              Southport and Ormskirk Hospital Trust
 Student debate x 1           Staff and students     Hugh Baird College
The Great HIV Debate had a team of experts for students to ask questions including Sefton GU Consultant,
HIV specialist nurse, Renaissance Outreach and Sahir House.

                                         The Hugh Baird Great Debate
GYRO Liverpool
Providing a safe, comfortable space where young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans,
questioning their sexuality or their gender identity (LGBT+) can get to know other young people.
Pop-up HIV and STI testing available for first time at YPAS-GYRO thanks to partnership working with The
Armistead Centre. GYRO staff were encouraged by the development of the provision of HIV testing for
young people. Several young people took up the testing.
 Information sessions x 2     12 – 25 years olds     45              Young Persons Advisory Service
 Delivered training           Trainee teachers       90              Liverpool John Moores University
 Information point            12 – 25 years olds     60              Young Persons Advisory Service
“We have been working hard to destigmatise HIV in GYRO, we need it to be an open forum to discuss
matters that are very close to the hearts of Queer people. We explore the socio-political history to stigma
and discrimination, linking it in with effects on mental health. We want all people to consider HIV testing
and not just gay cis-men. By getting advocates, young people and more experienced people living with HIV
into the group to speak to young people it does more help than giving them reams of information to read.
This experiential learning is key for our service user engagement who always remember guest speakers
more than they remember what we say as just allies. I think visibility in most areas of LGBTQ+ identity is a
keystone in challenging discrimination. We also believe that we need to make the discussion around HIV
more intersectional and inclusive of asylum/refugee/female/non-European identities to give a realistic
picture. Also, young people tell us that the only education they get on HIV is through our groups, clearly the
stigma re: HIV still exists strongly in education environments, the irony is not lost on young queer people. “
Chris Porter - Support Services Team Lead, GYRO, YPAS
Liverpool Specialist HIV Community Nursing Team
 Events                         Target group    Location
 Information sessions x 2       Students        Liverpool City College Arts Centre and Liverpool
                                                City College LEX
 HIV testing pop up clinics     Students        Liverpool City College Arts Centre and Liverpool
 x2                                             City College LEX

Providing wellbeing and sexual health support for young people in Liverpool and Wirral
 Events                         Target group    Location
 Information stalls x 4         Young people    Wirral Metropolitan College,
                                                Birkenhead 6th Form College, Forum Housing
 Information sessions           Schools         Wirral

Wirral Ways to Recovery
Providing drug and alcohol services to clients across Wirral. Wirral Ways to Recovery hosted a week of HIV
testing amongst clients and promoted WAD events and activities.

                              Wirral Ways to Recovery HIV Testing Week campaign

Appendix 1
Sahir House HIV awareness information sessions
Audience                             Agency                                         Borough
Young people                         The Prince’s Trust                             Liverpool
Health science students              University of Liverpool                        Liverpool
Service users                        Big Life Company (drug & alcohol recovery)     Liverpool
LGBT young people                    GYRO                                           Mersey wide
Branch members                       Liverpool Unison                               Liverpool
Global Health conference delegates   Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine          n/a
Global health students               Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine          n/a
Students                             North Liverpool Academy                        Sefton
Students                             Hugh Baird College                             Sefton
Volunteers                           Sahir House volunteering course                Mersey wide
Registered Managers Network          Network of residential care services           Wirral
2 x sessions LGBT staff network      Liverpool Home Office Spectrum staff network   Mersey wide
2 x student sessions                 Liverpool Community College                    Liverpool

Appendix 2
Links to published online articles

 1     https://www.lcvs.org.uk/world-aids-day-national-hiv-testing-week-on-merseyside/
 2     http://www.divamag.co.uk/Diva-Magazine/Events-Calendar/Homotopia-2018-supports-World-
 3     https://www.rlbuht.nhs.uk/news/liverpool-commits-to-beating-hiv/
 4     https://www.wirralglobe.co.uk/news/17229523.wirral-residents-urged-to-raise-awareness-of-
 5     https://news.liverpool.ac.uk/2018/11/30/30th-world-aids-day-liverpool-commits-to-beating-hiv/
 6     https://www.theguideliverpool.com/world-aids-day-liverpool-commits-to-beating-hiv/
 7     https://news.liverpool.ac.uk/2018/11/30/30th-world-aids-day-liverpool-commits-to-beating-hiv/
 8     http://www.homotopia.net/festival-item/world-aids-day/#.XFMlkPZ2sb4
 9     https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/pauls-story-reality-living-hiv-15478299
 10    https://www.broadwayworld.com/uk-regional/article/Homotopia-Supports-World-Aids-Day-
 11    https://cmnh.lstmed.ac.uk/news-events/news/world-aids-day-2018-know-your-status
 12    http://jmu-journalism.org.uk/aids-day-event-cut-short-after-accident/
 13    https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=51&v=EcxxL-26RGY
 14    http://www.liverpoolcathedral.org.uk/114/section.aspx/108/the_uk_aids_memorial_quilt_trail_liv

Appendix 3
World AIDS Day activities
 1    Venue / Organisation                          Target audience                           Borough
                                                    Service users - drug & alcohol            Liverpool
 2    Big Life Company, Quaker Meeting House        recovery health day
 3    GYRO – Young Persons Advisory Service         LGBT young people support groups          Mersey wide
 4                                                  Students – health and wellbeing           Mersey wide
      Liverpool Community Colleges x 2              days
 5    Sahir House volunteering course               Volunteers                                Mersey wide
 6    Wirral Metropolitan college                   Students                                  Wirral
 7    Arrowe Park Hospital foyer                    general public                            Wirral
 8    Knowsley college health day                   students                                  Knowlsey
 9    St Helens college health day                  students                                  St Helens
 10                                                 all staff and visitors to building over   Mersey wide
      LCVS foyer, 151 Dale Street                   4 days
 11   Liverpool Mental Health Consortium event      general public                            Mersey wide
 12   Homotopia festival event                      LGBT community                            Mersey wide
 13   North Liverpool Academy                       students                                  Liverpool
 14   Royal Liverpool Hospital foyer                general public                            Liverpool
 15   Armistead Centre                              LGBT service users                        Liverpool
 16   Wirral Ways to Recover                        drug and alcohol                          Wirral
 17   YMCA Birkenhead                               homeless male adults                      Wirral
 18   Liverpool Echo                                general public                            Mersey wide
 19   Radio Merseyside                              general public                            Mersey wide
 20   Wirral Globe free weekly paper                Wirral residents                          Wirral
 21   Homotopia festival                            LGBT community                            Mersey wide
 22   Liverpool Community Radio                     Local web based radio                     Liverpool
 23   News from Nowhere                             general public                            Liverpool
 24   The Guide Liverpool                           general public                            Mersey wide
 25   Liverpool Cathedral                           general public                            Mersey wide
 26                                                 general public and groups using           Mersey wide
      St Brides                                     venue
 27   Liverpool Museum x 2                          general public                            Mersey wide
 28   Merseybears fundraising event @ city centre                                             Mersey wide
      venue                                         gay men
 29   James Monro public House                      LGBT community                            Liverpool
 30   G Bar, City Centre night club                 general public                            Mersey wide
 31   Sahir House Vigil – final Quilt exhibition    general public                            Mersey wide
 32   Fast Track City Status Launch at St Georges   Sexual Health workers                     Liverpool
 33   Lovelocks coffee shop                         general public                            Liverpool
 34   Outpost music venue                           general public                            Liverpool
 35   News from Nowhere bookshop, 2 week            general public                            Liverpool
      window display

End of report - SC

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