NATIONAL AYRSHIRE SHOW - 2018 - The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
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PRESIDENT’S LETTER The 96th Royal Agricultural Winter Fair I would like to welcome all exhibitors to The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair is a celebrates excellence in agriculture, the 96th Royal. As the newly elected great Canadian tradition – now 96 years food products and equine sport. This President and Chairman of The Board I young. By competing in The Royal, you annual event welcomes exhibitors of am thrilled to preside over our 2018 Fair. are part of our tradition — and part of many different livestock breeds and our future. I wish you every success in The 2017 Fair was the most successful agricultural products excited to compete the Royal competition of your choice in Royal year on record. As a result, The for championship titles, conduct business 2018. We appreciate your participation Royal is investing in improving exhibitor and interact with their colleagues. The and your loyalty. Rest assured that we experience. Upgraded electrical and water Royal also welcomes thousands of continue to work hard to create a best-in- supply has been approved by the Board spectators eager to explore and learn class experience for you. We look forward of Directors and work is underway. The about agriculture and food and interact to seeing you at The Royal. Rob Flack, President upgrades to the Livestock Barn will allow with producers. On behalf of The Royal’s The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair access to much needed services for beef Good luck to everyone and we will see you staff, volunteers and Board of Directors, and dairy exhibitors. in the show ring! 3
John Deere is proud to support this world-class event celebrating the hard work of farmers across the country. The Official Equipment Sponsor of The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
GENERAL INFORMATION THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR Main Reception (416) 263-3400 AGRICULTURE SHOW OFFICE HORSE SHOW Agriculture Show Office Manager Angela Booth Malleau (416) 263-3418 Director, Equestrian & Breed Sport Christine Reupke (416) 263-3407 active after September 10, 2018 Horse Show Manager Peter Doubleday (416) 263-3417 ADMINISTRATION Group Sales Coordinator Josh Baranowski (416) 263-3409 Chief Executive Officer Charlie Johnstone (416) 263-3401 Director, Event & Broadcast Robert MacAskill (416) 263-3498 Manager, Corporate Projects Jennifer Tattersall (416) 263-3406 SPONSORSHIP SALES AND DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURE SHOW Director, Corporate Development Chris Sura (416) 263-3402 Director, Agriculture & Food Peter Hohenadel (416) 263-3482 Senior Manager, Corporate Development Caitlin O’Neill (416) 263-3437 Manager, Agriculture & Food Trish McMahon Scott (416) 263-3440 COMMERCIAL EXHIBITS Agriculture & Food Coordinator Shaniece Mitchell (416) 263- 3433 Manager, Commercial Exhibits Heather Sommer (416) 263-3455 MARKETING FINANCE Manager, Marketing Bobby Arthur (416) 263-3411 Director, Finance Janet Scott (416) 263-3469 & Community Relations Financial Administrator Kelly Manning (416) 263-3496 HOSPITALITY Director, Hospitality & Special Events Tim Lilleyman (416) 263-3413 OPERATIONS Manager, Operations Gabe Simms (416) 263-3408 FEATURE PROGRAMMING Manager, Features & Education Ana Stuart (416) 263-3495 5
GENERAL INFORMATION MAILING ADDRESS SHIPPING ADDRESS ONTARIO HYDRO SAFETY REGULATIONS ATTENTION UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Royal Agricultural Winter Fair The Ontario Electrical Safety Code Rule 2-022, requires EXHIBITORS 39 Manitoba Drive Door 33, Manitoba Drive that all electrical equipment must be approved before it may Enercare Centre Enercare Centre lawfully be advertised, displayed, offered for sale, sold, or oth- PAYMENT OF FEES Exhibition Place Exhibition Place erwise disposed of or used in this Province. It is, therefore, 1. All fees must be paid in Canadian Funds. Toronto, ON M6K 3C3 Toronto, ON M6K 3C3 the responsibility of each exhibitor to ensure that all electri- 2. In order to obtain maximum premium on US funds, Canada Canada cal equipment in, on or about his/her booth comply with the (1) pay by credit card, VISA or MASTERCARD accepted above regulations. This includes electrical merchandise as well or (2) purchase a Canadian Dollar Draft or Money Order PARKING VIOLATIONS as lighting and display equipment. at your Bank or Post Office. The RAWF will not be responsible for payment of parking 3. DO NOT SEND cheques drawn on US Banks marked Should any of this equipment not comply, it is recommended violations incurred by any person(s) prior to, during or after as “Payable in Canadian Dollars,” as we are unable to that you request temporary permission to exhibit while the the RAWF negotiate same. International exhibitors MUST pay the necessary electrical approval certification is being sought: HST charges on their entries, as the service is being pro- LIVESTOCK TRAILER PARKING Electrical Safety Authority vided in Canada. Exhibitors’ livestock trailers will be parked OFF Exhibition Attn.: Provincial Code Engineer grounds at no charge during the RAWF in designated lots 155 Matheson Road West CUSTOMS assigned by The RAWF. A map to allocated parking locations Mississauga, ON L5R 3L5 Exhibits from the United States or any other foreign coun- will be provided during move in/arrival. It is requested that all Tel: (905) 712-5363 try will be admitted in bond without collection of duties, if exhibitors requiring parking for their trucks and trailers pro- Failure to comply could result in the equipment being refused returned within ninety days from date of importation. Exhib- vide that information on the entry form so that The RAWF connection to the source of electrical supply and may even be itors from outside Canada should contact the RAWF’s desig- may appropriately allocate space for parking in 2018. ordered to be removed from the display. nated customs broker: ELECTRICAL POWER: The electrical power in all buildings Livingston Event Logistics SHUTTLE SERVICE is 60 cycle. The outlets in most buildings have three prongs. 40 University Avenue, Suite 400, Toronto, ON, M5J 1T1. A shuttle will operate between the Enercare Centre/Coca- All electrical appliances used in buildings where such outlets Tel 416-863-9339 or Fax 416-863-5149. Cola Coliseum Buildings and the Ontario Place parking lot on a regular basis. There will be no charge for this service. have been installed must be equipped with cords having three- Livingston Event Logistics have offices at most Ports of Entry pronged grounded plugs. to Canada. It is suggested that exhibitors contact Livingston COOKING APPLIANCES: No cooking units shall be Event Logistics well in advance of entry to Canada. allowed in the buildings. ELECTRICAL SERVICES: All exhibitors must use the ser- U.S. Livestock Exhibitors – Import permits are necessary for vices of the in-house electrical company contacted through temporary entry to Canada. Please refer to the Rules & Reg- Enercare Centre. ulations for detailed permit instructions and requirements for Breeding Cattle imported from the United States to Canada on temporary status. 6
GENERAL INFORMATION THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR WOMEN OF EXCELLENCE IN AGRICULTURE AWARD ENDOWMENT FUND Since 1996, the Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario Call for Nominations The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair has an established FWIO invites you to recognize a deserving woman who has (FWIO) have recognized the significant contribution made Endowment Fund which exists to provide reserves for tirelessly contributed to “excellence in agriculture” at The by women in agriculture at The Royal Agricultural Winter responsible financial management, and also to provide a Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. The winner will be FWIO’s Fair by presenting them with the prestigious Women of source of funding for initiatives deemed critical to advanc- guest of honour at the Tribute to Agricultural Excellence Excellence in Agriculture Award. ing the objectives of The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. Luncheon, where the award will be presented. Enriching The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Endowment Criteria for Selection Fund is an important responsibility shared by those who Open to all women currently or previously involved in agri- Selection are committed to the future of this great Canadian insti- culture, The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and their com- The winner will be selected by an appointed committee of tution. The demands today are significant, and the dreams munity (i.e. 4-H, Fair Board or Plowing Match). FWIO representatives and notified by September 30. for tomorrow limitless – and we all have the ability to con- Applications available from: Nominations tribute either directly or indirectly. Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario Your nomination package must include: If you would like more information about The Royal A typed profile, not to exceed 500 words, describing 552 Ridge Road Agricultural Winter Fair Endowment Fund, including the agricultural work of the nominee, involvement at The Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2Y6 details as to how to make a contribution, please contact Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and in their community. Phone: 905-662-2691 the Chief Executive Officer, Royal Agricultural Winter Three nominators, providing letters of recommendation Email: Fair at 416-263-3400. (not to exceed one page each) and the nominee’s contact Deadline: Submit completed nomination packages by June information 30th each year. All nominations are to be sent to the FWIO Offices. Previous Winners 1996 Miriam Detwiler 2005 Monica Veit 1996 Joy Palmer 2007 Judy Shelley 1997 Evelyn McCutcheon 2008 Joanne Currie 1998 Grace Oesch 2009 Doris Aitken 1999 Cathy Wilson Pinkney 2011 Katie Normet 2000 Cathy Lasby 2012 Karen Eastman Velthuis 2001 Jane Whaley 2013 Mary Ann Found 2002 Josie Wintersinger 2014 Donna Willows 2003 Sharon Douglas 2015 Pat Marcotte 2016 Mary Elmhirst Congratulations to the 2017 winner of the "Women of Excellence in Agriculture Award" Shelley Barfoot-O’Neill 7
GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS The following General Rules and Regulations of The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair are applicable and must be followed. Where there is an exception to any rule or regulation, it is duly noted in the appropriate section and must be followed. INTERPRETATION ENTRY PROCEDURE the particulars of firms may be required by the Exec- 1. Throughout the Competition Book, The Royal 5. Exhibitors are encouraged to place their entries online utive Committee. Agricultural Winter Fair Association of Canada and where applicable. 13. Unless otherwise specified, no entry is required for The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair shall be referred to 6. An entry will be considered valid only when the RAWF championships or specials, provided the animal or as the “RAWF” or “The Royal” receives a properly completed and signed Entry Form article is entered in the appropriate regular class. First a. “Directors” means the Board of Directors of the including payment in full by no later than the entry and second prize winners are automatically eligible for RAWF closing date. The RAWF reserves the right to refuse championships. b. “Chief Executive Officer” or “CEO” means the any entry, at its sole discretion, and to return any entry EXHIBITS Chief Executive Officer of the RAWF fee without further liability. Closing dates are stated in 14. All exhibits shall be under the control and direction c. “Judge” means the person(s) contracted by the each competition section. of the RAWF but solely at the risk of the exhibitor. RAWF to decide events/competitions/shows at 7. If the number of entries exceeds the capacity of the The RAWF will not be responsible for damage, injury, such RAWF facility, The RAWF reserves the right to return entries. loss or theft of any exhibit, irrespective of the cause of d. “Exhibitor” means any owner signing an Entry Form 8. If an Entry Form is sent by FAX machine: such damage, injury, loss or theft. Each exhibitor will be and/or the lessee, manager, agent nominator, driver, a. Please indicate that you have faxed your entry, on solely responsible for any damage, injury, loss or theft rider or employee of such owner the entry form; occasioned by or arising from any article exhibited by 2. The RAWF Management has the final and absolute b. Entries will only be accepted if payment is made by him/her and shall indemnify the RAWF against all legal right to interpret these rules and regulations and to credit card and the credit card information is com- or other proceedings in regard thereto. determine all matters, questions or differences in pleted on the form; 15. No exhibit shall be temporarily removed during the regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of, or in con- c. Do not FAX an Entry Form more than once unless RAWF without the written authority of the Chief nection with, or incident to the RAWF. instructed to do so by the RAWF. Executive Officer and this written permission shall be 3. The RAWF Management has the right to amend or 9. Payment of entry fees will be accepted by Master- given only on leaving such deposit as the Chief Execu- add to these Rules and Regulations from time to time Card/VISA or cheque. HST should be added to all fees tive Officer shall specify, and the written authority shall 4. Any exhibitor who violates any of the rules and reg- quoted unless otherwise stated, and must be paid in state the departure time and return time of the exhibit. ulations printed in the Competition Book will forfeit Canadian funds. US exhibitors please refer to the U.S. If the exhibit is not returned in accordance with the all privileges and premiums upon decision of the man- and Foreign Exhibitors page. terms of the authority, the deposit will be forfeited to agement. This may include any or all of the following: 10. Exhibits that have been erroneously entered, may, at the RAWF. a. Prizes, awards, diplomas, certificates; the discretion of the Agriculture Manager, be trans- 16. Under no circumstances will articles which are offensive b. Prize money; ferred to their proper classes prior to judging. by reason of their odour or appearance or which are c. Forfeiture of any or all passes, entry fees and stall 11. No substitution will be accepted after the entry closing dangerous by reason of their combustible or explosive rental fees; date, except as referred to in the appropriate section character, be accepted or admitted, and if any such be d. Banned from exhibiting at future RAWF Events. 12. Firms and co-partnerships entering exhibits for com- allowed admission, through misrepresentation or oth- This exhibitor may also be subject to such penalty as the petition must be in existence at the time of making the erwise, they must be removed by order of the Chief Executive Committee may determine. entry and in all cases must be bona fide. Affidavits of Executive Officer. 8
GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS EXHIBITS (cont’d) 17. No exhibit shall have overhead storage of any kind as 25. It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to keep stalls, Tents/displays that are approved by RAWF Manage- it does not comply with the RAWF’s safety protocols. pens and/or exhibit areas clean and neat. ment will be subject to a fee. Tent space will be limited 18. No pets will be allowed in the facilities with the excep- 26. Professional displays are encouraged. Space visible to to 10x10 and display space will be limited to 10x7. Tents tion of service dogs. the public and/or your neighbouring exhibitors must and displays are to be incorporated into the stalling 19. If required by the RAWF Management, an exhibi- be finished attractively. Please see the display/tent* area. Tents and displays will not be permitted on the tor shall make a statutory declaration that the article section on the entry form to apply. stalling row ends or against the building walls due to fire exhibited by him/her is exhibited in accordance with and safety protocols. DISPLAYS and in all respects comply with the rules and regulations Only one tent and/or booth is allowed per string. A tent 27. Exhibitors will not be permitted to call attention to of the RAWF. In case any exhibitor refuses to make is to be used for tack storage. A display booth is to be their exhibits in a noisy or disorderly manner. Only such declaration, all premiums awarded to him/her shall used for farm or animal promotion only. Any tents or such signs and placards may be used throughout the be forfeited and all such articles shall be removed forth- displays that are not utilized in the appropriate manner, buildings as the Chief Executive Officer shall approve with if so ordered by the Executive Committee. as deemed by management, will be removed. All tents and allow. The Executive Committee reserves the right and displays must post their permit for the clear view EXHIBITOR CONDUCT to prescribe the dimensions and regulate the position of the Fire Marshal and RAWF staff. 20. Any false representation, interference or unacceptable of all signs, and generally to direct the arrangement of the exhibits, so far as the same may be necessary to 30. Pop-up tents will be required to have an operable fire conduct on the part of an Exhibitor will be dealt with by secure harmony and an attractive appearance. Except extinguisher positioned on the outside of the tent. The the RAWF according to the circumstances of the case. with permission of the CEO, no person(s) will be per- Fire Marshal has the authority to look in any pop-up 21. Upon the discovery of any fraud, deception or dishon- mitted to distribute advertising matter in the RAWF tent, at any time, if there is probable cause. If possible, est practice, either in the preparation or ownership or Show Rings except from his/her exhibit, nor tack up or the Fire Marshal will check with string personnel prior of any misrepresentation concerning any article exhib- post any advertisement, bill, card, etc., except in the to entry. ited, which may have affected or have been intended to space occupied by the exhibitor. 31. Remember: Fire Regulations and enhanced grounds affect the decision of the judges, the Executive Com- 28. Undue noise or unseemly methods of demonstrations safety measures are designed for the protection and mittee has the power to withhold the payment of any made in the operation of displays will not be tolerated. safety of you and your property. prize awarded. The Executive Committee may prohibit any such party or parties from exhibiting at the RAWF Noise levels of sound amplification equipment must JUDGES AND JUDGING for one or more years and may also publish the names not interfere with any other persons. The RAWF may 32. Judges are expected to familiarize themselves with all of such persons as may be deemed expedient. terminate the use of any such equipment or methods. the rules and regulations of the RAWF and to partic- 22. Consumption of alcoholic beverages outside of desig- The final decision of what constitutes undue noise and ularly note those bearing on the classes to be judged nated licensed areas of the RAWF will not be tolerated. unseemly methods shall rest with the RAWF. by them. Violators of this rule will be dealt with accordingly. 29. In an effort to best utilize the space in the barn for 33. In the absence of competition in any class, the judge will 23. The Enercare Centre and Coca-Cola Coliseum are animal and exhibitor use, tents* and displays will only award such premium as he/she determines the exhibit smoke free facilities. In accordance with the Smoke- be permitted once the stalling plan has been finalized. deserves. He/she will exercise his/her discretion as to Free Ontario Act, smoking is PROHIBITED in the Exhibitors wishing to have a display and/or tent must whether first, second or any premium will be awarded. barns and indoor areas. complete the tent/display application and submit it to Judges may not award prizes to unworthy exhibits. 24. Glass bottles are not permitted in the barn for safety the Agriculture Show Office along with entries before and environmental reasons. the respective entry closing date of each section. * PLEASE NOTE: Ceiling covers are prohibited on tents. Non-compliance will result in RAWF staff removing ceiling covers. In addition, The Royal will fine the exhibitor at fault $500 which will be deducted from any prize money won or added to their invoice. 9
GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS JUDGES AND JUDGING (cont’d) 34. If there is any question regarding the legitimacy of an 37. Any exhibitor who by himself/herself, his/her agent or 41. The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair reserves the right entry, or the right of an article to compete in any Sec- employee interferes or shows disrespect to any judge to not process cheques in the amount of or less than tion or Class, the judge shall report this to the Super- during the performance of his/her duties on the prem- $25.00 for all shows where prizes are being offered intendent or clerk in charge. ises occupied by the RAWF or is guilty of conduct 42. Ribbons and trophies will be awarded as follows: 35. All judging documentation (each page initialed) must be calculated to bring the RAWF into disrepute shall be a. Ribbons signed with the judge’s regular signature and returned subject to any or all the forfeitures and/or penalties pro- First. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Red to the Agriculture Show Office as soon as the awards vided for in Rule #4. Second . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blue are completed. Judges should not leave the RAWF until Third . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . White PROTESTS they have ascertained that there are no protests against Fourth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yellow 38. All other protests must be made out to the RAWF in any of the awards in the classes they have judged. Fifth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Green writing and accompanied by a deposit of $50. Such 36. The decision of the judges shall be final in all cases. Sixth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pink protests must plainly state the cause of complaint, However, should an exhibitor have a protest, the fol- Seventh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Purple concern or appeal and must be delivered to the CEO’s lowing procedure must be followed: Eighth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brown office within 48 hours of the event or visit. a. All protests must be in writing and must state plainly Ninth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange the cause of complaint or appeal and must be deliv- SUPERINTENDENTS AND ASSISTANTS Tenth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pale Blue ered to the Chief Executive Officer’s Office within 39. Subject to the direction of the RAWF Agriculture Championship . . . . . . . . . . . Red, White & Blue two (2) hours of judging (for livestock). For all other Manager, each Superintendent and/or assistant is Reserve Championship. . Purple, Pink & White competitions, complaints must be delivered to the responsible for the Section to which he/she is assigned. b. Trophies – Trophies offered for perpetual competition CEO’s office within 48 hours; Consequently, exhibitors are required to follow his/her will remain in the custody of the RAWF. The name b. The protest must be accompanied by a deposit instructions in matters pertaining to the placing and of each winner will be engraved thereon or on the which will be forfeited if the protest is not sustained showing of exhibits. plate attached thereto. c. Deposit amounts are as follows: AWARDS 43. Each exhibitor shall agree that photographs taken of $100 Livestock (this includes livestock youth shows) 40. Prize money will be mailed as soon as possible after the the exhibitor and/or exhibits by any photographer $50 Agriculture Product and Dance Competitions; close of the RAWF and will be paid in Canadian funds. approved by the RAWF may be used for purposes of d. No appeal from an award based upon a statement Exhibitors who do not receive their prize money by promotion by the RAWF or its official sponsors. that the judge has overlooked an exhibit will be con- January 5th of the year following the RAWF, must apply sidered by the Executive Committee. to the Agriculture department for payment thereof, in writing, before January 10th, quoting specifics of the competition, class and placing. 10
LIVESTOCK RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. OWNERSHIP: All entries must be the bona fide prop- will not be allowed in the show ring, at the discretion of 8. BARREN ANIMALS: The RAWF debars and will, to erty of the exhibitor; owned by and registered in the RAWF management. the utmost of its power, discourage and prohibit the name of the exhibitor at the time of entry closing. The 4. All livestock entered in purebred classes for show or showing of barren animals in breeding classes/shows. breeder of the animal will be the person(s) recorded as sale at the RAWF must be recorded as Purebred as 9. STALLS: Stalls and pens for livestock will be allotted by such on the registration certificate. An animal owned determined by the by-laws of an Association authorized the Superintendent and barn bosses of the section. No jointly by more than one individual, firm or institution to register animals of that breed. Each breed association exhibitor has the right of use to any stall at succeeding must be registered in the names of the joint owners. In shall: Fairs. Consequently, exhibitors installing fittings in a the event that one of the joint owners is the breeder of a. Be solely responsible to assure that its breed reg- stall do so subject to the RAWF’s right to enter the stall the animal, he may include it in a group class having a istration rules, regulations and by-laws, including and remove such fittings when, in the opinion of man- bred and owned requirement. those relating to ownership and to those relating to agement, it is desirable to do so to cope with stabling 2. CANCELLATION AND REFUNDS: criteria defining “purebred” for that specific breed requirements or to comply with fire safety regulations. a. Entries and full payment are due on or before the are adhered to No overhead storage will be permitted as per General posted closing date b. Be solely responsible to verify and assure, prior to Rules & Regulations Rule #17. b. Entries received after the posted closing date will the competition, that each entry made in a breed 10. EXHIBITOR SIGNS: The RAWF has available for pur- be accepted at the discretion of the RAWF and association sanctioned show is eligible to compete in chase standard exhibitor signs. A chloroplast panel 48” late penalties may apply (See individual competi- the class or classes declared by the exhibitor wide and 15” deep may be used by exhibitors of cattle, tion section) c. Indemnify the RAWF against all legal or other pro- sheep and goats. For the price of $100 each a sign will c. Cancellations received due to extraordinary circum- ceedings related to the implementation of the breed be ordered and delivered to the RAWF for you. Signs stances (eg. Natural disasters, storms, accidents or association’s rules, regulations and by-laws can be ordered and picked up in the Royal Agriculture emergencies) will be addressed on a case by case 5. PRODUCTION OF CERTIFICATES: Exhibitors of Show Office. basis by RAWF management animals entered in the purebred classes must have orig- 11. ACCOMMODATION FOR LIVESTOCK: It shall d. Cancellations or scratches received prior to the clos- inal certificates of registration available for inspection be the duty of the Barn Manager, Livestock Superin- ing date will receive a refund of 100% of entry fee by the relevant Breed Association or RAWF officials. tendents and barn bosses of the section to work with less the administration fee and related costs exhibitors to ensure neat and attractive exhibits. This 6. All livestock must arrive to the RAWF identified with e. Refunds for entries following the closing date will approved indicators (as approved by Agri-Food Can- will be enforced by preventing an exhibitor from utiliz- only be accepted if accompanied by a signed veter- ada) and they are to be tagged before leaving the ing too many stalls/pens or from unduly crowding their inary or medical certificate. In this event 25% of the farm. Exhibitors with animals that arrive without tags animals, and through regulating the use of stalls/pens entry fees and administration fee will be withheld. are subject to a $1,300.00 personal fine, and a fine of for purposes other than accommodation of exhibits Refunds will be paid within 30 days of the close of $1,300.00 for the transporter and another $1,300.00 and to require the use of sufficient bedding by each the Fair. In the event that an animal’s entry is can- fine for the site of acceptance (RAWF). The exhibi- exhibitor (at the expense of such exhibitor). NOTE: celled for health issues and a refund is awarded, no tor will be responsible for the total fine payment of Stalls will be assigned at the complete discretion of the substitution will be allowed. $3,900.00. The RAWF is NOT a tagging station for Superintendent and barn bosses. Entries do not dictate 3. The competence of the handlers and show-people is livestock. stall space. Stall space will be decided by the number considered essential. Untrained individuals, including of animals that an exhibitor brings to the RAWF. The 7. GROUPS: Animals comprising an exhibit in a group show personnel and visitors, should not be permitted to Superintendent’s decision is final. Any exhibitors who class must have been entered and shown in their respec- handle animals or equipment. Exhibitors are expected do not tie their entries as assigned may be asked to leave tive sections for single animals, except in cases where it to provide adequate training for anyone handling their the grounds and forfeit their entry fees. For Display is permissible to include an animal for which no section livestock. Any exhibitor who cannot handle their animal and pop-up tent regulations, refer to General Rule #29. for single animals is provided 11
LIVESTOCK RULES AND REGULATIONS 12. STALL BED (BEEF): A standard amount of first bed- 15. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES: To avoid accidents and the required health certificate for the animal to be ding pack will be provided for Beef Cattle and Youth subsequent claims for damages that could involve an imported Cattle shows. exhibitor; no milking machine or other electrical appli- b. Breeding cattle may only be imported into Canada a. Shavings may be used at the owner’s expense ance without a guard over its moving parts is to be from the United States if the certificate presented b. Beef and youth cattle exhibitors will not be permit- placed in the public aisles or beside animals. No electri- at the time of import identifies one of the following ted to use straw in the designated stalls. Straw will cal appliance may be used unless it has a three-pronged conditions has been met for Tuberculosis: only be allowed for tie-outs. plug and a ground wire. i. The herd of origin must be a herd of negative 13. FORAGE AND BEDDING: Hay, straw and grain 16. ARRIVAL OF EXHIBITS: See arrival times within each status in a state that is an accredited free area for may be purchased on site at reasonable prices from appropriate competition section. These times will be tuberculosis or a modified accredited advanced an authorized contractor. To prevent congestion in the strictly adhered to. All articles and animals must be in area for tuberculosis and recognized as such by aisles during the hours of peak attendance, no deliveries place and all rubbish waste material cleared away before the United States Department of Agriculture; or of feed will be made after 10:00 a.m. Exhibitors may 8:00 a.m. each day of the Fair to present the best pos- ii. The herd of origin is a herd of negative status in a bring in a maximum of 24 hours worth of feed and bed- sible exhibit to Fair visitors. modified Tuberculosis accredited area for tuber- ding for their own livestock during the hours of 10:00 17. RELEASE OF EXHIBITS: See departure times within culosis, and is recognized by the United States p.m. and 6:00 a.m. only. NO SELLING OF HAY, appropriate competition sections. These times will be Department of Agriculture and the herd has STRAW OR GRAIN BY ANY PERSON OTHER strictly adhered to. Any exhibitor who moves out before been tested with negative results to a tuberculin THAN THE RAWF’S AUTHORIZED CONTRAC- designated time will be subject to a $400 penalty and test performed within 12 months preceding date TOR WILL BE PERMITTED. Extra hay or straw may may not be permitted to exhibit at the RAWF in future of importation. be placed in feed aisles only. All feed buckets, forks and years. Management reserves the right to allow for spe- BRUCELLOSIS other equipment used in connection with the exhibit cial circumstances. Approved CFIA tests for brucellosis include the fluores- must be stored in the feed aisles when not in use and 18. All livestock entries are required to pay an environmen- cence polarization assay (FPA) test or the buffered acidified nothing may be stored in such aisles to a height greater tal fee. plate antigen (BAPA) test or the competitive Elisa (cElisa) than that of the partitions. test. The brucellosis test and result must be shown on the 14. MANURE: We ask for all exhibitors’ cooperation in HEALTH OF LIVESTOCK health certificate for the animal to be imported: keeping the barn as clean as possible. If your animal The health regulations are subject to change without notice. a. The animal to be imported must not have been vacci- drops manure in the aisles or on the carpet, we ask that 19. CANADIAN CATTLE nated for brucellosis under the whole herd vaccination you clean it up immediately. Manure must be removed a. There is no official (CFIA) testing or certifica- program for the Department of Agriculture of the by the exhibitor and taken to the specified containers tion required. Individual classes may have specific United States (or in the case of a bull, vaccinated outside of the barn for the duration of the show. It must requirements and certification. for brucellosis) not be piled in the aisles or in the barn during the day. b. All cattle entering the RAWF premises must have b. The RB51 vaccine is not recognized in Canada and This rule will be in effect from October 29 to November a Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) all animals require testing for brucellosis where indi- 11, inclusive. Wire, bottles or other solid objects must Eartag. cated (except for steers and spayed heifers) not be disposed of in the manure. Exhibitors must bring 20. AMERICAN CATTLE: see page 15 for Import Permit BRUCELLOSIS-FREE HERD OF ORIGIN their own manure carts to move their manure to spec- requirements for Breeding Cattle Imported from the If the animal originates from a brucellosis-free herd* ified containers. United States to Canada. Testing Requirements: prove negative to a CFIA-approved test for brucellosis Tuberculosis within 30 days of import. a. The results of the tuberculin test must be shown on 12
LIVESTOCK RULES AND REGULATIONS HERD OF ORIGIN IS NOT BRUCELLOSIS-FREE the date of the test must have been at least 60 23. TREATMENT OF ANIMALS: Abuse of animal(s) in In the case of an animal that does not originate from a days post-assembled herd testing. This test was any form will not be allowed. Any violation of this rule Brucellosis-free herd, the following certification and/or performed at least 60 days prior to the above will result in immediate disciplinary action. In all aspects testing applies: test. of the RAWF, the well-being of animals shall take pri- a. Brucellosis-free States BLUETONGUE (STATE OF FLORIDA ONLY) ority over the demands of owners, sellers, buyers, orga- i. Established Herd: No clinical or serological a. Breeding cattle imported from the state of Florida nizers, sponsors and officials. evidence of brucellosis has existed in herd 24 require a negative test for bluetongue using the a. Recommended Codes of Practice are currently in months prior to the date of import. No additional c-ELISA test methodology within thirty (30) days place for poultry, hogs, dairy cattle, beef cattle, tests to the above requirements. prior to import; OR, horses, sheep, goats, rabbits and livestock transpor- ii. Assembled Herd: No clinical or serological b. In the case of a positive result, a polymerase chain tation. These Codes have been designed to guide evidence of brucellosis has existed in herd it reaction (PCR) test must be performed with nega- farmers, handlers, transporters, and processors in was assembled. The animal for import must also tive results for virus within 30 days of import. their practices. The codes have been drafted through prove negative to 2 of the CFIA approved tests close consultation with producers, government c. It is suggested that animals being sampled have both listed above, performed at least 30 days apart researchers and industry and it is the responsibility a serum sample and blood sample drawn at the same with the second test occurring within 30 days of the exhibitor to familiarize themselves with their time and be sent to the lab with the request that, if of import. Additional test 30 days prior to above species codes of practice and put these recommen- the c-ELISA test is positive, then a PCR test is to requirement. dations in practice at the RAWF. be conducted. b. Class A or B States b. Animal health, stall/animal sanitation, and safety 21. CANADIAN SHEEP and GOATS i. Established Herd: No clinical or serological evi- should be considered at all times. Adequate pro- a. Producers must ensure that an approved Cana- visions must be made for ventilation, feeding, and dence of brucellosis existed in herd the previous dian Sheep Identification Program (CSIP) eartag 24 months. No additions to herd except by nat- watering throughout the show. All handling, hous- is applied to all sheep and lambs on their premises ing and veterinary treatment must ensure the health ural increases which unless added animals tested before they leave their farm of origin. negative to a serum agglutination test or FPA and welfare of the animals. b. All sheep and goat entries must be inspected at the for brucellosis at least 60 days prior to which the 24. TAMPERING WITH LIVESTOCK: The unethical RAWF for freedom from infectious and contagious test on the animal for import occurs (which must fitting of livestock entered for competition is prohib- diseases. occur within 30 or more days preceding the date ited. For the purpose of the RAWF, unethical fitting is of importation of said animal). 22. DISEASED ANIMALS: In the interest of maintaining deemed to consist of any treatment or operation mate- ii. Assembled Herd: All animals except those under a high standard of animal health, all livestock are subject rially altering the structure or natural conformation of 6 months of age, steers & spayed heifers tested to inspection upon arrival and throughout the show by any part of an animal’s body such as: the introduction negative to a serum agglutination test or FPA inspectors appointed by the RAWF, officers of Agricul- of air, liquids, or other substances subcutaneously in any for brucellosis in the preceding 12 months. The ture Canada or the Canadian Food Inspection Agency part of the body, surgical operation to correct defects, animal for import was present and identified in and veterinarians. If evidence of an infectious or con- or the performance of any act, operation to exaggerate the herd of origin in above test or was natural tagious disease is discovered, the owner of the infected the natural conformation of the animal. increase since the test. The animal for import animal shall be required to move it to a designated area a. Every exhibitor, in consideration of their entry being must have proved negative to a serum agglutina- within the building or, on order from the RAWF or accepted, specifically undertakes that no animal tion test or FPA for brucellosis performed within breed association officer, immediately remove it from entered by him/her has been or will be before enter- 30 days preceding the date of importation and the premises. ing the judging ring, unethically fitted. The exhibitor 13
LIVESTOCK RULES AND REGULATIONS agrees to submit for inspection any animal entered 25. The RAWF reserves the right to collect urine or blood 28. TIME OF SHOWING: The livestock judging schedule by him/her, at any time required before any inspec- samples from any animal for laboratory analysis. An will be published in the livestock prize list and repeated tor(s) or appointed for this purpose by the RAWF/ exhibitor of an animal producing a sample having a in the livestock catalogue. Exhibitors are required to act affiliated association. They further agree that the quantity of diuretic or unapproved medication of any accordingly; any animal not presented in the ring at the opinion of such inspector(s) be valid and their call to kind will forfeit all rights and privileges to exhibit at time the class is scheduled will be barred from showing. be final and conclusive and without recourse against any future RAWF and forfeit any prize money earned 29. SPECTATORS BARRED FROM LIVESTOCK the RAWF/affiliated association. The exhibitor, by by the present exhibition of the animal or animals in RING(S): No persons other than judges, officials and entering the animal for exhibition, hereby releases question. attendants holding animals being exhibited will be the RAWF from all claims and demands whatsoever 26. No artificial colouring of hair or wool will be allowed allowed in the show ring during the time of judging in connection with the disqualification of any animal 27. REFUSAL TO SHOW OR PARADE: Exhibitors under the provisions of this section. refusing to lead out their animals for parade or for com- b. If an animal which in the opinion of an inspector petition in the show ring, when called by the official in or inspectors appointed for the purpose has been charge, will forfeit all prizes previously won and may be unethically fitted, the incident will be reported debarred from further participation in the RAWF and and the RAWF/affiliated associations will adhere be required to remove their animals from the premises to the penalties outlined by the RAWF/affiliated within six hours after such refusal. association. 14
LIVESTOCK RULES AND REGULATIONS REQUIREMENTS FOR BREEDING CATTLE IMPORTED FROM THE UNITED STATES TO CANADA The definition of “breeding cattle” includes animals imported time period specified, and as well, to the CFIA location by a veterinarian within 30 days preceding the date of for breeding purposes as well as for show, exhibition or feeding where the importation of the animal occurred if the importation, that the animal was found to be free from but does not include animals imported for immediate slaugh- tag is not already present in the animal at the time of any communicable disease and that the animal was to ter, feeder cattle consigned to an approved feedlot under the import. the best of the knowledge and belief of the veterinarian, Restricted Feeder Program or calves 8-14 days of age imported 5. Breeding cattle may only be imported into Canada from not exposed to any communicable disease within 60 under the "Feeder Bob Calf Program." the United States if the animal is transported directly days preceding the date of the inspection. General Requirements to the Canada-United States border from the place Detailed test Requirements for the Import of Breeding Cat- 1. All breeding cattle require an Import Permit ($100) of origin in the United States where the animals were tle can be found on the Canadian Food Inspection website issued by a CFIA office prior to the arrival of the animal tested in accordance with this document. Breeding cat- (click address) at a port of entry tle may be transported directly to the Canada-United Information and instructions to obtain Import Permit: States border from a consignment sale or a show in the 2. Breeding cattle imported into Canada must be born 1. A copy of the permit application form (form 5083) United States if the animal was tested in accordance after January 1, 1999 and the animals must be identi- can be found on the Canadian Food Inspection web- with the import conditions on the farm of origin and the fied with a permanent identification recognized by the site: or by contacting the animal was transported directly to the consignment sale United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Agriculture Show Office at 416-263-3418 or show from the place where it was tested. All breeding are not under restriction for movement, slaughter or 2. An import permit is required for every livestock trailer cattle and other ruminants at the consignment sale or destruction control. crossing the border. All cattle on trailer must be listed show must have the equivalent herd status as the ani- 3. Breeding cattle are required to be identified with an mals to be imported into Canada. on the permit. official USDA metal eartag or a National Animal Iden- 3. Complete all fields. In description/purpose box, please 6. An animal that was born after its mother was tested tification System (NAIS) compliant “840” radio fre- list “Exhibition at the Royal Agricultural Winter is not required to meet the test requirements of this quency “RF” eartag and a tattoo. The tattoo must be in Fair.” In destination please list the Royal address. document if the animal is imported into Canada at the the right ear and show the letters “USA” at a minimum Send import application form to the CFIA Ontario same time as its mother. An animal that was born after of 1 cm in height, or the case of a female animal, it may area office: 174 Stone Rd W, Guelph, ON, N1G 4S9. its mother was tested, unless it was born en route to be the official United States calfhood vaccination tattoo Telephone: 226-217-8555. Fax: 226-217-8419. Canada, must be identified with permanent identi- that includes the US registered shield and “V”. Animals fication and recorded on the health certificate of its 4. Once completed and payment received, CFIA will cou- for temporary entry of a period of ninety (90) days or mother. rier the permit to the exhibitor less bearing an NAIS compliant “840” RF eartag are 7. Breeding cattle must be accompanied by a certifi- If you have more questions about re-entry please contact the not required to have a tattoo. cate of an official veterinarian of the United States or US Veterinary Services at the following numbers: 4. Breeding cattle imported into Canada must have a tag a certificate of a veterinarian licensed in the United Importing and Exporting Live Animals applied before import or as soon as they arrive at initial States and endorsed by an official veterinarian of the Phone: 301-734-8364 destination under the national livestock identification United States. The certificate must contain the name Import: 301-734-4704 program as per section 189 of the Health of Animals and address of the consignor, the location where the Export: 301-734-6402 Regulations unless they have been identified with a animal is exported from and the name and address of NAIS compliant “840” radio frequency “RF” eartag. the consignee. The certificate must also clearly iden- The importer must report the tag information to the tify the animal and show that the animal was inspected administrator of the program as required and within the 15
2018 AUCTION SALES AND MARKET LIVESTOCK INFORMATION 1. All Market Livestock exhibited at the 2018 Royal buyers or their agents within 12 hours of the conclu- Market Livestock Sales Agricultural Winter Fair must be sold through auc- sion of the sales in which they were sold, provided Commission Rates tion sales. payment has been received by RAWF. Gross Sale Live Rate 2. The selling weight of Market Lambs will be recorded on 8. Exhibitors must: the day previous to the sale. The Ontario Junior Swine a. Provide attendants to conduct their animals to and Up to $2000 6% Show animals will be sold on the basis of live weight. from the weigh scales and sale ring; 3. In the operation of these sales, the RAWF acts in the b. Present their animals in the sale ring in the order $2001 – $10,000 8% capacity of agent, and as such undertakes to collect indicated by the sale catalogue; the proceeds of sale from the buyers and to remit c. Animals sold by one exhibitor may be offered for $10,001 – $20,000 10% same, less commission and any other charges, to the sale and sold as a group; exhibitor. d. The committee reserves the right to combine into $20,001 – $30,000 12% 4. The person signing the sale ticket or identified by the groups of 5 or less, any lambs or hogs exhibited in auctioneer as the buyer will be deemed to be the buyer the same class. In the event that this right is exer- Over $30,000 15% and will be required to make settlement to the RAWF cised, the grouping will be done at the conclusion or the retained sale management group at the con- of the judging of the class and while the animals are Please note that the rates are only charged on values over clusion of the auction via approved cheque, debit, or still in the ring. the threshold amount. credit. If groups are purchasing, the person identified 9. Exhibitors are not permitted to display ribbons or ban- e.g. Live animal Gross $12,500 would be charged: as the buyer on the sale ticket will be billed by the ners won at other shows when presenting their animals 6% on $2,000 plus 8% on $8,000 then 10% on RAWF for 100% of the purchase. It is the responsi- in the auction ring. $2,500 bility of all members to manage their own settlement 10. A selling commission will be charged as outlined in within the group. Animals will not be released until 13. As per RAWF Livestock Rule #24 entries in the mar- Table: Market Livestock Sales Commission Rates. ket auctions may be tested. It is the exhibitors respon- payment has been received. 11. The buyer will be charged an administration fee equal sibility to ensure that no unapproved medication is 5. Every animal shall be at the risk of the purchaser when to 1.5% of the purchase price used on any animals. The RAWF recommends con- the auctioneer declares it to be sold. sulting with your veterinarian before any treatment is 12. Exhibitors of animals placed in the Championship row 6. Purchasers of live animals will be responsible for pick are responsible for providing feed for their animals given to market livestock. up and delivery of their purchases to the slaughter until the close of the Show. plant of their choice immediately following the sale. 7. Except in cases where management may order top prize winners to be retained on the premises until the conclusion of the RAWF, animals sold in these auctions must be removed from the premises by the 16
2018 DAIRY CATTLE COMPETITION The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair gratefully acknowledges the contributions from Semex Alliance for their overall sponsorship of the Dairy Cattle Show. Chairman: Tim Sargent Vice Chairman: John Crowley Livestock Superintendent: Hugh Fletcher Dairy Cattle COMPETITION INFORMATION Superintendents: Harry Emmott Craig McComb Barn Manager: Mike Thomas Entry Closing Date: Monday October 15, 2018 COMMITTEE Entry Fee: $50 per entry Michel Boudreault Scott Brethet Late Entry Fees: Entries after October 15 — $250 Yves Charpentier Tyler Dorion Note: There is no entry fee for Best Udder Ari Ekstein Jon Kingdon and Breeders Herd Classes Kathryn Roxburgh Linda Ness Glen Powell Murray Reissner Brad Sayles Jennifer Vander Meulen 18
2018 DAIRY CATTLE COMPETITION RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Exhibitors will NOT be allowed to begin dismantling for showing in a group class, every member of the c. If a change of ownership occurs to an animal displays until 4:00 pm on Sunday November 11. group must have been exhibited in its appropriate entered in the RAWF after the entry closing date, Upon written request to the Barn Manager, out of class for single animals within the breed show. and a copy of the transferred registration paper is province cattle may be allowed to move out early. 5. There will be a MINIMUM 60 animals SHOWN presented to the RAWF Agriculture Show Office Exhibitors with special requests MUST contact in any dairy breed show. The RAWF reserves the prior to the printing of the catalogue, the new the Barn Manager. Any exhibitor that moves out right to cancel a show if insufficient entries are owner will be credited as the exhibitor early without approval from the Barn Manager will received by the entry deadline. If a breed does not 8. The registration certificates of all entries must be subject to penalties as per Livestock Rules and show the minimum number of animals, that breed accompany cattle to the show and be available Regulations Rule #17. will be placed on probation for the following year. for checking by an official of the relevant breed 2. This show (sections 400-403) is recognized as a If that breed does not show the minimum number association purebred show (unless specific classes state other- of animals shown during the probation period, the 9. Ear tagging and animal identification must be in wise) and, as such, registrations will be governed by Association will not have breed representatives on compliance with mandatory traceability rules and Livestock Rules and Regulations Rule #4 the RAWF’s Dairy Cattle Show Committee and regulations of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada as 3. There shall be no limit on the number of entries the show will be discontinued. per Livestock Rules and Regulations Rule #6 that may be made by an exhibitor. Notwithstanding 6. At the time of entry the following information must 10. An animal owned jointly by more than one individ- this provision, the maximum number of animals and be given with respect to each animal entered: ual, firm or corporation, must be registered in the groups that may be shown by an exhibitor shall be a. Name and Registration number names of such owners jointly, and when shown as a as follows: b. Date of Birth single animal must be entered in the names of the a. In the Junior Female and Dry Cow Classes a max- c. Identification, in cases where tattooing is obligatory joint owners. In the event that one of the joint own- imum of 2 entries in 2 Classes. d. Name and Registration number of the Sire and the ers is the breeder of the animal they may include b. There is no restriction on multiple exhibits for milk- Dam it in a group class having a “Bred-And-Owned” ing female Classes. e. Entered in the name of the registered owner(s) requirement. A joint ownership entry must be made c. In Classes for groups: One group f. Breeder’s Name on a separate Entry Form. d. The maximum number of animals of one breed that g. Farm of Origin Premise ID 11. An exhibitor is not required to list the names and an exhibitor may bring to the show in classes for h. Farm of Departure Premise ID* numbers of animals comprising a herd or group at single animals is as follows: *Required if farm of departure is different than farm the time of entry, but such information must be Ayrshires 17 Jerseys 18 of origin only given to the official appointed to check registra- Holsteins 20 NOTE: The entry fee is for making the entry ONLY. tion certificates of the breed concerned, before the e. A breeding unit may show 2 additional exhibits pro- It is not a stall fee and does not guarantee tie space. commencement of judging of the herd or group vided they are 4-H animals shown by 4-H mem- You will be allocated space based on Livestock Rules bers. These exhibits will not be eligible to compete 12. No first bed of straw or shavings will be supplied and Regulations Rule #9. in the Breeders Herd and Get of Sire Class. 13. Fire Marshal orders prohibit the stacking of feed, 7. Substitutions will be allowed as follows: 4. No animal may be shown in more than one class hay, and straw against the wall of the cattle barn. a. 4 substitutions within breed per exhibitor for single animals except for a championship, a spe- All feed, hay, and straw MUST BE contained within b. If made with the RAWF Agriculture Show Office cial prize or in the Best Udder class. To be eligible the feed aisles between stalls. staff upon arrival 19
2018 DAIRY CATTLE COMPETITION RULES AND REGULATIONS 14. Exhibitors may bring in a maximum of 24 hours 17. Stalls will be assigned at the complete discretion 20. Exhibitors who wish to bring an RTV* for their per- worth of feed and bedding for their own livestock- of the Dairy Cattle Superintendent in regards to sonal use must pay a $50 fee upon entry. Proof between the hours of 10:00 pm and 6:00 am the number of entries that an exhibitor brings to of RTV insurance & license information will also ONLY. the RAWF. Any exhibitors who do not tie their be required. Exhibitors must park their RTV in a 15. All exhibitors are required to dress in white shirts entries as assigned, or uses more space than desig- RAWF designated RTV parking area and display a and trousers while showing in the ring. Such attire nated, may be asked to leave the grounds, forfeit RAWF issued parking pass at all times. shall not bear any letters, marks or labels purporting their entry fees and may not be welcome to exhibit From Thursday November 1 to Monday November 5, to reveal the identity of the exhibitors. at The RAWF in future years. Cooperation from RTVs will be prohibited from the cattle barn between everyone is required. the hours of 7 am–9 pm. After 9 pm, any RTV that 16. All animals exhibited in the Semex Ring of Excel- lence must be identified by numbers displayed on 18. Tent*/display space will be assigned based on avail- requires charging will be allowed to do so at their pack. the fronts and backs of the exhibitors. In order that ability. Please fill out a tent*/display application Manitoba Drive and the surrounding area are public these numbers may be displayed properly, a spe- form if you would like tent*/display space. Tents* roads under the jurisdiction of the City of Toronto and cial show harness is necessary. The numbers will be shall not exceed 10x10 and shall not have a ceiling the Toronto Police Service. All relevant laws will apply supplied at no cost to the exhibitor. Shows taking cover. All tents* and displays will be subject to a fee. to the operation of a motor vehicle while on roadways. place in the Coca-Cola Coliseum will use hatbands 19. The RAWF will monitor the barns for unaccept- *4-wheeler or 2-up RTV type vehicles are prohibited for increased visibility. able practices through whatever means they feel from use on Exhibition Place grounds—only recre- are reasonable ational-type vehicles with four wheels and a steering wheel will be permitted. * REMINDER: Ceiling covers are prohibited on tents in 2018. Non-compliance will result in RAWF staff removing ceiling covers. In addition, The Royal will fine the exhibitor at fault $500 which will be deducted from any prize money won or added to their invoice. MILKING EQUIPMENT A MILK DISPOSAL TANK WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE LOADING DOCK AREA. ALL MILK MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN THE TANK. DUMPING OF MILK DOWN STORM DRAINS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. Please be advised that milking units, vacuum pumps and milk cans will not be available at the RAWF. Accordingly, dairy cattle exhibitors will be obliged to make arrangements for their milking requirements. The RAWF will establish and maintain a sanitation centre where the equipment can be washed. 20
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