2014 The Red Book Code of Business Conduct - IFPMA
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The Red Book Code of Business Conduct 2014 Nothing is more important than integrity. We must act in a manner consistent with the highest ethical standards, consistent with what is required of a company whose products people depend on for their lives. John C. Lechleiter, Ph.D., Chairman, President, and CEO
Table of Contents Module 1 – Introduction.......................................................................2 Manufacturing, Product Quality, and Physical Assets Message from the CEO . .............................................................. 4 Key Principles ......................................................................33 Overview.........................................................................................5 References . ......................................................................... 33 Integrity in Action................................................................. 34 Module 2 – Integrity..............................................................................7 Leader Discussion ....................................................................... 8 Module 5 – Information......................................................................35 Leader Discussion ..................................................................... 36 Integrity and Reporting Key Principles ....................................................................... 9 Research and Development References . ......................................................................... 11 Key Principles ......................................................................37 Integrity in Action................................................................. 12 References . ......................................................................... 37 Integrity in Action................................................................. 38 Adverse Event and Product Complaint Reporting Key Principles........................................................................13 Information Management References . ......................................................................... 14 Key Principles ......................................................................39 Integrity in Action..................................................................15 References . ......................................................................... 40 Integrity in Action................................................................. 41 Module 3 – Interactions......................................................................16 Privacy Leader Discussion ..................................................................... 17 Key Principles ......................................................................43 Interactions and Communications with External Parties References . ......................................................................... 43 Key Principles ..................................................................... 19 Integrity in Action................................................................. 44 References . ......................................................................... 21 Finance and Transactions Integrity in Action................................................................. 24 Key Principles ......................................................................45 Module 4 – Workplace........................................................................27 References . ......................................................................... 45 Leader Discussion ..................................................................... 28 Integrity in Action................................................................. 46 Human Resources Module 6 – Conclusion........................................................................47 Key Principles ......................................................................29 Closing Thoughts ....................................................................... 48 References . ......................................................................... 29 Integrity in Action................................................................. 30 Health, Safety, Security, and the Environment Key Principles ......................................................................31 References . ......................................................................... 31 Integrity in Action................................................................. 32 1
Introduction The Lilly Code, established in 1899 and illustrated in this 1932 version of the code, served as the company’s first mission statement and code of conduct. The code established three areas of focus that endure to this day. 2
1 The Lilly family founded Eli Lilly and Company with strong values. “Ours is the responsibility “The same fair and liberal “May the Red Lilly trademark, for preserving the customs attitude toward the three which has become so and ideals upon which this important elements in our prominently identified with organization was built, so company life—namely, pharmaceuticals, remain a that we may pass on to those customers, employees, and symbol of all that is upright who follow us an even finer owners, all of whom deserve and creditable and be passed inspirational record than that the utmost consideration— on to successive generations which we inherited.” remains the order of the day, unsullied. A weak generation —Eli Lilly just as it has been since could wreck this truly splendid May 10, 1876...” business.” —J.K. Lilly, Jr. —J.K. Lilly, Sr. 3 3
Module 1 | Message from the CEO Shortly after joining Lilly in 1979, I recall learning aspirations to be the company that people can about the Lilly values: integrity, excellence, and trust, and which reflect the changing societal respect for people. Those were talked about even expectations of how a pharmaceutical company then and, of course, they go way back to probably a should behave. century or so ago, when they were first articulated. We all want to be a part of a company like that, a They reflect, I think, what the Lilly family intended company that learns from its mistakes, that moves this company to be all about. on, and indeed, becomes even better and better. You know, Colonel Lilly also admonished his son to “take what you find here and make it better and better” and that’s our obligation. He was speaking to us, back in the 1880s, when he uttered those words. We must expect of one another that we manifest, in our words and our actions, the very highest standards of conduct, standards that are relevant to today, to 2014, that reflect our John C. Lechleiter, Ph.D. Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer Eli Lilly and Company 4
Module 1 | Overview The Lilly Code of Business Conduct, The Red The Red Book covers a lot of information, so you External parties play an important role in Lilly Book, sets expectations for conducting business are encouraged to refer back to the Key Principles, business. Requirements that apply to other external consistent with Lilly values of integrity, excellence, References, and Integrity in Action examples in parties are established by contract. Lilly requires and respect for people. When we live our values, The Red Book as often as needed. As you read the external parties who are engaged to conduct our customers should be able to feel genuinely “Integrity in Action” examples, consider how you activities on Lilly’s behalf to follow applicable legal cared-for and that they are able to trust us. might respond if the situations described were requirements. Lilly employees who have questions The Red Book helps guide our actions with actually happening. If the facts of a particular about code of conduct requirements for external colleagues, supervisors, payers, health care example seem unrelated to your job or assignment parties should contact human resources, providers, regulators, suppliers, and most at Lilly, challenge yourself to think about other procurement, Lilly Legal, or an ethics and importantly, the patients and others we serve. ways the principles illustrated may apply to compliance representative. It is an important, foundational element of Lilly’s situations you encounter in your role. Because of Lilly expects you will apply the knowledge gained brand, culture, and overall ethics and compliance our diverse roles, not all of the examples will apply from The Red Book to: program. In addition, it demonstrates how to live to employees in every area or to contract workers and protect the Lilly brand. on assignment at Lilly. Please note that the names • act with integrity, of companies and various product names and • think critically and ethically, and indications used in the Integrity in Action examples are fictional references used for illustrative • apply good judgment. purposes only. The Red Book Key Principles apply to: • all employees globally, • members of the Lilly board of directors carrying out duties as directors, • certain business partners who are subject to contractual agreements with Lilly, and • some employees of external-party suppliers to Lilly, subject to local law. 5
Module 1 | Overview Details to support The Red Book principles, and The Red Book, or Lilly policies, standards, or other elements of Lilly’s ethics and compliance procedures, may not directly address all of the program, can be found in Lilly policies, standards, situations encountered in your work for Lilly. If and other materials available through the Global employees have a question about applying a legal Ethics and Compliance LillyNet site or in areas and/or Lilly requirement, it is their responsibility where function-specific policies, standards, to seek advice or clarification from a supervisor procedures and other materials are stored. Lilly or other member of management, an ethics and also provides additional job-specific information compliance or human resources representative, and training to its employees as appropriate for or Lilly Legal. Contract workers on assignment at their responsibilities. Similarly, external parties Lilly should consult their employer or Lilly sponsor. may provide additional training to their contract It is always the right thing to consult the experts on workers on assignment at Lilly. difficult and/or complex situations. 6
2 Lilly switchboard operators connect calls from all parts of the world to the more than 1,300 Lilly telephones in service in 1957. Lilly continues to use and improve call centers to support various aspects of its current business and improve customer experiences. 7 7
Module 2 | Leader Discussion Melissa: As employees of Lilly, each of us holds • Would I be embarrassed if my colleagues or my the company’s reputation in our hands every day. In family knew that I was the person responsible for every interaction with a stakeholder, whether it be a the action? healthcare professional, a regulator, or a member If employees have concerns about something of the community in which we operate, we are the that they’re doing or something that a colleague face of Lilly. We represent the company, and we is doing or what’s expected of them, they should represent its values. reach out to the resources that are available Mike: We need to conduct ourselves, each of us, through ethics and compliance and legal, and in every interaction, with integrity. We have to clarify what is acceptable and what’s not acceptable Melissa Barnes think about how our conduct will look if it’s viewed before moving forward. We don’t want anybody Senior Vice President – in a newspaper or by our stakeholders outside of to be operating in an environment where they’re Enterprise Risk the company. uncomfortable or uncertain. Management and Chief Ethics and In some situations, it is not easy to know the right Melissa: This goes well beyond just how we act Compliance Officer Mike Harrington action to take. If you are unsure what to do, consider in our specific responsibilities. If we see something Senior Vice President the following questions: that looks wrong or just doesn’t feel right, we have and General Counsel • Does the action align with Lilly’s values an obligation to ask questions. If the answers to and brand? those questions don’t satisfy us, we need to Melissa: The environment in which we operate is report it appropriately. What we can assure our clearly changing. We see it across the business, • Do I know what company policies apply and their employees in those situations is that if they are in guidelines from regulators, standards for the requirements? reporting a legitimate concern, and they are doing protection of privacy, and expectations for ethical • Do I know for certain that my proposed actions that in good faith, there will absolutely be no business practices. While the environment will are legal and consistent with the letter, and the retaliation. That is something we, as a company, continue to evolve, the one thing that will not spirit, of the law and company policies? simply will not tolerate. change is our values and foremost among those values is integrity. • Have I consulted with the appropriate company subject matter experts? Mike: We need to build our business practices and our policies around a set of principles that will • Would the action promote the best interests of endure and fortunately, we have those principles at patients, shareholders, fellow employees, and Lilly: integrity, respect for people, and excellence. other company stakeholders? 8
Module 2 | Integrity and Reporting: Key Principles Lilly is committed to operating with integrity, − If Lilly policy or standard is more − ethics and compliance personnel, striving for excellence in its performance and restrictive than local law, you must meet − the Bioethics Advisory Committee (for human that of its products. Lilly is also committed to Lilly’s requirements unless an exception bioethics), and demonstrating respect for all those who share in has been authorized for your geography or its mission and are affected by its work: patients, functional area. − 3Rs Committee (for animal bioethics). health care providers, payers, governments, − If you are conducting a business activity that Contract workers on assignment at Lilly should employees, shareholders, and business partners. touches participants from more than one contact their employer, human resources group, Conduct Lilly business, make decisions, and take country, you need to comply with all local laws or Lilly sponsor for guidance. actions that are aligned with the Lilly values of and policies that could apply to the activity. integrity, excellence, and respect for people. Seek advice if the requirements that apply are Report any known or suspected violations. not clear. • All Lilly employees and contract workers on ct in a way that is aligned with internal and • A external requirements and expectations that − If there is a conflict between the laws of assignment at Lilly have an ethical obligation to apply to Lilly business and to each of our specific two or more countries that apply to the report to Lilly any known or suspected violation jobs, including: same situation, consult a company attorney of the law; company policies, standards, or to understand how to resolve the conflict procedures; official orders or decrees that apply − local laws and official orders and decrees that properly. If there is a conflict between local to company business; and any requests to do apply to Lilly business, and policies, contact an ethics and compliance something that might be a violation. − Lilly policies, standards, and procedures. representative for advice. The interplay of • Local legal requirements and processes for Lilly is a global, public corporation rules can be complex. reporting vary; see additional information below. headquartered in the United States and is part of • C omplete training on time. This includes annual • Lilly employees are also encouraged to report the heavily-regulated pharmaceutical industry. Red Book training and all Lilly-required training. other ethical concerns or issues even if they do Some U.S. laws extend to the operations of Lilly • S eek information, clarification, or other not relate directly to a law or company policy, and its affiliates throughout the world. Lilly must assistance. Ask for help when the ethical or legal standard, or procedure. also adhere to laws of other countries, provinces, states, and organizations, some of which also thing to do is not clear. In some situations, it’s • Reports should be made not out of fear but out apply across borders. In short, many rules apply not easy to know the correct action to take. If of respect for Lilly customers and business to Lilly activities. you are unsure, seek guidance from those with partners, for one another, and most importantly, appropriate local knowledge and expertise. for the patients who use Lilly medicines. Wherever you conduct Lilly business, you must Resources available to Lilly employees include: • Lilly expects its employees to report concerns understand the requirements for that location. − a supervisor or other member of Lilly line so that Lilly can evaluate the reports and identify − If the local laws and policies are more management, and correct any problems promptly. restrictive than The Red Book provisions or global Lilly policies, you must adhere to the − human resources personnel, more restrictive local requirements. − a Lilly attorney, 9
Module 2 | Integrity and Reporting: Key Principles Because reporting processes vary depending on To contact the Hotline: Report ethics and compliance concerns geographic location, Lilly employees must follow expressed by external parties. − In the United States, call 1.800.815.2481 the reporting process established locally. or submit a report online at www.lillyethics. • If any external party raises any ethics or • Information explaining the various ways to ethicspoint.com. compliance concern about Lilly with an make a report is provided at the Report employee, the employee should report − In locations other than the U.S., employees a Concern page on the Global Ethics and the concern following the local affiliate may go to www.lillyethics.ethicspoint.com Compliance LillyNet site. reporting process. and select the country where the report is to • Contract workers on assignment at Lilly should be made. The correct telephone number will • In the United States, Lilly employees may also contact their employer, human resources group, be provided for that country. Employees may offer health care providers the option of making a or Lilly sponsor for reporting process options. also submit reports online at www.lillyethics. direct report via: ethicspoint.com. − the Health Care Provider Hotline: • Lilly is required by U.S. law to offer a hotline as one reporting option. Note: In some geographies, local data privacy 1.877.237.8197 or laws restrict the use of the Hotline for certain − the Health Care Provider website available • Lilly’s Ethics and Compliance Hotline is available types of reports. Employees in these countries publicly on Lilly.com. internationally and is operated by an independent may only use the Hotline to report known or company 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week. suspected violations specifically concerning Employees must notify Lilly within five (5) The Hotline offers translation services and an the areas of accounting, auditing, banking, calendar days if they are excluded or restricted anonymous reporting option. All reports made internal controls or anti-corruption (bribery). in any other way from doing business with to the Hotline are referred to Lilly for evaluation Additionally, anonymous reporting may be any government. by the appropriate Lilly employees who have discouraged or not permitted by law in some expertise in the subject matter of the report. countries. If Lilly employees are uncertain about the appropriate processes or limitations for making reports in their location, they may refer to the Report a Concern page on the Global Ethics and Compliance LillyNet site for further guidance. Lilly employees may also seek guidance from a Global Privacy Office representative, a Lilly supervisor, a human resources representative, an ethics and compliance representative, or Lilly Legal. 10
Module 2 | Integrity and Reporting: Key Principles Lilly promptly investigates all reports of ethical Lilly employees may be subject to disciplinary Circumstances vary in each case involving the violations or non-compliance and determines action, subject to local law, for matters including potential for disciplinary action by Lilly. Therefore, whether there has been a violation. but not limited to: each situation is handled individually. The nature and level of any action taken will depend on the Concerns are reviewed and relevant facts are • authorizing or participating in an activity that nature and severity of the problem, expectations considered. Corrective action is taken where results in a violation of the law; Lilly policies, of the position, and circumstances involved. If appropriate. These actions may include any or all of standards, or procedures; or an official order or disciplinary action is warranted, subject to local the following, subject to local law: decree that applies to Lilly operations, law, it may range anywhere from a warning • revisions to Lilly policy or standards, • failing to report a violation or suspected violation, to termination of employment. In certain • enhanced employee training on a circumstances, individual employees could even • refusing to cooperate with the investigation of a particular topic, be subject to government-imposed criminal suspected violation, fines, imprisonment, and an official prohibition on • some action to mitigate a risk (e.g., eliminating • retaliating against an individual who reports a working in the pharmaceutical industry. an ergonomics hazard), or suspected violation, • feedback to or discipline of an employee. • failing to complete required training, Lilly does not tolerate retaliation by any • making statements or reports or creating References employee against another employee or any records the employee knows are false, or other person for: • in the case of a supervisor, failing to detect If you have questions about the Key Principles, please see the following references. Contract • reporting actual or suspected violations, making a violation if this resulted from inadequate workers on assignment at Lilly, please contact a complaint, or otherwise bringing inappropriate supervision. your employer or Lilly sponsor. conduct to Lilly’s attention, • Global Policy on Compliance • preventing unlawful practices, or • Global Policy on Governance of Global Policies, • participating in an investigation, proceeding, Global Standards, and U.S.-All Policies or hearing. • Global Ethics and Compliance LillyNet site It is critical that Lilly supervisors take appropriate • U.S. Policy on Compliance with Fraud and Abuse measures to prevent retaliation in their areas of Laws and Whistleblower Protections responsibility. Lilly sponsors of external parties who employ contract workers on assignment at Lilly must also take these measures. 11
Module 2 | Integrity and Reporting: Integrity in Action Q: Sabah, a Lilly marketing director in an affiliate, Sabah did not share his concerns, Faisal The success of ABC Distributor and the fact asks Faisal, a marketing associate, to complete should have waited to forward the contract they could get upset if payment is delayed do a contract with ABC Distributor to distribute a to ABC Distributor until he was satisfied that not justify payment for services not mentioned new product and represent Lilly in government appropriate company requirements had been in the contract. These facts, including Faisal’s bids. Sabah tells Faisal that she did not have met, including anti-corruption due diligence. earlier observation that the discount seems time to review it, but since she is going on a Given his concerns, Faisal should escalate unusually high for this distributor, raise further business trip, she signed the contract for Lilly. this situation to Sabah’s supervisor, or a local concerns of suspected violations of legal and She asks Faisal to have ABC Distributor sign the Lilly Legal, human resources, or ethics and company requirements that should lead Faisal contract as soon as possible. Faisal suggests compliance contact. to take additional followup action. Faisal should report his concerns immediately to another that the contract be reviewed and asks if anti- Q: ABC Distributor signs the contract. Several member of management or use an alternative corruption due diligence has been completed weeks later, Faisal asks Sabah about a bill for the distributor. Sabah tells Faisal that the reporting option outlined in The Red Book so from ABC Distributor for marketing services. timing is considered critical by the sales director that the situation may be investigated. The He points out that marketing services are not and she assumes the contract has standard appropriate Lilly contact will also need to covered in the contract terms. Sabah tells Faisal provisions. Sabah also indicates that the sales advise ABC Distributor to quit charging Lilly for to approve the charges because ABC Distributor director did not ask for any additional review. marketing services. If Faisal believes retaliation is really helping the business gain access to She instructs Faisal to proceed with getting ABC is occurring after submitting a report, he new areas and Lilly does not want to upset the Distributor to sign the contract. Faisal glances needs to speak with a local human resources distributor. Faisal considers telling someone over the contract and notices that the distributor representative immediately. Retaliation against about the inappropriate charges for marketing is receiving a higher discount than usual. He an individual for reporting concerns is strictly services and the higher-than-usual discount decides to trust Sabah and forward the contract forbidden. ABC receives. He decides against it out of fear to ABC Distributor. Did Faisal act appropriately? that Sabah might count it against him during his A: Faisal suspected that something was not right, Performance Management review. Did Sabah so he should have asked more questions. tell Faisal to do the right thing? Sabah is responsible for the terms in the A: No. Before payments are authorized, they must contract. Before asking Faisal to send it to be verified as legitimate services covered under ABC Distributor, she should have reviewed the contract. This can be done by comparing the detailed contract provisions. She also the charges against the contract. The charges should have verified that all Lilly onboarding Faisal reviewed must be rejected if ABC processes had been met for a new distributor. Distributor was contracted only to distribute Faisal was right to ask questions. Even though products and not to provide marketing services. 12
Module 2 | Adverse Event and Product Complaint Reporting: Key Principles Report adverse events, product complaints, Product Complaints WHEN TO REPORT and counterfeiting or tampering. A written, oral, or electronic communication that Any event involving a known or suspected human Lilly is committed to meeting patient expectations to alleges deficiencies related to the identity, quality, death, counterfeiting, or tampering related to a receive safe, high-quality medicines. All employees purity, durability, reliability, safety, effectiveness, human or animal health product or device must be and contract workers on assignment at Lilly are or performance of a distributed Lilly drug product, reported immediately (within 24-hours of receipt). required to report the following information to the drug/device combination product, medical device, All other reports, whether they relate to humans or designated Lilly contact. Other external parties are radiopharmaceutical, API (active pharmaceutical animals, must be made within one business day. also encouraged to use these reporting channels. ingredient), process intermediate, fermentation If you are in doubt about whether to report a safety product, or any product manufactured and/or HOW TO REPORT concern, please make a report. distributed by Elanco. Employees, and contract workers on assignment at Suspected Counterfeiting or Tampering Lilly, in certain functional groups or organizations WHAT TO REPORT ounterfeiting: A counterfeit medicine is one that • C (e.g., sales, field-based medical) who have a higher Adverse Events is deliberately or fraudulently mislabeled with likelihood of receiving adverse event or product • Any undesirable medical occurrence in a patient respect to identity and/or source. A counterfeit complaint reports directly from customers, administered a Lilly product (drug or device), drug, container, or label bears the trademark, are provided additional training and may have including side effects already listed in the trade name, or other identifying mark (e.g., additional reporting requirements. Requirements package insert. shape or color), imprint, or device of a drug for reporting adverse events from clinical trials are manufacturer, processor, packer, or distributor specified in the trial protocols. • Any observation in animals or humans that is without requisite authorization and with the unfavorable and unintended and that occurs after intent to mislead purchasers into believing the any use of an Elanco product. product is authentic. • Tampering: The manipulation of any authentic product or packaging thereby rendering it false or misleading, with malicious or illegal intent. 13
Module 2 | Adverse Event and Product Complaint Reporting: Key Principles How to Report Issues Relating to Human How to Report Issues Relating to Health Products and Devices Elanco Animal Health Products References In the United States: In the United States: If you have questions about the Key Principles • Any known or suspected death, counterfeiting, or • To make reports related to Elanco products, on Adverse Event and Product Complaint tampering must be reported immediately (within including any reports of known or suspected Reporting, please see the following related 24 hours of receipt) by calling The Lilly Answers human death, call the Elanco phone line at references. Contract workers on assignment Center (TLAC), 1.800.LillyRx (1.800.545.5979). 1.800.428.4441 or 1.888.545.5973. at Lilly, please contact your employer or Lilly sponsor. • Any other adverse event or product complaint In Countries Other than the United States: must be reported within one business day • To make reports related to Elanco products, • Global Quality Standard GQS130 by calling The Lilly Answers Center (TLAC), including any reports of known or suspected Product Complaints 1.800.LillyRx (1.800.545.5979) or by using an human death, contact the local or regional alternative reporting method approved for a • Reporting Elanco Complaints and Adverse Elanco product safety (regulatory or Events particular Lilly component. pharmacovigilance) representative as designated In Countries Other than the United States: in local Lilly procedures. • Safety and Efficacy Quality System SEQS301 Pharmacovigilance • To report an adverse event, contact the responsible patient safety (pharmacovigilance) • Safety and Efficacy Quality System SEQS302 representative according to the local Device Vigilance Lilly process. • For product complaints or known or suspected counterfeiting or tampering, contact the responsible complaint person for the local Lilly affiliate according to the local process. 14
Module 2 | Adverse Event and Product Complaint Reporting: Integrity in Action Q: Olivia, a Lilly employee, is talking to her uncle, A: Olivia must follow appropriate local process to Lachlan, at a family holiday gathering. Olivia report the product complaint and an undesirable tells Lachlan she is glad to see him making a medical occurrence in a patient using a Lilly strong recovery after a heart attack he suffered product (drug or device). She should report the previous year. Lachlan responds that he within one business day, following the local is feeling much better and has been given a reporting process. (If Olivia is in the United prescription for a Lilly product. He mentions that States, she should call The Lilly Answers he has had trouble pushing the tablets out of the Center.) Reports must be made if there is a blister and a couple of the tablets have broken. possibility a side effect is related to a Lilly He also mentions a few side effects, but is not product, whether or not the side effect is already sure which of his medications is causing them. listed in the package insert. If employees are What should Olivia do? ever in doubt about whether to report a patient safety concern, the report should be made. (Employees must also follow any additional job-specific training received on this topic.) It is also appropriate for Olivia to recommend to Uncle Lachlan that he discuss the situation with his physician so that he can receive personal medical advice. 15
3 With his arrival in Shanghai, China, in 1918, John G.W. King (third from left in the front row) became Lilly’s first resident overseas representative. Josiah K. Lilly, Sr. (seated behind the sign) is shown in Shanghai during a world tour in 1923. The distribution of Lilly products in the Far East made Lilly a worldwide company. Flags on display at Lilly Corporate Center represent some of the 125 countries where Lilly products are sold. 16
Module 3 | Leader Discussion Enrique: It’s obviously very exciting to be able to Bart: We, individually, are the Lilly brand. Our bring new medicines to patients. We have to really behavior reflects on the company and the undertake significant work to be able to do this. And company’s history, in a positive way, guides us as as excited as we are to be able to do that, we have to how we should behave. I think if we keep the Lilly to make sure that we continue with the rigor and brand in mind, that 137 years of history headlined discipline to be true to our integrity principles. by the values of integrity, excellence and respect for people, it’s an important guide to our behavior day Sue: As we are preparing to launch, and actually in and day out. launching, new products in our pipeline, it’s essential that we keep ethics at the forefront of Sue Mahony what we do. We need to ensure that the customers Ph.D., Senior Vice receive accurate, balanced, and credible President and President – information that reflects the approved label for our Lilly Oncology medicines. We need to ensure that every interaction that we have with our customers is done with Enrique Conterno integrity so that we build trust, we build credibility, Senior Vice President and so that we ensure that the right patients receive and President – our medicines in the right way. Lilly Diabetes Bart Peterson Senior Vice President – Corporate Affairs and Communications 17
Module 3 | Leader Discussion Chito: I grew up in the emerging markets in most Dave: No matter how challenging your business Chito Zulueta of my career with Lilly. One thing that I found to targets are, what comes first is integrity, not Senior Vice President and President – be very encouraging is a real emphasis of many only for our customers, but for our long-term Emerging Markets governments across emerging markets to really reputation. And so, although it’s a tough year, this raise the bar and level of integrity, whether it is not going to be a year where we would, for a be government or industry, in how business is minute, think about sacrificing our reputation. conducted in many of these countries. Many of Jeff: The challenges our businesses can be under them, if not all of them, are developing countries. to make plans, to deliver results, no question I think we play a very important role as Lilly in there’s a rising bar in that area. But doing it right is, there. We’re part of the solution. Lilly is being able we know, the sustainable right way to do it. A great not only to do the right thing for the company, for business, a great brand that lasts for generations customers, for the patients, for our employees, like Lilly has, is thinking that way, thinking the but we’re doing the right thing for the countries long term. When we think the long term, we do the that we operate in. Living up to the Lilly values, right thing and that creates sustained, long term particularly the value of integrity, I think allows shareholder value, customer value, and ultimately it Jeff Simmons us to really contribute even more to society beyond Senior Vice President, comes back to, long term, what Eli Lilly and Elanco just our very innovative molecules and our and President – stand for. The consistency of what we stand for innovative solutions. Elanco Animal Health today is a differentiator to the customer. Bart: This is a complicated business and good intentions aren’t good enough. You have to Dave Ricks understand the policies in order to comply with Senior Vice President and President – them. It’s not always intuitive and I think it’s really Lilly Bio-Medicines critical that we understand that. 18
Module 3 | Interactions and Communications with External Parties: Key Principles Earn the trust and respect of Lilly customers, Note: Employees or consultants of a government- that apply to various audiences, and must not be regulators, and the general public through the owned hospital or institution, including health care altered in any way. manner in which we conduct business and the providers and academics, are considered to be • F ollow sampling rules: Provide samples only if it customer experiences we create. government officials under U.S. law that applies is acceptable to do so under local law. Sampling globally to all company operations. Act ethically and comply with all applicable must be done in accordance with local policies laws, regulations, industry codes of practice, Lilly employees, and external parties acting on and procedures. and Lilly policies and standards that govern behalf of Lilly, may provide certain things of value to • D o not disguise discounts: Do not offer Lilly Lilly interactions with all external parties. external parties for legitimate business purposes support to health care providers, government or (for example, certain promotional items) if provided External parties include but are not limited to public officials, or other private or public payers in compliance with all applicable Lilly policies, health care providers, health care institutions, (for example, in the form of grants, donations, standards, and procedures. governments, government and public officials, or product samples) to disguise or conceal companies, organizations, and private individuals. • Pay external parties only for legitimate services. discounts. • D o not buy the business: Never bribe, offer, − Payments must be of reasonable or fair • Follow the requirements of local law, global provide, or authorize any inappropriate, non- market value for legitimate services. policies, global standards, and local Lilly transparent, or disguised incentive (or create − Accurate documentation is required to support policies, when engaged in: the appearance of doing so) to obtain or retain such payments. − market research activities, business or any improper advantage from any external party, whether private or public. • D o not engage in any sales, marketing, or other − medical research activities or evaluating Specifically with regard to government and public behaviors that would violate any law, including requests for medical research grants, officials, prohibited activities include offering, those designed to prevent health care fraud − joint activities with business partners, giving, or promising anything of value for the and abuse. − partnering with external organizations, purpose of: • P romote Lilly medicines and devices only − evaluating external parties’ requests for − influencing any official act or decision, in a manner consistent with the approved nonclinical grants or donations from Lilly, or − inducing them to do or not do any act in local label: Do not solicit any requests for violation of their lawful duty, or off-label information. Follow local requirements − organizing any meetings that involve for managing such requests when they are health care providers and/or government or − inducing a government or public official unsolicited. public officials. to use his or her influence with a government or government institution to affect or • U se only Lilly-approved promotional and • When interacting with patients or other influence any act or decision of the educational materials: All materials used by consumers, follow Lilly policies and standards government or institution. Lilly employees, and external parties who act that apply to the context of the interaction. on Lilly’s behalf, for educational or promotional • Appropriately brand communication going purposes must be approved by Lilly through outside Lilly related to compounds in the appropriate process, must comply with all development, products, or disease states. requirements of local policies and procedures 19
Module 3 | Interactions and Communications with External Parties: Key Principles Compete ethically. Do not engage in unethical Do not compensate employees or external Be truthful, accurate, and respectful and comply or other unfair competitive practices, such as parties acting on behalf of Lilly for engaging with all applicable laws when communicating cooperating with Lilly competitors to fix or set in any behaviors inconsistent with company and interacting with government or public entity prices, bypassing a competitive bidding process, values, policies, or standards, or the law, representatives. or dividing up markets and customers. including improper promotion, sales, or • If employees, or external parties acting on marketing activities. • Seek advice from a Lilly attorney about any Lilly’s behalf, are contacted by representatives communications, situations, or business Do not buy, sell, or trade Lilly stock while in of the government or a public entity, or have a strategies that would or could have an possession of important nonpublic information need to initiate contact with them on behalf of anticompetitive appearance, including: about Lilly. Additionally, do not “sell short” or buy Lilly, the communication must be channeled − Lilly strategies regarding a product or sell publicly traded options (“puts” or “calls”) through appropriate Lilly personnel. Only Lilly deemed to have a dominant market position on Lilly stock. personnel whose job it is to engage with these under local law, representatives should handle communications • These restrictions apply also to the stock of with them. − any requirement that a customer must resell another company if: Lilly products at certain prices, or • Those who interact with government and public − an employee or a contract worker on officials must follow all laws and applicable Lilly − joint activities with business partners. assignment at Lilly learns important nonpublic policies and procedures relating to: information about that company in the course • Be especially careful at trade and professional of his or her employment or assignment at − gifts, entertainment, or other hospitality association meetings where current or Lilly, or that may be provided to government and potential competitors are also present and public officials, when interacting with suppliers or potential − Lilly has a significant relationship, existing or proposed, with the other company. − registration and/or reporting with respect suppliers who provide goods or services to to any contact with and expenses involving Lilly competitors. government representatives, and/or • The above restrictions also apply to family − Do not take part in and do not listen to any members residing in employee or contract − Lilly participation in legislative and discussions of price, profit margins or costs, worker households. administrative processes. bids, market share, distribution practices, terms of sales, boycotts, or blacklists. • Additional advance approval requirements for • Employees and contract workers on assignment certain stock transactions apply to members of at Lilly may contact their elected representatives senior management (M5 or R8 level or above) as private citizens for the purpose of expressing and to key financial employees (M4 or P6 level personal views about legislation or other political or above). matters of personal interest. 20
Module 3 | Interactions and Communications with External Parties: Key Principles Lilly employees must have written approval Obtain appropriate documented Lilly approval before using company resources or personnel and a written agreement before retaining any References to support a political party, official, committee, external party to conduct an investigation on or candidate. Specifically, prior approval is behalf of Lilly. If you have questions about the Key Principles, please see the following references. Contract needed before employees can offer, use, or workers on assignment at Lilly, please contact your authorize company funds, property, or people Observe Lilly requirements and limitations employer or Lilly sponsor. for political purposes. related to the conduct of public policy analysis and research. Do not pay external parties to • Global Policy on Anti-Corruption • Such political financial support and involvement conduct public policy analysis or research on may only be approved if permitted by local law. behalf of Lilly without appropriate approval. • Global Policy on Antitrust and Competition • Prior approval in these cases is required whether • Global Policy on Authorship of company resources are being offered directly Avoid conflicts of interest. Scientific Disclosures by Lilly, or indirectly through an external party. • Avoid situations in which personal interests, • Global Policy on Care and Use of The one exception is the use of trade association outside activities, or relationships conflict Research Animals membership dues. or appear to conflict with Lilly interests. For • Global Policy on Company and External Party • Employees and contract workers on assignment employees, potential conflicts of interest include Information Assets at Lilly may choose to support a political certain outside employment and donation of • Global Policy on Compliance candidate or party using their personal time, services; certain board or panel memberships; money, or other resources. Lilly will not consulting arrangements; accepting payment for • Global Policy on Conduct in the Workplace reimburse such contributions. making work-related presentations, authoring • Global Policy on Conflicts of Interest or editing publications or other technical or professional activities; investments in certain • Global Policy on Dealing with Suppliers entities; and dealings with relatives. • Global Policy on Ethical Interactions with External Parties • Certain types of dealings with suppliers or potential suppliers also present conflicts or the • Global Policy on External Communications appearance of conflicts. • Global Policy on Financial Responsibility and • Employees may seek Lilly approval, with any Authorization (FRAP) appropriate conditions or limitations set by Lilly, • Global Policy on Governance of Global Policies, to address situations that present potential Global Standards, and U.S.–All Policies conflicts of interest. • Global Policy on Health, Safety, and the Environment —Continued 21
Module 3 | Interactions and Communications with External Parties: Key Principles References (continued) • Global Policy on Import and Export Controls • Global Standards on Consumer Advertising and • Global Standards on Speaker Training for Health Promotion Care Providers • Global Policy on Interactions With Government and Public Officials • Global Standards on Disclosing Off-Label • Global Standards on Sponsorship of Independent Information Meetings for Health Care Providers • Global Policy on International Boycotts • Global Standards on Gifts • Global Standards on Use of Social Media for • Global Policy on Outsourcing • Global Standards on Grants and Donations Personal Purposes Investigative Services • Global Standards on Health Education Meetings with • Customer Experience Principles • Global Policy on Political Financial Support and Involvement Health Care Providers • Elanco Quality System • Global Policy on Pre-clearance of Lilly Stock Trades • Global Standards on Hospitality and Entertainment • Elanco Global Policy on Ethical Interactions and the by Senior Management and Key Financial Employees Promotion of Animal Health Products • Global Standards on Interactions with Patients and • Global Policy on Privacy and Data Protection Other Consumers • Global Financial and Accounting Policies • Global Policy on Protecting People and • Global Standards on Partnering with External • Global Quality System Physical Assets Organizations • Global Records Retention Schedule • Global Policy on Public Policy Research • Global Standards on Payments and Analysis • Medical Quality System • Global Standards on Pharmacy Interactions • Global Policy on Records Management • Product Research and Development Quality System • Global Standards on Promotional and Educational • Global Policy on Scientific Disclosure Materials • Regulatory Quality System • Global Policy on Securities Laws and Trading • Global Standards on Promotional Meetings with • Safety Quality System Health Care Providers • U.S. Policies Relating to Interactions with External • Global Policy on Trade or Economic Sanctions • Global Standards on Public Relations Activities Parties • Global Policy on Use of Electronic Resources • Global Standards on Samples • U.S. Policy on Compliance with Fraud and Abuse • Global Standards on Consultant Meetings with Laws and Whistleblower Protections Health Care Providers • Global Standards on Scientific Exchange Meetings with Health Care Providers • Virtual Privacy Office (VPO) 22
A load of Lilly goods is ready for delivery, circa 1915. At Lilly’s Elanco manufacturing site in Speke, England, modern equipment helps deliver quality products to customers. 23
Module 3 | Interactions and Communications with External Parties: Integrity in Action Scenario One Q: Jacqueline is a Lilly employee at a European other transfers of value given to physicians. provided. Such a payment is a legitimate fee for affiliate in pricing, reimbursement, and access. Jacqueline must also determine what other receiving expedited government service. It is Jacqueline invites Dr. Delgado to serve as a controls apply. For example, anti-corruption not acceptable for Lilly to pay a fee for expedited consultant to interact on Lilly’s behalf with due diligence review is required because service directly to an individual ministry representatives of the local ministry of health Dr. Delgado will be representing Lilly in employee for his or her personal benefit, or to who make decisions about product availability. interactions with government officials. Finally, make a payment or donation to another external Dr. Delgado was selected because he is a Jacqueline would also need to follow applicable party that could influence the exercise of a renowned oncologist and the lead investigator travel requirements. If she needs assistance, ministry official’s duties. Jacqueline should review required business for several studies on Lilly’s new oncology processes and raise any questions with Q: Jacqueline then asks William about another product. Dr. Delgado accepts the offer. What project in which their group has been asked requirements should Jacqueline consider before her supervisor or local ethics and to participate along with several other peer requesting a contract for Dr. Delgado? compliance officer. pharmaceutical companies. The project is A: Jacqueline must consider and comply with all Q: A few weeks later, Jacqueline is talking to being led by a local trade organization that is local requirements related to hiring and paying William, her supervisor. She tells him how well analyzing policy barriers to patients related to Dr. Delgado to serve as a consultant for Lilly. the presentation went with the local ministry pricing, reimbursement, and access and specific Following local processes will allow for the of health and how well Dr. Delgado answered initiatives these companies are considering appropriate fair market value for his services their questions about safety and efficacy of the to address these issues. What additional to be applied to his contract and for physician new product. William asks Jacqueline to outline information will Jacqueline need to know before annual cap restrictions to be observed. the next steps to get the product on the national participating in the program? formulary. Jacqueline explains that there are Jacqueline will also need to determine and two options: submit the product information A: Initiatives like the one Jacqueline is considering arrange for Dr. Delgado to be informed of any can pose potential antitrust risks, particularly local transparency reporting requirements on a normal review schedule or pay a fee for activities that include discussions with before being asked to sign a contract. These expedited review. Jacqueline adds that paying competitors and/or involve discussions related reporting requirements, which can vary by the fee could save several months of review to pricing or market access. Jacqueline must country, relate to publicizing payments and time. Is paying the fee for expedited processing consult with legal counsel prior to agreeing to a legitimate payment? participate in any activities of this nature. A: The fee for expedited processing is a legitimate payment that Lilly may make provided it is (i) publicized by the government ministry as being available to all those who make submissions to the ministry; (ii) the fee is paid to the ministry itself; and (iii) a receipt or similar written form of acknowledgment is 24
In response to heavy flooding of the Ohio River early in 1937, Eli Lilly and Company sent much-needed medicines, including typhoid vaccine, to flood-ravaged areas. Women learn about tuberculosis (TB) at a rooftop awareness campaign organized by TB Alert at Burari in Delhi, India, sponsored by the Lilly MDR-TB [Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis] Partnership. 25
Module 3 | Interactions and Communications with External Parties: Integrity in Action Scenario Two Q: Oscar, a Lilly analytical chemist, has been Q: Later, Oscar is invited to speak at an industry The meeting sponsor may also reimburse asked to serve on the board of directors of the conference. He tells his coworker, Gloria, that Oscar’s expenses for travel, lodging, and meals local chapter of a patient advocacy association. if he accepts the speaking engagement, the if (i) the payment is paid directly to Lilly; (ii) He respects the work this nonprofit group organizers will waive his conference registration does not exceed the actual amount of Oscar’s does to educate patients and is excited about fees; pay for his meals, travel, and lodging; and expenses; (iii) is not paid (directly or indirectly) by the opportunity. Oscar can attend the board pay him a speaker’s fee. Which of these offers a supplier or potential supplier; and (iv) does not meetings on his own time, so he does not think must Oscar decline? otherwise create an actual or perceived conflict serving on the board will conflict with his duties of interest for Oscar. A: Oscar must decline the speaker fee. Because at Lilly. What should Oscar do next? this situation involves an offer of honoraria, Q: At the conference, a supplier representative A: Oscar should send an email outlining the reimbursement of related expenses, and offers to take Oscar and his Lilly coworkers invitation to his supervisor. Without prior waiver of the conference registration fee, Oscar to a soccer match. Oscar asks Gloria if she is company approval, Lilly employees must not be must request an evaluation according to the planning to attend. Gloria is not sure they should officers, consultants, or members of the board Lilly Global Procedure on Conflicts of Interest attend as guests of the supplier. Oscar tells of directors, or on a committee or an advisory Evaluations. In addition, he must obtain approval Gloria it will be acceptable to attend because the board, of any business or organization involved of his presentation consistent with the Global supplier takes all of its clients to local events. in health care, any other field related to Lilly Policy on External Communications. Whether How should Gloria respond? business, or doing business with Lilly (such or not Oscar can accept the invitation will be A: Gloria should refuse the ticket and remind as a partner, supplier, or customer). Before dependent on obtaining these approvals and Oscar that it is against Lilly policy for employees accepting this offer, Oscar must first follow the on following any conditions imposed by Lilly. to accept entertainment paid for by suppliers. Lilly Global Procedure on Conflicts of Interest Generally, a Lilly employee must not accept Employees must politely refuse gifts, Evaluations. He would initiate this by sending an anything of value as compensation for speaking entertainments, or favors offered by suppliers. email to his supervisor outlining the invitation at a professional forum that is related to work or Gloria should also remind Oscar that accepting to serve on the board. His supervisor must professional development. Lilly employees who a ticket from the supplier to attend the match carefully review the request and forward it with are invited to speak at a professional association would be a violation of Lilly policy. If they want to a recommendation to the appropriate member meeting may accept a waiver of registration fees see the match, Oscar and Gloria could choose to of Lilly Legal. Management has a responsibility for the industry meeting, provided the waiver attend by purchasing their own tickets. to help employees in their areas to identify applies to all meeting speakers and does not potential conflict situations and handle them create an actual or perceived conflict of interest appropriately. Non-Lilly employees should between the speaker’s personal interests and follow the conflicts of interest policies of their Lilly interests. respective employers. 26
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